path: root/t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't')
-rw-r--r--t/lib-gpg/pubring.gpgbin2359 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--t/lib-gpg/random_seedbin600 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--t/lib-gpg/secring.gpgbin3734 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--t/lib-gpg/trustdb.gpgbin1360 -> 0 bytes
86 files changed, 3912 insertions, 1507 deletions
diff --git a/t/README b/t/README
index 9952261299..d5bb0c9aa1 100644
--- a/t/README
+++ b/t/README
@@ -418,7 +418,8 @@ Don't:
dies in an unexpected way (e.g. segfault).
On the other hand, don't use test_must_fail for running regular
- platform commands; just use '! cmd'.
+ platform commands; just use '! cmd'. We are not in the business
+ of verifying that the world given to us sanely works.
- use perl without spelling it as "$PERL_PATH". This is to help our
friends on Windows where the platform Perl often adds CR before
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 75a35fcd06..c211dc40ee 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-sanitize_diff_raw='/^:/s/ '"$_x40"' '"$_x40"' \([A-Z]\)[0-9]* / X X \1# /'
+sanitize_diff_raw='/^:/s/ '"\($_x40\)"' '"\($_x40\)"' \([A-Z]\)[0-9]* / \1 \2 \3# /'
compare_diff_raw () {
# When heuristics are improved, the score numbers would change.
# Ignore them while comparing.
diff --git a/t/diff-lib/COPYING b/t/diff-lib/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ff87c4664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/diff-lib/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ Note that the only valid version of the GPL as far as this project
+ is concerned is _this_ particular version of the license (ie v2, not
+ v2.2 or v3.x or whatever), unless explicitly otherwise stated.
+ HOWEVER, in order to allow a migration to GPLv3 if that seems like
+ a good idea, I also ask that people involved with the project make
+ their preferences known. In particular, if you trust me to make that
+ decision, you might note so in your copyright message, ie something
+ like
+ This file is licensed under the GPL v2, or a later version
+ at the discretion of Linus.
+ might avoid issues. But we can also just decide to synchronize and
+ contact all copyright holders on record if/when the occasion arises.
+ Linus Torvalds
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/t/diff-lib/README b/t/diff-lib/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..548142c327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/diff-lib/README
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ GIT - the stupid content tracker
+"git" can mean anything, depending on your mood.
+ - random three-letter combination that is pronounceable, and not
+ actually used by any common UNIX command. The fact that it is a
+ mispronunciation of "get" may or may not be relevant.
+ - stupid. contemptible and despicable. simple. Take your pick from the
+ dictionary of slang.
+ - "global information tracker": you're in a good mood, and it actually
+ works for you. Angels sing, and a light suddenly fills the room.
+ - "goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t": when it breaks
+Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
+unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations
+and full access to internals.
+Git is an Open Source project covered by the GNU General Public License.
+It was originally written by Linus Torvalds with help of a group of
+hackers around the net. It is currently maintained by Junio C Hamano.
+Please read the file INSTALL for installation instructions.
+See Documentation/tutorial.txt to get started, then see
+Documentation/everyday.txt for a useful minimum set of commands,
+and "man git-commandname" for documentation of each command.
+CVS users may also want to read Documentation/cvs-migration.txt.
+Many Git online resources are accessible from
+including full documentation and Git related tools.
+The user discussion and development of Git take place on the Git
+mailing list -- everyone is welcome to post bug reports, feature
+requests, comments and patches to To subscribe
+to the list, send an email with just "subscribe git" in the body to The mailing list archives are available at
+ and other archival sites.
+The messages titled "A note from the maintainer", "What's in
+git.git (stable)" and "What's cooking in git.git (topics)" and
+the discussion following them on the mailing list give a good
+reference for project status, development direction and
+remaining tasks.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index cd2baef383..db2ef22e8f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -12,20 +12,43 @@ else
say "Your version of gpg (1.0.6) is too buggy for testing"
- # key generation info: gpg --homedir t/lib-gpg --gen-key
- # Type DSA and Elgamal, size 2048 bits, no expiration date.
- # Name and email: C O Mitter <>
+ # Available key info:
+ # * Type DSA and Elgamal, size 2048 bits, no expiration date,
+ # name and email: C O Mitter <>
+ # * Type RSA, size 2048 bits, no expiration date,
+ # name and email: Eris Discordia <>
# No password given, to enable non-interactive operation.
- cp -R "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/lib-gpg ./gpghome
- chmod 0700 gpghome
- chmod 0600 gpghome/*
- GNUPGHOME="$(pwd)/gpghome"
- export GNUPGHOME
+ # To generate new key:
+ # gpg --homedir /tmp/gpghome --gen-key
+ # To write armored exported key to keyring:
+ # gpg --homedir /tmp/gpghome --export-secret-keys \
+ # --armor 0xDEADBEEF >> lib-gpg/keyring.gpg
+ # gpg --homedir /tmp/gpghome --export \
+ # --armor 0xDEADBEEF >> lib-gpg/keyring.gpg
+ # To export ownertrust:
+ # gpg --homedir /tmp/gpghome --export-ownertrust \
+ # > lib-gpg/ownertrust
+ mkdir ./gpghome &&
+ chmod 0700 ./gpghome &&
+ GNUPGHOME="$(pwd)/gpghome" &&
+ export GNUPGHOME &&
+ gpg --homedir "${GNUPGHOME}" 2>/dev/null --import \
+ "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/lib-gpg/keyring.gpg &&
+ gpg --homedir "${GNUPGHOME}" 2>/dev/null --import-ownertrust \
+ "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/lib-gpg/ownertrust &&
+ gpg --homedir "${GNUPGHOME}" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 \
+ --sign -u &&
test_set_prereq GPG
+if test_have_prereq GPG &&
+ echo | gpg --homedir "${GNUPGHOME}" -b --rfc1991 >/dev/null 2>&1
+ test_set_prereq RFC1991
sanitize_pgp() {
perl -ne '
/^-----END PGP/ and $in_pgp = 0;
diff --git a/t/lib-gpg/keyring.gpg b/t/lib-gpg/keyring.gpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4754a1f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib-gpg/keyring.gpg
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+Version: GnuPG v1
+Version: GnuPG v1
+Version: GnuPG v1
diff --git a/t/lib-gpg/ownertrust b/t/lib-gpg/ownertrust
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3e3c4f1cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib-gpg/ownertrust
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# List of assigned trustvalues, created Thu 11 Dec 2014 01:26:28 PM CET
+# (Use "gpg --import-ownertrust" to restore them)
diff --git a/t/lib-gpg/pubring.gpg b/t/lib-gpg/pubring.gpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a3c2d487c..0000000000
--- a/t/lib-gpg/pubring.gpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/t/lib-gpg/random_seed b/t/lib-gpg/random_seed
deleted file mode 100644
index 95d249f15f..0000000000
--- a/t/lib-gpg/random_seed
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/t/lib-gpg/secring.gpg b/t/lib-gpg/secring.gpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 82dca8f80b..0000000000
--- a/t/lib-gpg/secring.gpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/t/lib-gpg/trustdb.gpg b/t/lib-gpg/trustdb.gpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 4879ae9a84..0000000000
--- a/t/lib-gpg/trustdb.gpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fd53b57187..e6adf2f82d 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ then
-if ! test_have_prereq SANITY; then
+if ! test_have_prereq NOT_ROOT; then
test_skip_or_die $GIT_TEST_HTTPD \
"Cannot run httpd tests as root"
# hack to suppress apache PassEnv warnings
if ! test -x "$LIB_HTTPD_PATH"
diff --git a/t/lib-httpd/apache.conf b/t/lib-httpd/apache.conf
index 7713dd2609..0b81a0047b 100644
--- a/t/lib-httpd/apache.conf
+++ b/t/lib-httpd/apache.conf
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ LockFile accept.lock
Alias /dumb/ www/
Alias /auth/dumb/ www/auth/dumb/
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2a4a6c1226..452320df83 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -55,16 +55,41 @@ create_gitattributes () {
+check_warning () {
+ case "$1" in
+ LF_CRLF) grep "LF will be replaced by CRLF" $2;;
+ CRLF_LF) grep "CRLF will be replaced by LF" $2;;
+ '')
+ >expect
+ grep "will be replaced by" $2 >actual
+ test_cmp expect actual
+ ;;
+ *) false ;;
+ esac
create_file_in_repo () {
+ lfname=$3
+ crlfname=$4
+ lfmixcrlf=$5
+ lfmixcr=$6
+ crlfnul=$7
create_gitattributes "$attr" &&
+ pfx=crlf_${crlf}_attr_${attr}
for f in LF CRLF LF_mix_CR CRLF_mix_LF CRLF_nul
- pfx=crlf_${crlf}_attr_${attr}_$f.txt &&
- cp $f $pfx && git -c core.autocrlf=$crlf add $pfx
+ fname=${pfx}_$f.txt &&
+ cp $f $fname &&
+ git -c core.autocrlf=$crlf add $fname 2>"${pfx}_$f.err"
done &&
- git commit -m "core.autocrlf $crlf"
+ git commit -m "core.autocrlf $crlf" &&
+ check_warning "$lfname" ${pfx}_LF.err &&
+ check_warning "$crlfname" ${pfx}_CRLF.err &&
+ check_warning "$lfmixcrlf" ${pfx}_CRLF_mix_LF.err &&
+ check_warning "$lfmixcr" ${pfx}_LF_mix_CR.err &&
+ check_warning "$crlfnul" ${pfx}_CRLF_nul.err
check_files_in_repo () {
@@ -140,22 +165,47 @@ test_expect_success 'setup master' '
-test_expect_success 'create files' '
- create_file_in_repo false "" &&
- create_file_in_repo true "" &&
- create_file_in_repo input "" &&
- create_file_in_repo false "auto" &&
- create_file_in_repo true "auto" &&
- create_file_in_repo input "auto" &&
+warn_LF_CRLF="LF will be replaced by CRLF"
+warn_CRLF_LF="CRLF will be replaced by LF"
+test_expect_success 'add files empty attr' '
+ create_file_in_repo false "" "" "" "" "" "" &&
+ create_file_in_repo true "" "LF_CRLF" "" "LF_CRLF" "" "" &&
+ create_file_in_repo input "" "" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "" ""
+test_expect_success 'add files attr=auto' '
+ create_file_in_repo false "auto" "" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "" "" &&
+ create_file_in_repo true "auto" "LF_CRLF" "" "LF_CRLF" "" "" &&
+ create_file_in_repo input "auto" "" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "" ""
+test_expect_success 'add files attr=text' '
+ create_file_in_repo false "text" "" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "" "CRLF_LF" &&
+ create_file_in_repo true "text" "LF_CRLF" "" "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "" &&
+ create_file_in_repo input "text" "" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "" "CRLF_LF"
+test_expect_success 'add files attr=-text' '
+ create_file_in_repo false "-text" "" "" "" "" "" &&
+ create_file_in_repo true "-text" "" "" "" "" "" &&
+ create_file_in_repo input "-text" "" "" "" "" ""
+test_expect_success 'add files attr=lf' '
+ create_file_in_repo false "lf" "" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "" "CRLF_LF" &&
+ create_file_in_repo true "lf" "" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "" "CRLF_LF" &&
+ create_file_in_repo input "lf" "" "CRLF_LF" "CRLF_LF" "" "CRLF_LF"
- create_file_in_repo false "text" &&
- create_file_in_repo true "text" &&
- create_file_in_repo input "text" &&
+test_expect_success 'add files attr=crlf' '
+ create_file_in_repo false "crlf" "LF_CRLF" "" "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "" &&
+ create_file_in_repo true "crlf" "LF_CRLF" "" "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" "" &&
+ create_file_in_repo input "crlf" "LF_CRLF" "" "LF_CRLF" "LF_CRLF" ""
- create_file_in_repo false "-text" &&
- create_file_in_repo true "-text" &&
- create_file_in_repo input "-text" &&
+test_expect_success 'create files cleanup' '
rm -f *.txt &&
git reset --hard
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0333dd9875..29e91d861c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -432,4 +432,10 @@ test_expect_success '-c with changed comment char' '
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'avoid SP-HT sequence in commented line' '
+ printf "#\tone\n#\n# two\n" >expect &&
+ printf "\tone\n\ntwo\n" | git stripspace -c >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6b3cedcf24..988c3925d5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ test_expect_success "setup case tests" '
git checkout -f master
-$test_case 'rename (case change)' '
+test_expect_success 'rename (case change)' '
git mv camelcase CamelCase &&
git commit -m "rename"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 99c037703a..2630e756da 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -14,6 +14,16 @@ test_expect_success '"git -C <path>" runs git from the directory <path>' '
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success '"git -C <path>" with an empty <path> is a no-op' '
+ (
+ mkdir -p dir1/subdir &&
+ cd dir1/subdir &&
+ git -C "" rev-parse --show-prefix >actual &&
+ echo subdir/ >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+ )
test_expect_success 'Multiple -C options: "-C dir1 -C dir2" is equivalent to "-C dir1/dir2"' '
test_create_repo dir1/dir2 &&
echo 1 >dir1/dir2/b.txt &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 17e969df60..9acf628726 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'run_command reports EACCES' '
grep "fatal: cannot exec.*" err
-test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'unreadable directory in PATH' '
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM,SANITY 'unreadable directory in PATH' '
mkdir local-command &&
test_when_finished "chmod u+rwx local-command && rm -fr local-command" &&
git config alias.nitfol "!echo frotz" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 067f4c6e52..601d02d71f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ generate_expected_cache_tree_rec () {
# ls-files might have foo/bar, foo/bar/baz, and foo/bar/quux
# We want to count only foo because it's the only direct child
subtrees=$(git ls-files|grep /|cut -d / -f 1|uniq) &&
- subtree_count=$(echo "$subtrees"|awk -v c=0 '$1 {++c} END {print c}') &&
+ subtree_count=$(echo "$subtrees"|awk -v c=0 '$1 != "" {++c} END {print c}') &&
entries=$(git ls-files|wc -l) &&
printf "SHA $dir (%d entries, %d subtrees)\n" "$entries" "$subtree_count" &&
for subtree in $subtrees
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 57ea5a10c5..d7ef44b4a2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -289,4 +289,13 @@ test_expect_success 'http paths can be part of context' '
+test_expect_success 'helpers can abort the process' '
+ test_must_fail git \
+ -c credential.helper="!f() { echo quit=1; }; f" \
+ -c credential.helper="verbatim foo bar" \
+ credential fill >stdout &&
+ >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect stdout
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f5a9119290..f9f3d1391f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ test_expect_success setup '
# clone does not allow us to pass core.bigfilethreshold to
# new repos, so set core.bigfilethreshold globally
git config --global core.bigfilethreshold 200k &&
- echo X | dd of=large1 bs=1k seek=2000 &&
- echo X | dd of=large2 bs=1k seek=2000 &&
- echo X | dd of=large3 bs=1k seek=2000 &&
- echo Y | dd of=huge bs=1k seek=2500 &&
+ printf "%2000000s" X >large1 &&
+ cp large1 large2 &&
+ cp large1 large3 &&
+ printf "%2500000s" Y >huge &&
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout a large file' '
large1=$(git rev-parse :large1) &&
git update-index --add --cacheinfo 100644 $large1 another &&
git checkout another &&
- cmp large1 another ;# this must not be test_cmp
+ test_cmp large1 another
test_expect_success 'packsize limit' '
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pack-objects with large loose object' '
test_create_repo packed &&
mv pack-* packed/.git/objects/pack &&
GIT_DIR=packed/.git git cat-file blob $SHA1 >actual &&
- cmp huge actual
+ test_cmp huge actual
test_expect_success 'tar achiving' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index de42d21c92..7eecfb836a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -111,7 +111,18 @@ do
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'info/refs respects umask in unshared repo' '
+ rm -f .git/info/refs &&
+ test_unconfig core.sharedrepository &&
+ umask 002 &&
+ git update-server-info &&
+ echo "-rw-rw-r--" >expect &&
+ modebits .git/info/refs >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'git reflog expire honors core.sharedRepository' '
+ umask 077 &&
git config core.sharedRepository group &&
git reflog expire --all &&
actual="$(ls -l .git/logs/refs/heads/master)" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fdc257e66f..3c6791e6be 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -67,4 +67,13 @@ test_expect_success 'parse errors in blobs are properly attributed' '
grep "HEAD:config" err
+test_expect_success 'can parse blob ending with CR' '
+ printf "[some]key = value\\r" >config &&
+ git add config &&
+ git commit -m CR &&
+ echo value >expect &&
+ git config --blob=HEAD:config some.key >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7b4707b776..6805b9e6bb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -619,6 +619,52 @@ test_expect_success 'stdin update/create/verify combination works' '
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify -q $c
+test_expect_success 'stdin verify succeeds for correct value' '
+ git rev-parse $m >expect &&
+ echo "verify $m $m" >stdin &&
+ git update-ref --stdin <stdin &&
+ git rev-parse $m >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'stdin verify succeeds for missing reference' '
+ echo "verify refs/heads/missing $Z" >stdin &&
+ git update-ref --stdin <stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify -q refs/heads/missing
+test_expect_success 'stdin verify treats no value as missing' '
+ echo "verify refs/heads/missing" >stdin &&
+ git update-ref --stdin <stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify -q refs/heads/missing
+test_expect_success 'stdin verify fails for wrong value' '
+ git rev-parse $m >expect &&
+ echo "verify $m $m~1" >stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin <stdin &&
+ git rev-parse $m >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'stdin verify fails for mistaken null value' '
+ git rev-parse $m >expect &&
+ echo "verify $m $Z" >stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin <stdin &&
+ git rev-parse $m >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'stdin verify fails for mistaken empty value' '
+ M=$(git rev-parse $m) &&
+ test_when_finished "git update-ref $m $M" &&
+ git rev-parse $m >expect &&
+ echo "verify $m" >stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin <stdin &&
+ git rev-parse $m >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'stdin update refs works with identity updates' '
cat >stdin <<-EOF &&
update $a $m $m
@@ -938,6 +984,52 @@ test_expect_success 'stdin -z update/create/verify combination works' '
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify -q $c
+test_expect_success 'stdin -z verify succeeds for correct value' '
+ git rev-parse $m >expect &&
+ printf $F "verify $m" "$m" >stdin &&
+ git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin &&
+ git rev-parse $m >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'stdin -z verify succeeds for missing reference' '
+ printf $F "verify refs/heads/missing" "$Z" >stdin &&
+ git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify -q refs/heads/missing
+test_expect_success 'stdin -z verify treats no value as missing' '
+ printf $F "verify refs/heads/missing" "" >stdin &&
+ git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify -q refs/heads/missing
+test_expect_success 'stdin -z verify fails for wrong value' '
+ git rev-parse $m >expect &&
+ printf $F "verify $m" "$m~1" >stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin &&
+ git rev-parse $m >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'stdin -z verify fails for mistaken null value' '
+ git rev-parse $m >expect &&
+ printf $F "verify $m" "$Z" >stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin &&
+ git rev-parse $m >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'stdin -z verify fails for mistaken empty value' '
+ M=$(git rev-parse $m) &&
+ test_when_finished "git update-ref $m $M" &&
+ git rev-parse $m >expect &&
+ printf $F "verify $m" "" >stdin &&
+ test_must_fail git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin &&
+ git rev-parse $m >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'stdin -z update refs works with identity updates' '
printf $F "update $a" "$m" "$m" "update $b" "$m" "$m" "update $c" "$Z" "" >stdin &&
git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 793aee9f0b..cfb32b6242 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -229,8 +229,12 @@ test_expect_success 'tag with incorrect tag name & missing tagger' '
echo $tag >.git/refs/tags/wrong &&
test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/tags/wrong" &&
git fsck --tags 2>out &&
- grep "invalid .tag. name" out &&
- grep "expected .tagger. line" out
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ warning in tag $tag: invalid '\''tag'\'' name: wrong name format
+ warning in tag $tag: invalid format - expected '\''tagger'\'' line
+ test_cmp expect out
test_expect_success 'tag with bad tagger' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 335420fd87..b6977d4b39 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -98,8 +98,16 @@ test_foobar_foobar() {
-if ! test_have_prereq POSIXPERM || ! [ -w / ]; then
- skip_all="Dangerous test skipped. Read this test if you want to execute it"
+if ! test -w /
+ skip_all="Test requiring writable / skipped. Read this test if you want to run it"
+ test_done
+if test -e /refs || test -e /objects || test -e /info || test -e /hooks ||
+ test -e /.git || test -e /foo || test -e /me
+ skip_all="Skip test that clobbers existing files in /"
@@ -108,8 +116,9 @@ if [ "$IKNOWWHATIAMDOING" != "YES" ]; then
-if [ "$UID" = 0 ]; then
- skip_all="No you can't run this with root"
+if ! test_have_prereq NOT_ROOT
+ skip_all="No you can't run this as root"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 94fb473e7c..92f7298fba 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -10,9 +10,18 @@ sane_unset GIT_TEST_SPLIT_INDEX
test_expect_success 'enable split index' '
git update-index --split-index &&
test-dump-split-index .git/index >actual &&
+ indexversion=$(test-index-version <.git/index) &&
+ if test "$indexversion" = "4"
+ then
+ own=432ef4b63f32193984f339431fd50ca796493569
+ base=508851a7f0dfa8691e9f69c7f055865389012491
+ else
+ own=8299b0bcd1ac364e5f1d7768efb62fa2da79a339
+ base=39d890139ee5356c7ef572216cebcd27aa41f9df
+ fi &&
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-own 8299b0bcd1ac364e5f1d7768efb62fa2da79a339
-base 39d890139ee5356c7ef572216cebcd27aa41f9df
+own $own
+base $base
@@ -30,7 +39,7 @@ EOF
test-dump-split-index .git/index | sed "/^own/d" >actual &&
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-base 39d890139ee5356c7ef572216cebcd27aa41f9df
+base $base
100644 e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 0 one
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f171a5578b..a12afe93f3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -10,202 +10,212 @@ rather than the tracked path.'
