#!/usr/bin/env python # # git-p4.py -- A tool for bidirectional operation between a Perforce depot and git. # # Author: Simon Hausmann # Copyright: 2007 Simon Hausmann # 2007 Trolltech ASA # License: MIT # import sys if sys.hexversion < 0x02040000: # The limiter is the subprocess module sys.stderr.write("git-p4: requires Python 2.4 or later.\n") sys.exit(1) import os import optparse import marshal import subprocess import tempfile import time import platform import re import shutil import stat try: from subprocess import CalledProcessError except ImportError: # from python2.7:subprocess.py # Exception classes used by this module. class CalledProcessError(Exception): """This exception is raised when a process run by check_call() returns a non-zero exit status. The exit status will be stored in the returncode attribute.""" def __init__(self, returncode, cmd): self.returncode = returncode self.cmd = cmd def __str__(self): return "Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d" % (self.cmd, self.returncode) verbose = False # Only labels/tags matching this will be imported/exported defaultLabelRegexp = r'[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+$' def p4_build_cmd(cmd): """Build a suitable p4 command line. This consolidates building and returning a p4 command line into one location. It means that hooking into the environment, or other configuration can be done more easily. """ real_cmd = ["p4"] user = gitConfig("git-p4.user") if len(user) > 0: real_cmd += ["-u",user] password = gitConfig("git-p4.password") if len(password) > 0: real_cmd += ["-P", password] port = gitConfig("git-p4.port") if len(port) > 0: real_cmd += ["-p", port] host = gitConfig("git-p4.host") if len(host) > 0: real_cmd += ["-H", host] client = gitConfig("git-p4.client") if len(client) > 0: real_cmd += ["-c", client] if isinstance(cmd,basestring): real_cmd = ' '.join(real_cmd) + ' ' + cmd else: real_cmd += cmd return real_cmd def chdir(path, is_client_path=False): """Do chdir to the given path, and set the PWD environment variable for use by P4. It does not look at getcwd() output. Since we're not using the shell, it is necessary to set the PWD environment variable explicitly. Normally, expand the path to force it to be absolute. This addresses the use of relative path names inside P4 settings, e.g. P4CONFIG=.p4config. P4 does not simply open the filename as given; it looks for .p4config using PWD. If is_client_path, the path was handed to us directly by p4, and may be a symbolic link. Do not call os.getcwd() in this case, because it will cause p4 to think that PWD is not inside the client path. """ os.chdir(path) if not is_client_path: path = os.getcwd() os.environ['PWD'] = path def die(msg): if verbose: raise Exception(msg) else: sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") sys.exit(1) def write_pipe(c, stdin): if verbose: sys.stderr.write('Writing pipe: %s\n' % str(c)) expand = isinstance(c,basestring) p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=expand) pipe = p.stdin val = pipe.write(stdin) pipe.close() if p.wait(): die('Command failed: %s' % str(c)) return val def p4_write_pipe(c, stdin): real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(c) return write_pipe(real_cmd, stdin) def read_pipe(c, ignore_error=False): if verbose: sys.stderr.write('Reading pipe: %s\n' % str(c)) expand = isinstance(c,basestring) p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=expand) pipe = p.stdout val = pipe.read() if p.wait() and not ignore_error: die('Command failed: %s' % str(c)) return val def p4_read_pipe(c, ignore_error=False): real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(c) return read_pipe(real_cmd, ignore_error) def read_pipe_lines(c): if verbose: sys.stderr.write('Reading pipe: %s\n' % str(c)) expand = isinstance(c, basestring) p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=expand) pipe = p.stdout val = pipe.readlines() if pipe.close() or p.wait(): die('Command failed: %s' % str(c)) return val def p4_read_pipe_lines(c): """Specifically invoke p4 on the command supplied. """ real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(c) return read_pipe_lines(real_cmd) def p4_has_command(cmd): """Ask p4 for help on this command. If it returns an error, the command does not exist in this version of p4.""" real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(["help", cmd]) p = subprocess.Popen(real_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate() return p.returncode == 0 def p4_has_move_command(): """See if the move command exists, that it supports -k, and that it has not been administratively disabled. The arguments must be correct, but the filenames do not have to exist. Use ones with wildcards so even if they exist, it will fail.""" if not p4_has_command("move"): return False cmd = p4_build_cmd(["move", "-k", "@from", "@to"]) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() # return code will be 1 in either case if err.find("Invalid option") >= 0: return False if err.find("disabled") >= 0: return False # assume it failed because @... was invalid changelist return True def system(cmd): expand = isinstance(cmd,basestring) if verbose: sys.stderr.write("executing %s\n" % str(cmd)) retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=expand) if retcode: raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) def p4_system(cmd): """Specifically invoke p4 as the system command. """ real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(cmd) expand = isinstance(real_cmd, basestring) retcode = subprocess.call(real_cmd, shell=expand) if retcode: raise CalledProcessError(retcode, real_cmd) _p4_version_string = None def p4_version_string(): """Read the version string, showing just the last line, which hopefully is the interesting version bit. $ p4 -V Perforce - The Fast Software Configuration Management System. Copyright 1995-2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. Rev. P4/NTX86/2011.1/393975 (2011/12/16). """ global _p4_version_string if not _p4_version_string: a = p4_read_pipe_lines(["-V"]) _p4_version_string = a[-1].rstrip() return _p4_version_string def p4_integrate(src, dest): p4_system(["integrate", "-Dt", wildcard_encode(src), wildcard_encode(dest)]) def