diff options
316 files changed, 10393 insertions, 6461 deletions
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ede2628d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Defaults
+# Use tabs whenever we need to fill whitespace that spans at least from one tab
+# stop to the next one.
+UseTab: Always
+TabWidth: 8
+IndentWidth: 8
+ContinuationIndentWidth: 8
+ColumnLimit: 80
+# C Language specifics
+Language: Cpp
+# Align parameters on the open bracket
+# someLongFunction(argument1,
+# argument2);
+AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
+# Don't align consecutive assignments
+# int aaaa = 12;
+# int b = 14;
+AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
+# Don't align consecutive declarations
+# int aaaa = 12;
+# double b = 3.14;
+AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
+# Align escaped newlines as far left as possible
+# #define A \
+# int aaaa; \
+# int b; \
+# int cccccccc;
+AlignEscapedNewlines: Left
+# Align operands of binary and ternary expressions
+# int aaa = bbbbbbbbbbb +
+# cccccc;
+AlignOperands: true
+# Don't align trailing comments
+# int a; // Comment a
+# int b = 2; // Comment b
+AlignTrailingComments: false
+# By default don't allow putting parameters onto the next line
+# myFunction(foo, bar, baz);
+AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
+# Don't allow short braced statements to be on a single line
+# if (a) not if (a) return;
+# return;
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+# By default don't add a line break after the return type of top-level functions
+# int foo();
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
+# Pack as many parameters or arguments onto the same line as possible
+# int myFunction(int aaaaaaaaaaaa, int bbbbbbbb,
+# int cccc);
+BinPackArguments: true
+BinPackParameters: true
+# Attach braces to surrounding context except break before braces on function
+# definitions.
+# void foo()
+# {
+# if (true) {
+# } else {
+# }
+# };
+BreakBeforeBraces: Linux
+# Break after operators
+# int valuve = aaaaaaaaaaaaa +
+# bbbbbb -
+# ccccccccccc;
+BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
+BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: false
+# Don't break string literals
+BreakStringLiterals: false
+# Use the same indentation level as for the switch statement.
+# Switch statement body is always indented one level more than case labels.
+IndentCaseLabels: false
+# Don't indent a function definition or declaration if it is wrapped after the
+# type
+IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
+# Align pointer to the right
+# int *a;
+PointerAlignment: Right
+# Don't insert a space after a cast
+# x = (int32)y; not x = (int32) y;
+SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
+# Insert spaces before and after assignment operators
+# int a = 5; not int a=5;
+# a += 42; a+=42;
+SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
+# Put a space before opening parentheses only after control statement keywords.
+# void f() {
+# if (true) {
+# f();
+# }
+# }
+SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
+# Don't insert spaces inside empty '()'
+SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
+# The number of spaces before trailing line comments (// - comments).
+# This does not affect trailing block comments (/* - comments).
+SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
+# Don't insert spaces in casts
+# x = (int32) y; not x = ( int32 ) y;
+SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
+# Don't insert spaces inside container literals
+# var arr = [1, 2, 3]; not var arr = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
+SpacesInContainerLiterals: false
+# Don't insert spaces after '(' or before ')'
+# f(arg); not f( arg );
+SpacesInParentheses: false
+# Don't insert spaces after '[' or before ']'
+# int a[5]; not int a[ 5 ];
+SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
+# Insert a space after '{' and before '}' in struct initializers
+Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
+# A list of macros that should be interpreted as foreach loops instead of as
+# function calls.
+ForEachMacros: ['for_each_string_list_item']
+# The maximum number of consecutive empty lines to keep.
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
+# No empty line at the start of a block.
+KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
+# Penalties
+# This decides what order things should be done if a line is too long
+PenaltyBreakAssignment: 100
+PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 100
+PenaltyBreakComment: 100
+PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 0
+PenaltyBreakString: 100
+PenaltyExcessCharacter: 5
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 0
+# Don't sort #include's
+SortIncludes: false
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 278943d14a..fead995edd 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -61,23 +61,8 @@ matrix:
- docker
- - docker pull daald/ubuntu32:xenial
- script:
- - >
- docker run
- --interactive
- --volume "${PWD}:/usr/src/git"
- daald/ubuntu32:xenial
- /usr/src/git/ci/ $(id -u $USER)
- # Use the following command to debug the docker build locally:
- # $ docker run -itv "${PWD}:/usr/src/git" --entrypoint /bin/bash daald/ubuntu32:xenial
- # root@container:/# /usr/src/git/ci/
+ script: ci/
- env: Static Analysis
os: linux
@@ -86,9 +71,8 @@ matrix:
- coccinelle
- script:
- # "before_script" that builds Git is inherited from base job
- - make coccicheck
+ # "before_script" that builds Git is inherited from base job
+ script: ci/
- env: Documentation
os: linux
@@ -99,70 +83,14 @@ matrix:
- asciidoc
- xmlto
- before_script: gem install asciidoctor
+ before_script:
script: ci/
- - >
- case "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-linux}" in
- linux)
- export GIT_TEST_HTTPD=YesPlease
- mkdir --parents custom/p4
- pushd custom/p4
- wget --quiet$LINUX_P4_VERSION/bin.linux26x86_64/p4d
- wget --quiet$LINUX_P4_VERSION/bin.linux26x86_64/p4
- chmod u+x p4d
- chmod u+x p4
- export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
- popd
- mkdir --parents custom/git-lfs
- pushd custom/git-lfs
- wget --quiet$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION/git-lfs-linux-amd64-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz
- tar --extract --gunzip --file "git-lfs-linux-amd64-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz"
- cp git-lfs-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION/git-lfs .
- export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
- popd
- ;;
- osx)
- brew update --quiet
- # Uncomment this if you want to run perf tests:
- # brew install gnu-time
- brew install git-lfs gettext
- brew link --force gettext
- brew install caskroom/cask/perforce
- ;;
- esac;
- echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Server Version$(tput sgr0)";
- p4d -V | grep Rev.;
- echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Client Version$(tput sgr0)";
- p4 -V | grep Rev.;
- echo "$(tput setaf 6)Git-LFS Version$(tput sgr0)";
- git-lfs version;
-before_script: make --jobs=2
- - >
- mkdir -p $HOME/travis-cache;
- ln -s $HOME/travis-cache/.prove t/.prove;
- make --quiet test;
- - >
- : '<-- Click here to see detailed test output! ';
- for TEST_EXIT in t/test-results/*.exit;
- do
- if [ "$(cat "$TEST_EXIT")" != "0" ];
- then
- TEST_OUT="${TEST_EXIT%exit}out";
- echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
- echo "$(tput setaf 1)${TEST_OUT}...$(tput sgr0)";
- echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
- cat "${TEST_OUT}";
- fi;
- done;
+before_install: ci/
+before_script: ci/
+script: ci/
+after_failure: ci/
email: false
diff --git a/.tsan-suppressions b/.tsan-suppressions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c85014a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.tsan-suppressions
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Suppressions for ThreadSanitizer (tsan).
+# This file is used by setting the environment variable TSAN_OPTIONS to, e.g.,
+# "suppressions=$(pwd)/.tsan-suppressions". Observe that relative paths such as
+# ".tsan-suppressions" might not work.
+# A static variable is written to racily, but we always write the same value, so
+# in practice it (hopefully!) doesn't matter.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.5.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a498fd6fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Git v2.10.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v2.10.4
+ * "git cvsserver" no longer is invoked by "git daemon" by default,
+ as it is old and largely unmaintained.
+ * Various Perl scripts did not use safe_pipe_capture() instead of
+ backticks, leaving them susceptible to end-user input. They have
+ been corrected.
+Credits go to joernchen <> for finding the
+unsafe constructs in "git cvsserver", and to Jeff King at GitHub for
+finding and fixing instances of the same issue in other scripts.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.11.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.11.4.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad4da8eb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.11.4.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Git v2.11.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v2.11.3
+ * "git cvsserver" no longer is invoked by "git daemon" by default,
+ as it is old and largely unmaintained.
+ * Various Perl scripts did not use safe_pipe_capture() instead of
+ backticks, leaving them susceptible to end-user input. They have
+ been corrected.
+Credits go to joernchen <> for finding the
+unsafe constructs in "git cvsserver", and to Jeff King at GitHub for
+finding and fixing instances of the same issue in other scripts.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.12.5.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.12.5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fa73cfce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.12.5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Git v2.12.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v2.12.4
+ * "git cvsserver" no longer is invoked by "git daemon" by default,
+ as it is old and largely unmaintained.
+ * Various Perl scripts did not use safe_pipe_capture() instead of
+ backticks, leaving them susceptible to end-user input. They have
+ been corrected.
+Credits go to joernchen <> for finding the
+unsafe constructs in "git cvsserver", and to Jeff King at GitHub for
+finding and fixing instances of the same issue in other scripts.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.6.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.6.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afcae9c808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.6.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Git v2.13.6 Release Notes
+Fixes since v2.13.5
+ * "git cvsserver" no longer is invoked by "git daemon" by default,
+ as it is old and largely unmaintained.
+ * Various Perl scripts did not use safe_pipe_capture() instead of
+ backticks, leaving them susceptible to end-user input. They have
+ been corrected.
+Credits go to joernchen <> for finding the
+unsafe constructs in "git cvsserver", and to Jeff King at GitHub for
+finding and fixing instances of the same issue in other scripts.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.2.txt
index bcfe78f59d..bec9186ade 100644
--- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.2.txt
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.2.txt
@@ -91,4 +91,15 @@ Fixes since v2.14.1
* "git archive" did not work well with pathspecs and the
export-ignore attribute.
+ * "git cvsserver" no longer is invoked by "git daemon" by default,
+ as it is old and largely unmaintained.
+ * Various Perl scripts did not use safe_pipe_capture() instead of
+ backticks, leaving them susceptible to end-user input. They have
+ been corrected.
Also contains various documentation updates and code clean-ups.
+Credits go to joernchen <> for finding the
+unsafe constructs in "git cvsserver", and to Jeff King at GitHub for
+finding and fixing instances of the same issue in other scripts.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.15.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.15.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..290cad5287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.15.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+Git 2.15 Release Notes
+Backward compatibility notes and other notable changes.
+ * Use of an empty string as a pathspec element that is used for
+ 'everything matches' is still warned and Git asks users to use a
+ more explicit '.' for that instead. The hope is that existing
+ users will not mind this change, and eventually the warning can be
+ turned into a hard error, upgrading the deprecation into removal of
+ this (mis)feature. That is now scheduled to happen in the upcoming
+ release.
+ * Git now avoids blindly falling back to ".git" when the setup
+ sequence said we are _not_ in Git repository. A corner case that
+ happens to work right now may be broken by a call to die("BUG").
+ We've tried hard to locate such cases and fixed them, but there
+ might still be cases that need to be addressed--bug reports are
+ greatly appreciated.
+ * "branch --set-upstream" that has been deprecated in Git 1.8 has
+ finally been retired.
+Updates since v2.14
+UI, Workflows & Features
+ * An example that is now obsolete has been removed from a sample hook,
+ and an old example in it that added a sign-off manually has been
+ improved to use the interpret-trailers command.
+ * The advice message given when "git rebase" stops for conflicting
+ changes has been improved.
+ * The "rerere-train" script (in contrib/) learned the "--overwrite"
+ option to allow overwriting existing recorded resolutions.
+ * "git contacts" (in contrib/) now lists the address on the
+ "Reported-by:" trailer to its output, in addition to those on
+ S-o-b: and other trailers, to make it easier to notify (and thank)
+ the original bug reporter.
+ * "git rebase", especially when it is run by mistake and ends up
+ trying to replay many changes, spent long time in silence. The
+ command has been taught to show progress report when it spends
+ long time preparing these many changes to replay (which would give
+ the user a chance to abort with ^C).
+ * "git merge" learned a "--signoff" option to add the Signed-off-by:
+ trailer with the committer's name.
+ * "git diff" learned to optionally paint new lines that are the same
+ as deleted lines elsewhere differently from genuinely new lines.
+ * "git interpret-trailers" learned to take the trailer specifications
+ from the command line that overrides the configured values.
+ * "git interpret-trailers" has been taught a "--parse" and a few
+ other options to make it easier for scripts to grab existing
+ trailer lines from a commit log message.
+ * "gitweb" shows a link to visit the 'raw' contents of blbos in the
+ history overview page.
+ * "[gc] rerereResolved = 5.days" used to be invalid, as the variable
+ is defined to take an integer counting the number of days. It now
+ is allowed.
+ * The code to acquire a lock on a reference (e.g. while accepting a
+ push from a client) used to immediately fail when the reference is
+ already locked---now it waits for a very short while and retries,
+ which can make it succeed if the lock holder was holding it during
+ a read-only operation.
+ * "branch --set-upstream" that has been deprecated in Git 1.8 has
+ finally been retired.
+ * The codepath to call external process filter for smudge/clean
+ operation learned to show the progress meter.
+ * "git rev-parse" learned "--is-shallow-repository", that is to be
+ used in a way similar to existing "--is-bare-repository" and
+ friends.
+Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc.
+ * Conversion from uchar[20] to struct object_id continues.
+ * Start using selected c99 constructs in small, stable and
+ essentialpart of the system to catch people who care about
+ older compilers that do not grok them.
+ * The filter-process interface learned to allow a process with long
+ latency give a "delayed" response.
+ * Many uses of comparision callback function the hashmap API uses
+ cast the callback function type when registering it to
+ hashmap_init(), which defeats the compile time type checking when
+ the callback interface changes (e.g. gaining more parameters).
+ The callback implementations have been updated to take "void *"
+ pointers and cast them to the type they expect instead.
+ * Because recent Git for Windows do come with a real msgfmt, the
+ build procedure for git-gui has been updated to use it instead of a
+ hand-rolled substitute.
+ * "git grep --recurse-submodules" has been reworked to give a more
+ consistent output across submodule boundary (and do its thing
+ without having to fork a separate process).
+ * A helper function to read a single whole line into strbuf
+ mistakenly triggered OOM error at EOF under certain conditions,
+ which has been fixed.
+ (merge 642956cf45 rs/strbuf-getwholeline-fix later to maint).
+ * The "ref-store" code reorganization continues.
+ * "git commit" used to discard the index and re-read from the filesystem
+ just in case the pre-commit hook has updated it in the middle; this
+ has been optimized out when we know we do not run the pre-commit hook.
+ (merge 680ee550d7 kw/commit-keep-index-when-pre-commit-is-not-run later to maint).
+ * Updates to the HTTP layer we made recently unconditionally used
+ features of libCurl without checking the existence of them, causing
+ compilation errors, which has been fixed. Also migrate the code to
+ check feature macros, not version numbers, to cope better with
+ libCurl that vendor ships with backported features.
+ * The API to start showing progress meter after a short delay has
+ been simplified.
+ (merge 8aade107dd jc/simplify-progress later to maint).
+ * Code clean-up to avoid mixing values read from the .gitmodules file
+ and values read from the .git/config file.
+ * We used to spend more than necessary cycles allocating and freeing
+ piece of memory while writing each index entry out. This has been
+ optimized.
+ * Platforms that ship with a separate sha1 with collision detection
+ library can link to it instead of using the copy we ship as part of
+ our source tree.
+ * Code around "notes" have been cleaned up.
+ (merge 3964281524 mh/notes-cleanup later to maint).
+ * The long-standing rule that an in-core lockfile instance, once it
+ is used, must not be freed, has been lifted and the lockfile and
+ tempfile APIs have been updated to reduce the chance of programming
+ errors.
+ * Our hashmap implementation in hashmap.[ch] is not thread-safe when
+ adding a new item needs to expand the hashtable by rehashing; add
+ an API to disable the automatic rehashing to work it around.
+ * Many of our programs consider that it is OK to release dynamic
+ storage that is used throughout the life of the program by simply
+ exiting, but this makes it harder to leak detection tools to avoid
+ reporting false positives. Plug many existing leaks and introduce
+ a mechanism for developers to mark that the region of memory
+ pointed by a pointer is not lost/leaking to help these tools.
+ * As "git commit" to conclude a conflicted "git merge" honors the
+ commit-msg hook, "git merge" that records a merge commit that
+ cleanly auto-merges should, but it didn't.
+ * The codepath for "git merge-recursive" has been cleaned up.
+ * Many leaks of strbuf have been fixed.
+ * "git imap-send" has our own implementation of the protocol and also
+ can use more recent libCurl with the imap protocol support. Update
+ the latter so that it can use the credential subsystem, and then
+ make it the default option to use, so that we can eventually
+ deprecate and remove the former.
+ * "make style" runs git-clang-format to help developers by pointing
+ out coding style issues.
+ * A test to demonstrate "git mv" failing to adjust nested submodules
+ has been added.
+ (merge c514167df2 hv/mv-nested-submodules-test later to maint).
+ * On Cygwin, "ulimit -s" does not report failure but it does not work
+ at all, which causes an unexpected success of some tests that
+ expect failures under a limited stack situation. This has been
+ fixed.
+Also contains various documentation updates and code clean-ups.
+Fixes since v2.14
+ * "%C(color name)" in the pretty print format always produced ANSI
+ color escape codes, which was an early design mistake. They now
+ honor the configuration (e.g. "color.ui = never") and also tty-ness
+ of the output medium.
+ * The http.{sslkey,sslCert} configuration variables are to be
+ interpreted as a pathname that honors "~[username]/" prefix, but
+ weren't, which has been fixed.
+ * Numerous bugs in walking of reflogs via "log -g" and friends have
+ been fixed.
+ * "git commit" when seeing an totally empty message said "you did not
+ edit the message", which is clearly wrong. The message has been
+ corrected.
+ * When a directory is not readable, "gitweb" fails to build the
+ project list. Work this around by skipping such a directory.
+ * Some versions of GnuPG fails to kill gpg-agent it auto-spawned
+ and such a left-over agent can interfere with a test. Work it
+ around by attempting to kill one before starting a new test.
+ * A recently added test for the "credential-cache" helper revealed
+ that EOF detection done around the time the connection to the cache
+ daemon is torn down were flaky. This was fixed by reacting to
+ ECONNRESET and behaving as if we got an EOF.
+ * "git log --tag=no-such-tag" showed log starting from HEAD, which
+ has been fixed---it now shows nothing.
+ * The "tag.pager" configuration variable was useless for those who
+ actually create tag objects, as it interfered with the use of an
+ editor. A new mechanism has been introduced for commands to enable
+ pager depending on what operation is being carried out to fix this,
+ and then "git tag -l" is made to run pager by default.
+ * "git push --recurse-submodules $there HEAD:$target" was not
+ propagated down to the submodules, but now it is.
+ * Commands like "git rebase" accepted the --rerere-autoupdate option
+ from the command line, but did not always use it. This has been
+ fixed.
+ * "git clone --recurse-submodules --quiet" did not pass the quiet
+ option down to submodules.
+ * Test portability fix for OBSD.
+ * Portability fix for OBSD.
+ * "git am -s" has been taught that some input may end with a trailer
+ block that is not Signed-off-by: and it should refrain from adding
+ an extra blank line before adding a new sign-off in such a case.
+ * "git svn" used with "--localtime" option did not compute the tz
+ offset for the timestamp in question and instead always used the
+ current time, which has been corrected.
+ * Memory leak in an error codepath has been plugged.
+ * "git stash -u" used the contents of the committed version of the
+ ".gitignore" file to decide which paths are ignored, even when the
+ file has local changes. The command has been taught to instead use
+ the locally modified contents.
+ * bash 4.4 or newer gave a warning on NUL byte in command
+ substitution done in "git stash"; this has been squelched.
+ * "git grep -L" and "git grep --quiet -L" reported different exit
+ codes; this has been corrected.
+ * When handshake with a subprocess filter notices that the process
+ asked for an unknown capability, Git did not report what program
+ the offending subprocess was running. This has been corrected.
+ * "git apply" that is used as a better "patch -p1" failed to apply a
+ taken from a file with CRLF line endings to a file with CRLF line
+ endings. The root cause was because it misused convert_to_git()
+ that tried to do "safe-crlf" processing by looking at the index
+ entry at the same path, which is a nonsense---in that mode, "apply"
+ is not working on the data in (or derived from) the index at all.
+ This has been fixed.
+ * Killing "git merge --edit" before the editor returns control left
+ the repository in a state with MERGE_MSG but without MERGE_HEAD,
+ which incorrectly tells the subsequent "git commit" that there was
+ a squash merge in progress. This has been fixed.
+ * "git archive" did not work well with pathspecs and the
+ export-ignore attribute.
+ * In addition to "cc: <> # cruft", "cc: # cruft"
+ was taught to "git send-email" as a valid way to tell it that it
+ needs to also send a carbon copy to <> in the trailer
+ section.
+ (merge cc90750677 mm/send-email-cc-cruft later to maint).
+ * "git branch -M a b" while on a branch that is completely unrelated
+ to either branch a or branch b misbehaved when multiple worktree
+ was in use. This has been fixed.
+ (merge 31824d180d nd/worktree-kill-parse-ref later to maint).
+ * "git gc" and friends when multiple worktrees are used off of a
+ single repository did not consider the index and per-worktree refs
+ of other worktrees as the root for reachability traversal, making
+ objects that are in use only in other worktrees to be subject to
+ garbage collection.
+ * A regression to "gitk --bisect" by a recent update has been fixed.
+ (merge 1d0538e486 mh/packed-ref-store-prep later to maint).
+ * "git -c submodule.recurse=yes pull" did not work as if the
+ "--recurse-submodules" option was given from the command line.
+ This has been corrected.
+ * Unlike "git commit-tree < file", "git commit-tree -F file" did not
+ pass the contents of the file verbatim and instead completed an
+ incomplete line at the end, if exists. The latter has been updated
+ to match the behaviour of the former.
+ (merge c818e74332 rk/commit-tree-make-F-verbatim later to maint).
+ * Many codepaths did not diagnose write failures correctly when disks
+ go full, due to their misuse of write_in_full() helper function,
+ which have been corrected.
+ (merge f48ecd38cb jk/write-in-full-fix later to maint).
+ * "git help co" now says "co is aliased to ...", not "git co is".
+ (merge b3a8076e0d ks/help-alias-label later to maint).
+ * "git archive", especially when used with pathspec, stored an empty
+ directory in its output, even though Git itself never does so.
+ This has been fixed.
+ (merge 4318094047 rs/archive-excluded-directory later to maint).
+ * API error-proofing which happens to also squelch warnings from GCC.
+ (merge c788c54cde tg/refs-allowed-flags later to maint).
+ * The explanation of the cut-line in the commit log editor has been
+ slightly tweaked.
+ (merge 8c4b1a3593 ks/commit-do-not-touch-cut-line later to maint).
+ * "git gc" tries to avoid running two instances at the same time by
+ reading and writing pid/host from and to a lock file; it used to
+ use an incorrect fscanf() format when reading, which has been
+ corrected.
+ (merge afe2fab72c aw/gc-lockfile-fscanf-fix later to maint).
+ * The scripts to drive TravisCI has been reorganized and then an
+ optimization to avoid spending cycles on a branch whose tip is
+ tagged has been implemented.
+ (merge 8376eb4a8f ls/travis-scriptify later to maint).
+ * The test linter has been taught that we do not like "echo -e".
+ (merge 1a6d46895d tb/test-lint-echo-e later to maint).
+ * Code cmp.std.c nitpick.
+ (merge ac7da78ede mh/for-each-string-list-item-empty-fix later to maint).
+ * A regression fix for 2.11 that made the code to read the list of
+ alternate object stores overrun the end of the string.
+ (merge f0f7bebef7 jk/info-alternates-fix later to maint).
+ * Other minor doc, test and build updates and code cleanups.
+ (merge f094b89a4d ma/parse-maybe-bool later to maint).
+ (merge 39b00fa4d4 jk/drop-sha1-entry-pos later to maint).
+ (merge 6cdf8a7929 ma/ts-cleanups later to maint).
+ (merge 7560f547e6 ma/up-to-date later to maint).
+ (merge 0db3dc75f3 rs/apply-epoch later to maint).
+ (merge 74f1bd912b dw/diff-highlight-makefile-fix later to maint).
+ (merge f991761eb8 jk/config-lockfile-leak-fix later to maint).
+ (merge 150efef1e7 ma/pkt-line-leakfix later to maint).
+ (merge 5554451de6 mg/timestamp-t-fix later to maint).
+ (merge 276d0e35c0 ma/split-symref-update-fix later to maint).
+ (merge 3bc4b8f7c7 bb/doc-eol-dirty later to maint).
+ (merge c1bb33c99c jk/system-path-cleanup later to maint).
+ (merge ab46e6fc72 cc/subprocess-handshake-missing-capabilities later to maint).
+ (merge f7a32dd97f kd/doc-for-each-ref later to maint).
+ (merge be94568bc7 ez/doc-duplicated-words-fix later to maint).
+ (merge 01e4be6c3d ks/test-readme-phrasofix later to maint).
diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt
index 2271809d90..dc4e3f58a2 100644
--- a/Documentation/config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config.txt
@@ -776,6 +776,12 @@ core.commentChar::
If set to "auto", `git-commit` would select a character that is not
the beginning character of any line in existing commit messages.
+ The length of time, in milliseconds, to retry when trying to
+ lock an individual reference. Value 0 means not to retry at
+ all; -1 means to try indefinitely. Default is 100 (i.e.,
+ retry for 100ms).
The length of time, in milliseconds, to retry when trying to
lock the `packed-refs` file. Value 0 means not to retry at
@@ -1077,14 +1083,25 @@ This does not affect linkgit:git-format-patch[1] or the
'git-diff-{asterisk}' plumbing commands. Can be overridden on the
command line with the `--color[=<when>]` option.
+ If set to either a valid `<mode>` or a true value, moved lines
+ in a diff are colored differently, for details of valid modes
+ see '--color-moved' in linkgit:git-diff[1]. If simply set to
+ true the default color mode will be used. When set to false,
+ moved lines are not colored.
Use customized color for diff colorization. `<slot>` specifies
which part of the patch to use the specified color, and is one
of `context` (context text - `plain` is a historical synonym),
`meta` (metainformation), `frag`
(hunk header), 'func' (function in hunk header), `old` (removed lines),
- `new` (added lines), `commit` (commit headers), or `whitespace`
- (highlighting whitespace errors).
+ `new` (added lines), `commit` (commit headers), `whitespace`
+ (highlighting whitespace errors), `oldMoved` (deleted lines),
+ `newMoved` (added lines), `oldMovedDimmed`, `oldMovedAlternative`,
+ `oldMovedAlternativeDimmed`, `newMovedDimmed`, `newMovedAlternative`
+ and `newMovedAlternativeDimmed` (See the '<mode>'
+ setting of '--color-moved' in linkgit:git-diff[1] for details).
Use customized color for 'git log --decorate' output. `<slot>` is one
@@ -1553,11 +1570,13 @@ gc.<pattern>.reflogExpireUnreachable::
Records of conflicted merge you resolved earlier are
kept for this many days when 'git rerere gc' is run.
+ You can also use more human-readable "1.month.ago", etc.
The default is 60 days. See linkgit:git-rerere[1].
Records of conflicted merge you have not resolved are
kept for this many days when 'git rerere gc' is run.
+ You can also use more human-readable "1.month.ago", etc.
The default is 15 days. See linkgit:git-rerere[1].
diff --git a/Documentation/diff-options.txt b/Documentation/diff-options.txt
index 56dedafcd4..a88c76741e 100644
--- a/Documentation/diff-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/diff-options.txt
@@ -231,6 +231,40 @@ ifdef::git-diff[]
It is the same as `--color=never`.
+ Moved lines of code are colored differently.
+ It can be changed by the `diff.colorMoved` configuration setting.
+ The <mode> defaults to 'no' if the option is not given
+ and to 'zebra' if the option with no mode is given.
+ The mode must be one of:
+ Moved lines are not highlighted.
+ Is a synonym for `zebra`. This may change to a more sensible mode
+ in the future.
+ Any line that is added in one location and was removed
+ in another location will be colored with 'color.diff.newMoved'.
+ Similarly 'color.diff.oldMoved' will be used for removed lines
+ that are added somewhere else in the diff. This mode picks up any
+ moved line, but it is not very useful in a review to determine
+ if a block of code was moved without permutation.
+ Blocks of moved text of at least 20 alphanumeric characters
+ are detected greedily. The detected blocks are
+ painted using either the 'color.diff.{old,new}Moved' color or
+ 'color.diff.{old,new}MovedAlternative'. The change between
+ the two colors indicates that a new block was detected.
+ Similar to 'zebra', but additional dimming of uninteresting parts
+ of moved code is performed. The bordering lines of two adjacent
+ blocks are considered interesting, the rest is uninteresting.
Show a word diff, using the <mode> to delimit changed words.
By default, words are delimited by whitespace; see
diff --git a/Documentation/git-apply.txt b/Documentation/git-apply.txt
index 631cbd840a..4ebc3d3271 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-apply.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-apply.txt
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ OPTIONS
disables it is in effect), make sure the patch is
applicable to what the current index file records. If
the file to be patched in the working tree is not
- up-to-date, it is flagged as an error. This flag also
+ up to date, it is flagged as an error. This flag also
causes the index file to be updated.
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ treats these changes as follows.
If `--index` is specified (explicitly or implicitly), then the submodule
commits must match the index exactly for the patch to apply. If any
of the submodules are checked-out, then these check-outs are completely
-ignored, i.e., they are not required to be up-to-date or clean and they
+ignored, i.e., they are not required to be up to date or clean and they
are not updated.
If `--index` is not specified, then the submodule commits in the patch
diff --git a/Documentation/git-branch.txt b/Documentation/git-branch.txt
index 7463dc44a7..58f1e5c9c7 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-branch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-branch.txt
@@ -195,10 +195,8 @@ start-point is either a local or remote-tracking branch.
branch.autoSetupMerge configuration variable is true.
- If specified branch does not exist yet or if `--force` has been
- given, acts exactly like `--track`. Otherwise sets up configuration
- like `--track` would when creating the branch, except that where
- branch points to is not changed.
+ As this option had confusing syntax, it is no longer supported.
+ Please use `--track` or `--set-upstream-to` instead.
-u <upstream>::
diff --git a/Documentation/git-cat-file.txt b/Documentation/git-cat-file.txt
index 204541c690..fb09cd69d6 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-cat-file.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-cat-file.txt
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ newline. The available atoms are:
The 40-hex object name of the object.
- The type of of the object (the same as `cat-file -t` reports).
+ The type of the object (the same as `cat-file -t` reports).
The size, in bytes, of the object (the same as `cat-file -s`
diff --git a/Documentation/git-checkout.txt b/Documentation/git-checkout.txt
index d6399c0af8..bd268a8fcc 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-checkout.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-checkout.txt
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ $ git checkout -b <branch> --track <remote>/<branch>
You could omit <branch>, in which case the command degenerates to
-"check out the current branch", which is a glorified no-op with a
+"check out the current branch", which is a glorified no-op with
rather expensive side-effects to show only the tracking information,
if exists, for the current branch.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-cvsserver.txt b/Documentation/git-cvsserver.txt
index a336ae5f6f..ba90066f10 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-cvsserver.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-cvsserver.txt
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ access method and requested operation.
That means that even if you offer only read access (e.g. by using
the pserver method), 'git-cvsserver' should have write access to
the database to work reliably (otherwise you need to make sure
-that the database is up-to-date any time 'git-cvsserver' is executed).
+that the database is up to date any time 'git-cvsserver' is executed).
By default it uses SQLite databases in the Git directory, named
`gitcvs.<module_name>.sqlite`. Note that the SQLite backend creates
diff --git a/Documentation/git-diff-index.txt b/Documentation/git-diff-index.txt
index a171506952..b380677718 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-diff-index.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-diff-index.txt
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ a 'git write-tree' + 'git diff-tree'. Thus that's the default mode.
The non-cached version asks the question:
show me the differences between HEAD and the currently checked out
- tree - index contents _and_ files that aren't up-to-date
+ tree - index contents _and_ files that aren't up to date
which is obviously a very useful question too, since that tells you what
you *could* commit. Again, the output matches the 'git diff-tree -r'
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ have not actually done a 'git update-index' on it yet - there is no
torvalds@ppc970:~/v2.6/linux> git diff-index --abbrev HEAD
:100644 100664 7476bb... 000000... kernel/sched.c
-i.e., it shows that the tree has changed, and that `kernel/sched.c` has is
-not up-to-date and may contain new stuff. The all-zero sha1 means that to
+i.e., it shows that the tree has changed, and that `kernel/sched.c` is
+not up to date and may contain new stuff. The all-zero sha1 means that to
get the real diff, you need to look at the object in the working directory
directly rather than do an object-to-object diff.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt b/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt
index 9e5169aa64..bebdcdec5a 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
[--commit-filter <command>] [--tag-name-filter <command>]
[--subdirectory-filter <directory>] [--prune-empty]
[--original <namespace>] [-d <directory>] [-f | --force]
- [--] [<rev-list options>...]
+ [--state-branch <branch>] [--] [<rev-list options>...]
@@ -198,6 +198,12 @@ to other tags will be rewritten to point to the underlying commit.
directory or when there are already refs starting with
'refs/original/', unless forced.
+--state-branch <branch>::
+ This option will cause the mapping from old to new objects to
+ be loaded from named branch upon startup and saved as a new
+ commit to that branch upon exit, enabling incremental of large
+ trees. If '<branch>' does not exist it will be created.
<rev-list options>...::
Arguments for 'git rev-list'. All positive refs included by
these options are rewritten. You may also specify options
diff --git a/Documentation/git-for-each-ref.txt b/Documentation/git-for-each-ref.txt
index bb370c9c7b..66b4e0a405 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-for-each-ref.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-for-each-ref.txt
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ SYNOPSIS
'git for-each-ref' [--count=<count>] [--shell|--perl|--python|--tcl]
[(--sort=<key>)...] [--format=<format>] [<pattern>...]
- [--points-at <object>] [(--merged | --no-merged) [<object>]]
- [--contains [<object>]] [--no-contains [<object>]]
+ [--points-at=<object>]
+ (--merged[=<object>] | --no-merged[=<object>])
+ [--contains[=<object>]] [--no-contains[=<object>]]
@@ -25,19 +26,25 @@ host language allowing their direct evaluation in that language.
+ If one or more patterns are given, only refs are shown that
+ match against at least one pattern, either using fnmatch(3) or
+ literally, in the latter case matching completely or from the
+ beginning up to a slash.
By default the command shows all refs that match
`<pattern>`. This option makes it stop after showing
that many refs.
A field name to sort on. Prefix `-` to sort in
descending order of the value. When unspecified,
`refname` is used. You may use the --sort=<key> option
multiple times, in which case the last key becomes the primary
A string that interpolates `%(fieldname)` from a ref being shown
and the object it points at. If `fieldname`
is prefixed with an asterisk (`*`) and the ref points
@@ -50,12 +57,6 @@ OPTIONS
`xx`; for example `%00` interpolates to `\0` (NUL),
`%09` to `\t` (TAB) and `%0a` to `\n` (LF).
- If one or more patterns are given, only refs are shown that
- match against at least one pattern, either using fnmatch(3) or
- literally, in the latter case matching completely or from the
- beginning up to a slash.
@@ -65,24 +66,24 @@ OPTIONS
the specified host language. This is meant to produce
a scriptlet that can directly be `eval`ed.
---points-at <object>::
Only list refs which points at the given object.
---merged [<object>]::
Only list refs whose tips are reachable from the
specified commit (HEAD if not specified),
incompatible with `--no-merged`.
---no-merged [<object>]::
Only list refs whose tips are not reachable from the
specified commit (HEAD if not specified),
incompatible with `--merged`.
---contains [<object>]::
Only list refs which contain the specified commit (HEAD if not
---no-contains [<object>]::
Only list refs which don't contain the specified commit (HEAD
if not specified).
diff --git a/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt b/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt
index c890328b02..6cbe462a77 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
[(--reroll-count|-v) <n>]
[--to=<email>] [--cc=<email>]
[--[no-]cover-letter] [--quiet] [--notes[=<ref>]]
+ [--progress]
[<common diff options>]
[ <since> | <revision range> ]
@@ -283,6 +284,9 @@ you can use `--suffix=-patch` to get `0001-description-of-my-change-patch`.
range are always formatted as creation patches, independently
of this flag.
+ Show progress reports on stderr as patches are generated.
You can specify extra mail header lines to be added to each message,
diff --git a/Documentation/git-grep.txt b/Documentation/git-grep.txt
index 5033483db4..720c7850e2 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-grep.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-grep.txt
@@ -95,13 +95,6 @@ OPTIONS
<tree> option the prefix of all submodule output will be the name of
the parent project's <tree> object.
---parent-basename <basename>::
- For internal use only. In order to produce uniform output with the
- --recurse-submodules option, this option can be used to provide the
- basename of a parent's <tree> object to a submodule so the submodule
- can prefix its output with the parent's name rather than the SHA1 of
- the submodule.
Process binary files as if they were text.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-interpret-trailers.txt b/Documentation/git-interpret-trailers.txt
index 31cdeaecdf..9dd19a1dd9 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-interpret-trailers.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-interpret-trailers.txt
@@ -3,24 +3,27 @@ git-interpret-trailers(1)
-git-interpret-trailers - help add structured information into commit messages
+git-interpret-trailers - add or parse structured information in commit messages
-'git interpret-trailers' [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer <token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]
+'git interpret-trailers' [options] [(--trailer <token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]
+'git interpret-trailers' [options] [--parse] [<file>...]
-Help adding 'trailers' lines, that look similar to RFC 822 e-mail
+Help parsing or adding 'trailers' lines, that look similar to RFC 822 e-mail
headers, at the end of the otherwise free-form part of a commit
This command reads some patches or commit messages from either the
-<file> arguments or the standard input if no <file> is specified. Then
-this command applies the arguments passed using the `--trailer`
-option, if any, to the commit message part of each input file. The
-result is emitted on the standard output.
+<file> arguments or the standard input if no <file> is specified. If
+`--parse` is specified, the output consists of the parsed trailers.
+Otherwise, this command applies the arguments passed using the
+`--trailer` option, if any, to the commit message part of each input
+file. The result is emitted on the standard output.
Some configuration variables control the way the `--trailer` arguments
are applied to each commit message and the way any existing trailer in
@@ -80,6 +83,45 @@ OPTIONS
trailer to the input messages. See the description of this
+--where <placement>::
+ Specify where all new trailers will be added. A setting
+ provided with '--where' overrides all configuration variables
+ and applies to all '--trailer' options until the next occurrence of
+ '--where' or '--no-where'.
+--if-exists <action>::
+ Specify what action will be performed when there is already at
+ least one trailer with the same <token> in the message. A setting
+ provided with '--if-exists' overrides all configuration variables
+ and applies to all '--trailer' options until the next occurrence of
+ '--if-exists' or '--no-if-exists'.
+--if-missing <action>::
+ Specify what action will be performed when there is no other
+ trailer with the same <token> in the message. A setting
+ provided with '--if-missing' overrides all configuration variables
+ and applies to all '--trailer' options until the next occurrence of
+ '--if-missing' or '--no-if-missing'.
+ Output only the trailers, not any other parts of the input.
+ Output only trailers that exist in the input; do not add any
+ from the command-line or by following configured `trailer.*`
+ rules.
+ Remove any whitespace-continuation in trailers, so that each
+ trailer appears on a line by itself with its full content.
+ A convenience alias for `--only-trailers --only-input
+ --unfold`.
@@ -170,8 +212,8 @@ trailer.<token>.where::
configuration variable and it overrides what is specified by
that option for trailers with the specified <token>.
- This option takes the same values as the 'trailer.ifexist'
+ This option takes the same values as the 'trailer.ifexists'
configuration variable and it overrides what is specified by
that option for trailers with the specified <token>.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-merge.txt b/Documentation/git-merge.txt
index f90faf7aaa..4df6431c34 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-merge.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-merge.txt
@@ -64,6 +64,14 @@ OPTIONS
+ Add Signed-off-by line by the committer at the end of the commit
+ log message. The meaning of a signoff depends on the project,
+ but it typically certifies that committer has
+ the rights to submit this work under the same license and
+ agrees to a Developer Certificate of Origin
+ (see for more information).
GPG-sign the resulting merge commit. The `keyid` argument is
@@ -133,7 +141,7 @@ exception is when the changed index entries are in the state that
would result from the merge already.)
If all named commits are already ancestors of `HEAD`, 'git merge'
-will exit early with the message "Already up-to-date."
+will exit early with the message "Already up to date."
diff --git a/Documentation/git-notes.txt b/Documentation/git-notes.txt
index be7db3048d..43677297f3 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-notes.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-notes.txt
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ OPTIONS
object that does not have notes attached to it.
- Also read the object names to remove notes from from the standard
+ Also read the object names to remove notes from the standard
input (there is no reason you cannot combine this with object
names from the command line).
diff --git a/Documentation/git-push.txt b/Documentation/git-push.txt
index 0a639664fd..3e76e99f38 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-push.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-push.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
'git push' [--all | --mirror | --tags] [--follow-tags] [--atomic] [-n | --dry-run] [--receive-pack=<git-receive-pack>]
[--repo=<repository>] [-f | --force] [-d | --delete] [--prune] [-v | --verbose]
[-u | --set-upstream] [--push-option=<string>]
- [--[no-]signed|--sign=(true|false|if-asked)]
+ [--[no-]signed|--signed=(true|false|if-asked)]
[--no-verify] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ already exists on the remote side.
information, see `push.followTags` in linkgit:git-config[1].
GPG-sign the push request to update refs on the receiving
side, to allow it to be checked by the hooks and/or be
logged. If `false` or `--no-signed`, no signing will be
diff --git a/Documentation/git-read-tree.txt b/Documentation/git-read-tree.txt
index 02576d8c0a..72bd809fb8 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-read-tree.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-read-tree.txt
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ Here are the "carry forward" rules, where "I" denotes the index,
"clean" means that index and work tree coincide, and "exists"/"nothing"
refer to the presence of a path in the specified commit:
I H M Result
0 nothing nothing nothing (does not happen)
@@ -217,6 +218,7 @@ refer to the presence of a path in the specified commit:
19 no no yes exists exists keep index
20 yes yes no exists exists use M
21 no yes no exists exists fail
In all "keep index" cases, the index entry stays as in the
original index file. If the entry is not up to date,
diff --git a/Documentation/git-rebase.txt b/Documentation/git-rebase.txt
index 4f6bed61a9..6805a74aec 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-rebase.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-rebase.txt
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ which makes little sense.
- Force a rebase even if the current branch is up-to-date and
+ Force a rebase even if the current branch is up to date and
the command without `--force` would return without doing anything.
You may find this (or --no-ff with an interactive rebase) helpful after
diff --git a/Documentation/git-rerere.txt b/Documentation/git-rerere.txt
index 9ee083c415..031f31fa47 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-rerere.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-rerere.txt
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ development on the topic branch:
you could run `git rebase master topic`, to bring yourself
-up-to-date before your topic is ready to be sent upstream.
+up to date before your topic is ready to be sent upstream.
This would result in falling back to a three-way merge, and it
would conflict the same way as the test merge you resolved earlier.
'git rerere' will be run by 'git rebase' to help you resolve this
diff --git a/Documentation/git-rev-parse.txt b/Documentation/git-rev-parse.txt
index b1293f24bb..0917b8207b 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-rev-parse.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-rev-parse.txt
@@ -235,6 +235,9 @@ print a message to stderr and exit with nonzero status.
When the repository is bare print "true", otherwise "false".
+ When the repository is shallow print "true", otherwise "false".
--resolve-git-dir <path>::
Check if <path> is a valid repository or a gitfile that
points at a valid repository, and print the location of the
diff --git a/Documentation/git-rm.txt b/Documentation/git-rm.txt
index 683e591330..b5c46223c4 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-rm.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-rm.txt
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ the submodule's history. If it exists the submodule.<name> section
in the linkgit:gitmodules[5] file will also be removed and that file
will be staged (unless --cached or -n are used).
-A submodule is considered up-to-date when the HEAD is the same as
+A submodule is considered up to date when the HEAD is the same as
recorded in the index, no tracked files are modified and no untracked
files that aren't ignored are present in the submodules work tree.
Ignored files are deemed expendable and won't stop a submodule's work
diff --git a/Documentation/git-send-pack.txt b/Documentation/git-send-pack.txt
index 966abb0df8..f51c64939b 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-send-pack.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-send-pack.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
'git send-pack' [--all] [--dry-run] [--force] [--receive-pack=<git-receive-pack>]
[--verbose] [--thin] [--atomic]
- [--[no-]signed|--sign=(true|false|if-asked)]
+ [--[no-]signed|--signed=(true|false|if-asked)]
[<host>:]<directory> [<ref>...]
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ be in a separate packet, and the list must end with a flush packet.
GPG-sign the push request to update refs on the receiving
side, to allow it to be checked by the hooks and/or be
logged. If `false` or `--no-signed`, no signing will be
diff --git a/Documentation/git-shell.txt b/Documentation/git-shell.txt
index 2e30a3e42d..54cf2560be 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-shell.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-shell.txt
@@ -79,6 +79,22 @@ EOF
$ chmod +x $HOME/git-shell-commands/no-interactive-login
+To enable git-cvsserver access (which should generally have the
+`no-interactive-login` example above as a prerequisite, as creating
+the git-shell-commands directory allows interactive logins):
+$ cat >$HOME/git-shell-commands/cvs <<\EOF
+if ! test $# = 1 && test "$1" = "server"
+ echo >&2 "git-cvsserver only handles \"server\""
+ exit 1
+exec git cvsserver server
+$ chmod +x $HOME/git-shell-commands/cvs
diff --git a/Documentation/git-svn.txt b/Documentation/git-svn.txt
index aa2aeabb60..636e09048e 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-svn.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-svn.txt
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ Any other arguments are passed directly to 'git log'
You should consider using 'dcommit' instead of this command.
Commit specified commit or tree objects to SVN. This relies on
- your imported fetch data being up-to-date. This makes
+ your imported fetch data being up to date. This makes
absolutely no attempts to do patching when committing to SVN, it
simply overwrites files with those specified in the tree or
commit. All merging is assumed to have taken place
diff --git a/Documentation/git-update-index.txt b/Documentation/git-update-index.txt
index 1579abf3c3..75c7dd9dea 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-update-index.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-update-index.txt
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ you will need to handle the situation manually.
Version 4 performs a simple pathname compression that reduces index
size by 30%-50% on large repositories, which results in faster load
-time. Version 4 is relatively young (first released in in 1.8.0 in
+time. Version 4 is relatively young (first released in 1.8.0 in
October 2012). Other Git implementations such as JGit and libgit2
may not support it yet.
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ will remove the intended effect of the option.
Using --refresh
`--refresh` does not calculate a new sha1 file or bring the index
-up-to-date for mode/content changes. But what it *does* do is to
+up to date for mode/content changes. But what it *does* do is to
"re-match" the stat information of a file with the index, so that you
can refresh the index for a file that hasn't been changed but where
the stat entry is out of date.
diff --git a/Documentation/gitattributes.txt b/Documentation/gitattributes.txt
index c4f2be2542..4c68bc19d5 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitattributes.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitattributes.txt
@@ -151,7 +151,10 @@ unspecified.
This attribute sets a specific line-ending style to be used in the
working directory. It enables end-of-line conversion without any
-content checks, effectively setting the `text` attribute.
+content checks, effectively setting the `text` attribute. Note that
+setting this attribute on paths which are in the index with CRLF line
+endings may make the paths to be considered dirty. Adding the path to
+the index again will normalize the line endings in the index.
Set to string value "crlf"::
diff --git a/Documentation/gitcore-tutorial.txt b/Documentation/gitcore-tutorial.txt
index 7577f27ec2..e29a9effcc 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitcore-tutorial.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitcore-tutorial.txt
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ So after you do a `cp -a` to create a new copy, you'll want to do
$ git update-index --refresh
-in the new repository to make sure that the index file is up-to-date.
+in the new repository to make sure that the index file is up to date.
Note that the second point is true even across machines. You can
duplicate a remote Git repository with *any* regular copy mechanism, be it
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ $ git checkout-index -u -a
where the `-u` flag means that you want the checkout to keep the index
-up-to-date (so that you don't have to refresh it afterward), and the
+up to date (so that you don't have to refresh it afterward), and the
`-a` flag means "check out all files" (if you have a stale copy or an
older version of a checked out tree you may also need to add the `-f`
flag first, to tell 'git checkout-index' to *force* overwriting of any old
@@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@ run a single command, 'git-receive-pack'.
First, you need to create an empty repository on the remote
machine that will house your public repository. This empty
-repository will be populated and be kept up-to-date by pushing
+repository will be populated and be kept up to date by pushing
into it later. Obviously, this repository creation needs to be
done only once.
@@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ transport protocols (HTTP), you need to keep this repository
would contain a call to 'git update-server-info'
but you need to manually enable the hook with
`mv post-update.sample post-update`. This makes sure
-'git update-server-info' keeps the necessary files up-to-date.
+'git update-server-info' keeps the necessary files up to date.
3. Push into the public repository from your primary
diff --git a/Documentation/githooks.txt b/Documentation/githooks.txt
index b2514f4d44..1bb4f92d4d 100644
--- a/Documentation/githooks.txt
+++ b/Documentation/githooks.txt
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ it is not suppressed by the `--no-verify` option. A non-zero exit
means a failure of the hook and aborts the commit. It should not
be used as replacement for pre-commit hook.
-The sample `prepare-commit-msg` hook that comes with Git comments
-out the `Conflicts:` part of a merge's commit message.
+The sample `prepare-commit-msg` hook that comes with Git removes the
+help message found in the commented portion of the commit template.
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ them.
When enabled, the default 'post-update' hook runs
'git update-server-info' to keep the information used by dumb
-transports (e.g., HTTP) up-to-date. If you are publishing
+transports (e.g., HTTP) up to date. If you are publishing
a Git repository that is accessible via HTTP, you should
probably enable this hook.
diff --git a/Documentation/gitrepository-layout.txt b/Documentation/gitrepository-layout.txt
index f51ed4e37c..adf9554ad2 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitrepository-layout.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitrepository-layout.txt
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ objects/info/packs::
This file is to help dumb transports discover what packs
are available in this object store. Whenever a pack is
added or removed, `git update-server-info` should be run
- to keep this file up-to-date if the repository is
+ to keep this file up to date if the repository is
published for dumb transports. 'git repack' does this
by default.
diff --git a/Documentation/gittutorial.txt b/Documentation/gittutorial.txt
index 794b83393e..242de31cb6 100644
--- a/Documentation/gittutorial.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gittutorial.txt
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ summary of the situation with 'git status':
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
-Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
+Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
modified: file1
diff --git a/Documentation/merge-options.txt b/Documentation/merge-options.txt
index 5b4a62e936..4e32304301 100644
--- a/Documentation/merge-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/merge-options.txt
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ set to `no` at the beginning of them.
Refuse to merge and exit with a non-zero status unless the
- current `HEAD` is already up-to-date or the merge can be
+ current `HEAD` is already up to date or the merge can be
resolved as a fast-forward.
diff --git a/Documentation/pretty-formats.txt b/Documentation/pretty-formats.txt
index 973d19606b..d433d50f81 100644
--- a/Documentation/pretty-formats.txt
+++ b/Documentation/pretty-formats.txt
@@ -205,7 +205,10 @@ endif::git-rev-list[]
- '%><(<N>)', '%><|(<N>)': similar to '% <(<N>)', '%<|(<N>)'
respectively, but padding both sides (i.e. the text is centered)
- %(trailers): display the trailers of the body as interpreted by
- linkgit:git-interpret-trailers[1]
+ linkgit:git-interpret-trailers[1]. If the `:only` option is given,
+ omit non-trailer lines from the trailer block. If the `:unfold`
+ option is given, behave as if interpret-trailer's `--unfold` option
+ was given. E.g., `%(trailers:only:unfold)` to do both.
NOTE: Some placeholders may depend on other options given to the
revision traversal engine. For example, the `%g*` reflog options will
diff --git a/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt b/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
index a6cf9eb380..7d860bfca1 100644
--- a/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
@@ -184,6 +184,14 @@ explicitly.
Pretend as if all objects mentioned by reflogs are listed on the
command line as `<commit>`.
+ By default, all working trees will be examined by the
+ following options when there are more than one (see
+ linkgit:git-worktree[1]): `--all`, `--reflog` and
+ `--indexed-objects`.
+ This option forces them to examine the current working tree
+ only.
Upon seeing an invalid object name in the input, pretend as if
the bad input was not given.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-config.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-config.txt
index 20741f345e..9a778b0cad 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-config.txt
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ parsing is successful, the return value is the result.
Same as `git_config_bool`, except that integers are returned as-is, and
an `is_bool` flag is unset.
Same as `git_config_bool`, except that it returns -1 on error rather
than dying.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-ref-iteration.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-ref-iteration.txt
index 37379d8337..46c3d5c355 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-ref-iteration.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-ref-iteration.txt
@@ -32,11 +32,8 @@ Iteration functions
* `for_each_glob_ref_in()` the previous and `for_each_ref_in()` combined.
-* `head_ref_submodule()`, `for_each_ref_submodule()`,
- `for_each_ref_in_submodule()`, `for_each_tag_ref_submodule()`,
- `for_each_branch_ref_submodule()`, `for_each_remote_ref_submodule()`
- do the same as the functions described above but for a specified
- submodule.
+* Use `refs_` API for accessing submodules. The submodule ref store could
+ be obtained with `get_submodule_ref_store()`.
* `for_each_rawref()` can be used to learn about broken ref and symref.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-tree-walking.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-tree-walking.txt
index 14af37c3f1..bde18622a8 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-tree-walking.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-tree-walking.txt
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ Initializing
- Initialize a `tree_desc` and decode its first entry given the sha1 of
- a tree. Returns the `buffer` member if the sha1 is a valid tree
- identifier and NULL otherwise.
+ Initialize a `tree_desc` and decode its first entry given the
+ object ID of a tree. Returns the `buffer` member if the latter
+ is a valid tree identifier and NULL otherwise.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/pack-protocol.txt b/Documentation/technical/pack-protocol.txt
index a34917153f..ed1eae8b83 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/pack-protocol.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/pack-protocol.txt
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ After reference and capabilities discovery, the client can decide to
terminate the connection by sending a flush-pkt, telling the server it can
now gracefully terminate, and disconnect, when it does not need any pack
data. This can happen with the ls-remote command, and also can happen when
-the client already is up-to-date.
+the client already is up to date.
Otherwise, it enters the negotiation phase, where the client and
server determine what the minimal packfile necessary for transport is,
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/trivial-merge.txt b/Documentation/technical/trivial-merge.txt
index c79d4a7c47..1f1c33d0da 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/trivial-merge.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/trivial-merge.txt
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ or the result.
If multiple cases apply, the one used is listed first.
A result which changes the index is an error if the index is not empty
-and not up-to-date.
+and not up to date.
Entries marked '+' have stat information. Spaces marked '*' don't
affect the result.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ empty, no entry is left for that stage). Otherwise, the given entry is
left in stage 0, and there are no other entries.
A result of "no merge" is an error if the index is not empty and not
+up to date.
*empty* means that the tree must not have a directory-file conflict
with the entry.
diff --git a/Documentation/user-manual.txt b/Documentation/user-manual.txt
index bc29298678..b4d88af133 100644
--- a/Documentation/user-manual.txt
+++ b/Documentation/user-manual.txt
@@ -2044,10 +2044,12 @@ If a push would not result in a <<fast-forwards,fast-forward>> of the
remote branch, then it will fail with an error like:
-error: remote 'refs/heads/master' is not an ancestor of
- local 'refs/heads/master'.
- Maybe you are not up-to-date and need to pull first?
-error: failed to push to 'ssh://'
+ ! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)
+error: failed to push some refs to '...'
+hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
+hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
+hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
+hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
This can happen, for example, if you:
@@ -2193,7 +2195,7 @@ $ cd work
Linus's tree will be stored in the remote-tracking branch named origin/master,
and can be updated using linkgit:git-fetch[1]; you can track other
public trees using linkgit:git-remote[1] to set up a "remote" and
-linkgit:git-fetch[1] to keep them up-to-date; see
+linkgit:git-fetch[1] to keep them up to date; see
Now create the branches in which you are going to work; these start out
index 1ab52e381e..75beb2e775 100755
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 043ec8377b..ed4ca438bd 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ all::
# algorithm. This is slower, but may detect attempted collision attacks.
# Takes priority over other *_SHA1 knobs.
+# Define DC_SHA1_EXTERNAL in addition to DC_SHA1 if you want to build / link
+# git with the external SHA1 collision-detect library.
+# Without this option, i.e. the default behavior is to build git with its
+# own built-in code (or submodule).
# Define DC_SHA1_SUBMODULE in addition to DC_SHA1 to use the
# sha1collisiondetection shipped as a submodule instead of the
# non-submodule copy in sha1dc/. This is an experimental option used
@@ -655,6 +660,7 @@ TEST_PROGRAMS_NEED_X += test-parse-options
TEST_PROGRAMS_NEED_X += test-path-utils
TEST_PROGRAMS_NEED_X += test-prio-queue
TEST_PROGRAMS_NEED_X += test-read-cache
+TEST_PROGRAMS_NEED_X += test-write-cache
TEST_PROGRAMS_NEED_X += test-ref-store
TEST_PROGRAMS_NEED_X += test-regex
TEST_PROGRAMS_NEED_X += test-revision-walking
@@ -816,6 +822,7 @@ LIB_OBJS += notes-merge.o
LIB_OBJS += notes-utils.o
LIB_OBJS += object.o
LIB_OBJS += oidset.o
+LIB_OBJS += packfile.o
LIB_OBJS += pack-bitmap.o
LIB_OBJS += pack-bitmap-write.o
LIB_OBJS += pack-check.o
@@ -842,6 +849,7 @@ LIB_OBJS += reflog-walk.o
LIB_OBJS += refs.o
LIB_OBJS += refs/files-backend.o
LIB_OBJS += refs/iterator.o
+LIB_OBJS += refs/packed-backend.o
LIB_OBJS += refs/ref-cache.o
LIB_OBJS += ref-filter.o
LIB_OBJS += remote.o
@@ -1033,6 +1041,9 @@ BASIC_CFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer
ifneq ($(filter undefined,$(SANITIZERS)),)
+ifneq ($(filter leak,$(SANITIZERS)),)
ifndef sysconfdir
@@ -1472,6 +1483,15 @@ ifdef APPLE_COMMON_CRYPTO
DC_SHA1 := YesPlease
+ LIB_OBJS += sha1dc_git.o
+$(error Only set DC_SHA1_EXTERNAL or DC_SHA1_SUBMODULE, not both)
+ endif
+ EXTLIBS += -lsha1detectcoll
LIB_OBJS += sha1collisiondetection/lib/sha1.o
LIB_OBJS += sha1collisiondetection/lib/ubc_check.o
@@ -1481,17 +1501,15 @@ else
LIB_OBJS += sha1dc/ubc_check.o
- -DSHA1_DC \
-DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" \
- -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_TRAILING_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"sha1dc_git.c\"" \
- -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_TRAILING_INCLUDE_SHA1_H="\"sha1dc_git.h\"" \
LIB_OBJS += compat/sha1-chunked.o
@@ -2439,6 +2457,10 @@ $(SP_OBJ): %.sp: %.c GIT-CFLAGS FORCE
.PHONY: sparse $(SP_OBJ)
sparse: $(SP_OBJ)
+.PHONY: style
+ git clang-format --style file --diff --extensions c,h
check: common-cmds.h
@if sparse; \
then \
diff --git a/RelNotes b/RelNotes
index 29ef983310..80ae7a3110 120000
--- a/RelNotes
+++ b/RelNotes
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.2.txt \ No newline at end of file
+Documentation/RelNotes/2.15.0.txt \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apply.c b/apply.c
index 0c7b25989c..c022af53a2 100644
--- a/apply.c
+++ b/apply.c
@@ -812,16 +812,13 @@ static int has_epoch_timestamp(const char *nameline)
* 1970-01-01, and the seconds part must be "00".
const char stamp_regexp[] =
- "^(1969-12-31|1970-01-01)"
- " "
- "[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:00(\\.0+)?"
+ "^[0-2][0-9]:([0-5][0-9]):00(\\.0+)?"
" "
const char *timestamp = NULL, *cp, *colon;
static regex_t *stamp;
regmatch_t m[10];
- int zoneoffset;
- int hourminute;
+ int zoneoffset, epoch_hour, hour, minute;
int status;
for (cp = nameline; *cp != '\n'; cp++) {
@@ -830,6 +827,18 @@ static int has_epoch_timestamp(const char *nameline)
if (!timestamp)
return 0;
+ /*
+ * YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss must be from either 1969-12-31
+ * (west of GMT) or 1970-01-01 (east of GMT)
+ */
+ if (skip_prefix(timestamp, "1969-12-31 ", &timestamp))
+ epoch_hour = 24;
+ else if (skip_prefix(timestamp, "1970-01-01 ", &timestamp))
+ epoch_hour = 0;
+ else
+ return 0;
if (!stamp) {
stamp = xmalloc(sizeof(*stamp));
if (regcomp(stamp, stamp_regexp, REG_EXTENDED)) {
@@ -847,6 +856,9 @@ static int has_epoch_timestamp(const char *nameline)
return 0;
+ hour = strtol(timestamp, NULL, 10);
+ minute = strtol(timestamp + m[1].rm_so, NULL, 10);
zoneoffset = strtol(timestamp + m[3].rm_so + 1, (char **) &colon, 10);
if (*colon == ':')
zoneoffset = zoneoffset * 60 + strtol(colon + 1, NULL, 10);
@@ -855,20 +867,7 @@ static int has_epoch_timestamp(const char *nameline)
if (timestamp[m[3].rm_so] == '-')
zoneoffset = -zoneoffset;
- /*
- * YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss must be from either 1969-12-31
- * (west of GMT) or 1970-01-01 (east of GMT)
- */
- if ((zoneoffset < 0 && memcmp(timestamp, "1969-12-31", 10)) ||
- (0 <= zoneoffset && memcmp(timestamp, "1970-01-01", 10)))
- return 0;
- hourminute = (strtol(timestamp + 11, NULL, 10) * 60 +
- strtol(timestamp + 14, NULL, 10) -
- zoneoffset);
- return ((zoneoffset < 0 && hourminute == 1440) ||
- (0 <= zoneoffset && !hourminute));
+ return hour * 60 + minute - zoneoffset == epoch_hour * 60;
@@ -2921,6 +2920,7 @@ static int apply_one_fragment(struct apply_state *state,
if (plen && (ws_rule & WS_BLANK_AT_EOF) &&
ws_blank_line(patch + 1, plen, ws_rule))
is_blank_context = 1;
+ /* fallthrough */
case '-':
memcpy(old, patch + 1, plen);
add_line_info(&preimage, old, plen,
@@ -2928,7 +2928,7 @@ static int apply_one_fragment(struct apply_state *state,
old += plen;
if (first == '-')
- /* Fall-through for ' ' */
+ /* fallthrough */
case '+':
/* --no-add does not add new lines */
if (first == '+' && state->no_add)
@@ -3577,7 +3577,7 @@ static int try_threeway(struct apply_state *state,
/* Preimage the patch was prepared for */
if (patch->is_new)
write_sha1_file("", 0, blob_type, pre_oid.hash);
- else if (get_sha1(patch->old_sha1_prefix, pre_oid.hash) ||
+ else if (get_oid(patch->old_sha1_prefix, &pre_oid) ||
read_blob_object(&buf, &pre_oid, patch->old_mode))
return error(_("repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."));
@@ -4101,7 +4101,7 @@ static int build_fake_ancestor(struct apply_state *state, struct patch *list)
return error(_("sha1 information is lacking or "
"useless for submodule %s"), name);
- } else if (!get_sha1_blob(patch->old_sha1_prefix, oid.hash)) {
+ } else if (!get_oid_blob(patch->old_sha1_prefix, &oid)) {
; /* ok */
} else if (!patch->lines_added && !patch->lines_deleted) {
/* mode-only change: update the current */
diff --git a/archive.c b/archive.c
index 2ad7e6cb90..1e41f4bbeb 100644
--- a/archive.c
+++ b/archive.c
@@ -121,11 +121,6 @@ static int check_attr_export_subst(const struct attr_check *check)
return check && ATTR_TRUE(check->items[1].value);
-static int should_queue_directories(const struct archiver_args *args)
- return args->pathspec.has_wildcard;
static int write_archive_entry(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *base,
int baselen, const char *filename, unsigned mode, int stage,
void *context)
@@ -147,7 +142,7 @@ static int write_archive_entry(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *base,
strbuf_addch(&path, '/');
path_without_prefix = path.buf + args->baselen;
- if (!S_ISDIR(mode) || !should_queue_directories(args)) {
+ if (!S_ISDIR(mode)) {
const struct attr_check *check;
check = get_archive_attrs(path_without_prefix);
if (check_attr_export_ignore(check))
@@ -169,14 +164,6 @@ static int write_archive_entry(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *base,
return write_entry(args, sha1, path.buf, path.len, mode);
-static int write_archive_entry_buf(const unsigned char *sha1, struct strbuf *base,
- const char *filename, unsigned mode, int stage,
- void *context)
- return write_archive_entry(sha1, base->buf, base->len,
- filename, mode, stage, context);
static void queue_directory(const unsigned char *sha1,
struct strbuf *base, const char *filename,
unsigned mode, int stage, struct archiver_context *c)
@@ -290,9 +277,7 @@ int write_archive_entries(struct archiver_args *args,
err = read_tree_recursive(args->tree, "", 0, 0, &args->pathspec,
- should_queue_directories(args) ?
- queue_or_write_archive_entry :
- write_archive_entry_buf,
+ queue_or_write_archive_entry,
err = 0;
@@ -391,7 +376,7 @@ static void parse_treeish_arg(const char **argv,
- if (get_sha1(name, oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid(name, &oid))
die("Not a valid object name");
commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(&oid, 1);
diff --git a/attr.c b/attr.c
index 56961f0236..dfc3a558d8 100644
--- a/attr.c
+++ b/attr.c
@@ -76,18 +76,20 @@ struct attr_hash_entry {
/* attr_hashmap comparison function */
-static int attr_hash_entry_cmp(void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct attr_hash_entry *a,
- const struct attr_hash_entry *b,
- void *unused_keydata)
+static int attr_hash_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
+ const void *unused_keydata)
+ const struct attr_hash_entry *a = entry;
+ const struct attr_hash_entry *b = entry_or_key;
return (a->keylen != b->keylen) || strncmp(a->key, b->key, a->keylen);
/* Initialize an 'attr_hashmap' object */
static void attr_hashmap_init(struct attr_hashmap *map)
- hashmap_init(&map->map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) attr_hash_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&map->map, attr_hash_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
@@ -149,10 +151,12 @@ struct all_attrs_item {
static void all_attrs_init(struct attr_hashmap *map, struct attr_check *check)
int i;
+ unsigned int size;
- if (map->map.size < check->all_attrs_nr)
+ size = hashmap_get_size(&map->map);
+ if (size < check->all_attrs_nr)
die("BUG: interned attributes shouldn't be deleted");
@@ -161,13 +165,13 @@ static void all_attrs_init(struct attr_hashmap *map, struct attr_check *check)
* field), reallocate the provided attr_check instance's all_attrs
* field and fill each entry with its corresponding git_attr.
- if (map->map.size != check->all_attrs_nr) {
+ if (size != check->all_attrs_nr) {
struct attr_hash_entry *e;
struct hashmap_iter iter;
hashmap_iter_init(&map->map, &iter);
- REALLOC_ARRAY(check->all_attrs, map->map.size);
- check->all_attrs_nr = map->map.size;
+ REALLOC_ARRAY(check->all_attrs, size);
+ check->all_attrs_nr = size;
while ((e = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
const struct git_attr *a = e->value;
@@ -235,10 +239,11 @@ static const struct git_attr *git_attr_internal(const char *name, int namelen)
if (!a) {
FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(a, name, name, namelen);
- a->attr_nr =;
+ a->attr_nr = hashmap_get_size(&;
attr_hashmap_add(&g_attr_hashmap, a->name, namelen, a);
- assert(a->attr_nr == ( - 1));
+ assert(a->attr_nr ==
+ (hashmap_get_size(& - 1));
diff --git a/bisect.c b/bisect.c
index a9fd9fbc61..2549eaf7b1 100644
--- a/bisect.c
+++ b/bisect.c
@@ -680,16 +680,16 @@ static int is_expected_rev(const struct object_id *oid)
return res;
-static int bisect_checkout(const unsigned char *bisect_rev, int no_checkout)
+static int bisect_checkout(const struct object_id *bisect_rev, int no_checkout)
char bisect_rev_hex[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1];
- memcpy(bisect_rev_hex, sha1_to_hex(bisect_rev), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1);
- update_ref(NULL, "BISECT_EXPECTED_REV", bisect_rev, NULL, 0, UPDATE_REFS_DIE_ON_ERR);
+ memcpy(bisect_rev_hex, oid_to_hex(bisect_rev), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1);
+ update_ref(NULL, "BISECT_EXPECTED_REV", bisect_rev->hash, NULL, 0, UPDATE_REFS_DIE_ON_ERR);
argv_checkout[2] = bisect_rev_hex;
if (no_checkout) {
- update_ref(NULL, "BISECT_HEAD", bisect_rev, NULL, 0, UPDATE_REFS_DIE_ON_ERR);
+ update_ref(NULL, "BISECT_HEAD", bisect_rev->hash, NULL, 0, UPDATE_REFS_DIE_ON_ERR);
} else {
int res;
res = run_command_v_opt(argv_checkout, RUN_GIT_CMD);
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ static void check_merge_bases(int no_checkout)
} else {
printf(_("Bisecting: a merge base must be tested\n"));
- exit(bisect_checkout(mb->hash, no_checkout));
+ exit(bisect_checkout(mb, no_checkout));
@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ int bisect_next_all(const char *prefix, int no_checkout)
struct rev_info revs;
struct commit_list *tried;
int reaches = 0, all = 0, nr, steps;
- const unsigned char *bisect_rev;
+ struct object_id *bisect_rev;
char *steps_msg;
read_bisect_terms(&term_bad, &term_good);
@@ -977,11 +977,11 @@ int bisect_next_all(const char *prefix, int no_checkout)
- bisect_rev = revs.commits->item->object.oid.hash;
+ bisect_rev = &revs.commits->item->object.oid;
- if (!hashcmp(bisect_rev, current_bad_oid->hash)) {
+ if (!oidcmp(bisect_rev, current_bad_oid)) {
exit_if_skipped_commits(tried, current_bad_oid);
- printf("%s is the first %s commit\n", sha1_to_hex(bisect_rev),
+ printf("%s is the first %s commit\n", oid_to_hex(bisect_rev),
show_diff_tree(prefix, revs.commits->item);
/* This means the bisection process succeeded. */
diff --git a/branch.c b/branch.c
index 36541d05cd..4377ce2fb1 100644
--- a/branch.c
+++ b/branch.c
@@ -90,24 +90,24 @@ int install_branch_config(int flag, const char *local, const char *origin, const
if (shortname) {
if (origin)
printf_ln(rebasing ?
- _("Branch %s set up to track remote branch %s from %s by rebasing.") :
- _("Branch %s set up to track remote branch %s from %s."),
+ _("Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s' by rebasing.") :
+ _("Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s'."),
local, shortname, origin);
printf_ln(rebasing ?
- _("Branch %s set up to track local branch %s by rebasing.") :
- _("Branch %s set up to track local branch %s."),
+ _("Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s' by rebasing.") :
+ _("Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s'."),
local, shortname);
} else {
if (origin)
printf_ln(rebasing ?
- _("Branch %s set up to track remote ref %s by rebasing.") :
- _("Branch %s set up to track remote ref %s."),
+ _("Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s' by rebasing.") :
+ _("Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s'."),
local, remote);
printf_ln(rebasing ?
- _("Branch %s set up to track local ref %s by rebasing.") :
- _("Branch %s set up to track local ref %s."),
+ _("Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s' by rebasing.") :
+ _("Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s'."),
local, remote);
@@ -191,9 +191,8 @@ int validate_new_branchname(const char *name, struct strbuf *ref,
if (!attr_only) {
const char *head;
- struct object_id oid;
- head = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, oid.hash, NULL);
+ head = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!is_bare_repository() && head && !strcmp(head, ref->buf))
die(_("Cannot force update the current branch."));
@@ -357,8 +356,9 @@ int replace_each_worktree_head_symref(const char *oldref, const char *newref,
if (worktrees[i]->is_detached)
- if (worktrees[i]->head_ref &&
- strcmp(oldref, worktrees[i]->head_ref))
+ if (!worktrees[i]->head_ref)
+ continue;
+ if (strcmp(oldref, worktrees[i]->head_ref))
refs = get_worktree_ref_store(worktrees[i]);
diff --git a/builtin/add.c b/builtin/add.c
index 5d5773d5cd..a648cf4c56 100644
--- a/builtin/add.c
+++ b/builtin/add.c
@@ -116,8 +116,10 @@ int add_files_to_cache(const char *prefix,
rev.diffopt.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_CALLBACK;
rev.diffopt.format_callback = update_callback;
rev.diffopt.format_callback_data = &data;
rev.max_count = 0; /* do not compare unmerged paths with stage #2 */
run_diff_files(&rev, DIFF_RACY_IS_MODIFIED);
+ clear_pathspec(&rev.prune_data);
return !!data.add_errors;
@@ -513,5 +515,7 @@ finish:
die(_("Unable to write new index file"));
+ UNLEAK(pathspec);
+ UNLEAK(dir);
return exit_status;
diff --git a/builtin/am.c b/builtin/am.c
index 73f542bec5..d7513f5375 100644
--- a/builtin/am.c
+++ b/builtin/am.c
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "mailinfo.h"
#include "apply.h"
#include "string-list.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
* Returns 1 if the file is empty or does not exist, 0 otherwise.
@@ -670,9 +671,7 @@ static int detect_patch_format(const char **paths)
goto done;
- strbuf_reset(&l2);
strbuf_getline(&l2, fp);
- strbuf_reset(&l3);
strbuf_getline(&l3, fp);
@@ -695,6 +694,8 @@ static int detect_patch_format(const char **paths)
+ strbuf_release(&l2);
+ strbuf_release(&l3);
return ret;
@@ -880,6 +881,7 @@ static int split_mail_stgit_series(struct am_state *state, const char **paths,
static int hg_patch_to_mail(FILE *out, FILE *in, int keep_cr)
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ int rc = 0;
while (!strbuf_getline_lf(&sb, in)) {
const char *str;
@@ -893,19 +895,27 @@ static int hg_patch_to_mail(FILE *out, FILE *in, int keep_cr)
errno = 0;
timestamp = parse_timestamp(str, &end, 10);
- if (errno)
- return error(_("invalid timestamp"));
+ if (errno) {
+ rc = error(_("invalid timestamp"));
+ goto exit;
+ }
- if (!skip_prefix(end, " ", &str))
- return error(_("invalid Date line"));
+ if (!skip_prefix(end, " ", &str)) {
+ rc = error(_("invalid Date line"));
+ goto exit;
+ }
errno = 0;
tz = strtol(str, &end, 10);
- if (errno)
- return error(_("invalid timezone offset"));
+ if (errno) {
+ rc = error(_("invalid timezone offset"));
+ goto exit;
+ }
- if (*end)
- return error(_("invalid Date line"));
+ if (*end) {
+ rc = error(_("invalid Date line"));
+ goto exit;
+ }
* mercurial's timezone is in seconds west of UTC,
@@ -930,9 +940,9 @@ static int hg_patch_to_mail(FILE *out, FILE *in, int keep_cr)
fwrite(sb.buf, 1, sb.len, out);
- return 0;
+ return rc;
@@ -1143,7 +1153,7 @@ static int index_has_changes(struct strbuf *sb)
struct object_id head;
int i;
- if (!get_sha1_tree("HEAD", head.hash)) {
+ if (!get_oid_tree("HEAD", &head)) {
struct diff_options opt;
@@ -1420,7 +1430,7 @@ static void write_index_patch(const struct am_state *state)
struct rev_info rev_info;
FILE *fp;
- if (!get_sha1_tree("HEAD", head.hash))
+ if (!get_oid_tree("HEAD", &head))
tree = lookup_tree(&head);
tree = lookup_tree(&empty_tree_oid);
@@ -1649,7 +1659,7 @@ static void do_commit(const struct am_state *state)
if (write_cache_as_tree(tree.hash, 0, NULL))
die(_("git write-tree failed to write a tree"));
- if (!get_sha1_commit("HEAD", parent.hash)) {
+ if (!get_oid_commit("HEAD", &parent)) {
old_oid = &parent;
commit_list_insert(lookup_commit(&parent), &parents);
} else {
@@ -2095,6 +2105,7 @@ static int safe_to_abort(const struct am_state *state)
die(_("could not parse %s"), am_path(state, "abort-safety"));
} else
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
if (get_oid("HEAD", &head))
diff --git a/builtin/blame.c b/builtin/blame.c
index bda1a78726..67adaef4d8 100644
--- a/builtin/blame.c
+++ b/builtin/blame.c
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ static int read_ancestry(const char *graft_file)
return -1;
while (!strbuf_getwholeline(&buf, fp, '\n')) {
/* The format is just "Commit Parent1 Parent2 ...\n" */
- struct commit_graft *graft = read_graft_line(buf.buf, buf.len);
+ struct commit_graft *graft = read_graft_line(&buf);
if (graft)
register_commit_graft(graft, 0);
@@ -925,8 +925,7 @@ parse_done:
sb.found_guilty_entry = &found_guilty_entry;
sb.found_guilty_entry_data = &pi;
if (show_progress)
- pi.progress = start_progress_delay(_("Blaming lines"),
- sb.num_lines, 50, 1);
+ pi.progress = start_delayed_progress(_("Blaming lines"), sb.num_lines);
assign_blame(&sb, opt);
diff --git a/builtin/branch.c b/builtin/branch.c
index 16d391b407..355f9ef5da 100644
--- a/builtin/branch.c
+++ b/builtin/branch.c
@@ -561,8 +561,8 @@ int cmd_branch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("suppress informational messages")),
OPT_SET_INT('t', "track", &track, N_("set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"),
- OPT_SET_INT( 0, "set-upstream", &track, N_("change upstream info"),
+ { OPTION_SET_INT, 0, "set-upstream", &track, NULL, N_("do not use"),
OPT_STRING('u', "set-upstream-to", &new_upstream, N_("upstream"), N_("change the upstream info")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "unset-upstream", &unset_upstream, N_("Unset the upstream info")),
OPT__COLOR(&branch_use_color, N_("use colored output")),
@@ -759,8 +759,6 @@ int cmd_branch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
} else if (argc > 0 && argc <= 2) {
struct branch *branch = branch_get(argv[0]);
- int branch_existed = 0, remote_tracking = 0;
- struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
if (!strcmp(argv[0], "HEAD"))
die(_("it does not make sense to create 'HEAD' manually"));
@@ -772,28 +770,11 @@ int cmd_branch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
die(_("-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"));
- fprintf(stderr, _("The --set-upstream flag is deprecated and will be removed. Consider using --track or --set-upstream-to\n"));
- strbuf_addf(&buf, "refs/remotes/%s", branch->name);
- remote_tracking = ref_exists(buf.buf);
- strbuf_release(&buf);
+ die(_("the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or '--set-upstream-to' instead."));
- branch_existed = ref_exists(branch->refname);
create_branch(argv[0], (argc == 2) ? argv[1] : head,
force, reflog, 0, quiet, track);
- /*
- * We only show the instructions if the user gave us
- * one branch which doesn't exist locally, but is the
- * name of a remote-tracking branch.
- */
- if (argc == 1 && track == BRANCH_TRACK_OVERRIDE &&
- !branch_existed && remote_tracking) {
- fprintf(stderr, _("\nIf you wanted to make '%s' track '%s', do this:\n\n"), head, branch->name);
- fprintf(stderr, " git branch -d %s\n", branch->name);
- fprintf(stderr, " git branch --set-upstream-to %s\n", branch->name);
- }
} else
usage_with_options(builtin_branch_usage, options);
diff --git a/builtin/cat-file.c b/builtin/cat-file.c
index 96b786e489..f5fa4fd75a 100644
--- a/builtin/cat-file.c
+++ b/builtin/cat-file.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "streaming.h"
#include "tree-walk.h"
#include "sha1-array.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
struct batch_options {
int enabled;
@@ -63,8 +64,8 @@ static int cat_one_file(int opt, const char *exp_type, const char *obj_name,
if (unknown_type)
- if (get_sha1_with_context(obj_name, GET_SHA1_RECORD_PATH,
- oid.hash, &obj_context))
+ if (get_oid_with_context(obj_name, GET_OID_RECORD_PATH,
+ &oid, &obj_context))
die("Not a valid object name %s", obj_name);
if (!path)
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ static int cat_one_file(int opt, const char *exp_type, const char *obj_name,
return !has_object_file(&oid);
case 'w':
- if (!path[0])
+ if (!path)
die("git cat-file --filters %s: <object> must be "
"<sha1:path>", obj_name);
@@ -106,12 +107,13 @@ static int cat_one_file(int opt, const char *exp_type, const char *obj_name,
case 'c':
- if (!path[0])
+ if (!path)
die("git cat-file --textconv %s: <object> must be <sha1:path>",
if (textconv_object(path, obj_context.mode, &oid, 1, &buf, &size))
+ /* else fallthrough */
case 'p':
type = sha1_object_info(oid.hash, NULL);
@@ -361,10 +363,10 @@ static void batch_one_object(const char *obj_name, struct batch_options *opt,
struct expand_data *data)
struct object_context ctx;
- int flags = opt->follow_symlinks ? GET_SHA1_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS : 0;
+ int flags = opt->follow_symlinks ? GET_OID_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS : 0;
enum follow_symlinks_result result;
- result = get_sha1_with_context(obj_name, flags, data->oid.hash, &ctx);
+ result = get_oid_with_context(obj_name, flags, &data->oid, &ctx);
if (result != FOUND) {
switch (result) {
diff --git a/builtin/check-ref-format.c b/builtin/check-ref-format.c
index eac499450f..6c40ff110b 100644
--- a/builtin/check-ref-format.c
+++ b/builtin/check-ref-format.c
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ static int check_ref_format_branch(const char *arg)
if (strbuf_check_branch_ref(&sb, arg))
die("'%s' is not a valid branch name", arg);
printf("%s\n", sb.buf + 11);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/checkout.c b/builtin/checkout.c
index 2d75ac66c7..d091f06274 100644
--- a/builtin/checkout.c
+++ b/builtin/checkout.c
@@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ static int reset_tree(struct tree *tree, const struct checkout_opts *o,
* update paths in the work tree, and we cannot revert
* them.
+ /* fallthrough */
case 0:
return 0;
@@ -861,7 +862,7 @@ static int git_checkout_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
if (starts_with(var, "submodule."))
- return submodule_config(var, value, NULL);
+ return git_default_submodule_config(var, value, NULL);
return git_xmerge_config(var, value, NULL);
@@ -1182,7 +1183,6 @@ int cmd_checkout(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
opts.prefix = prefix;
opts.show_progress = -1;
- gitmodules_config();
git_config(git_checkout_config, &opts);
diff --git a/builtin/clean.c b/builtin/clean.c
index c1bafda5b6..733b6d3745 100644
--- a/builtin/clean.c
+++ b/builtin/clean.c
@@ -33,15 +33,6 @@ static const char *msg_skip_git_dir = N_("Skipping repository %s\n");
static const char *msg_would_skip_git_dir = N_("Would skip repository %s\n");
static const char *msg_warn_remove_failed = N_("failed to remove %s");
-static int clean_use_color = -1;
-static char clean_colors[][COLOR_MAXLEN] = {
enum color_clean {
@@ -51,6 +42,16 @@ enum color_clean {
+static int clean_use_color = -1;
+static char clean_colors[][COLOR_MAXLEN] = {
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ static int remove_dirs(struct strbuf *path, const char *prefix, int force_flag,
*dir_gone = 0;
- return 0;
+ goto out;
dir = opendir(path->buf);
@@ -180,7 +181,8 @@ static int remove_dirs(struct strbuf *path, const char *prefix, int force_flag,
warning_errno(_(msg_warn_remove_failed), quoted.buf);
*dir_gone = 0;
- return res;
+ ret = res;
+ goto out;
strbuf_complete(path, '/');
@@ -248,6 +250,8 @@ static int remove_dirs(struct strbuf *path, const char *prefix, int force_flag,
for (i = 0; i <; i++)
printf(dry_run ? _(msg_would_remove) : _(msg_remove), dels.items[i].string);
+ strbuf_release(&quoted);
string_list_clear(&dels, 0);
return ret;
diff --git a/builtin/clone.c b/builtin/clone.c
index f7e17d2295..dbddd98f80 100644
--- a/builtin/clone.c
+++ b/builtin/clone.c
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "remote.h"
#include "run-command.h"
#include "connected.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
* Overall FIXMEs:
@@ -506,8 +507,8 @@ static void remove_junk(void)
if (junk_work_tree) {
strbuf_addstr(&sb, junk_work_tree);
remove_dir_recursively(&sb, 0);
- strbuf_reset(&sb);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
static void remove_junk_on_signal(int signo)
diff --git a/builtin/commit-tree.c b/builtin/commit-tree.c
index a4a923d7c0..2177251e24 100644
--- a/builtin/commit-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/commit-tree.c
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ int cmd_commit_tree(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
struct object_id oid;
if (argc <= ++i)
- if (get_sha1_commit(argv[i], oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid_commit(argv[i], &oid))
die("Not a valid object name %s", argv[i]);
assert_sha1_type(oid.hash, OBJ_COMMIT);
new_parent(lookup_commit(&oid), &parents);
@@ -102,11 +102,10 @@ int cmd_commit_tree(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (fd && close(fd))
die_errno("git commit-tree: failed to close '%s'",
- strbuf_complete_line(&buffer);
- if (get_sha1_tree(arg, tree_oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid_tree(arg, &tree_oid))
die("Not a valid object name %s", arg);
if (got_tree)
die("Cannot give more than one trees");
diff --git a/builtin/commit.c b/builtin/commit.c
index 1a0da71a43..39d5b7f6c7 100644
--- a/builtin/commit.c
+++ b/builtin/commit.c
@@ -195,7 +195,6 @@ static void determine_whence(struct wt_status *s)
static void status_init_config(struct wt_status *s, config_fn_t fn)
- gitmodules_config();
git_config(fn, s);
@@ -510,7 +509,7 @@ static int run_status(FILE *fp, const char *index_file, const char *prefix, int
s->index_file = index_file;
s->fp = fp;
s->nowarn = nowarn;
- s->is_initial = get_sha1(s->reference, oid.hash) ? 1 : 0;
+ s->is_initial = get_oid(s->reference, &oid) ? 1 : 0;
if (!s->is_initial)
hashcpy(s->sha1_commit, oid.hash);
s->status_format = status_format;
@@ -891,7 +890,7 @@ static int prepare_to_commit(const char *index_file, const char *prefix,
if (amend)
parent = "HEAD^1";
- if (get_sha1(parent, oid.hash)) {
+ if (get_oid(parent, &oid)) {
int i, ita_nr = 0;
for (i = 0; i < active_nr; i++)
@@ -940,13 +939,16 @@ static int prepare_to_commit(const char *index_file, const char *prefix,
return 0;
- /*
- * Re-read the index as pre-commit hook could have updated it,
- * and write it out as a tree. We must do this before we invoke
- * the editor and after we invoke run_status above.
- */
- discard_cache();
+ if (!no_verify && find_hook("pre-commit")) {
+ /*
+ * Re-read the index as pre-commit hook could have updated it,
+ * and write it out as a tree. We must do this before we invoke
+ * the editor and after we invoke run_status above.
+ */
+ discard_cache();
+ }
if (update_main_cache_tree(0)) {
error(_("Error building trees"));
return 0;
@@ -1387,7 +1389,7 @@ int cmd_status(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
fd = hold_locked_index(&index_lock, 0);
- s.is_initial = get_sha1(s.reference, oid.hash) ? 1 : 0;
+ s.is_initial = get_oid(s.reference, &oid) ? 1 : 0;
if (!s.is_initial)
hashcpy(s.sha1_commit, oid.hash);
@@ -1429,7 +1431,6 @@ static void print_summary(const char *prefix, const struct object_id *oid,
struct rev_info rev;
struct commit *commit;
struct strbuf format = STRBUF_INIT;
- struct object_id junk_oid;
const char *head;
struct pretty_print_context pctx = {0};
struct strbuf author_ident = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -1482,7 +1483,7 @@ static void print_summary(const char *prefix, const struct object_id *oid,
rev.diffopt.break_opt = 0;
- head = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, junk_oid.hash, NULL);
+ head = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!strcmp(head, "HEAD"))
head = _("detached HEAD");
@@ -1657,7 +1658,7 @@ int cmd_commit(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
status_format = STATUS_FORMAT_NONE; /* Ignore status.short */
s.colopts = 0;
- if (get_sha1("HEAD", oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid("HEAD", &oid))
current_head = NULL;
else {
current_head = lookup_commit_or_die(&oid, "HEAD");
@@ -1816,6 +1817,7 @@ int cmd_commit(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!quiet)
print_summary(prefix, &oid, !current_head);
- strbuf_release(&err);
+ UNLEAK(err);
+ UNLEAK(sb);
return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/config.c b/builtin/config.c
index 70ff231e9c..d13daeeb55 100644
--- a/builtin/config.c
+++ b/builtin/config.c
@@ -518,10 +518,13 @@ int cmd_config(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
die("$HOME not set");
if (access_or_warn(user_config, R_OK, 0) &&
- xdg_config && !access_or_warn(xdg_config, R_OK, 0))
+ xdg_config && !access_or_warn(xdg_config, R_OK, 0)) {
given_config_source.file = xdg_config;
- else
+ free(user_config);
+ } else {
given_config_source.file = user_config;
+ free(xdg_config);
+ }
else if (use_system_config)
given_config_source.file = git_etc_gitconfig();
@@ -628,6 +631,7 @@ int cmd_config(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
check_argc(argc, 2, 2);
value = normalize_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
+ UNLEAK(value);
ret = git_config_set_in_file_gently(given_config_source.file, argv[0], value);
error(_("cannot overwrite multiple values with a single value\n"
@@ -638,6 +642,7 @@ int cmd_config(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
check_argc(argc, 2, 3);
value = normalize_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
+ UNLEAK(value);
return git_config_set_multivar_in_file_gently(given_config_source.file,
argv[0], value, argv[2], 0);
@@ -645,6 +650,7 @@ int cmd_config(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
check_argc(argc, 2, 2);
value = normalize_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
+ UNLEAK(value);
return git_config_set_multivar_in_file_gently(given_config_source.file,
argv[0], value,
@@ -653,6 +659,7 @@ int cmd_config(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
check_argc(argc, 2, 3);
value = normalize_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
+ UNLEAK(value);
return git_config_set_multivar_in_file_gently(given_config_source.file,
argv[0], value, argv[2], 1);
diff --git a/builtin/count-objects.c b/builtin/count-objects.c
index 1d82e61f2a..33343818c8 100644
--- a/builtin/count-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/count-objects.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "builtin.h"
#include "parse-options.h"
#include "quote.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static unsigned long garbage;
static off_t size_garbage;
diff --git a/builtin/describe.c b/builtin/describe.c
index 89ea1cdd60..3dc1836480 100644
--- a/builtin/describe.c
+++ b/builtin/describe.c
@@ -55,10 +55,13 @@ static const char *prio_names[] = {
static int commit_name_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct commit_name *cn1,
- const struct commit_name *cn2,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
const void *peeled)
+ const struct commit_name *cn1 = entry;
+ const struct commit_name *cn2 = entry_or_key;
return oidcmp(&cn1->peeled, peeled ? peeled : &cn2->peeled);
@@ -155,18 +158,21 @@ static int get_name(const char *path, const struct object_id *oid, int flag, voi
* pattern.
if ( {
+ int found = 0;
struct string_list_item *item;
if (!is_tag)
return 0;
for_each_string_list_item(item, &patterns) {
- if (!wildmatch(item->string, path + 10, 0))
+ if (!wildmatch(item->string, path + 10, 0)) {
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ }
- /* If we get here, no pattern matched. */
+ if (!found)
return 0;
- }
/* Is it annotated? */
@@ -503,9 +509,9 @@ int cmd_describe(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
return cmd_name_rev(args.argc, args.argv, prefix);
- hashmap_init(&names, (hashmap_cmp_fn) commit_name_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&names, commit_name_cmp, NULL, 0);
for_each_rawref(get_name, NULL);
- if (!names.size && !always)
+ if (!hashmap_get_size(&names) && !always)
die(_("No names found, cannot describe anything."));
if (argc == 0) {
diff --git a/builtin/diff-files.c b/builtin/diff-files.c
index 17bf84d18f..e88493ffe5 100644
--- a/builtin/diff-files.c
+++ b/builtin/diff-files.c
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ int cmd_diff_files(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
git_config(git_diff_basic_config, NULL); /* no "diff" UI options */
init_revisions(&rev, prefix);
- gitmodules_config();
rev.abbrev = 0;
precompose_argv(argc, argv);
diff --git a/builtin/diff-index.c b/builtin/diff-index.c
index 185e6f9b58..9d772f8f27 100644
--- a/builtin/diff-index.c
+++ b/builtin/diff-index.c
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ int cmd_diff_index(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
git_config(git_diff_basic_config, NULL); /* no "diff" UI options */
init_revisions(&rev, prefix);
- gitmodules_config();
rev.abbrev = 0;
precompose_argv(argc, argv);
diff --git a/builtin/diff-tree.c b/builtin/diff-tree.c
index 31d2cb4107..d66499909e 100644
--- a/builtin/diff-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/diff-tree.c
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ int cmd_diff_tree(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
git_config(git_diff_basic_config, NULL); /* no "diff" UI options */
init_revisions(opt, prefix);
- gitmodules_config();
opt->abbrev = 0;
opt->diff = 1;
opt->disable_stdin = 1;
diff --git a/builtin/diff.c b/builtin/diff.c
index 7cde6abbcf..7e3ebcea38 100644
--- a/builtin/diff.c
+++ b/builtin/diff.c
@@ -315,8 +315,6 @@ int cmd_diff(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
- if (!no_index)
- gitmodules_config();
git_config(git_diff_ui_config, NULL);
precompose_argv(argc, argv);
diff --git a/builtin/difftool.c b/builtin/difftool.c
index a1a26ba891..b2d3ba7539 100644
--- a/builtin/difftool.c
+++ b/builtin/difftool.c
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ static int use_wt_file(const char *workdir, const char *name,
int fd = open(buf.buf, O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0 &&
- !index_fd(wt_oid.hash, fd, &st, OBJ_BLOB, name, 0)) {
+ !index_fd(&wt_oid, fd, &st, OBJ_BLOB, name, 0)) {
if (is_null_oid(oid)) {
oidcpy(oid, &wt_oid);
use = 1;
@@ -131,10 +131,12 @@ struct working_tree_entry {
static int working_tree_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- struct working_tree_entry *a,
- struct working_tree_entry *b,
- void *unused_keydata)
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
+ const void *unused_keydata)
+ const struct working_tree_entry *a = entry;
+ const struct working_tree_entry *b = entry_or_key;
return strcmp(a->path, b->path);
@@ -149,9 +151,13 @@ struct pair_entry {
static int pair_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- struct pair_entry *a, struct pair_entry *b,
- void *unused_keydata)
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
+ const void *unused_keydata)
+ const struct pair_entry *a = entry;
+ const struct pair_entry *b = entry_or_key;
return strcmp(a->path, b->path);
@@ -179,9 +185,13 @@ struct path_entry {
static int path_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- struct path_entry *a, struct path_entry *b,
- void *key)
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
+ const void *key)
+ const struct path_entry *a = entry;
+ const struct path_entry *b = entry_or_key;
return strcmp(a->path, key ? key : b->path);
@@ -372,10 +382,9 @@ static int run_dir_diff(const char *extcmd, int symlinks, const char *prefix,
rdir_len = rdir.len;
wtdir_len = wtdir.len;
- hashmap_init(&working_tree_dups,
- (hashmap_cmp_fn)working_tree_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
- hashmap_init(&submodules, (hashmap_cmp_fn)pair_cmp, NULL, 0);
- hashmap_init(&symlinks2, (hashmap_cmp_fn)pair_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&working_tree_dups, working_tree_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&submodules, pair_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&symlinks2, pair_cmp, NULL, 0);
child.no_stdin = 1;
child.git_cmd = 1;
@@ -585,10 +594,8 @@ static int run_dir_diff(const char *extcmd, int symlinks, const char *prefix,
* in the common case of --symlinks and the difftool updating
* files through the symlink.
- hashmap_init(&wt_modified, (hashmap_cmp_fn)path_entry_cmp,
- NULL, wtindex.cache_nr);
- hashmap_init(&tmp_modified, (hashmap_cmp_fn)path_entry_cmp,
- NULL, wtindex.cache_nr);
+ hashmap_init(&wt_modified, path_entry_cmp, NULL, wtindex.cache_nr);
+ hashmap_init(&tmp_modified, path_entry_cmp, NULL, wtindex.cache_nr);
for (i = 0; i < wtindex.cache_nr; i++) {
struct hashmap_entry dummy;
diff --git a/builtin/fetch.c b/builtin/fetch.c
index c87e59f3b1..225c734924 100644
--- a/builtin/fetch.c
+++ b/builtin/fetch.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "connected.h"
#include "argv-array.h"
#include "utf8.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static const char * const builtin_fetch_usage[] = {
N_("git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"),
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ static int prune = -1; /* unspecified */
static int all, append, dry_run, force, keep, multiple, update_head_ok, verbosity, deepen_relative;
static int progress = -1;
static int tags = TAGS_DEFAULT, unshallow, update_shallow, deepen;
-static int max_children = -1;
+static int max_children = 1;
static enum transport_family family;
static const char *depth;
static const char *deepen_since;
@@ -68,9 +69,30 @@ static int git_fetch_config(const char *k, const char *v, void *cb)
recurse_submodules = r;
+ if (!strcmp(k, "submodule.fetchjobs")) {
+ max_children = parse_submodule_fetchjobs(k, v);
+ return 0;
+ } else if (!strcmp(k, "fetch.recursesubmodules")) {
+ recurse_submodules = parse_fetch_recurse_submodules_arg(k, v);
+ return 0;
+ }
return git_default_config(k, v, cb);
+static int gitmodules_fetch_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
+ if (!strcmp(var, "submodule.fetchjobs")) {
+ max_children = parse_submodule_fetchjobs(var, value);
+ return 0;
+ } else if (!strcmp(var, "fetch.recursesubmodules")) {
+ recurse_submodules = parse_fetch_recurse_submodules_arg(var, value);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
static int parse_refmap_arg(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
ALLOC_GROW(refmap_array, refmap_nr + 1, refmap_alloc);
@@ -1311,6 +1333,7 @@ int cmd_fetch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
strbuf_addf(&default_rla, " %s", argv[i]);
+ config_from_gitmodules(gitmodules_fetch_config, NULL);
git_config(git_fetch_config, NULL);
argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix,
@@ -1338,12 +1361,6 @@ int cmd_fetch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (depth || deepen_since ||
deepen = 1;
- if (recurse_submodules != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF) {
- set_config_fetch_recurse_submodules(recurse_submodules_default);
- gitmodules_config();
- git_config(submodule_config, NULL);
- }
if (all) {
if (argc == 1)
die(_("fetch --all does not take a repository argument"));
@@ -1383,6 +1400,7 @@ int cmd_fetch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
result = fetch_populated_submodules(&options,
+ recurse_submodules_default,
verbosity < 0,
diff --git a/builtin/fsck.c b/builtin/fsck.c
index d18244ab54..1e4c471b41 100644
--- a/builtin/fsck.c
+++ b/builtin/fsck.c
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "progress.h"
#include "streaming.h"
#include "decorate.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
#define REACHABLE 0x0001
#define SEEN 0x0002
@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ static int traverse_reachable(void)
unsigned int nr = 0;
int result = 0;
if (show_progress)
- progress = start_progress_delay(_("Checking connectivity"), 0, 0, 2);
+ progress = start_delayed_progress(_("Checking connectivity"), 0);
while ( {
struct object_array_entry *entry;
struct object *obj;
@@ -730,12 +731,12 @@ int cmd_fsck(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
const char *arg = argv[i];
- unsigned char sha1[20];
- if (!get_sha1(arg, sha1)) {
- struct object *obj = lookup_object(sha1);
+ struct object_id oid;
+ if (!get_oid(arg, &oid)) {
+ struct object *obj = lookup_object(oid.hash);
if (!obj || !(obj->flags & HAS_OBJ)) {
- error("%s: object missing", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+ error("%s: object missing", oid_to_hex(&oid));
errors_found |= ERROR_OBJECT;
diff --git a/builtin/gc.c b/builtin/gc.c
index e6b84475ae..3c5eae0edf 100644
--- a/builtin/gc.c
+++ b/builtin/gc.c
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "sigchain.h"
#include "argv-array.h"
#include "commit.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
#define FAILED_RUN "failed to run %s"
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ static struct argv_array prune = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
static struct argv_array prune_worktrees = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
static struct argv_array rerere = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
-static struct tempfile pidfile;
+static struct tempfile *pidfile;
static struct lock_file log_lock;
static struct string_list pack_garbage = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ static void process_log_file(void)
int saved_errno = errno;
fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to fstat %s: %s"),
- get_tempfile_path(&log_lock.tempfile),
+ get_tempfile_path(log_lock.tempfile),
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ static const char *lock_repo_for_gc(int force, pid_t* ret_pid)
int fd;
char *pidfile_path;
- if (is_tempfile_active(&pidfile))
+ if (is_tempfile_active(pidfile))
/* already locked */
return NULL;
@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ static const char *lock_repo_for_gc(int force, pid_t* ret_pid)
int should_exit;
if (!scan_fmt)
- scan_fmt = xstrfmt("%s %%%dc", "%"SCNuMAX, HOST_NAME_MAX);
+ scan_fmt = xstrfmt("%s %%%ds", "%"SCNuMAX, HOST_NAME_MAX);
fp = fopen(pidfile_path, "r");
memset(locking_host, 0, sizeof(locking_host));
should_exit =
@@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ static const char *lock_repo_for_gc(int force, pid_t* ret_pid)
write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len);
- register_tempfile(&pidfile, pidfile_path);
+ pidfile = register_tempfile(pidfile_path);
return NULL;
diff --git a/builtin/get-tar-commit-id.c b/builtin/get-tar-commit-id.c
index e21c5416cd..6d9a79f9b3 100644
--- a/builtin/get-tar-commit-id.c
+++ b/builtin/get-tar-commit-id.c
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ int cmd_get_tar_commit_id(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!skip_prefix(content, "52 comment=", &comment))
return 1;
- n = write_in_full(1, comment, 41);
- if (n < 41)
+ if (write_in_full(1, comment, 41) < 0)
die_errno("git get-tar-commit-id: write error");
return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/grep.c b/builtin/grep.c
index 42ff87065a..19e23946ac 100644
--- a/builtin/grep.c
+++ b/builtin/grep.c
@@ -28,13 +28,7 @@ static char const * const grep_usage[] = {
-static const char *super_prefix;
static int recurse_submodules;
-static struct argv_array submodule_options = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
-static const char *parent_basename;
-static int grep_submodule_launch(struct grep_opt *opt,
- const struct grep_source *gs);
static int num_threads;
@@ -186,10 +180,7 @@ static void *run(void *arg)
opt->output_priv = w;
- if (w->source.type == GREP_SOURCE_SUBMODULE)
- hit |= grep_submodule_launch(opt, &w->source);
- else
- hit |= grep_source(opt, &w->source);
+ hit |= grep_source(opt, &w->source);
@@ -327,21 +318,13 @@ static int grep_oid(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct object_id *oid,
struct strbuf pathbuf = STRBUF_INIT;
- if (super_prefix) {
- strbuf_add(&pathbuf, filename, tree_name_len);
- strbuf_addstr(&pathbuf, super_prefix);
- strbuf_addstr(&pathbuf, filename + tree_name_len);
+ if (opt->relative && opt->prefix_length) {
+ quote_path_relative(filename + tree_name_len, opt->prefix, &pathbuf);
+ strbuf_insert(&pathbuf, 0, filename, tree_name_len);
} else {
strbuf_addstr(&pathbuf, filename);
- if (opt->relative && opt->prefix_length) {
- char *name = strbuf_detach(&pathbuf, NULL);
- quote_path_relative(name + tree_name_len, opt->prefix, &pathbuf);
- strbuf_insert(&pathbuf, 0, name, tree_name_len);
- free(name);
- }
if (num_threads) {
add_work(opt, GREP_SOURCE_OID, pathbuf.buf, path, oid);
@@ -366,15 +349,10 @@ static int grep_file(struct grep_opt *opt, const char *filename)
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
- if (super_prefix)
- strbuf_addstr(&buf, super_prefix);
- strbuf_addstr(&buf, filename);
- if (opt->relative && opt->prefix_length) {
- char *name = strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL);
- quote_path_relative(name, opt->prefix, &buf);
- free(name);
- }
+ if (opt->relative && opt->prefix_length)
+ quote_path_relative(filename, opt->prefix, &buf);
+ else
+ strbuf_addstr(&buf, filename);
if (num_threads) {
@@ -421,284 +399,89 @@ static void run_pager(struct grep_opt *opt, const char *prefix)
-static void compile_submodule_options(const struct grep_opt *opt,
- const char **argv,
- int cached, int untracked,
- int opt_exclude, int use_index,
- int pattern_type_arg)
- struct grep_pat *pattern;
- if (recurse_submodules)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--recurse-submodules");
- if (cached)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--cached");
- if (!use_index)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--no-index");
- if (untracked)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--untracked");
- if (opt_exclude > 0)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--exclude-standard");
- if (opt->invert)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-v");
- if (opt->ignore_case)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-i");
- if (opt->word_regexp)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-w");
- switch (opt->binary) {
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-I");
- break;
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-a");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (opt->allow_textconv)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--textconv");
- if (opt->max_depth != -1)
- argv_array_pushf(&submodule_options, "--max-depth=%d",
- opt->max_depth);
- if (opt->linenum)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-n");
- if (!opt->pathname)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-h");
- if (!opt->relative)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--full-name");
- if (opt->name_only)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-l");
- if (opt->unmatch_name_only)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-L");
- if (opt->null_following_name)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-z");
- if (opt->count)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-c");
- if (opt->file_break)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--break");
- if (opt->heading)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--heading");
- if (opt->pre_context)
- argv_array_pushf(&submodule_options, "--before-context=%d",
- opt->pre_context);
- if (opt->post_context)
- argv_array_pushf(&submodule_options, "--after-context=%d",
- opt->post_context);
- if (opt->funcname)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-p");
- if (opt->funcbody)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-W");
- if (opt->all_match)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--all-match");
- if (opt->debug)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--debug");
- if (opt->status_only)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-q");
- switch (pattern_type_arg) {
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-G");
- break;
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-E");
- break;
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-F");
- break;
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "-P");
- break;
- break;
- default:
- die("BUG: Added a new grep pattern type without updating switch statement");
- }
- for (pattern = opt->pattern_list; pattern != NULL;
- pattern = pattern->next) {
- switch (pattern->token) {
- argv_array_pushf(&submodule_options, "-e%s",
- pattern->pattern);
- break;
- case GREP_AND:
- case GREP_NOT:
- case GREP_OR:
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, pattern->pattern);
- break;
- /* BODY and HEAD are not used by git-grep */
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Limit number of threads for child process to use.
