AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-12-08pack-bitmap-write: relax unique revwalk conditionLibravatar Derrick Stolee2-25/+22
The previous commits improved the bitmap computation process for very long, linear histories with many refs by removing quadratic growth in how many objects were walked. The strategy of computing "intermediate commits" using bitmasks for which refs can reach those commits partitioned the poset of reachable objects so each part could be walked exactly once. This was effective for linear histories. However, there was a (significant) drawback: wide histories with many refs had an explosion of memory costs to compute the commit bitmasks during the exploration that discovers these intermediate commits. Since these wide histories are unlikely to repeat walking objects, the benefit of walking objects multiple times was not expensive before. But now, the commit walk *before computing bitmaps* is incredibly expensive. In an effort to discover a happy medium, this change reduces the walk for intermediate commits to only the first-parent history. This focuses the walk on how the histories converge, which still has significant reduction in repeat object walks. It is still possible to create quadratic behavior in this version, but it is probably less likely in realistic data shapes. Here is some data taken on a fresh clone of the kernel: | runtime (sec) | peak heap (GB) | | | | | from | with | from | with | | scratch | existing | scratch | existing | -----------+---------+----------+---------+----------- original | 64.044 | 83.241 | 2.088 | 2.194 | last patch | 45.049 | 37.624 | 2.267 | 2.334 | this patch | 88.478 | 53.218 | 2.157 | 2.224 | Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <> Helped-by: Johannes Schindelin <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap-write: use existing bitmapsLibravatar Derrick Stolee1-4/+36
When constructing new bitmaps, we perform a commit and tree walk in fill_bitmap_commit() and fill_bitmap_tree(). This walk would benefit from using existing bitmaps when available. We must track the existing bitmaps and translate them into the new object order, but this is generally faster than parsing trees. In fill_bitmap_commit(), we must reorder thing somewhat. The priority queue walks commits from newest-to-oldest, which means we correctly stop walking when reaching a commit with a bitmap. However, if we walk trees interleaved with the commits, then we might be parsing trees that are actually part of a re-used bitmap. To avoid over-walking trees, add them to a LIFO queue and walk them after exploring commits completely. On git.git, this reduces a second immediate bitmap computation from 2.0s to 1.0s. On linux.git, we go from 32s to 22s. On chromium's fork network, we go from 227s to 198s. Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap: factor out 'add_commit_to_bitmap()'Libravatar Taylor Blau1-15/+21
'find_objects()' currently needs to interact with the bitmaps khash pretty closely. To make 'find_objects()' read a little more straightforwardly, remove some of the khash-level details into a new function that describes what it does: 'add_commit_to_bitmap()'. Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap: factor out 'bitmap_for_commit()'Libravatar Taylor Blau2-14/+21
A couple of callers within pack-bitmap.c duplicate logic to lookup a given object id in the bitamps khash. Factor this out into a new function, 'bitmap_for_commit()' to reduce some code duplication. Make this new function non-static, since it will be used in later commits from outside of pack-bitmap.c. Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap-write: ignore BITMAP_FLAG_REUSELibravatar Jeff King4-87/+16
The on-disk bitmap format has a flag to mark a bitmap to be "reused". This is a rather curious feature, and works like this: - a run of pack-objects would decide to mark the last 80% of the bitmaps it generates with the reuse flag - the next time we generate bitmaps, we'd see those reuse flags from the last run, and mark those commits as special: - we'd be more likely to select those commits to get bitmaps in the new output - when generating the bitmap for a selected commit, we'd reuse the old bitmap as-is (rearranging the bits to match the new pack, of course) However, neither of these behaviors particularly makes sense. Just because a commit happened to be bitmapped last time does not make it a good candidate for having a bitmap this time. In particular, we may choose bitmaps based on how recent they are in history, or whether a ref tip points to them, and those things will change. We're better off re-considering fresh which commits are good candidates. Reusing the existing bitmap _is_ a reasonable thing to do to save computation. But only reusing exact bitmaps is a weak form of this. If we have an old bitmap for A and now want a new bitmap for its child, we should be able to compute that only by looking at trees and that are new to the child. But this code would consider only exact reuse (which is perhaps why it was eager to select those commits in the first place). Furthermore, the recent switch to the reverse-edge algorithm for generating bitmaps dropped this optimization entirely (and yet still performs better). So let's do a few cleanups: - drop the whole "reusing bitmaps" phase of generating bitmaps. It's not helping anything, and is mostly unused code (or worse, code that is using CPU but not doing anything useful) - drop the use of the on-disk reuse flag to select commits to bitmap - stop setting the on-disk reuse flag in bitmaps we generate (since nothing respects it anymore) We will keep a few innards of the reuse code, which will help us implement a more capable version of the "reuse" optimization: - simplify rebuild_existing_bitmaps() into a function that only builds the mapping of bits between the old and new orders, but doesn't actually convert any bitmaps - make rebuild_bitmap() public; we'll call it lazily to convert bitmaps as we traverse (using the mapping created above) Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap-write: build fewer intermediate bitmapsLibravatar Derrick Stolee2-9/+148