. ./
-test_expect_success \
-'preparation' '
-mkdir asubdir &&
-echo tree1path0 >path0 &&
-echo tree1path1 >path1 &&
-echo tree1path3 >path3 &&
-echo tree1path4 >path4 &&
-echo tree1asubdir/path5 >asubdir/path5 &&
-git update-index --add path0 path1 path3 path4 asubdir/path5 &&
-t1=$(git write-tree) &&
-rm -f path* .merge_* out .git/index &&
-echo tree2path0 >path0 &&
-echo tree2path1 >path1 &&
-echo tree2path2 >path2 &&
-echo tree2path4 >path4 &&
-git update-index --add path0 path1 path2 path4 &&
-t2=$(git write-tree) &&
-rm -f path* .merge_* out .git/index &&
-echo tree2path0 >path0 &&
-echo tree3path1 >path1 &&
-echo tree3path2 >path2 &&
-echo tree3path3 >path3 &&
-git update-index --add path0 path1 path2 path3 &&
-t3=$(git write-tree)'
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout one stage 0 to temporary file' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out .git/index &&
-git read-tree $t1 &&
-git checkout-index --temp -- path1 >out &&
-test_line_count = 1 out &&
-test $(cut "-d " -f2 out) = path1 &&
-p=$(cut "-d " -f1 out) &&
-test -f $p &&
-test $(cat $p) = tree1path1'
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout all stage 0 to temporary files' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out .git/index &&
-git read-tree $t1 &&
-git checkout-index -a --temp >out &&
-test_line_count = 5 out &&
-for f in path0 path1 path3 path4 asubdir/path5
- test $(grep $f out | cut "-d " -f2) = $f &&
- p=$(grep $f out | cut "-d " -f1) &&
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+ mkdir asubdir &&
+ echo tree1path0 >path0 &&
+ echo tree1path1 >path1 &&
+ echo tree1path3 >path3 &&
+ echo tree1path4 >path4 &&
+ echo tree1asubdir/path5 >asubdir/path5 &&
+ git update-index --add path0 path1 path3 path4 asubdir/path5 &&
+ t1=$(git write-tree) &&
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual .git/index &&
+ echo tree2path0 >path0 &&
+ echo tree2path1 >path1 &&
+ echo tree2path2 >path2 &&
+ echo tree2path4 >path4 &&
+ git update-index --add path0 path1 path2 path4 &&
+ t2=$(git write-tree) &&
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual .git/index &&
+ echo tree2path0 >path0 &&
+ echo tree3path1 >path1 &&
+ echo tree3path2 >path2 &&
+ echo tree3path3 >path3 &&
+ git update-index --add path0 path1 path2 path3 &&
+ t3=$(git write-tree)
+test_expect_success 'checkout one stage 0 to temporary file' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual .git/index &&
+ git read-tree $t1 &&
+ git checkout-index --temp -- path1 >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test $(cut "-d " -f2 actual) = path1 &&
+ p=$(cut "-d " -f1 actual) &&
test -f $p &&
- test $(cat $p) = tree1$f
-test_expect_success \
-'prepare 3-way merge' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out .git/index &&
-git read-tree -m $t1 $t2 $t3'
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout one stage 2 to temporary file' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out &&
-git checkout-index --stage=2 --temp -- path1 >out &&
-test_line_count = 1 out &&
-test $(cut "-d " -f2 out) = path1 &&
-p=$(cut "-d " -f1 out) &&
-test -f $p &&
-test $(cat $p) = tree2path1'
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout all stage 2 to temporary files' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out &&
-git checkout-index --all --stage=2 --temp >out &&
-test_line_count = 3 out &&
-for f in path1 path2 path4
- test $(grep $f out | cut "-d " -f2) = $f &&
- p=$(grep $f out | cut "-d " -f1) &&
+ test $(cat $p) = tree1path1
+test_expect_success 'checkout all stage 0 to temporary files' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual .git/index &&
+ git read-tree $t1 &&
+ git checkout-index -a --temp >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 5 actual &&
+ for f in path0 path1 path3 path4 asubdir/path5
+ do
+ test $(grep $f actual | cut "-d " -f2) = $f &&
+ p=$(grep $f actual | cut "-d " -f1) &&
+ test -f $p &&
+ test $(cat $p) = tree1$f
+ done
+test_expect_success 'setup 3-way merge' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual .git/index &&
+ git read-tree -m $t1 $t2 $t3
+test_expect_success 'checkout one stage 2 to temporary file' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual &&
+ git checkout-index --stage=2 --temp -- path1 >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test $(cut "-d " -f2 actual) = path1 &&
+ p=$(cut "-d " -f1 actual) &&
test -f $p &&
- test $(cat $p) = tree2$f
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout all stages/one file to nothing' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out &&
-git checkout-index --stage=all --temp -- path0 >out &&
-test_line_count = 0 out'
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout all stages/one file to temporary files' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out &&
-git checkout-index --stage=all --temp -- path1 >out &&
-test_line_count = 1 out &&
-test $(cut "-d " -f2 out) = path1 &&
-cut "-d " -f1 out | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
-test -f $s1 &&
-test -f $s2 &&
-test -f $s3 &&
-test $(cat $s1) = tree1path1 &&
-test $(cat $s2) = tree2path1 &&
-test $(cat $s3) = tree3path1)'
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout some stages/one file to temporary files' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out &&
-git checkout-index --stage=all --temp -- path2 >out &&
-test_line_count = 1 out &&
-test $(cut "-d " -f2 out) = path2 &&
-cut "-d " -f1 out | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
-test $s1 = . &&
-test -f $s2 &&
-test -f $s3 &&
-test $(cat $s2) = tree2path2 &&
-test $(cat $s3) = tree3path2)'
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout all stages/all files to temporary files' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out &&
-git checkout-index -a --stage=all --temp >out &&
-test_line_count = 5 out'
-test_expect_success \
-'-- path0: no entry' '
-test x$(grep path0 out | cut "-d " -f2) = x'
-test_expect_success \
-'-- path1: all 3 stages' '
-test $(grep path1 out | cut "-d " -f2) = path1 &&
-grep path1 out | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
-test -f $s1 &&
-test -f $s2 &&
-test -f $s3 &&
-test $(cat $s1) = tree1path1 &&
-test $(cat $s2) = tree2path1 &&
-test $(cat $s3) = tree3path1)'
-test_expect_success \
-'-- path2: no stage 1, have stage 2 and 3' '
-test $(grep path2 out | cut "-d " -f2) = path2 &&
-grep path2 out | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
-test $s1 = . &&
-test -f $s2 &&
-test -f $s3 &&
-test $(cat $s2) = tree2path2 &&
-test $(cat $s3) = tree3path2)'
-test_expect_success \
-'-- path3: no stage 2, have stage 1 and 3' '
-test $(grep path3 out | cut "-d " -f2) = path3 &&
-grep path3 out | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
-test -f $s1 &&
-test $s2 = . &&
-test -f $s3 &&
-test $(cat $s1) = tree1path3 &&
-test $(cat $s3) = tree3path3)'
-test_expect_success \
-'-- path4: no stage 3, have stage 1 and 3' '
-test $(grep path4 out | cut "-d " -f2) = path4 &&
-grep path4 out | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
-test -f $s1 &&
-test -f $s2 &&
-test $s3 = . &&
-test $(cat $s1) = tree1path4 &&
-test $(cat $s2) = tree2path4)'
-test_expect_success \
-'-- asubdir/path5: no stage 2 and 3 have stage 1' '
-test $(grep asubdir/path5 out | cut "-d " -f2) = asubdir/path5 &&
-grep asubdir/path5 out | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
-test -f $s1 &&
-test $s2 = . &&
-test $s3 = . &&
-test $(cat $s1) = tree1asubdir/path5)'
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout --temp within subdir' '
-(cd asubdir &&
- git checkout-index -a --stage=all >out &&
- test_line_count = 1 out &&
- test $(grep path5 out | cut "-d " -f2) = path5 &&
- grep path5 out | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
- test -f ../$s1 &&
- test $s2 = . &&
- test $s3 = . &&
- test $(cat ../$s1) = tree1asubdir/path5)
-test_expect_success \
-'checkout --temp symlink' '
-rm -f path* .merge_* out .git/index &&
-test_ln_s_add b a &&
-t4=$(git write-tree) &&
-rm -f .git/index &&
-git read-tree $t4 &&
-git checkout-index --temp -a >out &&
-test_line_count = 1 out &&
-test $(cut "-d " -f2 out) = a &&
-p=$(cut "-d " -f1 out) &&
-test -f $p &&
-test $(cat $p) = b'
+ test $(cat $p) = tree2path1
+test_expect_success 'checkout all stage 2 to temporary files' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual &&
+ git checkout-index --all --stage=2 --temp >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 3 actual &&
+ for f in path1 path2 path4
+ do
+ test $(grep $f actual | cut "-d " -f2) = $f &&
+ p=$(grep $f actual | cut "-d " -f1) &&
+ test -f $p &&
+ test $(cat $p) = tree2$f
+ done
+test_expect_success 'checkout all stages/one file to nothing' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual &&
+ git checkout-index --stage=all --temp -- path0 >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 0 actual
+test_expect_success 'checkout all stages/one file to temporary files' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual &&
+ git checkout-index --stage=all --temp -- path1 >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test $(cut "-d " -f2 actual) = path1 &&
+ cut "-d " -f1 actual | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
+ test -f $s1 &&
+ test -f $s2 &&
+ test -f $s3 &&
+ test $(cat $s1) = tree1path1 &&
+ test $(cat $s2) = tree2path1 &&
+ test $(cat $s3) = tree3path1)
+test_expect_success 'checkout some stages/one file to temporary files' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual &&
+ git checkout-index --stage=all --temp -- path2 >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test $(cut "-d " -f2 actual) = path2 &&
+ cut "-d " -f1 actual | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
+ test $s1 = . &&
+ test -f $s2 &&
+ test -f $s3 &&
+ test $(cat $s2) = tree2path2 &&
+ test $(cat $s3) = tree3path2)
+test_expect_success 'checkout all stages/all files to temporary files' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual &&
+ git checkout-index -a --stage=all --temp >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 5 actual
+test_expect_success '-- path0: no entry' '
+ test x$(grep path0 actual | cut "-d " -f2) = x
+test_expect_success '-- path1: all 3 stages' '
+ test $(grep path1 actual | cut "-d " -f2) = path1 &&
+ grep path1 actual | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
+ test -f $s1 &&
+ test -f $s2 &&
+ test -f $s3 &&
+ test $(cat $s1) = tree1path1 &&
+ test $(cat $s2) = tree2path1 &&
+ test $(cat $s3) = tree3path1)
+test_expect_success '-- path2: no stage 1, have stage 2 and 3' '
+ test $(grep path2 actual | cut "-d " -f2) = path2 &&
+ grep path2 actual | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
+ test $s1 = . &&
+ test -f $s2 &&
+ test -f $s3 &&
+ test $(cat $s2) = tree2path2 &&
+ test $(cat $s3) = tree3path2)
+test_expect_success '-- path3: no stage 2, have stage 1 and 3' '
+ test $(grep path3 actual | cut "-d " -f2) = path3 &&
+ grep path3 actual | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
+ test -f $s1 &&
+ test $s2 = . &&
+ test -f $s3 &&
+ test $(cat $s1) = tree1path3 &&
+ test $(cat $s3) = tree3path3)
+test_expect_success '-- path4: no stage 3, have stage 1 and 3' '
+ test $(grep path4 actual | cut "-d " -f2) = path4 &&
+ grep path4 actual | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
+ test -f $s1 &&
+ test -f $s2 &&
+ test $s3 = . &&
+ test $(cat $s1) = tree1path4 &&
+ test $(cat $s2) = tree2path4)
+test_expect_success '-- asubdir/path5: no stage 2 and 3 have stage 1' '
+ test $(grep asubdir/path5 actual | cut "-d " -f2) = asubdir/path5 &&
+ grep asubdir/path5 actual | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
+ test -f $s1 &&
+ test $s2 = . &&
+ test $s3 = . &&
+ test $(cat $s1) = tree1asubdir/path5)
+test_expect_success 'checkout --temp within subdir' '
+ (
+ cd asubdir &&
+ git checkout-index -a --stage=all >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test $(grep path5 actual | cut "-d " -f2) = path5 &&
+ grep path5 actual | cut "-d " -f1 | (read s1 s2 s3 &&
+ test -f ../$s1 &&
+ test $s2 = . &&
+ test $s3 = . &&
+ test $(cat ../$s1) = tree1asubdir/path5)
+ )
+test_expect_success 'checkout --temp symlink' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual .git/index &&
+ test_ln_s_add path7 path6 &&
+ git checkout-index --temp -a >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test $(cut "-d " -f2 actual) = path6 &&
+ p=$(cut "-d " -f1 actual) &&
+ test -f $p &&
+ test $(cat $p) = path7
+test_expect_success 'emit well-formed relative path' '
+ rm -f path* .merge_* actual .git/index &&
+ >path0123456789 &&
+ git update-index --add path0123456789 &&
+ (
+ cd asubdir &&
+ git checkout-index --temp -- ../path0123456789 >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test $(cut "-d " -f2 actual) = ../path0123456789
+ )
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6ecb559465..468a000e4b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -185,4 +185,22 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout <branch> -- succeeds, even if a file with the same
test_branch_upstream spam repo_c spam
+test_expect_success 'loosely defined local base branch is reported correctly' '
+ git checkout master &&
+ git branch strict &&
+ git branch loose &&
+ git commit --allow-empty -m "a bit more" &&
+ test_config branch.strict.remote . &&
+ test_config branch.loose.remote . &&
+ test_config branch.strict.merge refs/heads/master &&
+ test_config branch.loose.merge master &&
+ git checkout strict | sed -e "s/strict/BRANCHNAME/g" >expect &&
+ git checkout loose | sed -e "s/loose/BRANCHNAME/g" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1bafb9098c..dfe02f4818 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -65,4 +65,19 @@ test_expect_success '--cacheinfo mode,sha1,path (new syntax)' '
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '.lock files cleaned up' '
+ mkdir cleanup &&
+ (
+ cd cleanup &&
+ mkdir worktree &&
+ git init repo &&
+ cd repo &&
+ git config core.worktree ../../worktree &&
+ # --refresh triggers late setup_work_tree,
+ # active_cache_changed is zero, rollback_lock_file fails
+ git update-index --refresh &&
+ ! test -f .git/index.lock
+ )
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c286854485..4d4b02e760 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -12,11 +12,25 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'ls-tree a[a] matches literally' '
- cat >expected <<EOF &&
-100644 blob e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 a[a]/three
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ 100644 blob e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 a[a]/three
git ls-tree -r HEAD "a[a]" >actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'ls-tree outside prefix' '
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ 100644 blob e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 ../a[a]/three
+ ( cd aa && git ls-tree -r HEAD "../a[a]"; ) >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_failure 'ls-tree does not yet support negated pathspec' '
+ git ls-files ":(exclude)a" "a*" >expect &&
+ git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD ":(exclude)a" "a*" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 432921b6b8..ddea49808d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -97,6 +97,20 @@ test_expect_success 'git branch -m o/o o should fail when o/p exists' '
test_must_fail git branch -m o/o o
+test_expect_success 'git branch -m o/q o/p should fail when o/p exists' '
+ git branch o/q &&
+ test_must_fail git branch -m o/q o/p
+test_expect_success 'git branch -M o/q o/p should work when o/p exists' '
+ git branch -M o/q o/p
+test_expect_success 'git branch -m -f o/q o/p should work when o/p exists' '
+ git branch o/q &&
+ git branch -m -f o/q o/p
test_expect_success 'git branch -m q r/q should fail when r exists' '
git branch q &&
git branch r &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index cfd67ff3df..8cffd35fb0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,28 +7,22 @@ test_description='Test commit notes'
. ./
-cat > << \EOF
-echo "$MSG" > "$1"
-echo "$MSG" >& 2
+write_script fake_editor <<\EOF
+echo "$MSG" >"$1"
+echo "$MSG" >&2
-chmod a+x
+indent=" "
test_expect_success 'cannot annotate non-existing HEAD' '
test_must_fail env MSG=3 git notes add
-test_expect_success setup '
- : > a1 &&
- git add a1 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 1st &&
- : > a2 &&
- git add a2 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 2nd
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+ test_commit 1st &&
+ test_commit 2nd
test_expect_success 'need valid notes ref' '
@@ -50,206 +44,186 @@ test_expect_success 'handle empty notes gracefully' '
test_expect_success 'show non-existent notes entry with %N' '
- for l in A B
- do
- echo "$l"
- done >expect &&
- git show -s --format='A%n%NB' >output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ test_write_lines A B >expect &&
+ git show -s --format="A%n%NB" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'create notes' '
- git config core.notesRef refs/notes/commits &&
MSG=b4 git notes add &&
- test ! -f .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
- test 1 = $(git ls-tree refs/notes/commits | wc -l) &&
- test b4 = $(git notes show) &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
+ git ls-tree -r refs/notes/commits >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test "b4" = "$(git notes show)" &&
git show HEAD^ &&
test_must_fail git notes show HEAD^
test_expect_success 'show notes entry with %N' '
- for l in A b4 B
- do
- echo "$l"
- done >expect &&
- git show -s --format='A%n%NB' >output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ test_write_lines A b4 B >expect &&
+ git show -s --format="A%n%NB" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<EOF
-d423f8c refs/notes/commits@{0}: notes: Notes added by 'git notes add'
test_expect_success 'create reflog entry' '
- git reflog show refs/notes/commits >output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ cat <<-EOF >expect &&
+ a1d8fa6 refs/notes/commits@{0}: notes: Notes added by '\''git notes add'\''
+ git reflog show refs/notes/commits >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'edit existing notes' '
MSG=b3 git notes edit &&
- test ! -f .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
- test 1 = $(git ls-tree refs/notes/commits | wc -l) &&
- test b3 = $(git notes show) &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
+ git ls-tree -r refs/notes/commits >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test "b3" = "$(git notes show)" &&
git show HEAD^ &&
test_must_fail git notes show HEAD^
test_expect_success 'cannot "git notes add -m" where notes already exists' '
test_must_fail git notes add -m "b2" &&
- test ! -f .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
- test 1 = $(git ls-tree refs/notes/commits | wc -l) &&
- test b3 = $(git notes show) &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
+ git ls-tree -r refs/notes/commits >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test "b3" = "$(git notes show)" &&
git show HEAD^ &&
test_must_fail git notes show HEAD^
test_expect_success 'can overwrite existing note with "git notes add -f -m"' '
git notes add -f -m "b1" &&
- test ! -f .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
- test 1 = $(git ls-tree refs/notes/commits | wc -l) &&
- test b1 = $(git notes show) &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
+ git ls-tree -r refs/notes/commits >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test "b1" = "$(git notes show)" &&
git show HEAD^ &&
test_must_fail git notes show HEAD^
test_expect_success 'add w/no options on existing note morphs into edit' '
MSG=b2 git notes add &&
- test ! -f .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
- test 1 = $(git ls-tree refs/notes/commits | wc -l) &&
- test b2 = $(git notes show) &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
+ git ls-tree -r refs/notes/commits >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test "b2" = "$(git notes show)" &&
git show HEAD^ &&
test_must_fail git notes show HEAD^
test_expect_success 'can overwrite existing note with "git notes add -f"' '
MSG=b1 git notes add -f &&
- test ! -f .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
- test 1 = $(git ls-tree refs/notes/commits | wc -l) &&
- test b1 = $(git notes show) &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/NOTES_EDITMSG &&
+ git ls-tree -r refs/notes/commits >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual &&
+ test "b1" = "$(git notes show)" &&
git show HEAD^ &&
test_must_fail git notes show HEAD^
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 268048bfb8a1fb38e703baceb8ab235421bf80c5
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:14:13 2005 -0700
- 2nd
+test_expect_success 'show notes' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 7a4ca6ee52a974a66cbaa78e33214535dff1d691
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:14:13 2005 -0700
- b1
+ ${indent}2nd
-test_expect_success 'show notes' '
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}b1
! (git cat-file commit HEAD | grep b1) &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
-test_expect_success 'create multi-line notes (setup)' '
- : > a3 &&
- git add a3 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 3rd &&
- MSG="b3
-d3d3d3" git notes add
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect-multiline << EOF
-commit 1584215f1d29c65e99c6c6848626553fdd07fd75
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:15:13 2005 -0700
- 3rd
+test_expect_success 'show multi-line notes' '
+ test_commit 3rd &&
+ MSG="b3${LF}c3c3c3c3${LF}d3d3d3" git notes add &&
+ cat >expect-multiline <<-EOF &&
+ commit d07d62e5208f22eb5695e7eb47667dc8b9860290
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:15:13 2005 -0700
- b3
- c3c3c3c3
- d3d3d3
+ ${indent}3rd
-printf "\n" >> expect-multiline
-cat expect >> expect-multiline
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}b3
+ ${indent}c3c3c3c3
+ ${indent}d3d3d3
-test_expect_success 'show multi-line notes' '
- git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-multiline output
-test_expect_success 'create -F notes (setup)' '
- : > a4 &&
- git add a4 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 4th &&
- echo "xyzzy" > note5 &&
- git notes add -F note5
+ cat expect >>expect-multiline &&
+ git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-multiline actual
-cat > expect-F << EOF
-commit 15023535574ded8b1a89052b32673f84cf9582b8
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:16:13 2005 -0700
+test_expect_success 'show -F notes' '
+ test_commit 4th &&
+ echo "xyzzy" >note5 &&
+ git notes add -F note5 &&
+ cat >expect-F <<-EOF &&
+ commit 0f7aa3ec6325aeb88b910453bb3eb37c49d75c11
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:16:13 2005 -0700
- 4th
+ ${indent}4th
- xyzzy
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}xyzzy
-printf "\n" >> expect-F
-cat expect-multiline >> expect-F
-test_expect_success 'show -F notes' '
- git log -3 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-F output
+ cat expect-multiline >>expect-F &&
+ git log -3 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-F actual
test_expect_success 'Re-adding -F notes without -f fails' '
- echo "zyxxy" > note5 &&
+ echo "zyxxy" >note5 &&
test_must_fail git notes add -F note5 &&
- git log -3 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-F output
+ git log -3 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-F actual
-cat >expect << EOF
-commit 15023535574ded8b1a89052b32673f84cf9582b8
-tree e070e3af51011e47b183c33adf9736736a525709
-parent 1584215f1d29c65e99c6c6848626553fdd07fd75
-author A U Thor <> 1112912173 -0700
-committer C O Mitter <> 1112912173 -0700
- 4th
test_expect_success 'git log --pretty=raw does not show notes' '
- git log -1 --pretty=raw >output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 0f7aa3ec6325aeb88b910453bb3eb37c49d75c11
+ tree 05ac65288c4c4b3b709a020ae94b2ece2f2201ae
+ parent d07d62e5208f22eb5695e7eb47667dc8b9860290
+ author A U Thor <> 1112912173 -0700
+ committer C O Mitter <> 1112912173 -0700
+ ${indent}4th
+ git log -1 --pretty=raw >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat >>expect <<EOF
- xyzzy
test_expect_success 'git log --show-notes' '
- git log -1 --pretty=raw --show-notes >output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ cat >>expect <<-EOF &&
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}xyzzy
+ git log -1 --pretty=raw --show-notes >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'git log --no-notes' '
- git log -1 --no-notes >output &&
- ! grep xyzzy output
+ git log -1 --no-notes >actual &&
+ ! grep xyzzy actual
test_expect_success 'git format-patch does not show notes' '
- git format-patch -1 --stdout >output &&
- ! grep xyzzy output
+ git format-patch -1 --stdout >actual &&
+ ! grep xyzzy actual
test_expect_success 'git format-patch --show-notes does show notes' '
