diff options
-rw-r--r--hash-lookup.c (renamed from sha1-lookup.c)30
-rw-r--r--hash-lookup.h (renamed from sha1-lookup.h)22
-rw-r--r--object-file.c (renamed from sha1-file.c)10
-rw-r--r--object-name.c (renamed from sha1-name.c)16
557 files changed, 13362 insertions, 6605 deletions
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index b08a1416d8..b0044cf272 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
*.pm eol=lf diff=perl
*.py eol=lf diff=python
*.bat eol=crlf -whitespace
/Documentation/**/*.txt eol=lf
/command-list.txt eol=lf
diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index 8b52df200f..12f8bb15d4 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: windows-latest
needs: [windows-build]
+ fail-fast: false
nr: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
@@ -227,6 +228,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: windows-latest
needs: [vs-build, windows-build]
+ fail-fast: false
nr: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
@@ -272,6 +274,7 @@ jobs:
needs: ci-config
if: == 'yes'
+ fail-fast: false
- jobname: linux-clang
@@ -309,6 +312,7 @@ jobs:
needs: ci-config
if: == 'yes'
+ fail-fast: false
- jobname: linux-musl
diff --git a/ b/
index fc4645d5c0..65651beada 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,73 +8,64 @@ this code of conduct may be banned from the community.
## Our Pledge
-In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
-contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and
-our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age,
-body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and
-expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
-nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
+We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
+community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
+identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
+and orientation.
+We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
+diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
-Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
+community include:
-* Using welcoming and inclusive language
-* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
-* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
-* Focusing on what is best for the community
-* Showing empathy towards other community members
+* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
+* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
+* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
+* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
+ and learning from the experience
+* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
+ overall community
-Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
-* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
- advances
-* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
+ advances of any kind
+* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
-* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
- address, without explicit permission
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
+ address, without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
-## Our Responsibilities
+## Enforcement Responsibilities
-Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
-behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
-response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
+acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
+or harmful.
-Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
-reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
-that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
-permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
-threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
+comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
+not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
+decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
-This Code of Conduct applies within all project spaces, and it also applies
-when an individual is representing the project or its community in public
-spaces. Examples of representing a project or community include using an
-official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account,
-or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
-Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project
+This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
+an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
+Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
+posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
-reported by contacting the project team at All
-complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response
-that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project
-team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of
-an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted
-Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
-faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
-members of the project's leadership.
-The project leadership team can be contacted by email as a whole at
+reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at, or individually:
- Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <>
@@ -82,12 +73,73 @@, or individually:
- Jeff King <>
- Junio C Hamano <>
+All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
+All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
+reporter of any incident.
+## Enforcement Guidelines
+Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
+the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
+### 1. Correction
+**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
+unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
+**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
+clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
+behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
+### 2. Warning
+**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
+of actions.
+**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
+interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
+those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
+includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
+like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
+permanent ban.
+### 3. Temporary Ban
+**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
+sustained inappropriate behavior.
+**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
+communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
+private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
+with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
+Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
+### 4. Permanent Ban
+**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
+standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
+individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
+**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
+the community.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
-version 1.4, available at
+version 2.0, available at
+Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by
+[Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder][Mozilla CoC].
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
+[][FAQ]. Translations are available
+at [][translations].
+[Mozilla CoC]:
-For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see
diff --git a/Documentation/Makefile b/Documentation/Makefile
index b980407059..81d1bf7a04 100644
--- a/Documentation/Makefile
+++ b/Documentation/Makefile
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ MAN1_TXT += gitweb.txt
MAN5_TXT += gitattributes.txt
MAN5_TXT += githooks.txt
MAN5_TXT += gitignore.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitmailmap.txt
MAN5_TXT += gitmodules.txt
MAN5_TXT += gitrepository-layout.txt
MAN5_TXT += gitweb.conf.txt
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.30.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.30.1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..249ef1492f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.30.1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Git v2.30.1 Release Notes
+This release is primarily to merge fixes accumulated on the 'master'
+front to prepare for 2.31 release that are still relevant to 2.30.x
+maintenance track.
+Fixes since v2.30
+ * "git fetch --recurse-submodules" failed to update a submodule
+ when it has an uninitialized (hence of no interest to the user)
+ sub-submodule, which has been corrected.
+ * Command line error of "git rebase" are diagnosed earlier.
+ * "git stash" did not work well in a sparsely checked out working
+ tree.
+ * Some tests expect that "ls -l" output has either '-' or 'x' for
+ group executable bit, but setgid bit can be inherited from parent
+ directory and make these fields 'S' or 's' instead, causing test
+ failures.
+ * "git for-each-repo --config=<var> <cmd>" should not run <cmd> for
+ any repository when the configuration variable <var> is not defined
+ even once.
+ * "git mergetool --tool-help" was broken in 2.29 and failed to list
+ all the available tools.
+ * Fix for procedure to building CI test environment for mac.
+ * Newline characters in the host and path part of git:// URL are
+ now forbidden.
+ * When more than one commit with the same patch ID appears on one
+ side, "git log --cherry-pick A...B" did not exclude them all when a
+ commit with the same patch ID appears on the other side. Now it
+ does.
+ * Documentation for "git fsck" lost stale bits that has become
+ incorrect.
+ * Doc for packfile URI feature has been clarified.
+ * The implementation of "git branch --sort" wrt the detached HEAD
+ display has always been hacky, which has been cleaned up.
+ * Our setting of GitHub CI test jobs were a bit too eager to give up
+ once there is even one failure found. Tweak the knob to allow
+ other jobs keep running even when we see a failure, so that we can
+ find more failures in a single run.
+Also contains minor documentation updates and code clean-ups.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.31.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.31.0.txt
index 6bde597b2d..905c9aa52b 100644
--- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.31.0.txt
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.31.0.txt
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@ Git 2.31 Release Notes
Updates since v2.30
+Backward incompatible and other important changes
+ * The "pack-redundant" command, which has been left stale with almost
+ unusable performance issues, now warns loudly when it gets used, as
+ we no longer want to recommend its use (instead just "repack -d"
+ instead).
+ * The development community has adopted Contributor Covenant v2.0 to
+ update from v1.4 that we have been using.
UI, Workflows & Features
* The "--format=%(trailers)" mechanism gets enhanced to make it
@@ -17,16 +28,174 @@ UI, Workflows & Features
no reason to stop or force the user to choose between rebase or
merge if the history fast-forwards.
+ * The configuration variable 'core.abbrev' can be set to 'no' to
+ force no abbreviation regardless of the hash algorithm.
+ * "git rev-parse" can be explicitly told to give output as absolute
+ or relative path with the `--path-format=(absolute|relative)` option.
+ * Bash completion (in contrib/) update to make it easier for
+ end-users to add completion for their custom "git" subcommands.
+ * "git maintenance" learned to drive scheduled maintenance on
+ platforms whose native scheduling methods are not 'cron'.
+ * After expiring a reflog and making a single commit, the reflog for
+ the branch would record a single entry that knows both @{0} and
+ @{1}, but we failed to answer "what commit were we on?", i.e. @{1}
+ * "git bundle" learns "--stdin" option to read its refs from the
+ standard input. Also, it now does not lose refs whey they point
+ at the same object.
+ * "git log" learned a new "--diff-merges=<how>" option.
+ * "git ls-files" can and does show multiple entries when the index is
+ unmerged, which is a source for confusion unless -s/-u option is in
+ use. A new option --deduplicate has been introduced.
Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc.
* A 3-year old test that was not testing anything useful has been
+ * Retire more names with "sha1" in it.
+ * The topological walk codepath is covered by new trace2 stats.
+ * Update the Code-of-conduct to version 2.0 from the upstream (we've
+ been using version 1.4).
+ * "git mktag" validates its input using its own rules before writing
+ a tag object---it has been updated to share the logic with "git
+ fsck".
+ * Two new ways to feed configuration variable-value pairs via
+ environment variables have been introduced, and the way
+ GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS encodes variable/value pairs has been tweaked
+ to make it more robust.
+ * Tests have been updated so that they do not to get affected by the
+ name of the default branch "git init" creates.
+ * "git fetch" learns to treat ref updates atomically in all-or-none
+ fashion, just like "git push" does, with the new "--atomic" option.
+ * The peel_ref() API has been replaced with peel_iterated_oid().
+ * The .use_shell flag in struct child_process that is passed to
+ run_command() API has been clarified with a bit more documentation.
+ * Document, clean-up and optimize the code around the cache-tree
+ extension in the index.
+ * The ls-refs protocol operation has been optimized to narrow the
+ sub-hierarchy of refs/ it walks to produce response.
+ * When removing many branches and tags, the code used to do so one
+ ref at a time. There is another API it can use to delete multiple
+ refs, and it makes quite a lot of performance difference when the
+ refs are packed.
+ * The "pack-objects" command needs to iterate over all the tags when
+ automatic tag following is enabled, but it actually iterated over
+ all refs and then discarded everything outside "refs/tags/"
+ hierarchy, which was quite wasteful.
+ * A perf script was made more portable.
+ (merge f08b6c553d jk/p5303-sed-portability-fix later to maint).
+ * Our setting of GitHub CI test jobs were a bit too eager to give up
+ once there is even one failure found. Tweak the knob to allow
+ other jobs keep running even when we see a failure, so that we can
+ find more failures in a single run.
+ (merge 2b0e14f640 pb/ci-matrix-wo-shortcut later to maint).
+ * We've carried compatibility codepaths for compilers without
+ variadic macros for quite some time, but the world may be ready for
+ them to be removed. Force compilation failure on exotic platforms
+ where variadic macros are not available to find out who screams in
+ such a way that we can easily revert if it turns out that the world
+ is not yet ready.
Fixes since v2.30
+ * Diagnose command line error of "git rebase" early.
+ (merge ca5120c339 rs/rebase-commit-validation later to maint).
+ * Clean up option descriptions in "git cmd --help".
+ (merge e73fe3dd02 zh/arg-help-format later to maint).
+ * "git stash" did not work well in a sparsely checked out working
+ tree.
+ (merge ba359fd507 en/stash-apply-sparse-checkout later to maint).
+ * Some tests expect that "ls -l" output has either '-' or 'x' for
+ group executable bit, but setgid bit can be inherited from parent
+ directory and make these fields 'S' or 's' instead, causing test
+ failures.
+ (merge ea8bbf2a4e mt/t4129-with-setgid-dir later to maint).
+ * "git for-each-repo --config=<var> <cmd>" should not run <cmd> for
+ any repository when the configuration variable <var> is not defined
+ even once.
+ (merge 6c62f01552 ds/for-each-repo-noopfix later to maint).
+ * Fix 2.29 regression where "git mergetool --tool-help" fails to list
+ all the available tools.
+ (merge 80f5a16798 pb/mergetool-tool-help-fix later to maint).
+ * Fix for procedure to building CI test environment for mac.
+ (merge 3831132ace jc/macos-install-dependencies-fix later to maint).
+ * The implementation of "git branch --sort" wrt the detached HEAD
+ display has always been hacky, which has been cleaned up.
+ (merge 4045f659bd ab/branch-sort later to maint).
+ * Newline characters in the host and path part of git:// URL are
+ now forbidden.
+ (merge 6aed56736b jk/forbid-lf-in-git-url later to maint).
+ * "git diff" showed a submodule working tree with untracked cruft as
+ "Submodule commit <objectname>-dirty", but a natural expectation is
+ that the "-dirty" indicator would align with "git describe --dirty",
+ which does not consider having untracked files in the working tree
+ as source of dirtiness. The inconsistency has been fixed.
+ * When more than one commit with the same patch ID appears on one
+ side, "git log --cherry-pick A...B" did not exclude them all when a
+ commit with the same patch ID appears on the other side. Now it
+ does.
+ (merge c9e3a4e76d jk/log-cherry-pick-duplicate-patches later to maint).
+ * Documentation for "git fsck" lost stale bits that has become
+ incorrect.
+ (merge 28cc00a13d ab/fsck-doc-fix later to maint).
+ * Doc fix for packfile URI feature.
+ (merge bfc2a36ff2 jt/packfile-as-uri-doc later to maint).
* Other code cleanup, docfix, build fix, etc.
(merge 505a276596 pk/subsub-fetch-fix-take-2 later to maint).
(merge 33fc56253b fc/t6030-bisect-reset-removes-auxiliary-files later to maint).
+ (merge 7efc378205 ta/doc-typofix later to maint).
+ (merge 1f4e9319c7 pb/doc-modules-git-work-tree-typofix later to maint).
+ (merge 04f6b0a192 ma/t1300-cleanup later to maint).
+ (merge 7b77f5a13e ma/doc-pack-format-varint-for-sizes later to maint).
+ (merge cc2d43be2b nk/perf-fsmonitor-cleanup later to maint).