The bitmap_writer_build() method calls bitmap_builder_init() to construct a list of commits reachable from the selected commits along with a "reverse graph". This reverse graph has edges pointing from a commit to other commits that can reach that commit. After computing a reachability bitmap for a commit, the values in that bitmap are then copied to the reachability bitmaps across the edges in the reverse graph. We can now relax the role of the reverse graph to greatly reduce the number of intermediate reachability bitmaps we compute during this reverse walk. The end result is that we walk objects the same number of times as before when constructing the reachability bitmaps, but we also spend much less time copying bits between bitmaps and have much lower memory pressure in the process. The core idea is to select a set of "important" commits based on interactions among the sets of commits reachable from each selected commit. The first technical concept is to create a new 'commit_mask' member in the bb_commit struct. Note that the selected commits are provided in an ordered array. The first thing to do is to mark the ith bit in the commit_mask for the ith selected commit. As we walk the commit-graph, we copy the bits in a commit's commit_mask to its parents. At the end of the walk, the ith bit in the commit_mask for a commit C stores a boolean representing "The ith selected commit can reach C." As we walk, we will discover non-selected commits that are important. We will get into this later, but those important commits must also receive bit positions, growing the width of the bitmasks as we walk. At the true end of the walk, the ith bit means "the ith _important_ commit can reach C." MAXIMAL COMMITS --------------- We use a new 'maximal' bit in the bb_commit struct to represent whether a commit is important or not. The term "maximal" comes from the partially-ordered set of commits in the commit-graph where C >= P if P is a parent of C, and then extending the relationship transitively. Instead of taking the maximal commits across the entire commit-graph, we instead focus on selecting each commit that is maximal among commits with the same bits on in their commit_mask. This definition is important, so let's consider an example. Suppose we have three selected commits A, B, and C. These are assigned bitmasks 100, 010, and 001 to start. Each of these can be marked as maximal immediately because they each will be the uniquely maximal commit that contains their own bit. Keep in mind that that these commits may have different bitmasks after the walk; for example, if B can reach C but A cannot, then the final bitmask for C is 011. Even in these cases, C would still be a maximal commit among all commits with the third bit on in their masks. Now define sets X, Y, and Z to be the sets of commits reachable from A, B, and C, respectively. The intersections of these sets correspond to different bitmasks: * 100: X - (Y union Z) * 010: Y - (X union Z) * 001: Z - (X union Y) * 110: (X intersect Y) - Z * 101: (X intersect Z) - Y * 011: (Y intersect Z) - X * 111: X intersect Y intersect Z This can be visualized with the following Hasse diagram: 100 010 001 | \ / \ / | | \/ \/ | | /\ /\ | | / \ / \ | 110 101 011 \___ | ___/ \ | / 111 Some of these bitmasks may not be represented, depending on the topology of the commit-graph. In fact, we are counting on it, since the number of possible bitmasks is exponential in the number of selected commits, but is also limited by the total number of commits. In practice, very few bitmasks are possible because most commits converge on a common "trunk" in the commit history. With this three-bit example, we wish to find commits that are maximal for each bitmask. How can we identify this as we are walking? As we walk, we visit a commit C. Since we are walking the commits in topo-order, we know that C is visited after all of its children are visited. Thus, when we get C from the revision walk we inspect the 'maximal' property of its bb_data and use that to determine if C is truly important. Its commit_mask is also nearly final. If C is not one of the originally-selected commits, then assign a bit position to C (by incrementing num_maximal) and set that bit on in commit_mask. See "MULTIPLE MAXIMAL COMMITS" below for more detail on this. Now that the commit C is known to be maximal or not, consider each parent P of C. Compute two new values: * c_not_p : true if and only if the commit_mask for C contains a bit that is not contained in the commit_mask for P. * p_not_c : true if and only if the commit_mask for P contains a bit that is not contained in the commit_mask for P. If c_not_p is false, then P already has all of the bits that C would provide to its commit_mask. In this case, move on to other parents as C has nothing to contribute to P's state that was not already provided by other children of P. We continue with the case that c_not_p is true. This means there are bits in C's