#!/usr/bin/perl #### #### This application is a CVS emulation layer for git. #### It is intended for clients to connect over SSH. #### See the documentation for more details. #### #### Copyright The Open University UK - 2006. #### #### Authors: Martyn Smith #### Martin Langhoff #### #### #### Released under the GNU Public License, version 2. #### #### use strict; use warnings; use bytes; use Fcntl; use File::Temp qw/tempdir tempfile/; use File::Basename; my $log = GITCVS::log->new(); my $cfg; my $DATE_LIST = { Jan => "01", Feb => "02", Mar => "03", Apr => "04", May => "05", Jun => "06", Jul => "07", Aug => "08", Sep => "09", Oct => "10", Nov => "11", Dec => "12", }; # Enable autoflush for STDOUT (otherwise the whole thing falls apart) $| = 1; #### Definition and mappings of functions #### my $methods = { 'Root' => \&req_Root, 'Valid-responses' => \&req_Validresponses, 'valid-requests' => \&req_validrequests, 'Directory' => \&req_Directory, 'Entry' => \&req_Entry, 'Modified' => \&req_Modified, 'Unchanged' => \&req_Unchanged, 'Questionable' => \&req_Questionable, 'Argument' => \&req_Argument, 'Argumentx' => \&req_Argument, 'expand-modules' => \&req_expandmodules, 'add' => \&req_add, 'remove' => \&req_remove, 'co' => \&req_co, 'update' => \&req_update, 'ci' => \&req_ci, 'diff' => \&req_diff, 'log' => \&req_log, 'rlog' => \&req_log, 'tag' => \&req_CATCHALL, 'status' => \&req_status, 'admin' => \&req_CATCHALL, 'history' => \&req_CATCHALL, 'watchers' => \&req_CATCHALL, 'editors' => \&req_CATCHALL, 'annotate' => \&req_annotate, 'Global_option' => \&req_Globaloption, #'annotate' => \&req_CATCHALL, }; ############################################## # $state holds all the bits of information the clients sends us that could # potentially be useful when it comes to actually _doing_ something. my $state = { prependdir => '' }; $log->info("--------------- STARTING -----------------"); my $TEMP_DIR = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); $log->debug("Temporary directory is '$TEMP_DIR'"); # if we are called with a pserver argument, # deal with the authentication cat before entering the # main loop if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq 'pserver') { my $line = ; chomp $line; unless( $line eq 'BEGIN AUTH REQUEST') { die "E Do not understand $line - expecting BEGIN AUTH REQUEST\n"; } $line = ; chomp $line; req_Root('root', $line) # reuse Root or die "E Invalid root $line \n"; $line = ; chomp $line; unless ($line eq 'anonymous') { print "E Only anonymous user allowed via pserver\n"; print "I HATE YOU\n"; } $line = ; chomp $line; # validate the password? $line = ; chomp $line; unless ($line eq 'END AUTH REQUEST') { die "E Do not understand $line -- expecting END AUTH REQUEST\n"; } print "I LOVE YOU\n"; # and now back to our regular programme... } # Keep going until the client closes the connection while () { chomp; # Check to see if we've seen this method, and call appropriate function. if ( /^([\w-]+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/ and defined($methods->{$1}) ) { # use the $methods hash to call the appropriate sub for this command #$log->info("Method : $1"); &{$methods->{$1}}($1,$2); } else { # log fatal because we don't understand this function. If this happens # we're fairly screwed because we don't know if the client is expecting # a response. If it is, the client will hang, we'll hang, and the whole # thing will be custard. $log->fatal("Don't understand command $_\n"); die("Unknown command $_"); } } $log->debug("Processing time : user=" . (times)[0] . " system=" . (times)[1]); $log->info("--------------- FINISH -----------------"); # Magic catchall method. # This is the method that will handle all commands we haven't yet # implemented. It simply sends a warning to the log file indicating a # command that hasn't been implemented has been invoked. sub req_CATCHALL { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; $log->warn("Unhandled command : req_$cmd : $data"); } # Root pathname \n # Response expected: no. Tell the server which CVSROOT to use. Note that # pathname is a local directory and not a fully qualified CVSROOT variable. # pathname must already exist; if creating a new root, use the init # request, not Root. pathname does not include the hostname of the server, # how to access the server, etc.; by the time the CVS protocol is in use, # connection, authentication, etc., are already taken care of. The Root # request must be sent only once, and it must be sent before any requests # other than Valid-responses, valid-requests, UseUnchanged, Set or init. sub req_Root { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; $log->debug("req_Root : $data"); $state->{CVSROOT} = $data; $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/"; unless (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR} && -e $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'HEAD') { print "E $ENV{GIT_DIR} does not seem to be a valid GIT repository\n"; print "E \n"; print "error 1 $ENV{GIT_DIR} is not a valid repository\n"; return 0; } my @gitvars = `git-config -l`; if ($?) { print "E problems executing git-config on the server -- this is not a git repository or the PATH is not set correctly.\n"; print "E \n"; print "error 1 - problem executing git-config\n"; return 0; } foreach my $line ( @gitvars ) { next unless ( $line =~ /^(.*?)\.(.*?)=(.*)$/ ); $cfg->{$1}{$2} = $3; } unless ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{enabled} ) and $cfg->{gitcvs}{enabled} =~ /^\s*(1|true|yes)\s*$/i ) { print "E GITCVS emulation needs to be enabled on this repo\n"; print "E the repo config file needs a [gitcvs] section added, and the parameter 'enabled' set to 1\n"; print "E \n"; print "error 1 GITCVS emulation disabled\n"; return 0; } if ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{logfile} ) ) { $log->setfile($cfg->{gitcvs}{logfile}); } else { $log->nofile(); } return 1; } # Global_option option \n # Response expected: no. Transmit one of the global options `-q', `-Q', # `-l', `-t', `-r', or `-n'. option must be one of those strings, no # variations (such as combining of options) are allowed. For graceful # handling of valid-requests, it is probably better to make new global # options separate requests, rather than trying to add them to this # request. sub req_Globaloption { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; $log->debug("req_Globaloption : $data"); $state->{globaloptions}{$data} = 1; } # Valid-responses request-list \n # Response expected: no. Tell the server what responses the client will # accept. request-list is a space separated list of tokens. sub req_Validresponses { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; $log->debug("req_Validresponses : $data"); # TODO : re-enable this, currently it's not particularly useful #$state->{validresponses} = [ split /\s+/, $data ]; } # valid-requests \n # Response expected: yes. Ask the server to send back a Valid-requests # response. sub req_validrequests { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; $log->debug("req_validrequests"); $log->debug("SEND : Valid-requests " . join(" ",keys %$methods)); $log->debug("SEND : ok"); print "Valid-requests " . join(" ",keys %$methods) . "\n"; print "ok\n"; } # Directory local-directory \n # Additional data: repository \n. Response expected: no. Tell the server # what directory to use. The repository should be a directory name from a # previous server response. Note that this both gives a default for Entry # and Modified and also for ci and the other commands; normal usage is to # send Directory for each directory in which there will be an Entry or # Modified, and then a final Directory for the original directory, then the # command. The local-directory is relative to the top level at which the # command is occurring (i.e. the last Directory which is sent before the # command); to indicate that top level, `.' should be sent for # local-directory. sub req_Directory { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; my $repository = ; chomp $repository; $state->{localdir} = $data; $state->{repository} = $repository; $state->{path} = $repository; $state->{path} =~ s/^$state->{CVSROOT}\///; $state->{module} = $1 if ($state->{path} =~ s/^(.*?)(\/|$)//); $state->{path} .= "/" if ( $state->{path} =~ /\S/ ); $state->{directory} = $state->{localdir}; $state->{directory} = "" if ( $state->{directory} eq "." ); $state->{directory} .= "/" if ( $state->{directory} =~ /\S/ ); if ( (not defined($state->{prependdir}) or $state->{prependdir} eq '') and $state->{localdir} eq "." and $state->{path} =~ /\S/ ) { $log->info("Setting prepend to '$state->{path}'"); $state->{prependdir} = $state->{path}; foreach my $entry ( keys %{$state->{entries}} ) { $state->{entries}{$state->{prependdir} . $entry} = $state->{entries}{$entry}; delete $state->{entries}{$entry}; } } if ( defined ( $state->{prependdir} ) ) { $log->debug("Prepending '$state->{prependdir}' to state|directory"); $state->{directory} = $state->{prependdir} . $state->{directory} } $log->debug("req_Directory : localdir=$data repository=$repository path=$state->{path} directory=$state->{directory} module=$state->{module}"); } # Entry entry-line \n # Response expected: no. Tell the server what version of a file is on the # local machine. The name in entry-line is a name relative to the directory # most recently specified with Directory. If the user is operating on only # some files in a directory, Entry requests for only those files need be # included. If an Entry request is sent without Modified, Is-modified, or # Unchanged, it means the file is lost (does not exist in the working # directory). If both Entry and one of Modified, Is-modified, or Unchanged # are sent for the same file, Entry must be sent first. For a given file, # one can send Modified, Is-modified, or Unchanged, but not more than one # of these three. sub req_Entry { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; #$log->debug("req_Entry : $data"); my @data = split(/\//, $data); $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data[1]} = { revision => $data[2], conflict => $data[3], options => $data[4], tag_or_date => $data[5], }; $log->info("Received entry line '$data' => '" . $state->{directory} . $data[1] . "'"); } # Questionable filename \n # Response expected: no. Additional data: no. Tell the server to check # whether filename should be ignored, and if not, next time the server # sends responses, send (in a M response) `?' followed by the directory and # filename. filename must not contain `/'; it needs to be a file in the # directory named by the most recent Directory request. sub req_Questionable { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; $log->debug("req_Questionable : $data"); $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{questionable} = 1; } # add \n # Response expected: yes. Add a file or directory. This uses any previous # Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have been sent. # The last Directory sent specifies the working directory at the time of # the operation. To add a directory, send the directory to be added using # Directory and Argument requests. sub req_add { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; argsplit("add"); my $addcount = 0; foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) { $filename = filecleanup($filename); unless ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) ) { print "E cvs add: nothing known about `$filename'\n"; next; } # TODO : check we're not squashing an already existing file if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} ) ) { print "E cvs add: `$filename' has already been entered\n"; next; } my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename, 1); print "E cvs add: scheduling file `$filename' for addition\n"; print "Checked-in $dirpart\n"; print "$filename\n"; my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filepart); print "/$filepart/0//$kopts/\n"; $addcount++; } if ( $addcount == 1 ) { print "E cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add this file permanently\n"; } elsif ( $addcount > 1 ) { print "E cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add these files permanently\n"; } print "ok\n"; } # remove \n # Response expected: yes. Remove a file. This uses any previous Argument, # Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have been sent. The last # Directory sent specifies the working directory at the time of the # operation. Note that this request does not actually do anything to the # repository; the only effect of a successful remove request is to supply # the client with a new entries line containing `-' to indicate a removed # file. In fact, the client probably could perform this operation without # contacting the server, although using remove may cause the server to # perform a few more checks. The client sends a subsequent ci request to # actually record the removal in the repository. sub req_remove { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; argsplit("remove"); # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); $updater->update(); #$log->debug("add state : " . Dumper($state)); my $rmcount = 0; foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) { $filename = filecleanup($filename); if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} ) or defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) ) { print "E cvs remove: file `$filename' still in working directory\n"; next; } my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); my $wrev = revparse($filename); unless ( defined ( $wrev ) ) { print "E cvs remove: nothing known about `$filename'\n"; next; } if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev < 0 ) { print "E cvs remove: file `$filename' already scheduled for removal\n"; next; } unless ( $wrev == $meta->{revision} ) { # TODO : not sure if the format of this message is quite correct. print "E cvs remove: Up to date check failed for `$filename'\n"; next; } my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename, 1); print "E cvs remove: scheduling `$filename' for removal\n"; print "Checked-in $dirpart\n"; print "$filename\n"; my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filepart); print "/$filepart/-1.