p4_sync(f, *options): p4_system(["sync"] + list(options) + [wildcard_encode(f)]) def p4_add(f): # forcibly add file names with wildcards if wildcard_present(f): p4_system(["add", "-f", f]) else: p4_system(["add", f]) def p4_delete(f): p4_system(["delete", wildcard_encode(f)]) def p4_edit(f): p4_system(["edit", wildcard_encode(f)]) def p4_revert(f): p4_system(["revert", wildcard_encode(f)]) def p4_reopen(type, f): p4_system(["reopen", "-t", type, wildcard_encode(f)]) def p4_move(src, dest): p4_system(["move", "-k", wildcard_encode(src), wildcard_encode(dest)]) def p4_describe(change): """Make sure it returns a valid result by checking for the presence of field "time". Return a dict of the results.""" ds = p4CmdList(["describe", "-s", str(change)]) if len(ds) != 1: die("p4 describe -s %d did not return 1 result: %s" % (change, str(ds))) d = ds[0] if "p4ExitCode" in d: die("p4 describe -s %d exited with %d: %s" % (change, d["p4ExitCode"], str(d))) if "code" in d: if d["code"] == "error": die("p4 describe -s %d returned error code: %s" % (change, str(d))) if "time" not in d: die("p4 describe -s %d returned no \"time\": %s" % (change, str(d))) return d # # Canonicalize the p4 type and return a tuple of the # base type, plus any modifiers. See "p4 help filetypes" # for a list and explanation. # def split_p4_type(p4type): p4_filetypes_historical = { "ctempobj": "binary+Sw", "ctext": "text+C", "cxtext": "text+Cx", "ktext": "text+k", "kxtext": "text+kx", "ltext": "text+F", "tempobj": "binary+FSw", "ubinary": "binary+F", "uresource": "resource+F", "uxbinary": "binary+Fx", "xbinary": "binary+x", "xltext": "text+Fx", "xtempobj": "binary+Swx", "xtext": "text+x", "xunicode": "unicode+x", "xutf16": "utf16+x", } if p4type in p4_filetypes_historical: p4type = p4_filetypes_historical[p4type] mods = "" s = p4type.split("+") base = s[0] mods = "" if len(s) > 1: mods = s[1] return (base, mods) # # return the raw p4 type of a file (text, text+ko, etc) # def p4_type(f): results = p4CmdList(["fstat", "-T", "headType", wildcard_encode(f)]) return results[0]['headType'] # # Given a type base and modifier, return a regexp matching # the keywords that can be expanded in the file # def p4_keywords_regexp_for_type(base, type_mods): if base in ("text", "unicode", "binary"): kwords = None if "ko" in type_mods: kwords = 'Id|Header' elif "k" in type_mods: kwords = 'Id|Header|Author|Date|DateTime|Change|File|Revision' else: return None pattern = r""" \$ # Starts with a dollar, followed by... (%s) # one of the keywords, followed by... (:[^$\n]+)? # possibly an old expansion, followed by... \$ # another dollar """ % kwords return pattern else: return None # # Given a file, return a regexp matching the possible # RCS keywords that will be expanded, or None for files # with kw expansion turned off. # def p4_keywords_regexp_for_file(file): if not os.path.exists(file): return None else: (type_base, type_mods) = split_p4_type(p4_type(file)) return p4_keywords_regexp_for_type(type_base, type_mods) def setP4ExecBit(file, mode): # Reopens an already open file and changes the execute bit to match # the execute bit setting in the passed in mode. p4Type = "+x" if not isModeExec(mode): p4Type = getP4OpenedType(file) p4Type = re.sub('^([cku]?)x(.*)', '\\1\\2', p4Type) p4Type = re.sub('(.*?\+.*?)x(.*?)', '\\1\\2', p4Type) if p4Type[-1] == "+": p4Type = p4Type[0:-1] p4_reopen(p4Type, file) def getP4OpenedType(file): # Returns the perforce file type for the given file. result = p4_read_pipe(["opened", wildcard_encode(file)]) match = re.match(".*\((.+)\)\r?$", result) if match: return match.group(1) else: die("Could not determine file type for %s (result: '%s')" % (file, result)) # Return the set of all p4 labels def getP4Labels(depotPaths): labels = set() if isinstance(depotPaths,basestring): depotPaths = [depotPaths] for l in p4CmdList(["labels"] + ["%s..." % p for p in depotPaths]): label = l['label'] labels.add(label) return labels # Return the set of all git tags def getGitTags(): gitTags = set() for line in read_pipe_lines(["git", "tag"]): tag = line.strip() gitTags.add(tag) return gitTags def diffTreePattern(): # This is a simple generator for the diff tree regex pattern. This could be # a class variable if this and parseDiffTreeEntry were a part of a class. pattern = re.compile(':(\d+) (\d+) (\w+) (\w+) ([A-Z])(\d+)?\t(.*?)((\t(.*))|$)') while True: yield pattern def parseDiffTreeEntry(entry): """Parses a single diff tree entry into its component elements. See git-diff-tree(1) manpage for details about the format of the diff output. This method returns a dictionary with the following elements: src_mode - The mode of the source file dst_mode - The mode of the destination file src_sha1 - The sha1 for the source file dst_sha1 - The sha1 fr the destination file status - The one letter status of the diff (i.e. 'A', 'M', 'D', etc) status_score - The score for the status (applicable for 'C' and 'R' statuses). This is None if there is no score. src - The path for the source file. dst - The path for the destination file. This is only present for copy or renames. If it is not present, this is None. If the pattern is not matched, None is returned.""" match = diffTreePattern().next().match(entry) if match: return { 'src_mode': match.group(1), 'dst_mode': match.group(2), 'src_sha1': match.group(3), 'dst_sha1': match.group(4), 'status': match.group(5), 'status_score': match.group(6), 'src': match.group(7), 'dst': match.group(10) } return None def isModeExec(mode): # Returns True if the given git mode represents an executable file, # otherwise False. return mode[-3:] == "755" def isModeExecChanged(src_mode, dst_mode): return isModeExec(src_mode) != isModeExec(dst_mode) def p4CmdList(cmd, stdin=None, stdin_mode='w+b', cb=None): if isinstance(cmd,basestring): cmd = "-G " + cmd expand = True else: cmd = ["-G"] + cmd expand = False cmd = p4_build_cmd(cmd) if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Opening pipe: %s\n" % str(cmd)) # Use a temporary file to avoid deadlocks without # subprocess.communicate(), which would put another copy # of stdout into memory. stdin_file = None if stdin is not None: stdin_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='p4-stdin', mode=stdin_mode) if isinstance(stdin,basestring): stdin_file.write(stdin) else: for i in