path: root/contrib/diff-highlight
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/diff-highlight')
2 files changed, 411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/diff-highlight/README b/contrib/diff-highlight/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..836b97a730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/diff-highlight/README
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+Line oriented diffs are great for reviewing code, because for most
+hunks, you want to see the old and the new segments of code next to each
+other. Sometimes, though, when an old line and a new line are very
+similar, it's hard to immediately see the difference.
+You can use "--color-words" to highlight only the changed portions of
+lines. However, this can often be hard to read for code, as it loses
+the line structure, and you end up with oddly formatted bits.
+Instead, this script post-processes the line-oriented diff, finds pairs
+of lines, and highlights the differing segments. It's currently very
+simple and stupid about doing these tasks. In particular:
+ 1. It will only highlight hunks in which the number of removed and
+ added lines is the same, and it will pair lines within the hunk by
+ position (so the first removed line is compared to the first added
+ line, and so forth). This is simple and tends to work well in
+ practice. More complex changes don't highlight well, so we tend to
+ exclude them due to the "same number of removed and added lines"
+ restriction. Or even if we do try to highlight them, they end up
+ not highlighting because of our "don't highlight if the whole line
+ would be highlighted" rule.
+ 2. It will find the common prefix and suffix of two lines, and
+ consider everything in the middle to be "different". It could
+ instead do a real diff of the characters between the two lines and
+ find common subsequences. However, the point of the highlight is to
+ call attention to a certain area. Even if some small subset of the
+ highlighted area actually didn't change, that's OK. In practice it
+ ends up being more readable to just have a single blob on the line
+ showing the interesting bit.
+The goal of the script is therefore not to be exact about highlighting
+changes, but to call attention to areas of interest without being
+visually distracting. Non-diff lines and existing diff coloration is
+preserved; the intent is that the output should look exactly the same as
+the input, except for the occasional highlight.
+You can try out the diff-highlight program with:
+git log -p --color | /path/to/diff-highlight
+If you want to use it all the time, drop it in your $PATH and put the
+following in your git configuration:
+ log = diff-highlight | less
+ show = diff-highlight | less
+ diff = diff-highlight | less
+Color Config
+You can configure the highlight colors and attributes using git's
+config. The colors for "old" and "new" lines can be specified
+independently. There are two "modes" of configuration:
+ 1. You can specify a "highlight" color and a matching "reset" color.
+ This will retain any existing colors in the diff, and apply the
+ "highlight" and "reset" colors before and after the highlighted
+ portion.
+ 2. You can specify a "normal" color and a "highlight" color. In this
+ case, existing colors are dropped from that line. The non-highlighted
+ bits of the line get the "normal" color, and the highlights get the
+ "highlight" color.
+If no "new" colors are specified, they default to the "old" colors. If
+no "old" colors are specified, the default is to reverse the foreground
+and background for highlighted portions.
+# Underline highlighted portions
+[color "diff-highlight"]
+oldHighlight = ul
+oldReset = noul
+# Varying background intensities
+[color "diff-highlight"]
+oldNormal = "black #f8cbcb"
+oldHighlight = "black #ffaaaa"
+newNormal = "black #cbeecb"
+newHighlight = "black #aaffaa"
+Because diff-highlight relies on heuristics to guess which parts of
+changes are important, there are some cases where the highlighting is
+more distracting than useful. Fortunately, these cases are rare in
+practice, and when they do occur, the worst case is simply a little
+extra highlighting. This section documents some cases known to be
+sub-optimal, in case somebody feels like working on improving the
+1. Two changes on the same line get highlighted in a blob. For example,
+ highlighting:
+-foo(buf, size);
++foo(obj->buf, obj->size);
+ yields (where the inside of "+{}" would be highlighted):
+-foo(buf, size);
++foo(+{obj->buf, obj->}size);
+ whereas a more semantically meaningful output would be:
+-foo(buf, size);
++foo(+{obj->}buf, +{obj->}size);
+ Note that doing this right would probably involve a set of
+ content-specific boundary patterns, similar to word-diff. Otherwise
+ you get junk like:
+-this line has some -{i}nt-{ere}sti-{ng} text on it
++this line has some +{fa}nt+{a}sti+{c} text on it
+ which is less readable than the current output.
