path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 3183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..882b1bbab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,3183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -- A tool for bidirectional operation between a Perforce depot and git.
+# Author: Simon Hausmann <>
+# Copyright: 2007 Simon Hausmann <>
+# 2007 Trolltech ASA
+# License: MIT <>
+import optparse, sys, os, marshal, subprocess, shelve
+import tempfile, getopt, os.path, time, platform
+import re, shutil
+verbose = False
+# Only labels/tags matching this will be imported/exported
+defaultLabelRegexp = r'[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+$'
+def p4_build_cmd(cmd):
+ """Build a suitable p4 command line.
+ This consolidates building and returning a p4 command line into one
+ location. It means that hooking into the environment, or other configuration
+ can be done more easily.
+ """
+ real_cmd = ["p4"]
+ user = gitConfig("git-p4.user")
+ if len(user) > 0:
+ real_cmd += ["-u",user]
+ password = gitConfig("git-p4.password")
+ if len(password) > 0:
+ real_cmd += ["-P", password]
+ port = gitConfig("git-p4.port")
+ if len(port) > 0:
+ real_cmd += ["-p", port]
+ host = gitConfig("")
+ if len(host) > 0:
+ real_cmd += ["-H", host]
+ client = gitConfig("git-p4.client")
+ if len(client) > 0:
+ real_cmd += ["-c", client]
+ if isinstance(cmd,basestring):
+ real_cmd = ' '.join(real_cmd) + ' ' + cmd
+ else:
+ real_cmd += cmd
+ return real_cmd
+def chdir(dir):
+ # P4 uses the PWD environment variable rather than getcwd(). Since we're
+ # not using the shell, we have to set it ourselves. This path could
+ # be relative, so go there first, then figure out where we ended up.
+ os.chdir(dir)
+ os.environ['PWD'] = os.getcwd()
+def die(msg):
+ if verbose:
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def write_pipe(c, stdin):
+ if verbose:
+ sys.stderr.write('Writing pipe: %s\n' % str(c))
+ expand = isinstance(c,basestring)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=expand)
+ pipe = p.stdin
+ val = pipe.write(stdin)
+ pipe.close()
+ if p.wait():
+ die('Command failed: %s' % str(c))
+ return val
+def p4_write_pipe(c, stdin):
+ real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(c)
+ return write_pipe(real_cmd, stdin)
+def read_pipe(c, ignore_error=False):
+ if verbose:
+ sys.stderr.write('Reading pipe: %s\n' % str(c))
+ expand = isinstance(c,basestring)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=expand)
+ pipe = p.stdout
+ val =
+ if p.wait() and not ignore_error:
+ die('Command failed: %s' % str(c))
+ return val
+def p4_read_pipe(c, ignore_error=False):
+ real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(c)
+ return read_pipe(real_cmd, ignore_error)
+def read_pipe_lines(c):
+ if verbose:
+ sys.stderr.write('Reading pipe: %s\n' % str(c))
+ expand = isinstance(c, basestring)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=expand)
+ pipe = p.stdout
+ val = pipe.readlines()
+ if pipe.close() or p.wait():
+ die('Command failed: %s' % str(c))
+ return val
+def p4_read_pipe_lines(c):
+ """Specifically invoke p4 on the command supplied. """
+ real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(c)
+ return read_pipe_lines(real_cmd)
+def p4_has_command(cmd):
+ """Ask p4 for help on this command. If it returns an error, the
+ command does not exist in this version of p4."""