commit_mask to copy to P's commit_mask, so use bitmap_or() to add those bits. If p_not_c is also true, then set the maximal bit for P to one. This means that if no other commit has P as a parent, then P is definitely maximal. This is because no child had the same bitmask. It is important to think about the maximal bit for P at this point as a temporary state: "P is maximal based on current information." In contrast, if p_not_c is false, then set the maximal bit for P to zero. Further, clear all reverse_edges for P since any edges that were previously assigned to P are no longer important. P will gain all reverse edges based on C. The final thing we need to do is to update the reverse edges for P. These reverse edges respresent "which closest maximal commits contributed bits to my commit_mask?" Since C contributed bits to P's commit_mask in this case, C must add to the reverse edges of P. If C is maximal, then C is a 'closest' maximal commit that contributed bits to P. Add C to P's reverse_edges list. Otherwise, C has a list of maximal commits that contributed bits to its bitmask (and this list is exactly one element). Add all of these items to P's reverse_edges list. Be careful to ignore duplicates here. After inspecting all parents P for a commit C, we can clear the commit_mask for C. This reduces the memory load to be limited to the "width" of the commit graph. Consider our ABC/XYZ example from earlier and let's inspect the state of the commits for an interesting bitmask, say 011. Suppose that D is the only maximal commit with this bitmask (in the first three bits). All other commits with bitmask 011 have D as the only entry in their reverse_edges list. D's reverse_edges list contains B and C. COMPUTING REACHABILITY BITMAPS ------------------------------ Now that we have our definition, let's zoom out and consider what happens with our new reverse graph when computing reachability bitmaps. We walk the reverse graph in reverse-topo-order, so we visit commits with largest commit_masks first. After we compute the reachability bitmap for a commit C, we push the bits in that bitmap to each commit D in the reverse edge list for C. Then, when we finally visit D we already have the bits for everything reachable from maximal commits that D can reach and we only need to walk the objects in the set-difference. In our ABC/XYZ example, when we finally walk for the commit A we only need to walk commits with bitmask equal to A's bitmask. If that bitmask is 100, then we are only walking commits in X - (Y union Z) because the bitmap already contains the bits for objects reachable from (X intersect Y) union (X intersect Z) (i.e. the bits from the reachability bitmaps for the maximal commits with bitmasks 110 and 101). The behavior is intended to walk each commit (and the trees that commit introduces) at most once while allocating and copying fewer reachability bitmaps. There is one caveat: what happens when there are multiple maximal commits with the same bitmask, with respect to the initial set of selected commits? MULTIPLE MAXIMAL COMMITS ------------------------ Earlier, we mentioned that when we discover a new maximal commit, we assign a new bit position to that commit and set that bit position to one for that commit. This is absolutely important for interesting commit-graphs such as git/git and torvalds/linux. The reason is due to the existence of "butterflies" in the commit-graph partial order. Here is an example of four commits forming a butterfly: I J |\ /| | \/ | | /\ | |/ \| M N \ / |/ Q Here, I and J both have parents M and N. In general, these do not need to be exact parent relationships, but reachability relationships. The most important part is that M and N cannot reach each other, so they are independent in the partial order. If I had commit_mask 10 and J had commit_mask 01, then M and N would both be assigned commit_mask 11 and be maximal commits with the bitmask 11. Then, what happens when M and N can both reach a commit Q? If Q is also assigned the bitmask 11, then it is not maximal but is reachable from both M and N. While this is not necessarily a deal-breaker for our abstract definition of finding maximal commits according to a given bitmask, we have a few issues that can come up in our larger picture of constructing reachability bitmaps. In particular, if we do not also consider Q to be a "maximal" commit, then we will walk commits reachable from Q twice: once when computing the reachability bitmap for M and another time when computing the reachability bitmap for N. This becomes much worse if the topology continues this pattern with multiple butterflies. The solution has already been mentioned: each of M and N are assigned their own bits to the bitmask and hence they become uniquely maximal for their bitmasks. Finally, Q also becomes maximal and thus we do not need to walk its commits multiple times. The final bitmasks for these commits are as follows: I:10 J:01 |\ /| | \ _____/ | | /\____ | |/ \ | M:111 N:1101 \ / Q:1111 Further, Q's reverse edge list is { M, N }, while M and N both have reverse edge list { I, J }. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS ------------------------ Now that we've spent a LOT of time on the theory of this algorithm, let's show that this is actually worth all that effort. To test the performance, use GIT_TRACE2_PERF=1 when running 'git repack -abd' in a repository with no existing reachability bitmaps. This avoids any issues with keeping existing bitmaps to skew the numbers. Inspect the "building_bitmaps_total" region in the trace2 output to focus on the portion of work that is affected by this change. Here are the performance comparisons for a few repositories. The timings are for the following versions of Git: "multi" is the timing from before any reverse graph is constructed, where we might perform multiple traversals. "reverse" is for the previous change where the reverse graph has every reachable commit. Finally "maximal" is the version introduced here where the reverse graph only contains the maximal commits. Repository: git/git multi: 2.628 sec reverse: 2.344 sec maximal: 2.047 sec Repository: torvalds/linux multi: 64.7 sec reverse: 205.3 sec maximal: 44.7 sec So in all cases we've not only recovered any time lost to switching to the reverse-edge algorithm, but we come out ahead of "multi" in all cases. Likewise, peak heap has gone back to something reasonable: Repository: torvalds/linux multi: 2.087 GB reverse: 3.141 GB maximal: 2.288 GB While I do not have access to full fork networks on GitHub, Peff has run this algorithm on the chromium/chromium fork network and reported a change from 3 hours to ~233 seconds. That network is particularly beneficial for this approach because it has a long, linear history along with many tags. The "multi" approach was obviously quadratic and the new approach is linear. Helped-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <> Helped-by: Johannes Schindelin <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap.c: check reads more aggressively when loadingLibravatar Taylor Blau1-1/+6
Before 'load_bitmap_entries_v1()' reads an actual EWAH bitmap, it should check that it can safely do so by ensuring that there are at least 6 bytes available to be read (four for the commit's index position, and then two more for the xor offset and flags, respectively). Likewise, it should check that the commit index it read refers to a legitimate object in the pack. The first fix catches a truncation bug that was exposed when testing, and the second is purely precautionary. There are some possible future improvements, not pursued here. They are: - Computing the correct boundary of the bitmap itself in the caller and ensuring that we don't read past it. This may or may not be worth it, since in a truncation situation, all bets are off: (is the trailer still there and the bitmap entries malformed, or is the trailer truncated?). The best we can do is try to read what's there as if it's correct data (and protect ourselves when it's obviously bogus). - Avoid the magic "6" by teaching read_be32() and read_u8() (both of which are custom helpers for this function) to check sizes before advancing the pointers. - Adding more tests in this area. Testing these truncation situations are remarkably fragile to even subtle changes in the bitmap generation. So, the resulting tests are likely to be quite brittle. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap-write: rename children to reverse_edgesLibravatar Derrick Stolee1-3/+3
The bitmap_builder_init() method walks the reachable commits in topological order and constructs a "reverse graph" along the way. At the moment, this reverse graph contains an edge from commit A to commit B if and only if A is a parent of B. Thus, the name "children" is appropriate for for this reverse graph. In the next change, we will repurpose the reverse graph to not be directly-adjacent commits in the commit-graph, but instead a more abstract relationship. The previous changes have already incorporated the necessary updates to fill_bitmap_commit() that allow these edges to not be immediate children. Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08t5310: add branch-based checksLibravatar Derrick Stolee1-27/+34
The current rev-list tests that check the bitmap data only work on HEAD instead of multiple branches. Expand the test cases to handle both 'master' and 'other' branches. Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <> Helped-by: Junio C Hamano <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08commit: implement commit_list_contains()Libravatar Derrick Stolee2-0/+13
It can be helpful to check if a commit_list contains a commit. Use pointer equality, assuming lookup_commit() was used. Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08bitmap: implement bitmap_is_subset()Libravatar Derrick Stolee2-1/+22
The bitmap_is_subset() function checks if the 'self' bitmap contains any bitmaps that are not on in the 'other' bitmap. Up until this patch, it had a declaration, but no implementation or callers. A subsequent patch will want this function, so implement it here. Helped-by: Junio C Hamano <> Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap-write: fill bitmap with commit historyLibravatar Derrick Stolee1-7/+23
The current implementation of bitmap_writer_build() creates a reachability bitmap for every walked commit. After computing a bitmap for a commit, those bits are pushed to an in-progress bitmap for its children. fill_bitmap_commit() assumes the bits corresponding to objects reachable from the parents of a commit are already set. This means that when visiting a new commit, we only have to walk the objects reachable between it and any of its parents. A future change to bitmap_writer_build() will relax this condition so not all parents have their bits set. Prepare for that by having 'fill_bitmap_commit()' walk parents until reaching commits whose bits are already set. Then, walk the trees for these commits as well. This has no functional change with the current implementation of bitmap_writer_build(). Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap-write: pass ownership of intermediate bitmapsLibravatar Jeff King1-2/+8