+ (merge c8302c6c00 ar/t6016-modernise later to maint).
+ (merge 0454986e78 jc/sign-off later to maint).
+ (merge 155067ab4f vv/send-email-with-less-secure-apps-access later to maint).
+ (merge acaabcf391 jk/t5516-deflake later to maint).
+ (merge a1e03535db ad/t4129-setfacl-target-fix later to maint).
+ (merge b356d23638 ug/doc-lose-dircache later to maint).
+ (merge 9371c0e9dd ab/gettext-charset-comment-fix later to maint).
+ (merge 52fc4f195c dl/p4-encode-after-kw-expansion later to maint).
+ (merge 4eb56b56e7 bc/doc-status-short later to maint).
+ (merge a4a1ca22ef tb/local-clone-race-doc later to maint).
+ (merge 6a8c89d053 ma/more-opaque-lock-file later to maint).
+ (merge 4a5ec7d166 js/skip-dashed-built-ins-from-config-mak later to maint).
+ (merge 6eaf624dea pb/blame-funcname-range-userdiff later to maint).
diff --git a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
index d12094bac5..0452db2e67 100644
--- a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
+++ b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ wrote the patch or have the right to pass it on under the same license
as ours, by "signing off" your patch. Without sign-off, we cannot
accept your patches.
-If you can certify the below D-C-O:
+If (and only if) you certify the below D-C-O:
.Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
diff --git a/Documentation/config/core.txt b/Documentation/config/core.txt
index 160aacad84..c04f62a54a 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/core.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/core.txt
@@ -625,4 +625,6 @@ core.abbrev::
computed based on the approximate number of packed objects
in your repository, which hopefully is enough for
abbreviated object names to stay unique for some time.
+ If set to "no", no abbreviation is made and the object names
+ are shown in their full length.
The minimum length is 4.
diff --git a/Documentation/config/diff.txt b/Documentation/config/diff.txt
index c3ae136eba..2d3331f55c 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/diff.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/diff.txt
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ diff.ignoreSubmodules::
and 'git status' when `status.submoduleSummary` is set unless it is
overridden by using the --ignore-submodules command-line option.
The 'git submodule' commands are not affected by this setting.
+ By default this is set to untracked so that any untracked
+ submodules are ignored.
If set, 'git diff' uses a prefix pair that is different from the
diff --git a/Documentation/config/http.txt b/Documentation/config/http.txt
index 3968fbb697..7003661c0d 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/http.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/http.txt
@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ http.proxySSLKey::
Enable Git's password prompt for the proxy SSL certificate. Otherwise OpenSSL
will prompt the user, possibly many times, if the certificate or private key
- is encrypted. Can be overriden by the `GIT_PROXY_SSL_CERT_PASSWORD_PROTECTED`
+ is encrypted. Can be overridden by the `GIT_PROXY_SSL_CERT_PASSWORD_PROTECTED`
environment variable.
Pathname to the file containing the certificate bundle that should be used to
- verify the proxy with when using an HTTPS proxy. Can be overriden by the
+ verify the proxy with when using an HTTPS proxy. Can be overridden by the
`GIT_PROXY_SSL_CAINFO` environment variable.
diff --git a/Documentation/config/trace2.txt b/Documentation/config/trace2.txt
index 01d3afd8a8..fe1642f0d4 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/trace2.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/trace2.txt
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ trace2.envVars::
`GIT_HTTP_USER_AGENT,GIT_CONFIG` would cause the trace2 output to
contain events listing the overrides for HTTP user agent and the
location of the Git configuration file (assuming any are set). May be
- overriden by the `GIT_TRACE2_ENV_VARS` environment variable. Unset by
+ overridden by the `GIT_TRACE2_ENV_VARS` environment variable. Unset by
diff --git a/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt b/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt
index b10ff4caa6..2db8eacc3e 100644
--- a/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ Combined diff format
Any diff-generating command can take the `-c` or `--cc` option to
produce a 'combined diff' when showing a merge. This is the default
format when showing merges with linkgit:git-diff[1] or
-linkgit:git-show[1]. Note also that you can give the `-m` option to any
-of these commands to force generation of diffs with individual parents
-of a merge.
+linkgit:git-show[1]. Note also that you can give suitable
+`--diff-merges` option to any of these commands to force generation of
+diffs in specific format.
A "combined diff" format looks like this:
diff --git a/Documentation/diff-options.txt b/Documentation/diff-options.txt
index 746b144c76..e5733ccb2d 100644
--- a/Documentation/diff-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/diff-options.txt
@@ -33,6 +33,57 @@ endif::git-diff[]
show the patch by default, or to cancel the effect of `--patch`.
+ Specify diff format to be used for merge commits. Default is
+ {diff-merges-default} unless `--first-parent` is in use, in which case
+ `first-parent` is the default.
+ Disable output of diffs for merge commits. Useful to override
+ implied value.
+ This option makes merge commits show the full diff with
+ respect to the first parent only.
+ This makes merge commits show the full diff with respect to
+ each of the parents. Separate log entry and diff is generated
+ for each parent. `-m` doesn't produce any output without `-p`.
+ With this option, diff output for a merge commit shows the
+ differences from each of the parents to the merge result
+ simultaneously instead of showing pairwise diff between a
+ parent and the result one at a time. Furthermore, it lists
+ only files which were modified from all parents. `-c` implies
+ `-p`.
+ With this option the output produced by
+ `--diff-merges=combined` is further compressed by omitting
+ uninteresting hunks whose contents in the parents have only
+ two variants and the merge result picks one of them without
+ modification. `--cc` implies `-p`.
+ This flag causes combined diffs (used for merge commits) to
+ list the name of the file from all parents. It thus only has
+ effect when `--diff-merges=[dense-]combined` is in use, and
+ is likely only useful if filename changes are detected (i.e.
+ when either rename or copy detection have been requested).
Generate diffs with <n> lines of context instead of
diff --git a/Documentation/fetch-options.txt b/Documentation/fetch-options.txt
index 2bf77b46fd..07783deee3 100644
--- a/Documentation/fetch-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/fetch-options.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
existing contents of `.git/FETCH_HEAD`. Without this
option old data in `.git/FETCH_HEAD` will be overwritten.
+ Use an atomic transaction to update local refs. Either all refs are
+ updated, or on error, no refs are updated.
Limit fetching to the specified number of commits from the tip of
each remote branch history. If fetching to a 'shallow' repository
diff --git a/Documentation/git-blame.txt b/Documentation/git-blame.txt
index 34b496d485..3bf5d5d8b4 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-blame.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-blame.txt
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ commit commentary), a blame viewer will not care.
+See linkgit:gitmailmap[5].
diff --git a/Documentation/git-check-mailmap.txt b/Documentation/git-check-mailmap.txt
index aa2055dbeb..02f4418323 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-check-mailmap.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-check-mailmap.txt
@@ -36,10 +36,17 @@ name is provided or known to the 'mailmap', ``Name $$<user@host>$$'' is
printed; otherwise only ``$$<user@host>$$'' is printed.
+See `mailmap.file` and `mailmap.blob` in linkgit:git-config[1] for how
+to specify a custom `.mailmap` target file or object.
+See linkgit:gitmailmap[5].
diff --git a/Documentation/git-clone.txt b/Documentation/git-clone.txt
index 876aedcd47..02d9c19cec 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-clone.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-clone.txt
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ repository is specified as a URL, then this flag is ignored (and we
never use the local optimizations). Specifying `--no-local` will
override the default when `/path/to/repo` is given, using the regular
Git transport instead.
+*NOTE*: this operation can race with concurrent modification to the
+source repository, similar to running `cp -r src dst` while modifying
Force the cloning process from a repository on a local
diff --git a/Documentation/git-config.txt b/Documentation/git-config.txt
index 0e9351d3cb..4b4cc5c5e8 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-config.txt
@@ -346,6 +346,22 @@ GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM::
See also <<FILES>>.
+ If GIT_CONFIG_COUNT is set to a positive number, all environment pairs
+ GIT_CONFIG_KEY_<n> and GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_<n> up to that number will be
+ added to the process's runtime configuration. The config pairs are
+ zero-indexed. Any missing key or value is treated as an error. An empty
+ GIT_CONFIG_COUNT is treated the same as GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=0, namely no
+ pairs are processed. These environment variables will override values
+ in configuration files, but will be overridden by any explicit options
+ passed via `git -c`.
+This is useful for cases where you want to spawn multiple git commands
+with a common configuration but cannot depend on a configuration file,
+for example when writing scripts.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-fsck.txt b/Documentation/git-fsck.txt
index d72d15be5b..bd596619c0 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-fsck.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-fsck.txt
@@ -129,14 +129,6 @@ using 'git commit-graph verify'. See linkgit:git-commit-graph[1].
Extracted Diagnostics
-expect dangling commits - potential heads - due to lack of head information::
- You haven't specified any nodes as heads so it won't be
- possible to differentiate between un-parented commits and
- root nodes.
-missing sha1 directory '<dir>'::
- The directory holding the sha1 objects is missing.
unreachable <type> <object>::
The <type> object <object>, isn't actually referred to directly
or indirectly in any of the trees or commits seen. This can
diff --git a/Documentation/git-log.txt b/Documentation/git-log.txt
index dd189a353a..1bbf865a1b 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-log.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-log.txt
@@ -107,47 +107,15 @@ DIFF FORMATTING
By default, `git log` does not generate any diff output. The options
below can be used to show the changes made by each commit.
-Note that unless one of `-c`, `--cc`, or `-m` is given, merge commits
-will never show a diff, even if a diff format like `--patch` is
-selected, nor will they match search options like `-S`. The exception is
-when `--first-parent` is in use, in which merges are treated like normal
-single-parent commits (this can be overridden by providing a
-combined-diff option or with `--no-diff-merges`).
- With this option, diff output for a merge commit
- shows the differences from each of the parents to the merge result
- simultaneously instead of showing pairwise diff between a parent
- and the result one at a time. Furthermore, it lists only files
- which were modified from all parents.
- This flag implies the `-c` option and further compresses the
- patch output by omitting uninteresting hunks whose contents in
- the parents have only two variants and the merge result picks
- one of them without modification.
- This flag causes combined diffs (used for merge commits) to
- list the name of the file from all parents. It thus only has
- effect when -c or --cc are specified, and is likely only
- useful if filename changes are detected (i.e. when either
- rename or copy detection have been requested).
- This flag makes the merge commits show the full diff like
- regular commits; for each merge parent, a separate log entry
- and diff is generated. An exception is that only diff against
- the first parent is shown when `--first-parent` option is given;
- in that case, the output represents the changes the merge
- brought _into_ the then-current branch.
- Disable output of diffs for merge commits (default). Useful to
- override `-m`, `-c`, or `--cc`.
+Note that unless one of `--diff-merges` variants (including short
+`-m`, `-c`, and `--cc` options) is explicitly given, merge commits
+will not show a diff, even if a diff format like `--patch` is
+selected, nor will they match search options like `-S`. The exception
+is when `--first-parent` is in use, in which case `first-parent` is
+the default format.
:git-log: 1
+:diff-merges-default: `off`
diff --git a/Documentation/git-ls-files.txt b/Documentation/git-ls-files.txt
index cbcf5263dd..6d11ab506b 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-ls-files.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-ls-files.txt
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
+ [--deduplicate]
[-x <pattern>|--exclude=<pattern>]
[-X <file>|--exclude-from=<file>]
@@ -23,9 +24,8 @@ SYNOPSIS
-This merges the file listing in the directory cache index with the
-actual working directory list, and shows different combinations of the
+This merges the file listing in the index with the actual working
+directory list, and shows different combinations of the two.
One or more of the options below may be used to determine the files
@@ -81,6 +81,13 @@ OPTIONS
\0 line termination on output and do not quote filenames.
See OUTPUT below for more information.
+ When only filenames are shown, suppress duplicates that may
+ come from having multiple stages during a merge, or giving
+ `--deleted` and `--modified` option at the same time.
+ When any of the `-t`, `--unmerged`, or `--stage` option is
+ in use, this option has no effect.
-x <pattern>::
Skip untracked files matching pattern.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-maintenance.txt b/Documentation/git-maintenance.txt
index d1f9b5172d..3b432171d6 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-maintenance.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-maintenance.txt
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ register::
for running in the background without disrupting foreground
-The `register` subcomand will also set the `maintenance.strategy` config
+The `register` subcommand will also set the `maintenance.strategy` config
value to `incremental`, if this value is not previously set. The
`incremental` strategy uses the following schedule for each maintenance
@@ -218,6 +218,122 @@ Further, the `git gc` command should not be combined with
but does not take the lock in the same way as `git maintenance run`. If
possible, use `git maintenance run --task=gc` instead of `git gc`.