+2. The multi-line matching assumes that lines in the pre- and post-image
+ match by position. This is often the case, but can be fooled when a
+ line is removed from the top and a new one added at the bottom (or
+ vice versa). Unless the lines in the middle are also changed, diffs
+ will show this as two hunks, and it will not get highlighted at all
+ (which is good). But if the lines in the middle are changed, the
+ highlighting can be misleading. Here's a pathological case:
++two 2
++three 3
++four 4
++five 5
+ which gets highlighted as:
++two 2
++t+{hree 3}
++four 4
++f+{ive 5}
+ because it matches "two" to "three 3", and so forth. It would be
+ nicer as:
++two +{2}
++three +{3}
++four +{4}
++five 5
+ which would probably involve pre-matching the lines into pairs
+ according to some heuristic.
diff --git a/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight b/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ffefc31a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+use 5.008;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use strict;
+# Highlight by reversing foreground and background. You could do
+# other things like bold or underline if you prefer.
+ color_config('color.diff-highlight.oldnormal'),
+ color_config('color.diff-highlight.oldhighlight', "\x1b[7m"),
+ color_config('color.diff-highlight.oldreset', "\x1b[27m")
+ color_config('color.diff-highlight.newnormal', $OLD_HIGHLIGHT[0]),
+ color_config('color.diff-highlight.newhighlight', $OLD_HIGHLIGHT[1]),
+ color_config('color.diff-highlight.newreset', $OLD_HIGHLIGHT[2])
+my $RESET = "\x1b[m";
+my $COLOR = qr/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m/;
+my $BORING = qr/$COLOR|\s/;
+my @removed;
+my @added;
+my $in_hunk;
+# Some scripts may not realize that SIGPIPE is being ignored when launching the
+# pager--for instance scripts written in Python.
+while (<>) {
+ if (!$in_hunk) {
+ print;
+ $in_hunk = /^$COLOR*\@/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^$COLOR*-/) {
+ push @removed, $_;
+ }
+ elsif (/^$COLOR*\+/) {
+ push @added, $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ show_hunk(\@removed, \@added);
+ @removed = ();
+ @added = ();
+ print;
+ $in_hunk = /^$COLOR*[\@ ]/;
+ }
+ # Most of the time there is enough output to keep things streaming,
+ # but for something like "git log -Sfoo", you can get one early
+ # commit and then many seconds of nothing. We want to show
+ # that one commit as soon as possible.
+ #
+ # Since we can receive arbitrary input, there's no optimal
+ # place to flush. Flushing on a blank line is a heuristic that
+ # happens to match git-log output.
+ if (!length) {
+ local $| = 1;
+ }
+# Flush any queued hunk (this can happen when there is no trailing context in
+# the final diff of the input).
+show_hunk(\@removed, \@added);
+exit 0;
+# Ideally we would feed the default as a human-readable color to
+# git-config as the fallback value. But diff-highlight does
+# not otherwise depend on git at all, and there are reports
+# of it being used in other settings. Let's handle our own
+# fallback, which means we will work even if git can't be run.
+sub color_config {
+ my ($key, $default) = @_;
+ my $s = `git config --get-color $key 2>/dev/null`;
+ return length($s) ? $s : $default;
+sub show_hunk {
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ # If one side is empty, then there is nothing to compare or highlight.
+ if (!@$a || !@$b) {
+ print @$a, @$b;
+ return;
+ }
+ # If we have mismatched numbers of lines on each side, we could try to
+ # be clever and match up similar lines. But for now we are simple and
+ # stupid, and only handle multi-line hunks that remove and add the same
+ # number of lines.