stdin: stdin_file.write(i + '\n') stdin_file.flush() stdin_file.seek(0) p4 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=expand, stdin=stdin_file, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = [] try: while True: entry = marshal.load(p4.stdout) if cb is not None: cb(entry) else: result.append(entry) except EOFError: pass exitCode = p4.wait() if exitCode != 0: entry = {} entry["p4ExitCode"] = exitCode result.append(entry) return result def p4Cmd(cmd): list = p4CmdList(cmd) result = {} for entry in list: result.update(entry) return result; def p4Where(depotPath): if not depotPath.endswith("/"): depotPath += "/" depotPath = depotPath + "..." outputList = p4CmdList(["where", depotPath]) output = None for entry in outputList: if "depotFile" in entry: if entry["depotFile"] == depotPath: output = entry break elif "data" in entry: data = entry.get("data") space = data.find(" ") if data[:space] == depotPath: output = entry break if output == None: return "" if output["code"] == "error": return "" clientPath = "" if "path" in output: clientPath = output.get("path") elif "data" in output: data = output.get("data") lastSpace = data.rfind(" ") clientPath = data[lastSpace + 1:] if clientPath.endswith("..."): clientPath = clientPath[:-3] return clientPath def currentGitBranch(): return read_pipe("git name-rev HEAD").split(" ")[1].strip() def isValidGitDir(path): if (os.path.exists(path + "/HEAD") and os.path.exists(path + "/refs") and os.path.exists(path + "/objects")): return True; return False def parseRevision(ref): return read_pipe("git rev-parse %s" % ref).strip() def branchExists(ref): rev = read_pipe(["git", "rev-parse", "-q", "--verify", ref], ignore_error=True) return len(rev) > 0 def extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(commit): logMessage = "" ## fixme: title is first line of commit, not 1st paragraph. foundTitle = False for log in read_pipe_lines("git cat-file commit %s" % commit): if not foundTitle: if len(log) == 1: foundTitle = True continue logMessage += log return logMessage def extractSettingsGitLog(log): values = {} for line in log.split("\n"): line = line.strip() m = re.search (r"^ *\[git-p4: (.*)\]$", line) if not m: continue assignments = m.group(1).split (':') for a in assignments: vals = a.split ('=') key = vals[0].strip() val = ('='.join (vals[1:])).strip() if val.endswith ('\"') and val.startswith('"'): val = val[1:-1] values[key] = val paths = values.get("depot-paths") if not paths: paths = values.get("depot-path") if paths: values['depot-paths'] = paths.split(',') return values def gitBranchExists(branch): proc = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", branch], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE); return proc.wait() == 0; _gitConfig = {} def gitConfig(key): if not _gitConfig.has_key(key): cmd = [ "git", "config", key ] s = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True) _gitConfig[key] = s.strip() return _gitConfig[key] def gitConfigBool(key): """Return a bool, using git config --bool. It is True only if the variable is set to true, and False if set to false or not present in the config.""" if not _gitConfig.has_key(key): cmd = [ "git", "config", "--bool", key ] s = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True) v = s.strip() _gitConfig[key] = v == "true" return _gitConfig[key] def gitConfigList(key): if not _gitConfig.has_key(key): s = read_pipe(["git", "config", "--get-all", key], ignore_error=True) _gitConfig[key] = s.strip().split(os.linesep) return _gitConfig[key] def p4BranchesInGit(branchesAreInRemotes=True): """Find all the branches whose names start with "p4/", looking in remotes or heads as specified by the argument. Return a dictionary of { branch: revision } for each one found. The branch names are the short names, without any "p4/" prefix.""" branches = {} cmdline = "git rev-parse --symbolic " if branchesAreInRemotes: cmdline += "--remotes" else: cmdline += "--branches" for line in read_pipe_lines(cmdline): line = line.strip() # only import to p4/ if not line.startswith('p4/'): continue # special symbolic ref to p4/master if line == "p4/HEAD": continue # strip off p4/ prefix branch = line[len("p4/"):] branches[branch] = parseRevision(line) return branches def branch_exists(branch): """Make sure that the given ref name really exists.""" cmd = [ "git", "rev-parse", "--symbolic", "--verify", branch ] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = p.communicate() if p.returncode: return False # expect exactly one line of output: the branch name return out.rstrip() == branch def findUpstreamBranchPoint(head = "HEAD"): branches = p4BranchesInGit() # map from depot-path to branch name branchByDepotPath = {} for branch in branches.keys(): tip = branches[branch] log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(tip) settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) if settings.has_key("depot-paths"): paths = ",".join(settings["depot-paths"]) branchByDepotPath[paths] = "remotes/p4/" + branch settings = None parent = 0 while parent < 65535: commit = head + "~%s" % parent log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(commit) settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) if settings.has_key("depot-paths"): paths = ",".join(settings["depot-paths"]) if branchByDepotPath.has_key(paths): return [branchByDepotPath[paths], settings] parent = parent + 1 return ["", settings] def createOrUpdateBranchesFromOrigin(localRefPrefix = "refs/remotes/p4/", silent=True): if not silent: print ("Creating/updating branch(es) in %s based on origin branch(es)" % localRefPrefix) originPrefix = "origin/p4/" for line in read_pipe_lines("git rev-parse --symbolic --remotes"): line = line.strip() if (not line.startswith(originPrefix)) or line.endswith("HEAD"): continue headName = line[len(originPrefix):] remoteHead = localRefPrefix + headName originHead = line original = extractSettingsGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(originHead)) if (not original.has_key('depot-paths') or not original.has_key('change')): continue update = False if not gitBranchExists(remoteHead): if verbose: print "creating %s" % remoteHead update = True else: settings = extractSettingsGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(remoteHead)) if settings.has_key('change') > 0: if settings['depot-paths'] == original['depot-paths']: originP4Change = int(original['change']) p4Change = int(settings['change']) if originP4Change > p4Change: print ("%s (%s) is newer than %s (%s). " "Updating p4 branch from origin." % (originHead, originP4Change, remoteHead, p4Change)) update = True else: print ("Ignoring: %s was imported from %s while " "%s was imported from %s" % (originHead, ','.join(original['depot-paths']), remoteHead, ','.join(settings['depot-paths']))) if update: system("git update-ref %s %s" % (remoteHead, originHead)) def originP4BranchesExist(): return gitBranchExists("origin") or gitBranchExists("origin/p4") or gitBranchExists("origin/p4/master") def p4ChangesForPaths(depotPaths, changeRange): assert depotPaths cmd = ['changes'] for p in depotPaths: cmd += ["%s...