- * This is to prevent potential fork-bomb behavior of git-grep as each
- * submodule process has its own thread pool.
- */
- argv_array_pushf(&submodule_options, "--threads=%d",
- DIV_ROUND_UP(num_threads, 2));
- /* Add Pathspecs */
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, "--");
- for (; *argv; argv++)
- argv_array_push(&submodule_options, *argv);
+static int grep_cache(struct grep_opt *opt, struct repository *repo,
+ const struct pathspec *pathspec, int cached);
+static int grep_tree(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
+ struct tree_desc *tree, struct strbuf *base, int tn_len,
+ int check_attr, struct repository *repo);
- * Launch child process to grep contents of a submodule
- */
-static int grep_submodule_launch(struct grep_opt *opt,
- const struct grep_source *gs)
+static int grep_submodule(struct grep_opt *opt, struct repository *superproject,
+ const struct pathspec *pathspec,
+ const struct object_id *oid,
+ const char *filename, const char *path)
- struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
- int status, i;
- const char *end_of_base;
- const char *name;
- struct strbuf child_output = STRBUF_INIT;
- end_of_base = strchr(gs->name, ':');
- if (gs->identifier && end_of_base)
- name = end_of_base + 1;
- else
- name = gs->name;
+ struct repository submodule;
+ int hit;
- prepare_submodule_repo_env(&cp.env_array);
- argv_array_push(&cp.env_array, GIT_DIR_ENVIRONMENT);
+ if (!is_submodule_active(superproject, path))
+ return 0;
- if (opt->relative && opt->prefix_length)
- argv_array_pushf(&cp.env_array, "%s=%s",
- opt->prefix);
+ if (repo_submodule_init(&submodule, superproject, path))
+ return 0;
- /* Add super prefix */
- argv_array_pushf(&cp.args, "--super-prefix=%s%s/",
- super_prefix ? super_prefix : "",
- name);
- argv_array_push(&cp.args, "grep");
+ repo_read_gitmodules(&submodule);
- * Add basename of parent project
- * When performing grep on a tree object the filename is prefixed
- * with the object's name: 'tree-name:filename'. In order to
- * provide uniformity of output we want to pass the name of the
- * parent project's object name to the submodule so the submodule can
- * prefix its output with the parent's name and not its own OID.
+ * NEEDSWORK: This adds the submodule's object directory to the list of
+ * alternates for the single in-memory object store. This has some bad
+ * consequences for memory (processed objects will never be freed) and
+ * performance (this increases the number of pack files git has to pay
+ * attention to, to the sum of the number of pack files in all the
+ * repositories processed so far). This can be removed once the object
+ * store is no longer global and instead is a member of the repository
+ * object.
- if (gs->identifier && end_of_base)
- argv_array_pushf(&cp.args, "--parent-basename=%.*s",
- (int) (end_of_base - gs->name),
- gs->name);
+ add_to_alternates_memory(submodule.objectdir);
- /* Add options */
- for (i = 0; i < submodule_options.argc; i++) {
- /*
- * If there is a tree identifier for the submodule, add the
- * rev after adding the submodule options but before the
- * pathspecs. To do this we listen for the '--' and insert the
- * oid before pushing the '--' onto the child process argv
- * array.
- */
- if (gs->identifier &&
- !strcmp("--", submodule_options.argv[i])) {
- argv_array_push(&cp.args, oid_to_hex(gs->identifier));
- }
+ if (oid) {
+ struct object *object;
+ struct tree_desc tree;
+ void *data;
+ unsigned long size;
+ struct strbuf base = STRBUF_INIT;
- argv_array_push(&cp.args, submodule_options.argv[i]);
- }
+ object = parse_object_or_die(oid, oid_to_hex(oid));
- cp.git_cmd = 1;
- cp.dir = gs->path;
+ grep_read_lock();
+ data = read_object_with_reference(object->oid.hash, tree_type,
+ &size, NULL);
+ grep_read_unlock();
- /*
- * Capture output to output buffer and check the return code from the
- * child process. A '0' indicates a hit, a '1' indicates no hit and
- * anything else is an error.
- */
- status = capture_command(&cp, &child_output, 0);
- if (status && (status != 1)) {
- /* flush the buffer */
- write_or_die(1, child_output.buf, child_output.len);
- die("process for submodule '%s' failed with exit code: %d",
- gs->name, status);
- }
+ if (!data)
+ die(_("unable to read tree (%s)"), oid_to_hex(&object->oid));
- opt->output(opt, child_output.buf, child_output.len);
- strbuf_release(&child_output);
- /* invert the return code to make a hit equal to 1 */
- return !status;
+ strbuf_addstr(&base, filename);
+ strbuf_addch(&base, '/');
- * Prep grep structures for a submodule grep
- * oid: the oid of the submodule or NULL if using the working tree
- * filename: name of the submodule including tree name of parent
- * path: location of the submodule
- */
-static int grep_submodule(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct object_id *oid,
- const char *filename, const char *path)
- if (!is_submodule_active(the_repository, path))
- return 0;
- if (!is_submodule_populated_gently(path, NULL)) {
- /*
- * If searching history, check for the presence of the
- * submodule's gitdir before skipping the submodule.
- */
- if (oid) {
- const struct submodule *sub =
- submodule_from_path(null_sha1, path);
- if (sub)
- path = git_path("modules/%s", sub->name);
- if (!(is_directory(path) && is_git_directory(path)))
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
+ init_tree_desc(&tree, data, size);
+ hit = grep_tree(opt, pathspec, &tree, &base, base.len,
+ object->type == OBJ_COMMIT, &submodule);
+ strbuf_release(&base);
+ free(data);
+ } else {
+ hit = grep_cache(opt, &submodule, pathspec, 1);
-#ifndef NO_PTHREADS
- if (num_threads) {
- add_work(opt, GREP_SOURCE_SUBMODULE, filename, path, oid);
- return 0;
- } else
- {
- struct grep_source gs;
- int hit;
- grep_source_init(&gs, GREP_SOURCE_SUBMODULE,
- filename, path, oid);
- hit = grep_submodule_launch(opt, &gs);
- grep_source_clear(&gs);
- return hit;
- }
+ repo_clear(&submodule);
+ return hit;
-static int grep_cache(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
- int cached)
+static int grep_cache(struct grep_opt *opt, struct repository *repo,
+ const struct pathspec *pathspec, int cached)
int hit = 0;
int nr;
struct strbuf name = STRBUF_INIT;
int name_base_len = 0;
- if (super_prefix) {
- name_base_len = strlen(super_prefix);
- strbuf_addstr(&name, super_prefix);
+ if (repo->submodule_prefix) {
+ name_base_len = strlen(repo->submodule_prefix);
+ strbuf_addstr(&name, repo->submodule_prefix);
- read_cache();
+ repo_read_index(repo);
- for (nr = 0; nr < active_nr; nr++) {
- const struct cache_entry *ce = active_cache[nr];
+ for (nr = 0; nr < repo->index->cache_nr; nr++) {
+ const struct cache_entry *ce = repo->index->cache[nr];
strbuf_setlen(&name, name_base_len);
strbuf_addstr(&name, ce->name);
@@ -715,14 +498,14 @@ static int grep_cache(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
ce_skip_worktree(ce)) {
if (ce_stage(ce) || ce_intent_to_add(ce))
- hit |= grep_oid(opt, &ce->oid, ce->name,
- 0, ce->name);
+ hit |= grep_oid(opt, &ce->oid, name.buf,
+ 0, name.buf);
} else {
- hit |= grep_file(opt, ce->name);
+ hit |= grep_file(opt, name.buf);
} else if (recurse_submodules && S_ISGITLINK(ce->ce_mode) &&
submodule_path_match(pathspec, name.buf, NULL)) {
- hit |= grep_submodule(opt, NULL, ce->name, ce->name);
+ hit |= grep_submodule(opt, repo, pathspec, NULL, ce->name, ce->name);
} else {
@@ -730,8 +513,8 @@ static int grep_cache(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
if (ce_stage(ce)) {
do {
- } while (nr < active_nr &&
- !strcmp(ce->name, active_cache[nr]->name));
+ } while (nr < repo->index->cache_nr &&
+ !strcmp(ce->name, repo->index->cache[nr]->name));
nr--; /* compensate for loop control */
if (hit && opt->status_only)
@@ -744,7 +527,7 @@ static int grep_cache(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
static int grep_tree(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
struct tree_desc *tree, struct strbuf *base, int tn_len,
- int check_attr)
+ int check_attr, struct repository *repo)
int hit = 0;
enum interesting match = entry_not_interesting;
@@ -752,8 +535,8 @@ static int grep_tree(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
int old_baselen = base->len;
struct strbuf name = STRBUF_INIT;
int name_base_len = 0;
- if (super_prefix) {
- strbuf_addstr(&name, super_prefix);
+ if (repo->submodule_prefix) {
+ strbuf_addstr(&name, repo->submodule_prefix);
name_base_len = name.len;
@@ -791,11 +574,11 @@ static int grep_tree(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
strbuf_addch(base, '/');
init_tree_desc(&sub, data, size);
hit |= grep_tree(opt, pathspec, &sub, base, tn_len,
- check_attr);
+ check_attr, repo);
} else if (recurse_submodules && S_ISGITLINK(entry.mode)) {
- hit |= grep_submodule(opt, entry.oid, base->buf,
- base->buf + tn_len);
+ hit |= grep_submodule(opt, repo, pathspec, entry.oid,
+ base->buf, base->buf + tn_len);
strbuf_setlen(base, old_baselen);
@@ -809,7 +592,8 @@ static int grep_tree(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
static int grep_object(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
- struct object *obj, const char *name, const char *path)
+ struct object *obj, const char *name, const char *path,
+ struct repository *repo)
if (obj->type == OBJ_BLOB)
return grep_oid(opt, &obj->oid, name, 0, path);
@@ -828,10 +612,6 @@ static int grep_object(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
if (!data)
die(_("unable to read tree (%s)"), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
- /* Use parent's name as base when recursing submodules */
- if (recurse_submodules && parent_basename)
- name = parent_basename;
len = name ? strlen(name) : 0;
strbuf_init(&base, PATH_MAX + len + 1);
if (len) {
@@ -840,7 +620,7 @@ static int grep_object(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
init_tree_desc(&tree, data, size);
hit = grep_tree(opt, pathspec, &tree, &base, base.len,
- obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT);
+ obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT, repo);
return hit;
@@ -849,6 +629,7 @@ static int grep_object(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
static int grep_objects(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
+ struct repository *repo,
const struct object_array *list)
unsigned int i;
@@ -862,9 +643,10 @@ static int grep_objects(struct grep_opt *opt, const struct pathspec *pathspec,
/* load the gitmodules file for this rev */
if (recurse_submodules) {
- gitmodules_config_sha1(real_obj->oid.hash);
+ gitmodules_config_oid(&real_obj->oid);
- if (grep_object(opt, pathspec, real_obj, list->objects[i].name, list->objects[i].path)) {
+ if (grep_object(opt, pathspec, real_obj, list->objects[i].name, list->objects[i].path,
+ repo)) {
hit = 1;
if (opt->status_only)
@@ -1005,9 +787,6 @@ int cmd_grep(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
N_("ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"), 1),
OPT_BOOL(0, "recurse-submodules", &recurse_submodules,
N_("recursively search in each submodule")),
- OPT_STRING(0, "parent-basename", &parent_basename,
- N_("basename"),
- N_("prepend parent project's basename to output")),
OPT_BOOL('v', "invert-match", &opt.invert,
N_("show non-matching lines")),
@@ -1112,7 +891,6 @@ int cmd_grep(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
git_config(grep_cmd_config, NULL);
grep_init(&opt, prefix);
- super_prefix = get_super_prefix();
* If there is no -- then the paths must exist in the working
@@ -1205,8 +983,8 @@ int cmd_grep(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
- if (get_sha1_with_context(arg, GET_SHA1_RECORD_PATH,
- oid.hash, &oc)) {
+ if (get_oid_with_context(arg, GET_OID_RECORD_PATH,
+ &oid, &oc)) {
if (seen_dashdash)
die(_("unable to resolve revision: %s"), arg);
@@ -1270,13 +1048,6 @@ int cmd_grep(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
- if (recurse_submodules) {
- gitmodules_config();
- compile_submodule_options(&opt, argv + i, cached, untracked,
- opt_exclude, use_index,
- pattern_type_arg);
- }
if (show_in_pager && (cached ||
die(_("--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"));
@@ -1318,11 +1089,12 @@ int cmd_grep(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!cached)
- hit = grep_cache(&opt, &pathspec, cached);
+ hit = grep_cache(&opt, the_repository, &pathspec, cached);
} else {
if (cached)
die(_("both --cached and trees are given."));
- hit = grep_objects(&opt, &pathspec, &list);
+ hit = grep_objects(&opt, &pathspec, the_repository, &list);
if (num_threads)
diff --git a/builtin/hash-object.c b/builtin/hash-object.c
index d04baf999a..c532ff9320 100644
--- a/builtin/hash-object.c
+++ b/builtin/hash-object.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* needs to bypass the data conversion performed by, and the type
* limitation imposed by, index_fd() and its callees.
-static int hash_literally(unsigned char *sha1, int fd, const char *type, unsigned flags)
+static int hash_literally(struct object_id *oid, int fd, const char *type, unsigned flags)
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
int ret;
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ static int hash_literally(unsigned char *sha1, int fd, const char *type, unsigne
if (strbuf_read(&buf, fd, 4096) < 0)
ret = -1;
- ret = hash_sha1_file_literally(buf.buf, buf.len, type, sha1, flags);
+ ret = hash_sha1_file_literally(buf.buf, buf.len, type, oid, flags);
return ret;
@@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ static void hash_fd(int fd, const char *type, const char *path, unsigned flags,
int literally)
struct stat st;
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0 ||
- ? hash_literally(sha1, fd, type, flags)
- : index_fd(sha1, fd, &st, type_from_string(type), path, flags)))
+ ? hash_literally(&oid, fd, type, flags)
+ : index_fd(&oid, fd, &st, type_from_string(type), path, flags)))
die((flags & HASH_WRITE_OBJECT)
? "Unable to add %s to database"
: "Unable to hash %s", path);
- printf("%s\n", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+ printf("%s\n", oid_to_hex(&oid));
maybe_flush_or_die(stdout, "hash to stdout");
diff --git a/builtin/help.c b/builtin/help.c
index 334a8494ab..d3c8fc4082 100644
--- a/builtin/help.c
+++ b/builtin/help.c
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ static void exec_woman_emacs(const char *path, const char *page)
strbuf_addf(&man_page, "(woman \"%s\")", page);
execlp(path, "emacsclient", "-e", man_page.buf, (char *)NULL);
warning_errno(_("failed to exec '%s'"), path);
+ strbuf_release(&man_page);
@@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ static void exec_man_konqueror(const char *path, const char *page)
strbuf_addf(&man_page, "man:%s(1)", page);
execlp(path, filename, "newTab", man_page.buf, (char *)NULL);
warning_errno(_("failed to exec '%s'"), path);
+ strbuf_release(&man_page);
@@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ static void exec_man_cmd(const char *cmd, const char *page)
strbuf_addf(&shell_cmd, "%s %s", cmd, page);
execl(SHELL_PATH, SHELL_PATH, "-c", shell_cmd.buf, (char *)NULL);
warning(_("failed to exec '%s'"), cmd);
+ strbuf_release(&shell_cmd);
static void add_man_viewer(const char *name)
@@ -438,7 +441,7 @@ static const char *check_git_cmd(const char* cmd)
alias = alias_lookup(cmd);
if (alias) {
- printf_ln(_("`git %s' is aliased to `%s'"), cmd, alias);
+ printf_ln(_("'%s' is aliased to '%s'"), cmd, alias);
diff --git a/builtin/index-pack.c b/builtin/index-pack.c
index 26828c1d82..f2be145e12 100644
--- a/builtin/index-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/index-pack.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "exec_cmd.h"
#include "streaming.h"
#include "thread-utils.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static const char index_pack_usage[] =
"git index-pack [-v] [-o <index-file>] [--keep | --keep=<msg>] [--verify] [--strict] (<pack-file> | --stdin [--fix-thin] [<pack-file>])";
diff --git a/builtin/init-db.c b/builtin/init-db.c
index 47823f9aa4..c9b7946bad 100644
--- a/builtin/init-db.c
+++ b/builtin/init-db.c
@@ -579,6 +579,8 @@ int cmd_init_db(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+ UNLEAK(real_git_dir);
flags |= INIT_DB_EXIST_OK;
return init_db(git_dir, real_git_dir, template_dir, flags);
diff --git a/builtin/interpret-trailers.c b/builtin/interpret-trailers.c
index 175f14797b..b742539d4d 100644
--- a/builtin/interpret-trailers.c
+++ b/builtin/interpret-trailers.c
@@ -16,34 +16,119 @@ static const char * const git_interpret_trailers_usage[] = {
+static enum trailer_where where;
+static enum trailer_if_exists if_exists;
+static enum trailer_if_missing if_missing;
+static int option_parse_where(const struct option *opt,
+ const char *arg, int unset)
+ return trailer_set_where(&where, arg);
+static int option_parse_if_exists(const struct option *opt,
+ const char *arg, int unset)
+ return trailer_set_if_exists(&if_exists, arg);
+static int option_parse_if_missing(const struct option *opt,
+ const char *arg, int unset)
+ return trailer_set_if_missing(&if_missing, arg);
+static void new_trailers_clear(struct list_head *trailers)
+ struct list_head *pos, *tmp;
+ struct new_trailer_item *item;
+ list_for_each_safe(pos, tmp, trailers) {
+ item = list_entry(pos, struct new_trailer_item, list);
+ list_del(pos);
+ free(item);
+ }
+static int option_parse_trailer(const struct option *opt,
+ const char *arg, int unset)
+ struct list_head *trailers = opt->value;
+ struct new_trailer_item *item;
+ if (unset) {
+ new_trailers_clear(trailers);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!arg)
+ return -1;
+ item = xmalloc(sizeof(*item));
+ item->text = arg;
+ item->where = where;
+ item->if_exists = if_exists;
+ item->if_missing = if_missing;
+ list_add_tail(&item->list, trailers);
+ return 0;
+static int parse_opt_parse(const struct option *opt, const char *arg,
+ int unset)
+ struct process_trailer_options *v = opt->value;
+ v->only_trailers = 1;
+ v->only_input = 1;
+ v->unfold = 1;
+ return 0;
int cmd_interpret_trailers(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
- int in_place = 0;
- int trim_empty = 0;
- struct string_list trailers = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+ struct process_trailer_options opts = PROCESS_TRAILER_OPTIONS_INIT;
+ LIST_HEAD(trailers);
struct option options[] = {
- OPT_BOOL(0, "in-place", &in_place, N_("edit files in place")),
- OPT_BOOL(0, "trim-empty", &trim_empty, N_("trim empty trailers")),
- OPT_STRING_LIST(0, "trailer", &trailers, N_("trailer"),
- N_("trailer(s) to add")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "in-place", &opts.in_place, N_("edit files in place")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "trim-empty", &opts.trim_empty, N_("trim empty trailers")),
+ OPT_CALLBACK(0, "where", NULL, N_("action"),
+ N_("where to place the new trailer"), option_parse_where),
+ OPT_CALLBACK(0, "if-exists", NULL, N_("action"),
+ N_("action if trailer already exists"), option_parse_if_exists),
+ OPT_CALLBACK(0, "if-missing", NULL, N_("action"),
+ N_("action if trailer is missing"), option_parse_if_missing),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "only-trailers", &opts.only_trailers, N_("output only the trailers")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "only-input", &opts.only_input, N_("do not apply config rules")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "unfold", &opts.unfold, N_("join whitespace-continued values")),
+ { OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "parse", &opts, NULL, N_("set parsing options"),
+ PARSE_OPT_NOARG | PARSE_OPT_NONEG, parse_opt_parse },
+ OPT_CALLBACK(0, "trailer", &trailers, N_("trailer"),
+ N_("trailer(s) to add"), option_parse_trailer),
argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options,
git_interpret_trailers_usage, 0);
+ if (opts.only_input && !list_empty(&trailers))
+ usage_msg_opt(
+ _("--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"),
+ git_interpret_trailers_usage,
+ options);
if (argc) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
- process_trailers(argv[i], in_place, trim_empty, &trailers);
+ process_trailers(argv[i], &opts, &trailers);
} else {
- if (in_place)
+ if (opts.in_place)
die(_("no input file given for in-place editing"));
- process_trailers(NULL, in_place, trim_empty, &trailers);
+ process_trailers(NULL, &opts, &trailers);
- string_list_clear(&trailers, 0);
+ new_trailers_clear(&trailers);
return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/log.c b/builtin/log.c
index 5ffc380bd7..d81a09051e 100644
--- a/builtin/log.c
+++ b/builtin/log.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "version.h"
#include "mailmap.h"
#include "gpg-interface.h"
+#include "progress.h"
/* Set a default date-time format for git log ("" config variable) */
static const char *default_date_mode = NULL;
@@ -58,9 +59,9 @@ static int auto_decoration_style(void)
return (isatty(1) || pager_in_use()) ? DECORATE_SHORT_REFS : 0;
-static int parse_decoration_style(const char *var, const char *value)
+static int parse_decoration_style(const char *value)
- switch (git_config_maybe_bool(var, value)) {
+ switch (git_parse_maybe_bool(value)) {
case 1:
case 0:
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ static int decorate_callback(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unse
if (unset)
decoration_style = 0;
else if (arg)
- decoration_style = parse_decoration_style("command line", arg);
+ decoration_style = parse_decoration_style(arg);
decoration_style = DECORATE_SHORT_REFS;
@@ -412,7 +413,7 @@ static int git_log_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
if (!strcmp(var, ""))
return git_config_string(&default_date_mode, var, value);
if (!strcmp(var, "log.decorate")) {
- decoration_style = parse_decoration_style(var, value);
+ decoration_style = parse_decoration_style(value);
if (decoration_style < 0)
decoration_style = 0; /* maybe warn? */
return 0;
@@ -487,8 +488,8 @@ static int show_blob_object(const struct object_id *oid, struct rev_info *rev, c
return stream_blob_to_fd(1, oid, NULL, 0);
- if (get_sha1_with_context(obj_name, GET_SHA1_RECORD_PATH,
- oidc.hash, &obj_context))
+ if (get_oid_with_context(obj_name, GET_OID_RECORD_PATH,
+ &oidc, &obj_context))
die(_("Not a valid object name %s"), obj_name);
if (!obj_context.path ||
!textconv_object(obj_context.path, obj_context.mode, &oidc, 1, &buf, &size)) {
@@ -824,7 +825,7 @@ static int git_format_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
return 0;
if (!strcmp(var, "format.from")) {
- int b = git_config_maybe_bool(var, value);
+ int b = git_parse_maybe_bool(value);
if (b < 0)
from = xstrdup(value);
@@ -1422,6 +1423,8 @@ int cmd_format_patch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
char *branch_name = NULL;
char *base_commit = NULL;
struct base_tree_info bases;
+ int show_progress = 0;
+ struct progress *progress = NULL;
const struct option builtin_format_patch_options[] = {
{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 'n', "numbered", &numbered, NULL,
@@ -1493,6 +1496,8 @@ int cmd_format_patch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
OPT_FILENAME(0, "signature-file", &signature_file,
N_("add a signature from a file")),
OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("don't print the patch filenames")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &show_progress,
+ N_("show progress while generating patches")),
@@ -1655,10 +1660,9 @@ int cmd_format_patch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
check_head = 1;
if (check_head) {
- struct object_id oid;
const char *ref, *v;
ref = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", RESOLVE_REF_READING,
- oid.hash, NULL);
if (ref && skip_prefix(ref, "refs/heads/", &v))
branch_name = xstrdup(v);
@@ -1752,8 +1756,12 @@ int cmd_format_patch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
rev.add_signoff = do_signoff;
+ if (show_progress)
+ progress = start_delayed_progress(_("Generating patches"), total);
while (0 <= --nr) {
int shown;
+ display_progress(progress, total - nr);
commit = list[nr]; = total - nr + (start_number - 1);
/* Make the second and subsequent mails replies to the first */
@@ -1818,6 +1826,7 @@ int cmd_format_patch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!use_stdout)
+ stop_progress(&progress);
string_list_clear(&extra_to, 0);
diff --git a/builtin/ls-files.c b/builtin/ls-files.c
index c6126eae55..8c713c47ac 100644
--- a/builtin/ls-files.c
+++ b/builtin/ls-files.c
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "pathspec.h"
#include "run-command.h"
#include "submodule.h"
+#include "submodule-config.h"
static int abbrev;
static int show_deleted;
@@ -210,8 +211,6 @@ static void show_submodule(struct repository *superproject,
if (repo_read_index(&submodule) < 0)
die("index file corrupt");
- repo_read_gitmodules(&submodule);
show_files(&submodule, dir);
@@ -609,9 +608,6 @@ int cmd_ls_files(int argc, const char **argv, const char *cmd_prefix)
if (require_work_tree && !is_inside_work_tree())
- if (recurse_submodules)
- repo_read_gitmodules(the_repository);
if (recurse_submodules &&
(show_stage || show_deleted || show_others || show_unmerged ||
show_killed || show_modified || show_resolve_undo || with_tree))
@@ -677,5 +673,6 @@ int cmd_ls_files(int argc, const char **argv, const char *cmd_prefix)
return bad ? 1 : 0;
+ UNLEAK(dir);
return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/merge-tree.c b/builtin/merge-tree.c
index bad6735c76..d01ddecf66 100644
--- a/builtin/merge-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/merge-tree.c
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ static void unresolved_directory(const struct traverse_info *info,
newbase = traverse_path(info, p);
-#define ENTRY_SHA1(e) (((e)->mode && S_ISDIR((e)->mode)) ? (e)->oid->hash : NULL)
- buf0 = fill_tree_descriptor(t+0, ENTRY_SHA1(n + 0));
- buf1 = fill_tree_descriptor(t+1, ENTRY_SHA1(n + 1));
- buf2 = fill_tree_descriptor(t+2, ENTRY_SHA1(n + 2));
-#undef ENTRY_SHA1
+#define ENTRY_OID(e) (((e)->mode && S_ISDIR((e)->mode)) ? (e)->oid : NULL)
+ buf0 = fill_tree_descriptor(t + 0, ENTRY_OID(n + 0));
+ buf1 = fill_tree_descriptor(t + 1, ENTRY_OID(n + 1));
+ buf2 = fill_tree_descriptor(t + 2, ENTRY_OID(n + 2));
+#undef ENTRY_OID
merge_trees(t, newbase);
@@ -347,12 +347,12 @@ static void merge_trees(struct tree_desc t[3], const char *base)
static void *get_tree_descriptor(struct tree_desc *desc, const char *rev)
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
void *buf;
- if (get_sha1(rev, sha1))
+ if (get_oid(rev, &oid))
die("unknown rev %s", rev);
- buf = fill_tree_descriptor(desc, sha1);
+ buf = fill_tree_descriptor(desc, &oid);
if (!buf)
die("%s is not a tree", rev);
return buf;
diff --git a/builtin/merge.c b/builtin/merge.c
index 23c53a3082..ab5ffe85e8 100644
--- a/builtin/merge.c
+++ b/builtin/merge.c
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "gpg-interface.h"
#include "sequencer.h"
#include "string-list.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
#define DEFAULT_TWOHEAD (1<<0)
#define DEFAULT_OCTOPUS (1<<1)
@@ -70,7 +71,9 @@ static int continue_current_merge;
static int allow_unrelated_histories;
static int show_progress = -1;
static int default_to_upstream = 1;
+static int signoff;
static const char *sign_commit;
+static int verify_msg = 1;
static struct strategy all_strategy[] = {
{ "recursive", DEFAULT_TWOHEAD | NO_TRIVIAL },
@@ -233,6 +236,8 @@ static struct option builtin_merge_options[] = {
{ OPTION_STRING, 'S', "gpg-sign", &sign_commit, N_("key-id"),
N_("GPG sign commit"), PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, NULL, (intptr_t) "" },
OPT_BOOL(0, "overwrite-ignore", &overwrite_ignore, N_("update ignored files (default)")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "signoff", &signoff, N_("add Signed-off-by:")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "verify", &verify_msg, N_("verify commit-msg hook")),
@@ -250,6 +255,7 @@ static int save_state(struct object_id *stash)
struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
struct strbuf buffer = STRBUF_INIT;
const char *argv[] = {"stash", "create", NULL};
+ int rc = -1;
cp.argv = argv;
cp.out = -1;
@@ -263,11 +269,14 @@ static int save_state(struct object_id *stash)
if (finish_command(&cp) || len < 0)
die(_("stash failed"));
else if (!len) /* no changes */
- return -1;
+ goto out;
strbuf_setlen(&buffer, buffer.len-1);
if (get_oid(buffer.buf, stash))
die(_("not a valid object: %s"), buffer.buf);
- return 0;
+ rc = 0;
+ strbuf_release(&buffer);
+ return rc;
static void read_empty(unsigned const char *sha1, int verbose)
@@ -566,7 +575,7 @@ static int git_merge_config(const char *k, const char *v, void *cb)
else if (!strcmp(k, "merge.renormalize"))
option_renormalize = git_config_bool(k, v);
else if (!strcmp(k, "merge.ff")) {
- int boolval = git_config_maybe_bool(k, v);
+ int boolval = git_parse_maybe_bool(v);
if (0 <= boolval) {
fast_forward = boolval ? FF_ALLOW : FF_NO;
} else if (v && !strcmp(v, "only")) {
@@ -766,6 +775,8 @@ static void prepare_to_commit(struct commit_list *remoteheads)
BUG("the control must not reach here under --squash");
if (0 < option_edit)
strbuf_commented_addf(&msg, _(merge_editor_comment), comment_line_char);
+ if (signoff)
+ append_signoff(&msg, ignore_non_trailer(msg.buf, msg.len), 0);
write_file_buf(git_path_merge_msg(), msg.buf, msg.len);
if (run_commit_hook(0 < option_edit, get_index_file(), "prepare-commit-msg",
@@ -775,6 +786,12 @@ static void prepare_to_commit(struct commit_list *remoteheads)
if (launch_editor(git_path_merge_msg(), NULL, NULL))
abort_commit(remoteheads, NULL);
+ if (verify_msg && run_commit_hook(0 < option_edit, get_index_file(),
+ "commit-msg",
+ git_path_merge_msg(), NULL))
+ abort_commit(remoteheads, NULL);
strbuf_stripspace(&msg, 0 < option_edit);
if (!msg.len)
@@ -929,6 +946,7 @@ static void write_merge_heads(struct commit_list *remoteheads)
if (fast_forward == FF_NO)
strbuf_addstr(&buf, "no-ff");
write_file_buf(git_path_merge_mode(), buf.buf, buf.len);
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
static void write_merge_state(struct commit_list *remoteheads)
@@ -949,7 +967,7 @@ static int default_edit_option(void)
return 0;
if (e) {
- int v = git_config_maybe_bool(name, e);
+ int v = git_parse_maybe_bool(e);
if (v < 0)
die(_("Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"), e, name);
return v;
@@ -1354,7 +1372,7 @@ int cmd_merge(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
* If head can reach all the merge then we are up to date.
* but first the most common case of merging one remote.
- finish_up_to_date(_("Already up-to-date."));
+ finish_up_to_date(_("Already up to date."));
goto done;
} else if (fast_forward != FF_NO && !remoteheads->next &&
!common->next &&
@@ -1437,7 +1455,7 @@ int cmd_merge(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (up_to_date) {
- finish_up_to_date(_("Already up-to-date. Yeeah!"));
+ finish_up_to_date(_("Already up to date. Yeeah!"));
goto done;
diff --git a/builtin/mv.c b/builtin/mv.c
index dcf6736b5b..ffdd5f01a1 100644
--- a/builtin/mv.c
+++ b/builtin/mv.c
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static void prepare_move_submodule(const char *src, int first,
struct strbuf submodule_dotgit = STRBUF_INIT;
if (!S_ISGITLINK(active_cache[first]->ce_mode))
die(_("Directory %s is in index and no submodule?"), src);
- if (!is_staging_gitmodules_ok())
+ if (!is_staging_gitmodules_ok(&the_index))
die(_("Please stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed"));
strbuf_addf(&submodule_dotgit, "%s/.git", src);
*submodule_gitfile = read_gitfile(submodule_dotgit.buf);
@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ int cmd_mv(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
struct stat st;
struct string_list src_for_dst = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
- gitmodules_config();
git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, builtin_mv_options,
diff --git a/builtin/name-rev.c b/builtin/name-rev.c
index c41ea7c2a6..598da6c8bc 100644
--- a/builtin/name-rev.c
+++ b/builtin/name-rev.c
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ static int name_ref(const char *path, const struct object_id *oid, int flags, vo
struct commit *commit = (struct commit *)o;
int from_tag = starts_with(path, "refs/tags/");
- if (taggerdate == ULONG_MAX)
+ if (taggerdate == TIME_MAX)
taggerdate = ((struct commit *)o)->date;
path = name_ref_abbrev(path, can_abbreviate_output);
name_rev(commit, xstrdup(path), taggerdate, 0, 0,
diff --git a/builtin/notes.c b/builtin/notes.c
index 77573cf1ea..8e54f2d146 100644
--- a/builtin/notes.c
+++ b/builtin/notes.c
@@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ static int notes_copy_from_stdin(int force, const char *rewrite_cmd)
} else {
finish_copy_notes_for_rewrite(c, msg);
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
return ret;
@@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ static int add(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
- prepare_note_data(&object, &d, note->hash);
+ prepare_note_data(&object, &d, note ? note->hash : NULL);
if (d.buf.len || allow_empty) {
write_note_data(&d, new_note.hash);
if (add_note(t, &object, &new_note, combine_notes_overwrite))
diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index c753e9237a..f721137eaf 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "sha1-array.h"
#include "argv-array.h"
#include "mru.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static const char *pack_usage[] = {
N_("git pack-objects --stdout [<options>...] [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"),
@@ -1011,7 +1012,7 @@ static int want_object_in_pack(const unsigned char *sha1,
return want;
- for (entry = packed_git_mru->head; entry; entry = entry->next) {
+ for (entry = packed_git_mru.head; entry; entry = entry->next) {
struct packed_git *p = entry->item;
off_t offset;
@@ -1029,7 +1030,7 @@ static int want_object_in_pack(const unsigned char *sha1,
want = want_found_object(exclude, p);
if (!exclude && want > 0)
- mru_mark(packed_git_mru, entry);
+ mru_mark(&packed_git_mru, entry);
if (want != -1)
return want;
@@ -2170,7 +2171,10 @@ static void *threaded_find_deltas(void *arg)
struct thread_params *me = arg;
+ progress_lock();
while (me->remaining) {
+ progress_unlock();
find_deltas(me->list, &me->remaining,
me->window, me->depth, me->processed);
@@ -2192,7 +2196,10 @@ static void *threaded_find_deltas(void *arg)
pthread_cond_wait(&me->cond, &me->mutex);
me->data_ready = 0;
+ progress_lock();
+ progress_unlock();
/* leave ->working 1 so that this doesn't get more work assigned */
return NULL;
diff --git a/builtin/pack-redundant.c b/builtin/pack-redundant.c
index cb1df1c761..aaa8136322 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-redundant.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-redundant.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "builtin.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
#define BLKSIZE 512
diff --git a/builtin/prune-packed.c b/builtin/prune-packed.c
index ac978ad401..419238171d 100644
--- a/builtin/prune-packed.c
+++ b/builtin/prune-packed.c
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "cache.h"
#include "progress.h"
#include "parse-options.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static const char * const prune_packed_usage[] = {
N_("git prune-packed [-n | --dry-run] [-q | --quiet]"),
@@ -37,8 +38,7 @@ static int prune_object(const struct object_id *oid, const char *path,
void prune_packed_objects(int opts)
- progress = start_progress_delay(_("Removing duplicate objects"),
- 256, 95, 2);
+ progress = start_delayed_progress(_("Removing duplicate objects"), 256);
prune_object, NULL, prune_subdir, &opts);
diff --git a/builtin/prune.c b/builtin/prune.c
index c378690545..cddabf26a9 100644
--- a/builtin/prune.c
+++ b/builtin/prune.c
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ int cmd_prune(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (show_progress == -1)
show_progress = isatty(2);
if (show_progress)
- progress = start_progress_delay(_("Checking connectivity"), 0, 0, 2);
+ progress = start_delayed_progress(_("Checking connectivity"), 0);
mark_reachable_objects(&revs, 1, expire, progress);
diff --git a/builtin/pull.c b/builtin/pull.c
index 9b86e519b1..6f772e8a22 100644
--- a/builtin/pull.c
+++ b/builtin/pull.c
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ enum rebase_type {
static enum rebase_type parse_config_rebase(const char *key, const char *value,
int fatal)
- int v = git_config_maybe_bool("pull.rebase", value);
+ int v = git_parse_maybe_bool(value);
if (!v)
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static const char *config_get_ff(void)
if (git_config_get_value("pull.ff", &value))
return NULL;
- switch (git_config_maybe_bool("pull.ff", value)) {
+ switch (git_parse_maybe_bool(value)) {
case 0:
return "--no-ff";
case 1:
@@ -325,6 +325,10 @@ static int git_pull_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
if (!strcmp(var, "rebase.autostash")) {
config_autostash = git_config_bool(var, value);
return 0;
+ } else if (!strcmp(var, "submodule.recurse")) {
+ recurse_submodules = git_config_bool(var, value) ?
+ return 0;
return git_default_config(var, value, cb);
@@ -815,6 +819,8 @@ int cmd_pull(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!getenv("GIT_REFLOG_ACTION"))
set_reflog_message(argc, argv);
+ git_config(git_pull_config, NULL);
argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, pull_options, pull_usage, 0);
parse_repo_refspecs(argc, argv, &repo, &refspecs);
@@ -825,8 +831,6 @@ int cmd_pull(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (opt_rebase < 0)
opt_rebase = config_get_rebase();
- git_config(git_pull_config, NULL);
if (read_cache_unmerged())
diff --git a/builtin/push.c b/builtin/push.c
index 03846e8379..2ac8104229 100644
--- a/builtin/push.c
+++ b/builtin/push.c
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ static int git_push_config(const char *k, const char *v, void *cb)
} else if (!strcmp(k, "push.gpgsign")) {
const char *value;
if (!git_config_get_value("push.gpgsign", &value)) {
- switch (git_config_maybe_bool("push.gpgsign", value)) {
+ switch (git_parse_maybe_bool(value)) {
case 0:
set_push_cert_flags(flags, SEND_PACK_PUSH_CERT_NEVER);
diff --git a/builtin/read-tree.c b/builtin/read-tree.c
index d5f618d086..bf87a2710b 100644
--- a/builtin/read-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/read-tree.c
@@ -164,8 +164,6 @@ int cmd_read_tree(int argc, const char **argv, const char *unused_prefix)
argc = parse_options(argc, argv, unused_prefix, read_tree_options,
read_tree_usage, 0);
- load_submodule_cache();
hold_locked_index(&lock_file, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
prefix_set = opts.prefix ? 1 : 0;
diff --git a/builtin/receive-pack.c b/builtin/receive-pack.c
index cabdc55e09..29a0f3b75f 100644
--- a/builtin/receive-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/receive-pack.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "fsck.h"
#include "tmp-objdir.h"
#include "oidset.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static const char * const receive_pack_usage[] = {
N_("git receive-pack <git-dir>"),
@@ -742,7 +743,7 @@ static int run_and_feed_hook(const char *hook_name, feed_fn feed,
size_t n;
if (feed(feed_state, &buf, &n))
- if (write_in_full(, buf, n) != n)
+ if (write_in_full(, buf, n) < 0)
@@ -919,9 +920,9 @@ static int update_shallow_ref(struct command *cmd, struct shallow_info *si)
static int head_has_history(void)
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
- return !get_sha1("HEAD", sha1);
+ return !get_oid("HEAD", &oid);
static const char *push_to_deploy(unsigned char *sha1,
@@ -1138,7 +1139,7 @@ static const char *update(struct command *cmd, struct shallow_info *si)
if (ref_transaction_delete(transaction,
- old_oid->hash,
+ old_oid ? old_oid->hash : NULL,
0, "push", &err)) {
rp_error("%s", err.buf);
@@ -1206,11 +1207,10 @@ static void check_aliased_update(struct command *cmd, struct string_list *list)
const char *dst_name;
struct string_list_item *item;
struct command *dst_cmd;
- unsigned char sha1[GIT_MAX_RAWSZ];
int flag;
strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s%s", get_git_namespace(), cmd->ref_name);
- dst_name = resolve_ref_unsafe(buf.buf, 0, sha1, &flag);
+ dst_name = resolve_ref_unsafe(buf.buf, 0, NULL, &flag);
if (!(flag & REF_ISSYMREF))
diff --git a/builtin/remote-ext.c b/builtin/remote-ext.c
index bfb21ba7d2..6a9127a33c 100644
--- a/builtin/remote-ext.c
+++ b/builtin/remote-ext.c
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ static char *strip_escapes(const char *str, const char *service,
special = str[rpos];
if (rpos == 1)
- /* Fall-through to error. */
+ /* fallthrough */
die("Bad remote-ext placeholder '%%%c'.",
diff --git a/builtin/remote.c b/builtin/remote.c
index 6273c0c23c..4f5cac96b0 100644
--- a/builtin/remote.c
+++ b/builtin/remote.c
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ static int config_read_branches(const char *key, const char *value, void *cb)
string_list_append(&info->merge, xstrdup(value));
} else {
- int v = git_config_maybe_bool(orig_key, value);
+ int v = git_parse_maybe_bool(value);
if (v >= 0)
info->rebase = v;
else if (!strcmp(value, "preserve"))
@@ -558,19 +558,19 @@ static int read_remote_branches(const char *refname,
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
struct string_list_item *item;
int flag;
- struct object_id orig_oid;
const char *symref;
strbuf_addf(&buf, "refs/remotes/%s/", rename->old);
if (starts_with(refname, buf.buf)) {
item = string_list_append(rename->remote_branches, xstrdup(refname));
symref = resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, RESOLVE_REF_READING,
- orig_oid.hash, &flag);
+ NULL, &flag);
if (flag & REF_ISSYMREF)
item->util = xstrdup(symref);
item->util = NULL;
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
return 0;
@@ -595,6 +595,7 @@ static int migrate_file(struct remote *remote)
unlink_or_warn(git_path("remotes/%s", remote->name));
else if (remote->origin == REMOTE_BRANCHES)
unlink_or_warn(git_path("branches/%s", remote->name));
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
return 0;
@@ -1563,9 +1564,7 @@ static int set_url(int argc, const char **argv)
"^$", 0);
git_config_set(name_buf.buf, newurl);
- strbuf_release(&name_buf);
- return 0;
+ goto out;
/* Old URL specified. Demand that one matches. */
@@ -1588,6 +1587,8 @@ static int set_url(int argc, const char **argv)
git_config_set_multivar(name_buf.buf, newurl, oldurl, 0);
git_config_set_multivar(name_buf.buf, NULL, oldurl, 1);
+ strbuf_release(&name_buf);
return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/replace.c b/builtin/replace.c
index fba336a68a..3e71a77152 100644
--- a/builtin/replace.c
+++ b/builtin/replace.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ static int show_reference(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
struct object_id object;
enum object_type obj_type, repl_type;
- if (get_sha1(refname, object.hash))
+ if (get_oid(refname, &object))
return error("Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref.", refname);
obj_type = sha1_object_info(object.hash, NULL);
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ static void import_object(struct object_id *oid, enum object_type type,
if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0)
die_errno("unable to fstat %s", filename);
- if (index_fd(oid->hash, fd, &st, type, NULL, flags) < 0)
+ if (index_fd(oid, fd, &st, type, NULL, flags) < 0)
die("unable to write object to database");
/* index_fd close()s fd for us */
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ static void check_one_mergetag(struct commit *commit,
/* iterate over new parents */
for (i = 1; i < mergetag_data->argc; i++) {
struct object_id oid;
- if (get_sha1(mergetag_data->argv[i], oid.hash) < 0)
+ if (get_oid(mergetag_data->argv[i], &oid) < 0)
die(_("Not a valid object name: '%s'"), mergetag_data->argv[i]);
if (!oidcmp(&tag->tagged->oid, &oid))
return; /* found */
diff --git a/builtin/rerere.c b/builtin/rerere.c
index ffb66e2907..0bc40298c2 100644
--- a/builtin/rerere.c
+++ b/builtin/rerere.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ static int outf(void *dummy, mmbuffer_t *ptr, int nbuf)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++)
- if (write_in_full(1, ptr[i].ptr, ptr[i].size) != ptr[i].size)
+ if (write_in_full(1, ptr[i].ptr, ptr[i].size) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/reset.c b/builtin/reset.c
index 7aeaea2737..9cd89b2305 100644
--- a/builtin/reset.c
+++ b/builtin/reset.c
@@ -44,10 +44,11 @@ static inline int is_merge(void)
static int reset_index(const struct object_id *oid, int reset_type, int quiet)
- int nr = 1;
+ int i, nr = 0;
struct tree_desc desc[2];
struct tree *tree;
struct unpack_trees_options opts;
+ int ret = -1;
memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
opts.head_idx = 1;
@@ -75,23 +76,32 @@ static int reset_index(const struct object_id *oid, int reset_type, int quiet)
struct object_id head_oid;
if (get_oid("HEAD", &head_oid))
return error(_("You do not have a valid HEAD."));
- if (!fill_tree_descriptor(desc, head_oid.hash))
+ if (!fill_tree_descriptor(desc + nr, &head_oid))
return error(_("Failed to find tree of HEAD."));
opts.fn = twoway_merge;
- if (!fill_tree_descriptor(desc + nr - 1, oid->hash))
- return error(_("Failed to find tree of %s."), oid_to_hex(oid));
+ if (!fill_tree_descriptor(desc + nr, oid)) {
+ error(_("Failed to find tree of %s."), oid_to_hex(oid));
+ goto out;
+ }
+ nr++;
if (unpack_trees(nr, desc, &opts))
- return -1;
+ goto out;
if (reset_type == MIXED || reset_type == HARD) {
tree = parse_tree_indirect(oid);
prime_cache_tree(&the_index, tree);
- return 0;
+ ret = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nr; i++)
+ free((void *)desc[i].buffer);
+ return ret;
static void print_new_head_line(struct commit *commit)
@@ -156,6 +166,7 @@ static int read_from_tree(const struct pathspec *pathspec,
opt.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_CALLBACK;
opt.format_callback = update_index_from_diff;
opt.format_callback_data = &intent_to_add;
if (do_diff_cache(tree_oid, &opt))
return 1;
@@ -219,8 +230,8 @@ static void parse_args(struct pathspec *pathspec,
* has to be unambiguous. If there is a single argument, it
* can not be a tree
- else if ((!argv[1] && !get_sha1_committish(argv[0], unused.hash)) ||
- (argv[1] && !get_sha1_treeish(argv[0], unused.hash))) {
+ else if ((!argv[1] && !get_oid_committish(argv[0], &unused)) ||
+ (argv[1] && !get_oid_treeish(argv[0], &unused))) {
* Ok, argv[0] looks like a commit/tree; it should not
* be a filename.
@@ -308,15 +319,13 @@ int cmd_reset(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
parse_args(&pathspec, argv, prefix, patch_mode, &rev);
- load_submodule_cache();
- unborn = !strcmp(rev, "HEAD") && get_sha1("HEAD", oid.hash);
+ unborn = !strcmp(rev, "HEAD") && get_oid("HEAD", &oid);
if (unborn) {
/* reset on unborn branch: treat as reset to empty tree */
hashcpy(oid.hash, EMPTY_TREE_SHA1_BIN);
} else if (! {
struct commit *commit;
- if (get_sha1_committish(rev, oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid_committish(rev, &oid))
die(_("Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid revision."), rev);
commit = lookup_commit_reference(&oid);
if (!commit)
@@ -324,7 +333,7 @@ int cmd_reset(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
oidcpy(&oid, &commit->object.oid);
} else {
struct tree *tree;
- if (get_sha1_treeish(rev, oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid_treeish(rev, &oid))
die(_("Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid tree."), rev);
tree = parse_tree_indirect(&oid);
if (!tree)
@@ -368,8 +377,8 @@ int cmd_reset(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (reset_type != SOFT) {
- struct lock_file *lock = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*lock));
- hold_locked_index(lock, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
+ struct lock_file lock = LOCK_INIT;
+ hold_locked_index(&lock, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
if (reset_type == MIXED) {
if (read_from_tree(&pathspec, &oid, intent_to_add))
@@ -385,7 +394,7 @@ int cmd_reset(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
die(_("Could not reset index file to revision '%s'."), rev);
- if (write_locked_index(&the_index, lock, COMMIT_LOCK))
+ if (write_locked_index(&the_index, &lock, COMMIT_LOCK))
die(_("Could not write new index file."));
diff --git a/builtin/rev-list.c b/builtin/rev-list.c
index 95b4128250..c1c74d4a79 100644
--- a/builtin/rev-list.c
+++ b/builtin/rev-list.c
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ int cmd_rev_list(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) = 1;
if (show_progress)
- progress = start_progress_delay(show_progress, 0, 0, 2);
+ progress = start_delayed_progress(show_progress, 0);
if (use_bitmap_index && !revs.prune) {
if (revs.count && !revs.left_right && !revs.cherry_mark) {
diff --git a/builtin/rev-parse.c b/builtin/rev-parse.c
index c78b7b33d6..b9c13d3d9d 100644
--- a/builtin/rev-parse.c
+++ b/builtin/rev-parse.c
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static int try_difference(const char *arg)
return 0;
- if (!get_sha1_committish(this, oid.hash) && !get_sha1_committish(next, end.hash)) {
+ if (!get_oid_committish(this, &oid) && !get_oid_committish(next, &end)) {
show_rev(NORMAL, &end, next);
show_rev(symmetric ? NORMAL : REVERSED, &oid, this);
if (symmetric) {
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ static int try_parent_shorthands(const char *arg)
return 0;
*dotdot = 0;
- if (get_sha1_committish(arg, oid.hash)) {
+ if (get_oid_committish(arg, &oid)) {
*dotdot = '^';
return 0;
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!strcmp(arg, "--quiet") || !strcmp(arg, "-q")) {
quiet = 1;
- flags |= GET_SHA1_QUIETLY;
+ flags |= GET_OID_QUIETLY;
if (opt_with_value(arg, "--short", &arg)) {
@@ -757,8 +757,8 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!strcmp(arg, "--bisect")) {
- for_each_ref_in("refs/bisect/bad", show_reference, NULL);
- for_each_ref_in("refs/bisect/good", anti_reference, NULL);
+ for_each_fullref_in("refs/bisect/bad", show_reference, NULL, 0);
+ for_each_fullref_in("refs/bisect/good", anti_reference, NULL, 0);
if (opt_with_value(arg, "--branches", &arg)) {
@@ -868,6 +868,11 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
: "false");
+ if (!strcmp(arg, "--is-shallow-repository")) {
+ printf("%s\n", is_repository_shallow() ? "true"
+ : "false");
+ continue;
+ }
if (!strcmp(arg, "--shared-index-path")) {
if (read_cache() < 0)
die(_("Could not read the index"));
@@ -911,7 +916,7 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
type = REVERSED;
- if (!get_sha1_with_context(name, flags, oid.hash, &unused)) {
+ if (!get_oid_with_context(name, flags, &oid, &unused)) {
if (verify)
diff --git a/builtin/rm.c b/builtin/rm.c
index 52826d1379..d91451fea1 100644
--- a/builtin/rm.c
+++ b/builtin/rm.c
@@ -255,7 +255,6 @@ int cmd_rm(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
struct pathspec pathspec;
char *seen;
- gitmodules_config();
git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, builtin_rm_options,
@@ -286,7 +285,7 @@ int cmd_rm(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
list.entry[].name = xstrdup(ce->name);
list.entry[].is_submodule = S_ISGITLINK(ce->ce_mode);
if (list.entry[].is_submodule &&
- !is_staging_gitmodules_ok())
+ !is_staging_gitmodules_ok(&the_index))
die (_("Please stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed"));
diff --git a/builtin/send-pack.c b/builtin/send-pack.c
index 633e0c3cdd..fc4f0bb5fb 100644
--- a/builtin/send-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/send-pack.c
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ static int send_pack_config(const char *k, const char *v, void *cb)
if (!strcmp(k, "push.gpgsign")) {
const char *value;
if (!git_config_get_value("push.gpgsign", &value)) {
- switch (git_config_maybe_bool("push.gpgsign", value)) {
+ switch (git_parse_maybe_bool(value)) {
case 0:
args.push_cert = SEND_PACK_PUSH_CERT_NEVER;
diff --git a/builtin/shortlog.c b/builtin/shortlog.c
index 43c4799ea9..e29875b843 100644
--- a/builtin/shortlog.c
+++ b/builtin/shortlog.c
@@ -52,26 +52,8 @@ static void insert_one_record(struct shortlog *log,
const char *oneline)
struct string_list_item *item;
- const char *mailbuf, *namebuf;
- size_t namelen, maillen;
- struct strbuf namemailbuf = STRBUF_INIT;
- struct ident_split ident;
- if (split_ident_line(&ident, author, strlen(author)))
- return;
- namebuf = ident.name_begin;
- mailbuf = ident.mail_begin;
- namelen = ident.name_end - ident.name_begin;
- maillen = ident.mail_end - ident.mail_begin;
- map_user(&log->mailmap, &mailbuf, &maillen, &namebuf, &namelen);
- strbuf_add(&namemailbuf, namebuf, namelen);
- if (log->email)
- strbuf_addf(&namemailbuf, " <%.*s>", (int)maillen, mailbuf);
- item = string_list_insert(&log->list, namemailbuf.buf);
+ item = string_list_insert(&log->list, author);
if (log->summary)
item->util = (void *)(UTIL_TO_INT(item) + 1);
@@ -114,9 +96,33 @@ static void insert_one_record(struct shortlog *log,
+static int parse_stdin_author(struct shortlog *log,
+ struct strbuf *out, const char *in)
+ const char *mailbuf, *namebuf;
+ size_t namelen, maillen;
+ struct ident_split ident;
+ if (split_ident_line(&ident, in, strlen(in)))
+ return -1;
+ namebuf = ident.name_begin;
+ mailbuf = ident.mail_begin;
+ namelen = ident.name_end - ident.name_begin;
+ maillen = ident.mail_end - ident.mail_begin;
+ map_user(&log->mailmap, &mailbuf, &maillen, &namebuf, &namelen);
+ strbuf_add(out, namebuf, namelen);
+ if (log->email)
+ strbuf_addf(out, " <%.*s>", (int)maillen, mailbuf);
+ return 0;
static void read_from_stdin(struct shortlog *log)
struct strbuf author = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct strbuf mapped_author = STRBUF_INIT;
struct strbuf oneline = STRBUF_INIT;
static const char *author_match[2] = { "Author: ", "author " };
static const char *committer_match[2] = { "Commit: ", "committer " };
@@ -134,9 +140,15 @@ static void read_from_stdin(struct shortlog *log)
while (strbuf_getline_lf(&oneline, stdin) != EOF &&
; /* discard blanks */
- insert_one_record(log, v, oneline.buf);
+ strbuf_reset(&mapped_author);
+ if (parse_stdin_author(log, &mapped_author, v) < 0)
+ continue;
+ insert_one_record(log, mapped_author.buf, oneline.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&mapped_author);
@@ -153,7 +165,9 @@ void shortlog_add_commit(struct shortlog *log, struct commit *commit)
ctx.date_mode.type = DATE_NORMAL;
ctx.output_encoding = get_log_output_encoding();
- fmt = log->committer ? "%cn <%ce>" : "%an <%ae>";
+ fmt = log->committer ?
+ (log->email ? "%cN <%cE>" : "%cN") :
+ (log->email ? "%aN <%aE>" : "%aN");
format_commit_message(commit, fmt, &author, &ctx);
if (!log->summary) {
diff --git a/builtin/show-branch.c b/builtin/show-branch.c
index 28f245c8cc..84547d6fba 100644
--- a/builtin/show-branch.c
+++ b/builtin/show-branch.c
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ static int append_head_ref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
/* If both heads/foo and tags/foo exists, get_sha1 would
* get confused.
- if (get_sha1(refname + ofs, tmp.hash) || oidcmp(&tmp, oid))
+ if (get_oid(refname + ofs, &tmp) || oidcmp(&tmp, oid))
ofs = 5;
return append_ref(refname + ofs, oid, 0);
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ static int append_remote_ref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
/* If both heads/foo and tags/foo exists, get_sha1 would
* get confused.
- if (get_sha1(refname + ofs, tmp.hash) || oidcmp(&tmp, oid))
+ if (get_oid(refname + ofs, &tmp) || oidcmp(&tmp, oid))
ofs = 5;
return append_ref(refname + ofs, oid, 0);
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ static int show_independent(struct commit **rev,
static void append_one_rev(const char *av)
struct object_id revkey;
- if (!get_sha1(av, revkey.hash)) {
+ if (!get_oid(av, &revkey)) {
append_ref(av, &revkey, 0);
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ int cmd_show_branch(int ac, const char **av, const char *prefix)
die(Q_("cannot handle more than %d rev.",
"cannot handle more than %d revs.",
- if (get_sha1(ref_name[num_rev], revkey.hash))
+ if (get_oid(ref_name[num_rev], &revkey))
die(_("'%s' is not a valid ref."), ref_name[num_rev]);
commit = lookup_commit_reference(&revkey);
if (!commit)
diff --git a/builtin/submodule--helper.c b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
index 895555c93a..06ed02f994 100644
--- a/builtin/submodule--helper.c
+++ b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@
static char *get_default_remote(void)
char *dest = NULL, *ret;
- unsigned char sha1[20];
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
- const char *refname = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, sha1, NULL);
+ const char *refname = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!refname)
die(_("No such ref: %s"), "HEAD");
@@ -275,8 +274,6 @@ static void module_list_active(struct module_list *list)
int i;
struct module_list active_modules = MODULE_LIST_INIT;
- gitmodules_config();
for (i = 0; i < list->nr; i++) {
const struct cache_entry *ce = list->entries[i];
@@ -337,9 +334,6 @@ static void init_submodule(const char *path, const char *prefix, int quiet)
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
char *upd = NULL, *url = NULL, *displaypath;
- /* Only loads from .gitmodules, no overlay with .git/config */
- gitmodules_config();
if (prefix && get_super_prefix())
die("BUG: cannot have prefix and superprefix");
else if (prefix)
@@ -350,7 +344,7 @@ static void init_submodule(const char *path, const char *prefix, int quiet)
} else
displaypath = xstrdup(path);
- sub = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, path);
+ sub = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, path);
if (!sub)
die(_("No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"),
@@ -475,8 +469,7 @@ static int module_name(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (argc != 2)
usage(_("git submodule--helper name <path>"));
- gitmodules_config();
- sub = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, argv[1]);
+ sub = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, argv[1]);
if (!sub)
die(_("no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"),
@@ -780,6 +773,10 @@ static int prepare_to_clone_next_submodule(const struct cache_entry *ce,
struct strbuf *out)
const struct submodule *sub = NULL;
+ const char *url = NULL;
+ const char *update_string;
+ enum submodule_update_type update_type;
+ char *key;
struct strbuf displaypath_sb = STRBUF_INIT;
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
const char *displaypath = NULL;
@@ -795,7 +792,7 @@ static int prepare_to_clone_next_submodule(const struct cache_entry *ce,
goto cleanup;
- sub = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, ce->name);
+ sub = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, ce->name);
if (suc->recursive_prefix)
displaypath = relative_path(suc->recursive_prefix,
@@ -808,9 +805,17 @@ static int prepare_to_clone_next_submodule(const struct cache_entry *ce,
goto cleanup;
+ key = xstrfmt("submodule.%s.update", sub->name);
+ if (!repo_config_get_string_const(the_repository, key, &update_string)) {
+ update_type = parse_submodule_update_type(update_string);
+ } else {
+ update_type = sub->update_strategy.type;
+ }
+ free(key);
if (suc->update.type == SM_UPDATE_NONE
|| (suc->update.type == SM_UPDATE_UNSPECIFIED
- && sub->update_strategy.type == SM_UPDATE_NONE)) {
+ && update_type == SM_UPDATE_NONE)) {
strbuf_addf(out, _("Skipping submodule '%s'"), displaypath);
strbuf_addch(out, '\n');
goto cleanup;
@@ -823,6 +828,11 @@ static int prepare_to_clone_next_submodule(const struct cache_entry *ce,
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "submodule.%s.url", sub->name);
+ if (repo_config_get_string_const(the_repository, sb.buf, &url))
+ url = sub->url;
+ strbuf_reset(&sb);
strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/.git", ce->name);
needs_cloning = !file_exists(sb.buf);
@@ -851,7 +861,7 @@ static int prepare_to_clone_next_submodule(const struct cache_entry *ce,
argv_array_push(&child->args, "--depth=1");
argv_array_pushl(&child->args, "--path", sub->path, NULL);
argv_array_pushl(&child->args, "--name", sub->name, NULL);
- argv_array_pushl(&child->args, "--url", sub->url, NULL);
+ argv_array_pushl(&child->args, "--url", url, NULL);
if (suc-> {
struct string_list_item *item;
for_each_string_list_item(item, &suc->references)
@@ -960,10 +970,19 @@ static int update_clone_task_finished(int result,
return 0;
+static int gitmodules_update_clone_config(const char *var, const char *value,
+ void *cb)
+ int *max_jobs = cb;
+ if (!strcmp(var, "submodule.fetchjobs"))
+ *max_jobs = parse_submodule_fetchjobs(var, value);
+ return 0;
static int update_clone(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
const char *update = NULL;
- int max_jobs = -1;
+ int max_jobs = 1;
struct string_list_item *item;
struct pathspec pathspec;
struct submodule_update_clone suc = SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CLONE_INIT;
@@ -1000,6 +1019,9 @@ static int update_clone(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
suc.prefix = prefix;
+ config_from_gitmodules(gitmodules_update_clone_config, &max_jobs);
+ git_config(gitmodules_update_clone_config, &max_jobs);
argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, module_update_clone_options,
git_submodule_helper_usage, 0);
@@ -1013,13 +1035,6 @@ static int update_clone(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (
suc.warn_if_uninitialized = 1;
- /* Overlay the parsed .gitmodules file with .git/config */
- gitmodules_config();
- git_config(submodule_config, NULL);
- if (max_jobs < 0)
- max_jobs = parallel_submodules();
@@ -1057,19 +1072,23 @@ static int resolve_relative_path(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix
static const char *remote_submodule_branch(const char *path)
const struct submodule *sub;
- gitmodules_config();
- git_config(submodule_config, NULL);
+ const char *branch = NULL;
+ char *key;
- sub = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, path);
+ sub = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, path);
if (!sub)
return NULL;
- if (!sub->branch)
+ key = xstrfmt("submodule.%s.branch", sub->name);
+ if (repo_config_get_string_const(the_repository, key, &branch))
+ branch = sub->branch;
+ free(key);
+ if (!branch)
return "master";
- if (!strcmp(sub->branch, ".")) {
- unsigned char sha1[20];
- const char *refname = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, sha1, NULL);
+ if (!strcmp(branch, ".")) {
+ const char *refname = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!refname)
die(_("No such ref: %s"), "HEAD");
@@ -1085,7 +1104,7 @@ static const char *remote_submodule_branch(const char *path)
return refname;
- return sub->branch;
+ return branch;
static int resolve_remote_submodule_branch(int argc, const char **argv,
@@ -1168,6 +1187,7 @@ static int push_check(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
die("HEAD does not match the named branch in the superproject");
+ /* fallthrough */
die("src refspec '%s' must name a ref",
@@ -1204,9 +1224,6 @@ static int absorb_git_dirs(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, embed_gitdir_options,
git_submodule_helper_usage, 0);
- gitmodules_config();
- git_config(submodule_config, NULL);
if (module_list_compute(argc, argv, prefix, &pathspec, &list) < 0)
return 1;
@@ -1222,8 +1239,6 @@ static int is_active(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (argc != 2)
die("submodule--helper is-active takes exactly 1 argument");
- gitmodules_config();
return !is_submodule_active(the_repository, argv[1]);
diff --git a/builtin/symbolic-ref.c b/builtin/symbolic-ref.c
index df75cb9d4a..17aabaa679 100644
--- a/builtin/symbolic-ref.c
+++ b/builtin/symbolic-ref.c
@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ static const char * const git_symbolic_ref_usage[] = {
static int check_symref(const char *HEAD, int quiet, int shorten, int print)
- unsigned char sha1[20];
int flag;
- const char *refname = resolve_ref_unsafe(HEAD, 0, sha1, &flag);
+ const char *refname = resolve_ref_unsafe(HEAD, 0, NULL, &flag);
if (!refname)
die("No such ref: %s", HEAD);
diff --git a/builtin/tag.c b/builtin/tag.c
index 7a70d5a9bb..c627794181 100644
--- a/builtin/tag.c
+++ b/builtin/tag.c
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ static int verify_tag(const char *name, const char *ref,
if (format->format)
- if (gpg_verify_tag(oid->hash, name, flags))
+ if (gpg_verify_tag(oid, name, flags))
return -1;
if (format->format)
diff --git a/builtin/unpack-file.c b/builtin/unpack-file.c
index 73f1334191..32e0155577 100644
--- a/builtin/unpack-file.c
+++ b/builtin/unpack-file.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "builtin.h"
#include "config.h"
-static char *create_temp_file(unsigned char *sha1)
+static char *create_temp_file(struct object_id *oid)
static char path[50];
void *buf;
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ static char *create_temp_file(unsigned char *sha1)
unsigned long size;
int fd;
- buf = read_sha1_file(sha1, &type, &size);
+ buf = read_sha1_file(oid->hash, &type, &size);
if (!buf || type != OBJ_BLOB)
- die("unable to read blob object %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+ die("unable to read blob object %s", oid_to_hex(oid));
xsnprintf(path, sizeof(path), ".merge_file_XXXXXX");
fd = xmkstemp(path);
- if (write_in_full(fd, buf, size) != size)
+ if (write_in_full(fd, buf, size) < 0)
die_errno("unable to write temp-file");
return path;
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ static char *create_temp_file(unsigned char *sha1)
int cmd_unpack_file(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
if (argc != 2 || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))
usage("git unpack-file <sha1>");
- if (get_sha1(argv[1], sha1))
+ if (get_oid(argv[1], &oid))
die("Not a valid object name %s", argv[1]);
git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
- puts(create_temp_file(sha1));
+ puts(create_temp_file(&oid));
return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/update-index.c b/builtin/update-index.c
index 56721cf03d..bf7420b808 100644
--- a/builtin/update-index.c
+++ b/builtin/update-index.c
@@ -280,15 +280,17 @@ static int add_one_path(const struct cache_entry *old, const char *path, int len
fill_stat_cache_info(ce, st);
ce->ce_mode = ce_mode_from_stat(old, st->st_mode);
- if (index_path(ce->oid.hash, path, st,
+ if (index_path(&ce->oid, path, st,
info_only ? 0 : HASH_WRITE_OBJECT)) {
return -1;
option = allow_add ? ADD_CACHE_OK_TO_ADD : 0;
option |= allow_replace ? ADD_CACHE_OK_TO_REPLACE : 0;
- if (add_cache_entry(ce, option))
+ if (add_cache_entry(ce, option)) {
+ free(ce);
return error("%s: cannot add to the index - missing --add option?", path);
+ }
return 0;
@@ -915,7 +917,7 @@ int cmd_update_index(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
struct refresh_params refresh_args = {0, &has_errors};
int lock_error = 0;
int split_index = -1;
- struct lock_file *lock_file;
+ struct lock_file lock_file = LOCK_INIT;
struct parse_opt_ctx_t ctx;
strbuf_getline_fn getline_fn;
int parseopt_state = PARSE_OPT_UNKNOWN;
@@ -1014,11 +1016,8 @@ int cmd_update_index(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
- /* We can't free this memory, it becomes part of a linked list parsed atexit() */
- lock_file = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct lock_file));
/* we will diagnose later if it turns out that we need to update it */
- newfd = hold_locked_index(lock_file, 0);
+ newfd = hold_locked_index(&lock_file, 0);
if (newfd < 0)
lock_error = errno;
@@ -1153,11 +1152,11 @@ int cmd_update_index(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
unable_to_lock_die(get_index_file(), lock_error);
- if (write_locked_index(&the_index, lock_file, COMMIT_LOCK))
+ if (write_locked_index(&the_index, &lock_file, COMMIT_LOCK))
die("Unable to write new index file");
- rollback_lock_file(lock_file);
+ rollback_lock_file(&lock_file);
return has_errors ? 1 : 0;
diff --git a/builtin/update-ref.c b/builtin/update-ref.c
index 40ccfc193b..6b90c5dead 100644
--- a/builtin/update-ref.c
+++ b/builtin/update-ref.c
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ static char *parse_refname(struct strbuf *input, const char **next)
* provided but cannot be converted to a SHA-1, die. flags can
-static int parse_next_sha1(struct strbuf *input, const char **next,
- unsigned char *sha1,
- const char *command, const char *refname,
- int flags)
+static int parse_next_oid(struct strbuf *input, const char **next,
+ struct object_id *oid,
+ const char *command, const char *refname,
+ int flags)
struct strbuf arg = STRBUF_INIT;
int ret = 0;
@@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ static int parse_next_sha1(struct strbuf *input, const char **next,
*next = parse_arg(*next, &arg);
if (arg.len) {
- if (get_sha1(arg.buf, sha1))
+ if (get_oid(arg.buf, oid))
goto invalid;
} else {
/* Without -z, an empty value means all zeros: */
- hashclr(sha1);
+ oidclr(oid);
} else {
/* With -z, read the next NUL-terminated line */
@@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ static int parse_next_sha1(struct strbuf *input, const char **next,
*next += arg.len;
if (arg.len) {
- if (get_sha1(arg.buf, sha1))
+ if (get_oid(arg.buf, oid))
goto invalid;
} else if (flags & PARSE_SHA1_ALLOW_EMPTY) {
/* With -z, treat an empty value as all zeros: */
warning("%s %s: missing <newvalue>, treating as zero",
command, refname);
- hashclr(sha1);
+ oidclr(oid);
} else {
* With -z, an empty non-required value means
@@ -182,26 +182,25 @@ static const char *parse_cmd_update(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
char *refname;
- unsigned char new_sha1[20];
- unsigned char old_sha1[20];
+ struct object_id new_oid, old_oid;
int have_old;
refname = parse_refname(input, &next);
if (!refname)
die("update: missing <ref>");
- if (parse_next_sha1(input, &next, new_sha1, "update", refname,
+ if (parse_next_oid(input, &next, &new_oid, "update", refname,
die("update %s: missing <newvalue>", refname);
- have_old = !parse_next_sha1(input, &next, old_sha1, "update", refname,
+ have_old = !parse_next_oid(input, &next, &old_oid, "update", refname,
if (*next != line_termination)
die("update %s: extra input: %s", refname, next);
if (ref_transaction_update(transaction, refname,
- new_sha1, have_old ? old_sha1 : NULL,
+ new_oid.hash, have_old ? old_oid.hash : NULL,
update_flags | create_reflog_flag,
msg, &err))
die("%s", err.buf);
@@ -218,22 +217,22 @@ static const char *parse_cmd_create(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
char *refname;
- unsigned char new_sha1[20];
+ struct object_id new_oid;
refname = parse_refname(input, &next);
if (!refname)
die("create: missing <ref>");
- if (parse_next_sha1(input, &next, new_sha1, "create", refname, 0))
+ if (parse_next_oid(input, &next, &new_oid, "create", refname, 0))
die("create %s: missing <newvalue>", refname);
- if (is_null_sha1(new_sha1))
+ if (is_null_oid(&new_oid))
die("create %s: zero <newvalue>", refname);
if (*next != line_termination)
die("create %s: extra input: %s", refname, next);
- if (ref_transaction_create(transaction, refname, new_sha1,
+ if (ref_transaction_create(transaction, refname, new_oid.hash,
update_flags | create_reflog_flag,
msg, &err))
die("%s", err.buf);
@@ -250,18 +249,18 @@ static const char *parse_cmd_delete(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
char *refname;
- unsigned char old_sha1[20];
+ struct object_id old_oid;
int have_old;
refname = parse_refname(input, &next);
if (!refname)
die("delete: missing <ref>");
- if (parse_next_sha1(input, &next, old_sha1, "delete", refname,
+ if (parse_next_oid(input, &next, &old_oid, "delete", refname,
have_old = 0;
} else {
- if (is_null_sha1(old_sha1))
+ if (is_null_oid(&old_oid))
die("delete %s: zero <oldvalue>", refname);
have_old = 1;
@@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ static const char *parse_cmd_delete(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
die("delete %s: extra input: %s", refname, next);
if (ref_transaction_delete(transaction, refname,
- have_old ? old_sha1 : NULL,
+ have_old ? old_oid.hash : NULL,
update_flags, msg, &err))
die("%s", err.buf);
@@ -286,20 +285,20 @@ static const char *parse_cmd_verify(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
char *refname;
- unsigned char old_sha1[20];
+ struct object_id old_oid;
refname = parse_refname(input, &next);
if (!refname)
die("verify: missing <ref>");
- if (parse_next_sha1(input, &next, old_sha1, "verify", refname,
- hashclr(old_sha1);
+ if (parse_next_oid(input, &next, &old_oid, "verify", refname,
+ oidclr(&old_oid);
if (*next != line_termination)
die("verify %s: extra input: %s", refname, next);
- if (ref_transaction_verify(transaction, refname, old_sha1,
+ if (ref_transaction_verify(transaction, refname, old_oid.hash,
update_flags, &err))
die("%s", err.buf);
@@ -355,7 +354,7 @@ static void update_refs_stdin(struct ref_transaction *transaction)
int cmd_update_ref(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
const char *refname, *oldval;
- unsigned char sha1[20], oldsha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid, oldoid;
int delete = 0, no_deref = 0, read_stdin = 0, end_null = 0;
unsigned int flags = 0;
int create_reflog = 0;
@@ -412,7 +411,7 @@ int cmd_update_ref(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
refname = argv[0];
value = argv[1];
oldval = argv[2];
- if (get_sha1(value, sha1))
+ if (get_oid(value, &oid))
die("%s: not a valid SHA1", value);
@@ -422,8 +421,8 @@ int cmd_update_ref(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
* The empty string implies that the reference
* must not already exist:
- hashclr(oldsha1);
- else if (get_sha1(oldval, oldsha1))
+ oidclr(&oldoid);
+ else if (get_oid(oldval, &oldoid))
die("%s: not a valid old SHA1", oldval);
@@ -435,10 +434,10 @@ int cmd_update_ref(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
* NULL_SHA1 as "don't care" here:
return delete_ref(msg, refname,
- (oldval && !is_null_sha1(oldsha1)) ? oldsha1 : NULL,
+ (oldval && !is_null_oid(&oldoid)) ? oldoid.hash : NULL,
- return update_ref(msg, refname, sha1, oldval ? oldsha1 : NULL,
+ return update_ref(msg, refname, oid.hash, oldval ? oldoid.hash : NULL,
flags | create_reflog_flag,
diff --git a/builtin/verify-tag.c b/builtin/verify-tag.c
index 87d73e856a..ad7b79fa5c 100644
--- a/builtin/verify-tag.c
+++ b/builtin/verify-tag.c
@@ -58,20 +58,21 @@ int cmd_verify_tag(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
while (i < argc) {
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
const char *name = argv[i++];
- if (get_sha1(name, sha1)) {
+ if (get_oid(name, &oid)) {
had_error = !!error("tag '%s' not found.", name);
- if (gpg_verify_tag(sha1, name, flags)) {
+ if (gpg_verify_tag(&oid, name, flags)) {
had_error = 1;
if (format.format)
- pretty_print_ref(name, sha1, &format);
+ pretty_print_ref(name, oid.hash, &format);
return had_error;
diff --git a/builtin/worktree.c b/builtin/worktree.c
index c98e2ce5f5..de26849f55 100644
--- a/builtin/worktree.c
+++ b/builtin/worktree.c
@@ -381,6 +381,8 @@ static int add(int ac, const char **av, const char *prefix)
branch = opts.new_branch;
+ UNLEAK(path);
+ UNLEAK(opts);
return add_worktree(path, branch, &opts);
diff --git a/bulk-checkin.c b/bulk-checkin.c
index 5be7ce5c73..9a1f6c49ab 100644
--- a/bulk-checkin.c
+++ b/bulk-checkin.c
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "csum-file.h"
#include "pack.h"
#include "strbuf.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static struct bulk_checkin_state {
unsigned plugged:1;
diff --git a/cache-tree.c b/cache-tree.c
index 2440d1dc89..71d092ed51 100644
--- a/cache-tree.c
+++ b/cache-tree.c
@@ -603,19 +603,16 @@ static struct cache_tree *cache_tree_find(struct cache_tree *it, const char *pat
int write_index_as_tree(unsigned char *sha1, struct index_state *index_state, const char *index_path, int flags, const char *prefix)
int entries, was_valid, newfd;
- struct lock_file *lock_file;
+ struct lock_file lock_file = LOCK_INIT;
+ int ret = 0;
- /*
- * We can't free this memory, it becomes part of a linked list
- * parsed atexit()
- */
- lock_file = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct lock_file));
- newfd = hold_lock_file_for_update(lock_file, index_path, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
+ newfd = hold_lock_file_for_update(&lock_file, index_path, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
entries = read_index_from(index_state, index_path);
- if (entries < 0)
+ if (entries < 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
@@ -624,10 +621,12 @@ int write_index_as_tree(unsigned char *sha1, struct index_state *index_state, co
was_valid = cache_tree_fully_valid(index_state->cache_tree);
if (!was_valid) {
- if (cache_tree_update(index_state, flags) < 0)
+ if (cache_tree_update(index_state, flags) < 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
if (0 <= newfd) {
- if (!write_locked_index(index_state, lock_file, COMMIT_LOCK))
+ if (!write_locked_index(index_state, &lock_file, COMMIT_LOCK))
newfd = -1;
/* Not being able to write is fine -- we are only interested
@@ -641,17 +640,19 @@ int write_index_as_tree(unsigned char *sha1, struct index_state *index_state, co
if (prefix) {
struct cache_tree *subtree;
subtree = cache_tree_find(index_state->cache_tree, prefix);
- if (!subtree)
+ if (!subtree) {
+ goto out;
+ }
hashcpy(sha1, subtree->oid.hash);
hashcpy(sha1, index_state->cache_tree->oid.hash);
if (0 <= newfd)
- rollback_lock_file(lock_file);
- return 0;
+ rollback_lock_file(&lock_file);
+ return ret;
int write_cache_as_tree(unsigned char *sha1, int flags, const char *prefix)
diff --git a/cache.h b/cache.h
index 849bc0dcdd..49b083ee0a 100644
--- a/cache.h
+++ b/cache.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "git-compat-util.h"
#include "strbuf.h"
#include "hashmap.h"
+#include "mru.h"
#include "advice.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "convert.h"
@@ -417,7 +418,6 @@ static inline enum object_type object_type(unsigned int mode)
@@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ static inline enum object_type object_type(unsigned int mode)
#define GITATTRIBUTES_FILE ".gitattributes"
#define INFOATTRIBUTES_FILE "info/attributes"
+#define GITMODULES_FILE ".gitmodules"
#define GIT_NOTES_DEFAULT_REF "refs/notes/commits"
@@ -684,8 +685,8 @@ extern int ie_modified(const struct index_state *, const struct cache_entry *, s
-extern int index_fd(unsigned char *sha1, int fd, struct stat *st, enum object_type type, const char *path, unsigned flags);
-extern int index_path(unsigned char *sha1, const char *path, struct stat *st, unsigned flags);
+extern int index_fd(struct object_id *oid, int fd, struct stat *st, enum object_type type, const char *path, unsigned flags);
+extern int index_path(struct object_id *oid, const char *path, struct stat *st, unsigned flags);
* Record to sd the data from st that we use to check whether a file
@@ -903,20 +904,6 @@ extern void check_repository_format(void);
extern const char *sha1_file_name(const unsigned char *sha1);
- * Return the name of the (local) packfile with the specified sha1 in
- * its name. The return value is a pointer to memory that is
- * overwritten each time this function is called.
- */
-extern char *sha1_pack_name(const unsigned char *sha1);
- * Return the name of the (local) pack index file with the specified
- * sha1 in its name. The return value is a pointer to memory that is
- * overwritten each time this function is called.
- */
-extern char *sha1_pack_index_name(const unsigned char *sha1);
* Return an abbreviated sha1 unique within this repository's object database.
* The result will be at least `len` characters long, and will be NUL
* terminated.
@@ -1192,7 +1179,7 @@ static inline const unsigned char *lookup_replace_object(const unsigned char *sh
extern int sha1_object_info(const unsigned char *, unsigned long *);
extern int hash_sha1_file(const void *buf, unsigned long len, const char *type, unsigned char *sha1);
extern int write_sha1_file(const void *buf, unsigned long len, const char *type, unsigned char *return_sha1);
-extern int hash_sha1_file_literally(const void *buf, unsigned long len, const char *type, unsigned char *sha1, unsigned flags);
+extern int hash_sha1_file_literally(const void *buf, unsigned long len, const char *type, struct object_id *oid, unsigned flags);
extern int pretend_sha1_file(void *, unsigned long, enum object_type, unsigned char *);
extern int force_object_loose(const unsigned char *sha1, time_t mtime);
extern int git_open_cloexec(const char *name, int flags);
@@ -1201,15 +1188,10 @@ extern void *map_sha1_file(const unsigned char *sha1, unsigned long *size);
extern int unpack_sha1_header(git_zstream *stream, unsigned char *map, unsigned long mapsize, void *buffer, unsigned long bufsiz);
extern int parse_sha1_header(const char *hdr, unsigned long *sizep);
-/* global flag to enable extra checks when accessing packed objects */
-extern int do_check_packed_object_crc;
extern int check_sha1_signature(const unsigned char *sha1, void *buf, unsigned long size, const char *type);
extern int finalize_object_file(const char *tmpfile, const char *filename);
-extern int has_sha1_pack(const unsigned char *sha1);
* Open the loose object at path, check its sha1, and return the contents,
* type, and size. If the object is a blob, then "contents" may return NULL,
@@ -1245,8 +1227,6 @@ extern int has_object_file_with_flags(const struct object_id *oid, int flags);
extern int has_loose_object_nonlocal(const unsigned char *sha1);
-extern int has_pack_index(const unsigned char *sha1);
extern void assert_sha1_type(const unsigned char *sha1, enum object_type expect);
/* Helper to check and "touch" a file */
@@ -1284,38 +1264,37 @@ struct object_context {
struct strbuf symlink_path;
- * If GET_SHA1_RECORD_PATH is set, this will record path (if any)
+ * If GET_OID_RECORD_PATH is set, this will record path (if any)
* found when resolving the name. The caller is responsible for
* releasing the memory.
char *path;
-#define GET_SHA1_QUIETLY 01
-#define GET_SHA1_COMMIT 02
-#define GET_SHA1_TREE 010
-#define GET_SHA1_TREEISH 020
-#define GET_SHA1_BLOB 040
-#define GET_SHA1_RECORD_PATH 0200
-#define GET_SHA1_ONLY_TO_DIE 04000
-extern int get_sha1(const char *str, unsigned char *sha1);
-extern int get_sha1_commit(const char *str, unsigned char *sha1);
-extern int get_sha1_committish(const char *str, unsigned char *sha1);
-extern int get_sha1_tree(const char *str, unsigned char *sha1);
-extern int get_sha1_treeish(const char *str, unsigned char *sha1);
-extern int get_sha1_blob(const char *str, unsigned char *sha1);
-extern void maybe_die_on_misspelt_object_name(const char *name, const char *prefix);
-extern int get_sha1_with_context(const char *str, unsigned flags, unsigned char *sha1, struct object_context *oc);
+#define GET_OID_QUIETLY 01
+#define GET_OID_COMMIT 02
+#define GET_OID_TREE 010
+#define GET_OID_TREEISH 020
+#define GET_OID_BLOB 040
+#define GET_OID_RECORD_PATH 0200
+#define GET_OID_ONLY_TO_DIE 04000
extern int get_oid(const char *str, struct object_id *oid);
+extern int get_oid_commit(const char *str, struct object_id *oid);
+extern int get_oid_committish(const char *str, struct object_id *oid);
+extern int get_oid_tree(const char *str, struct object_id *oid);
+extern int get_oid_treeish(const char *str, struct object_id *oid);
+extern int get_oid_blob(const char *str, struct object_id *oid);
+extern void maybe_die_on_misspelt_object_name(const char *name, const char *prefix);
+extern int get_oid_with_context(const char *str, unsigned flags, struct object_id *oid, struct object_context *oc);
typedef int each_abbrev_fn(const struct object_id *oid, void *);
extern int for_each_abbrev(const char *prefix, each_abbrev_fn, void *);
@@ -1611,8 +1590,7 @@ extern struct packed_git {
* A most-recently-used ordered version of the packed_git list, which can
* be iterated instead of packed_git (and marked via mru_mark).
-struct mru;
-extern struct mru *packed_git_mru;
+extern struct mru packed_git_mru;
struct pack_entry {
off_t offset;
@@ -1620,29 +1598,6 @@ struct pack_entry {
struct packed_git *p;
-extern struct packed_git *parse_pack_index(unsigned char *sha1, const char *idx_path);
-/* A hook to report invalid files in pack directory */
-extern void (*report_garbage)(unsigned seen_bits, const char *path);
-extern void prepare_packed_git(void);
-extern void reprepare_packed_git(void);
-extern void install_packed_git(struct packed_git *pack);
- * Give a rough count of objects in the repository. This sacrifices accuracy
- * for speed.
- */
-unsigned long approximate_object_count(void);
-extern struct packed_git *find_sha1_pack(const unsigned char *sha1,
- struct packed_git *packs);
-extern void pack_report(void);
* Create a temporary file rooted in the object database directory, or
* die on failure. The filename is taken from "pattern", which should have the
@@ -1652,15 +1607,6 @@ extern void pack_report(void);
extern int odb_mkstemp(struct strbuf *template, const char *pattern);
- * Generate the filename to be used for a pack file with checksum "sha1" and
- * extension "ext". The result is written into the strbuf "buf", overwriting
- * any existing contents. A pointer to buf->buf is returned as a convenience.
- *
- * Example: odb_pack_name(out, sha1, "idx") => ".git/objects/pack/pack-1234..idx"
- */
-extern char *odb_pack_name(struct strbuf *buf, const unsigned char *sha1, const char *ext);
* Create a pack .keep file named "name" (which should generally be the output
* of odb_pack_name). Returns a file descriptor opened for writing, or -1 on
* error.
@@ -1668,67 +1614,6 @@ extern char *odb_pack_name(struct strbuf *buf, const unsigned char *sha1, const
extern int odb_pack_keep(const char *name);
- * mmap the index file for the specified packfile (if it is not
- * already mmapped). Return 0 on success.
- */
-extern int open_pack_index(struct packed_git *);
- * munmap the index file for the specified packfile (if it is
- * currently mmapped).
- */
-extern void close_pack_index(struct packed_git *);
-extern unsigned char *use_pack(struct packed_git *, struct pack_window **, off_t, unsigned long *);
-extern void close_pack_windows(struct packed_git *);
-extern void close_all_packs(void);
-extern void unuse_pack(struct pack_window **);
-extern void clear_delta_base_cache(void);
-extern struct packed_git *add_packed_git(const char *path, size_t path_len, int local);
- * Make sure that a pointer access into an mmap'd index file is within bounds,
- * and can provide at least 8 bytes of data.
- *
- * Note that this is only necessary for variable-length segments of the file
- * (like the 64-bit extended offset table), as we compare the size to the
- * fixed-length parts when we open the file.
- */
-extern void check_pack_index_ptr(const struct packed_git *p, const void *ptr);
- * Return the SHA-1 of the nth object within the specified packfile.
- * Open the index if it is not already open. The return value points
- * at the SHA-1 within the mmapped index. Return NULL if there is an
- * error.
- */
-extern const unsigned char *nth_packed_object_sha1(struct packed_git *, uint32_t n);
- * Like nth_packed_object_sha1, but write the data into the object specified by
- * the the first argument. Returns the first argument on success, and NULL on
- * error.
- */
-extern const struct object_id *nth_packed_object_oid(struct object_id *, struct packed_git *, uint32_t n);
- * Return the offset of the nth object within the specified packfile.
- * The index must already be opened.
- */
-extern off_t nth_packed_object_offset(const struct packed_git *, uint32_t n);
- * If the object named sha1 is present in the specified packfile,
- * return its offset within the packfile; otherwise, return 0.
- */
-extern off_t find_pack_entry_one(const unsigned char *sha1, struct packed_git *);
-extern int is_pack_valid(struct packed_git *);
-extern void *unpack_entry(struct packed_git *, off_t, enum object_type *, unsigned long *);
-extern unsigned long unpack_object_header_buffer(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, enum object_type *type, unsigned long *sizep);
-extern unsigned long get_size_from_delta(struct packed_git *, struct pack_window **, off_t);
-extern int unpack_object_header(struct packed_git *, struct pack_window **, off_t *, unsigned long *);
* Iterate over the files in the loose-object parts of the object
* directory "path", triggering the following callbacks:
@@ -1777,17 +1662,12 @@ int for_each_loose_file_in_objdir_buf(struct strbuf *path,
void *data);
- * Iterate over loose and packed objects in both the local
+ * Iterate over loose objects in both the local
* repository and any alternates repositories (unless the
* LOCAL_ONLY flag is set).
-typedef int each_packed_object_fn(const struct object_id *oid,
- struct packed_git *pack,
- uint32_t pos,
- void *data);
extern int for_each_loose_object(each_loose_object_fn, void *, unsigned flags);
-extern int for_each_packed_object(each_packed_object_fn, void *, unsigned flags);
struct object_info {
/* Request */
@@ -1837,7 +1717,6 @@ struct object_info {
/* Do not retry packed storage after checking packed and loose storage */
extern int sha1_object_info_extended(const unsigned char *, struct object_info *, unsigned flags);
-extern int packed_object_info(struct packed_git *pack, off_t offset, struct object_info *);
/* Dumb servers support */
extern int update_server_info(int);
@@ -1956,6 +1835,8 @@ void shift_tree_by(const struct object_id *, const struct object_id *, struct ob
#define WS_TAB_WIDTH_MASK 077
+/* All WS_* -- when extended, adapt diff.c emit_symbol */
+#define WS_RULE_MASK 07777
extern unsigned whitespace_rule_cfg;
extern unsigned whitespace_rule(const char *);
extern unsigned parse_whitespace_rule(const char *);
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a29246af35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Install dependencies required to build and test Git on Linux and macOS
+. ${0%/*}/
+case "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-linux}" in
+ export GIT_TEST_HTTPD=YesPlease
+ mkdir --parents custom/p4
+ pushd custom/p4
+ wget --quiet "$P4WHENCE/bin.linux26x86_64/p4d"
+ wget --quiet "$P4WHENCE/bin.linux26x86_64/p4"
+ chmod u+x p4d
+ chmod u+x p4
+ export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
+ popd
+ mkdir --parents custom/git-lfs
+ pushd custom/git-lfs
+ wget --quiet "$LFSWHENCE/git-lfs-linux-amd64-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz"
+ tar --extract --gunzip --file "git-lfs-linux-amd64-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz"
+ cp git-lfs-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION/git-lfs .
+ export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
+ popd
+ ;;
+ brew update --quiet
+ # Uncomment this if you want to run perf tests:
+ # brew install gnu-time
+ brew install git-lfs gettext
+ brew link --force gettext
+ brew install caskroom/cask/perforce
+ ;;
+echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Server Version$(tput sgr0)"
+p4d -V | grep Rev.
+echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Client Version$(tput sgr0)"
+p4 -V | grep Rev.
+echo "$(tput setaf 6)Git-LFS Version$(tput sgr0)"
+git-lfs version
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b3ed0a0dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Library of functions shared by all CI scripts
+skip_branch_tip_with_tag () {
+ # Sometimes, a branch is pushed at the same time the tag that points
+ # at the same commit as the tip of the branch is pushed, and building
+ # both at the same time is a waste.
+ #
+ # Travis gives a tagname e.g. v2.14.0 in $TRAVIS_BRANCH when
+ # the build is triggered by a push to a tag. Let's see if
+ # $TRAVIS_BRANCH is exactly at a tag, and if so, if it is
+ # different from $TRAVIS_BRANCH. That way, we can tell if
+ # we are building the tip of a branch that is tagged and
+ # we can skip the build because we won't be skipping a build
+ # of a tag.
+ if TAG=$(git describe --exact-match "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" 2>/dev/null) &&
+ test "$TAG" != "$TRAVIS_BRANCH"
+ then
+ echo "Tip of $TRAVIS_BRANCH is exactly at $TAG"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+# Set 'exit on error' for all CI scripts to let the caller know that
+# something went wrong
+set -e
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8c8973cbf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Print output of failing tests
+. ${0%/*}/
+for TEST_EXIT in t/test-results/*.exit
+ if [ "$(cat "$TEST_EXIT")" != "0" ]
+ then
+ TEST_OUT="${TEST_EXIT%exit}out"
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "$(tput setaf 1)${TEST_OUT}...$(tput sgr0)"
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ cat "${TEST_OUT}"
+ fi
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4f940d1032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Build Git
+. ${0%/*}/
+make --jobs=2
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0edf63acfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Download and run Docker image to build and test 32-bit Git
+. ${0%/*}/
+docker pull daald/ubuntu32:xenial
+# Use the following command to debug the docker build locally:
+# $ docker run -itv "${PWD}:/usr/src/git" --entrypoint /bin/bash daald/ubuntu32:xenial
+# root@container:/# /usr/src/git/ci/
+docker run \
+ --interactive \
+ --env DEVELOPER \
+ --env GIT_PROVE_OPTS \
+ --env GIT_TEST_OPTS \
+ --env GIT_TEST_CLONE_2GB \
+ --volume "${PWD}:/usr/src/git" \
+ daald/ubuntu32:xenial \
+ /usr/src/git/ci/ $(id -u $USER)
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..68dd0f080e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Perform various static code analysis checks
+. ${0%/*}/
+make coccicheck
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f0c743de94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Test Git
+. ${0%/*}/
+mkdir -p $HOME/travis-cache
+ln -s $HOME/travis-cache/.prove t/.prove
+make --quiet test
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 2d98f6b2f9..8757b3a97c 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# supported) and a commit hash.
+. ${0%/*}/
test $# -ne 2 && echo "Unexpected number of parameters" && exit 1
test -z "$GFW_CI_TOKEN" && echo "GFW_CI_TOKEN not defined" && exit
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 6214e6acb4..7a0a848e83 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
# Perform sanity checks on documentation and build it.
-set -e
+. ${0%/*}/
+gem install asciidoctor
make check-builtins
make check-docs
diff --git a/color.c b/color.c
index 7aa8b076f0..9ccd954d6b 100644
--- a/color.c
+++ b/color.c
@@ -338,6 +338,13 @@ static int check_auto_color(void)
int want_color(int var)
+ /*
+ * NEEDSWORK: This function is sometimes used from multiple threads, and
+ * we end up using want_auto racily. That "should not matter" since
+ * we always write the same value, but it's still wrong. This function
+ * is listed in .tsan-suppressions for the time being.
+ */
static int want_auto = -1;
if (var < 0)
diff --git a/color.h b/color.h
index 90627650fc..fd2b688dfb 100644
--- a/color.h
+++ b/color.h
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ struct strbuf;
#define GIT_COLOR_BG_BLUE "\033[44m"
#define GIT_COLOR_BG_MAGENTA "\033[45m"
#define GIT_COLOR_BG_CYAN "\033[46m"
+#define GIT_COLOR_FAINT "\033[2m"
+#define GIT_COLOR_FAINT_ITALIC "\033[2;3m"
/* A special value meaning "no color selected" */
diff --git a/commit.c b/commit.c
index d3150d6270..906298052d 100644
--- a/commit.c
+++ b/commit.c
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ struct commit *lookup_commit_reference_by_name(const char *name)
struct object_id oid;
struct commit *commit;
- if (get_sha1_committish(name, oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid_committish(name, &oid))
return NULL;
commit = lookup_commit_reference(&oid);
if (parse_commit(commit))
@@ -134,35 +134,41 @@ int register_commit_graft(struct commit_graft *graft, int ignore_dups)
return 0;
-struct commit_graft *read_graft_line(char *buf, int len)
+struct commit_graft *read_graft_line(struct strbuf *line)
/* The format is just "Commit Parent1 Parent2 ...\n" */
- int i;
+ int i, phase;
+ const char *tail = NULL;
struct commit_graft *graft = NULL;
- const int entry_size = GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1;
+ struct object_id dummy_oid, *oid;
- while (len && isspace(buf[len-1]))
- buf[--len] = '\0';
- if (buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '\0')
+ strbuf_rtrim(line);
+ if (!line->len || line->buf[0] == '#')
return NULL;
- if ((len + 1) % entry_size)
- goto bad_graft_data;
- i = (len + 1) / entry_size - 1;
- graft = xmalloc(st_add(sizeof(*graft), st_mult(GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ, i)));
- graft->nr_parent = i;
- if (get_oid_hex(buf, &graft->oid))
- goto bad_graft_data;
- for (i = GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ; i < len; i += entry_size) {
- if (buf[i] != ' ')
- goto bad_graft_data;
- if (get_sha1_hex(buf + i + 1, graft->parent[i/entry_size].hash))
+ /*
+ * phase 0 verifies line, counts hashes in line and allocates graft
+ * phase 1 fills graft
+ */
+ for (phase = 0; phase < 2; phase++) {
+ oid = graft ? &graft->oid : &dummy_oid;
+ if (parse_oid_hex(line->buf, oid, &tail))
goto bad_graft_data;
+ for (i = 0; *tail != '\0'; i++) {
+ oid = graft ? &graft->parent[i] : &dummy_oid;
+ if (!isspace(*tail++) || parse_oid_hex(tail, oid, &tail))
+ goto bad_graft_data;
+ }
+ if (!graft) {
+ graft = xmalloc(st_add(sizeof(*graft),
+ st_mult(sizeof(struct object_id), i)));
+ graft->nr_parent = i;
+ }
return graft;
- error("bad graft data: %s", buf);
- free(graft);
+ error("bad graft data: %s", line->buf);
+ assert(!graft);
return NULL;
@@ -174,7 +180,7 @@ static int read_graft_file(const char *graft_file)
return -1;
while (!strbuf_getwholeline(&buf, fp, '\n')) {
/* The format is just "Commit Parent1 Parent2 ...\n" */
- struct commit_graft *graft = read_graft_line(buf.buf, buf.len);
+ struct commit_graft *graft = read_graft_line(&buf);
if (!graft)
if (register_commit_graft(graft, 1))
@@ -199,11 +205,11 @@ static void prepare_commit_graft(void)
commit_graft_prepared = 1;
-struct commit_graft *lookup_commit_graft(const unsigned char *sha1)
+struct commit_graft *lookup_commit_graft(const struct object_id *oid)
int pos;
- pos = commit_graft_pos(sha1);
+ pos = commit_graft_pos(oid->hash);
if (pos < 0)
return NULL;
return commit_graft[pos];
@@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ int parse_commit_buffer(struct commit *item, const void *buffer, unsigned long s
bufptr += tree_entry_len + 1; /* "tree " + "hex sha1" + "\n" */
pptr = &item->parents;
- graft = lookup_commit_graft(item->object.oid.hash);
+ graft = lookup_commit_graft(&item->object.oid);
while (bufptr + parent_entry_len < tail && !memcmp(bufptr, "parent ", 7)) {
struct commit *new_parent;
@@ -1564,10 +1570,13 @@ int commit_tree_extended(const char *msg, size_t msg_len,
if (encoding_is_utf8 && !verify_utf8(&buffer))
fprintf(stderr, _(commit_utf8_warn));
- if (sign_commit && do_sign_commit(&buffer, sign_commit))
- return -1;
+ if (sign_commit && do_sign_commit(&buffer, sign_commit)) {
+ result = -1;
+ goto out;
+ }
result = write_sha1_file(buffer.buf, buffer.len, commit_type, ret);
return result;
@@ -1586,7 +1595,7 @@ struct commit *get_merge_parent(const char *name)
struct object *obj;
struct commit *commit;
struct object_id oid;
- if (get_sha1(name, oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid(name, &oid))
return NULL;
obj = parse_object(&oid);
commit = (struct commit *)peel_to_type(name, 0, obj, OBJ_COMMIT);
diff --git a/commit.h b/commit.h
index f3805fec6b..6d769590f2 100644
--- a/commit.h
+++ b/commit.h
@@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ struct commit_graft {
typedef int (*each_commit_graft_fn)(const struct commit_graft *, void *);
-struct commit_graft *read_graft_line(char *buf, int len);
+struct commit_graft *read_graft_line(struct strbuf *line);
int register_commit_graft(struct commit_graft *, int);
-struct commit_graft *lookup_commit_graft(const unsigned char *sha1);
+struct commit_graft *lookup_commit_graft(const struct object_id *oid);
extern struct commit_list *get_merge_bases(struct commit *rev1, struct commit *rev2);
extern struct commit_list *get_merge_bases_many(struct commit *one, int n, struct commit **twos);
diff --git a/config.c b/config.c
index acebc85d81..7ab37bacae 100644
--- a/config.c
+++ b/config.c
@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ ssize_t git_config_ssize_t(const char *name, const char *value)
return ret;
-int git_parse_maybe_bool(const char *value)
+static int git_parse_maybe_bool_text(const char *value)
if (!value)
return 1;
@@ -946,9 +946,9 @@ int git_parse_maybe_bool(const char *value)
return -1;
-int git_config_maybe_bool(const char *name, const char *value)
+int git_parse_maybe_bool(const char *value)
- int v = git_parse_maybe_bool(value);
+ int v = git_parse_maybe_bool_text(value);
if (0 <= v)
return v;
if (git_parse_int(value, &v))
@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ int git_config_maybe_bool(const char *name, const char *value)
int git_config_bool_or_int(const char *name, const char *value, int *is_bool)
- int v = git_parse_maybe_bool(value);
+ int v = git_parse_maybe_bool_text(value);
if (0 <= v) {
*is_bool = 1;
return v;
@@ -1464,9 +1464,9 @@ int git_config_from_mem(config_fn_t fn, const enum config_origin_type origin_typ
return do_config_from(&top, fn, data);
-int git_config_from_blob_sha1(config_fn_t fn,
+int git_config_from_blob_oid(config_fn_t fn,
const char *name,
- const unsigned char *sha1,
+ const struct object_id *oid,
void *data)
enum object_type type;
@@ -1474,7 +1474,7 @@ int git_config_from_blob_sha1(config_fn_t fn,
unsigned long size;
int ret;
- buf = read_sha1_file(sha1, &type, &size);
+ buf = read_sha1_file(oid->hash, &type, &size);
if (!buf)
return error("unable to load config blob object '%s'", name);
if (type != OBJ_BLOB) {
@@ -1492,11 +1492,11 @@ static int git_config_from_blob_ref(config_fn_t fn,
const char *name,
void *data)
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
- if (get_sha1(name, sha1) < 0)
+ if (get_oid(name, &oid) < 0)
return error("unable to resolve config blob '%s'", name);
- return git_config_from_blob_sha1(fn, name, sha1, data);
+ return git_config_from_blob_oid(fn, name, &oid, data);
const char *git_etc_gitconfig(void)
@@ -1719,17 +1719,19 @@ static int configset_add_value(struct config_set *cs, const char *key, const cha
static int config_set_element_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct config_set_element *e1,
- const struct config_set_element *e2,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
const void *unused_keydata)
+ const struct config_set_element *e1 = entry;
+ const struct config_set_element *e2 = entry_or_key;
return strcmp(e1->key, e2->key);
void git_configset_init(struct config_set *cs)
- hashmap_init(&cs->config_hash, (hashmap_cmp_fn)config_set_element_cmp,
- NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&cs->config_hash, config_set_element_cmp, NULL, 0);
cs->hash_initialized = 1;
cs-> = 0;
cs->list.alloc = 0;
@@ -1850,7 +1852,7 @@ int git_configset_get_maybe_bool(struct config_set *cs, const char *key, int *de
const char *value;
if (!git_configset_get_value(cs, key, &value)) {
- *dest = git_config_maybe_bool(key, value);
+ *dest = git_parse_maybe_bool(value);
if (*dest == -1)
return -1;
return 0;
@@ -2057,6 +2059,23 @@ int git_config_get_pathname(const char *key, const char **dest)
return repo_config_get_pathname(the_repository, key, dest);
+ * Note: This function exists solely to maintain backward compatibility with
+ * 'fetch' and 'update_clone' storing configuration in '.gitmodules' and should
+ * NOT be used anywhere else.
+ *
+ * Runs the provided config function on the '.gitmodules' file found in the
+ * working directory.
+ */
+void config_from_gitmodules(config_fn_t fn, void *data)
+ if (the_repository->worktree) {
+ char *file = repo_worktree_path(the_repository, GITMODULES_FILE);
+ git_config_from_file(fn, file, data);
+ free(file);
+ }
int git_config_get_expiry(const char *key, const char **output)
int ret = git_config_get_string_const(key, output);
@@ -2070,6 +2089,28 @@ int git_config_get_expiry(const char *key, const char **output)
return ret;
+int git_config_get_expiry_in_days(const char *key, timestamp_t *expiry, timestamp_t now)
+ char *expiry_string;
+ intmax_t days;
+ timestamp_t when;
+ if (git_config_get_string(key, &expiry_string))
+ return 1; /* no such thing */
+ if (git_parse_signed(expiry_string, &days, maximum_signed_value_of_type(int))) {
+ const int scale = 86400;
+ *expiry = now - days * scale;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!parse_expiry_date(expiry_string, &when)) {
+ *expiry = when;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1; /* thing exists but cannot be parsed */
int git_config_get_untracked_cache(void)
int val = -1;
@@ -2251,10 +2292,11 @@ static int write_error(const char *filename)
return 4;
-static int store_write_section(int fd, const char *key)
+static ssize_t write_section(int fd, const char *key)
const char *dot;
- int i, success;
+ int i;
+ ssize_t ret;
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
dot = memchr(key, '.', store.baselen);
@@ -2270,15 +2312,16 @@ static int store_write_section(int fd, const char *key)
strbuf_addf(&sb, "[%.*s]\n", store.baselen, key);
- success = write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len) == sb.len;
+ ret = write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len);
- return success;
+ return ret;
-static int store_write_pair(int fd, const char *key, const char *value)
+static ssize_t write_pair(int fd, const char *key, const char *value)
- int i, success;
+ int i;
+ ssize_t ret;
int length = strlen(key + store.baselen + 1);
const char *quote = "";
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -2312,16 +2355,17 @@ static int store_write_pair(int fd, const char *key, const char *value)
case '"':
case '\\':
strbuf_addch(&sb, '\\');
+ /* fallthrough */
strbuf_addch(&sb, value[i]);
strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s\n", quote);
- success = write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len) == sb.len;
+ ret = write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len);
- return success;
+ return ret;
static ssize_t find_beginning_of_line(const char *contents, size_t size,
@@ -2404,7 +2448,7 @@ int git_config_set_multivar_in_file_gently(const char *config_filename,
int fd = -1, in_fd = -1;
int ret;
- struct lock_file *lock = NULL;
+ struct lock_file lock = LOCK_INIT;
char *filename_buf = NULL;
char *contents = NULL;
size_t contents_sz;
@@ -2423,8 +2467,7 @@ int git_config_set_multivar_in_file_gently(const char *config_filename,
* The lock serves a purpose in addition to locking: the new
* contents of .git/config will be written into it.