+ real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(["help", cmd])
+ p = subprocess.Popen(real_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ p.communicate()
+ return p.returncode == 0
+def system(cmd):
+ expand = isinstance(cmd,basestring)
+ if verbose:
+ sys.stderr.write("executing %s\n" % str(cmd))
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=expand)
+def p4_system(cmd):
+ """Specifically invoke p4 as the system command. """
+ real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(cmd)
+ expand = isinstance(real_cmd, basestring)
+ subprocess.check_call(real_cmd, shell=expand)
+def p4_integrate(src, dest):
+ p4_system(["integrate", "-Dt", wildcard_encode(src), wildcard_encode(dest)])
+def p4_sync(f, *options):
+ p4_system(["sync"] + list(options) + [wildcard_encode(f)])
+def p4_add(f):
+ # forcibly add file names with wildcards
+ if wildcard_present(f):
+ p4_system(["add", "-f", f])
+ else:
+ p4_system(["add", f])
+def p4_delete(f):
+ p4_system(["delete", wildcard_encode(f)])
+def p4_edit(f):
+ p4_system(["edit", wildcard_encode(f)])
+def p4_revert(f):
+ p4_system(["revert", wildcard_encode(f)])
+def p4_reopen(type, f):
+ p4_system(["reopen", "-t", type, wildcard_encode(f)])
+def p4_move(src, dest):
+ p4_system(["move", "-k", wildcard_encode(src), wildcard_encode(dest)])
+# Canonicalize the p4 type and return a tuple of the
+# base type, plus any modifiers. See "p4 help filetypes"
+# for a list and explanation.
+def split_p4_type(p4type):
+ p4_filetypes_historical = {
+ "ctempobj": "binary+Sw",
+ "ctext": "text+C",
+ "cxtext": "text+Cx",
+ "ktext": "text+k",
+ "kxtext": "text+kx",
+ "ltext": "text+F",
+ "tempobj": "binary+FSw",
+ "ubinary": "binary+F",
+ "uresource": "resource+F",
+ "uxbinary": "binary+Fx",
+ "xbinary": "binary+x",
+ "xltext": "text+Fx",
+ "xtempobj": "binary+Swx",
+ "xtext": "text+x",
+ "xunicode": "unicode+x",
+ "xutf16": "utf16+x",
+ }
+ if p4type in p4_filetypes_historical:
+ p4type = p4_filetypes_historical[p4type]
+ mods = ""
+ s = p4type.split("+")
+ base = s[0]
+ mods = ""
+ if len(s) > 1:
+ mods = s[1]
+ return (base, mods)
+# return the raw p4 type of a file (text, text+ko, etc)
+def p4_type(file):
+ results = p4CmdList(["fstat", "-T", "headType", file])
+ return results[0]['headType']
+# Given a type base and modifier, return a regexp matching
+# the keywords that can be expanded in the file
+def p4_keywords_regexp_for_type(base, type_mods):
+ if base in ("text", "unicode", "binary"):
+ kwords = None
+ if "ko" in type_mods:
+ kwords = 'Id|Header'
+ elif "k" in type_mods:
+ kwords = 'Id|Header|Author|Date|DateTime|Change|File|Revision'
+ else:
+ return None
+ pattern = r"""
+ \$ # Starts with a dollar, followed by...
+ (%s) # one of the keywords, followed by...
+ (:[^$]+)? # possibly an old expansion, followed by...
+ \$ # another dollar
+ """ % kwords
+ return pattern
+ else:
+ return None
+# Given a file, return a regexp matching the possible
+# RCS keywords that will be expanded, or None for files
+# with kw expansion turned off.
+def p4_keywords_regexp_for_file(file):
+ if not os.path.exists(file):
+ return None
+ else:
+ (type_base, type_mods) = split_p4_type(p4_type(file))
+ return p4_keywords_regexp_for_type(type_base, type_mods)
+def setP4ExecBit(file, mode):
+ # Reopens an already open file and changes the execute bit to match
+ # the execute bit setting in the passed in mode.
+ p4Type = "+x"
+ if not isModeExec(mode):
+ p4Type = getP4OpenedType(file)
+ p4Type = re.sub('^([cku]?)x(.*)', '\\1\\2', p4Type)
+ p4Type = re.sub('(.*?\+.*?)x(.*?)', '\\1\\2', p4Type)
+ if p4Type[-1] == "+":
+ p4Type = p4Type[0:-1]
+ p4_reopen(p4Type, file)
+def getP4OpenedType(file):
+ # Returns the perforce file type for the given file.