%s" % (p, changeRange)] output = p4_read_pipe_lines(cmd) changes = {} for line in output: changeNum = int(line.split(" ")[1]) changes[changeNum] = True changelist = changes.keys() changelist.sort() return changelist def p4PathStartsWith(path, prefix): # This method tries to remedy a potential mixed-case issue: # # If UserA adds //depot/DirA/file1 # and UserB adds //depot/dira/file2 # # we may or may not have a problem. If you have core.ignorecase=true, # we treat DirA and dira as the same directory if gitConfigBool("core.ignorecase"): return path.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()) return path.startswith(prefix) def getClientSpec(): """Look at the p4 client spec, create a View() object that contains all the mappings, and return it.""" specList = p4CmdList("client -o") if len(specList) != 1: die('Output from "client -o" is %d lines, expecting 1' % len(specList)) # dictionary of all client parameters entry = specList[0] # the //client/ name client_name = entry["Client"] # just the keys that start with "View" view_keys = [ k for k in entry.keys() if k.startswith("View") ] # hold this new View view = View(client_name) # append the lines, in order, to the view for view_num in range(len(view_keys)): k = "View%d" % view_num if k not in view_keys: die("Expected view key %s missing" % k) view.append(entry[k]) return view def getClientRoot(): """Grab the client directory.""" output = p4CmdList("client -o") if len(output) != 1: die('Output from "client -o" is %d lines, expecting 1' % len(output)) entry = output[0] if "Root" not in entry: die('Client has no "Root"') return entry["Root"] # # P4 wildcards are not allowed in filenames. P4 complains # if you simply add them, but you can force it with "-f", in # which case it translates them into %xx encoding internally. # def wildcard_decode(path): # Search for and fix just these four characters. Do % last so # that fixing it does not inadvertently create new %-escapes. # Cannot have * in a filename in windows; untested as to # what p4 would do in such a case. if not platform.system() == "Windows": path = path.replace("%2A", "*") path = path.replace("%23", "#") \ .replace("%40", "@") \ .replace("%25", "%") return path def wildcard_encode(path): # do % first to avoid double-encoding the %s introduced here path = path.replace("%", "%25") \ .replace("*", "%2A") \ .replace("#", "%23") \ .replace("@", "%40") return path def wildcard_present(path): m = re.search("[*#@%]", path) return m is not None class Command: def __init__(self): self.usage = "usage: %prog [options]" self.needsGit = True self.verbose = False class P4UserMap: def __init__(self): self.userMapFromPerforceServer = False self.myP4UserId = None def p4UserId(self): if self.myP4UserId: return self.myP4UserId results = p4CmdList("user -o") for r in results: if r.has_key('User'): self.myP4UserId = r['User'] return r['User'] die("Could not find your p4 user id") def p4UserIsMe(self, p4User): # return True if the given p4 user is actually me me = self.p4UserId() if not p4User or p4User != me: return False else: return True def getUserCacheFilename(self): home = os.environ.get("HOME", os.environ.get("USERPROFILE")) return home + "/.gitp4-usercache.txt" def getUserMapFromPerforceServer(self): if self.userMapFromPerforceServer: return self.users = {} self.emails = {} for output in p4CmdList("users"): if not output.has_key("User"): continue self.users[output["User"]] = output["FullName"] + " <" + output["Email"] + ">" self.emails[output["Email"]] = output["User"] s = '' for (key, val) in self.users.items(): s += "%s\t%s\n" % (key.expandtabs(1), val.expandtabs(1)) open(self.getUserCacheFilename(), "wb").write(s) self.userMapFromPerforceServer = True def loadUserMapFromCache(self): self.users = {} self.userMapFromPerforceServer = False try: cache = open(self.getUserCacheFilename(), "rb") lines = cache.readlines() cache.close() for line in lines: entry = line.strip().split("\t") self.users[entry[0]] = entry[1] except IOError: self.getUserMapFromPerforceServer() class P4Debug(Command): def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self) self.options = [] self.description = "A tool to debug the output of p4 -G." self.needsGit = False def run(self, args): j = 0 for output in p4CmdList(args): print 'Element: %d' % j j += 1 print output return True class P4RollBack(Command): def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self) self.options = [ optparse.make_option("--local", dest="rollbackLocalBranches", action="store_true") ] self.description = "A tool to debug the multi-branch import. Don't use :)" self.rollbackLocalBranches = False def run(self, args): if len(args) != 1: return False maxChange = int(args[0]) if "p4ExitCode" in p4Cmd("changes -m 1"): die("Problems executing p4"); if self.rollbackLocalBranches: refPrefix = "refs/heads/" lines = read_pipe_lines("git rev-parse --symbolic --branches") else: refPrefix = "refs/remotes/" lines = read_pipe_lines("git rev-parse --symbolic --remotes") for line in lines: if self.rollbackLocalBranches or (line.startswith("p4/") and line != "p4/HEAD\n"): line = line.strip() ref = refPrefix + line log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(ref) settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) depotPaths = settings['depot-paths'] change = settings['change'] changed = False if len(p4Cmd("changes -m 1 " + ' '.join (['%s...