Our algorithm to generate reachability bitmaps walks through the commit graph from the bottom up, passing bitmap data from each commit to its descendants. For a linear stretch of history like: A -- B -- C our sequence of steps is: - compute the bitmap for A by walking its trees, etc - duplicate A's bitmap as a starting point for B; we can now free A's bitmap, since we only needed it as an intermediate result - OR in any extra objects that B can reach into its bitmap - duplicate B's bitmap as a starting point for C; likewise, free B's bitmap - OR in objects for C, and so on... Rather than duplicating bitmaps and immediately freeing the original, we can just pass ownership from commit to commit. Note that this doesn't always work: - the recipient may be a merge which already has an intermediate bitmap from its other ancestor. In that case we have to OR our result into it. Note that the first ancestor to reach the merge does get to pass ownership, though. - we may have multiple children; we can only pass ownership to one of them However, it happens often enough and copying bitmaps is expensive enough that this provides a noticeable speedup. On a clone of linux.git, this reduces the time to generate bitmaps from 205s to 70s. This is about the same amount of time it took to generate bitmaps using our old "many traversals" algorithm (the previous commit measures the identical scenario as taking 63s). It unfortunately provides only a very modest reduction in the peak memory usage, though. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap-write: reimplement bitmap writingLibravatar Jeff King1-123/+161
The bitmap generation code works by iterating over the set of commits for which we plan to write bitmaps, and then for each one performing a traditional traversal over the reachable commits and trees, filling in the bitmap. Between two traversals, we can often reuse the previous bitmap result as long as the first commit is an ancestor of the second. However, our worst case is that we may end up doing "n" complete complete traversals to the root in order to create "n" bitmaps. In a real-world case (the shared-storage repo consisting of all GitHub forks of chromium/chromium), we perform very poorly: generating bitmaps takes ~3 hours, whereas we can walk the whole object graph in ~3 minutes. This commit completely rewrites the algorithm, with the goal of accessing each object only once. It works roughly like this: - generate a list of commits in topo-order using a single traversal - invert the edges of the graph (so have parents point at their children) - make one pass in reverse topo-order, generating a bitmap for each commit and passing the result along to child nodes We generate correct results because each node we visit has already had all of its ancestors added to the bitmap. And we make only two linear passes over the commits. We also visit each tree usually only once. When filling in a bitmap, we don't bother to recurse into trees whose bit is already set in the bitmap (since we know we've already done so when setting their bit). That means that if commit A references tree T, none of its descendants will need to open T again. I say "usually", though, because it is possible for a given tree to be mentioned in unrelated parts of history (e.g., cherry-picking to a parallel branch). So we've accomplished our goal, and the resulting algorithm is pretty simple to understand. But there are some downsides, at least with this initial implementation: - we no longer reuse the results of any on-disk bitmaps when generating. So we'd expect to sometimes be slower than the original when bitmaps already exist. However, this is something we'll be able to add back in later. - we use much more memory. Instead of keeping one bitmap in memory at a time, we're passing them up through the graph. So our memory use should scale with the graph width (times the size of a bitmap). So how does it perform? For a clone of linux.git, generating bitmaps from scratch with the old algorithm took 63s. Using this algorithm it takes 205s. Which is much worse, but _might_ be acceptable if it behaved linearly as the size grew. It also increases peak heap usage by ~1G. That's not impossibly large, but not encouraging. On the complete fork-network of torvalds/linux, it increases the peak RAM usage by 40GB. Yikes. (I forgot to record the time it took, but the memory usage was too much to consider this reasonable anyway). On the complete fork-network of chromium/chromium, I ran out of memory before succeeding. Some back-of-the-envelope calculations indicate it would need 80+GB to complete. So at this stage, we've managed to make things much worse. But because of the way this new algorithm is structured, there are a lot of opportunities for optimization on top. We'll start implementing those in the follow-on patches. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08ewah: add bitmap_dup() functionLibravatar Jeff King2-0/+8
There's no easy way to make a copy of a bitmap. Obviously a caller can iterate over the bits and set them one by one in a new bitmap, but we can go much faster by copying whole words with memcpy(). Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08ewah: implement bitmap_or()Libravatar Jeff King1-0/+9