$wrev//$kopts/\n"; $rmcount++; } if ( $rmcount == 1 ) { print "E cvs remove: use `cvs commit' to remove this file permanently\n"; } elsif ( $rmcount > 1 ) { print "E cvs remove: use `cvs commit' to remove these files permanently\n"; } print "ok\n"; } # Modified filename \n # Response expected: no. Additional data: mode, \n, file transmission. Send # the server a copy of one locally modified file. filename is a file within # the most recent directory sent with Directory; it must not contain `/'. # If the user is operating on only some files in a directory, only those # files need to be included. This can also be sent without Entry, if there # is no entry for the file. sub req_Modified { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; my $mode = ; chomp $mode; my $size = ; chomp $size; # Grab config information my $blocksize = 8192; my $bytesleft = $size; my $tmp; # Get a filehandle/name to write it to my ( $fh, $filename ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); # Loop over file data writing out to temporary file. while ( $bytesleft ) { $blocksize = $bytesleft if ( $bytesleft < $blocksize ); read STDIN, $tmp, $blocksize; print $fh $tmp; $bytesleft -= $blocksize; } close $fh; # Ensure we have something sensible for the file mode if ( $mode =~ /u=(\w+)/ ) { $mode = $1; } else { $mode = "rw"; } # Save the file data in $state $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_filename} = $filename; $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_mode} = $mode; $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_hash} = `git-hash-object $filename`; $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_hash} =~ s/\s.*$//s; #$log->debug("req_Modified : file=$data mode=$mode size=$size"); } # Unchanged filename \n # Response expected: no. Tell the server that filename has not been # modified in the checked out directory. The filename is a file within the # most recent directory sent with Directory; it must not contain `/'. sub req_Unchanged { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{unchanged} = 1; #$log->debug("req_Unchanged : $data"); } # Argument text \n # Response expected: no. Save argument for use in a subsequent command. # Arguments accumulate until an argument-using command is given, at which # point they are forgotten. # Argumentx text \n # Response expected: no. Append \n followed by text to the current argument # being saved. sub req_Argument { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; # Argumentx means: append to last Argument (with a newline in front) $log->debug("$cmd : $data"); if ( $cmd eq 'Argumentx') { ${$state->{arguments}}[$#{$state->{arguments}}] .= "\n" . $data; } else { push @{$state->{arguments}}, $data; } } # expand-modules \n # Response expected: yes. Expand the modules which are specified in the # arguments. Returns the data in Module-expansion responses. Note that the # server can assume that this is checkout or export, not rtag or rdiff; the # latter do not access the working directory and thus have no need to # expand modules on the client side. Expand may not be the best word for # what this request does. It does not necessarily tell you all the files # contained in a module, for example. Basically it is a way of telling you # which working directories the server needs to know about in order to # handle a checkout of the specified modules. For example, suppose that the # server has a module defined by # aliasmodule -a 1dir # That is, one can check out aliasmodule and it will take 1dir in the # repository and check it out to 1dir in the working directory. Now suppose # the client already has this module checked out and is planning on using # the co request to update it. Without using expand-modules, the client # would have two bad choices: it could either send information about all # working directories under the current directory, which could be # unnecessarily slow, or it could be ignorant of the fact that aliasmodule # stands for 1dir, and neglect to send information for 1dir, which would # lead to incorrect operation. With expand-modules, the client would first # ask for the module to be expanded: sub req_expandmodules { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; argsplit(); $log->debug("req_expandmodules : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" ) ); unless ( ref $state->{arguments} eq "ARRAY" ) { print "ok\n"; return; } foreach my $module ( @{$state->{arguments}} ) { $log->debug("SEND : Module-expansion $module"); print "Module-expansion $module\n"; } print "ok\n"; statecleanup(); } # co \n # Response expected: yes. Get files from the repository. This uses any # previous Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have # been sent. Arguments to this command are module names; the client cannot # know what directories they correspond to except by (1) just sending the # co request, and then seeing what directory names the server sends back in # its responses, and (2) the expand-modules request. sub req_co { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; argsplit("co"); my $module = $state->{args}[0]; my $checkout_path = $module; # use the user specified directory if we're given it $checkout_path = $state->{opt}{d} if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{d} ) ); $log->debug("req_co : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" ) ); $log->info("Checking out module '$module' ($state->{CVSROOT}) to '$checkout_path'"); $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/"; # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $module, $log); $updater->update(); $checkout_path =~ s|/$||; # get rid of trailing slashes # Eclipse seems to need the Clear-sticky command # to prepare the 'Entries' file for the new directory. print "Clear-sticky $checkout_path/\n"; print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; print "Clear-static-directory $checkout_path/\n"; print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; print "Clear-sticky $checkout_path/\n"; # yes, twice print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; print "Template $checkout_path/\n"; print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n"; print "0\n"; # instruct the client that we're checking out to $checkout_path print "E cvs checkout: Updating $checkout_path\n"; my %seendirs = (); my $lastdir =''; # recursive sub prepdir { my ($dir, $repodir, $remotedir, $seendirs) = @_; my $parent = dirname($dir); $dir =~ s|/+$||; $repodir =~ s|/+$||; $remotedir =~ s|/+$||; $parent =~ s|/+$||; $log->debug("announcedir $dir, $repodir, $remotedir" ); if ($parent eq '.' || $parent eq './') { $parent = ''; } # recurse to announce unseen parents first if (length($parent) && !exists($seendirs->{$parent})) { prepdir($parent, $repodir, $remotedir, $seendirs); } # Announce