- git format-patch --show-notes -1 --stdout >output &&
- grep xyzzy output
+ git format-patch --show-notes -1 --stdout >actual &&
+ grep xyzzy actual
for pretty in \
@@ -261,8 +235,8 @@ do
?*) p="$pretty" not=" not" negate="!" ;;
test_expect_success "git show $pretty does$not show notes" '
- git show $p >output &&
- eval "$negate grep xyzzy output"
+ git show $p >actual &&
+ eval "$negate grep xyzzy actual"
@@ -271,161 +245,131 @@ test_expect_success 'setup alternate notes ref' '
test_expect_success 'git log --notes shows default notes' '
- git log -1 --notes >output &&
- grep xyzzy output &&
- ! grep alternate output
+ git log -1 --notes >actual &&
+ grep xyzzy actual &&
+ ! grep alternate actual
test_expect_success 'git log --notes=X shows only X' '
- git log -1 --notes=alternate >output &&
- ! grep xyzzy output &&
- grep alternate output
+ git log -1 --notes=alternate >actual &&
+ ! grep xyzzy actual &&
+ grep alternate actual
test_expect_success 'git log --notes --notes=X shows both' '
- git log -1 --notes --notes=alternate >output &&
- grep xyzzy output &&
- grep alternate output
+ git log -1 --notes --notes=alternate >actual &&
+ grep xyzzy actual &&
+ grep alternate actual
test_expect_success 'git log --no-notes resets default state' '
git log -1 --notes --notes=alternate \
--no-notes --notes=alternate \
- >output &&
- ! grep xyzzy output &&
- grep alternate output
+ >actual &&
+ ! grep xyzzy actual &&
+ grep alternate actual
test_expect_success 'git log --no-notes resets ref list' '
git log -1 --notes --notes=alternate \
--no-notes --notes \
- >output &&
- grep xyzzy output &&
- ! grep alternate output
-test_expect_success 'create -m notes (setup)' '
- : > a5 &&
- git add a5 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 5th &&
- git notes add -m spam -m "foo
-whitespace=" "
-cat > expect-m << EOF
-commit bd1753200303d0a0344be813e504253b3d98e74d
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
- 5th
- spam
- foo
- bar
- baz
-printf "\n" >> expect-m
-cat expect-F >> expect-m
-test_expect_success 'show -m notes' '
- git log -4 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-m output
+ >actual &&
+ grep xyzzy actual &&
+ ! grep alternate actual
-test_expect_success 'remove note with add -f -F /dev/null (setup)' '
- git notes add -f -F /dev/null
-cat > expect-rm-F << EOF
-commit bd1753200303d0a0344be813e504253b3d98e74d
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
- 5th
-printf "\n" >> expect-rm-F
-cat expect-F >> expect-rm-F
-test_expect_success 'verify note removal with -F /dev/null' '
- git log -4 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-rm-F output &&
+test_expect_success 'show -m notes' '
+ test_commit 5th &&
+ git notes add -m spam -m "foo${LF}bar${LF}baz" &&
+ cat >expect-m <<-EOF &&
+ commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}5th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}spam
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}foo
+ ${indent}bar
+ ${indent}baz
+ cat expect-F >>expect-m &&
+ git log -4 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-m actual
+test_expect_success 'remove note with add -f -F /dev/null' '
+ git notes add -f -F /dev/null &&
+ cat >expect-rm-F <<-EOF &&
+ commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}5th
+ cat expect-F >>expect-rm-F &&
+ git log -4 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-rm-F actual &&
test_must_fail git notes show
-test_expect_success 'do not create empty note with -m "" (setup)' '
- git notes add -m ""
-test_expect_success 'verify non-creation of note with -m ""' '
- git log -4 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-rm-F output &&
+test_expect_success 'do not create empty note with -m ""' '
+ git notes add -m "" &&
+ git log -4 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-rm-F actual &&
test_must_fail git notes show
-cat > expect-combine_m_and_F << EOF
+test_expect_success 'create note with combination of -m and -F' '
+ cat >expect-combine_m_and_F <<-EOF &&
+ foo
+ xyzzy
+ bar
+ zyxxy
-test_expect_success 'create note with combination of -m and -F' '
- echo "xyzzy" > note_a &&
- echo "zyxxy" > note_b &&
+ baz
+ echo "xyzzy" >note_a &&
+ echo "zyxxy" >note_b &&
git notes add -m "foo" -F note_a -m "bar" -F note_b -m "baz" &&
- git notes show > output &&
- test_cmp expect-combine_m_and_F output
+ git notes show >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-combine_m_and_F actual
-test_expect_success 'remove note with "git notes remove" (setup)' '
+test_expect_success 'remove note with "git notes remove"' '
git notes remove HEAD^ &&
- git notes remove
-cat > expect-rm-remove << EOF
-commit bd1753200303d0a0344be813e504253b3d98e74d
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
+ git notes remove &&
+ cat >expect-rm-remove <<-EOF &&
+ commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
- 5th
+ ${indent}5th
-commit 15023535574ded8b1a89052b32673f84cf9582b8
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:16:13 2005 -0700
+ commit 0f7aa3ec6325aeb88b910453bb3eb37c49d75c11
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:16:13 2005 -0700
- 4th
-printf "\n" >> expect-rm-remove
-cat expect-multiline >> expect-rm-remove
+ ${indent}4th
-test_expect_success 'verify note removal with "git notes remove"' '
- git log -4 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-rm-remove output &&
+ cat expect-multiline >>expect-rm-remove &&
+ git log -4 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-rm-remove actual &&
test_must_fail git notes show HEAD^
-cat > expect << EOF
-c18dc024e14f08d18d14eea0d747ff692d66d6a3 1584215f1d29c65e99c6c6848626553fdd07fd75
-c9c6af7f78bc47490dbf3e822cf2f3c24d4b9061 268048bfb8a1fb38e703baceb8ab235421bf80c5
test_expect_success 'removing non-existing note should not create new commit' '
- git rev-parse --verify refs/notes/commits > before_commit &&
+ git rev-parse --verify refs/notes/commits >before_commit &&
test_must_fail git notes remove HEAD^ &&
- git rev-parse --verify refs/notes/commits > after_commit &&
+ git rev-parse --verify refs/notes/commits >after_commit &&
test_cmp before_commit after_commit
@@ -505,70 +449,68 @@ test_expect_success 'removing with --stdin --ignore-missing' '
test_expect_success 'list notes with "git notes list"' '
- git notes list > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ c9c6af7f78bc47490dbf3e822cf2f3c24d4b9061 7a4ca6ee52a974a66cbaa78e33214535dff1d691
+ c18dc024e14f08d18d14eea0d747ff692d66d6a3 d07d62e5208f22eb5695e7eb47667dc8b9860290
+ git notes list >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'list notes with "git notes"' '
- git notes > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git notes >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
test_expect_success 'list specific note with "git notes list <object>"' '
- git notes list HEAD^^ > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ c18dc024e14f08d18d14eea0d747ff692d66d6a3
+ git notes list HEAD^^ >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
test_expect_success 'listing non-existing notes fails' '
- test_must_fail git notes list HEAD > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ test_must_fail git notes list HEAD >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-Initial set of notes
-More notes appended with git notes append
test_expect_success 'append to existing note with "git notes append"' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ Initial set of notes
+ More notes appended with git notes append
git notes add -m "Initial set of notes" &&
git notes append -m "More notes appended with git notes append" &&
- git notes show > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git notes show >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect_list << EOF
-c18dc024e14f08d18d14eea0d747ff692d66d6a3 1584215f1d29c65e99c6c6848626553fdd07fd75
-c9c6af7f78bc47490dbf3e822cf2f3c24d4b9061 268048bfb8a1fb38e703baceb8ab235421bf80c5
-4b6ad22357cc8a1296720574b8d2fbc22fab0671 bd1753200303d0a0344be813e504253b3d98e74d
test_expect_success '"git notes list" does not expand to "git notes list HEAD"' '
- git notes list > output &&
- test_cmp expect_list output
+ cat >expect_list <<-EOF &&
+ c9c6af7f78bc47490dbf3e822cf2f3c24d4b9061 7a4ca6ee52a974a66cbaa78e33214535dff1d691
+ 4b6ad22357cc8a1296720574b8d2fbc22fab0671 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+ c18dc024e14f08d18d14eea0d747ff692d66d6a3 d07d62e5208f22eb5695e7eb47667dc8b9860290
+ git notes list >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect_list actual
test_expect_success 'appending empty string does not change existing note' '
git notes append -m "" &&
- git notes show > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git notes show >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'git notes append == add when there is no existing note' '
git notes remove HEAD &&
test_must_fail git notes list HEAD &&
- git notes append -m "Initial set of notes
-More notes appended with git notes append" &&
- git notes show > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git notes append -m "Initial set of notes${LF}${LF}More notes appended with git notes append" &&
+ git notes show >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'appending empty string to non-existing note does not create note' '
@@ -579,229 +521,208 @@ test_expect_success 'appending empty string to non-existing note does not create
test_expect_success 'create other note on a different notes ref (setup)' '
- : > a6 &&
- git add a6 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 6th &&
- GIT_NOTES_REF="refs/notes/other" git notes add -m "other note"
+ test_commit 6th &&
+ GIT_NOTES_REF="refs/notes/other" git notes add -m "other note" &&
+ cat >expect-not-other <<-EOF &&
+ commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
-cat > expect-other << EOF
-commit 387a89921c73d7ed72cd94d179c1c7048ca47756
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
- 6th
-Notes (other):
- other note
+ ${indent}6th
+ cp expect-not-other expect-other &&
+ cat >>expect-other <<-EOF
-cat > expect-not-other << EOF
-commit 387a89921c73d7ed72cd94d179c1c7048ca47756
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
- 6th
+ Notes (other):
+ ${indent}other note
test_expect_success 'Do not show note on other ref by default' '
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-not-other output
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-not-other actual
test_expect_success 'Do show note when ref is given in GIT_NOTES_REF' '
- GIT_NOTES_REF="refs/notes/other" git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-other output
+ GIT_NOTES_REF="refs/notes/other" git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-other actual
test_expect_success 'Do show note when ref is given in core.notesRef config' '
- git config core.notesRef "refs/notes/other" &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-other output
+ test_config core.notesRef "refs/notes/other" &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-other actual
test_expect_success 'Do not show note when core.notesRef is overridden' '
- GIT_NOTES_REF="refs/notes/wrong" git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-not-other output
+ test_config core.notesRef "refs/notes/other" &&
+ GIT_NOTES_REF="refs/notes/wrong" git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-not-other actual
-cat > expect-both << EOF
-commit 387a89921c73d7ed72cd94d179c1c7048ca47756
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
- 6th
+test_expect_success 'Show all notes when notes.displayRef=refs/notes/*' '
+ cat >expect-both <<-EOF &&
+ commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
- order test
+ ${indent}6th
-Notes (other):
- other note
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}order test
-commit bd1753200303d0a0344be813e504253b3d98e74d
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
+ Notes (other):
+ ${indent}other note
- 5th
+ commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
- replacement for deleted note
+ ${indent}5th
-test_expect_success 'Show all notes when notes.displayRef=refs/notes/*' '
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}replacement for deleted note
GIT_NOTES_REF=refs/notes/commits git notes add \
-m"replacement for deleted note" HEAD^ &&
GIT_NOTES_REF=refs/notes/commits git notes add -m"order test" &&
- git config --unset core.notesRef &&
- git config notes.displayRef "refs/notes/*" &&
- git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-both output
+ test_unconfig core.notesRef &&
+ test_config notes.displayRef "refs/notes/*" &&
+ git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-both actual
test_expect_success 'core.notesRef is implicitly in notes.displayRef' '
- git config core.notesRef refs/notes/commits &&
- git config notes.displayRef refs/notes/other &&
- git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-both output
+ test_config core.notesRef refs/notes/commits &&
+ test_config notes.displayRef refs/notes/other &&
+ git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-both actual
test_expect_success 'notes.displayRef can be given more than once' '
- git config --unset core.notesRef &&
- git config notes.displayRef refs/notes/commits &&
+ test_unconfig core.notesRef &&
+ test_config notes.displayRef refs/notes/commits &&
git config --add notes.displayRef refs/notes/other &&
- git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-both output
+ git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-both actual
-cat > expect-both-reversed << EOF
-commit 387a89921c73d7ed72cd94d179c1c7048ca47756
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
- 6th
+test_expect_success 'notes.displayRef respects order' '
+ cat >expect-both-reversed <<-EOF &&
+ commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
-Notes (other):
- other note
+ ${indent}6th
- order test
+ Notes (other):
+ ${indent}other note
-test_expect_success 'notes.displayRef respects order' '
- git config core.notesRef refs/notes/other &&
- git config --unset-all notes.displayRef &&
- git config notes.displayRef refs/notes/commits &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-both-reversed output
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}order test
+ test_config core.notesRef refs/notes/other &&
+ test_config notes.displayRef refs/notes/commits &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-both-reversed actual
test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF works' '
- git config --unset-all core.notesRef &&
- git config --unset-all notes.displayRef &&
GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF=refs/notes/commits:refs/notes/other \
- git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-both output
+ git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-both actual
-cat > expect-none << EOF
-commit 387a89921c73d7ed72cd94d179c1c7048ca47756
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
- 6th
+test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF overrides config' '
+ cat >expect-none <<-EOF &&
+ commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
-commit bd1753200303d0a0344be813e504253b3d98e74d
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}6th
- 5th
+ commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
-test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF overrides config' '
- git config notes.displayRef "refs/notes/*" &&
- GIT_NOTES_REF= GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF= git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-none output
+ ${indent}5th
+ test_config notes.displayRef "refs/notes/*" &&
+ GIT_NOTES_REF= GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF= git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-none actual
test_expect_success '--show-notes=* adds to GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF' '
- GIT_NOTES_REF= GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF= git log --show-notes=* -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-both output
+ GIT_NOTES_REF= GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF= git log --show-notes=* -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-both actual
-cat > expect-commits << EOF
-commit 387a89921c73d7ed72cd94d179c1c7048ca47756
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
- 6th
+test_expect_success '--no-standard-notes' '
+ cat >expect-commits <<-EOF &&
+ commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
- order test
+ ${indent}6th
-test_expect_success '--no-standard-notes' '
- git log --no-standard-notes --show-notes=commits -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-commits output
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}order test
+ git log --no-standard-notes --show-notes=commits -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-commits actual
test_expect_success '--standard-notes' '
+ test_config notes.displayRef "refs/notes/*" &&
git log --no-standard-notes --show-notes=commits \
- --standard-notes -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-both output
+ --standard-notes -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-both actual
test_expect_success '--show-notes=ref accumulates' '
git log --show-notes=other --show-notes=commits \
- --no-standard-notes -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect-both-reversed output
+ --no-standard-notes -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect-both-reversed actual
test_expect_success 'Allow notes on non-commits (trees, blobs, tags)' '
- git config core.notesRef refs/notes/other &&
- echo "Note on a tree" > expect &&
+ test_config core.notesRef refs/notes/other &&
+ echo "Note on a tree" >expect &&
git notes add -m "Note on a tree" HEAD: &&
- git notes show HEAD: > actual &&
+ git notes show HEAD: >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- echo "Note on a blob" > expect &&
+ echo "Note on a blob" >expect &&
filename=$(git ls-tree --name-only HEAD | head -n1) &&
git notes add -m "Note on a blob" HEAD:$filename &&
- git notes show HEAD:$filename > actual &&
+ git notes show HEAD:$filename >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- echo "Note on a tag" > expect &&
+ echo "Note on a tag" >expect &&
git tag -a -m "This is an annotated tag" foobar HEAD^ &&
git notes add -m "Note on a tag" foobar &&
- git notes show foobar > actual &&
+ git notes show foobar >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 2ede89468182a62d0bde2583c736089bcf7d7e92
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:19:13 2005 -0700
- 7th
+test_expect_success 'create note from other note with "git notes add -C"' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit fb01e0ca8c33b6cc0c6451dde747f97df567cb5c
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:19:13 2005 -0700
-Notes (other):
- other note
+ ${indent}7th
-test_expect_success 'create note from other note with "git notes add -C"' '
- : > a7 &&
- git add a7 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 7th &&
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}order test
+ test_commit 7th &&
git notes add -C $(git notes list HEAD^) &&
- git log -1 > actual &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
test "$(git notes list HEAD)" = "$(git notes list HEAD^)"
test_expect_success 'create note from non-existing note with "git notes add -C" fails' '
- : > a8 &&
- git add a8 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 8th &&
+ test_commit 8th &&
test_must_fail git notes add -C deadbeef &&
test_must_fail git notes list HEAD
@@ -814,405 +735,386 @@ test_expect_success 'create note from non-blob with "git notes add -C" fails' '
test_must_fail git notes list HEAD
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 80d796defacd5db327b7a4e50099663902fbdc5c
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:20:13 2005 -0700
- 8th
+test_expect_success 'create note from blob with "git notes add -C" reuses blob id' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 9a4c31c7f722b5d517e92c64e932dd751e1413bf
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:20:13 2005 -0700
-Notes (other):
- This is a blob object
+ ${indent}8th
-test_expect_success 'create note from blob with "git notes add -C" reuses blob id' '
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}This is a blob object
blob=$(echo "This is a blob object" | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
git notes add -C $blob &&
- git log -1 > actual &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
test "$(git notes list HEAD)" = "$blob"
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 016e982bad97eacdbda0fcbd7ce5b0ba87c81f1b
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:21:13 2005 -0700
- 9th
+test_expect_success 'create note from other note with "git notes add -c"' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 2e0db4bc649e174d667a1cde19e725cf897a5bd2
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:21:13 2005 -0700
-Notes (other):
- yet another note
+ ${indent}9th
-test_expect_success 'create note from other note with "git notes add -c"' '
- : > a9 &&
- git add a9 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 9th &&
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}yet another note
+ test_commit 9th &&
MSG="yet another note" git notes add -c $(git notes list HEAD^^) &&
- git log -1 > actual &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'create note from non-existing note with "git notes add -c" fails' '
- : > a10 &&
- git add a10 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 10th &&
+ test_commit 10th &&
test_must_fail env MSG="yet another note" git notes add -c deadbeef &&
test_must_fail git notes list HEAD
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 016e982bad97eacdbda0fcbd7ce5b0ba87c81f1b
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:21:13 2005 -0700
- 9th
-Notes (other):
- yet another note
- yet another note
test_expect_success 'append to note from other note with "git notes append -C"' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 2e0db4bc649e174d667a1cde19e725cf897a5bd2
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:21:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}9th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}yet another note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}yet another note
git notes append -C $(git notes list HEAD^) HEAD^ &&
- git log -1 HEAD^ > actual &&
+ git log -1 HEAD^ >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit ffed603236bfa3891c49644257a83598afe8ae5a
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:22:13 2005 -0700
+test_expect_success 'create note from other note with "git notes append -c"' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 7c3b87ab368f81e11b1ea87b2ab99a71ccd25406
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:22:13 2005 -0700
- 10th
+ ${indent}10th
-Notes (other):
- other note
-test_expect_success 'create note from other note with "git notes append -c"' '
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}other note
MSG="other note" git notes append -c $(git notes list HEAD^) &&
- git log -1 > actual &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit ffed603236bfa3891c49644257a83598afe8ae5a
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:22:13 2005 -0700
- 10th
-Notes (other):
- other note
- yet another note
test_expect_success 'append to note from other note with "git notes append -c"' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 7c3b87ab368f81e11b1ea87b2ab99a71ccd25406
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:22:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}10th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}other note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}yet another note
MSG="yet another note" git notes append -c $(git notes list HEAD) &&
- git log -1 > actual &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 6352c5e33dbcab725fe0579be16aa2ba8eb369be
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:23:13 2005 -0700
- 11th
-Notes (other):
- other note
- yet another note
test_expect_success 'copy note with "git notes copy"' '
- : > a11 &&
- git add a11 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 11th &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit a446fff8777efdc6eb8f4b7c8a5ff699484df0d5
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:23:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}11th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}other note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}yet another note
+ test_commit 11th &&
git notes copy HEAD^ HEAD &&
- git log -1 > actual &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
test "$(git notes list HEAD)" = "$(git notes list HEAD^)"
test_expect_success 'prevent overwrite with "git notes copy"' '
test_must_fail git notes copy HEAD~2 HEAD &&
- git log -1 > actual &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
test "$(git notes list HEAD)" = "$(git notes list HEAD^)"
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 6352c5e33dbcab725fe0579be16aa2ba8eb369be