We have a function to bitwise-OR an ewah into an uncompressed bitmap, but not to OR two uncompressed bitmaps. Let's add it. Interestingly, we have a public header declaration going back to e1273106f6 (ewah: compressed bitmap implementation, 2013-11-14), but the function was never implemented. That was all OK since there were no users of 'bitmap_or()', but a first caller will be added in a couple of patches. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08ewah: make bitmap growth less aggressiveLibravatar Jeff King1-7/+4
If you ask to set a bit in the Nth word and we haven't yet allocated that many slots in our array, we'll increase the bitmap size to 2*N. This means we might frequently end up with bitmaps that are twice the necessary size (as soon as you ask for the biggest bit, we'll size up to twice that). But if we just allocate as many words as were asked for, we may not grow fast enough. The worst case there is setting bit 0, then 1, etc. Each time we grow we'd just extend by one more word, giving us linear reallocations (and quadratic memory copies). A middle ground is relying on alloc_nr(), which causes us to grow by a factor of roughly 3/2 instead of 2. That's less aggressive than doubling, and it may help avoid fragmenting memory. (If we start with N, then grow twice, our total is N*(3/2)^2 = 9N/4. After growing twice, that array of size 9N/4 can fit into the space vacated by the original array and first growth, N+3N/2 = 10N/4 > 9N/4, leading to less fragmentation in memory). Our worst case is still 3/2N wasted bits (you set bit N-1, then setting bit N causes us to grow by 3/2), but our average should be much better. This isn't usually that big a deal, but it will matter as we shift the reachability bitmap generation code to store more bitmaps in memory. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08ewah: factor out bitmap growthLibravatar Jeff King1-5/+9
We auto-grow bitmaps when somebody asks to set a bit whose position is outside of our currently allocated range. Other operations besides single bit-setting might need to do this, too, so let's pull it into its own function. Note that we change the semantics a little: you now ask for the number of words you'd like to have, not the id of the block you'd like to write to. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08rev-list: die when --test-bitmap detects a mismatchLibravatar Jeff King1-1/+1
You can use "git rev-list --test-bitmap HEAD" to check that bitmaps produce the same answer we'd get from a regular traversal. But if we detect an error, we only print "mismatch", and still exit with a successful error code. That makes the uses of --test-bitmap in the test suite (e.g., in t5310) mostly pointless: even if we saw an error, the tests wouldn't notice. Let's instead call die(), which will let these tests work as designed, and alert us if the bitmaps are bogus. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08t5310: drop size of truncated ewah bitmapLibravatar Jeff King1-7/+8
We truncate the .bitmap file to 512 bytes and expect to run into problems reading an individual ewah file. But this length is somewhat arbitrary, and just happened to work when the test was added in 9d2e330b17 (ewah_read_mmap: bounds-check mmap reads, 2018-06-14). An upcoming commit will change the size of the history we create in the test repo, which will cause this test to fail. We can future-proof it a bit more by reducing the size of the truncated bitmap file. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Helped-by: Junio C Hamano <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap: bounds-check size of cache extensionLibravatar Jeff King2-4/+21
A .bitmap file may have a "name hash cache" extension, which puts a sequence of uint32_t values (one per object) at the end of the file. When we see a flag indicating this extension, we blindly subtract the appropriate number of bytes from our available length. However, if the .bitmap file is too short, we'll underflow our length variable and wrap around, thinking we have a very large length. This can lead to reading out-of-bounds bytes while loading individual ewah bitmaps. We can fix this by checking the number of available bytes when we parse the header. The existing "truncated bitmap" test is now split into two tests: one where we don't have this extension at all (and hence actually do try to read a truncated ewah bitmap) and one where we realize up-front that we can't even fit in the cache structure. We'll check stderr in each case to make sure we hit the error we're expecting. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08pack-bitmap: fix header size checkLibravatar Jeff King1-3/+4
When we parse a .bitmap header, we first check that we have enough bytes to make a valid header. We do that based on sizeof(struct bitmap_disk_header). However, as of 0f4d6cada8 (pack-bitmap: make bitmap header handling hash agnostic, 2019-02-19), that struct oversizes its checksum member to GIT_MAX_RAWSZ. That means we need to adjust for the difference between that constant and the size of the actual hash we're using. That commit adjusted the code which moves our pointer forward, but forgot to update the size check. This meant we were overly strict about the header size (requiring room for a 32-byte worst-case hash, when sha1 is only 20 bytes). But in practice it didn't matter because bitmap files tend to have at least 12 bytes of actual data anyway, so it was unlikely for a valid file to be caught by this. Let's fix it by pulling the header size into a separate variable and using it in both spots. That fixes the bug and simplifies the code to make it harder to have a mismatch like this in the future. It will also come in handy in the next patch for more bounds checking. Signed-off-by: Jeff King <> Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-12-08ewah/ewah_bitmap.c: avoid open-coding ALLOC_GROW()Libravatar Taylor Blau1-11/+4