that we are going to modify at the parent level if ($parent) { print "E cvs checkout: Updating $remotedir/$parent\n"; } else { print "E cvs checkout: Updating $remotedir\n"; } print "Clear-sticky $remotedir/$parent/\n"; print "$repodir/$parent/\n"; print "Clear-static-directory $remotedir/$dir/\n"; print "$repodir/$dir/\n"; print "Clear-sticky $remotedir/$parent/\n"; # yes, twice print "$repodir/$parent/\n"; print "Template $remotedir/$dir/\n"; print "$repodir/$dir/\n"; print "0\n"; $seendirs->{$dir} = 1; } foreach my $git ( @{$updater->gethead} ) { # Don't want to check out deleted files next if ( $git->{filehash} eq "deleted" ); ( $git->{name}, $git->{dir} ) = filenamesplit($git->{name}); if (length($git->{dir}) && $git->{dir} ne './' && $git->{dir} ne $lastdir ) { unless (exists($seendirs{$git->{dir}})) { prepdir($git->{dir}, $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/", $checkout_path, \%seendirs); $lastdir = $git->{dir}; $seendirs{$git->{dir}} = 1; } print "E cvs checkout: Updating /$checkout_path/$git->{dir}\n"; } # modification time of this file print "Mod-time $git->{modified}\n"; # print some information to the client if ( defined ( $git->{dir} ) and $git->{dir} ne "./" ) { print "M U $checkout_path/$git->{dir}$git->{name}\n"; } else { print "M U $checkout_path/$git->{name}\n"; } # instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path print "Created $checkout_path/" . ( defined ( $git->{dir} ) and $git->{dir} ne "./" ? $git->{dir} . "/" : "" ) . "\n"; print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/" . ( defined ( $git->{dir} ) and $git->{dir} ne "./" ? $git->{dir} . "/" : "" ) . "$git->{name}\n"; # this is an "entries" line my $kopts = kopts_from_path($git->{name}); print "/$git->{name}/1.$git->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; # permissions print "u=$git->{mode},g=$git->{mode},o=$git->{mode}\n"; # transmit file transmitfile($git->{filehash}); } print "ok\n"; statecleanup(); } # update \n # Response expected: yes. Actually do a cvs update command. This uses any # previous Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have # been sent. The last Directory sent specifies the working directory at the # time of the operation. The -I option is not used--files which the client # can decide whether to ignore are not mentioned and the client sends the # Questionable request for others. sub req_update { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; $log->debug("req_update : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); argsplit("update"); # # It may just be a client exploring the available heads/modules # in that case, list them as top level directories and leave it # at that. Eclipse uses this technique to offer you a list of # projects (heads in this case) to checkout. # if ($state->{module} eq '') { print "E cvs update: Updating .\n"; opendir HEADS, $state->{CVSROOT} . '/refs/heads'; while (my $head = readdir(HEADS)) { if (-f $state->{CVSROOT} . '/refs/heads/' . $head) { print "E cvs update: New directory `$head'\n"; } } closedir HEADS; print "ok\n"; return 1; } # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); $updater->update(); argsfromdir($updater); #$log->debug("update state : " . Dumper($state)); # foreach file specified on the command line ... foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) { $filename = filecleanup($filename); $log->debug("Processing file $filename"); # if we have a -C we should pretend we never saw modified stuff if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) ) { delete $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}; delete $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}; $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} = 1; } my $meta; if ( defined($state->{opt}{r}) and $state->{opt}{r} =~ /^1\.(\d+)/ ) { $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $1); } else { $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); } if ( ! defined $meta ) { $meta = { name => $filename, revision => 0, filehash => 'added' }; } my $oldmeta = $meta; my $wrev = revparse($filename); # If the working copy is an old revision, lets get that version too for comparison. if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev != $meta->{revision} ) { $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); } #$log->debug("Target revision is $meta->{revision}, current working revision is $wrev"); # Files are up to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, # and the working copy is unmodified _and_ the user hasn't specified -C next if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined($meta->{revision}) and $wrev == $meta->{revision} and $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} and not exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) ); # If the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, # but the working copy is modified, tell the client it's modified if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined($meta->{revision}) and $wrev == $meta->{revision} and defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and not exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) ) { $log->info("Tell the client the file is modified"); print "MT text M \n"; print "MT fname $filename\n"; print "MT newline\n"; next; } if ( $meta->{filehash} eq "deleted" ) { my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename,1); $log->info("Removing '$filename' from working copy (no longer in the repo)"); print "E cvs update: `$filename' is no longer in the repository\n"; # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) { print "Removed $dirpart\n"; print "$filepart\n"; } } elsif ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} ) or $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $oldmeta->{filehash} or $meta->{filehash} eq 'added' ) { # normal update, just send the new revision (either U=Update, # or A=Add, or R=Remove) if ( defined($wrev) && $wrev < 0 ) { $log->info("Tell the client the file is scheduled for removal"); print "MT text R \n"; print "MT fname $filename\n"; print "MT newline\n"; next; } elsif ( (!defined($wrev) || $wrev == 0) && (!defined($meta->{revision}) || $meta->{revision} == 0) ) { $log->info("Tell the client the file is scheduled for addition"); print "MT text A \n"; print "MT fname $filename\n"; print "MT newline\n"; next; } else { $log->info("Updating '$filename' to ".