+The following sections describe the mechanisms put in place to run
+background maintenance by `git maintenance start` and how to customize
+The standard mechanism for scheduling background tasks on POSIX systems
+is cron(8). This tool executes commands based on a given schedule. The
+current list of user-scheduled tasks can be found by running `crontab -l`.
+The schedule written by `git maintenance start` is similar to this:
+# The following schedule was created by Git
+# Any edits made in this region might be
+# replaced in the future by a Git command.
+0 1-23 * * * "/<path>/git" --exec-path="/<path>" for-each-repo --config=maintenance.repo maintenance run --schedule=hourly
+0 0 * * 1-6 "/<path>/git" --exec-path="/<path>" for-each-repo --config=maintenance.repo maintenance run --schedule=daily
+0 0 * * 0 "/<path>/git" --exec-path="/<path>" for-each-repo --config=maintenance.repo maintenance run --schedule=weekly
+The comments are used as a region to mark the schedule as written by Git.
+Any modifications within this region will be completely deleted by
+`git maintenance stop` or overwritten by `git maintenance start`.
+The `crontab` entry specifies the full path of the `git` executable to
+ensure that the executed `git` command is the same one with which
+`git maintenance start` was issued independent of `PATH`. If the same user
+runs `git maintenance start` with multiple Git executables, then only the
+latest executable is used.
+These commands use `git for-each-repo --config=maintenance.repo` to run
+`git maintenance run --schedule=<frequency>` on each repository listed in
+the multi-valued `maintenance.repo` config option. These are typically
+loaded from the user-specific global config. The `git maintenance` process
+then determines which maintenance tasks are configured to run on each
+repository with each `<frequency>` using the `maintenance.<task>.schedule`
+config options. These values are loaded from the global or repository
+config values.
+If the config values are insufficient to achieve your desired background
+maintenance schedule, then you can create your own schedule. If you run
+`crontab -e`, then an editor will load with your user-specific `cron`
+schedule. In that editor, you can add your own schedule lines. You could
+start by adapting the default schedule listed earlier, or you could read
+the crontab(5) documentation for advanced scheduling techniques. Please
+do use the full path and `--exec-path` techniques from the default
+schedule to ensure you are executing the correct binaries in your
+While macOS technically supports `cron`, using `crontab -e` requires
+elevated privileges and the executed process does not have a full user
+context. Without a full user context, Git and its credential helpers
+cannot access stored credentials, so some maintenance tasks are not
+Instead, `git maintenance start` interacts with the `launchctl` tool,
+which is the recommended way to schedule timed jobs in macOS. Scheduling
+maintenance through `git maintenance (start|stop)` requires some
+`launchctl` features available only in macOS 10.11 or later.
+Your user-specific scheduled tasks are stored as XML-formatted `.plist`
+files in `~/Library/LaunchAgents/`. You can see the currently-registered
+tasks using the following command:
+$ ls ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.git-scm.git*
+One task is registered for each `--schedule=<frequency>` option. To
+inspect how the XML format describes each schedule, open one of these
+`.plist` files in an editor and inspect the `<array>` element following
+the `<key>StartCalendarInterval</key>` element.
+`git maintenance start` will overwrite these files and register the
+tasks again with `launchctl`, so any customizations should be done by
+creating your own `.plist` files with distinct names. Similarly, the
+`git maintenance stop` command will unregister the tasks with `launchctl`
+and delete the `.plist` files.
+To create more advanced customizations to your background tasks, see
+launchctl.plist(5) for more information.
+Windows does not support `cron` and instead has its own system for
+scheduling background tasks. The `git maintenance start` command uses
+the `schtasks` command to submit tasks to this system. You can inspect
+all background tasks using the Task Scheduler application. The tasks
+added by Git have names of the form `Git Maintenance (<frequency>)`.
+The Task Scheduler GUI has ways to inspect these tasks, but you can also
+export the tasks to XML files and view the details there.
+Note that since Git is a console application, these background tasks
+create a console window visible to the current user. This can be changed
+manually by selecting the "Run whether user is logged in or not" option
+in Task Scheduler. This change requires a password input, which is why
+`git maintenance start` does not select it by default.
+If you want to customize the background tasks, please rename the tasks
+so future calls to `git maintenance (start|stop)` do not overwrite your
+custom tasks.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-mktag.txt b/Documentation/git-mktag.txt
index fa6a756123..17a2603a60 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-mktag.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-mktag.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ git-mktag(1)
-git-mktag - Creates a tag object
+git-mktag - Creates a tag object with extra validation
@@ -11,25 +11,52 @@ SYNOPSIS
'git mktag'
+ By default mktag turns on the equivalent of
+ linkgit:git-fsck[1] `--strict` mode. Use `--no-strict` to
+ disable it.
-Reads a tag contents on standard input and creates a tag object
-that can also be used to sign other objects.
-The output is the new tag's <object> identifier.
+Reads a tag contents on standard input and creates a tag object. The
+output is the new tag's <object> identifier.
+This command is mostly equivalent to linkgit:git-hash-object[1]
+invoked with `-t tag -w --stdin`. I.e. both of these will create and
+write a tag found in `my-tag`:
+ git mktag <my-tag
+ git hash-object -t tag -w --stdin <my-tag
+The difference is that mktag will die before writing the tag if the
+tag doesn't pass a linkgit:git-fsck[1] check.
+The "fsck" check done mktag is stricter than what linkgit:git-fsck[1]
+would run by default in that all `fsck.<msg-id>` messages are promoted
+from warnings to errors (so e.g. a missing "tagger" line is an error).
+Extra headers in the object are also an error under mktag, but ignored
+by linkgit:git-fsck[1]. This extra check can be turned off by setting
+the appropriate `fsck.<msg-id>` varible:
+ git -c fsck.extraHeaderEntry=ignore mktag <my-tag-with-headers
Tag Format
A tag signature file, to be fed to this command's standard input,
has a very simple fixed format: four lines of
- object <sha1>
+ object <hash>
type <typename>
tag <tagname>
tagger <tagger>
followed by some 'optional' free-form message (some tags created
-by older Git may not have `tagger` line). The message, when
+by older Git may not have `tagger` line). The message, when it
exists, is separated by a blank line from the header. The
message part may contain a signature that Git itself doesn't
care about, but that can be verified with gpg.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-p4.txt b/Documentation/git-p4.txt
index ec233ac0c1..f89e68b424 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-p4.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-p4.txt
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ changelist text. Exiting with a non-zero status from the script
will abort the process.
The purpose of the hook is to edit the message file in place,
-and it is not supressed by the `--no-verify` option. This hook
+and it is not suppressed by the `--no-verify` option. This hook
is called even if `--prepare-p4-only` is set.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-rev-parse.txt b/Documentation/git-rev-parse.txt
index 5013daa6ef..6b8ca085aa 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-rev-parse.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-rev-parse.txt
@@ -212,6 +212,18 @@ Options for Files
Only the names of the variables are listed, not their value,
even if they are set.
+ Controls the behavior of certain other options. If specified as absolute, the
+ paths printed by those options will be absolute and canonical. If specified as
+ relative, the paths will be relative to the current working directory if that
+ is possible. The default is option specific.
+This option may be specified multiple times and affects only the arguments that
+follow it on the command line, either to the end of the command line or the next
+instance of this option.
+The following options are modified by `--path-format`:
Show `$GIT_DIR` if defined. Otherwise show the path to
the .git directory. The path shown, when relative, is
@@ -221,27 +233,9 @@ If `$GIT_DIR` is not defined and the current directory
is not detected to lie in a Git repository or work tree
print a message to stderr and exit with nonzero status.
- Like `--git-dir`, but its output is always the canonicalized
- absolute path.
Show `$GIT_COMMON_DIR` if defined, else `$GIT_DIR`.
- When the current working directory is below the repository
- directory print "true", otherwise "false".
- When the current working directory is inside the work tree of the
- repository print "true", otherwise "false".
- When the repository is bare print "true", otherwise "false".
- When the repository is shallow print "true", otherwise "false".
--resolve-git-dir <path>::
Check if <path> is a valid repository or a gitfile that
points at a valid repository, and print the location of the
@@ -255,19 +249,9 @@ print a message to stderr and exit with nonzero status.
$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY is set to /foo/bar then "git rev-parse
--git-path objects/abc" returns /foo/bar/abc.
- When the command is invoked from a subdirectory, show the
- path of the top-level directory relative to the current
- directory (typically a sequence of "../", or an empty string).
- When the command is invoked from a subdirectory, show the
- path of the current directory relative to the top-level
- directory.
- Show the absolute path of the top-level directory of the working
- tree. If there is no working tree, report an error.
+ Show the (by default, absolute) path of the top-level directory
+ of the working tree. If there is no working tree, report an error.
Show the absolute path of the root of the superproject's
@@ -279,6 +263,36 @@ print a message to stderr and exit with nonzero status.
Show the path to the shared index file in split index mode, or
empty if not in split-index mode.
+The following options are unaffected by `--path-format`:
+ Like `--git-dir`, but its output is always the canonicalized
+ absolute path.
+ When the current working directory is below the repository
+ directory print "true", otherwise "false".
+ When the current working directory is inside the work tree of the
+ repository print "true", otherwise "false".
+ When the repository is bare print "true", otherwise "false".
+ When the repository is shallow print "true", otherwise "false".
+ When the command is invoked from a subdirectory, show the
+ path of the top-level directory relative to the current
+ directory (typically a sequence of "../", or an empty string).
+ When the command is invoked from a subdirectory, show the
+ path of the current directory relative to the top-level
+ directory.
Show the object format (hash algorithm) used for the repository
for storage inside the `.git` directory, input, or output. For
diff --git a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
index b7bbbeadef..93708aefea 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
@@ -494,10 +494,14 @@ edit ~/.gitconfig to specify your account settings:
smtpServerPort = 587
-If you have multifactor authentication setup on your gmail account, you will
+If you have multi-factor authentication set up on your Gmail account, you will
need to generate an app-specific password for use with 'git send-email'. Visit to create it.
+If you do not have multi-factor authentication set up on your Gmail account,
+you will need to allow less secure app access. Visit
+ to enable it.
Once your commits are ready to be sent to the mailing list, run the
following commands:
diff --git a/Documentation/git-shortlog.txt b/Documentation/git-shortlog.txt
index fd93cd41e9..c16cc3b608 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-shortlog.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-shortlog.txt
@@ -111,11 +111,7 @@ include::rev-list-options.txt[]
-The `.mailmap` feature is used to coalesce together commits by the same
-person in the shortlog, where their name and/or email address was
-spelled differently.
+See linkgit:gitmailmap[5].
diff --git a/Documentation/git-show.txt b/Documentation/git-show.txt
index fcf528c1b3..2b1bc7288d 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-show.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-show.txt
@@ -45,10 +45,13 @@ include::pretty-options.txt[]
+The options below can be used to change the way `git show` generates
+diff output.
:git-log: 1
+:diff-merges-default: `dense-combined`
diff --git a/Documentation/git-status.txt b/Documentation/git-status.txt
index 7731b45f07..c0764e850a 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-status.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-status.txt
@@ -184,11 +184,26 @@ characters, that field will be quoted in the manner of a C string
literal: surrounded by ASCII double quote (34) characters, and with
interior special characters backslash-escaped.
-For paths with merge conflicts, `X` and `Y` show the modification
-states of each side of the merge. For paths that do not have merge
-conflicts, `X` shows the status of the index, and `Y` shows the status
-of the work tree. For untracked paths, `XY` are `??`. Other status
-codes can be interpreted as follows:
+There are three different types of states that are shown using this format, and
+each one uses the `XY` syntax differently:
+* When a merge is occurring and the merge was successful, or outside of a merge
+ situation, `X` shows the status of the index and `Y` shows the status of the
+ working tree.
+* When a merge conflict has occurred and has not yet been resolved, `X` and `Y`
+ show the state introduced by each head of the merge, relative to the common
+ ancestor. These paths are said to be _unmerged_.
+* When a path is untracked, `X` and `Y` are always the same, since they are
+ unknown to the index. `??` is used for untracked paths. Ignored files are
+ not listed unless `--ignored` is used; if it is, ignored files are indicated
+ by `!!`.
+Note that the term _merge_ here also includes rebases using the default
+`--merge` strategy, cherry-picks, and anything else using the merge machinery.
+In the following table, these three classes are shown in separate sections, and
+these characters are used for `X` and `Y` fields for the first two sections that
+show tracked paths:
* ' ' = unmodified
* 'M' = modified
@@ -198,9 +213,6 @@ codes can be interpreted as follows:
* 'C' = copied
* 'U' = updated but unmerged
-Ignored files are not listed, unless `--ignored` option is in effect,
-in which case `XY` are `!!`.