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:23:13 2005 -0700
- 11th
-Notes (other):
- yet another note
- yet another note
test_expect_success 'allow overwrite with "git notes copy -f"' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit a446fff8777efdc6eb8f4b7c8a5ff699484df0d5
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:23:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}11th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}yet another note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}yet another note
git notes copy -f HEAD~2 HEAD &&
- git log -1 > actual &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
test "$(git notes list HEAD)" = "$(git notes list HEAD~2)"
test_expect_success 'cannot copy note from object without notes' '
- : > a12 &&
- git add a12 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 12th &&
- : > a13 &&
- git add a13 &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m 13th &&
+ test_commit 12th &&
+ test_commit 13th &&
test_must_fail git notes copy HEAD^ HEAD
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit e5d4fb5698d564ab8c73551538ecaf2b0c666185
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:25:13 2005 -0700
- 13th
+test_expect_success 'git notes copy --stdin' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit e871aa61182b1d95d0a6fb75445d891722863b6b
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:25:13 2005 -0700
-Notes (other):
- yet another note
- yet another note
+ ${indent}13th
-commit 7038787dfe22a14c3867ce816dbba39845359719
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:24:13 2005 -0700
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}yet another note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}yet another note
- 12th
+ commit 65e263ded02ae4e8839bc151095113737579dc12
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:24:13 2005 -0700
-Notes (other):
- other note
- yet another note
+ ${indent}12th
-test_expect_success 'git notes copy --stdin' '
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}other note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}yet another note
(echo $(git rev-parse HEAD~3) $(git rev-parse HEAD^); \
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD~2) $(git rev-parse HEAD)) |
git notes copy --stdin &&
- git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output &&
+ git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
test "$(git notes list HEAD)" = "$(git notes list HEAD~2)" &&
test "$(git notes list HEAD^)" = "$(git notes list HEAD~3)"
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 37a0d4cba38afef96ba54a3ea567e6dac575700b
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
- 15th
+test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (unconfigured)' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
-commit be28d8b4d9951ad940d229ee3b0b9ee3b1ec273d
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:26:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}15th
- 14th
+ commit 07c85d77059393ed0154b8c96906547a59dfcddd
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:26:13 2005 -0700
-test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (unconfigured)' '
+ ${indent}14th
test_commit 14th &&
test_commit 15th &&
(echo $(git rev-parse HEAD~3) $(git rev-parse HEAD^); \
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD~2) $(git rev-parse HEAD)) |
git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 37a0d4cba38afef96ba54a3ea567e6dac575700b
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
- 15th
-Notes (other):
- yet another note
- yet another note
-commit be28d8b4d9951ad940d229ee3b0b9ee3b1ec273d
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:26:13 2005 -0700
- 14th
-Notes (other):
- other note
- yet another note
test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (enabled)' '
- git config notes.rewriteMode overwrite &&
- git config notes.rewriteRef "refs/notes/*" &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}15th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}yet another note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}yet another note
+ commit 07c85d77059393ed0154b8c96906547a59dfcddd
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:26:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}14th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}other note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}yet another note
+ test_config notes.rewriteMode overwrite &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteRef "refs/notes/*" &&
(echo $(git rev-parse HEAD~3) $(git rev-parse HEAD^); \
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD~2) $(git rev-parse HEAD)) |
git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (disabled)' '
- git config false &&
+ test_config false &&
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD~3) $(git rev-parse HEAD) |
git notes copy --for-rewrite=bar &&
- git log -2 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -2 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 37a0d4cba38afef96ba54a3ea567e6dac575700b
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
- 15th
+test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (overwrite)' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
-Notes (other):
- a fresh note
+ ${indent}15th
-test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (overwrite)' '
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}a fresh note
git notes add -f -m"a fresh note" HEAD^ &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteMode overwrite &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteRef "refs/notes/*" &&
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD^) $(git rev-parse HEAD) |
git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (ignore)' '
- git config notes.rewriteMode ignore &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteMode ignore &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteRef "refs/notes/*" &&
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD^) $(git rev-parse HEAD) |
git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 37a0d4cba38afef96ba54a3ea567e6dac575700b
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
- 15th
-Notes (other):
- a fresh note
- another fresh note
test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (append)' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}15th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}a fresh note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}another fresh note
git notes add -f -m"another fresh note" HEAD^ &&
- git config notes.rewriteMode concatenate &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteMode concatenate &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteRef "refs/notes/*" &&
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD^) $(git rev-parse HEAD) |
git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 37a0d4cba38afef96ba54a3ea567e6dac575700b
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
- 15th
-Notes (other):
- a fresh note
- another fresh note
- append 1
- append 2
test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (append two to one)' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}15th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}a fresh note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}another fresh note
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}append 1
+ ${indent}
+ ${indent}append 2
git notes add -f -m"append 1" HEAD^ &&
git notes add -f -m"append 2" HEAD^^ &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteMode concatenate &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteRef "refs/notes/*" &&
(echo $(git rev-parse HEAD^) $(git rev-parse HEAD);
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD^^) $(git rev-parse HEAD)) |
git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (append empty)' '
git notes remove HEAD^ &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteMode concatenate &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteRef "refs/notes/*" &&
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD^) $(git rev-parse HEAD) |
git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 37a0d4cba38afef96ba54a3ea567e6dac575700b
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
- 15th
-Notes (other):
- replacement note 1
test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_MODE works' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
+ ${indent}15th
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}replacement note 1
+ test_config notes.rewriteMode concatenate &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteRef "refs/notes/*" &&
git notes add -f -m"replacement note 1" HEAD^ &&
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD^) $(git rev-parse HEAD) |
GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_MODE=overwrite git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect << EOF
-commit 37a0d4cba38afef96ba54a3ea567e6dac575700b
-Author: A U Thor <>
-Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
+test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_REF works' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+ Author: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
- 15th
+ ${indent}15th
-Notes (other):
- replacement note 2
-test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_REF works' '
- git config notes.rewriteMode overwrite &&
+ Notes:
+ ${indent}replacement note 2
git notes add -f -m"replacement note 2" HEAD^ &&
- git config --unset-all notes.rewriteRef &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteMode overwrite &&
+ test_unconfig notes.rewriteRef &&
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD^) $(git rev-parse HEAD) |
GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_REF=refs/notes/commits:refs/notes/other \
git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_REF overrides config' '
- git config notes.rewriteRef refs/notes/other &&
git notes add -f -m"replacement note 3" HEAD^ &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteMode overwrite &&
+ test_config notes.rewriteRef refs/notes/other &&
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD^) $(git rev-parse HEAD) |
GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_REF= git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
- git log -1 > output &&
- test_cmp expect output
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'git notes copy diagnoses too many or too few parameters' '
@@ -1221,13 +1123,13 @@ test_expect_success 'git notes copy diagnoses too many or too few parameters' '
test_expect_success 'git notes get-ref (no overrides)' '
- git config --unset core.notesRef &&
+ test_unconfig core.notesRef &&
sane_unset GIT_NOTES_REF &&
test "$(git notes get-ref)" = "refs/notes/commits"
test_expect_success 'git notes get-ref (core.notesRef)' '
- git config core.notesRef refs/notes/foo &&
+ test_config core.notesRef refs/notes/foo &&
test "$(git notes get-ref)" = "refs/notes/foo"
@@ -1239,4 +1141,51 @@ test_expect_success 'git notes get-ref (--ref)' '
test "$(GIT_NOTES_REF=refs/notes/bar git notes --ref=baz get-ref)" = "refs/notes/baz"
+test_expect_success 'setup testing of empty notes' '
+ test_unconfig core.notesRef &&
+ test_commit 16th &&
+ empty_blob=$(git hash-object -w /dev/null) &&
+ echo "$empty_blob" >expect_empty
+while read cmd
+ test_expect_success "'git notes $cmd' removes empty note" "
+ test_might_fail git notes remove HEAD &&
+ MSG= git notes $cmd &&
+ test_must_fail git notes list HEAD
+ "
+ test_expect_success "'git notes $cmd --allow-empty' stores empty note" "
+ test_might_fail git notes remove HEAD &&
+ MSG= git notes $cmd --allow-empty &&
+ git notes list HEAD >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect_empty actual
+ "
+done <<\EOF
+add -F /dev/null
+add -m ""
+add -c "$empty_blob"
+add -C "$empty_blob"
+append -F /dev/null
+append -m ""
+append -c "$empty_blob"
+append -C "$empty_blob"
+test_expect_success 'empty notes are displayed by git log' '
+ test_commit 17th &&
+ git log -1 >expect &&
+ cat >>expect <<-EOF &&
+ Notes:
+ git notes add -C "$empty_blob" --allow-empty &&
+ git log -1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8197ed29a9..034eb35cdf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1039,4 +1039,20 @@ test_expect_success 'short SHA-1 collide' '
+test_expect_success 'respect core.abbrev' '
+ git config core.abbrev 12 &&
+ set_cat_todo_editor &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase -i HEAD~4 >todo-list &&
+ test 4 = $(grep -c "pick [0-9a-f]\{12,\}" todo-list)
+test_expect_success 'todo count' '
+ write_script <<-\EOF &&
+ cat "$1"
+ test_set_editor "$(pwd)/" &&
+ git rebase -i HEAD~4 >actual &&
+ grep "^# Rebase ..* onto ..* ([0-9]" actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 223b98433c..7c5ad08626 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -351,19 +351,45 @@ test_expect_success 'commit after failed cherry-pick does not add duplicated -s'
test_expect_success 'commit after failed cherry-pick adds -s at the right place' '
pristine_detach initial &&
test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked &&
git commit -a -s &&
- pwd &&
- cat <<EOF > expected &&
-Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+ # Do S-o-b and Conflicts appear in the right order?
+ cat <<-\EOF >expect &&
+ Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+ # Conflicts:
+ grep -e "^# Conflicts:" -e '^Signed-off-by' <.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
+ picked
- foo
+ Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
- git show -s --pretty=format:%B > actual &&
+ git show -s --pretty=format:%B >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'commit --amend -s places the sign-off at the right place' '
+ pristine_detach initial &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked &&
+ # emulate old-style conflicts block
+ mv .git/MERGE_MSG .git/MERGE_MSG+ &&
+ sed -e "/^# Conflicts:/,\$s/^# *//" <.git/MERGE_MSG+ >.git/MERGE_MSG &&
+ git commit -a &&
+ git commit --amend -s &&
+ # Do S-o-b and Conflicts appear in the right order?
+ cat <<-\EOF >expect &&
+ Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+ Conflicts:
+ grep -e "^Conflicts:" -e '^Signed-off-by' <.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index bfa8835638..df2accb655 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ test_description='More rename detection
test_expect_success \
'prepare reference tree' \
echo frotz >rezrov &&
git update-index --add COPYING rezrov &&
tree=$(git write-tree) &&
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ test_expect_success \
test_expect_success \
'prepare work tree once again' \
git update-index --add --remove COPYING COPYING.1'
# tree has COPYING and rezrov. work tree has COPYING and COPYING.1,
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7d2c6e13a2..135addbfbd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ test_description='Same rename detection as t4003 but testing diff-raw.
test_expect_success \
'prepare reference tree' \
echo frotz >rezrov &&
git update-index --add COPYING rezrov &&
tree=$(git write-tree) &&
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ test_expect_success \
test_expect_success \
'prepare work tree once again' \
git update-index --add --remove COPYING COPYING.1'
git diff-index -C --find-copies-harder $tree >current
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 11502b7509..dae327fabb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ test_description='Rename interaction with pathspec.
test_expect_success 'prepare reference tree' '
mkdir path0 path1 &&
+ cp "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/diff-lib/COPYING path0/COPYING &&
git update-index --add path0/COPYING &&
tree=$(git write-tree) &&
echo $tree
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 27e98a8f9d..9dd1bc5e16 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -10,179 +10,145 @@ We have two very different files, file0 and file1, registered in a tree.
We update file1 so drastically that it is more similar to file0, and
then remove file0. With -B, changes to file1 should be broken into
separate delete and create, resulting in removal of file0, removal of
-original file1 and creation of completely rewritten file1.
+original file1 and creation of completely rewritten file1. The latter
+two are then merged back into a single "complete rewrite".
Further, with -B and -M together, these three modifications should
turn into rename-edit of file0 into file1.
Starting from the same two files in the tree, we swap file0 and file1.
-With -B, this should be detected as two complete rewrites, resulting in
-four changes in total.
+With -B, this should be detected as two complete rewrites.
Further, with -B and -M together, these should turn into two renames.
. ./
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/ ;# test-lib chdir's into trash
-test_expect_success \
- setup \
- 'cat "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/../README >file0 &&
- cat "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/../COPYING >file1 &&
- git update-index --add file0 file1 &&
- tree=$(git write-tree) &&
- echo "$tree"'
-test_expect_success \
- 'change file1 with copy-edit of file0 and remove file0' \
- 'sed -e "s/git/GIT/" file0 >file1 &&
- rm -f file0 &&
- git update-index --remove file0 file1'
-test_expect_success \
- 'run diff with -B' \
- 'git diff-index -B --cached "$tree" >current'
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 000000 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D file0
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 11e331465a89c394dc25c780de230043750c1ec8 M100 file1
-test_expect_success \
- 'validate result of -B (#1)' \
- 'compare_diff_raw expected current'
-test_expect_success \
- 'run diff with -B and -M' \
- 'git diff-index -B -M "$tree" >current'
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 08bb2fb671deff4c03a4d4a0a1315dff98d5732c R100 file0 file1
-test_expect_success \
- 'validate result of -B -M (#2)' \
- 'compare_diff_raw expected current'
-test_expect_success \
- 'swap file0 and file1' \
- 'rm -f file0 file1 &&
- git read-tree -m $tree &&
- git checkout-index -f -u -a &&
- mv file0 tmp &&
- mv file1 file0 &&
- mv tmp file1 &&
- git update-index file0 file1'
-test_expect_success \
- 'run diff with -B' \
- 'git diff-index -B "$tree" >current'
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 M100 file0
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 M100 file1
-test_expect_success \
- 'validate result of -B (#3)' \
- 'compare_diff_raw expected current'
-test_expect_success \
- 'run diff with -B and -M' \
- 'git diff-index -B -M "$tree" >current'
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 R100 file1 file0
-:100644 100644 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 R100 file0 file1
-test_expect_success \
- 'validate result of -B -M (#4)' \
- 'compare_diff_raw expected current'
-test_expect_success \
- 'make file0 into something completely different' \
- 'rm -f file0 &&
- test_ln_s_add frotz file0 &&
- git update-index file1'
-test_expect_success \
- 'run diff with -B' \
- 'git diff-index -B "$tree" >current'
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 120000 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 67be421f88824578857624f7b3dc75e99a8a1481 T file0
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 M100 file1
-test_expect_success \
- 'validate result of -B (#5)' \
- 'compare_diff_raw expected current'
-test_expect_success \
- 'run diff with -B -M' \
- 'git diff-index -B -M "$tree" >current'
-# file0 changed from regular to symlink. file1 is very close to the preimage of file0.
-# because we break file0, file1 can become a rename of it.
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 120000 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 67be421f88824578857624f7b3dc75e99a8a1481 T file0
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 R file0 file1
-test_expect_success \
- 'validate result of -B -M (#6)' \
- 'compare_diff_raw expected current'
-test_expect_success \
- 'run diff with -M' \
- 'git diff-index -M "$tree" >current'
-# This should not mistake file0 as the copy source of new file1
-# due to type differences.
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 120000 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 67be421f88824578857624f7b3dc75e99a8a1481 T file0
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 M file1
-test_expect_success \
- 'validate result of -M (#7)' \
- 'compare_diff_raw expected current'
-test_expect_success \
- 'file1 edited to look like file0 and file0 rename-edited to file2' \
- 'rm -f file0 file1 &&
- git read-tree -m $tree &&
- git checkout-index -f -u -a &&
- sed -e "s/git/GIT/" file0 >file1 &&
- sed -e "s/git/GET/" file0 >file2 &&
- rm -f file0 &&
- git update-index --add --remove file0 file1 file2'
-test_expect_success \
- 'run diff with -B' \
- 'git diff-index -B "$tree" >current'
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 000000 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D file0
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 08bb2fb671deff4c03a4d4a0a1315dff98d5732c M100 file1
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 A file2
-test_expect_success \
- 'validate result of -B (#8)' \
- 'compare_diff_raw expected current'
-test_expect_success \
- 'run diff with -B -C' \
- 'git diff-index -B -C "$tree" >current'
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 08bb2fb671deff4c03a4d4a0a1315dff98d5732c C095 file0 file1
-:100644 100644 f5deac7be59e7eeab8657fd9ae706fd6a57daed2 59f832e5c8b3f7e486be15ad0cd3e95ba9af8998 R095 file0 file2
-test_expect_success \
- 'validate result of -B -M (#9)' \
- 'compare_diff_raw expected current'
+test_expect_success setup '
+ cat "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/diff-lib/README >file0 &&
+ cat "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/diff-lib/COPYING >file1 &&
+ git update-index --add file0 file1 &&
+ git tag reference $(git write-tree)
+test_expect_success 'change file1 with copy-edit of file0 and remove file0' '
+ sed -e "s/git/GIT/" file0 >file1 &&
+ rm -f file0 &&
+ git update-index --remove file0 file1
+test_expect_success 'run diff with -B (#1)' '
+ git diff-index -B --cached reference >current &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ :100644 000000 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D file0
+ :100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 2fbedd0b5d4b8126e4750c3bee305e8ff79f80ec M100 file1
+ compare_diff_raw expect current
+test_expect_success 'run diff with -B and -M (#2)' '
+ git diff-index -B -M reference >current &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ :100644 100644 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 2fbedd0b5d4b8126e4750c3bee305e8ff79f80ec R100 file0 file1
+ compare_diff_raw expect current
+test_expect_success 'swap file0 and file1' '
+ rm -f file0 file1 &&
+ git read-tree -m reference &&
+ git checkout-index -f -u -a &&
+ mv file0 tmp &&
+ mv file1 file0 &&
+ mv tmp file1 &&
+ git update-index file0 file1
+test_expect_success 'run diff with -B (#3)' '
+ git diff-index -B reference >current &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ :100644 100644 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 M100 file0
+ :100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 M100 file1
+ compare_diff_raw expect current
+test_expect_success 'run diff with -B and -M (#4)' '
+ git diff-index -B -M reference >current &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ :100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 R100 file1 file0
+ :100644 100644 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 R100 file0 file1
+ compare_diff_raw expect current
+test_expect_success 'make file0 into something completely different' '
+ rm -f file0 &&
+ test_ln_s_add frotz file0 &&
+ git update-index file1
+test_expect_success 'run diff with -B (#5)' '
+ git diff-index -B reference >current &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ :100644 120000 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 67be421f88824578857624f7b3dc75e99a8a1481 T file0
+ :100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 M100 file1
+ compare_diff_raw expect current
+test_expect_success 'run diff with -B -M (#6)' '
+ git diff-index -B -M reference >current &&
+ # file0 changed from regular to symlink. file1 is the same as the preimage
+ # of file0. Because the change does not make file0 disappear, file1 is
+ # denoted as a copy of file0
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ :100644 120000 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 67be421f88824578857624f7b3dc75e99a8a1481 T file0
+ :100644 100644 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 C file0 file1
+ compare_diff_raw expect current
+test_expect_success 'run diff with -M (#7)' '
+ git diff-index -M reference >current &&
+ # This should not mistake file0 as the copy source of new file1
+ # due to type differences.