- lock = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct lock_file));
- fd = hold_lock_file_for_update(lock, config_filename, 0);
+ fd = hold_lock_file_for_update(&lock, config_filename, 0);
if (fd < 0) {
error_errno("could not lock config file %s", config_filename);
@@ -2451,8 +2494,8 @@ int git_config_set_multivar_in_file_gently(const char *config_filename,
store.key = (char *)key;
- if (!store_write_section(fd, key) ||
- !store_write_pair(fd, key, value))
+ if (write_section(fd, key) < 0 ||
+ write_pair(fd, key, value) < 0)
goto write_err_out;
} else {
struct stat st;
@@ -2537,8 +2580,8 @@ int git_config_set_multivar_in_file_gently(const char *config_filename,
in_fd = -1;
- if (chmod(get_lock_file_path(lock), st.st_mode & 07777) < 0) {
- error_errno("chmod on %s failed", get_lock_file_path(lock));
+ if (chmod(get_lock_file_path(&lock), st.st_mode & 07777) < 0) {
+ error_errno("chmod on %s failed", get_lock_file_path(&lock));
goto out_free;
@@ -2562,11 +2605,10 @@ int git_config_set_multivar_in_file_gently(const char *config_filename,
/* write the first part of the config */
if (copy_end > copy_begin) {
if (write_in_full(fd, contents + copy_begin,
- copy_end - copy_begin) <
- copy_end - copy_begin)
+ copy_end - copy_begin) < 0)
goto write_err_out;
if (new_line &&
- write_str_in_full(fd, "\n") != 1)
+ write_str_in_full(fd, "\n") < 0)
goto write_err_out;
copy_begin = store.offset[i];
@@ -2575,46 +2617,36 @@ int git_config_set_multivar_in_file_gently(const char *config_filename,
/* write the pair (value == NULL means unset) */
if (value != NULL) {
if (store.state == START) {
- if (!store_write_section(fd, key))
+ if (write_section(fd, key) < 0)
goto write_err_out;
- if (!store_write_pair(fd, key, value))
+ if (write_pair(fd, key, value) < 0)
goto write_err_out;
/* write the rest of the config */
if (copy_begin < contents_sz)
if (write_in_full(fd, contents + copy_begin,
- contents_sz - copy_begin) <
- contents_sz - copy_begin)
+ contents_sz - copy_begin) < 0)
goto write_err_out;
munmap(contents, contents_sz);
contents = NULL;
- if (commit_lock_file(lock) < 0) {
+ if (commit_lock_file(&lock) < 0) {
error_errno("could not write config file %s", config_filename);
- lock = NULL;
goto out_free;
- /*
- * lock is committed, so don't try to roll it back below.
- * NOTE: Since lockfile.c keeps a linked list of all created
- * lock_file structures, it isn't safe to free(lock). It's
- * better to just leave it hanging around.
- */
- lock = NULL;
ret = 0;
/* Invalidate the config cache */
- if (lock)
- rollback_lock_file(lock);
+ rollback_lock_file(&lock);
if (contents)
munmap(contents, contents_sz);
@@ -2623,7 +2655,7 @@ out_free:
return ret;
- ret = write_error(get_lock_file_path(lock));
+ ret = write_error(get_lock_file_path(&lock));
goto out_free;
@@ -2772,7 +2804,7 @@ int git_config_rename_section_in_file(const char *config_filename,
store.baselen = strlen(new_name);
- if (!store_write_section(out_fd, new_name)) {
+ if (write_section(out_fd, new_name) < 0) {
ret = write_error(get_lock_file_path(lock));
goto out;
@@ -2798,7 +2830,7 @@ int git_config_rename_section_in_file(const char *config_filename,
if (remove)
length = strlen(output);
- if (write_in_full(out_fd, output, length) != length) {
+ if (write_in_full(out_fd, output, length) < 0) {
ret = write_error(get_lock_file_path(lock));
goto out;
diff --git a/config.h b/config.h
index 0352da117b..456b3d134d 100644
--- a/config.h
+++ b/config.h
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ extern int git_default_config(const char *, const char *, void *);
extern int git_config_from_file(config_fn_t fn, const char *, void *);
extern int git_config_from_mem(config_fn_t fn, const enum config_origin_type,
const char *name, const char *buf, size_t len, void *data);
-extern int git_config_from_blob_sha1(config_fn_t fn, const char *name,
- const unsigned char *sha1, void *data);
+extern int git_config_from_blob_oid(config_fn_t fn, const char *name,
+ const struct object_id *oid, void *data);
extern void git_config_push_parameter(const char *text);
extern int git_config_from_parameters(config_fn_t fn, void *data);
extern void read_early_config(config_fn_t cb, void *data);
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ extern unsigned long git_config_ulong(const char *, const char *);
extern ssize_t git_config_ssize_t(const char *, const char *);
extern int git_config_bool_or_int(const char *, const char *, int *);
extern int git_config_bool(const char *, const char *);
-extern int git_config_maybe_bool(const char *, const char *);
extern int git_config_string(const char **, const char *, const char *);
extern int git_config_pathname(const char **, const char *, const char *);
extern int git_config_set_in_file_gently(const char *, const char *, const char *);
@@ -187,6 +186,16 @@ extern int repo_config_get_maybe_bool(struct repository *repo,
extern int repo_config_get_pathname(struct repository *repo,
const char *key, const char **dest);
+ * Note: This function exists solely to maintain backward compatibility with
+ * 'fetch' and 'update_clone' storing configuration in '.gitmodules' and should
+ * NOT be used anywhere else.
+ *
+ * Runs the provided config function on the '.gitmodules' file found in the
+ * working directory.
+ */
+extern void config_from_gitmodules(config_fn_t fn, void *data);
extern int git_config_get_value(const char *key, const char **value);
extern const struct string_list *git_config_get_value_multi(const char *key);
extern void git_config_clear(void);
@@ -205,6 +214,9 @@ extern int git_config_get_max_percent_split_change(void);
/* This dies if the configured or default date is in the future */
extern int git_config_get_expiry(const char *key, const char **output);
+/* parse either "this many days" integer, or "5.days.ago" approxidate */
+extern int git_config_get_expiry_in_days(const char *key, timestamp_t *, timestamp_t now);
struct key_value_info {
const char *filename;
int linenr;
diff --git a/connect.c b/connect.c
index 49b28b83be..df56c0cbff 100644
--- a/connect.c
+++ b/connect.c
@@ -778,7 +778,6 @@ struct child_process *git_connect(int fd[2], const char *url,
char *hostandport, *path;
struct child_process *conn = &no_fork;
enum protocol protocol;
- struct strbuf cmd = STRBUF_INIT;
/* Without this we cannot rely on waitpid() to tell
* what happened to our children.
@@ -826,6 +825,8 @@ struct child_process *git_connect(int fd[2], const char *url,
target_host, 0);
} else {
+ struct strbuf cmd = STRBUF_INIT;
conn = xmalloc(sizeof(*conn));
@@ -862,6 +863,7 @@ struct child_process *git_connect(int fd[2], const char *url,
+ strbuf_release(&cmd);
return NULL;
diff --git a/connected.c b/connected.c
index 136c2ac168..f416b05051 100644
--- a/connected.c
+++ b/connected.c
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "sigchain.h"
#include "connected.h"
#include "transport.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
* If we feed all the commits we want to verify to this command
diff --git a/contrib/contacts/git-contacts b/contrib/contacts/git-contacts
index dbe2abf277..85ad732fc0 100755
--- a/contrib/contacts/git-contacts
+++ b/contrib/contacts/git-contacts
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use IPC::Open2;
my $since = '5-years-ago';
my $min_percent = 10;
-my $labels_rx = qr/Signed-off-by|Reviewed-by|Acked-by|Cc/i;
+my $labels_rx = qr/Signed-off-by|Reviewed-by|Acked-by|Cc|Reported-by/i;
my %seen;
sub format_contact {
diff --git a/contrib/diff-highlight/Makefile b/contrib/diff-highlight/Makefile
index fbf5c58249..f2be7cc924 100644
--- a/contrib/diff-highlight/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/diff-highlight/Makefile
@@ -17,4 +17,7 @@ shebang.perl: FORCE
test: all
$(MAKE) -C t
+ $(RM) diff-highlight
diff --git a/contrib/examples/ b/contrib/examples/
index ee99f1a4ee..932e78dbfe 100755
--- a/contrib/examples/
+++ b/contrib/examples/
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ case "$allow_fast_forward,$#,$common,$no_commit" in
# If head can reach all the merge then we are up to date.
# but first the most common case of merging one remote.
- finish_up_to_date "Already up-to-date."
+ finish_up_to_date "Already up to date."
exit 0
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ t,1,"$head",*)
if test "$up_to_date" = t
- finish_up_to_date "Already up-to-date. Yeeah!"
+ finish_up_to_date "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
exit 0
diff --git a/contrib/examples/ b/contrib/examples/
index 70fdc27b72..3099dc851a 100755
--- a/contrib/examples/
+++ b/contrib/examples/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ fi
case "$common" in
- echo "Already up-to-date. Yeeah!"
+ echo "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
exit 0
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
index 52ad9e41fb..eeee45dd34 100755
--- a/contrib/
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -3,10 +3,56 @@
# Prime rerere database from existing merge commits
-USAGE="$me rev-list-args"
+USAGE=$(cat <<-EOF
+usage: $me [--overwrite] <rev-list-args>
+ -h, --help show the help
+ -o, --overwrite overwrite any existing rerere cache
+while test $# -gt 0
+ opt="$1"
+ case "$opt" in
+ -h|--help)
+ echo "$USAGE"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -o|--overwrite)
+ overwrite=1
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Overwrite or help options are not valid except as first arg
+for opt in "$@"
+ case "$opt" in
+ -h|--help)
+ echo "$USAGE"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -o|--overwrite)
+ echo "$USAGE"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
. "$(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup"
@@ -34,6 +80,10 @@ do
# Cleanly merges
+ if test $overwrite = 1
+ then
+ git rerere forget .
+ fi
if test -s "$GIT_DIR/MERGE_RR"
git show -s --pretty=format:"Learning from %h %s" "$commit"
diff --git a/contrib/subtree/t/ b/contrib/subtree/t/
index 3c87ebaf57..d05c613c97 100755
--- a/contrib/subtree/t/
+++ b/contrib/subtree/t/
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge the added subproj again, should do nothing' '
# this shouldn not actually do anything, since FETCH_HEAD
# is already a parent
result=$(git merge -s ours -m "merge -s -ours" FETCH_HEAD) &&
- check_equal "${result}" "Already up-to-date."
+ check_equal "${result}" "Already up to date."
diff --git a/convert.c b/convert.c
index 387c1c5455..20d7ab67bd 100644
--- a/convert.c
+++ b/convert.c
@@ -423,8 +423,10 @@ static int filter_buffer_or_fd(int in, int out, void *data) = -1;
child_process.out = out;
- if (start_command(&child_process))
+ if (start_command(&child_process)) {
+ strbuf_release(&cmd);
return error("cannot fork to run external filter '%s'", params->cmd);
+ }
sigchain_push(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
@@ -564,8 +566,7 @@ static int apply_multi_file_filter(const char *path, const char *src, size_t len
if (!subprocess_map_initialized) {
subprocess_map_initialized = 1;
- hashmap_init(&subprocess_map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) cmd2process_cmp,
- NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&subprocess_map, cmd2process_cmp, NULL, 0);
entry = NULL;
} else {
entry = (struct cmd2process *)subprocess_find_entry(&subprocess_map, cmd);
@@ -1041,7 +1042,6 @@ static void convert_attrs(struct conv_attrs *ca, const char *path)
ca->crlf_action = git_path_check_crlf(ccheck + 4);
if (ca->crlf_action == CRLF_UNDEFINED)
ca->crlf_action = git_path_check_crlf(ccheck + 0);
- ca->attr_action = ca->crlf_action;
ca->ident = git_path_check_ident(ccheck + 1);
ca->drv = git_path_check_convert(ccheck + 2);
if (ca->crlf_action != CRLF_BINARY) {
@@ -1055,12 +1055,14 @@ static void convert_attrs(struct conv_attrs *ca, const char *path)
else if (eol_attr == EOL_CRLF)
ca->crlf_action = CRLF_TEXT_CRLF;
- ca->attr_action = ca->crlf_action;
} else {
ca->drv = NULL;
ca->crlf_action = CRLF_UNDEFINED;
ca->ident = 0;
+ /* Save attr and make a decision for action */
+ ca->attr_action = ca->crlf_action;
if (ca->crlf_action == CRLF_TEXT)
ca->crlf_action = text_eol_is_crlf() ? CRLF_TEXT_CRLF : CRLF_TEXT_INPUT;
if (ca->crlf_action == CRLF_UNDEFINED && auto_crlf == AUTO_CRLF_FALSE)
@@ -1543,8 +1545,9 @@ static int ident_filter_fn(struct stream_filter *filter,
switch (ident->state) {
strbuf_add(&ident->left, head, ident->state);
+ /* fallthrough */
- /* fallthru */
+ /* fallthrough */
ident_drain(ident, &output, osize_p);
diff --git a/credential-cache--daemon.c b/credential-cache--daemon.c
index 0d5c625094..4dfbc8c9f9 100644
--- a/credential-cache--daemon.c
+++ b/credential-cache--daemon.c
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
#include "unix-socket.h"
#include "parse-options.h"
-static struct tempfile socket_file;
struct credential_cache_entry {
struct credential item;
timestamp_t expiration;
@@ -260,6 +258,7 @@ static void init_socket_directory(const char *path)
int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv)
+ struct tempfile *socket_file;
const char *socket_path;
int ignore_sighup = 0;
static const char *usage[] = {
@@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv)
die("socket directory must be an absolute path");
- register_tempfile(&socket_file, socket_path);
+ socket_file = register_tempfile(socket_path);
if (ignore_sighup)
signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
diff --git a/diff-delta.c b/diff-delta.c
index 3797ce6041..e49643353b 100644
--- a/diff-delta.c
+++ b/diff-delta.c
@@ -319,7 +319,9 @@ create_delta(const struct delta_index *index,
const void *trg_buf, unsigned long trg_size,
unsigned long *delta_size, unsigned long max_size)
- unsigned int i, outpos, outsize, moff, msize, val;
+ unsigned int i, val;
+ off_t outpos, moff;
+ size_t l, outsize, msize;
int inscnt;
const unsigned char *ref_data, *ref_top, *data, *top;
unsigned char *out;
@@ -336,20 +338,20 @@ create_delta(const struct delta_index *index,
return NULL;
/* store reference buffer size */
- i = index->src_size;
- while (i >= 0x80) {
- out[outpos++] = i | 0x80;
- i >>= 7;
+ l = index->src_size;
+ while (l >= 0x80) {
+ out[outpos++] = l | 0x80;
+ l >>= 7;
- out[outpos++] = i;
+ out[outpos++] = l;
/* store target buffer size */
- i = trg_size;
- while (i >= 0x80) {
- out[outpos++] = i | 0x80;
- i >>= 7;
+ l = trg_size;
+ while (l >= 0x80) {
+ out[outpos++] = l | 0x80;
+ l >>= 7;
- out[outpos++] = i;
+ out[outpos++] = l;
ref_data = index->src_buf;
ref_top = ref_data + index->src_size;
@@ -452,6 +454,9 @@ create_delta(const struct delta_index *index,
moff += msize;
msize = left;
+ if (moff > 0xffffffff)
+ msize = 0;
if (msize < 4096) {
int j;
val = 0;
diff --git a/diff.c b/diff.c
index 9c38258030..3c6a3e0faa 100644
--- a/diff.c
+++ b/diff.c
@@ -16,10 +16,12 @@
#include "userdiff.h"
#include "submodule-config.h"
#include "submodule.h"
+#include "hashmap.h"
#include "ll-merge.h"
#include "string-list.h"
#include "argv-array.h"
#include "graph.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ static int diff_indent_heuristic = 1;
static int diff_rename_limit_default = 400;
static int diff_suppress_blank_empty;
static int diff_use_color_default = -1;
+static int diff_color_moved_default;
static int diff_context_default = 3;
static int diff_interhunk_context_default;
static const char *diff_word_regex_cfg;
@@ -56,6 +59,14 @@ static char diff_colors[][COLOR_MAXLEN] = {
static NORETURN void die_want_option(const char *option_name)
@@ -81,6 +92,22 @@ static int parse_diff_color_slot(const char *var)
if (!strcasecmp(var, "func"))
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "oldmoved"))
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "oldmovedalternative"))
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "oldmoveddimmed"))
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "oldmovedalternativedimmed"))
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "newmoved"))
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "newmovedalternative"))
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "newmoveddimmed"))
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "newmovedalternativedimmed"))
return -1;
@@ -229,12 +256,44 @@ int git_diff_heuristic_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
return 0;
+static int parse_color_moved(const char *arg)
+ switch (git_parse_maybe_bool(arg)) {
+ case 0:
+ return COLOR_MOVED_NO;
+ case 1:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(arg, "no"))
+ return COLOR_MOVED_NO;
+ else if (!strcmp(arg, "plain"))
+ else if (!strcmp(arg, "zebra"))
+ else if (!strcmp(arg, "default"))
+ else if (!strcmp(arg, "dimmed_zebra"))
+ else
+ return error(_("color moved setting must be one of 'no', 'default', 'zebra', 'dimmed_zebra', 'plain'"));
int git_diff_ui_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
if (!strcmp(var, "diff.color") || !strcmp(var, "color.diff")) {
diff_use_color_default = git_config_colorbool(var, value);
return 0;
+ if (!strcmp(var, "diff.colormoved")) {
+ int cm = parse_color_moved(value);
+ if (cm < 0)
+ return -1;
+ diff_color_moved_default = cm;
+ return 0;
+ }
if (!strcmp(var, "diff.context")) {
diff_context_default = git_config_int(var, value);
if (diff_context_default < 0)
@@ -343,9 +402,6 @@ int git_diff_basic_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
return 0;
- if (starts_with(var, "submodule."))
- return parse_submodule_config_option(var, value);
if (git_diff_heuristic_config(var, value, cb) < 0)
return -1;
@@ -403,11 +459,9 @@ static struct diff_tempfile {
* If this diff_tempfile instance refers to a temporary file,
* this tempfile object is used to manage its lifetime.
- struct tempfile tempfile;
+ struct tempfile *tempfile;
} diff_temp[2];
-typedef unsigned long (*sane_truncate_fn)(char *line, unsigned long len);
struct emit_callback {
int color_diff;
unsigned ws_rule;
@@ -415,7 +469,6 @@ struct emit_callback {
int blank_at_eof_in_postimage;
int lno_in_preimage;
int lno_in_postimage;
- sane_truncate_fn truncate;
const char **label_path;
struct diff_words_data *diff_words;
struct diff_options *opt;
@@ -557,68 +610,735 @@ static void emit_line(struct diff_options *o, const char *set, const char *reset
emit_line_0(o, set, reset, line[0], line+1, len-1);
-static int new_blank_line_at_eof(struct emit_callback *ecbdata, const char *line, int len)
+enum diff_symbol {
+ * Flags for content lines:
+ * 0..12 are whitespace rules
+ * 16 is marking if the line is blank at EOF
+ */
+#define DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE (1<<17)
+ * This struct is used when we need to buffer the output of the diff output.
+ *
+ * NEEDSWORK: Instead of storing a copy of the line, add an offset pointer
+ * into the pre/post image file. This pointer could be a union with the
+ * line pointer. By storing an offset into the file instead of the literal line,
+ * we can decrease the memory footprint for the buffered output. At first we
+ * may want to only have indirection for the content lines, but we could also
+ * enhance the state for emitting prefabricated lines, e.g. the similarity
+ * score line or hunk/file headers would only need to store a number or path
+ * and then the output can be constructed later on depending on state.
+ */
+struct emitted_diff_symbol {
+ const char *line;
+ int len;
+ int flags;
+ enum diff_symbol s;
+struct emitted_diff_symbols {
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol *buf;
+ int nr, alloc;
+static void append_emitted_diff_symbol(struct diff_options *o,
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol *e)
- if (!((ecbdata->ws_rule & WS_BLANK_AT_EOF) &&
- ecbdata->blank_at_eof_in_preimage &&
- ecbdata->blank_at_eof_in_postimage &&
- ecbdata->blank_at_eof_in_preimage <= ecbdata->lno_in_preimage &&
- ecbdata->blank_at_eof_in_postimage <= ecbdata->lno_in_postimage))
- return 0;
- return ws_blank_line(line, len, ecbdata->ws_rule);
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol *f;
+ ALLOC_GROW(o->emitted_symbols->buf,
+ o->emitted_symbols->nr + 1,
+ o->emitted_symbols->alloc);
+ f = &o->emitted_symbols->buf[o->emitted_symbols->nr++];
+ memcpy(f, e, sizeof(struct emitted_diff_symbol));
+ f->line = e->line ? xmemdupz(e->line, e->len) : NULL;
-static void emit_line_checked(const char *reset,
- struct emit_callback *ecbdata,
- const char *line, int len,
- enum color_diff color,
- unsigned ws_error_highlight,
- char sign)
+struct moved_entry {
+ struct hashmap_entry ent;
+ const struct emitted_diff_symbol *es;
+ struct moved_entry *next_line;
+static int next_byte(const char **cp, const char **endp,
+ const struct diff_options *diffopt)
+ int retval;
+ if (*cp > *endp)
+ return -1;
+ while (*cp < *endp && isspace(**cp))
+ (*cp)++;
+ /*
+ * After skipping a couple of whitespaces, we still have to
+ * account for one space.
+ */
+ return (int)' ';
+ }
+ while (*cp < *endp && isspace(**cp))
+ (*cp)++;
+ /* return the first non-ws character via the usual below */
+ }
+ retval = (unsigned char)(**cp);
+ (*cp)++;
+ return retval;
+static int moved_entry_cmp(const struct diff_options *diffopt,
+ const struct moved_entry *a,
+ const struct moved_entry *b,
+ const void *keydata)
+ const char *ap = a->es->line, *ae = a->es->line + a->es->len;
+ const char *bp = b->es->line, *be = b->es->line + b->es->len;
+ if (!(diffopt->xdl_opts & XDF_WHITESPACE_FLAGS))
+ return a->es->len != b->es->len || memcmp(ap, bp, a->es->len);
+ while (ae > ap && isspace(*ae))
+ ae--;
+ while (be > bp && isspace(*be))
+ be--;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ int ca, cb;
+ ca = next_byte(&ap, &ae, diffopt);
+ cb = next_byte(&bp, &be, diffopt);
+ if (ca != cb)
+ return 1;
+ if (ca < 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+static unsigned get_string_hash(struct emitted_diff_symbol *es, struct diff_options *o)
+ if (o->xdl_opts & XDF_WHITESPACE_FLAGS) {
+ static struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ const char *ap = es->line, *ae = es->line + es->len;
+ int c;
+ strbuf_reset(&sb);
+ while (ae > ap && isspace(*ae))
+ ae--;
+ while ((c = next_byte(&ap, &ae, o)) > 0)
+ strbuf_addch(&sb, c);
+ return memhash(sb.buf, sb.len);
+ } else {
+ return memhash(es->line, es->len);
+ }
+static struct moved_entry *prepare_entry(struct diff_options *o,
+ int line_no)
+ struct moved_entry *ret = xmalloc(sizeof(*ret));
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol *l = &o->emitted_symbols->buf[line_no];
+ ret->ent.hash = get_string_hash(l, o);
+ ret->es = l;
+ ret->next_line = NULL;
+ return ret;
+static void add_lines_to_move_detection(struct diff_options *o,
+ struct hashmap *add_lines,
+ struct hashmap *del_lines)
+ struct moved_entry *prev_line = NULL;
+ int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < o->emitted_symbols->nr; n++) {
+ struct hashmap *hm;
+ struct moved_entry *key;
+ switch (o->emitted_symbols->buf[n].s) {
+ hm = add_lines;
+ break;
+ hm = del_lines;
+ break;
+ default:
+ prev_line = NULL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ key = prepare_entry(o, n);
+ if (prev_line && prev_line->es->s == o->emitted_symbols->buf[n].s)
+ prev_line->next_line = key;
+ hashmap_add(hm, key);
+ prev_line = key;
+ }
+static int shrink_potential_moved_blocks(struct moved_entry **pmb,
+ int pmb_nr)
+ int lp, rp;
+ /* Shrink the set of potential block to the remaining running */
+ for (lp = 0, rp = pmb_nr - 1; lp <= rp;) {
+ while (lp < pmb_nr && pmb[lp])
+ lp++;
+ /* lp points at the first NULL now */
+ while (rp > -1 && !pmb[rp])
+ rp--;
+ /* rp points at the last non-NULL */
+ if (lp < pmb_nr && rp > -1 && lp < rp) {
+ pmb[lp] = pmb[rp];
+ pmb[rp] = NULL;
+ rp--;
+ lp++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Remember the number of running sets */
+ return rp + 1;
+ * If o->color_moved is COLOR_MOVED_PLAIN, this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, if the last block has fewer alphanumeric characters than
+ * that block.
+ *
+ * The last block consists of the (n - block_length)'th line up to but not
+ * including the nth line.
+ *
+ * NEEDSWORK: This uses the same heuristic as blame_entry_score() in blame.c.
+ * Think of a way to unify them.
+ */
+static void adjust_last_block(struct diff_options *o, int n, int block_length)
+ int i, alnum_count = 0;
+ if (o->color_moved == COLOR_MOVED_PLAIN)
+ return;
+ for (i = 1; i < block_length + 1; i++) {
+ const char *c = o->emitted_symbols->buf[n - i].line;
+ for (; *c; c++) {
+ if (!isalnum(*c))
+ continue;
+ alnum_count++;
+ if (alnum_count >= COLOR_MOVED_MIN_ALNUM_COUNT)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < block_length + 1; i++)
+ o->emitted_symbols->buf[n - i].flags &= ~DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE;
+/* Find blocks of moved code, delegate actual coloring decision to helper */
+static void mark_color_as_moved(struct diff_options *o,
+ struct hashmap *add_lines,
+ struct hashmap *del_lines)
+ struct moved_entry **pmb = NULL; /* potentially moved blocks */
+ int pmb_nr = 0, pmb_alloc = 0;
+ int n, flipped_block = 1, block_length = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < o->emitted_symbols->nr; n++) {
+ struct hashmap *hm = NULL;
+ struct moved_entry *key;
+ struct moved_entry *match = NULL;
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol *l = &o->emitted_symbols->buf[n];
+ int i;
+ switch (l->s) {
+ hm = del_lines;
+ key = prepare_entry(o, n);
+ match = hashmap_get(hm, key, o);
+ free(key);
+ break;
+ hm = add_lines;
+ key = prepare_entry(o, n);
+ match = hashmap_get(hm, key, o);
+ free(key);
+ break;
+ default:
+ flipped_block = 1;
+ }
+ if (!match) {
+ adjust_last_block(o, n, block_length);
+ pmb_nr = 0;
+ block_length = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (o->color_moved == COLOR_MOVED_PLAIN)
+ continue;
+ /* Check any potential block runs, advance each or nullify */
+ for (i = 0; i < pmb_nr; i++) {
+ struct moved_entry *p = pmb[i];
+ struct moved_entry *pnext = (p && p->next_line) ?
+ p->next_line : NULL;
+ if (pnext && !hm->cmpfn(o, pnext, match, NULL)) {
+ pmb[i] = p->next_line;
+ } else {
+ pmb[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ pmb_nr = shrink_potential_moved_blocks(pmb, pmb_nr);
+ if (pmb_nr == 0) {
+ /*
+ * The current line is the start of a new block.
+ * Setup the set of potential blocks.
+ */
+ for (; match; match = hashmap_get_next(hm, match)) {
+ ALLOC_GROW(pmb, pmb_nr + 1, pmb_alloc);
+ pmb[pmb_nr++] = match;
+ }
+ flipped_block = (flipped_block + 1) % 2;
+ adjust_last_block(o, n, block_length);
+ block_length = 0;
+ }
+ block_length++;
+ if (flipped_block)
+ }
+ adjust_last_block(o, n, block_length);
+ free(pmb);
+static void dim_moved_lines(struct diff_options *o)
+ int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < o->emitted_symbols->nr; n++) {
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol *prev = (n != 0) ?
+ &o->emitted_symbols->buf[n - 1] : NULL;
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol *l = &o->emitted_symbols->buf[n];
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol *next =
+ (n < o->emitted_symbols->nr - 1) ?
+ &o->emitted_symbols->buf[n + 1] : NULL;
+ /* Not a plus or minus line? */
+ if (l->s != DIFF_SYMBOL_PLUS && l->s != DIFF_SYMBOL_MINUS)
+ continue;
+ /* Not a moved line? */
+ if (!(l->flags & DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE))
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * If prev or next are not a plus or minus line,
+ * pretend they don't exist
+ */
+ if (prev && prev->s != DIFF_SYMBOL_PLUS &&
+ prev->s != DIFF_SYMBOL_MINUS)
+ prev = NULL;
+ if (next && next->s != DIFF_SYMBOL_PLUS &&
+ next->s != DIFF_SYMBOL_MINUS)
+ next = NULL;
+ /* Inside a block? */
+ if ((prev &&
+ (next &&
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Check if we are at an interesting bound: */
+ if (prev && (prev->flags & DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE) &&
+ (prev->flags & DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE_ALT) !=
+ continue;
+ if (next && (next->flags & DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE) &&
+ (next->flags & DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE_ALT) !=
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * The boundary to prev and next are not interesting,
+ * so this line is not interesting as a whole
+ */
+ }
+static void emit_line_ws_markup(struct diff_options *o,
+ const char *set, const char *reset,
+ const char *line, int len, char sign,
+ unsigned ws_rule, int blank_at_eof)
- const char *set = diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, color);
const char *ws = NULL;
- if (ecbdata->opt->ws_error_highlight & ws_error_highlight) {
- ws = diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_WHITESPACE);
+ if (o->ws_error_highlight & ws_rule) {
+ ws = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_WHITESPACE);
if (!*ws)
ws = NULL;
if (!ws)
- emit_line_0(ecbdata->opt, set, reset, sign, line, len);
- else if (sign == '+' && new_blank_line_at_eof(ecbdata, line, len))
+ emit_line_0(o, set, reset, sign, line, len);
+ else if (blank_at_eof)
/* Blank line at EOF - paint '+' as well */
- emit_line_0(ecbdata->opt, ws, reset, sign, line, len);
+ emit_line_0(o, ws, reset, sign, line, len);
else {
/* Emit just the prefix, then the rest. */
- emit_line_0(ecbdata->opt, set, reset, sign, "", 0);
- ws_check_emit(line, len, ecbdata->ws_rule,
- ecbdata->opt->file, set, reset, ws);
+ emit_line_0(o, set, reset, sign, "", 0);
+ ws_check_emit(line, len, ws_rule,
+ o->file, set, reset, ws);
+static void emit_diff_symbol_from_struct(struct diff_options *o,
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol *eds)
+ static const char *nneof = " No newline at end of file\n";
+ const char *context, *reset, *set, *meta, *fraginfo;
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ enum diff_symbol s = eds->s;
+ const char *line = eds->line;
+ int len = eds->len;
+ unsigned flags = eds->flags;
+ switch (s) {
+ context = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_CONTEXT);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ putc('\n', o->file);
+ emit_line_0(o, context, reset, '\\',
+ nneof, strlen(nneof));
+ break;
+ emit_line(o, "", "", line, len);
+ break;
+ context = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_CONTEXT);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ emit_line(o, context, reset, line, len);
+ break;
+ fprintf(o->file, "%s%c",
+ diff_line_prefix(o),
+ o->line_termination);
+ break;
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_CONTEXT);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ emit_line_ws_markup(o, set, reset, line, len, ' ',
+ break;
+ switch (flags & (DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE |
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_NEW_MOVED_ALT_DIM);
+ break;
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_NEW_MOVED_ALT);
+ break;
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_NEW_MOVED_DIM);
+ break;
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_NEW_MOVED);
+ break;
+ default:
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_NEW);
+ }
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ emit_line_ws_markup(o, set, reset, line, len, '+',
+ break;
+ switch (flags & (DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE |
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_OLD_MOVED_ALT_DIM);
+ break;
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_OLD_MOVED_ALT);
+ break;
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_OLD_MOVED_DIM);
+ break;
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_OLD_MOVED);
+ break;
+ default:
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_OLD);
+ }
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ emit_line_ws_markup(o, set, reset, line, len, '-',
+ break;
+ context = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_CONTEXT);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ emit_line(o, context, reset, line, len);
+ fputs("~\n", o->file);
+ break;
+ context = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_CONTEXT);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ /*
+ * Skip the prefix character, if any. With
+ * diff_suppress_blank_empty, there may be
+ * none.
+ */
+ if (line[0] != '\n') {
+ line++;
+ len--;
+ }
+ emit_line(o, context, reset, line, len);
+ break;
+ meta = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_METAINFO);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ fprintf(o->file, "%s%s+++ %s%s%s\n", diff_line_prefix(o), meta,
+ line, reset,
+ strchr(line, ' ') ? "\t" : "");
+ break;
+ meta = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_METAINFO);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ fprintf(o->file, "%s%s--- %s%s%s\n", diff_line_prefix(o), meta,
+ line, reset,
+ strchr(line, ' ') ? "\t" : "");
+ break;
+ fprintf(o->file, "%s", line);
+ break;
+ fprintf(o->file, "%sGIT binary patch\n", diff_line_prefix(o));
+ break;
+ fprintf(o->file, "%sdelta %s\n", diff_line_prefix(o), line);
+ break;
+ fprintf(o->file, "%sliteral %s\n", diff_line_prefix(o), line);
+ break;
+ fputs(diff_line_prefix(o), o->file);
+ fputc('\n', o->file);
+ break;
+ fraginfo = diff_get_color(o->use_color, DIFF_FRAGINFO);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ emit_line(o, fraginfo, reset, line, len);
+ break;
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_NEW);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ emit_line(o, set, reset, line, len);
+ break;
+ set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_OLD);
+ reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ emit_line(o, set, reset, line, len);
+ break;
+ fprintf(o->file, "%sSubmodule %s contains untracked content\n",
+ diff_line_prefix(o), line);
+ break;
+ fprintf(o->file, "%sSubmodule %s contains modified content\n",
+ diff_line_prefix(o), line);
+ break;
+ emit_line(o, "", "", " 0 files changed\n",
+ strlen(" 0 files changed\n"));
+ break;
+ emit_line(o, "", "", " ...\n", strlen(" ...\n"));
+ break;
+ fprintf(o->file, "%.*s", len, line);
+ break;
+ fputs(o->stat_sep, o->file);
+ break;
+ default:
+ die("BUG: unknown diff symbol");
+ }
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+static void emit_diff_symbol(struct diff_options *o, enum diff_symbol s,
+ const char *line, int len, unsigned flags)
+ struct emitted_diff_symbol e = {line, len, flags, s};
+ if (o->emitted_symbols)
+ append_emitted_diff_symbol(o, &e);
+ else
+ emit_diff_symbol_from_struct(o, &e);
+void diff_emit_submodule_del(struct diff_options *o, const char *line)
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_SUBMODULE_DEL, line, strlen(line), 0);
+void diff_emit_submodule_add(struct diff_options *o, const char *line)
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_SUBMODULE_ADD, line, strlen(line), 0);
+void diff_emit_submodule_untracked(struct diff_options *o, const char *path)
+ path, strlen(path), 0);
+void diff_emit_submodule_modified(struct diff_options *o, const char *path)
+ path, strlen(path), 0);
+void diff_emit_submodule_header(struct diff_options *o, const char *header)
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_SUBMODULE_HEADER,
+ header, strlen(header), 0);
+void diff_emit_submodule_error(struct diff_options *o, const char *err)
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_SUBMODULE_ERROR, err, strlen(err), 0);
+void diff_emit_submodule_pipethrough(struct diff_options *o,
+ const char *line, int len)
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_SUBMODULE_PIPETHROUGH, line, len, 0);
+static int new_blank_line_at_eof(struct emit_callback *ecbdata, const char *line, int len)
+ if (!((ecbdata->ws_rule & WS_BLANK_AT_EOF) &&
+ ecbdata->blank_at_eof_in_preimage &&
+ ecbdata->blank_at_eof_in_postimage &&
+ ecbdata->blank_at_eof_in_preimage <= ecbdata->lno_in_preimage &&
+ ecbdata->blank_at_eof_in_postimage <= ecbdata->lno_in_postimage))
+ return 0;
+ return ws_blank_line(line, len, ecbdata->ws_rule);
static void emit_add_line(const char *reset,
struct emit_callback *ecbdata,
const char *line, int len)
- emit_line_checked(reset, ecbdata, line, len,
+ unsigned flags = WSEH_NEW | ecbdata->ws_rule;
+ if (new_blank_line_at_eof(ecbdata, line, len))
+ emit_diff_symbol(ecbdata->opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_PLUS, line, len, flags);
static void emit_del_line(const char *reset,
struct emit_callback *ecbdata,
const char *line, int len)
- emit_line_checked(reset, ecbdata, line, len,
+ unsigned flags = WSEH_OLD | ecbdata->ws_rule;
+ emit_diff_symbol(ecbdata->opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_MINUS, line, len, flags);
static void emit_context_line(const char *reset,
struct emit_callback *ecbdata,
const char *line, int len)
- emit_line_checked(reset, ecbdata, line, len,
+ unsigned flags = WSEH_CONTEXT | ecbdata->ws_rule;
+ emit_diff_symbol(ecbdata->opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_CONTEXT, line, len, flags);
static void emit_hunk_header(struct emit_callback *ecbdata,
@@ -641,7 +1361,8 @@ static void emit_hunk_header(struct emit_callback *ecbdata,
if (len < 10 ||
memcmp(line, atat, 2) ||
!(ep = memmem(line + 2, len - 2, atat, 2))) {
- emit_line(ecbdata->opt, context, reset, line, len);
+ emit_diff_symbol(ecbdata->opt,
ep += 2; /* skip over @@ */
@@ -675,7 +1396,9 @@ static void emit_hunk_header(struct emit_callback *ecbdata,
strbuf_add(&msgbuf, line + len, org_len - len);
- emit_line(ecbdata->opt, "", "", msgbuf.buf, msgbuf.len);
+ strbuf_complete_line(&msgbuf);
+ emit_diff_symbol(ecbdata->opt,
+ DIFF_SYMBOL_CONTEXT_FRAGINFO, msgbuf.buf, msgbuf.len, 0);
@@ -691,23 +1414,23 @@ static void remove_tempfile(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(diff_temp); i++) {
- if (is_tempfile_active(&diff_temp[i].tempfile))
+ if (is_tempfile_active(diff_temp[i].tempfile))
diff_temp[i].name = NULL;
-static void print_line_count(FILE *file, int count)
+static void add_line_count(struct strbuf *out, int count)
switch (count) {
case 0:
- fprintf(file, "0,0");
+ strbuf_addstr(out, "0,0");
case 1:
- fprintf(file, "1");
+ strbuf_addstr(out, "1");
- fprintf(file, "1,%d", count);
+ strbuf_addf(out, "1,%d", count);
@@ -716,7 +1439,6 @@ static void emit_rewrite_lines(struct emit_callback *ecb,
int prefix, const char *data, int size)
const char *endp = NULL;
- static const char *nneof = " No newline at end of file\n";
const char *reset = diff_get_color(ecb->color_diff, DIFF_RESET);
while (0 < size) {
@@ -734,13 +1456,8 @@ static void emit_rewrite_lines(struct emit_callback *ecb,
size -= len;
data += len;
- if (!endp) {
- const char *context = diff_get_color(ecb->color_diff,
- putc('\n', ecb->opt->file);
- emit_line_0(ecb->opt, context, reset, '\\',
- nneof, strlen(nneof));
- }
+ if (!endp)
+ emit_diff_symbol(ecb->opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_NO_LF_EOF, NULL, 0, 0);
static void emit_rewrite_diff(const char *name_a,
@@ -752,16 +1469,12 @@ static void emit_rewrite_diff(const char *name_a,
struct diff_options *o)
int lc_a, lc_b;
- const char *name_a_tab, *name_b_tab;
- const char *metainfo = diff_get_color(o->use_color, DIFF_METAINFO);
- const char *fraginfo = diff_get_color(o->use_color, DIFF_FRAGINFO);
- const char *reset = diff_get_color(o->use_color, DIFF_RESET);
static struct strbuf a_name = STRBUF_INIT, b_name = STRBUF_INIT;
const char *a_prefix, *b_prefix;
char *data_one, *data_two;
size_t size_one, size_two;
struct emit_callback ecbdata;
- const char *line_prefix = diff_line_prefix(o);
+ struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
if (diff_mnemonic_prefix && DIFF_OPT_TST(o, REVERSE_DIFF)) {
a_prefix = o->b_prefix;
@@ -773,8 +1486,6 @@ static void emit_rewrite_diff(const char *name_a,
name_a += (*name_a == '/');
name_b += (*name_b == '/');
- name_a_tab = strchr(name_a, ' ') ? "\t" : "";
- name_b_tab = strchr(name_b, ' ') ? "\t" : "";
@@ -801,18 +1512,23 @@ static void emit_rewrite_diff(const char *name_a,
lc_a = count_lines(data_one, size_one);
lc_b = count_lines(data_two, size_two);
- fprintf(o->file,
- "%s%s--- %s%s%s\n%s%s+++ %s%s%s\n%s%s@@ -",
- line_prefix, metainfo, a_name.buf, name_a_tab, reset,
- line_prefix, metainfo, b_name.buf, name_b_tab, reset,
- line_prefix, fraginfo);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_FILEPAIR_MINUS,
+ a_name.buf, a_name.len, 0);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_FILEPAIR_PLUS,
+ b_name.buf, b_name.len, 0);
+ strbuf_addstr(&out, "@@ -");
if (!o->irreversible_delete)
- print_line_count(o->file, lc_a);
+ add_line_count(&out, lc_a);
- fprintf(o->file, "?,?");
- fprintf(o->file, " +");
- print_line_count(o->file, lc_b);
- fprintf(o->file, " @@%s\n", reset);
+ strbuf_addstr(&out, "?,?");
+ strbuf_addstr(&out, " +");
+ add_line_count(&out, lc_b);
+ strbuf_addstr(&out, " @@\n");
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_REWRITE_DIFF, out.buf, out.len, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&out);
if (lc_a && !o->irreversible_delete)
emit_rewrite_lines(&ecbdata, '-', data_one, size_one);
if (lc_b)
@@ -872,37 +1588,49 @@ struct diff_words_data {
struct diff_words_style *style;
-static int fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(FILE *fp,
+static int fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(struct diff_options *o,
struct diff_words_style_elem *st_el,
const char *newline,
- size_t count, const char *buf,
- const char *line_prefix)
+ size_t count, const char *buf)
int print = 0;
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
while (count) {
char *p = memchr(buf, '\n', count);
if (print)
- fputs(line_prefix, fp);
+ strbuf_addstr(&sb, diff_line_prefix(o));
if (p != buf) {
- if (st_el->color && fputs(st_el->color, fp) < 0)
- return -1;
- if (fputs(st_el->prefix, fp) < 0 ||
- fwrite(buf, p ? p - buf : count, 1, fp) != 1 ||
- fputs(st_el->suffix, fp) < 0)
- return -1;
- if (st_el->color && *st_el->color
- && fputs(GIT_COLOR_RESET, fp) < 0)
- return -1;
+ const char *reset = st_el->color && *st_el->color ?
+ if (st_el->color && *st_el->color)
+ strbuf_addstr(&sb, st_el->color);
+ strbuf_addstr(&sb, st_el->prefix);
+ strbuf_add(&sb, buf, p ? p - buf : count);
+ strbuf_addstr(&sb, st_el->suffix);
+ if (reset)
+ strbuf_addstr(&sb, reset);
if (!p)
- return 0;
- if (fputs(newline, fp) < 0)
- return -1;
+ goto out;
+ strbuf_addstr(&sb, newline);
count -= p + 1 - buf;
buf = p + 1;
print = 1;
+ if (count) {
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_WORD_DIFF,
+ sb.buf, sb.len, 0);
+ strbuf_reset(&sb);
+ }
+ if (sb.len)
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_WORD_DIFF,
+ sb.buf, sb.len, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
return 0;
@@ -984,24 +1712,20 @@ static void fn_out_diff_words_aux(void *priv, char *line, unsigned long len)
fputs(line_prefix, diff_words->opt->file);
if (diff_words->current_plus != plus_begin) {
- fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt->file,
+ fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt,
&style->ctx, style->newline,
plus_begin - diff_words->current_plus,
- diff_words->current_plus, line_prefix);
- if (*(plus_begin - 1) == '\n')
- fputs(line_prefix, diff_words->opt->file);
+ diff_words->current_plus);
if (minus_begin != minus_end) {
- fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt->file,
+ fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt,
&style->old, style->newline,
- minus_end - minus_begin, minus_begin,
- line_prefix);
+ minus_end - minus_begin, minus_begin);
if (plus_begin != plus_end) {
- fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt->file,
+ fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt,
&style->new, style->newline,
- plus_end - plus_begin, plus_begin,
- line_prefix);
+ plus_end - plus_begin, plus_begin);
diff_words->current_plus = plus_end;
@@ -1095,11 +1819,12 @@ static void diff_words_show(struct diff_words_data *diff_words)
/* special case: only removal */
if (!diff_words->plus.text.size) {
- fputs(line_prefix, diff_words->opt->file);
- fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt->file,
+ emit_diff_symbol(diff_words->opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_WORD_DIFF,
+ line_prefix, strlen(line_prefix), 0);
+ fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt,
&style->old, style->newline,
- diff_words->minus.text.ptr, line_prefix);
+ diff_words->minus.text.ptr);
diff_words->minus.text.size = 0;
@@ -1122,12 +1847,12 @@ static void diff_words_show(struct diff_words_data *diff_words)
if (diff_words->current_plus != diff_words->plus.text.ptr +
diff_words->plus.text.size) {
if (color_words_output_graph_prefix(diff_words))
- fputs(line_prefix, diff_words->opt->file);
- fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt->file,
+ emit_diff_symbol(diff_words->opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_WORD_DIFF,
+ line_prefix, strlen(line_prefix), 0);
+ fn_out_diff_words_write_helper(diff_words->opt,
&style->ctx, style->newline,
diff_words->plus.text.ptr + diff_words->plus.text.size
- - diff_words->current_plus, diff_words->current_plus,
- line_prefix);
+ - diff_words->current_plus, diff_words->current_plus);
diff_words->minus.text.size = diff_words->plus.text.size = 0;
@@ -1135,9 +1860,29 @@ static void diff_words_show(struct diff_words_data *diff_words)
/* In "color-words" mode, show word-diff of words accumulated in the buffer */
static void diff_words_flush(struct emit_callback *ecbdata)
+ struct diff_options *wo = ecbdata->diff_words->opt;
if (ecbdata->diff_words->minus.text.size ||
+ if (wo->emitted_symbols) {
+ struct diff_options *o = ecbdata->opt;
+ struct emitted_diff_symbols *wol = wo->emitted_symbols;
+ int i;
+ /*
+ * Instead of appending each, concat all words to a line?
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < wol->nr; i++)
+ append_emitted_diff_symbol(o, &wol->buf[i]);
+ for (i = 0; i < wol->nr; i++)
+ free((void *)wol->buf[i].line);
+ wol->nr = 0;
+ }
static void diff_filespec_load_driver(struct diff_filespec *one)
@@ -1173,6 +1918,11 @@ static void init_diff_words_data(struct emit_callback *ecbdata,
xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct diff_words_data));
ecbdata->diff_words->type = o->word_diff;
ecbdata->diff_words->opt = o;
+ if (orig_opts->emitted_symbols)
+ o->emitted_symbols =
+ xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct emitted_diff_symbols));
if (!o->word_regex)
o->word_regex = userdiff_word_regex(one);
if (!o->word_regex)
@@ -1207,6 +1957,7 @@ static void free_diff_words_data(struct emit_callback *ecbdata)
if (ecbdata->diff_words) {
+ free (ecbdata->diff_words->opt->emitted_symbols);
free (ecbdata->diff_words->opt);
free (ecbdata->diff_words->minus.text.ptr);
free (ecbdata->diff_words->minus.orig);
@@ -1243,8 +1994,6 @@ static unsigned long sane_truncate_line(struct emit_callback *ecb, char *line, u
unsigned long allot;
size_t l = len;
- if (ecb->truncate)
- return ecb->truncate(line, len);
cp = line;
allot = l;
while (0 < l) {
@@ -1273,30 +2022,25 @@ static void find_lno(const char *line, struct emit_callback *ecbdata)
static void fn_out_consume(void *priv, char *line, unsigned long len)
struct emit_callback *ecbdata = priv;
- const char *meta = diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_METAINFO);
- const char *context = diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_CONTEXT);
const char *reset = diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_RESET);
struct diff_options *o = ecbdata->opt;
- const char *line_prefix = diff_line_prefix(o);
o->found_changes = 1;
if (ecbdata->header) {
- fprintf(o->file, "%s", ecbdata->header->buf);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_HEADER,
+ ecbdata->header->buf, ecbdata->header->len, 0);
ecbdata->header = NULL;
if (ecbdata->label_path[0]) {
- const char *name_a_tab, *name_b_tab;
- name_a_tab = strchr(ecbdata->label_path[0], ' ') ? "\t" : "";
- name_b_tab = strchr(ecbdata->label_path[1], ' ') ? "\t" : "";
- fprintf(o->file, "%s%s--- %s%s%s\n",
- line_prefix, meta, ecbdata->label_path[0], reset, name_a_tab);
- fprintf(o->file, "%s%s+++ %s%s%s\n",
- line_prefix, meta, ecbdata->label_path[1], reset, name_b_tab);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_FILEPAIR_MINUS,
+ ecbdata->label_path[0],
+ strlen(ecbdata->label_path[0]), 0);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_FILEPAIR_PLUS,
+ ecbdata->label_path[1],
+ strlen(ecbdata->label_path[1]), 0);
ecbdata->label_path[0] = ecbdata->label_path[1] = NULL;
@@ -1312,12 +2056,13 @@ static void fn_out_consume(void *priv, char *line, unsigned long len)
len = sane_truncate_line(ecbdata, line, len);
find_lno(line, ecbdata);
emit_hunk_header(ecbdata, line, len);
- if (line[len-1] != '\n')
- putc('\n', o->file);
if (ecbdata->diff_words) {
+ enum diff_symbol s =
+ ecbdata->diff_words->type == DIFF_WORDS_PORCELAIN ?
if (line[0] == '-') {
diff_words_append(line, len,
@@ -1337,21 +2082,7 @@ static void fn_out_consume(void *priv, char *line, unsigned long len)
- if (ecbdata->diff_words->type == DIFF_WORDS_PORCELAIN) {
- emit_line(o, context, reset, line, len);
- fputs("~\n", o->file);
- } else {
- /*
- * Skip the prefix character, if any. With
- * diff_suppress_blank_empty, there may be
- * none.
- */
- if (line[0] != '\n') {
- line++;
- len--;
- }
- emit_line(o, context, reset, line, len);
- }
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, s, line, len, 0);
@@ -1372,8 +2103,8 @@ static void fn_out_consume(void *priv, char *line, unsigned long len)
/* incomplete line at the end */
- emit_line(o, diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_CONTEXT),
- reset, line, len);
+ line, len, 0);
@@ -1518,20 +2249,14 @@ static int scale_linear(int it, int width, int max_change)
return 1 + (it * (width - 1) / max_change);
-static void show_name(FILE *file,
- const char *prefix, const char *name, int len)
- fprintf(file, " %s%-*s |", prefix, len, name);
-static void show_graph(FILE *file, char ch, int cnt, const char *set, const char *reset)
+static void show_graph(struct strbuf *out, char ch, int cnt,
+ const char *set, const char *reset)
if (cnt <= 0)
- fprintf(file, "%s", set);
- while (cnt--)
- putc(ch, file);
- fprintf(file, "%s", reset);
+ strbuf_addstr(out, set);
+ strbuf_addchars(out, ch, cnt);
+ strbuf_addstr(out, reset);
static void fill_print_name(struct diffstat_file *file)
@@ -1555,14 +2280,16 @@ static void fill_print_name(struct diffstat_file *file)
file->print_name = pname;
-int print_stat_summary(FILE *fp, int files, int insertions, int deletions)
+static void print_stat_summary_inserts_deletes(struct diff_options *options,
+ int files, int insertions, int deletions)
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
- int ret;
if (!files) {
assert(insertions == 0 && deletions == 0);
- return fprintf(fp, "%s\n", " 0 files changed");
+ emit_diff_symbol(options, DIFF_SYMBOL_STATS_SUMMARY_NO_FILES,
+ NULL, 0, 0);
+ return;
@@ -1589,9 +2316,19 @@ int print_stat_summary(FILE *fp, int files, int insertions, int deletions)
strbuf_addch(&sb, '\n');
- ret = fputs(sb.buf, fp);
+ sb.buf, sb.len, 0);
- return ret;
+void print_stat_summary(FILE *fp, int files,
+ int insertions, int deletions)
+ struct diff_options o;
+ memset(&o, 0, sizeof(o));
+ o.file = fp;
+ print_stat_summary_inserts_deletes(&o, files, insertions, deletions);
static void show_stats(struct diffstat_t *data, struct diff_options *options)
@@ -1601,13 +2338,13 @@ static void show_stats(struct diffstat_t *data, struct diff_options *options)
int total_files = data->nr, count;
int width, name_width, graph_width, number_width = 0, bin_width = 0;
const char *reset, *add_c, *del_c;
- const char *line_prefix = "";
int extra_shown = 0;
+ const char *line_prefix = diff_line_prefix(options);
+ struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
if (data->nr == 0)
- line_prefix = diff_line_prefix(options);
count = options->stat_count ? options->stat_count : data->nr;
reset = diff_get_color_opt(options, DIFF_RESET);
@@ -1761,26 +2498,32 @@ static void show_stats(struct diffstat_t *data, struct diff_options *options)
if (file->is_binary) {
- fprintf(options->file, "%s", line_prefix);
- show_name(options->file, prefix, name, len);
- fprintf(options->file, " %*s", number_width, "Bin");
+ strbuf_addf(&out, " %s%-*s |", prefix, len, name);
+ strbuf_addf(&out, " %*s", number_width, "Bin");
if (!added && !deleted) {
- putc('\n', options->file);
+ strbuf_addch(&out, '\n');
+ emit_diff_symbol(options, DIFF_SYMBOL_STATS_LINE,
+ out.buf, out.len, 0);
+ strbuf_reset(&out);
- fprintf(options->file, " %s%"PRIuMAX"%s",
+ strbuf_addf(&out, " %s%"PRIuMAX"%s",
del_c, deleted, reset);
- fprintf(options->file, " -> ");
- fprintf(options->file, "%s%"PRIuMAX"%s",
+ strbuf_addstr(&out, " -> ");
+ strbuf_addf(&out, "%s%"PRIuMAX"%s",
add_c, added, reset);
- fprintf(options->file, " bytes");
- fprintf(options->file, "\n");
+ strbuf_addstr(&out, " bytes\n");
+ emit_diff_symbol(options, DIFF_SYMBOL_STATS_LINE,
+ out.buf, out.len, 0);
+ strbuf_reset(&out);
else if (file->is_unmerged) {
- fprintf(options->file, "%s", line_prefix);
- show_name(options->file, prefix, name, len);
- fprintf(options->file, " Unmerged\n");
+ strbuf_addf(&out, " %s%-*s |", prefix, len, name);
+ strbuf_addstr(&out, " Unmerged\n");
+ emit_diff_symbol(options, DIFF_SYMBOL_STATS_LINE,
+ out.buf, out.len, 0);
+ strbuf_reset(&out);
@@ -1803,14 +2546,16 @@ static void show_stats(struct diffstat_t *data, struct diff_options *options)
add = total - del;
- fprintf(options->file, "%s", line_prefix);
- show_name(options->file, prefix, name, len);
- fprintf(options->file, " %*"PRIuMAX"%s",
+ strbuf_addf(&out, " %s%-*s |", prefix, len, name);
+ strbuf_addf(&out, " %*"PRIuMAX"%s",
number_width, added + deleted,
added + deleted ? " " : "");
- show_graph(options->file, '+', add, add_c, reset);
- show_graph(options->file, '-', del, del_c, reset);
- fprintf(options->file, "\n");
+ show_graph(&out, '+', add, add_c, reset);
+ show_graph(&out, '-', del, del_c, reset);
+ strbuf_addch(&out, '\n');
+ emit_diff_symbol(options, DIFF_SYMBOL_STATS_LINE,
+ out.buf, out.len, 0);
+ strbuf_reset(&out);
for (i = 0; i < data->nr; i++) {
@@ -1831,11 +2576,14 @@ static void show_stats(struct diffstat_t *data, struct diff_options *options)
if (i < count)
if (!extra_shown)
- fprintf(options->file, "%s ...\n", line_prefix);
+ emit_diff_symbol(options,
+ NULL, 0, 0);
extra_shown = 1;
- fprintf(options->file, "%s", line_prefix);
- print_stat_summary(options->file, total_files, adds, dels);
+ print_stat_summary_inserts_deletes(options, total_files, adds, dels);
+ strbuf_release(&out);
static void show_shortstats(struct diffstat_t *data, struct diff_options *options)
@@ -1847,7 +2595,7 @@ static void show_shortstats(struct diffstat_t *data, struct diff_options *option
for (i = 0; i < data->nr; i++) {
int added = data->files[i]->added;
- int deleted= data->files[i]->deleted;
+ int deleted = data->files[i]->deleted;
if (data->files[i]->is_unmerged ||
(!data->files[i]->is_interesting && (added + deleted == 0))) {
@@ -1857,8 +2605,7 @@ static void show_shortstats(struct diffstat_t *data, struct diff_options *option
dels += deleted;
- fprintf(options->file, "%s", diff_line_prefix(options));
- print_stat_summary(options->file, total_files, adds, dels);
+ print_stat_summary_inserts_deletes(options, total_files, adds, dels);
static void show_numstat(struct diffstat_t *data, struct diff_options *options)
@@ -2222,8 +2969,8 @@ static unsigned char *deflate_it(char *data,
return deflated;
-static void emit_binary_diff_body(FILE *file, mmfile_t *one, mmfile_t *two,
- const char *prefix)
+static void emit_binary_diff_body(struct diff_options *o,
+ mmfile_t *one, mmfile_t *two)
void *cp;
void *delta;
@@ -2252,13 +2999,18 @@ static void emit_binary_diff_body(FILE *file, mmfile_t *one, mmfile_t *two,
if (delta && delta_size < deflate_size) {
- fprintf(file, "%sdelta %lu\n", prefix, orig_size);
+ char *s = xstrfmt("%lu", orig_size);
+ s, strlen(s), 0);
+ free(s);
data = delta;
data_size = delta_size;
- }
- else {
- fprintf(file, "%sliteral %lu\n", prefix, two->size);
+ } else {
+ char *s = xstrfmt("%lu", two->size);
+ s, strlen(s), 0);
+ free(s);
data = deflated;
data_size = deflate_size;
@@ -2267,8 +3019,9 @@ static void emit_binary_diff_body(FILE *file, mmfile_t *one, mmfile_t *two,
/* emit data encoded in base85 */
cp = data;
while (data_size) {
+ int len;
int bytes = (52 < data_size) ? 52 : data_size;
- char line[70];
+ char line[71];
data_size -= bytes;
if (bytes <= 26)
line[0] = bytes + 'A' - 1;
@@ -2276,20 +3029,24 @@ static void emit_binary_diff_body(FILE *file, mmfile_t *one, mmfile_t *two,
line[0] = bytes - 26 + 'a' - 1;
encode_85(line + 1, cp, bytes);
cp = (char *) cp + bytes;
- fprintf(file, "%s", prefix);
- fputs(line, file);
- fputc('\n', file);
+ len = strlen(line);
+ line[len++] = '\n';
+ line[len] = '\0';
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_BINARY_DIFF_BODY,
+ line, len, 0);
- fprintf(file, "%s\n", prefix);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_BINARY_DIFF_FOOTER, NULL, 0, 0);
-static void emit_binary_diff(FILE *file, mmfile_t *one, mmfile_t *two,
- const char *prefix)
+static void emit_binary_diff(struct diff_options *o,
+ mmfile_t *one, mmfile_t *two)
- fprintf(file, "%sGIT binary patch\n", prefix);
- emit_binary_diff_body(file, one, two, prefix);
- emit_binary_diff_body(file, two, one, prefix);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_BINARY_DIFF_HEADER, NULL, 0, 0);
+ emit_binary_diff_body(o, one, two);
+ emit_binary_diff_body(o, two, one);
int diff_filespec_is_binary(struct diff_filespec *one)
@@ -2366,24 +3123,16 @@ static void builtin_diff(const char *name_a,
if (o->submodule_format == DIFF_SUBMODULE_LOG &&
(!one->mode || S_ISGITLINK(one->mode)) &&
(!two->mode || S_ISGITLINK(two->mode))) {
- const char *del = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_OLD);
- const char *add = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_NEW);
- show_submodule_summary(o->file, one->path ? one->path : two->path,
- line_prefix,
+ show_submodule_summary(o, one->path ? one->path : two->path,
&one->oid, &two->oid,
- two->dirty_submodule,
- meta, del, add, reset);
+ two->dirty_submodule);
} else if (o->submodule_format == DIFF_SUBMODULE_INLINE_DIFF &&
(!one->mode || S_ISGITLINK(one->mode)) &&
(!two->mode || S_ISGITLINK(two->mode))) {
- const char *del = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_OLD);
- const char *add = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_FILE_NEW);
- show_submodule_inline_diff(o->file, one->path ? one->path : two->path,
- line_prefix,
+ show_submodule_inline_diff(o, one->path ? one->path : two->path,
&one->oid, &two->oid,
- two->dirty_submodule,
- meta, del, add, reset, o);
+ two->dirty_submodule);
@@ -2432,7 +3181,8 @@ static void builtin_diff(const char *name_a,
if (complete_rewrite &&
(textconv_one || !diff_filespec_is_binary(one)) &&
(textconv_two || !diff_filespec_is_binary(two))) {
- fprintf(o->file, "%s", header.buf);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_HEADER,
+ header.buf, header.len, 0);
emit_rewrite_diff(name_a, name_b, one, two,
textconv_one, textconv_two, o);
@@ -2442,23 +3192,31 @@ static void builtin_diff(const char *name_a,
if (o->irreversible_delete && lbl[1][0] == '/') {
- fprintf(o->file, "%s", header.buf);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_HEADER, header.buf,
+ header.len, 0);
goto free_ab_and_return;
} else if (!DIFF_OPT_TST(o, TEXT) &&
( (!textconv_one && diff_filespec_is_binary(one)) ||
(!textconv_two && diff_filespec_is_binary(two)) )) {
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
if (!one->data && !two->data &&
S_ISREG(one->mode) && S_ISREG(two->mode) &&
if (!oidcmp(&one->oid, &two->oid)) {
if (must_show_header)
- fprintf(o->file, "%s", header.buf);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_HEADER,
+ header.buf, header.len,
+ 0);
goto free_ab_and_return;
- fprintf(o->file, "%s", header.buf);
- fprintf(o->file, "%sBinary files %s and %s differ\n",
- line_prefix, lbl[0], lbl[1]);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_HEADER,
+ header.buf, header.len, 0);
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "%sBinary files %s and %s differ\n",
+ diff_line_prefix(o), lbl[0], lbl[1]);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_BINARY_FILES,
+ sb.buf, sb.len, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
goto free_ab_and_return;
if (fill_mmfile(&mf1, one) < 0 || fill_mmfile(&mf2, two) < 0)
@@ -2467,16 +3225,21 @@ static void builtin_diff(const char *name_a,
if (mf1.size == mf2.size &&
!memcmp(mf1.ptr, mf2.ptr, mf1.size)) {
if (must_show_header)
- fprintf(o->file, "%s", header.buf);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_HEADER,
+ header.buf, header.len, 0);
goto free_ab_and_return;
- fprintf(o->file, "%s", header.buf);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_HEADER, header.buf, header.len, 0);
- emit_binary_diff(o->file, &mf1, &mf2, line_prefix);
- else
- fprintf(o->file, "%sBinary files %s and %s differ\n",
- line_prefix, lbl[0], lbl[1]);
+ emit_binary_diff(o, &mf1, &mf2);
+ else {
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "%sBinary files %s and %s differ\n",
+ diff_line_prefix(o), lbl[0], lbl[1]);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_BINARY_FILES,
+ sb.buf, sb.len, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+ }
o->found_changes = 1;
} else {
/* Crazy xdl interfaces.. */
@@ -2488,7 +3251,8 @@ static void builtin_diff(const char *name_a,
const struct userdiff_funcname *pe;
if (must_show_header) {
- fprintf(o->file, "%s", header.buf);
+ emit_diff_symbol(o, DIFF_SYMBOL_HEADER,
+ header.buf, header.len, 0);
@@ -2957,7 +3721,6 @@ static void prep_temp_blob(const char *path, struct diff_tempfile *temp,
const struct object_id *oid,
int mode)
- int fd;
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
struct strbuf template = STRBUF_INIT;
char *path_dup = xstrdup(path);
@@ -2967,18 +3730,18 @@ static void prep_temp_blob(const char *path, struct diff_tempfile *temp,
strbuf_addstr(&template, "XXXXXX_");
strbuf_addstr(&template, base);
- fd = mks_tempfile_ts(&temp->tempfile, template.buf, strlen(base) + 1);
- if (fd < 0)
+ temp->tempfile = mks_tempfile_ts(template.buf, strlen(base) + 1);
+ if (!temp->tempfile)
die_errno("unable to create temp-file");
if (convert_to_working_tree(path,
(const char *)blob, (size_t)size, &buf)) {
blob = buf.buf;
size = buf.len;
- if (write_in_full(fd, blob, size) != size)
+ if (write_in_full(temp->tempfile->fd, blob, size) < 0 ||
+ close_tempfile_gently(temp->tempfile))
die_errno("unable to write temp-file");
- close_tempfile(&temp->tempfile);
- temp->name = get_tempfile_path(&temp->tempfile);
+ temp->name = get_tempfile_path(temp->tempfile);
oid_to_hex_r(temp->hex, oid);
xsnprintf(temp->mode, sizeof(temp->mode), "%06o", mode);
@@ -3246,7 +4009,7 @@ static void diff_fill_oid_info(struct diff_filespec *one)
if (lstat(one->path, &st) < 0)
die_errno("stat '%s'", one->path);
- if (index_path(one->oid.hash, one->path, &st, 0))
+ if (index_path(&one->oid, one->path, &st, 0))
die("cannot hash %s", one->path);
@@ -3279,8 +4042,8 @@ static void run_diff(struct diff_filepair *p, struct diff_options *o)
const char *other;
const char *attr_path;
- name = p->one->path;
- other = (strcmp(name, p->two->path) ? p->two->path : NULL);
+ name = one->path;
+ other = (strcmp(name, two->path) ? two->path : NULL);
attr_path = name;
if (o->prefix_length)
strip_prefix(o->prefix_length, &name, &other);
@@ -3403,6 +4166,8 @@ void diff_setup(struct diff_options *options)
options->a_prefix = "a/";
options->b_prefix = "b/";
+ options->color_moved = diff_color_moved_default;
void diff_setup_done(struct diff_options *options)
@@ -3512,6 +4277,9 @@ void diff_setup_done(struct diff_options *options)
if (DIFF_OPT_TST(options, FOLLOW_RENAMES) && options-> != 1)
die(_("--follow requires exactly one pathspec"));
+ if (!options->use_color || external_diff())
+ options->color_moved = 0;
static int opt_arg(const char *arg, int arg_short, const char *arg_long, int *val)
@@ -3936,7 +4704,19 @@ int diff_opt_parse(struct diff_options *options,
else if (!strcmp(arg, "--no-color"))
options->use_color = 0;
- else if (!strcmp(arg, "--color-words")) {
+ else if (!strcmp(arg, "--color-moved")) {
+ if (diff_color_moved_default)
+ options->color_moved = diff_color_moved_default;
+ if (options->color_moved == COLOR_MOVED_NO)
+ options->color_moved = COLOR_MOVED_DEFAULT;
+ } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--no-color-moved"))
+ options->color_moved = COLOR_MOVED_NO;
+ else if (skip_prefix(arg, "--color-moved=", &arg)) {
+ int cm = parse_color_moved(arg);
+ if (cm < 0)
+ die("bad --color-moved argument: %s", arg);
+ options->color_moved = cm;
+ } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--color-words")) {
options->use_color = 1;
options->word_diff = DIFF_WORDS_COLOR;
@@ -4466,67 +5246,78 @@ static void flush_one_pair(struct diff_filepair *p, struct diff_options *opt)
-static void show_file_mode_name(FILE *file, const char *newdelete, struct diff_filespec *fs)
+static void show_file_mode_name(struct diff_options *opt, const char *newdelete, struct diff_filespec *fs)
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
if (fs->mode)
- fprintf(file, " %s mode %06o ", newdelete, fs->mode);
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, " %s mode %06o ", newdelete, fs->mode);
- fprintf(file, " %s ", newdelete);
- write_name_quoted(fs->path, file, '\n');
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, " %s ", newdelete);
+ quote_c_style(fs->path, &sb, NULL, 0);
+ strbuf_addch(&sb, '\n');
+ emit_diff_symbol(opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_SUMMARY,
+ sb.buf, sb.len, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
-static void show_mode_change(FILE *file, struct diff_filepair *p, int show_name,
- const char *line_prefix)
+static void show_mode_change(struct diff_options *opt, struct diff_filepair *p,
+ int show_name)
if (p->one->mode && p->two->mode && p->one->mode != p->two->mode) {
- fprintf(file, "%s mode change %06o => %06o%c", line_prefix, p->one->mode,
- p->two->mode, show_name ? ' ' : '\n');
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, " mode change %06o => %06o",
+ p->one->mode, p->two->mode);
if (show_name) {
- write_name_quoted(p->two->path, file, '\n');
+ strbuf_addch(&sb, ' ');
+ quote_c_style(p->two->path, &sb, NULL, 0);
+ emit_diff_symbol(opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_SUMMARY,
+ sb.buf, sb.len, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
-static void show_rename_copy(FILE *file, const char *renamecopy, struct diff_filepair *p,
- const char *line_prefix)
+static void show_rename_copy(struct diff_options *opt, const char *renamecopy,
+ struct diff_filepair *p)
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
char *names = pprint_rename(p->one->path, p->two->path);
- fprintf(file, " %s %s (%d%%)\n", renamecopy, names, similarity_index(p));
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, " %s %s (%d%%)\n",
+ renamecopy, names, similarity_index(p));
- show_mode_change(file, p, 0, line_prefix);
+ emit_diff_symbol(opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_SUMMARY,
+ sb.buf, sb.len, 0);
+ show_mode_change(opt, p, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
static void diff_summary(struct diff_options *opt, struct diff_filepair *p)
- FILE *file = opt->file;
- const char *line_prefix = diff_line_prefix(opt);
switch(p->status) {
- fputs(line_prefix, file);
- show_file_mode_name(file, "delete", p->one);
+ show_file_mode_name(opt, "delete", p->one);
- fputs(line_prefix, file);
- show_file_mode_name(file, "create", p->two);
+ show_file_mode_name(opt, "create", p->two);
- fputs(line_prefix, file);
- show_rename_copy(file, "copy", p, line_prefix);
+ show_rename_copy(opt, "copy", p);
- fputs(line_prefix, file);
- show_rename_copy(file, "rename", p, line_prefix);
+ show_rename_copy(opt, "rename", p);
if (p->score) {
- fprintf(file, "%s rewrite ", line_prefix);
- write_name_quoted(p->two->path, file, ' ');
- fprintf(file, "(%d%%)\n", similarity_index(p));
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strbuf_addstr(&sb, " rewrite ");
+ quote_c_style(p->two->path, &sb, NULL, 0);
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, " (%d%%)\n", similarity_index(p));
+ emit_diff_symbol(opt, DIFF_SYMBOL_SUMMARY,
+ sb.buf, sb.len, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
- show_mode_change(file, p, !p->score, line_prefix);
+ show_mode_change(opt, p, !p->score);
@@ -4731,6 +5522,51 @@ void diff_warn_rename_limit(const char *varname, int needed, int degraded_cc)
warning(_(rename_limit_advice), varname, needed);
+static void diff_flush_patch_all_file_pairs(struct diff_options *o)
+ int i;
+ static struct emitted_diff_symbols esm = EMITTED_DIFF_SYMBOLS_INIT;
+ struct diff_queue_struct *q = &diff_queued_diff;
+ die("BUG: WS rules bit mask overlaps with diff symbol flags");
+ if (o->color_moved)
+ o->emitted_symbols = &esm;
+ for (i = 0; i < q->nr; i++) {
+ struct diff_filepair *p = q->queue[i];
+ if (check_pair_status(p))
+ diff_flush_patch(p, o);
+ }
+ if (o->emitted_symbols) {
+ if (o->color_moved) {
+ struct hashmap add_lines, del_lines;
+ hashmap_init(&del_lines,
+ (hashmap_cmp_fn)moved_entry_cmp, o, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&add_lines,
+ (hashmap_cmp_fn)moved_entry_cmp, o, 0);
+ add_lines_to_move_detection(o, &add_lines, &del_lines);
+ mark_color_as_moved(o, &add_lines, &del_lines);
+ if (o->color_moved == COLOR_MOVED_ZEBRA_DIM)
+ dim_moved_lines(o);
+ hashmap_free(&add_lines, 0);
+ hashmap_free(&del_lines, 0);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <; i++)
+ emit_diff_symbol_from_struct(o, &esm.buf[i]);
+ for (i = 0; i <; i++)
+ free((void *)esm.buf[i].line);
+ }
+ = 0;
void diff_flush(struct diff_options *options)
struct diff_queue_struct *q = &diff_queued_diff;
@@ -4803,6 +5639,7 @@ void diff_flush(struct diff_options *options)
options->file = xfopen("/dev/null", "w");
options->close_file = 1;
+ options->color_moved = 0;
for (i = 0; i < q->nr; i++) {
struct diff_filepair *p = q->queue[i];
if (check_pair_status(p))
@@ -4814,20 +5651,14 @@ void diff_flush(struct diff_options *options)
if (output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH) {
if (separator) {
- fprintf(options->file, "%s%c",
- diff_line_prefix(options),
- options->line_termination);
- if (options->stat_sep) {
+ emit_diff_symbol(options, DIFF_SYMBOL_SEPARATOR, NULL, 0, 0);
+ if (options->stat_sep)
/* attach patch instead of inline */
- fputs(options->stat_sep, options->file);
- }
+ emit_diff_symbol(options, DIFF_SYMBOL_STAT_SEP,
+ NULL, 0, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < q->nr; i++) {
- struct diff_filepair *p = q->queue[i];
- if (check_pair_status(p))
- diff_flush_patch(p, options);
- }
+ diff_flush_patch_all_file_pairs(options);
if (output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_CALLBACK)
diff --git a/diff.h b/diff.h
index 2d442e296f..aca150ba2e 100644
--- a/diff.h
+++ b/diff.h
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ struct diff_options {
int abbrev;
int ita_invisible_in_index;
/* white-space error highlighting */
-#define WSEH_NEW 1
-#define WSEH_CONTEXT 2
-#define WSEH_OLD 4
+#define WSEH_NEW (1<<12)
+#define WSEH_CONTEXT (1<<13)
+#define WSEH_OLD (1<<14)
unsigned ws_error_highlight;
const char *prefix;
int prefix_length;
@@ -186,8 +186,27 @@ struct diff_options {
void *output_prefix_data;
int diff_path_counter;
+ struct emitted_diff_symbols *emitted_symbols;
+ enum {
+ } color_moved;
+void diff_emit_submodule_del(struct diff_options *o, const char *line);
+void diff_emit_submodule_add(struct diff_options *o, const char *line);
+void diff_emit_submodule_untracked(struct diff_options *o, const char *path);
+void diff_emit_submodule_modified(struct diff_options *o, const char *path);
+void diff_emit_submodule_header(struct diff_options *o, const char *header);
+void diff_emit_submodule_error(struct diff_options *o, const char *err);
+void diff_emit_submodule_pipethrough(struct diff_options *o,
+ const char *line, int len);
enum color_diff {
@@ -197,7 +216,15 @@ enum color_diff {
const char *diff_get_color(int diff_use_color, enum color_diff ix);
#define diff_get_color_opt(o, ix) \
@@ -396,8 +423,8 @@ extern int parse_rename_score(const char **cp_p);
extern long parse_algorithm_value(const char *value);
-extern int print_stat_summary(FILE *fp, int files,
- int insertions, int deletions);
+extern void print_stat_summary(FILE *fp, int files,
+ int insertions, int deletions);
extern void setup_diff_pager(struct diff_options *);
#endif /* DIFF_H */
diff --git a/diffcore-rename.c b/diffcore-rename.c
index 786f389498..0d8c3d2ee4 100644
--- a/diffcore-rename.c
+++ b/diffcore-rename.c
@@ -532,9 +532,9 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
if (options->show_rename_progress) {
- progress = start_progress_delay(
+ progress = start_delayed_progress(
_("Performing inexact rename detection"),
- rename_dst_nr * rename_src_nr, 50, 1);
+ rename_dst_nr * rename_src_nr);
mx = xcalloc(st_mult(NUM_CANDIDATE_PER_DST, num_create), sizeof(*mx));
diff --git a/entry.c b/entry.c
index 65458f07a4..1c7e3c11d5 100644
--- a/entry.c
+++ b/entry.c
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "dir.h"
#include "streaming.h"
#include "submodule.h"
+#include "progress.h"
static void create_directories(const char *path, int path_len,
const struct checkout *state)
@@ -161,16 +162,22 @@ static int remove_available_paths(struct string_list_item *item, void *cb_data)
int finish_delayed_checkout(struct checkout *state)
int errs = 0;
+ unsigned delayed_object_count;
+ off_t filtered_bytes = 0;
struct string_list_item *filter, *path;
+ struct progress *progress;
struct delayed_checkout *dco = state->delayed_checkout;
if (!state->delayed_checkout)
return errs;
dco->state = CE_RETRY;
+ delayed_object_count = dco->;
+ progress = start_delayed_progress(_("Filtering content"), delayed_object_count);
while (dco-> > 0) {
for_each_string_list_item(filter, &dco->filters) {
struct string_list available_paths = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+ display_progress(progress, delayed_object_count - dco->;
if (!async_query_available_blobs(filter->string, &available_paths)) {
/* Filter reported an error */
@@ -216,11 +223,17 @@ int finish_delayed_checkout(struct checkout *state)
ce = index_file_exists(state->istate, path->string,
strlen(path->string), 0);
- errs |= (ce ? checkout_entry(ce, state, NULL) : 1);
+ if (ce) {
+ errs |= checkout_entry(ce, state, NULL);
+ filtered_bytes += ce->ce_stat_data.sd_size;
+ display_throughput(progress, filtered_bytes);
+ } else
+ errs = 1;
string_list_remove_empty_items(&dco->filters, 0);
+ stop_progress(&progress);
string_list_clear(&dco->filters, 0);
/* At this point we should not have any delayed paths anymore. */
@@ -244,7 +257,8 @@ static int write_entry(struct cache_entry *ce,
char *new;
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
unsigned long size;
- size_t wrote, newsize = 0;
+ ssize_t wrote;
+ size_t newsize = 0;
struct stat st;
const struct submodule *sub;
@@ -319,7 +333,7 @@ static int write_entry(struct cache_entry *ce,
fstat_done = fstat_output(fd, state, &st);
- if (wrote != size)
+ if (wrote < 0)
return error("unable to write file %s", path);
diff --git a/environment.c b/environment.c
index 3fd4b10845..f1f934b6fd 100644
--- a/environment.c
+++ b/environment.c
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int ignore_untracked_cache_config;
/* This is set by setup_git_dir_gently() and/or git_default_config() */
char *git_work_tree_cfg;
-static const char *namespace;
+static char *namespace;
static const char *super_prefix;
@@ -152,8 +152,10 @@ void setup_git_env(void)
check_replace_refs = 0;
replace_ref_base = getenv(GIT_REPLACE_REF_BASE_ENVIRONMENT);
+ free(git_replace_ref_base);
git_replace_ref_base = xstrdup(replace_ref_base ? replace_ref_base
: "refs/replace/");
+ free(namespace);
namespace = expand_namespace(getenv(GIT_NAMESPACE_ENVIRONMENT));
shallow_file = getenv(GIT_SHALLOW_FILE_ENVIRONMENT);
if (shallow_file)
diff --git a/exec_cmd.c b/exec_cmd.c
index fb94aeba9c..ce192a2d64 100644
--- a/exec_cmd.c
+++ b/exec_cmd.c
@@ -5,21 +5,14 @@
#define MAX_ARGS 32
static const char *argv_exec_path;
static const char *argv0_path;
-char *system_path(const char *path)
+static const char *system_prefix(void)
static const char *prefix;
- static const char *prefix = PREFIX;
- struct strbuf d = STRBUF_INIT;
- if (is_absolute_path(path))
- return xstrdup(path);
@@ -32,10 +25,7 @@ char *system_path(const char *path)
"but prefix computation failed. "
"Using static fallback '%s'.\n", prefix);
- strbuf_addf(&d, "%s/%s", prefix, path);
- return strbuf_detach(&d, NULL);
+ return prefix;
void git_extract_argv0_path(const char *argv0)
@@ -51,6 +41,30 @@ void git_extract_argv0_path(const char *argv0)
argv0_path = xstrndup(argv0, slash - argv0);
+static const char *system_prefix(void)
+ return PREFIX;
+void git_extract_argv0_path(const char *argv0)
+#endif /* RUNTIME_PREFIX */
+char *system_path(const char *path)
+ struct strbuf d = STRBUF_INIT;
+ if (is_absolute_path(path))
+ return xstrdup(path);
+ strbuf_addf(&d, "%s/%s", system_prefix(), path);
+ return strbuf_detach(&d, NULL);
void git_set_argv_exec_path(const char *exec_path)
argv_exec_path = exec_path;
diff --git a/fast-import.c b/fast-import.c
index a959161b46..35bf671f12 100644
--- a/fast-import.c
+++ b/fast-import.c
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ Format of STDIN stream:
#include "quote.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "run-command.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
#define PACK_ID_BITS 16
#define MAX_PACK_ID ((1<<PACK_ID_BITS)-1)
@@ -2951,7 +2952,7 @@ static void parse_reset_branch(const char *arg)
static void cat_blob_write(const char *buf, unsigned long size)
- if (write_in_full(cat_blob_fd, buf, size) != size)
+ if (write_in_full(cat_blob_fd, buf, size) < 0)
die_errno("Write to frontend failed");
diff --git a/fetch-pack.c b/fetch-pack.c
index fbbc99c888..105506e9aa 100644
--- a/fetch-pack.c
+++ b/fetch-pack.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "prio-queue.h"
#include "sha1-array.h"
#include "oidset.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static int transfer_unpack_limit = -1;
static int fetch_unpack_limit = -1;
diff --git a/fsck.c b/fsck.c
index b4204d772b..2ad00fc4d0 100644
--- a/fsck.c
+++ b/fsck.c
@@ -588,6 +588,7 @@ static int fsck_tree(struct tree *item, struct fsck_options *options)
case S_IFREG | 0664:
if (!options->strict)
+ /* fallthrough */
has_bad_modes = 1;
@@ -736,7 +737,7 @@ static int fsck_commit_buffer(struct commit *commit, const char *buffer,
buffer += 41;
- graft = lookup_commit_graft(commit->object.oid.hash);
+ graft = lookup_commit_graft(&commit->object.oid);
parent_count = commit_list_count(commit->parents);
if (graft) {
if (graft->nr_parent == -1 && !parent_count)
diff --git a/git-archimport.perl b/git-archimport.perl
index 9cb123a07d..b7c173c345 100755
--- a/git-archimport.perl
+++ b/git-archimport.perl
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ sub find_parents {
# check that we actually know about the branch
next unless -e "$git_dir/refs/heads/$branch";
- my $mergebase = `git-merge-base $branch $ps->{branch}`;
+ my $mergebase = safe_pipe_capture(qw(git-merge-base), $branch, $ps->{branch});
if ($?) {
# Don't die here, Arch supports one-way cherry-picking
# between branches with no common base (or any relationship
@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ sub find_parents {
sub git_rev_parse {
my $name = shift;
- my $val = `git-rev-parse $name`;
+ my $val = safe_pipe_capture(qw(git-rev-parse), $name);
die "Error: git-rev-parse $name" if $?;
chomp $val;
return $val;
diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index 7d2c0ca759..9bc15b0363 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -749,8 +749,6 @@ const char *inet_ntop(int af, const void *src, char *dst, size_t size);
extern int git_atexit(void (*handler)(void));
-extern void release_pack_memory(size_t);
typedef void (*try_to_free_t)(size_t);
extern try_to_free_t set_try_to_free_routine(try_to_free_t);
@@ -1171,4 +1169,24 @@ static inline int is_missing_file_error(int errno_)
extern int cmd_main(int, const char **);
+ * You can mark a stack variable with UNLEAK(var) to avoid it being
+ * reported as a leak by tools like LSAN or valgrind. The argument
+ * should generally be the variable itself (not its address and not what
+ * it points to). It's safe to use this on pointers which may already
+ * have been freed, or on pointers which may still be in use.
+ *
+ * Use this _only_ for a variable that leaks by going out of scope at
+ * program exit (so only from cmd_* functions or their direct helpers).
+ * Normal functions, especially those which may be called multiple
+ * times, should actually free their memory. This is only meant as
+ * an annotation, and does nothing in non-leak-checking builds.
+ */
+extern void unleak_memory(const void *ptr, size_t len);
+#define UNLEAK(var) unleak_memory(&(var), sizeof(var))
+#define UNLEAK(var) do {} while (0)
diff --git a/git-cvsimport.perl b/git-cvsimport.perl
index 1e4e65a45d..36929921ea 100755
--- a/git-cvsimport.perl
+++ b/git-cvsimport.perl
@@ -642,6 +642,7 @@ sub is_sha1 {
sub get_headref ($) {
my $name = shift;
+ $name =~ s/'/'\\''/;
my $r = `git rev-parse --verify '$name' 2>/dev/null`;
return undef unless $? == 0;
chomp $r;
diff --git a/git-cvsserver.perl b/git-cvsserver.perl
index d50c85ed7b..ae1044273d 100755
--- a/git-cvsserver.perl
+++ b/git-cvsserver.perl
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ sub req_Root
return 0;
- my @gitvars = `git config -l`;
+ my @gitvars = safe_pipe_capture(qw(git config -l));
if ($?) {
print "E problems executing git-config on the server -- this is not a git repository or the PATH is not set correctly.\n";
print "E \n";
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ sub req_Modified
# Save the file data in $state
$state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_filename} = $filename;
$state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_mode} = $mode;
- $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_hash} = `git hash-object $filename`;
+ $state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_hash} = safe_pipe_capture('git','hash-object',$filename);
$state->{entries}{$state->{directory}.$data}{modified_hash} =~ s/\s.*$//s;
#$log->debug("req_Modified : file=$data mode=$mode size=$size");
@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ sub req_co
# Provide list of modules, if -c was used.
if (exists $state->{opt}{c}) {
- my $showref = `git show-ref --heads`;
+ my $showref = safe_pipe_capture(qw(git show-ref --heads));
for my $line (split '\n', $showref) {
if ( $line =~ m% refs/heads/(.*)$% ) {
print "M $1\t$1\n";
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ sub req_update
# projects (heads in this case) to checkout.
if ($state->{module} eq '') {
- my $showref = `git show-ref --heads`;
+ my $showref = safe_pipe_capture(qw(git show-ref --heads));
print "E cvs update: Updating .\n";
for my $line (split '\n', $showref) {
if ( $line =~ m% refs/heads/(.*)$% ) {
@@ -1463,7 +1463,7 @@ sub req_update
# transmit file, format is single integer on a line by itself (file
# size) followed by the file contents
# TODO : we should copy files in blocks
- my $data = `cat $mergedFile`;
+ my $data = safe_pipe_capture('cat', $mergedFile);
$log->debug("File size : " . length($data));
print length($data) . "\n";
print $data;
@@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ sub req_ci
$branchRef = "refs/heads/$stickyInfo->{tag}";
- $parenthash = `git show-ref -s $branchRef`;
+ $parenthash = safe_pipe_capture('git', 'show-ref', '-s', $branchRef);
chomp $parenthash;
if ($parenthash !~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/)
@@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ sub req_ci
- my $treehash = `git write-tree`;
+ my $treehash = safe_pipe_capture(qw(git write-tree));
chomp $treehash;
$log->debug("Treehash : $treehash, Parenthash : $parenthash");
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ sub req_ci
close $msg_fh;
- my $commithash = `git commit-tree $treehash -p $parenthash < $msg_filename`;
+ my $commithash = safe_pipe_capture('git', 'commit-tree', $treehash, '-p', $parenthash, '-F', $msg_filename);
$log->info("Commit hash : $commithash");
@@ -2854,12 +2854,12 @@ sub transmitfile
die "Need filehash" unless ( defined ( $filehash ) and $filehash =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ );
- my $type = `git cat-file -t $filehash`;
+ my $type = safe_pipe_capture('git', 'cat-file', '-t', $filehash);
chomp $type;
die ( "Invalid type '$type' (expected 'blob')" ) unless ( defined ( $type ) and $type eq "blob" );
- my $size = `git cat-file -s $filehash`;
+ my $size = safe_pipe_capture('git', 'cat-file', '-s', $filehash);
chomp $size;
$log->debug("transmitfile($filehash) size=$size, type=$type");
@@ -3040,7 +3040,7 @@ sub ensureWorkTree
chdir $work->{emptyDir} or
die "Unable to chdir to $work->{emptyDir}\n";
- my $ver = `git show-ref -s refs/heads/$state->{module}`;
+ my $ver = safe_pipe_capture('git', 'show-ref', '-s', "refs/heads/$state->{module}");
chomp $ver;
if ($ver !~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/)
@@ -3287,7 +3287,7 @@ sub open_blob_or_die
die "Need filehash\n";
- my $type = `git cat-file -t $name`;
+ my $type = safe_pipe_capture('git', 'cat-file', '-t', $name);
chomp $type;
unless ( defined ( $type ) and $type eq "blob" )
@@ -3296,7 +3296,7 @@ sub open_blob_or_die
die ( "Invalid type '$type' (expected 'blob')" )
- my $size = `git cat-file -s $name`;
+ my $size = safe_pipe_capture('git', 'cat-file', '-s', $name);
chomp $size;
$log->debug("open_blob_or_die($name) size=$size, type=$type");
@@ -3406,6 +3406,22 @@ sub refHashEqual
return $out;
+# an alternative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array
+# to work around shell problems with weird characters in arguments
+sub safe_pipe_capture {
+ my @output;
+ if (my $pid = open my $child, '-|') {
+ @output = (<$child>);
+ close $child or die join(' ',@_).": $! $?";
+ } else {
+ exec(@_) or die "$! $?"; # exec() can fail the executable can't be found
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @output : join('',@output);
package GITCVS::log;
@@ -3797,10 +3813,10 @@ sub update
# first lets get the commit list
$ENV{GIT_DIR} = $self->{git_path};
- my $commitsha1 = `git rev-parse $self->{module}`;
+ my $commitsha1 = ::safe_pipe_capture('git', 'rev-parse', $self->{module});
chomp $commitsha1;
- my $commitinfo = `git cat-file commit $self->{module} 2>&1`;
+ my $commitinfo = ::safe_pipe_capture('git', 'cat-file', 'commit', $self->{module});
unless ( $commitinfo =~ /tree\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}/ )
die("Invalid module '$self->{module}'");
@@ -3882,7 +3898,7 @@ sub update
# several candidate merge bases. let's assume
# that the first one is the best one.
my $base = eval {
- safe_pipe_capture('git', 'merge-base',
+ ::safe_pipe_capture('git', 'merge-base',
$lastpicked, $parent);
# The two branches may not be related at all,
@@ -4749,7 +4765,7 @@ sub getMetaFromCommithash
return $retVal;
- my($fileHash)=safe_pipe_capture("git","rev-parse","$revCommit:$filename");
+ my($fileHash) = ::safe_pipe_capture("git","rev-parse","$revCommit:$filename");
chomp $fileHash;
@@ -4844,8 +4860,8 @@ sub lookupCommitRef
return $commitHash;
- $commitHash=safe_pipe_capture("git","rev-parse","--verify","--quiet",
- $self->unescapeRefName($ref));
+ $commitHash = ::safe_pipe_capture("git","rev-parse","--verify","--quiet",
+ $self->unescapeRefName($ref));
@@ -4854,7 +4870,7 @@ sub lookupCommitRef
if( defined($commitHash) )
- my $type=safe_pipe_capture("git","cat-file","-t",$commitHash);
+ my $type = ::safe_pipe_capture("git","cat-file","-t",$commitHash);
if( ! ($type=~/^commit\s*$/ ) )
@@ -4907,7 +4923,7 @@ sub commitmessage
return $message;
- my @lines = safe_pipe_capture("git", "cat-file", "commit", $commithash);
+ my @lines = ::safe_pipe_capture("git", "cat-file", "commit", $commithash);
shift @lines while ( $lines[0] =~ /\S/ );
$message = join("",@lines);
$message .= " " if ( $message =~ /\n$/ );
@@ -5056,25 +5072,6 @@ sub in_array
return $retval;
-=head2 safe_pipe_capture
-an alternative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array
-to work around shell problems with weird characters in arguments
-sub safe_pipe_capture {
- my @output;
- if (my $pid = open my $child, '-|') {
- @output = (<$child>);
- close $child or die join(' ',@_).": $! $?";
- } else {
- exec(@_) or die "$! $?"; # exec() can fail the executable can't be found
- }
- return wantarray ? @output : join('',@output);
=head2 mangle_dirname
create a string from a directory name that is suitable to use as
diff --git a/ b/
index 3a74602ef3..3365a3b866 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ USAGE="[--setup <command>] [--env-filter <command>]
[--parent-filter <command>] [--msg-filter <command>]
[--commit-filter <command>] [--tag-name-filter <command>]
[--subdirectory-filter <directory>] [--original <namespace>]
- [-d <directory>] [-f | --force]
+ [-d <directory>] [-f | --force] [--state-branch <branch>]
[--] [<rev-list options>...]"
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ filter_msg=cat
@@ -181,6 +182,9 @@ do
orig_namespace=$(expr "$OPTARG/" : '\(.*[^/]\)/*$')/
+ --state-branch)
+ state_branch="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
@@ -219,6 +223,13 @@ trap 'cd "$orig_dir"; rm -rf "$tempdir"' 0
@@ -252,6 +263,26 @@ export GIT_INDEX_FILE
# map old->new commit ids for rewriting parents
mkdir ../map || die "Could not create map/ directory"
+if test -n "$state_branch"
+ state_commit=$(git rev-parse --no-flags --revs-only "$state_branch")
+ if test -n "$state_commit"
+ then
+ echo "Populating map from $state_branch ($state_commit)" 1>&2
+ perl -e'open(MAP, "-|", "git show $ARGV[0]") or die;
+ while (<MAP>) {
+ m/(.*):(.*)/ or die;
+ open F, ">../map/$1" or die;
+ print F "$2" or die;
+ close(F) or die;
+ }
+ close(MAP) or die;' "$state_commit" \
+ || die "Unable to load state from $"
+ else
+ echo "Branch $state_branch does not exist. Will create" 1>&2
+ fi
# we need "--" only if there are no path arguments in $@
nonrevs=$(git rev-parse --no-revs "$@") || exit
if test -z "$nonrevs"
@@ -530,7 +561,7 @@ if [ "$filter_tag_name" ]; then
}' \
-e '/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----/q' \
-e 'p' ) |
- git mktag) ||
+ git hash-object -t tag -w --stdin) ||
die "Could not create new tag object for $ref"
if git cat-file tag "$ref" | \
sane_grep '^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----' >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -544,12 +575,9 @@ if [ "$filter_tag_name" ]; then
-cd "$orig_dir"
-rm -rf "$tempdir"
-trap - 0
test -z "$ORIG_GIT_DIR" || {
@@ -561,6 +589,58 @@ test -z "$ORIG_GIT_INDEX_FILE" || {
+test -z "$ORIG_GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" || {
+test -z "$ORIG_GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" || {
+test -z "$ORIG_GIT_AUTHOR_DATE" || {
+test -z "$ORIG_GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" || {
+test -z "$ORIG_GIT_COMMITTER_DATE" || {
+if test -n "$state_branch"
+ echo "Saving rewrite state to $state_branch" 1>&2
+ state_blob=$(
+ perl -e'opendir D, "../map" or die;
+ open H, "|-", "git hash-object -w --stdin" or die;
+ foreach (sort readdir(D)) {
+ next if m/^\.\.?$/;
+ open F, "<../map/$_" or die;
+ chomp($f = <F>);
+ print H "$_:$f\n" or die;
+ }
+ close(H) or die;' || die "Unable to save state")
+ state_tree=$(/bin/echo -e "100644 blob $state_blob\" | git mktree)
+ if test -n "$state_commit"
+ then
+ state_commit=$(/bin/echo "Sync" | git commit-tree "$state_tree" -p "$state_commit")
+ else
+ state_commit=$(/bin/echo "Sync" | git commit-tree "$state_tree" )
+ fi
+ git update-ref "$state_branch" "$state_commit"
+cd "$orig_dir"
+rm -rf "$tempdir"
+trap - 0
if [ "$(is_bare_repository)" = false ]; then
git read-tree -u -m HEAD || exit
diff --git a/git-gui/po/README b/git-gui/po/README
index 0f5837d48e..2514bc22ab 100644
--- a/git-gui/po/README
+++ b/git-gui/po/README
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ to contribute an update. This may be because you would want to improve
the translation of existing messages, or because the git-gui software
itself was updated and there are new messages that need translation.
-In any case, make sure you are up-to-date before starting your work:
+In any case, make sure you are up to date before starting your work:
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
diff --git a/ b/
index 6c390d6c22..7d19d37951 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ do
case "$LF$common$LF" in
- eval_gettextln "Already up-to-date with \$pretty_name"
+ eval_gettextln "Already up to date with \$pretty_name"
diff --git a/ b/
index 2fa581789c..76859b453a 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3614,7 +3614,7 @@ class P4Rebase(Command):
def rebase(self):
if os.system("git update-index --refresh") != 0:
- die("Some files in your working directory are modified and different than what is in your index. You can use git update-index <filename> to bring the index up-to-date or stash away all your changes with git stash.");
+ die("Some files in your working directory are modified and different than what is in your index. You can use git update-index <filename> to bring the index up to date or stash away all your changes with git stash.");
if len(read_pipe("git diff-index HEAD --")) > 0:
die("You have uncommitted changes. Please commit them before rebasing or stash them away with git stash.");
diff --git a/ b/
index 319933e70a..6e64d40d6f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ else
git format-patch -k --stdout --full-index --cherry-pick --right-only \
--src-prefix=a/ --dst-prefix=b/ --no-renames --no-cover-letter \
+ $git_format_patch_opt \
"$revisions" ${restrict_revision+^$restrict_revision} \
diff --git a/ b/
index 2cf73b88e8..ad8415e3cf 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -55,9 +55,10 @@ LF='
-$(gettext 'When you have resolved this problem, run "git rebase --continue".
-If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git rebase --skip" instead.
-To check out the original branch and stop rebasing, run "git rebase --abort".')
+$(gettext 'Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with
+"git add/rm <conflicted_files>", then run "git rebase --continue".
+You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip".
+To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort".')
unset onto
unset restrict_revision
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ test "$(git config --bool rebase.stat)" = true && diffstat=t
autostash="$(git config --bool rebase.autostash || echo false)"
@@ -444,6 +446,11 @@ else
+if test -t 2 && test -z "$GIT_QUIET"
+ git_format_patch_opt="$git_format_patch_opt --progress"
if test -z "$rebase_root"
case "$#" in
diff --git a/git-send-email.perl b/git-send-email.perl
index fa6526986e..2208dcc213 100755
--- a/git-send-email.perl
+++ b/git-send-email.perl
@@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ sub format_2822_time {
my $have_email_valid = eval { require Email::Valid; 1 };
-my $have_mail_address = eval { require Mail::Address; 1 };
my $smtp;
my $auth;
my $num_sent = 0;
@@ -490,11 +489,7 @@ my ($repoauthor, $repocommitter);
($repocommitter) = Git::ident_person(@repo, 'committer');
sub parse_address_line {
- if ($have_mail_address) {
- return map { $_->format } Mail::Address->parse($_[0]);
- } else {
- return Git::parse_mailboxes($_[0]);
- }
+ return Git::parse_mailboxes($_[0]);
sub split_addrs {
@@ -1089,6 +1084,26 @@ sub sanitize_address {
+sub strip_garbage_one_address {
+ my ($addr) = @_;
+ chomp $addr;
+ if ($addr =~ /^(("[^"]*"|[^"<]*)? *<[^>]*>).*/) {
+ # "Foo Bar" <> [possibly garbage here]
+ # Foo Bar <> [possibly garbage here]
+ return $1;
+ }
+ if ($addr =~ /^(<[^>]*>).*/) {
+ # <> [possibly garbage here]
+ # if garbage contains other addresses, they are ignored.
+ return $1;
+ }
+ if ($addr =~ /^([^"#,\s]*)/) {
+ # address without quoting: remove anything after the address
+ return $1;
+ }
+ return $addr;
sub sanitize_address_list {
return (map { sanitize_address($_) } @_);
@@ -1590,10 +1605,12 @@ foreach my $t (@files) {
# Now parse the message body
while(<$fh>) {
$message .= $_;
- if (/^(Signed-off-by|Cc): ([^>]*>?)/i) {
+ if (/^(Signed-off-by|Cc): (.*)/i) {
my ($what, $c) = ($1, $2);
- chomp $c;
+ # strip garbage for the address we'll use:
+ $c = strip_garbage_one_address($c);
+ # sanitize a bit more to decide whether to suppress the address:
my $sc = sanitize_address($c);
if ($sc eq $sender) {
next if ($suppress_cc{'self'});
diff --git a/ b/
index 328cd80d83..8b2ce9afda 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -307,6 +307,12 @@ push_stash () {
if test -z "$patch_mode"
+ test "$untracked" = "all" && CLEAN_X_OPTION=-x || CLEAN_X_OPTION=
+ if test -n "$untracked"
+ then
+ git clean --force --quiet -d $CLEAN_X_OPTION -- "$@"
+ fi
if test $# != 0
git reset -q -- "$@"
@@ -316,11 +322,6 @@ push_stash () {
git reset --hard -q
- test "$untracked" = "all" && CLEAN_X_OPTION=-x || CLEAN_X_OPTION=
- if test -n "$untracked"
- then
- git clean --force --quiet -d $CLEAN_X_OPTION -- "$@"
- fi
if test "$keep_index" = "t" && test -n "$i_tree"
diff --git a/git.c b/git.c
index 6b6d9f68e1..f31dca6962 100644
--- a/git.c
+++ b/git.c
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ static struct cmd_struct commands[] = {
{ "fsck-objects", cmd_fsck, RUN_SETUP },
{ "gc", cmd_gc, RUN_SETUP },
{ "get-tar-commit-id", cmd_get_tar_commit_id },
- { "grep", cmd_grep, RUN_SETUP_GENTLY | SUPPORT_SUPER_PREFIX },
+ { "grep", cmd_grep, RUN_SETUP_GENTLY },
{ "hash-object", cmd_hash_object },
{ "help", cmd_help },
{ "index-pack", cmd_index_pack, RUN_SETUP_GENTLY },
diff --git a/gitweb/gitweb.perl b/gitweb/gitweb.perl
index 9208f42ed1..959f04b494 100755
--- a/gitweb/gitweb.perl
+++ b/gitweb/gitweb.perl
@@ -5967,6 +5967,9 @@ sub git_history_body {
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commitdiff", hash=>$commit)}, "commitdiff");
if ($ftype eq 'blob') {
+ print " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob_plain", hash_base=>$commit, file_name=>$file_name)}, "raw");
my $blob_current = $file_hash;
my $blob_parent = git_get_hash_by_path($commit, $file_name);
if (defined $blob_current && defined $blob_parent &&
diff --git a/gpg-interface.c b/gpg-interface.c
index d936f3a32f..4feacf16e5 100644
--- a/gpg-interface.c
+++ b/gpg-interface.c
@@ -202,26 +202,26 @@ int verify_signed_buffer(const char *payload, size_t payload_size,
struct strbuf *gpg_output, struct strbuf *gpg_status)
struct child_process gpg = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
- static struct tempfile temp;
- int fd, ret;
+ struct tempfile *temp;
+ int ret;
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
- fd = mks_tempfile_t(&temp, ".git_vtag_tmpXXXXXX");
- if (fd < 0)
+ temp = mks_tempfile_t(".git_vtag_tmpXXXXXX");
+ if (!temp)
return error_errno(_("could not create temporary file"));
- if (write_in_full(fd, signature, signature_size) < 0) {
+ if (write_in_full(temp->fd, signature, signature_size) < 0 ||
+ close_tempfile_gently(temp) < 0) {
error_errno(_("failed writing detached signature to '%s'"),
- temp.filename.buf);
+ temp->filename.buf);
return -1;
- close(fd);
- "--verify", temp.filename.buf, "-",
+ "--verify", temp->filename.buf, "-",
if (!gpg_status)
diff --git a/grep.c b/grep.c
index c9e7cc7356..ce6a48e634 100644
--- a/grep.c
+++ b/grep.c
@@ -1927,16 +1927,6 @@ void grep_source_init(struct grep_source *gs, enum grep_source_type type,
gs->identifier = xstrdup(identifier);
- if (!identifier) {
- gs->identifier = NULL;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If the identifier is non-NULL (in the submodule case) it
- * will be a SHA1 that needs to be copied.