X Y Meaning
diff --git a/Documentation/git-update-index.txt b/Documentation/git-update-index.txt
index 1489cb09a0..2853f168d9 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-update-index.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-update-index.txt
@@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ SYNOPSIS
-Modifies the index or directory cache. Each file mentioned is updated
-into the index and any 'unmerged' or 'needs updating' state is
+Modifies the index. Each file mentioned is updated into the index and
+any 'unmerged' or 'needs updating' state is cleared.
See also linkgit:git-add[1] for a more user-friendly way to do some of
the most common operations on the index.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-worktree.txt b/Documentation/git-worktree.txt
index 02a706c4c0..f1bb1fa5f5 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-worktree.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-worktree.txt
@@ -97,8 +97,9 @@ list::
List details of each working tree. The main working tree is listed first,
followed by each of the linked working trees. The output details include
whether the working tree is bare, the revision currently checked out, the
-branch currently checked out (or "detached HEAD" if none), and "locked" if
-the worktree is locked.
+branch currently checked out (or "detached HEAD" if none), "locked" if
+the worktree is locked, "prunable" if the worktree can be pruned by `prune`
@@ -231,9 +232,14 @@ This can also be set up as the default behaviour by using the
With `prune`, report all removals.
+With `list`, output additional information about worktrees (see below).
--expire <time>::
With `prune`, only expire unused working trees older than `<time>`.
+With `list`, annotate missing working trees as prunable if they are
+older than `<time>`.
--reason <string>::
With `lock`, an explanation why the working tree is locked.
@@ -372,13 +378,46 @@ $ git worktree list
/path/to/other-linked-worktree 1234abc (detached HEAD)
+The command also shows annotations for each working tree, according to its state.
+These annotations are:
+ * `locked`, if the working tree is locked.
+ * `prunable`, if the working tree can be pruned via `git worktree prune`.
+$ git worktree list
+/path/to/linked-worktree abcd1234 [master]
+/path/to/locked-worktreee acbd5678 (brancha) locked
+/path/to/prunable-worktree 5678abc (detached HEAD) prunable
+For these annotations, a reason might also be available and this can be
+seen using the verbose mode. The annotation is then moved to the next line
+indented followed by the additional information.
+$ git worktree list --verbose
+/path/to/linked-worktree abcd1234 [master]
+/path/to/locked-worktree-no-reason abcd5678 (detached HEAD) locked
+/path/to/locked-worktree-with-reason 1234abcd (brancha)
+ locked: working tree path is mounted on a portable device
+/path/to/prunable-worktree 5678abc1 (detached HEAD)
+ prunable: gitdir file points to non-existent location
+Note that the annotation is moved to the next line if the additional
+information is available, otherwise it stays on the same line as the
+working tree itself.
Porcelain Format
The porcelain format has a line per attribute. Attributes are listed with a
label and value separated by a single space. Boolean attributes (like `bare`
and `detached`) are listed as a label only, and are present only
-if the value is true. The first attribute of a working tree is always
-`worktree`, an empty line indicates the end of the record. For example:
+if the value is true. Some attributes (like `locked`) can be listed as a label
+only or with a value depending upon whether a reason is available. The first
+attribute of a working tree is always `worktree`, an empty line indicates the
+end of the record. For example:
$ git worktree list --porcelain
@@ -393,6 +432,33 @@ worktree /path/to/other-linked-worktree
HEAD 1234abc1234abc1234abc1234abc1234abc1234a
+worktree /path/to/linked-worktree-locked-no-reason
+HEAD 5678abc5678abc5678abc5678abc5678abc5678c
+branch refs/heads/locked-no-reason
+worktree /path/to/linked-worktree-locked-with-reason
+HEAD 3456def3456def3456def3456def3456def3456b
+branch refs/heads/locked-with-reason
+locked reason why is locked
+worktree /path/to/linked-worktree-prunable
+HEAD 1233def1234def1234def1234def1234def1234b
+prunable gitdir file points to non-existent location
+If the lock reason contains "unusual" characters such as newline, they
+are escaped and the entire reason is quoted as explained for the
+configuration variable `core.quotePath` (see linkgit:git-config[1]).
+For Example:
+$ git worktree list --porcelain
+locked "reason\nwhy is locked"
diff --git a/Documentation/git.txt b/Documentation/git.txt
index a6d4ad0818..d36e6fd482 100644
--- a/Documentation/git.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
[--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]
[-p|--paginate|-P|--no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]
[--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]
- [--super-prefix=<path>]
+ [--super-prefix=<path>] [--config-env <name>=<envvar>]
<command> [<args>]
@@ -80,6 +80,28 @@ config file). Including the equals but with an empty value (like `git -c ...`) sets `` to the empty string which `git config
--type=bool` will convert to `false`.
+ Like `-c <name>=<value>`, give configuration variable
+ '<name>' a value, where <envvar> is the name of an
+ environment variable from which to retrieve the value. Unlike
+ `-c` there is no shortcut for directly setting the value to an
+ empty string, instead the environment variable itself must be
+ set to the empty string. It is an error if the `<envvar>` does not exist
+ in the environment. `<envvar>` may not contain an equals sign
+ to avoid ambiguity with `<name>`s which contain one.
+This is useful for cases where you want to pass transitory
+configuration options to git, but are doing so on OS's where
+other processes might be able to read your cmdline
+(e.g. `/proc/self/cmdline`), but not your environ
+(e.g. `/proc/self/environ`). That behavior is the default on
+Linux, but may not be on your system.
+Note that this might add security for variables such as
+`http.extraHeader` where the sensitive information is part of
+the value, but not e.g. `url.<base>.insteadOf` where the
+sensitive information can be part of the key.
Path to wherever your core Git programs are installed.
This can also be controlled by setting the GIT_EXEC_PATH
diff --git a/Documentation/githooks.txt b/Documentation/githooks.txt
index ffccfc7760..1f3b57d04d 100644
--- a/Documentation/githooks.txt
+++ b/Documentation/githooks.txt
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ changelist text. Exiting with a non-zero status from the script
will abort the process.
The purpose of the hook is to edit the message file in place,
-and it is not supressed by the `--no-verify` option. This hook
+and it is not suppressed by the `--no-verify` option. This hook
is called even if `--prepare-p4-only` is set.
Run `git-p4 submit --help` for details.
diff --git a/Documentation/gitmailmap.txt b/Documentation/gitmailmap.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..052209b33b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/gitmailmap.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+gitmailmap - Map author/committer names and/or E-Mail addresses
+If the file `.mailmap` exists at the toplevel of the repository, or at
+the location pointed to by the `mailmap.file` or `mailmap.blob`
+configuration options (see linkgit:git-config[1]), it
+is used to map author and committer names and email addresses to
+canonical real names and email addresses.
+The '#' character begins a comment to the end of line, blank lines
+are ignored.
+In the simple form, each line in the file consists of the canonical
+real name of an author, whitespace, and an email address used in the
+commit (enclosed by '<' and '>') to map to the name. For example:
+ Proper Name <commit@email.xx>
+The more complex forms are:
+ <proper@email.xx> <commit@email.xx>
+which allows mailmap to replace only the email part of a commit, and:
+ Proper Name <proper@email.xx> <commit@email.xx>
+which allows mailmap to replace both the name and the email of a
+commit matching the specified commit email address, and:
+ Proper Name <proper@email.xx> Commit Name <commit@email.xx>
+which allows mailmap to replace both the name and the email of a
+commit matching both the specified commit name and email address.
+Both E-Mails and names are matched case-insensitively. For example
+this would also match the 'Commit Name <commit@email.xx>' above:
+Proper Name <proper@email.xx> CoMmIt NaMe <CoMmIt@EmAiL.xX>
+Your history contains commits by two authors, Jane
+and Joe, whose names appear in the repository under several forms:
+Joe Developer <>
+Joe R. Developer <>
+Jane Doe <>
+Jane Doe <jane@laptop.(none)>
+Jane D. <jane@desktop.(none)>
+Now suppose that Joe wants his middle name initial used, and Jane
+prefers her family name fully spelled out. A `.mailmap` file to
+correct the names would look like:
+Joe R. Developer <>
+Jane Doe <>
+Jane Doe <jane@desktop.(none)>
+Note that there's no need to map the name for 'jane@laptop.(none)' to
+only correct the names. However, leaving the obviously broken
+`<jane@laptop.(none)>' and '<jane@desktop.(none)>' E-Mails as-is is
+usually not what you want. A `.mailmap` file which also corrects those
+Joe R. Developer <>
+Jane Doe <> <jane@laptop.(none)>
+Jane Doe <> <jane@desktop.(none)>
+Finally, let's say that Joe and Jane shared an E-Mail address, but not
+a name, e.g. by having these two commits in the history generated by a
+bug reporting system. I.e. names appearing in history as:
+Joe <>
+Jane <>
+A full `.mailmap` file which also handles those cases (an addition of
+two lines to the above example) would be:
+Joe R. Developer <>
+Jane Doe <> <jane@laptop.(none)>
+Jane Doe <> <jane@desktop.(none)>
+Joe R. Developer <> Joe <>
+Jane Doe <> Jane <>
+Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite
diff --git a/Documentation/gitmodules.txt b/Documentation/gitmodules.txt
index 539b4e1997..8e333dde1b 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitmodules.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitmodules.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ gitmodules - Defining submodule properties
@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ submodule.<name>.path::
Defines the path, relative to the top-level directory of the Git
working tree, where the submodule is expected to be checked out.
The path name must not end with a `/`. All submodule paths must
- be unique within the .gitmodules file.
+ be unique within the `.gitmodules` file.
Defines a URL from which the submodule repository can be cloned.
This may be either an absolute URL ready to be passed to
- linkgit:git-clone[1] or (if it begins with ./ or ../) a location
+ linkgit:git-clone[1] or (if it begins with `./` or `../`) a location
relative to the superproject's origin repository.
In addition, there are a number of optional keys:
Defines the default update procedure for the named submodule,
- i.e. how the submodule is updated by "git submodule update"
+ i.e. how the submodule is updated by the `git submodule update`
command in the superproject. This is only used by `git
submodule init` to initialize the configuration variable of
the same name. Allowed values here are 'checkout', 'rebase',
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ submodule.<name>.update::
A remote branch name for tracking updates in the upstream submodule.
- If the option is not specified, it defaults to the remote 'HEAD'.
+ If the option is not specified, it defaults to the remote `HEAD`.
A special value of `.` is used to indicate that the name of the branch
in the submodule should be the same name as the current branch in the
current repository. See the `--remote` documentation in
@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ submodule.<name>.branch::
This option can be used to control recursive fetching of this
- submodule. If this option is also present in the submodules entry in
- .git/config of the superproject, the setting there will override the
- one found in .gitmodules.
+ submodule. If this option is also present in the submodule's entry in
+ `.git/config` of the superproject, the setting there will override the
+ one found in `.gitmodules`.
Both settings can be overridden on the command line by using the
- "--[no-]recurse-submodules" option to "git fetch" and "git pull".
+ `--[no-]recurse-submodules` option to `git fetch` and `git pull`.
- Defines under what circumstances "git status" and the diff family show
+ Defines under what circumstances `git status` and the diff family show
a submodule as modified. The following values are supported:
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ submodule.<name>.ignore::
been staged).
dirty;; All changes to the submodule's work tree will be ignored, only
- committed differences between the HEAD of the submodule and its
+ committed differences between the `HEAD` of the submodule and its
recorded state in the superproject are taken into account.
untracked;; Only untracked files in submodules will be ignored.
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ submodule.<name>.ignore::
differences, and modifications to tracked and untracked files are
shown. This is the default option.
-If this option is also present in the submodules entry in .git/config
+If this option is also present in the submodule's entry in `.git/config`
of the superproject, the setting there will override the one found in
Both settings can be overridden on the command line by using the
-"--ignore-submodules" option. The 'git submodule' commands are not
+`--ignore-submodules` option. The `git submodule` commands are not
affected by this setting.
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ submodule.<name>.shallow::
-Consider the following .gitmodules file:
+Consider the following `.gitmodules` file:
[submodule "libfoo"]
diff --git a/Documentation/mailmap.txt b/Documentation/mailmap.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a8c276529..0000000000
--- a/Documentation/mailmap.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-If the file `.mailmap` exists at the toplevel of the repository, or at
-the location pointed to by the mailmap.file or mailmap.blob
-configuration options, it
-is used to map author and committer names and email addresses to
-canonical real names and email addresses.
-In the simple form, each line in the file consists of the canonical
-real name of an author, whitespace, and an email address used in the
-commit (enclosed by '<' and '>') to map to the name. For example:
- Proper Name <commit@email.xx>
-The more complex forms are:
- <proper@email.xx> <commit@email.xx>
-which allows mailmap to replace only the email part of a commit, and:
- Proper Name <proper@email.xx> <commit@email.xx>
-which allows mailmap to replace both the name and the email of a
-commit matching the specified commit email address, and:
- Proper Name <proper@email.xx> Commit Name <commit@email.xx>
-which allows mailmap to replace both the name and the email of a
-commit matching both the specified commit name and email address.