+ result = p4_read_pipe(["opened", wildcard_encode(file)])
+ match = re.match(".*\((.+)\)\r?$", result)
+ if match:
+ return
+ else:
+ die("Could not determine file type for %s (result: '%s')" % (file, result))
+# Return the set of all p4 labels
+def getP4Labels(depotPaths):
+ labels = set()
+ if isinstance(depotPaths,basestring):
+ depotPaths = [depotPaths]
+ for l in p4CmdList(["labels"] + ["%s..." % p for p in depotPaths]):
+ label = l['label']
+ labels.add(label)
+ return labels
+# Return the set of all git tags
+def getGitTags():
+ gitTags = set()
+ for line in read_pipe_lines(["git", "tag"]):
+ tag = line.strip()
+ gitTags.add(tag)
+ return gitTags
+def diffTreePattern():
+ # This is a simple generator for the diff tree regex pattern. This could be
+ # a class variable if this and parseDiffTreeEntry were a part of a class.
+ pattern = re.compile(':(\d+) (\d+) (\w+) (\w+) ([A-Z])(\d+)?\t(.*?)((\t(.*))|$)')
+ while True:
+ yield pattern
+def parseDiffTreeEntry(entry):
+ """Parses a single diff tree entry into its component elements.
+ See git-diff-tree(1) manpage for details about the format of the diff
+ output. This method returns a dictionary with the following elements:
+ src_mode - The mode of the source file
+ dst_mode - The mode of the destination file
+ src_sha1 - The sha1 for the source file
+ dst_sha1 - The sha1 fr the destination file
+ status - The one letter status of the diff (i.e. 'A', 'M', 'D', etc)
+ status_score - The score for the status (applicable for 'C' and 'R'
+ statuses). This is None if there is no score.
+ src - The path for the source file.
+ dst - The path for the destination file. This is only present for
+ copy or renames. If it is not present, this is None.
+ If the pattern is not matched, None is returned."""
+ match = diffTreePattern().next().match(entry)
+ if match:
+ return {
+ 'src_mode':,
+ 'dst_mode':,
+ 'src_sha1':,
+ 'dst_sha1':,
+ 'status':,
+ 'status_score':,
+ 'src':,
+ 'dst':
+ }
+ return None
+def isModeExec(mode):
+ # Returns True if the given git mode represents an executable file,
+ # otherwise False.
+ return mode[-3:] == "755"
+def isModeExecChanged(src_mode, dst_mode):
+ return isModeExec(src_mode) != isModeExec(dst_mode)
+def p4CmdList(cmd, stdin=None, stdin_mode='w+b', cb=None):
+ if isinstance(cmd,basestring):
+ cmd = "-G " + cmd
+ expand = True
+ else:
+ cmd = ["-G"] + cmd
+ expand = False
+ cmd = p4_build_cmd(cmd)
+ if verbose:
+ sys.stderr.write("Opening pipe: %s\n" % str(cmd))
+ # Use a temporary file to avoid deadlocks without
+ # subprocess.communicate(), which would put another copy
+ # of stdout into memory.
+ stdin_file = None
+ if stdin is not None:
+ stdin_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='p4-stdin', mode=stdin_mode)
+ if isinstance(stdin,basestring):
+ stdin_file.write(stdin)
+ else:
+ for i in stdin:
+ stdin_file.write(i + '\n')
+ stdin_file.flush()
+ p4 = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
+ shell=expand,
+ stdin=stdin_file,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ result = []
+ try:
+ while True:
+ entry = marshal.load(p4.stdout)
+ if cb is not None:
+ cb(entry)
+ else:
+ result.append(entry)
+ except EOFError:
+ pass
+ exitCode = p4.wait()
+ if exitCode != 0:
+ entry = {}
+ entry["p4ExitCode"] = exitCode
+ result.append(entry)
+ return result
+def p4Cmd(cmd):
+ list = p4CmdList(cmd)
+ result = {}
+ for entry in list:
+ result.update(entry)
+ return result;
+def p4Where(depotPath):
+ if not depotPath.endswith("/"):
+ depotPath += "/"
+ depotPath = depotPath + "..."