- */
gs->identifier = oiddup(identifier);
@@ -1959,7 +1949,6 @@ void grep_source_clear_data(struct grep_source *gs)
switch (gs->type) {
gs->size = 0;
@@ -2030,8 +2019,6 @@ static int grep_source_load(struct grep_source *gs)
return grep_source_load_oid(gs);
return gs->buf ? 0 : -1;
- break;
die("BUG: invalid grep_source type to load");
diff --git a/grep.h b/grep.h
index 0c091e5104..52aecfab6e 100644
--- a/grep.h
+++ b/grep.h
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ struct grep_source {
} type;
void *identifier;
diff --git a/hash.h b/hash.h
index bef3e630a0..024d0d3d50 100644
--- a/hash.h
+++ b/hash.h
@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@
#elif defined(SHA1_OPENSSL)
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#elif defined(SHA1_DC)
-#include "sha1collisiondetection/lib/sha1.h"
-#include "sha1dc/sha1.h"
+#include "sha1dc_git.h"
#else /* SHA1_BLK */
#include "block-sha1/sha1.h"
diff --git a/hashmap.c b/hashmap.c
index 9b6a12859b..d42f01ff5a 100644
--- a/hashmap.c
+++ b/hashmap.c
@@ -116,9 +116,6 @@ static void rehash(struct hashmap *map, unsigned int newsize)
unsigned int i, oldsize = map->tablesize;
struct hashmap_entry **oldtable = map->table;
- if (map->disallow_rehash)
- return;
alloc_table(map, newsize);
for (i = 0; i < oldsize; i++) {
struct hashmap_entry *e = oldtable[i];
@@ -166,6 +163,12 @@ void hashmap_init(struct hashmap *map, hashmap_cmp_fn equals_function,
while (initial_size > size)
alloc_table(map, size);
+ /*
+ * Keep track of the number of items in the map and
+ * allow the map to automatically grow as necessary.
+ */
+ map->do_count_items = 1;
void hashmap_free(struct hashmap *map, int free_entries)
@@ -206,9 +209,11 @@ void hashmap_add(struct hashmap *map, void *entry)
map->table[b] = entry;
/* fix size and rehash if appropriate */
- map->size++;
- if (map->size > map->grow_at)
- rehash(map, map->tablesize << HASHMAP_RESIZE_BITS);
+ if (map->do_count_items) {
+ map->private_size++;
+ if (map->private_size > map->grow_at)
+ rehash(map, map->tablesize << HASHMAP_RESIZE_BITS);
+ }
void *hashmap_remove(struct hashmap *map, const void *key, const void *keydata)
@@ -224,9 +229,12 @@ void *hashmap_remove(struct hashmap *map, const void *key, const void *keydata)
old->next = NULL;
/* fix size and rehash if appropriate */
- map->size--;
- if (map->size < map->shrink_at)
- rehash(map, map->tablesize >> HASHMAP_RESIZE_BITS);
+ if (map->do_count_items) {
+ map->private_size--;
+ if (map->private_size < map->shrink_at)
+ rehash(map, map->tablesize >> HASHMAP_RESIZE_BITS);
+ }
return old;
diff --git a/hashmap.h b/hashmap.h
index 7a8fa7fa3d..7cb29a6aed 100644
--- a/hashmap.h
+++ b/hashmap.h
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ struct hashmap {
const void *cmpfn_data;
/* total number of entries (0 means the hashmap is empty) */
- unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int private_size; /* use hashmap_get_size() */
* tablesize is the allocated size of the hash table. A non-0 value
@@ -196,8 +196,7 @@ struct hashmap {
unsigned int grow_at;
unsigned int shrink_at;
- /* See `hashmap_disallow_rehash`. */
- unsigned disallow_rehash : 1;
+ unsigned int do_count_items : 1;
/* hashmap functions */
@@ -253,6 +252,18 @@ static inline void hashmap_entry_init(void *entry, unsigned int hash)
+ * Return the number of items in the map.
+ */
+static inline unsigned int hashmap_get_size(struct hashmap *map)
+ if (map->do_count_items)
+ return map->private_size;
+ BUG("hashmap_get_size: size not set");
+ return 0;
* Returns the hashmap entry for the specified key, or NULL if not found.
* `map` is the hashmap structure.
@@ -345,24 +356,6 @@ extern void *hashmap_remove(struct hashmap *map, const void *key,
int hashmap_bucket(const struct hashmap *map, unsigned int hash);
- * Disallow/allow rehashing of the hashmap.
- * This is useful if the caller knows that the hashmap needs multi-threaded
- * access. The caller is still required to guard/lock searches and inserts
- * in a manner appropriate to their usage. This simply prevents the table
- * from being unexpectedly re-mapped.
- *
- * It is up to the caller to ensure that the hashmap is initialized to a
- * reasonable size to prevent poor performance.
- *
- * A call to allow rehashing does not force a rehash; that might happen
- * with the next insert or delete.
- */
-static inline void hashmap_disallow_rehash(struct hashmap *map, unsigned value)
- map->disallow_rehash = value;
* Used to iterate over all entries of a hashmap. Note that it is
* not safe to add or remove entries to the hashmap while
* iterating.
@@ -387,6 +380,43 @@ static inline void *hashmap_iter_first(struct hashmap *map,
return hashmap_iter_next(iter);
+ * Disable item counting and automatic rehashing when adding/removing items.
+ *
+ * Normally, the hashmap keeps track of the number of items in the map
+ * and uses it to dynamically resize it. This (both the counting and
+ * the resizing) can cause problems when the map is being used by
+ * threaded callers (because the hashmap code does not know about the
+ * locking strategy used by the threaded callers and therefore, does
+ * not know how to protect the "private_size" counter).
+ */
+static inline void hashmap_disable_item_counting(struct hashmap *map)
+ map->do_count_items = 0;
+ * Re-enable item couting when adding/removing items.
+ * If counting is currently disabled, it will force count them.
+ * It WILL NOT automatically rehash them.
+ */
+static inline void hashmap_enable_item_counting(struct hashmap *map)
+ void *item;
+ unsigned int n = 0;
+ struct hashmap_iter iter;
+ if (map->do_count_items)
+ return;
+ hashmap_iter_init(map, &iter);
+ while ((item = hashmap_iter_next(&iter)))
+ n++;
+ map->do_count_items = 1;
+ map->private_size = n;
/* String interning */
diff --git a/http-backend.c b/http-backend.c
index 519025d2c3..f3dc218b2a 100644
--- a/http-backend.c
+++ b/http-backend.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "string-list.h"
#include "url.h"
#include "argv-array.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static const char content_type[] = "Content-Type";
static const char content_length[] = "Content-Length";
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ static void inflate_request(const char *prog_name, int out, int buffer_input)
die("zlib error inflating request, result %d", ret);
n = stream.total_out - cnt;
- if (write_in_full(out, out_buf, n) != n)
+ if (write_in_full(out, out_buf, n) < 0)
die("%s aborted reading request", prog_name);
cnt += n;
@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ static void copy_request(const char *prog_name, int out)
ssize_t n = read_request(0, &buf);
if (n < 0)
die_errno("error reading request body");
- if (write_in_full(out, buf, n) != n)
+ if (write_in_full(out, buf, n) < 0)
die("%s aborted reading request", prog_name);
@@ -485,10 +486,9 @@ static int show_head_ref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
struct strbuf *buf = cb_data;
if (flag & REF_ISSYMREF) {
- struct object_id unused;
const char *target = resolve_ref_unsafe(refname,
- unused.hash, NULL);
if (target)
strbuf_addf(buf, "ref: %s\n", strip_namespace(target));
diff --git a/http-push.c b/http-push.c
index c91f40a610..d860c477c6 100644
--- a/http-push.c
+++ b/http-push.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "list-objects.h"
#include "sigchain.h"
#include "argv-array.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
#include <xmlparse.h>
@@ -1522,6 +1523,7 @@ static int remote_exists(const char *path)
error("unable to access '%s': %s", url, curl_errorstr);
+ /* fallthrough */
ret = -1;
diff --git a/http-walker.c b/http-walker.c
index ee049cb13d..1ae8363de2 100644
--- a/http-walker.c
+++ b/http-walker.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "http.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "transport.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
struct alt_base {
char *base;
diff --git a/http.c b/http.c
index 76ff63c14d..713525f38e 100644
--- a/http.c
+++ b/http.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "pkt-line.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "transport.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static struct trace_key trace_curl = TRACE_KEY_INIT(CURL);
#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070a08
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ static struct {
* here, too
-#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x071600
static const char *curl_deleg;
static struct {
const char *name;
@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ static int http_options(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
if (!strcmp("http.delegation", var)) {
-#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x071600
return git_config_string(&curl_deleg, var, value);
warning(_("Delegation control is not supported with cURL < 7.22.0"));
@@ -637,9 +638,7 @@ static int curl_trace(CURL *handle, curl_infotype type, char *data, size_t size,
switch (type) {
trace_printf_key(&trace_curl, "== Info: %s", data);
- default: /* we ignore unknown types by default */
- return 0;
+ break;
text = "=> Send header";
curl_dump_header(text, (unsigned char *)data, size, DO_FILTER);
@@ -664,6 +663,9 @@ static int curl_trace(CURL *handle, curl_infotype type, char *data, size_t size,
text = "<= Recv SSL data";
curl_dump_data(text, (unsigned char *)data, size);
+ default: /* we ignore unknown types by default */
+ return 0;
return 0;
@@ -677,6 +679,7 @@ void setup_curl_trace(CURL *handle)
curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA, NULL);
static long get_curl_allowed_protocols(int from_user)
long allowed_protocols = 0;
@@ -692,6 +695,7 @@ static long get_curl_allowed_protocols(int from_user)
return allowed_protocols;
static CURL *get_curl_handle(void)
@@ -717,7 +721,7 @@ static CURL *get_curl_handle(void)
curl_easy_setopt(result, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);
-#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x071600
if (curl_deleg) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(curl_deleg_levels); i++) {
@@ -790,7 +794,7 @@ static CURL *get_curl_handle(void)
#elif LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x071101
curl_easy_setopt(result, CURLOPT_POST301, 1);
-#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x071304
curl_easy_setopt(result, CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS,
curl_easy_setopt(result, CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS,
diff --git a/imap-send.c b/imap-send.c
index b2d0b849bb..8c785f3ca2 100644
--- a/imap-send.c
+++ b/imap-send.c
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ typedef void *SSL;
#include "http.h"
-#if defined(USE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND) && defined(NO_OPENSSL)
-/* only available option */
+#if defined(USE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND)
+/* Always default to curl if it's available. */
-/* strictly opt in */
+/* We don't have curl, so continue to use the historical implementation */
@@ -926,6 +926,25 @@ static int auth_cram_md5(struct imap_store *ctx, struct imap_cmd *cmd, const cha
return 0;
+static void server_fill_credential(struct imap_server_conf *srvc, struct credential *cred)
+ if (srvc->user && srvc->pass)
+ return;
+ cred->protocol = xstrdup(srvc->use_ssl ? "imaps" : "imap");
+ cred->host = xstrdup(srvc->host);
+ cred->username = xstrdup_or_null(srvc->user);
+ cred->password = xstrdup_or_null(srvc->pass);
+ credential_fill(cred);
+ if (!srvc->user)
+ srvc->user = xstrdup(cred->username);
+ if (!srvc->pass)
+ srvc->pass = xstrdup(cred->password);
static struct imap_store *imap_open_store(struct imap_server_conf *srvc, char *folder)
struct credential cred = CREDENTIAL_INIT;
@@ -1078,20 +1097,7 @@ static struct imap_store *imap_open_store(struct imap_server_conf *srvc, char *f
imap_info("Logging in...\n");
- if (!srvc->user || !srvc->pass) {
- cred.protocol = xstrdup(srvc->use_ssl ? "imaps" : "imap");
- = xstrdup(srvc->host);
- cred.username = xstrdup_or_null(srvc->user);
- cred.password = xstrdup_or_null(srvc->pass);
- credential_fill(&cred);
- if (!srvc->user)
- srvc->user = xstrdup(cred.username);
- if (!srvc->pass)
- srvc->pass = xstrdup(cred.password);
- }
+ server_fill_credential(srvc, &cred);
if (srvc->auth_method) {
struct imap_cmd_cb cb;
@@ -1392,7 +1398,7 @@ static int append_msgs_to_imap(struct imap_server_conf *server,
-static CURL *setup_curl(struct imap_server_conf *srvc)
+static CURL *setup_curl(struct imap_server_conf *srvc, struct credential *cred)
CURL *curl;
struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -1405,6 +1411,7 @@ static CURL *setup_curl(struct imap_server_conf *srvc)
if (!curl)
die("curl_easy_init failed");
+ server_fill_credential(&server, cred);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, server.user);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, server.pass);
@@ -1454,8 +1461,9 @@ static int curl_append_msgs_to_imap(struct imap_server_conf *server,
struct buffer msgbuf = { STRBUF_INIT, 0 };
CURL *curl;
CURLcode res = CURLE_OK;
+ struct credential cred = CREDENTIAL_INIT;
- curl = setup_curl(server);
+ curl = setup_curl(server, &cred);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, &msgbuf);
fprintf(stderr, "sending %d message%s\n", total, (total != 1) ? "s" : "");
@@ -1490,7 +1498,20 @@ static int curl_append_msgs_to_imap(struct imap_server_conf *server,
- return 0;
+ if (cred.username) {
+ if (res == CURLE_OK)
+ credential_approve(&cred);
+#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070d01
+ else if (res == CURLE_LOGIN_DENIED)
+ else
+ credential_reject(&cred);
+ }
+ credential_clear(&cred);
+ return res != CURLE_OK;
diff --git a/list.h b/list.h
index a226a870dc..eb601192f4 100644
--- a/list.h
+++ b/list.h
@@ -163,4 +163,42 @@ static inline void list_replace_init(struct list_head *old,
+ * This is exactly the same as a normal list_head, except that it can be
+ * declared volatile (e.g., if you have a list that may be accessed from signal
+ * handlers).
+ */
+struct volatile_list_head {
+ volatile struct volatile_list_head *next, *prev;
+#define VOLATILE_LIST_HEAD(name) \
+ volatile struct volatile_list_head name = { &(name), &(name) }
+static inline void __volatile_list_del(volatile struct volatile_list_head *prev,
+ volatile struct volatile_list_head *next)
+ next->prev = prev;
+ prev->next = next;
+static inline void volatile_list_del(volatile struct volatile_list_head *elem)
+ __volatile_list_del(elem->prev, elem->next);
+static inline int volatile_list_empty(volatile struct volatile_list_head *head)
+ return head == head->next;
+static inline void volatile_list_add(volatile struct volatile_list_head *newp,
+ volatile struct volatile_list_head *head)
+ head->next->prev = newp;
+ newp->next = head->next;
+ newp->prev = head;
+ head->next = newp;
#endif /* LIST_H */
diff --git a/ll-merge.c b/ll-merge.c
index 9fb855a900..a6ad2ec12d 100644
--- a/ll-merge.c
+++ b/ll-merge.c
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static void create_temp(mmfile_t *src, char *path, size_t len)
xsnprintf(path, len, ".merge_file_XXXXXX");
fd = xmkstemp(path);
- if (write_in_full(fd, src->ptr, src->size) != src->size)
+ if (write_in_full(fd, src->ptr, src->size) < 0)
die_errno("unable to write temp-file");
diff --git a/lockfile.c b/lockfile.c
index aa69210d8b..efcb7d7dfe 100644
--- a/lockfile.c
+++ b/lockfile.c
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ static void resolve_symlink(struct strbuf *path)
/* Make sure errno contains a meaningful value on error */
static int lock_file(struct lock_file *lk, const char *path, int flags)
- int fd;
struct strbuf filename = STRBUF_INIT;
strbuf_addstr(&filename, path);
@@ -80,9 +79,9 @@ static int lock_file(struct lock_file *lk, const char *path, int flags)
strbuf_addstr(&filename, LOCK_SUFFIX);
- fd = create_tempfile(&lk->tempfile, filename.buf);
+ lk->tempfile = create_tempfile(filename.buf);
- return fd;
+ return lk->tempfile ? lk->tempfile->fd : -1;
@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ char *get_locked_file_path(struct lock_file *lk)
struct strbuf ret = STRBUF_INIT;
- strbuf_addstr(&ret, get_tempfile_path(&lk->tempfile));
+ strbuf_addstr(&ret, get_tempfile_path(lk->tempfile));
if (ret.len <= LOCK_SUFFIX_LEN ||
strcmp(ret.buf + ret.len - LOCK_SUFFIX_LEN, LOCK_SUFFIX))
die("BUG: get_locked_file_path() called for malformed lock object");
diff --git a/lockfile.h b/lockfile.h
index 572064939c..7c1c484d7c 100644
--- a/lockfile.h
+++ b/lockfile.h
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
* The caller:
- * * Allocates a `struct lock_file` either as a static variable or on
- * the heap, initialized to zeros. Once you use the structure to
- * call the `hold_lock_file_for_*()` family of functions, it belongs
- * to the lockfile subsystem and its storage must remain valid
- * throughout the life of the program (i.e. you cannot use an
- * on-stack variable to hold this structure).
+ * * Allocates a `struct lock_file` with whatever storage duration you
+ * desire. The struct does not have to be initialized before being
+ * used, but it is good practice to do so using by setting it to
+ * all-zeros (or using the LOCK_INIT macro). This puts the object in a
+ * consistent state that allows you to call rollback_lock_file() even
+ * if the lock was never taken (in which case it is a noop).
* * Attempts to create a lockfile by calling `hold_lock_file_for_update()`.
@@ -69,14 +69,12 @@
* `rollback_lock_file()`.
* * Close the file descriptor without removing or renaming the
- * lockfile by calling `close_lock_file()`, and later call
+ * lockfile by calling `close_lock_file_gently()`, and later call
* `commit_lock_file()`, `commit_lock_file_to()`,
* `rollback_lock_file()`, or `reopen_lock_file()`.
- * Even after the lockfile is committed or rolled back, the
- * `lock_file` object must not be freed or altered by the caller.
- * However, it may be reused; just pass it to another call of
- * `hold_lock_file_for_update()`.
+ * After the lockfile is committed or rolled back, the `lock_file`
+ * object can be discarded or reused.
* If the program exits before `commit_lock_file()`,
* `commit_lock_file_to()`, or `rollback_lock_file()` is called, the
@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@
* If you need to close the file descriptor you obtained from a
* `hold_lock_file_for_*()` function yourself, do so by calling
- * `close_lock_file()`. See "tempfile.h" for more information.
+ * `close_lock_file_gently()`. See "tempfile.h" for more information.
* Under the covers, a lockfile is just a tempfile with a few helper
@@ -104,16 +102,18 @@
* Similarly, `commit_lock_file`, `commit_lock_file_to`, and
* `close_lock_file` return 0 on success. On failure they set `errno`
- * appropriately, do their best to roll back the lockfile, and return
- * -1.
+ * appropriately and return -1. The `commit` variants (but not `close`)
+ * do their best to delete the temporary file before returning.
#include "tempfile.h"
struct lock_file {
- struct tempfile tempfile;
+ struct tempfile *tempfile;
+#define LOCK_INIT { NULL }
/* String appended to a filename to derive the lockfile name: */
#define LOCK_SUFFIX ".lock"
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ static inline int hold_lock_file_for_update(
static inline int is_lock_file_locked(struct lock_file *lk)
- return is_tempfile_active(&lk->tempfile);
+ return is_tempfile_active(lk->tempfile);
@@ -202,12 +202,13 @@ extern NORETURN void unable_to_lock_die(const char *path, int err);
* Associate a stdio stream with the lockfile (which must still be
* open). Return `NULL` (*without* rolling back the lockfile) on
- * error. The stream is closed automatically when `close_lock_file()`
- * is called or when the file is committed or rolled back.
+ * error. The stream is closed automatically when
+ * `close_lock_file_gently()` is called or when the file is committed or
+ * rolled back.
static inline FILE *fdopen_lock_file(struct lock_file *lk, const char *mode)
- return fdopen_tempfile(&lk->tempfile, mode);
+ return fdopen_tempfile(lk->tempfile, mode);
@@ -216,17 +217,17 @@ static inline FILE *fdopen_lock_file(struct lock_file *lk, const char *mode)
static inline const char *get_lock_file_path(struct lock_file *lk)
- return get_tempfile_path(&lk->tempfile);
+ return get_tempfile_path(lk->tempfile);
static inline int get_lock_file_fd(struct lock_file *lk)
- return get_tempfile_fd(&lk->tempfile);
+ return get_tempfile_fd(lk->tempfile);
static inline FILE *get_lock_file_fp(struct lock_file *lk)
- return get_tempfile_fp(&lk->tempfile);
+ return get_tempfile_fp(lk->tempfile);
@@ -241,22 +242,21 @@ extern char *get_locked_file_path(struct lock_file *lk);
* lockfile over the file being locked. Return 0 upon success. On
* failure to `close(2)`, return a negative value and roll back the
* lock file. Usually `commit_lock_file()`, `commit_lock_file_to()`,
- * or `rollback_lock_file()` should eventually be called if
- * `close_lock_file()` succeeds.
+ * or `rollback_lock_file()` should eventually be called.
-static inline int close_lock_file(struct lock_file *lk)
+static inline int close_lock_file_gently(struct lock_file *lk)
- return close_tempfile(&lk->tempfile);
+ return close_tempfile_gently(lk->tempfile);
- * Re-open a lockfile that has been closed using `close_lock_file()`
+ * Re-open a lockfile that has been closed using `close_lock_file_gently()`
* but not yet committed or rolled back. This can be used to implement
* a sequence of operations like the following:
* * Lock file.
- * * Write new contents to lockfile, then `close_lock_file()` to
+ * * Write new contents to lockfile, then `close_lock_file_gently()` to
* cause the contents to be written to disk.
* * Pass the name of the lockfile to another program to allow it (and
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ static inline int close_lock_file(struct lock_file *lk)
static inline int reopen_lock_file(struct lock_file *lk)
- return reopen_tempfile(&lk->tempfile);
+ return reopen_tempfile(lk->tempfile);
diff --git a/log-tree.c b/log-tree.c
index 410ab4f02d..cea056234d 100644
--- a/log-tree.c
+++ b/log-tree.c
@@ -185,7 +185,6 @@ static const struct name_decoration *current_pointed_by_HEAD(const struct name_d
const struct name_decoration *list, *head = NULL;
const char *branch_name = NULL;
- struct object_id unused;
int rru_flags;
/* First find HEAD */
@@ -198,7 +197,7 @@ static const struct name_decoration *current_pointed_by_HEAD(const struct name_d
return NULL;
/* Now resolve and find the matching current branch */
- branch_name = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, unused.hash, &rru_flags);
+ branch_name = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, NULL, &rru_flags);
if (!(rru_flags & REF_ISSYMREF))
return NULL;
diff --git a/mailinfo.c b/mailinfo.c
index bd574cb752..a89db22ab0 100644
--- a/mailinfo.c
+++ b/mailinfo.c
@@ -149,16 +149,14 @@ static void handle_from(struct mailinfo *mi, const struct strbuf *from)
at = strchr(f.buf, '@');
if (!at) {
parse_bogus_from(mi, from);
- return;
+ goto out;
* If we already have one email, don't take any confusing lines
- if (mi->email.len && strchr(at + 1, '@')) {
- strbuf_release(&f);
- return;
- }
+ if (mi->email.len && strchr(at + 1, '@'))
+ goto out;
/* Pick up the string around '@', possibly delimited with <>
* pair; that is the email part.
@@ -198,6 +196,7 @@ static void handle_from(struct mailinfo *mi, const struct strbuf *from)
get_sane_name(&mi->name, &f, &mi->email);
@@ -368,11 +367,16 @@ static struct strbuf *decode_q_segment(const struct strbuf *q_seg, int rfc2047)
while ((c = *in++) != 0) {
if (c == '=') {
- int d = *in++;
+ int ch, d = *in;
if (d == '\n' || !d)
break; /* drop trailing newline */
- strbuf_addch(out, (hexval(d) << 4) | hexval(*in++));
- continue;
+ ch = hex2chr(in);
+ if (ch >= 0) {
+ strbuf_addch(out, ch);
+ in += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* garbage -- fall through */
if (rfc2047 && c == '_') /* rfc2047 4.2 (2) */
c = 0x20;
@@ -823,6 +827,7 @@ static void handle_filter(struct mailinfo *mi, struct strbuf *line)
if (!handle_commit_msg(mi, line))
+ /* fallthrough */
case 1:
handle_patch(mi, line);
@@ -929,6 +934,7 @@ again:
error("Detected mismatched boundaries, can't recover");
mi->input_error = -1;
mi->content_top = mi->content;
+ strbuf_release(&newline);
return 0;
handle_filter(mi, &newline);
diff --git a/mailmap.c b/mailmap.c
index c1a79c100c..cb921b4db6 100644
--- a/mailmap.c
+++ b/mailmap.c
@@ -214,17 +214,17 @@ static int read_mailmap_blob(struct string_list *map,
const char *name,
char **repo_abbrev)
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
char *buf;
unsigned long size;
enum object_type type;
if (!name)
return 0;
- if (get_sha1(name, sha1) < 0)
+ if (get_oid(name, &oid) < 0)
return 0;
- buf = read_sha1_file(sha1, &type, &size);
+ buf = read_sha1_file(oid.hash, &type, &size);
if (!buf)
return error("unable to read mailmap object at %s", name);
if (type != OBJ_BLOB)
diff --git a/merge-recursive.c b/merge-recursive.c
index 1494ffdb82..1d3f8f0d22 100644
--- a/merge-recursive.c
+++ b/merge-recursive.c
@@ -24,6 +24,31 @@
#include "dir.h"
#include "submodule.h"
+struct path_hashmap_entry {
+ struct hashmap_entry e;
+ char path[FLEX_ARRAY];
+static int path_hashmap_cmp(const void *cmp_data,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
+ const void *keydata)
+ const struct path_hashmap_entry *a = entry;
+ const struct path_hashmap_entry *b = entry_or_key;
+ const char *key = keydata;
+ if (ignore_case)
+ return strcasecmp(a->path, key ? key : b->path);
+ else
+ return strcmp(a->path, key ? key : b->path);
+static unsigned int path_hash(const char *path)
+ return ignore_case ? strihash(path) : strhash(path);
static void flush_output(struct merge_options *o)
if (o->buffer_output < 2 && o->obuf.len) {
@@ -314,29 +339,25 @@ static int save_files_dirs(const unsigned char *sha1,
struct strbuf *base, const char *path,
unsigned int mode, int stage, void *context)
+ struct path_hashmap_entry *entry;
int baselen = base->len;
struct merge_options *o = context;
strbuf_addstr(base, path);
- if (S_ISDIR(mode))
- string_list_insert(&o->current_directory_set, base->buf);
- else
- string_list_insert(&o->current_file_set, base->buf);
+ FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(entry, path, base->buf, base->len);
+ hashmap_entry_init(entry, path_hash(entry->path));
+ hashmap_add(&o->current_file_dir_set, entry);
strbuf_setlen(base, baselen);
return (S_ISDIR(mode) ? READ_TREE_RECURSIVE : 0);
-static int get_files_dirs(struct merge_options *o, struct tree *tree)
+static void get_files_dirs(struct merge_options *o, struct tree *tree)
- int n;
struct pathspec match_all;
memset(&match_all, 0, sizeof(match_all));
- if (read_tree_recursive(tree, "", 0, 0, &match_all, save_files_dirs, o))
- return 0;
- n = o-> + o->;
- return n;
+ read_tree_recursive(tree, "", 0, 0, &match_all, save_files_dirs, o);
@@ -646,6 +667,7 @@ static void add_flattened_path(struct strbuf *out, const char *s)
static char *unique_path(struct merge_options *o, const char *path, const char *branch)
+ struct path_hashmap_entry *entry;
struct strbuf newpath = STRBUF_INIT;
int suffix = 0;
size_t base_len;
@@ -654,14 +676,16 @@ static char *unique_path(struct merge_options *o, const char *path, const char *
add_flattened_path(&newpath, branch);
base_len = newpath.len;
- while (string_list_has_string(&o->current_file_set, newpath.buf) ||
- string_list_has_string(&o->current_directory_set, newpath.buf) ||
+ while (hashmap_get_from_hash(&o->current_file_dir_set,
+ path_hash(newpath.buf), newpath.buf) ||
(!o->call_depth && file_exists(newpath.buf))) {
strbuf_setlen(&newpath, base_len);
strbuf_addf(&newpath, "_%d", suffix++);
- string_list_insert(&o->current_file_set, newpath.buf);
+ FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(entry, path, newpath.buf, newpath.len);
+ hashmap_entry_init(entry, path_hash(entry->path));
+ hashmap_add(&o->current_file_dir_set, entry);
return strbuf_detach(&newpath, NULL);
@@ -1927,7 +1951,7 @@ int merge_trees(struct merge_options *o,
if (oid_eq(&common->object.oid, &merge->object.oid)) {
- output(o, 0, _("Already up-to-date!"));
+ output(o, 0, _("Already up to date!"));
*result = head;
return 1;
@@ -1945,8 +1969,14 @@ int merge_trees(struct merge_options *o,
if (unmerged_cache()) {
struct string_list *entries, *re_head, *re_merge;
int i;
- string_list_clear(&o->current_file_set, 1);
- string_list_clear(&o->current_directory_set, 1);
+ /*
+ * Only need the hashmap while processing entries, so
+ * initialize it here and free it when we are done running
+ * through the entries. Keeping it in the merge_options as
+ * opposed to decaring a local hashmap is for convenience
+ * so that we don't have to pass it to around.
+ */
+ hashmap_init(&o->current_file_dir_set, path_hashmap_cmp, NULL, 512);
get_files_dirs(o, head);
get_files_dirs(o, merge);
@@ -1956,7 +1986,7 @@ int merge_trees(struct merge_options *o,
re_merge = get_renames(o, merge, common, head, merge, entries);
clean = process_renames(o, re_head, re_merge);
if (clean < 0)
- return clean;
+ goto cleanup;
for (i = entries->nr-1; 0 <= i; i--) {
const char *path = entries->items[i].string;
struct stage_data *e = entries->items[i].util;
@@ -1964,8 +1994,10 @@ int merge_trees(struct merge_options *o,
int ret = process_entry(o, path, e);
if (!ret)
clean = 0;
- else if (ret < 0)
- return ret;
+ else if (ret < 0) {
+ clean = ret;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
for (i = 0; i < entries->nr; i++) {
@@ -1975,13 +2007,19 @@ int merge_trees(struct merge_options *o,
string_list_clear(re_merge, 0);
string_list_clear(re_head, 0);
string_list_clear(entries, 1);
+ hashmap_free(&o->current_file_dir_set, 1);
+ if (clean < 0)
+ return clean;
clean = 1;
@@ -2177,8 +2215,6 @@ void init_merge_options(struct merge_options *o)
if (o->verbosity >= 5)
o->buffer_output = 0;
strbuf_init(&o->obuf, 0);
- string_list_init(&o->current_file_set, 1);
- string_list_init(&o->current_directory_set, 1);
string_list_init(&o->df_conflict_file_set, 1);
diff --git a/merge-recursive.h b/merge-recursive.h
index 735343b413..80d69d1401 100644
--- a/merge-recursive.h
+++ b/merge-recursive.h
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ struct merge_options {
int show_rename_progress;
int call_depth;
struct strbuf obuf;
- struct string_list current_file_set;
- struct string_list current_directory_set;
+ struct hashmap current_file_dir_set;
struct string_list df_conflict_file_set;
diff --git a/name-hash.c b/name-hash.c
index 0e10f3eab8..45c98db0a0 100644
--- a/name-hash.c
+++ b/name-hash.c
@@ -17,10 +17,14 @@ struct dir_entry {
static int dir_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct dir_entry *e1,
- const struct dir_entry *e2,
- const char *name)
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
+ const void *keydata)
+ const struct dir_entry *e1 = entry;
+ const struct dir_entry *e2 = entry_or_key;
+ const char *name = keydata;
return e1->namelen != e2->namelen || strncasecmp(e1->name,
name ? name : e2->name, e1->namelen);
@@ -110,10 +114,12 @@ static void hash_index_entry(struct index_state *istate, struct cache_entry *ce)
static int cache_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct cache_entry *ce1,
- const struct cache_entry *ce2,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
const void *remove)
+ const struct cache_entry *ce1 = entry;
+ const struct cache_entry *ce2 = entry_or_key;
* For remove_name_hash, find the exact entry (pointer equality); for
* index_file_exists, find all entries with matching hash code and
@@ -574,15 +580,19 @@ static void lazy_init_name_hash(struct index_state *istate)
if (istate->name_hash_initialized)
- hashmap_init(&istate->name_hash, (hashmap_cmp_fn) cache_entry_cmp,
- NULL, istate->cache_nr);
- hashmap_init(&istate->dir_hash, (hashmap_cmp_fn) dir_entry_cmp,
- NULL, istate->cache_nr);
+ hashmap_init(&istate->name_hash, cache_entry_cmp, NULL, istate->cache_nr);
+ hashmap_init(&istate->dir_hash, dir_entry_cmp, NULL, istate->cache_nr);
if (lookup_lazy_params(istate)) {
- hashmap_disallow_rehash(&istate->dir_hash, 1);
+ /*
+ * Disable item counting and automatic rehashing because
+ * we do per-chain (mod n) locking rather than whole hashmap
+ * locking and we need to prevent the table-size from changing
+ * and bucket items from being redistributed.
+ */
+ hashmap_disable_item_counting(&istate->dir_hash);
- hashmap_disallow_rehash(&istate->dir_hash, 0);
+ hashmap_enable_item_counting(&istate->dir_hash);
} else {
int nr;
for (nr = 0; nr < istate->cache_nr; nr++)
diff --git a/notes-merge.c b/notes-merge.c
index c12b354f10..597d43f65c 100644
--- a/notes-merge.c
+++ b/notes-merge.c
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ static void write_buf_to_worktree(const struct object_id *obj,
fd = xopen(path, O_WRONLY | O_EXCL | O_CREAT, 0666);
while (size > 0) {
- long ret = write_in_full(fd, buf, size);
+ ssize_t ret = write_in_full(fd, buf, size);
if (ret < 0) {
/* Ignore epipe */
if (errno == EPIPE)
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ int notes_merge(struct notes_merge_options *o,
if (!oidcmp(&remote->object.oid, base_oid)) {
/* Already merged; result == local commit */
if (o->verbosity >= 2)
- printf("Already up-to-date!\n");
+ printf("Already up to date!\n");
oidcpy(result_oid, &local->object.oid);
goto found_result;
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ int notes_merge_commit(struct notes_merge_options *o,
/* write file as blob, and add to partial_tree */
if (stat(path.buf, &st))
die_errno("Failed to stat '%s'", path.buf);
- if (index_path(blob_oid.hash, path.buf, &st, HASH_WRITE_OBJECT))
+ if (index_path(&blob_oid, path.buf, &st, HASH_WRITE_OBJECT))
die("Failed to write blob object from '%s'", path.buf);
if (add_note(partial_tree, &obj_oid, &blob_oid, NULL))
die("Failed to add resolved note '%s' to notes tree",
diff --git a/notes.c b/notes.c
index 8f47c202c5..5c62862574 100644
--- a/notes.c
+++ b/notes.c
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ struct non_note {
#define CLR_PTR_TYPE(ptr) ((void *) ((uintptr_t) (ptr) & ~3))
#define SET_PTR_TYPE(ptr, type) ((void *) ((uintptr_t) (ptr) | (type)))
-#define GET_NIBBLE(n, sha1) (((sha1[(n) >> 1]) >> ((~(n) & 0x01) << 2)) & 0x0f)
+#define GET_NIBBLE(n, sha1) ((((sha1)[(n) >> 1]) >> ((~(n) & 0x01) << 2)) & 0x0f)
#define KEY_INDEX (GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ - 1)
@@ -335,31 +335,20 @@ static void note_tree_free(struct int_node *tree)
- * Convert a partial SHA1 hex string to the corresponding partial SHA1 value.
- * - hex - Partial SHA1 segment in ASCII hex format
- * - hex_len - Length of above segment. Must be multiple of 2 between 0 and 40
- * - sha1 - Partial SHA1 value is written here
- * - sha1_len - Max #bytes to store in sha1, Must be >= hex_len / 2, and < 20
- * Returns -1 on error (invalid arguments or invalid SHA1 (not in hex format)).
- * Otherwise, returns number of bytes written to sha1 (i.e. hex_len / 2).
- * Pads sha1 with NULs up to sha1_len (not included in returned length).
+ * Read `len` pairs of hexadecimal digits from `hex` and write the
+ * values to `binary` as `len` bytes. Return 0 on success, or -1 if
+ * the input does not consist of hex digits).
-static int get_oid_hex_segment(const char *hex, unsigned int hex_len,
- unsigned char *oid, unsigned int oid_len)
+static int hex_to_bytes(unsigned char *binary, const char *hex, size_t len)
- unsigned int i, len = hex_len >> 1;
- if (hex_len % 2 != 0 || len > oid_len)
- return -1;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ for (; len; len--, hex += 2) {
unsigned int val = (hexval(hex[0]) << 4) | hexval(hex[1]);
if (val & ~0xff)
return -1;
- *oid++ = val;
- hex += 2;
+ *binary++ = val;
- for (; i < oid_len; i++)
- *oid++ = 0;
- return len;
+ return 0;
static int non_note_cmp(const struct non_note *a, const struct non_note *b)
@@ -417,80 +406,90 @@ static void load_subtree(struct notes_tree *t, struct leaf_node *subtree,
struct int_node *node, unsigned int n)
struct object_id object_oid;
- unsigned int prefix_len;
+ size_t prefix_len;
void *buf;
struct tree_desc desc;
struct name_entry entry;
- int len, path_len;
- unsigned char type;
- struct leaf_node *l;
- buf = fill_tree_descriptor(&desc, subtree->val_oid.hash);
+ buf = fill_tree_descriptor(&desc, &subtree->val_oid);
if (!buf)
die("Could not read %s for notes-index",
prefix_len = subtree->key_oid.hash[KEY_INDEX];
- assert(prefix_len * 2 >= n);
+ if (prefix_len >= GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ)
+ BUG("prefix_len (%"PRIuMAX") is out of range", (uintmax_t)prefix_len);
+ if (prefix_len * 2 < n)
+ BUG("prefix_len (%"PRIuMAX") is too small", (uintmax_t)prefix_len);
memcpy(object_oid.hash, subtree->key_oid.hash, prefix_len);
while (tree_entry(&desc, &entry)) {
- path_len = strlen(entry.path);
- len = get_oid_hex_segment(entry.path, path_len,
- object_oid.hash + prefix_len, GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ - prefix_len);
- if (len < 0)
- goto handle_non_note; /* entry.path is not a SHA1 */
- len += prefix_len;
+ unsigned char type;
+ struct leaf_node *l;
+ size_t path_len = strlen(entry.path);
+ if (path_len == 2 * (GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ - prefix_len)) {
+ /* This is potentially the remainder of the SHA-1 */
+ if (!S_ISREG(entry.mode))
+ /* notes must be blobs */
+ goto handle_non_note;
+ if (hex_to_bytes(object_oid.hash + prefix_len, entry.path,
+ GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ - prefix_len))
+ goto handle_non_note; /* entry.path is not a SHA1 */
- /*
- * If object SHA1 is complete (len == 20), assume note object
- * If object SHA1 is incomplete (len < 20), and current
- * component consists of 2 hex chars, assume note subtree
- */
- if (len <= GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ) {
- l = (struct leaf_node *)
- xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct leaf_node));
- oidcpy(&l->key_oid, &object_oid);
- oidcpy(&l->val_oid, entry.oid);
- if (len < GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ) {
- if (!S_ISDIR(entry.mode) || path_len != 2)
- goto handle_non_note; /* not subtree */
- l->key_oid.hash[KEY_INDEX] = (unsigned char) len;
- }
- if (note_tree_insert(t, node, n, l, type,
- combine_notes_concatenate))
- die("Failed to load %s %s into notes tree "
- "from %s",
- type == PTR_TYPE_NOTE ? "note" : "subtree",
- oid_to_hex(&l->key_oid), t->ref);
+ } else if (path_len == 2) {
+ /* This is potentially an internal node */
+ size_t len = prefix_len;
+ if (!S_ISDIR(entry.mode))
+ /* internal nodes must be trees */
+ goto handle_non_note;
+ if (hex_to_bytes(object_oid.hash + len++, entry.path, 1))
+ goto handle_non_note; /* entry.path is not a SHA1 */
+ /*
+ * Pad the rest of the SHA-1 with zeros,
+ * except for the last byte, where we write
+ * the length:
+ */
+ memset(object_oid.hash + len, 0, GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ - len - 1);
+ object_oid.hash[KEY_INDEX] = (unsigned char)len;
+ } else {
+ /* This can't be part of a note */
+ goto handle_non_note;
+ l = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*l));
+ oidcpy(&l->key_oid, &object_oid);
+ oidcpy(&l->val_oid, entry.oid);
+ if (note_tree_insert(t, node, n, l, type,
+ combine_notes_concatenate))
+ die("Failed to load %s %s into notes tree "
+ "from %s",
+ type == PTR_TYPE_NOTE ? "note" : "subtree",
+ oid_to_hex(&l->key_oid), t->ref);
- * Determine full path for this non-note entry:
- * The filename is already found in entry.path, but the
- * directory part of the path must be deduced from the subtree
- * containing this entry. We assume here that the overall notes
- * tree follows a strict byte-based progressive fanout
- * structure (i.e. using 2/38, 2/2/36, etc. fanouts, and not
- * e.g. 4/36 fanout). This means that if a non-note is found at
- * path "dead/beef", the following code will register it as
- * being found on "de/ad/beef".
- * On the other hand, if you use such non-obvious non-note
- * paths in the middle of a notes tree, you deserve what's
- * coming to you ;). Note that for non-notes that are not
- * SHA1-like at the top level, there will be no problems.
- *
- * To conclude, it is strongly advised to make sure non-notes
- * have at least one non-hex character in the top-level path
- * component.
+ * Determine full path for this non-note entry. The
+ * filename is already found in entry.path, but the
+ * directory part of the path must be deduced from the
+ * subtree containing this entry based on our
+ * knowledge that the overall notes tree follows a
+ * strict byte-based progressive fanout structure
+ * (i.e. using 2/38, 2/2/36, etc. fanouts).
struct strbuf non_note_path = STRBUF_INIT;
const char *q = oid_to_hex(&subtree->key_oid);
- int i;
+ size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < prefix_len; i++) {
strbuf_addch(&non_note_path, *q++);
strbuf_addch(&non_note_path, *q++);
@@ -1026,7 +1025,7 @@ void init_notes(struct notes_tree *t, const char *notes_ref,
t->dirty = 0;
if (flags & NOTES_INIT_EMPTY || !notes_ref ||
- get_sha1_treeish(notes_ref, object_oid.hash))
+ get_oid_treeish(notes_ref, &object_oid))
if (flags & NOTES_INIT_WRITABLE && read_ref(notes_ref, object_oid.hash))
die("Cannot use notes ref %s", notes_ref);
diff --git a/pack-bitmap.c b/pack-bitmap.c
index 327634cd71..cb3d14ba45 100644
--- a/pack-bitmap.c
+++ b/pack-bitmap.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "pack-bitmap.h"
#include "pack-revindex.h"
#include "pack-objects.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
* An entry on the bitmap index, representing the bitmap for a given
diff --git a/pack-check.c b/pack-check.c
index e1fcb228fa..073c1fbd46 100644
--- a/pack-check.c
+++ b/pack-check.c
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "pack.h"
#include "pack-revindex.h"
#include "progress.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
struct idx_entry {
off_t offset;
diff --git a/packfile.c b/packfile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f69a5c8d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packfile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1894 @@
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "mru.h"
+#include "pack.h"
+#include "dir.h"
+#include "mergesort.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
+#include "delta.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "streaming.h"
+#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+char *odb_pack_name(struct strbuf *buf,
+ const unsigned char *sha1,
+ const char *ext)
+ strbuf_reset(buf);
+ strbuf_addf(buf, "%s/pack/pack-%s.%s", get_object_directory(),
+ sha1_to_hex(sha1), ext);
+ return buf->buf;
+char *sha1_pack_name(const unsigned char *sha1)
+ static struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ return odb_pack_name(&buf, sha1, "pack");
+char *sha1_pack_index_name(const unsigned char *sha1)
+ static struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ return odb_pack_name(&buf, sha1, "idx");
+static unsigned int pack_used_ctr;
+static unsigned int pack_mmap_calls;
+static unsigned int peak_pack_open_windows;
+static unsigned int pack_open_windows;
+static unsigned int pack_open_fds;
+static unsigned int pack_max_fds;
+static size_t peak_pack_mapped;
+static size_t pack_mapped;
+struct packed_git *packed_git;
+struct mru packed_git_mru;
+#define SZ_FMT PRIuMAX
+static inline uintmax_t sz_fmt(size_t s) { return s; }
+void pack_report(void)
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "pack_report: getpagesize() = %10" SZ_FMT "\n"
+ "pack_report: core.packedGitWindowSize = %10" SZ_FMT "\n"
+ "pack_report: core.packedGitLimit = %10" SZ_FMT "\n",
+ sz_fmt(getpagesize()),
+ sz_fmt(packed_git_window_size),
+ sz_fmt(packed_git_limit));
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "pack_report: pack_used_ctr = %10u\n"
+ "pack_report: pack_mmap_calls = %10u\n"
+ "pack_report: pack_open_windows = %10u / %10u\n"
+ "pack_report: pack_mapped = "
+ "%10" SZ_FMT " / %10" SZ_FMT "\n",
+ pack_used_ctr,
+ pack_mmap_calls,
+ pack_open_windows, peak_pack_open_windows,
+ sz_fmt(pack_mapped), sz_fmt(peak_pack_mapped));
+ * Open and mmap the index file at path, perform a couple of
+ * consistency checks, then record its information to p. Return 0 on
+ * success.
+ */
+static int check_packed_git_idx(const char *path, struct packed_git *p)
+ void *idx_map;
+ struct pack_idx_header *hdr;
+ size_t idx_size;
+ uint32_t version, nr, i, *index;
+ int fd = git_open(path);
+ struct stat st;
+ if (fd < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (fstat(fd, &st)) {
+ close(fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ idx_size = xsize_t(st.st_size);
+ if (idx_size < 4 * 256 + 20 + 20) {
+ close(fd);
+ return error("index file %s is too small", path);
+ }
+ idx_map = xmmap(NULL, idx_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
+ close(fd);
+ hdr = idx_map;
+ if (hdr->idx_signature == htonl(PACK_IDX_SIGNATURE)) {
+ version = ntohl(hdr->idx_version);
+ if (version < 2 || version > 2) {
+ munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
+ return error("index file %s is version %"PRIu32
+ " and is not supported by this binary"
+ " (try upgrading GIT to a newer version)",
+ path, version);
+ }
+ } else
+ version = 1;
+ nr = 0;
+ index = idx_map;
+ if (version > 1)
+ index += 2; /* skip index header */
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ uint32_t n = ntohl(index[i]);
+ if (n < nr) {
+ munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
+ return error("non-monotonic index %s", path);
+ }
+ nr = n;
+ }
+ if (version == 1) {
+ /*
+ * Total size:
+ * - 256 index entries 4 bytes each
+ * - 24-byte entries * nr (20-byte sha1 + 4-byte offset)
+ * - 20-byte SHA1 of the packfile
+ * - 20-byte SHA1 file checksum
+ */
+ if (idx_size != 4*256 + nr * 24 + 20 + 20) {
+ munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
+ return error("wrong index v1 file size in %s", path);
+ }
+ } else if (version == 2) {
+ /*
+ * Minimum size:
+ * - 8 bytes of header
+ * - 256 index entries 4 bytes each
+ * - 20-byte sha1 entry * nr
+ * - 4-byte crc entry * nr
+ * - 4-byte offset entry * nr
+ * - 20-byte SHA1 of the packfile
+ * - 20-byte SHA1 file checksum
+ * And after the 4-byte offset table might be a
+ * variable sized table containing 8-byte entries
+ * for offsets larger than 2^31.
+ */
+ unsigned long min_size = 8 + 4*256 + nr*(20 + 4 + 4) + 20 + 20;
+ unsigned long max_size = min_size;
+ if (nr)
+ max_size += (nr - 1)*8;
+ if (idx_size < min_size || idx_size > max_size) {
+ munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
+ return error("wrong index v2 file size in %s", path);
+ }
+ if (idx_size != min_size &&
+ /*
+ * make sure we can deal with large pack offsets.
+ * 31-bit signed offset won't be enough, neither
+ * 32-bit unsigned one will be.
+ */
+ (sizeof(off_t) <= 4)) {
+ munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
+ return error("pack too large for current definition of off_t in %s", path);
+ }
+ }
+ p->index_version = version;
+ p->index_data = idx_map;
+ p->index_size = idx_size;
+ p->num_objects = nr;
+ return 0;
+int open_pack_index(struct packed_git *p)
+ char *idx_name;
+ size_t len;
+ int ret;
+ if (p->index_data)
+ return 0;
+ if (!strip_suffix(p->pack_name, ".pack", &len))
+ die("BUG: pack_name does not end in .pack");
+ idx_name = xstrfmt("%.*s.idx", (int)len, p->pack_name);
+ ret = check_packed_git_idx(idx_name, p);
+ free(idx_name);
+ return ret;
+static struct packed_git *alloc_packed_git(int extra)
+ struct packed_git *p = xmalloc(st_add(sizeof(*p), extra));
+ memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
+ p->pack_fd = -1;
+ return p;
+struct packed_git *parse_pack_index(unsigned char *sha1, const char *idx_path)
+ const char *path = sha1_pack_name(sha1);
+ size_t alloc = st_add(strlen(path), 1);
+ struct packed_git *p = alloc_packed_git(alloc);
+ memcpy(p->pack_name, path, alloc); /* includes NUL */
+ hashcpy(p->sha1, sha1);
+ if (check_packed_git_idx(idx_path, p)) {
+ free(p);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return p;
+static void scan_windows(struct packed_git *p,
+ struct packed_git **lru_p,
+ struct pack_window **lru_w,
+ struct pack_window **lru_l)
+ struct pack_window *w, *w_l;
+ for (w_l = NULL, w = p->windows; w; w = w->next) {
+ if (!w->inuse_cnt) {
+ if (!*lru_w || w->last_used < (*lru_w)->last_used) {
+ *lru_p = p;
+ *lru_w = w;
+ *lru_l = w_l;
+ }
+ }
+ w_l = w;
+ }
+static int unuse_one_window(struct packed_git *current)
+ struct packed_git *p, *lru_p = NULL;
+ struct pack_window *lru_w = NULL, *lru_l = NULL;
+ if (current)
+ scan_windows(current, &lru_p, &lru_w, &lru_l);
+ for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next)
+ scan_windows(p, &lru_p, &lru_w, &lru_l);
+ if (lru_p) {
+ munmap(lru_w->base, lru_w->len);
+ pack_mapped -= lru_w->len;
+ if (lru_l)
+ lru_l->next = lru_w->next;
+ else
+ lru_p->windows = lru_w->next;
+ free(lru_w);
+ pack_open_windows--;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void release_pack_memory(size_t need)
+ size_t cur = pack_mapped;
+ while (need >= (cur - pack_mapped) && unuse_one_window(NULL))
+ ; /* nothing */
+void close_pack_windows(struct packed_git *p)
+ while (p->windows) {
+ struct pack_window *w = p->windows;
+ if (w->inuse_cnt)
+ die("pack '%s' still has open windows to it",
+ p->pack_name);
+ munmap(w->base, w->len);
+ pack_mapped -= w->len;
+ pack_open_windows--;
+ p->windows = w->next;
+ free(w);
+ }
+static int close_pack_fd(struct packed_git *p)
+ if (p->pack_fd < 0)
+ return 0;
+ close(p->pack_fd);
+ pack_open_fds--;
+ p->pack_fd = -1;
+ return 1;
+void close_pack_index(struct packed_git *p)
+ if (p->index_data) {
+ munmap((void *)p->index_data, p->index_size);
+ p->index_data = NULL;
+ }
+static void close_pack(struct packed_git *p)
+ close_pack_windows(p);
+ close_pack_fd(p);
+ close_pack_index(p);
+void close_all_packs(void)
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next)
+ if (p->do_not_close)
+ die("BUG: want to close pack marked 'do-not-close'");
+ else
+ close_pack(p);
+ * The LRU pack is the one with the oldest MRU window, preferring packs
+ * with no used windows, or the oldest mtime if it has no windows allocated.
+ */
+static void find_lru_pack(struct packed_git *p, struct packed_git **lru_p, struct pack_window **mru_w, int *accept_windows_inuse)
+ struct pack_window *w, *this_mru_w;
+ int has_windows_inuse = 0;
+ /*
+ * Reject this pack if it has windows and the previously selected
+ * one does not. If this pack does not have windows, reject
+ * it if the pack file is newer than the previously selected one.
+ */
+ if (*lru_p && !*mru_w && (p->windows || p->mtime > (*lru_p)->mtime))
+ return;
+ for (w = this_mru_w = p->windows; w; w = w->next) {
+ /*
+ * Reject this pack if any of its windows are in use,
+ * but the previously selected pack did not have any
+ * inuse windows. Otherwise, record that this pack
+ * has windows in use.
+ */
+ if (w->inuse_cnt) {
+ if (*accept_windows_inuse)
+ has_windows_inuse = 1;
+ else
+ return;
+ }
+ if (w->last_used > this_mru_w->last_used)
+ this_mru_w = w;
+ /*
+ * Reject this pack if it has windows that have been
+ * used more recently than the previously selected pack.
+ * If the previously selected pack had windows inuse and
+ * we have not encountered a window in this pack that is
+ * inuse, skip this check since we prefer a pack with no
+ * inuse windows to one that has inuse windows.
+ */
+ if (*mru_w && *accept_windows_inuse == has_windows_inuse &&
+ this_mru_w->last_used > (*mru_w)->last_used)
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Select this pack.
+ */
+ *mru_w = this_mru_w;
+ *lru_p = p;
+ *accept_windows_inuse = has_windows_inuse;
+static int close_one_pack(void)
+ struct packed_git *p, *lru_p = NULL;
+ struct pack_window *mru_w = NULL;
+ int accept_windows_inuse = 1;
+ for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next) {
+ if (p->pack_fd == -1)
+ continue;
+ find_lru_pack(p, &lru_p, &mru_w, &accept_windows_inuse);
+ }
+ if (lru_p)
+ return close_pack_fd(lru_p);
+ return 0;
+static unsigned int get_max_fd_limit(void)
+ {
+ struct rlimit lim;
+ if (!getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &lim))
+ return lim.rlim_cur;
+ }
+#ifdef _SC_OPEN_MAX
+ {
+ long open_max = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
+ if (0 < open_max)
+ return open_max;
+ /*
+ * Otherwise, we got -1 for one of the two
+ * reasons:
+ *
+ * (1) sysconf() did not understand _SC_OPEN_MAX
+ * and signaled an error with -1; or
+ * (2) sysconf() said there is no limit.
+ *
+ * We _could_ clear errno before calling sysconf() to
+ * tell these two cases apart and return a huge number
+ * in the latter case to let the caller cap it to a
+ * value that is not so selfish, but letting the
+ * fallback OPEN_MAX codepath take care of these cases
+ * is a lot simpler.
+ */
+ }
+#ifdef OPEN_MAX
+ return OPEN_MAX;
+ return 1; /* see the caller ;-) */
+ * Do not call this directly as this leaks p->pack_fd on error return;
+ * call open_packed_git() instead.
+ */
+static int open_packed_git_1(struct packed_git *p)
+ struct stat st;
+ struct pack_header hdr;
+ unsigned char sha1[20];
+ unsigned char *idx_sha1;
+ long fd_flag;
+ if (!p->index_data && open_pack_index(p))
+ return error("packfile %s index unavailable", p->pack_name);
+ if (!pack_max_fds) {
+ unsigned int max_fds = get_max_fd_limit();
+ /* Save 3 for stdin/stdout/stderr, 22 for work */
+ if (25 < max_fds)
+ pack_max_fds = max_fds - 25;
+ else
+ pack_max_fds = 1;
+ }
+ while (pack_max_fds <= pack_open_fds && close_one_pack())
+ ; /* nothing */
+ p->pack_fd = git_open(p->pack_name);
+ if (p->pack_fd < 0 || fstat(p->pack_fd, &st))
+ return -1;
+ pack_open_fds++;
+ /* If we created the struct before we had the pack we lack size. */
+ if (!p->pack_size) {
+ if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
+ return error("packfile %s not a regular file", p->pack_name);
+ p->pack_size = st.st_size;
+ } else if (p->pack_size != st.st_size)
+ return error("packfile %s size changed", p->pack_name);
+ /* We leave these file descriptors open with sliding mmap;
+ * there is no point keeping them open across exec(), though.
+ */
+ fd_flag = fcntl(p->pack_fd, F_GETFD, 0);
+ if (fd_flag < 0)
+ return error("cannot determine file descriptor flags");
+ fd_flag |= FD_CLOEXEC;
+ if (fcntl(p->pack_fd, F_SETFD, fd_flag) == -1)
+ return error("cannot set FD_CLOEXEC");
+ /* Verify we recognize this pack file format. */
+ if (read_in_full(p->pack_fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr))
+ return error("file %s is far too short to be a packfile", p->pack_name);
+ if (hdr.hdr_signature != htonl(PACK_SIGNATURE))
+ return error("file %s is not a GIT packfile", p->pack_name);
+ if (!pack_version_ok(hdr.hdr_version))
+ return error("packfile %s is version %"PRIu32" and not"
+ " supported (try upgrading GIT to a newer version)",
+ p->pack_name, ntohl(hdr.hdr_version));
+ /* Verify the pack matches its index. */
+ if (p->num_objects != ntohl(hdr.hdr_entries))
+ return error("packfile %s claims to have %"PRIu32" objects"
+ " while index indicates %"PRIu32" objects",
+ p->pack_name, ntohl(hdr.hdr_entries),
+ p->num_objects);
+ if (lseek(p->pack_fd, p->pack_size - sizeof(sha1), SEEK_SET) == -1)
+ return error("end of packfile %s is unavailable", p->pack_name);
+ if (read_in_full(p->pack_fd, sha1, sizeof(sha1)) != sizeof(sha1))
+ return error("packfile %s signature is unavailable", p->pack_name);
+ idx_sha1 = ((unsigned char *)p->index_data) + p->index_size - 40;
+ if (hashcmp(sha1, idx_sha1))
+ return error("packfile %s does not match index", p->pack_name);
+ return 0;
+static int open_packed_git(struct packed_git *p)
+ if (!open_packed_git_1(p))
+ return 0;
+ close_pack_fd(p);
+ return -1;
+static int in_window(struct pack_window *win, off_t offset)
+ /* We must promise at least 20 bytes (one hash) after the
+ * offset is available from this window, otherwise the offset
+ * is not actually in this window and a different window (which
+ * has that one hash excess) must be used. This is to support
+ * the object header and delta base parsing routines below.
+ */
+ off_t win_off = win->offset;
+ return win_off <= offset
+ && (offset + 20) <= (win_off + win->len);
+unsigned char *use_pack(struct packed_git *p,
+ struct pack_window **w_cursor,
+ off_t offset,
+ unsigned long *left)
+ struct pack_window *win = *w_cursor;
+ /* Since packfiles end in a hash of their content and it's
+ * pointless to ask for an offset into the middle of that
+ * hash, and the in_window function above wouldn't match
+ * don't allow an offset too close to the end of the file.
+ */
+ if (!p->pack_size && p->pack_fd == -1 && open_packed_git(p))
+ die("packfile %s cannot be accessed", p->pack_name);
+ if (offset > (p->pack_size - 20))
+ die("offset beyond end of packfile (truncated pack?)");
+ if (offset < 0)
+ die(_("offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"));
+ if (!win || !in_window(win, offset)) {
+ if (win)
+ win->inuse_cnt--;
+ for (win = p->windows; win; win = win->next) {
+ if (in_window(win, offset))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!win) {
+ size_t window_align = packed_git_window_size / 2;
+ off_t len;
+ if (p->pack_fd == -1 && open_packed_git(p))
+ die("packfile %s cannot be accessed", p->pack_name);
+ win = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*win));
+ win->offset = (offset / window_align) * window_align;
+ len = p->pack_size - win->offset;
+ if (len > packed_git_window_size)
+ len = packed_git_window_size;
+ win->len = (size_t)len;
+ pack_mapped += win->len;
+ while (packed_git_limit < pack_mapped
+ && unuse_one_window(p))
+ ; /* nothing */
+ win->base = xmmap(NULL, win->len,
+ p->pack_fd, win->offset);
+ if (win->base == MAP_FAILED)
+ die_errno("packfile %s cannot be mapped",
+ p->pack_name);
+ if (!win->offset && win->len == p->pack_size
+ && !p->do_not_close)
+ close_pack_fd(p);
+ pack_mmap_calls++;
+ pack_open_windows++;
+ if (pack_mapped > peak_pack_mapped)
+ peak_pack_mapped = pack_mapped;
+ if (pack_open_windows > peak_pack_open_windows)
+ peak_pack_open_windows = pack_open_windows;
+ win->next = p->windows;
+ p->windows = win;
+ }
+ }
+ if (win != *w_cursor) {
+ win->last_used = pack_used_ctr++;
+ win->inuse_cnt++;
+ *w_cursor = win;
+ }
+ offset -= win->offset;
+ if (left)
+ *left = win->len - xsize_t(offset);
+ return win->base + offset;
+void unuse_pack(struct pack_window **w_cursor)
+ struct pack_window *w = *w_cursor;
+ if (w) {
+ w->inuse_cnt--;
+ *w_cursor = NULL;
+ }
+static void try_to_free_pack_memory(size_t size)
+ release_pack_memory(size);
+struct packed_git *add_packed_git(const char *path, size_t path_len, int local)
+ static int have_set_try_to_free_routine;
+ struct stat st;
+ size_t alloc;
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ if (!have_set_try_to_free_routine) {
+ have_set_try_to_free_routine = 1;
+ set_try_to_free_routine(try_to_free_pack_memory);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Make sure a corresponding .pack file exists and that
+ * the index looks sane.
+ */
+ if (!strip_suffix_mem(path, &path_len, ".idx"))
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * ".pack" is long enough to hold any suffix we're adding (and
+ * the use xsnprintf double-checks that)
+ */
+ alloc = st_add3(path_len, strlen(".pack"), 1);
+ p = alloc_packed_git(alloc);
+ memcpy(p->pack_name, path, path_len);
+ xsnprintf(p->pack_name + path_len, alloc - path_len, ".keep");
+ if (!access(p->pack_name, F_OK))
+ p->pack_keep = 1;
+ xsnprintf(p->pack_name + path_len, alloc - path_len, ".pack");
+ if (stat(p->pack_name, &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ free(p);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* ok, it looks sane as far as we can check without
+ * actually mapping the pack file.
+ */
+ p->pack_size = st.st_size;
+ p->pack_local = local;
+ p->mtime = st.st_mtime;
+ if (path_len < 40 || get_sha1_hex(path + path_len - 40, p->sha1))
+ hashclr(p->sha1);
+ return p;
+void install_packed_git(struct packed_git *pack)
+ if (pack->pack_fd != -1)
+ pack_open_fds++;
+ pack->next = packed_git;
+ packed_git = pack;
+void (*report_garbage)(unsigned seen_bits, const char *path);
+static void report_helper(const struct string_list *list,
+ int seen_bits, int first, int last)
+ return;
+ for (; first < last; first++)
+ report_garbage(seen_bits, list->items[first].string);
+static void report_pack_garbage(struct string_list *list)
+ int i, baselen = -1, first = 0, seen_bits = 0;
+ if (!report_garbage)
+ return;
+ string_list_sort(list);
+ for (i = 0; i < list->nr; i++) {
+ const char *path = list->items[i].string;
+ if (baselen != -1 &&
+ strncmp(path, list->items[first].string, baselen)) {
+ report_helper(list, seen_bits, first, i);
+ baselen = -1;
+ seen_bits = 0;
+ }
+ if (baselen == -1) {
+ const char *dot = strrchr(path, '.');
+ if (!dot) {
+ report_garbage(PACKDIR_FILE_GARBAGE, path);
+ continue;
+ }
+ baselen = dot - path + 1;
+ first = i;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(path + baselen, "pack"))
+ seen_bits |= 1;
+ else if (!strcmp(path + baselen, "idx"))
+ seen_bits |= 2;
+ }
+ report_helper(list, seen_bits, first, list->nr);
+static void prepare_packed_git_one(char *objdir, int local)
+ struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+ size_t dirnamelen;
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *de;
+ struct string_list garbage = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
+ strbuf_addstr(&path, objdir);
+ strbuf_addstr(&path, "/pack");
+ dir = opendir(path.buf);
+ if (!dir) {
+ if (errno != ENOENT)
+ error_errno("unable to open object pack directory: %s",
+ path.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&path);
+ return;
+ }
+ strbuf_addch(&path, '/');
+ dirnamelen = path.len;
+ while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ size_t base_len;
+ if (is_dot_or_dotdot(de->d_name))
+ continue;
+ strbuf_setlen(&path, dirnamelen);
+ strbuf_addstr(&path, de->d_name);
+ base_len = path.len;
+ if (strip_suffix_mem(path.buf, &base_len, ".idx")) {
+ /* Don't reopen a pack we already have. */
+ for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next) {
+ size_t len;
+ if (strip_suffix(p->pack_name, ".pack", &len) &&
+ len == base_len &&
+ !memcmp(p->pack_name, path.buf, len))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (p == NULL &&
+ /*
+ * See if it really is a valid .idx file with
+ * corresponding .pack file that we can map.
+ */
+ (p = add_packed_git(path.buf, path.len, local)) != NULL)
+ install_packed_git(p);
+ }
+ if (!report_garbage)
+ continue;
+ if (ends_with(de->d_name, ".idx") ||
+ ends_with(de->d_name, ".pack") ||
+ ends_with(de->d_name, ".bitmap") ||
+ ends_with(de->d_name, ".keep"))
+ string_list_append(&garbage, path.buf);
+ else
+ report_garbage(PACKDIR_FILE_GARBAGE, path.buf);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ report_pack_garbage(&garbage);
+ string_list_clear(&garbage, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&path);
+static int approximate_object_count_valid;
+ * Give a fast, rough count of the number of objects in the repository. This
+ * ignores loose objects completely. If you have a lot of them, then either
+ * you should repack because your performance will be awful, or they are
+ * all unreachable objects about to be pruned, in which case they're not really
+ * interesting as a measure of repo size in the first place.
+ */
+unsigned long approximate_object_count(void)
+ static unsigned long count;
+ if (!approximate_object_count_valid) {
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ prepare_packed_git();
+ count = 0;
+ for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next) {
+ if (open_pack_index(p))
+ continue;
+ count += p->num_objects;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+static void *get_next_packed_git(const void *p)
+ return ((const struct packed_git *)p)->next;
+static void set_next_packed_git(void *p, void *next)
+ ((struct packed_git *)p)->next = next;
+static int sort_pack(const void *a_, const void *b_)
+ const struct packed_git *a = a_;
+ const struct packed_git *b = b_;
+ int st;
+ /*
+ * Local packs tend to contain objects specific to our
+ * variant of the project than remote ones. In addition,
+ * remote ones could be on a network mounted filesystem.
+ * Favor local ones for these reasons.
+ */
+ st = a->pack_local - b->pack_local;
+ if (st)
+ return -st;
+ /*
+ * Younger packs tend to contain more recent objects,
+ * and more recent objects tend to get accessed more
+ * often.
+ */
+ if (a->mtime < b->mtime)
+ return 1;
+ else if (a->mtime == b->mtime)
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
+static void rearrange_packed_git(void)
+ packed_git = llist_mergesort(packed_git, get_next_packed_git,
+ set_next_packed_git, sort_pack);
+static void prepare_packed_git_mru(void)
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ mru_clear(&packed_git_mru);
+ for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next)
+ mru_append(&packed_git_mru, p);
+static int prepare_packed_git_run_once = 0;
+void prepare_packed_git(void)
+ struct alternate_object_database *alt;
+ if (prepare_packed_git_run_once)
+ return;
+ prepare_packed_git_one(get_object_directory(), 1);
+ prepare_alt_odb();
+ for (alt = alt_odb_list; alt; alt = alt->next)
+ prepare_packed_git_one(alt->path, 0);
+ rearrange_packed_git();
+ prepare_packed_git_mru();
+ prepare_packed_git_run_once = 1;
+void reprepare_packed_git(void)
+ approximate_object_count_valid = 0;
+ prepare_packed_git_run_once = 0;
+ prepare_packed_git();
+unsigned long unpack_object_header_buffer(const unsigned char *buf,
+ unsigned long len, enum object_type *type, unsigned long *sizep)
+ unsigned shift;
+ unsigned long size, c;
+ unsigned long used = 0;
+ c = buf[used++];
+ *type = (c >> 4) & 7;
+ size = c & 15;
+ shift = 4;
+ while (c & 0x80) {
+ if (len <= used || bitsizeof(long) <= shift) {
+ error("bad object header");
+ size = used = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ c = buf[used++];
+ size += (c & 0x7f) << shift;
+ shift += 7;
+ }
+ *sizep = size;
+ return used;
+unsigned long get_size_from_delta(struct packed_git *p,
+ struct pack_window **w_curs,
+ off_t curpos)
+ const unsigned char *data;
+ unsigned char delta_head[20], *in;
+ git_zstream stream;
+ int st;
+ memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream));
+ stream.next_out = delta_head;
+ stream.avail_out = sizeof(delta_head);
+ git_inflate_init(&stream);
+ do {
+ in = use_pack(p, w_curs, curpos, &stream.avail_in);
+ stream.next_in = in;
+ st = git_inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
+ curpos += stream.next_in - in;
+ } while ((st == Z_OK || st == Z_BUF_ERROR) &&
+ stream.total_out < sizeof(delta_head));
+ git_inflate_end(&stream);
+ if ((st != Z_STREAM_END) && stream.total_out != sizeof(delta_head)) {
+ error("delta data unpack-initial failed");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Examine the initial part of the delta to figure out
+ * the result size.
+ */
+ data = delta_head;
+ /* ignore base size */
+ get_delta_hdr_size(&data, delta_head+sizeof(delta_head));
+ /* Read the result size */
+ return get_delta_hdr_size(&data, delta_head+sizeof(delta_head));
+int unpack_object_header(struct packed_git *p,
+ struct pack_window **w_curs,
+ off_t *curpos,
+ unsigned long *sizep)
+ unsigned char *base;
+ unsigned long left;
+ unsigned long used;
+ enum object_type type;
+ /* use_pack() assures us we have [base, base + 20) available
+ * as a range that we can look at. (Its actually the hash
+ * size that is assured.) With our object header encoding
+ * the maximum deflated object size is 2^137, which is just
+ * insane, so we know won't exceed what we have been given.
+ */
+ base = use_pack(p, w_curs, *curpos, &left);
+ used = unpack_object_header_buffer(base, left, &type, sizep);
+ if (!used) {
+ type = OBJ_BAD;
+ } else
+ *curpos += used;
+ return type;
+void mark_bad_packed_object(struct packed_git *p, const unsigned char *sha1)
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < p->num_bad_objects; i++)
+ if (!hashcmp(sha1, p->bad_object_sha1 + GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ * i))
+ return;
+ p->bad_object_sha1 = xrealloc(p->bad_object_sha1,
+ st_mult(GIT_MAX_RAWSZ,
+ st_add(p->num_bad_objects, 1)));
+ hashcpy(p->bad_object_sha1 + GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ * p->num_bad_objects, sha1);
+ p->num_bad_objects++;
+const struct packed_git *has_packed_and_bad(const unsigned char *sha1)
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ unsigned i;
+ for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next)
+ for (i = 0; i < p->num_bad_objects; i++)
+ if (!hashcmp(sha1, p->bad_object_sha1 + 20 * i))
+ return p;
+ return NULL;
+static off_t get_delta_base(struct packed_git *p,
+ struct pack_window **w_curs,
+ off_t *curpos,
+ enum object_type type,
+ off_t delta_obj_offset)
+ unsigned char *base_info = use_pack(p, w_curs, *curpos, NULL);
+ off_t base_offset;
+ /* use_pack() assured us we have [base_info, base_info + 20)
+ * as a range that we can look at without walking off the
+ * end of the mapped window. Its actually the hash size
+ * that is assured. An OFS_DELTA longer than the hash size
+ * is stupid, as then a REF_DELTA would be smaller to store.
+ */
+ if (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA) {
+ unsigned used = 0;
+ unsigned char c = base_info[used++];
+ base_offset = c & 127;
+ while (c & 128) {
+ base_offset += 1;
+ if (!base_offset || MSB(base_offset, 7))
+ return 0; /* overflow */
+ c = base_info[used++];
+ base_offset = (base_offset << 7) + (c & 127);
+ }
+ base_offset = delta_obj_offset - base_offset;
+ if (base_offset <= 0 || base_offset >= delta_obj_offset)
+ return 0; /* out of bound */
+ *curpos += used;
+ } else if (type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
+ /* The base entry _must_ be in the same pack */
+ base_offset = find_pack_entry_one(base_info, p);
+ *curpos += 20;
+ } else
+ die("I am totally screwed");
+ return base_offset;
+ * Like get_delta_base above, but we return the sha1 instead of the pack
+ * offset. This means it is cheaper for REF deltas (we do not have to do
+ * the final object lookup), but more expensive for OFS deltas (we
+ * have to load the revidx to convert the offset back into a sha1).
+ */
+static const unsigned char *get_delta_base_sha1(struct packed_git *p,
+ struct pack_window **w_curs,
+ off_t curpos,
+ enum object_type type,
+ off_t delta_obj_offset)
+ if (type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
+ unsigned char *base = use_pack(p, w_curs, curpos, NULL);
+ return base;
+ } else if (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA) {
+ struct revindex_entry *revidx;
+ off_t base_offset = get_delta_base(p, w_curs, &curpos,
+ type, delta_obj_offset);
+ if (!base_offset)
+ return NULL;
+ revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, base_offset);
+ if (!revidx)
+ return NULL;
+ return nth_packed_object_sha1(p, revidx->nr);
+ } else
+ return NULL;
+static int retry_bad_packed_offset(struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset)
+ int type;
+ struct revindex_entry *revidx;
+ const unsigned char *sha1;
+ revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
+ if (!revidx)
+ return OBJ_BAD;
+ sha1 = nth_packed_object_sha1(p, revidx->nr);
+ mark_bad_packed_object(p, sha1);
+ type = sha1_object_info(sha1, NULL);
+ if (type <= OBJ_NONE)
+ return OBJ_BAD;
+ return type;
+static enum object_type packed_to_object_type(struct packed_git *p,
+ off_t obj_offset,
+ enum object_type type,
+ struct pack_window **w_curs,
+ off_t curpos)
+ off_t small_poi_stack[POI_STACK_PREALLOC];
+ off_t *poi_stack = small_poi_stack;
+ int poi_stack_nr = 0, poi_stack_alloc = POI_STACK_PREALLOC;
+ while (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA || type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
+ off_t base_offset;
+ unsigned long size;
+ /* Push the object we're going to leave behind */
+ if (poi_stack_nr >= poi_stack_alloc && poi_stack == small_poi_stack) {
+ poi_stack_alloc = alloc_nr(poi_stack_nr);
+ ALLOC_ARRAY(poi_stack, poi_stack_alloc);
+ memcpy(poi_stack, small_poi_stack, sizeof(off_t)*poi_stack_nr);
+ } else {
+ ALLOC_GROW(poi_stack, poi_stack_nr+1, poi_stack_alloc);
+ }
+ poi_stack[poi_stack_nr++] = obj_offset;
+ /* If parsing the base offset fails, just unwind */
+ base_offset = get_delta_base(p, w_curs, &curpos, type, obj_offset);
+ if (!base_offset)
+ goto unwind;
+ curpos = obj_offset = base_offset;
+ type = unpack_object_header(p, w_curs, &curpos, &size);
+ if (type <= OBJ_NONE) {
+ /* If getting the base itself fails, we first
+ * retry the base, otherwise unwind */
+ type = retry_bad_packed_offset(p, base_offset);
+ if (type > OBJ_NONE)
+ goto out;
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case OBJ_BAD:
+ case OBJ_COMMIT:
+ case OBJ_TREE:
+ case OBJ_BLOB:
+ case OBJ_TAG:
+ break;
+ default:
+ error("unknown object type %i at offset %"PRIuMAX" in %s",
+ type, (uintmax_t)obj_offset, p->pack_name);
+ type = OBJ_BAD;
+ }
+ if (poi_stack != small_poi_stack)
+ free(poi_stack);
+ return type;
+ while (poi_stack_nr) {
+ obj_offset = poi_stack[--poi_stack_nr];
+ type = retry_bad_packed_offset(p, obj_offset);
+ if (type > OBJ_NONE)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ type = OBJ_BAD;
+ goto out;
+static struct hashmap delta_base_cache;
+static size_t delta_base_cached;
+static LIST_HEAD(delta_base_cache_lru);
+struct delta_base_cache_key {
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ off_t base_offset;
+struct delta_base_cache_entry {
+ struct hashmap hash;
+ struct delta_base_cache_key key;
+ struct list_head lru;
+ void *data;
+ unsigned long size;
+ enum object_type type;
+static unsigned int pack_entry_hash(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset)
+ unsigned int hash;
+ hash = (unsigned int)(intptr_t)p + (unsigned int)base_offset;
+ hash += (hash >> 8) + (hash >> 16);
+ return hash;
+static struct delta_base_cache_entry *
+get_delta_base_cache_entry(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset)
+ struct hashmap_entry entry;
+ struct delta_base_cache_key key;
+ if (!delta_base_cache.cmpfn)
+ return NULL;
+ hashmap_entry_init(&entry, pack_entry_hash(p, base_offset));
+ key.p = p;
+ key.base_offset = base_offset;
+ return hashmap_get(&delta_base_cache, &entry, &key);
+static int delta_base_cache_key_eq(const struct delta_base_cache_key *a,
+ const struct delta_base_cache_key *b)
+ return a->p == b->p && a->base_offset == b->base_offset;
+static int delta_base_cache_hash_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
+ const void *va, const void *vb,
+ const void *vkey)
+ const struct delta_base_cache_entry *a = va, *b = vb;
+ const struct delta_base_cache_key *key = vkey;
+ if (key)
+ return !delta_base_cache_key_eq(&a->key, key);
+ else
+ return !delta_base_cache_key_eq(&a->key, &b->key);
+static int in_delta_base_cache(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset)
+ return !!get_delta_base_cache_entry(p, base_offset);
+ * Remove the entry from the cache, but do _not_ free the associated
+ * entry data. The caller takes ownership of the "data" buffer, and
+ * should copy out any fields it wants before detaching.
+ */
+static void detach_delta_base_cache_entry(struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent)
+ hashmap_remove(&delta_base_cache, ent, &ent->key);
+ list_del(&ent->lru);
+ delta_base_cached -= ent->size;
+ free(ent);
+static void *cache_or_unpack_entry(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset,
+ unsigned long *base_size, enum object_type *type)
+ struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent;
+ ent = get_delta_base_cache_entry(p, base_offset);
+ if (!ent)
+ return unpack_entry(p, base_offset, type, base_size);
+ if (type)
+ *type = ent->type;
+ if (base_size)
+ *base_size = ent->size;
+ return xmemdupz(ent->data, ent->size);
+static inline void release_delta_base_cache(struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent)
+ free(ent->data);
+ detach_delta_base_cache_entry(ent);
+void clear_delta_base_cache(void)
+ struct list_head *lru, *tmp;
+ list_for_each_safe(lru, tmp, &delta_base_cache_lru) {
+ struct delta_base_cache_entry *entry =
+ list_entry(lru, struct delta_base_cache_entry, lru);
+ release_delta_base_cache(entry);
+ }
+static void add_delta_base_cache(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset,
+ void *base, unsigned long base_size, enum object_type type)
+ struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent = xmalloc(sizeof(*ent));
+ struct list_head *lru, *tmp;
+ delta_base_cached += base_size;
+ list_for_each_safe(lru, tmp, &delta_base_cache_lru) {
+ struct delta_base_cache_entry *f =
+ list_entry(lru, struct delta_base_cache_entry, lru);
+ if (delta_base_cached <= delta_base_cache_limit)
+ break;
+ release_delta_base_cache(f);
+ }
+ ent->key.p = p;
+ ent->key.base_offset = base_offset;
+ ent->type = type;
+ ent->data = base;
+ ent->size = base_size;
+ list_add_tail(&ent->lru, &delta_base_cache_lru);
+ if (!delta_base_cache.cmpfn)
+ hashmap_init(&delta_base_cache, delta_base_cache_hash_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_entry_init(ent, pack_entry_hash(p, base_offset));
+ hashmap_add(&delta_base_cache, ent);
+int packed_object_info(struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset,
+ struct object_info *oi)
+ struct pack_window *w_curs = NULL;
+ unsigned long size;
+ off_t curpos = obj_offset;
+ enum object_type type;
+ /*
+ * We always get the representation type, but only convert it to
+ * a "real" type later if the caller is interested.
+ */
+ if (oi->contentp) {
+ *oi->contentp = cache_or_unpack_entry(p, obj_offset, oi->sizep,
+ &type);
+ if (!*oi->contentp)
+ type = OBJ_BAD;
+ } else {
+ type = unpack_object_header(p, &w_curs, &curpos, &size);
+ }
+ if (!oi->contentp && oi->sizep) {
+ if (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA || type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
+ off_t tmp_pos = curpos;
+ off_t base_offset = get_delta_base(p, &w_curs, &tmp_pos,
+ type, obj_offset);
+ if (!base_offset) {
+ type = OBJ_BAD;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ *oi->sizep = get_size_from_delta(p, &w_curs, tmp_pos);
+ if (*oi->sizep == 0) {
+ type = OBJ_BAD;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *oi->sizep = size;
+ }
+ }
+ if (oi->disk_sizep) {
+ struct revindex_entry *revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
+ *oi->disk_sizep = revidx[1].offset - obj_offset;
+ }
+ if (oi->typep || oi->typename) {
+ enum object_type ptot;
+ ptot = packed_to_object_type(p, obj_offset, type, &w_curs,
+ curpos);
+ if (oi->typep)
+ *oi->typep = ptot;
+ if (oi->typename) {
+ const char *tn = typename(ptot);
+ if (tn)
+ strbuf_addstr(oi->typename, tn);
+ }
+ if (ptot < 0) {
+ type = OBJ_BAD;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ if (oi->delta_base_sha1) {
+ if (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA || type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
+ const unsigned char *base;
+ base = get_delta_base_sha1(p, &w_curs, curpos,
+ type, obj_offset);
+ if (!base) {
+ type = OBJ_BAD;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ hashcpy(oi->delta_base_sha1, base);
+ } else
+ hashclr(oi->delta_base_sha1);
+ }
+ oi->whence = in_delta_base_cache(p, obj_offset) ? OI_DBCACHED :
+ unuse_pack(&w_curs);
+ return type;
+static void *unpack_compressed_entry(struct packed_git *p,
+ struct pack_window **w_curs,
+ off_t curpos,
+ unsigned long size)
+ int st;
+ git_zstream stream;
+ unsigned char *buffer, *in;
+ buffer = xmallocz_gently(size);
+ if (!buffer)
+ return NULL;
+ memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream));
+ stream.next_out = buffer;
+ stream.avail_out = size + 1;
+ git_inflate_init(&stream);
+ do {
+ in = use_pack(p, w_curs, curpos, &stream.avail_in);
+ stream.next_in = in;
+ st = git_inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
+ if (!stream.avail_out)
+ break; /* the payload is larger than it should be */
+ curpos += stream.next_in - in;
+ } while (st == Z_OK || st == Z_BUF_ERROR);
+ git_inflate_end(&stream);
+ if ((st != Z_STREAM_END) || stream.total_out != size) {
+ free(buffer);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return buffer;
+static void write_pack_access_log(struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset)
+ static struct trace_key pack_access = TRACE_KEY_INIT(PACK_ACCESS);
+ trace_printf_key(&pack_access, "%s %"PRIuMAX"\n",
+ p->pack_name, (uintmax_t)obj_offset);
+int do_check_packed_object_crc;
+struct unpack_entry_stack_ent {
+ off_t obj_offset;
+ off_t curpos;
+ unsigned long size;
+static void *read_object(const unsigned char *sha1, enum object_type *type,
+ unsigned long *size)
+ struct object_info oi = OBJECT_INFO_INIT;
+ void *content;
+ oi.typep = type;
+ oi.sizep = size;
+ oi.contentp = &content;
+ if (sha1_object_info_extended(sha1, &oi, 0) < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return content;
+void *unpack_entry(struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset,
+ enum object_type *final_type, unsigned long *final_size)
+ struct pack_window *w_curs = NULL;
+ off_t curpos = obj_offset;
+ void *data = NULL;
+ unsigned long size;
+ enum object_type type;
+ struct unpack_entry_stack_ent small_delta_stack[UNPACK_ENTRY_STACK_PREALLOC];
+ struct unpack_entry_stack_ent *delta_stack = small_delta_stack;
+ int delta_stack_nr = 0, delta_stack_alloc = UNPACK_ENTRY_STACK_PREALLOC;
+ int base_from_cache = 0;
+ write_pack_access_log(p, obj_offset);
+ /* PHASE 1: drill down to the innermost base object */
+ for (;;) {
+ off_t base_offset;
+ int i;
+ struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent;
+ ent = get_delta_base_cache_entry(p, curpos);
+ if (ent) {
+ type = ent->type;
+ data = ent->data;
+ size = ent->size;
+ detach_delta_base_cache_entry(ent);
+ base_from_cache = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (do_check_packed_object_crc && p->index_version > 1) {
+ struct revindex_entry *revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
+ off_t len = revidx[1].offset - obj_offset;
+ if (check_pack_crc(p, &w_curs, obj_offset, len, revidx->nr)) {
+ const unsigned char *sha1 =
+ nth_packed_object_sha1(p, revidx->nr);
+ error("bad packed object CRC for %s",
+ sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+ mark_bad_packed_object(p, sha1);
+ data = NULL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ type = unpack_object_header(p, &w_curs, &curpos, &size);
+ if (type != OBJ_OFS_DELTA && type != OBJ_REF_DELTA)
+ break;
+ base_offset = get_delta_base(p, &w_curs, &curpos, type, obj_offset);
+ if (!base_offset) {
+ error("failed to validate delta base reference "
+ "at offset %"PRIuMAX" from %s",
+ (uintmax_t)curpos, p->pack_name);
+ /* bail to phase 2, in hopes of recovery */
+ data = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* push object, proceed to base */
+ if (delta_stack_nr >= delta_stack_alloc
+ && delta_stack == small_delta_stack) {
+ delta_stack_alloc = alloc_nr(delta_stack_nr);
+ ALLOC_ARRAY(delta_stack, delta_stack_alloc);
+ memcpy(delta_stack, small_delta_stack,
+ sizeof(*delta_stack)*delta_stack_nr);
+ } else {
+ ALLOC_GROW(delta_stack, delta_stack_nr+1, delta_stack_alloc);
+ }
+ i = delta_stack_nr++;
+ delta_stack[i].obj_offset = obj_offset;
+ delta_stack[i].curpos = curpos;
+ delta_stack[i].size = size;
+ curpos = obj_offset = base_offset;
+ }
+ /* PHASE 2: handle the base */
+ switch (type) {
+ if (data)
+ die("BUG: unpack_entry: left loop at a valid delta");
+ break;
+ case OBJ_COMMIT:
+ case OBJ_TREE:
+ case OBJ_BLOB:
+ case OBJ_TAG:
+ if (!base_from_cache)
+ data = unpack_compressed_entry(p, &w_curs, curpos, size);
+ break;
+ default:
+ data = NULL;
+ error("unknown object type %i at offset %"PRIuMAX" in %s",
+ type, (uintmax_t)obj_offset, p->pack_name);
+ }
+ /* PHASE 3: apply deltas in order */
+ /* invariants:
+ * 'data' holds the base data, or NULL if there was corruption
+ */
+ while (delta_stack_nr) {
+ void *delta_data;
+ void *base = data;
+ void *external_base = NULL;
+ unsigned long delta_size, base_size = size;
+ int i;
+ data = NULL;
+ if (base)
+ add_delta_base_cache(p, obj_offset, base, base_size, type);
+ if (!base) {
+ /*
+ * We're probably in deep shit, but let's try to fetch
+ * the required base anyway from another pack or loose.
+ * This is costly but should happen only in the presence
+ * of a corrupted pack, and is better than failing outright.
+ */
+ struct revindex_entry *revidx;
+ const unsigned char *base_sha1;
+ revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
+ if (revidx) {
+ base_sha1 = nth_packed_object_sha1(p, revidx->nr);
+ error("failed to read delta base object %s"
+ " at offset %"PRIuMAX" from %s",
+ sha1_to_hex(base_sha1), (uintmax_t)obj_offset,
+ p->pack_name);
+ mark_bad_packed_object(p, base_sha1);
+ base = read_object(base_sha1, &type, &base_size);
+ external_base = base;
+ }
+ }
+ i = --delta_stack_nr;
+ obj_offset = delta_stack[i].obj_offset;
+ curpos = delta_stack[i].curpos;
+ delta_size = delta_stack[i].size;
+ if (!base)
+ continue;
+ delta_data = unpack_compressed_entry(p, &w_curs, curpos, delta_size);
+ if (!delta_data) {
+ error("failed to unpack compressed delta "
+ "at offset %"PRIuMAX" from %s",
+ (uintmax_t)curpos, p->pack_name);
+ data = NULL;
+ free(external_base);
+ continue;
+ }
+ data = patch_delta(base, base_size,
+ delta_data, delta_size,
+ &size);
+ /*
+ * We could not apply the delta; warn the user, but keep going.
+ * Our failure will be noticed either in the next iteration of
+ * the loop, or if this is the final delta, in the caller when
+ * we return NULL. Those code paths will take care of making
+ * a more explicit warning and retrying with another copy of
+ * the object.
+ */
+ if (!data)
+ error("failed to apply delta");
+ free(delta_data);
+ free(external_base);
+ }
+ if (final_type)
+ *final_type = type;
+ if (final_size)
+ *final_size = size;
+ unuse_pack(&w_curs);
+ if (delta_stack != small_delta_stack)
+ free(delta_stack);
+ return data;
+const unsigned char *nth_packed_object_sha1(struct packed_git *p,
+ uint32_t n)
+ const unsigned char *index = p->index_data;
+ if (!index) {
+ if (open_pack_index(p))
+ return NULL;
+ index = p->index_data;
+ }
+ if (n >= p->num_objects)
+ return NULL;
+ index += 4 * 256;
+ if (p->index_version == 1) {
+ return index + 24 * n + 4;
+ } else {
+ index += 8;
+ return index + 20 * n;
+ }
+const struct object_id *nth_packed_object_oid(struct object_id *oid,
+ struct packed_git *p,
+ uint32_t n)
+ const unsigned char *hash = nth_packed_object_sha1(p, n);
+ if (!hash)
+ return NULL;
+ hashcpy(oid->hash, hash);
+ return oid;
+void check_pack_index_ptr(const struct packed_git *p, const void *vptr)
+ const unsigned char *ptr = vptr;
+ const unsigned char *start = p->index_data;
+ const unsigned char *end = start + p->index_size;
+ if (ptr < start)
+ die(_("offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"),
+ p->pack_name);
+ /* No need to check for underflow; .idx files must be at least 8 bytes */
+ if (ptr >= end - 8)
+ die(_("offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"),
+ p->pack_name);
+off_t nth_packed_object_offset(const struct packed_git *p, uint32_t n)
+ const unsigned char *index = p->index_data;
+ index += 4 * 256;
+ if (p->index_version == 1) {
+ return ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(index + 24 * n)));
+ } else {
+ uint32_t off;
+ index += 8 + p->num_objects * (20 + 4);
+ off = ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(index + 4 * n)));
+ if (!(off & 0x80000000))
+ return off;
+ index += p->num_objects * 4 + (off & 0x7fffffff) * 8;
+ check_pack_index_ptr(p, index);
+ return (((uint64_t)ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(index + 0)))) << 32) |
+ ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(index + 4)));
+ }
+off_t find_pack_entry_one(const unsigned char *sha1,
+ struct packed_git *p)
+ const uint32_t *level1_ofs = p->index_data;
+ const unsigned char *index = p->index_data;
+ unsigned hi, lo, stride;
+ static int debug_lookup = -1;
+ if (debug_lookup < 0)
+ debug_lookup = !!getenv("GIT_DEBUG_LOOKUP");
+ if (!index) {
+ if (open_pack_index(p))
+ return 0;
+ level1_ofs = p->index_data;
+ index = p->index_data;
+ }
+ if (p->index_version > 1) {
+ level1_ofs += 2;
+ index += 8;
+ }
+ index += 4 * 256;
+ hi = ntohl(level1_ofs[*sha1]);
+ lo = ((*sha1 == 0x0) ? 0 : ntohl(level1_ofs[*sha1 - 1]));
+ if (p->index_version > 1) {
+ stride = 20;
+ } else {
+ stride = 24;
+ index += 4;
+ }
+ if (debug_lookup)
+ printf("%02x%02x%02x... lo %u hi %u nr %"PRIu32"\n",
+ sha1[0], sha1[1], sha1[2], lo, hi, p->num_objects);
+ while (lo < hi) {
+ unsigned mi = (lo + hi) / 2;
+ int cmp = hashcmp(index + mi * stride, sha1);
+ if (debug_lookup)
+ printf("lo %u hi %u rg %u mi %u\n",
+ lo, hi, hi - lo, mi);
+ if (!cmp)
+ return nth_packed_object_offset(p, mi);
+ if (cmp > 0)
+ hi = mi;
+ else
+ lo = mi+1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int is_pack_valid(struct packed_git *p)
+ /* An already open pack is known to be valid. */
+ if (p->pack_fd != -1)
+ return 1;
+ /* If the pack has one window completely covering the
+ * file size, the pack is known to be valid even if
+ * the descriptor is not currently open.
+ */
+ if (p->windows) {
+ struct pack_window *w = p->windows;
+ if (!w->offset && w->len == p->pack_size)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Force the pack to open to prove its valid. */
+ return !open_packed_git(p);
+struct packed_git *find_sha1_pack(const unsigned char *sha1,
+ struct packed_git *packs)
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ for (p = packs; p; p = p->next) {
+ if (find_pack_entry_one(sha1, p))
+ return p;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static int fill_pack_entry(const unsigned char *sha1,
+ struct pack_entry *e,
+ struct packed_git *p)
+ off_t offset;
+ if (p->num_bad_objects) {
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < p->num_bad_objects; i++)
+ if (!hashcmp(sha1, p->bad_object_sha1 + 20 * i))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ offset = find_pack_entry_one(sha1, p);
+ if (!offset)
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * We are about to tell the caller where they can locate the
+ * requested object. We better make sure the packfile is
+ * still here and can be accessed before supplying that
+ * answer, as it may have been deleted since the index was
+ * loaded!
+ */
+ if (!is_pack_valid(p))
+ return 0;
+ e->offset = offset;
+ e->p = p;
+ hashcpy(e->sha1, sha1);
+ return 1;
+ * Iff a pack file contains the object named by sha1, return true and
+ * store its location to e.
+ */
+int find_pack_entry(const unsigned char *sha1, struct pack_entry *e)
+ struct mru_entry *p;
+ prepare_packed_git();
+ if (!packed_git)
+ return 0;
+ for (p = packed_git_mru.head; p; p = p->next) {
+ if (fill_pack_entry(sha1, e, p->item)) {
+ mru_mark(&packed_git_mru, p);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int has_sha1_pack(const unsigned char *sha1)
+ struct pack_entry e;
+ return find_pack_entry(sha1, &e);
+int has_pack_index(const unsigned char *sha1)
+ struct stat st;
+ if (stat(sha1_pack_index_name(sha1), &st))
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static int for_each_object_in_pack(struct packed_git *p, each_packed_object_fn cb, void *data)
+ uint32_t i;
+ int r = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < p->num_objects; i++) {
+ struct object_id oid;
+ if (!nth_packed_object_oid(&oid, p, i))
+ return error("unable to get sha1 of object %u in %s",
+ i, p->pack_name);
+ r = cb(&oid, p, i, data);
+ if (r)
+ break;
+ }
+ return r;
+int for_each_packed_object(each_packed_object_fn cb, void *data, unsigned flags)
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ int r = 0;
+ int pack_errors = 0;
+ prepare_packed_git();
+ for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next) {
+ if ((flags & FOR_EACH_OBJECT_LOCAL_ONLY) && !p->pack_local)
+ continue;
+ if (open_pack_index(p)) {
+ pack_errors = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ r = for_each_object_in_pack(p, cb, data);
+ if (r)
+ break;
+ }
+ return r ? r : pack_errors;
diff --git a/packfile.h b/packfile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cdeb54dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packfile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#ifndef PACKFILE_H
+#define PACKFILE_H
+ * Generate the filename to be used for a pack file with checksum "sha1" and
+ * extension "ext". The result is written into the strbuf "buf", overwriting
+ * any existing contents. A pointer to buf->buf is returned as a convenience.
+ *
+ * Example: odb_pack_name(out, sha1, "idx") => ".git/objects/pack/pack-1234..idx"
+ */
+extern char *odb_pack_name(struct strbuf *buf, const unsigned char *sha1, const char *ext);
+ * Return the name of the (local) packfile with the specified sha1 in
+ * its name. The return value is a pointer to memory that is
+ * overwritten each time this function is called.
+ */
+extern char *sha1_pack_name(const unsigned char *sha1);
+ * Return the name of the (local) pack index file with the specified
+ * sha1 in its name. The return value is a pointer to memory that is
+ * overwritten each time this function is called.
+ */
+extern char *sha1_pack_index_name(const unsigned char *sha1);
+extern struct packed_git *parse_pack_index(unsigned char *sha1, const char *idx_path);
+/* A hook to report invalid files in pack directory */
+extern void (*report_garbage)(unsigned seen_bits, const char *path);
+extern void prepare_packed_git(void);
+extern void reprepare_packed_git(void);
+extern void install_packed_git(struct packed_git *pack);
+ * Give a rough count of objects in the repository. This sacrifices accuracy
+ * for speed.
+ */
+unsigned long approximate_object_count(void);
+extern struct packed_git *find_sha1_pack(const unsigned char *sha1,
+ struct packed_git *packs);
+extern void pack_report(void);
+ * mmap the index file for the specified packfile (if it is not
+ * already mmapped). Return 0 on success.
+ */
+extern int open_pack_index(struct packed_git *);
+ * munmap the index file for the specified packfile (if it is
+ * currently mmapped).
+ */
+extern void close_pack_index(struct packed_git *);
+extern unsigned char *use_pack(struct packed_git *, struct pack_window **, off_t, unsigned long *);
+extern void close_pack_windows(struct packed_git *);
+extern void close_all_packs(void);
+extern void unuse_pack(struct pack_window **);
+extern void clear_delta_base_cache(void);
+extern struct packed_git *add_packed_git(const char *path, size_t path_len, int local);
+ * Make sure that a pointer access into an mmap'd index file is within bounds,
+ * and can provide at least 8 bytes of data.
+ *
+ * Note that this is only necessary for variable-length segments of the file
+ * (like the 64-bit extended offset table), as we compare the size to the
+ * fixed-length parts when we open the file.
+ */
+extern void check_pack_index_ptr(const struct packed_git *p, const void *ptr);
+ * Return the SHA-1 of the nth object within the specified packfile.
+ * Open the index if it is not already open. The return value points
+ * at the SHA-1 within the mmapped index. Return NULL if there is an
+ * error.
+ */
+extern const unsigned char *nth_packed_object_sha1(struct packed_git *, uint32_t n);
+ * Like nth_packed_object_sha1, but write the data into the object specified by
+ * the the first argument. Returns the first argument on success, and NULL on
+ * error.
+ */
+extern const struct object_id *nth_packed_object_oid(struct object_id *, struct packed_git *, uint32_t n);
+ * Return the offset of the nth object within the specified packfile.
+ * The index must already be opened.
+ */
+extern off_t nth_packed_object_offset(const struct packed_git *, uint32_t n);
+ * If the object named sha1 is present in the specified packfile,
+ * return its offset within the packfile; otherwise, return 0.
+ */
+extern off_t find_pack_entry_one(const unsigned char *sha1, struct packed_git *);
+extern int is_pack_valid(struct packed_git *);
+extern void *unpack_entry(struct packed_git *, off_t, enum object_type *, unsigned long *);
+extern unsigned long unpack_object_header_buffer(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, enum object_type *type, unsigned long *sizep);
+extern unsigned long get_size_from_delta(struct packed_git *, struct pack_window **, off_t);
+extern int unpack_object_header(struct packed_git *, struct pack_window **, off_t *, unsigned long *);
+extern void release_pack_memory(size_t);
+/* global flag to enable extra checks when accessing packed objects */
+extern int do_check_packed_object_crc;
+extern int packed_object_info(struct packed_git *pack, off_t offset, struct object_info *);
+extern void mark_bad_packed_object(struct packed_git *p, const unsigned char *sha1);
+extern const struct packed_git *has_packed_and_bad(const unsigned char *sha1);
+extern int find_pack_entry(const unsigned char *sha1, struct pack_entry *e);
+extern int has_sha1_pack(const unsigned char *sha1);
+extern int has_pack_index(const unsigned char *sha1);
+ * Iterate over packed objects in both the local
+ * repository and any alternates repositories (unless the
+ * FOR_EACH_OBJECT_LOCAL_ONLY flag, defined in cache.h, is set).
+ */
+typedef int each_packed_object_fn(const struct object_id *oid,
+ struct packed_git *pack,
+ uint32_t pos,
+ void *data);
+extern int for_each_packed_object(each_packed_object_fn, void *, unsigned flags);
diff --git a/pager.c b/pager.c
index 4dd9e1b265..92b23e6cd1 100644
--- a/pager.c
+++ b/pager.c
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ static int pager_command_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *vdata)
const char *cmd;
if (skip_prefix(var, "pager.", &cmd) && !strcmp(cmd, data->cmd)) {
- int b = git_config_maybe_bool(var, value);
+ int b = git_parse_maybe_bool(value);
if (b >= 0)
data->want = b;
else {
diff --git a/patch-ids.c b/patch-ids.c
index b4166b0f38..7a583b3011 100644
--- a/patch-ids.c
+++ b/patch-ids.c
@@ -35,11 +35,16 @@ int commit_patch_id(struct commit *commit, struct diff_options *options,
* the side of safety. The actual value being negative does not have
* any significance; only that it is non-zero matters.
-static int patch_id_cmp(struct diff_options *opt,
- struct patch_id *a,
- struct patch_id *b,
+static int patch_id_cmp(const void *cmpfn_data,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
const void *unused_keydata)
+ /* NEEDSWORK: const correctness? */
+ struct diff_options *opt = (void *)cmpfn_data;
+ struct patch_id *a = (void *)entry;
+ struct patch_id *b = (void *)entry_or_key;
if (is_null_oid(&a->patch_id) &&
commit_patch_id(a->commit, opt, &a->patch_id, 0))
return error("Could not get patch ID for %s",
@@ -58,8 +63,7 @@ int init_patch_ids(struct patch_ids *ids)
ids->diffopts.detect_rename = 0;
DIFF_OPT_SET(&ids->diffopts, RECURSIVE);
- hashmap_init(&ids->patches, (hashmap_cmp_fn)patch_id_cmp,
- &ids->diffopts, 256);
+ hashmap_init(&ids->patches, patch_id_cmp, &ids->diffopts, 256);
return 0;
diff --git a/path.c b/path.c
index e50d2befcf..b533ec938d 100644
--- a/path.c
+++ b/path.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "worktree.h"
#include "submodule-config.h"
#include "path.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
static int get_st_mode_bits(const char *path, int *mode)
diff --git a/pathspec.c b/pathspec.c
index e2a23ebc96..cdefdc7cc0 100644
--- a/pathspec.c
+++ b/pathspec.c
@@ -526,10 +526,6 @@ static void NORETURN unsupported_magic(const char *pattern,
pattern, sb.buf);
- * Given command line arguments and a prefix, convert the input to
- * pathspec. die() if any magic in magic_mask is used.
- */
void parse_pathspec(struct pathspec *pathspec,
unsigned magic_mask, unsigned flags,
const char *prefix, const char **argv)
diff --git a/pathspec.h b/pathspec.h
index 60e6500401..6420d1080a 100644
--- a/pathspec.h
+++ b/pathspec.h
@@ -70,6 +70,13 @@ struct pathspec {
+ * Given command line arguments and a prefix, convert the input to
+ * pathspec. die() if any magic in magic_mask is used.
+ *
+ * Any arguments used are copied. It is safe for the caller to modify
+ * or free 'prefix' and 'args' after calling this function.
+ */
extern void parse_pathspec(struct pathspec *pathspec,
unsigned magic_mask,
unsigned flags,
diff --git a/pkt-line.c b/pkt-line.c
index 7db9119573..647bbd3bce 100644
--- a/pkt-line.c
+++ b/pkt-line.c
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ void packet_flush(int fd)
int packet_flush_gently(int fd)
packet_trace("0000", 4, 1);
- if (write_in_full(fd, "0000", 4) == 4)
- return 0;
- return error("flush packet write failed");
+ if (write_in_full(fd, "0000", 4) < 0)
+ return error("flush packet write failed");
+ return 0;
void packet_buf_flush(struct strbuf *buf)
@@ -136,19 +136,19 @@ static void format_packet(struct strbuf *out, const char *fmt, va_list args)
static int packet_write_fmt_1(int fd, int gently,
const char *fmt, va_list args)
- struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
- ssize_t count;
+ static struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
format_packet(&buf, fmt, args);
- count = write_in_full(fd, buf.buf, buf.len);
- if (count == buf.len)
- return 0;
- if (!gently) {
- check_pipe(errno);
- die_errno("packet write with format failed");
+ if (write_in_full(fd, buf.buf, buf.len) < 0) {
+ if (!gently) {
+ check_pipe(errno);
+ die_errno("packet write with format failed");
+ }
+ return error("packet write with format failed");
- return error("packet write with format failed");
+ return 0;
void packet_write_fmt(int fd, const char *fmt, ...)