+ if (@$a != @$b) {
+ print @$a, @$b;
+ return;
+ }
+ my @queue;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @$a; $i++) {
+ my ($rm, $add) = highlight_pair($a->[$i], $b->[$i]);
+ print $rm;
+ push @queue, $add;
+ }
+ print @queue;
+sub highlight_pair {
+ my @a = split_line(shift);
+ my @b = split_line(shift);
+ # Find common prefix, taking care to skip any ansi
+ # color codes.
+ my $seen_plusminus;
+ my ($pa, $pb) = (0, 0);
+ while ($pa < @a && $pb < @b) {
+ if ($a[$pa] =~ /$COLOR/) {
+ $pa++;
+ }
+ elsif ($b[$pb] =~ /$COLOR/) {
+ $pb++;
+ }
+ elsif ($a[$pa] eq $b[$pb]) {
+ $pa++;
+ $pb++;
+ }
+ elsif (!$seen_plusminus && $a[$pa] eq '-' && $b[$pb] eq '+') {
+ $seen_plusminus = 1;
+ $pa++;
+ $pb++;
+ }
+ else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # Find common suffix, ignoring colors.
+ my ($sa, $sb) = ($#a, $#b);
+ while ($sa >= $pa && $sb >= $pb) {
+ if ($a[$sa] =~ /$COLOR/) {
+ $sa--;
+ }
+ elsif ($b[$sb] =~ /$COLOR/) {
+ $sb--;
+ }
+ elsif ($a[$sa] eq $b[$sb]) {
+ $sa--;
+ $sb--;
+ }
+ else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_pair_interesting(\@a, $pa, $sa, \@b, $pb, $sb)) {
+ return highlight_line(\@a, $pa, $sa, \@OLD_HIGHLIGHT),
+ highlight_line(\@b, $pb, $sb, \@NEW_HIGHLIGHT);
+ }
+ else {
+ return join('', @a),
+ join('', @b);
+ }
+sub split_line {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ return utf8::decode($_) ?
+ map { utf8::encode($_); $_ }
+ map { /$COLOR/ ? $_ : (split //) }
+ split /($COLOR+)/ :
+ map { /$COLOR/ ? $_ : (split //) }
+ split /($COLOR+)/;
+sub highlight_line {
+ my ($line, $prefix, $suffix, $theme) = @_;
+ my $start = join('', @{$line}[0..($prefix-1)]);
+ my $mid = join('', @{$line}[$prefix..$suffix]);
+ my $end = join('', @{$line}[($suffix+1)..$#$line]);
+ # If we have a "normal" color specified, then take over the whole line.
+ # Otherwise, we try to just manipulate the highlighted bits.
+ if (defined $theme->[0]) {
+ s/$COLOR//g for ($start, $mid, $end);
+ chomp $end;
+ return join('',
+ $theme->[0], $start, $RESET,
+ $theme->[1], $mid, $RESET,
+ $theme->[0], $end, $RESET,
+ "\n"
+ );
+ } else {
+ return join('',
+ $start,
+ $theme->[1], $mid, $theme->[2],
+ $end
+ );
+ }
+# Pairs are interesting to highlight only if we are going to end up
+# highlighting a subset (i.e., not the whole line). Otherwise, the highlighting
+# is just useless noise. We can detect this by finding either a matching prefix
+# or suffix (disregarding boring bits like whitespace and colorization).
+sub is_pair_interesting {
+ my ($a, $pa, $sa, $b, $pb, $sb) = @_;
+ my $prefix_a = join('', @$a[0..($pa-1)]);
+ my $prefix_b = join('', @$b[0..($pb-1)]);
+ my $suffix_a = join('', @$a[($sa+1)..$#$a]);
+ my $suffix_b = join('', @$b[($sb+1)..$#$b]);
+ return $prefix_a !~ /^$COLOR*-$BORING*$/ ||
+ $prefix_b !~ /^$COLOR*\+$BORING*$/ ||
+ $suffix_a !~ /^$BORING*$/ ||
+ $suffix_b !~ /^$BORING*$/;