+ outputList = p4CmdList(["where", depotPath])
+ output = None
+ for entry in outputList:
+ if "depotFile" in entry:
+ if entry["depotFile"] == depotPath:
+ output = entry
+ break
+ elif "data" in entry:
+ data = entry.get("data")
+ space = data.find(" ")
+ if data[:space] == depotPath:
+ output = entry
+ break
+ if output == None:
+ return ""
+ if output["code"] == "error":
+ return ""
+ clientPath = ""
+ if "path" in output:
+ clientPath = output.get("path")
+ elif "data" in output:
+ data = output.get("data")
+ lastSpace = data.rfind(" ")
+ clientPath = data[lastSpace + 1:]
+ if clientPath.endswith("..."):
+ clientPath = clientPath[:-3]
+ return clientPath
+def currentGitBranch():
+ return read_pipe("git name-rev HEAD").split(" ")[1].strip()
+def isValidGitDir(path):
+ if (os.path.exists(path + "/HEAD")
+ and os.path.exists(path + "/refs") and os.path.exists(path + "/objects")):
+ return True;
+ return False
+def parseRevision(ref):
+ return read_pipe("git rev-parse %s" % ref).strip()
+def branchExists(ref):
+ rev = read_pipe(["git", "rev-parse", "-q", "--verify", ref],
+ ignore_error=True)
+ return len(rev) > 0
+def extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(commit):
+ logMessage = ""
+ ## fixme: title is first line of commit, not 1st paragraph.
+ foundTitle = False
+ for log in read_pipe_lines("git cat-file commit %s" % commit):
+ if not foundTitle:
+ if len(log) == 1:
+ foundTitle = True
+ continue
+ logMessage += log
+ return logMessage
+def extractSettingsGitLog(log):
+ values = {}
+ for line in log.split("\n"):
+ line = line.strip()
+ m = (r"^ *\[git-p4: (.*)\]$", line)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ assignments = (':')
+ for a in assignments:
+ vals = a.split ('=')
+ key = vals[0].strip()
+ val = ('='.join (vals[1:])).strip()
+ if val.endswith ('\"') and val.startswith('"'):
+ val = val[1:-1]
+ values[key] = val
+ paths = values.get("depot-paths")
+ if not paths:
+ paths = values.get("depot-path")
+ if paths:
+ values['depot-paths'] = paths.split(',')
+ return values
+def gitBranchExists(branch):
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", branch],
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
+ return proc.wait() == 0;
+_gitConfig = {}
+def gitConfig(key, args = None): # set args to "--bool", for instance
+ if not _gitConfig.has_key(key):
+ argsFilter = ""
+ if args != None:
+ argsFilter = "%s " % args
+ cmd = "git config %s%s" % (argsFilter, key)
+ _gitConfig[key] = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True).strip()
+ return _gitConfig[key]
+def gitConfigList(key):
+ if not _gitConfig.has_key(key):
+ _gitConfig[key] = read_pipe("git config --get-all %s" % key, ignore_error=True).strip().split(os.linesep)
+ return _gitConfig[key]
+def p4BranchesInGit(branchesAreInRemotes = True):
+ branches = {}
+ cmdline = "git rev-parse --symbolic "
+ if branchesAreInRemotes:
+ cmdline += " --remotes"
+ else:
+ cmdline += " --branches"
+ for line in read_pipe_lines(cmdline):
+ line = line.strip()
+ ## only import to p4/
+ if not line.startswith('p4/') or line == "p4/HEAD":
+ continue
+ branch = line
+ # strip off p4
+ branch = re.sub ("^p4/", "", line)
+ branches[branch] = parseRevision(line)
+ return branches
+def findUpstreamBranchPoint(head = "HEAD"):
+ branches = p4BranchesInGit()
+ # map from depot-path to branch name
+ branchByDepotPath = {}
+ for branch in branches.keys():
+ tip = branches[branch]
+ log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(tip)
+ settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log)
+ if settings.has_key("depot-paths"):
+ paths = ",".join(settings["depot-paths"])
+ branchByDepotPath[paths] = "remotes/p4/" + branch
+ settings = None
+ parent = 0
+ while parent < 65535:
+ commit = head + "~%s" % parent
+ log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(commit)
+ settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log)
+ if settings.has_key("depot-paths"):