@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ static int packet_write_gently(const int fd_out, const char *buf, size_t size)
packet_size = size + 4;
set_packet_header(packet_write_buffer, packet_size);
memcpy(packet_write_buffer + 4, buf, size);
- if (write_in_full(fd_out, packet_write_buffer, packet_size) == packet_size)
- return 0;
- return error("packet write failed");
+ if (write_in_full(fd_out, packet_write_buffer, packet_size) < 0)
+ return error("packet write failed");
+ return 0;
void packet_buf_write(struct strbuf *buf, const char *fmt, ...)
diff --git a/pretty.c b/pretty.c
index 39cad5112b..94eab5c89e 100644
--- a/pretty.c
+++ b/pretty.c
@@ -871,16 +871,6 @@ const char *format_subject(struct strbuf *sb, const char *msg,
return msg;
-static void format_trailers(struct strbuf *sb, const char *msg)
- struct trailer_info info;
- trailer_info_get(&info, msg);
- strbuf_add(sb, info.trailer_start,
- info.trailer_end - info.trailer_start);
- trailer_info_release(&info);
static void parse_commit_message(struct format_commit_context *c)
const char *msg = c->message + c->message_off;
@@ -1074,6 +1064,7 @@ static size_t format_commit_one(struct strbuf *sb, /* in UTF-8 */
const struct commit *commit = c->commit;
const char *msg = c->message;
struct commit_list *p;
+ const char *arg;
int ch;
/* these are independent of the commit */
@@ -1292,9 +1283,18 @@ static size_t format_commit_one(struct strbuf *sb, /* in UTF-8 */
return 1;
- if (starts_with(placeholder, "(trailers)")) {
- format_trailers(sb, msg + c->subject_off);
- return strlen("(trailers)");
+ if (skip_prefix(placeholder, "(trailers", &arg)) {
+ struct process_trailer_options opts = PROCESS_TRAILER_OPTIONS_INIT;
+ while (*arg == ':') {
+ if (skip_prefix(arg, ":only", &arg))
+ opts.only_trailers = 1;
+ else if (skip_prefix(arg, ":unfold", &arg))
+ opts.unfold = 1;
+ }
+ if (*arg == ')') {
+ format_trailers_from_commit(sb, msg + c->subject_off, &opts);
+ return arg - placeholder + 1;
+ }
return 0; /* unknown placeholder */
diff --git a/progress.c b/progress.c
index 73e36d4a42..289678d43d 100644
--- a/progress.c
+++ b/progress.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ struct progress {
unsigned total;
unsigned last_percent;
unsigned delay;
- unsigned delayed_percent_treshold;
+ unsigned delayed_percent_threshold;
struct throughput *throughput;
uint64_t start_ns;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static int display(struct progress *progress, unsigned n, const char *done)
return 0;
if (progress->total) {
unsigned percent = n * 100 / progress->total;
- if (percent > progress->delayed_percent_treshold) {
+ if (percent > progress->delayed_percent_threshold) {
/* inhibit this progress report entirely */
progress->delay = -1;
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ int display_progress(struct progress *progress, unsigned n)
return progress ? display(progress, n, NULL) : 0;
-struct progress *start_progress_delay(const char *title, unsigned total,
- unsigned percent_treshold, unsigned delay)
+static struct progress *start_progress_delay(const char *title, unsigned total,
+ unsigned percent_threshold, unsigned delay)
struct progress *progress = malloc(sizeof(*progress));
if (!progress) {
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ struct progress *start_progress_delay(const char *title, unsigned total,
progress->total = total;
progress->last_value = -1;
progress->last_percent = -1;
- progress->delayed_percent_treshold = percent_treshold;
+ progress->delayed_percent_threshold = percent_threshold;
progress->delay = delay;
progress->throughput = NULL;
progress->start_ns = getnanotime();
@@ -227,6 +227,11 @@ struct progress *start_progress_delay(const char *title, unsigned total,
return progress;
+struct progress *start_delayed_progress(const char *title, unsigned total)
+ return start_progress_delay(title, total, 0, 2);
struct progress *start_progress(const char *title, unsigned total)
return start_progress_delay(title, total, 0, 0);
diff --git a/progress.h b/progress.h
index 611e4c4d42..6392b63371 100644
--- a/progress.h
+++ b/progress.h
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ struct progress;
void display_throughput(struct progress *progress, off_t total);
int display_progress(struct progress *progress, unsigned n);
struct progress *start_progress(const char *title, unsigned total);
-struct progress *start_progress_delay(const char *title, unsigned total,
- unsigned percent_treshold, unsigned delay);
+struct progress *start_delayed_progress(const char *title, unsigned total);
void stop_progress(struct progress **progress);
void stop_progress_msg(struct progress **progress, const char *msg);
diff --git a/quote.c b/quote.c
index 53b98a5b84..de2922ddd6 100644
--- a/quote.c
+++ b/quote.c
@@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ void tcl_quote_buf(struct strbuf *sb, const char *src)
case '{': case '}':
case '$': case '\\': case '"':
strbuf_addch(sb, '\\');
+ /* fallthrough */
strbuf_addch(sb, c);
diff --git a/reachable.c b/reachable.c
index c62efbfd43..88d7d679da 100644
--- a/reachable.c
+++ b/reachable.c
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#include "cache-tree.h"
#include "progress.h"
#include "list-objects.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
+#include "worktree.h"
struct connectivity_progress {
struct progress *progress;
@@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ void mark_reachable_objects(struct rev_info *revs, int mark_reflog,
/* detached HEAD is not included in the list above */
head_ref(add_one_ref, revs);
+ other_head_refs(add_one_ref, revs);
/* Add all reflog info */
if (mark_reflog)
diff --git a/read-cache.c b/read-cache.c
index acfb028f48..65f4fe8375 100644
--- a/read-cache.c
+++ b/read-cache.c
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ static int ce_compare_data(const struct cache_entry *ce, struct stat *st)
int fd = git_open_cloexec(ce->name, O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0) {
- unsigned char sha1[20];
- if (!index_fd(sha1, fd, st, OBJ_BLOB, ce->name, 0))
- match = hashcmp(sha1, ce->oid.hash);
+ struct object_id oid;
+ if (!index_fd(&oid, fd, st, OBJ_BLOB, ce->name, 0))
+ match = oidcmp(&oid, &ce->oid);
/* index_fd() closed the file descriptor already */
return match;
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ static int ce_modified_check_fs(const struct cache_entry *ce, struct stat *st)
case S_IFDIR:
if (S_ISGITLINK(ce->ce_mode))
return ce_compare_gitlink(ce) ? DATA_CHANGED : 0;
+ /* else fallthrough */
@@ -689,7 +690,7 @@ int add_to_index(struct index_state *istate, const char *path, struct stat *st,
return 0;
if (!intent_only) {
- if (index_path(ce->oid.hash, path, st, HASH_WRITE_OBJECT)) {
+ if (index_path(&ce->oid, path, st, HASH_WRITE_OBJECT)) {
return error("unable to index file %s", path);
@@ -1499,6 +1500,7 @@ struct ondisk_cache_entry_extended {
/* These are only used for v3 or lower */
+#define align_padding_size(size, len) ((size + (len) + 8) & ~7) - (size + len)
#define align_flex_name(STRUCT,len) ((offsetof(struct STRUCT,name) + (len) + 8) & ~7)
#define ondisk_cache_entry_size(len) align_flex_name(ondisk_cache_entry,len)
#define ondisk_cache_entry_extended_size(len) align_flex_name(ondisk_cache_entry_extended,len)
@@ -1921,7 +1923,7 @@ static int ce_write_flush(git_SHA_CTX *context, int fd)
unsigned int buffered = write_buffer_len;
if (buffered) {
git_SHA1_Update(context, write_buffer, buffered);
- if (write_in_full(fd, write_buffer, buffered) != buffered)
+ if (write_in_full(fd, write_buffer, buffered) < 0)
return -1;
write_buffer_len = 0;
@@ -1970,7 +1972,7 @@ static int ce_flush(git_SHA_CTX *context, int fd, unsigned char *sha1)
/* Flush first if not enough space for SHA1 signature */
if (left + 20 > WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
- if (write_in_full(fd, write_buffer, left) != left)
+ if (write_in_full(fd, write_buffer, left) < 0)
return -1;
left = 0;
@@ -1979,7 +1981,7 @@ static int ce_flush(git_SHA_CTX *context, int fd, unsigned char *sha1)
git_SHA1_Final(write_buffer + left, context);
hashcpy(sha1, write_buffer + left);
left += 20;
- return (write_in_full(fd, write_buffer, left) != left) ? -1 : 0;
+ return (write_in_full(fd, write_buffer, left) < 0) ? -1 : 0;
static void ce_smudge_racily_clean_entry(struct cache_entry *ce)
@@ -2032,7 +2034,7 @@ static void ce_smudge_racily_clean_entry(struct cache_entry *ce)
/* Copy miscellaneous fields but not the name */
-static char *copy_cache_entry_to_ondisk(struct ondisk_cache_entry *ondisk,
+static void copy_cache_entry_to_ondisk(struct ondisk_cache_entry *ondisk,
struct cache_entry *ce)
short flags;
@@ -2056,32 +2058,35 @@ static char *copy_cache_entry_to_ondisk(struct ondisk_cache_entry *ondisk,
struct ondisk_cache_entry_extended *ondisk2;
ondisk2 = (struct ondisk_cache_entry_extended *)ondisk;
ondisk2->flags2 = htons((ce->ce_flags & CE_EXTENDED_FLAGS) >> 16);
- return ondisk2->name;
- }
- else {
- return ondisk->name;
static int ce_write_entry(git_SHA_CTX *c, int fd, struct cache_entry *ce,
- struct strbuf *previous_name)
+ struct strbuf *previous_name, struct ondisk_cache_entry *ondisk)
int size;
- struct ondisk_cache_entry *ondisk;
int saved_namelen = saved_namelen; /* compiler workaround */
- char *name;
int result;
+ static unsigned char padding[8] = { 0x00 };
if (ce->ce_flags & CE_STRIP_NAME) {
saved_namelen = ce_namelen(ce);
ce->ce_namelen = 0;
+ if (ce->ce_flags & CE_EXTENDED)
+ size = offsetof(struct ondisk_cache_entry_extended, name);
+ else
+ size = offsetof(struct ondisk_cache_entry, name);
if (!previous_name) {
- size = ondisk_ce_size(ce);
- ondisk = xcalloc(1, size);
- name = copy_cache_entry_to_ondisk(ondisk, ce);
- memcpy(name, ce->name, ce_namelen(ce));
+ int len = ce_namelen(ce);
+ copy_cache_entry_to_ondisk(ondisk, ce);
+ result = ce_write(c, fd, ondisk, size);
+ if (!result)
+ result = ce_write(c, fd, ce->name, len);
+ if (!result)
+ result = ce_write(c, fd, padding, align_padding_size(size, len));
} else {
int common, to_remove, prefix_size;
unsigned char to_remove_vi[16];
@@ -2094,16 +2099,14 @@ static int ce_write_entry(git_SHA_CTX *c, int fd, struct cache_entry *ce,
to_remove = previous_name->len - common;
prefix_size = encode_varint(to_remove, to_remove_vi);
- if (ce->ce_flags & CE_EXTENDED)
- size = offsetof(struct ondisk_cache_entry_extended, name);
- else
- size = offsetof(struct ondisk_cache_entry, name);
- size += prefix_size + (ce_namelen(ce) - common + 1);
- ondisk = xcalloc(1, size);
- name = copy_cache_entry_to_ondisk(ondisk, ce);
- memcpy(name, to_remove_vi, prefix_size);
- memcpy(name + prefix_size, ce->name + common, ce_namelen(ce) - common);
+ copy_cache_entry_to_ondisk(ondisk, ce);
+ result = ce_write(c, fd, ondisk, size);
+ if (!result)
+ result = ce_write(c, fd, to_remove_vi, prefix_size);
+ if (!result)
+ result = ce_write(c, fd, ce->name + common, ce_namelen(ce) - common);
+ if (!result)
+ result = ce_write(c, fd, padding, 1);
strbuf_splice(previous_name, common, to_remove,
ce->name + common, ce_namelen(ce) - common);
@@ -2113,8 +2116,6 @@ static int ce_write_entry(git_SHA_CTX *c, int fd, struct cache_entry *ce,
ce->ce_flags &= ~CE_STRIP_NAME;
- result = ce_write(c, fd, ondisk, size);
- free(ondisk);
return result;
@@ -2192,10 +2193,11 @@ static int do_write_index(struct index_state *istate, struct tempfile *tempfile,
int newfd = tempfile->fd;
git_SHA_CTX c;
struct cache_header hdr;
- int i, err, removed, extended, hdr_version;
+ int i, err = 0, removed, extended, hdr_version;
struct cache_entry **cache = istate->cache;
int entries = istate->cache_nr;
struct stat st;
+ struct ondisk_cache_entry_extended ondisk;
struct strbuf previous_name_buf = STRBUF_INIT, *previous_name;
int drop_cache_tree = 0;
@@ -2232,6 +2234,7 @@ static int do_write_index(struct index_state *istate, struct tempfile *tempfile,
return -1;
previous_name = (hdr_version == 4) ? &previous_name_buf : NULL;
for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
struct cache_entry *ce = cache[i];
if (ce->ce_flags & CE_REMOVE)
@@ -2247,15 +2250,21 @@ static int do_write_index(struct index_state *istate, struct tempfile *tempfile,
if (allow)
warning(msg, ce->name);
- return error(msg, ce->name);
+ err = error(msg, ce->name);
drop_cache_tree = 1;
- if (ce_write_entry(&c, newfd, ce, previous_name) < 0)
- return -1;
+ if (ce_write_entry(&c, newfd, ce, previous_name, (struct ondisk_cache_entry *)&ondisk) < 0)
+ err = -1;
+ if (err)
+ break;
+ if (err)
+ return err;
/* Write extension data here */
if (!strip_extensions && istate->split_index) {
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -2303,8 +2312,11 @@ static int do_write_index(struct index_state *istate, struct tempfile *tempfile,
if (ce_flush(&c, newfd, istate->sha1))
return -1;
- if (close_tempfile(tempfile))
- return error(_("could not close '%s'"), tempfile->filename.buf);
+ if (close_tempfile_gently(tempfile)) {
+ error(_("could not close '%s'"), tempfile->filename.buf);
+ delete_tempfile(&tempfile);
+ return -1;
+ }
if (stat(tempfile->filename.buf, &st))
return -1;
istate->timestamp.sec = (unsigned int)st.st_mtime;
@@ -2328,7 +2340,7 @@ static int commit_locked_index(struct lock_file *lk)
static int do_write_locked_index(struct index_state *istate, struct lock_file *lock,
unsigned flags)
- int ret = do_write_index(istate, &lock->tempfile, 0);
+ int ret = do_write_index(istate, lock->tempfile, 0);
if (ret)
return ret;
assert((flags & (COMMIT_LOCK | CLOSE_LOCK)) !=
@@ -2336,7 +2348,7 @@ static int do_write_locked_index(struct index_state *istate, struct lock_file *l
if (flags & COMMIT_LOCK)
return commit_locked_index(lock);
else if (flags & CLOSE_LOCK)
- return close_lock_file(lock);
+ return close_lock_file_gently(lock);
return ret;
@@ -2411,34 +2423,33 @@ static int clean_shared_index_files(const char *current_hex)
return 0;
-static struct tempfile temporary_sharedindex;
static int write_shared_index(struct index_state *istate,
struct lock_file *lock, unsigned flags)
+ struct tempfile *temp;
struct split_index *si = istate->split_index;
- int fd, ret;
+ int ret;
- fd = mks_tempfile(&temporary_sharedindex, git_path("sharedindex_XXXXXX"));
- if (fd < 0) {
+ temp = mks_tempfile(git_path("sharedindex_XXXXXX"));
+ if (!temp) {
return do_write_locked_index(istate, lock, flags);
- ret = do_write_index(si->base, &temporary_sharedindex, 1);
+ ret = do_write_index(si->base, temp, 1);
if (ret) {
- delete_tempfile(&temporary_sharedindex);
+ delete_tempfile(&temp);
return ret;
- ret = adjust_shared_perm(get_tempfile_path(&temporary_sharedindex));
+ ret = adjust_shared_perm(get_tempfile_path(temp));
if (ret) {
int save_errno = errno;
- error("cannot fix permission bits on %s", get_tempfile_path(&temporary_sharedindex));
- delete_tempfile(&temporary_sharedindex);
+ error("cannot fix permission bits on %s", get_tempfile_path(temp));
+ delete_tempfile(&temp);
errno = save_errno;
return ret;
- ret = rename_tempfile(&temporary_sharedindex,
+ ret = rename_tempfile(&temp,
git_path("sharedindex.%s", sha1_to_hex(si->base->sha1)));
if (!ret) {
hashcpy(si->base_sha1, si->base->sha1);
diff --git a/refs.c b/refs.c
index ea2b9f84f8..6042645c40 100644
--- a/refs.c
+++ b/refs.c
@@ -174,6 +174,24 @@ int refname_is_safe(const char *refname)
return 1;
+ * Return true if refname, which has the specified oid and flags, can
+ * be resolved to an object in the database. If the referred-to object
+ * does not exist, emit a warning and return false.
+ */
+int ref_resolves_to_object(const char *refname,
+ const struct object_id *oid,
+ unsigned int flags)
+ if (flags & REF_ISBROKEN)
+ return 0;
+ if (!has_sha1_file(oid->hash)) {
+ error("%s does not point to a valid object!", refname);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
char *refs_resolve_refdup(struct ref_store *refs,
const char *refname, int resolve_flags,
unsigned char *sha1, int *flags)
@@ -221,8 +239,7 @@ int read_ref(const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1)
int ref_exists(const char *refname)
- unsigned char sha1[20];
- return !!resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, RESOLVE_REF_READING, sha1, NULL);
+ return !!resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, RESOLVE_REF_READING, NULL, NULL);
static int filter_refs(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
@@ -268,12 +285,11 @@ static int warn_if_dangling_symref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *
struct warn_if_dangling_data *d = cb_data;
const char *resolves_to;
- struct object_id junk;
if (!(flags & REF_ISSYMREF))
return 0;
- resolves_to = resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, 0, junk.hash, NULL);
+ resolves_to = resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!resolves_to
|| (d->refname
? strcmp(resolves_to, d->refname)
@@ -318,12 +334,6 @@ int for_each_tag_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
return refs_for_each_tag_ref(get_main_ref_store(), fn, cb_data);
-int for_each_tag_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
- return refs_for_each_tag_ref(get_submodule_ref_store(submodule),
- fn, cb_data);
int refs_for_each_branch_ref(struct ref_store *refs, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
return refs_for_each_ref_in(refs, "refs/heads/", fn, cb_data);
@@ -334,12 +344,6 @@ int for_each_branch_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
return refs_for_each_branch_ref(get_main_ref_store(), fn, cb_data);
-int for_each_branch_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
- return refs_for_each_branch_ref(get_submodule_ref_store(submodule),
- fn, cb_data);
int refs_for_each_remote_ref(struct ref_store *refs, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
return refs_for_each_ref_in(refs, "refs/remotes/", fn, cb_data);
@@ -350,12 +354,6 @@ int for_each_remote_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
return refs_for_each_remote_ref(get_main_ref_store(), fn, cb_data);
-int for_each_remote_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
- return refs_for_each_remote_ref(get_submodule_ref_store(submodule),
- fn, cb_data);
int head_ref_namespaced(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -561,6 +559,21 @@ enum ref_type ref_type(const char *refname)
+long get_files_ref_lock_timeout_ms(void)
+ static int configured = 0;
+ /* The default timeout is 100 ms: */
+ static int timeout_ms = 100;
+ if (!configured) {
+ git_config_get_int("core.filesreflocktimeout", &timeout_ms);
+ configured = 1;
+ }
+ return timeout_ms;
static int write_pseudoref(const char *pseudoref, const unsigned char *sha1,
const unsigned char *old_sha1, struct strbuf *err)
@@ -573,11 +586,13 @@ static int write_pseudoref(const char *pseudoref, const unsigned char *sha1,
strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s\n", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
filename = git_path("%s", pseudoref);
- fd = hold_lock_file_for_update(&lock, filename, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
+ fd = hold_lock_file_for_update_timeout(&lock, filename,
+ get_files_ref_lock_timeout_ms());
if (fd < 0) {
strbuf_addf(err, "could not open '%s' for writing: %s",
filename, strerror(errno));
- return -1;
+ goto done;
if (old_sha1) {
@@ -592,7 +607,7 @@ static int write_pseudoref(const char *pseudoref, const unsigned char *sha1,
- if (write_in_full(fd, buf.buf, buf.len) != buf.len) {
+ if (write_in_full(fd, buf.buf, buf.len) < 0) {
strbuf_addf(err, "could not write to '%s'", filename);
goto done;
@@ -616,8 +631,9 @@ static int delete_pseudoref(const char *pseudoref, const unsigned char *old_sha1
int fd;
unsigned char actual_old_sha1[20];
- fd = hold_lock_file_for_update(&lock, filename,
+ fd = hold_lock_file_for_update_timeout(
+ &lock, filename, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR,
+ get_files_ref_lock_timeout_ms());
if (fd < 0)
die_errno(_("Could not open '%s' for writing"), filename);
if (read_ref(pseudoref, actual_old_sha1))
@@ -818,7 +834,7 @@ int read_ref_at(const char *refname, unsigned int flags, timestamp_t at_time, in
for_each_reflog_ent_reverse(refname, read_ref_at_ent, &cb);
if (!cb.reccnt) {
- if (flags & GET_SHA1_QUIETLY)
+ if (flags & GET_OID_QUIETLY)
die("Log for %s is empty.", refname);
@@ -921,6 +937,8 @@ int ref_transaction_update(struct ref_transaction *transaction,
return -1;
flags |= (new_sha1 ? REF_HAVE_NEW : 0) | (old_sha1 ? REF_HAVE_OLD : 0);
ref_transaction_add_update(transaction, refname, flags,
@@ -1230,19 +1248,13 @@ int refs_rename_ref_available(struct ref_store *refs,
return ok;
-int head_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+int refs_head_ref(struct ref_store *refs, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
struct object_id oid;
int flag;
- if (submodule) {
- if (resolve_gitlink_ref(submodule, "HEAD", oid.hash) == 0)
- return fn("HEAD", &oid, 0, cb_data);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!read_ref_full("HEAD", RESOLVE_REF_READING, oid.hash, &flag))
+ if (!refs_read_ref_full(refs, "HEAD", RESOLVE_REF_READING,
+ oid.hash, &flag))
return fn("HEAD", &oid, flag, cb_data);
return 0;
@@ -1250,7 +1262,7 @@ int head_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
int head_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
- return head_ref_submodule(NULL, fn, cb_data);
+ return refs_head_ref(get_main_ref_store(), fn, cb_data);
struct ref_iterator *refs_ref_iterator_begin(
@@ -1308,11 +1320,6 @@ int for_each_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
return refs_for_each_ref(get_main_ref_store(), fn, cb_data);
-int for_each_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
- return refs_for_each_ref(get_submodule_ref_store(submodule), fn, cb_data);
int refs_for_each_ref_in(struct ref_store *refs, const char *prefix,
each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
@@ -1334,23 +1341,15 @@ int for_each_fullref_in(const char *prefix, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data, unsig
prefix, fn, 0, flag, cb_data);
-int for_each_ref_in_submodule(const char *submodule, const char *prefix,
- each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
- return refs_for_each_ref_in(get_submodule_ref_store(submodule),
- prefix, fn, cb_data);
-int for_each_fullref_in_submodule(const char *submodule, const char *prefix,
- each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data,
- unsigned int broken)
+int refs_for_each_fullref_in(struct ref_store *refs, const char *prefix,
+ each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data,
+ unsigned int broken)
unsigned int flag = 0;
if (broken)
- return do_for_each_ref(get_submodule_ref_store(submodule),
- prefix, fn, 0, flag, cb_data);
+ return do_for_each_ref(refs, prefix, fn, 0, flag, cb_data);
int for_each_replace_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
@@ -1358,7 +1357,7 @@ int for_each_replace_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
return do_for_each_ref(get_main_ref_store(),
git_replace_ref_base, fn,
- 0, cb_data);
int for_each_namespaced_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
@@ -1397,9 +1396,12 @@ const char *refs_resolve_ref_unsafe(struct ref_store *refs,
unsigned char *sha1, int *flags)
static struct strbuf sb_refname = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct object_id unused_oid;
int unused_flags;
int symref_count;
+ if (!sha1)
+ sha1 = unused_oid.hash;
if (!flags)
flags = &unused_flags;
@@ -1485,25 +1487,10 @@ const char *resolve_ref_unsafe(const char *refname, int resolve_flags,
int resolve_gitlink_ref(const char *submodule, const char *refname,
unsigned char *sha1)
- size_t len = strlen(submodule);
struct ref_store *refs;
int flags;
- while (len && submodule[len - 1] == '/')
- len--;
- if (!len)
- return -1;
- if (submodule[len]) {
- /* We need to strip off one or more trailing slashes */
- char *stripped = xmemdupz(submodule, len);
- refs = get_submodule_ref_store(stripped);
- free(stripped);
- } else {
- refs = get_submodule_ref_store(submodule);
- }
+ refs = get_submodule_ref_store(submodule);
if (!refs)
return -1;
@@ -1618,31 +1605,32 @@ struct ref_store *get_submodule_ref_store(const char *submodule)
struct strbuf submodule_sb = STRBUF_INIT;
struct ref_store *refs;
- int ret;
+ char *to_free = NULL;
+ size_t len;
- if (!submodule || !*submodule) {
- /*
- * FIXME: This case is ideally not allowed. But that
- * can't happen until we clean up all the callers.
- */
- return get_main_ref_store();
- }
+ if (!submodule)
+ return NULL;
+ len = strlen(submodule);
+ while (len && is_dir_sep(submodule[len - 1]))
+ len--;
+ if (!len)
+ return NULL;
+ if (submodule[len])
+ /* We need to strip off one or more trailing slashes */
+ submodule = to_free = xmemdupz(submodule, len);
refs = lookup_ref_store_map(&submodule_ref_stores, submodule);
if (refs)
- return refs;
+ goto done;
strbuf_addstr(&submodule_sb, submodule);
- ret = is_nonbare_repository_dir(&submodule_sb);
- strbuf_release(&submodule_sb);
- if (!ret)
- return NULL;
+ if (!is_nonbare_repository_dir(&submodule_sb))
+ goto done;
- ret = submodule_to_gitdir(&submodule_sb, submodule);
- if (ret) {
- strbuf_release(&submodule_sb);
- return NULL;
- }
+ if (submodule_to_gitdir(&submodule_sb, submodule))
+ goto done;
/* assume that add_submodule_odb() has been called */
refs = ref_store_init(submodule_sb.buf,
@@ -1650,7 +1638,10 @@ struct ref_store *get_submodule_ref_store(const char *submodule)
register_ref_store_map(&submodule_ref_stores, "submodule",
refs, submodule);
+ free(to_free);
return refs;
diff --git a/refs.h b/refs.h
index 6daa78eb50..e1c5803f9a 100644
--- a/refs.h
+++ b/refs.h
@@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ struct worktree;
* Resolve a reference, recursively following symbolic refererences.
- * Store the referred-to object's name in sha1 and return the name of
- * the non-symbolic reference that ultimately pointed at it. The
- * return value, if not NULL, is a pointer into either a static buffer
- * or the input ref.
+ * Return the name of the non-symbolic reference that ultimately pointed
+ * at the resolved object name. The return value, if not NULL, is a
+ * pointer into either a static buffer or the input ref.
+ *
+ * If sha1 is non-NULL, store the referred-to object's name in it.
* If the reference cannot be resolved to an object, the behavior
* depends on the RESOLVE_REF_READING flag:
@@ -275,6 +276,8 @@ typedef int each_ref_fn(const char *refname,
* modifies the reference also returns a nonzero value to immediately
* stop the iteration. Returned references are sorted.
+int refs_head_ref(struct ref_store *refs,
+ each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
int refs_for_each_ref(struct ref_store *refs,
each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
int refs_for_each_ref_in(struct ref_store *refs, const char *prefix,
@@ -289,6 +292,9 @@ int refs_for_each_remote_ref(struct ref_store *refs,
int head_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
int for_each_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
int for_each_ref_in(const char *prefix, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
+int refs_for_each_fullref_in(struct ref_store *refs, const char *prefix,
+ each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data,
+ unsigned int broken);
int for_each_fullref_in(const char *prefix, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data,
unsigned int broken);
int for_each_tag_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
@@ -299,21 +305,6 @@ int for_each_glob_ref(each_ref_fn fn, const char *pattern, void *cb_data);
int for_each_glob_ref_in(each_ref_fn fn, const char *pattern,
const char *prefix, void *cb_data);
-int head_ref_submodule(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
-int for_each_ref_submodule(const char *submodule,
- each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
-int for_each_ref_in_submodule(const char *submodule, const char *prefix,
- each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
-int for_each_fullref_in_submodule(const char *submodule, const char *prefix,
- each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data,
- unsigned int broken);
-int for_each_tag_ref_submodule(const char *submodule,
- each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
-int for_each_branch_ref_submodule(const char *submodule,
- each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
-int for_each_remote_ref_submodule(const char *submodule,
- each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
int head_ref_namespaced(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
int for_each_namespaced_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
@@ -355,6 +346,14 @@ int refs_pack_refs(struct ref_store *refs, unsigned int flags);
+ * Flags that can be passed in to ref_transaction_update
+ */
* Setup reflog before using. Fill in err and return -1 on failure.
int refs_create_reflog(struct ref_store *refs, const char *refname,
diff --git a/refs/files-backend.c b/refs/files-backend.c
index 0404f2c233..fec77744b4 100644
--- a/refs/files-backend.c
+++ b/refs/files-backend.c
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "../refs.h"
#include "refs-internal.h"
#include "ref-cache.h"
+#include "packed-backend.h"
#include "../iterator.h"
#include "../dir-iterator.h"
#include "../lockfile.h"
@@ -11,44 +12,11 @@
struct ref_lock {
char *ref_name;
- struct lock_file *lk;
+ struct lock_file lk;
struct object_id old_oid;
- * Return true if refname, which has the specified oid and flags, can
- * be resolved to an object in the database. If the referred-to object
- * does not exist, emit a warning and return false.
- */
-static int ref_resolves_to_object(const char *refname,
- const struct object_id *oid,
- unsigned int flags)
- if (flags & REF_ISBROKEN)
- return 0;
- if (!has_sha1_file(oid->hash)) {
- error("%s does not point to a valid object!", refname);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-struct packed_ref_cache {
- struct ref_cache *cache;
- /*
- * Count of references to the data structure in this instance,
- * including the pointer from files_ref_store::packed if any.
- * The data will not be freed as long as the reference count
- * is nonzero.
- */
- unsigned int referrers;
- /* The metadata from when this packed-refs cache was read */
- struct stat_validity validity;
* Future: need to be in "struct repository"
* when doing a full libification.
@@ -58,54 +26,12 @@ struct files_ref_store {
char *gitdir;
char *gitcommondir;
- char *packed_refs_path;
struct ref_cache *loose;
- struct packed_ref_cache *packed;
- /*
- * Lock used for the "packed-refs" file. Note that this (and
- * thus the enclosing `files_ref_store`) must not be freed.
- */
- struct lock_file packed_refs_lock;
+ struct ref_store *packed_ref_store;
- * Increment the reference count of *packed_refs.
- */
-static void acquire_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs)
- packed_refs->referrers++;
- * Decrease the reference count of *packed_refs. If it goes to zero,
- * free *packed_refs and return true; otherwise return false.
- */
-static int release_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs)
- if (!--packed_refs->referrers) {
- free_ref_cache(packed_refs->cache);
- stat_validity_clear(&packed_refs->validity);
- free(packed_refs);
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-static void clear_packed_ref_cache(struct files_ref_store *refs)
- if (refs->packed) {
- struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs = refs->packed;
- if (is_lock_file_locked(&refs->packed_refs_lock))
- die("BUG: packed-ref cache cleared while locked");
- refs->packed = NULL;
- release_packed_ref_cache(packed_refs);
- }
static void clear_loose_ref_cache(struct files_ref_store *refs)
if (refs->loose) {
@@ -132,7 +58,8 @@ static struct ref_store *files_ref_store_create(const char *gitdir,
get_common_dir_noenv(&sb, gitdir);
refs->gitcommondir = strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/packed-refs", refs->gitcommondir);
- refs->packed_refs_path = strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
+ refs->packed_ref_store = packed_ref_store_create(sb.buf, flags);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
return ref_store;
@@ -175,169 +102,10 @@ static struct files_ref_store *files_downcast(struct ref_store *ref_store,
return refs;
-/* The length of a peeled reference line in packed-refs, including EOL: */
- * The packed-refs header line that we write out. Perhaps other
- * traits will be added later. The trailing space is required.
- */
-static const char PACKED_REFS_HEADER[] =
- "# pack-refs with: peeled fully-peeled \n";
- * Parse one line from a packed-refs file. Write the SHA1 to sha1.
- * Return a pointer to the refname within the line (null-terminated),
- * or NULL if there was a problem.
- */
-static const char *parse_ref_line(struct strbuf *line, struct object_id *oid)
- const char *ref;
- if (parse_oid_hex(line->buf, oid, &ref) < 0)
- return NULL;
- if (!isspace(*ref++))
- return NULL;
- if (isspace(*ref))
- return NULL;
- if (line->buf[line->len - 1] != '\n')
- return NULL;
- line->buf[--line->len] = 0;
- return ref;
- * Read from `packed_refs_file` into a newly-allocated
- * `packed_ref_cache` and return it. The return value will already
- * have its reference count incremented.
- *
- * A comment line of the form "# pack-refs with: " may contain zero or
- * more traits. We interpret the traits as follows:
- *
- * No traits:
- *
- * Probably no references are peeled. But if the file contains a
- * peeled value for a reference, we will use it.
- *
- * peeled:
- *
- * References under "refs/tags/", if they *can* be peeled, *are*
- * peeled in this file. References outside of "refs/tags/" are
- * probably not peeled even if they could have been, but if we find
- * a peeled value for such a reference we will use it.
- *
- * fully-peeled:
- *
- * All references in the file that can be peeled are peeled.
- * Inversely (and this is more important), any references in the
- * file for which no peeled value is recorded is not peelable. This
- * trait should typically be written alongside "peeled" for
- * compatibility with older clients, but we do not require it
- * (i.e., "peeled" is a no-op if "fully-peeled" is set).
- */
-static struct packed_ref_cache *read_packed_refs(const char *packed_refs_file)
- FILE *f;
- struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*packed_refs));
- struct ref_entry *last = NULL;
- struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
- struct ref_dir *dir;
- acquire_packed_ref_cache(packed_refs);
- packed_refs->cache = create_ref_cache(NULL, NULL);
- packed_refs->cache->root->flag &= ~REF_INCOMPLETE;
- f = fopen(packed_refs_file, "r");
- if (!f) {
- if (errno == ENOENT) {
- /*
- * This is OK; it just means that no
- * "packed-refs" file has been written yet,
- * which is equivalent to it being empty.
- */
- return packed_refs;
- } else {
- die_errno("couldn't read %s", packed_refs_file);
- }
- }
- stat_validity_update(&packed_refs->validity, fileno(f));
- dir = get_ref_dir(packed_refs->cache->root);
- while (strbuf_getwholeline(&line, f, '\n') != EOF) {
- struct object_id oid;
- const char *refname;
- const char *traits;
- if (skip_prefix(line.buf, "# pack-refs with:", &traits)) {
- if (strstr(traits, " fully-peeled "))
- peeled = PEELED_FULLY;
- else if (strstr(traits, " peeled "))
- peeled = PEELED_TAGS;
- /* perhaps other traits later as well */
- continue;
- }
- refname = parse_ref_line(&line, &oid);
- if (refname) {
- int flag = REF_ISPACKED;
- if (check_refname_format(refname, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL)) {
- if (!refname_is_safe(refname))
- die("packed refname is dangerous: %s", refname);
- oidclr(&oid);
- }
- last = create_ref_entry(refname, &oid, flag);
- if (peeled == PEELED_FULLY ||
- (peeled == PEELED_TAGS && starts_with(refname, "refs/tags/")))
- last->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
- add_ref_entry(dir, last);
- continue;
- }
- if (last &&
- line.buf[0] == '^' &&
- line.len == PEELED_LINE_LENGTH &&
- line.buf[PEELED_LINE_LENGTH - 1] == '\n' &&
- !get_oid_hex(line.buf + 1, &oid)) {
- oidcpy(&last->u.value.peeled, &oid);
- /*
- * Regardless of what the file header said,
- * we definitely know the value of *this*
- * reference:
- */
- last->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- strbuf_release(&line);
- return packed_refs;
-static const char *files_packed_refs_path(struct files_ref_store *refs)
- return refs->packed_refs_path;
static void files_reflog_path(struct files_ref_store *refs,
struct strbuf *sb,
const char *refname)
- if (!refname) {
- /*
- * FIXME: of course this is wrong in multi worktree
- * setting. To be fixed real soon.
- */
- strbuf_addf(sb, "%s/logs", refs->gitcommondir);
- return;
- }
switch (ref_type(refname)) {
@@ -371,70 +139,6 @@ static void files_ref_path(struct files_ref_store *refs,
- * Check that the packed refs cache (if any) still reflects the
- * contents of the file. If not, clear the cache.
- */
-static void validate_packed_ref_cache(struct files_ref_store *refs)
- if (refs->packed &&
- !stat_validity_check(&refs->packed->validity,
- files_packed_refs_path(refs)))
- clear_packed_ref_cache(refs);
- * Get the packed_ref_cache for the specified files_ref_store,
- * creating and populating it if it hasn't been read before or if the
- * file has been changed (according to its `validity` field) since it
- * was last read. On the other hand, if we hold the lock, then assume
- * that the file hasn't been changed out from under us, so skip the
- * extra `stat()` call in `stat_validity_check()`.
- */
-static struct packed_ref_cache *get_packed_ref_cache(struct files_ref_store *refs)
- const char *packed_refs_file = files_packed_refs_path(refs);
- if (!is_lock_file_locked(&refs->packed_refs_lock))
- validate_packed_ref_cache(refs);
- if (!refs->packed)
- refs->packed = read_packed_refs(packed_refs_file);
- return refs->packed;
-static struct ref_dir *get_packed_ref_dir(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache)
- return get_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache->cache->root);
-static struct ref_dir *get_packed_refs(struct files_ref_store *refs)
- return get_packed_ref_dir(get_packed_ref_cache(refs));
- * Add a reference to the in-memory packed reference cache. This may
- * only be called while the packed-refs file is locked (see
- * lock_packed_refs()). To actually write the packed-refs file, call
- * commit_packed_refs().
- */
-static void add_packed_ref(struct files_ref_store *refs,
- const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid)
- struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache = get_packed_ref_cache(refs);
- if (!is_lock_file_locked(&refs->packed_refs_lock))
- die("BUG: packed refs not locked");
- if (check_refname_format(refname, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL))
- die("Reference has invalid format: '%s'", refname);
- add_ref_entry(get_packed_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache),
- create_ref_entry(refname, oid, REF_ISPACKED));
* Read the loose references from the namespace dirname into dir
* (without recursing). dirname must end with '/'. dir must be the
* directory entry corresponding to dirname.
@@ -556,39 +260,6 @@ static struct ref_cache *get_loose_ref_cache(struct files_ref_store *refs)
return refs->loose;
- * Return the ref_entry for the given refname from the packed
- * references. If it does not exist, return NULL.
- */
-static struct ref_entry *get_packed_ref(struct files_ref_store *refs,
- const char *refname)
- return find_ref_entry(get_packed_refs(refs), refname);
- * A loose ref file doesn't exist; check for a packed ref.
- */
-static int resolve_packed_ref(struct files_ref_store *refs,
- const char *refname,
- unsigned char *sha1, unsigned int *flags)
- struct ref_entry *entry;
- /*
- * The loose reference file does not exist; check for a packed
- * reference.
- */
- entry = get_packed_ref(refs, refname);
- if (entry) {
- hashcpy(sha1, entry->u.value.oid.hash);
- *flags |= REF_ISPACKED;
- return 0;
- }
- /* refname is not a packed reference. */
- return -1;
static int files_read_raw_ref(struct ref_store *ref_store,
const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1,
struct strbuf *referent, unsigned int *type)
@@ -632,7 +303,8 @@ stat_ref:
if (lstat(path, &st) < 0) {
if (errno != ENOENT)
goto out;
- if (resolve_packed_ref(refs, refname, sha1, type)) {
+ if (refs_read_raw_ref(refs->packed_ref_store, refname,
+ sha1, referent, type)) {
errno = ENOENT;
goto out;
@@ -671,7 +343,8 @@ stat_ref:
* ref is supposed to be, there could still be a
* packed ref:
- if (resolve_packed_ref(refs, refname, sha1, type)) {
+ if (refs_read_raw_ref(refs->packed_ref_store, refname,
+ sha1, referent, type)) {
errno = EISDIR;
goto out;
@@ -736,9 +409,7 @@ out:
static void unlock_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
- /* Do not free lock->lk -- atexit() still looks at them */
- if (lock->lk)
- rollback_lock_file(lock->lk);
+ rollback_lock_file(&lock->lk);
@@ -852,10 +523,9 @@ retry:
goto error_return;
- if (!lock->lk)
- lock->lk = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct lock_file));
- if (hold_lock_file_for_update(lock->lk, ref_file.buf, LOCK_NO_DEREF) < 0) {
+ if (hold_lock_file_for_update_timeout(
+ &lock->lk, ref_file.buf, LOCK_NO_DEREF,
+ get_files_ref_lock_timeout_ms()) < 0) {
if (errno == ENOENT && --attempts_remaining > 0) {
* Maybe somebody just deleted one of the
@@ -950,11 +620,11 @@ retry:
* If the ref did not exist and we are creating it,
- * make sure there is no existing ref that conflicts
- * with refname:
+ * make sure there is no existing packed ref that
+ * conflicts with refname:
if (refs_verify_refname_available(
- &refs->base, refname,
+ refs->packed_ref_store, refname,
extras, skip, err))
goto error_return;
@@ -1001,15 +671,9 @@ static int files_peel_ref(struct ref_store *ref_store,
* be expensive and (b) loose references anyway usually do not
- if (flag & REF_ISPACKED) {
- struct ref_entry *r = get_packed_ref(refs, refname);
- if (r) {
- if (peel_entry(r, 0))
- return -1;
- hashcpy(sha1, r->u.value.peeled.hash);
- return 0;
- }
- }
+ if (flag & REF_ISPACKED &&
+ !refs_peel_ref(refs->packed_ref_store, refname, sha1))
+ return 0;
return peel_object(base, sha1);
@@ -1017,7 +681,6 @@ static int files_peel_ref(struct ref_store *ref_store,
struct files_ref_iterator {
struct ref_iterator base;
- struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache;
struct ref_iterator *iter0;
unsigned int flags;
@@ -1070,7 +733,6 @@ static int files_ref_iterator_abort(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator)
if (iter->iter0)
ok = ref_iterator_abort(iter->iter0);
- release_packed_ref_cache(iter->packed_ref_cache);
return ok;
@@ -1112,18 +774,28 @@ static struct ref_iterator *files_ref_iterator_begin(
* (If they've already been read, that's OK; we only need to
* guarantee that they're read before the packed refs, not
* *how much* before.) After that, we call
- * get_packed_ref_cache(), which internally checks whether the
- * packed-ref cache is up to date with what is on disk, and
- * re-reads it if not.
+ * packed_ref_iterator_begin(), which internally checks
+ * whether the packed-ref cache is up to date with what is on
+ * disk, and re-reads it if not.
loose_iter = cache_ref_iterator_begin(get_loose_ref_cache(refs),
prefix, 1);
- iter->packed_ref_cache = get_packed_ref_cache(refs);
- acquire_packed_ref_cache(iter->packed_ref_cache);
- packed_iter = cache_ref_iterator_begin(iter->packed_ref_cache->cache,
- prefix, 0);
+ /*
+ * The packed-refs file might contain broken references, for
+ * example an old version of a reference that points at an
+ * object that has since been garbage-collected. This is OK as
+ * long as there is a corresponding loose reference that
+ * overrides it, and we don't want to emit an error message in
+ * this case. So ask the packed_ref_store for all of its
+ * references, and (if needed) do our own check for broken
+ * ones in files_ref_iterator_advance(), after we have merged
+ * the packed and loose references.
+ */
+ packed_iter = refs_ref_iterator_begin(
+ refs->packed_ref_store, prefix, 0,
iter->iter0 = overlay_ref_iterator_begin(loose_iter, packed_iter);
iter->flags = flags;
@@ -1181,7 +853,9 @@ static int create_reflock(const char *path, void *cb)
struct lock_file *lk = cb;
- return hold_lock_file_for_update(lk, path, LOCK_NO_DEREF) < 0 ? -1 : 0;
+ return hold_lock_file_for_update_timeout(
+ lk, path, LOCK_NO_DEREF,
+ get_files_ref_lock_timeout_ms()) < 0 ? -1 : 0;
@@ -1255,17 +929,15 @@ static struct ref_lock *lock_ref_sha1_basic(struct files_ref_store *refs,
* our refname.
if (is_null_oid(&lock->old_oid) &&
- refs_verify_refname_available(&refs->base, refname,
+ refs_verify_refname_available(refs->packed_ref_store, refname,
extras, skip, err)) {
last_errno = ENOTDIR;
goto error_return;
- lock->lk = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct lock_file));
lock->ref_name = xstrdup(refname);
- if (raceproof_create_file(ref_file.buf, create_reflock, lock->lk)) {
+ if (raceproof_create_file(ref_file.buf, create_reflock, &lock->lk)) {
last_errno = errno;
unable_to_lock_message(ref_file.buf, errno, err);
goto error_return;
@@ -1287,124 +959,6 @@ static struct ref_lock *lock_ref_sha1_basic(struct files_ref_store *refs,
return lock;
- * Write an entry to the packed-refs file for the specified refname.
- * If peeled is non-NULL, write it as the entry's peeled value.
- */
-static void write_packed_entry(FILE *fh, const char *refname,
- const unsigned char *sha1,
- const unsigned char *peeled)
- fprintf_or_die(fh, "%s %s\n", sha1_to_hex(sha1), refname);
- if (peeled)
- fprintf_or_die(fh, "^%s\n", sha1_to_hex(peeled));
- * Lock the packed-refs file for writing. Flags is passed to
- * hold_lock_file_for_update(). Return 0 on success. On errors, set
- * errno appropriately and return a nonzero value.
- */
-static int lock_packed_refs(struct files_ref_store *refs, int flags)
- static int timeout_configured = 0;
- static int timeout_value = 1000;
- struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache;
- files_assert_main_repository(refs, "lock_packed_refs");
- if (!timeout_configured) {
- git_config_get_int("core.packedrefstimeout", &timeout_value);
- timeout_configured = 1;
- }
- if (hold_lock_file_for_update_timeout(
- &refs->packed_refs_lock, files_packed_refs_path(refs),
- flags, timeout_value) < 0)
- return -1;
- /*
- * Now that we hold the `packed-refs` lock, make sure that our
- * cache matches the current version of the file. Normally
- * `get_packed_ref_cache()` does that for us, but that
- * function assumes that when the file is locked, any existing
- * cache is still valid. We've just locked the file, but it
- * might have changed the moment *before* we locked it.
- */
- validate_packed_ref_cache(refs);
- packed_ref_cache = get_packed_ref_cache(refs);
- /* Increment the reference count to prevent it from being freed: */
- acquire_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
- return 0;
- * Write the current version of the packed refs cache from memory to
- * disk. The packed-refs file must already be locked for writing (see
- * lock_packed_refs()). Return zero on success. On errors, set errno
- * and return a nonzero value
- */
-static int commit_packed_refs(struct files_ref_store *refs)
- struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache =
- get_packed_ref_cache(refs);
- int ok, error = 0;
- int save_errno = 0;
- FILE *out;
- struct ref_iterator *iter;
- files_assert_main_repository(refs, "commit_packed_refs");
- if (!is_lock_file_locked(&refs->packed_refs_lock))
- die("BUG: packed-refs not locked");
- out = fdopen_lock_file(&refs->packed_refs_lock, "w");
- if (!out)
- die_errno("unable to fdopen packed-refs descriptor");
- fprintf_or_die(out, "%s", PACKED_REFS_HEADER);
- iter = cache_ref_iterator_begin(packed_ref_cache->cache, NULL, 0);
- while ((ok = ref_iterator_advance(iter)) == ITER_OK) {
- struct object_id peeled;
- int peel_error = ref_iterator_peel(iter, &peeled);
- write_packed_entry(out, iter->refname, iter->oid->hash,
- peel_error ? NULL : peeled.hash);
- }
- if (ok != ITER_DONE)
- die("error while iterating over references");
- if (commit_lock_file(&refs->packed_refs_lock)) {
- save_errno = errno;
- error = -1;
- }
- release_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
- errno = save_errno;
- return error;
- * Rollback the lockfile for the packed-refs file, and discard the
- * in-memory packed reference cache. (The packed-refs file will be
- * read anew if it is needed again after this function is called.)
- */
-static void rollback_packed_refs(struct files_ref_store *refs)
- struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache =
- get_packed_ref_cache(refs);
- files_assert_main_repository(refs, "rollback_packed_refs");
- if (!is_lock_file_locked(&refs->packed_refs_lock))
- die("BUG: packed-refs not locked");
- rollback_lock_file(&refs->packed_refs_lock);
- release_packed_ref_cache(packed_ref_cache);
- clear_packed_ref_cache(refs);
struct ref_to_prune {
struct ref_to_prune *next;
unsigned char sha1[20];
@@ -1487,11 +1041,17 @@ static void prune_ref(struct files_ref_store *refs, struct ref_to_prune *r)
-static void prune_refs(struct files_ref_store *refs, struct ref_to_prune *r)
+ * Prune the loose versions of the references in the linked list
+ * `*refs_to_prune`, freeing the entries in the list as we go.
+ */
+static void prune_refs(struct files_ref_store *refs, struct ref_to_prune **refs_to_prune)
- while (r) {
+ while (*refs_to_prune) {
+ struct ref_to_prune *r = *refs_to_prune;
+ *refs_to_prune = r->next;
prune_ref(refs, r);
- r = r->next;
+ free(r);
@@ -1527,12 +1087,16 @@ static int files_pack_refs(struct ref_store *ref_store, unsigned int flags)
files_downcast(ref_store, REF_STORE_WRITE | REF_STORE_ODB,
struct ref_iterator *iter;
- struct ref_dir *packed_refs;
int ok;
struct ref_to_prune *refs_to_prune = NULL;
+ struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction;
+ transaction = ref_store_transaction_begin(refs->packed_ref_store, &err);
+ if (!transaction)
+ return -1;
- lock_packed_refs(refs, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
- packed_refs = get_packed_refs(refs);
+ packed_refs_lock(refs->packed_ref_store, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR, &err);
iter = cache_ref_iterator_begin(get_loose_ref_cache(refs), NULL, 0);
while ((ok = ref_iterator_advance(iter)) == ITER_OK) {
@@ -1541,29 +1105,19 @@ static int files_pack_refs(struct ref_store *ref_store, unsigned int flags)
* in the packed ref cache. If the reference should be
* pruned, also add it to refs_to_prune.
- struct ref_entry *packed_entry;
if (!should_pack_ref(iter->refname, iter->oid, iter->flags,
- * Create an entry in the packed-refs cache equivalent
- * to the one from the loose ref cache, except that
- * we don't copy the peeled status, because we want it
- * to be re-peeled.
+ * Add a reference creation for this reference to the
+ * packed-refs transaction:
- packed_entry = find_ref_entry(packed_refs, iter->refname);
- if (packed_entry) {
- /* Overwrite existing packed entry with info from loose entry */
- packed_entry->flag = REF_ISPACKED;
- oidcpy(&packed_entry->u.value.oid, iter->oid);
- } else {
- packed_entry = create_ref_entry(iter->refname, iter->oid,
- add_ref_entry(packed_refs, packed_entry);
- }
- oidclr(&packed_entry->u.value.peeled);
+ if (ref_transaction_update(transaction, iter->refname,
+ iter->oid->hash, NULL,
+ die("failure preparing to create packed reference %s: %s",
+ iter->refname, err.buf);
/* Schedule the loose reference for pruning if requested. */
if ((flags & PACK_REFS_PRUNE)) {
@@ -1577,67 +1131,16 @@ static int files_pack_refs(struct ref_store *ref_store, unsigned int flags)
if (ok != ITER_DONE)
die("error while iterating over references");
- if (commit_packed_refs(refs))
- die_errno("unable to overwrite old ref-pack file");
- prune_refs(refs, refs_to_prune);
- return 0;
- * Rewrite the packed-refs file, omitting any refs listed in
- * 'refnames'. On error, leave packed-refs unchanged, write an error
- * message to 'err', and return a nonzero value.
- *
- * The refs in 'refnames' needn't be sorted. `err` must not be NULL.
- */
-static int repack_without_refs(struct files_ref_store *refs,
- struct string_list *refnames, struct strbuf *err)
- struct ref_dir *packed;
- struct string_list_item *refname;
- int ret, needs_repacking = 0, removed = 0;
- files_assert_main_repository(refs, "repack_without_refs");
- assert(err);
- /* Look for a packed ref */
- for_each_string_list_item(refname, refnames) {
- if (get_packed_ref(refs, refname->string)) {
- needs_repacking = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
+ if (ref_transaction_commit(transaction, &err))
+ die("unable to write new packed-refs: %s", err.buf);
- /* Avoid locking if we have nothing to do */
- if (!needs_repacking)
- return 0; /* no refname exists in packed refs */
+ ref_transaction_free(transaction);
- if (lock_packed_refs(refs, 0)) {
- unable_to_lock_message(files_packed_refs_path(refs), errno, err);
- return -1;
- }
- packed = get_packed_refs(refs);
+ packed_refs_unlock(refs->packed_ref_store);
- /* Remove refnames from the cache */
- for_each_string_list_item(refname, refnames)
- if (remove_entry_from_dir(packed, refname->string) != -1)
- removed = 1;
- if (!removed) {
- /*
- * All packed entries disappeared while we were
- * acquiring the lock.
- */
- rollback_packed_refs(refs);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Write what remains */
- ret = commit_packed_refs(refs);
- if (ret)
- strbuf_addf(err, "unable to overwrite old ref-pack file: %s",
- strerror(errno));
- return ret;
+ prune_refs(refs, &refs_to_prune);
+ strbuf_release(&err);
+ return 0;
static int files_delete_refs(struct ref_store *ref_store, const char *msg,
@@ -1651,24 +1154,16 @@ static int files_delete_refs(struct ref_store *ref_store, const char *msg,
if (!refnames->nr)
return 0;
- result = repack_without_refs(refs, refnames, &err);
- if (result) {
- /*
- * If we failed to rewrite the packed-refs file, then
- * it is unsafe to try to remove loose refs, because
- * doing so might expose an obsolete packed value for
- * a reference that might even point at an object that
- * has been garbage collected.
- */
- if (refnames->nr == 1)
- error(_("could not delete reference %s: %s"),
- refnames->items[0].string, err.buf);
- else
- error(_("could not delete references: %s"), err.buf);
+ if (packed_refs_lock(refs->packed_ref_store, 0, &err))
+ goto error;
- goto out;
+ if (refs_delete_refs(refs->packed_ref_store, msg, refnames, flags)) {
+ packed_refs_unlock(refs->packed_ref_store);
+ goto error;
+ packed_refs_unlock(refs->packed_ref_store);
for (i = 0; i < refnames->nr; i++) {
const char *refname = refnames->items[i].string;
@@ -1676,9 +1171,24 @@ static int files_delete_refs(struct ref_store *ref_store, const char *msg,
result |= error(_("could not remove reference %s"), refname);
return result;
+ /*
+ * If we failed to rewrite the packed-refs file, then it is
+ * unsafe to try to remove loose refs, because doing so might
+ * expose an obsolete packed value for a reference that might
+ * even point at an object that has been garbage collected.
+ */
+ if (refnames->nr == 1)
+ error(_("could not delete reference %s: %s"),
+ refnames->items[0].string, err.buf);
+ else
+ error(_("could not delete references: %s"), err.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&err);
+ return -1;
@@ -1892,16 +1402,16 @@ static int files_rename_ref(struct ref_store *ref_store,
return ret;
-static int close_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
+static int close_ref_gently(struct ref_lock *lock)
- if (close_lock_file(lock->lk))
+ if (close_lock_file_gently(&lock->lk))
return -1;
return 0;
static int commit_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
- char *path = get_locked_file_path(lock->lk);
+ char *path = get_locked_file_path(&lock->lk);
struct stat st;
if (!lstat(path, &st) && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
@@ -1925,7 +1435,7 @@ static int commit_ref(struct ref_lock *lock)
- if (commit_lock_file(lock->lk))
+ if (commit_lock_file(&lock->lk))
return -1;
return 0;
@@ -2039,7 +1549,7 @@ static int log_ref_write_fd(int fd, const struct object_id *old_oid,
written = len <= maxlen ? write_in_full(fd, logrec, len) : -1;
- if (written != len)
+ if (written < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
@@ -2117,12 +1627,12 @@ static int write_ref_to_lockfile(struct ref_lock *lock,
return -1;
- fd = get_lock_file_fd(lock->lk);
- if (write_in_full(fd, oid_to_hex(oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ) != GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ ||
- write_in_full(fd, &term, 1) != 1 ||
- close_ref(lock) < 0) {
+ fd = get_lock_file_fd(&lock->lk);
+ if (write_in_full(fd, oid_to_hex(oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ) < 0 ||
+ write_in_full(fd, &term, 1) < 0 ||
+ close_ref_gently(lock) < 0) {
- "couldn't write '%s'", get_lock_file_path(lock->lk));
+ "couldn't write '%s'", get_lock_file_path(&lock->lk));
return -1;
@@ -2166,13 +1676,12 @@ static int commit_ref_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
* check with HEAD only which should cover 99% of all usage
* scenarios (even 100% of the default ones).
- struct object_id head_oid;
int head_flag;
const char *head_ref;
head_ref = refs_resolve_ref_unsafe(&refs->base, "HEAD",
- head_oid.hash, &head_flag);
+ NULL, &head_flag);
if (head_ref && (head_flag & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
!strcmp(head_ref, lock->ref_name)) {
struct strbuf log_err = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -2199,7 +1708,7 @@ static int create_ref_symlink(struct ref_lock *lock, const char *target)
int ret = -1;
- char *ref_path = get_locked_file_path(lock->lk);
+ char *ref_path = get_locked_file_path(&lock->lk);
ret = symlink(target, ref_path);
@@ -2235,14 +1744,14 @@ static int create_symref_locked(struct files_ref_store *refs,
return 0;
- if (!fdopen_lock_file(lock->lk, "w"))
+ if (!fdopen_lock_file(&lock->lk, "w"))
return error("unable to fdopen %s: %s",
- lock->lk->tempfile.filename.buf, strerror(errno));
+ lock->lk.tempfile->filename.buf, strerror(errno));
update_symref_reflog(refs, lock, refname, target, logmsg);
/* no error check; commit_ref will check ferror */
- fprintf(lock->lk->tempfile.fp, "ref: %s\n", target);
+ fprintf(lock->lk.tempfile->fp, "ref: %s\n", target);
if (commit_ref(lock) < 0)
return error("unable to write symref for %s: %s", refname,
@@ -2549,23 +2058,63 @@ static struct ref_iterator_vtable files_reflog_iterator_vtable = {
-static struct ref_iterator *files_reflog_iterator_begin(struct ref_store *ref_store)
+static struct ref_iterator *reflog_iterator_begin(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *gitdir)
- struct files_ref_store *refs =
- files_downcast(ref_store, REF_STORE_READ,
- "reflog_iterator_begin");
struct files_reflog_iterator *iter = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*iter));
struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator = &iter->base;
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
base_ref_iterator_init(ref_iterator, &files_reflog_iterator_vtable);
- files_reflog_path(refs, &sb, NULL);
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/logs", gitdir);
iter->dir_iterator = dir_iterator_begin(sb.buf);
iter->ref_store = ref_store;
return ref_iterator;
+static enum iterator_selection reflog_iterator_select(
+ struct ref_iterator *iter_worktree,
+ struct ref_iterator *iter_common,
+ void *cb_data)
+ if (iter_worktree) {
+ /*
+ * We're a bit loose here. We probably should ignore
+ * common refs if they are accidentally added as
+ * per-worktree refs.
+ */
+ return ITER_SELECT_0;
+ } else if (iter_common) {
+ if (ref_type(iter_common->refname) == REF_TYPE_NORMAL)
+ return ITER_SELECT_1;
+ /*
+ * The main ref store may contain main worktree's
+ * per-worktree refs, which should be ignored
+ */
+ return ITER_SKIP_1;
+ } else
+ return ITER_DONE;
+static struct ref_iterator *files_reflog_iterator_begin(struct ref_store *ref_store)
+ struct files_ref_store *refs =
+ files_downcast(ref_store, REF_STORE_READ,
+ "reflog_iterator_begin");
+ if (!strcmp(refs->gitdir, refs->gitcommondir)) {
+ return reflog_iterator_begin(ref_store, refs->gitcommondir);
+ } else {
+ return merge_ref_iterator_begin(
+ reflog_iterator_begin(ref_store, refs->gitdir),
+ reflog_iterator_begin(ref_store, refs->gitcommondir),
+ reflog_iterator_select, refs);
+ }
* If update is a direct update of head_ref (the reference pointed to
* by HEAD), then add an extra REF_LOG_ONLY update for HEAD.
@@ -2589,11 +2138,10 @@ static int split_head_update(struct ref_update *update,
* First make sure that HEAD is not already in the
- * transaction. This insertion is O(N) in the transaction
+ * transaction. This check is O(lg N) in the transaction
* size, but it happens at most once per transaction.
- item = string_list_insert(affected_refnames, "HEAD");
- if (item->util) {
+ if (string_list_has_string(affected_refnames, "HEAD")) {
/* An entry already existed */
"multiple updates for 'HEAD' (including one "
@@ -2608,6 +2156,14 @@ static int split_head_update(struct ref_update *update,
update->new_oid.hash, update->old_oid.hash,
+ /*
+ * Add "HEAD". This insertion is O(N) in the transaction
+ * size, but it happens at most once per transaction.
+ * Add new_update->refname instead of a literal "HEAD".
+ */
+ if (strcmp(new_update->refname, "HEAD"))
+ BUG("%s unexpectedly not 'HEAD'", new_update->refname);
+ item = string_list_insert(affected_refnames, new_update->refname);
item->util = new_update;
return 0;
@@ -2634,13 +2190,12 @@ static int split_symref_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
* First make sure that referent is not already in the
- * transaction. This insertion is O(N) in the transaction
+ * transaction. This check is O(lg N) in the transaction
* size, but it happens at most once per symref in a
* transaction.
- item = string_list_insert(affected_refnames, referent);
- if (item->util) {
- /* An entry already existed */
+ if (string_list_has_string(affected_refnames, referent)) {
+ /* An entry already exists */
"multiple updates for '%s' (including one "
"via symref '%s') are not allowed",
@@ -2675,6 +2230,17 @@ static int split_symref_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
update->flags |= REF_LOG_ONLY | REF_NODEREF;
update->flags &= ~REF_HAVE_OLD;
+ /*
+ * Add the referent. This insertion is O(N) in the transaction
+ * size, but it happens at most once per symref in a
+ * transaction. Make sure to add new_update->refname, which will
+ * be valid as long as affected_refnames is in use, and NOT
+ * referent, which might soon be freed by our caller.
+ */
+ item = string_list_insert(affected_refnames, new_update->refname);
+ if (item->util)
+ BUG("%s unexpectedly found in affected_refnames",
+ new_update->refname);
item->util = new_update;
return 0;
@@ -2746,7 +2312,7 @@ static int lock_ref_for_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
struct strbuf referent = STRBUF_INIT;
int mustexist = (update->flags & REF_HAVE_OLD) &&
- int ret;
+ int ret = 0;
struct ref_lock *lock;
files_assert_main_repository(refs, "lock_ref_for_update");
@@ -2758,7 +2324,7 @@ static int lock_ref_for_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
ret = split_head_update(update, transaction, head_ref,
affected_refnames, err);
if (ret)
- return ret;
+ goto out;
ret = lock_raw_ref(refs, update->refname, mustexist,
@@ -2772,7 +2338,7 @@ static int lock_ref_for_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
strbuf_addf(err, "cannot lock ref '%s': %s",
original_update_refname(update), reason);
- return ret;
+ goto out;
update->backend_data = lock;
@@ -2791,10 +2357,12 @@ static int lock_ref_for_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
strbuf_addf(err, "cannot lock ref '%s': "
"error reading reference",
- return -1;
+ goto out;
} else if (check_old_oid(update, &lock->old_oid, err)) {
+ goto out;
} else {
@@ -2808,13 +2376,15 @@ static int lock_ref_for_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
referent.buf, transaction,
affected_refnames, err);
if (ret)
- return ret;
+ goto out;
} else {
struct ref_update *parent_update;
- if (check_old_oid(update, &lock->old_oid, err))
+ if (check_old_oid(update, &lock->old_oid, err)) {
+ goto out;
+ }
* If this update is happening indirectly because of a
@@ -2851,7 +2421,8 @@ static int lock_ref_for_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
"cannot update ref '%s': %s",
update->refname, write_err);
+ goto out;
} else {
update->flags |= REF_NEEDS_COMMIT;
@@ -2862,22 +2433,35 @@ static int lock_ref_for_update(struct files_ref_store *refs,
* the lockfile is still open. Close it to
* free up the file descriptor:
- if (close_ref(lock)) {
+ if (close_ref_gently(lock)) {
strbuf_addf(err, "couldn't close '%s.lock'",
+ goto out;
- return 0;
+ strbuf_release(&referent);
+ return ret;
+struct files_transaction_backend_data {
+ struct ref_transaction *packed_transaction;
+ int packed_refs_locked;
* Unlock any references in `transaction` that are still locked, and
* mark the transaction closed.
-static void files_transaction_cleanup(struct ref_transaction *transaction)
+static void files_transaction_cleanup(struct files_ref_store *refs,
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction)
size_t i;
+ struct files_transaction_backend_data *backend_data =
+ transaction->backend_data;
+ struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
for (i = 0; i < transaction->nr; i++) {
struct ref_update *update = transaction->updates[i];
@@ -2889,6 +2473,17 @@ static void files_transaction_cleanup(struct ref_transaction *transaction)
+ if (backend_data->packed_transaction &&
+ ref_transaction_abort(backend_data->packed_transaction, &err)) {
+ error("error aborting transaction: %s", err.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&err);
+ }
+ if (backend_data->packed_refs_locked)
+ packed_refs_unlock(refs->packed_ref_store);
+ free(backend_data);
transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
@@ -2905,12 +2500,17 @@ static int files_transaction_prepare(struct ref_store *ref_store,
char *head_ref = NULL;
int head_type;
struct object_id head_oid;
+ struct files_transaction_backend_data *backend_data;
+ struct ref_transaction *packed_transaction = NULL;
if (!transaction->nr)
goto cleanup;
+ backend_data = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*backend_data));
+ transaction->backend_data = backend_data;
* Fail if a refname appears more than once in the
* transaction. (If we end up splitting up any updates using
@@ -2977,6 +2577,41 @@ static int files_transaction_prepare(struct ref_store *ref_store,
head_ref, &affected_refnames, err);
if (ret)
+ if (update->flags & REF_DELETING &&
+ !(update->flags & REF_LOG_ONLY) &&
+ !(update->flags & REF_ISPRUNING)) {
+ /*
+ * This reference has to be deleted from
+ * packed-refs if it exists there.
+ */
+ if (!packed_transaction) {
+ packed_transaction = ref_store_transaction_begin(
+ refs->packed_ref_store, err);
+ if (!packed_transaction) {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ backend_data->packed_transaction =
+ packed_transaction;
+ }
+ ref_transaction_add_update(
+ packed_transaction, update->refname,
+ update->flags & ~REF_HAVE_OLD,
+ update->new_oid.hash, update->old_oid.hash,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (packed_transaction) {
+ if (packed_refs_lock(refs->packed_ref_store, 0, err)) {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ backend_data->packed_refs_locked = 1;
+ ret = ref_transaction_prepare(packed_transaction, err);
@@ -2984,7 +2619,7 @@ cleanup:
string_list_clear(&affected_refnames, 0);
if (ret)
- files_transaction_cleanup(transaction);
+ files_transaction_cleanup(refs, transaction);
transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_PREPARED;
@@ -2999,9 +2634,10 @@ static int files_transaction_finish(struct ref_store *ref_store,
files_downcast(ref_store, 0, "ref_transaction_finish");
size_t i;
int ret = 0;
- struct string_list refs_to_delete = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
- struct string_list_item *ref_to_delete;
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct files_transaction_backend_data *backend_data;
+ struct ref_transaction *packed_transaction;
@@ -3010,6 +2646,9 @@ static int files_transaction_finish(struct ref_store *ref_store,
return 0;
+ backend_data = transaction->backend_data;
+ packed_transaction = backend_data->packed_transaction;
/* Perform updates first so live commits remain referenced */
for (i = 0; i < transaction->nr; i++) {
struct ref_update *update = transaction->updates[i];
@@ -3045,7 +2684,44 @@ static int files_transaction_finish(struct ref_store *ref_store,
- /* Perform deletes now that updates are safely completed */
+ /*
+ * Now that updates are safely completed, we can perform
+ * deletes. First delete the reflogs of any references that
+ * will be deleted, since (in the unexpected event of an
+ * error) leaving a reference without a reflog is less bad
+ * than leaving a reflog without a reference (the latter is a
+ * mildly invalid repository state):
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < transaction->nr; i++) {
+ struct ref_update *update = transaction->updates[i];
+ if (update->flags & REF_DELETING &&
+ !(update->flags & REF_LOG_ONLY) &&
+ !(update->flags & REF_ISPRUNING)) {
+ strbuf_reset(&sb);
+ files_reflog_path(refs, &sb, update->refname);
+ if (!unlink_or_warn(sb.buf))
+ try_remove_empty_parents(refs, update->refname,
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Perform deletes now that updates are safely completed.
+ *
+ * First delete any packed versions of the references, while
+ * retaining the packed-refs lock:
+ */
+ if (packed_transaction) {
+ ret = ref_transaction_commit(packed_transaction, err);
+ ref_transaction_free(packed_transaction);
+ packed_transaction = NULL;
+ backend_data->packed_transaction = NULL;
+ if (ret)
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* Now delete the loose versions of the references: */
for (i = 0; i < transaction->nr; i++) {
struct ref_update *update = transaction->updates[i];
struct ref_lock *lock = update->backend_data;
@@ -3063,31 +2739,13 @@ static int files_transaction_finish(struct ref_store *ref_store,
update->flags |= REF_DELETED_LOOSE;
- if (!(update->flags & REF_ISPRUNING))
- string_list_append(&refs_to_delete,
- lock->ref_name);
- if (repack_without_refs(refs, &refs_to_delete, err)) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
- /* Delete the reflogs of any references that were deleted: */
- for_each_string_list_item(ref_to_delete, &refs_to_delete) {
- strbuf_reset(&sb);
- files_reflog_path(refs, &sb, ref_to_delete->string);
- if (!unlink_or_warn(sb.buf))
- try_remove_empty_parents(refs, ref_to_delete->string,
- }
- files_transaction_cleanup(transaction);
+ files_transaction_cleanup(refs, transaction);
for (i = 0; i < transaction->nr; i++) {
struct ref_update *update = transaction->updates[i];
@@ -3105,7 +2763,6 @@ cleanup:
- string_list_clear(&refs_to_delete, 0);
return ret;
@@ -3113,7 +2770,10 @@ static int files_transaction_abort(struct ref_store *ref_store,
struct ref_transaction *transaction,
struct strbuf *err)
- files_transaction_cleanup(transaction);
+ struct files_ref_store *refs =
+ files_downcast(ref_store, 0, "ref_transaction_abort");
+ files_transaction_cleanup(refs, transaction);
return 0;
@@ -3135,6 +2795,7 @@ static int files_initial_transaction_commit(struct ref_store *ref_store,
size_t i;
int ret = 0;
struct string_list affected_refnames = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
+ struct ref_transaction *packed_transaction = NULL;
@@ -3167,6 +2828,12 @@ static int files_initial_transaction_commit(struct ref_store *ref_store,
die("BUG: initial ref transaction called with existing refs");
+ packed_transaction = ref_store_transaction_begin(refs->packed_ref_store, err);
+ if (!packed_transaction) {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
for (i = 0; i < transaction->nr; i++) {
struct ref_update *update = transaction->updates[i];
@@ -3179,32 +2846,31 @@ static int files_initial_transaction_commit(struct ref_store *ref_store,
goto cleanup;
+ /*
+ * Add a reference creation for this reference to the
+ * packed-refs transaction:
+ */
+ ref_transaction_add_update(packed_transaction, update->refname,
+ update->flags & ~REF_HAVE_OLD,
+ update->new_oid.hash, update->old_oid.hash,
+ NULL);
- if (lock_packed_refs(refs, 0)) {
- strbuf_addf(err, "unable to lock packed-refs file: %s",
- strerror(errno));
+ if (packed_refs_lock(refs->packed_ref_store, 0, err)) {
goto cleanup;
- for (i = 0; i < transaction->nr; i++) {
- struct ref_update *update = transaction->updates[i];
- if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_NEW) &&
- !is_null_oid(&update->new_oid))
- add_packed_ref(refs, update->refname,
- &update->new_oid);
- }
- if (commit_packed_refs(refs)) {
- strbuf_addf(err, "unable to commit packed-refs file: %s",
- strerror(errno));
+ if (initial_ref_transaction_commit(packed_transaction, err)) {
goto cleanup;
+ if (packed_transaction)
+ ref_transaction_free(packed_transaction);
+ packed_refs_unlock(refs->packed_ref_store);
transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
string_list_clear(&affected_refnames, 0);
return ret;
@@ -3333,16 +2999,17 @@ static int files_reflog_expire(struct ref_store *ref_store,
!(type & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
- if (close_lock_file(&reflog_lock)) {
+ if (close_lock_file_gently(&reflog_lock)) {
status |= error("couldn't write %s: %s", log_file,
+ rollback_lock_file(&reflog_lock);
} else if (update &&
- (write_in_full(get_lock_file_fd(lock->lk),
- oid_to_hex(&cb.last_kept_oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ) != GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ ||
- write_str_in_full(get_lock_file_fd(lock->lk), "\n") != 1 ||
- close_ref(lock) < 0)) {
+ (write_in_full(get_lock_file_fd(&lock->lk),
+ oid_to_hex(&cb.last_kept_oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ) < 0 ||
+ write_str_in_full(get_lock_file_fd(&lock->lk), "\n") < 1 ||
+ close_ref_gently(lock) < 0)) {
status |= error("couldn't write %s",
- get_lock_file_path(lock->lk));
+ get_lock_file_path(&lock->lk));
} else if (commit_lock_file(&reflog_lock)) {
status |= error("unable to write reflog '%s' (%s)",
diff --git a/refs/packed-backend.c b/refs/packed-backend.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bc47ffd5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refs/packed-backend.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@
+#include "../cache.h"
+#include "../config.h"
+#include "../refs.h"
+#include "refs-internal.h"
+#include "ref-cache.h"
+#include "packed-backend.h"
+#include "../iterator.h"
+#include "../lockfile.h"
+struct packed_ref_cache {
+ struct ref_cache *cache;
+ /*
+ * Count of references to the data structure in this instance,
+ * including the pointer from files_ref_store::packed if any.
+ * The data will not be freed as long as the reference count
+ * is nonzero.
+ */
+ unsigned int referrers;
+ /* The metadata from when this packed-refs cache was read */
+ struct stat_validity validity;
+ * Increment the reference count of *packed_refs.
+ */
+static void acquire_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs)
+ packed_refs->referrers++;
+ * Decrease the reference count of *packed_refs. If it goes to zero,
+ * free *packed_refs and return true; otherwise return false.
+ */
+static int release_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs)
+ if (!--packed_refs->referrers) {
+ free_ref_cache(packed_refs->cache);
+ stat_validity_clear(&packed_refs->validity);
+ free(packed_refs);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ * A container for `packed-refs`-related data. It is not (yet) a
+ * `ref_store`.
+ */
+struct packed_ref_store {
+ struct ref_store base;
+ unsigned int store_flags;
+ /* The path of the "packed-refs" file: */
+ char *path;
+ /*
+ * A cache of the values read from the `packed-refs` file, if
+ * it might still be current; otherwise, NULL.
+ */
+ struct packed_ref_cache *cache;
+ /*
+ * Lock used for the "packed-refs" file. Note that this (and
+ * thus the enclosing `packed_ref_store`) must not be freed.
+ */
+ struct lock_file lock;
+ /*
+ * Temporary file used when rewriting new contents to the
+ * "packed-refs" file. Note that this (and thus the enclosing
+ * `packed_ref_store`) must not be freed.
+ */
+ struct tempfile *tempfile;
+struct ref_store *packed_ref_store_create(const char *path,
+ unsigned int store_flags)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*refs));
+ struct ref_store *ref_store = (struct ref_store *)refs;
+ base_ref_store_init(ref_store, &refs_be_packed);
+ refs->store_flags = store_flags;
+ refs->path = xstrdup(path);
+ return ref_store;
+ * Downcast `ref_store` to `packed_ref_store`. Die if `ref_store` is
+ * not a `packed_ref_store`. Also die if `packed_ref_store` doesn't
+ * support at least the flags specified in `required_flags`. `caller`
+ * is used in any necessary error messages.
+ */
+static struct packed_ref_store *packed_downcast(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ unsigned int required_flags,
+ const char *caller)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs;
+ if (ref_store->be != &refs_be_packed)
+ die("BUG: ref_store is type \"%s\" not \"packed\" in %s",
+ ref_store->be->name, caller);
+ refs = (struct packed_ref_store *)ref_store;
+ if ((refs->store_flags & required_flags) != required_flags)
+ die("BUG: unallowed operation (%s), requires %x, has %x\n",
+ caller, required_flags, refs->store_flags);
+ return refs;
+static void clear_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_store *refs)
+ if (refs->cache) {
+ struct packed_ref_cache *cache = refs->cache;
+ refs->cache = NULL;
+ release_packed_ref_cache(cache);
+ }
+/* The length of a peeled reference line in packed-refs, including EOL: */
+ * Parse one line from a packed-refs file. Write the SHA1 to sha1.
+ * Return a pointer to the refname within the line (null-terminated),
+ * or NULL if there was a problem.
+ */
+static const char *parse_ref_line(struct strbuf *line, struct object_id *oid)
+ const char *ref;
+ if (parse_oid_hex(line->buf, oid, &ref) < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!isspace(*ref++))
+ return NULL;
+ if (isspace(*ref))
+ return NULL;
+ if (line->buf[line->len - 1] != '\n')
+ return NULL;
+ line->buf[--line->len] = 0;
+ return ref;
+ * Read from `packed_refs_file` into a newly-allocated
+ * `packed_ref_cache` and return it. The return value will already
+ * have its reference count incremented.
+ *
+ * A comment line of the form "# pack-refs with: " may contain zero or
+ * more traits. We interpret the traits as follows:
+ *
+ * No traits:
+ *
+ * Probably no references are peeled. But if the file contains a
+ * peeled value for a reference, we will use it.
+ *
+ * peeled:
+ *
+ * References under "refs/tags/", if they *can* be peeled, *are*
+ * peeled in this file. References outside of "refs/tags/" are
+ * probably not peeled even if they could have been, but if we find
+ * a peeled value for such a reference we will use it.
+ *
+ * fully-peeled:
+ *
+ * All references in the file that can be peeled are peeled.
+ * Inversely (and this is more important), any references in the
+ * file for which no peeled value is recorded is not peelable. This
+ * trait should typically be written alongside "peeled" for
+ * compatibility with older clients, but we do not require it
+ * (i.e., "peeled" is a no-op if "fully-peeled" is set).
+ */
+static struct packed_ref_cache *read_packed_refs(const char *packed_refs_file)
+ FILE *f;
+ struct packed_ref_cache *packed_refs = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*packed_refs));
+ struct ref_entry *last = NULL;
+ struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct ref_dir *dir;
+ acquire_packed_ref_cache(packed_refs);
+ packed_refs->cache = create_ref_cache(NULL, NULL);
+ packed_refs->cache->root->flag &= ~REF_INCOMPLETE;
+ f = fopen(packed_refs_file, "r");
+ if (!f) {
+ if (errno == ENOENT) {
+ /*
+ * This is OK; it just means that no
+ * "packed-refs" file has been written yet,
+ * which is equivalent to it being empty.
+ */
+ return packed_refs;
+ } else {
+ die_errno("couldn't read %s", packed_refs_file);
+ }
+ }
+ stat_validity_update(&packed_refs->validity, fileno(f));
+ dir = get_ref_dir(packed_refs->cache->root);
+ while (strbuf_getwholeline(&line, f, '\n') != EOF) {
+ struct object_id oid;
+ const char *refname;
+ const char *traits;
+ if (!line.len || line.buf[line.len - 1] != '\n')
+ die("unterminated line in %s: %s", packed_refs_file, line.buf);
+ if (skip_prefix(line.buf, "# pack-refs with:", &traits)) {
+ if (strstr(traits, " fully-peeled "))
+ peeled = PEELED_FULLY;
+ else if (strstr(traits, " peeled "))
+ peeled = PEELED_TAGS;
+ /* perhaps other traits later as well */
+ continue;
+ }
+ refname = parse_ref_line(&line, &oid);
+ if (refname) {
+ int flag = REF_ISPACKED;
+ if (check_refname_format(refname, REFNAME_ALLOW_ONELEVEL)) {
+ if (!refname_is_safe(refname))
+ die("packed refname is dangerous: %s", refname);
+ oidclr(&oid);
+ }
+ last = create_ref_entry(refname, &oid, flag);
+ if (peeled == PEELED_FULLY ||
+ (peeled == PEELED_TAGS && starts_with(refname, "refs/tags/")))
+ last->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
+ add_ref_entry(dir, last);
+ } else if (last &&
+ line.buf[0] == '^' &&
+ line.len == PEELED_LINE_LENGTH &&
+ line.buf[PEELED_LINE_LENGTH - 1] == '\n' &&
+ !get_oid_hex(line.buf + 1, &oid)) {
+ oidcpy(&last->u.value.peeled, &oid);
+ /*
+ * Regardless of what the file header said,
+ * we definitely know the value of *this*
+ * reference:
+ */
+ last->flag |= REF_KNOWS_PEELED;
+ } else {
+ strbuf_setlen(&line, line.len - 1);
+ die("unexpected line in %s: %s", packed_refs_file, line.buf);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ strbuf_release(&line);
+ return packed_refs;
+ * Check that the packed refs cache (if any) still reflects the
+ * contents of the file. If not, clear the cache.
+ */
+static void validate_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_store *refs)
+ if (refs->cache &&
+ !stat_validity_check(&refs->cache->validity, refs->path))
+ clear_packed_ref_cache(refs);
+ * Get the packed_ref_cache for the specified packed_ref_store,
+ * creating and populating it if it hasn't been read before or if the
+ * file has been changed (according to its `validity` field) since it
+ * was last read. On the other hand, if we hold the lock, then assume
+ * that the file hasn't been changed out from under us, so skip the
+ * extra `stat()` call in `stat_validity_check()`.
+ */
+static struct packed_ref_cache *get_packed_ref_cache(struct packed_ref_store *refs)
+ if (!is_lock_file_locked(&refs->lock))
+ validate_packed_ref_cache(refs);
+ if (!refs->cache)
+ refs->cache = read_packed_refs(refs->path);
+ return refs->cache;
+static struct ref_dir *get_packed_ref_dir(struct packed_ref_cache *packed_ref_cache)
+ return get_ref_dir(packed_ref_cache->cache->root);
+static struct ref_dir *get_packed_refs(struct packed_ref_store *refs)
+ return get_packed_ref_dir(get_packed_ref_cache(refs));
+ * Return the ref_entry for the given refname from the packed
+ * references. If it does not exist, return NULL.
+ */
+static struct ref_entry *get_packed_ref(struct packed_ref_store *refs,
+ const char *refname)
+ return find_ref_entry(get_packed_refs(refs), refname);
+static int packed_read_raw_ref(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1,
+ struct strbuf *referent, unsigned int *type)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs =
+ packed_downcast(ref_store, REF_STORE_READ, "read_raw_ref");
+ struct ref_entry *entry;
+ *type = 0;
+ entry = get_packed_ref(refs, refname);
+ if (!entry) {
+ errno = ENOENT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ hashcpy(sha1, entry->u.value.oid.hash);
+ *type = REF_ISPACKED;
+ return 0;
+static int packed_peel_ref(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *refname, unsigned char *sha1)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs =
+ packed_downcast(ref_store, REF_STORE_READ | REF_STORE_ODB,
+ "peel_ref");
+ struct ref_entry *r = get_packed_ref(refs, refname);
+ if (!r || peel_entry(r, 0))
+ return -1;
+ hashcpy(sha1, r->u.value.peeled.hash);
+ return 0;
+struct packed_ref_iterator {
+ struct ref_iterator base;
+ struct packed_ref_cache *cache;
+ struct ref_iterator *iter0;
+ unsigned int flags;
+static int packed_ref_iterator_advance(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator)
+ struct packed_ref_iterator *iter =
+ (struct packed_ref_iterator *)ref_iterator;
+ int ok;
+ while ((ok = ref_iterator_advance(iter->iter0)) == ITER_OK) {
+ if (iter->flags & DO_FOR_EACH_PER_WORKTREE_ONLY &&
+ ref_type(iter->iter0->refname) != REF_TYPE_PER_WORKTREE)
+ continue;
+ if (!(iter->flags & DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN) &&
+ !ref_resolves_to_object(iter->iter0->refname,
+ iter->iter0->oid,
+ iter->iter0->flags))
+ continue;
+ iter->base.refname = iter->iter0->refname;
+ iter->base.oid = iter->iter0->oid;
+ iter->base.flags = iter->iter0->flags;
+ return ITER_OK;
+ }
+ iter->iter0 = NULL;
+ if (ref_iterator_abort(ref_iterator) != ITER_DONE)
+ ok = ITER_ERROR;
+ return ok;
+static int packed_ref_iterator_peel(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator,
+ struct object_id *peeled)
+ struct packed_ref_iterator *iter =
+ (struct packed_ref_iterator *)ref_iterator;
+ return ref_iterator_peel(iter->iter0, peeled);
+static int packed_ref_iterator_abort(struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator)
+ struct packed_ref_iterator *iter =
+ (struct packed_ref_iterator *)ref_iterator;
+ int ok = ITER_DONE;
+ if (iter->iter0)
+ ok = ref_iterator_abort(iter->iter0);
+ release_packed_ref_cache(iter->cache);
+ base_ref_iterator_free(ref_iterator);
+ return ok;
+static struct ref_iterator_vtable packed_ref_iterator_vtable = {
+ packed_ref_iterator_advance,
+ packed_ref_iterator_peel,
+ packed_ref_iterator_abort
+static struct ref_iterator *packed_ref_iterator_begin(
+ struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *prefix, unsigned int flags)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs;
+ struct packed_ref_iterator *iter;
+ struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator;
+ unsigned int required_flags = REF_STORE_READ;
+ if (!(flags & DO_FOR_EACH_INCLUDE_BROKEN))
+ required_flags |= REF_STORE_ODB;
+ refs = packed_downcast(ref_store, required_flags, "ref_iterator_begin");
+ iter = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*iter));
+ ref_iterator = &iter->base;
+ base_ref_iterator_init(ref_iterator, &packed_ref_iterator_vtable);
+ /*
+ * Note that get_packed_ref_cache() internally checks whether
+ * the packed-ref cache is up to date with what is on disk,
+ * and re-reads it if not.
+ */
+ iter->cache = get_packed_ref_cache(refs);
+ acquire_packed_ref_cache(iter->cache);
+ iter->iter0 = cache_ref_iterator_begin(iter->cache->cache, prefix, 0);
+ iter->flags = flags;
+ return ref_iterator;
+ * Write an entry to the packed-refs file for the specified refname.
+ * If peeled is non-NULL, write it as the entry's peeled value. On
+ * error, return a nonzero value and leave errno set at the value left
+ * by the failing call to `fprintf()`.
+ */
+static int write_packed_entry(FILE *fh, const char *refname,
+ const unsigned char *sha1,
+ const unsigned char *peeled)
+ if (fprintf(fh, "%s %s\n", sha1_to_hex(sha1), refname) < 0 ||
+ (peeled && fprintf(fh, "^%s\n", sha1_to_hex(peeled)) < 0))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+int packed_refs_lock(struct ref_store *ref_store, int flags, struct strbuf *err)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs =
+ packed_downcast(ref_store, REF_STORE_WRITE | REF_STORE_MAIN,
+ "packed_refs_lock");
+ static int timeout_configured = 0;
+ static int timeout_value = 1000;
+ if (!timeout_configured) {
+ git_config_get_int("core.packedrefstimeout", &timeout_value);
+ timeout_configured = 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Note that we close the lockfile immediately because we
+ * don't write new content to it, but rather to a separate
+ * tempfile.
+ */
+ if (hold_lock_file_for_update_timeout(
+ &refs->lock,
+ refs->path,
+ flags, timeout_value) < 0) {
+ unable_to_lock_message(refs->path, errno, err);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (close_lock_file_gently(&refs->lock)) {
+ strbuf_addf(err, "unable to close %s: %s", refs->path, strerror(errno));
+ rollback_lock_file(&refs->lock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now that we hold the `packed-refs` lock, make sure that our
+ * cache matches the current version of the file. Normally
+ * `get_packed_ref_cache()` does that for us, but that
+ * function assumes that when the file is locked, any existing
+ * cache is still valid. We've just locked the file, but it
+ * might have changed the moment *before* we locked it.
+ */
+ validate_packed_ref_cache(refs);
+ /*
+ * Now make sure that the packed-refs file as it exists in the
+ * locked state is loaded into the cache:
+ */
+ get_packed_ref_cache(refs);
+ return 0;
+void packed_refs_unlock(struct ref_store *ref_store)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs = packed_downcast(
+ ref_store,
+ "packed_refs_unlock");
+ if (!is_lock_file_locked(&refs->lock))
+ die("BUG: packed_refs_unlock() called when not locked");
+ rollback_lock_file(&refs->lock);
+int packed_refs_is_locked(struct ref_store *ref_store)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs = packed_downcast(
+ ref_store,
+ "packed_refs_is_locked");
+ return is_lock_file_locked(&refs->lock);
+ * The packed-refs header line that we write out. Perhaps other
+ * traits will be added later. The trailing space is required.
+ */
+static const char PACKED_REFS_HEADER[] =
+ "# pack-refs with: peeled fully-peeled \n";
+static int packed_init_db(struct ref_store *ref_store, struct strbuf *err)
+ /* Nothing to do. */
+ return 0;
+ * Write the packed-refs from the cache to the packed-refs tempfile,
+ * incorporating any changes from `updates`. `updates` must be a
+ * sorted string list whose keys are the refnames and whose util
+ * values are `struct ref_update *`. On error, rollback the tempfile,
+ * write an error message to `err`, and return a nonzero value.
+ *
+ * The packfile must be locked before calling this function and will
+ * remain locked when it is done.
+ */
+static int write_with_updates(struct packed_ref_store *refs,
+ struct string_list *updates,
+ struct strbuf *err)
+ struct ref_iterator *iter = NULL;
+ size_t i;
+ int ok;
+ FILE *out;
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ char *packed_refs_path;
+ if (!is_lock_file_locked(&refs->lock))
+ die("BUG: write_with_updates() called while unlocked");
+ /*
+ * If packed-refs is a symlink, we want to overwrite the
+ * symlinked-to file, not the symlink itself. Also, put the
+ * staging file next to it:
+ */
+ packed_refs_path = get_locked_file_path(&refs->lock);
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "", packed_refs_path);
+ free(packed_refs_path);
+ refs->tempfile = create_tempfile(sb.buf);
+ if (!refs->tempfile) {
+ strbuf_addf(err, "unable to create file %s: %s",
+ sb.buf, strerror(errno));
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+ out = fdopen_tempfile(refs->tempfile, "w");
+ if (!out) {
+ strbuf_addf(err, "unable to fdopen packed-refs tempfile: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (fprintf(out, "%s", PACKED_REFS_HEADER) < 0)
+ goto write_error;
+ /*
+ * We iterate in parallel through the current list of refs and
+ * the list of updates, processing an entry from at least one
+ * of the lists each time through the loop. When the current
+ * list of refs is exhausted, set iter to NULL. When the list
+ * of updates is exhausted, leave i set to updates->nr.
+ */
+ iter = packed_ref_iterator_begin(&refs->base, "",
+ if ((ok = ref_iterator_advance(iter)) != ITER_OK)
+ iter = NULL;
+ i = 0;
+ while (iter || i < updates->nr) {
+ struct ref_update *update = NULL;
+ int cmp;
+ if (i >= updates->nr) {
+ cmp = -1;
+ } else {
+ update = updates->items[i].util;
+ if (!iter)
+ cmp = +1;
+ else
+ cmp = strcmp(iter->refname, update->refname);
+ }
+ if (!cmp) {
+ /*
+ * There is both an old value and an update
+ * for this reference. Check the old value if
+ * necessary:
+ */
+ if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_OLD)) {
+ if (is_null_oid(&update->old_oid)) {
+ strbuf_addf(err, "cannot update ref '%s': "
+ "reference already exists",
+ update->refname);
+ goto error;
+ } else if (oidcmp(&update->old_oid, iter->oid)) {
+ strbuf_addf(err, "cannot update ref '%s': "
+ "is at %s but expected %s",
+ update->refname,
+ oid_to_hex(iter->oid),
+ oid_to_hex(&update->old_oid));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now figure out what to use for the new value: */
+ if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_NEW)) {
+ /*
+ * The update takes precedence. Skip
+ * the iterator over the unneeded
+ * value.
+ */
+ if ((ok = ref_iterator_advance(iter)) != ITER_OK)
+ iter = NULL;
+ cmp = +1;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * The update doesn't actually want to
+ * change anything. We're done with it.
+ */
+ i++;
+ cmp = -1;
+ }
+ } else if (cmp > 0) {
+ /*
+ * There is no old value but there is an
+ * update for this reference. Make sure that
+ * the update didn't expect an existing value:
+ */
+ if ((update->flags & REF_HAVE_OLD) &&
+ !is_null_oid(&update->old_oid)) {
+ strbuf_addf(err, "cannot update ref '%s': "
+ "reference is missing but expected %s",
+ update->refname,
+ oid_to_hex(&update->old_oid));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cmp < 0) {
+ /* Pass the old reference through. */
+ struct object_id peeled;
+ int peel_error = ref_iterator_peel(iter, &peeled);
+ if (write_packed_entry(out, iter->refname,
+ iter->oid->hash,
+ peel_error ? NULL : peeled.hash))
+ goto write_error;
+ if ((ok = ref_iterator_advance(iter)) != ITER_OK)
+ iter = NULL;
+ } else if (is_null_oid(&update->new_oid)) {
+ /*
+ * The update wants to delete the reference,
+ * and the reference either didn't exist or we
+ * have already skipped it. So we're done with
+ * the update (and don't have to write
+ * anything).
+ */
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ struct object_id peeled;
+ int peel_error = peel_object(update->new_oid.hash,
+ peeled.hash);
+ if (write_packed_entry(out, update->refname,
+ update->new_oid.hash,
+ peel_error ? NULL : peeled.hash))
+ goto write_error;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ok != ITER_DONE) {
+ strbuf_addf(err, "unable to write packed-refs file: "
+ "error iterating over old contents");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (close_tempfile_gently(refs->tempfile)) {
+ strbuf_addf(err, "error closing file %s: %s",
+ get_tempfile_path(refs->tempfile),
+ strerror(errno));
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+ delete_tempfile(&refs->tempfile);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ strbuf_addf(err, "error writing to %s: %s",
+ get_tempfile_path(refs->tempfile), strerror(errno));
+ if (iter)
+ ref_iterator_abort(iter);
+ delete_tempfile(&refs->tempfile);
+ return -1;
+struct packed_transaction_backend_data {
+ /* True iff the transaction owns the packed-refs lock. */
+ int own_lock;
+ struct string_list updates;
+static void packed_transaction_cleanup(struct packed_ref_store *refs,
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction)
+ struct packed_transaction_backend_data *data = transaction->backend_data;
+ if (data) {
+ string_list_clear(&data->updates, 0);
+ if (is_tempfile_active(refs->tempfile))
+ delete_tempfile(&refs->tempfile);
+ if (data->own_lock && is_lock_file_locked(&refs->lock)) {
+ packed_refs_unlock(&refs->base);
+ data->own_lock = 0;
+ }
+ free(data);
+ transaction->backend_data = NULL;
+ }
+ transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_CLOSED;
+static int packed_transaction_prepare(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction,
+ struct strbuf *err)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs = packed_downcast(
+ ref_store,
+ "ref_transaction_prepare");
+ struct packed_transaction_backend_data *data;
+ size_t i;
+ /*
+ * Note that we *don't* skip transactions with zero updates,
+ * because such a transaction might be executed for the side
+ * effect of ensuring that all of the references are peeled.
+ * If the caller wants to optimize away empty transactions, it
+ * should do so itself.
+ */
+ data = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*data));
+ string_list_init(&data->updates, 0);
+ transaction->backend_data = data;
+ /*
+ * Stick the updates in a string list by refname so that we
+ * can sort them:
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < transaction->nr; i++) {
+ struct ref_update *update = transaction->updates[i];
+ struct string_list_item *item =
+ string_list_append(&data->updates, update->refname);
+ /* Store a pointer to update in item->util: */
+ item->util = update;
+ }
+ string_list_sort(&data->updates);
+ if (ref_update_reject_duplicates(&data->updates, err))
+ goto failure;
+ if (!is_lock_file_locked(&refs->lock)) {
+ if (packed_refs_lock(ref_store, 0, err))
+ goto failure;
+ data->own_lock = 1;
+ }
+ if (write_with_updates(refs, &data->updates, err))
+ goto failure;
+ transaction->state = REF_TRANSACTION_PREPARED;
+ return 0;
+ packed_transaction_cleanup(refs, transaction);
+ return ret;
+static int packed_transaction_abort(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction,
+ struct strbuf *err)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs = packed_downcast(
+ ref_store,
+ "ref_transaction_abort");
+ packed_transaction_cleanup(refs, transaction);
+ return 0;
+static int packed_transaction_finish(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction,
+ struct strbuf *err)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs = packed_downcast(
+ ref_store,
+ "ref_transaction_finish");
+ char *packed_refs_path;
+ packed_refs_path = get_locked_file_path(&refs->lock);
+ if (rename_tempfile(&refs->tempfile, packed_refs_path)) {
+ strbuf_addf(err, "error replacing %s: %s",
+ refs->path, strerror(errno));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ clear_packed_ref_cache(refs);
+ ret = 0;
+ free(packed_refs_path);
+ packed_transaction_cleanup(refs, transaction);
+ return ret;
+static int packed_initial_transaction_commit(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction,
+ struct strbuf *err)
+ return ref_transaction_commit(transaction, err);
+static int packed_delete_refs(struct ref_store *ref_store, const char *msg,
+ struct string_list *refnames, unsigned int flags)
+ struct packed_ref_store *refs =
+ packed_downcast(ref_store, REF_STORE_WRITE, "delete_refs");
+ struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction;
+ struct string_list_item *item;
+ int ret;
+ (void)refs; /* We need the check above, but don't use the variable */
+ if (!refnames->nr)
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * Since we don't check the references' old_oids, the
+ * individual updates can't fail, so we can pack all of the
+ * updates into a single transaction.
+ */
+ transaction = ref_store_transaction_begin(ref_store, &err);
+ if (!transaction)
+ return -1;
+ for_each_string_list_item(item, refnames) {
+ if (ref_transaction_delete(transaction, item->string, NULL,
+ flags, msg, &err)) {
+ warning(_("could not delete reference %s: %s"),
+ item->string, err.buf);
+ strbuf_reset(&err);
+ }
+ }
+ ret = ref_transaction_commit(transaction, &err);
+ if (ret) {
+ if (refnames->nr == 1)
+ error(_("could not delete reference %s: %s"),
+ refnames->items[0].string, err.buf);
+ else
+ error(_("could not delete references: %s"), err.buf);
+ }
+ ref_transaction_free(transaction);
+ strbuf_release(&err);
+ return ret;
+static int packed_pack_refs(struct ref_store *ref_store, unsigned int flags)
+ /*
+ * Packed refs are already packed. It might be that loose refs
+ * are packed *into* a packed refs store, but that is done by
+ * updating the packed references via a transaction.
+ */
+ return 0;
+static int packed_create_symref(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *refname, const char *target,
+ const char *logmsg)
+ die("BUG: packed reference store does not support symrefs");
+static int packed_rename_ref(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *oldrefname, const char *newrefname,
+ const char *logmsg)
+ die("BUG: packed reference store does not support renaming references");
+static struct ref_iterator *packed_reflog_iterator_begin(struct ref_store *ref_store)
+ return empty_ref_iterator_begin();
+static int packed_for_each_reflog_ent(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *refname,
+ each_reflog_ent_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+ return 0;
+static int packed_for_each_reflog_ent_reverse(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *refname,
+ each_reflog_ent_fn fn,
+ void *cb_data)
+ return 0;
+static int packed_reflog_exists(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *refname)
+ return 0;
+static int packed_create_reflog(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *refname, int force_create,
+ struct strbuf *err)
+ die("BUG: packed reference store does not support reflogs");
+static int packed_delete_reflog(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *refname)
+ return 0;
+static int packed_reflog_expire(struct ref_store *ref_store,
+ const char *refname, const unsigned char *sha1,
+ unsigned int flags,
+ reflog_expiry_prepare_fn prepare_fn,
+ reflog_expiry_should_prune_fn should_prune_fn,
+ reflog_expiry_cleanup_fn cleanup_fn,
+ void *policy_cb_data)
+ return 0;
+struct ref_storage_be refs_be_packed = {
+ "packed",
+ packed_ref_store_create,
+ packed_init_db,
+ packed_transaction_prepare,
+ packed_transaction_finish,
+ packed_transaction_abort,
+ packed_initial_transaction_commit,
+ packed_pack_refs,
+ packed_peel_ref,
+ packed_create_symref,
+ packed_delete_refs,
+ packed_rename_ref,
+ packed_ref_iterator_begin,
+ packed_read_raw_ref,
+ packed_reflog_iterator_begin,
+ packed_for_each_reflog_ent,
+ packed_for_each_reflog_ent_reverse,
+ packed_reflog_exists,
+ packed_create_reflog,
+ packed_delete_reflog,
+ packed_reflog_expire
diff --git a/refs/packed-backend.h b/refs/packed-backend.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61687e408a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/refs/packed-backend.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Support for storing references in a `packed-refs` file.
+ *
+ * Note that this backend doesn't check for D/F conflicts, because it
+ * doesn't care about them. But usually it should be wrapped in a
+ * `files_ref_store` that prevents D/F conflicts from being created,
+ * even among packed refs.
+ */
+struct ref_store *packed_ref_store_create(const char *path,
+ unsigned int store_flags);
+ * Lock the packed-refs file for writing. Flags is passed to
+ * hold_lock_file_for_update(). Return 0 on success. On errors, write
+ * an error message to `err` and return a nonzero value.
+ */
+int packed_refs_lock(struct ref_store *ref_store, int flags, struct strbuf *err);
+void packed_refs_unlock(struct ref_store *ref_store);
+int packed_refs_is_locked(struct ref_store *ref_store);
diff --git a/refs/refs-internal.h b/refs/refs-internal.h
index 192f9f85c9..d7d344de73 100644
--- a/refs/refs-internal.h
+++ b/refs/refs-internal.h
@@ -62,6 +62,12 @@
#define REF_DELETED_LOOSE 0x200
+ * Return the length of time to retry acquiring a loose reference lock
+ * before giving up, in milliseconds:
+ */
+long get_files_ref_lock_timeout_ms(void);
* Return true iff refname is minimally safe. "Safe" here means that
* deleting a loose reference by this name will not do any damage, for
* example by causing a file that is not a reference to be deleted.
@@ -77,6 +83,15 @@
int refname_is_safe(const char *refname);
+ * Helper function: return true if refname, which has the specified
+ * oid and flags, can be resolved to an object in the database. If the
+ * referred-to object does not exist, emit a warning and return false.
+ */
+int ref_resolves_to_object(const char *refname,
+ const struct object_id *oid,
+ unsigned int flags);
enum peel_status {
/* object was peeled successfully: */
@@ -227,6 +242,7 @@ struct ref_transaction {
size_t alloc;
size_t nr;
enum ref_transaction_state state;
+ void *backend_data;
@@ -655,6 +671,7 @@ struct ref_storage_be {
extern struct ref_storage_be refs_be_files;
+extern struct ref_storage_be refs_be_packed;
* A representation of the reference store for the main repository or
diff --git a/remote.c b/remote.c
index 60d0043921..b220f0dfc6 100644
--- a/remote.c
+++ b/remote.c
@@ -134,10 +134,14 @@ struct remotes_hash_key {
static int remotes_hash_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct remote *a,
- const struct remote *b,
- const struct remotes_hash_key *key)
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
+ const void *keydata)
+ const struct remote *a = entry;
+ const struct remote *b = entry_or_key;
+ const struct remotes_hash_key *key = keydata;
if (key)
return strncmp(a->name, key->str, key->len) || a->name[key->len];
@@ -147,7 +151,7 @@ static int remotes_hash_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
static inline void init_remotes_hash(void)
if (!remotes_hash.cmpfn)
- hashmap_init(&remotes_hash, (hashmap_cmp_fn)remotes_hash_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&remotes_hash, remotes_hash_cmp, NULL, 0);
static struct remote *make_remote(const char *name, int len)
@@ -462,7 +466,6 @@ static void alias_all_urls(void)
static void read_config(void)
static int loaded;
- struct object_id oid;
int flag;
if (loaded)
@@ -471,7 +474,7 @@ static void read_config(void)
current_branch = NULL;
if (startup_info->have_repository) {
- const char *head_ref = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, oid.hash, &flag);
+ const char *head_ref = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, NULL, &flag);
if (head_ref && (flag & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
skip_prefix(head_ref, "refs/heads/", &head_ref)) {
current_branch = make_branch(head_ref, 0);
@@ -1081,7 +1084,7 @@ static int try_explicit_object_name(const char *name,
return 0;
- if (get_sha1(name, oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid(name, &oid))
return -1;
if (match) {
@@ -1101,10 +1104,9 @@ static struct ref *make_linked_ref(const char *name, struct ref ***tail)
static char *guess_ref(const char *name, struct ref *peer)
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
- struct object_id oid;
const char *r = resolve_ref_unsafe(peer->name, RESOLVE_REF_READING,
- oid.hash, NULL);
if (!r)
return NULL;
@@ -1162,12 +1164,11 @@ static int match_explicit(struct ref *src, struct ref *dst,
return -1;
if (!dst_value) {
- struct object_id oid;
int flag;
dst_value = resolve_ref_unsafe(matched_src->name,
- oid.hash, &flag);
+ NULL, &flag);
if (!dst_value ||
((flag & REF_ISSYMREF) &&
!starts_with(dst_value, "refs/heads/")))
@@ -1788,10 +1789,9 @@ const char *branch_get_push(struct branch *branch, struct strbuf *err)
static int ignore_symref_update(const char *refname)
- struct object_id oid;
int flag;
- if (!resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, 0, oid.hash, &flag))
+ if (!resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, 0, NULL, &flag))
return 0; /* non-existing refs are OK */
return (flag & REF_ISSYMREF);
@@ -2080,7 +2080,7 @@ int format_tracking_info(struct branch *branch, struct strbuf *sb)
_(" (use \"git branch --unset-upstream\" to fixup)\n"));
} else if (!ours && !theirs) {
- _("Your branch is up-to-date with '%s'.\n"),
+ _("Your branch is up to date with '%s'.\n"),
} else if (!theirs) {
@@ -2297,8 +2297,8 @@ static int parse_push_cas_option(struct push_cas_option *cas, const char *arg, i
if (!*colon)
entry->use_tracking = 1;
else if (!colon[1])
- hashclr(entry->expect);
- else if (get_sha1(colon + 1, entry->expect))
+ oidclr(&entry->expect);
+ else if (get_oid(colon + 1, &entry->expect))
return error("cannot parse expected object name '%s'", colon + 1);
return 0;
@@ -2345,7 +2345,7 @@ static void apply_cas(struct push_cas_option *cas,
ref->expect_old_sha1 = 1;
if (!entry->use_tracking)
- hashcpy(ref->old_oid_expect.hash, cas->entry[i].expect);
+ oidcpy(&ref->old_oid_expect, &entry->expect);
else if (remote_tracking(remote, ref->name, &ref->old_oid_expect))
diff --git a/remote.h b/remote.h
index 6c28cd3e4b..2ecf4c8c74 100644
--- a/remote.h
+++ b/remote.h
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ struct ref *get_stale_heads(struct refspec *refs, int ref_count, struct ref *fet
struct push_cas_option {
unsigned use_tracking_for_rest:1;
struct push_cas {
- unsigned char expect[20];
+ struct object_id expect;
unsigned use_tracking:1;
char *refname;
} *entry;
diff --git a/repository.c b/repository.c
index edca907404..97c732bd48 100644
--- a/repository.c
+++ b/repository.c
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
#include "submodule-config.h"
/* The main repository */
-static struct repository the_repo;
+static struct repository the_repo = {
+ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &the_index, 0, 0
struct repository *the_repository = &the_repo;
static char *git_path_from_env(const char *envvar, const char *git_dir,
@@ -38,11 +40,15 @@ static void repo_setup_env(struct repository *repo)
repo->different_commondir = find_common_dir(&sb, repo->gitdir,
+ free(repo->commondir);
repo->commondir = strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
+ free(repo->objectdir);
repo->objectdir = git_path_from_env(DB_ENVIRONMENT, repo->commondir,
"objects", !repo->ignore_env);
+ free(repo->graft_file);
repo->graft_file = git_path_from_env(GRAFT_ENVIRONMENT, repo->commondir,
"info/grafts", !repo->ignore_env);
+ free(repo->index_file);
repo->index_file = git_path_from_env(INDEX_ENVIRONMENT, repo->gitdir,
"index", !repo->ignore_env);
@@ -50,16 +56,12 @@ static void repo_setup_env(struct repository *repo)
void repo_set_gitdir(struct repository *repo, const char *path)
const char *gitfile = read_gitfile(path);
+ char *old_gitdir = repo->gitdir;
- /*
- * NEEDSWORK: Eventually we want to be able to free gitdir and the rest
- * of the environment before reinitializing it again, but we have some
- * crazy code paths where we try to set gitdir with the current gitdir
- * and we don't want to free gitdir before copying the passed in value.