@%s' % (p, maxChange) for p in depotPaths]))) == 0: print "Branch %s did not exist at change %s, deleting." % (ref, maxChange) system("git update-ref -d %s `git rev-parse %s`" % (ref, ref)) continue while change and int(change) > maxChange: changed = True if self.verbose: print "%s is at %s ; rewinding towards %s" % (ref, change, maxChange) system("git update-ref %s \"%s^\"" % (ref, ref)) log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(ref) settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) depotPaths = settings['depot-paths'] change = settings['change'] if changed: print "%s rewound to %s" % (ref, change) return True class P4Submit(Command, P4UserMap): conflict_behavior_choices = ("ask", "skip", "quit") def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self) P4UserMap.__init__(self) self.options = [ optparse.make_option("--origin", dest="origin"), optparse.make_option("-M", dest="detectRenames", action="store_true"), # preserve the user, requires relevant p4 permissions optparse.make_option("--preserve-user", dest="preserveUser", action="store_true"), optparse.make_option("--export-labels", dest="exportLabels", action="store_true"), optparse.make_option("--dry-run", "-n", dest="dry_run", action="store_true"), optparse.make_option("--prepare-p4-only", dest="prepare_p4_only", action="store_true"), optparse.make_option("--conflict", dest="conflict_behavior", choices=self.conflict_behavior_choices), optparse.make_option("--branch", dest="branch"), ] self.description = "Submit changes from git to the perforce depot." self.usage += " [name of git branch to submit into perforce depot]" self.origin = "" self.detectRenames = False self.preserveUser = gitConfigBool("git-p4.preserveUser") self.dry_run = False self.prepare_p4_only = False self.conflict_behavior = None self.isWindows = (platform.system() == "Windows") self.exportLabels = False self.p4HasMoveCommand = p4_has_move_command() self.branch = None def check(self): if len(p4CmdList("opened ...")) > 0: die("You have files opened with perforce! Close them before starting the sync.") def separate_jobs_from_description(self, message): """Extract and return a possible Jobs field in the commit message. It goes into a separate section in the p4 change specification. A jobs line starts with "Jobs:" and looks like a new field in a form. Values are white-space separated on the same line or on following lines that start with a tab. This does not parse and extract the full git commit message like a p4 form. It just sees the Jobs: line as a marker to pass everything from then on directly into the p4 form, but outside the description section. Return a tuple (stripped log message, jobs string).""" m = re.search(r'^Jobs:', message, re.MULTILINE) if m is None: return (message, None) jobtext = message[m.start():] stripped_message = message[:m.start()].rstrip() return (stripped_message, jobtext) def prepareLogMessage(self, template, message, jobs): """Edits the template returned from "p4 change -o" to insert the message in the Description field, and the jobs text in the Jobs field.""" result = "" inDescriptionSection = False for line in template.split("\n"): if line.startswith("#"): result += line + "\n" continue if inDescriptionSection: if line.startswith("Files:") or line.startswith("Jobs:"): inDescriptionSection = False # insert Jobs section if jobs: result += jobs + "\n" else: continue else: if line.startswith("Description:"): inDescriptionSection = True line += "\n" for messageLine in message.split("\n"): line += "\t" + messageLine + "\n" result += line + "\n" return result def patchRCSKeywords(self, file, pattern): # Attempt to zap the RCS keywords in a p4 controlled file matching the given pattern (handle, outFileName) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='.') try: outFile = os.fdopen(handle, "w+") inFile = open(file, "r") regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE) for line in inFile.readlines(): line = regexp.sub(r'$\1$', line) outFile.write(line) inFile.close() outFile.close() # Forcibly overwrite the original file os.unlink(file) shutil.move(outFileName, file) except: # cleanup our temporary file os.unlink(outFileName) print "Failed to strip RCS keywords in %s" % file raise print "Patched up RCS keywords in %s" % file def p4UserForCommit(self,id): # Return the tuple (perforce user,git email) for a given git commit id self.getUserMapFromPerforceServer() gitEmail = read_pipe(["git", "log", "--max-count=1", "--format=%ae", id]) gitEmail = gitEmail.strip() if not self.emails.has_key(gitEmail): return (None,gitEmail) else: return (self.emails[gitEmail],gitEmail) def checkValidP4Users(self,commits): # check if any git authors cannot be mapped to p4 users for id in commits: (user,email) = self.p4UserForCommit(id) if not user: msg = "Cannot find p4 user for email %s in commit %s." % (email, id) if gitConfigBool("git-p4.allowMissingP4Users"): print "%s" % msg else: die("Error: %s\nSet git-p4.allowMissingP4Users to true to allow this." % msg) def lastP4Changelist(self): # Get back the last changelist number submitted in this client spec. This # then gets used to patch up the username in the change. If the same # client spec is being used by multiple processes then this might go # wrong. results = p4CmdList("client -o") # find the current client client = None for r in results: if r.has_key('Client'): client = r['Client'] break if not client: die("could not get client spec") results = p4CmdList(["changes", "-c", client, "-m", "1"]) for r in results: if r.has_key('change'): return r['change'] die("Could not get changelist number for last submit - cannot patch up user details") def modifyChangelistUser(self, changelist, newUser): # fixup the user field of a changelist after it has been submitted. changes = p4CmdList("change -o %s" % changelist) if len(changes) != 1: die("Bad output from p4 change modifying %s to user %s" % (changelist, newUser)) c = changes[0] if c['User'] == newUser: return # nothing to do c['User'] = newUser input = marshal.dumps(c) result = p4CmdList("change -f -i", stdin=input) for r in result: if r.has_key('code'): if r['code'] == 'error': die("Could not modify user field of changelist %s to %s:%s" % (changelist, newUser, r['data'])) if r.has_key('data'): print("Updated user field for changelist %s to %s" % (changelist, newUser)) return