-Example 1: Your history contains commits by two authors, Jane
-and Joe, whose names appear in the repository under several forms:
-Joe Developer <>
-Joe R. Developer <>
-Jane Doe <>
-Jane Doe <jane@laptop.(none)>
-Jane D. <jane@desktop.(none)>
-Now suppose that Joe wants his middle name initial used, and Jane
-prefers her family name fully spelled out. A proper `.mailmap` file
-would look like:
-Jane Doe <jane@desktop.(none)>
-Joe R. Developer <>
-Note how there is no need for an entry for `<jane@laptop.(none)>`, because the
-real name of that author is already correct.
-Example 2: Your repository contains commits from the following
-nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
-nick2 <bugs@company.xx>
-nick2 <nick2@company.xx>
-santa <me@company.xx>
-claus <me@company.xx>
-CTO <cto@coompany.xx>
-Then you might want a `.mailmap` file that looks like:
-<cto@company.xx> <cto@coompany.xx>
-Some Dude <some@dude.xx> nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
-Other Author <other@author.xx> nick2 <bugs@company.xx>
-Other Author <other@author.xx> <nick2@company.xx>
-Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx> <me@company.xx>
-Use hash '#' for comments that are either on their own line, or after
-the email address.
diff --git a/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt b/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
index 002379056a..96cc89d157 100644
--- a/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
@@ -130,6 +130,11 @@ parents) and `--max-parents=-1` (negative numbers denote no upper limit).
this option allows you to ignore the individual commits
brought in to your history by such a merge.
+ This option also changes default diff format for merge commits
+ to `first-parent`, see `--diff-merges=first-parent` for details.
Reverses the meaning of the '{caret}' prefix (or lack thereof)
for all following revision specifiers, up to the next `--not`.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/index-format.txt b/Documentation/technical/index-format.txt
index 69edf46c03..b633482b1b 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/index-format.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/index-format.txt
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Git index format
Extensions are identified by signature. Optional extensions can
be ignored if Git does not understand them.
- Git currently supports cached tree and resolve undo extensions.
+ Git currently supports cache tree and resolve undo extensions.
4-byte extension signature. If the first byte is 'A'..'Z' the
extension is optional and can be ignored.
@@ -136,14 +136,35 @@ Git index format
== Extensions
-=== Cached tree
- Cached tree extension contains pre-computed hashes for trees that can
- be derived from the index. It helps speed up tree object generation
- from index for a new commit.
- When a path is updated in index, the path must be invalidated and
- removed from tree cache.
+=== Cache tree
+ Since the index does not record entries for directories, the cache
+ entries cannot describe tree objects that already exist in the object
+ database for regions of the index that are unchanged from an existing
+ commit. The cache tree extension stores a recursive tree structure that
+ describes the trees that already exist and completely match sections of
+ the cache entries. This speeds up tree object generation from the index
+ for a new commit by only computing the trees that are "new" to that
+ commit. It also assists when comparing the index to another tree, such
+ as `HEAD^{tree}`, since sections of the index can be skipped when a tree
+ comparison demonstrates equality.
+ The recursive tree structure uses nodes that store a number of cache
+ entries, a list of subnodes, and an object ID (OID). The OID references
+ the existing tree for that node, if it is known to exist. The subnodes
+ correspond to subdirectories that themselves have cache tree nodes. The
+ number of cache entries corresponds to the number of cache entries in
+ the index that describe paths within that tree's directory.
+ The extension tracks the full directory structure in the cache tree
+ extension, but this is generally smaller than the full cache entry list.
+ When a path is updated in index, Git invalidates all nodes of the
+ recursive cache tree corresponding to the parent directories of that
+ path. We store these tree nodes as being "invalid" by using "-1" as the
+ number of cache entries. Invalid nodes still store a span of index
+ entries, allowing Git to focus its efforts when reconstructing a full
+ cache tree.
The signature for this extension is { 'T', 'R', 'E', 'E' }.
@@ -174,7 +195,8 @@ Git index format
first entry represents the root level of the repository, followed by the
first subtree--let's call this A--of the root level (with its name
relative to the root level), followed by the first subtree of A (with
- its name relative to A), ...
+ its name relative to A), and so on. The specified number of subtrees
+ indicates when the current level of the recursive stack is complete.
=== Resolve undo
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/pack-format.txt b/Documentation/technical/pack-format.txt
index f96b2e605f..96d2fc589f 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/pack-format.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/pack-format.txt
@@ -55,6 +55,18 @@ Valid object types are:
Type 5 is reserved for future expansion. Type 0 is invalid.
+=== Size encoding
+This document uses the following "size encoding" of non-negative
+integers: From each byte, the seven least significant bits are
+used to form the resulting integer. As long as the most significant
+bit is 1, this process continues; the byte with MSB 0 provides the
+last seven bits. The seven-bit chunks are concatenated. Later
+values are more significant.
+This size encoding should not be confused with the "offset encoding",
+which is also used in this document.
=== Deltified representation
Conceptually there are only four object types: commit, tree, tag and
@@ -73,7 +85,10 @@ Ref-delta can also refer to an object outside the pack (i.e. the
so-called "thin pack"). When stored on disk however, the pack should
be self contained to avoid cyclic dependency.
-The delta data is a sequence of instructions to reconstruct an object
+The delta data starts with the size of the base object and the
+size of the object to be reconstructed. These sizes are
+encoded using the size encoding from above. The remainder of
+the delta data is a sequence of instructions to reconstruct the object
from the base object. If the base object is deltified, it must be
converted to canonical form first. Each instruction appends more and
more data to the target object until it's complete. There are two
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/packfile-uri.txt b/Documentation/technical/packfile-uri.txt
index 318713abc3..f7eabc6c76 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/packfile-uri.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/packfile-uri.txt
@@ -37,8 +37,11 @@ at least so that we can test the client.
This is the implementation: a feature, marked experimental, that allows the
server to be configured by one or more `uploadpack.blobPackfileUri=<sha1>
<uri>` entries. Whenever the list of objects to be sent is assembled, all such
-blobs are excluded, replaced with URIs. The client will download those URIs,
-expecting them to each point to packfiles containing single blobs.
+blobs are excluded, replaced with URIs. As noted in "Future work" below, the
+server can evolve in the future to support excluding other objects (or other
+implementations of servers could be made that support excluding other objects)
+without needing a protocol change, so clients should not expect that packfiles
+downloaded in this way only contain single blobs.
Client design
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/reftable.txt b/Documentation/technical/reftable.txt
index 2951840e9c..8095ab2590 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/reftable.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/reftable.txt
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ especially if readers will not use the object name to ref mapping.
Object blocks use unique, abbreviated 2-32 object name keys, mapping to
ref blocks containing references pointing to that object directly, or as
the peeled value of an annotated tag. Like ref blocks, object blocks use
-the file's standard block size. The abbrevation length is available in
+the file's standard block size. The abbreviation length is available in
the footer as `obj_id_len`.
To save space in small files, object blocks may be omitted if the ref
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 7b64106930..5a239cac20 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -29,18 +29,11 @@ all::
# Perl-compatible regular expressions instead of standard or extended
# POSIX regular expressions.
-# USE_LIBPCRE is a synonym for USE_LIBPCRE2, define USE_LIBPCRE1
-# instead if you'd like to use the legacy version 1 of the PCRE
-# library. Support for version 1 will likely be removed in some future
-# release of Git, as upstream has all but abandoned it.
-# When using USE_LIBPCRE1, define NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT if you want to
-# disable JIT even if supported by your library.
+# Only libpcre version 2 is supported. USE_LIBPCRE2 is a synonym for
+# USE_LIBPCRE, support for the old USE_LIBPCRE1 has been removed.
# Define LIBPCREDIR=/foo/bar if your PCRE header and library files are
-# in /foo/bar/include and /foo/bar/lib directories. Which version of
-# PCRE this points to determined by the USE_LIBPCRE1 and USE_LIBPCRE2
-# variables.
+# in /foo/bar/include and /foo/bar/lib directories.
# Define HAVE_ALLOCA_H if you have working alloca(3) defined in that header.
@@ -722,6 +715,7 @@ TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-online-cpus.o
TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-parse-options.o
TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-parse-pathspec-file.o
TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-path-utils.o
+TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-pcre2-config.o
TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-pkt-line.o
TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-prio-queue.o
TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-proc-receive.o
@@ -777,20 +771,6 @@ BUILT_INS += git-status$X
BUILT_INS += git-switch$X
BUILT_INS += git-whatchanged$X
-# what 'all' will build and 'install' will install in gitexecdir,
-# excluding programs for built-in commands
-# git-upload-pack, git-receive-pack and git-upload-archive are special: they
-# are _expected_ to be present in the `bin/` directory in their dashed form.
-ALL_COMMANDS_TO_INSTALL += git-receive-pack$(X)
-ALL_COMMANDS_TO_INSTALL += git-upload-archive$(X)
-ALL_COMMANDS_TO_INSTALL += git-upload-pack$(X)
# what 'all' will build but not install in gitexecdir
@@ -874,6 +854,7 @@ LIB_OBJS += date.o
LIB_OBJS += decorate.o
LIB_OBJS += delta-islands.o
LIB_OBJS += diff-delta.o
+LIB_OBJS += diff-merges.o
LIB_OBJS += diff-lib.o
LIB_OBJS += diff-no-index.o
LIB_OBJS += diff.o
@@ -901,6 +882,7 @@ LIB_OBJS += gettext.o
LIB_OBJS += gpg-interface.o
LIB_OBJS += graph.o
LIB_OBJS += grep.o
+LIB_OBJS += hash-lookup.o
LIB_OBJS += hashmap.o
LIB_OBJS += help.o
LIB_OBJS += hex.o
@@ -937,6 +919,8 @@ LIB_OBJS += notes-cache.o
LIB_OBJS += notes-merge.o
LIB_OBJS += notes-utils.o
LIB_OBJS += notes.o
+LIB_OBJS += object-file.o
+LIB_OBJS += object-name.o
LIB_OBJS += object.o
LIB_OBJS += oid-array.o
LIB_OBJS += oidmap.o
@@ -993,9 +977,6 @@ LIB_OBJS += sequencer.o
LIB_OBJS += serve.o
LIB_OBJS += server-info.o
LIB_OBJS += setup.o
-LIB_OBJS += sha1-file.o
-LIB_OBJS += sha1-lookup.o
-LIB_OBJS += sha1-name.o
LIB_OBJS += shallow.o
LIB_OBJS += sideband.o
LIB_OBJS += sigchain.o
@@ -1226,6 +1207,20 @@ ifdef DEVELOPER
+# what 'all' will build and 'install' will install in gitexecdir,
+# excluding programs for built-in commands
+# git-upload-pack, git-receive-pack and git-upload-archive are special: they
+# are _expected_ to be present in the `bin/` directory in their dashed form.
+ALL_COMMANDS_TO_INSTALL += git-receive-pack$(X)
+ALL_COMMANDS_TO_INSTALL += git-upload-archive$(X)
+ALL_COMMANDS_TO_INSTALL += git-upload-pack$(X)
@@ -1359,26 +1354,17 @@ ifdef NO_LIBGEN_H
COMPAT_OBJS += compat/basename.o
+$(error The USE_LIBPCRE1 build option has been removed, use version 2 with USE_LIBPCRE)
ifneq (,$(USE_LIBPCRE2))
- ifdef USE_LIBPCRE1
-$(error Only set USE_LIBPCRE2 (or its alias USE_LIBPCRE) or USE_LIBPCRE1, not both!)
- endif
EXTLIBS += -lpcre2-8
- EXTLIBS += -lpcre
@@ -1554,9 +1540,6 @@ endif
-$(warning The GETTEXT_POISON option has been removed in favor of runtime GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON. See t/README!)