+ paths = ",".join(settings["depot-paths"])
+ if branchByDepotPath.has_key(paths):
+ return [branchByDepotPath[paths], settings]
+ parent = parent + 1
+ return ["", settings]
+def createOrUpdateBranchesFromOrigin(localRefPrefix = "refs/remotes/p4/", silent=True):
+ if not silent:
+ print ("Creating/updating branch(es) in %s based on origin branch(es)"
+ % localRefPrefix)
+ originPrefix = "origin/p4/"
+ for line in read_pipe_lines("git rev-parse --symbolic --remotes"):
+ line = line.strip()
+ if (not line.startswith(originPrefix)) or line.endswith("HEAD"):
+ continue
+ headName = line[len(originPrefix):]
+ remoteHead = localRefPrefix + headName
+ originHead = line
+ original = extractSettingsGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(originHead))
+ if (not original.has_key('depot-paths')
+ or not original.has_key('change')):
+ continue
+ update = False
+ if not gitBranchExists(remoteHead):
+ if verbose:
+ print "creating %s" % remoteHead
+ update = True
+ else:
+ settings = extractSettingsGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(remoteHead))
+ if settings.has_key('change') > 0:
+ if settings['depot-paths'] == original['depot-paths']:
+ originP4Change = int(original['change'])
+ p4Change = int(settings['change'])
+ if originP4Change > p4Change:
+ print ("%s (%s) is newer than %s (%s). "
+ "Updating p4 branch from origin."
+ % (originHead, originP4Change,
+ remoteHead, p4Change))
+ update = True
+ else:
+ print ("Ignoring: %s was imported from %s while "
+ "%s was imported from %s"
+ % (originHead, ','.join(original['depot-paths']),
+ remoteHead, ','.join(settings['depot-paths'])))
+ if update:
+ system("git update-ref %s %s" % (remoteHead, originHead))
+def originP4BranchesExist():
+ return gitBranchExists("origin") or gitBranchExists("origin/p4") or gitBranchExists("origin/p4/master")
+def p4ChangesForPaths(depotPaths, changeRange):
+ assert depotPaths
+ cmd = ['changes']
+ for p in depotPaths:
+ cmd += ["%s...%s" % (p, changeRange)]
+ output = p4_read_pipe_lines(cmd)
+ changes = {}
+ for line in output:
+ changeNum = int(line.split(" ")[1])
+ changes[changeNum] = True
+ changelist = changes.keys()
+ changelist.sort()
+ return changelist
+def p4PathStartsWith(path, prefix):
+ # This method tries to remedy a potential mixed-case issue:
+ #
+ # If UserA adds //depot/DirA/file1
+ # and UserB adds //depot/dira/file2
+ #
+ # we may or may not have a problem. If you have core.ignorecase=true,
+ # we treat DirA and dira as the same directory
+ ignorecase = gitConfig("core.ignorecase", "--bool") == "true"
+ if ignorecase:
+ return path.lower().startswith(prefix.lower())
+ return path.startswith(prefix)
+def getClientSpec():
+ """Look at the p4 client spec, create a View() object that contains
+ all the mappings, and return it."""
+ specList = p4CmdList("client -o")
+ if len(specList) != 1:
+ die('Output from "client -o" is %d lines, expecting 1' %
+ len(specList))
+ # dictionary of all client parameters
+ entry = specList[0]
+ # just the keys that start with "View"
+ view_keys = [ k for k in entry.keys() if k.startswith("View") ]
+ # hold this new View
+ view = View()
+ # append the lines, in order, to the view
+ for view_num in range(len(view_keys)):
+ k = "View%d" % view_num
+ if k not in view_keys:
+ die("Expected view key %s missing" % k)
+ view.append(entry[k])
+ return view
+def getClientRoot():
+ """Grab the client directory."""
+ output = p4CmdList("client -o")
+ if len(output) != 1:
+ die('Output from "client -o" is %d lines, expecting 1' % len(output))
+ entry = output[0]
+ if "Root" not in entry:
+ die('Client has no "Root"')
+ return entry["Root"]
+# P4 wildcards are not allowed in filenames. P4 complains
+# if you simply add them, but you can force it with "-f", in
+# which case it translates them into %xx encoding internally.
+def wildcard_decode(path):
+ # Search for and fix just these four characters. Do % last so
+ # that fixing it does not inadvertently create new %-escapes.