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ :100644 120000 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 67be421f88824578857624f7b3dc75e99a8a1481 T file0
+ :100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 M file1
+ compare_diff_raw expect current
+test_expect_success 'file1 edited to look like file0 and file0 rename-edited to file2' '
+ rm -f file0 file1 &&
+ git read-tree -m reference &&
+ git checkout-index -f -u -a &&
+ sed -e "s/git/GIT/" file0 >file1 &&
+ sed -e "s/git/GET/" file0 >file2 &&
+ rm -f file0 &&
+ git update-index --add --remove file0 file1 file2
+test_expect_success 'run diff with -B (#8)' '
+ git diff-index -B reference >current &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ :100644 000000 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D file0
+ :100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 2fbedd0b5d4b8126e4750c3bee305e8ff79f80ec M100 file1
+ :000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 69a939f651686f56322566e2fd76715947a24162 A file2
+ compare_diff_raw expect current
+test_expect_success 'run diff with -B -C (#9)' '
+ git diff-index -B -C reference >current &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ :100644 100644 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 2fbedd0b5d4b8126e4750c3bee305e8ff79f80ec C095 file0 file1
+ :100644 100644 548142c327a6790ff8821d67c2ee1eff7a656b52 69a939f651686f56322566e2fd76715947a24162 R095 file0 file2
+ compare_diff_raw expect current
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 57c094fdce..3641fd84d6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ test_description='Same rename detection as t4003 but testing diff-raw -z.
test_expect_success \
'prepare reference tree' \
echo frotz >rezrov &&
git update-index --add COPYING rezrov &&
tree=$(git write-tree) &&
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ test_expect_success \
test_expect_success \
'prepare work tree once again' \
git update-index --add --remove COPYING COPYING.1'
git diff-index -z -C --find-copies-harder $tree >current
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index bf07841866..43c488b545 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ test_expect_success \
compare_diff_raw current expected'
cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 766498d93a4b06057a8e49d23f4068f1170ff38f 0a41e115ab61be0328a19b29f18cdcb49338d516 M file0
+:100644 100644 8e4020bb5a8d8c873b25de15933e75cc0fc275df dca6b92303befc93086aa025d90a5facd7eb2812 M file0
test_expect_success \
'limit to file0 should show file0' \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 55d549fcf4..8c9823765e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ test_expect_success 'moves and renames' '
git diff-tree three four -r --name-status -B -M | sort >actual &&
- echo "R100 foo bar"
+ # see -B -M (#6) in t4008
+ echo "C100 foo bar"
echo "T100 foo"
} | sort >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 63e423838f..4d20feacfe 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -45,14 +45,33 @@ test_expect_success 'fg bg attr...' '
color "blue bold dim ul blink reverse" "[1;2;4;5;7;34m"
+# note that nobold and nodim are the same code (22)
+test_expect_success 'attr negation' '
+ color "nobold nodim noul noblink noreverse" "[22;24;25;27m"
test_expect_success 'long color specification' '
color "254 255 bold dim ul blink reverse" "[1;2;4;5;7;38;5;254;48;5;255m"
+test_expect_success 'absurdly long color specification' '
+ color \
+ "#ffffff #ffffff bold nobold dim nodim ul noul blink noblink reverse noreverse" \
+ "[1;2;4;5;7;22;24;25;27;38;2;255;255;255;48;2;255;255;255m"
+test_expect_success '0-7 are aliases for basic ANSI color names' '
+ color "0 7" "[30;47m"
test_expect_success '256 colors' '
color "254 bold 255" "[1;38;5;254;48;5;255m"
+test_expect_success '24-bit colors' '
+ color "#ff00ff black" "[38;2;255;0;255;40m"
test_expect_success '"normal" yields no color at all"' '
color "normal black" "[40m"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ed7e093366..0d50dce97e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -973,4 +973,18 @@ test_expect_success 'diff.dirstat=future_param,0,lines should warn, but still wo
test_i18ngrep -q "diff\\.dirstat" actual_error
+test_expect_success '--shortstat --dirstat should output only one dirstat' '
+ git diff --shortstat --dirstat=changes HEAD^..HEAD >out &&
+ grep " dst/copy/changed/$" out >actual_diff_shortstat_dirstat_changes &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual_diff_shortstat_dirstat_changes &&
+ git diff --shortstat --dirstat=lines HEAD^..HEAD >out &&
+ grep " dst/copy/changed/$" out >actual_diff_shortstat_dirstat_lines &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual_diff_shortstat_dirstat_lines &&
+ git diff --shortstat --dirstat=files HEAD^..HEAD >out &&
+ grep " dst/copy/changed/$" out >actual_diff_shortstat_dirstat_files &&
+ test_line_count = 1 actual_diff_shortstat_dirstat_files
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2ab3c48734..596dfe712d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -55,4 +55,38 @@ test_expect_success 'git diff --no-index executed outside repo gives correct err
+test_expect_success 'diff D F and diff F D' '
+ (
+ cd repo &&
+ echo in-repo >a &&
+ echo non-repo >../non/git/a &&
+ mkdir sub &&
+ echo sub-repo >sub/a &&
+ test_must_fail git diff --no-index sub/a ../non/git/a >expect &&
+ test_must_fail git diff --no-index sub/a ../non/git/ >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ test_must_fail git diff --no-index a ../non/git/a >expect &&
+ test_must_fail git diff --no-index a ../non/git/ >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ test_must_fail git diff --no-index ../non/git/a a >expect &&
+ test_must_fail git diff --no-index ../non/git a >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+ )
+test_expect_success 'turning a file into a directory' '
+ (
+ cd non/git &&
+ mkdir d e e/sub &&
+ echo 1 >d/sub &&
+ echo 2 >e/sub/file &&
+ printf "D\td/sub\nA\te/sub/file\n" >expect &&
+ test_must_fail git diff --no-index --name-status d e >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+ )
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0a23242cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+test_description='test tree diff when trees have duplicate entries'
+. ./
+# make_tree_entry <mode> <mode> <sha1>
+# We have to rely on perl here because not all printfs understand
+# hex escapes (only octal), and xxd is not portable.
+make_tree_entry () {
+ printf '%s %s\0' "$1" "$2" &&
+ perl -e 'print chr(hex($_)) for ($ARGV[0] =~ /../g)' "$3"
+# Like git-mktree, but without all of the pesky sanity checking.
+# Arguments come in groups of three, each group specifying a single
+# tree entry (see make_tree_entry above).
+make_tree () {
+ while test $# -gt 2; do
+ make_tree_entry "$1" "$2" "$3"
+ shift; shift; shift
+ done |
+ git hash-object -w -t tree --stdin
+# this is kind of a convoluted setup, but matches
+# a real-world case. Each tree contains four entries
+# for the given path, one with one sha1, and three with
+# the other. The first tree has them split across
+# two subtrees (which are themselves duplicate entries in
+# the root tree), and the second has them all in a single subtree.
+test_expect_success 'create trees with duplicate entries' '
+ blob_one=$(echo one | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
+ blob_two=$(echo two | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
+ inner_one_a=$(make_tree \
+ 100644 inner $blob_one
+ ) &&
+ inner_one_b=$(make_tree \
+ 100644 inner $blob_two \
+ 100644 inner $blob_two \
+ 100644 inner $blob_two
+ ) &&
+ outer_one=$(make_tree \
+ 040000 outer $inner_one_a \
+ 040000 outer $inner_one_b
+ ) &&
+ inner_two=$(make_tree \
+ 100644 inner $blob_one \
+ 100644 inner $blob_two \
+ 100644 inner $blob_two \
+ 100644 inner $blob_two
+ ) &&
+ outer_two=$(make_tree \
+ 040000 outer $inner_two
+ ) &&
+ git tag one $outer_one &&
+ git tag two $outer_two
+test_expect_success 'diff-tree between trees' '
+ {
+ printf ":000000 100644 $_z40 $blob_two A\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":000000 100644 $_z40 $blob_two A\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":000000 100644 $_z40 $blob_two A\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_two $_z40 D\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_two $_z40 D\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_two $_z40 D\touter/inner\n"
+ } >expect &&
+ git diff-tree -r --no-abbrev one two >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'diff-tree with renames' '
+ # same expectation as above, since we disable rename detection
+ git diff-tree -M -r --no-abbrev one two >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 70b3a06e1d..1779c0a568 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -52,4 +52,110 @@ test_expect_success 'check result' '
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'do not read from beyond symbolic link' '
+ git reset --hard &&
+ mkdir -p arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ >arch/x86_64/dir/file &&
+ git add arch/x86_64/dir/file &&
+ echo line >arch/x86_64/dir/file &&
+ git diff >patch &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ mkdir arch/i386/dir &&
+ >arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ ln -s ../i386/dir arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ test_must_fail git apply patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --cached patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --index patch
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'do not follow symbolic link (setup)' '
+ rm -rf arch/i386/dir arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ ln -s ../i386/dir arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ git add arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ git diff HEAD >add_symlink.patch &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ mkdir arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ >arch/x86_64/dir/file &&
+ git add arch/x86_64/dir/file &&
+ git diff HEAD >add_file.patch &&
+ git diff -R HEAD >del_file.patch &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ rm -fr arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ cat add_symlink.patch add_file.patch >patch &&
+ cat add_symlink.patch del_file.patch >tricky_del &&
+ mkdir arch/i386/dir
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'do not follow symbolic link (same input)' '
+ # same input creates a confusing symbolic link
+ test_must_fail git apply patch 2>error-wt &&
+ test_i18ngrep "beyond a symbolic link" error-wt &&
+ test_path_is_missing arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ test_path_is_missing arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --index patch 2>error-ix &&
+ test_i18ngrep "beyond a symbolic link" error-ix &&
+ test_path_is_missing arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ test_path_is_missing arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ test_must_fail git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ test_must_fail git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/i386/dir &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --cached patch 2>error-ct &&
+ test_i18ngrep "beyond a symbolic link" error-ct &&
+ test_must_fail git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ test_must_fail git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/i386/dir &&
+ >arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ git add arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ test_must_fail git apply tricky_del &&
+ test_path_is_file arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --index tricky_del &&
+ test_path_is_file arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ test_must_fail git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/i386/dir &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --cached tricky_del &&
+ test_must_fail git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/i386/dir
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'do not follow symbolic link (existing)' '
+ # existing symbolic link
+ git reset --hard &&
+ ln -s ../i386/dir arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ git add arch/x86_64/dir &&
+ test_must_fail git apply add_file.patch 2>error-wt-add &&
+ test_i18ngrep "beyond a symbolic link" error-wt-add &&
+ test_path_is_missing arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ mkdir arch/i386/dir &&
+ >arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ test_must_fail git apply del_file.patch 2>error-wt-del &&
+ test_i18ngrep "beyond a symbolic link" error-wt-del &&
+ test_path_is_file arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ rm arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --index add_file.patch 2>error-ix-add &&
+ test_i18ngrep "beyond a symbolic link" error-ix-add &&
+ test_path_is_missing arch/i386/dir/file &&
+ test_must_fail git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/i386/dir &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --cached add_file.patch 2>error-ct-file &&
+ test_i18ngrep "beyond a symbolic link" error-ct-file &&
+ test_must_fail git ls-files --error-unmatch arch/i386/dir
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0ffe33fbef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Kyle J. McKay
+test_description='git apply test patches with whitespace expansion.'
+. ./
+test_expect_success setup '
+ #
+ ## create test-N, patchN.patch, expect-N files
+ #
+ # test 1
+ printf "\t%s\n" 1 2 3 4 5 6 >before &&
+ printf "\t%s\n" 1 2 3 >after &&
+ printf "%64s\n" a b c >>after &&
+ printf "\t%s\n" 4 5 6 >>after &&
+ git diff --no-index before after |
+ sed -e "s/before/test-1/" -e "s/after/test-1/" >patch1.patch &&
+ printf "%64s\n" 1 2 3 4 5 6 >test-1 &&
+ printf "%64s\n" 1 2 3 a b c 4 5 6 >expect-1 &&
+ # test 2
+ printf "\t%s\n" a b c d e f >before &&
+ printf "\t%s\n" a b c >after &&
+ n=10 &&
+ x=1 &&
+ while test $x -lt $n
+ do
+ printf "%63s%d\n" "" $x >>after
+ x=$(( $x + 1 ))
+ done &&
+ printf "\t%s\n" d e f >>after &&
+ git diff --no-index before after |
+ sed -e "s/before/test-2/" -e "s/after/test-2/" >patch2.patch &&
+ printf "%64s\n" a b c d e f >test-2 &&
+ printf "%64s\n" a b c >expect-2 &&
+ x=1 &&
+ while test $x -lt $n
+ do
+ printf "%63s%d\n" "" $x >>expect-2
+ x=$(( $x + 1 ))
+ done &&
+ printf "%64s\n" d e f >>expect-2 &&
+ # test 3
+ printf "\t%s\n" a b c d e f >before &&
+ printf "\t%s\n" a b c >after &&
+ n=100 &&
+ x=0 &&
+ while test $x -lt $n
+ do
+ printf "%63s%02d\n" "" $x >>after
+ x=$(( $x + 1 ))
+ done &&
+ printf "\t%s\n" d e f >>after &&
+ git diff --no-index before after |
+ sed -e "s/before/test-3/" -e "s/after/test-3/" >patch3.patch &&
+ printf "%64s\n" a b c d e f >test-3 &&
+ printf "%64s\n" a b c >expect-3 &&
+ x=0 &&
+ while test $x -lt $n
+ do
+ printf "%63s%02d\n" "" $x >>expect-3
+ x=$(( $x + 1 ))
+ done &&
+ printf "%64s\n" d e f >>expect-3 &&
+ # test 4
+ >before &&
+ x=0 &&
+ while test $x -lt 50
+ do
+ printf "\t%02d\n" $x >>before
+ x=$(( $x + 1 ))
+ done &&
+ cat before >after &&
+ printf "%64s\n" a b c >>after &&
+ while test $x -lt 100
+ do
+ printf "\t%02d\n" $x >>before
+ printf "\t%02d\n" $x >>after
+ x=$(( $x + 1 ))
+ done &&
+ git diff --no-index before after |
+ sed -e "s/before/test-4/" -e "s/after/test-4/" >patch4.patch &&
+ >test-4 &&
+ x=0 &&
+ while test $x -lt 50
+ do
+ printf "%63s%02d\n" "" $x >>test-4
+ x=$(( $x + 1 ))
+ done &&
+ cat test-4 >expect-4 &&
+ printf "%64s\n" a b c >>expect-4 &&
+ while test $x -lt 100
+ do
+ printf "%63s%02d\n" "" $x >>test-4
+ printf "%63s%02d\n" "" $x >>expect-4
+ x=$(( $x + 1 ))
+ done &&
+ git config core.whitespace tab-in-indent,tabwidth=63 &&
+ git config apply.whitespace fix
+# Note that `patch` can successfully apply all patches when run
+# with the --ignore-whitespace option.
+for t in 1 2 3 4
+ test_expect_success 'apply with ws expansion (t=$t)' '
+ git apply patch$t.patch &&
+ test_cmp test-$t expect-$t
+ '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..45b5660a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+test_description='paths written by git-apply cannot escape the working tree'
+. ./
+# tests will try to write to ../foo, and we do not
+# want them to escape the trash directory when they
+# fail
+test_expect_success 'bump git repo one level down' '
+ mkdir inside &&
+ mv .git inside/ &&
+ cd inside
+# $1 = name of file
+# $2 = current path to file (if different)
+mkpatch_add () {
+ rm -f "${2:-$1}" &&
+ cat <<-EOF
+ diff --git a/$1 b/$1
+ new file mode 100644
+ index 0000000..53c74cd
+ --- /dev/null
+ +++ b/$1
+ @@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ +evil
+mkpatch_del () {
+ echo evil >"${2:-$1}" &&
+ cat <<-EOF
+ diff --git a/$1 b/$1
+ deleted file mode 100644
+ index 53c74cd..0000000
+ --- a/$1
+ +++ /dev/null
+ @@ -1 +0,0 @@
+ -evil
+# $1 = name of file
+# $2 = content of symlink
+mkpatch_symlink () {
+ rm -f "$1" &&
+ cat <<-EOF
+ diff --git a/$1 b/$1
+ new file mode 120000
+ index 0000000..$(printf "%s" "$2" | git hash-object --stdin)
+ --- /dev/null
+ +++ b/$1
+ @@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ +$2
+ \ No newline at end of file
+test_expect_success 'cannot create file containing ..' '
+ mkpatch_add ../foo >patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply patch &&
+ test_path_is_missing ../foo
+test_expect_success 'can create file containing .. with --unsafe-paths' '
+ mkpatch_add ../foo >patch &&
+ git apply --unsafe-paths patch &&
+ test_path_is_file ../foo
+test_expect_success 'cannot create file containing .. (index)' '
+ mkpatch_add ../foo >patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --index patch &&
+ test_path_is_missing ../foo
+test_expect_success 'cannot create file containing .. with --unsafe-paths (index)' '
+ mkpatch_add ../foo >patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --index --unsafe-paths patch &&
+ test_path_is_missing ../foo
+test_expect_success 'cannot delete file containing ..' '
+ mkpatch_del ../foo >patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply patch &&
+ test_path_is_file ../foo
+test_expect_success 'can delete file containing .. with --unsafe-paths' '
+ mkpatch_del ../foo >patch &&
+ git apply --unsafe-paths patch &&
+ test_path_is_missing ../foo
+test_expect_success 'cannot delete file containing .. (index)' '
+ mkpatch_del ../foo >patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --index patch &&
+ test_path_is_file ../foo
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'symlink escape via ..' '
+ {
+ mkpatch_symlink tmp .. &&
+ mkpatch_add tmp/foo ../foo
+ } >patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply patch &&
+ test_path_is_missing tmp &&
+ test_path_is_missing ../foo
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'symlink escape via .. (index)' '
+ {
+ mkpatch_symlink tmp .. &&
+ mkpatch_add tmp/foo ../foo
+ } >patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --index patch &&
+ test_path_is_missing tmp &&
+ test_path_is_missing ../foo
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'symlink escape via absolute path' '
+ {
+ mkpatch_symlink tmp "$(pwd)" &&
+ mkpatch_add tmp/foo ../foo
+ } >patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply patch &&
+ test_path_is_missing tmp &&
+ test_path_is_missing ../foo
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'symlink escape via absolute path (index)' '
+ {
+ mkpatch_symlink tmp "$(pwd)" &&
+ mkpatch_add tmp/foo ../foo
+ } >patch &&
+ test_must_fail git apply --index patch &&
+ test_path_is_missing tmp &&
+ test_path_is_missing ../foo
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5edb79a058..306e6f39ac 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git format-patch --stdout first >patch1 &&
+ echo "Message-Id: <>" &&
echo "X-Fake-Field: Line One" &&
echo "X-Fake-Field: Line Two" &&
echo "X-Fake-Field: Line Three" &&
@@ -536,4 +537,26 @@ test_expect_success 'am empty-file does not infloop' '
test_i18ncmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'am --message-id really adds the message id' '
+ rm -fr .git/rebase-apply &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ git checkout HEAD^ &&
+ git am --message-id patch1.eml &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/rebase-apply &&
+ git cat-file commit HEAD | tail -n1 >actual &&
+ grep Message-Id patch1.eml >expected &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'am --message-id -s signs off after the message id' '
+ rm -fr .git/rebase-apply &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ git checkout HEAD^ &&
+ git am -s --message-id patch1.eml &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/rebase-apply &&
+ git cat-file commit HEAD | tail -n2 | head -n1 >actual &&
+ grep Message-Id patch1.eml >expected &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 925f577a3c..6b8ad4f5b0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ test_expect_success setup '
cat >expected <<EOF
-${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_HEAD}HEAD${c_reset}${c_commit},\
- ${c_tag}tag: v1.0${c_reset}${c_commit},\
- ${c_tag}tag: B${c_reset}${c_commit},\
- ${c_branch}master${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} B
-${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_tag}tag: A1${c_reset}${c_commit},\
- ${c_remoteBranch}other/master${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} A1
-${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_stash}refs/stash${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset}\
+${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_HEAD}HEAD${c_reset}${c_commit},\
+ ${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: v1.0${c_reset}${c_commit},\
+ ${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: B${c_reset}${c_commit},\
+ ${c_reset}${c_branch}master${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} B
+${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: A1${c_reset}${c_commit},\
+ ${c_reset}${c_remoteBranch}other/master${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} A1
+${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_stash}refs/stash${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset}\
On master: Changes to A.t
-${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_tag}tag: A${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} A
+${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: A${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} A
# We want log to show all, but the second parent to refs/stash is irrelevant
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0901b30982..4451127eb2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ canned_test "-L 4:a.c -L 8,12:a.c simple" multiple-superset
canned_test "-L 8,12:a.c -L 4:a.c simple" multiple-superset
test_bad_opts "-L" "switch.*requires a value"
-test_bad_opts "-L b.c" "argument.*not of the form"
-test_bad_opts "-L 1:" "argument.*not of the form"
+test_bad_opts "-L b.c" "argument not .start,end:file"
+test_bad_opts "-L 1:" "argument not .start,end:file"
test_bad_opts "-L 1:nonexistent" "There is no path"
test_bad_opts "-L 1:simple" "There is no path"
-test_bad_opts "-L '/foo:b.c'" "argument.*not of the form"
+test_bad_opts "-L '/foo:b.c'" "argument not .start,end:file"
test_bad_opts "-L 1000:b.c" "has only.*lines"
test_bad_opts "-L 1,1000:b.c" "has only.*lines"
-test_bad_opts "-L :b.c" "argument.*not of the form"
+test_bad_opts "-L :b.c" "argument not .start,end:file"
test_bad_opts "-L :foo:b.c" "no match"
test_expect_success '-L X (X == nlines)' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8bde7dbb6d..0ba8194403 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -18,4 +18,76 @@ am_3way () {
test_submodule_switch "am_3way"
+test_expect_success 'setup diff.submodule' '
+ test_commit one &&
+ INITIAL=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git init submodule &&
+ (
+ cd submodule &&
+ test_commit two &&
+ git rev-parse HEAD >../initial-submodule
+ ) &&
+ git submodule add ./submodule &&
+ git commit -m first &&
+ (
+ cd submodule &&
+ test_commit three &&
+ git rev-parse HEAD >../first-submodule
+ ) &&
+ git add submodule &&
+ git commit -m second &&
+ SECOND=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ (
+ cd submodule &&
+ git mv two.t four.t &&
+ git commit -m "second submodule" &&
+ git rev-parse HEAD >../second-submodule
+ ) &&
+ test_commit four &&
+ git add submodule &&
+ git commit --amend --no-edit &&
+ THIRD=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git submodule update --init
+run_test() {
+ EXPECT=$2 &&
+ # Abort any merges in progress: the previous
+ # test may have failed, and we should clean up.
+ test_might_fail git am --abort &&
+ git reset --hard $START_COMMIT &&
+ rm -f *.patch &&
+ git format-patch -1 &&
+ git reset --hard $START_COMMIT^ &&
+ git submodule update &&
+ git am *.patch &&
+ git submodule update &&
+ git -C submodule rev-parse HEAD >actual &&
+ test_cmp $EXPECT actual
+test_expect_success 'diff.submodule unset' '
+ test_unconfig diff.submodule &&
+ run_test $SECOND first-submodule
+test_expect_success 'diff.submodule unset with extra file' '
+ test_unconfig diff.submodule &&
+ run_test $THIRD second-submodule
+test_expect_success 'diff.submodule=log' '
+ test_config diff.submodule log &&
+ run_test $SECOND first-submodule
+test_expect_success 'diff.submodule=log with extra file' '
+ test_config diff.submodule log &&
+ run_test $THIRD second-submodule
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d01bbdc968..4b68bbafbe 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ test_expect_success \
ten=0123456789 && hundred=$ten$ten$ten$ten$ten$ten$ten$ten$ten$ten &&
echo long filename >a/four$hundred &&
mkdir a/bin &&
- cp /bin/sh a/bin &&
+ test-genrandom "frotz" 500000 >a/bin/sh &&
printf "A\$Format:%s\$O" "$SUBSTFORMAT" >a/substfile1 &&
printf "A not substituted O" >a/substfile2 &&
if test_have_prereq SYMLINKS; then
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9e1ad1ca21..60df10f46a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ do
check_mailinfo $mail --no-inbody-headers
+ if test -f "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t5100/msg$mail--message-id
+ then
+ check_mailinfo $mail --message-id
+ fi
diff --git a/t/t5100/info0012--message-id b/t/t5100/info0012--message-id
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac1216ff75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t5100/info0012--message-id
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Author: Dmitriy Blinov
+Subject: Изменён список пакетов необходимых для сборки
+Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 17:54:41 +0300
diff --git a/t/t5100/msg0012--message-id b/t/t5100/msg0012--message-id
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..376e26e9ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t5100/msg0012--message-id
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+textlive-* исправлены на texlive-*
+docutils заменён на python-docutils
+Действительно, оказалось, что rest2web вытягивает за собой
+python-docutils. В то время как сам rest2web не нужен.
+Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Blinov <>
+Message-Id: <>
diff --git a/t/t5100/patch0012--message-id b/t/t5100/patch0012--message-id
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36a0b68161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t5100/patch0012--message-id
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ howto/build_navy.txt | 6 +++---
+ 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/howto/build_navy.txt b/howto/build_navy.txt
+index 3fd3afb..0ee807e 100644
+--- a/howto/build_navy.txt
++++ b/howto/build_navy.txt
+@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@
+ - libxv-dev
+ - libusplash-dev
+ - latex-make
+- - textlive-lang-cyrillic
+- - textlive-latex-extra
++ - texlive-lang-cyrillic
++ - texlive-latex-extra
+ - dia
+ - python-pyrex
+ - libtool
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ - sox
+ - cython
+ - imagemagick
+- - docutils
++ - python-docutils
+ #. на машине dinar: добавить свой открытый ssh-ключ в authorized_keys2 пользователя ddev
+ #. на своей машине: отредактировать /etc/sudoers (команда ``visudo``) примерно следующим образом::
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e32e46dee1..0794d33dad 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -253,4 +253,12 @@ test_expect_success 'prune .git/shallow' '
test_path_is_missing .git/shallow
+test_expect_success 'prune: handle alternate object database' '
+ test_create_repo A &&
+ git -C A commit --allow-empty -m "initial commit" &&
+ git clone --shared A B &&
+ git -C B commit --allow-empty -m "next commit" &&
+ git -C B prune
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8e98b44083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+Test pruning of repositories with minor corruptions. The goal
+here is that we should always be erring on the side of safety. So
+if we see, for example, a ref with a bogus name, it is OK either to
+bail out or to proceed using it as a reachable tip, but it is _not_
+OK to proceed as if it did not exist. Otherwise we might silently
+delete objects that cannot be recovered.
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'disable reflogs' '
+ git config core.logallrefupdates false &&
+ rm -rf .git/logs
+test_expect_success 'create history reachable only from a bogus-named ref' '
+ test_tick && git commit --allow-empty -m master &&
+ base=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ test_tick && git commit --allow-empty -m bogus &&
+ bogus=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git cat-file commit $bogus >saved &&
+ echo $bogus >.git/refs/heads/ &&
+ git reset --hard HEAD^
+test_expect_success 'pruning does not drop bogus object' '
+ test_when_finished "git hash-object -w -t commit saved" &&
+ test_might_fail git prune --expire=now &&
+ verbose git cat-file -e $bogus
+test_expect_success 'put bogus object into pack' '
+ git tag reachable $bogus &&
+ git repack -ad &&
+ git tag -d reachable &&
+ verbose git cat-file -e $bogus
+test_expect_success 'destructive repack keeps packed object' '
+ test_might_fail git repack -Ad --unpack-unreachable=now &&
+ verbose git cat-file -e $bogus &&
+ test_might_fail git repack -ad &&
+ verbose git cat-file -e $bogus
+# subsequent tests will have different corruptions
+test_expect_success 'clean up bogus ref' '
+ rm .git/refs/heads/
+# We create two new objects here, "one" and "two". Our
+# master branch points to "two", which is deleted,
+# corrupting the repository. But we'd like to make sure
+# that the otherwise unreachable "one" is not pruned
+# (since it is the user's best bet for recovering
+# from the corruption).
+# Note that we also point HEAD somewhere besides "two",
+# as we want to make sure we test the case where we
+# pick up the reference to "two" by iterating the refs,
+# not by resolving HEAD.
+test_expect_success 'create history with missing tip commit' '
+ test_tick && git commit --allow-empty -m one &&
+ recoverable=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git cat-file commit $recoverable >saved &&
+ test_tick && git commit --allow-empty -m two &&
+ missing=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git checkout --detach $base &&
+ rm .git/objects/$(echo $missing | sed "s,..,&/,") &&
+ test_must_fail git cat-file -e $missing
+test_expect_success 'pruning with a corrupted tip does not drop history' '
+ test_when_finished "git hash-object -w -t commit saved" &&
+ test_might_fail git prune --expire=now &&
+ verbose git cat-file -e $recoverable
+test_expect_success 'pack-refs does not silently delete broken loose ref' '
+ git pack-refs --all --prune &&
+ echo $missing >expect &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+# we do not want to count on running pack-refs to
+# actually pack it, as it is perfectly reasonable to
+# skip processing a broken ref
+test_expect_success 'create packed-refs file with broken ref' '
+ rm -f .git/refs/heads/master &&
+ cat >.git/packed-refs <<-EOF &&
+ $missing refs/heads/master
+ $recoverable refs/heads/other
+ echo $missing >expect &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'pack-refs does not silently delete broken packed ref' '
+ git pack-refs --all --prune &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'pack-refs does not drop broken refs during deletion' '
+ git update-ref -d refs/heads/other &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0736bcbcd5..04cea97f87 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ test_expect_success 'refuse pushing rewound head without --force' '
test "$victim_head" = "$pushed_head"
-test_expect_success \
- 'push can be used to delete a ref' '
+test_expect_success 'push can be used to delete a ref' '
( cd victim && git branch extra master ) &&
git send-pack ./victim :extra master &&
( cd victim &&
@@ -196,19 +195,6 @@ rewound_push_setup() {
-rewound_push_succeeded() {
- cmp ../parent/.git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/master
-rewound_push_failed() {
- if rewound_push_succeeded
- then
- false
- else
- true
- fi
test_expect_success 'pushing explicit refspecs respects forcing' '
rewound_push_setup &&
parent_orig=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5b2b1c2c13..ed40407309 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -541,13 +541,30 @@ check_prot_path () {
test_cmp expected actual
-check_prot_host_path () {
- cat >expected <<-EOF &&
+check_prot_host_port_path () {
+ local diagport
+ case "$2" in
+ *ssh*)
+ pp=ssh
+ uah=userandhost
+ ehost=$(echo $3 | tr -d "[]")
+ diagport="Diag: port=$4"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ pp=$p
+ uah=hostandport
+ ehost=$(echo $3$4 | sed -e "s/22$/:22/" -e "s/NONE//")
+ diagport=""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cat >exp <<-EOF &&
Diag: url=$1
- Diag: protocol=$2
- Diag: hostandport=$3
- Diag: path=$4
+ Diag: protocol=$pp
+ Diag: $uah=$ehost
+ $diagport
+ Diag: path=$5
+ grep -v "^$" exp >expected
git fetch-pack --diag-url "$1" >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -557,22 +574,23 @@ do
# git or ssh with scheme
for p in "ssh+git" "git+ssh" git ssh
- for h in host host:12 [::1] [::1]:23
+ for h in host user@host user@[::1] user@::1
- case "$p" in
- *ssh*)
- pp=ssh
- ;;
- *)
- pp=$p
- ;;
- esac
- test_expect_success "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h/$r" '
- check_prot_host_path $p://$h/$r $pp "$h" "/$r"
- '
- # "/~" -> "~" conversion
- test_expect_success "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h/~$r" '
- check_prot_host_path $p://$h/~$r $pp "$h" "~$r"
+ for c in "" :
+ do
+ test_expect_success "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h$c/$r" '
+ check_prot_host_port_path $p://$h/$r $p "$h" NONE "/$r"
+ '
+ # "/~" -> "~" conversion
+ test_expect_success "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h$c/~$r" '
+ check_prot_host_port_path $p://$h/~$r $p "$h" NONE "~$r"
+ '
+ done
+ done
+ for h in host User@host User@[::1]
+ do
+ test_expect_success "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h:22/$r" '
+ check_prot_host_port_path $p://$h:22/$r $p "$h" 22 "/$r"
@@ -603,11 +621,11 @@ do
for h in host [::1]
test_expect_success "fetch-pack --diag-url $h:$r" '
- check_prot_path $h:$r $p "$r"
+ check_prot_host_port_path $h:$r $p "$h" NONE "$r"
# Do "/~" -> "~" conversion
test_expect_success "fetch-pack --diag-url $h:/~$r" '
- check_prot_host_path $h:/~$r $p "$h" "~$r"
+ check_prot_host_port_path $h:/~$r $p "$h" NONE "~$r"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ac79dd915d..17c6330f98 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1113,4 +1113,9 @@ test_extra_arg set-url origin newurl oldurl
# prune takes any number of args
# update takes any number of args
+test_expect_success 'add remote matching the "insteadOf" URL' '
+ git config backup &&
+ git remote add backup
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f4da20aa9b..050877f181 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with pushInsteadOf' '
test_expect_success 'push with pushInsteadOf and explicit pushurl (pushInsteadOf should not rewrite)' '
mk_empty testrepo &&
test_config "url.trash2/.pushInsteadOf" testrepo/ &&
- test_config "url.trash3/.pusnInsteadOf" trash/wrong &&
+ test_config "url.trash3/.pushInsteadOf" trash/wrong &&
test_config remote.r.url trash/wrong &&
test_config remote.r.pushurl "testrepo/" &&
git push r refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
@@ -1107,9 +1107,16 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch exact SHA1' '
git config uploadpack.allowtipsha1inwant true
) &&
- git fetch -v ../testrepo $the_commit:refs/heads/copy &&
- result=$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/copy) &&
- test "$the_commit" = "$result"
+ git fetch -v ../testrepo $the_commit:refs/heads/copy master:refs/heads/extra &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ $the_commit
+ $the_first_commit
+ {
+ git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/copy &&
+ git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/extra
+ } >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
@@ -1330,4 +1337,108 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch into bare respects core.logallrefupdates' '
+test_expect_success 'receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead' '
+ git push testrepo master &&
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ git config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead
+ ) &&
+ test_commit third path2 &&
+ # Try pushing into a repository with pristine working tree
+ git push testrepo master &&
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ git update-index -q --refresh &&
+ git diff-files --quiet -- &&
+ git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD -- &&
+ test third = "$(cat path2)" &&
+ test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD) = $(git rev-parse HEAD)
+ ) &&
+ # Try pushing into a repository with working tree needing a refresh
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
+ test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ test-chmtime +100 path1
+ ) &&
+ git push testrepo master &&
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ git update-index -q --refresh &&
+ git diff-files --quiet -- &&
+ git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD -- &&
+ test_cmp ../path1 path1 &&
+ test third = "$(cat path2)" &&
+ test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD) = $(git rev-parse HEAD)
+ ) &&
+ # Update what is to be pushed
+ test_commit fourth path2 &&
+ # Try pushing into a repository with a dirty working tree
+ # (1) the working tree updated
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ echo changed >path1
+ ) &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo master &&
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git diff --quiet --cached &&
+ test changed = "$(cat path1)"
+ ) &&
+ # (2) the index updated
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ echo changed >path1 &&
+ git add path1
+ ) &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo master &&
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git diff --quiet &&
+ test changed = "$(cat path1)"
+ ) &&
+ # Introduce a new file in the update
+ test_commit fifth path3 &&
+ # (3) the working tree has an untracked file that would interfere
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ echo changed >path3
+ ) &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo master &&
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git diff --quiet &&
+ git diff --quiet --cached &&
+ test changed = "$(cat path3)"
+ ) &&
+ # (4) the target changes to what gets pushed but it still is a change
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ echo fifth >path3 &&
+ git add path3
+ ) &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo master &&
+ (
+ cd testrepo &&
+ test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git diff --quiet &&
+ test fifth = "$(cat path3)"
+ )
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index edea9f957e..207899a99f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -26,4 +26,37 @@ test_expect_success 'suffix ref is ignored during fetch' '
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'try to create repo with absurdly long refname' '
+ ref240=$_z40/$_z40/$_z40/$_z40/$_z40/$_z40 &&
+ ref1440=$ref240/$ref240/$ref240/$ref240/$ref240/$ref240 &&
+ git init long &&
+ (
+ cd long &&
+ test_commit long &&
+ test_commit master
+ ) &&
+ if git -C long update-ref refs/heads/$ref1440 long; then
+ test_set_prereq LONG_REF
+ else
+ echo >&2 "long refs not supported"
+ fi
+test_expect_success LONG_REF 'fetch handles extremely long refname' '
+ git fetch long refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/long/* &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ long
+ master
+ git for-each-ref --format="%(subject)" refs/remotes/long >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success LONG_REF 'push handles extremely long refname' '
+ git push long :refs/heads/$ref1440 &&
+ git -C long for-each-ref --format="%(subject)" refs/heads >actual &&
+ echo master >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d2c681ebfd..1ecb5881ac 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -324,12 +324,6 @@ test_expect_success 'push into half-auth-complete requires password' '
test_cmp expect actual
-run_with_limited_cmdline () {
- (ulimit -s 128 && "$@")
-test_lazy_prereq CMDLINE_LIMIT 'run_with_limited_cmdline true'
test_expect_success CMDLINE_LIMIT 'push 2000 tags over http' '
sha1=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
test_seq 2000 |
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ac71418a1b..6da9422431 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -165,6 +165,24 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch notices corrupt idx' '
+test_expect_success 'fetch can handle previously-fetched .idx files' '
+ git checkout --orphan branch1 &&
+ echo base >file &&
+ git add file &&
+ git commit -m base &&
+ git --bare init "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_packed_branches.git &&
+ git push "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_packed_branches.git branch1 &&
+ git --git-dir="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_packed_branches.git repack -d &&
+ git checkout -b branch2 branch1 &&
+ echo b2 >>file &&
+ git commit -a -m b2 &&
+ git push "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_packed_branches.git branch2 &&
+ git --git-dir="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_packed_branches.git repack -d &&
+ git --bare init clone_packed_branches.git &&
+ git --git-dir=clone_packed_branches.git fetch "$HTTPD_URL"/dumb/repo_packed_branches.git branch1:branch1 &&
+ git --git-dir=clone_packed_branches.git fetch "$HTTPD_URL"/dumb/repo_packed_branches.git branch2:branch2
test_expect_success 'did not use upload-pack service' '
grep '/git-upload-pack' <"$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH"/access.log >act
: >exp
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6cbc12d9a7..df47851752 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -213,10 +213,21 @@ test_expect_success 'cookies stored in http.cookiefile when http.savecookies set
test_cmp expect_cookies.txt cookies_tail.txt
-test_expect_success EXPENSIVE 'create 50,000 tags in the repo' '
+test_expect_success 'transfer.hiderefs works over smart-http' '
+ test_commit hidden &&
+ test_commit visible &&
+ git push public HEAD^:refs/heads/a HEAD:refs/heads/b &&
+ git --git-dir="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" \
+ config transfer.hiderefs refs/heads/a &&
+ git clone --bare "$HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git" hidden.git &&
+ test_must_fail git -C hidden.git rev-parse --verify a &&
+ git -C hidden.git rev-parse --verify b
+test_expect_success 'create 2,000 tags in the repo' '
cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
- for i in `test_seq 50000`
+ for i in $(test_seq 2000)
echo "commit refs/heads/too-many-refs"
echo "mark :$i"
@@ -237,13 +248,22 @@ test_expect_success EXPENSIVE 'create 50,000 tags in the repo' '
-test_expect_success EXPENSIVE 'clone the 50,000 tag repo to check OS command line overflow' '
- git clone $HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git too-many-refs &&
+test_expect_success CMDLINE_LIMIT \
+ 'clone the 2,000 tag repo to check OS command line overflow' '
+ run_with_limited_cmdline git clone $HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git too-many-refs &&
cd too-many-refs &&
- test $(git for-each-ref refs/tags | wc -l) = 50000
+ git for-each-ref refs/tags >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 2000 actual
+test_expect_success 'large fetch-pack requests can be split across POSTs' '
+ GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 git -c http.postbuffer=65536 \
+ clone --bare "$HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git" split.git 2>err &&
+ grep "^> POST" err >posts &&
+ test_line_count = 2 posts
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6b16379951..b7e283252d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -142,4 +142,31 @@ test_expect_success 'read access denied' "test_remote_error -x 'no such reposito
test_expect_success 'not exported' "test_remote_error -n 'repository not exported' fetch repo.git "
+start_git_daemon --interpolated-path="$GIT_DAEMON_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/%H%D"
+test_expect_success 'access repo via interpolated hostname' '
+ repo="$GIT_DAEMON_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/localhost/interp.git" &&
+ git init --bare "$repo" &&
+ git push "$repo" HEAD &&
+ >"$repo"/git-daemon-export-ok &&
+ rm -rf tmp.git &&
+ git clone --bare "$GIT_DAEMON_URL/interp.git" tmp.git &&
+ rm -rf tmp.git &&
+ git clone --bare "$GIT_DAEMON_URL/interp.git" tmp.git
+test_expect_success 'hostname cannot break out of directory' '
+ rm -rf tmp.git &&
+ repo="$GIT_DAEMON_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/../escape.git" &&
+ git init --bare "$repo" &&
+ git push "$repo" HEAD &&
+ >"$repo"/git-daemon-export-ok &&
+ test_must_fail \
+ git clone --bare "$GIT_DAEMON_URL/escape.git" tmp.git
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e4f10c0f68..1befc453a3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -301,11 +301,17 @@ expect_ssh () {
(cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY" && rm -f ssh-expect && >ssh-output)
' &&
- case "$1" in
- none)
+ case "$#" in
+ 1)
- *)
+ 2)
echo "ssh: $1 git-upload-pack '$2'"
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ echo "ssh: $1 $2 git-upload-pack '$3'"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "ssh: $1 $2 git-upload-pack '$3' $4"
} >"$TRASH_DIRECTORY/ssh-expect" &&
(cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY" && test_cmp ssh-expect ssh-output)
@@ -326,7 +332,7 @@ test_expect_success !MINGW,!CYGWIN 'clone local path foo:bar' '
test_expect_success 'bracketed hostnames are still ssh' '
git clone "[myhost:123]:src" ssh-bracket-clone &&
- expect_ssh myhost:123 src
+ expect_ssh myhost '-p 123' src
@@ -336,7 +342,8 @@ counter=0
test_clone_url () {
counter=$(($counter + 1))
test_might_fail git clone "$1" tmp$counter &&
- expect_ssh "$2" "$3"
+ shift &&
+ expect_ssh "$@"
test_expect_success !MINGW 'clone c:temp is ssl' '
@@ -359,7 +366,7 @@ done
for repo in rep rep/home/project 123
test_expect_success "clone [::1]:$repo" '
- test_clone_url [::1]:$repo ::1 $repo
+ test_clone_url [::1]:$repo ::1 "$repo"
#home directory
@@ -380,14 +387,17 @@ do
#with ssh:// scheme
-test_expect_success 'clone ssh://host.xz/home/user/repo' '
- test_clone_url "ssh://host.xz/home/user/repo" host.xz "/home/user/repo"
-# from home directory
-test_expect_success 'clone ssh://host.xz/~repo' '
- test_clone_url "ssh://host.xz/~repo" host.xz "~repo"
+#ignore trailing colon
+for tcol in "" :
+ test_expect_success "clone ssh://host.xz$tcol/home/user/repo" '
+ test_clone_url "ssh://host.xz$tcol/home/user/repo" host.xz /home/user/repo
+ '
+ # from home directory
+ test_expect_success "clone ssh://host.xz$tcol/~repo" '
+ test_clone_url "ssh://host.xz$tcol/~repo" host.xz "~repo"
# with port number
test_expect_success 'clone ssh://host.xz:22/home/user/repo' '
@@ -400,24 +410,40 @@ test_expect_success 'clone ssh://host.xz:22/~repo' '
-test_expect_success 'clone ssh://[::1]/home/user/repo' '
- test_clone_url "ssh://[::1]/home/user/repo" "::1" "/home/user/repo"
+for tuah in ::1 [::1] [::1]: user@::1 user@[::1] user@[::1]: [user@::1] [user@::1]:
+ ehost=$(echo $tuah | sed -e "s/1]:/1]/ "| tr -d "[]")
+ test_expect_success "clone ssh://$tuah/home/user/repo" "
+ test_clone_url ssh://$tuah/home/user/repo $ehost /home/user/repo
+ "
#IPv6 from home directory
-test_expect_success 'clone ssh://[::1]/~repo' '
- test_clone_url "ssh://[::1]/~repo" "::1" "~repo"
+for tuah in ::1 [::1] user@::1 user@[::1] [user@::1]
+ euah=$(echo $tuah | tr -d "[]")
+ test_expect_success "clone ssh://$tuah/~repo" "
+ test_clone_url ssh://$tuah/~repo $euah '~repo'
+ "
#IPv6 with port number
-test_expect_success 'clone ssh://[::1]:22/home/user/repo' '
- test_clone_url "ssh://[::1]:22/home/user/repo" "-p 22 ::1" "/home/user/repo"
+for tuah in [::1] user@[::1] [user@::1]
+ euah=$(echo $tuah | tr -d "[]")
+ test_expect_success "clone ssh://$tuah:22/home/user/repo" "
+ test_clone_url ssh://$tuah:22/home/user/repo '-p 22' $euah /home/user/repo
+ "
#IPv6 from home directory with port number
-test_expect_success 'clone ssh://[::1]:22/~repo' '
- test_clone_url "ssh://[::1]:22/~repo" "-p 22 ::1" "~repo"
+for tuah in [::1] user@[::1] [user@::1]
+ euah=$(echo $tuah | tr -d "[]")
+ test_expect_success "clone ssh://$tuah:22/~repo" "
+ test_clone_url ssh://$tuah:22/~repo '-p 22' $euah '~repo'
+ "
test_expect_success 'clone from a repository with two identical branches' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6537911a43..3e783fc450 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -198,4 +198,21 @@ test_expect_success 'clone using repo pointed at by gitfile as reference' '
test_cmp expected "$base_dir/O/.git/objects/info/alternates"
+test_expect_success 'clone and dissociate from reference' '
+ git init P &&
+ (
+ cd P && test_commit one
+ ) &&
+ git clone P Q &&
+ (
+ cd Q && test_commit two
+ ) &&
+ git clone --no-local --reference=P Q R &&
+ git clone --no-local --reference=P --dissociate Q S &&
+ # removing the reference P would corrupt R but not S
+ rm -fr P &&
+ test_must_fail git -C R fsck &&
+ git -C S fsck
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2419407546..c9d3ed14c3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -281,4 +281,28 @@ test_expect_success 'push messages' '
+test_expect_success 'fetch HEAD' '
+ (cd server &&
+ git checkout master &&
+ echo more >>file &&
+ git commit -a -m more
+ ) &&
+ (cd local &&
+ git fetch origin HEAD
+ ) &&
+ compare_refs server HEAD local FETCH_HEAD
+test_expect_success 'fetch url' '
+ (cd server &&
+ git checkout master &&
+ echo more >>file &&
+ git commit -a -m more
+ ) &&
+ (cd local &&
+ git fetch "testgit::${PWD}/../server"
+ ) &&
+ compare_refs server HEAD local FETCH_HEAD
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3758961765..190ee903cf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ test_expect_success 'works in subdirectory' '
cp new1.txt dir/a.txt &&
cp orig.txt dir/o.txt &&
cp new2.txt dir/b.txt &&
- ( cd dir && git merge-file a.txt o.txt b.txt )
+ ( cd dir && git merge-file a.txt o.txt b.txt ) &&