- */
repo->gitdir = xstrdup(gitfile ? gitfile : path);
+ free(old_gitdir);
@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ int repo_submodule_init(struct repository *submodule,
struct strbuf worktree = STRBUF_INIT;
int ret = 0;
- sub = submodule_from_cache(superproject, null_sha1, path);
+ sub = submodule_from_cache(superproject, &null_oid, path);
if (!sub) {
ret = -1;
goto out;
@@ -235,8 +237,6 @@ int repo_read_index(struct repository *repo)
if (!repo->index)
repo->index = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*repo->index));
- else
- discard_index(repo->index);
return read_index_from(repo->index, repo->index_file);
diff --git a/repository.h b/repository.h
index 417787f3ef..7f5e24a0a2 100644
--- a/repository.h
+++ b/repository.h
@@ -92,6 +92,14 @@ extern int repo_submodule_init(struct repository *submodule,
const char *path);
extern void repo_clear(struct repository *repo);
+ * Populates the repository's index from its index_file, an index struct will
+ * be allocated if needed.
+ *
+ * Return the number of index entries in the populated index or a value less
+ * than zero if an error occured. If the repository's index has already been
+ * populated then the number of entries will simply be returned.
+ */
extern int repo_read_index(struct repository *repo);
#endif /* REPOSITORY_H */
diff --git a/rerere.c b/rerere.c
index 70634d456c..1ce440f4bb 100644
--- a/rerere.c
+++ b/rerere.c
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ static int write_rr(struct string_list *rr, int out_fd)
rr->items[i].string, 0);
- if (write_in_full(out_fd, buf.buf, buf.len) != buf.len)
+ if (write_in_full(out_fd, buf.buf, buf.len) < 0)
die("unable to write rerere record");
@@ -1133,14 +1133,14 @@ int rerere_forget(struct pathspec *pathspec)
* Garbage collection support
-static time_t rerere_created_at(struct rerere_id *id)
+static timestamp_t rerere_created_at(struct rerere_id *id)
struct stat st;
return stat(rerere_path(id, "preimage"), &st) ? (time_t) 0 : st.st_mtime;
-static time_t rerere_last_used_at(struct rerere_id *id)
+static timestamp_t rerere_last_used_at(struct rerere_id *id)
struct stat st;
@@ -1157,11 +1157,11 @@ static void unlink_rr_item(struct rerere_id *id)
id->collection->status[id->variant] = 0;
-static void prune_one(struct rerere_id *id, time_t now,
- int cutoff_resolve, int cutoff_noresolve)
+static void prune_one(struct rerere_id *id,
+ timestamp_t cutoff_resolve, timestamp_t cutoff_noresolve)
- time_t then;
- int cutoff;
+ timestamp_t then;
+ timestamp_t cutoff;
then = rerere_last_used_at(id);
if (then)
@@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ static void prune_one(struct rerere_id *id, time_t now,
cutoff = cutoff_noresolve;
- if (then < now - cutoff * 86400)
+ if (then < cutoff)
@@ -1182,15 +1182,15 @@ void rerere_gc(struct string_list *rr)
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *e;
int i;
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- int cutoff_noresolve = 15;
- int cutoff_resolve = 60;
+ timestamp_t now = time(NULL);
+ timestamp_t cutoff_noresolve = now - 15 * 86400;
+ timestamp_t cutoff_resolve = now - 60 * 86400;
if (setup_rerere(rr, 0) < 0)
- git_config_get_int("gc.rerereresolved", &cutoff_resolve);
- git_config_get_int("gc.rerereunresolved", &cutoff_noresolve);
+ git_config_get_expiry_in_days("gc.rerereresolved", &cutoff_resolve, now);
+ git_config_get_expiry_in_days("gc.rerereunresolved", &cutoff_noresolve, now);
git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
dir = opendir(git_path("rr-cache"));
if (!dir)
@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ void rerere_gc(struct string_list *rr)
for (id.variant = 0, id.collection = rr_dir;
id.variant < id.collection->status_nr;
id.variant++) {
- prune_one(&id, now, cutoff_resolve, cutoff_noresolve);
+ prune_one(&id, cutoff_resolve, cutoff_noresolve);
if (id.collection->status[id.variant])
now_empty = 0;
diff --git a/revision.c b/revision.c
index f032ab2e5c..613168d397 100644
--- a/revision.c
+++ b/revision.c
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
#include "dir.h"
#include "cache-tree.h"
#include "bisect.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
+#include "worktree.h"
+#include "argv-array.h"
volatile show_early_output_fn_t show_early_output;
@@ -1131,6 +1134,7 @@ struct all_refs_cb {
int warned_bad_reflog;
struct rev_info *all_revs;
const char *name_for_errormsg;
+ struct ref_store *refs;
int ref_excluded(struct string_list *ref_excludes, const char *path)
@@ -1167,6 +1171,7 @@ static void init_all_refs_cb(struct all_refs_cb *cb, struct rev_info *revs,
cb->all_revs = revs;
cb->all_flags = flags;
revs->rev_input_given = 1;
+ cb->refs = NULL;
void clear_ref_exclusion(struct string_list **ref_excludes_p)
@@ -1187,12 +1192,19 @@ void add_ref_exclusion(struct string_list **ref_excludes_p, const char *exclude)
string_list_append(*ref_excludes_p, exclude);
-static void handle_refs(const char *submodule, struct rev_info *revs, unsigned flags,
- int (*for_each)(const char *, each_ref_fn, void *))
+static void handle_refs(struct ref_store *refs,
+ struct rev_info *revs, unsigned flags,
+ int (*for_each)(struct ref_store *, each_ref_fn, void *))
struct all_refs_cb cb;
+ if (!refs) {
+ /* this could happen with uninitialized submodules */
+ return;
+ }
init_all_refs_cb(&cb, revs, flags);
- for_each(submodule, handle_one_ref, &cb);
+ for_each(refs, handle_one_ref, &cb);
static void handle_one_reflog_commit(struct object_id *oid, void *cb_data)
@@ -1228,17 +1240,41 @@ static int handle_one_reflog(const char *path, const struct object_id *oid,
struct all_refs_cb *cb = cb_data;
cb->warned_bad_reflog = 0;
cb->name_for_errormsg = path;
- for_each_reflog_ent(path, handle_one_reflog_ent, cb_data);
+ refs_for_each_reflog_ent(cb->refs, path,
+ handle_one_reflog_ent, cb_data);
return 0;
+static void add_other_reflogs_to_pending(struct all_refs_cb *cb)
+ struct worktree **worktrees, **p;
+ worktrees = get_worktrees(0);
+ for (p = worktrees; *p; p++) {
+ struct worktree *wt = *p;
+ if (wt->is_current)
+ continue;
+ cb->refs = get_worktree_ref_store(wt);
+ refs_for_each_reflog(cb->refs,
+ handle_one_reflog,
+ cb);
+ }
+ free_worktrees(worktrees);
void add_reflogs_to_pending(struct rev_info *revs, unsigned flags)
struct all_refs_cb cb;
cb.all_revs = revs;
cb.all_flags = flags;
+ cb.refs = get_main_ref_store();
for_each_reflog(handle_one_reflog, &cb);
+ if (!revs->single_worktree)
+ add_other_reflogs_to_pending(&cb);
static void add_cache_tree(struct cache_tree *it, struct rev_info *revs,
@@ -1262,13 +1298,13 @@ static void add_cache_tree(struct cache_tree *it, struct rev_info *revs,
-void add_index_objects_to_pending(struct rev_info *revs, unsigned flags)
+static void do_add_index_objects_to_pending(struct rev_info *revs,
+ struct index_state *istate)
int i;
- read_cache();
- for (i = 0; i < active_nr; i++) {
- struct cache_entry *ce = active_cache[i];
+ for (i = 0; i < istate->cache_nr; i++) {
+ struct cache_entry *ce = istate->cache[i];
struct blob *blob;
if (S_ISGITLINK(ce->ce_mode))
@@ -1281,13 +1317,39 @@ void add_index_objects_to_pending(struct rev_info *revs, unsigned flags)
ce->ce_mode, ce->name);
- if (active_cache_tree) {
+ if (istate->cache_tree) {
struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
- add_cache_tree(active_cache_tree, revs, &path);
+ add_cache_tree(istate->cache_tree, revs, &path);
+void add_index_objects_to_pending(struct rev_info *revs, unsigned int flags)
+ struct worktree **worktrees, **p;
+ read_cache();
+ do_add_index_objects_to_pending(revs, &the_index);
+ if (revs->single_worktree)
+ return;
+ worktrees = get_worktrees(0);
+ for (p = worktrees; *p; p++) {
+ struct worktree *wt = *p;
+ struct index_state istate = { NULL };
+ if (wt->is_current)
+ continue; /* current index already taken care of */
+ if (read_index_from(&istate,
+ worktree_git_path(wt, "index")) > 0)
+ do_add_index_objects_to_pending(revs, &istate);
+ discard_index(&istate);
+ }
+ free_worktrees(worktrees);
static int add_parents_only(struct rev_info *revs, const char *arg_, int flags,
int exclude_parent)
@@ -1302,7 +1364,7 @@ static int add_parents_only(struct rev_info *revs, const char *arg_, int flags,
- if (get_sha1_committish(arg, oid.hash))
+ if (get_oid_committish(arg, &oid))
return 0;
while (1) {
it = get_reference(revs, arg, &oid, 0);
@@ -1451,7 +1513,7 @@ static int handle_dotdot_1(const char *arg, char *dotdot,
unsigned int a_flags, b_flags;
int symmetric = 0;
unsigned int flags_exclude = flags ^ (UNINTERESTING | BOTTOM);
- unsigned int oc_flags = GET_SHA1_COMMITTISH | GET_SHA1_RECORD_PATH;
+ unsigned int oc_flags = GET_OID_COMMITTISH | GET_OID_RECORD_PATH;
a_name = arg;
if (!*a_name)
@@ -1465,8 +1527,8 @@ static int handle_dotdot_1(const char *arg, char *dotdot,
if (!*b_name)
b_name = "HEAD";
- if (get_sha1_with_context(a_name, oc_flags, a_oid.hash, a_oc) ||
- get_sha1_with_context(b_name, oc_flags, b_oid.hash, b_oc))
+ if (get_oid_with_context(a_name, oc_flags, &a_oid, a_oc) ||
+ get_oid_with_context(b_name, oc_flags, &b_oid, b_oc))
return -1;
if (!cant_be_filename) {
@@ -1547,7 +1609,7 @@ int handle_revision_arg(const char *arg_, struct rev_info *revs, int flags, unsi
int local_flags;
const char *arg = arg_;
int cant_be_filename = revarg_opt & REVARG_CANNOT_BE_FILENAME;
- unsigned get_sha1_flags = GET_SHA1_RECORD_PATH;
+ unsigned get_sha1_flags = GET_OID_RECORD_PATH;
flags = flags & UNINTERESTING ? flags | BOTTOM : flags & ~BOTTOM;
@@ -1598,9 +1660,9 @@ int handle_revision_arg(const char *arg_, struct rev_info *revs, int flags, unsi
if (revarg_opt & REVARG_COMMITTISH)
- get_sha1_flags |= GET_SHA1_COMMITTISH;
+ get_sha1_flags |= GET_OID_COMMITTISH;
- if (get_sha1_with_context(arg, get_sha1_flags, oid.hash, &oc))
+ if (get_oid_with_context(arg, get_sha1_flags, &oid, &oc))
return revs->ignore_missing ? 0 : -1;
if (!cant_be_filename)
verify_non_filename(revs->prefix, arg);
@@ -1611,31 +1673,15 @@ int handle_revision_arg(const char *arg_, struct rev_info *revs, int flags, unsi
return 0;
-struct cmdline_pathspec {
- int alloc;
- int nr;
- const char **path;
-static void append_prune_data(struct cmdline_pathspec *prune, const char **av)
- while (*av) {
- ALLOC_GROW(prune->path, prune->nr + 1, prune->alloc);
- prune->path[prune->nr++] = *(av++);
- }
static void read_pathspec_from_stdin(struct rev_info *revs, struct strbuf *sb,
- struct cmdline_pathspec *prune)
+ struct argv_array *prune)
- while (strbuf_getline(sb, stdin) != EOF) {
- ALLOC_GROW(prune->path, prune->nr + 1, prune->alloc);
- prune->path[prune->nr++] = xstrdup(sb->buf);
- }
+ while (strbuf_getline(sb, stdin) != EOF)
+ argv_array_push(prune, sb->buf);
static void read_revisions_from_stdin(struct rev_info *revs,
- struct cmdline_pathspec *prune)
+ struct argv_array *prune)
struct strbuf sb;
int seen_dashdash = 0;
@@ -2068,23 +2114,25 @@ void parse_revision_opt(struct rev_info *revs, struct parse_opt_ctx_t *ctx,
ctx->argc -= n;
-static int for_each_bisect_ref(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data, const char *term) {
+static int for_each_bisect_ref(struct ref_store *refs, each_ref_fn fn,
+ void *cb_data, const char *term)
struct strbuf bisect_refs = STRBUF_INIT;
int status;
strbuf_addf(&bisect_refs, "refs/bisect/%s", term);
- status = for_each_fullref_in_submodule(submodule, bisect_refs.buf, fn, cb_data, 0);
+ status = refs_for_each_fullref_in(refs, bisect_refs.buf, fn, cb_data, 0);
return status;
-static int for_each_bad_bisect_ref(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+static int for_each_bad_bisect_ref(struct ref_store *refs, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
- return for_each_bisect_ref(submodule, fn, cb_data, term_bad);
+ return for_each_bisect_ref(refs, fn, cb_data, term_bad);
-static int for_each_good_bisect_ref(const char *submodule, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+static int for_each_good_bisect_ref(struct ref_store *refs, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
- return for_each_bisect_ref(submodule, fn, cb_data, term_good);
+ return for_each_bisect_ref(refs, fn, cb_data, term_good);
static int handle_revision_pseudo_opt(const char *submodule,
@@ -2093,8 +2141,22 @@ static int handle_revision_pseudo_opt(const char *submodule,
const char *arg = argv[0];
const char *optarg;
+ struct ref_store *refs;
int argcount;
+ if (submodule) {
+ /*
+ * We need some something like get_submodule_worktrees()
+ * before we can go through all worktrees of a submodule,
+ * .e.g with adding all HEADs from --all, which is not
+ * supported right now, so stick to single worktree.
+ */
+ if (!revs->single_worktree)
+ die("BUG: --single-worktree cannot be used together with submodule");
+ refs = get_submodule_ref_store(submodule);
+ } else
+ refs = get_main_ref_store();
@@ -2106,22 +2168,29 @@ static int handle_revision_pseudo_opt(const char *submodule,
* register it in the list at the top of handle_revision_opt.
if (!strcmp(arg, "--all")) {
- handle_refs(submodule, revs, *flags, for_each_ref_submodule);
- handle_refs(submodule, revs, *flags, head_ref_submodule);
+ handle_refs(refs, revs, *flags, refs_for_each_ref);
+ handle_refs(refs, revs, *flags, refs_head_ref);
+ if (!revs->single_worktree) {
+ struct all_refs_cb cb;
+ init_all_refs_cb(&cb, revs, *flags);
+ other_head_refs(handle_one_ref, &cb);
+ }
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--branches")) {
- handle_refs(submodule, revs, *flags, for_each_branch_ref_submodule);
+ handle_refs(refs, revs, *flags, refs_for_each_branch_ref);
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--bisect")) {
read_bisect_terms(&term_bad, &term_good);
- handle_refs(submodule, revs, *flags, for_each_bad_bisect_ref);
- handle_refs(submodule, revs, *flags ^ (UNINTERESTING | BOTTOM), for_each_good_bisect_ref);
+ handle_refs(refs, revs, *flags, for_each_bad_bisect_ref);
+ handle_refs(refs, revs, *flags ^ (UNINTERESTING | BOTTOM),
+ for_each_good_bisect_ref);
revs->bisect = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--tags")) {
- handle_refs(submodule, revs, *flags, for_each_tag_ref_submodule);
+ handle_refs(refs, revs, *flags, refs_for_each_tag_ref);
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--remotes")) {
- handle_refs(submodule, revs, *flags, for_each_remote_ref_submodule);
+ handle_refs(refs, revs, *flags, refs_for_each_remote_ref);
} else if ((argcount = parse_long_opt("glob", argv, &optarg))) {
struct all_refs_cb cb;
@@ -2168,6 +2237,8 @@ static int handle_revision_pseudo_opt(const char *submodule,
return error("invalid argument to --no-walk");
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--do-walk")) {
revs->no_walk = 0;
+ } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--single-worktree")) {
+ revs->single_worktree = 1;
} else {
return 0;
@@ -2177,11 +2248,10 @@ static int handle_revision_pseudo_opt(const char *submodule,
static void NORETURN diagnose_missing_default(const char *def)
- unsigned char sha1[20];
int flags;
const char *refname;
- refname = resolve_ref_unsafe(def, 0, sha1, &flags);
+ refname = resolve_ref_unsafe(def, 0, NULL, &flags);
if (!refname || !(flags & REF_ISSYMREF) || (flags & REF_ISBROKEN))
die(_("your current branch appears to be broken"));
@@ -2200,10 +2270,9 @@ static void NORETURN diagnose_missing_default(const char *def)
int setup_revisions(int argc, const char **argv, struct rev_info *revs, struct setup_revision_opt *opt)
int i, flags, left, seen_dashdash, read_from_stdin, got_rev_arg = 0, revarg_opt;
- struct cmdline_pathspec prune_data;
+ struct argv_array prune_data = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
const char *submodule = NULL;
- memset(&prune_data, 0, sizeof(prune_data));
if (opt)
submodule = opt->submodule;
@@ -2219,7 +2288,7 @@ int setup_revisions(int argc, const char **argv, struct rev_info *revs, struct s
argv[i] = NULL;
argc = i;
if (argv[i + 1])
- append_prune_data(&prune_data, argv + i + 1);
+ argv_array_pushv(&prune_data, argv + i + 1);
seen_dashdash = 1;
@@ -2280,14 +2349,14 @@ int setup_revisions(int argc, const char **argv, struct rev_info *revs, struct s
for (j = i; j < argc; j++)
verify_filename(revs->prefix, argv[j], j == i);
- append_prune_data(&prune_data, argv + i);
+ argv_array_pushv(&prune_data, argv + i);
got_rev_arg = 1;
- if ( {
+ if (prune_data.argc) {
* If we need to introduce the magic "a lone ':' means no
* pathspec whatsoever", here is the place to do so.
@@ -2302,11 +2371,10 @@ int setup_revisions(int argc, const char **argv, struct rev_info *revs, struct s
* call init_pathspec() to set revs->prune_data here.
* }
- ALLOC_GROW(prune_data.path, + 1, prune_data.alloc);
- prune_data.path[] = NULL;
parse_pathspec(&revs->prune_data, 0, 0,
- revs->prefix, prune_data.path);
+ revs->prefix, prune_data.argv);
+ argv_array_clear(&prune_data);
if (revs->def == NULL)
revs->def = opt ? opt->def : NULL;
@@ -2318,7 +2386,7 @@ int setup_revisions(int argc, const char **argv, struct rev_info *revs, struct s
struct object_id oid;
struct object *object;
struct object_context oc;
- if (get_sha1_with_context(revs->def, 0, oid.hash, &oc))
+ if (get_oid_with_context(revs->def, 0, &oid, &oc))
object = get_reference(revs, revs->def, &oid, 0);
add_pending_object_with_mode(revs, object, revs->def, oc.mode);
diff --git a/revision.h b/revision.h
index bc18487d6f..3a3d3e2cf8 100644
--- a/revision.h
+++ b/revision.h
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ struct rev_info {
+ single_worktree:1,
diff --git a/send-pack.c b/send-pack.c
index 11d6f3d983..a8cc6b266e 100644
--- a/send-pack.c
+++ b/send-pack.c
@@ -492,9 +492,12 @@ int send_pack(struct send_pack_args *args,
* we were to send it and we're trying to send the refs
* atomically, abort the whole operation.
- if (use_atomic)
+ if (use_atomic) {
+ strbuf_release(&req_buf);
+ strbuf_release(&cap_buf);
return atomic_push_failure(args, remote_refs, ref);
- /* Fallthrough for non atomic case. */
+ }
+ /* else fallthrough */
diff --git a/sequencer.c b/sequencer.c
index e0e66b987b..60636ce54b 100644
--- a/sequencer.c
+++ b/sequencer.c
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ static int run_git_commit(const char *defmsg, struct replay_opts *opts,
static int is_original_commit_empty(struct commit *commit)
- const unsigned char *ptree_sha1;
+ const struct object_id *ptree_oid;
if (parse_commit(commit))
return error(_("could not parse commit %s\n"),
@@ -702,12 +702,12 @@ static int is_original_commit_empty(struct commit *commit)
if (parse_commit(parent))
return error(_("could not parse parent commit %s\n"),
- ptree_sha1 = parent->tree->object.oid.hash;
+ ptree_oid = &parent->tree->object.oid;
} else {
- ptree_sha1 = EMPTY_TREE_SHA1_BIN; /* commit is root */
+ ptree_oid = &empty_tree_oid; /* commit is root */
- return !hashcmp(ptree_sha1, commit->tree->object.oid.hash);
+ return !oidcmp(ptree_oid, &commit->tree->object.oid);
@@ -897,18 +897,18 @@ static int update_squash_messages(enum todo_command command,
static void flush_rewritten_pending(void) {
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
- unsigned char newsha1[20];
+ struct object_id newoid;
FILE *out;
- if (strbuf_read_file(&buf, rebase_path_rewritten_pending(), 82) > 0 &&
- !get_sha1("HEAD", newsha1) &&
+ if (strbuf_read_file(&buf, rebase_path_rewritten_pending(), (GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1) * 2) > 0 &&
+ !get_oid("HEAD", &newoid) &&
(out = fopen_or_warn(rebase_path_rewritten_list(), "a"))) {
char *bol = buf.buf, *eol;
while (*bol) {
eol = strchrnul(bol, '\n');
fprintf(out, "%.*s %s\n", (int)(eol - bol),
- bol, sha1_to_hex(newsha1));
+ bol, oid_to_hex(&newoid));
if (!*eol)
bol = eol + 1;
@@ -1565,6 +1565,7 @@ static int save_head(const char *head)
static struct lock_file head_lock;
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
int fd;
+ ssize_t written;
fd = hold_lock_file_for_update(&head_lock, git_path_head_file(), 0);
if (fd < 0) {
@@ -1572,7 +1573,9 @@ static int save_head(const char *head)
return error_errno(_("could not lock HEAD"));
strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s\n", head);
- if (write_in_full(fd, buf.buf, buf.len) < 0) {
+ written = write_in_full(fd, buf.buf, buf.len);
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
+ if (written < 0) {
return error_errno(_("could not write to '%s'"),
@@ -1608,36 +1611,37 @@ static int rollback_is_safe(void)
return !oidcmp(&actual_head, &expected_head);
-static int reset_for_rollback(const unsigned char *sha1)
+static int reset_for_rollback(const struct object_id *oid)
const char *argv[4]; /* reset --merge <arg> + NULL */
argv[0] = "reset";
argv[1] = "--merge";
- argv[2] = sha1_to_hex(sha1);
+ argv[2] = oid_to_hex(oid);
argv[3] = NULL;
return run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_GIT_CMD);
static int rollback_single_pick(void)
- unsigned char head_sha1[20];
+ struct object_id head_oid;
if (!file_exists(git_path_cherry_pick_head()) &&
return error(_("no cherry-pick or revert in progress"));
- if (read_ref_full("HEAD", 0, head_sha1, NULL))
+ if (read_ref_full("HEAD", 0, head_oid.hash, NULL))
return error(_("cannot resolve HEAD"));
- if (is_null_sha1(head_sha1))
+ if (is_null_oid(&head_oid))
return error(_("cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"));
- return reset_for_rollback(head_sha1);
+ return reset_for_rollback(&head_oid);
int sequencer_rollback(struct replay_opts *opts)
FILE *f;
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ const char *p;
f = fopen(git_path_head_file(), "r");
if (!f && errno == ENOENT) {
@@ -1657,12 +1661,12 @@ int sequencer_rollback(struct replay_opts *opts)
goto fail;
- if (get_sha1_hex(buf.buf, sha1) || buf.buf[40] != '\0') {
+ if (parse_oid_hex(buf.buf, &oid, &p) || *p != '\0') {
error(_("stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"),
goto fail;
- if (is_null_sha1(sha1)) {
+ if (is_null_oid(&oid)) {
error(_("cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"));
goto fail;
@@ -1672,7 +1676,7 @@ int sequencer_rollback(struct replay_opts *opts)
warning(_("You seem to have moved HEAD. "
"Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"));
} else
- if (reset_for_rollback(sha1))
+ if (reset_for_rollback(&oid))
goto fail;
return sequencer_remove_state(opts);
@@ -1806,13 +1810,13 @@ static int make_patch(struct commit *commit, struct replay_opts *opts)
static int intend_to_amend(void)
- unsigned char head[20];
+ struct object_id head;
char *p;
- if (get_sha1("HEAD", head))
+ if (get_oid("HEAD", &head))
return error(_("cannot read HEAD"));
- p = sha1_to_hex(head);
+ p = oid_to_hex(&head);
return write_message(p, strlen(p), rebase_path_amend(), 1);
@@ -2097,10 +2101,10 @@ static int pick_commits(struct todo_list *todo_list, struct replay_opts *opts)
if (read_oneliner(&head_ref, rebase_path_head_name(), 0) &&
starts_with(head_ref.buf, "refs/")) {
const char *msg;
- unsigned char head[20], orig[20];
+ struct object_id head, orig;
int res;
- if (get_sha1("HEAD", head)) {
+ if (get_oid("HEAD", &head)) {
res = error(_("cannot read HEAD"));
@@ -2108,7 +2112,7 @@ cleanup_head_ref:
return res;
if (!read_oneliner(&buf, rebase_path_orig_head(), 0) ||
- get_sha1_hex(buf.buf, orig)) {
+ get_oid_hex(buf.buf, &orig)) {
res = error(_("could not read orig-head"));
goto cleanup_head_ref;
@@ -2119,7 +2123,7 @@ cleanup_head_ref:
msg = reflog_message(opts, "finish", "%s onto %s",
head_ref.buf, buf.buf);
- if (update_ref(msg, head_ref.buf, head, orig,
+ if (update_ref(msg, head_ref.buf, head.hash, orig.hash,
res = error(_("could not update %s"),
@@ -2147,8 +2151,8 @@ cleanup_head_ref:
log_tree_opt.disable_stdin = 1;
if (read_oneliner(&buf, rebase_path_orig_head(), 0) &&
- !get_sha1(buf.buf, orig.hash) &&
- !get_sha1("HEAD", head.hash)) {
+ !get_oid(buf.buf, &orig) &&
+ !get_oid("HEAD", &head)) {
diff_tree_oid(&orig, &head, "",
@@ -2223,16 +2227,16 @@ static int commit_staged_changes(struct replay_opts *opts)
if (file_exists(rebase_path_amend())) {
struct strbuf rev = STRBUF_INIT;
- unsigned char head[20], to_amend[20];
+ struct object_id head, to_amend;
- if (get_sha1("HEAD", head))
+ if (get_oid("HEAD", &head))
return error(_("cannot amend non-existing commit"));
if (!read_oneliner(&rev, rebase_path_amend(), 0))
return error(_("invalid file: '%s'"), rebase_path_amend());
- if (get_sha1_hex(rev.buf, to_amend))
+ if (get_oid_hex(rev.buf, &to_amend))
return error(_("invalid contents: '%s'"),
- if (hashcmp(head, to_amend))
+ if (oidcmp(&head, &to_amend))
return error(_("\nYou have uncommitted changes in your "
"working tree. Please, commit them\n"
"first and then run 'git rebase "
@@ -2284,7 +2288,7 @@ int sequencer_continue(struct replay_opts *opts)
struct object_id oid;
if (read_oneliner(&buf, rebase_path_stopped_sha(), 1) &&
- !get_sha1_committish(buf.buf, oid.hash))
+ !get_oid_committish(buf.buf, &oid))
record_in_rewritten(&oid, peek_command(&todo_list, 0));
diff --git a/server-info.c b/server-info.c
index 5ec5b1d827..26a6c20b7d 100644
--- a/server-info.c
+++ b/server-info.c
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "object.h"
#include "commit.h"
#include "tag.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
* Create the file "path" by writing to a temporary file and renaming
diff --git a/setup.c b/setup.c
index 860507e1fd..6d8380acd2 100644
--- a/setup.c
+++ b/setup.c
@@ -399,11 +399,6 @@ void setup_work_tree(void)
- /*
- * NEEDSWORK: this call can essentially be set_git_dir(get_git_dir())
- * which can cause some problems when trying to free the old value of
- * gitdir.
- */
set_git_dir(remove_leading_path(git_dir, work_tree));
initialized = 1;
@@ -1027,7 +1022,7 @@ const char *setup_git_directory_gently(int *nongit_ok)
static struct strbuf cwd = STRBUF_INIT;
struct strbuf dir = STRBUF_INIT, gitdir = STRBUF_INIT;
- const char *prefix, *env_prefix;
+ const char *prefix;
* We may have read an incomplete configuration before
@@ -1085,16 +1080,6 @@ const char *setup_git_directory_gently(int *nongit_ok)
die("BUG: unhandled setup_git_directory_1() result");
- /*
- * NEEDSWORK: This was a hack in order to get ls-files and grep to have
- * properly formated output when recursing submodules. Once ls-files
- * and grep have been changed to perform this recursing in-process this
- * needs to be removed.
- */
- if (env_prefix)
- prefix = env_prefix;
if (prefix)
setenv(GIT_PREFIX_ENVIRONMENT, prefix, 1);
diff --git a/sha1-lookup.c b/sha1-lookup.c
index 5f069214d9..2552b7902c 100644
--- a/sha1-lookup.c
+++ b/sha1-lookup.c
@@ -99,219 +99,3 @@ int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *sha1, void *table, size_t nr,
} while (lo < hi);
return -lo-1;
- * Conventional binary search loop looks like this:
- *
- * unsigned lo, hi;
- * do {
- * unsigned mi = (lo + hi) / 2;
- * int cmp = "entry pointed at by mi" minus "target";
- * if (!cmp)
- * return (mi is the wanted one)
- * if (cmp > 0)
- * hi = mi; "mi is larger than target"
- * else
- * lo = mi+1; "mi is smaller than target"
- * } while (lo < hi);
- *
- * The invariants are:
- *
- * - When entering the loop, lo points at a slot that is never
- * above the target (it could be at the target), hi points at a
- * slot that is guaranteed to be above the target (it can never
- * be at the target).
- *
- * - We find a point 'mi' between lo and hi (mi could be the same
- * as lo, but never can be as same as hi), and check if it hits
- * the target. There are three cases:
- *
- * - if it is a hit, we are happy.
- *
- * - if it is strictly higher than the target, we set it to hi,
- * and repeat the search.
- *
- * - if it is strictly lower than the target, we update lo to
- * one slot after it, because we allow lo to be at the target.
- *
- * If the loop exits, there is no matching entry.
- *
- * When choosing 'mi', we do not have to take the "middle" but
- * anywhere in between lo and hi, as long as lo <= mi < hi is
- * satisfied. When we somehow know that the distance between the
- * target and lo is much shorter than the target and hi, we could
- * pick mi that is much closer to lo than the midway.
- *
- * Now, we can take advantage of the fact that SHA-1 is a good hash
- * function, and as long as there are enough entries in the table, we
- * can expect uniform distribution. An entry that begins with for
- * example "deadbeef..." is much likely to appear much later than in
- * the midway of the table. It can reasonably be expected to be near
- * 87% (222/256) from the top of the table.
- *
- * However, we do not want to pick "mi" too precisely. If the entry at
- * the 87% in the above example turns out to be higher than the target
- * we are looking for, we would end up narrowing the search space down
- * only by 13%, instead of 50% we would get if we did a simple binary
- * search. So we would want to hedge our bets by being less aggressive.
- *
- * The table at "table" holds at least "nr" entries of "elem_size"
- * bytes each. Each entry has the SHA-1 key at "key_offset". The
- * table is sorted by the SHA-1 key of the entries. The caller wants
- * to find the entry with "key", and knows that the entry at "lo" is
- * not higher than the entry it is looking for, and that the entry at
- * "hi" is higher than the entry it is looking for.
- */
-int sha1_entry_pos(const void *table,
- size_t elem_size,
- size_t key_offset,
- unsigned lo, unsigned hi, unsigned nr,
- const unsigned char *key)
- const unsigned char *base = table;
- const unsigned char *hi_key, *lo_key;
- unsigned ofs_0;
- static int debug_lookup = -1;
- if (debug_lookup < 0)
- debug_lookup = !!getenv("GIT_DEBUG_LOOKUP");
- if (!nr || lo >= hi)
- return -1;
- if (nr == hi)
- hi_key = NULL;
- else
- hi_key = base + elem_size * hi + key_offset;
- lo_key = base + elem_size * lo + key_offset;
- ofs_0 = 0;
- do {
- int cmp;
- unsigned ofs, mi, range;
- unsigned lov, hiv, kyv;
- const unsigned char *mi_key;
- range = hi - lo;
- if (hi_key) {
- for (ofs = ofs_0; ofs < 20; ofs++)
- if (lo_key[ofs] != hi_key[ofs])
- break;
- ofs_0 = ofs;
- /*
- * byte 0 thru (ofs-1) are the same between
- * lo and hi; ofs is the first byte that is
- * different.
- *
- * If ofs==20, then no bytes are different,
- * meaning we have entries with duplicate
- * keys. We know that we are in a solid run
- * of this entry (because the entries are
- * sorted, and our lo and hi are the same,
- * there can be nothing but this single key
- * in between). So we can stop the search.
- * Either one of these entries is it (and
- * we do not care which), or we do not have
- * it.
- *
- * Furthermore, we know that one of our
- * endpoints must be the edge of the run of
- * duplicates. For example, given this
- * sequence:
- *
- * idx 0 1 2 3 4 5
- * key A C C C C D
- *
- * If we are searching for "B", we might
- * hit the duplicate run at lo=1, hi=3
- * (e.g., by first mi=3, then mi=0). But we
- * can never have lo > 1, because B < C.
- * That is, if our key is less than the
- * run, we know that "lo" is the edge, but
- * we can say nothing of "hi". Similarly,
- * if our key is greater than the run, we
- * know that "hi" is the edge, but we can
- * say nothing of "lo".
- *
- * Therefore if we do not find it, we also
- * know where it would go if it did exist:
- * just on the far side of the edge that we
- * know about.
- */
- if (ofs == 20) {
- mi = lo;
- mi_key = base + elem_size * mi + key_offset;
- cmp = memcmp(mi_key, key, 20);
- if (!cmp)
- return mi;
- if (cmp < 0)
- return -1 - hi;
- else
- return -1 - lo;
- }
- hiv = hi_key[ofs_0];
- if (ofs_0 < 19)
- hiv = (hiv << 8) | hi_key[ofs_0+1];
- } else {
- hiv = 256;
- if (ofs_0 < 19)
- hiv <<= 8;
- }
- lov = lo_key[ofs_0];
- kyv = key[ofs_0];
- if (ofs_0 < 19) {
- lov = (lov << 8) | lo_key[ofs_0+1];
- kyv = (kyv << 8) | key[ofs_0+1];
- }
- assert(lov < hiv);
- if (kyv < lov)
- return -1 - lo;
- if (hiv < kyv)
- return -1 - hi;
- /*
- * Even if we know the target is much closer to 'hi'
- * than 'lo', if we pick too precisely and overshoot
- * (e.g. when we know 'mi' is closer to 'hi' than to
- * 'lo', pick 'mi' that is higher than the target), we
- * end up narrowing the search space by a smaller
- * amount (i.e. the distance between 'mi' and 'hi')
- * than what we would have (i.e. about half of 'lo'
- * and 'hi'). Hedge our bets to pick 'mi' less
- * aggressively, i.e. make 'mi' a bit closer to the
- * middle than we would otherwise pick.
- */
- kyv = (kyv * 6 + lov + hiv) / 8;
- if (lov < hiv - 1) {
- if (kyv == lov)
- kyv++;
- else if (kyv == hiv)
- kyv--;
- }
- mi = (range - 1) * (kyv - lov) / (hiv - lov) + lo;
- if (debug_lookup) {
- printf("lo %u hi %u rg %u mi %u ", lo, hi, range, mi);
- printf("ofs %u lov %x, hiv %x, kyv %x\n",
- ofs_0, lov, hiv, kyv);
- }
- if (!(lo <= mi && mi < hi))
- die("assertion failure lo %u mi %u hi %u %s",
- lo, mi, hi, sha1_to_hex(key));
- mi_key = base + elem_size * mi + key_offset;
- cmp = memcmp(mi_key + ofs_0, key + ofs_0, 20 - ofs_0);
- if (!cmp)
- return mi;
- if (cmp > 0) {
- hi = mi;
- hi_key = mi_key;
- } else {
- lo = mi + 1;
- lo_key = mi_key + elem_size;
- }
- } while (lo < hi);
- return -lo-1;
diff --git a/sha1-lookup.h b/sha1-lookup.h
index 20af285681..cf5314f402 100644
--- a/sha1-lookup.h
+++ b/sha1-lookup.h
@@ -7,10 +7,4 @@ extern int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *sha1,
void *table,
size_t nr,
sha1_access_fn fn);
-extern int sha1_entry_pos(const void *table,
- size_t elem_size,
- size_t key_offset,
- unsigned lo, unsigned hi, unsigned nr,
- const unsigned char *key);
diff --git a/sha1_file.c b/sha1_file.c
index 4fa4b185f3..5a2014811f 100644
--- a/sha1_file.c
+++ b/sha1_file.c
@@ -28,11 +28,9 @@
#include "list.h"
#include "mergesort.h"
#include "quote.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
-#define SZ_FMT PRIuMAX
-static inline uintmax_t sz_fmt(size_t s) { return s; }
-const unsigned char null_sha1[20];
+const unsigned char null_sha1[GIT_MAX_RAWSZ];
const struct object_id null_oid;
const struct object_id empty_tree_oid = {
@@ -278,28 +276,6 @@ static const char *alt_sha1_path(struct alternate_object_database *alt,
return buf->buf;
- char *odb_pack_name(struct strbuf *buf,
- const unsigned char *sha1,
- const char *ext)
- strbuf_reset(buf);
- strbuf_addf(buf, "%s/pack/pack-%s.%s", get_object_directory(),
- sha1_to_hex(sha1), ext);
- return buf->buf;
-char *sha1_pack_name(const unsigned char *sha1)
- static struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
- return odb_pack_name(&buf, sha1, "pack");
-char *sha1_pack_index_name(const unsigned char *sha1)
- static struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
- return odb_pack_name(&buf, sha1, "idx");
struct alternate_object_database *alt_odb_list;
static struct alternate_object_database **alt_odb_tail;
@@ -422,7 +398,7 @@ static const char *parse_alt_odb_entry(const char *string,
return end;
-static void link_alt_odb_entries(const char *alt, int len, int sep,
+static void link_alt_odb_entries(const char *alt, int sep,
const char *relative_base, int depth)
struct strbuf objdirbuf = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -451,28 +427,19 @@ static void link_alt_odb_entries(const char *alt, int len, int sep,
static void read_info_alternates(const char * relative_base, int depth)
- char *map;
- size_t mapsz;
- struct stat st;
char *path;
- int fd;
+ struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
path = xstrfmt("%s/info/alternates", relative_base);
- fd = git_open(path);
- free(path);
- if (fd < 0)
- return;
- if (fstat(fd, &st) || (st.st_size == 0)) {
- close(fd);
+ if (strbuf_read_file(&buf, path, 1024) < 0) {
+ warn_on_fopen_errors(path);
+ free(path);
- mapsz = xsize_t(st.st_size);
- map = xmmap(NULL, mapsz, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
- close(fd);
- link_alt_odb_entries(map, mapsz, '\n', relative_base, depth);
- munmap(map, mapsz);
+ link_alt_odb_entries(buf.buf, '\n', relative_base, depth);
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
+ free(path);
struct alternate_object_database *alloc_alt_odb(const char *dir)
@@ -527,7 +494,7 @@ void add_to_alternates_file(const char *reference)
if (commit_lock_file(lock))
die_errno("unable to move new alternates file into place");
if (alt_odb_tail)
- link_alt_odb_entries(reference, strlen(reference), '\n', NULL, 0);
+ link_alt_odb_entries(reference, '\n', NULL, 0);
@@ -540,7 +507,7 @@ void add_to_alternates_memory(const char *reference)
- link_alt_odb_entries(reference, strlen(reference), '\n', NULL, 0);
+ link_alt_odb_entries(reference, '\n', NULL, 0);
@@ -643,7 +610,7 @@ void prepare_alt_odb(void)
if (!alt) alt = "";
alt_odb_tail = &alt_odb_list;
- link_alt_odb_entries(alt, strlen(alt), PATH_SEP, NULL, 0);
+ link_alt_odb_entries(alt, PATH_SEP, NULL, 0);
read_info_alternates(get_object_directory(), 0);
@@ -705,213 +672,6 @@ static int has_loose_object(const unsigned char *sha1)
return check_and_freshen(sha1, 0);
-static unsigned int pack_used_ctr;
-static unsigned int pack_mmap_calls;
-static unsigned int peak_pack_open_windows;
-static unsigned int pack_open_windows;
-static unsigned int pack_open_fds;
-static unsigned int pack_max_fds;
-static size_t peak_pack_mapped;
-static size_t pack_mapped;
-struct packed_git *packed_git;
-static struct mru packed_git_mru_storage;
-struct mru *packed_git_mru = &packed_git_mru_storage;
-void pack_report(void)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "pack_report: getpagesize() = %10" SZ_FMT "\n"
- "pack_report: core.packedGitWindowSize = %10" SZ_FMT "\n"
- "pack_report: core.packedGitLimit = %10" SZ_FMT "\n",
- sz_fmt(getpagesize()),
- sz_fmt(packed_git_window_size),
- sz_fmt(packed_git_limit));
- fprintf(stderr,
- "pack_report: pack_used_ctr = %10u\n"
- "pack_report: pack_mmap_calls = %10u\n"
- "pack_report: pack_open_windows = %10u / %10u\n"
- "pack_report: pack_mapped = "
- "%10" SZ_FMT " / %10" SZ_FMT "\n",
- pack_used_ctr,
- pack_mmap_calls,
- pack_open_windows, peak_pack_open_windows,
- sz_fmt(pack_mapped), sz_fmt(peak_pack_mapped));
- * Open and mmap the index file at path, perform a couple of
- * consistency checks, then record its information to p. Return 0 on
- * success.
- */
-static int check_packed_git_idx(const char *path, struct packed_git *p)
- void *idx_map;
- struct pack_idx_header *hdr;
- size_t idx_size;
- uint32_t version, nr, i, *index;
- int fd = git_open(path);
- struct stat st;
- if (fd < 0)
- return -1;
- if (fstat(fd, &st)) {
- close(fd);
- return -1;
- }
- idx_size = xsize_t(st.st_size);
- if (idx_size < 4 * 256 + 20 + 20) {
- close(fd);
- return error("index file %s is too small", path);
- }
- idx_map = xmmap(NULL, idx_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
- close(fd);
- hdr = idx_map;
- if (hdr->idx_signature == htonl(PACK_IDX_SIGNATURE)) {
- version = ntohl(hdr->idx_version);
- if (version < 2 || version > 2) {
- munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
- return error("index file %s is version %"PRIu32
- " and is not supported by this binary"
- " (try upgrading GIT to a newer version)",
- path, version);
- }
- } else
- version = 1;
- nr = 0;
- index = idx_map;
- if (version > 1)
- index += 2; /* skip index header */
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- uint32_t n = ntohl(index[i]);
- if (n < nr) {
- munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
- return error("non-monotonic index %s", path);
- }
- nr = n;
- }
- if (version == 1) {
- /*
- * Total size:
- * - 256 index entries 4 bytes each
- * - 24-byte entries * nr (20-byte sha1 + 4-byte offset)
- * - 20-byte SHA1 of the packfile
- * - 20-byte SHA1 file checksum
- */
- if (idx_size != 4*256 + nr * 24 + 20 + 20) {
- munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
- return error("wrong index v1 file size in %s", path);
- }
- } else if (version == 2) {
- /*
- * Minimum size:
- * - 8 bytes of header
- * - 256 index entries 4 bytes each
- * - 20-byte sha1 entry * nr
- * - 4-byte crc entry * nr
- * - 4-byte offset entry * nr
- * - 20-byte SHA1 of the packfile
- * - 20-byte SHA1 file checksum
- * And after the 4-byte offset table might be a
- * variable sized table containing 8-byte entries
- * for offsets larger than 2^31.
- */
- unsigned long min_size = 8 + 4*256 + nr*(20 + 4 + 4) + 20 + 20;
- unsigned long max_size = min_size;
- if (nr)
- max_size += (nr - 1)*8;
- if (idx_size < min_size || idx_size > max_size) {
- munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
- return error("wrong index v2 file size in %s", path);
- }
- if (idx_size != min_size &&
- /*
- * make sure we can deal with large pack offsets.
- * 31-bit signed offset won't be enough, neither
- * 32-bit unsigned one will be.
- */
- (sizeof(off_t) <= 4)) {
- munmap(idx_map, idx_size);
- return error("pack too large for current definition of off_t in %s", path);
- }
- }
- p->index_version = version;
- p->index_data = idx_map;
- p->index_size = idx_size;
- p->num_objects = nr;
- return 0;
-int open_pack_index(struct packed_git *p)
- char *idx_name;
- size_t len;
- int ret;
- if (p->index_data)
- return 0;
- if (!strip_suffix(p->pack_name, ".pack", &len))
- die("BUG: pack_name does not end in .pack");
- idx_name = xstrfmt("%.*s.idx", (int)len, p->pack_name);
- ret = check_packed_git_idx(idx_name, p);
- free(idx_name);
- return ret;
-static void scan_windows(struct packed_git *p,
- struct packed_git **lru_p,
- struct pack_window **lru_w,
- struct pack_window **lru_l)
- struct pack_window *w, *w_l;
- for (w_l = NULL, w = p->windows; w; w = w->next) {
- if (!w->inuse_cnt) {
- if (!*lru_w || w->last_used < (*lru_w)->last_used) {
- *lru_p = p;
- *lru_w = w;
- *lru_l = w_l;
- }
- }
- w_l = w;
- }
-static int unuse_one_window(struct packed_git *current)
- struct packed_git *p, *lru_p = NULL;
- struct pack_window *lru_w = NULL, *lru_l = NULL;
- if (current)
- scan_windows(current, &lru_p, &lru_w, &lru_l);
- for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next)
- scan_windows(p, &lru_p, &lru_w, &lru_l);
- if (lru_p) {
- munmap(lru_w->base, lru_w->len);
- pack_mapped -= lru_w->len;
- if (lru_l)
- lru_l->next = lru_w->next;
- else
- lru_p->windows = lru_w->next;
- free(lru_w);
- pack_open_windows--;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-void release_pack_memory(size_t need)
- size_t cur = pack_mapped;
- while (need >= (cur - pack_mapped) && unuse_one_window(NULL))
- ; /* nothing */
static void mmap_limit_check(size_t length)
static size_t limit = 0;
@@ -950,681 +710,6 @@ void *xmmap(void *start, size_t length,
return ret;
-void close_pack_windows(struct packed_git *p)
- while (p->windows) {
- struct pack_window *w = p->windows;
- if (w->inuse_cnt)
- die("pack '%s' still has open windows to it",
- p->pack_name);
- munmap(w->base, w->len);
- pack_mapped -= w->len;
- pack_open_windows--;
- p->windows = w->next;
- free(w);
- }
-static int close_pack_fd(struct packed_git *p)
- if (p->pack_fd < 0)
- return 0;
- close(p->pack_fd);
- pack_open_fds--;
- p->pack_fd = -1;
- return 1;
-static void close_pack(struct packed_git *p)
- close_pack_windows(p);
- close_pack_fd(p);
- close_pack_index(p);
-void close_all_packs(void)
- struct packed_git *p;
- for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next)
- if (p->do_not_close)
- die("BUG: want to close pack marked 'do-not-close'");
- else
- close_pack(p);
- * The LRU pack is the one with the oldest MRU window, preferring packs
- * with no used windows, or the oldest mtime if it has no windows allocated.
- */
-static void find_lru_pack(struct packed_git *p, struct packed_git **lru_p, struct pack_window **mru_w, int *accept_windows_inuse)
- struct pack_window *w, *this_mru_w;
- int has_windows_inuse = 0;
- /*
- * Reject this pack if it has windows and the previously selected
- * one does not. If this pack does not have windows, reject
- * it if the pack file is newer than the previously selected one.
- */
- if (*lru_p && !*mru_w && (p->windows || p->mtime > (*lru_p)->mtime))
- return;
- for (w = this_mru_w = p->windows; w; w = w->next) {
- /*
- * Reject this pack if any of its windows are in use,
- * but the previously selected pack did not have any
- * inuse windows. Otherwise, record that this pack
- * has windows in use.
- */
- if (w->inuse_cnt) {
- if (*accept_windows_inuse)
- has_windows_inuse = 1;
- else
- return;
- }
- if (w->last_used > this_mru_w->last_used)
- this_mru_w = w;
- /*
- * Reject this pack if it has windows that have been
- * used more recently than the previously selected pack.
- * If the previously selected pack had windows inuse and
- * we have not encountered a window in this pack that is
- * inuse, skip this check since we prefer a pack with no
- * inuse windows to one that has inuse windows.
- */
- if (*mru_w && *accept_windows_inuse == has_windows_inuse &&
- this_mru_w->last_used > (*mru_w)->last_used)
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Select this pack.
- */
- *mru_w = this_mru_w;
- *lru_p = p;
- *accept_windows_inuse = has_windows_inuse;
-static int close_one_pack(void)
- struct packed_git *p, *lru_p = NULL;
- struct pack_window *mru_w = NULL;
- int accept_windows_inuse = 1;
- for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next) {
- if (p->pack_fd == -1)
- continue;
- find_lru_pack(p, &lru_p, &mru_w, &accept_windows_inuse);
- }
- if (lru_p)
- return close_pack_fd(lru_p);
- return 0;
-void unuse_pack(struct pack_window **w_cursor)
- struct pack_window *w = *w_cursor;
- if (w) {
- w->inuse_cnt--;
- *w_cursor = NULL;
- }
-void close_pack_index(struct packed_git *p)
- if (p->index_data) {
- munmap((void *)p->index_data, p->index_size);
- p->index_data = NULL;
- }
-static unsigned int get_max_fd_limit(void)
- {
- struct rlimit lim;
- if (!getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &lim))
- return lim.rlim_cur;
- }
-#ifdef _SC_OPEN_MAX
- {
- long open_max = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
- if (0 < open_max)
- return open_max;
- /*
- * Otherwise, we got -1 for one of the two
- * reasons:
- *
- * (1) sysconf() did not understand _SC_OPEN_MAX
- * and signaled an error with -1; or
- * (2) sysconf() said there is no limit.
- *
- * We _could_ clear errno before calling sysconf() to
- * tell these two cases apart and return a huge number
- * in the latter case to let the caller cap it to a
- * value that is not so selfish, but letting the
- * fallback OPEN_MAX codepath take care of these cases
- * is a lot simpler.
- */
- }
-#ifdef OPEN_MAX
- return OPEN_MAX;
- return 1; /* see the caller ;-) */
- * Do not call this directly as this leaks p->pack_fd on error return;
- * call open_packed_git() instead.
- */
-static int open_packed_git_1(struct packed_git *p)
- struct stat st;
- struct pack_header hdr;
- unsigned char sha1[20];
- unsigned char *idx_sha1;
- long fd_flag;
- if (!p->index_data && open_pack_index(p))
- return error("packfile %s index unavailable", p->pack_name);
- if (!pack_max_fds) {
- unsigned int max_fds = get_max_fd_limit();
- /* Save 3 for stdin/stdout/stderr, 22 for work */
- if (25 < max_fds)
- pack_max_fds = max_fds - 25;
- else
- pack_max_fds = 1;
- }
- while (pack_max_fds <= pack_open_fds && close_one_pack())
- ; /* nothing */
- p->pack_fd = git_open(p->pack_name);
- if (p->pack_fd < 0 || fstat(p->pack_fd, &st))
- return -1;
- pack_open_fds++;
- /* If we created the struct before we had the pack we lack size. */
- if (!p->pack_size) {
- if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
- return error("packfile %s not a regular file", p->pack_name);
- p->pack_size = st.st_size;
- } else if (p->pack_size != st.st_size)
- return error("packfile %s size changed", p->pack_name);
- /* We leave these file descriptors open with sliding mmap;
- * there is no point keeping them open across exec(), though.
- */
- fd_flag = fcntl(p->pack_fd, F_GETFD, 0);
- if (fd_flag < 0)
- return error("cannot determine file descriptor flags");
- fd_flag |= FD_CLOEXEC;
- if (fcntl(p->pack_fd, F_SETFD, fd_flag) == -1)
- return error("cannot set FD_CLOEXEC");
- /* Verify we recognize this pack file format. */
- if (read_in_full(p->pack_fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr))
- return error("file %s is far too short to be a packfile", p->pack_name);
- if (hdr.hdr_signature != htonl(PACK_SIGNATURE))
- return error("file %s is not a GIT packfile", p->pack_name);
- if (!pack_version_ok(hdr.hdr_version))
- return error("packfile %s is version %"PRIu32" and not"
- " supported (try upgrading GIT to a newer version)",
- p->pack_name, ntohl(hdr.hdr_version));
- /* Verify the pack matches its index. */
- if (p->num_objects != ntohl(hdr.hdr_entries))
- return error("packfile %s claims to have %"PRIu32" objects"
- " while index indicates %"PRIu32" objects",
- p->pack_name, ntohl(hdr.hdr_entries),
- p->num_objects);
- if (lseek(p->pack_fd, p->pack_size - sizeof(sha1), SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return error("end of packfile %s is unavailable", p->pack_name);
- if (read_in_full(p->pack_fd, sha1, sizeof(sha1)) != sizeof(sha1))
- return error("packfile %s signature is unavailable", p->pack_name);
- idx_sha1 = ((unsigned char *)p->index_data) + p->index_size - 40;
- if (hashcmp(sha1, idx_sha1))
- return error("packfile %s does not match index", p->pack_name);
- return 0;
-static int open_packed_git(struct packed_git *p)
- if (!open_packed_git_1(p))
- return 0;
- close_pack_fd(p);
- return -1;
-static int in_window(struct pack_window *win, off_t offset)
- /* We must promise at least 20 bytes (one hash) after the
- * offset is available from this window, otherwise the offset
- * is not actually in this window and a different window (which
- * has that one hash excess) must be used. This is to support
- * the object header and delta base parsing routines below.
- */
- off_t win_off = win->offset;
- return win_off <= offset
- && (offset + 20) <= (win_off + win->len);
-unsigned char *use_pack(struct packed_git *p,
- struct pack_window **w_cursor,
- off_t offset,
- unsigned long *left)
- struct pack_window *win = *w_cursor;
- /* Since packfiles end in a hash of their content and it's
- * pointless to ask for an offset into the middle of that
- * hash, and the in_window function above wouldn't match
- * don't allow an offset too close to the end of the file.
- */
- if (!p->pack_size && p->pack_fd == -1 && open_packed_git(p))
- die("packfile %s cannot be accessed", p->pack_name);
- if (offset > (p->pack_size - 20))
- die("offset beyond end of packfile (truncated pack?)");
- if (offset < 0)
- die(_("offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"));
- if (!win || !in_window(win, offset)) {
- if (win)
- win->inuse_cnt--;
- for (win = p->windows; win; win = win->next) {
- if (in_window(win, offset))
- break;
- }
- if (!win) {
- size_t window_align = packed_git_window_size / 2;
- off_t len;
- if (p->pack_fd == -1 && open_packed_git(p))
- die("packfile %s cannot be accessed", p->pack_name);
- win = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*win));
- win->offset = (offset / window_align) * window_align;
- len = p->pack_size - win->offset;
- if (len > packed_git_window_size)
- len = packed_git_window_size;
- win->len = (size_t)len;
- pack_mapped += win->len;
- while (packed_git_limit < pack_mapped
- && unuse_one_window(p))
- ; /* nothing */
- win->base = xmmap(NULL, win->len,
- p->pack_fd, win->offset);
- if (win->base == MAP_FAILED)
- die_errno("packfile %s cannot be mapped",
- p->pack_name);
- if (!win->offset && win->len == p->pack_size
- && !p->do_not_close)
- close_pack_fd(p);
- pack_mmap_calls++;
- pack_open_windows++;
- if (pack_mapped > peak_pack_mapped)
- peak_pack_mapped = pack_mapped;
- if (pack_open_windows > peak_pack_open_windows)
- peak_pack_open_windows = pack_open_windows;
- win->next = p->windows;
- p->windows = win;
- }
- }
- if (win != *w_cursor) {
- win->last_used = pack_used_ctr++;
- win->inuse_cnt++;
- *w_cursor = win;
- }
- offset -= win->offset;
- if (left)
- *left = win->len - xsize_t(offset);
- return win->base + offset;
-static struct packed_git *alloc_packed_git(int extra)
- struct packed_git *p = xmalloc(st_add(sizeof(*p), extra));
- memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
- p->pack_fd = -1;
- return p;
-static void try_to_free_pack_memory(size_t size)
- release_pack_memory(size);
-struct packed_git *add_packed_git(const char *path, size_t path_len, int local)
- static int have_set_try_to_free_routine;
- struct stat st;
- size_t alloc;
- struct packed_git *p;
- if (!have_set_try_to_free_routine) {
- have_set_try_to_free_routine = 1;
- set_try_to_free_routine(try_to_free_pack_memory);
- }
- /*
- * Make sure a corresponding .pack file exists and that
- * the index looks sane.
- */
- if (!strip_suffix_mem(path, &path_len, ".idx"))
- return NULL;
- /*
- * ".pack" is long enough to hold any suffix we're adding (and
- * the use xsnprintf double-checks that)
- */
- alloc = st_add3(path_len, strlen(".pack"), 1);
- p = alloc_packed_git(alloc);
- memcpy(p->pack_name, path, path_len);
- xsnprintf(p->pack_name + path_len, alloc - path_len, ".keep");
- if (!access(p->pack_name, F_OK))
- p->pack_keep = 1;
- xsnprintf(p->pack_name + path_len, alloc - path_len, ".pack");
- if (stat(p->pack_name, &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
- free(p);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* ok, it looks sane as far as we can check without
- * actually mapping the pack file.
- */
- p->pack_size = st.st_size;
- p->pack_local = local;
- p->mtime = st.st_mtime;
- if (path_len < 40 || get_sha1_hex(path + path_len - 40, p->sha1))
- hashclr(p->sha1);
- return p;
-struct packed_git *parse_pack_index(unsigned char *sha1, const char *idx_path)
- const char *path = sha1_pack_name(sha1);
- size_t alloc = st_add(strlen(path), 1);
- struct packed_git *p = alloc_packed_git(alloc);
- memcpy(p->pack_name, path, alloc); /* includes NUL */
- hashcpy(p->sha1, sha1);
- if (check_packed_git_idx(idx_path, p)) {
- free(p);
- return NULL;
- }
- return p;
-void install_packed_git(struct packed_git *pack)
- if (pack->pack_fd != -1)
- pack_open_fds++;
- pack->next = packed_git;
- packed_git = pack;
-void (*report_garbage)(unsigned seen_bits, const char *path);
-static void report_helper(const struct string_list *list,
- int seen_bits, int first, int last)
- return;
- for (; first < last; first++)
- report_garbage(seen_bits, list->items[first].string);
-static void report_pack_garbage(struct string_list *list)
- int i, baselen = -1, first = 0, seen_bits = 0;
- if (!report_garbage)
- return;
- string_list_sort(list);
- for (i = 0; i < list->nr; i++) {
- const char *path = list->items[i].string;
- if (baselen != -1 &&
- strncmp(path, list->items[first].string, baselen)) {
- report_helper(list, seen_bits, first, i);
- baselen = -1;
- seen_bits = 0;
- }
- if (baselen == -1) {
- const char *dot = strrchr(path, '.');
- if (!dot) {
- report_garbage(PACKDIR_FILE_GARBAGE, path);
- continue;
- }
- baselen = dot - path + 1;
- first = i;
- }
- if (!strcmp(path + baselen, "pack"))
- seen_bits |= 1;
- else if (!strcmp(path + baselen, "idx"))
- seen_bits |= 2;
- }
- report_helper(list, seen_bits, first, list->nr);
-static void prepare_packed_git_one(char *objdir, int local)
- struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
- size_t dirnamelen;
- DIR *dir;
- struct dirent *de;
- struct string_list garbage = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
- strbuf_addstr(&path, objdir);
- strbuf_addstr(&path, "/pack");
- dir = opendir(path.buf);
- if (!dir) {
- if (errno != ENOENT)
- error_errno("unable to open object pack directory: %s",
- path.buf);
- strbuf_release(&path);
- return;
- }
- strbuf_addch(&path, '/');
- dirnamelen = path.len;
- while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
- struct packed_git *p;
- size_t base_len;
- if (is_dot_or_dotdot(de->d_name))
- continue;
- strbuf_setlen(&path, dirnamelen);
- strbuf_addstr(&path, de->d_name);
- base_len = path.len;
- if (strip_suffix_mem(path.buf, &base_len, ".idx")) {
- /* Don't reopen a pack we already have. */
- for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next) {
- size_t len;
- if (strip_suffix(p->pack_name, ".pack", &len) &&
- len == base_len &&
- !memcmp(p->pack_name, path.buf, len))
- break;
- }
- if (p == NULL &&
- /*
- * See if it really is a valid .idx file with
- * corresponding .pack file that we can map.
- */
- (p = add_packed_git(path.buf, path.len, local)) != NULL)
- install_packed_git(p);
- }
- if (!report_garbage)
- continue;
- if (ends_with(de->d_name, ".idx") ||
- ends_with(de->d_name, ".pack") ||
- ends_with(de->d_name, ".bitmap") ||
- ends_with(de->d_name, ".keep"))
- string_list_append(&garbage, path.buf);
- else
- report_garbage(PACKDIR_FILE_GARBAGE, path.buf);
- }
- closedir(dir);
- report_pack_garbage(&garbage);
- string_list_clear(&garbage, 0);
- strbuf_release(&path);
-static int approximate_object_count_valid;
- * Give a fast, rough count of the number of objects in the repository. This
- * ignores loose objects completely. If you have a lot of them, then either
- * you should repack because your performance will be awful, or they are
- * all unreachable objects about to be pruned, in which case they're not really
- * interesting as a measure of repo size in the first place.
- */
-unsigned long approximate_object_count(void)
- static unsigned long count;
- if (!approximate_object_count_valid) {
- struct packed_git *p;
- prepare_packed_git();
- count = 0;
- for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next) {
- if (open_pack_index(p))
- continue;
- count += p->num_objects;
- }
- }
- return count;
-static void *get_next_packed_git(const void *p)
- return ((const struct packed_git *)p)->next;
-static void set_next_packed_git(void *p, void *next)
- ((struct packed_git *)p)->next = next;
-static int sort_pack(const void *a_, const void *b_)
- const struct packed_git *a = a_;
- const struct packed_git *b = b_;
- int st;
- /*
- * Local packs tend to contain objects specific to our
- * variant of the project than remote ones. In addition,
- * remote ones could be on a network mounted filesystem.
- * Favor local ones for these reasons.
- */
- st = a->pack_local - b->pack_local;
- if (st)
- return -st;
- /*
- * Younger packs tend to contain more recent objects,
- * and more recent objects tend to get accessed more
- * often.
- */
- if (a->mtime < b->mtime)
- return 1;
- else if (a->mtime == b->mtime)
- return 0;
- return -1;
-static void rearrange_packed_git(void)
- packed_git = llist_mergesort(packed_git, get_next_packed_git,
- set_next_packed_git, sort_pack);
-static void prepare_packed_git_mru(void)
- struct packed_git *p;
- mru_clear(packed_git_mru);
- for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next)
- mru_append(packed_git_mru, p);
-static int prepare_packed_git_run_once = 0;
-void prepare_packed_git(void)
- struct alternate_object_database *alt;
- if (prepare_packed_git_run_once)
- return;
- prepare_packed_git_one(get_object_directory(), 1);
- prepare_alt_odb();
- for (alt = alt_odb_list; alt; alt = alt->next)
- prepare_packed_git_one(alt->path, 0);
- rearrange_packed_git();
- prepare_packed_git_mru();
- prepare_packed_git_run_once = 1;
-void reprepare_packed_git(void)
- approximate_object_count_valid = 0;
- prepare_packed_git_run_once = 0;
- prepare_packed_git();
-static void mark_bad_packed_object(struct packed_git *p,
- const unsigned char *sha1)
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < p->num_bad_objects; i++)
- if (!hashcmp(sha1, p->bad_object_sha1 + GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ * i))
- return;
- p->bad_object_sha1 = xrealloc(p->bad_object_sha1,
- st_mult(GIT_MAX_RAWSZ,
- st_add(p->num_bad_objects, 1)));
- hashcpy(p->bad_object_sha1 + GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ * p->num_bad_objects, sha1);
- p->num_bad_objects++;
-static const struct packed_git *has_packed_and_bad(const unsigned char *sha1)
- struct packed_git *p;
- unsigned i;
- for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next)
- for (i = 0; i < p->num_bad_objects; i++)
- if (!hashcmp(sha1, p->bad_object_sha1 + 20 * i))
- return p;
- return NULL;
* With an in-core object data in "map", rehash it to make sure the
* object name actually matches "sha1" to detect object corruption.
@@ -1795,31 +880,6 @@ void *map_sha1_file(const unsigned char *sha1, unsigned long *size)
return map_sha1_file_1(NULL, sha1, size);
-unsigned long unpack_object_header_buffer(const unsigned char *buf,
- unsigned long len, enum object_type *type, unsigned long *sizep)
- unsigned shift;
- unsigned long size, c;
- unsigned long used = 0;
- c = buf[used++];
- *type = (c >> 4) & 7;
- size = c & 15;
- shift = 4;
- while (c & 0x80) {
- if (len <= used || bitsizeof(long) <= shift) {
- error("bad object header");
- size = used = 0;
- break;
- }
- c = buf[used++];
- size += (c & 0x7f) << shift;
- shift += 7;
- }
- *sizep = size;
- return used;
static int unpack_sha1_short_header(git_zstream *stream,
unsigned char *map, unsigned long mapsize,
void *buffer, unsigned long bufsiz)
@@ -2006,905 +1066,6 @@ int parse_sha1_header(const char *hdr, unsigned long *sizep)
return parse_sha1_header_extended(hdr, &oi, 0);
-unsigned long get_size_from_delta(struct packed_git *p,
- struct pack_window **w_curs,
- off_t curpos)
- const unsigned char *data;
- unsigned char delta_head[20], *in;
- git_zstream stream;
- int st;
- memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream));
- stream.next_out = delta_head;
- stream.avail_out = sizeof(delta_head);
- git_inflate_init(&stream);
- do {
- in = use_pack(p, w_curs, curpos, &stream.avail_in);
- stream.next_in = in;
- st = git_inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
- curpos += stream.next_in - in;
- } while ((st == Z_OK || st == Z_BUF_ERROR) &&
- stream.total_out < sizeof(delta_head));
- git_inflate_end(&stream);
- if ((st != Z_STREAM_END) && stream.total_out != sizeof(delta_head)) {
- error("delta data unpack-initial failed");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Examine the initial part of the delta to figure out
- * the result size.
- */
- data = delta_head;
- /* ignore base size */
- get_delta_hdr_size(&data, delta_head+sizeof(delta_head));
- /* Read the result size */
- return get_delta_hdr_size(&data, delta_head+sizeof(delta_head));
-static off_t get_delta_base(struct packed_git *p,
- struct pack_window **w_curs,
- off_t *curpos,
- enum object_type type,
- off_t delta_obj_offset)
- unsigned char *base_info = use_pack(p, w_curs, *curpos, NULL);
- off_t base_offset;
- /* use_pack() assured us we have [base_info, base_info + 20)
- * as a range that we can look at without walking off the
- * end of the mapped window. Its actually the hash size
- * that is assured. An OFS_DELTA longer than the hash size
- * is stupid, as then a REF_DELTA would be smaller to store.
- */
- if (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA) {
- unsigned used = 0;
- unsigned char c = base_info[used++];
- base_offset = c & 127;
- while (c & 128) {
- base_offset += 1;
- if (!base_offset || MSB(base_offset, 7))
- return 0; /* overflow */
- c = base_info[used++];
- base_offset = (base_offset << 7) + (c & 127);
- }
- base_offset = delta_obj_offset - base_offset;
- if (base_offset <= 0 || base_offset >= delta_obj_offset)
- return 0; /* out of bound */
- *curpos += used;
- } else if (type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
- /* The base entry _must_ be in the same pack */
- base_offset = find_pack_entry_one(base_info, p);
- *curpos += 20;
- } else
- die("I am totally screwed");
- return base_offset;
- * Like get_delta_base above, but we return the sha1 instead of the pack
- * offset. This means it is cheaper for REF deltas (we do not have to do
- * the final object lookup), but more expensive for OFS deltas (we
- * have to load the revidx to convert the offset back into a sha1).
- */
-static const unsigned char *get_delta_base_sha1(struct packed_git *p,
- struct pack_window **w_curs,
- off_t curpos,
- enum object_type type,
- off_t delta_obj_offset)
- if (type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
- unsigned char *base = use_pack(p, w_curs, curpos, NULL);
- return base;
- } else if (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA) {
- struct revindex_entry *revidx;
- off_t base_offset = get_delta_base(p, w_curs, &curpos,
- type, delta_obj_offset);
- if (!base_offset)
- return NULL;
- revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, base_offset);
- if (!revidx)
- return NULL;
- return nth_packed_object_sha1(p, revidx->nr);
- } else
- return NULL;
-int unpack_object_header(struct packed_git *p,
- struct pack_window **w_curs,
- off_t *curpos,
- unsigned long *sizep)
- unsigned char *base;
- unsigned long left;
- unsigned long used;
- enum object_type type;
- /* use_pack() assures us we have [base, base + 20) available
- * as a range that we can look at. (Its actually the hash
- * size that is assured.) With our object header encoding
- * the maximum deflated object size is 2^137, which is just
- * insane, so we know won't exceed what we have been given.
- */
- base = use_pack(p, w_curs, *curpos, &left);
- used = unpack_object_header_buffer(base, left, &type, sizep);
- if (!used) {
- type = OBJ_BAD;
- } else
- *curpos += used;
- return type;
-static int retry_bad_packed_offset(struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset)
- int type;
- struct revindex_entry *revidx;
- const unsigned char *sha1;
- revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
- if (!revidx)
- return OBJ_BAD;
- sha1 = nth_packed_object_sha1(p, revidx->nr);
- mark_bad_packed_object(p, sha1);
- type = sha1_object_info(sha1, NULL);
- if (type <= OBJ_NONE)
- return OBJ_BAD;
- return type;
-static enum object_type packed_to_object_type(struct packed_git *p,
- off_t obj_offset,
- enum object_type type,
- struct pack_window **w_curs,
- off_t curpos)
- off_t small_poi_stack[POI_STACK_PREALLOC];
- off_t *poi_stack = small_poi_stack;
- int poi_stack_nr = 0, poi_stack_alloc = POI_STACK_PREALLOC;
- while (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA || type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
- off_t base_offset;
- unsigned long size;
- /* Push the object we're going to leave behind */
- if (poi_stack_nr >= poi_stack_alloc && poi_stack == small_poi_stack) {
- poi_stack_alloc = alloc_nr(poi_stack_nr);
- ALLOC_ARRAY(poi_stack, poi_stack_alloc);
- memcpy(poi_stack, small_poi_stack, sizeof(off_t)*poi_stack_nr);
- } else {
- ALLOC_GROW(poi_stack, poi_stack_nr+1, poi_stack_alloc);
- }
- poi_stack[poi_stack_nr++] = obj_offset;
- /* If parsing the base offset fails, just unwind */
- base_offset = get_delta_base(p, w_curs, &curpos, type, obj_offset);
- if (!base_offset)
- goto unwind;
- curpos = obj_offset = base_offset;
- type = unpack_object_header(p, w_curs, &curpos, &size);
- if (type <= OBJ_NONE) {
- /* If getting the base itself fails, we first
- * retry the base, otherwise unwind */
- type = retry_bad_packed_offset(p, base_offset);
- if (type > OBJ_NONE)
- goto out;
- goto unwind;
- }
- }
- switch (type) {
- case OBJ_BAD:
- case OBJ_COMMIT:
- case OBJ_TREE:
- case OBJ_BLOB:
- case OBJ_TAG:
- break;
- default:
- error("unknown object type %i at offset %"PRIuMAX" in %s",
- type, (uintmax_t)obj_offset, p->pack_name);
- type = OBJ_BAD;
- }
- if (poi_stack != small_poi_stack)
- free(poi_stack);
- return type;
- while (poi_stack_nr) {
- obj_offset = poi_stack[--poi_stack_nr];
- type = retry_bad_packed_offset(p, obj_offset);
- if (type > OBJ_NONE)
- goto out;
- }
- type = OBJ_BAD;
- goto out;
-static struct hashmap delta_base_cache;
-static size_t delta_base_cached;
-static LIST_HEAD(delta_base_cache_lru);
-struct delta_base_cache_key {
- struct packed_git *p;
- off_t base_offset;
-struct delta_base_cache_entry {
- struct hashmap hash;
- struct delta_base_cache_key key;
- struct list_head lru;
- void *data;
- unsigned long size;
- enum object_type type;
-static unsigned int pack_entry_hash(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset)
- unsigned int hash;
- hash = (unsigned int)(intptr_t)p + (unsigned int)base_offset;
- hash += (hash >> 8) + (hash >> 16);
- return hash;
-static struct delta_base_cache_entry *
-get_delta_base_cache_entry(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset)
- struct hashmap_entry entry;
- struct delta_base_cache_key key;
- if (!delta_base_cache.cmpfn)
- return NULL;
- hashmap_entry_init(&entry, pack_entry_hash(p, base_offset));
- key.p = p;
- key.base_offset = base_offset;
- return hashmap_get(&delta_base_cache, &entry, &key);
-static int delta_base_cache_key_eq(const struct delta_base_cache_key *a,
- const struct delta_base_cache_key *b)
- return a->p == b->p && a->base_offset == b->base_offset;
-static int delta_base_cache_hash_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const void *va, const void *vb,
- const void *vkey)
- const struct delta_base_cache_entry *a = va, *b = vb;
- const struct delta_base_cache_key *key = vkey;
- if (key)
- return !delta_base_cache_key_eq(&a->key, key);
- else
- return !delta_base_cache_key_eq(&a->key, &b->key);
-static int in_delta_base_cache(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset)
- return !!get_delta_base_cache_entry(p, base_offset);
- * Remove the entry from the cache, but do _not_ free the associated
- * entry data. The caller takes ownership of the "data" buffer, and
- * should copy out any fields it wants before detaching.
- */
-static void detach_delta_base_cache_entry(struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent)
- hashmap_remove(&delta_base_cache, ent, &ent->key);
- list_del(&ent->lru);
- delta_base_cached -= ent->size;
- free(ent);
-static void *cache_or_unpack_entry(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset,
- unsigned long *base_size, enum object_type *type)
- struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent;
- ent = get_delta_base_cache_entry(p, base_offset);
- if (!ent)
- return unpack_entry(p, base_offset, type, base_size);
- if (type)
- *type = ent->type;
- if (base_size)
- *base_size = ent->size;
- return xmemdupz(ent->data, ent->size);
-static inline void release_delta_base_cache(struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent)
- free(ent->data);
- detach_delta_base_cache_entry(ent);
-void clear_delta_base_cache(void)
- struct list_head *lru, *tmp;
- list_for_each_safe(lru, tmp, &delta_base_cache_lru) {
- struct delta_base_cache_entry *entry =
- list_entry(lru, struct delta_base_cache_entry, lru);
- release_delta_base_cache(entry);
- }
-static void add_delta_base_cache(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset,
- void *base, unsigned long base_size, enum object_type type)
- struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent = xmalloc(sizeof(*ent));
- struct list_head *lru, *tmp;
- delta_base_cached += base_size;
- list_for_each_safe(lru, tmp, &delta_base_cache_lru) {
- struct delta_base_cache_entry *f =
- list_entry(lru, struct delta_base_cache_entry, lru);
- if (delta_base_cached <= delta_base_cache_limit)
- break;
- release_delta_base_cache(f);
- }
- ent->key.p = p;
- ent->key.base_offset = base_offset;
- ent->type = type;
- ent->data = base;
- ent->size = base_size;
- list_add_tail(&ent->lru, &delta_base_cache_lru);
- if (!delta_base_cache.cmpfn)
- hashmap_init(&delta_base_cache, delta_base_cache_hash_cmp, NULL, 0);
- hashmap_entry_init(ent, pack_entry_hash(p, base_offset));
- hashmap_add(&delta_base_cache, ent);
-int packed_object_info(struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset,
- struct object_info *oi)
- struct pack_window *w_curs = NULL;
- unsigned long size;
- off_t curpos = obj_offset;
- enum object_type type;
- /*
- * We always get the representation type, but only convert it to
- * a "real" type later if the caller is interested.
- */
- if (oi->contentp) {
- *oi->contentp = cache_or_unpack_entry(p, obj_offset, oi->sizep,
- &type);
- if (!*oi->contentp)
- type = OBJ_BAD;
- } else {
- type = unpack_object_header(p, &w_curs, &curpos, &size);
- }
- if (!oi->contentp && oi->sizep) {
- if (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA || type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
- off_t tmp_pos = curpos;
- off_t base_offset = get_delta_base(p, &w_curs, &tmp_pos,
- type, obj_offset);
- if (!base_offset) {
- type = OBJ_BAD;
- goto out;
- }
- *oi->sizep = get_size_from_delta(p, &w_curs, tmp_pos);
- if (*oi->sizep == 0) {
- type = OBJ_BAD;
- goto out;
- }
- } else {
- *oi->sizep = size;
- }
- }
- if (oi->disk_sizep) {
- struct revindex_entry *revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
- *oi->disk_sizep = revidx[1].offset - obj_offset;
- }
- if (oi->typep || oi->typename) {
- enum object_type ptot;
- ptot = packed_to_object_type(p, obj_offset, type, &w_curs,
- curpos);
- if (oi->typep)
- *oi->typep = ptot;
- if (oi->typename) {
- const char *tn = typename(ptot);
- if (tn)
- strbuf_addstr(oi->typename, tn);
- }
- if (ptot < 0) {
- type = OBJ_BAD;
- goto out;
- }
- }
- if (oi->delta_base_sha1) {
- if (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA || type == OBJ_REF_DELTA) {
- const unsigned char *base;
- base = get_delta_base_sha1(p, &w_curs, curpos,
- type, obj_offset);
- if (!base) {
- type = OBJ_BAD;
- goto out;
- }
- hashcpy(oi->delta_base_sha1, base);
- } else
- hashclr(oi->delta_base_sha1);
- }
- unuse_pack(&w_curs);
- return type;
-static void *unpack_compressed_entry(struct packed_git *p,
- struct pack_window **w_curs,
- off_t curpos,
- unsigned long size)
- int st;
- git_zstream stream;
- unsigned char *buffer, *in;
- buffer = xmallocz_gently(size);
- if (!buffer)
- return NULL;
- memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream));
- stream.next_out = buffer;
- stream.avail_out = size + 1;
- git_inflate_init(&stream);
- do {
- in = use_pack(p, w_curs, curpos, &stream.avail_in);
- stream.next_in = in;
- st = git_inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
- if (!stream.avail_out)
- break; /* the payload is larger than it should be */
- curpos += stream.next_in - in;
- } while (st == Z_OK || st == Z_BUF_ERROR);
- git_inflate_end(&stream);
- if ((st != Z_STREAM_END) || stream.total_out != size) {
- free(buffer);
- return NULL;
- }
- return buffer;
-static void *read_object(const unsigned char *sha1, enum object_type *type,
- unsigned long *size);
-static void write_pack_access_log(struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset)
- static struct trace_key pack_access = TRACE_KEY_INIT(PACK_ACCESS);
- trace_printf_key(&pack_access, "%s %"PRIuMAX"\n",
- p->pack_name, (uintmax_t)obj_offset);
-int do_check_packed_object_crc;
-struct unpack_entry_stack_ent {
- off_t obj_offset;
- off_t curpos;
- unsigned long size;
-void *unpack_entry(struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset,
- enum object_type *final_type, unsigned long *final_size)
- struct pack_window *w_curs = NULL;
- off_t curpos = obj_offset;
- void *data = NULL;
- unsigned long size;
- enum object_type type;
- struct unpack_entry_stack_ent small_delta_stack[UNPACK_ENTRY_STACK_PREALLOC];
- struct unpack_entry_stack_ent *delta_stack = small_delta_stack;
- int delta_stack_nr = 0, delta_stack_alloc = UNPACK_ENTRY_STACK_PREALLOC;
- int base_from_cache = 0;
- write_pack_access_log(p, obj_offset);
- /* PHASE 1: drill down to the innermost base object */
- for (;;) {
- off_t base_offset;
- int i;
- struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent;
- ent = get_delta_base_cache_entry(p, curpos);
- if (ent) {
- type = ent->type;
- data = ent->data;
- size = ent->size;
- detach_delta_base_cache_entry(ent);
- base_from_cache = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (do_check_packed_object_crc && p->index_version > 1) {
- struct revindex_entry *revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
- off_t len = revidx[1].offset - obj_offset;
- if (check_pack_crc(p, &w_curs, obj_offset, len, revidx->nr)) {
- const unsigned char *sha1 =
- nth_packed_object_sha1(p, revidx->nr);
- error("bad packed object CRC for %s",
- sha1_to_hex(sha1));
- mark_bad_packed_object(p, sha1);
- data = NULL;
- goto out;
- }
- }
- type = unpack_object_header(p, &w_curs, &curpos, &size);
- if (type != OBJ_OFS_DELTA && type != OBJ_REF_DELTA)
- break;
- base_offset = get_delta_base(p, &w_curs, &curpos, type, obj_offset);
- if (!base_offset) {
- error("failed to validate delta base reference "
- "at offset %"PRIuMAX" from %s",
- (uintmax_t)curpos, p->pack_name);
- /* bail to phase 2, in hopes of recovery */
- data = NULL;
- break;
- }
- /* push object, proceed to base */
- if (delta_stack_nr >= delta_stack_alloc
- && delta_stack == small_delta_stack) {
- delta_stack_alloc = alloc_nr(delta_stack_nr);
- ALLOC_ARRAY(delta_stack, delta_stack_alloc);
- memcpy(delta_stack, small_delta_stack,
- sizeof(*delta_stack)*delta_stack_nr);
- } else {
- ALLOC_GROW(delta_stack, delta_stack_nr+1, delta_stack_alloc);
- }
- i = delta_stack_nr++;
- delta_stack[i].obj_offset = obj_offset;
- delta_stack[i].curpos = curpos;
- delta_stack[i].size = size;
- curpos = obj_offset = base_offset;
- }
- /* PHASE 2: handle the base */
- switch (type) {
- if (data)
- die("BUG: unpack_entry: left loop at a valid delta");
- break;
- case OBJ_COMMIT:
- case OBJ_TREE:
- case OBJ_BLOB:
- case OBJ_TAG:
- if (!base_from_cache)
- data = unpack_compressed_entry(p, &w_curs, curpos, size);
- break;
- default:
- data = NULL;
- error("unknown object type %i at offset %"PRIuMAX" in %s",
- type, (uintmax_t)obj_offset, p->pack_name);
- }
- /* PHASE 3: apply deltas in order */
- /* invariants:
- * 'data' holds the base data, or NULL if there was corruption
- */
- while (delta_stack_nr) {
- void *delta_data;
- void *base = data;
- void *external_base = NULL;
- unsigned long delta_size, base_size = size;
- int i;
- data = NULL;
- if (base)
- add_delta_base_cache(p, obj_offset, base, base_size, type);
- if (!base) {
- /*
- * We're probably in deep shit, but let's try to fetch
- * the required base anyway from another pack or loose.
- * This is costly but should happen only in the presence
- * of a corrupted pack, and is better than failing outright.
- */
- struct revindex_entry *revidx;
- const unsigned char *base_sha1;
- revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
- if (revidx) {
- base_sha1 = nth_packed_object_sha1(p, revidx->nr);
- error("failed to read delta base object %s"
- " at offset %"PRIuMAX" from %s",
- sha1_to_hex(base_sha1), (uintmax_t)obj_offset,
- p->pack_name);
- mark_bad_packed_object(p, base_sha1);
- base = read_object(base_sha1, &type, &base_size);
- external_base = base;
- }
- }
- i = --delta_stack_nr;
- obj_offset = delta_stack[i].obj_offset;
- curpos = delta_stack[i].curpos;
- delta_size = delta_stack[i].size;
- if (!base)
- continue;
- delta_data = unpack_compressed_entry(p, &w_curs, curpos, delta_size);
- if (!delta_data) {
- error("failed to unpack compressed delta "
- "at offset %"PRIuMAX" from %s",
- (uintmax_t)curpos, p->pack_name);
- data = NULL;
- free(external_base);
- continue;
- }
- data = patch_delta(base, base_size,
- delta_data, delta_size,
- &size);
- /*
- * We could not apply the delta; warn the user, but keep going.
- * Our failure will be noticed either in the next iteration of
- * the loop, or if this is the final delta, in the caller when
- * we return NULL. Those code paths will take care of making
- * a more explicit warning and retrying with another copy of
- * the object.
- */
- if (!data)
- error("failed to apply delta");
- free(delta_data);
- free(external_base);
- }
- if (final_type)
- *final_type = type;
- if (final_size)
- *final_size = size;
- unuse_pack(&w_curs);
- if (delta_stack != small_delta_stack)
- free(delta_stack);
- return data;
-const unsigned char *nth_packed_object_sha1(struct packed_git *p,
- uint32_t n)
- const unsigned char *index = p->index_data;
- if (!index) {
- if (open_pack_index(p))
- return NULL;
- index = p->index_data;
- }
- if (n >= p->num_objects)
- return NULL;
- index += 4 * 256;
- if (p->index_version == 1) {
- return index + 24 * n + 4;
- } else {
- index += 8;
- return index + 20 * n;
- }
-const struct object_id *nth_packed_object_oid(struct object_id *oid,
- struct packed_git *p,
- uint32_t n)
- const unsigned char *hash = nth_packed_object_sha1(p, n);
- if (!hash)
- return NULL;
- hashcpy(oid->hash, hash);
- return oid;
-void check_pack_index_ptr(const struct packed_git *p, const void *vptr)
- const unsigned char *ptr = vptr;
- const unsigned char *start = p->index_data;
- const unsigned char *end = start + p->index_size;
- if (ptr < start)
- die(_("offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"),
- p->pack_name);
- /* No need to check for underflow; .idx files must be at least 8 bytes */
- if (ptr >= end - 8)
- die(_("offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"),
- p->pack_name);
-off_t nth_packed_object_offset(const struct packed_git *p, uint32_t n)
- const unsigned char *index = p->index_data;
- index += 4 * 256;
- if (p->index_version == 1) {
- return ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(index + 24 * n)));
- } else {
- uint32_t off;
- index += 8 + p->num_objects * (20 + 4);
- off = ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(index + 4 * n)));
- if (!(off & 0x80000000))
- return off;
- index += p->num_objects * 4 + (off & 0x7fffffff) * 8;
- check_pack_index_ptr(p, index);
- return (((uint64_t)ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(index + 0)))) << 32) |
- ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(index + 4)));
- }
-off_t find_pack_entry_one(const unsigned char *sha1,
- struct packed_git *p)
- const uint32_t *level1_ofs = p->index_data;
- const unsigned char *index = p->index_data;
- unsigned hi, lo, stride;
- static int use_lookup = -1;
- static int debug_lookup = -1;
- if (debug_lookup < 0)
- debug_lookup = !!getenv("GIT_DEBUG_LOOKUP");
- if (!index) {
- if (open_pack_index(p))
- return 0;
- level1_ofs = p->index_data;
- index = p->index_data;
- }
- if (p->index_version > 1) {
- level1_ofs += 2;
- index += 8;
- }
- index += 4 * 256;
- hi = ntohl(level1_ofs[*sha1]);
- lo = ((*sha1 == 0x0) ? 0 : ntohl(level1_ofs[*sha1 - 1]));
- if (p->index_version > 1) {
- stride = 20;
- } else {
- stride = 24;
- index += 4;
- }
- if (debug_lookup)
- printf("%02x%02x%02x... lo %u hi %u nr %"PRIu32"\n",
- sha1[0], sha1[1], sha1[2], lo, hi, p->num_objects);
- if (use_lookup < 0)
- use_lookup = !!getenv("GIT_USE_LOOKUP");
- if (use_lookup) {
- int pos = sha1_entry_pos(index, stride, 0,
- lo, hi, p->num_objects, sha1);
- if (pos < 0)
- return 0;
- return nth_packed_object_offset(p, pos);
- }
- while (lo < hi) {
- unsigned mi = (lo + hi) / 2;
- int cmp = hashcmp(index + mi * stride, sha1);
- if (debug_lookup)
- printf("lo %u hi %u rg %u mi %u\n",
- lo, hi, hi - lo, mi);
- if (!cmp)
- return nth_packed_object_offset(p, mi);
- if (cmp > 0)
- hi = mi;
- else
- lo = mi+1;
- }
- return 0;
-int is_pack_valid(struct packed_git *p)
- /* An already open pack is known to be valid. */
- if (p->pack_fd != -1)
- return 1;
- /* If the pack has one window completely covering the
- * file size, the pack is known to be valid even if
- * the descriptor is not currently open.
- */
- if (p->windows) {
- struct pack_window *w = p->windows;
- if (!w->offset && w->len == p->pack_size)
- return 1;
- }
- /* Force the pack to open to prove its valid. */
- return !open_packed_git(p);
-static int fill_pack_entry(const unsigned char *sha1,
- struct pack_entry *e,
- struct packed_git *p)
- off_t offset;
- if (p->num_bad_objects) {
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < p->num_bad_objects; i++)
- if (!hashcmp(sha1, p->bad_object_sha1 + 20 * i))
- return 0;
- }
- offset = find_pack_entry_one(sha1, p);
- if (!offset)
- return 0;
- /*
- * We are about to tell the caller where they can locate the
- * requested object. We better make sure the packfile is
- * still here and can be accessed before supplying that
- * answer, as it may have been deleted since the index was
- * loaded!
- */
- if (!is_pack_valid(p))
- return 0;
- e->offset = offset;
- e->p = p;
- hashcpy(e->sha1, sha1);
- return 1;
- * Iff a pack file contains the object named by sha1, return true and
- * store its location to e.
- */
-static int find_pack_entry(const unsigned char *sha1, struct pack_entry *e)
- struct mru_entry *p;
- prepare_packed_git();
- if (!packed_git)
- return 0;
- for (p = packed_git_mru->head; p; p = p->next) {
- if (fill_pack_entry(sha1, e, p->item)) {
- mru_mark(packed_git_mru, p);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-struct packed_git *find_sha1_pack(const unsigned char *sha1,
- struct packed_git *packs)
- struct packed_git *p;
- for (p = packs; p; p = p->next) {
- if (find_pack_entry_one(sha1, p))
- return p;
- }
- return NULL;
static int sha1_loose_object_info(const unsigned char *sha1,
struct object_info *oi,
int flags)
@@ -2975,6 +1136,7 @@ static int sha1_loose_object_info(const unsigned char *sha1,
if (oi->sizep == &size_scratch)
oi->sizep = NULL;
+ oi->whence = OI_LOOSE;
return (status < 0) ? status : 0;
@@ -3012,10 +1174,8 @@ int sha1_object_info_extended(const unsigned char *sha1, struct object_info *oi,
if (!find_pack_entry(real, &e)) {
/* Most likely it's a loose object. */
- if (!sha1_loose_object_info(real, oi, flags)) {
- oi->whence = OI_LOOSE;
+ if (!sha1_loose_object_info(real, oi, flags))
return 0;
- }
/* Not a loose object; someone else may have just packed it. */
if (flags & OBJECT_INFO_QUICK) {
@@ -3038,10 +1198,7 @@ int sha1_object_info_extended(const unsigned char *sha1, struct object_info *oi,
if (rtype < 0) {
mark_bad_packed_object(e.p, real);
return sha1_object_info_extended(real, oi, 0);
- } else if (in_delta_base_cache(e.p, e.offset)) {
- oi->whence = OI_DBCACHED;
- } else {
- oi->whence = OI_PACKED;
+ } else if (oi->whence == OI_PACKED) {
oi->u.packed.offset = e.offset;
oi->u.packed.pack = e.p;
oi->u.packed.is_delta = (rtype == OBJ_REF_DELTA ||
@@ -3065,28 +1222,18 @@ int sha1_object_info(const unsigned char *sha1, unsigned long *sizep)
return type;
-static void *read_packed_sha1(const unsigned char *sha1,
- enum object_type *type, unsigned long *size)
+static void *read_object(const unsigned char *sha1, enum object_type *type,
+ unsigned long *size)
- struct pack_entry e;
- void *data;
+ struct object_info oi = OBJECT_INFO_INIT;
+ void *content;
+ oi.typep = type;
+ oi.sizep = size;
+ oi.contentp = &content;
- if (!find_pack_entry(sha1, &e))
+ if (sha1_object_info_extended(sha1, &oi, 0) < 0)
return NULL;
- data = cache_or_unpack_entry(e.p, e.offset, size, type);
- if (!data) {
- /*
- * We're probably in deep shit, but let's try to fetch
- * the required object anyway from another pack or loose.
- * This should happen only in the presence of a corrupted
- * pack, and is better than failing outright.
- */
- error("failed to read object %s at offset %"PRIuMAX" from %s",
- sha1_to_hex(sha1), (uintmax_t)e.offset, e.p->pack_name);
- mark_bad_packed_object(e.p, sha1);
- data = read_object(sha1, type, size);
- }
- return data;
+ return content;
int pretend_sha1_file(void *buf, unsigned long len, enum object_type type,
@@ -3107,20 +1254,6 @@ int pretend_sha1_file(void *buf, unsigned long len, enum object_type type,
return 0;
-static void *read_object(const unsigned char *sha1, enum object_type *type,
- unsigned long *size)
- struct object_info oi = OBJECT_INFO_INIT;
- void *content;
- oi.typep = type;
- oi.sizep = size;
- oi.contentp = &content;
- if (sha1_object_info_extended(sha1, &oi, 0) < 0)
- return NULL;
- return content;
* This function dies on corrupt objects; the callers who want to
* deal with them should arrange to call read_object() and give error
@@ -3439,7 +1572,7 @@ int write_sha1_file(const void *buf, unsigned long len, const char *type, unsign
int hash_sha1_file_literally(const void *buf, unsigned long len, const char *type,
- unsigned char *sha1, unsigned flags)
+ struct object_id *oid, unsigned flags)
char *header;
int hdrlen, status = 0;
@@ -3447,13 +1580,13 @@ int hash_sha1_file_literally(const void *buf, unsigned long len, const char *typ
/* type string, SP, %lu of the length plus NUL must fit this */
hdrlen = strlen(type) + 32;
header = xmalloc(hdrlen);
- write_sha1_file_prepare(buf, len, type, sha1, header, &hdrlen);
+ write_sha1_file_prepare(buf, len, type, oid->hash, header, &hdrlen);
if (!(flags & HASH_WRITE_OBJECT))
goto cleanup;
- if (freshen_packed_object(sha1) || freshen_loose_object(sha1))
+ if (freshen_packed_object(oid->hash) || freshen_loose_object(oid->hash))
goto cleanup;
- status = write_loose_object(sha1, header, hdrlen, buf, len, 0);
+ status = write_loose_object(oid->hash, header, hdrlen, buf, len, 0);
@@ -3471,7 +1604,7 @@ int force_object_loose(const unsigned char *sha1, time_t mtime)
if (has_loose_object(sha1))
return 0;
- buf = read_packed_sha1(sha1, &type, &len);
+ buf = read_object(sha1, &type, &len);
if (!buf)
return error("cannot read sha1_file for %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
hdrlen = xsnprintf(hdr, sizeof(hdr), "%s %lu", typename(type), len) + 1;
@@ -3481,20 +1614,6 @@ int force_object_loose(const unsigned char *sha1, time_t mtime)
return ret;
-int has_pack_index(const unsigned char *sha1)
- struct stat st;
- if (stat(sha1_pack_index_name(sha1), &st))
- return 0;
- return 1;
-int has_sha1_pack(const unsigned char *sha1)
- struct pack_entry e;
- return find_pack_entry(sha1, &e);
int has_sha1_file_with_flags(const unsigned char *sha1, int flags)
if (!startup_info->have_repository)
@@ -3657,14 +1776,14 @@ static int index_core(unsigned char *sha1, int fd, size_t size,
* binary blobs, they generally do not want to get any conversion, and
* callers should avoid this code path when filters are requested.