$meta->{revision}); print "MT +updated\n"; print "MT text U \n"; print "MT fname $filename\n"; print "MT newline\n"; print "MT -updated\n"; } my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename,1); # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) { if ( defined ( $wrev ) ) { # instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path as a replacement print "Update-existing $dirpart\n"; $log->debug("Updating existing file 'Update-existing $dirpart'"); } else { # instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path as a new file print "Clear-static-directory $dirpart\n"; print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$dirpart\n"; print "Clear-sticky $dirpart\n"; print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$dirpart\n"; $log->debug("Creating new file 'Created $dirpart'"); print "Created $dirpart\n"; } print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; # this is an "entries" line my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filepart); $log->debug("/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/"); print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; # permissions $log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}"); print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n"; # transmit file transmitfile($meta->{filehash}); } } else { $log->info("Updating '$filename'"); my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($meta->{name},1); my $dir = tempdir( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, CLEANUP => 1 ) . "/"; chdir $dir; my $file_local = $filepart . ".mine"; system("ln","-s",$state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}, $file_local); my $file_old = $filepart . "." . $oldmeta->{revision}; transmitfile($oldmeta->{filehash}, $file_old); my $file_new = $filepart . "." . $meta->{revision}; transmitfile($meta->{filehash}, $file_new); # we need to merge with the local changes ( M=successful merge, C=conflict merge ) $log->info("Merging $file_local, $file_old, $file_new"); print "M Merging differences between 1.$oldmeta->{revision} and 1.$meta->{revision} into $filename\n"; $log->debug("Temporary directory for merge is $dir"); my $return = system("git", "merge-file", $file_local, $file_old, $file_new); $return >>= 8; if ( $return == 0 ) { $log->info("Merged successfully"); print "M M $filename\n"; $log->debug("Merged $dirpart"); # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) { print "Merged $dirpart\n"; $log->debug($state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename"); print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filepart); $log->debug("/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/"); print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; } } elsif ( $return == 1 ) { $log->info("Merged with conflicts"); print "E cvs update: conflicts found in $filename\n"; print "M C $filename\n"; # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) { print "Merged $dirpart\n"; print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n"; my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filepart); print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}/+/$kopts/\n"; } } else { $log->warn("Merge failed"); next; } # Don't want to actually _DO_ the update if -n specified unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} ) { # permissions $log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}"); print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n"; # transmit file, format is single integer on a line by itself (file # size) followed by the file contents # TODO : we should copy files in blocks my $data = `cat $file_local`; $log->debug("File size : " . length($data)); print length($data) . "\n"; print $data; } chdir "/"; } } print "ok\n"; } sub req_ci { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; argsplit("ci"); #$log->debug("State : " . Dumper($state)); $log->info("req_ci : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); if ( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq 'pserver') { print "error 1 pserver access cannot commit\n"; exit; } if ( -e $state->{CVSROOT} . "/index" ) { $log->warn("file 'index' already exists in the git repository"); print "error 1 Index already exists in git repo\n"; exit; } # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); $updater->update(); my $tmpdir = tempdir ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); my ( undef, $file_index ) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); $log->info("Lockless commit start, basing commit on '$tmpdir', index file is '$file_index'"); $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/"; $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $file_index; # Remember where the head was at the beginning. my $parenthash = `git show-ref -s refs/heads/$state->{module}`; chomp $parenthash; if ($parenthash !~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/) { print "error 1 pserver cannot find the current HEAD of module"; exit; } chdir $tmpdir; # populate the temporary index based system("git-read-tree", $parenthash); unless ($? == 0) { die "Error running git-read-tree $state->{module} $file_index $!"; } $log->info("Created index '$file_index' with for head $state->{module} - exit status $?"); my @committedfiles = (); my %oldmeta; # foreach file specified on the command line ... foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) { my $committedfile = $filename; $filename = filecleanup($filename); next unless ( exists $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} or not $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} ); my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); $oldmeta{$filename} = $meta; my $wrev = revparse($filename); my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename); # do a checkout of the file if it part of this tree if ($wrev) { system('git-checkout-index', '-f', '-u', $filename); unless ($? == 0) { die "Error running git-checkout-index -f -u $filename : $!"; } } my $addflag = 0; my $rmflag = 0; $rmflag = 1 if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev < 0 ); $addflag = 1 unless ( -e $filename ); # Do up to date checking unless ( $addflag or $wrev == $meta->{revision} or ( $rmflag and -$wrev == $meta->{revision} ) ) { # fail everything if an up to date check fails print "error 1 Up to date check failed for $filename\n"; chdir "/"; exit; } push @committedfiles, $committedfile; $log->info("Committing $filename"); system("mkdir","-p",$dirpart) unless ( -d $dirpart ); unless ( $rmflag ) { $log->debug("rename $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} $filename"); rename $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename},$filename; # Calculate modes to remove my $invmode = ""; foreach ( qw (r w x) ) { $invmode .