+ # Cannot have * in a filename in windows; untested as to
+ # what p4 would do in such a case.
+ if not platform.system() == "Windows":
+ path = path.replace("%2A", "*")
+ path = path.replace("%23", "#") \
+ .replace("%40", "@") \
+ .replace("%25", "%")
+ return path
+def wildcard_encode(path):
+ # do % first to avoid double-encoding the %s introduced here
+ path = path.replace("%", "%25") \
+ .replace("*", "%2A") \
+ .replace("#", "%23") \
+ .replace("@", "%40")
+ return path
+def wildcard_present(path):
+ return path.translate(None, "*#@%") != path
+class Command:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
+ self.needsGit = True
+ self.verbose = False
+class P4UserMap:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.userMapFromPerforceServer = False
+ self.myP4UserId = None
+ def p4UserId(self):
+ if self.myP4UserId:
+ return self.myP4UserId
+ results = p4CmdList("user -o")
+ for r in results:
+ if r.has_key('User'):
+ self.myP4UserId = r['User']
+ return r['User']
+ die("Could not find your p4 user id")
+ def p4UserIsMe(self, p4User):
+ # return True if the given p4 user is actually me
+ me = self.p4UserId()
+ if not p4User or p4User != me:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def getUserCacheFilename(self):
+ home = os.environ.get("HOME", os.environ.get("USERPROFILE"))
+ return home + "/.gitp4-usercache.txt"
+ def getUserMapFromPerforceServer(self):
+ if self.userMapFromPerforceServer:
+ return
+ self.users = {}
+ self.emails = {}
+ for output in p4CmdList("users"):
+ if not output.has_key("User"):
+ continue
+ self.users[output["User"]] = output["FullName"] + " <" + output["Email"] + ">"
+ self.emails[output["Email"]] = output["User"]
+ s = ''
+ for (key, val) in self.users.items():
+ s += "%s\t%s\n" % (key.expandtabs(1), val.expandtabs(1))
+ open(self.getUserCacheFilename(), "wb").write(s)
+ self.userMapFromPerforceServer = True
+ def loadUserMapFromCache(self):
+ self.users = {}
+ self.userMapFromPerforceServer = False
+ try:
+ cache = open(self.getUserCacheFilename(), "rb")
+ lines = cache.readlines()
+ cache.close()
+ for line in lines:
+ entry = line.strip().split("\t")
+ self.users[entry[0]] = entry[1]
+ except IOError:
+ self.getUserMapFromPerforceServer()
+class P4Debug(Command):
+ def __init__(self):
+ Command.__init__(self)
+ self.options = []
+ self.description = "A tool to debug the output of p4 -G."
+ self.needsGit = False
+ def run(self, args):
+ j = 0
+ for output in p4CmdList(args):
+ print 'Element: %d' % j
+ j += 1
+ print output
+ return True
+class P4RollBack(Command):
+ def __init__(self):
+ Command.__init__(self)
+ self.options = [
+ optparse.make_option("--local", dest="rollbackLocalBranches", action="store_true")
+ ]
+ self.description = "A tool to debug the multi-branch import. Don't use :)"
+ self.rollbackLocalBranches = False
+ def run(self, args):
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ return False
+ maxChange = int(args[0])
+ if "p4ExitCode" in p4Cmd("changes -m 1"):
+ die("Problems executing p4");
+ if self.rollbackLocalBranches:
+ refPrefix = "refs/heads/"
+ lines = read_pipe_lines("git rev-parse --symbolic --branches")
+ else:
+ refPrefix = "refs/remotes/"
+ lines = read_pipe_lines("git rev-parse --symbolic --remotes")
+ for line in lines:
+ if self.rollbackLocalBranches or (line.startswith("p4/") and line != "p4/HEAD\n"):
+ line = line.strip()
+ ref = refPrefix + line
+ log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(ref)
+ settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log)
+ depotPaths = settings['depot-paths']
+ change = settings['change']
+ changed = False
+ if len(p4Cmd("changes -m 1 " + ' '.join (['%s...@%s' % (p, maxChange)
+ for p in depotPaths]))) == 0:
+ print "Branch %s did not exist at change %s, deleting." % (ref, maxChange)