USE_GETTEXT_SCHEME ?= fallthrough
@@ -2729,9 +2712,7 @@ GIT-BUILD-OPTIONS: FORCE
@echo TAR=\''$(subst ','\'',$(subst ','\'',$(TAR)))'\' >>$@+
@echo NO_CURL=\''$(subst ','\'',$(subst ','\'',$(NO_CURL)))'\' >>$@+
@echo NO_EXPAT=\''$(subst ','\'',$(subst ','\'',$(NO_EXPAT)))'\' >>$@+
- @echo USE_LIBPCRE1=\''$(subst ','\'',$(subst ','\'',$(USE_LIBPCRE1)))'\' >>$@+
@echo USE_LIBPCRE2=\''$(subst ','\'',$(subst ','\'',$(USE_LIBPCRE2)))'\' >>$@+
- @echo NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT=\''$(subst ','\'',$(subst ','\'',$(NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT)))'\' >>$@+
@echo NO_PERL=\''$(subst ','\'',$(subst ','\'',$(NO_PERL)))'\' >>$@+
@echo NO_PTHREADS=\''$(subst ','\'',$(subst ','\'',$(NO_PTHREADS)))'\' >>$@+
@echo NO_PYTHON=\''$(subst ','\'',$(subst ','\'',$(NO_PYTHON)))'\' >>$@+
diff --git a/abspath.c b/abspath.c
index 6f15a418bb..39e06b5848 100644
--- a/abspath.c
+++ b/abspath.c
@@ -67,19 +67,15 @@ static void get_root_part(struct strbuf *resolved, struct strbuf *remaining)
- * Return the real path (i.e., absolute path, with symlinks resolved
- * and extra slashes removed) equivalent to the specified path. (If
- * you want an absolute path but don't mind links, use
- * absolute_path().) Places the resolved realpath in the provided strbuf.
- *
- * The directory part of path (i.e., everything up to the last
- * dir_sep) must denote a valid, existing directory, but the last
- * component need not exist. If die_on_error is set, then die with an
- * informative error message if there is a problem. Otherwise, return
- * NULL on errors (without generating any output).
+ * If set, any number of trailing components may be missing; otherwise, only one
+ * may be.
-char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
- int die_on_error)
+#define REALPATH_MANY_MISSING (1 << 0)
+/* Should we die if there's an error? */
+#define REALPATH_DIE_ON_ERROR (1 << 1)
+static char *strbuf_realpath_1(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
+ int flags)
struct strbuf remaining = STRBUF_INIT;
struct strbuf next = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -89,7 +85,7 @@ char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
struct stat st;
if (!*path) {
- if (die_on_error)
+ if (flags & REALPATH_DIE_ON_ERROR)
die("The empty string is not a valid path");
goto error_out;
@@ -101,7 +97,7 @@ char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
if (!resolved->len) {
/* relative path; can use CWD as the initial resolved path */
if (strbuf_getcwd(resolved)) {
- if (die_on_error)
+ if (flags & REALPATH_DIE_ON_ERROR)
die_errno("unable to get current working directory");
goto error_out;
@@ -129,8 +125,9 @@ char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
if (lstat(resolved->buf, &st)) {
/* error out unless this was the last component */
- if (errno != ENOENT || remaining.len) {
- if (die_on_error)
+ if (errno != ENOENT ||
+ (!(flags & REALPATH_MANY_MISSING) && remaining.len)) {
+ if (flags & REALPATH_DIE_ON_ERROR)
die_errno("Invalid path '%s'",
@@ -143,7 +140,7 @@ char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
if (num_symlinks++ > MAXSYMLINKS) {
errno = ELOOP;
- if (die_on_error)
+ if (flags & REALPATH_DIE_ON_ERROR)
die("More than %d nested symlinks "
"on path '%s'", MAXSYMLINKS, path);
@@ -153,7 +150,7 @@ char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
len = strbuf_readlink(&symlink, resolved->buf,
if (len < 0) {
- if (die_on_error)
+ if (flags & REALPATH_DIE_ON_ERROR)
die_errno("Invalid symlink '%s'",
@@ -202,6 +199,37 @@ error_out:
return retval;
+ * Return the real path (i.e., absolute path, with symlinks resolved
+ * and extra slashes removed) equivalent to the specified path. (If
+ * you want an absolute path but don't mind links, use
+ * absolute_path().) Places the resolved realpath in the provided strbuf.
+ *
+ * The directory part of path (i.e., everything up to the last
+ * dir_sep) must denote a valid, existing directory, but the last
+ * component need not exist. If die_on_error is set, then die with an
+ * informative error message if there is a problem. Otherwise, return
+ * NULL on errors (without generating any output).
+ */
+char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
+ int die_on_error)
+ return strbuf_realpath_1(resolved, path,
+ die_on_error ? REALPATH_DIE_ON_ERROR : 0);
+ * Just like strbuf_realpath, but allows an arbitrary number of path
+ * components to be missing.
+ */
+char *strbuf_realpath_forgiving(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
+ int die_on_error)
+ return strbuf_realpath_1(resolved, path,
+ ((die_on_error ? REALPATH_DIE_ON_ERROR : 0) |
char *real_pathdup(const char *path, int die_on_error)
struct strbuf realpath = STRBUF_INIT;
diff --git a/bisect.c b/bisect.c
index d8c2c8f7a7..75ea0eb57f 100644
--- a/bisect.c
+++ b/bisect.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include "refs.h"
#include "list-objects.h"
#include "quote.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
#include "run-command.h"
#include "log-tree.h"
#include "bisect.h"
diff --git a/builtin/am.c b/builtin/am.c
index f22c73a05b..8355e3566f 100644
--- a/builtin/am.c
+++ b/builtin/am.c
@@ -2284,10 +2284,10 @@ int cmd_am(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
N_("skip the current patch"),
OPT_CMDMODE(0, "abort", &resume.mode,
- N_("restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."),
+ N_("restore the original branch and abort the patching operation"),
OPT_CMDMODE(0, "quit", &resume.mode,
- N_("abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."),
+ N_("abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is"),
{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "show-current-patch", &resume.mode,
diff --git a/builtin/blame.c b/builtin/blame.c
index 6f7e32411a..b66e938022 100644
--- a/builtin/blame.c
+++ b/builtin/blame.c
@@ -866,33 +866,33 @@ int cmd_blame(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
const char *revs_file = NULL;
const char *contents_from = NULL;
const struct option options[] = {
- OPT_BOOL(0, "incremental", &incremental, N_("Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally")),
- OPT_BOOL('b', NULL, &blank_boundary, N_("Do not show object names of boundary commits (Default: off)")),
- OPT_BOOL(0, "root", &show_root, N_("Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)")),
- OPT_BOOL(0, "show-stats", &show_stats, N_("Show work cost statistics")),
- OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &show_progress, N_("Force progress reporting")),
- OPT_BIT(0, "score-debug", &output_option, N_("Show output score for blame entries"), OUTPUT_SHOW_SCORE),
- OPT_BIT('f', "show-name", &output_option, N_("Show original filename (Default: auto)"), OUTPUT_SHOW_NAME),
- OPT_BIT('n', "show-number", &output_option, N_("Show original linenumber (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_SHOW_NUMBER),
- OPT_BIT('p', "porcelain", &output_option, N_("Show in a format designed for machine consumption"), OUTPUT_PORCELAIN),
- OPT_BIT(0, "line-porcelain", &output_option, N_("Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"), OUTPUT_PORCELAIN|OUTPUT_LINE_PORCELAIN),
- OPT_BIT('c', NULL, &output_option, N_("Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_ANNOTATE_COMPAT),
- OPT_BIT('t', NULL, &output_option, N_("Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_RAW_TIMESTAMP),
- OPT_BIT('l', NULL, &output_option, N_("Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_LONG_OBJECT_NAME),
- OPT_BIT('s', NULL, &output_option, N_("Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_NO_AUTHOR),
- OPT_BIT('e', "show-email", &output_option, N_("Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_SHOW_EMAIL),
- OPT_BIT('w', NULL, &xdl_opts, N_("Ignore whitespace differences"), XDF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE),
- OPT_STRING_LIST(0, "ignore-rev", &ignore_rev_list, N_("rev"), N_("Ignore <rev> when blaming")),
- OPT_STRING_LIST(0, "ignore-revs-file", &ignore_revs_file_list, N_("file"), N_("Ignore revisions from <file>")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "incremental", &incremental, N_("show blame entries as we find them, incrementally")),
+ OPT_BOOL('b', NULL, &blank_boundary, N_("do not show object names of boundary commits (Default: off)")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "root", &show_root, N_("do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "show-stats", &show_stats, N_("show work cost statistics")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &show_progress, N_("force progress reporting")),
+ OPT_BIT(0, "score-debug", &output_option, N_("show output score for blame entries"), OUTPUT_SHOW_SCORE),
+ OPT_BIT('f', "show-name", &output_option, N_("show original filename (Default: auto)"), OUTPUT_SHOW_NAME),
+ OPT_BIT('n', "show-number", &output_option, N_("show original linenumber (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_SHOW_NUMBER),
+ OPT_BIT('p', "porcelain", &output_option, N_("show in a format designed for machine consumption"), OUTPUT_PORCELAIN),
+ OPT_BIT(0, "line-porcelain", &output_option, N_("show porcelain format with per-line commit information"), OUTPUT_PORCELAIN|OUTPUT_LINE_PORCELAIN),
+ OPT_BIT('c', NULL, &output_option, N_("use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_ANNOTATE_COMPAT),
+ OPT_BIT('t', NULL, &output_option, N_("show raw timestamp (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_RAW_TIMESTAMP),
+ OPT_BIT('l', NULL, &output_option, N_("show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_LONG_OBJECT_NAME),
+ OPT_BIT('s', NULL, &output_option, N_("suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_NO_AUTHOR),
+ OPT_BIT('e', "show-email", &output_option, N_("show author email instead of name (Default: off)"), OUTPUT_SHOW_EMAIL),
+ OPT_BIT('w', NULL, &xdl_opts, N_("ignore whitespace differences"), XDF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE),
+ OPT_STRING_LIST(0, "ignore-rev", &ignore_rev_list, N_("rev"), N_("ignore <rev> when blaming")),
+ OPT_STRING_LIST(0, "ignore-revs-file", &ignore_revs_file_list, N_("file"), N_("ignore revisions from <file>")),
OPT_BIT(0, "color-lines", &output_option, N_("color redundant metadata from previous line differently"), OUTPUT_COLOR_LINE),
OPT_BIT(0, "color-by-age", &output_option, N_("color lines by age"), OUTPUT_SHOW_AGE_WITH_COLOR),
- OPT_BIT(0, "minimal", &xdl_opts, N_("Spend extra cycles to find better match"), XDF_NEED_MINIMAL),
- OPT_STRING('S', NULL, &revs_file, N_("file"), N_("Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list")),
- OPT_STRING(0, "contents", &contents_from, N_("file"), N_("Use <file>'s contents as the final image")),
- OPT_CALLBACK_F('C', NULL, &opt, N_("score"), N_("Find line copies within and across files"), PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, blame_copy_callback),
- OPT_CALLBACK_F('M', NULL, &opt, N_("score"), N_("Find line movements within and across files"), PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, blame_move_callback),
+ OPT_BIT(0, "minimal", &xdl_opts, N_("spend extra cycles to find better match"), XDF_NEED_MINIMAL),
+ OPT_STRING('S', NULL, &revs_file, N_("file"), N_("use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list")),
+ OPT_STRING(0, "contents", &contents_from, N_("file"), N_("use <file>'s contents as the final image")),
+ OPT_CALLBACK_F('C', NULL, &opt, N_("score"), N_("find line copies within and across files"), PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, blame_copy_callback),
+ OPT_CALLBACK_F('M', NULL, &opt, N_("score"), N_("find line movements within and across files"), PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, blame_move_callback),
OPT_STRING_LIST('L', NULL, &range_list, N_("range"),
- N_("Process only line range <start>,<end> or function :<funcname>")),
+ N_("process only line range <start>,<end> or function :<funcname>")),
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ parse_done:
sb.xdl_opts = xdl_opts;
sb.no_whole_file_rename = no_whole_file_rename;
- read_mailmap(&mailmap, NULL);
+ read_mailmap(&mailmap);
sb.found_guilty_entry = &found_guilty_entry;
sb.found_guilty_entry_data = &pi;
diff --git a/builtin/branch.c b/builtin/branch.c
index 9b68591add..bcc00bcf18 100644
--- a/builtin/branch.c
+++ b/builtin/branch.c
@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@ static int delete_branches(int argc, const char **argv, int force, int kinds,