= $_ unless ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_mode} =~ /$_/ ); } $log->debug("chmod u+" . $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_mode} . "-" . $invmode . " $filename"); system("chmod","u+" . $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_mode} . "-" . $invmode, $filename); } if ( $rmflag ) { $log->info("Removing file '$filename'"); unlink($filename); system("git-update-index", "--remove", $filename); } elsif ( $addflag ) { $log->info("Adding file '$filename'"); system("git-update-index", "--add", $filename); } else { $log->info("Updating file '$filename'"); system("git-update-index", $filename); } } unless ( scalar(@committedfiles) > 0 ) { print "E No files to commit\n"; print "ok\n"; chdir "/"; return; } my $treehash = `git-write-tree`; chomp $treehash; $log->debug("Treehash : $treehash, Parenthash : $parenthash"); # write our commit message out if we have one ... my ( $msg_fh, $msg_filename ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); print $msg_fh $state->{opt}{m};# if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{m} ) ); print $msg_fh "\n\nvia git-CVS emulator\n"; close $msg_fh; my $commithash = `git-commit-tree $treehash -p $parenthash < $msg_filename`; chomp($commithash); $log->info("Commit hash : $commithash"); unless ( $commithash =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}/ ) { $log->warn("Commit failed (Invalid commit hash)"); print "error 1 Commit failed (unknown reason)\n"; chdir "/"; exit; } # Check that this is allowed, just as we would with a receive-pack my @cmd = ( $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/update', "refs/heads/$state->{module}", $parenthash, $commithash ); if( -x $cmd[0] ) { unless( system( @cmd ) == 0 ) { $log->warn("Commit failed (update hook declined to update ref)"); print "error 1 Commit failed (update hook declined)\n"; chdir "/"; exit; } } if (system(qw(git update-ref -m), "cvsserver ci", "refs/heads/$state->{module}", $commithash, $parenthash)) { $log->warn("update-ref for $state->{module} failed."); print "error 1 Cannot commit -- update first\n"; exit; } $updater->update(); # foreach file specified on the command line ... foreach my $filename ( @committedfiles ) { $filename = filecleanup($filename); my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); unless (defined $meta->{revision}) { $meta->{revision} = 1; } my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename, 1); $log->debug("Checked-in $dirpart : $filename"); print "M $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v <-- $dirpart$filepart\n"; if ( defined $meta->{filehash} && $meta->{filehash} eq "deleted" ) { print "M new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.$oldmeta{$filename}{revision}\n"; print "Remove-entry $dirpart\n"; print "$filename\n"; } else { if ($meta->{revision} == 1) { print "M initial revision: 1.1\n"; } else { print "M new revision: 1.$meta->{revision}; previous revision: 1.$oldmeta{$filename}{revision}\n"; } print "Checked-in $dirpart\n"; print "$filename\n"; my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filepart); print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n"; } } chdir "/"; print "ok\n"; } sub req_status { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; argsplit("status"); $log->info("req_status : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); #$log->debug("status state : " . Dumper($state)); # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); $updater->update(); # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing status on ... argsfromdir($updater); # foreach file specified on the command line ... foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) { $filename = filecleanup($filename); my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); my $oldmeta = $meta; my $wrev = revparse($filename); # If the working copy is an old revision, lets get that version too for comparison. if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev != $meta->{revision} ) { $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); } # TODO : All possible statuses aren't yet implemented my $status; # Files are up to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, and the working copy is unmodified $status = "Up-to-date" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined($meta->{revision}) and $wrev == $meta->{revision} and ( ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} and ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) or $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} !~ /^\+=/ ) ) or ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $meta->{filehash} ) ) ); # Need checkout if the working copy has an older revision than the repo copy, and the working copy is unmodified $status ||= "Needs Checkout" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) and $meta->{revision} > $wrev and ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} or ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $oldmeta->{filehash} ) ) ); # Need checkout if it exists in the repo but doesn't have a working copy $status ||= "Needs Checkout" if ( not defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) ); # Locally modified if working copy and repo copy have the same revision but there are local changes $status ||= "Locally Modified" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined($meta->{revision}) and $wrev == $meta->{revision} and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ); # Needs Merge if working copy revision is less than repo copy and there are local changes $status ||= "Needs Merge" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) and $meta->{revision} > $wrev and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ); $status ||= "Locally Added" if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} ) and not defined ( $meta->{revision} ) ); $status ||= "Locally Removed" if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined ( $meta->{revision} ) and -$wrev == $meta->{revision} ); $status ||= "Unresolved Conflict" if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} =~ /^\+=/ ); $status ||= "File had conflicts on merge" if ( 0 ); $status ||= "Unknown"; print "M ===================================================================\n"; print "M File: $filename\tStatus: $status\n"; if ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{revision}) ) { print "M Working revision:\t" . $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} . "\n"; } else { print "M Working revision:\tNo entry for $filename\n"; } if ( defined($meta->{revision}) ) { print "M Repository revision:\t1." . $meta->{revision} . "\t$state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n"; print "M Sticky Tag:\t\t(none)\n"; print "M Sticky Date:\t\t(none)\n"; print "M Sticky Options:\t\t(none)\n"; } else { print "M Repository revision:\tNo revision control file\n"; } print "M\n"; } print "ok\n"; } sub req_diff { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; argsplit("diff"); $log->debug("req_diff : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); #$log->debug("status state : " . Dumper($state)); my ($revision1, $revision2); if ( defined ( $state->{opt}{r} ) and ref $state->{opt}{r} eq "ARRAY" ) { $revision1 = $state->{opt}{r}[0]; $revision2 = $state->{opt}{r}[1]; } else { $revision1 = $state->{opt}{r}; } $revision1 =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $revision1 ) ); $revision2 =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $revision2 ) ); $log->debug("Diffing revisions " . ( defined($revision1) ? $revision1 : "[NULL]" ) . " and " . ( defined($revision2) ? $revision2 : "[NULL]" ) ); # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); $updater->update(); # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing status on ... argsfromdir($updater); # foreach file specified on the command line ... foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) { $filename = filecleanup($filename); my ( $fh, $file1, $file2, $meta1, $meta2, $filediff ); my $wrev = revparse($filename); # We need _something_ to diff against next unless ( defined ( $wrev ) ); # if we have a -r switch, use it if ( defined ( $revision1 ) ) { ( undef, $file1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); $meta1 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $revision1); unless ( defined ( $meta1 ) and $meta1->{filehash} ne "deleted" ) { print "E File $filename at revision 1.