+ system("git update-ref -d %s `git rev-parse %s`" % (ref, ref))
+ continue
+ while change and int(change) > maxChange:
+ changed = True
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "%s is at %s ; rewinding towards %s" % (ref, change, maxChange)
+ system("git update-ref %s \"%s^\"" % (ref, ref))
+ log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(ref)
+ settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log)
+ depotPaths = settings['depot-paths']
+ change = settings['change']
+ if changed:
+ print "%s rewound to %s" % (ref, change)
+ return True
+class P4Submit(Command, P4UserMap):
+ conflict_behavior_choices = ("ask", "skip", "quit")
+ def __init__(self):
+ Command.__init__(self)
+ P4UserMap.__init__(self)
+ self.options = [
+ optparse.make_option("--origin", dest="origin"),
+ optparse.make_option("-M", dest="detectRenames", action="store_true"),
+ # preserve the user, requires relevant p4 permissions
+ optparse.make_option("--preserve-user", dest="preserveUser", action="store_true"),
+ optparse.make_option("--export-labels", dest="exportLabels", action="store_true"),
+ optparse.make_option("--dry-run", "-n", dest="dry_run", action="store_true"),
+ optparse.make_option("--prepare-p4-only", dest="prepare_p4_only", action="store_true"),
+ optparse.make_option("--conflict", dest="conflict_behavior",
+ choices=self.conflict_behavior_choices)
+ ]
+ self.description = "Submit changes from git to the perforce depot."
+ self.usage += " [name of git branch to submit into perforce depot]"
+ self.origin = ""
+ self.detectRenames = False
+ self.preserveUser = gitConfig("git-p4.preserveUser").lower() == "true"
+ self.dry_run = False
+ self.prepare_p4_only = False
+ self.conflict_behavior = None
+ self.isWindows = (platform.system() == "Windows")
+ self.exportLabels = False
+ self.p4HasMoveCommand = p4_has_command("move")
+ def check(self):
+ if len(p4CmdList("opened ...")) > 0:
+ die("You have files opened with perforce! Close them before starting the sync.")
+ def separate_jobs_from_description(self, message):
+ """Extract and return a possible Jobs field in the commit
+ message. It goes into a separate section in the p4 change
+ specification.
+ A jobs line starts with "Jobs:" and looks like a new field
+ in a form. Values are white-space separated on the same
+ line or on following lines that start with a tab.
+ This does not parse and extract the full git commit message
+ like a p4 form. It just sees the Jobs: line as a marker
+ to pass everything from then on directly into the p4 form,
+ but outside the description section.
+ Return a tuple (stripped log message, jobs string)."""
+ m ='^Jobs:', message, re.MULTILINE)
+ if m is None:
+ return (message, None)
+ jobtext = message[m.start():]
+ stripped_message = message[:m.start()].rstrip()
+ return (stripped_message, jobtext)
+ def prepareLogMessage(self, template, message, jobs):
+ """Edits the template returned from "p4 change -o" to insert
+ the message in the Description field, and the jobs text in
+ the Jobs field."""
+ result = ""
+ inDescriptionSection = False
+ for line in template.split("\n"):
+ if line.startswith("#"):
+ result += line + "\n"
+ continue
+ if inDescriptionSection:
+ if line.startswith("Files:") or line.startswith("Jobs:"):
+ inDescriptionSection = False
+ # insert Jobs section
+ if jobs:
+ result += jobs + "\n"
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ if line.startswith("Description:"):
+ inDescriptionSection = True
+ line += "\n"
+ for messageLine in message.split("\n"):
+ line += "\t" + messageLine + "\n"
+ result += line + "\n"
+ return result
+ def patchRCSKeywords(self, file, pattern):
+ # Attempt to zap the RCS keywords in a p4 controlled file matching the given pattern
+ (handle, outFileName) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='.')