'ewah/ewah_bitmap.c:buffer_grow()' is responsible for growing the buffer used to store the bits of an EWAH bitmap. It is essentially doing the same task as the 'ALLOC_GROW()' macro, so use that instead. This simplifies the callers of 'buffer_grow()', who no longer have to ask for a specific size, but rather specify how much of the buffer they need. They also no longer need to guard 'buffer_grow()' behind an if statement, since 'ALLOC_GROW()' (and, by extension, 'buffer_grow()') is a noop if the buffer is already large enough. But, the most significant change is that this fixes a bug when calling buffer_grow() with both 'alloc_size' and 'new_size' set to 1. In this case, truncating integer math will leave the new size set to 1, causing the buffer to never grow. Instead, let alloc_nr() handle this, which asks for '(new_size + 16) * 3 / 2' instead of 'new_size * 3 / 2'. Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-11-11Fifth batchLibravatar Junio C Hamano1-0/+22
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-11-11Merge branch 'jc/sequencer-stopped-sha-simplify'Libravatar Junio C Hamano1-1/+1
Recently the format of an internal state file "rebase -i" uses has been tightened up for consistency, which would hurt those who start "rebase -i" with old git and then continue with new git. Loosen the reader side a bit (which we may want to tighten again in a year or so). * jc/sequencer-stopped-sha-simplify: sequencer: tolerate abbreviated stopped-sha file
2020-11-11Merge branch 'js/test-file-size'Libravatar Junio C Hamano5-42/+24
Test clean-up. * js/test-file-size: tests: consolidate the `file_size` function into ``
2020-11-11Merge branch 'js/ci-github-set-env'Libravatar Junio C Hamano1-1/+1
CI update. * js/ci-github-set-env: ci: avoid using the deprecated `set-env` construct
2020-11-11Merge branch 'js/p4-default-branch'Libravatar Junio C Hamano1-1/+1
"git p4" now honors init.defaultBranch configuration. * js/p4-default-branch: p4: respect init.defaultBranch
2020-11-11Merge branch 'js/test-whitespace-fixes'Libravatar Junio C Hamano7-112/+113
Test code clean-up. * js/test-whitespace-fixes: t9603: use tabs for indentation t5570: remove trailing padding t5400,t5402: consistently indent with tabs, not with spaces t3427: adjust stale comment t3406: indent with tabs, not spaces t1004: insert missing "branch" in a message
2020-11-11Merge branch 'mc/typofix'Libravatar Junio C Hamano4-4/+4
Docfix. * mc/typofix: doc: fixing two trivial typos in Documentation/
2020-11-11Merge branch 'jc/abbrev-doc'Libravatar Junio C Hamano6-11/+18
The documentation on the "--abbrev=<n>" option did not say the output may be longer than "<n>" hexdigits, which has been clarified. * jc/abbrev-doc: doc: clarify that --abbrev=<n> is about the minimum length
2020-11-11Merge branch 'cw/ci-ghwf-check-ws-errors'Libravatar Junio C Hamano1-2/+4
Dev support update. * cw/ci-ghwf-check-ws-errors: ci: make the whitespace checker more robust
2020-11-11Merge branch 'rs/worktree-list-show-locked'Libravatar Junio C Hamano1-1/+1
Typofix. * rs/worktree-list-show-locked: t2402: fix typo
2020-11-11Merge branch 'rs/pack-write-hashwrite-simplify'Libravatar Junio C Hamano1-3/+1
Code clean-up. * rs/pack-write-hashwrite-simplify: pack-write: use hashwrite_be32() instead of double-buffering array
2020-11-11Merge branch 'sd/prompt-local-variable'Libravatar Junio C Hamano1-0/+1
Code clean-up. * sd/prompt-local-variable: localize `option` in __git_ps1_show_upstream
2020-11-11Merge branch 'rs/clear-commit-marks-in-repo'Libravatar Junio C Hamano5-8/+9
Code clean-up. * rs/clear-commit-marks-in-repo: bisect: clear flags in passed repository object: allow clear_commit_marks_all to handle any repo
2020-11-11Merge branch 'so/format-patch-doc-on-default-diff-format'Libravatar Junio C Hamano1-3/+6
Docfix. * so/format-patch-doc-on-default-diff-format: doc/diff-options: fix out of place mentions of '--patch/-p'
2020-11-09Fourth batchLibravatar Junio C Hamano1-0/+34
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2020-11-09Merge branch 'js/default-branch-name-adjust-t5411'Libravatar Junio C Hamano32-723/+726
Prepare a test script to transition of the default branch name to 'main'. * js/default-branch-name-adjust-t5411: t5411: finish preparing for `main` being the default branch name t5411: adjust the remaining support files for init.defaultBranch=main t5411: start adjusting the support files for init.defaultBranch=main t5411: start using the default branch name "main"
2020-11-09Merge branch 'fc/zsh-completion'Libravatar Junio C Hamano4-156/+112
Zsh autocompletion (in contrib/) update. * fc/zsh-completion: (29 commits) zsh: update copyright notices completion: bash: remove old compat wrappers completion: bash: cleanup cygwin check completion: bash: trivial cleanup completion: zsh: add simple version check completion: zsh: trivial simplification completion: zsh: add alias descriptions completion: zsh: improve command tags completion: zsh: refactor command completion completion: zsh: shuffle functions around completion: zsh: simplify file_direct completion: zsh: simplify nl_append completion: zsh: trivial cleanup completion: zsh: simplify direct compadd completion: zsh: simplify compadd functions completion: zsh: fix splitting of words completion: zsh: add missing direct_append completion: fix conflict with bashcomp completion: zsh: fix completion for --no-.. options completion: bash: remove zsh wrapper ...