int remote_branch = 0;
struct strbuf bname = STRBUF_INIT;
unsigned allowed_interpret;
+ struct string_list refs_to_delete = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
+ struct string_list_item *item;
+ int branch_name_pos;
switch (kinds) {
@@ -219,6 +222,7 @@ static int delete_branches(int argc, const char **argv, int force, int kinds,
die(_("cannot use -a with -d"));
+ branch_name_pos = strcspn(fmt, "%");
if (!force) {
head_rev = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &head_oid);
@@ -265,30 +269,35 @@ static int delete_branches(int argc, const char **argv, int force, int kinds,
goto next;
- if (delete_ref(NULL, name, is_null_oid(&oid) ? NULL : &oid,
- error(remote_branch
- ? _("Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'")
- : _("Error deleting branch '%s'"),
- bname.buf);
- ret = 1;
- goto next;
- }
- if (!quiet) {
- printf(remote_branch
- ? _("Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n")
- : _("Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"),
- bname.buf,
- (flags & REF_ISBROKEN) ? "broken"
- : (flags & REF_ISSYMREF) ? target
- : find_unique_abbrev(&oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
- }
- delete_branch_config(bname.buf);
+ item = string_list_append(&refs_to_delete, name);
+ item->util = xstrdup((flags & REF_ISBROKEN) ? "broken"
+ : (flags & REF_ISSYMREF) ? target
+ : find_unique_abbrev(&oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+ if (delete_refs(NULL, &refs_to_delete, REF_NO_DEREF))
+ ret = 1;
+ for_each_string_list_item(item, &refs_to_delete) {
+ char *describe_ref = item->util;
+ char *name = item->string;
+ if (!ref_exists(name)) {
+ char *refname = name + branch_name_pos;
+ if (!quiet)
+ printf(remote_branch
+ ? _("Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n")
+ : _("Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"),
+ name + branch_name_pos, describe_ref);
+ delete_branch_config(refname);
+ }
+ free(describe_ref);
+ }
+ string_list_clear(&refs_to_delete, 0);
@@ -726,7 +735,7 @@ int cmd_branch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
return 0;
} else if (list) {
- /* git branch --local also shows HEAD when it is detached */
+ /* git branch --list also shows HEAD when it is detached */
if ((filter.kind & FILTER_REFS_BRANCHES) && filter.detached)
filter.name_patterns = argv;
@@ -739,7 +748,9 @@ int cmd_branch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!sorting)
sorting = ref_default_sorting();
- ref_sorting_icase_all(sorting, icase);
+ ref_sorting_set_sort_flags_all(sorting, REF_SORTING_ICASE, icase);
+ ref_sorting_set_sort_flags_all(
print_ref_list(&filter, sorting, &format);
print_columns(&output, colopts, NULL);
string_list_clear(&output, 0);
diff --git a/builtin/check-mailmap.c b/builtin/check-mailmap.c
index cdce144f3b..7dc47e4793 100644
--- a/builtin/check-mailmap.c
+++ b/builtin/check-mailmap.c
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ int cmd_check_mailmap(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (argc == 0 && !use_stdin)
die(_("no contacts specified"));
- read_mailmap(&mailmap, NULL);
+ read_mailmap(&mailmap);
for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
check_mailmap(&mailmap, argv[i]);
diff --git a/builtin/checkout.c b/builtin/checkout.c
index c9ba23c279..2d6550bc3c 100644
--- a/builtin/checkout.c
+++ b/builtin/checkout.c
@@ -821,9 +821,6 @@ static int merge_working_tree(const struct checkout_opts *opts,
- if (!active_cache_tree)
- active_cache_tree = cache_tree();
if (!cache_tree_fully_valid(active_cache_tree))
cache_tree_update(&the_index, WRITE_TREE_SILENT | WRITE_TREE_REPAIR);
diff --git a/builtin/commit-graph.c b/builtin/commit-graph.c
index 78fa08f43a..cd86315221 100644
--- a/builtin/commit-graph.c
+++ b/builtin/commit-graph.c
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static int graph_verify(int argc, const char **argv)
static struct option builtin_commit_graph_verify_options[] = {
OPT_STRING(0, "object-dir", &opts.obj_dir,
- N_("The object directory to store the graph")),
+ N_("the object directory to store the graph")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "shallow", &opts.shallow,
N_("if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &opts.progress, N_("force progress reporting")),
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ static int graph_write(int argc, const char **argv)
static struct option builtin_commit_graph_write_options[] = {
OPT_STRING(0, "object-dir", &opts.obj_dir,
- N_("The object directory to store the graph")),
+ N_("the object directory to store the graph")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "reachable", &opts.reachable,
N_("start walk at all refs")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "stdin-packs", &opts.stdin_packs,
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ int cmd_commit_graph(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
static struct option builtin_commit_graph_options[] = {
OPT_STRING(0, "object-dir", &opts.obj_dir,
- N_("The object directory to store the graph")),
+ N_("the object directory to store the graph")),
diff --git a/builtin/commit.c b/builtin/commit.c
index 505fe60956..739110c5a7 100644
--- a/builtin/commit.c
+++ b/builtin/commit.c
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ static const char *find_author_by_nickname(const char *name)
av[++ac] = NULL;
setup_revisions(ac, av, &revs, NULL);
revs.mailmap = &mailmap;
- read_mailmap(revs.mailmap, NULL);
+ read_mailmap(revs.mailmap);
if (prepare_revision_walk(&revs))
die(_("revision walk setup failed"));
diff --git a/builtin/describe.c b/builtin/describe.c
index 7668591d57..40482d8e9f 100644
--- a/builtin/describe.c
+++ b/builtin/describe.c
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ static int get_name(const char *path, const struct object_id *oid, int flag, voi
/* Is it annotated? */
- if (!peel_ref(path, &peeled)) {
+ if (!peel_iterated_oid(oid, &peeled)) {
is_annotated = !oideq(oid, &peeled);
} else {
oidcpy(&peeled, oid);
diff --git a/builtin/diff-files.c b/builtin/diff-files.c
index 1e352dd8f7..4742a4559b 100644
--- a/builtin/diff-files.c
+++ b/builtin/diff-files.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "cache.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "diff.h"
+#include "diff-merges.h"
#include "commit.h"
#include "revision.h"
#include "builtin.h"
@@ -69,9 +70,9 @@ int cmd_diff_files(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
* was not asked to. "diff-files -c -p" should not densify
* (the user should ask with "diff-files --cc" explicitly).
- if (rev.max_count == -1 && !rev.combine_merges &&
+ if (rev.max_count == -1 &&
(rev.diffopt.output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH))
- rev.combine_merges = rev.dense_combined_merges = 1;
+ diff_merges_set_dense_combined_if_unset(&rev);
if (read_cache_preload(&rev.diffopt.pathspec) < 0) {
diff --git a/builtin/diff.c b/builtin/diff.c
index 780c33877f..5cfe1717e8 100644
--- a/builtin/diff.c
+++ b/builtin/diff.c
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "blob.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "diff.h"
+#include "diff-merges.h"
#include "diffcore.h"
#include "revision.h"
#include "log-tree.h"
@@ -216,8 +217,8 @@ static int builtin_diff_combined(struct rev_info *revs,
if (argc > 1)
- if (!revs->dense_combined_merges && !revs->combine_merges)
- revs->dense_combined_merges = revs->combine_merges = 1;
+ diff_merges_set_dense_combined_if_unset(revs);
for (i = 1; i < ents; i++)
oid_array_append(&parents, &ent[i].item->oid);
diff_tree_combined(&ent[0].item->oid, &parents, revs);
@@ -265,9 +266,9 @@ static int builtin_diff_files(struct rev_info *revs, int argc, const char **argv
* dense one, --cc can be explicitly asked for, or just rely
* on the default).
- if (revs->max_count == -1 && !revs->combine_merges &&
+ if (revs->max_count == -1 &&
(revs->diffopt.output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH))
- revs->combine_merges = revs->dense_combined_merges = 1;
+ diff_merges_set_dense_combined_if_unset(revs);
if (read_cache_preload(&revs->diffopt.pathspec) < 0) {
diff --git a/builtin/fast-export.c b/builtin/fast-export.c
index 0a60356b06..85a76e0ef8 100644
--- a/builtin/fast-export.c
+++ b/builtin/fast-export.c
@@ -1205,32 +1205,32 @@ int cmd_fast_export(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
N_("select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"),
OPT_STRING(0, "export-marks", &export_filename, N_("file"),
- N_("Dump marks to this file")),
+ N_("dump marks to this file")),
OPT_STRING(0, "import-marks", &import_filename, N_("file"),
- N_("Import marks from this file")),
+ N_("import marks from this file")),
OPT_STRING(0, "import-marks-if-exists",
- N_("Import marks from this file if it exists")),
+ N_("import marks from this file if it exists")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "fake-missing-tagger", &fake_missing_tagger,
- N_("Fake a tagger when tags lack one")),
+ N_("fake a tagger when tags lack one")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "full-tree", &full_tree,
- N_("Output full tree for each commit")),
+ N_("output full tree for each commit")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "use-done-feature", &use_done_feature,
- N_("Use the done feature to terminate the stream")),
- OPT_BOOL(0, "no-data", &no_data, N_("Skip output of blob data")),
+ N_("use the done feature to terminate the stream")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "no-data", &no_data, N_("skip output of blob data")),
OPT_STRING_LIST(0, "refspec", &refspecs_list, N_("refspec"),
- N_("Apply refspec to exported refs")),
+ N_("apply refspec to exported refs")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "anonymize", &anonymize, N_("anonymize output")),
OPT_CALLBACK_F(0, "anonymize-map", &anonymized_seeds, N_("from:to"),
N_("convert <from> to <to> in anonymized output"),
PARSE_OPT_NONEG, parse_opt_anonymize_map),
OPT_BOOL(0, "reference-excluded-parents",
- &reference_excluded_commits, N_("Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id")),
+ &reference_excluded_commits, N_("reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "show-original-ids", &show_original_ids,
- N_("Show original object ids of blobs/commits")),
+ N_("show original object ids of blobs/commits")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "mark-tags", &mark_tags,
- N_("Label tags with mark ids")),
+ N_("label tags with mark ids")),
diff --git a/builtin/fetch.c b/builtin/fetch.c
index ecf8537605..91f3d20696 100644
--- a/builtin/fetch.c
+++ b/builtin/fetch.c
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ static int enable_auto_gc = 1;
static int tags = TAGS_DEFAULT, unshallow, update_shallow, deepen;
static int max_jobs = -1, submodule_fetch_jobs_config = -1;
static int fetch_parallel_config = 1;
+static int atomic_fetch;
static enum transport_family family;
static const char *depth;
static const char *deepen_since;
@@ -144,6 +145,8 @@ static struct option builtin_fetch_options[] = {
N_("set upstream for git pull/fetch")),
OPT_BOOL('a', "append", &append,
N_("append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "atomic", &atomic_fetch,
+ N_("use atomic transaction to update references")),
OPT_STRING(0, "upload-pack", &upload_pack, N_("path"),
N_("path to upload pack on remote end")),
OPT__FORCE(&force, N_("force overwrite of local reference"), 0),
@@ -583,13 +586,14 @@ static struct ref *get_ref_map(struct remote *remote,
static int s_update_ref(const char *action,
struct ref *ref,
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction,
int check_old)
char *msg;
char *rla = getenv("GIT_REFLOG_ACTION");
- struct ref_transaction *transaction;
+ struct ref_transaction *our_transaction = NULL;
struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
- int ret, df_conflict = 0;
+ int ret;
if (dry_run)
return 0;
@@ -597,31 +601,47 @@ static int s_update_ref(const char *action,
rla = default_rla.buf;
msg = xstrfmt("%s: %s", rla, action);
- transaction = ref_transaction_begin(&err);
- if (!transaction ||
- ref_transaction_update(transaction, ref->name,
- &ref->new_oid,
- check_old ? &ref->old_oid : NULL,
- 0, msg, &err))
- goto fail;
+ /*
+ * If no transaction was passed to us, we manage the transaction
+ * ourselves. Otherwise, we trust the caller to handle the transaction
+ * lifecycle.