+ try:
+ outFile = os.fdopen(handle, "w+")
+ inFile = open(file, "r")
+ regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE)
+ for line in inFile.readlines():
+ line = regexp.sub(r'$\1$', line)
+ outFile.write(line)
+ inFile.close()
+ outFile.close()
+ # Forcibly overwrite the original file
+ os.unlink(file)
+ shutil.move(outFileName, file)
+ except:
+ # cleanup our temporary file
+ os.unlink(outFileName)
+ print "Failed to strip RCS keywords in %s" % file
+ raise
+ print "Patched up RCS keywords in %s" % file
+ def p4UserForCommit(self,id):
+ # Return the tuple (perforce user,git email) for a given git commit id
+ self.getUserMapFromPerforceServer()
+ gitEmail = read_pipe("git log --max-count=1 --format='%%ae' %s" % id)
+ gitEmail = gitEmail.strip()
+ if not self.emails.has_key(gitEmail):
+ return (None,gitEmail)
+ else:
+ return (self.emails[gitEmail],gitEmail)
+ def checkValidP4Users(self,commits):
+ # check if any git authors cannot be mapped to p4 users
+ for id in commits:
+ (user,email) = self.p4UserForCommit(id)
+ if not user:
+ msg = "Cannot find p4 user for email %s in commit %s." % (email, id)
+ if gitConfig('git-p4.allowMissingP4Users').lower() == "true":
+ print "%s" % msg
+ else:
+ die("Error: %s\nSet git-p4.allowMissingP4Users to true to allow this." % msg)
+ def lastP4Changelist(self):
+ # Get back the last changelist number submitted in this client spec. This
+ # then gets used to patch up the username in the change. If the same
+ # client spec is being used by multiple processes then this might go
+ # wrong.
+ results = p4CmdList("client -o") # find the current client
+ client = None
+ for r in results:
+ if r.has_key('Client'):
+ client = r['Client']
+ break
+ if not client:
+ die("could not get client spec")
+ results = p4CmdList(["changes", "-c", client, "-m", "1"])
+ for r in results:
+ if r.has_key('change'):
+ return r['change']
+ die("Could not get changelist number for last submit - cannot patch up user details")
+ def modifyChangelistUser(self, changelist, newUser):
+ # fixup the user field of a changelist after it has been submitted.
+ changes = p4CmdList("change -o %s" % changelist)
+ if len(changes) != 1:
+ die("Bad output from p4 change modifying %s to user %s" %
+ (changelist, newUser))
+ c = changes[0]
+ if c['User'] == newUser: return # nothing to do
+ c['User'] = newUser
+ input = marshal.dumps(c)
+ result = p4CmdList("change -f -i", stdin=input)
+ for r in result:
+ if r.has_key('code'):
+ if r['code'] == 'error':
+ die("Could not modify user field of changelist %s to %s:%s" % (changelist, newUser, r['data']))
+ if r.has_key('data'):
+ print("Updated user field for changelist %s to %s" % (changelist, newUser))
+ return
+ die("Could not modify user field of changelist %s to %s" % (changelist, newUser))
+ def canChangeChangelists(self):
+ # check to see if we have p4 admin or super-user permissions, either of
+ # which are required to modify changelists.
+ results = p4CmdList(["protects", self.depotPath])
+ for r in results:
+ if r.has_key('perm'):
+ if r['perm'] == 'admin':
+ return 1
+ if r['perm'] == 'super':
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def prepareSubmitTemplate(self):
+ """Run "p4 change -o" to grab a change specification template.
+ This does not use "p4 -G", as it is nice to keep the submission
+ template in original order, since a human might edit it.
+ Remove lines in the Files section that show changes to files
+ outside the depot path we're committing into."""
+ template = ""
+ inFilesSection = False
+ for line in p4_read_pipe_lines(['change', '-o']):
+ if line.endswith("\r\n"):
+ line = line[:-2] + "\n"
+ if inFilesSection:
+ if line.startswith("\t"):
+ # path starts and ends with a tab
+ path = line[1:]
+ lastTab = path.rfind("\t")
+ if lastTab != -1:
+ path = path[:lastTab]
+ if not p4PathStartsWith(path, self.depotPath):
+ continue
+ else:
+ inFilesSection = False
+ else:
+ if line.startswith("Files:"):
+ inFilesSection = True
+ template += line
+ return template