$revision1 doesn't exist\n"; next; } transmitfile($meta1->{filehash}, $file1); } # otherwise we just use the working copy revision else { ( undef, $file1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); $meta1 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); transmitfile($meta1->{filehash}, $file1); } # if we have a second -r switch, use it too if ( defined ( $revision2 ) ) { ( undef, $file2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); $meta2 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $revision2); unless ( defined ( $meta2 ) and $meta2->{filehash} ne "deleted" ) { print "E File $filename at revision 1.$revision2 doesn't exist\n"; next; } transmitfile($meta2->{filehash}, $file2); } # otherwise we just use the working copy else { $file2 = $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}; } # if we have been given -r, and we don't have a $file2 yet, lets get one if ( defined ( $revision1 ) and not defined ( $file2 ) ) { ( undef, $file2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); $meta2 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev); transmitfile($meta2->{filehash}, $file2); } # We need to have retrieved something useful next unless ( defined ( $meta1 ) ); # Files to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same revision, and the working copy is unmodified next if ( not defined ( $meta2 ) and $wrev == $meta1->{revision} and ( ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} and ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) or $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} !~ /^\+=/ ) ) or ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq $meta1->{filehash} ) ) ); # Apparently we only show diffs for locally modified files next unless ( defined($meta2) or defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) ); print "M Index: $filename\n"; print "M ===================================================================\n"; print "M RCS file: $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n"; print "M retrieving revision 1.$meta1->{revision}\n" if ( defined ( $meta1 ) ); print "M retrieving revision 1.$meta2->{revision}\n" if ( defined ( $meta2 ) ); print "M diff "; foreach my $opt ( keys %{$state->{opt}} ) { if ( ref $state->{opt}{$opt} eq "ARRAY" ) { foreach my $value ( @{$state->{opt}{$opt}} ) { print "-$opt $value "; } } else { print "-$opt "; print "$state->{opt}{$opt} " if ( defined ( $state->{opt}{$opt} ) ); } } print "$filename\n"; $log->info("Diffing $filename -r $meta1->{revision} -r " . ( $meta2->{revision} or "workingcopy" )); ( $fh, $filediff ) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); if ( exists $state->{opt}{u} ) { system("diff -u -L '$filename revision 1.$meta1->{revision}' -L '$filename " . ( defined($meta2->{revision}) ? "revision 1.$meta2->{revision}" : "working copy" ) . "' $file1 $file2 > $filediff"); } else { system("diff $file1 $file2 > $filediff"); } while ( <$fh> ) { print "M $_"; } close $fh; } print "ok\n"; } sub req_log { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; argsplit("log"); $log->debug("req_log : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); #$log->debug("log state : " . Dumper($state)); my ( $minrev, $maxrev ); if ( defined ( $state->{opt}{r} ) and $state->{opt}{r} =~ /([\d.]+)?(::?)([\d.]+)?/ ) { my $control = $2; $minrev = $1; $maxrev = $3; $minrev =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $minrev ) ); $maxrev =~ s/^1\.// if ( defined ( $maxrev ) ); $minrev++ if ( defined($minrev) and $control eq "::" ); } # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); $updater->update(); # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing status on ... argsfromdir($updater); # foreach file specified on the command line ... foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) { $filename = filecleanup($filename); my $headmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename); my $revisions = $updater->getlog($filename); my $totalrevisions = scalar(@$revisions); if ( defined ( $minrev ) ) { $log->debug("Removing revisions less than $minrev"); while ( scalar(@$revisions) > 0 and $revisions->[-1]{revision} < $minrev ) { pop @$revisions; } } if ( defined ( $maxrev ) ) { $log->debug("Removing revisions greater than $maxrev"); while ( scalar(@$revisions) > 0 and $revisions->[0]{revision} > $maxrev ) { shift @$revisions; } } next unless ( scalar(@$revisions) ); print "M \n"; print "M RCS file: $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n"; print "M Working file: $filename\n"; print "M head: 1.$headmeta->{revision}\n"; print "M branch:\n"; print "M locks: strict\n"; print "M access list:\n"; print "M symbolic names:\n"; print "M keyword substitution: kv\n"; print "M total revisions: $totalrevisions;\tselected revisions: " . scalar(@$revisions) . "\n"; print "M description:\n"; foreach my $revision ( @$revisions ) { print "M ----------------------------\n"; print "M revision 1.$revision->{revision}\n"; # reformat the date for log output $revision->{modified} = sprintf('%04d/%02d/%02d %s', $3, $DATE_LIST->{$2}, $1, $4 ) if ( $revision->{modified} =~ /(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/ and defined($DATE_LIST->{$2}) ); $revision->{author} =~ s/\s+.*//; $revision->{author} =~ s/^(.{8}).