die("Could not modify user field of changelist %s to %s" % (changelist, newUser)) def canChangeChangelists(self): # check to see if we have p4 admin or super-user permissions, either of # which are required to modify changelists. results = p4CmdList(["protects", self.depotPath]) for r in results: if r.has_key('perm'): if r['perm'] == 'admin': return 1 if r['perm'] == 'super': return 1 return 0 def prepareSubmitTemplate(self): """Run "p4 change -o" to grab a change specification template. This does not use "p4 -G", as it is nice to keep the submission template in original order, since a human might edit it. Remove lines in the Files section that show changes to files outside the depot path we're committing into.""" template = "" inFilesSection = False for line in p4_read_pipe_lines(['change', '-o']): if line.endswith("\r\n"): line = line[:-2] + "\n" if inFilesSection: if line.startswith("\t"): # path starts and ends with a tab path = line[1:] lastTab = path.rfind("\t") if lastTab != -1: path = path[:lastTab] if not p4PathStartsWith(path, self.depotPath): continue else: inFilesSection = False else: if line.startswith("Files:"): inFilesSection = True template += line return template def edit_template(self, template_file): """Invoke the editor to let the user change the submission message. Return true if okay to continue with the submit.""" # if configured to skip the editing part, just submit if gitConfigBool("git-p4.skipSubmitEdit"): return True # look at the modification time, to check later if the user saved # the file mtime = os.stat(template_file).st_mtime # invoke the editor if os.environ.has_key("P4EDITOR") and (os.environ.get("P4EDITOR") != ""): editor = os.environ.get("P4EDITOR") else: editor = read_pipe("git var GIT_EDITOR").strip() system([editor, template_file]) # If the file was not saved, prompt to see if this patch should # be skipped. But skip this verification step if configured so. if gitConfigBool("git-p4.skipSubmitEditCheck"): return True # modification time updated means user saved the file if os.stat(template_file).st_mtime > mtime: return True while True: response = raw_input("Submit template unchanged. Submit anyway? [y]es, [n]o (skip this patch) ") if response == 'y': return True if response == 'n': return False def applyCommit(self, id): """Apply one commit, return True if it succeeded.""" print "Applying", read_pipe(["git", "show", "-s", "--format=format:%h %s", id]) (p4User, gitEmail) = self.p4UserForCommit(id) diff = read_pipe_lines("git diff-tree -r %s \"%s^\" \"%s\"" % (self.diffOpts, id, id)) filesToAdd = set() filesToDelete = set() editedFiles = set() pureRenameCopy = set() filesToChangeExecBit = {} for line in diff: diff = parseDiffTreeEntry(line) modifier = diff['status'] path = diff['src'] if modifier == "M": p4_edit(path) if isModeExecChanged(diff['src_mode'], diff['dst_mode']): filesToChangeExecBit[path] = diff['dst_mode'] editedFiles.add(path) elif modifier == "A": filesToAdd.add(path) filesToChangeExecBit[path] = diff['dst_mode'] if path in filesToDelete: filesToDelete.remove(path) elif modifier == "D": filesToDelete.add(path) if path in filesToAdd: filesToAdd.remove(path) elif modifier == "C": src, dest = diff['src'], diff['dst'] p4_integrate(src, dest) pureRenameCopy.add(dest) if diff['src_sha1'] != diff['dst_sha1']: p4_edit(dest) pureRenameCopy.discard(dest) if isModeExecChanged(diff['src_mode'], diff['dst_mode']): p4_edit(dest) pureRenameCopy.discard(dest) filesToChangeExecBit[dest] = diff['dst_mode'] if self.isWindows: # turn off read-only attribute os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IWRITE) os.unlink(dest) editedFiles.add(dest) elif modifier == "R": src, dest = diff['src'], diff['dst'] if self.p4HasMoveCommand: p4_edit(src) # src must be open before move p4_move(src, dest) # opens for (move/delete, move/add) else: p4_integrate(src, dest) if diff['src_sha1'] != diff['dst_sha1']: p4_edit(dest) else: pureRenameCopy.add(dest) if isModeExecChanged(diff['src_mode'], diff['dst_mode']): if not self.p4HasMoveCommand: p4_edit(dest) # with move: already open, writable filesToChangeExecBit[dest] = diff['dst_mode'] if not self.p4HasMoveCommand: if self.isWindows: os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IWRITE) os.unlink(dest) filesToDelete.add(src) editedFiles.add(dest) else: die("unknown modifier %s for %s" % (modifier, path)) diffcmd = "git diff-tree --full-index -p \"%s\"" % (id) patchcmd = diffcmd + " | git apply " tryPatchCmd = patchcmd + "--check -" applyPatchCmd = patchcmd + "--check --apply -" patch_succeeded = True if os.system(tryPatchCmd) != 0: fixed_rcs_keywords = False patch_succeeded = False print "Unfortunately applying the change failed!" # Patch failed, maybe it's just RCS keyword woes. Look through # the patch to see if that's possible. if gitConfigBool("git-p4.attemptRCSCleanup"): file = None pattern = None kwfiles = {} for file in editedFiles | filesToDelete: # did this file's delta contain RCS keywords? pattern = p4_keywords_regexp_for_file(file) if pattern: # this file is a possibility...look for RCS keywords. regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE) for line in read_pipe_lines(["git", "diff", "%s^..%s" % (id, id), file]): if regexp.search(line): if verbose: print "got keyword match on %s in %s in %s" % (pattern, line, file) kwfiles[file] = pattern break for file in kwfiles: if verbose: print "zapping %s with %s" % (line,pattern) # File is being deleted, so not open in p4. Must # disable the read-only bit on windows. if self.isWindows and file not in editedFiles: os.chmod(file, stat.S_IWRITE) self.patchRCSKeywords(file, kwfiles[file]) fixed_rcs_keywords = True if fixed_rcs_keywords: print "Retrying the patch with RCS keywords cleaned up" if os.system(tryPatchCmd) == 0: patch_succeeded = True if not patch_succeeded: for f in editedFiles: p4_revert(f) return False # # Apply the patch for real, and do add/delete/+x handling. # system(applyPatchCmd) for f in filesToAdd: p4_add(f) for f in filesToDelete: p4_revert(f) p4_delete(f) # Set/clear executable bits for f in filesToChangeExecBit.keys(): mode = filesToChangeExecBit[f] setP4ExecBit(f, mode) # # Build p4 change description, starting with the contents # of the git commit message. # logMessage = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(id) logMessage = logMessage.strip() (logMessage, jobs) = self.separate_jobs_from_description(logMessage) template = self.prepareSubmitTemplate() submitTemplate = self.prepareLogMessage(template, logMessage, jobs) if self.preserveUser: submitTemplate += "\n######## Actual user %s, modified after commit\n" % p4User if self.checkAuthorship and not self.p4UserIsMe(p4User): submitTemplate += "######## git author %s does not match your p4 account.