-static int index_stream(unsigned char *sha1, int fd, size_t size,
+static int index_stream(struct object_id *oid, int fd, size_t size,
enum object_type type, const char *path,
unsigned flags)
- return index_bulk_checkin(sha1, fd, size, type, path, flags);
+ return index_bulk_checkin(oid->hash, fd, size, type, path, flags);
-int index_fd(unsigned char *sha1, int fd, struct stat *st,
+int index_fd(struct object_id *oid, int fd, struct stat *st,
enum object_type type, const char *path, unsigned flags)
int ret;
@@ -3674,31 +1793,32 @@ int index_fd(unsigned char *sha1, int fd, struct stat *st,
* die() for large files.
if (type == OBJ_BLOB && path && would_convert_to_git_filter_fd(path))
- ret = index_stream_convert_blob(sha1, fd, path, flags);
+ ret = index_stream_convert_blob(oid->hash, fd, path, flags);
else if (!S_ISREG(st->st_mode))
- ret = index_pipe(sha1, fd, type, path, flags);
+ ret = index_pipe(oid->hash, fd, type, path, flags);
else if (st->st_size <= big_file_threshold || type != OBJ_BLOB ||
(path && would_convert_to_git(&the_index, path)))
- ret = index_core(sha1, fd, xsize_t(st->st_size), type, path,
+ ret = index_core(oid->hash, fd, xsize_t(st->st_size), type, path,
- ret = index_stream(sha1, fd, xsize_t(st->st_size), type, path,
+ ret = index_stream(oid, fd, xsize_t(st->st_size), type, path,
return ret;
-int index_path(unsigned char *sha1, const char *path, struct stat *st, unsigned flags)
+int index_path(struct object_id *oid, const char *path, struct stat *st, unsigned flags)
int fd;
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ int rc = 0;
switch (st->st_mode & S_IFMT) {
case S_IFREG:
fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0)
return error_errno("open(\"%s\")", path);
- if (index_fd(sha1, fd, st, OBJ_BLOB, path, flags) < 0)
+ if (index_fd(oid, fd, st, OBJ_BLOB, path, flags) < 0)
return error("%s: failed to insert into database",
@@ -3706,23 +1826,22 @@ int index_path(unsigned char *sha1, const char *path, struct stat *st, unsigned
if (strbuf_readlink(&sb, path, st->st_size))
return error_errno("readlink(\"%s\")", path);
if (!(flags & HASH_WRITE_OBJECT))
- hash_sha1_file(sb.buf, sb.len, blob_type, sha1);
- else if (write_sha1_file(sb.buf, sb.len, blob_type, sha1))
- return error("%s: failed to insert into database",
- path);
+ hash_sha1_file(sb.buf, sb.len, blob_type, oid->hash);
+ else if (write_sha1_file(sb.buf, sb.len, blob_type, oid->hash))
+ rc = error("%s: failed to insert into database", path);
case S_IFDIR:
- return resolve_gitlink_ref(path, "HEAD", sha1);
+ return resolve_gitlink_ref(path, "HEAD", oid->hash);
return error("%s: unsupported file type", path);
- return 0;
+ return rc;
int read_pack_header(int fd, struct pack_header *header)
- if (read_in_full(fd, header, sizeof(*header)) < sizeof(*header))
+ if (read_in_full(fd, header, sizeof(*header)) != sizeof(*header))
/* "eof before pack header was fully read" */
return PH_ERROR_EOF;
@@ -3887,46 +2006,6 @@ int for_each_loose_object(each_loose_object_fn cb, void *data, unsigned flags)
return foreach_alt_odb(loose_from_alt_odb, &alt);
-static int for_each_object_in_pack(struct packed_git *p, each_packed_object_fn cb, void *data)
- uint32_t i;
- int r = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < p->num_objects; i++) {
- struct object_id oid;
- if (!nth_packed_object_oid(&oid, p, i))
- return error("unable to get sha1 of object %u in %s",
- i, p->pack_name);
- r = cb(&oid, p, i, data);
- if (r)
- break;
- }
- return r;
-int for_each_packed_object(each_packed_object_fn cb, void *data, unsigned flags)
- struct packed_git *p;
- int r = 0;
- int pack_errors = 0;
- prepare_packed_git();
- for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next) {
- if ((flags & FOR_EACH_OBJECT_LOCAL_ONLY) && !p->pack_local)
- continue;
- if (open_pack_index(p)) {
- pack_errors = 1;
- continue;
- }
- r = for_each_object_in_pack(p, cb, data);
- if (r)
- break;
- }
- return r ? r : pack_errors;
static int check_stream_sha1(git_zstream *stream,
const char *hdr,
unsigned long size,
diff --git a/sha1_name.c b/sha1_name.c
index 74fcb6d788..134ac9742f 100644
--- a/sha1_name.c
+++ b/sha1_name.c
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
#include "remote.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "sha1-array.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
-static int get_sha1_oneline(const char *, unsigned char *, struct commit_list *);
+static int get_oid_oneline(const char *, struct object_id *, struct commit_list *);
typedef int (*disambiguate_hint_fn)(const struct object_id *, void *);
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ static void find_short_packed_object(struct disambiguate_state *ds)
static int finish_object_disambiguation(struct disambiguate_state *ds,
- unsigned char *sha1)
+ struct object_id *oid)
if (ds->ambiguous)
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ static int finish_object_disambiguation(struct disambiguate_state *ds,
if (!ds->candidate_ok)
- hashcpy(sha1, ds->candidate.hash);
+ oidcpy(oid, &ds->candidate);
return 0;
@@ -385,35 +386,35 @@ static int show_ambiguous_object(const struct object_id *oid, void *data)
return 0;
-static int get_short_sha1(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
+static int get_short_oid(const char *name, int len, struct object_id *oid,
unsigned flags)
int status;
struct disambiguate_state ds;
- int quietly = !!(flags & GET_SHA1_QUIETLY);
+ int quietly = !!(flags & GET_OID_QUIETLY);
if (init_object_disambiguation(name, len, &ds) < 0)
return -1;
- die("BUG: multiple get_short_sha1 disambiguator flags");
+ die("BUG: multiple get_short_oid disambiguator flags");
- if (flags & GET_SHA1_COMMIT)
+ if (flags & GET_OID_COMMIT)
ds.fn = disambiguate_commit_only;
- else if (flags & GET_SHA1_COMMITTISH)
+ else if (flags & GET_OID_COMMITTISH)
ds.fn = disambiguate_committish_only;
- else if (flags & GET_SHA1_TREE)
+ else if (flags & GET_OID_TREE)
ds.fn = disambiguate_tree_only;
- else if (flags & GET_SHA1_TREEISH)
+ else if (flags & GET_OID_TREEISH)
ds.fn = disambiguate_treeish_only;
- else if (flags & GET_SHA1_BLOB)
+ else if (flags & GET_OID_BLOB)
ds.fn = disambiguate_blob_only;
ds.fn = default_disambiguate_hint;
- status = finish_object_disambiguation(&ds, sha1);
+ status = finish_object_disambiguation(&ds, oid);
if (!quietly && (status == SHORT_NAME_AMBIGUOUS)) {
error(_("short SHA1 %s is ambiguous"), ds.hex_pfx);
@@ -500,12 +501,12 @@ int find_unique_abbrev_r(char *hex, const unsigned char *sha1, int len)
sha1_to_hex_r(hex, sha1);
- if (len == 40 || !len)
- return 40;
+ if (len == GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ || !len)
+ return GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ;
exists = has_sha1_file(sha1);
- while (len < 40) {
- unsigned char sha1_ret[20];
- status = get_short_sha1(hex, len, sha1_ret, GET_SHA1_QUIETLY);
+ while (len < GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ) {
+ struct object_id oid_ret;
+ status = get_short_oid(hex, len, &oid_ret, GET_OID_QUIETLY);
if (exists
? !status
: status == SHORT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
@@ -578,10 +579,10 @@ static inline int push_mark(const char *string, int len)
return at_mark(string, len, suffix, ARRAY_SIZE(suffix));
-static int get_sha1_1(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1, unsigned lookup_flags);
+static int get_oid_1(const char *name, int len, struct object_id *oid, unsigned lookup_flags);
static int interpret_nth_prior_checkout(const char *name, int namelen, struct strbuf *buf);
-static int get_sha1_basic(const char *str, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
+static int get_oid_basic(const char *str, int len, struct object_id *oid,
unsigned int flags)
static const char *warn_msg = "refname '%.*s' is ambiguous.";
@@ -595,14 +596,14 @@ static int get_sha1_basic(const char *str, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
"where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
"examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
"running \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\"");
- unsigned char tmp_sha1[20];
+ struct object_id tmp_oid;
char *real_ref = NULL;
int refs_found = 0;
int at, reflog_len, nth_prior = 0;
- if (len == 40 && !get_sha1_hex(str, sha1)) {
+ if (len == GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ && !get_oid_hex(str, oid)) {
if (warn_ambiguous_refs && warn_on_object_refname_ambiguity) {
- refs_found = dwim_ref(str, len, tmp_sha1, &real_ref);
+ refs_found = dwim_ref(str, len, tmp_oid.hash, &real_ref);
if (refs_found > 0) {
warning(warn_msg, len, str);
if (advice_object_name_warning)
@@ -644,7 +645,7 @@ static int get_sha1_basic(const char *str, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
int detached;
if (interpret_nth_prior_checkout(str, len, &buf) > 0) {
- detached = (buf.len == 40 && !get_sha1_hex(buf.buf, sha1));
+ detached = (buf.len == GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ && !get_oid_hex(buf.buf, oid));
if (detached)
return 0;
@@ -653,18 +654,18 @@ static int get_sha1_basic(const char *str, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
if (!len && reflog_len)
/* allow "@{...}" to mean the current branch reflog */
- refs_found = dwim_ref("HEAD", 4, sha1, &real_ref);
+ refs_found = dwim_ref("HEAD", 4, oid->hash, &real_ref);
else if (reflog_len)
- refs_found = dwim_log(str, len, sha1, &real_ref);
+ refs_found = dwim_log(str, len, oid->hash, &real_ref);
- refs_found = dwim_ref(str, len, sha1, &real_ref);
+ refs_found = dwim_ref(str, len, oid->hash, &real_ref);
if (!refs_found)
return -1;
- if (warn_ambiguous_refs && !(flags & GET_SHA1_QUIETLY) &&
+ if (warn_ambiguous_refs && !(flags & GET_OID_QUIETLY) &&
(refs_found > 1 ||
- !get_short_sha1(str, len, tmp_sha1, GET_SHA1_QUIETLY)))
+ !get_short_oid(str, len, &tmp_oid, GET_OID_QUIETLY)))
warning(warn_msg, len, str);
if (reflog_len) {
@@ -696,7 +697,7 @@ static int get_sha1_basic(const char *str, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
return -1;
- if (read_ref_at(real_ref, flags, at_time, nth, sha1, NULL,
+ if (read_ref_at(real_ref, flags, at_time, nth, oid->hash, NULL,
&co_time, &co_tz, &co_cnt)) {
if (!len) {
if (starts_with(real_ref, "refs/heads/")) {
@@ -709,13 +710,13 @@ static int get_sha1_basic(const char *str, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
if (at_time) {
- if (!(flags & GET_SHA1_QUIETLY)) {
+ if (!(flags & GET_OID_QUIETLY)) {
warning("Log for '%.*s' only goes "
"back to %s.", len, str,
show_date(co_time, co_tz, DATE_MODE(RFC2822)));
} else {
- if (flags & GET_SHA1_QUIETLY) {
+ if (flags & GET_OID_QUIETLY) {
die("Log for '%.*s' only has %d entries.",
@@ -729,10 +730,10 @@ static int get_sha1_basic(const char *str, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
static int get_parent(const char *name, int len,
- unsigned char *result, int idx)
+ struct object_id *result, int idx)
struct object_id oid;
- int ret = get_sha1_1(name, len, oid.hash, GET_SHA1_COMMITTISH);
+ int ret = get_oid_1(name, len, &oid, GET_OID_COMMITTISH);
struct commit *commit;
struct commit_list *p;
@@ -742,13 +743,13 @@ static int get_parent(const char *name, int len,
if (parse_commit(commit))
return -1;
if (!idx) {
- hashcpy(result, commit->object.oid.hash);
+ oidcpy(result, &commit->object.oid);
return 0;
p = commit->parents;
while (p) {
if (!--idx) {
- hashcpy(result, p->item->object.oid.hash);
+ oidcpy(result, &p->item->object.oid);
return 0;
p = p->next;
@@ -757,13 +758,13 @@ static int get_parent(const char *name, int len,
static int get_nth_ancestor(const char *name, int len,
- unsigned char *result, int generation)
+ struct object_id *result, int generation)
struct object_id oid;
struct commit *commit;
int ret;
- ret = get_sha1_1(name, len, oid.hash, GET_SHA1_COMMITTISH);
+ ret = get_oid_1(name, len, &oid, GET_OID_COMMITTISH);
if (ret)
return ret;
commit = lookup_commit_reference(&oid);
@@ -775,7 +776,7 @@ static int get_nth_ancestor(const char *name, int len,
return -1;
commit = commit->parents->item;
- hashcpy(result, commit->object.oid.hash);
+ oidcpy(result, &commit->object.oid);
return 0;
@@ -804,7 +805,7 @@ struct object *peel_to_type(const char *name, int namelen,
-static int peel_onion(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
+static int peel_onion(const char *name, int len, struct object_id *oid,
unsigned lookup_flags)
struct object_id outer;
@@ -849,13 +850,13 @@ static int peel_onion(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
return -1;
- lookup_flags &= ~GET_SHA1_DISAMBIGUATORS;
+ lookup_flags &= ~GET_OID_DISAMBIGUATORS;
if (expected_type == OBJ_COMMIT)
- lookup_flags |= GET_SHA1_COMMITTISH;
+ lookup_flags |= GET_OID_COMMITTISH;
else if (expected_type == OBJ_TREE)
- lookup_flags |= GET_SHA1_TREEISH;
+ lookup_flags |= GET_OID_TREEISH;
- if (get_sha1_1(name, sp - name - 2, outer.hash, lookup_flags))
+ if (get_oid_1(name, sp - name - 2, &outer, lookup_flags))
return -1;
o = parse_object(&outer);
@@ -865,7 +866,7 @@ static int peel_onion(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
o = deref_tag(o, name, sp - name - 2);
if (!o || (!o->parsed && !parse_object(&o->oid)))
return -1;
- hashcpy(sha1, o->oid.hash);
+ oidcpy(oid, &o->oid);
return 0;
@@ -878,7 +879,7 @@ static int peel_onion(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
if (!o)
return -1;
- hashcpy(sha1, o->oid.hash);
+ oidcpy(oid, &o->oid);
if (sp[0] == '/') {
/* "$commit^{/foo}" */
char *prefix;
@@ -894,17 +895,17 @@ static int peel_onion(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1,
prefix = xstrndup(sp + 1, name + len - 1 - (sp + 1));
commit_list_insert((struct commit *)o, &list);
- ret = get_sha1_oneline(prefix, sha1, list);
+ ret = get_oid_oneline(prefix, oid, list);
return ret;
return 0;
-static int get_describe_name(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1)
+static int get_describe_name(const char *name, int len, struct object_id *oid)
const char *cp;
- unsigned flags = GET_SHA1_QUIETLY | GET_SHA1_COMMIT;
+ unsigned flags = GET_OID_QUIETLY | GET_OID_COMMIT;
for (cp = name + len - 1; name + 2 <= cp; cp--) {
char ch = *cp;
@@ -915,14 +916,14 @@ static int get_describe_name(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1)
if (ch == 'g' && cp[-1] == '-') {
len -= cp - name;
- return get_short_sha1(cp, len, sha1, flags);
+ return get_short_oid(cp, len, oid, flags);
return -1;
-static int get_sha1_1(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1, unsigned lookup_flags)
+static int get_oid_1(const char *name, int len, struct object_id *oid, unsigned lookup_flags)
int ret, has_suffix;
const char *cp;
@@ -949,25 +950,25 @@ static int get_sha1_1(const char *name, int len, unsigned char *sha1, unsigned l
if (!num && len1 == len - 1)
num = 1;
if (has_suffix == '^')
- return get_parent(name, len1, sha1, num);
+ return get_parent(name, len1, oid, num);
/* else if (has_suffix == '~') -- goes without saying */
- return get_nth_ancestor(name, len1, sha1, num);
+ return get_nth_ancestor(name, len1, oid, num);
- ret = peel_onion(name, len, sha1, lookup_flags);
+ ret = peel_onion(name, len, oid, lookup_flags);
if (!ret)
return 0;
- ret = get_sha1_basic(name, len, sha1, lookup_flags);
+ ret = get_oid_basic(name, len, oid, lookup_flags);
if (!ret)
return 0;
/* It could be describe output that is "SOMETHING-gXXXX" */
- ret = get_describe_name(name, len, sha1);
+ ret = get_describe_name(name, len, oid);
if (!ret)
return 0;
- return get_short_sha1(name, len, sha1, lookup_flags);
+ return get_short_oid(name, len, oid, lookup_flags);
@@ -1004,7 +1005,7 @@ static int handle_one_ref(const char *path, const struct object_id *oid,
return 0;
-static int get_sha1_oneline(const char *prefix, unsigned char *sha1,
+static int get_oid_oneline(const char *prefix, struct object_id *oid,
struct commit_list *list)
struct commit_list *backup = NULL, *l;
@@ -1044,7 +1045,7 @@ static int get_sha1_oneline(const char *prefix, unsigned char *sha1,
unuse_commit_buffer(commit, buf);
if (matches) {
- hashcpy(sha1, commit->object.oid.hash);
+ oidcpy(oid, &commit->object.oid);
found = 1;
@@ -1140,7 +1141,7 @@ int get_oid_mb(const char *name, struct object_id *oid)
struct strbuf sb;
strbuf_init(&sb, dots - name);
strbuf_add(&sb, name, dots - name);
- st = get_sha1_committish(sb.buf, oid_tmp.hash);
+ st = get_oid_committish(sb.buf, &oid_tmp);
if (st)
@@ -1149,7 +1150,7 @@ int get_oid_mb(const char *name, struct object_id *oid)
if (!one)
return -1;
- if (get_sha1_committish(dots[3] ? (dots + 3) : "HEAD", oid_tmp.hash))
+ if (get_oid_committish(dots[3] ? (dots + 3) : "HEAD", &oid_tmp))
return -1;
two = lookup_commit_reference_gently(&oid_tmp, 0);
if (!two)
@@ -1338,21 +1339,13 @@ int strbuf_check_branch_ref(struct strbuf *sb, const char *name)
- * This is like "get_sha1_basic()", except it allows "sha1 expressions",
+ * This is like "get_oid_basic()", except it allows "object ID expressions",
* notably "xyz^" for "parent of xyz"
-int get_sha1(const char *name, unsigned char *sha1)
- struct object_context unused;
- return get_sha1_with_context(name, 0, sha1, &unused);
- * This is like "get_sha1()", but for struct object_id.
- */
int get_oid(const char *name, struct object_id *oid)
- return get_sha1(name, oid->hash);
+ struct object_context unused;
+ return get_oid_with_context(name, 0, oid, &unused);
@@ -1366,49 +1359,49 @@ int get_oid(const char *name, struct object_id *oid)
* commit-ish. It is merely to give a hint to the disambiguation
* machinery.
-int get_sha1_committish(const char *name, unsigned char *sha1)
+int get_oid_committish(const char *name, struct object_id *oid)
struct object_context unused;
- return get_sha1_with_context(name, GET_SHA1_COMMITTISH,
- sha1, &unused);
+ return get_oid_with_context(name, GET_OID_COMMITTISH,
+ oid, &unused);
-int get_sha1_treeish(const char *name, unsigned char *sha1)
+int get_oid_treeish(const char *name, struct object_id *oid)
struct object_context unused;
- return get_sha1_with_context(name, GET_SHA1_TREEISH,
- sha1, &unused);
+ return get_oid_with_context(name, GET_OID_TREEISH,
+ oid, &unused);
-int get_sha1_commit(const char *name, unsigned char *sha1)
+int get_oid_commit(const char *name, struct object_id *oid)
struct object_context unused;
- return get_sha1_with_context(name, GET_SHA1_COMMIT,
- sha1, &unused);
+ return get_oid_with_context(name, GET_OID_COMMIT,
+ oid, &unused);
-int get_sha1_tree(const char *name, unsigned char *sha1)
+int get_oid_tree(const char *name, struct object_id *oid)
struct object_context unused;
- return get_sha1_with_context(name, GET_SHA1_TREE,
- sha1, &unused);
+ return get_oid_with_context(name, GET_OID_TREE,
+ oid, &unused);
-int get_sha1_blob(const char *name, unsigned char *sha1)
+int get_oid_blob(const char *name, struct object_id *oid)
struct object_context unused;
- return get_sha1_with_context(name, GET_SHA1_BLOB,
- sha1, &unused);
+ return get_oid_with_context(name, GET_OID_BLOB,
+ oid, &unused);
/* Must be called only when object_name:filename doesn't exist. */
-static void diagnose_invalid_sha1_path(const char *prefix,
- const char *filename,
- const unsigned char *tree_sha1,
- const char *object_name,
- int object_name_len)
+static void diagnose_invalid_oid_path(const char *prefix,
+ const char *filename,
+ const struct object_id *tree_oid,
+ const char *object_name,
+ int object_name_len)
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
unsigned mode;
if (!prefix)
@@ -1420,8 +1413,8 @@ static void diagnose_invalid_sha1_path(const char *prefix,
if (is_missing_file_error(errno)) {
char *fullname = xstrfmt("%s%s", prefix, filename);
- if (!get_tree_entry(tree_sha1, fullname,
- sha1, &mode)) {
+ if (!get_tree_entry(tree_oid->hash, fullname,
+ oid.hash, &mode)) {
die("Path '%s' exists, but not '%s'.\n"
"Did you mean '%.*s:%s' aka '%.*s:./%s'?",
@@ -1504,24 +1497,24 @@ static char *resolve_relative_path(const char *rel)
-static int get_sha1_with_context_1(const char *name,
- unsigned flags,
- const char *prefix,
- unsigned char *sha1,
- struct object_context *oc)
+static int get_oid_with_context_1(const char *name,
+ unsigned flags,
+ const char *prefix,
+ struct object_id *oid,
+ struct object_context *oc)
int ret, bracket_depth;
int namelen = strlen(name);
const char *cp;
- int only_to_die = flags & GET_SHA1_ONLY_TO_DIE;
+ int only_to_die = flags & GET_OID_ONLY_TO_DIE;
if (only_to_die)
- flags |= GET_SHA1_QUIETLY;
+ flags |= GET_OID_QUIETLY;
memset(oc, 0, sizeof(*oc));
oc->mode = S_IFINVALID;
strbuf_init(&oc->symlink_path, 0);
- ret = get_sha1_1(name, namelen, sha1, flags);
+ ret = get_oid_1(name, namelen, oid, flags);
if (!ret)
return ret;
@@ -1541,7 +1534,7 @@ static int get_sha1_with_context_1(const char *name,
for_each_ref(handle_one_ref, &list);
- return get_sha1_oneline(name + 2, sha1, list);
+ return get_oid_oneline(name + 2, oid, list);
if (namelen < 3 ||
name[2] != ':' ||
@@ -1559,7 +1552,7 @@ static int get_sha1_with_context_1(const char *name,
namelen = strlen(cp);
- if (flags & GET_SHA1_RECORD_PATH)
+ if (flags & GET_OID_RECORD_PATH)
oc->path = xstrdup(cp);
if (!active_cache)
@@ -1573,7 +1566,7 @@ static int get_sha1_with_context_1(const char *name,
memcmp(ce->name, cp, namelen))
if (ce_stage(ce) == stage) {
- hashcpy(sha1, ce->oid.hash);
+ oidcpy(oid, &ce->oid);
oc->mode = ce->ce_mode;
return 0;
@@ -1594,36 +1587,36 @@ static int get_sha1_with_context_1(const char *name,
if (*cp == ':') {
- unsigned char tree_sha1[20];
+ struct object_id tree_oid;
int len = cp - name;
unsigned sub_flags = flags;
- sub_flags &= ~GET_SHA1_DISAMBIGUATORS;
- sub_flags |= GET_SHA1_TREEISH;
+ sub_flags |= GET_OID_TREEISH;
- if (!get_sha1_1(name, len, tree_sha1, sub_flags)) {
+ if (!get_oid_1(name, len, &tree_oid, sub_flags)) {
const char *filename = cp+1;
char *new_filename = NULL;
new_filename = resolve_relative_path(filename);
if (new_filename)
filename = new_filename;
- if (flags & GET_SHA1_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS) {
- ret = get_tree_entry_follow_symlinks(tree_sha1,
- filename, sha1, &oc->symlink_path,
+ if (flags & GET_OID_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS) {
+ ret = get_tree_entry_follow_symlinks(tree_oid.hash,
+ filename, oid->hash, &oc->symlink_path,
} else {
- ret = get_tree_entry(tree_sha1, filename,
- sha1, &oc->mode);
+ ret = get_tree_entry(tree_oid.hash, filename,
+ oid->hash, &oc->mode);
if (ret && only_to_die) {
- diagnose_invalid_sha1_path(prefix,
+ diagnose_invalid_oid_path(prefix,
- tree_sha1,
+ &tree_oid,
name, len);
- hashcpy(oc->tree, tree_sha1);
- if (flags & GET_SHA1_RECORD_PATH)
+ hashcpy(oc->tree, tree_oid.hash);
+ if (flags & GET_OID_RECORD_PATH)
oc->path = xstrdup(filename);
@@ -1646,13 +1639,13 @@ static int get_sha1_with_context_1(const char *name,
void maybe_die_on_misspelt_object_name(const char *name, const char *prefix)
struct object_context oc;
- unsigned char sha1[20];
- get_sha1_with_context_1(name, GET_SHA1_ONLY_TO_DIE, prefix, sha1, &oc);
+ struct object_id oid;
+ get_oid_with_context_1(name, GET_OID_ONLY_TO_DIE, prefix, &oid, &oc);
-int get_sha1_with_context(const char *str, unsigned flags, unsigned char *sha1, struct object_context *oc)
+int get_oid_with_context(const char *str, unsigned flags, struct object_id *oid, struct object_context *oc)
- if (flags & GET_SHA1_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS && flags & GET_SHA1_ONLY_TO_DIE)
die("BUG: incompatible flags for get_sha1_with_context");
- return get_sha1_with_context_1(str, flags, NULL, sha1, oc);
+ return get_oid_with_context_1(str, flags, NULL, oid, oc);
diff --git a/sha1dc_git.c b/sha1dc_git.c
index 4d32b4f77e..e0cc9d988c 100644
--- a/sha1dc_git.c
+++ b/sha1dc_git.c
@@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
+#include "cache.h"
- * This code is included at the end of sha1dc/sha1.c with the
+ * Same as SHA1DCInit, but with default save_hash=0
+void git_SHA1DCInit(SHA1_CTX *ctx)
+ SHA1DCInit(ctx);
+ SHA1DCSetSafeHash(ctx, 0);
+ * Same as SHA1DCFinal, but convert collision attack case into a verbose die().
+ */
void git_SHA1DCFinal(unsigned char hash[20], SHA1_CTX *ctx)
if (!SHA1DCFinal(hash, ctx))
@@ -11,6 +22,9 @@ void git_SHA1DCFinal(unsigned char hash[20], SHA1_CTX *ctx)
+ * Same as SHA1DCUpdate, but adjust types to match git's usual interface.
+ */
void git_SHA1DCUpdate(SHA1_CTX *ctx, const void *vdata, unsigned long len)
const char *data = vdata;
diff --git a/sha1dc_git.h b/sha1dc_git.h
index a8a5c1da16..a8c2729278 100644
--- a/sha1dc_git.h
+++ b/sha1dc_git.h
@@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
- * This code is included at the end of sha1dc/sha1.h with the
- */
+/* Plumbing with collition-detecting SHA1 code */
- * Same as SHA1DCFinal, but convert collision attack case into a verbose die().
- */
-void git_SHA1DCFinal(unsigned char [20], SHA1_CTX *);
+#include "sha1collisiondetection/lib/sha1.h"
+#elif defined(DC_SHA1_EXTERNAL)
+#include <sha1dc/sha1.h>
+#include "sha1dc/sha1.h"
+void git_SHA1DCInit(SHA1_CTX *);
+#define git_SHA1DCInit SHA1DCInit
- * Same as SHA1DCUpdate, but adjust types to match git's usual interface.
- */
+void git_SHA1DCFinal(unsigned char [20], SHA1_CTX *);
void git_SHA1DCUpdate(SHA1_CTX *ctx, const void *data, unsigned long len);
#define platform_SHA_CTX SHA1_CTX
-#define platform_SHA1_Init SHA1DCInit
+#define platform_SHA1_Init git_SHA1DCInit
#define platform_SHA1_Update git_SHA1DCUpdate
#define platform_SHA1_Final git_SHA1DCFinal
diff --git a/shallow.c b/shallow.c
index 54359d5490..eabb65d3a7 100644
--- a/shallow.c
+++ b/shallow.c
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ struct commit_list *get_shallow_commits(struct object_array *heads, int depth,
if ((depth != INFINITE_DEPTH && cur_depth >= depth) ||
(is_repository_shallow() && !commit->parents &&
- (graft = lookup_commit_graft(commit->object.oid.hash)) != NULL &&
+ (graft = lookup_commit_graft(&commit->object.oid)) != NULL &&
graft->nr_parent < 0)) {
commit_list_insert(commit, &result);
commit->object.flags |= shallow_flag;
@@ -286,28 +286,26 @@ int write_shallow_commits(struct strbuf *out, int use_pack_protocol,
return write_shallow_commits_1(out, use_pack_protocol, extra, 0);
-static struct tempfile temporary_shallow;
const char *setup_temporary_shallow(const struct oid_array *extra)
+ struct tempfile *temp;
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
- int fd;
if (write_shallow_commits(&sb, 0, extra)) {
- fd = xmks_tempfile(&temporary_shallow, git_path("shallow_XXXXXX"));
+ temp = xmks_tempfile(git_path("shallow_XXXXXX"));
- if (write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len) != sb.len)
+ if (write_in_full(temp->fd, sb.buf, sb.len) < 0 ||
+ close_tempfile_gently(temp) < 0)
die_errno("failed to write to %s",
- get_tempfile_path(&temporary_shallow));
- close_tempfile(&temporary_shallow);
+ get_tempfile_path(temp));
- return get_tempfile_path(&temporary_shallow);
+ return get_tempfile_path(temp);
* is_repository_shallow() sees empty string as "no shallow
* file".
- return get_tempfile_path(&temporary_shallow);
+ return "";
void setup_alternate_shallow(struct lock_file *shallow_lock,
@@ -321,7 +319,7 @@ void setup_alternate_shallow(struct lock_file *shallow_lock,
if (write_shallow_commits(&sb, 0, extra)) {
- if (write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len) != sb.len)
+ if (write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len) < 0)
die_errno("failed to write to %s",
*alternate_shallow_file = get_lock_file_path(shallow_lock);
@@ -368,7 +366,7 @@ void prune_shallow(int show_only)
if (write_shallow_commits_1(&sb, 0, NULL, SEEN_ONLY)) {
- if (write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len) != sb.len)
+ if (write_in_full(fd, sb.buf, sb.len) < 0)
die_errno("failed to write to %s",
@@ -398,7 +396,7 @@ void prepare_shallow_info(struct shallow_info *info, struct oid_array *sa)
for (i = 0; i < sa->nr; i++) {
if (has_object_file(sa->oid + i)) {
struct commit_graft *graft;
- graft = lookup_commit_graft(sa->oid[i].hash);
+ graft = lookup_commit_graft(&sa->oid[i]);
if (graft && graft->nr_parent < 0)
info->ours[info->nr_ours++] = i;
diff --git a/shell.c b/shell.c
index fe2d314593..234b2d4f16 100644
--- a/shell.c
+++ b/shell.c
@@ -25,19 +25,6 @@ static int do_generic_cmd(const char *me, char *arg)
return execv_git_cmd(my_argv);
-static int do_cvs_cmd(const char *me, char *arg)
- const char *cvsserver_argv[3] = {
- "cvsserver", "server", NULL
- };
- if (!arg || strcmp(arg, "server"))
- die("git-cvsserver only handles server: %s", arg);
- setup_path();
- return execv_git_cmd(cvsserver_argv);
static int is_valid_cmd_name(const char *cmd)
/* Test command contains no . or / characters */
@@ -134,7 +121,6 @@ static struct commands {
{ "git-receive-pack", do_generic_cmd },
{ "git-upload-pack", do_generic_cmd },
{ "git-upload-archive", do_generic_cmd },
- { "cvs", do_cvs_cmd },
{ NULL },
diff --git a/strbuf.c b/strbuf.c
index 89d22e3b09..323c49ceb3 100644
--- a/strbuf.c
+++ b/strbuf.c
@@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ int strbuf_getwholeline(struct strbuf *sb, FILE *fp, int term)
/* Translate slopbuf to NULL, as we cannot call realloc on it */
if (!sb->alloc)
sb->buf = NULL;
+ errno = 0;
r = getdelim(&sb->buf, &sb->alloc, term, fp);
if (r > 0) {
diff --git a/strbuf.h b/strbuf.h
index 2075384e0b..7496cb8ec5 100644
--- a/strbuf.h
+++ b/strbuf.h
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ struct strbuf {
extern char strbuf_slopbuf[];
-#define STRBUF_INIT { 0, 0, strbuf_slopbuf }
+#define STRBUF_INIT { .alloc = 0, .len = 0, .buf = strbuf_slopbuf }
* Life Cycle Functions
@@ -147,7 +147,10 @@ static inline void strbuf_setlen(struct strbuf *sb, size_t len)
if (len > (sb->alloc ? sb->alloc - 1 : 0))
die("BUG: strbuf_setlen() beyond buffer");
sb->len = len;
- sb->buf[len] = '\0';
+ if (sb->buf != strbuf_slopbuf)
+ sb->buf[len] = '\0';
+ else
+ assert(!strbuf_slopbuf[0]);
diff --git a/streaming.c b/streaming.c
index 9afa66b8be..5892b50bd8 100644
--- a/streaming.c
+++ b/streaming.c
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "cache.h"
#include "streaming.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
enum input_source {
stream_error = -1,
@@ -539,7 +540,7 @@ int stream_blob_to_fd(int fd, const struct object_id *oid, struct stream_filter
kept = 0;
wrote = write_in_full(fd, buf, readlen);
- if (wrote != readlen)
+ if (wrote < 0)
goto close_and_exit;
if (kept && (lseek(fd, kept - 1, SEEK_CUR) == (off_t) -1 ||
diff --git a/string-list.h b/string-list.h
index 29bfb7ae45..79ae567cbc 100644
--- a/string-list.h
+++ b/string-list.h
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ void string_list_clear_func(struct string_list *list, string_list_clear_func_t c
typedef int (*string_list_each_func_t)(struct string_list_item *, void *);
int for_each_string_list(struct string_list *list,
string_list_each_func_t, void *cb_data);
-#define for_each_string_list_item(item,list) \
- for (item = (list)->items; item < (list)->items + (list)->nr; ++item)
+#define for_each_string_list_item(item,list) \
+ for (item = (list)->items; \
+ item && item < (list)->items + (list)->nr; \
+ ++item)
* Apply want to each item in list, retaining only the ones for which
diff --git a/sub-process.c b/sub-process.c
index fcc4832c14..6dde5062be 100644
--- a/sub-process.c
+++ b/sub-process.c
@@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
#include "pkt-line.h"
int cmd2process_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct subprocess_entry *e1,
- const struct subprocess_entry *e2,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
const void *unused_keydata)
+ const struct subprocess_entry *e1 = entry;
+ const struct subprocess_entry *e2 = entry_or_key;
return strcmp(e1->cmd, e2->cmd);
@@ -181,8 +184,8 @@ static int handshake_capabilities(struct child_process *process,
if (supported_capabilities)
*supported_capabilities |= capabilities[i].flag;
} else {
- warning("subprocess '%s' requested unsupported capability '%s'",
- process->argv[0], p);
+ die("subprocess '%s' requested unsupported capability '%s'",
+ process->argv[0], p);
diff --git a/sub-process.h b/sub-process.h
index caa91a9b92..49701998c9 100644
--- a/sub-process.h
+++ b/sub-process.h
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ struct subprocess_capability {
/* Function to test two subprocess hashmap entries for equality. */
extern int cmd2process_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct subprocess_entry *e1,
- const struct subprocess_entry *e2,
+ const void *e1,
+ const void *e2,
const void *unused_keydata);
diff --git a/submodule-config.c b/submodule-config.c
index 5fe2d07877..2aa8a1747f 100644
--- a/submodule-config.c
+++ b/submodule-config.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ struct submodule_cache {
struct hashmap for_path;
struct hashmap for_name;
unsigned initialized:1;
+ unsigned gitmodules_read:1;
@@ -35,19 +36,25 @@ enum lookup_type {
static int config_path_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct submodule_entry *a,
- const struct submodule_entry *b,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
const void *unused_keydata)
+ const struct submodule_entry *a = entry;
+ const struct submodule_entry *b = entry_or_key;
return strcmp(a->config->path, b->config->path) ||
hashcmp(a->config->gitmodules_sha1, b->config->gitmodules_sha1);
static int config_name_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct submodule_entry *a,
- const struct submodule_entry *b,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
const void *unused_keydata)
+ const struct submodule_entry *a = entry;
+ const struct submodule_entry *b = entry_or_key;
return strcmp(a->config->name, b->config->name) ||
hashcmp(a->config->gitmodules_sha1, b->config->gitmodules_sha1);
@@ -59,8 +66,8 @@ static struct submodule_cache *submodule_cache_alloc(void)
static void submodule_cache_init(struct submodule_cache *cache)
- hashmap_init(&cache->for_path, (hashmap_cmp_fn) config_path_cmp, NULL, 0);
- hashmap_init(&cache->for_name, (hashmap_cmp_fn) config_name_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&cache->for_path, config_path_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&cache->for_name, config_name_cmp, NULL, 0);
cache->initialized = 1;
@@ -93,6 +100,7 @@ static void submodule_cache_clear(struct submodule_cache *cache)
hashmap_free(&cache->for_path, 1);
hashmap_free(&cache->for_name, 1);
cache->initialized = 0;
+ cache->gitmodules_read = 0;
void submodule_cache_free(struct submodule_cache *cache)
@@ -232,7 +240,7 @@ static struct submodule *lookup_or_create_by_name(struct submodule_cache *cache,
static int parse_fetch_recurse(const char *opt, const char *arg,
int die_on_error)
- switch (git_config_maybe_bool(opt, arg)) {
+ switch (git_parse_maybe_bool(arg)) {
case 1:
case 0:
@@ -248,6 +256,14 @@ static int parse_fetch_recurse(const char *opt, const char *arg,
+int parse_submodule_fetchjobs(const char *var, const char *value)
+ int fetchjobs = git_config_int(var, value);
+ if (fetchjobs < 0)
+ die(_("negative values not allowed for submodule.fetchjobs"));
+ return fetchjobs;
int parse_fetch_recurse_submodules_arg(const char *opt, const char *arg)
return parse_fetch_recurse(opt, arg, 1);
@@ -277,7 +293,7 @@ int option_fetch_parse_recurse_submodules(const struct option *opt,
static int parse_update_recurse(const char *opt, const char *arg,
int die_on_error)
- switch (git_config_maybe_bool(opt, arg)) {
+ switch (git_parse_maybe_bool(arg)) {
case 1:
case 0:
@@ -297,7 +313,7 @@ int parse_update_recurse_submodules_arg(const char *opt, const char *arg)
static int parse_push_recurse(const char *opt, const char *arg,
int die_on_error)
- switch (git_config_maybe_bool(opt, arg)) {
+ switch (git_parse_maybe_bool(arg)) {
case 1:
/* There's no simple "on" value when pushing */
if (die_on_error)
@@ -441,19 +457,19 @@ static int parse_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *data)
return ret;
-int gitmodule_sha1_from_commit(const unsigned char *treeish_name,
- unsigned char *gitmodules_sha1,
- struct strbuf *rev)
+static int gitmodule_oid_from_commit(const struct object_id *treeish_name,
+ struct object_id *gitmodules_oid,
+ struct strbuf *rev)
int ret = 0;
- if (is_null_sha1(treeish_name)) {
- hashclr(gitmodules_sha1);
+ if (is_null_oid(treeish_name)) {
+ oidclr(gitmodules_oid);
return 1;
- strbuf_addf(rev, "%s:.gitmodules", sha1_to_hex(treeish_name));
- if (get_sha1(rev->buf, gitmodules_sha1) >= 0)
+ strbuf_addf(rev, "%s:.gitmodules", oid_to_hex(treeish_name));
+ if (get_oid(rev->buf, gitmodules_oid) >= 0)
ret = 1;
return ret;
@@ -464,13 +480,13 @@ int gitmodule_sha1_from_commit(const unsigned char *treeish_name,
* revisions.
static const struct submodule *config_from(struct submodule_cache *cache,
- const unsigned char *treeish_name, const char *key,
+ const struct object_id *treeish_name, const char *key,
enum lookup_type lookup_type)
struct strbuf rev = STRBUF_INIT;
unsigned long config_size;
char *config = NULL;
- unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct object_id oid;
enum object_type type;
const struct submodule *submodule = NULL;
struct parse_config_parameter parameter;
@@ -490,28 +506,28 @@ static const struct submodule *config_from(struct submodule_cache *cache,
return entry->config;
- if (!gitmodule_sha1_from_commit(treeish_name, sha1, &rev))
+ if (!gitmodule_oid_from_commit(treeish_name, &oid, &rev))
goto out;
switch (lookup_type) {
case lookup_name:
- submodule = cache_lookup_name(cache, sha1, key);
+ submodule = cache_lookup_name(cache, oid.hash, key);
case lookup_path:
- submodule = cache_lookup_path(cache, sha1, key);
+ submodule = cache_lookup_path(cache, oid.hash, key);
if (submodule)
goto out;
- config = read_sha1_file(sha1, &type, &config_size);
+ config = read_sha1_file(oid.hash, &type, &config_size);
if (!config || type != OBJ_BLOB)
goto out;
/* fill the submodule config into the cache */
parameter.cache = cache;
- parameter.treeish_name = treeish_name;
- parameter.gitmodules_sha1 = sha1;
+ parameter.treeish_name = treeish_name->hash;
+ parameter.gitmodules_sha1 = oid.hash;
parameter.overwrite = 0;
git_config_from_mem(parse_config, CONFIG_ORIGIN_SUBMODULE_BLOB, rev.buf,
config, config_size, &parameter);
@@ -520,9 +536,9 @@ static const struct submodule *config_from(struct submodule_cache *cache,
switch (lookup_type) {
case lookup_name:
- return cache_lookup_name(cache, sha1, key);
+ return cache_lookup_name(cache, oid.hash, key);
case lookup_path:
- return cache_lookup_path(cache, sha1, key);
+ return cache_lookup_path(cache, oid.hash, key);
return NULL;
@@ -544,13 +560,11 @@ static void submodule_cache_check_init(struct repository *repo)
-int submodule_config_option(struct repository *repo,
- const char *var, const char *value)
+static int gitmodules_cb(const char *var, const char *value, void *data)
+ struct repository *repo = data;
struct parse_config_parameter parameter;
- submodule_cache_check_init(repo);
parameter.cache = repo->submodule_cache;
parameter.treeish_name = NULL;
parameter.gitmodules_sha1 = null_sha1;
@@ -559,30 +573,71 @@ int submodule_config_option(struct repository *repo,
return parse_config(var, value, &parameter);
-int parse_submodule_config_option(const char *var, const char *value)
+void repo_read_gitmodules(struct repository *repo)
- return submodule_config_option(the_repository, var, value);
+ submodule_cache_check_init(repo);
+ if (repo->worktree) {
+ char *gitmodules;
+ if (repo_read_index(repo) < 0)
+ return;
+ gitmodules = repo_worktree_path(repo, GITMODULES_FILE);
+ if (!is_gitmodules_unmerged(repo->index))
+ git_config_from_file(gitmodules_cb, gitmodules, repo);
+ free(gitmodules);
+ }
+ repo->submodule_cache->gitmodules_read = 1;
-const struct submodule *submodule_from_name(const unsigned char *treeish_name,
- const char *name)
+void gitmodules_config_oid(const struct object_id *commit_oid)
+ struct strbuf rev = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct object_id oid;
+ if (gitmodule_oid_from_commit(commit_oid, &oid, &rev)) {
+ git_config_from_blob_oid(gitmodules_cb, rev.buf,
+ &oid, the_repository);
+ }
+ strbuf_release(&rev);
+ the_repository->submodule_cache->gitmodules_read = 1;
+static void gitmodules_read_check(struct repository *repo)
+ submodule_cache_check_init(repo);
+ /* read the repo's .gitmodules file if it hasn't been already */
+ if (!repo->submodule_cache->gitmodules_read)
+ repo_read_gitmodules(repo);
+const struct submodule *submodule_from_name(const struct object_id *treeish_name,
+ const char *name)
+ gitmodules_read_check(the_repository);
return config_from(the_repository->submodule_cache, treeish_name, name, lookup_name);
-const struct submodule *submodule_from_path(const unsigned char *treeish_name,
+const struct submodule *submodule_from_path(const struct object_id *treeish_name,
const char *path)
- submodule_cache_check_init(the_repository);
+ gitmodules_read_check(the_repository);
return config_from(the_repository->submodule_cache, treeish_name, path, lookup_path);
const struct submodule *submodule_from_cache(struct repository *repo,
- const unsigned char *treeish_name,
+ const struct object_id *treeish_name,
const char *key)
- submodule_cache_check_init(repo);
+ gitmodules_read_check(repo);
return config_from(repo->submodule_cache, treeish_name,
key, lookup_path);
diff --git a/submodule-config.h b/submodule-config.h
index 233bfcb7ff..e3845831f6 100644
--- a/submodule-config.h
+++ b/submodule-config.h
@@ -27,25 +27,22 @@ struct repository;
extern void submodule_cache_free(struct submodule_cache *cache);
+extern int parse_submodule_fetchjobs(const char *var, const char *value);
extern int parse_fetch_recurse_submodules_arg(const char *opt, const char *arg);
struct option;
extern int option_fetch_parse_recurse_submodules(const struct option *opt,
const char *arg, int unset);
extern int parse_update_recurse_submodules_arg(const char *opt, const char *arg);
extern int parse_push_recurse_submodules_arg(const char *opt, const char *arg);
-extern int parse_submodule_config_option(const char *var, const char *value);
-extern int submodule_config_option(struct repository *repo,
- const char *var, const char *value);
+extern void repo_read_gitmodules(struct repository *repo);
+extern void gitmodules_config_oid(const struct object_id *commit_oid);
extern const struct submodule *submodule_from_name(
- const unsigned char *commit_or_tree, const char *name);
+ const struct object_id *commit_or_tree, const char *name);
extern const struct submodule *submodule_from_path(
- const unsigned char *commit_or_tree, const char *path);
+ const struct object_id *commit_or_tree, const char *path);
extern const struct submodule *submodule_from_cache(struct repository *repo,
- const unsigned char *treeish_name,
+ const struct object_id *treeish_name,
const char *key);
-extern int gitmodule_sha1_from_commit(const unsigned char *commit_sha1,
- unsigned char *gitmodules_sha1,
- struct strbuf *rev);
extern void submodule_free(void);
diff --git a/submodule.c b/submodule.c
index 36f45f5a5a..b12600fc79 100644
--- a/submodule.c
+++ b/submodule.c
@@ -20,37 +20,60 @@
#include "worktree.h"
#include "parse-options.h"
-static int config_fetch_recurse_submodules = RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON_DEMAND;
static int config_update_recurse_submodules = RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF;
-static int parallel_jobs = 1;
static struct string_list changed_submodule_paths = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
static int initialized_fetch_ref_tips;
static struct oid_array ref_tips_before_fetch;
static struct oid_array ref_tips_after_fetch;
- * The following flag is set if the .gitmodules file is unmerged. We then
- * disable recursion for all submodules where .git/config doesn't have a
- * matching config entry because we can't guess what might be configured in
- * .gitmodules unless the user resolves the conflict. When a command line
- * option is given (which always overrides configuration) this flag will be
- * ignored.
+ * Check if the .gitmodules file is unmerged. Parsing of the .gitmodules file
+ * will be disabled because we can't guess what might be configured in
+ * .gitmodules unless the user resolves the conflict.
-static int gitmodules_is_unmerged;
+int is_gitmodules_unmerged(const struct index_state *istate)
+ int pos = index_name_pos(istate, GITMODULES_FILE, strlen(GITMODULES_FILE));
+ if (pos < 0) { /* .gitmodules not found or isn't merged */
+ pos = -1 - pos;
+ if (istate->cache_nr > pos) { /* there is a .gitmodules */
+ const struct cache_entry *ce = istate->cache[pos];
+ if (ce_namelen(ce) == strlen(GITMODULES_FILE) &&
+ !strcmp(ce->name, GITMODULES_FILE))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
- * This flag is set if the .gitmodules file had unstaged modifications on
- * startup. This must be checked before allowing modifications to the
- * .gitmodules file with the intention to stage them later, because when
- * continuing we would stage the modifications the user didn't stage herself
- * too. That might change in a future version when we learn to stage the
- * changes we do ourselves without staging any previous modifications.
+ * Check if the .gitmodules file has unstaged modifications. This must be
+ * checked before allowing modifications to the .gitmodules file with the
+ * intention to stage them later, because when continuing we would stage the
+ * modifications the user didn't stage herself too. That might change in a
+ * future version when we learn to stage the changes we do ourselves without
+ * staging any previous modifications.
-static int gitmodules_is_modified;
+int is_staging_gitmodules_ok(const struct index_state *istate)
+ int pos = index_name_pos(istate, GITMODULES_FILE, strlen(GITMODULES_FILE));
-int is_staging_gitmodules_ok(void)
+ if ((pos >= 0) && (pos < istate->cache_nr)) {
+ struct stat st;
+ if (lstat(GITMODULES_FILE, &st) == 0 &&
+ ce_match_stat(istate->cache[pos], &st, 0) & DATA_CHANGED)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int for_each_remote_ref_submodule(const char *submodule,
+ each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
- return !gitmodules_is_modified;
+ return refs_for_each_remote_ref(get_submodule_ref_store(submodule),
+ fn, cb_data);
@@ -63,13 +86,13 @@ int update_path_in_gitmodules(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath)
struct strbuf entry = STRBUF_INIT;
const struct submodule *submodule;
- if (!file_exists(".gitmodules")) /* Do nothing without .gitmodules */
+ if (!file_exists(GITMODULES_FILE)) /* Do nothing without .gitmodules */
return -1;
- if (gitmodules_is_unmerged)
+ if (is_gitmodules_unmerged(&the_index))
die(_("Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"));
- submodule = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, oldpath);
+ submodule = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, oldpath);
if (!submodule || !submodule->name) {
warning(_("Could not find section in .gitmodules where path=%s"), oldpath);
return -1;
@@ -77,7 +100,7 @@ int update_path_in_gitmodules(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath)
strbuf_addstr(&entry, "submodule.");
strbuf_addstr(&entry, submodule->name);
strbuf_addstr(&entry, ".path");
- if (git_config_set_in_file_gently(".gitmodules", entry.buf, newpath) < 0) {
+ if (git_config_set_in_file_gently(GITMODULES_FILE, entry.buf, newpath) < 0) {
/* Maybe the user already did that, don't error out here */
warning(_("Could not update .gitmodules entry %s"), entry.buf);
@@ -97,20 +120,20 @@ int remove_path_from_gitmodules(const char *path)
struct strbuf sect = STRBUF_INIT;
const struct submodule *submodule;
- if (!file_exists(".gitmodules")) /* Do nothing without .gitmodules */
+ if (!file_exists(GITMODULES_FILE)) /* Do nothing without .gitmodules */
return -1;
- if (gitmodules_is_unmerged)
+ if (is_gitmodules_unmerged(&the_index))
die(_("Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"));
- submodule = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, path);
+ submodule = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, path);
if (!submodule || !submodule->name) {
warning(_("Could not find section in .gitmodules where path=%s"), path);
return -1;
strbuf_addstr(&sect, "submodule.");
strbuf_addstr(&sect, submodule->name);
- if (git_config_rename_section_in_file(".gitmodules", sect.buf, NULL) < 0) {
+ if (git_config_rename_section_in_file(GITMODULES_FILE, sect.buf, NULL) < 0) {
/* Maybe the user already did that, don't error out here */
warning(_("Could not remove .gitmodules entry for %s"), path);
@@ -122,7 +145,7 @@ int remove_path_from_gitmodules(const char *path)
void stage_updated_gitmodules(void)
- if (add_file_to_cache(".gitmodules", 0))
+ if (add_file_to_cache(GITMODULES_FILE, 0))
die(_("staging updated .gitmodules failed"));
@@ -147,42 +170,20 @@ done:
void set_diffopt_flags_from_submodule_config(struct diff_options *diffopt,
const char *path)
- const struct submodule *submodule = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, path);
+ const struct submodule *submodule = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, path);
if (submodule) {
- if (submodule->ignore)
- handle_ignore_submodules_arg(diffopt, submodule->ignore);
- else if (gitmodules_is_unmerged)
- }
+ const char *ignore;
+ char *key;
-/* For loading from the .gitmodules file. */
-static int git_modules_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
- if (!strcmp(var, "submodule.fetchjobs")) {
- parallel_jobs = git_config_int(var, value);
- if (parallel_jobs < 0)
- die(_("negative values not allowed for submodule.fetchJobs"));
- return 0;
- } else if (starts_with(var, "submodule."))
- return parse_submodule_config_option(var, value);
- else if (!strcmp(var, "fetch.recursesubmodules")) {
- config_fetch_recurse_submodules = parse_fetch_recurse_submodules_arg(var, value);
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
+ key = xstrfmt("submodule.%s.ignore", submodule->name);
+ if (repo_config_get_string_const(the_repository, key, &ignore))
+ ignore = submodule->ignore;
+ free(key);
-/* Loads all submodule settings from the config. */
-int submodule_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
- if (!strcmp(var, "submodule.recurse")) {
- int v = git_config_bool(var, value) ?
- config_update_recurse_submodules = v;
- return 0;
- } else {
- return git_modules_config(var, value, cb);
+ if (ignore)
+ handle_ignore_submodules_arg(diffopt, ignore);
+ else if (is_gitmodules_unmerged(&the_index))
@@ -214,74 +215,6 @@ int option_parse_recurse_submodules_worktree_updater(const struct option *opt,
return 0;
-void load_submodule_cache(void)
- if (config_update_recurse_submodules == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF)
- return;
- gitmodules_config();
- git_config(submodule_config, NULL);
-void gitmodules_config(void)
- const char *work_tree = get_git_work_tree();
- if (work_tree) {
- struct strbuf gitmodules_path = STRBUF_INIT;
- int pos;
- strbuf_addstr(&gitmodules_path, work_tree);
- strbuf_addstr(&gitmodules_path, "/.gitmodules");
- if (read_cache() < 0)
- die("index file corrupt");
- pos = cache_name_pos(".gitmodules", 11);
- if (pos < 0) { /* .gitmodules not found or isn't merged */
- pos = -1 - pos;
- if (active_nr > pos) { /* there is a .gitmodules */
- const struct cache_entry *ce = active_cache[pos];
- if (ce_namelen(ce) == 11 &&
- !memcmp(ce->name, ".gitmodules", 11))
- gitmodules_is_unmerged = 1;
- }
- } else if (pos < active_nr) {
- struct stat st;
- if (lstat(".gitmodules", &st) == 0 &&
- ce_match_stat(active_cache[pos], &st, 0) & DATA_CHANGED)
- gitmodules_is_modified = 1;
- }
- if (!gitmodules_is_unmerged)
- git_config_from_file(git_modules_config,
- gitmodules_path.buf, NULL);
- strbuf_release(&gitmodules_path);
- }
-static int gitmodules_cb(const char *var, const char *value, void *data)
- struct repository *repo = data;
- return submodule_config_option(repo, var, value);
-void repo_read_gitmodules(struct repository *repo)
- char *gitmodules_path = repo_worktree_path(repo, ".gitmodules");
- git_config_from_file(gitmodules_cb, gitmodules_path, repo);
- free(gitmodules_path);
-void gitmodules_config_sha1(const unsigned char *commit_sha1)
- struct strbuf rev = STRBUF_INIT;
- unsigned char sha1[20];
- if (gitmodule_sha1_from_commit(commit_sha1, sha1, &rev)) {
- git_config_from_blob_sha1(git_modules_config, rev.buf,
- sha1, NULL);
- }
- strbuf_release(&rev);
* Determine if a submodule has been initialized at a given 'path'
@@ -293,7 +226,7 @@ int is_submodule_active(struct repository *repo, const char *path)
const struct string_list *sl;
const struct submodule *module;
- module = submodule_from_cache(repo, null_sha1, path);
+ module = submodule_from_cache(repo, &null_oid, path);
/* early return if there isn't a path->module mapping */
if (!module)
@@ -410,24 +343,38 @@ void die_path_inside_submodule(const struct index_state *istate,
-int parse_submodule_update_strategy(const char *value,
- struct submodule_update_strategy *dst)
+enum submodule_update_type parse_submodule_update_type(const char *value)
- free((void*)dst->command);
- dst->command = NULL;
if (!strcmp(value, "none"))
- dst->type = SM_UPDATE_NONE;
+ return SM_UPDATE_NONE;
else if (!strcmp(value, "checkout"))
- dst->type = SM_UPDATE_CHECKOUT;
else if (!strcmp(value, "rebase"))
- dst->type = SM_UPDATE_REBASE;
else if (!strcmp(value, "merge"))
- dst->type = SM_UPDATE_MERGE;
- else if (skip_prefix(value, "!", &value)) {
- dst->type = SM_UPDATE_COMMAND;
- dst->command = xstrdup(value);
- } else
+ else if (*value == '!')
+ else
+int parse_submodule_update_strategy(const char *value,
+ struct submodule_update_strategy *dst)
+ enum submodule_update_type type;
+ free((void*)dst->command);
+ dst->command = NULL;
+ type = parse_submodule_update_type(value);
return -1;
+ dst->type = type;
+ if (type == SM_UPDATE_COMMAND)
+ dst->command = xstrdup(value + 1);
return 0;
@@ -490,9 +437,7 @@ static int prepare_submodule_summary(struct rev_info *rev, const char *path,
return prepare_revision_walk(rev);
-static void print_submodule_summary(struct rev_info *rev, FILE *f,
- const char *line_prefix,
- const char *del, const char *add, const char *reset)
+static void print_submodule_summary(struct rev_info *rev, struct diff_options *o)
static const char format[] = " %m %s";
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -503,18 +448,12 @@ static void print_submodule_summary(struct rev_info *rev, FILE *f,
ctx.date_mode = rev->date_mode;
ctx.output_encoding = get_log_output_encoding();
strbuf_setlen(&sb, 0);
- strbuf_addstr(&sb, line_prefix);
- if (commit->object.flags & SYMMETRIC_LEFT) {
- if (del)
- strbuf_addstr(&sb, del);
- }
- else if (add)
- strbuf_addstr(&sb, add);
format_commit_message(commit, format, &sb, &ctx);
- if (reset)
- strbuf_addstr(&sb, reset);
strbuf_addch(&sb, '\n');
- fprintf(f, "%s", sb.buf);
+ if (commit->object.flags & SYMMETRIC_LEFT)
+ diff_emit_submodule_del(o, sb.buf);
+ else
+ diff_emit_submodule_add(o, sb.buf);
@@ -541,11 +480,9 @@ void prepare_submodule_repo_env(struct argv_array *out)
* attempt to lookup both the left and right commits and put them into the
* left and right pointers.
-static void show_submodule_header(FILE *f, const char *path,
- const char *line_prefix,
+static void show_submodule_header(struct diff_options *o, const char *path,
struct object_id *one, struct object_id *two,
- unsigned dirty_submodule, const char *meta,
- const char *reset,
+ unsigned dirty_submodule,
struct commit **left, struct commit **right,
struct commit_list **merge_bases)
@@ -554,11 +491,10 @@ static void show_submodule_header(FILE *f, const char *path,
int fast_forward = 0, fast_backward = 0;
if (dirty_submodule & DIRTY_SUBMODULE_UNTRACKED)
- fprintf(f, "%sSubmodule %s contains untracked content\n",
- line_prefix, path);
+ diff_emit_submodule_untracked(o, path);
if (dirty_submodule & DIRTY_SUBMODULE_MODIFIED)
- fprintf(f, "%sSubmodule %s contains modified content\n",
- line_prefix, path);
+ diff_emit_submodule_modified(o, path);
if (is_null_oid(one))
message = "(new submodule)";
@@ -600,31 +536,29 @@ static void show_submodule_header(FILE *f, const char *path,
- strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s%sSubmodule %s ", line_prefix, meta, path);
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "Submodule %s ", path);
strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&sb, one->hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
strbuf_addstr(&sb, (fast_backward || fast_forward) ? ".." : "...");
strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&sb, two->hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
if (message)
- strbuf_addf(&sb, " %s%s\n", message, reset);
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, " %s\n", message);
- strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s:%s\n", fast_backward ? " (rewind)" : "", reset);
- fwrite(sb.buf, sb.len, 1, f);
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s:\n", fast_backward ? " (rewind)" : "");
+ diff_emit_submodule_header(o, sb.buf);
-void show_submodule_summary(FILE *f, const char *path,
- const char *line_prefix,
+void show_submodule_summary(struct diff_options *o, const char *path,
struct object_id *one, struct object_id *two,
- unsigned dirty_submodule, const char *meta,
- const char *del, const char *add, const char *reset)
+ unsigned dirty_submodule)
struct rev_info rev;
struct commit *left = NULL, *right = NULL;
struct commit_list *merge_bases = NULL;
- show_submodule_header(f, path, line_prefix, one, two, dirty_submodule,
- meta, reset, &left, &right, &merge_bases);
+ show_submodule_header(o, path, one, two, dirty_submodule,
+ &left, &right, &merge_bases);
* If we don't have both a left and a right pointer, there is no
@@ -636,11 +570,11 @@ void show_submodule_summary(FILE *f, const char *path,
/* Treat revision walker failure the same as missing commits */
if (prepare_submodule_summary(&rev, path, left, right, merge_bases)) {
- fprintf(f, "%s(revision walker failed)\n", line_prefix);
+ diff_emit_submodule_error(o, "(revision walker failed)\n");
goto out;
- print_submodule_summary(&rev, f, line_prefix, del, add, reset);
+ print_submodule_summary(&rev, o);
if (merge_bases)
@@ -649,21 +583,18 @@ out:
clear_commit_marks(right, ~0);
-void show_submodule_inline_diff(FILE *f, const char *path,
- const char *line_prefix,
+void show_submodule_inline_diff(struct diff_options *o, const char *path,
struct object_id *one, struct object_id *two,
- unsigned dirty_submodule, const char *meta,
- const char *del, const char *add, const char *reset,
- const struct diff_options *o)
+ unsigned dirty_submodule)
const struct object_id *old = &empty_tree_oid, *new = &empty_tree_oid;
struct commit *left = NULL, *right = NULL;
struct commit_list *merge_bases = NULL;
- struct strbuf submodule_dir = STRBUF_INIT;
struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
- show_submodule_header(f, path, line_prefix, one, two, dirty_submodule,
- meta, reset, &left, &right, &merge_bases);
+ show_submodule_header(o, path, one, two, dirty_submodule,
+ &left, &right, &merge_bases);
/* We need a valid left and right commit to display a difference */
if (!(left || is_null_oid(one)) ||
@@ -675,16 +606,16 @@ void show_submodule_inline_diff(FILE *f, const char *path,
if (right)
new = two;
- fflush(f);
cp.git_cmd = 1;
cp.dir = path;
- cp.out = dup(fileno(f));
+ cp.out = -1;
cp.no_stdin = 1;
/* TODO: other options may need to be passed here. */
argv_array_pushl(&cp.args, "diff", "--submodule=diff", NULL);
+ argv_array_pushf(&cp.args, "--color=%s", want_color(o->use_color) ?
+ "always" : "never");
- argv_array_pushf(&cp.args, "--line-prefix=%s", line_prefix);
argv_array_pushf(&cp.args, "--src-prefix=%s%s/",
o->b_prefix, path);
@@ -707,11 +638,17 @@ void show_submodule_inline_diff(FILE *f, const char *path,
argv_array_push(&cp.args, oid_to_hex(new));
- if (run_command(&cp))
- fprintf(f, "(diff failed)\n");
+ if (start_command(&cp))
+ diff_emit_submodule_error(o, "(diff failed)\n");
+ while (strbuf_getwholeline_fd(&sb, cp.out, '\n') != EOF)
+ diff_emit_submodule_pipethrough(o, sb.buf, sb.len);
+ if (finish_command(&cp))
+ diff_emit_submodule_error(o, "(diff failed)\n");
- strbuf_release(&submodule_dir);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
if (merge_bases)
if (left)
@@ -720,11 +657,6 @@ done:
clear_commit_marks(right, ~0);
-void set_config_fetch_recurse_submodules(int value)
- config_fetch_recurse_submodules = value;
int should_update_submodules(void)
return config_update_recurse_submodules == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON;
@@ -738,7 +670,7 @@ const struct submodule *submodule_from_ce(const struct cache_entry *ce)
if (!should_update_submodules())
return NULL;
- return submodule_from_path(null_sha1, ce->name);
+ return submodule_from_path(&null_oid, ce->name);
static struct oid_array *submodule_commits(struct string_list *submodules,
@@ -842,19 +774,36 @@ static int append_oid_to_argv(const struct object_id *oid, void *data)
return 0;
+struct has_commit_data {
+ int result;
+ const char *path;
static int check_has_commit(const struct object_id *oid, void *data)
- int *has_commit = data;
+ struct has_commit_data *cb = data;
- if (!lookup_commit_reference(oid))
- *has_commit = 0;
+ enum object_type type = sha1_object_info(oid->hash, NULL);
- return 0;
+ switch (type) {
+ case OBJ_COMMIT:
+ return 0;
+ case OBJ_BAD:
+ /*
+ * Object is missing or invalid. If invalid, an error message
+ * has already been printed.
+ */
+ cb->result = 0;
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ die(_("submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"),
+ cb->path, oid_to_hex(oid), typename(type));
+ }
static int submodule_has_commits(const char *path, struct oid_array *commits)
- int has_commit = 1;
+ struct has_commit_data has_commit = { 1, path };
* Perform a cheap, but incorrect check for the existence of 'commits'.
@@ -870,7 +819,7 @@ static int submodule_has_commits(const char *path, struct oid_array *commits)
oid_array_for_each_unique(commits, check_has_commit, &has_commit);
- if (has_commit) {
+ if (has_commit.result) {
* Even if the submodule is checked out and the commit is
* present, make sure it exists in the submodule's object store
@@ -889,12 +838,12 @@ static int submodule_has_commits(const char *path, struct oid_array *commits)
cp.dir = path;
if (capture_command(&cp, &out, GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1) || out.len)
- has_commit = 0;
+ has_commit.result = 0;
- return has_commit;
+ return has_commit.result;
static int submodule_needs_pushing(const char *path, struct oid_array *commits)
@@ -1157,7 +1106,6 @@ int submodule_touches_in_range(struct object_id *excl_oid,
struct argv_array args = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
int ret;
- gitmodules_config();
/* No need to check if there are no submodules configured */
if (!submodule_from_path(NULL, NULL))
return 0;
@@ -1182,10 +1130,11 @@ struct submodule_parallel_fetch {
const char *work_tree;
const char *prefix;
int command_line_option;
+ int default_option;
int quiet;
int result;
-#define SPF_INIT {0, ARGV_ARRAY_INIT, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0}
+#define SPF_INIT {0, ARGV_ARRAY_INIT, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0}
static int get_next_submodule(struct child_process *cp,
struct strbuf *err, void *data, void **task_cb)
@@ -1204,29 +1153,36 @@ static int get_next_submodule(struct child_process *cp,
if (!S_ISGITLINK(ce->ce_mode))
- submodule = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, ce->name);
- if (!submodule)
- submodule = submodule_from_name(null_sha1, ce->name);
+ submodule = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, ce->name);
default_argv = "yes";
if (spf->command_line_option == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_DEFAULT) {
- if (submodule &&
- submodule->fetch_recurse !=
- if (submodule->fetch_recurse ==
+ int fetch_recurse = RECURSE_SUBMODULES_NONE;
+ if (submodule) {
+ char *key;
+ const char *value;
+ fetch_recurse = submodule->fetch_recurse;
+ key = xstrfmt("submodule.%s.fetchRecurseSubmodules", submodule->name);
+ if (!repo_config_get_string_const(the_repository, key, &value)) {
+ fetch_recurse = parse_fetch_recurse_submodules_arg(key, value);
+ }
+ free(key);
+ }
+ if (fetch_recurse != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_NONE) {
+ if (fetch_recurse == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF)
- if (submodule->fetch_recurse ==
+ if (fetch_recurse == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON_DEMAND) {
if (!unsorted_string_list_lookup(&changed_submodule_paths, ce->name))
default_argv = "on-demand";
} else {
- if ((config_fetch_recurse_submodules == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF) ||
- gitmodules_is_unmerged)
+ if (spf->default_option == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF)
- if (config_fetch_recurse_submodules == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON_DEMAND) {
+ if (spf->default_option == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_ON_DEMAND) {
if (!unsorted_string_list_lookup(&changed_submodule_paths, ce->name))
default_argv = "on-demand";
@@ -1293,6 +1249,7 @@ static int fetch_finish(int retvalue, struct strbuf *err,
int fetch_populated_submodules(const struct argv_array *options,
const char *prefix, int command_line_option,
+ int default_option,
int quiet, int max_parallel_jobs)
int i;
@@ -1300,6 +1257,7 @@ int fetch_populated_submodules(const struct argv_array *options,
spf.work_tree = get_git_work_tree();
spf.command_line_option = command_line_option;
+ spf.default_option = default_option;
spf.quiet = quiet;
spf.prefix = prefix;
@@ -1315,9 +1273,6 @@ int fetch_populated_submodules(const struct argv_array *options,
argv_array_push(&spf.args, "--recurse-submodules-default");
/* default value, "--submodule-prefix" and its value are added later */
- if (max_parallel_jobs < 0)
- max_parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs;
@@ -1582,7 +1537,7 @@ int submodule_move_head(const char *path,
if (old && !is_submodule_populated_gently(path, error_code_ptr))
return 0;
- sub = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, path);
+ sub = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, path);
if (!sub)
die("BUG: could not get submodule information for '%s'", path);
@@ -1696,6 +1651,8 @@ static int find_first_merges(struct object_array *result, const char *path,
init_revisions(&revs, NULL);
rev_opts.submodule = path;
+ /* FIXME: can't handle linked worktrees in submodules yet */
+ revs.single_worktree = path != NULL;
setup_revisions(ARRAY_SIZE(rev_args)-1, rev_args, &revs, &rev_opts);
/* save all revisions from the above list that contain b */
@@ -1837,11 +1794,6 @@ int merge_submodule(struct object_id *result, const char *path,
return 0;
-int parallel_submodules(void)
- return parallel_jobs;
* Embeds a single submodules git directory into the superprojects git dir,
* non recursively.
@@ -1864,7 +1816,7 @@ static void relocate_single_git_dir_into_superproject(const char *prefix,
real_old_git_dir = real_pathdup(old_git_dir, 1);
- sub = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, path);
+ sub = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, path);
if (!sub)
die(_("could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"), path);
@@ -1920,7 +1872,7 @@ void absorb_git_dir_into_superproject(const char *prefix,
* superproject did not rewrite the git file links yet,
* fix it now.
- sub = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, path);
+ sub = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, path);
if (!sub)
die(_("could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"), path);
@@ -2062,8 +2014,7 @@ int submodule_to_gitdir(struct strbuf *buf, const char *submodule)
strbuf_addstr(buf, git_dir);
if (!is_git_directory(buf->buf)) {
- gitmodules_config();
- sub = submodule_from_path(null_sha1, submodule);
+ sub = submodule_from_path(&null_oid, submodule);
if (!sub) {
ret = -1;
goto cleanup;
diff --git a/submodule.h b/submodule.h
index e85b144863..f0da0277a4 100644
--- a/submodule.h
+++ b/submodule.h
@@ -33,22 +33,18 @@ struct submodule_update_strategy {
-extern int is_staging_gitmodules_ok(void);
+extern int is_gitmodules_unmerged(const struct index_state *istate);
+extern int is_staging_gitmodules_ok(const struct index_state *istate);
extern int update_path_in_gitmodules(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);
extern int remove_path_from_gitmodules(const char *path);
extern void stage_updated_gitmodules(void);
extern void set_diffopt_flags_from_submodule_config(struct diff_options *,
const char *path);
-extern int submodule_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb);
extern int git_default_submodule_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb);
struct option;
int option_parse_recurse_submodules_worktree_updater(const struct option *opt,
const char *arg, int unset);
-void load_submodule_cache(void);
-extern void gitmodules_config(void);
-extern void repo_read_gitmodules(struct repository *repo);
-extern void gitmodules_config_sha1(const unsigned char *commit_sha1);
extern int is_submodule_active(struct repository *repo, const char *path);
* Determine if a submodule has been populated at a given 'path' by checking if
@@ -61,22 +57,17 @@ extern void die_in_unpopulated_submodule(const struct index_state *istate,
const char *prefix);
extern void die_path_inside_submodule(const struct index_state *istate,
const struct pathspec *ps);
+extern enum submodule_update_type parse_submodule_update_type(const char *value);
extern int parse_submodule_update_strategy(const char *value,
struct submodule_update_strategy *dst);
extern const char *submodule_strategy_to_string(const struct submodule_update_strategy *s);
extern void handle_ignore_submodules_arg(struct diff_options *, const char *);
-extern void show_submodule_summary(FILE *f, const char *path,
- const char *line_prefix,
+extern void show_submodule_summary(struct diff_options *o, const char *path,
struct object_id *one, struct object_id *two,
- unsigned dirty_submodule, const char *meta,
- const char *del, const char *add, const char *reset);
-extern void show_submodule_inline_diff(FILE *f, const char *path,
- const char *line_prefix,
+ unsigned dirty_submodule);
+extern void show_submodule_inline_diff(struct diff_options *o, const char *path,
struct object_id *one, struct object_id *two,
- unsigned dirty_submodule, const char *meta,
- const char *del, const char *add, const char *reset,
- const struct diff_options *opt);
-extern void set_config_fetch_recurse_submodules(int value);
+ unsigned dirty_submodule);
/* Check if we want to update any submodule.*/
extern int should_update_submodules(void);
@@ -87,6 +78,7 @@ extern const struct submodule *submodule_from_ce(const struct cache_entry *ce);
extern void check_for_new_submodule_commits(struct object_id *oid);
extern int fetch_populated_submodules(const struct argv_array *options,
const char *prefix, int command_line_option,
+ int default_option,
int quiet, int max_parallel_jobs);
extern unsigned is_submodule_modified(const char *path, int ignore_untracked);
extern int submodule_uses_gitfile(const char *path);
@@ -112,7 +104,6 @@ extern int push_unpushed_submodules(struct oid_array *commits,
const struct string_list *push_options,
int dry_run);
extern void connect_work_tree_and_git_dir(const char *work_tree, const char *git_dir);
-extern int parallel_submodules(void);
* Given a submodule path (as in the index), return the repository
* path of that submodule in 'buf'. Return -1 on error or when the
@@ -129,7 +120,7 @@ extern int submodule_move_head(const char *path,
* Prepare the "env_array" parameter of a "struct child_process" for executing
- * a submodule by clearing any repo-specific envirionment variables, but
+ * a submodule by clearing any repo-specific environment variables, but
* retaining any config in the environment.
extern void prepare_submodule_repo_env(struct argv_array *out);
diff --git a/t/README b/t/README
index 2f95860369..4b079e4494 100644
--- a/t/README
+++ b/t/README
@@ -265,12 +265,12 @@ or:
$ sh ./ --run='-3 21'
-As noted above, the test set is built going though items left to
-right, so this:
+As noted above, the test set is built by going through the items
+from left to right, so this:
$ sh ./ --run='1-4 !3'
-will run tests 1, 2, and 4. Items that comes later have higher
+will run tests 1, 2, and 4. Items that come later have higher
precedence. It means that this:
$ sh ./ --run='!3 1-4'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b170cbc045..03dc9d2852 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ sub err {
while (<>) {
/\bsed\s+-i/ and err 'sed -i is not portable';
- /\becho\s+-n/ and err 'echo -n is not portable (please use printf)';
+ /\becho\s+-[neE]/ and err 'echo with option is not portable (please use printf)';
/^\s*declare\s+/ and err 'arrays/declare not portable';
/^\s*[^#]\s*which\s/ and err 'which is not portable (please use type)';
/\btest\s+[^=]*==/ and err '"test a == b" is not portable (please use =)';
diff --git a/t/helper/.gitignore b/t/helper/.gitignore
index 721650256e..7c9d28a834 100644
--- a/t/helper/.gitignore
+++ b/t/helper/.gitignore
@@ -35,3 +35,4 @@
diff --git a/t/helper/test-delta.c b/t/helper/test-delta.c
index 59937dc1be..591730adc4 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-delta.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-delta.c
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv)
fd = open (argv[4], O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
- if (fd < 0 || write_in_full(fd, out_buf, out_size) != out_size) {
+ if (fd < 0 || write_in_full(fd, out_buf, out_size) < 0) {
return 1;
diff --git a/t/helper/test-hashmap.c b/t/helper/test-hashmap.c
index 095d7395f3..1145d51671 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-hashmap.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-hashmap.c
@@ -13,20 +13,20 @@ static const char *get_value(const struct test_entry *e)
return e->key + strlen(e->key) + 1;
-static int test_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct test_entry *e1,
- const struct test_entry *e2,
- const char* key)
+static int test_entry_cmp(const void *cmp_data,
+ const void *entry,
+ const void *entry_or_key,
+ const void *keydata)
- return strcmp(e1->key, key ? key : e2->key);
-static int test_entry_cmp_icase(const void *unused_cmp_data,
- const struct test_entry *e1,
- const struct test_entry *e2,
- const char* key)
- return strcasecmp(e1->key, key ? key : e2->key);
+ const int ignore_case = cmp_data ? *((int *)cmp_data) : 0;
+ const struct test_entry *e1 = entry;
+ const struct test_entry *e2 = entry_or_key;
+ const char *key = keydata;
+ if (ignore_case)
+ return strcasecmp(e1->key, key ? key : e2->key);
+ else
+ return strcmp(e1->key, key ? key : e2->key);
static struct test_entry *alloc_test_entry(int hash, char *key, int klen,
@@ -96,8 +96,7 @@ static void perf_hashmap(unsigned int method, unsigned int rounds)
if (method & TEST_ADD) {
/* test adding to the map */
for (j = 0; j < rounds; j++) {
- hashmap_init(&map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) test_entry_cmp,
- NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&map, test_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
/* add entries */
for (i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) {
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ static void perf_hashmap(unsigned int method, unsigned int rounds)
} else {
/* test map lookups */
- hashmap_init(&map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) test_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&map, test_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
/* fill the map (sparsely if specified) */
j = (method & TEST_SPARSE) ? TEST_SIZE / 10 : TEST_SIZE;
@@ -151,8 +150,7 @@ int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv)
/* init hash map */
icase = argc > 1 && !strcmp("ignorecase", argv[1]);
- hashmap_init(&map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) (icase ? test_entry_cmp_icase
- : test_entry_cmp), NULL, 0);
+ hashmap_init(&map, test_entry_cmp, &icase, 0);
/* process commands from stdin */
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) {
@@ -237,7 +235,8 @@ int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv)
} else if (!strcmp("size", cmd)) {
/* print table sizes */
- printf("%u %u\n", map.tablesize, map.size);
+ printf("%u %u\n", map.tablesize,
+ hashmap_get_size(&map));
} else if (!strcmp("intern", cmd) && l1) {
diff --git a/t/helper/test-line-buffer.c b/t/helper/test-line-buffer.c
index 81575fe2ab..078dd7e29d 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-line-buffer.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-line-buffer.c
@@ -17,27 +17,17 @@ static uint32_t strtouint32(const char *s)
static void handle_command(const char *command, const char *arg, struct line_buffer *buf)
- switch (*command) {
- case 'b':
- if (starts_with(command, "binary ")) {
- struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
- strbuf_addch(&sb, '>');
- buffer_read_binary(buf, &sb, strtouint32(arg));
- fwrite(sb.buf, 1, sb.len, stdout);
- strbuf_release(&sb);
- return;
- }
- case 'c':
- if (starts_with(command, "copy ")) {
- buffer_copy_bytes(buf, strtouint32(arg));
- return;
- }
- case 's':
- if (starts_with(command, "skip ")) {
- buffer_skip_bytes(buf, strtouint32(arg));
- return;
- }
- default:
+ if (starts_with(command, "binary ")) {
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strbuf_addch(&sb, '>');
+ buffer_read_binary(buf, &sb, strtouint32(arg));
+ fwrite(sb.buf, 1, sb.len, stdout);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+ } else if (starts_with(command, "copy ")) {
+ buffer_copy_bytes(buf, strtouint32(arg));
+ } else if (starts_with(command, "skip ")) {
+ buffer_skip_bytes(buf, strtouint32(arg));
+ } else {
die("unrecognized command: %s", command);
diff --git a/t/helper/test-submodule-config.c b/t/helper/test-submodule-config.c
index c6c57bba0d..f23db3b19a 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-submodule-config.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-submodule-config.c
@@ -10,11 +10,6 @@ static void die_usage(int argc, const char **argv, const char *msg)
-static int git_test_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
- return parse_submodule_config_option(var, value);
int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv)
const char **arg = argv;
@@ -37,11 +32,9 @@ int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv)
die_usage(argc, argv, "Wrong number of arguments.");
- gitmodules_config();
- git_config(git_test_config, NULL);
while (*arg) {
- unsigned char commit_sha1[20];
+ struct object_id commit_oid;
const struct submodule *submodule;
const char *commit;
const char *path_or_name;
@@ -50,14 +43,14 @@ int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv)
path_or_name = arg[1];
if (commit[0] == '\0')
- hashclr(commit_sha1);
- else if (get_sha1(commit, commit_sha1) < 0)
+ oidclr(&commit_oid);
+ else if (get_oid(commit, &commit_oid) < 0)
die_usage(argc, argv, "Commit not found.");
if (lookup_name) {
- submodule = submodule_from_name(commit_sha1, path_or_name);
+ submodule = submodule_from_name(&commit_oid, path_or_name);
} else
- submodule = submodule_from_path(commit_sha1, path_or_name);
+ submodule = submodule_from_path(&commit_oid, path_or_name);
if (!submodule)
die_usage(argc, argv, "Submodule not found.");
diff --git a/t/helper/test-write-cache.c b/t/helper/test-write-cache.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7ee039669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/helper/test-write-cache.c
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "lockfile.h"
+static struct lock_file index_lock;
+int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv)
+ int i, cnt = 1, lockfd;
+ if (argc == 2)
+ cnt = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
+ setup_git_directory();
+ read_cache();
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+ lockfd = hold_locked_index(&index_lock, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
+ if (0 <= lockfd) {
+ write_locked_index(&the_index, &index_lock, COMMIT_LOCK);
+ } else {
+ rollback_lock_file(&index_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..261fe92fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/perf/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+test_description="Tests performance of writing the index"
+. ./
+test_expect_success "setup repo" '
+ if git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/p0006-ballast^{commit}
+ then
+ echo Assuming synthetic repo from
+ git config --local core.sparsecheckout 1
+ cat >.git/info/sparse-checkout <<-EOF
+ /*
+ !ballast/*
+ else
+ echo Assuming non-synthetic repo...
+ fi &&
+ nr_files=$(git ls-files | wc -l)
+test_perf "write_locked_index $count times ($nr_files files)" "
+ test-write-cache $count
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
deleted file mode 100755
index 397ccb6909..0000000000
--- a/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005 Johannes Schindelin
-test_description='A simple turial in the form of a test case'
-. ./
-test_expect_success 'blob' '
- echo "Hello World" > hello &&
- echo "Silly example" > example &&
- git update-index --add hello example &&
- test blob = "$(git cat-file -t 557db03)"
-test_expect_success 'blob 557db03' '
- test "Hello World" = "$(git cat-file blob 557db03)"
-echo "It's a new day for git" >>hello
-cat > diff.expect << EOF
-diff --git a/hello b/hello
-index 557db03..263414f 100644
---- a/hello
-+++ b/hello
-@@ -1 +1,2 @@
- Hello World
-+It's a new day for git
-test_expect_success 'git diff-files -p' '
- git diff-files -p > diff.output &&
- test_cmp diff.expect diff.output
-test_expect_success 'git diff' '
- git diff > diff.output &&
- test_cmp diff.expect diff.output
-test_expect_success 'tree' '
- tree=$(git write-tree 2>/dev/null) &&
- test 8988da15d077d4829fc51d8544c097def6644dbb = $tree
-test_expect_success 'git diff-index -p HEAD' '
- test_tick &&
- tree=$(git write-tree) &&
- commit=$(echo "Initial commit" | git commit-tree $tree) &&
- git update-ref HEAD $commit &&
- git diff-index -p HEAD > diff.output &&
- test_cmp diff.expect diff.output
-test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD' '
- git diff HEAD > diff.output &&
- test_cmp diff.expect diff.output
-cat > whatchanged.expect << EOF
-commit VARIABLE
- Initial commit
-diff --git a/example b/example
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..f24c74a
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/example
-@@ -0,0 +1 @@
-+Silly example
-diff --git a/hello b/hello
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..557db03
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/hello
-@@ -0,0 +1 @@
-+Hello World
-test_expect_success 'git whatchanged -p --root' '
- git whatchanged -p --root |
- sed -e "1s/^\(.\{7\}\).\{40\}/\1VARIABLE/" \
- -e "2,3s/^\(.\{8\}\).*$/\1VARIABLE/" \
- > whatchanged.output &&
- test_cmp whatchanged.expect whatchanged.output
-test_expect_success 'git tag my-first-tag' '
- git tag my-first-tag &&
- test_cmp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/tags/my-first-tag
-test_expect_success 'git checkout -b mybranch' '
- git checkout -b mybranch &&
- test_cmp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/mybranch
-cat > branch.expect <<EOF
- master
-* mybranch
-test_expect_success 'git branch' '
- git branch > branch.output &&
- test_cmp branch.expect branch.output
-test_expect_success 'git resolve now fails' '
- git checkout mybranch &&
- echo "Work, work, work" >>hello &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m "Some work." -i hello &&
- git checkout master &&
- echo "Play, play, play" >>hello &&
- echo "Lots of fun" >>example &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m "Some fun." -i hello example &&
- test_must_fail git merge -m "Merge work in mybranch" mybranch
-cat > hello << EOF
-Hello World
-It's a new day for git
-Play, play, play
-Work, work, work
-cat > show-branch.expect << EOF
-* [master] Merge work in mybranch
- ! [mybranch] Some work.
-- [master] Merge work in mybranch
-*+ [mybranch] Some work.
-* [master^] Some fun.
-test_expect_success 'git show-branch' '
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m "Merge work in mybranch" -i hello &&
- git show-branch --topo-order --more=1 master mybranch \
- > show-branch.output &&
- test_cmp show-branch.expect show-branch.output
-cat > resolve.expect << EOF
-FASTFORWARD (no commit created; -m option ignored)
- example | 1 +
- hello | 1 +
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
-test_expect_success 'git resolve' '
- git checkout mybranch &&
- git merge -m "Merge upstream changes." master |
- sed -e "1s/[0-9a-f]\{7\}/VARIABLE/g" \
- -e "s/^Fast[- ]forward /FASTFORWARD /" >resolve.output
-test_expect_success 'git resolve output' '
- test_i18ncmp resolve.expect resolve.output
-cat > show-branch2.expect << EOF
-! [master] Merge work in mybranch
- * [mybranch] Merge work in mybranch
--- [master] Merge work in mybranch
-test_expect_success 'git show-branch (part 2)' '
- git show-branch --topo-order master mybranch > show-branch2.output &&
- test_cmp show-branch2.expect show-branch2.output
-cat > show-branch3.expect << EOF
-! [master] Merge work in mybranch
- * [mybranch] Merge work in mybranch
--- [master] Merge work in mybranch
-+* [master^2] Some work.
-+* [master^] Some fun.
-test_expect_success 'git show-branch (part 3)' '
- git show-branch --topo-order --more=2 master mybranch \
- > show-branch3.output &&
- test_cmp show-branch3.expect show-branch3.output
-test_expect_success 'rewind to "Some fun." and "Some work."' '
- git checkout mybranch &&
- git reset --hard master^2 &&
- git checkout master &&
- git reset --hard master^
-cat > show-branch4.expect << EOF
-* [master] Some fun.
- ! [mybranch] Some work.
-* [master] Some fun.
- + [mybranch] Some work.
-*+ [master^] Initial commit
-test_expect_success 'git show-branch (part 4)' '
- git show-branch --topo-order > show-branch4.output &&
- test_cmp show-branch4.expect show-branch4.output
-test_expect_success 'manual merge' '
- mb=$(git merge-base HEAD mybranch) &&
- git name-rev --name-only --tags $mb > name-rev.output &&
- test "my-first-tag" = $(cat name-rev.output) &&
- git read-tree -m -u $mb HEAD mybranch
-cat > ls-files.expect << EOF
-100644 7f8b141b65fdcee47321e399a2598a235a032422 0 example
-100644 557db03de997c86a4a028e1ebd3a1ceb225be238 1 hello
-100644 ba42a2a96e3027f3333e13ede4ccf4498c3ae942 2 hello
-100644 cc44c73eb783565da5831b4d820c962954019b69 3 hello
-test_expect_success 'git ls-files --stage' '
- git ls-files --stage > ls-files.output &&
- test_cmp ls-files.expect ls-files.output
-cat > ls-files-unmerged.expect << EOF
-100644 557db03de997c86a4a028e1ebd3a1ceb225be238 1 hello
-100644 ba42a2a96e3027f3333e13ede4ccf4498c3ae942 2 hello
-100644 cc44c73eb783565da5831b4d820c962954019b69 3 hello
-test_expect_success 'git ls-files --unmerged' '
- git ls-files --unmerged > ls-files-unmerged.output &&
- test_cmp ls-files-unmerged.expect ls-files-unmerged.output
-test_expect_success 'git-merge-index' '
- test_must_fail git merge-index git-merge-one-file hello
-test_expect_success 'git ls-files --stage (part 2)' '
- git ls-files --stage > ls-files.output2 &&
- test_cmp ls-files.expect ls-files.output2
-test_expect_success 'git repack' 'git repack'
-test_expect_success 'git prune-packed' 'git prune-packed'
-test_expect_success '-> only packed objects' '
- git prune && # Remove conflict marked blobs
- test $(find .git/objects/[0-9a-f][0-9a-f] -type f -print 2>/dev/null | wc -l) = 0
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dc98b4bc6d..664a3a4e4e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1253,7 +1253,10 @@ run_with_limited_open_files () {
(ulimit -n 32 && "$@")
-test_lazy_prereq ULIMIT_FILE_DESCRIPTORS 'run_with_limited_open_files true'
+test_lazy_prereq ULIMIT_FILE_DESCRIPTORS '
+ test_have_prereq !MINGW,!CYGWIN &&
+ run_with_limited_open_files true
test_expect_success ULIMIT_FILE_DESCRIPTORS 'large transaction creating branches does not burst open file limit' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c34ece48f5..100d50e362 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -404,4 +404,77 @@ test_expect_success 'broken reference blocks indirect create' '
test_cmp expected output.err
+test_expect_success 'no bogus intermediate values during delete' '
+ prefix=refs/slow-transaction &&
+ # Set up a reference with differing loose and packed versions:
+ git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
+ git pack-refs --all &&
+ git update-ref $prefix/foo $D &&
+ git for-each-ref $prefix >unchanged &&
+ # Now try to update the reference, but hold the `packed-refs` lock
+ # for a while to see what happens while the process is blocked:
+ : >.git/packed-refs.lock &&
+ test_when_finished "rm -f .git/packed-refs.lock" &&
+ {
+ # Note: the following command is intentionally run in the
+ # background. We increase the timeout so that `update-ref`
+ # attempts to acquire the `packed-refs` lock for longer than
+ # it takes for us to do the check then delete it:
+ git -c core.packedrefstimeout=3000 update-ref -d $prefix/foo &
+ } &&
+ pid2=$! &&
+ # Give update-ref plenty of time to get to the point where it tries
+ # to lock packed-refs:
+ sleep 1 &&
+ # Make sure that update-ref did not complete despite the lock:
+ kill -0 $pid2 &&
+ # Verify that the reference still has its old value:
+ sha1=$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet $prefix/foo || echo undefined) &&
+ case "$sha1" in
+ $D)
+ # This is what we hope for; it means that nothing
+ # user-visible has changed yet.
+ : ;;
+ undefined)
+ # This is not correct; it means the deletion has happened
+ # already even though update-ref should not have been
+ # able to acquire the lock yet.
+ echo "$prefix/foo deleted prematurely" &&
+ break
+ ;;
+ $C)
+ # This value should never be seen. Probably the loose
+ # reference has been deleted but the packed reference
+ # is still there:
+ echo "$prefix/foo incorrectly observed to be C" &&
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # WTF?
+ echo "unexpected value observed for $prefix/foo: $sha1" &&
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac >out &&
+ rm -f .git/packed-refs.lock &&
+ wait $pid2 &&
+ test_must_be_empty out &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify --quiet $prefix/foo
+test_expect_success 'delete fails cleanly if packed-refs file is locked' '
+ prefix=refs/locked-packed-refs &&
+ # Set up a reference with differing loose and packed versions:
+ git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
+ git pack-refs --all &&
+ git update-ref $prefix/foo $D &&
+ git for-each-ref $prefix >unchanged &&
+ # Now try to delete it while the `packed-refs` lock is held:
+ : >.git/packed-refs.lock &&
+ test_when_finished "rm -f .git/packed-refs.lock" &&
+ test_must_fail git update-ref -d $prefix/foo >out 2>err &&
+ git for-each-ref $prefix >actual &&
+ test_i18ngrep "Unable to create $Q.*packed-refs.lock$Q: File exists" err &&
+ test_cmp unchanged actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5df06f3556..8842d0329f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -49,4 +49,34 @@ test_expect_success 'create_symref(FOO, refs/heads/master)' '
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog()' '
+ echo $_z40 > .git/logs/PSEUDO-MAIN &&
+ mkdir -p .git/logs/refs/bisect &&
+ echo $_z40 > .git/logs/refs/bisect/random &&
+ echo $_z40 > .git/worktrees/wt/logs/PSEUDO-WT &&
+ mkdir -p .git/worktrees/wt/logs/refs/bisect &&
+ echo $_z40 > .git/worktrees/wt/logs/refs/bisect/wt-random &&
+ $RWT for-each-reflog | cut -c 42- | sort >actual &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ HEAD 0x1
+ refs/bisect/wt-random 0x0
+ refs/heads/master 0x0
+ refs/heads/wt-master 0x0
+ test_cmp expected actual &&
+ $RMAIN for-each-reflog | cut -c 42- | sort >actual &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ HEAD 0x1
+ refs/bisect/random 0x0
+ refs/heads/master 0x0
+ refs/heads/wt-master 0x0
+ test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1e44a17eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+test_description='packed-refs entries are covered by loose refs'
+. ./
+test_expect_success setup '
+ test_tick &&
+ git commit --allow-empty -m one &&
+ one=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git for-each-ref >actual &&
+ echo "$one commit refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git pack-refs --all &&
+ git for-each-ref >actual &&
+ echo "$one commit refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git checkout --orphan another &&
+ test_tick &&
+ git commit --allow-empty -m two &&
+ two=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git checkout -B master &&
+ git branch -D another &&
+ git for-each-ref >actual &&
+ echo "$two commit refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git reflog expire --expire=now --all &&
+ git prune &&
+ git tag -m v1.0 v1.0 master
+test_expect_success 'no error from stale entry in packed-refs' '
+ git describe master >actual 2>&1 &&
+ echo "v1.0" >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 03d3c7f6d6..5c715fe2cf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -116,6 +116,21 @@ test_expect_success 'git-path inside sub-dir' '
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'rev-parse --is-shallow-repository in shallow repo' '
+ test_commit test_commit &&
+ echo true >expect &&
+ git clone --depth 1 --no-local . shallow &&
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf shallow" &&
+ git -C shallow rev-parse --is-shallow-repository >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'rev-parse --is-shallow-repository in non-shallow repo' '
+ echo false >expect &&
+ git rev-parse --is-shallow-repository >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'showing the superproject correctly' '
git rev-parse --show-superproject-working-tree >out &&
test_must_be_empty out &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9d707d2a40..d971649979 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -162,6 +162,19 @@ test_expect_success 'git branch -M baz bam should add entries to .git/logs/HEAD'
grep "^0\{40\}.*$msg$" .git/logs/HEAD
+test_expect_success 'git branch -M should leave orphaned HEAD alone' '
+ git init orphan &&
+ (
+ cd orphan &&
+ test_commit initial &&
+ git checkout --orphan lonely &&
+ grep lonely .git/HEAD &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/refs/head/lonely &&
+ git branch -M master mistress &&
+ grep lonely .git/HEAD
+ )
test_expect_success 'resulting reflog can be shown by log -g' '
oid=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
@@ -559,6 +572,7 @@ test_expect_success 'use --set-upstream-to modify HEAD' '
test_expect_success 'use --set-upstream-to modify a particular branch' '
git branch my13 &&
git branch --set-upstream-to master my13 &&
+ test_when_finished "git branch --unset-upstream my13" &&
test "$(git config branch.my13.remote)" = "." &&
test "$(git config branch.my13.merge)" = "refs/heads/master"
@@ -604,38 +618,8 @@ test_expect_success 'test --unset-upstream on a particular branch' '
test_must_fail git config branch.my14.merge
-test_expect_success '--set-upstream shows message when creating a new branch that exists as remote-tracking' '
- git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/master HEAD &&
- git branch --set-upstream origin/master 2>actual &&
- test_when_finished git update-ref -d refs/remotes/origin/master &&
- test_when_finished git branch -d origin/master &&
- cat >expected <<EOF &&
-The --set-upstream flag is deprecated and will be removed. Consider using --track or --set-upstream-to
-If you wanted to make '"'master'"' track '"'origin/master'"', do this:
- git branch -d origin/master
- git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master
- test_i18ncmp expected actual
-test_expect_success '--set-upstream with two args only shows the deprecation message' '
- git branch --set-upstream master my13 2>actual &&
- test_when_finished git branch --unset-upstream master &&
- cat >expected <<EOF &&
-The --set-upstream flag is deprecated and will be removed. Consider using --track or --set-upstream-to
- test_i18ncmp expected actual
-test_expect_success '--set-upstream with one arg only shows the deprecation message if the branch existed' '
- git branch --set-upstream my13 2>actual &&
- test_when_finished git branch --unset-upstream my13 &&
- cat >expected <<EOF &&
-The --set-upstream flag is deprecated and will be removed. Consider using --track or --set-upstream-to
- test_i18ncmp expected actual
+test_expect_success '--set-upstream fails' '
+ test_must_fail git branch --set-upstream origin/master
test_expect_success '--set-upstream-to notices an error to set branch as own upstream' '
@@ -960,19 +944,6 @@ test_expect_success 'attempt to delete a branch merged to its base' '
test_must_fail git branch -d my10
-test_expect_success 'use set-upstream on the current branch' '
- git checkout master &&
- git --bare init myupstream.git &&
- git push myupstream.git master:refs/heads/frotz &&
- git remote add origin myupstream.git &&
- git fetch &&
- git branch --set-upstream master origin/frotz &&
- test "z$(git config branch.master.remote)" = "zorigin" &&
- test "z$(git config branch.master.merge)" = "zrefs/heads/frotz"
test_expect_success 'use --edit-description' '
write_script editor <<-\EOF &&
echo "New contents" >"$1"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9b182a0c32..afa27ffe2d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -194,6 +194,33 @@ test_expect_success 'notice d/f conflict with existing ref' '
test_must_fail git branch foo/bar/baz/lots/of/extra/components
+test_expect_success 'reject packed-refs with unterminated line' '
+ cp .git/packed-refs .git/packed-refs.bak &&
+ test_when_finished "mv .git/packed-refs.bak .git/packed-refs" &&
+ printf "%s" "$HEAD refs/zzzzz" >>.git/packed-refs &&
+ echo "fatal: unterminated line in .git/packed-refs: $HEAD refs/zzzzz" >expected_err &&
+ test_must_fail git for-each-ref >out 2>err &&
+ test_cmp expected_err err
+test_expect_success 'reject packed-refs containing junk' '
+ cp .git/packed-refs .git/packed-refs.bak &&
+ test_when_finished "mv .git/packed-refs.bak .git/packed-refs" &&
+ printf "%s\n" "bogus content" >>.git/packed-refs &&
+ echo "fatal: unexpected line in .git/packed-refs: bogus content" >expected_err &&
+ test_must_fail git for-each-ref >out 2>err &&
+ test_cmp expected_err err
+test_expect_success 'reject packed-refs with a short SHA-1' '
+ cp .git/packed-refs .git/packed-refs.bak &&
+ test_when_finished "mv .git/packed-refs.bak .git/packed-refs" &&
+ printf "%.7s %s\n" $HEAD refs/zzzzz >>.git/packed-refs &&
+ printf "fatal: unexpected line in .git/packed-refs: %.7s %s\n" $HEAD refs/zzzzz >expected_err &&
+ test_must_fail git for-each-ref >out 2>err &&
+ test_cmp expected_err err
test_expect_success 'timeout if packed-refs.lock exists' '
LOCK=.git/packed-refs.lock &&
>"$LOCK" &&
@@ -211,4 +238,19 @@ test_expect_success 'retry acquiring packed-refs.lock' '
git -c core.packedrefstimeout=3000 pack-refs --all --prune
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'pack symlinked packed-refs' '
+ # First make sure that symlinking works when reading:
+ git update-ref refs/heads/loosy refs/heads/master &&
+ git for-each-ref >all-refs-before &&
+ mv .git/packed-refs .git/my-deviant-packed-refs &&
+ ln -s my-deviant-packed-refs .git/packed-refs &&
+ git for-each-ref >all-refs-linked &&
+ test_cmp all-refs-before all-refs-linked &&
+ git pack-refs --all --prune &&
+ git for-each-ref >all-refs-packed &&
+ test_cmp all-refs-before all-refs-packed &&
+ test -h .git/packed-refs &&
+ test "$(readlink .git/packed-refs)" = "my-deviant-packed-refs"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4046817d70..3b1ac1971a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -444,6 +444,14 @@ test_expect_failure 'stash file to directory' '
test foo = "$(cat file/file)"
+test_expect_success 'stash create - no changes' '
+ git stash clear &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD" &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ git stash create >actual &&
+ test_must_be_empty actual
test_expect_success 'stash branch - no stashes on stack, stash-like argument' '
git stash clear &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD" &&
@@ -648,6 +656,20 @@ test_expect_success 'stash branch should not drop the stash if the branch exists
git rev-parse stash@{0} --
+test_expect_success 'stash branch should not drop the stash if the apply fails' '
+ git stash clear &&
+ git reset HEAD~1 --hard &&
+ echo foo >file &&
+ git add file &&
+ git commit -m initial &&
+ echo bar >file &&
+ git stash &&
+ echo baz >file &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_must_fail git stash branch new_branch stash@{0} &&
+ git rev-parse stash@{0} --
test_expect_success 'stash apply shows status same as git status (relative to current directory)' '
git stash clear &&
echo 1 >subdir/subfile1 &&
@@ -800,6 +822,18 @@ test_expect_success 'create with multiple arguments for the message' '
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'create in a detached state' '
+ test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ git checkout HEAD~1 &&
+ >foo &&
+ git add foo &&
+ STASH_ID=$(git stash create) &&
+ HEAD_ID=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+ echo "WIP on (no branch): ${HEAD_ID} initial" >expect &&
+ git show --pretty=%s -s ${STASH_ID} >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'stash -- <pathspec> stashes and restores the file' '
>foo &&
>bar &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 193adc7b68..bfde4057ad 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -211,4 +211,21 @@ test_expect_success 'stash push with $IFS character' '
test_path_is_file bar
+cat > .gitignore <<EOF
+test_expect_success 'stash previously ignored file' '
+ git reset HEAD &&
+ git add .gitignore &&
+ git commit -m "Add .gitignore" &&
+ >ignored.d/foo &&
+ echo "!ignored.d/foo" >> .gitignore &&
+ git stash save --include-untracked &&
+ test_path_is_missing ignored.d/foo &&
+ git stash pop &&
+ test_path_is_file ignored.d/foo
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 289806d0c7..12d182dc1b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -972,4 +972,563 @@ test_expect_success 'option overrides diff.wsErrorHighlight' '
+test_expect_success 'detect moved code, complete file' '
+ git reset --hard &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >test.c &&
+ #include<stdio.h>
+ main()
+ {
+ printf("Hello World");
+ }
+ git add test.c &&
+ git commit -m "add main function" &&
+ git mv test.c main.c &&
+ test_config color.diff.oldMoved "normal red" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMoved "normal green" &&
+ git diff HEAD --color-moved=zebra --no-renames | test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/main.c b/main.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>new file mode 100644<RESET>
+ <BOLD>index 0000000..a986c57<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- /dev/null<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/main.c<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@<RESET>
+ <BGREEN>+<RESET><BGREEN>#include<stdio.h><RESET>
+ <BGREEN>+<RESET><BGREEN>printf("Hello World");<RESET>
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/test.c b/test.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>deleted file mode 100644<RESET>
+ <BOLD>index a986c57..0000000<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/test.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ /dev/null<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@<RESET>
+ <BRED>-#include<stdio.h><RESET>
+ <BRED>-main()<RESET>
+ <BRED>-printf("Hello World");<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'detect malicious moved code, inside file' '
+ test_config color.diff.oldMoved "normal red" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMoved "normal green" &&
+ test_config color.diff.oldMovedAlternative "blue" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMovedAlternative "yellow" &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >main.c &&
+ #include<stdio.h>
+ int stuff()
+ {
+ printf("Hello ");
+ printf("World\n");
+ }
+ int secure_foo(struct user *u)
+ {
+ if (!u->is_allowed_foo)
+ return;
+ foo(u);
+ }
+ int main()
+ {
+ foo();
+ }
+ cat <<-\EOF >test.c &&
+ #include<stdio.h>
+ int bar()
+ {
+ printf("Hello World, but different\n");
+ }
+ int another_function()
+ {
+ bar();
+ }
+ git add main.c test.c &&
+ git commit -m "add main and test file" &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >main.c &&
+ #include<stdio.h>
+ int stuff()
+ {
+ printf("Hello ");
+ printf("World\n");
+ }
+ int main()
+ {
+ foo();
+ }
+ cat <<-\EOF >test.c &&
+ #include<stdio.h>
+ int bar()
+ {
+ printf("Hello World, but different\n");
+ }
+ int secure_foo(struct user *u)
+ {
+ foo(u);
+ if (!u->is_allowed_foo)
+ return;
+ }
+ int another_function()
+ {
+ bar();
+ }
+ git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved=zebra| test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/main.c b/main.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>index 27a619c..7cf9336 100644<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/main.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/main.c<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -5,13 +5,6 @@<RESET> <RESET>printf("Hello ");<RESET>
+ printf("World\n");<RESET>
+ }<RESET>
+ <BRED>-int secure_foo(struct user *u)<RESET>
+ <BLUE>-if (!u->is_allowed_foo)<RESET>
+ <BLUE>-return;<RESET>
+ <RED>-foo(u);<RESET>
+ <RED>-}<RESET>
+ int main()<RESET>
+ {<RESET>
+ foo();<RESET>
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/test.c b/test.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>index 1dc1d85..2bedec9 100644<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/test.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/test.c<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@<RESET> <RESET>int bar()<RESET>
+ printf("Hello World, but different\n");<RESET>
+ }<RESET>
+ <BGREEN>+<RESET><BGREEN>int secure_foo(struct user *u)<RESET>
+ <BGREEN>+<RESET><BGREEN>if (!u->is_allowed_foo)<RESET>
+ int another_function()<RESET>
+ {<RESET>
+ bar();<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'plain moved code, inside file' '
+ test_config color.diff.oldMoved "normal red" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMoved "normal green" &&
+ test_config color.diff.oldMovedAlternative "blue" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMovedAlternative "yellow" &&
+ # needs previous test as setup
+ git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved=plain| test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/main.c b/main.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>index 27a619c..7cf9336 100644<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/main.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/main.c<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -5,13 +5,6 @@<RESET> <RESET>printf("Hello ");<RESET>
+ printf("World\n");<RESET>
+ }<RESET>
+ <BRED>-int secure_foo(struct user *u)<RESET>
+ <BRED>-if (!u->is_allowed_foo)<RESET>
+ <BRED>-return;<RESET>
+ <BRED>-foo(u);<RESET>
+ int main()<RESET>
+ {<RESET>
+ foo();<RESET>
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/test.c b/test.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>index 1dc1d85..2bedec9 100644<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/test.c<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/test.c<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@<RESET> <RESET>int bar()<RESET>
+ printf("Hello World, but different\n");<RESET>
+ }<RESET>
+ <BGREEN>+<RESET><BGREEN>int secure_foo(struct user *u)<RESET>
+ <BGREEN>+<RESET><BGREEN>if (!u->is_allowed_foo)<RESET>
+ int another_function()<RESET>
+ {<RESET>
+ bar();<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'detect permutations inside moved code -- dimmed_zebra' '
+ git reset --hard &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >lines.txt &&
+ long line 1
+ long line 2
+ long line 3
+ line 4
+ line 5
+ line 6
+ line 7
+ line 8
+ line 9
+ line 10
+ line 11
+ line 12
+ line 13
+ long line 14
+ long line 15
+ long line 16
+ git add lines.txt &&
+ git commit -m "add poetry" &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >lines.txt &&
+ line 4
+ line 5
+ line 6
+ line 7
+ line 8
+ line 9
+ long line 1
+ long line 2
+ long line 3
+ long line 14
+ long line 15
+ long line 16
+ line 10
+ line 11
+ line 12
+ line 13
+ test_config color.diff.oldMoved "magenta" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMoved "cyan" &&
+ test_config color.diff.oldMovedAlternative "blue" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMovedAlternative "yellow" &&
+ test_config color.diff.oldMovedDimmed "normal magenta" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMovedDimmed "normal cyan" &&
+ test_config color.diff.oldMovedAlternativeDimmed "normal blue" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMovedAlternativeDimmed "normal yellow" &&
+ git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved=dimmed_zebra |
+ grep -v "index" |
+ test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/lines.txt b/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@<RESET>
+ <BMAGENTA>-long line 1<RESET>
+ <BMAGENTA>-long line 2<RESET>
+ <BMAGENTA>-long line 3<RESET>
+ line 4<RESET>
+ line 5<RESET>
+ line 6<RESET>
+ line 7<RESET>
+ line 8<RESET>
+ line 9<RESET>
+ <BCYAN>+<RESET><BCYAN>long line 1<RESET>
+ <BCYAN>+<RESET><BCYAN>long line 2<RESET>
+ <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>long line 3<RESET>
+ <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>long line 14<RESET>
+ line 10<RESET>
+ line 11<RESET>
+ line 12<RESET>
+ line 13<RESET>
+ <BMAGENTA>-long line 14<RESET>
+ <BMAGENTA>-long line 15<RESET>
+ <BMAGENTA>-long line 16<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'cmd option assumes configured colored-moved' '
+ test_config color.diff.oldMoved "magenta" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMoved "cyan" &&
+ test_config color.diff.oldMovedAlternative "blue" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMovedAlternative "yellow" &&
+ test_config color.diff.oldMovedDimmed "normal magenta" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMovedDimmed "normal cyan" &&
+ test_config color.diff.oldMovedAlternativeDimmed "normal blue" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMovedAlternativeDimmed "normal yellow" &&
+ test_config diff.colorMoved zebra &&
+ git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved |
+ grep -v "index" |
+ test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/lines.txt b/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@<RESET>
+ <MAGENTA>-long line 1<RESET>
+ <MAGENTA>-long line 2<RESET>
+ <MAGENTA>-long line 3<RESET>
+ line 4<RESET>
+ line 5<RESET>
+ line 6<RESET>
+ line 7<RESET>
+ line 8<RESET>
+ line 9<RESET>
+ <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>long line 1<RESET>
+ <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>long line 2<RESET>
+ <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>long line 3<RESET>
+ <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>long line 14<RESET>
+ <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>long line 15<RESET>
+ <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>long line 16<RESET>
+ line 10<RESET>
+ line 11<RESET>
+ line 12<RESET>
+ line 13<RESET>
+ <MAGENTA>-long line 14<RESET>
+ <MAGENTA>-long line 15<RESET>
+ <MAGENTA>-long line 16<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'no effect from --color-moved with --word-diff' '
+ cat <<-\EOF >text.txt &&
+ Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
+ git add text.txt &&
+ git commit -a -m "clean state" &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >text.txt &&
+ simply Lorem Ipsum dummy is text of the typesetting and printing industry.