+ test_path_is_missing a.txt
cp new1.txt test.txt
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 064f5cefeb..e6abe65d5c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -779,4 +779,13 @@ test_expect_success 'bisect log: only skip commits left' '
git bisect reset
+test_expect_success '"git bisect bad HEAD" behaves as "git bisect bad"' '
+ git checkout parallel &&
+ git bisect start HEAD $HASH1 &&
+ git bisect good HEAD &&
+ git bisect bad HEAD &&
+ test "$HASH6" = $(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
+ git bisect reset
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index bda354c1c4..c66bf7981c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -334,6 +334,19 @@ test_expect_success 'Check that :track[short] cannot be used with other atoms' '
test_must_fail git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:trackshort)" 2>/dev/null
+test_expect_success 'Check that :track[short] works when upstream is invalid' '
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ test_when_finished "git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master" &&
+ git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/does-not-exist &&
+ git for-each-ref \
+ --format="%(upstream:track)$LF%(upstream:trackshort)" \
+ refs/heads >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
cat >expected <<EOF
$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 796e9f79ea..35c805a44e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG \
get_tag_header rfc1991-signed-tag $commit commit $time >expect
echo "RFC1991 signed tag" >>expect
echo '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----' >>expect
-test_expect_success GPG \
+test_expect_success GPG,RFC1991 \
'creating a signed tag with rfc1991' '
echo "rfc1991" >gpghome/gpg.conf &&
git tag -s -m "RFC1991 signed tag" rfc1991-signed-tag $commit &&
@@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@ cp "$1" actual
chmod +x fakeeditor
-test_expect_success GPG \
+test_expect_success GPG,RFC1991 \
'reediting a signed tag body omits signature' '
echo "rfc1991" >gpghome/gpg.conf &&
echo "RFC1991 signed tag" >expect &&
@@ -1103,13 +1103,13 @@ test_expect_success GPG \
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success GPG \
+test_expect_success GPG,RFC1991 \
'verifying rfc1991 signature' '
echo "rfc1991" >gpghome/gpg.conf &&
git tag -v rfc1991-signed-tag
-test_expect_success GPG \
+test_expect_success GPG,RFC1991 \
'list tag with rfc1991 signature' '
echo "rfc1991" >gpghome/gpg.conf &&
echo "rfc1991-signed-tag RFC1991 signed tag" >expect &&
@@ -1123,12 +1123,12 @@ test_expect_success GPG \
rm -f gpghome/gpg.conf
-test_expect_success GPG \
+test_expect_success GPG,RFC1991 \
'verifying rfc1991 signature without --rfc1991' '
git tag -v rfc1991-signed-tag
-test_expect_success GPG \
+test_expect_success GPG,RFC1991 \
'list tag with rfc1991 signature without --rfc1991' '
echo "rfc1991-signed-tag RFC1991 signed tag" >expect &&
git tag -l -n1 rfc1991-signed-tag >actual &&
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG \
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success GPG \
+test_expect_success GPG,RFC1991 \
'reediting a signed tag body omits signature' '
echo "RFC1991 signed tag" >expect &&
GIT_EDITOR=./fakeeditor git tag -f -s rfc1991-signed-tag $commit &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7c88245031..5811a982f4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -171,6 +171,23 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule add with ./ in path' '
test_cmp empty untracked
+test_expect_success 'submodule add with /././ in path' '
+ echo "refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ >empty &&
+ (
+ cd addtest &&
+ git submodule add "$submodurl" dotslashdotsubmod/././frotz/./ &&
+ git submodule init
+ ) &&
+ rm -f heads head untracked &&
+ inspect addtest/dotslashdotsubmod/frotz ../../.. &&
+ test_cmp expect heads &&
+ test_cmp expect head &&
+ test_cmp empty untracked
test_expect_success 'submodule add with // in path' '
echo "refs/heads/master" >expect &&
>empty &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 474dab381a..3cef18cfda 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'show signed commit with signature' '
git show -s --show-signature initial >show &&
git verify-commit -v initial >verify.1 2>verify.2 &&
git cat-file commit initial >cat &&
- grep -v "gpg: " show >show.commit &&
- grep "gpg: " show >show.gpg &&
+ grep -v -e "gpg: " -e "Warning: " show >show.commit &&
+ grep -e "gpg: " -e "Warning: " show >show.gpg &&
grep -v "^ " cat | grep -v "^gpgsig " >cat.commit &&
test_cmp show.commit commit &&
test_cmp show.gpg verify.2 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1efb88051a..bd0ab46750 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ test_expect_success 'with 2 files arguments' '
test_expect_success 'with message that has comments' '
- cat basic_message >>message_with_comments &&
+ cat basic_message >message_with_comments &&
sed -e "s/ Z\$/ /" >>message_with_comments <<-\EOF &&
# comment
@@ -232,12 +232,44 @@ test_expect_success 'with message that has comments' '
Reviewed-by: Johan
Cc: Peff
+ # last comment
cat basic_patch >>expected &&
git interpret-trailers --trim-empty --trailer "Cc: Peff" message_with_comments >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'with message that has an old style conflict block' '
+ cat basic_message >message_with_comments &&
+ sed -e "s/ Z\$/ /" >>message_with_comments <<-\EOF &&
+ # comment
+ # other comment
+ Cc: Z
+ # yet another comment
+ Reviewed-by: Johan
+ Reviewed-by: Z
+ # last comment
+ Conflicts:
+ cat basic_message >expected &&
+ cat >>expected <<-\EOF &&
+ # comment
+ Reviewed-by: Johan
+ Cc: Peff
+ # last comment
+ Conflicts:
+ git interpret-trailers --trim-empty --trailer "Cc: Peff" message_with_comments >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'with commit complex message and trailer args' '
cat complex_message_body >expected &&
sed -e "s/ Z\$/ /" >>expected <<-\EOF &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 19a3ced600..051305545c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,35 +6,37 @@ test_description='git send-email'
# May be altered later in the test
-test_expect_success $PREREQ \
- 'prepare reference tree' \
- 'echo "1A quick brown fox jumps over the" >file &&
- echo "lazy dog" >>file &&
- git add file &&
- GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="A" git commit -a -m "Initial."'
-test_expect_success $PREREQ \
- 'Setup helper tool' \
- '(echo "#!$SHELL_PATH"
- echo shift
- echo output=1
- echo "while test -f commandline\$output; do output=\$((\$output+1)); done"
- echo for a
- echo do
- echo " echo \"!\$a!\""
- echo "done >commandline\$output"
- echo "cat > msgtxt\$output"
- ) >fake.sendmail &&
- chmod +x ./fake.sendmail &&
- git add fake.sendmail &&
- GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="A" git commit -a -m "Second."'
-clean_fake_sendmail() {
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'prepare reference tree' '
+ echo "1A quick brown fox jumps over the" >file &&
+ echo "lazy dog" >>file &&
+ git add file &&
+ GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="A" git commit -a -m "Initial."
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Setup helper tool' '
+ write_script fake.sendmail <<-\EOF &&
+ shift
+ output=1
+ while test -f commandline$output
+ do
+ output=$(($output+1))
+ done
+ for a
+ do
+ echo "!$a!"
+ done >commandline$output
+ cat >"msgtxt$output"
+ git add fake.sendmail &&
+ GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="A" git commit -a -m "Second."
+clean_fake_sendmail () {
rm -f commandline* msgtxt*
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Extract patches' '
- patches=`git format-patch -s --cc="One <>" -n HEAD^1`
+ patches=`git format-patch -s --cc="One <>" -n HEAD^1`
# Test no confirm early to ensure remaining tests will not hang
@@ -47,9 +49,9 @@ test_no_confirm () { \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
$@ \
- $patches > stdout &&
+ $patches >stdout &&
test_must_fail grep "Send this email" stdout &&
- > no_confirm_okay
+ >no_confirm_okay
# Exit immediately to prevent hang if a no-confirm test fails
@@ -82,61 +84,61 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'No confirm with sendemail.confirm=never' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Send patches' '
- git send-email --suppress-cc=sob --from="Example <>" --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" $patches 2>errors
+ git send-email --suppress-cc=sob --from="Example <>" --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" $patches 2>errors
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
-cat >expected <<\EOF
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF
+ !!
+ !!
+ !!
+ !!
-test_expect_success $PREREQ \
- 'Verify commandline' \
- 'test_cmp expected commandline1'
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Verify commandline' '
+ test_cmp expected commandline1
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Send patches with --envelope-sender' '
- clean_fake_sendmail &&
- git send-email --envelope-sender="Patch Contributor <>" --suppress-cc=sob --from="Example <>" --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" $patches 2>errors
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git send-email --envelope-sender="Patch Contributor <>" --suppress-cc=sob --from="Example <>" --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" $patches 2>errors
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
-cat >expected <<\EOF
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF
+ !!
+ !-i!
+ !!
+ !!
+ !!
+ !!
-test_expect_success $PREREQ \
- 'Verify commandline' \
- 'test_cmp expected commandline1'
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Verify commandline' '
+ test_cmp expected commandline1
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Send patches with --envelope-sender=auto' '
- clean_fake_sendmail &&
- git send-email --envelope-sender=auto --suppress-cc=sob --from="Example <>" --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" $patches 2>errors
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git send-email --envelope-sender=auto --suppress-cc=sob --from="Example <>" --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" $patches 2>errors
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
-cat >expected <<\EOF
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF
+ !!
+ !-i!
+ !!
+ !!
+ !!
+ !!
-test_expect_success $PREREQ \
- 'Verify commandline' \
- 'test_cmp expected commandline1'
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Verify commandline' '
+ test_cmp expected commandline1
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' "
cat >expected-show-all-headers <<\EOF
@@ -240,6 +242,13 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'non-ascii self name is suppressed' "
+# This name is long enough to force format-patch to split it into multiple
+# encoded-words, assuming it uses UTF-8 with the "Q" encoding.
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'long non-ascii self name is suppressed' "
+ test_suppress_self_quoted 'Ƒüñníęř €. Nâṁé' 'odd_?' \
+ 'long_non_ascii_self_suppressed'
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'sanitized self name is suppressed' "
test_suppress_self_unquoted '\"A U. Thor\"' '' \
@@ -307,11 +316,9 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'tocmd works' '
clean_fake_sendmail &&
cp $patches tocmd.patch &&
echo >>tocmd.patch &&
- {
- echo "#!$SHELL_PATH"
- echo sed -n -e s/^tocmd--//p \"\$1\"
- } > tocmd-sed &&
- chmod +x tocmd-sed &&
+ write_script tocmd-sed <<-\EOF &&
+ sed -n -e "s/^tocmd--//p" "$1"
git send-email \
--from="Example <>" \
--to-cmd=./tocmd-sed \
@@ -325,11 +332,9 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'cccmd works' '
clean_fake_sendmail &&
cp $patches cccmd.patch &&
echo "cccmd--" >>cccmd.patch &&
- {
- echo "#!$SHELL_PATH"
- echo sed -n -e s/^cccmd--//p \"\$1\"
- } > cccmd-sed &&
- chmod +x cccmd-sed &&
+ write_script cccmd-sed <<-\EOF &&
+ sed -n -e "s/^cccmd--//p" "$1"
git send-email \
--from="Example <>" \ \
@@ -367,7 +372,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Author From: in message body' ' \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
$patches &&
- sed "1,/^\$/d" < msgtxt1 > msgbody1 &&
+ sed "1,/^\$/d" <msgtxt1 >msgbody1 &&
grep "From: A <>" msgbody1
@@ -378,7 +383,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Author From: not in message body' ' \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
$patches &&
- sed "1,/^\$/d" < msgtxt1 > msgbody1 &&
+ sed "1,/^\$/d" <msgtxt1 >msgbody1 &&
! grep "From: A <>" msgbody1
@@ -387,7 +392,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'allow long lines with --no-validate' '
--from="Example <>" \ \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- --novalidate \
+ --no-validate \
$patches longline.patch \
@@ -421,7 +426,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'In-Reply-To without --chain-reply-to' '
git send-email \
--from="Example <>" \ \
- --nochain-reply-to \
+ --no-chain-reply-to \
--in-reply-to="$(cat expect)" \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
$patches $patches $patches \
@@ -459,10 +464,9 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'In-Reply-To with --chain-reply-to' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup fake editor' '
- (echo "#!$SHELL_PATH" &&
- echo "echo fake edit >>\"\$1\""
- ) >fake-editor &&
- chmod +x fake-editor
+ write_script fake-editor <<-\EOF
+ echo fake edit >>"$1"
test_set_editor "$(pwd)/fake-editor"
@@ -598,8 +602,9 @@ EOF
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'sendemail.cccmd' '
- echo echo > cccmd &&
- chmod +x cccmd &&
+ write_script cccmd <<-\EOF &&
+ echo
git config sendemail.cccmd ./cccmd &&
test_suppression cccmd
@@ -792,7 +797,7 @@ test_confirm () {
--from="Example <>" \ \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- $@ $patches > stdout &&
+ $@ $patches >stdout &&
grep "Send this email" stdout
@@ -840,7 +845,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'confirm detects EOF (inform assumes y)' '
--from="Example <>" \ \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- outdir/*.patch < /dev/null
+ outdir/*.patch </dev/null
git config sendemail.confirm ${CONFIRM:-never}
test $ret = "0"
@@ -855,7 +860,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'confirm detects EOF (auto causes failure)' '
--from="Example <>" \ \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- $patches < /dev/null
+ $patches </dev/null
git config sendemail.confirm ${CONFIRM:-never}
test $ret = "0"
@@ -891,39 +896,39 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'utf8 Cc is rfc2047 encoded' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ '--compose adds MIME for utf8 body' '
clean_fake_sendmail &&
- (echo "#!$SHELL_PATH" &&
- echo "echo utf8 body: àéìöú >>\"\$1\""
- ) >fake-editor-utf8 &&
- chmod +x fake-editor-utf8 &&
- GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8\"" \
- git send-email \
- --compose --subject foo \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- $patches &&
+ write_script fake-editor-utf8 <<-\EOF &&
+ echo "utf8 body: àéìöú" >>"$1"
+ GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8\"" \
+ git send-email \
+ --compose --subject foo \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ $patches &&
grep "^utf8 body" msgtxt1 &&
grep "^Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" msgtxt1
test_expect_success $PREREQ '--compose respects user mime type' '
clean_fake_sendmail &&
- (echo "#!$SHELL_PATH" &&
- echo "(echo MIME-Version: 1.0"
- echo " echo Content-Type: text/plain\\; charset=iso-8859-1"
- echo " echo Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
- echo " echo Subject: foo"
- echo " echo "
- echo " echo utf8 body: àéìöú) >\"\$1\""
- ) >fake-editor-utf8-mime &&
- chmod +x fake-editor-utf8-mime &&
- GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8-mime\"" \
- git send-email \
- --compose --subject foo \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- $patches &&
+ write_script fake-editor-utf8-mime <<-\EOF &&
+ cat >"$1" <<-\EOM
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+ Subject: foo
+ utf8 body: àéìöú
+ GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8-mime\"" \
+ git send-email \
+ --compose --subject foo \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ $patches &&
grep "^utf8 body" msgtxt1 &&
grep "^Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1" msgtxt1 &&
! grep "^Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" msgtxt1
@@ -931,13 +936,13 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ '--compose respects user mime type' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ '--compose adds MIME for utf8 subject' '
clean_fake_sendmail &&
- GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor\"" \
- git send-email \
- --compose --subject utf8-sübjëct \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- $patches &&
+ GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor\"" \
+ git send-email \
+ --compose --subject utf8-sübjëct \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ $patches &&
grep "^fake edit" msgtxt1 &&
grep "^Subject: =?UTF-8?q?utf8-s=C3=BCbj=C3=ABct?=" msgtxt1
@@ -949,9 +954,9 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'utf8 author is correctly passed on' '
git commit --amend --author "Füñný Nâmé <odd_?>" &&
git format-patch --stdout -1 >funny_name.patch &&
git send-email --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- funny_name.patch &&
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ funny_name.patch &&
grep "^From: Füñný Nâmé <odd_?>" msgtxt1
@@ -962,9 +967,9 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'utf8 sender is not duplicated' '
git commit --amend --author "Füñný Nâmé <odd_?>" &&
git format-patch --stdout -1 >funny_name.patch &&
git send-email --from="Füñný Nâmé <odd_?>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- funny_name.patch &&
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ funny_name.patch &&
grep "^From: " msgtxt1 >msgfrom &&
test_line_count = 1 msgfrom
@@ -972,35 +977,33 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'utf8 sender is not duplicated' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'sendemail.composeencoding works' '
clean_fake_sendmail &&
git config sendemail.composeencoding iso-8859-1 &&
- (echo "#!$SHELL_PATH" &&
- echo "echo utf8 body: àéìöú >>\"\$1\""
- ) >fake-editor-utf8 &&
- chmod +x fake-editor-utf8 &&
- GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8\"" \
- git send-email \
- --compose --subject foo \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- $patches &&
+ write_script fake-editor-utf8 <<-\EOF &&
+ echo "utf8 body: àéìöú" >>"$1"
+ GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8\"" \
+ git send-email \
+ --compose --subject foo \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ $patches &&
grep "^utf8 body" msgtxt1 &&
grep "^Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1" msgtxt1
test_expect_success $PREREQ '--compose-encoding works' '
clean_fake_sendmail &&
- (echo "#!$SHELL_PATH" &&
- echo "echo utf8 body: àéìöú >>\"\$1\""
- ) >fake-editor-utf8 &&
- chmod +x fake-editor-utf8 &&
- GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8\"" \
- git send-email \
- --compose-encoding iso-8859-1 \
- --compose --subject foo \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- $patches &&
+ write_script fake-editor-utf8 <<-\EOF &&
+ echo "utf8 body: àéìöú" >>"$1"
+ GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8\"" \
+ git send-email \
+ --compose-encoding iso-8859-1 \
+ --compose --subject foo \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ $patches &&
grep "^utf8 body" msgtxt1 &&
grep "^Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1" msgtxt1
@@ -1008,38 +1011,37 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ '--compose-encoding works' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ '--compose-encoding overrides sendemail.composeencoding' '
clean_fake_sendmail &&
git config sendemail.composeencoding iso-8859-1 &&
- (echo "#!$SHELL_PATH" &&
- echo "echo utf8 body: àéìöú >>\"\$1\""
- ) >fake-editor-utf8 &&
- chmod +x fake-editor-utf8 &&
- GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8\"" \
- git send-email \
- --compose-encoding iso-8859-2 \
- --compose --subject foo \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- $patches &&
+ write_script fake-editor-utf8 <<-\EOF &&
+ echo "utf8 body: àéìöú" >>"$1"
+ GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor-utf8\"" \
+ git send-email \
+ --compose-encoding iso-8859-2 \
+ --compose --subject foo \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ $patches &&
grep "^utf8 body" msgtxt1 &&
grep "^Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2" msgtxt1
test_expect_success $PREREQ '--compose-encoding adds correct MIME for subject' '
clean_fake_sendmail &&
- GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor\"" \
- git send-email \
- --compose-encoding iso-8859-2 \
- --compose --subject utf8-sübjëct \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- $patches &&
+ GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/fake-editor\"" \
+ git send-email \
+ --compose-encoding iso-8859-2 \
+ --compose --subject utf8-sübjëct \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ $patches &&
grep "^fake edit" msgtxt1 &&
grep "^Subject: =?iso-8859-2?q?utf8-s=C3=BCbj=C3=ABct?=" msgtxt1
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'detects ambiguous reference/file conflict' '
- echo master > master &&
+ echo master >master &&
git add master &&
git commit -m"add master" &&
test_must_fail git send-email --dry-run master 2>errors &&
@@ -1050,10 +1052,10 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'feed two files' '
rm -fr outdir &&
git format-patch -2 -o outdir &&
git send-email \
- --dry-run \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- outdir/000?-*.patch 2>errors >out &&
+ --dry-run \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ outdir/000?-*.patch 2>errors >out &&
grep "^Subject: " out >subjects &&
test "z$(sed -n -e 1p subjects)" = "zSubject: [PATCH 1/2] Second." &&
test "z$(sed -n -e 2p subjects)" = "zSubject: [PATCH 2/2] add master"
@@ -1065,7 +1067,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'in-reply-to but no threading' '
--from="Example <>" \ \
--in-reply-to="<>" \
- --nothread \
+ --no-thread \
$patches |
grep "In-Reply-To: <>"
@@ -1075,7 +1077,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'no in-reply-to and no threading' '
--dry-run \
--from="Example <>" \ \
- --nothread \
+ --no-thread \
$patches $patches >stdout &&
! grep "In-Reply-To: " stdout
@@ -1086,7 +1088,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'threading but no chain-reply-to' '
--from="Example <>" \ \
--thread \
- --nochain-reply-to \
+ --no-chain-reply-to \
$patches $patches >stdout &&
grep "In-Reply-To: " stdout
@@ -1197,7 +1199,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'To headers from files reset each patch' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
-cat >email-using-8bit <<EOF
+cat >email-using-8bit <<\EOF
From fe6ecc66ece37198fe5db91fa2fc41d9f4fe5cc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Message-Id: <>
@@ -1209,9 +1211,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
-cat >expected <<EOF
-Subject: subject goes here
+ echo "Subject: subject goes here" >expected
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'ASCII subject is not RFC2047 quoted' '
@@ -1226,11 +1226,11 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'ASCII subject is not RFC2047 quoted' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
-cat >content-type-decl <<EOF
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+ cat >content-type-decl <<-\EOF
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'asks about and fixes 8bit encodings' '
@@ -1270,21 +1270,21 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ '--8bit-encoding overrides sendemail.8bitEncoding' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
-cat >email-using-8bit <<EOF
-From fe6ecc66ece37198fe5db91fa2fc41d9f4fe5cc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-Message-Id: <>
-Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 15:53:58 +0200
-Subject: Dieser Betreff enthält auch einen Umlaut!