\n" % gitEmail submitTemplate += "######## Use option --preserve-user to modify authorship.\n" submitTemplate += "######## Variable git-p4.skipUserNameCheck hides this message.\n" separatorLine = "######## everything below this line is just the diff #######\n" # diff if os.environ.has_key("P4DIFF"): del(os.environ["P4DIFF"]) diff = "" for editedFile in editedFiles: diff += p4_read_pipe(['diff', '-du', wildcard_encode(editedFile)]) # new file diff newdiff = "" for newFile in filesToAdd: newdiff += "==== new file ====\n" newdiff += "--- /dev/null\n" newdiff += "+++ %s\n" % newFile f = open(newFile, "r") for line in f.readlines(): newdiff += "+" + line f.close() # change description file: submitTemplate, separatorLine, diff, newdiff (handle, fileName) = tempfile.mkstemp() tmpFile = os.fdopen(handle, "w+") if self.isWindows: submitTemplate = submitTemplate.replace("\n", "\r\n") separatorLine = separatorLine.replace("\n", "\r\n") newdiff = newdiff.replace("\n", "\r\n") tmpFile.write(submitTemplate + separatorLine + diff + newdiff) tmpFile.close() if self.prepare_p4_only: # # Leave the p4 tree prepared, and the submit template around # and let the user decide what to do next # print print "P4 workspace prepared for submission." print "To submit or revert, go to client workspace" print " " + self.clientPath print print "To submit, use \"p4 submit\" to write a new description," print "or \"p4 submit -i %s\" to use the one prepared by" \ " \"git p4\"." % fileName print "You can delete the file \"%s\" when finished." % fileName if self.preserveUser and p4User and not self.p4UserIsMe(p4User): print "To preserve change ownership by user %s, you must\n" \ "do \"p4 change -f \" after submitting and\n" \ "edit the User field." if pureRenameCopy: print "After submitting, renamed files must be re-synced." print "Invoke \"p4 sync -f\" on each of these files:" for f in pureRenameCopy: print " " + f print print "To revert the changes, use \"p4 revert ...\", and delete" print "the submit template file \"%s\"" % fileName if filesToAdd: print "Since the commit adds new files, they must be deleted:" for f in filesToAdd: print " " + f print return True # # Let the user edit the change description, then submit it. # if self.edit_template(fileName): # read the edited message and submit ret = True tmpFile = open(fileName, "rb") message = tmpFile.read() tmpFile.close() submitTemplate = message[:message.index(separatorLine)] if self.isWindows: submitTemplate = submitTemplate.replace("\r\n", "\n") p4_write_pipe(['submit', '-i'], submitTemplate) if self.preserveUser: if p4User: # Get last changelist number. Cannot easily get it from # the submit command output as the output is # unmarshalled. changelist = self.lastP4Changelist() self.modifyChangelistUser(changelist, p4User) # The rename/copy happened by applying a patch that created a # new file. This leaves it writable, which confuses p4. for f in pureRenameCopy: p4_sync(f, "-f") else: # skip this patch ret = False print "Submission cancelled, undoing p4 changes." for f in editedFiles: p4_revert(f) for f in filesToAdd: p4_revert(f) os.remove(f) for f in filesToDelete: p4_revert(f) os.remove(fileName) return ret # Export git tags as p4 labels. Create a p4 label and then tag # with that. def exportGitTags(self, gitTags): validLabelRegexp = gitConfig("git-p4.labelExportRegexp") if len(validLabelRegexp) == 0: validLabelRegexp = defaultLabelRegexp m = re.compile(validLabelRegexp) for name in gitTags: if not m.match(name): if verbose: print "tag %s does not match regexp %s" % (name, validLabelRegexp) continue # Get the p4 commit this corresponds to logMessage = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(name) values = extractSettingsGitLog(logMessage) if not values.has_key('change'): # a tag pointing to something not sent to p4; ignore if verbose: print "git tag %s does not give a p4 commit" % name continue else: changelist = values['change'] # Get the tag details. inHeader = True isAnnotated = False body = [] for l in read_pipe_lines(["git", "cat-file", "-p", name]): l = l.strip() if inHeader: if re.match(r'tag\s+', l): isAnnotated = True elif re.match(r'\s*$', l): inHeader = False continue else: body.append(l) if not isAnnotated: body = ["lightweight tag imported by git p4\n"] # Create the label - use the same view as the client spec we are using clientSpec = getClientSpec() labelTemplate = "Label: %s\n" % name labelTemplate += "Description:\n" for b in body: labelTemplate += "\t" + b + "\n" labelTemplate += "View:\n" for depot_side in clientSpec.mappings: labelTemplate += "\t%s\n" % depot_side if self.dry_run: print "Would create p4 label %s for tag" % name elif self.prepare_p4_only: print "Not creating p4 label %s for tag due to option" \ " --prepare-p4-only" % name else: p4_write_pipe(["label", "-i"], labelTemplate) # Use the label p4_system(["tag", "-l", name] + ["%s@%s" % (depot_side, changelist) for depot_side in clientSpec.mappings]) if verbose: print "created p4 label for tag %s" % name def run(self, args): if len(args) == 0: self.master = currentGitBranch() if len(self.master) == 0 or not gitBranchExists("refs/heads/%s" % self.master): die("Detecting current git branch failed!") elif len(args) == 1: self.master = args[0] if not branchExists(self.master): die("Branch %s does not exist" % self.master) else: return False allowSubmit = gitConfig("git-p4.allowSubmit") if len(allowSubmit) > 0 and not self.master in allowSubmit.split(","): die("%s is not in git-p4.allowSubmit" % self.master) [upstream, settings] = findUpstreamBranchPoint() self.depotPath = settings['depot-paths'][0] if len(self.origin) == 0: self.origin = upstream if self.preserveUser: if not self.canChangeChangelists(): die("Cannot preserve user names without p4 super-user or admin