2020-11-09Merge branch 'jk/sideband-more-error-checking'Libravatar Junio C Hamano4-14/+47
The code to detect premature EOF in the sideband demultiplexer has been cleaned up. * jk/sideband-more-error-checking: sideband: diagnose more sideband anomalies
2020-11-09Merge branch 'jk/committer-date-is-author-date-fix-simplify'Libravatar Junio C Hamano3-44/+5
Code simplification. * jk/committer-date-is-author-date-fix-simplify: am, sequencer: stop parsing our own committer ident
2020-11-09Merge branch 'ab/git-remote-exit-code'Libravatar Junio C Hamano3-22/+47
Exit codes from "git remote add" etc. were not usable by scripted callers. * ab/git-remote-exit-code: remote: add meaningful exit code on missing/existing
2020-11-09Merge branch 'pb/ref-filter-with-crlf'Libravatar Junio C Hamano2-14/+148
A commit and tag object may have CR at the end of each and every line (you can create such an object with hash-object or using --cleanup=verbatim to decline the default clean-up action), but it would make it impossible to have a blank line to separate the title from the body of the message. Be lenient and accept a line with lone CR on it as a blank line, too. * pb/ref-filter-with-crlf: log, show: add tests for messages containing CRLF ref-filter: handle CRLF at end-of-line more gracefully
2020-11-09Merge branch 'jk/checkout-index-errors'Libravatar Junio C Hamano3-3/+34
"git checkout-index" did not consistently signal an error with its exit status. * jk/checkout-index-errors: checkout-index: propagate errors to exit code checkout-index: drop error message from empty --stage=all
2020-11-09Merge branch 'jk/perl-warning'Libravatar Junio C Hamano22-19/+30
Dev support. * jk/perl-warning: perl: check for perl warnings while running tests
2020-11-09Merge branch 'nk/diff-files-vs-fsmonitor'Libravatar Junio C Hamano6-50/+81
"git diff" and other commands that share the same machinery to compare with working tree files have been taught to take advantage of the fsmonitor data when available. * nk/diff-files-vs-fsmonitor: p7519-fsmonitor: add a git add benchmark p7519-fsmonitor: refactor to avoid code duplication perf lint: add make test-lint to perf tests t/perf: add fsmonitor perf test for git diff t/perf/ warm cache on first git status t/perf/README: elaborate on output format fsmonitor: use fsmonitor data in `git diff`
2020-11-09Merge branch 'as/tests-cleanup'Libravatar Junio C Hamano2-2/+4
Micro clean-up of a couple of test scripts. * as/tests-cleanup: t2200,t9832: avoid using 'git' upstream in a pipe
2020-11-09Merge branch 'en/dir-rename-tests'Libravatar Junio C Hamano2-54/+553
More preliminary tests have been added to document desired outcome of various "directory rename" situations. * en/dir-rename-tests: t6423: more involved rules for renaming directories into each other t6423: update directory rename detection tests with new rule t6423: more involved directory rename test directory-rename-detection.txt: update references to regression tests
2020-11-09Merge branch 'mr/bisect-in-c-3'Libravatar Junio C Hamano2-151/+117
Rewriting "git bisect" in C continues. * mr/bisect-in-c-3: bisect--helper: retire `--bisect-autostart` subcommand bisect--helper: retire `--write-terms` subcommand bisect--helper: retire `--check-expected-revs` subcommand bisect--helper: reimplement `bisect_state` & `bisect_head` shell functions in C bisect--helper: retire `--next-all` subcommand bisect--helper: retire `--bisect-clean-state` subcommand bisect--helper: finish porting `bisect_start()` to C