-Nothing to see here.
+ cat >email-using-8bit <<-\EOF
+ From fe6ecc66ece37198fe5db91fa2fc41d9f4fe5cc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+ Message-Id: <>
+ From:
+ Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 15:53:58 +0200
+ Subject: Dieser Betreff enthält auch einen Umlaut!
+ Nothing to see here.
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
-cat >expected <<EOF
-Subject: =?UTF-8?q?Dieser=20Betreff=20enth=C3=A4lt=20auch=20einen=20Umlaut!?=
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF
+ Subject: =?UTF-8?q?Dieser=20Betreff=20enth=C3=A4lt=20auch=20einen=20Umlaut!?=
test_expect_success $PREREQ '--8bit-encoding also treats subject' '
@@ -1298,6 +1298,163 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ '--8bit-encoding also treats subject' '
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
+ cat >email-using-8bit <<-\EOF
+ From fe6ecc66ece37198fe5db91fa2fc41d9f4fe5cc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+ Message-Id: <>
+ From: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 15:53:58 +0200
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+ Subject: Nothing to see here.
+ Dieser Betreff enthält auch einen Umlaut!
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'sendemail.transferencoding=7bit fails on 8bit data' '
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git config sendemail.transferEncoding 7bit &&
+ test_must_fail git send-email \
+ --transfer-encoding=7bit \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ email-using-8bit \
+ 2>errors >out &&
+ grep "cannot send message as 7bit" errors &&
+ test -z "$(ls msgtxt*)"
+test_expect_success $PREREQ '--transfer-encoding overrides sendemail.transferEncoding' '
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git config sendemail.transferEncoding 8bit
+ test_must_fail git send-email \
+ --transfer-encoding=7bit \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ email-using-8bit \
+ 2>errors >out &&
+ grep "cannot send message as 7bit" errors &&
+ test -z "$(ls msgtxt*)"
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'sendemail.transferencoding=8bit' '
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git send-email \
+ --transfer-encoding=8bit \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ email-using-8bit \
+ 2>errors >out &&
+ sed '1,/^$/d' msgtxt1 >actual &&
+ sed '1,/^$/d' email-using-8bit >expected &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF
+ Dieser Betreff enth=C3=A4lt auch einen Umlaut!
+test_expect_success $PREREQ '8-bit and sendemail.transferencoding=quoted-printable' '
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git send-email \
+ --transfer-encoding=quoted-printable \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ email-using-8bit \
+ 2>errors >out &&
+ sed '1,/^$/d' msgtxt1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF
+ RGllc2VyIEJldHJlZmYgZW50aMOkbHQgYXVjaCBlaW5lbiBVbWxhdXQhCg==
+test_expect_success $PREREQ '8-bit and sendemail.transferencoding=base64' '
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git send-email \
+ --transfer-encoding=base64 \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ email-using-8bit \
+ 2>errors >out &&
+ sed '1,/^$/d' msgtxt1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
+ cat >email-using-qp <<-\EOF
+ From fe6ecc66ece37198fe5db91fa2fc41d9f4fe5cc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+ Message-Id: <>
+ From: A U Thor <>
+ Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 15:53:58 +0200
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+ Subject: Nothing to see here.
+ Dieser Betreff enth=C3=A4lt auch einen Umlaut!
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'convert from quoted-printable to base64' '
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git send-email \
+ --transfer-encoding=base64 \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ email-using-qp \
+ 2>errors >out &&
+ sed '1,/^$/d' msgtxt1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' "
+tr -d '\\015' | tr '%' '\\015' >email-using-crlf <<EOF
+From fe6ecc66ece37198fe5db91fa2fc41d9f4fe5cc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+Message-Id: <>
+From: A U Thor <>
+Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 15:53:58 +0200
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Subject: Nothing to see here.
+Look, I have a CRLF and an = sign!%
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF
+ Look, I have a CRLF and an =3D sign!=0D
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'CRLF and sendemail.transferencoding=quoted-printable' '
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git send-email \
+ --transfer-encoding=quoted-printable \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ email-using-crlf \
+ 2>errors >out &&
+ sed '1,/^$/d' msgtxt1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expect' '
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'CRLF and sendemail.transferencoding=base64' '
+ clean_fake_sendmail &&
+ git send-email \
+ --transfer-encoding=base64 \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ email-using-crlf \
+ 2>errors >out &&
+ sed '1,/^$/d' msgtxt1 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
# Note that the patches in this test are deliberately out of order; we
# want to make sure it works even if the cover-letter is not in the
# first mail.
@@ -1306,13 +1463,13 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'refusing to send cover letter template' '
rm -fr outdir &&
git format-patch --cover-letter -2 -o outdir &&
test_must_fail git send-email \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- outdir/0002-*.patch \
- outdir/0000-*.patch \
- outdir/0001-*.patch \
- 2>errors >out &&
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ outdir/0002-*.patch \
+ outdir/0000-*.patch \
+ outdir/0001-*.patch \
+ 2>errors >out &&
grep "SUBJECT HERE" errors &&
test -z "$(ls msgtxt*)"
@@ -1322,14 +1479,14 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ '--force sends cover letter template anyway' '
rm -fr outdir &&
git format-patch --cover-letter -2 -o outdir &&
git send-email \
- --force \
- --from="Example <>" \
- \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- outdir/0002-*.patch \
- outdir/0000-*.patch \
- outdir/0001-*.patch \
- 2>errors >out &&
+ --force \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ outdir/0002-*.patch \
+ outdir/0000-*.patch \
+ outdir/0001-*.patch \
+ 2>errors >out &&
! grep "SUBJECT HERE" errors &&
test -n "$(ls msgtxt*)"
@@ -1344,15 +1501,15 @@ test_cover_addresses () {
mv $cover cover-to-edit.patch &&
perl -pe "s/^From:/$header: extra\\nFrom:/" cover-to-edit.patch >"$cover" &&
git send-email \
- --force \
- --from="Example <>" \
- --no-to --no-cc \
- "$@" \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- outdir/0000-*.patch \
- outdir/0001-*.patch \
- outdir/0002-*.patch \
- 2>errors >out &&
+ --force \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ --no-to --no-cc \
+ "$@" \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ outdir/0000-*.patch \
+ outdir/0001-*.patch \
+ outdir/0002-*.patch \
+ 2>errors >out &&
grep "^$header:" msgtxt1 >to1 &&
grep "^$header:" msgtxt2 >to2 &&
grep "^$header:" msgtxt3 >to3 &&
@@ -1385,11 +1542,11 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'sendemail.aliasfiletype=mailrc' '
git config --replace-all sendemail.aliasesfile "$(pwd)/.mailrc" &&
git config sendemail.aliasfiletype mailrc &&
git send-email \
- --from="Example <>" \
- --to=sbd \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- outdir/0001-*.patch \
- 2>errors >out &&
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ --to=sbd \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ outdir/0001-*.patch \
+ 2>errors >out &&
grep "^!somebody@example\.org!$" commandline1
@@ -1399,12 +1556,45 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'sendemail.aliasfile=~/.mailrc' '
git config --replace-all sendemail.aliasesfile "~/.mailrc" &&
git config sendemail.aliasfiletype mailrc &&
git send-email \
- --from="Example <>" \
- --to=sbd \
- --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- outdir/0001-*.patch \
- 2>errors >out &&
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ --to=sbd \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ outdir/0001-*.patch \
+ 2>errors >out &&
grep "^!someone@example\.org!$" commandline1
+do_xmailer_test () {
+ expected=$1 params=$2 &&
+ git format-patch -1 &&
+ git send-email \
+ --from="Example <>" \
+ \
+ --smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
+ $params \
+ 0001-*.patch \
+ 2>errors >out &&
+ { grep '^X-Mailer:' out || :; } >mailer &&
+ test_line_count = $expected mailer
+test_expect_success $PREREQ '--[no-]xmailer without any configuration' '
+ do_xmailer_test 1 "--xmailer" &&
+ do_xmailer_test 0 "--no-xmailer"
+test_expect_success $PREREQ '--[no-]xmailer with sendemail.xmailer=true' '
+ test_config sendemail.xmailer true &&
+ do_xmailer_test 1 "" &&
+ do_xmailer_test 0 "--no-xmailer" &&
+ do_xmailer_test 1 "--xmailer"
+test_expect_success $PREREQ '--[no-]xmailer with sendemail.xmailer=false' '
+ test_config sendemail.xmailer false &&
+ do_xmailer_test 0 "" &&
+ do_xmailer_test 0 "--no-xmailer" &&
+ do_xmailer_test 1 "--xmailer"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..102639090c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Alfred Perlstein
+test_description='git svn propset tests'
+. ./
+set -e
+mkdir import &&
+(set -e ; cd import
+ mkdir subdir
+ mkdir subdir/subdir2
+ touch foo # for 'add props top level'
+ touch subdir/foo_subdir # for 'add props relative'
+ touch "$foo_subdir2" # for 'add props subdir'
+ svn_cmd import -m 'import for git svn' . "$svnrepo" >/dev/null
+rm -rf import
+test_expect_success 'initialize git svn' '
+ git svn init "$svnrepo"
+ '
+test_expect_success 'fetch revisions from svn' '
+ git svn fetch
+ '
+set_props () {
+ subdir="$1"
+ file="$2"
+ shift;shift;
+ (cd "$subdir" &&
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+ git svn propset "$1" "$2" "$file" || exit 1
+ shift;shift;
+ done &&
+ echo hello >> "$file" &&
+ git commit -m "testing propset" "$file")
+confirm_props () {
+ subdir="$1"
+ file="$2"
+ shift;shift;
+ (set -e ; cd "svn_project/$subdir" &&
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+ test "$(svn_cmd propget "$1" "$file")" = "$2" || exit 1
+ shift;shift;
+ done)
+#The current implementation has a restriction:
+#svn propset will be taken as a delta for svn dcommit only
+#if the file content is also modified
+test_expect_success 'add props top level' '
+ set_props "." "foo" "svn:keywords" "FreeBSD=%H" &&
+ git svn dcommit &&
+ svn_cmd co "$svnrepo" svn_project &&
+ confirm_props "." "foo" "svn:keywords" "FreeBSD=%H" &&
+ rm -rf svn_project
+ '
+test_expect_success 'add multiple props' '
+ set_props "." "foo" \
+ "svn:keywords" "FreeBSD=%H" fbsd:nokeywords yes &&
+ git svn dcommit &&
+ svn_cmd co "$svnrepo" svn_project &&
+ confirm_props "." "foo" \
+ "svn:keywords" "FreeBSD=%H" fbsd:nokeywords yes &&
+ rm -rf svn_project
+ '
+test_expect_success 'add props subdir' '
+ set_props "." "$foo_subdir2" svn:keywords "FreeBSD=%H" &&
+ git svn dcommit &&
+ svn_cmd co "$svnrepo" svn_project &&
+ confirm_props "." "$foo_subdir2" "svn:keywords" "FreeBSD=%H" &&
+ rm -rf svn_project
+ '
+test_expect_success 'add props relative' '
+ set_props "subdir/subdir2" "../foo_subdir" \
+ svn:keywords "FreeBSD=%H" &&
+ git svn dcommit &&
+ svn_cmd co "$svnrepo" svn_project &&
+ confirm_props "subdir/subdir2" "../foo_subdir" \
+ svn:keywords "FreeBSD=%H" &&
+ rm -rf svn_project
+ '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 37c2d633f0..c538e0a4e9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -552,8 +552,8 @@ test_expect_success 'D: verify pack' '
cat >expect <<EOF
-:000000 100755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 35a59026a33beac1569b1c7f66f3090ce9c09afc A newdir/
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 046d0371e9220107917db0d0e030628de8a1de9b A newdir/interesting
+:000000 100755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 e74b7d465e52746be2b4bae983670711e6e66657 A newdir/
+:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fcf778cda181eaa1cbc9e9ce3a2e15ee9f9fe791 A newdir/interesting
git diff-tree -M -r branch^ branch >actual
test_expect_success \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f10a75290e..7a883d1a67 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -351,6 +351,25 @@ test_expect_success '__gitcomp_nl - doesnt fail because of invalid variable name
__gitcomp_nl "$invalid_variable_name"
+test_expect_success '__git_remotes - list remotes from $GIT_DIR/remotes and from config file' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ remote_from_file_1
+ remote_from_file_2
+ remote_in_config_1
+ remote_in_config_2
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf .git/remotes" &&
+ mkdir -p .git/remotes &&
+ >.git/remotes/remote_from_file_1 &&
+ >.git/remotes/remote_from_file_2 &&
+ test_when_finished "git remote remove remote_in_config_1" &&
+ git remote add remote_in_config_1 git://remote_1 &&
+ test_when_finished "git remote remove remote_in_config_2" &&
+ git remote add remote_in_config_2 git://remote_2 &&
+ __git_remotes >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'basic' '
run_completion "git " &&
# built-in
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9150984184..46d7d37a51 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ test_expect_success 'setup for prompt tests' '
git commit -m "another b2" file &&
echo 000 >file &&
git commit -m "yet another b2" file &&
+ mkdir ignored_dir &&
+ echo "ignored_dir/" >>.gitignore &&
git checkout master
@@ -395,6 +397,17 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - untracked files
test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - untracked files outside cwd' '
+ printf " (master %%)" >expected &&
+ (
+ mkdir -p ignored_dir &&
+ cd ignored_dir &&
+ __git_ps1 >"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable unset with config disabled' '
printf " (master)" >expected &&
test_config bash.showUntrackedFiles false &&
@@ -588,4 +601,108 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - zsh color pc mode' '
test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config disabled' '
+ printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ test_config bash.hideIfPwdIgnored false &&
+ (
+ cd ignored_dir &&
+ __git_ps1 >"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config disabled, pc mode' '
+ printf "BEFORE: (\${__git_ps1_branch_name}):AFTER" >expected &&
+ test_config bash.hideIfPwdIgnored false &&
+ (
+ cd ignored_dir &&
+ __git_ps1 "BEFORE:" ":AFTER" &&
+ printf "%s" "$PS1" >"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config unset' '
+ printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ (
+ cd ignored_dir &&
+ __git_ps1 >"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config unset, pc mode' '
+ printf "BEFORE: (\${__git_ps1_branch_name}):AFTER" >expected &&
+ (
+ cd ignored_dir &&
+ __git_ps1 "BEFORE:" ":AFTER" &&
+ printf "%s" "$PS1" >"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var set, config disabled' '
+ printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ test_config bash.hideIfPwdIgnored false &&
+ (
+ cd ignored_dir &&
+ __git_ps1 >"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var set, config disabled, pc mode' '
+ printf "BEFORE: (\${__git_ps1_branch_name}):AFTER" >expected &&
+ test_config bash.hideIfPwdIgnored false &&
+ (
+ cd ignored_dir &&
+ __git_ps1 "BEFORE:" ":AFTER" &&
+ printf "%s" "$PS1" >"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var set, config unset' '
+ printf "" >expected &&
+ (
+ cd ignored_dir &&
+ __git_ps1 >"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var set, config unset, pc mode' '
+ printf "BEFORE::AFTER" >expected &&
+ (
+ cd ignored_dir &&
+ __git_ps1 "BEFORE:" ":AFTER" &&
+ printf "%s" "$PS1" >"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - inside gitdir (stdout)' '
+ printf " (GIT_DIR!)" >expected &&
+ (
+ cd .git &&
+ __git_ps1 >"$actual" 2>/dev/null
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
+test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - inside gitdir (stderr)' '
+ printf "" >expected &&
+ (
+ cd .git &&
+ __git_ps1 >/dev/null 2>"$actual"
+ ) &&
+ test_cmp expected "$actual"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0d93e33de4..0698ce7908 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -745,7 +745,9 @@ test_ln_s_add () {
printf '%s' "$1" >"$2" &&
ln_s_obj=$(git hash-object -w "$2") &&
- git update-index --add --cacheinfo 120000 $ln_s_obj "$2"
+ git update-index --add --cacheinfo 120000 $ln_s_obj "$2" &&
+ # pick up stat info from the file
+ git update-index "$2"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 79e8a33d04..9914d3e1cf 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -140,6 +140,9 @@ else
+: ${ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0}
# Protect ourselves from common misconfiguration to export
# CDPATH into the environment
unset CDPATH
@@ -149,10 +152,7 @@ unset UNZIP
case $(echo $GIT_TRACE |tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") in
- echo "* warning: Some tests will not work if GIT_TRACE" \
- "is set as to trace on STDERR ! *"
- echo "* warning: Please set GIT_TRACE to something" \
- "other than 1, 2 or true ! *"
@@ -181,16 +181,8 @@ export _x05 _x40 _z40 LF u200c
# This test checks if command xyzzy does the right thing...
# '
# . ./
-[ "x$ORIGINAL_TERM" != "xdumb" ] && (
- export TERM &&
- [ -t 1 ] &&
- tput bold >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
- tput setaf 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
- tput sgr0 >/dev/null 2>&1
- ) &&
- color=t
+unset color
while test "$#" -ne 0
case "$1" in
@@ -255,40 +247,6 @@ then
-if test -n "$color"
- say_color () {
- (
- export TERM
- case "$1" in
- error)
- tput bold; tput setaf 1;; # bold red
- skip)
- tput setaf 4;; # blue
- warn)
- tput setaf 3;; # brown/yellow
- pass)
- tput setaf 2;; # green
- info)
- tput setaf 6;; # cyan
- *)
- test -n "$quiet" && return;;
- esac
- shift
- printf "%s" "$*"
- tput sgr0
- echo
- )
- }
- say_color() {
- test -z "$1" && test -n "$quiet" && return
- shift
- printf "%s\n" "$*"
- }
error () {
say_color error "error: $*"
@@ -338,6 +296,7 @@ die () {
trap 'die' EXIT
+trap 'exit $?' INT
# The user-facing functions are loaded from a separate file so that
# test_perf subshells can have them too
@@ -681,7 +640,7 @@ test_done () {
error "Can't use skip_all after running some tests"
- [ -z "$skip_all" ] || skip_all=" # SKIP $skip_all"
+ test -z "$skip_all" || skip_all=" # SKIP $skip_all"
if test $test_external_has_tap -eq 0
@@ -854,6 +813,52 @@ HOME="$TRASH_DIRECTORY"
+# run the tput tests *after* changing HOME (in case ncurses needs
+# ~/.terminfo for $TERM)
+test -n "${color+set}" || test "x$ORIGINAL_TERM" != "xdumb" && (
+ export TERM &&
+ test -t 1 &&
+ tput bold >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+ tput setaf 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+ tput sgr0 >/dev/null 2>&1
+ ) &&
+ color=t
+if test -n "$color"
+ say_color () {
+ (
+ export TERM
+ case "$1" in
+ error)
+ tput bold; tput setaf 1;; # bold red
+ skip)
+ tput setaf 4;; # blue
+ warn)
+ tput setaf 3;; # brown/yellow
+ pass)
+ tput setaf 2;; # green
+ info)
+ tput setaf 6;; # cyan
+ *)
+ test -n "$quiet" && return;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ printf "%s" "$*"
+ tput sgr0
+ echo
+ )
+ }
+ say_color() {
+ test -z "$1" && test -n "$quiet" && return
+ shift
+ printf "%s\n" "$*"
+ }
if test -z "$TEST_NO_CREATE_REPO"
test_create_repo "$TRASH_DIRECTORY"
@@ -1024,12 +1029,42 @@ test_lazy_prereq USR_BIN_TIME '
test -x /usr/bin/time
-# When the tests are run as root, permission tests will report that
-# things are writable when they shouldn't be.
-test -w / || test_set_prereq SANITY
+test_lazy_prereq NOT_ROOT '
+ uid=$(id -u) &&
+ test "$uid" != 0
+# On a filesystem that lacks SANITY, a file can be deleted even if
+# the containing directory doesn't have write permissions, or a file
+# can be accessed even if the containing directory doesn't have read
+# or execute permissions, causing our tests that validate that Git
+# works sensibly in such situations.
+test_lazy_prereq SANITY '
+ chmod +w SANETESTD.1 SANETESTD.2 &&
+ chmod -w SANETESTD.1 &&
+ chmod -rx SANETESTD.2 ||
+ error "bug in test sript: cannot prepare SANETESTD"
+ ! rm SANETESTD.1/x && ! test -f SANETESTD.2/x
+ status=$?
+ chmod +rwx SANETESTD.1 SANETESTD.2 &&
+ error "bug in test sript: cannot clean SANETESTD"
+ return $status
test_lazy_prereq UNZIP '
test $? -ne 127
+run_with_limited_cmdline () {
+ (ulimit -s 128 && "$@")
+test_lazy_prereq CMDLINE_LIMIT 'run_with_limited_cmdline true'