+ git diff --color-moved --word-diff >actual &&
+ git diff --word-diff >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'move detection ignoring whitespace ' '
+ git reset --hard &&
+ cat <<\EOF >lines.txt &&
+line 1
+line 2
+line 3
+line 4
+long line 5
+long line 6
+long line 7
+ git add lines.txt &&
+ git commit -m "add poetry" &&
+ cat <<\EOF >lines.txt &&
+ long line 5
+ long line 6
+ long line 7
+line 1
+line 2
+line 3
+line 4
+ test_config color.diff.oldMoved "magenta" &&
+ test_config color.diff.newMoved "cyan" &&
+ git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved |
+ grep -v "index" |
+ test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/lines.txt b/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@<RESET>
+ <GREEN>+<RESET> <GREEN>long line 5<RESET>
+ <GREEN>+<RESET> <GREEN>long line 6<RESET>
+ <GREEN>+<RESET> <GREEN>long line 7<RESET>
+ line 1<RESET>
+ line 2<RESET>
+ line 3<RESET>
+ line 4<RESET>
+ <RED>-long line 5<RESET>
+ <RED>-long line 6<RESET>
+ <RED>-long line 7<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual &&
+ git diff HEAD --no-renames -w --color-moved |
+ grep -v "index" |
+ test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/lines.txt b/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/lines.txt<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@<RESET>
+ <CYAN>+<RESET> <CYAN>long line 5<RESET>
+ <CYAN>+<RESET> <CYAN>long line 6<RESET>
+ <CYAN>+<RESET> <CYAN>long line 7<RESET>
+ line 1<RESET>
+ line 2<RESET>
+ line 3<RESET>
+ line 4<RESET>
+ <MAGENTA>-long line 5<RESET>
+ <MAGENTA>-long line 6<RESET>
+ <MAGENTA>-long line 7<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success '--color-moved block at end of diff output respects MIN_ALNUM_COUNT' '
+ git reset --hard &&
+ >bar &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+ irrelevant_line
+ line1
+ git add foo bar &&
+ git commit -m x &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >bar &&
+ line1
+ cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+ irrelevant_line
+ git diff HEAD --color-moved=zebra --no-renames |
+ grep -v "index" |
+ test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/bar b/bar<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/bar<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/bar<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -0,0 +1 @@<RESET>
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/foo b/foo<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/foo<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/foo<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -1,2 +1 @@<RESET>
+ irrelevant_line<RESET>
+ <RED>-line1<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success '--color-moved respects MIN_ALNUM_COUNT' '
+ git reset --hard &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+ nineteen chars 456789
+ irrelevant_line
+ twenty chars 234567890
+ >bar &&
+ git add foo bar &&
+ git commit -m x &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+ irrelevant_line
+ cat <<-\EOF >bar &&
+ twenty chars 234567890
+ nineteen chars 456789
+ git diff HEAD --color-moved=zebra --no-renames |
+ grep -v "index" |
+ test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/bar b/bar<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/bar<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/bar<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@<RESET>
+ <BOLD;CYAN>+<RESET><BOLD;CYAN>twenty chars 234567890<RESET>
+ <GREEN>+<RESET><GREEN>nineteen chars 456789<RESET>
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/foo b/foo<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/foo<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/foo<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -1,3 +1 @@<RESET>
+ <RED>-nineteen chars 456789<RESET>
+ irrelevant_line<RESET>
+ <BOLD;MAGENTA>-twenty chars 234567890<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success '--color-moved treats adjacent blocks as separate for MIN_ALNUM_COUNT' '
+ git reset --hard &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+ 7charsA
+ irrelevant_line
+ 7charsB
+ 7charsC
+ >bar &&
+ git add foo bar &&
+ git commit -m x &&
+ cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+ irrelevant_line
+ cat <<-\EOF >bar &&
+ 7charsB
+ 7charsC
+ 7charsA
+ git diff HEAD --color-moved=zebra --no-renames | grep -v "index" | test_decode_color >actual &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/bar b/bar<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/bar<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/bar<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@<RESET>
+ <BOLD>diff --git a/foo b/foo<RESET>
+ <BOLD>--- a/foo<RESET>
+ <BOLD>+++ b/foo<RESET>
+ <CYAN>@@ -1,4 +1 @@<RESET>
+ <RED>-7charsA<RESET>
+ irrelevant_line<RESET>
+ <RED>-7charsB<RESET>
+ <RED>-7charsC<RESET>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'move detection with submodules' '
+ test_create_repo bananas &&
+ echo ripe >bananas/recipe &&
+ git -C bananas add recipe &&
+ test_commit fruit &&
+ test_commit -C bananas recipe &&
+ git submodule add ./bananas &&
+ git add bananas &&
+ git commit -a -m "bananas are like a heavy library?" &&
+ echo foul >bananas/recipe &&
+ echo ripe >fruit.t &&
+ git diff --submodule=diff --color-moved >actual &&
+ # no move detection as the moved line is across repository boundaries.
+ test_decode_color <actual >decoded_actual &&
+ ! grep BGREEN decoded_actual &&
+ ! grep BRED decoded_actual &&
+ # nor did we mess with it another way
+ git diff --submodule=diff | test_decode_color >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect decoded_actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 518bf9524e..2ffd11a142 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -113,35 +113,6 @@ test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (work tree, refs match)'
! test -s actual4
-test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (work tree, refs match) [.git/config]' '
- git config diff.ignoreSubmodules all &&
- git diff HEAD >actual &&
- ! test -s actual &&
- git config submodule.subname.ignore none &&
- git config submodule.subname.path sub &&
- git diff HEAD >actual &&
- sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
- expect_from_to >expect.body $subprev $subprev-dirty &&
- test_cmp expect.body actual.body &&
- git config submodule.subname.ignore all &&
- git diff HEAD >actual2 &&
- ! test -s actual2 &&
- git config submodule.subname.ignore untracked &&
- git diff HEAD >actual3 &&
- sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual3 >actual3.body &&
- expect_from_to >expect.body $subprev $subprev-dirty &&
- test_cmp expect.body actual3.body &&
- git config submodule.subname.ignore dirty &&
- git diff HEAD >actual4 &&
- ! test -s actual4 &&
- git diff HEAD --ignore-submodules=none >actual &&
- sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
- expect_from_to >expect.body $subprev $subprev-dirty &&
- test_cmp expect.body actual.body &&
- git config --remove-section submodule.subname &&
- git config --unset diff.ignoreSubmodules
test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (work tree, refs match) [.gitmodules]' '
git config diff.ignoreSubmodules dirty &&
git diff HEAD >actual &&
@@ -208,24 +179,6 @@ test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (untracked, refs match)'
! test -s actual4
-test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (untracked, refs match) [.git/config]' '
- git config submodule.subname.ignore all &&
- git config submodule.subname.path sub &&
- git diff HEAD >actual2 &&
- ! test -s actual2 &&
- git config submodule.subname.ignore untracked &&
- git diff HEAD >actual3 &&
- ! test -s actual3 &&
- git config submodule.subname.ignore dirty &&
- git diff HEAD >actual4 &&
- ! test -s actual4 &&
- git diff --ignore-submodules=none HEAD >actual &&
- sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
- expect_from_to >expect.body $subprev $subprev-dirty &&
- test_cmp expect.body actual.body &&
- git config --remove-section submodule.subname
test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (untracked, refs match) [.gitmodules]' '
git config --add -f .gitmodules submodule.subname.ignore all &&
git config --add -f .gitmodules submodule.subname.path sub &&
@@ -261,26 +214,6 @@ test_expect_success 'git diff between submodule commits' '
! test -s actual
-test_expect_success 'git diff between submodule commits [.git/config]' '
- git diff HEAD^..HEAD >actual &&
- sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
- expect_from_to >expect.body $subtip $subprev &&
- test_cmp expect.body actual.body &&
- git config submodule.subname.ignore dirty &&
- git config submodule.subname.path sub &&
- git diff HEAD^..HEAD >actual &&
- sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
- expect_from_to >expect.body $subtip $subprev &&
- test_cmp expect.body actual.body &&
- git config submodule.subname.ignore all &&
- git diff HEAD^..HEAD >actual &&
- ! test -s actual &&
- git diff --ignore-submodules=dirty HEAD^..HEAD >actual &&
- sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
- expect_from_to >expect.body $subtip $subprev &&
- git config --remove-section submodule.subname
test_expect_success 'git diff between submodule commits [.gitmodules]' '
git diff HEAD^..HEAD >actual &&
sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1a080e7823..d97d2bebc9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -239,6 +239,43 @@ test_expect_success 'old records rest in peace' '
! test -f $rr2/preimage
+rerere_gc_custom_expiry_test () {
+ five_days="$1" right_now="$2"
+ test_expect_success "rerere gc with custom expiry ($five_days, $right_now)" '
+ rm -fr .git/rr-cache &&
+ rr=.git/rr-cache/$_z40 &&
+ mkdir -p "$rr" &&
+ >"$rr/preimage" &&
+ >"$rr/postimage" &&
+ two_days_ago=$((-2*86400)) &&
+ test-chmtime =$two_days_ago "$rr/preimage" &&
+ test-chmtime =$two_days_ago "$rr/postimage" &&
+ find .git/rr-cache -type f | sort >original &&
+ git -c "gc.rerereresolved=$five_days" \
+ -c "gc.rerereunresolved=$five_days" rerere gc &&
+ find .git/rr-cache -type f | sort >actual &&
+ test_cmp original actual &&
+ git -c "gc.rerereresolved=$five_days" \
+ -c "gc.rerereunresolved=$right_now" rerere gc &&
+ find .git/rr-cache -type f | sort >actual &&
+ test_cmp original actual &&
+ git -c "gc.rerereresolved=$right_now" \
+ -c "gc.rerereunresolved=$right_now" rerere gc &&
+ find .git/rr-cache -type f | sort >actual &&
+ >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+ '
+rerere_gc_custom_expiry_test 5 0
+rerere_gc_custom_expiry_test 5.days.ago now
test_expect_success 'setup: file2 added differently in two branches' '
git reset --hard &&
@@ -419,24 +456,6 @@ count_pre_post () {
test_line_count = "$2" actual
-test_expect_success 'rerere gc' '
- find .git/rr-cache -type f >original &&
- xargs test-chmtime -172800 <original &&
- git -c gc.rerereresolved=5 -c gc.rerereunresolved=5 rerere gc &&
- find .git/rr-cache -type f >actual &&
- test_cmp original actual &&
- git -c gc.rerereresolved=5 -c gc.rerereunresolved=0 rerere gc &&
- find .git/rr-cache -type f >actual &&
- test_cmp original actual &&
- git -c gc.rerereresolved=0 -c gc.rerereunresolved=0 rerere gc &&
- find .git/rr-cache -type f >actual &&
- >expect &&
- test_cmp expect actual
merge_conflict_resolve () {
git reset --hard &&
test_must_fail git merge six.1 &&
@@ -446,6 +465,8 @@ merge_conflict_resolve () {
test_expect_success 'multiple identical conflicts' '
+ rm -fr .git/rr-cache &&
+ mkdir .git/rr-cache &&
git reset --hard &&
test_seq 1 6 >early &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 18aa1b5889..ec5f530102 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -539,25 +539,62 @@ cat >trailers <<EOF
Signed-off-by: A U Thor <>
Acked-by: A U Thor <>
[ v2 updated patch description ]
-Signed-off-by: A U Thor <>
+Signed-off-by: A U Thor
+ <>
-test_expect_success 'pretty format %(trailers) shows trailers' '
+unfold () {
+ perl -0pe 's/\n\s+/ /'
+test_expect_success 'set up trailer tests' '
echo "Some contents" >trailerfile &&
git add trailerfile &&
- git commit -F - <<-EOF &&
+ git commit -F - <<-EOF
trailers: this commit message has trailers
This commit is a test commit with trailers at the end. We parse this
- message and display the trailers using %bT
+ message and display the trailers using %(trailers).
$(cat trailers)
+test_expect_success 'pretty format %(trailers) shows trailers' '
git log --no-walk --pretty="%(trailers)" >actual &&
- cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $(cat trailers)
+ {
+ cat trailers &&
+ echo
+ } >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '%(trailers:only) shows only "key: value" trailers' '
+ git log --no-walk --pretty="%(trailers:only)" >actual &&
+ {
+ grep -v patch.description <trailers &&
+ echo
+ } >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '%(trailers:unfold) unfolds trailers' '
+ git log --no-walk --pretty="%(trailers:unfold)" >actual &&
+ {
+ unfold <trailers &&
+ echo
+ } >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success ':only and :unfold work together' '
+ git log --no-walk --pretty="%(trailers:only:unfold)" >actual &&
+ git log --no-walk --pretty="%(trailers:unfold:only)" >reverse &&
+ test_cmp actual reverse &&
+ {
+ grep -v patch.description <trailers | unfold &&
+ echo
+ } >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 897f6f06d5..e9aa97117a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/ignored-by-tree
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/ignored-by-tree.d
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/ignored-by-tree.d/file
test_expect_exists archive-pathspec/ignored-by-worktree
-test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/excluded-by-pathspec.d failure
+test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/excluded-by-pathspec.d
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/excluded-by-pathspec.d/file
test_expect_success 'git archive with wildcard pathspec' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6667d159ab..bda6d7d7e9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ test_expect_missing archive/deep/and/slashless/ &&
test_expect_missing archive/deep/and/slashless/foo &&
test_expect_missing archive/deep/with/wildcard/ &&
test_expect_missing archive/deep/with/wildcard/foo &&
-test_expect_exists archive/one-level-lower/
+test_expect_missing archive/one-level-lower/
test_expect_missing archive/one-level-lower/two-levels-lower/ignored-only-if-dir/
test_expect_missing archive/one-level-lower/two-levels-lower/ignored-ony-if-dir/ignored-by-ignored-dir
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f6207f42b5..ced44355ca 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@ test_expect_success 'archive empty subtree with no pathspec' '
git archive --format=tar $root_tree >subtree-all.tar &&
make_dir extract &&
"$TAR" xf subtree-all.tar -C extract &&
- check_dir extract sub
+ check_dir extract
test_expect_success 'archive empty subtree by direct pathspec' '
git archive --format=tar $root_tree -- sub >subtree-path.tar &&
make_dir extract &&
"$TAR" xf subtree-path.tar -C extract &&
- check_dir extract sub
+ check_dir extract
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 133b5842b1..6694c19a1e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -283,4 +283,41 @@ test_expect_success 'prune: handle alternate object database' '
git -C B prune
+test_expect_success 'prune: handle index in multiple worktrees' '
+ git worktree add second-worktree &&
+ echo "new blob for second-worktree" >second-worktree/blob &&
+ git -C second-worktree add blob &&
+ git prune --expire=now &&
+ git -C second-worktree show :blob >actual &&
+ test_cmp second-worktree/blob actual
+test_expect_success 'prune: handle HEAD in multiple worktrees' '
+ git worktree add --detach third-worktree &&
+ echo "new blob for third-worktree" >third-worktree/blob &&
+ git -C third-worktree add blob &&
+ git -C third-worktree commit -m "third" &&
+ rm .git/worktrees/third-worktree/index &&
+ test_must_fail git -C third-worktree show :blob &&
+ git prune --expire=now &&
+ git -C third-worktree show HEAD:blob >actual &&
+ test_cmp third-worktree/blob actual
+test_expect_success 'prune: handle HEAD reflog in multiple worktrees' '
+ git config core.logAllRefUpdates true &&
+ echo "lost blob for third-worktree" >expected &&
+ (
+ cd third-worktree &&
+ cat ../expected >blob &&
+ git add blob &&
+ git commit -m "second commit in third" &&
+ git reset --hard HEAD^
+ ) &&
+ git prune --expire=now &&
+ SHA1=`git hash-object expected` &&
+ git -C third-worktree show "$SHA1" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9c5a8766ab..156ae9e9d3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -56,20 +56,11 @@ test_expect_success 'create batch-check test vectors' '
-test_expect_success 'lookup in duplicated pack (binary search)' '
+test_expect_success 'lookup in duplicated pack' '
git cat-file --batch-check <input >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'lookup in duplicated pack (GIT_USE_LOOKUP)' '
- (
- export GIT_USE_LOOKUP &&
- git cat-file --batch-check <input >actual
- ) &&
- test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'index-pack can reject packs with duplicates' '
clear_packs &&
create_pack dups.pack 2 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f15f7a3329..59c4b778d3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ test_expect_success '--rebase with conflicts shows advice' '
test_tick &&
git commit -m "Create conflict" seq.txt &&
test_must_fail git pull --rebase . seq 2>err >out &&
- test_i18ngrep "When you have resolved this problem" out
+ test_i18ngrep "Resolve all conflicts manually" out
test_expect_success 'failed --rebase shows advice' '
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ test_expect_success 'failed --rebase shows advice' '
git checkout -f -b fails-to-rebase HEAD^ &&
test_commit v2-without-cr file "2" file2-lf &&
test_must_fail git pull --rebase . diverging 2>err >out &&
- test_i18ngrep "When you have resolved this problem" out
+ test_i18ngrep "Resolve all conflicts manually" out
test_expect_success '--rebase fails with multiple branches' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0f84a53146..39cb2c1c34 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -298,6 +298,16 @@ test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit disabling recursion from
+test_expect_success 'submodule entry pointing at a tag is error' '
+ git -C work/gar/bage tag -a test1 -m "tag" &&
+ tag=$(git -C work/gar/bage rev-parse test1^{tag}) &&
+ git -C work update-index --cacheinfo 160000 "$tag" gar/bage &&
+ git -C work commit -m "bad commit" &&
+ test_when_finished "git -C work reset --hard HEAD^" &&
+ test_must_fail git -C work push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master 2>err &&
+ test_i18ngrep "is a tag, not a commit" err
test_expect_success 'push fails if recurse submodules option passed as yes' '
cd work/gar/bage &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 464ffdd147..1cea758f78 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -71,6 +71,13 @@ test_expect_success 'push --signed fails with a receiver without push certificat
test_i18ngrep "the receiving end does not support" err
+test_expect_success 'push --signed=1 is accepted' '
+ prepare_dst &&
+ mkdir -p dst/.git/hooks &&
+ test_must_fail git push --signed=1 dst noop ff +noff 2>err &&
+ test_i18ngrep "the receiving end does not support" err
test_expect_success GPG 'no certificate for a signed push with no update' '
prepare_dst &&
mkdir -p dst/.git/hooks &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 077eb07e11..321bd37deb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -65,6 +65,38 @@ test_expect_success 'recursive pull updates working tree' '
test_path_is_file super/sub/merge_strategy.t
+test_expect_success "submodule.recurse option triggers recursive pull" '
+ test_commit -C child merge_strategy_2 &&
+ git -C parent submodule update --remote &&
+ git -C parent add sub &&
+ git -C parent commit -m "update submodule" &&
+ git -C super -c submodule.recurse pull --no-rebase &&
+ test_path_is_file super/sub/merge_strategy_2.t
+test_expect_success " --[no-]recurse-submodule and submodule.recurse" '
+ test_commit -C child merge_strategy_3 &&
+ git -C parent submodule update --remote &&
+ git -C parent add sub &&
+ git -C parent commit -m "update submodule" &&
+ git -C super -c submodule.recurse pull --no-recurse-submodules --no-rebase &&
+ test_path_is_missing super/sub/merge_strategy_3.t &&
+ git -C super -c submodule.recurse=false pull --recurse-submodules --no-rebase &&
+ test_path_is_file super/sub/merge_strategy_3.t &&
+ test_commit -C child merge_strategy_4 &&
+ git -C parent submodule update --remote &&
+ git -C parent add sub &&
+ git -C parent commit -m "update submodule" &&
+ git -C super -c submodule.recurse=false pull --no-recurse-submodules --no-rebase &&
+ test_path_is_missing super/sub/merge_strategy_4.t &&
+ git -C super -c submodule.recurse=true pull --recurse-submodules --no-rebase &&
+ test_path_is_file super/sub/merge_strategy_4.t
test_expect_success 'recursive rebasing pull' '
# change upstream
test_commit -C child rebase_strategy &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 534903bbd2..a661408038 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -236,17 +236,31 @@ test_sequence "--bisect"
-test_expect_success '--bisect can default to good/bad refs' '
+test_expect_success 'set up fake --bisect refs' '
git update-ref refs/bisect/bad c3 &&
good=$(git rev-parse b1) &&
git update-ref refs/bisect/good-$good $good &&
good=$(git rev-parse c1) &&
- git update-ref refs/bisect/good-$good $good &&
+ git update-ref refs/bisect/good-$good $good
+test_expect_success 'rev-list --bisect can default to good/bad refs' '
# the only thing between c3 and c1 is c2
git rev-parse c2 >expect &&
git rev-list --bisect >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'rev-parse --bisect can default to good/bad refs' '
+ git rev-parse c3 ^b1 ^c1 >expect &&
+ git rev-parse --bisect >actual &&
+ # output order depends on the refnames, which in turn depends on
+ # the exact sha1s. We just want to make sure we have the same set
+ # of lines in any order.
+ sort <expect >expect.sorted &&
+ sort <actual >actual.sorted &&
+ test_cmp expect.sorted actual.sorted
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 97a07655a0..8f17fd9da8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout (up-to-date with upstream)' '
cd test && git checkout b6
) >actual &&
- test_i18ngrep "Your branch is up-to-date with .origin/master" actual
+ test_i18ngrep "Your branch is up to date with .origin/master" actual
test_expect_success 'status (diverged from upstream)' '
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status (up-to-date with upstream)' '
# reports nothing to commit
test_must_fail git commit --dry-run
) >actual &&
- test_i18ngrep "Your branch is up-to-date with .origin/master" actual
+ test_i18ngrep "Your branch is up to date with .origin/master" actual
cat >expect <<\EOF
@@ -188,35 +188,29 @@ test_expect_success 'fail to track annotated tags' '
test_must_fail git checkout heavytrack
-test_expect_success 'setup tracking with branch --set-upstream on existing branch' '
+test_expect_success '--set-upstream-to does not change branch' '
git branch from-master master &&
- test_must_fail git config branch.from-master.merge > actual &&
- git branch --set-upstream from-master master &&
- git config branch.from-master.merge > actual &&
- grep -q "^refs/heads/master$" actual
-test_expect_success '--set-upstream does not change branch' '
+ git branch --set-upstream-to master from-master &&
git branch from-master2 master &&
test_must_fail git config branch.from-master2.merge > actual &&
git rev-list from-master2 &&
git update-ref refs/heads/from-master2 from-master2^ &&
git rev-parse from-master2 >expect2 &&
- git branch --set-upstream from-master2 master &&
+ git branch --set-upstream-to master from-master2 &&
git config branch.from-master.merge > actual &&
git rev-parse from-master2 >actual2 &&
grep -q "^refs/heads/master$" actual &&
cmp expect2 actual2
-test_expect_success '--set-upstream @{-1}' '
- git checkout from-master &&
+test_expect_success '--set-upstream-to @{-1}' '
+ git checkout follower &&
git checkout from-master2 &&
git config branch.from-master2.merge > expect2 &&
- git branch --set-upstream @{-1} follower &&
+ git branch --set-upstream-to @{-1} from-master &&
git config branch.from-master.merge > actual &&
git config branch.from-master2.merge > actual2 &&
- git branch --set-upstream from-master follower &&
+ git branch --set-upstream-to follower from-master &&
git config branch.from-master.merge > expect &&
test_cmp expect2 actual2 &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index aa74eb8f0d..70d92d24cb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -182,10 +182,14 @@ check_describe "test2-lightweight-*" --tags --match="test2-*"
check_describe "test2-lightweight-*" --long --tags --match="test2-*" HEAD^
-check_describe "test1-lightweight-*" --long --tags --match="test1-*" --match="test2-*" HEAD^
+check_describe "test2-lightweight-*" --long --tags --match="test1-*" --match="test2-*" HEAD^
check_describe "test2-lightweight-*" --long --tags --match="test1-*" --no-match --match="test2-*" HEAD^
+check_describe "test1-lightweight-*" --long --tags --match="test1-*" --match="test3-*" HEAD
+check_describe "test1-lightweight-*" --long --tags --match="test3-*" --match="test1-*" HEAD
test_expect_success 'name-rev with exact tags' '
echo A >expect &&
tag_object=$(git rev-parse refs/tags/A) &&
@@ -198,6 +202,31 @@ test_expect_success 'name-rev with exact tags' '
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'name-rev --all' '
+ >expect.unsorted &&
+ for rev in $(git rev-list --all)
+ do
+ git name-rev $rev >>expect.unsorted
+ done &&
+ sort <expect.unsorted >expect &&
+ git name-rev --all >actual.unsorted &&
+ sort <actual.unsorted >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'name-rev --stdin' '
+ >expect.unsorted &&
+ for rev in $(git rev-list --all)
+ do
+ name=$(git name-rev --name-only $rev) &&
+ echo "$rev ($name)" >>expect.unsorted
+ done &&
+ sort <expect.unsorted >expect &&
+ git rev-list --all | git name-rev --stdin >actual.unsorted &&
+ sort <actual.unsorted >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'describe --contains with the exact tags' '
echo "A^0" >expect &&
tag_object=$(git rev-parse refs/tags/A) &&
@@ -250,7 +279,38 @@ test_expect_success 'describe chokes on severely broken submodules' '
test_expect_success 'describe ignoring a borken submodule' '
git describe --broken >out &&
+ test_when_finished "mv .git/modules/sub_moved .git/modules/sub1" &&
grep broken out
+test_expect_failure ULIMIT_STACK_SIZE 'name-rev works in a deep repo' '
+ i=1 &&
+ while test $i -lt 8000
+ do
+ echo "commit refs/heads/master
+committer A U Thor <> $((1000000000 + $i * 100)) +0200
+data <<EOF
+commit #$i
+ test $i = 1 && echo "from refs/heads/master^0"
+ i=$(($i + 1))
+ done | git fast-import &&
+ git checkout master &&
+ git tag far-far-away HEAD^ &&
+ echo "HEAD~4000 tags/far-far-away~3999" >expect &&
+ git name-rev HEAD~4000 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ run_with_limited_stack git name-rev HEAD~4000 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success ULIMIT_STACK_SIZE 'describe works in a deep repo' '
+ git tag -f far-far-away HEAD~7999 &&
+ echo "far-far-away" >expect &&
+ git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD~4000 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ run_with_limited_stack git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD~4000 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e365d1ff77..cbc5fb37fe 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -491,4 +491,29 @@ test_expect_success 'moving a submodule in nested directories' '
test_cmp actual expect
+test_expect_failure 'moving nested submodules' '
+ git commit -am "cleanup commit" &&
+ mkdir sub_nested_nested &&
+ (cd sub_nested_nested &&
+ touch nested_level2 &&
+ git init &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m "nested level 2"
+ ) &&
+ mkdir sub_nested &&
+ (cd sub_nested &&
+ touch nested_level1 &&
+ git init &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m "nested level 1"
+ git submodule add ../sub_nested_nested &&
+ git commit -m "add nested level 2"
+ ) &&
+ git submodule add ./sub_nested nested_move &&
+ git commit -m "add nested_move" &&
+ git submodule update --init --recursive &&
+ git mv nested_move sub_nested_moved &&
+ git status
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dbcd6f623c..b545c33f83 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1863,13 +1863,6 @@ test_expect_success 'version sort with very long prerelease suffix' '
git tag -l --sort=version:refname
-run_with_limited_stack () {
- (ulimit -s 128 && "$@")
-test_lazy_prereq ULIMIT_STACK_SIZE 'run_with_limited_stack true'
-# we require ulimit, this excludes Windows
test_expect_success ULIMIT_STACK_SIZE '--contains and --no-contains work in a deep repo' '
>expect &&
i=1 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3ae394e934..556e1850e2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -472,4 +472,14 @@ test_expect_success 'git clean -id with prefix and path (ask)' '
+test_expect_success 'git clean -i paints the header in HEADER color' '
+ >a.out &&
+ echo q |
+ git -c color.ui=always clean -i |
+ test_decode_color |
+ head -n 1 >header &&
+ # not i18ngrep
+ grep "^<BOLD>" header
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e9c3335b78..6f8337ffb5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -46,16 +46,6 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update aborts on missing gitmodules url' '
test_must_fail git submodule init
-test_expect_success 'configuration parsing' '
- test_when_finished "rm -f .gitmodules" &&
- cat >.gitmodules <<-\EOF &&
- [submodule "s"]
- path
- ignore
- test_must_fail git status
test_expect_success 'setup - repository in init subdirectory' '
mkdir init &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index eea36f1dbe..46c09c7765 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -31,6 +31,21 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule config cache setup' '
+test_expect_success 'configuration parsing with error' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf repo" &&
+ test_create_repo repo &&
+ cat >repo/.gitmodules <<-\EOF &&
+ [submodule "s"]
+ path
+ ignore
+ (
+ cd repo &&
+ test_must_fail test-submodule-config "" s 2>actual &&
+ test_i18ngrep "bad config" actual
+ )
cat >super/expect <<EOF
Submodule name: 'a' for path 'a'
Submodule name: 'a' for path 'b'
@@ -107,78 +122,6 @@ test_expect_success 'using different treeishs works' '
-cat >super/expect_url <<EOF
-Submodule url: '' for path 'b'
-Submodule url: '' for path 'submodule'
-cat >super/expect_local_path <<EOF
-Submodule name: 'a' for path 'c'
-Submodule name: 'submodule' for path 'submodule'
-test_expect_success 'reading of local configuration' '
- (cd super &&
- old_a=$(git config submodule.a.url) &&
- old_submodule=$(git config submodule.submodule.url) &&
- git config submodule.a.url &&
- git config submodule.submodule.url &&
- test-submodule-config --url \
- "" b \
- "" submodule \
- >actual &&
- test_cmp expect_url actual &&
- git config submodule.a.path c &&
- test-submodule-config \
- "" c \
- "" submodule \
- >actual &&
- test_cmp expect_local_path actual &&
- git config submodule.a.url "$old_a" &&
- git config submodule.submodule.url "$old_submodule" &&
- git config --unset submodule.a.path c
- )
-cat >super/expect_url <<EOF
-Submodule url: '../submodule' for path 'b'
-Submodule url: '' for path 'submodule'
-test_expect_success 'reading of local configuration for uninitialized submodules' '
- (
- cd super &&
- git submodule deinit -f b &&
- old_submodule=$(git config submodule.submodule.url) &&
- git config submodule.submodule.url &&
- test-submodule-config --url \
- "" b \
- "" submodule \
- >actual &&
- test_cmp expect_url actual &&
- git config submodule.submodule.url "$old_submodule" &&
- git submodule init b
- )
-cat >super/expect_fetchrecurse_die.err <<EOF
-fatal: bad submodule.submodule.fetchrecursesubmodules argument: blabla
-test_expect_success 'local error in fetchrecursesubmodule dies early' '
- (cd super &&
- git config submodule.submodule.fetchrecursesubmodules blabla &&
- test_must_fail test-submodule-config \
- "" b \
- "" submodule \
- >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
- touch expect_fetchrecurse_die.out &&
- test_cmp expect_fetchrecurse_die.out actual.out &&
- test_cmp expect_fetchrecurse_die.err actual.err &&
- git config --unset submodule.submodule.fetchrecursesubmodules
- )
test_expect_success 'error in history in fetchrecursesubmodule lets continue' '
(cd super &&
git config -f .gitmodules \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 88d4cda299..302a3a2082 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ cat > "$HOOK" <<EOF
exit 1
+commit_msg_is () {
+ test "$(git log --pretty=format:%s%b -1)" = "$1"
test_expect_success 'with failing hook' '
echo "another" >> file &&
@@ -135,6 +139,32 @@ test_expect_success '--no-verify with failing hook (editor)' '
+test_expect_success 'merge fails with failing hook' '
+ test_when_finished "git branch -D newbranch" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ git checkout --orphan newbranch &&
+ : >file2 &&
+ git add file2 &&
+ git commit --no-verify file2 -m in-side-branch &&
+ test_must_fail git merge --allow-unrelated-histories master &&
+ commit_msg_is "in-side-branch" # HEAD before merge
+test_expect_success 'merge bypasses failing hook with --no-verify' '
+ test_when_finished "git branch -D newbranch" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ git checkout --orphan newbranch &&
+ : >file2 &&
+ git add file2 &&
+ git commit --no-verify file2 -m in-side-branch &&
+ git merge --no-verify --allow-unrelated-histories master &&
+ commit_msg_is "Merge branch '\''master'\'' into newbranch"
chmod -x "$HOOK"
test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'with non-executable hook' '
@@ -178,10 +208,6 @@ exit 0
chmod +x "$HOOK"
-commit_msg_is () {
- test "$(git log --pretty=format:%s%b -1)" = "$1"
test_expect_success 'hook edits commit message' '
echo "additional" >> file &&
@@ -217,7 +243,36 @@ test_expect_success "hook doesn't edit commit message (editor)" '
echo "more plus" > FAKE_MSG &&
GIT_EDITOR="\"\$FAKE_EDITOR\"" git commit --no-verify &&
commit_msg_is "more plus"
+test_expect_success 'hook called in git-merge picks up commit message' '
+ test_when_finished "git branch -D newbranch" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ git checkout --orphan newbranch &&
+ : >file2 &&
+ git add file2 &&
+ git commit --no-verify file2 -m in-side-branch &&
+ git merge --allow-unrelated-histories master &&
+ commit_msg_is "new message"
+test_expect_failure 'merge --continue remembers --no-verify' '
+ test_when_finished "git branch -D newbranch" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ git checkout master &&
+ echo a >file2 &&
+ git add file2 &&
+ git commit --no-verify -m "add file2 to master" &&
+ git checkout -b newbranch master^ &&
+ echo b >file2 &&
+ git add file2 &&
+ git commit --no-verify file2 -m in-side-branch &&
+ git merge --no-verify -m not-rewritten-by-hook master &&
+ # resolve conflict:
+ echo c >file2 &&
+ git add file2 &&
+ git merge --continue &&
+ commit_msg_is not-rewritten-by-hook
# set up fake editor to replace `pick` by `reword`
@@ -237,4 +292,5 @@ test_expect_success 'hook is called for reword during `rebase -i`' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0c6f91c433..164719d1c9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -681,6 +681,36 @@ test_expect_success 'using "where = before"' '
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'overriding configuration with "--where after"' '
+ git config trailer.ack.where "before" &&
+ cat complex_message_body >expected &&
+ sed -e "s/ Z\$/ /" >>expected <<-\EOF &&
+ Fixes: Z
+ Acked-by= Z
+ Acked-by= Peff
+ Reviewed-by: Z
+ Signed-off-by: Z
+ git interpret-trailers --where after --trailer "ack: Peff" \
+ complex_message >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'using "where = before" with "--no-where"' '
+ cat complex_message_body >expected &&
+ sed -e "s/ Z\$/ /" >>expected <<-\EOF &&
+ Bug #42
+ Fixes: Z
+ Acked-by= Peff
+ Acked-by= Z
+ Reviewed-by: Z
+ Signed-off-by: Z
+ git interpret-trailers --where after --no-where --trailer "ack: Peff" \
+ --trailer "bug: 42" complex_message >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'using "where = after"' '
git config trailer.ack.where "after" &&
cat complex_message_body >expected &&
@@ -947,6 +977,23 @@ test_expect_success 'using "ifExists = add" with "where = after"' '
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'overriding configuration with "--if-exists replace"' '
+ git config trailer.fix.key "Fixes: " &&
+ git config trailer.fix.ifExists "add" &&
+ cat complex_message_body >expected &&
+ sed -e "s/ Z\$/ /" >>expected <<-\EOF &&
+ Bug #42
+ Acked-by= Z
+ Reviewed-by:
+ Signed-off-by: Z
+ Fixes: 22
+ git interpret-trailers --if-exists replace --trailer "review:" \
+ --trailer "fix=53" --trailer "fix=22" --trailer "bug: 42" \
+ <complex_message >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'using "ifExists = replace"' '
git config trailer.fix.key "Fixes: " &&
git config trailer.fix.ifExists "replace" &&
@@ -1026,6 +1073,25 @@ test_expect_success 'the default is "ifMissing = add"' '
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'overriding configuration with "--if-missing doNothing"' '
+ git config trailer.ifmissing "add" &&
+ cat complex_message_body >expected &&
+ sed -e "s/ Z\$/ /" >>expected <<-\EOF &&
+ Fixes: Z
+ Acked-by= Z
+ Acked-by= Junio
+ Acked-by= Peff
+ Reviewed-by:
+ Signed-off-by: Z
+ git interpret-trailers --if-missing doNothing \
+ --trailer "review:" --trailer "fix=53" \
+ --trailer "cc=Linus" --trailer "ack: Junio" \
+ --trailer "fix=22" --trailer "bug: 42" --trailer "ack: Peff" \
+ <complex_message >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'when default "ifMissing" is "doNothing"' '
git config trailer.ifmissing "doNothing" &&
cat complex_message_body >expected &&
@@ -1275,4 +1341,80 @@ test_expect_success 'with cut line' '
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'only trailers' '
+ git config trailer.sign.command "echo config-value" &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ existing: existing-value
+ sign: config-value
+ added: added-value
+ git interpret-trailers \
+ --trailer added:added-value \
+ --only-trailers >actual <<-\EOF &&
+ my subject
+ my body
+ existing: existing-value
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'only-trailers omits non-trailer in middle of block' '
+ git config trailer.sign.command "echo config-value" &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ Signed-off-by: nobody <nobody@nowhere>
+ Signed-off-by: somebody <somebody@somewhere>
+ sign: config-value
+ git interpret-trailers --only-trailers >actual <<-\EOF &&
+ subject
+ it is important that the trailers below are signed-off-by
+ so that they meet the "25% trailers Git knows about" heuristic
+ Signed-off-by: nobody <nobody@nowhere>
+ this is not a trailer
+ Signed-off-by: somebody <somebody@somewhere>
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'only input' '
+ git config trailer.sign.command "echo config-value" &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ existing: existing-value
+ git interpret-trailers \
+ --only-trailers --only-input >actual <<-\EOF &&
+ my subject
+ my body
+ existing: existing-value
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'unfold' '
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ foo: continued across several lines
+ # pass through tr to make leading and trailing whitespace more obvious
+ tr _ " " <<-\EOF |
+ my subject
+ my body
+ foo:_
+ __continued
+ ___across
+ ____several
+ _____lines
+ ___
+ git interpret-trailers --only-trailers --only-input --unfold >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c1b8446f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+test_description='git merge --signoff
+This test runs git merge --signoff and makes sure that it works.
+. ./
+# Setup test files
+test_setup() {
+ # Expected commit message after merge --signoff
+ cat >expected-signed <<EOF &&
+Merge branch 'master' into other-branch
+Signed-off-by: $(git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT | sed -e "s/>.*/>/")
+ # Expected commit message after merge without --signoff (or with --no-signoff)
+ cat >expected-unsigned <<EOF &&
+Merge branch 'master' into other-branch
+ # Initial commit and feature branch to merge master into it.
+ git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial empty commit" &&
+ git checkout -b other-branch &&
+ test_commit other-branch file1 1
+# Setup repository, files & feature branch
+# This step must be run if You want to test 2,3 or 4
+# Order of 2,3,4 is not important, but 1 must be run before
+# For example `-r 1,4` or `-r 1,4,2 -v` etc
+# But not `-r 2` or `-r 4,3,2,1`
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+ test_setup
+# Test with --signoff flag
+test_expect_success 'git merge --signoff adds a sign-off line' '
+ git checkout master &&
+ test_commit master-branch-2 file2 2 &&
+ git checkout other-branch &&
+ git merge master --signoff --no-edit &&
+ git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected-signed actual
+# Test without --signoff flag
+test_expect_success 'git merge does not add a sign-off line' '
+ git checkout master &&
+ test_commit master-branch-3 file3 3 &&
+ git checkout other-branch &&
+ git merge master --no-edit &&
+ git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected-unsigned actual
+# Test for --no-signoff flag
+test_expect_success 'git merge --no-signoff flag cancels --signoff flag' '
+ git checkout master &&
+ test_commit master-branch-4 file4 4 &&
+ git checkout other-branch &&
+ git merge master --no-edit --signoff --no-signoff &&
+ git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected-unsigned actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d8242e467e..0f86c19174 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ test_expect_success '--path=<path> complains without --textconv/--filters' '
grep "path.*needs.*filters" err
+test_expect_success '--textconv/--filters complain without path' '
+ test_must_fail git cat-file --textconv HEAD &&
+ test_must_fail git cat-file --filters HEAD
test_expect_success 'cat-file --textconv --batch works' '
sha1=$(git rev-parse -q --verify HEAD:world.txt) &&
test_config diff.txt.textconv "tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m <" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d1e4e8ad19..f30980895c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -148,6 +148,8 @@ cat >expected-cc <<\EOF
@@ -161,6 +163,8 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'cc trailer with various syntax' '
Cc: <> # trailing comments are ignored
Cc: <>, <> one address per line
Cc: "Some # Body" <> [ <also.a.comment> ]
+ Cc: #
+ Cc:,
clean_fake_sendmail &&
git send-email -1 \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6dafe7e99a..8eaaca6f99 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ test_description='check svn dumpfile importer'
. ./
+if test_have_prereq !PIPE
+ skip_all="svn dumpfile importer testing requires the PIPE prerequisite"
+ test_done
reinit_git () {
- if ! test_declared_prereq PIPE
- then
- echo >&4 "reinit_git: need to declare PIPE prerequisite"
- return 127
- fi
rm -fr .git &&
rm -f stream backflow &&
git init &&
@@ -54,19 +55,19 @@ text_no_props () {
-test_expect_success PIPE 'empty dump' '
+test_expect_success 'empty dump' '
reinit_git &&
echo "SVN-fs-dump-format-version: 2" >input &&
try_dump input
-test_expect_success PIPE 'v4 dumps not supported' '
+test_expect_success 'v4 dumps not supported' '
reinit_git &&
echo "SVN-fs-dump-format-version: 4" >v4.dump &&
try_dump v4.dump must_fail
-test_expect_failure PIPE 'empty revision' '
+test_expect_failure 'empty revision' '
reinit_git &&
printf "rev <nobody, nobody@local>: %s\n" "" "" >expect &&
cat >emptyrev.dump <<-\EOF &&
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ test_expect_failure PIPE 'empty revision' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success PIPE 'empty properties' '
+test_expect_success 'empty properties' '
reinit_git &&
printf "rev <nobody, nobody@local>: %s\n" "" "" >expect &&
cat >emptyprop.dump <<-\EOF &&
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'empty properties' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success PIPE 'author name and commit message' '
+test_expect_success 'author name and commit message' '
reinit_git &&
echo "<,>" > &&
cat >message <<-\EOF &&
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'author name and commit message' '
-test_expect_success PIPE 'unsupported properties are ignored' '
+test_expect_success 'unsupported properties are ignored' '
reinit_git &&
echo author >expect &&
cat >extraprop.dump <<-\EOF &&
@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'unsupported properties are ignored' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_failure PIPE 'timestamp and empty file' '
+test_expect_failure 'timestamp and empty file' '
echo > &&
echo 1999-01-01 > &&
echo file >expect.files &&
@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ test_expect_failure PIPE 'timestamp and empty file' '
test_cmp empty file
-test_expect_success PIPE 'directory with files' '
+test_expect_success 'directory with files' '
reinit_git &&
printf "%s\n" directory/file1 directory/file2 >expect.files &&
echo hi >hi &&
@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'directory with files' '
test_cmp hi directory/file2
-test_expect_success PIPE 'branch name with backslash' '
+test_expect_success 'branch name with backslash' '
reinit_git &&
sort <<-\EOF >expect.branch-files &&
@@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'branch name with backslash' '
test_cmp expect.branch-files actual.branch-files
-test_expect_success PIPE 'node without action' '
+test_expect_success 'node without action' '
reinit_git &&
cat >inaction.dump <<-\EOF &&
SVN-fs-dump-format-version: 3
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'node without action' '
try_dump inaction.dump must_fail
-test_expect_success PIPE 'action: add node without text' '
+test_expect_success 'action: add node without text' '
reinit_git &&
cat >textless.dump <<-\EOF &&
SVN-fs-dump-format-version: 3
@@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'action: add node without text' '
try_dump textless.dump must_fail
-test_expect_failure PIPE 'change file mode but keep old content' '
+test_expect_failure 'change file mode but keep old content' '
reinit_git &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
@@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ test_expect_failure PIPE 'change file mode but keep old content' '
test_cmp hello
-test_expect_success PIPE 'NUL in property value' '
+test_expect_success 'NUL in property value' '
reinit_git &&
echo "commit message" >expect.message &&
@@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'NUL in property value' '
test_cmp expect.message actual.message
-test_expect_success PIPE 'NUL in log message, file content, and property name' '
+test_expect_success 'NUL in log message, file content, and property name' '
# Caveat: svnadmin 1.6.16 (r1073529) truncates at \0 in the
# svn:specialQnotreally example.
reinit_git &&
@@ -587,7 +588,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'NUL in log message, file content, and property name' '
test_cmp expect.hello2 actual.hello2
-test_expect_success PIPE 'change file mode and reiterate content' '
+test_expect_success 'change file mode and reiterate content' '
reinit_git &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
@@ -667,7 +668,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'change file mode and reiterate content' '
test_cmp hello
-test_expect_success PIPE 'deltas supported' '
+test_expect_success 'deltas supported' '
reinit_git &&
# (old) h + (inline) ello + (old) \n
@@ -731,7 +732,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'deltas supported' '
try_dump delta.dump
-test_expect_success PIPE 'property deltas supported' '
+test_expect_success 'property deltas supported' '
reinit_git &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
@@ -796,7 +797,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'property deltas supported' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success PIPE 'properties on /' '
+test_expect_success 'properties on /' '
reinit_git &&
cat <<-\EOF >expect &&
@@ -850,7 +851,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'properties on /' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success PIPE 'deltas for typechange' '
+test_expect_success 'deltas for typechange' '
reinit_git &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
@@ -935,7 +936,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'deltas for typechange' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success PIPE 'deltas need not consume the whole preimage' '
+test_expect_success 'deltas need not consume the whole preimage' '
reinit_git &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
@@ -1040,7 +1041,7 @@ test_expect_success PIPE 'deltas need not consume the whole preimage' '
test_cmp expect.3 actual.3
-test_expect_success PIPE 'no hang for delta trying to read past end of preimage' '
+test_expect_success 'no hang for delta trying to read past end of preimage' '
reinit_git &&
# COPY 1
@@ -1087,7 +1088,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up svn repo' '
-test_expect_success SVNREPO,PIPE 't9135/svn.dump' '
+test_expect_success SVNREPO 't9135/svn.dump' '
mkdir -p simple-git &&
cd simple-git &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 432c61d246..c30660d606 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -588,4 +588,52 @@ test_expect_success 'cvs annotate' '
test_cmp ../expect ../actual
+# running via git-shell
+cd "$WORKDIR"
+test_expect_success 'create remote-cvs helper' '
+ write_script remote-cvs <<-\EOF
+ exec git shell -c "cvs server"
+test_expect_success 'cvs server does not run with vanilla git-shell' '
+ (
+ cd cvswork &&
+ CVS_SERVER=$WORKDIR/remote-cvs &&
+ export CVS_SERVER &&
+ test_must_fail cvs log merge
+ )
+test_expect_success 'configure git shell to run cvs server' '
+ mkdir "$HOME"/git-shell-commands &&
+ write_script "$HOME"/git-shell-commands/cvs <<-\EOF &&
+ if ! test $# = 1 && test "$1" = "server"
+ then
+ echo >&2 "git-cvsserver only handles \"server\""
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ exec git cvsserver server
+ # Should not be used, but part of the recommended setup
+ write_script "$HOME"/git-shell-commands/no-interactive-login <<-\EOF
+ echo Interactive login forbidden
+test_expect_success 'cvs server can run with recommended config' '
+ (
+ cd cvswork &&
+ CVS_SERVER=$WORKDIR/remote-cvs &&
+ export CVS_SERVER &&
+ cvs log merge
+ )
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 51f52dcd4e..9b61f16f7a 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ GIT_BUILD_DIR="$TEST_DIRECTORY"/..
: ${ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0:abort_on_error=1}
+# If LSAN is in effect we _do_ want leak checking, but we still
+# want to abort so that we notice the problems.
+: ${LSAN_OPTIONS=abort_on_error=1}
# It appears that people try to run tests without building...
"$GIT_BUILD_DIR/git" >/dev/null
@@ -99,7 +104,6 @@ unset VISUAL EMAIL LANGUAGE COLUMNS $("$PERL_PATH" -e '
my $ok = join("|", qw(
@@ -275,7 +279,7 @@ then
test -z "$verbose" && verbose_only="$valgrind_only"
elif test -n "$valgrind"
- verbose=t
+ test -z "$verbose_log" && verbose=t
if test -n "$color"
@@ -1063,14 +1067,8 @@ test_i18ngrep () {
test_lazy_prereq PIPE '
# test whether the filesystem supports FIFOs
- case $(uname -s) in
- false
- ;;
- *)
- rm -f testfifo && mkfifo testfifo
- ;;
- esac
+ test_have_prereq !MINGW,!CYGWIN &&
+ rm -f testfifo && mkfifo testfifo
test_lazy_prereq SYMLINKS '
@@ -1166,7 +1164,19 @@ run_with_limited_cmdline () {
(ulimit -s 128 && "$@")
-test_lazy_prereq CMDLINE_LIMIT 'run_with_limited_cmdline true'
+test_lazy_prereq CMDLINE_LIMIT '
+ test_have_prereq !MINGW,!CYGWIN &&
+ run_with_limited_cmdline true
+run_with_limited_stack () {
+ (ulimit -s 128 && "$@")
+test_lazy_prereq ULIMIT_STACK_SIZE '
+ test_have_prereq !MINGW,!CYGWIN &&
+ run_with_limited_stack true
build_option () {
git version --build-options |
diff --git a/tag.c b/tag.c
index 47f60ae151..7e10acfb6e 100644
--- a/tag.c
+++ b/tag.c
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ static int run_gpg_verify(const char *buf, unsigned long size, unsigned flags)
return ret;
-int gpg_verify_tag(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *name_to_report,
+int gpg_verify_tag(const struct object_id *oid, const char *name_to_report,
unsigned flags)
enum object_type type;
@@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ int gpg_verify_tag(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *name_to_report,
unsigned long size;
int ret;
- type = sha1_object_info(sha1, NULL);
+ type = sha1_object_info(oid->hash, NULL);
if (type != OBJ_TAG)
return error("%s: cannot verify a non-tag object of type %s.",
name_to_report ?
name_to_report :
- find_unique_abbrev(sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV),
+ find_unique_abbrev(oid->hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV),
- buf = read_sha1_file(sha1, &type, &size);
+ buf = read_sha1_file(oid->hash, &type, &size);
if (!buf)
return error("%s: unable to read file.",
name_to_report ?
name_to_report :
- find_unique_abbrev(sha1, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+ find_unique_abbrev(oid->hash, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
ret = run_gpg_verify(buf, size, flags);
diff --git a/tag.h b/tag.h
index fdfcb4a84a..d469534e82 100644
--- a/tag.h
+++ b/tag.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ extern int parse_tag_buffer(struct tag *item, const void *data, unsigned long si
extern int parse_tag(struct tag *item);
extern struct object *deref_tag(struct object *, const char *, int);
extern struct object *deref_tag_noverify(struct object *);
-extern int gpg_verify_tag(const unsigned char *sha1,
+extern int gpg_verify_tag(const struct object_id *oid,
const char *name_to_report, unsigned flags);
#endif /* TAG_H */
diff --git a/tempfile.c b/tempfile.c
index 6843710670..5fdafdd2d2 100644
--- a/tempfile.c
+++ b/tempfile.c
@@ -30,21 +30,19 @@
* `fdopen_tempfile()` has been called on the object
* - `owner` holds the PID of the process that created the file
- * - Active, file closed (after successful `close_tempfile()`). Same
+ * - Active, file closed (after `close_tempfile_gently()`). Same
* as the previous state, except that the temporary file is closed,
* `fd` is -1, and `fp` is `NULL`.
- * - Inactive (after `delete_tempfile()`, `rename_tempfile()`, a
- * failed attempt to create a temporary file, or a failed
- * `close_tempfile()`). In this state:
+ * - Inactive (after `delete_tempfile()`, `rename_tempfile()`, or a
+ * failed attempt to create a temporary file). In this state:
* - `active` is unset
* - `filename` is empty (usually, though there are transitory
* states in which this condition doesn't hold). Client code should
* *not* rely on the filename being empty in this state.
* - `fd` is -1 and `fp` is `NULL`
- * - the object is left registered in the `tempfile_list`, and
- * `on_list` is set.
+ * - the object is removed from `tempfile_list` (but could be used again)
* A temporary file is owned by the process that created it. The
* `tempfile` has an `owner` field that records the owner's PID. This
@@ -56,20 +54,28 @@
#include "tempfile.h"
#include "sigchain.h"
-static struct tempfile *volatile tempfile_list;
+static VOLATILE_LIST_HEAD(tempfile_list);
-static void remove_tempfiles(int skip_fclose)
+static void remove_tempfiles(int in_signal_handler)
pid_t me = getpid();
+ volatile struct volatile_list_head *pos;
- while (tempfile_list) {
- if (tempfile_list->owner == me) {
- /* fclose() is not safe to call in a signal handler */
- if (skip_fclose)
- tempfile_list->fp = NULL;
- delete_tempfile(tempfile_list);
- }
- tempfile_list = tempfile_list->next;
+ list_for_each(pos, &tempfile_list) {
+ struct tempfile *p = list_entry(pos, struct tempfile, list);
+ if (!is_tempfile_active(p) || p->owner != me)
+ continue;
+ if (p->fd >= 0)
+ close(p->fd);
+ if (in_signal_handler)
+ unlink(p->filename.buf);
+ else
+ unlink_or_warn(p->filename.buf);
+ p->active = 0;
@@ -85,39 +91,48 @@ static void remove_tempfiles_on_signal(int signo)
- * Initialize *tempfile if necessary and add it to tempfile_list.
- */
-static void prepare_tempfile_object(struct tempfile *tempfile)
+static struct tempfile *new_tempfile(void)
- if (!tempfile_list) {
- /* One-time initialization */
+ struct tempfile *tempfile = xmalloc(sizeof(*tempfile));
+ tempfile->fd = -1;
+ tempfile->fp = NULL;
+ tempfile->active = 0;
+ tempfile->owner = 0;
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tempfile->list);
+ strbuf_init(&tempfile->filename, 0);
+ return tempfile;
+static void activate_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile)
+ static int initialized;
+ if (is_tempfile_active(tempfile))
+ BUG("activate_tempfile called for active object");
+ if (!initialized) {
+ initialized = 1;
- if (tempfile->active)
- die("BUG: prepare_tempfile_object called for active object");
- if (!tempfile->on_list) {
- /* Initialize *tempfile and add it to tempfile_list: */
- tempfile->fd = -1;
- tempfile->fp = NULL;
- tempfile->active = 0;
- tempfile->owner = 0;
- strbuf_init(&tempfile->filename, 0);
- tempfile->next = tempfile_list;
- tempfile_list = tempfile;
- tempfile->on_list = 1;
- } else if (tempfile->filename.len) {
- /* This shouldn't happen, but better safe than sorry. */
- die("BUG: prepare_tempfile_object called for improperly-reset object");
- }
+ volatile_list_add(&tempfile->list, &tempfile_list);
+ tempfile->owner = getpid();
+ tempfile->active = 1;
+static void deactivate_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile)
+ tempfile->active = 0;
+ strbuf_release(&tempfile->filename);
+ volatile_list_del(&tempfile->list);
+ free(tempfile);
/* Make sure errno contains a meaningful value on error */
-int create_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *path)
+struct tempfile *create_tempfile(const char *path)
- prepare_tempfile_object(tempfile);
+ struct tempfile *tempfile = new_tempfile();
strbuf_add_absolute_path(&tempfile->filename, path);
tempfile->fd = open(tempfile->filename.buf,
@@ -127,52 +142,48 @@ int create_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *path)
tempfile->fd = open(tempfile->filename.buf,
O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666);
if (tempfile->fd < 0) {
- strbuf_reset(&tempfile->filename);
- return -1;
+ deactivate_tempfile(tempfile);
+ return NULL;
- tempfile->owner = getpid();
- tempfile->active = 1;
+ activate_tempfile(tempfile);
if (adjust_shared_perm(tempfile->filename.buf)) {
int save_errno = errno;
error("cannot fix permission bits on %s", tempfile->filename.buf);
- delete_tempfile(tempfile);
+ delete_tempfile(&tempfile);
errno = save_errno;
- return -1;
+ return NULL;
- return tempfile->fd;
+ return tempfile;
-void register_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *path)
+struct tempfile *register_tempfile(const char *path)
- prepare_tempfile_object(tempfile);
+ struct tempfile *tempfile = new_tempfile();
strbuf_add_absolute_path(&tempfile->filename, path);
- tempfile->owner = getpid();
- tempfile->active = 1;
+ activate_tempfile(tempfile);
+ return tempfile;
-int mks_tempfile_sm(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template, int suffixlen, int mode)
+struct tempfile *mks_tempfile_sm(const char *template, int suffixlen, int mode)
- prepare_tempfile_object(tempfile);
+ struct tempfile *tempfile = new_tempfile();
strbuf_add_absolute_path(&tempfile->filename, template);
tempfile->fd = git_mkstemps_mode(tempfile->filename.buf, suffixlen, mode);
if (tempfile->fd < 0) {
- strbuf_reset(&tempfile->filename);
- return -1;
+ deactivate_tempfile(tempfile);
+ return NULL;
- tempfile->owner = getpid();
- tempfile->active = 1;
- return tempfile->fd;
+ activate_tempfile(tempfile);
+ return tempfile;
-int mks_tempfile_tsm(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template, int suffixlen, int mode)
+struct tempfile *mks_tempfile_tsm(const char *template, int suffixlen, int mode)
+ struct tempfile *tempfile = new_tempfile();
const char *tmpdir;
- prepare_tempfile_object(tempfile);
tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR");
if (!tmpdir)
tmpdir = "/tmp";
@@ -180,35 +191,34 @@ int mks_tempfile_tsm(struct tempfile *tempfile,
strbuf_addf(&tempfile->filename, "%s/%s", tmpdir, template);
tempfile->fd = git_mkstemps_mode(tempfile->filename.buf, suffixlen, mode);
if (tempfile->fd < 0) {
- strbuf_reset(&tempfile->filename);
- return -1;
+ deactivate_tempfile(tempfile);
+ return NULL;
- tempfile->owner = getpid();
- tempfile->active = 1;
- return tempfile->fd;
+ activate_tempfile(tempfile);
+ return tempfile;
-int xmks_tempfile_m(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *template, int mode)
+struct tempfile *xmks_tempfile_m(const char *template, int mode)
- int fd;
+ struct tempfile *tempfile;
struct strbuf full_template = STRBUF_INIT;
strbuf_add_absolute_path(&full_template, template);
- fd = mks_tempfile_m(tempfile, full_template.buf, mode);
- if (fd < 0)
+ tempfile = mks_tempfile_m(full_template.buf, mode);
+ if (!tempfile)
die_errno("Unable to create temporary file '%s'",
- return fd;
+ return tempfile;
FILE *fdopen_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *mode)
- if (!tempfile->active)
- die("BUG: fdopen_tempfile() called for inactive object");
+ if (!is_tempfile_active(tempfile))
+ BUG("fdopen_tempfile() called for inactive object");
if (tempfile->fp)
- die("BUG: fdopen_tempfile() called for open object");
+ BUG("fdopen_tempfile() called for open object");
tempfile->fp = fdopen(tempfile->fd, mode);
return tempfile->fp;
@@ -216,34 +226,36 @@ FILE *fdopen_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *mode)
const char *get_tempfile_path(struct tempfile *tempfile)
- if (!tempfile->active)
- die("BUG: get_tempfile_path() called for inactive object");
+ if (!is_tempfile_active(tempfile))
+ BUG("get_tempfile_path() called for inactive object");
return tempfile->filename.buf;
int get_tempfile_fd(struct tempfile *tempfile)
- if (!tempfile->active)
- die("BUG: get_tempfile_fd() called for inactive object");
+ if (!is_tempfile_active(tempfile))
+ BUG("get_tempfile_fd() called for inactive object");
return tempfile->fd;
FILE *get_tempfile_fp(struct tempfile *tempfile)
- if (!tempfile->active)
- die("BUG: get_tempfile_fp() called for inactive object");
+ if (!is_tempfile_active(tempfile))
+ BUG("get_tempfile_fp() called for inactive object");
return tempfile->fp;
-int close_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile)
+int close_tempfile_gently(struct tempfile *tempfile)
- int fd = tempfile->fd;
- FILE *fp = tempfile->fp;
+ int fd;
+ FILE *fp;
int err;
- if (fd < 0)
+ if (!is_tempfile_active(tempfile) || tempfile->fd < 0)
return 0;
+ fd = tempfile->fd;
+ fp = tempfile->fp;
tempfile->fd = -1;
if (fp) {
tempfile->fp = NULL;
@@ -258,54 +270,52 @@ int close_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile)
err = close(fd);
- if (err) {
- int save_errno = errno;
- delete_tempfile(tempfile);
- errno = save_errno;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
+ return err ? -1 : 0;
int reopen_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile)
+ if (!is_tempfile_active(tempfile))
+ BUG("reopen_tempfile called for an inactive object");
if (0 <= tempfile->fd)
- die("BUG: reopen_tempfile called for an open object");
- if (!tempfile->active)
- die("BUG: reopen_tempfile called for an inactive object");
+ BUG("reopen_tempfile called for an open object");
tempfile->fd = open(tempfile->filename.buf, O_WRONLY);
return tempfile->fd;
-int rename_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *path)
+int rename_tempfile(struct tempfile **tempfile_p, const char *path)
- if (!tempfile->active)
- die("BUG: rename_tempfile called for inactive object");
+ struct tempfile *tempfile = *tempfile_p;
+ if (!is_tempfile_active(tempfile))
+ BUG("rename_tempfile called for inactive object");
- if (close_tempfile(tempfile))
+ if (close_tempfile_gently(tempfile)) {
+ delete_tempfile(tempfile_p);
return -1;
+ }
if (rename(tempfile->filename.buf, path)) {
int save_errno = errno;
- delete_tempfile(tempfile);
+ delete_tempfile(tempfile_p);
errno = save_errno;
return -1;
- tempfile->active = 0;
- strbuf_reset(&tempfile->filename);
+ deactivate_tempfile(tempfile);
+ *tempfile_p = NULL;
return 0;
-void delete_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile)
+void delete_tempfile(struct tempfile **tempfile_p)
- if (!tempfile->active)
+ struct tempfile *tempfile = *tempfile_p;
+ if (!is_tempfile_active(tempfile))
- if (!close_tempfile(tempfile)) {
- unlink_or_warn(tempfile->filename.buf);
- tempfile->active = 0;
- strbuf_reset(&tempfile->filename);
- }
+ close_tempfile_gently(tempfile);
+ unlink_or_warn(tempfile->filename.buf);
+ deactivate_tempfile(tempfile);
+ *tempfile_p = NULL;
diff --git a/tempfile.h b/tempfile.h
index 2f0038decd..b8f4b5e145 100644
--- a/tempfile.h
+++ b/tempfile.h
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#ifndef TEMPFILE_H
#define TEMPFILE_H
+#include "list.h"
* Handle temporary files.
@@ -15,25 +17,18 @@
* The caller:
- * * Allocates a `struct tempfile` either as a static variable or on
- * the heap, initialized to zeros. Once you use the structure to
- * call `create_tempfile()`, it belongs to the tempfile subsystem
- * and its storage must remain valid throughout the life of the
- * program (i.e. you cannot use an on-stack variable to hold this
- * structure).
- *
* * Attempts to create a temporary file by calling
- * `create_tempfile()`.
+ * `create_tempfile()`. The resources used for the temporary file are
+ * managed by the tempfile API.
* * Writes new content to the file by either:
- * * writing to the file descriptor returned by `create_tempfile()`
- * (also available via `tempfile->fd`).
+ * * writing to the `tempfile->fd` file descriptor
* * calling `fdopen_tempfile()` to get a `FILE` pointer for the
* open file and writing to the file using stdio.
- * Note that the file descriptor returned by create_tempfile()
+ * Note that the file descriptor created by create_tempfile()
* is marked O_CLOEXEC, so the new contents must be written by
* the current process, not any spawned one.
@@ -47,19 +42,18 @@
* control of the file.
* * Close the file descriptor without removing or renaming the
- * temporary file by calling `close_tempfile()`, and later call
+ * temporary file by calling `close_tempfile_gently()`, and later call
* `delete_tempfile()` or `rename_tempfile()`.
- * Even after the temporary file is renamed or deleted, the `tempfile`
- * object must not be freed or altered by the caller. However, it may
- * be reused; just pass it to another call of `create_tempfile()`.
+ * After the temporary file is renamed or deleted, the `tempfile`
+ * object is no longer valid and should not be reused.
* If the program exits before `rename_tempfile()` or
* `delete_tempfile()` is called, an `atexit(3)` handler will close
* and remove the temporary file.
* If you need to close the file descriptor yourself, do so by calling
- * `close_tempfile()`. You should never call `close(2)` or `fclose(3)`
+ * `close_tempfile_gently()`. You should never call `close(2)` or `fclose(3)`
* yourself, otherwise the `struct tempfile` structure would still
* think that the file descriptor needs to be closed, and a later
* cleanup would result in duplicate calls to `close(2)`. Worse yet,
@@ -71,30 +65,30 @@
* Error handling
* --------------
- * `create_tempfile()` returns a file descriptor on success or -1 on
- * failure. On errors, `errno` describes the reason for failure.
+ * `create_tempfile()` returns an allocated tempfile on success or NULL
+ * on failure. On errors, `errno` describes the reason for failure.
- * `delete_tempfile()`, `rename_tempfile()`, and `close_tempfile()`
- * return 0 on success. On failure they set `errno` appropriately, do
- * their best to delete the temporary file, and return -1.
+ * `delete_tempfile()`, `rename_tempfile()`, and `close_tempfile_gently()`
+ * return 0 on success. On failure they set `errno` appropriately and return
+ * -1. `delete` and `rename` (but not `close`) do their best to delete the
+ * temporary file before returning.
struct tempfile {
- struct tempfile *volatile next;
+ volatile struct volatile_list_head list;
volatile sig_atomic_t active;
volatile int fd;
FILE *volatile fp;
volatile pid_t owner;
- char on_list;
struct strbuf filename;
* Attempt to create a temporary file at the specified `path`. Return
- * a file descriptor for writing to it, or -1 on error. It is an error
- * if a file already exists at that path.
+ * a tempfile (whose "fd" member can be used for writing to it), or
+ * NULL on error. It is an error if a file already exists at that path.
-extern int create_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *path);
+extern struct tempfile *create_tempfile(const char *path);
* Register an existing file as a tempfile, meaning that it will be
@@ -102,7 +96,7 @@ extern int create_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *path);
* but it can be worked with like any other closed tempfile (for
* example, it can be opened using reopen_tempfile()).
-extern void register_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *path);
+extern struct tempfile *register_tempfile(const char *path);
@@ -134,83 +128,78 @@ extern void register_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *path);
* know the (absolute) path of the file that was created, it can be
* read from tempfile->filename.
- * On success, the functions return a file descriptor that is open for
- * writing the temporary file. On errors, they return -1 and set errno
- * appropriately (except for the "x" variants, which die() on errors).
+ * On success, the functions return a tempfile whose "fd" member is open
+ * for writing the temporary file. On errors, they return NULL and set
+ * errno appropriately (except for the "x" variants, which die() on
+ * errors).
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-extern int mks_tempfile_sm(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template, int suffixlen, int mode);
+extern struct tempfile *mks_tempfile_sm(const char *template,
+ int suffixlen, int mode);
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-static inline int mks_tempfile_s(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template, int suffixlen)
+static inline struct tempfile *mks_tempfile_s(const char *template,
+ int suffixlen)
- return mks_tempfile_sm(tempfile, template, suffixlen, 0600);
+ return mks_tempfile_sm(template, suffixlen, 0600);
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-static inline int mks_tempfile_m(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template, int mode)
+static inline struct tempfile *mks_tempfile_m(const char *template, int mode)
- return mks_tempfile_sm(tempfile, template, 0, mode);
+ return mks_tempfile_sm(template, 0, mode);
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-static inline int mks_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template)
+static inline struct tempfile *mks_tempfile(const char *template)
- return mks_tempfile_sm(tempfile, template, 0, 0600);
+ return mks_tempfile_sm(template, 0, 0600);
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-extern int mks_tempfile_tsm(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template, int suffixlen, int mode);
+extern struct tempfile *mks_tempfile_tsm(const char *template,
+ int suffixlen, int mode);
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-static inline int mks_tempfile_ts(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template, int suffixlen)
+static inline struct tempfile *mks_tempfile_ts(const char *template,
+ int suffixlen)
- return mks_tempfile_tsm(tempfile, template, suffixlen, 0600);
+ return mks_tempfile_tsm(template, suffixlen, 0600);
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-static inline int mks_tempfile_tm(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template, int mode)
+static inline struct tempfile *mks_tempfile_tm(const char *template, int mode)
- return mks_tempfile_tsm(tempfile, template, 0, mode);
+ return mks_tempfile_tsm(template, 0, mode);
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-static inline int mks_tempfile_t(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template)
+static inline struct tempfile *mks_tempfile_t(const char *template)
- return mks_tempfile_tsm(tempfile, template, 0, 0600);
+ return mks_tempfile_tsm(template, 0, 0600);
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-extern int xmks_tempfile_m(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template, int mode);
+extern struct tempfile *xmks_tempfile_m(const char *template, int mode);
/* See "mks_tempfile functions" above. */
-static inline int xmks_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile,
- const char *template)
+static inline struct tempfile *xmks_tempfile(const char *template)
- return xmks_tempfile_m(tempfile, template, 0600);
+ return xmks_tempfile_m(template, 0600);
* Associate a stdio stream with the temporary file (which must still
* be open). Return `NULL` (*without* deleting the file) on error. The
- * stream is closed automatically when `close_tempfile()` is called or
+ * stream is closed automatically when `close_tempfile_gently()` is called or
* when the file is deleted or renamed.
extern FILE *fdopen_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *mode);
static inline int is_tempfile_active(struct tempfile *tempfile)
- return tempfile->active;
+ return tempfile && tempfile->active;
@@ -226,20 +215,20 @@ extern FILE *get_tempfile_fp(struct tempfile *tempfile);
* If the temporary file is still open, close it (and the file pointer
* too, if it has been opened using `fdopen_tempfile()`) without
* deleting the file. Return 0 upon success. On failure to `close(2)`,
- * return a negative value and delete the file. Usually
- * `delete_tempfile()` or `rename_tempfile()` should eventually be
- * called if `close_tempfile()` succeeds.
+ * return a negative value. Usually `delete_tempfile()` or `rename_tempfile()`
+ * should eventually be called regardless of whether `close_tempfile_gently()`
+ * succeeds.
-extern int close_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile);
+extern int close_tempfile_gently(struct tempfile *tempfile);
* Re-open a temporary file that has been closed using
- * `close_tempfile()` but not yet deleted or renamed. This can be used
+ * `close_tempfile_gently()` but not yet deleted or renamed. This can be used
* to implement a sequence of operations like the following:
* * Create temporary file.
- * * Write new contents to file, then `close_tempfile()` to cause the
+ * * Write new contents to file, then `close_tempfile_gently()` to cause the
* contents to be written to disk.
* * Pass the name of the temporary file to another program to allow
@@ -259,7 +248,7 @@ extern int reopen_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile);
* `delete_tempfile()` for a `tempfile` object that has already been
* deleted or renamed.
-extern void delete_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile);
+extern void delete_tempfile(struct tempfile **tempfile_p);
* Close the file descriptor and/or file pointer if they are still
@@ -270,6 +259,6 @@ extern void delete_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile);
* `rename(2)`. It is a bug to call `rename_tempfile()` for a
* `tempfile` object that is not currently active.
-extern int rename_tempfile(struct tempfile *tempfile, const char *path);
+extern int rename_tempfile(struct tempfile **tempfile_p, const char *path);
#endif /* TEMPFILE_H */
diff --git a/templates/hooks--pre-rebase.sample b/templates/hooks--pre-rebase.sample
index b7f81c198e..db5feab8a1 100755
--- a/templates/hooks--pre-rebase.sample
+++ b/templates/hooks--pre-rebase.sample
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ then
not_in_topic=`git rev-list "^$topic" master`
if test -z "$not_in_topic"
- echo >&2 "$topic is already up-to-date with master"
+ echo >&2 "$topic is already up to date with master"
exit 1 ;# we could allow it, but there is no point.
exit 0
diff --git a/templates/hooks--prepare-commit-msg.sample b/templates/hooks--prepare-commit-msg.sample
index 86b8f227ec..318afe3fd8 100755
--- a/templates/hooks--prepare-commit-msg.sample
+++ b/templates/hooks--prepare-commit-msg.sample
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
# To enable this hook, rename this file to "prepare-commit-msg".
-# This hook includes three examples. The first comments out the
-# "Conflicts:" part of a merge commit.
+# This hook includes three examples. The first one removes the
+# "# Please enter the commit message..." help message.
# The second includes the output of "git diff --name-status -r"
# into the message, just before the "git status" output. It is
@@ -20,17 +20,23 @@
# The third example adds a Signed-off-by line to the message, that can
# still be edited. This is rarely a good idea.
-case "$2,$3" in
- merge,)
- @PERL_PATH@ -i.bak -ne 's/^/# /, s/^# #/#/ if /^Conflicts/ .. /#/; print' "$1" ;;
-# ,|template,)
-# @PERL_PATH@ -i.bak -pe '
-# print "\n" . `git diff --cached --name-status -r`
-# if /^#/ && $first++ == 0' "$1" ;;
+@PERL_PATH@ -i.bak -ne 'print unless(m/^. Please enter the commit message/..m/^#$/)' "$COMMIT_MSG_FILE"
- *) ;;
+# case "$COMMIT_SOURCE,$SHA1" in
+# ,|template,)
+# @PERL_PATH@ -i.bak -pe '
+# print "\n" . `git diff --cached --name-status -r`
+# if /^#/ && $first++ == 0' "$COMMIT_MSG_FILE" ;;
+# *) ;;
+# esac
-# SOB=$(git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT | sed -n 's/^\(.*>\).*$/Signed-off-by: \1/p')
-# grep -qs "^$SOB" "$1" || echo "$SOB" >> "$1"
+# SOB=$(git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT | sed -n 's/^\(.*>\).*$/Signed-off-by: \1/p')
+# git interpret-trailers --in-place --trailer "$SOB" "$COMMIT_MSG_FILE"
+# if test -z "$COMMIT_SOURCE"
+# then
+# @PERL_PATH@ -i.bak -pe 'print "\n" if !$first_line++' "$COMMIT_MSG_FILE"
+# fi
diff --git a/trailer.c b/trailer.c
index 751b56c009..3ba157ed0d 100644
--- a/trailer.c
+++ b/trailer.c
@@ -10,18 +10,13 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Christian Couder <>
-enum action_if_missing { MISSING_ADD, MISSING_DO_NOTHING };
struct conf_info {
char *name;
char *key;
char *command;
- enum action_where where;
- enum action_if_exists if_exists;
- enum action_if_missing if_missing;
+ enum trailer_where where;
+ enum trailer_if_exists if_exists;
+ enum trailer_if_missing if_missing;
static struct conf_info default_conf_info;
@@ -63,7 +58,7 @@ static const char *git_generated_prefixes[] = {
pos != (head); \
pos = is_reverse ? pos->prev : pos->next)
-static int after_or_end(enum action_where where)
+static int after_or_end(enum trailer_where where)
return (where == WHERE_AFTER) || (where == WHERE_END);
@@ -164,13 +159,15 @@ static void print_tok_val(FILE *outfile, const char *tok, const char *val)
fprintf(outfile, "%s%c %s\n", tok, separators[0], val);
-static void print_all(FILE *outfile, struct list_head *head, int trim_empty)
+static void print_all(FILE *outfile, struct list_head *head,
+ const struct process_trailer_options *opts)
struct list_head *pos;
struct trailer_item *item;
list_for_each(pos, head) {
item = list_entry(pos, struct trailer_item, list);
- if (!trim_empty || strlen(item->value) > 0)
+ if ((!opts->trim_empty || strlen(item->value) > 0) &&
+ (!opts->only_trailers || item->token))
print_tok_val(outfile, item->token, item->value);
@@ -201,7 +198,7 @@ static int check_if_different(struct trailer_item *in_tok,
int check_all,
struct list_head *head)
- enum action_where where = arg_tok->conf.where;
+ enum trailer_where where = arg_tok->conf.where;
struct list_head *next_head;
do {
if (same_trailer(in_tok, arg_tok))
@@ -300,13 +297,16 @@ static void apply_arg_if_exists(struct trailer_item *in_tok,
+ default:
+ die("BUG: trailer.c: unhandled value %d",
+ arg_tok->conf.if_exists);
static void apply_arg_if_missing(struct list_head *head,
struct arg_item *arg_tok)
- enum action_where where;
+ enum trailer_where where;
struct trailer_item *to_add;
switch (arg_tok->conf.if_missing) {
@@ -321,6 +321,10 @@ static void apply_arg_if_missing(struct list_head *head,
list_add_tail(&to_add->list, head);
list_add(&to_add->list, head);
+ break;
+ default:
+ die("BUG: trailer.c: unhandled value %d",
+ arg_tok->conf.if_missing);
@@ -331,7 +335,7 @@ static int find_same_and_apply_arg(struct list_head *head,
struct trailer_item *in_tok;
struct trailer_item *on_tok;
- enum action_where where = arg_tok->conf.where;
+ enum trailer_where where = arg_tok->conf.where;
int middle = (where == WHERE_AFTER) || (where == WHERE_BEFORE);
int backwards = after_or_end(where);
struct trailer_item *start_tok;
@@ -373,44 +377,50 @@ static void process_trailers_lists(struct list_head *head,
-static int set_where(struct conf_info *item, const char *value)
+int trailer_set_where(enum trailer_where *item, const char *value)
- if (!strcasecmp("after", value))
- item->where = WHERE_AFTER;
+ if (!value)
+ *item = WHERE_DEFAULT;
+ else if (!strcasecmp("after", value))
+ *item = WHERE_AFTER;
else if (!strcasecmp("before", value))
- item->where = WHERE_BEFORE;
+ *item = WHERE_BEFORE;
else if (!strcasecmp("end", value))
- item->where = WHERE_END;
+ *item = WHERE_END;
else if (!strcasecmp("start", value))
- item->where = WHERE_START;
+ *item = WHERE_START;
return -1;
return 0;
-static int set_if_exists(struct conf_info *item, const char *value)
+int trailer_set_if_exists(enum trailer_if_exists *item, const char *value)
- if (!strcasecmp("addIfDifferent", value))
- item->if_exists = EXISTS_ADD_IF_DIFFERENT;
+ if (!value)
+ else if (!strcasecmp("addIfDifferent", value))
else if (!strcasecmp("addIfDifferentNeighbor", value))
else if (!strcasecmp("add", value))
- item->if_exists = EXISTS_ADD;
+ *item = EXISTS_ADD;
else if (!strcasecmp("replace", value))
- item->if_exists = EXISTS_REPLACE;
else if (!strcasecmp("doNothing", value))
- item->if_exists = EXISTS_DO_NOTHING;
return -1;
return 0;
-static int set_if_missing(struct conf_info *item, const char *value)
+int trailer_set_if_missing(enum trailer_if_missing *item, const char *value)
- if (!strcasecmp("doNothing", value))
- item->if_missing = MISSING_DO_NOTHING;
+ if (!value)
+ else if (!strcasecmp("doNothing", value))
else if (!strcasecmp("add", value))
- item->if_missing = MISSING_ADD;
+ *item = MISSING_ADD;
return -1;
return 0;
@@ -470,15 +480,18 @@ static int git_trailer_default_config(const char *conf_key, const char *value, v
variable_name = strrchr(trailer_item, '.');
if (!variable_name) {
if (!strcmp(trailer_item, "where")) {
- if (set_where(&default_conf_info, value) < 0)
+ if (trailer_set_where(&default_conf_info.where,
+ value) < 0)
warning(_("unknown value '%s' for key '%s'"),
value, conf_key);
} else if (!strcmp(trailer_item, "ifexists")) {
- if (set_if_exists(&default_conf_info, value) < 0)
+ if (trailer_set_if_exists(&default_conf_info.if_exists,
+ value) < 0)
warning(_("unknown value '%s' for key '%s'"),
value, conf_key);
} else if (!strcmp(trailer_item, "ifmissing")) {
- if (set_if_missing(&default_conf_info, value) < 0)
+ if (trailer_set_if_missing(&default_conf_info.if_missing,
+ value) < 0)
warning(_("unknown value '%s' for key '%s'"),
value, conf_key);
} else if (!strcmp(trailer_item, "separators")) {
@@ -532,15 +545,15 @@ static int git_trailer_config(const char *conf_key, const char *value, void *cb)
conf->command = xstrdup(value);
- if (set_where(conf, value))
+ if (trailer_set_where(&conf->where, value))
warning(_("unknown value '%s' for key '%s'"), value, conf_key);
- if (set_if_exists(conf, value))
+ if (trailer_set_if_exists(&conf->if_exists, value))
warning(_("unknown value '%s' for key '%s'"), value, conf_key);
- if (set_if_missing(conf, value))
+ if (trailer_set_if_missing(&conf->if_missing, value))
warning(_("unknown value '%s' for key '%s'"), value, conf_key);
@@ -555,6 +568,9 @@ static void ensure_configured(void)
/* Default config must be setup first */
+ default_conf_info.where = WHERE_END;
+ default_conf_info.if_exists = EXISTS_ADD_IF_DIFFERENT_NEIGHBOR;
+ default_conf_info.if_missing = MISSING_ADD;
git_config(git_trailer_default_config, NULL);
git_config(git_trailer_config, NULL);
configured = 1;
@@ -658,19 +674,27 @@ static struct trailer_item *add_trailer_item(struct list_head *head, char *tok,
static void add_arg_item(struct list_head *arg_head, char *tok, char *val,
- const struct conf_info *conf)
+ const struct conf_info *conf,
+ const struct new_trailer_item *new_trailer_item)
struct arg_item *new = xcalloc(sizeof(*new), 1);
new->token = tok;
new->value = val;
duplicate_conf(&new->conf, conf);
+ if (new_trailer_item) {
+ if (new_trailer_item->where != WHERE_DEFAULT)
+ new->conf.where = new_trailer_item->where;
+ if (new_trailer_item->if_exists != EXISTS_DEFAULT)
+ new->conf.if_exists = new_trailer_item->if_exists;
+ if (new_trailer_item->if_missing != MISSING_DEFAULT)
+ new->conf.if_missing = new_trailer_item->if_missing;
+ }
list_add_tail(&new->list, arg_head);
static void process_command_line_args(struct list_head *arg_head,
- struct string_list *trailers)
+ struct list_head *new_trailer_head)
- struct string_list_item *tr;
struct arg_item *item;
struct strbuf tok = STRBUF_INIT;
struct strbuf val = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -690,26 +714,29 @@ static void process_command_line_args(struct list_head *arg_head,
xstrdup(token_from_item(item, NULL)),
- &item->conf);
+ &item->conf, NULL);
/* Add an arg item for each trailer on the command line */
- for_each_string_list_item(tr, trailers) {
- int separator_pos = find_separator(tr->string, cl_separators);
+ list_for_each(pos, new_trailer_head) {
+ struct new_trailer_item *tr =
+ list_entry(pos, struct new_trailer_item, list);
+ int separator_pos = find_separator(tr->text, cl_separators);
if (separator_pos == 0) {
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
- strbuf_addstr(&sb, tr->string);
+ strbuf_addstr(&sb, tr->text);
error(_("empty trailer token in trailer '%.*s'"),
(int) sb.len, sb.buf);
} else {
- parse_trailer(&tok, &val, &conf, tr->string,
+ parse_trailer(&tok, &val, &conf, tr->text,
strbuf_detach(&tok, NULL),
strbuf_detach(&val, NULL),
- conf);
+ conf, tr);
@@ -885,9 +912,37 @@ static int ends_with_blank_line(const char *buf, size_t len)
return is_blank_line(buf + ll);
+static void unfold_value(struct strbuf *val)
+ struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
+ size_t i;
+ strbuf_grow(&out, val->len);
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < val->len) {
+ char c = val->buf[i++];
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ /* Collapse continuation down to a single space. */
+ while (i < val->len && isspace(val->buf[i]))
+ i++;
+ strbuf_addch(&out, ' ');
+ } else {
+ strbuf_addch(&out, c);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Empty lines may have left us with whitespace cruft at the edges */
+ strbuf_trim(&out);
+ /* output goes back to val as if we modified it in-place */
+ strbuf_swap(&out, val);
+ strbuf_release(&out);
static int process_input_file(FILE *outfile,
const char *str,
- struct list_head *head)
+ struct list_head *head,
+ const struct process_trailer_options *opts)
struct trailer_info info;
struct strbuf tok = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -897,9 +952,10 @@ static int process_input_file(FILE *outfile,
trailer_info_get(&info, str);
/* Print lines before the trailers as is */
- fwrite(str, 1, info.trailer_start - str, outfile);
+ if (!opts->only_trailers)
+ fwrite(str, 1, info.trailer_start - str, outfile);
- if (!info.blank_line_before_trailer)
+ if (!opts->only_trailers && !info.blank_line_before_trailer)
fprintf(outfile, "\n");
for (i = 0; i < info.trailer_nr; i++) {
@@ -911,10 +967,12 @@ static int process_input_file(FILE *outfile,
if (separator_pos >= 1) {
parse_trailer(&tok, &val, NULL, trailer,
+ if (opts->unfold)
+ unfold_value(&val);
strbuf_detach(&tok, NULL),
strbuf_detach(&val, NULL));
- } else {
+ } else if (!opts->only_trailers) {
strbuf_addstr(&val, trailer);
strbuf_strip_suffix(&val, "\n");
@@ -937,7 +995,7 @@ static void free_all(struct list_head *head)
-static struct tempfile trailers_tempfile;
+static struct tempfile *trailers_tempfile;
static FILE *create_in_place_tempfile(const char *file)
@@ -959,19 +1017,20 @@ static FILE *create_in_place_tempfile(const char *file)
strbuf_add(&template, file, tail - file + 1);
strbuf_addstr(&template, "git-interpret-trailers-XXXXXX");
- xmks_tempfile_m(&trailers_tempfile, template.buf, st.st_mode);
+ trailers_tempfile = xmks_tempfile_m(template.buf, st.st_mode);
- outfile = fdopen_tempfile(&trailers_tempfile, "w");
+ outfile = fdopen_tempfile(trailers_tempfile, "w");
if (!outfile)
die_errno(_("could not open temporary file"));
return outfile;
-void process_trailers(const char *file, int in_place, int trim_empty, struct string_list *trailers)
+void process_trailers(const char *file,
+ const struct process_trailer_options *opts,
+ struct list_head *new_trailer_head)
- LIST_HEAD(arg_head);
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
int trailer_end;
FILE *outfile = stdout;
@@ -980,24 +1039,27 @@ void process_trailers(const char *file, int in_place, int trim_empty, struct str
read_input_file(&sb, file);
- if (in_place)
+ if (opts->in_place)
outfile = create_in_place_tempfile(file);
/* Print the lines before the trailers */
- trailer_end = process_input_file(outfile, sb.buf, &head);
- process_command_line_args(&arg_head, trailers);
+ trailer_end = process_input_file(outfile, sb.buf, &head, opts);
- process_trailers_lists(&head, &arg_head);
+ if (!opts->only_input) {
+ LIST_HEAD(arg_head);
+ process_command_line_args(&arg_head, new_trailer_head);
+ process_trailers_lists(&head, &arg_head);
+ }
- print_all(outfile, &head, trim_empty);
+ print_all(outfile, &head, opts);
/* Print the lines after the trailers as is */
- fwrite(sb.buf + trailer_end, 1, sb.len - trailer_end, outfile);
+ if (!opts->only_trailers)
+ fwrite(sb.buf + trailer_end, 1, sb.len - trailer_end, outfile);
- if (in_place)
+ if (opts->in_place)
if (rename_tempfile(&trailers_tempfile, file))
die_errno(_("could not rename temporary file to %s"), file);
@@ -1054,3 +1116,49 @@ void trailer_info_release(struct trailer_info *info)
+static void format_trailer_info(struct strbuf *out,
+ const struct trailer_info *info,
+ const struct process_trailer_options *opts)
+ int i;
+ /* If we want the whole block untouched, we can take the fast path. */
+ if (!opts->only_trailers && !opts->unfold) {
+ strbuf_add(out, info->trailer_start,
+ info->trailer_end - info->trailer_start);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < info->trailer_nr; i++) {
+ char *trailer = info->trailers[i];
+ int separator_pos = find_separator(trailer, separators);
+ if (separator_pos >= 1) {
+ struct strbuf tok = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct strbuf val = STRBUF_INIT;
+ parse_trailer(&tok, &val, NULL, trailer, separator_pos);
+ if (opts->unfold)
+ unfold_value(&val);
+ strbuf_addf(out, "%s: %s\n", tok.buf, val.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&tok);
+ strbuf_release(&val);
+ } else if (!opts->only_trailers) {
+ strbuf_addstr(out, trailer);
+ }
+ }
+void format_trailers_from_commit(struct strbuf *out, const char *msg,
+ const struct process_trailer_options *opts)
+ struct trailer_info info;
+ trailer_info_get(&info, msg);
+ format_trailer_info(out, &info, opts);
+ trailer_info_release(&info);
diff --git a/trailer.h b/trailer.h
index 65cc5d79c6..6d7f8c2a52 100644
--- a/trailer.h
+++ b/trailer.h
@@ -1,6 +1,33 @@
#ifndef TRAILER_H
#define TRAILER_H
+#include "list.h"
+enum trailer_where {
+enum trailer_if_exists {
+enum trailer_if_missing {
+int trailer_set_where(enum trailer_where *item, const char *value);
+int trailer_set_if_exists(enum trailer_if_exists *item, const char *value);
+int trailer_set_if_missing(enum trailer_if_missing *item, const char *value);
struct trailer_info {
* True if there is a blank line before the location pointed to by
@@ -22,11 +49,50 @@ struct trailer_info {
size_t trailer_nr;
-void process_trailers(const char *file, int in_place, int trim_empty,
- struct string_list *trailers);
+ * A list that represents newly-added trailers, such as those provided
+ * with the --trailer command line option of git-interpret-trailers.
+ */
+struct new_trailer_item {
+ struct list_head list;
+ const char *text;
+ enum trailer_where where;
+ enum trailer_if_exists if_exists;
+ enum trailer_if_missing if_missing;
+struct process_trailer_options {
+ int in_place;
+ int trim_empty;
+ int only_trailers;
+ int only_input;
+ int unfold;
+void process_trailers(const char *file,
+ const struct process_trailer_options *opts,
+ struct list_head *new_trailer_head);
void trailer_info_get(struct trailer_info *info, const char *str);
void trailer_info_release(struct trailer_info *info);
+ * Format the trailers from the commit msg "msg" into the strbuf "out".
+ * Note two caveats about "opts":
+ *
+ * - this is primarily a helper for pretty.c, and not
+ * all of the flags are supported.
+ *
+ * - this differs from process_trailers slightly in that we always format
+ * only the trailer block itself, even if the "only_trailers" option is not
+ * set.
+ */
+void format_trailers_from_commit(struct strbuf *out, const char *msg,
+ const struct process_trailer_options *opts);
#endif /* TRAILER_H */
diff --git a/transport-helper.c b/transport-helper.c
index 33cff38cc0..c948d5215c 100644
--- a/transport-helper.c
+++ b/transport-helper.c
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ static void sendline(struct helper_data *helper, struct strbuf *buffer)
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "Debug: Remote helper: -> %s", buffer->buf);
- if (write_in_full(helper->helper->in, buffer->buf, buffer->len)
- != buffer->len)
+ if (write_in_full(helper->helper->in, buffer->buf, buffer->len) < 0)
die_errno("Full write to remote helper failed");
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ static void write_constant(int fd, const char *str)
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "Debug: Remote helper: -> %s", str);
- if (write_in_full(fd, str, strlen(str)) != strlen(str))
+ if (write_in_full(fd, str, strlen(str)) < 0)
die_errno("Full write to remote helper failed");
@@ -604,6 +603,7 @@ static int process_connect_service(struct transport *transport,
+ strbuf_release(&cmdbuf);
return ret;
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ static int push_refs_with_export(struct transport *transport,
struct object_id oid;
private = apply_refspecs(data->refspecs, data->refspec_nr, ref->name);
- if (private && !get_sha1(private, oid.hash)) {
+ if (private && !get_oid(private, &oid)) {
strbuf_addf(&buf, "^%s", private);
string_list_append(&revlist_args, strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL));
oidcpy(&ref->old_oid, &oid);
@@ -1117,6 +1117,13 @@ int transport_helper_init(struct transport *transport, const char *name)
__attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)))
static void transfer_debug(const char *fmt, ...)
+ /*
+ * NEEDSWORK: This function is sometimes used from multiple threads, and
+ * we end up using debug_enabled racily. That "should not matter" since
+ * we always write the same value, but it's still wrong. This function
+ * is listed in .tsan-suppressions for the time being.
+ */
va_list args;
char msgbuf[PBUFFERSIZE];
static int debug_enabled = -1;
diff --git a/transport.c b/transport.c
index d75ff0514d..fb8c01e57a 100644
--- a/transport.c
+++ b/transport.c
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ static void set_upstreams(struct transport *transport, struct ref *refs,
const char *localname;
const char *tmp;
const char *remotename;
- unsigned char sha[20];
int flag = 0;
* Check suitability for tracking. Must be successful /
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ static void set_upstreams(struct transport *transport, struct ref *refs,
localname = ref->peer_ref->name;
remotename = ref->name;
tmp = resolve_ref_unsafe(localname, RESOLVE_REF_READING,
- sha, &flag);
+ NULL, &flag);
if (tmp && flag & REF_ISSYMREF &&
starts_with(tmp, "refs/heads/"))
localname = tmp;
diff --git a/tree-diff.c b/tree-diff.c
index bd6d65a409..4bb93155bc 100644
--- a/tree-diff.c
+++ b/tree-diff.c
@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ static struct combine_diff_path *ll_diff_tree_paths(
* diff_tree_oid(parent, commit) )
for (i = 0; i < nparent; ++i)
- tptree[i] = fill_tree_descriptor(&tp[i], parents_oid[i]->hash);
- ttree = fill_tree_descriptor(&t, oid->hash);
+ tptree[i] = fill_tree_descriptor(&tp[i], parents_oid[i]);
+ ttree = fill_tree_descriptor(&t, oid);
/* Enable recursion indefinitely */
opt->pathspec.recursive = DIFF_OPT_TST(opt, RECURSIVE);
diff --git a/tree-walk.c b/tree-walk.c
index 6a42e402b0..c99309069a 100644
--- a/tree-walk.c
+++ b/tree-walk.c
@@ -78,15 +78,16 @@ int init_tree_desc_gently(struct tree_desc *desc, const void *buffer, unsigned l
return result;
-void *fill_tree_descriptor(struct tree_desc *desc, const unsigned char *sha1)
+void *fill_tree_descriptor(struct tree_desc *desc, const struct object_id *oid)
unsigned long size = 0;
void *buf = NULL;
- if (sha1) {
- buf = read_object_with_reference(sha1, tree_type, &size, NULL);
+ if (oid) {
+ buf = read_object_with_reference(oid->hash, tree_type, &size,
+ NULL);
if (!buf)
- die("unable to read tree %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+ die("unable to read tree %s", oid_to_hex(oid));
init_tree_desc(desc, buf, size);
return buf;
diff --git a/tree-walk.h b/tree-walk.h
index 68bb78b928..b6bd1b4ccf 100644
--- a/tree-walk.h
+++ b/tree-walk.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ int init_tree_desc_gently(struct tree_desc *desc, const void *buf, unsigned long
int tree_entry(struct tree_desc *, struct name_entry *);
int tree_entry_gently(struct tree_desc *, struct name_entry *);
-void *fill_tree_descriptor(struct tree_desc *desc, const unsigned char *sha1);
+void *fill_tree_descriptor(struct tree_desc *desc, const struct object_id *oid);
struct traverse_info;
typedef int (*traverse_callback_t)(int n, unsigned long mask, unsigned long dirmask, struct name_entry *entry, struct traverse_info *);
diff --git a/unpack-trees.c b/unpack-trees.c
index 862cfce661..71b70ccb12 100644
--- a/unpack-trees.c
+++ b/unpack-trees.c
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "cache.h"
+#include "repository.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "tree.h"
@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ void setup_unpack_trees_porcelain(struct unpack_trees_options *opts,
msgs[ERROR_BIND_OVERLAP] = _("Entry '%s' overlaps with '%s'. Cannot bind.");
- _("Cannot update sparse checkout: the following entries are not up-to-date:\n%s");
+ _("Cannot update sparse checkout: the following entries are not up to date:\n%s");
_("The following working tree files would be overwritten by sparse checkout update:\n%s");
@@ -255,47 +256,41 @@ static int check_submodule_move_head(const struct cache_entry *ce,
const struct submodule *sub = submodule_from_ce(ce);
if (!sub)
return 0;
if (o->reset)
- switch (sub->update_strategy.type) {
- if (submodule_move_head(ce->name, old_id, new_id, flags))
- return o->gently ? -1 :
- add_rejected_path(o, ERROR_WOULD_LOSE_SUBMODULE, ce->name);
- return 0;
- return 0;
- default:
- warning(_("submodule update strategy not supported for submodule '%s'"), ce->name);
- return -1;
- }
+ if (submodule_move_head(ce->name, old_id, new_id, flags))
+ return o->gently ? -1 :
+ add_rejected_path(o, ERROR_WOULD_LOSE_SUBMODULE, ce->name);
+ return 0;
-static void reload_gitmodules_file(struct index_state *index,
- struct checkout *state)
+ * Preform the loading of the repository's gitmodules file. This function is
+ * used by 'check_update()' to perform loading of the gitmodules file in two
+ * differnt situations:
+ * (1) before removing entries from the working tree if the gitmodules file has
+ * been marked for removal. This situation is specified by 'state' == NULL.
+ * (2) before checking out entries to the working tree if the gitmodules file
+ * has been marked for update. This situation is specified by 'state' != NULL.
+ */
+static void load_gitmodules_file(struct index_state *index,
+ struct checkout *state)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < index->cache_nr; i++) {
- struct cache_entry *ce = index->cache[i];
- if (ce->ce_flags & CE_UPDATE) {
- int r = strcmp(ce->name, ".gitmodules");
- if (r < 0)
- continue;
- else if (r == 0) {
- submodule_free();
- checkout_entry(ce, state, NULL);
- gitmodules_config();
- git_config(submodule_config, NULL);
- } else
- break;
+ int pos = index_name_pos(index, GITMODULES_FILE, strlen(GITMODULES_FILE));
+ if (pos >= 0) {
+ struct cache_entry *ce = index->cache[pos];
+ if (!state && ce->ce_flags & CE_WT_REMOVE) {
+ repo_read_gitmodules(the_repository);
+ } else if (state && (ce->ce_flags & CE_UPDATE)) {
+ submodule_free();
+ checkout_entry(ce, state, NULL);
+ repo_read_gitmodules(the_repository);
@@ -308,19 +303,9 @@ static void unlink_entry(const struct cache_entry *ce)
const struct submodule *sub = submodule_from_ce(ce);
if (sub) {
- switch (sub->update_strategy.type) {
- /* state.force is set at the caller. */
- submodule_move_head(ce->name, "HEAD", NULL,
- break;
- return; /* Do not touch the submodule. */
- }
+ /* state.force is set at the caller. */
+ submodule_move_head(ce->name, "HEAD", NULL,
if (!check_leading_path(ce->name, ce_namelen(ce)))
@@ -343,8 +328,7 @@ static struct progress *get_progress(struct unpack_trees_options *o)
- return start_progress_delay(_("Checking out files"),
- total, 50, 1);
+ return start_delayed_progress(_("Checking out files"), total);
static int check_updates(struct unpack_trees_options *o)
@@ -365,6 +349,10 @@ static int check_updates(struct unpack_trees_options *o)
if (o->update)
git_attr_set_direction(GIT_ATTR_CHECKOUT, index);
+ if (should_update_submodules() && o->update && !o->dry_run)
+ load_gitmodules_file(index, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < index->cache_nr; i++) {
const struct cache_entry *ce = index->cache[i];
@@ -378,7 +366,7 @@ static int check_updates(struct unpack_trees_options *o)
if (should_update_submodules() && o->update && !o->dry_run)
- reload_gitmodules_file(index, &state);
+ load_gitmodules_file(index, &state);
for (i = 0; i < index->cache_nr; i++) {
@@ -395,8 +383,8 @@ static int check_updates(struct unpack_trees_options *o)
- errs |= finish_delayed_checkout(&state);
+ errs |= finish_delayed_checkout(&state);
if (o->update)
git_attr_set_direction(GIT_ATTR_CHECKIN, NULL);
return errs != 0;
@@ -662,10 +650,10 @@ static int traverse_trees_recursive(int n, unsigned long dirmask,
else if (i > 1 && are_same_oid(&names[i], &names[i - 2]))
t[i] = t[i - 2];
else {
- const unsigned char *sha1 = NULL;
+ const struct object_id *oid = NULL;
if (dirmask & 1)
- sha1 = names[i].oid->hash;
- buf[nr_buf++] = fill_tree_descriptor(t+i, sha1);
+ oid = names[i].oid;
+ buf[nr_buf++] = fill_tree_descriptor(t + i, oid);
diff --git a/upload-pack.c b/upload-pack.c
index 7efff2fbfd..06d822aad2 100644
--- a/upload-pack.c
+++ b/upload-pack.c
@@ -965,11 +965,10 @@ static int find_symref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
const char *symref_target;
struct string_list_item *item;
- struct object_id unused;
if ((flag & REF_ISSYMREF) == 0)
return 0;
- symref_target = resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, 0, unused.hash, &flag);
+ symref_target = resolve_ref_unsafe(refname, 0, NULL, &flag);
if (!symref_target || (flag & REF_ISSYMREF) == 0)
die("'%s' is a symref but it is not?", refname);
item = string_list_append(cb_data, refname);
diff --git a/usage.c b/usage.c
index 1ea7df9a20..cdd534c9df 100644
--- a/usage.c
+++ b/usage.c
@@ -241,3 +241,18 @@ NORETURN void BUG(const char *fmt, ...)
+void unleak_memory(const void *ptr, size_t len)
+ static struct suppressed_leak_root {
+ struct suppressed_leak_root *next;
+ char data[FLEX_ARRAY];
+ } *suppressed_leaks;
+ struct suppressed_leak_root *root;
+ FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(root, data, ptr, len);
+ root->next = suppressed_leaks;
+ suppressed_leaks = root;
diff --git a/userdiff.c b/userdiff.c
index 2c1502f719..dbfb4e13cd 100644
--- a/userdiff.c
+++ b/userdiff.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ IPATTERN("fortran",
IPATTERN("fountain", "^((\\.[^.]|(int|ext|est|int\\.?/ext|i/e)[. ]).*)$",
"[^ \t-]+"),
-PATTERNS("html", "^[ \t]*(<[Hh][1-6][ \t].*>.*)$",
+PATTERNS("html", "^[ \t]*(<[Hh][1-6]([ \t].*)?>.*)$",
"[^<>= \t]+"),
"!^[ \t]*(catch|do|for|if|instanceof|new|return|switch|throw|while)\n"
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ struct userdiff_driver *userdiff_get_textconv(struct userdiff_driver *driver)
strbuf_addf(&name, "textconv/%s", driver->name);
notes_cache_init(c, name.buf, driver->textconv);
driver->textconv_cache = c;
+ strbuf_release(&name);
return driver;
diff --git a/utf8.c b/utf8.c
index 0c8e011a58..47a42047c8 100644
--- a/utf8.c
+++ b/utf8.c
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ void strbuf_utf8_replace(struct strbuf *sb_src, int pos, int width,
old = src;
n = utf8_width((const char**)&src, NULL);
if (!src) /* broken utf-8, do nothing */
- return;
+ goto out;
if (n && w >= pos && w < pos + width) {
if (subst) {
memcpy(dst, subst, subst_len);
@@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ void strbuf_utf8_replace(struct strbuf *sb_src, int pos, int width,
strbuf_setlen(&sb_dst, dst - sb_dst.buf);
strbuf_swap(sb_src, &sb_dst);
diff --git a/vcs-svn/svndump.c b/vcs-svn/svndump.c
index ec6b350611..08d136b8cc 100644
--- a/vcs-svn/svndump.c
+++ b/vcs-svn/svndump.c
@@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ static void end_revision(const char *note_ref)
strbuf_addf(&mark, ":%"PRIu32, rev_ctx.revision);
fast_export_note(mark.buf, "inline");
+ strbuf_release(&mark);
diff --git a/worktree.c b/worktree.c
index e28ffbeb09..70015629dc 100644
--- a/worktree.c
+++ b/worktree.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ static void add_head_info(struct worktree *wt)
target = refs_resolve_ref_unsafe(get_worktree_ref_store(wt),
+ 0,
wt->head_sha1, &flags);
if (!target)
@@ -307,7 +307,6 @@ const struct worktree *find_shared_symref(const char *symref,
for (i = 0; worktrees[i]; i++) {
struct worktree *wt = worktrees[i];
const char *symref_target;
- unsigned char sha1[20];
struct ref_store *refs;
int flags;
@@ -327,7 +326,7 @@ const struct worktree *find_shared_symref(const char *symref,
refs = get_worktree_ref_store(wt);
symref_target = refs_resolve_ref_unsafe(refs, symref, 0,
- sha1, &flags);
+ NULL, &flags);
if ((flags & REF_ISSYMREF) && !strcmp(symref_target, target)) {
existing = wt;
@@ -386,3 +385,25 @@ int submodule_uses_worktrees(const char *path)
return ret;
+int other_head_refs(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
+ struct worktree **worktrees, **p;
+ int ret = 0;
+ worktrees = get_worktrees(0);
+ for (p = worktrees; *p; p++) {
+ struct worktree *wt = *p;
+ struct ref_store *refs;
+ if (wt->is_current)
+ continue;
+ refs = get_worktree_ref_store(wt);
+ ret = refs_head_ref(refs, fn, cb_data);
+ if (ret)
+ break;
+ }
+ free_worktrees(worktrees);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/worktree.h b/worktree.h
index 5ea5e503fb..9276c81ae7 100644
--- a/worktree.h
+++ b/worktree.h
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#ifndef WORKTREE_H
#define WORKTREE_H
+#include "refs.h"
struct worktree {
char *path;
char *id;
@@ -70,6 +72,12 @@ extern void free_worktrees(struct worktree **);
extern const struct worktree *find_shared_symref(const char *symref,
const char *target);
+ * Similar to head_ref() for all HEADs _except_ one from the current
+ * worktree, which is covered by head_ref().
+ */
+int other_head_refs(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
int is_worktree_being_rebased(const struct worktree *wt, const char *target);
int is_worktree_being_bisected(const struct worktree *wt, const char *target);
diff --git a/wrapper.c b/wrapper.c
index 36630e5d18..61aba0b5c1 100644
--- a/wrapper.c
+++ b/wrapper.c
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ int xsnprintf(char *dst, size_t max, const char *fmt, ...)
void write_file_buf(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t len)
int fd = xopen(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
- if (write_in_full(fd, buf, len) != len)
+ if (write_in_full(fd, buf, len) < 0)
die_errno(_("could not write to %s"), path);
if (close(fd))
die_errno(_("could not close %s"), path);
diff --git a/wt-status.c b/wt-status.c
index 77c27c5113..6f730ee8f2 100644
--- a/wt-status.c
+++ b/wt-status.c
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ size_t wt_status_locate_end(const char *s, size_t len)
void wt_status_add_cut_line(FILE *fp)
- const char *explanation = _("Do not touch the line above.\nEverything below will be removed.");
+ const char *explanation = _("Do not modify or remove the line above.\nEverything below it will be ignored.");
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
fprintf(fp, "%c %s", comment_line_char, cut_line);
@@ -1026,6 +1026,7 @@ static void wt_longstatus_print_tracking(struct wt_status *s)
fputs("\n", s->fp);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
static int has_unmerged(struct wt_status *s)
@@ -1193,6 +1194,7 @@ static int read_rebase_todolist(const char *fname, struct string_list *lines)
string_list_append(lines, line.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&line);
return 0;