*/$1/; print "M date: $revision->{modified}; author: $revision->{author}; state: " . ( $revision->{filehash} eq "deleted" ? "dead" : "Exp" ) . "; lines: +2 -3\n"; my $commitmessage = $updater->commitmessage($revision->{commithash}); $commitmessage =~ s/^/M /mg; print $commitmessage . "\n"; } print "M =============================================================================\n"; } print "ok\n"; } sub req_annotate { my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_; argsplit("annotate"); $log->info("req_annotate : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" )); #$log->debug("status state : " . Dumper($state)); # Grab a handle to the SQLite db and do any necessary updates my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log); $updater->update(); # if no files were specified, we need to work out what files we should be providing annotate on ... argsfromdir($updater); # we'll need a temporary checkout dir my $tmpdir = tempdir ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR ); my ( undef, $file_index ) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 ); $log->info("Temp checkoutdir creation successful, basing annotate session work on '$tmpdir', index file is '$file_index'"); $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/"; $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $file_index; chdir $tmpdir; # foreach file specified on the command line ... foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} ) { $filename = filecleanup($filename); my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename); next unless ( $meta->{revision} ); # get all the commits that this file was in # in dense format -- aka skip dead revisions my $revisions = $updater->gethistorydense($filename); my $lastseenin = $revisions->[0][2]; # populate the temporary index based on the latest commit were we saw # the file -- but do it cheaply without checking out any files # TODO: if we got a revision from the client, use that instead # to look up the commithash in sqlite (still good to default to # the current head as we do now) system("git-read-tree", $lastseenin); unless ($? == 0) { die "Error running git-read-tree $lastseenin $file_index $!"; } $log->info("Created index '$file_index' with commit $lastseenin - exit status $?"); # do a checkout of the file system('git-checkout-index', '-f', '-u', $filename); unless ($? == 0) { die "Error running git-checkout-index -f -u $filename : $!"; } $log->info("Annotate $filename"); # Prepare a file with the commits from the linearized # history that annotate should know about. This prevents # git-jsannotate telling us about commits we are hiding # from the client. open(ANNOTATEHINTS, ">$tmpdir/.annotate_hints") or die "Error opening > $tmpdir/.annotate_hints $!"; for (my $i=0; $i < @$revisions; $i++) { print ANNOTATEHINTS $revisions->[$i][2]; if ($i+1 < @$revisions) { # have we got a parent? print ANNOTATEHINTS ' ' . $revisions->[$i+1][2]; } print ANNOTATEHINTS "\n"; } print ANNOTATEHINTS "\n"; close ANNOTATEHINTS; my $annotatecmd = 'git-annotate'; open(ANNOTATE, "-|", $annotatecmd, '-l', '-S', "$tmpdir/.annotate_hints", $filename) or die "Error invoking $annotatecmd -l -S $tmpdir/.annotate_hints $filename : $!"; my $metadata = {}; print "E Annotations for $filename\n"; print "E ***************\n"; while ( ) { if (m/^([a-zA-Z0-9]{40})\t\([^\)]*\)(.*)$/i) { my $commithash = $1; my $data = $2; unless ( defined ( $metadata->{$commithash} ) ) { $metadata->{$commithash} = $updater->getmeta($filename, $commithash); $metadata->{$commithash}{author} =~ s/\s+.*//; $metadata->{$commithash}{author} =~ s/^(.{8}).*/$1/; $metadata->{$commithash}{modified} = sprintf("%02d-%s-%02d", $1, $2, $3) if ( $metadata->{$commithash}{modified} =~ /^(\d+)\s(\w+)\s\d\d(\d\d)/ ); } printf("M 1.%-5d (%-8s %10s): %s\n", $metadata->{$commithash}{revision}, $metadata->{$commithash}{author}, $metadata->{$commithash}{modified}, $data ); } else { $log->warn("Error in annotate output! LINE: $_"); print "E Annotate error \n"; next; } } close ANNOTATE; } # done; get out of the tempdir chdir "/"; print "ok\n"; } # This method takes the state->{arguments} array and produces two new arrays. # The first is $state->{args} which is everything before the '--' argument, and # the second is $state->{files} which is everything after it. sub argsplit { return unless( defined($state->{arguments}) and ref $state->{arguments} eq "ARRAY" ); my $type = shift; $state->{args} = []; $state->{files} = []; $state->{opt} = {}; if ( defined($type) ) { my $opt = {}; $opt = { A => 0, N => 0, P => 0, R => 0, c => 0, f => 0, l => 0, n => 0, p => 0, s => 0, r => 1, D => 1, d => 1, k => 1, j => 1, } if ( $type eq "co" ); $opt = { v => 0, l => 0, R => 0 } if ( $type eq "status" ); $opt = { A => 0, P => 0, C => 0, d => 0, f => 0, l => 0, R => 0, p => 0, k => 1, r => 1, D => 1, j => 1, I => 1, W => 1 } if ( $type eq "update" ); $opt = { l => 0, R => 0, k => 1, D => 1, D => 1, r => 2 } if ( $type eq "diff" ); $opt = { c => 0, R => 0, l => 0, f => 0, F => 1, m => 1, r => 1 } if ( $type eq "ci" ); $opt = { k => 1, m => 1 } if ( $type eq "add" ); $opt = { f => 0, l => 0, R => 0 } if ( $type eq "remove" ); $opt = { l => 0, b => 0, h => 0, R => 0, t => 0, N => 0, S => 0, r => 1, d => 1, s => 1, w => 1 } if ( $type eq "log" ); while ( scalar ( @{$state->{arguments}} ) > 0 ) { my $arg = shift @{$state->{arguments}}; next if ( $arg eq "--" ); next unless ( $arg =~ /\S/ ); # if the argument looks like a switch if ( $arg =~ /^-(\w)(.*)/ ) { # if it's a switch that takes an argument if ( $opt->{$1} ) { # If this switch has already been provided if ( $opt->{$1} > 1 and exists ( $state->{opt}{$1} ) ) { $state->{opt}{$1} = [ $state->{opt}{$1} ]; if ( length($2) > 0 ) { push @{$state->{opt}{$1}},$2; } else { push @{$state->{opt}{$1}}, shift @{$state->{arguments}}; } } else { # if there's extra data in the arg, use that as the argument for the switch if ( length($2) > 0 ) { $state->{opt}{$1} = $2; } else { $state->{opt}{$1} = shift @{$state->{arguments}}; } } } else { $state->{opt}{$1} = undef; } } else { push @{$state->{args}}, $arg; } } } else { my $mode = 0; foreach my $value ( @{$state->{arguments}} ) { if ( $value eq "--" ) { $mode++; next; } push @{$state->{args}}, $value if ( $mode == 0 ); push @{$state->{files}}, $value if ( $mode == 1 ); } } } # This method uses $state->{directory} to populate $state->{args} with a list of filenames sub argsfromdir { my $updater = shift; $state->{args} = [] if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) == 1 and $state->{args}[0] eq "." ); return if ( scalar ( @{$state->{args}} ) > 1 ); my @gethead = @{$updater->gethead}; # push added files foreach my $file (keys %{$state->{entries}}) { if ( exists $state->{entries}{$file}{revision} && $state->{entries}{$file}{revision} == 0 ) { push @gethead, { name => $file, filehash => 'added' }; } } if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) == 1 ) { my $arg = $state->{args}[0]; $arg .= $state->{prependdir} if ( defined ( $state->{prependdir} ) ); $log->info("Only one arg specified, checking for directory expansion on '$arg'"); foreach my $file ( @gethead ) { next if ( $file->{filehash} eq "deleted" and not defined ( $state->{entries}{$file->{name}} ) ); next unless ( $file->{name} =~ /^$arg\// or $file->{name} eq $arg ); push @{$state->{args}}, $file->{name}; } shift @{$state->{args}} if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) > 1 ); } else { $log->info("Only one arg specified, populating file list automatically"); $state->{args} = []; foreach my $file ( @gethead ) { next if ( $file->{filehash} eq "deleted" and not defined ( $state->{entries}{$file->{name}} ) ); next unless ( $file->{name} =~ s/^$state->{prependdir}// ); push @{$state->{args}}, $file->{name}; } } } # This method cleans up the $state variable after a command that uses arguments has run sub statecleanup { $state->{files} = []; $state->{args} = []; $state->{arguments} = []; $state->{entries} = {}; } sub revparse { my $filename = shift; return un