permissions") # if not set from the command line, try the config file if self.conflict_behavior is None: val = gitConfig("git-p4.conflict") if val: if val not in self.conflict_behavior_choices: die("Invalid value '%s' for config git-p4.conflict" % val) else: val = "ask" self.conflict_behavior = val if self.verbose: print "Origin branch is " + self.origin if len(self.depotPath) == 0: print "Internal error: cannot locate perforce depot path from existing branches" sys.exit(128) self.useClientSpec = False if gitConfigBool("git-p4.useclientspec"): self.useClientSpec = True if self.useClientSpec: self.clientSpecDirs = getClientSpec() if self.useClientSpec: # all files are relative to the client spec self.clientPath = getClientRoot() else: self.clientPath = p4Where(self.depotPath) if self.clientPath == "": die("Error: Cannot locate perforce checkout of %s in client view" % self.depotPath) print "Perforce checkout for depot path %s located at %s" % (self.depotPath, self.clientPath) self.oldWorkingDirectory = os.getcwd() # ensure the clientPath exists new_client_dir = False if not os.path.exists(self.clientPath): new_client_dir = True os.makedirs(self.clientPath) chdir(self.clientPath, is_client_path=True) if self.dry_run: print "Would synchronize p4 checkout in %s" % self.clientPath else: print "Synchronizing p4 checkout..." if new_client_dir: # old one was destroyed, and maybe nobody told p4 p4_sync("...", "-f") else: p4_sync("...") self.check() commits = [] for line in read_pipe_lines(["git", "rev-list", "--no-merges", "%s..%s" % (self.origin, self.master)]): commits.append(line.strip()) commits.reverse() if self.preserveUser or gitConfigBool("git-p4.skipUserNameCheck"): self.checkAuthorship = False else: self.checkAuthorship = True if self.preserveUser: self.checkValidP4Users(commits) # # Build up a set of options to be passed to diff when # submitting each commit to p4. # if self.detectRenames: # command-line -M arg self.diffOpts = "-M" else: # If not explicitly set check the config variable detectRenames = gitConfig("git-p4.detectRenames") if detectRenames.lower() == "false" or detectRenames == "": self.diffOpts = "" elif detectRenames.lower() == "true": self.diffOpts = "-M" else: self.diffOpts = "-M%s" % detectRenames # no command-line arg for -C or --find-copies-harder, just # config variables detectCopies = gitConfig("git-p4.detectCopies") if detectCopies.lower() == "false" or detectCopies == "": pass elif detectCopies.lower() == "true": self.diffOpts += " -C" else: self.diffOpts += " -C%s" % detectCopies if gitConfigBool("git-p4.detectCopiesHarder"): self.diffOpts += " --find-copies-harder" # # Apply the commits, one at a time. On failure, ask if should # continue to try the rest of the patches, or quit. # if self.dry_run: print "Would apply" applied = [] last = len(commits) - 1 for i, commit in enumerate(commits): if self.dry_run: print " ", read_pipe(["git", "show", "-s", "--format=format:%h %s", commit]) ok = True else: ok = self.applyCommit(commit) if ok: applied.append(commit) else: if self.prepare_p4_only and i < last: print "Processing only the first commit due to option" \ " --prepare-p4-only" break if i < last: quit = False while True: # prompt for what to do, or use the option/variable if self.conflict_behavior == "ask": print "What do you want to do?" response = raw_input("[s]kip this commit but apply" " the rest, or [q]uit? ") if not response: continue elif self.conflict_behavior == "skip": response = "s" elif self.conflict_behavior == "quit": response = "q" else: die("Unknown conflict_behavior '%s'" % self.conflict_behavior) if response[0] == "s": print "Skipping this commit, but applying the rest" break if response[0] == "q": print "Quitting" quit = True break if quit: break chdir(self.oldWorkingDirectory) if self.dry_run: pass elif self.prepare_p4_only: pass elif len(commits) == len(applied): print "All commits applied!" sync = P4Sync() if self.branch: sync.branch = self.branch sync.run([]) rebase = P4Rebase() rebase.rebase() else: if len(applied) == 0: print "No commits applied." else: print "Applied only the commits marked with '*':" for c in commits: if c in applied: star = "*" else: star = " " print star, read_pipe(["git", "show", "-s", "--format=format:%h %s", c]) print "You will have to do 'git p4 sync' and rebase." if gitConfigBool("git-p4.exportLabels"): self.exportLabels = True if self.exportLabels: p4Labels = getP4Labels(self.depotPath) gitTags = getGitTags() missingGitTags = gitTags - p4Labels self.exportGitTags(missingGitTags) # exit with error unless everything applied perfectly if len(commits) != len(applied): sys.exit(1) return True class View(object): """Represent a p4 view ("p4 help views"), and map files in a repo according to the view.""" def __init__(self, client_name): self.mappings = [] self.client_prefix = "//%s/" % client_name # cache results of "p4 where" to lookup client file locations self.client_spec_path_cache = {} def append(self, view_line): """Parse a view line, splitting it into depot and client sides. Append to self.mappings, preserving order. This is only needed for tag creation.""" # Split the view line into exactly two words. P4 enforces # structure on these lines that simplifies this quite a bit. # # Either or both words may be double-quoted. # Single quotes do not matter. # Double-quote marks cannot occur inside the words. # A + or - prefix is also inside the quotes. # There are no quotes unless they contain a space. # The line is already white-space stripped. # The two words are separated by a single space. # if view_line[0] == '"': # First word is double quoted. Find its end. close_quote_index = view_line.find('"', 1) if close_quote_index <= 0: die("No first-word closing quote found: %s" % view_line) depot_side = view_line[1:close_quote_index] # skip closing quote and space rhs_index = close_quote_index + 1 + 1 else: space_index = view_line.find(" ") if space_index <= 0: die("No word-splitting space found: %s" % view_line) depot_side = view_line[0:space_index] rhs_index = space_index + 1 # prefix + means overlay on previous mapping if depot_side.startswith("+"): depot_side = depot_side[1:] # prefix - means exclude this path, leave out of mappings exclude = False if depot_side.startswith("-"): exclude = True depot_sid