+ */
+ if (!transaction) {
+ transaction = our_transaction = ref_transaction_begin(&err);
+ if (!transaction) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
- ret = ref_transaction_commit(transaction, &err);
+ ret = ref_transaction_update(transaction, ref->name, &ref->new_oid,
+ check_old ? &ref->old_oid : NULL,
+ 0, msg, &err);
if (ret) {
- df_conflict = (ret == TRANSACTION_NAME_CONFLICT);
- goto fail;
+ goto out;
- ref_transaction_free(transaction);
- strbuf_release(&err);
- free(msg);
- return 0;
- ref_transaction_free(transaction);
- error("%s", err.buf);
+ if (our_transaction) {
+ switch (ref_transaction_commit(our_transaction, &err)) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ goto out;
+ default:
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ ref_transaction_free(our_transaction);
+ if (ret)
+ error("%s", err.buf);
- return df_conflict ? STORE_REF_ERROR_DF_CONFLICT
+ return ret;
static int refcol_width = 10;
@@ -759,6 +779,7 @@ static void format_display(struct strbuf *display, char code,
static int update_local_ref(struct ref *ref,
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction,
const char *remote,
const struct ref *remote_ref,
struct strbuf *display,
@@ -799,7 +820,7 @@ static int update_local_ref(struct ref *ref,
starts_with(ref->name, "refs/tags/")) {
if (force || ref->force) {
int r;
- r = s_update_ref("updating tag", ref, 0);
+ r = s_update_ref("updating tag", ref, transaction, 0);
format_display(display, r ? '!' : 't', _("[tag update]"),
r ? _("unable to update local ref") : NULL,
remote, pretty_ref, summary_width);
@@ -836,7 +857,7 @@ static int update_local_ref(struct ref *ref,
what = _("[new ref]");
- r = s_update_ref(msg, ref, 0);
+ r = s_update_ref(msg, ref, transaction, 0);
format_display(display, r ? '!' : '*', what,
r ? _("unable to update local ref") : NULL,
remote, pretty_ref, summary_width);
@@ -858,7 +879,7 @@ static int update_local_ref(struct ref *ref,
strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&quickref, &current->object.oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
strbuf_addstr(&quickref, "..");
strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&quickref, &ref->new_oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
- r = s_update_ref("fast-forward", ref, 1);
+ r = s_update_ref("fast-forward", ref, transaction, 1);
format_display(display, r ? '!' : ' ', quickref.buf,
r ? _("unable to update local ref") : NULL,
remote, pretty_ref, summary_width);
@@ -870,7 +891,7 @@ static int update_local_ref(struct ref *ref,
strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&quickref, &current->object.oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
strbuf_addstr(&quickref, "...");
strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&quickref, &ref->new_oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV);
- r = s_update_ref("forced-update", ref, 1);
+ r = s_update_ref("forced-update", ref, transaction, 1);
format_display(display, r ? '!' : '+', quickref.buf,
r ? _("unable to update local ref") : _("forced update"),
remote, pretty_ref, summary_width);
@@ -897,6 +918,89 @@ static int iterate_ref_map(void *cb_data, struct object_id *oid)
return 0;
+struct fetch_head {
+ FILE *fp;
+ struct strbuf buf;
+static int open_fetch_head(struct fetch_head *fetch_head)
+ const char *filename = git_path_fetch_head(the_repository);
+ if (write_fetch_head) {
+ fetch_head->fp = fopen(filename, "a");
+ if (!fetch_head->fp)
+ return error_errno(_("cannot open %s"), filename);
+ strbuf_init(&fetch_head->buf, 0);
+ } else {
+ fetch_head->fp = NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void append_fetch_head(struct fetch_head *fetch_head,
+ const struct object_id *old_oid,
+ enum fetch_head_status fetch_head_status,
+ const char *note,
+ const char *url, size_t url_len)
+ char old_oid_hex[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1];
+ const char *merge_status_marker;
+ size_t i;
+ if (!fetch_head->fp)
+ return;
+ switch (fetch_head_status) {
+ merge_status_marker = "not-for-merge";
+ break;
+ merge_status_marker = "";
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* do not write anything to FETCH_HEAD */
+ return;
+ }
+ strbuf_addf(&fetch_head->buf, "%s\t%s\t%s",
+ oid_to_hex_r(old_oid_hex, old_oid), merge_status_marker, note);
+ for (i = 0; i < url_len; ++i)
+ if ('\n' == url[i])
+ strbuf_addstr(&fetch_head->buf, "\\n");
+ else
+ strbuf_addch(&fetch_head->buf, url[i]);
+ strbuf_addch(&fetch_head->buf, '\n');
+ /*
+ * When using an atomic fetch, we do not want to update FETCH_HEAD if
+ * any of the reference updates fails. We thus have to write all
+ * updates to a buffer first and only commit it as soon as all
+ * references have been successfully updated.
+ */
+ if (!atomic_fetch) {
+ strbuf_write(&fetch_head->buf, fetch_head->fp);
+ strbuf_reset(&fetch_head->buf);
+ }
+static void commit_fetch_head(struct fetch_head *fetch_head)
+ if (!fetch_head->fp || !atomic_fetch)
+ return;
+ strbuf_write(&fetch_head->buf, fetch_head->fp);
+static void close_fetch_head(struct fetch_head *fetch_head)
+ if (!fetch_head->fp)
+ return;
+ fclose(fetch_head->fp);
+ strbuf_release(&fetch_head->buf);
static const char warn_show_forced_updates[] =
N_("Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
"but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
@@ -909,22 +1013,20 @@ N_("It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
static int store_updated_refs(const char *raw_url, const char *remote_name,
int connectivity_checked, struct ref *ref_map)
- FILE *fp;
+ struct fetch_head fetch_head;
struct commit *commit;
int url_len, i, rc = 0;
- struct strbuf note = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct strbuf note = STRBUF_INIT, err = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct ref_transaction *transaction = NULL;
const char *what, *kind;
struct ref *rm;
char *url;
- const char *filename = (!write_fetch_head
- ? "/dev/null"
- : git_path_fetch_head(the_repository));
int want_status;
int summary_width = transport_summary_width(ref_map);
- fp = fopen(filename, "a");
- if (!fp)
- return error_errno(_("cannot open %s"), filename);
+ rc = open_fetch_head(&fetch_head);
+ if (rc)
+ return -1;
if (raw_url)
url = transport_anonymize_url(raw_url);
@@ -941,6 +1043,14 @@ static int store_updated_refs(const char *raw_url, const char *remote_name,
+ if (atomic_fetch) {
+ transaction = ref_transaction_begin(&err);
+ if (!transaction) {
+ error("%s", err.buf);
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ }
@@ -953,7 +1063,6 @@ static int store_updated_refs(const char *raw_url, const char *remote_name,
want_status++) {
for (rm = ref_map; rm; rm = rm->next) {
struct ref *ref = NULL;
- const char *merge_status_marker = "";
if (rm->status == REF_STATUS_REJECT_SHALLOW) {
if (want_status == FETCH_HEAD_MERGE)
@@ -1011,31 +1120,15 @@ static int store_updated_refs(const char *raw_url, const char *remote_name,
strbuf_addf(&note, "%s ", kind);
strbuf_addf(&note, "'%s' of ", what);
- switch (rm->fetch_head_status) {
- merge_status_marker = "not-for-merge";
- /* fall-through */
- fprintf(fp, "%s\t%s\t%s",
- oid_to_hex(&rm->old_oid),
- merge_status_marker,
- note.buf);
- for (i = 0; i < url_len; ++i)
- if ('\n' == url[i])
- fputs("\\n", fp);
- else
- fputc(url[i], fp);
- fputc('\n', fp);
- break;
- default:
- /* do not write anything to FETCH_HEAD */
- break;
- }
+ append_fetch_head(&fetch_head, &rm->old_oid,
+ rm->fetch_head_status,
+ note.buf, url, url_len);
if (ref) {
- rc |= update_local_ref(ref, what, rm, &note,
- summary_width);
+ rc |= update_local_ref(ref, transaction, what,
+ rm, &note, summary_width);
} else if (write_fetch_head || dry_run) {
@@ -1060,6 +1153,17 @@ static int store_updated_refs(const char *raw_url, const char *remote_name,
+ if (!rc && transaction) {
+ rc = ref_transaction_commit(transaction, &err);
+ if (rc) {
+ error("%s", err.buf);
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rc)
+ commit_fetch_head(&fetch_head);
error(_("some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
" 'git remote prune %s' to remove any old, conflicting "
@@ -1076,8 +1180,10 @@ static int store_updated_refs(const char *raw_url, const char *remote_name,
+ strbuf_release(&err);
+ ref_transaction_free(transaction);
- fclose(fp);
+ close_fetch_head(&fetch_head);
return rc;
@@ -1887,6 +1993,10 @@ int cmd_fetch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
die(_("--filter can only be used with the remote "
"configured in extensions.partialclone"));
+ if (atomic_fetch)
+ die(_("--atomic can only be used when fetching "
+ "from one remote"));
if (stdin_refspecs)
die(_("--stdin can only be used when fetching "
"from one remote"));
diff --git a/builtin/for-each-ref.c b/builtin/for-each-ref.c
index 9d1ecda2b8..cb9c81a046 100644
--- a/builtin/for-each-ref.c
+++ b/builtin/for-each-ref.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ int cmd_for_each_ref(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!sorting)
sorting = ref_default_sorting();
- ref_sorting_icase_all(sorting, icase);
+ ref_sorting_set_sort_flags_all(sorting, REF_SORTING_ICASE, icase);
filter.ignore_case = icase;
filter.name_patterns = argv;
diff --git a/builtin/for-each-repo.c b/builtin/for-each-repo.c
index 5bba623ff1..52be64a437 100644
--- a/builtin/for-each-repo.c
+++ b/builtin/for-each-repo.c
@@ -51,6 +51,13 @@ int cmd_for_each_repo(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
values = repo_config_get_value_multi(the_repository,
+ /*
+ * Do nothing on an empty list, which is equivalent to the case
+ * where the config variable does not exist at all.
+ */
+ if (!values)
+ return 0;
for (i = 0; !result && i < values->nr; i++)
result = run_command_on_repo(values->items[i].string, &args);
diff --git a/builtin/fsck.c b/builtin/fsck.c
index fbf26cafcf..821e7798c7 100644
--- a/builtin/fsck.c
+++ b/builtin/fsck.c
@@ -73,25 +73,7 @@ static const char *printable_type(const struct object_id *oid,
static int fsck_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
- if (strcmp(var, "fsck.skiplist") == 0) {
- const char *path;
- struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
- if (git_config_pathname(&path, var, value))
- return 1;
- strbuf_addf(&sb, "skiplist=%s", path);
- free((char *)path);
- fsck_set_msg_types(&fsck_obj_options, sb.buf);
- strbuf_release(&sb);
- return 0;
- }
- if (skip_prefix(var, "fsck.", &var)) {
- fsck_set_msg_type(&fsck_obj_options, var, value);
- return 0;
- }
- return git_default_config(var, value, cb);
+ return fsck_config_internal(var, value, cb, &fsck_obj_options);
static int objerror(struct object *obj, const char *err)
diff --git a/builtin/gc.c b/builtin/gc.c
index 4c24f41852..4c40594d66 100644
--- a/builtin/gc.c
+++ b/builtin/gc.c
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static void process_log_file(void)
int saved_errno = errno;
fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to fstat %s: %s"),
- get_tempfile_path(log_lock.tempfile),
+ get_lock_file_path(&log_lock),
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ static uint64_t estimate_repack_memory(struct packed_git *pack)
/* and then obj_hash[], underestimated in fact */
heap += sizeof(struct object *) * nr_objects;
/* revindex is used also */
- heap += sizeof(struct revindex_entry) * nr_objects;
+ heap += (sizeof(off_t) + sizeof(uint32_t)) * nr_objects;
* read_sha1_file() (either at delta calculation phase, or
* writing phase) also fills up the delta base cache
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ static int dfs_on_ref(const char *refname,
struct commit_list *stack = NULL;
struct commit *commit;
- if (!peel_ref(refname, &peeled))
+ if (!peel_iterated_oid(oid, &peeled))
oid = &peeled;
if (oid_object_info(the_repository, oid, NULL) != OBJ_COMMIT)
return 0;
@@ -897,6 +897,12 @@ static int maintenance_task_prefetch(struct maintenance_run_opts *opts)
struct string_list_item *item;
struct string_list remotes = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
+ git_config_set_multivar_gently("log.excludedecoration",
+ "refs/prefetch/",
+ "refs/prefetch/",
if (for_each_remote(append_remote, &remotes)) {
error(_("failed to fill remotes"));
result = 1;
@@ -1493,38 +1499,368 @@ static int maintenance_unregister(void)
return run_command(&config_unset);
+static const char *get_frequency(enum schedule_priority schedule)
+ switch (schedule) {
+ return "hourly";
+ return "daily";
+ return "weekly";
+ default:
+ BUG("invalid schedule %d", schedule);
+ }
+static char *launchctl_service_name(const char *frequency)
+ struct strbuf label = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strbuf_addf(&label, "org.git-scm.git.%s", frequency);
+ return strbuf_detach(&label, NULL);
+static char *launchctl_service_filename(const char *name)
+ char *expanded;
+ struct strbuf filename = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strbuf_addf(&filename, "~/Library/LaunchAgents/%s.plist", name);
+ expanded = expand_user_path(filename.buf, 1);
+ if (!expanded)
+ die(_("failed to expand path '%s'"), filename.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&filename);
+ return expanded;
+static char *launchctl_get_uid(void)
+ return xstrfmt("gui/%d", getuid());
+static int launchctl_boot_plist(int enable, const char *filename, const char *cmd)
+ int result;
+ struct child_process child = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+ char *uid = launchctl_get_uid();
+ strvec_split(&child.args, cmd);
+ if (enable)
+ strvec_push(&child.args, "bootstrap");
+ else
+ strvec_push(&child.args, "bootout");
+ strvec_push(&child.args, uid);
+ strvec_push(&child.args, filename);
+ child.no_stderr = 1;
+ child.no_stdout = 1;
+ if (start_command(&child))
+ die(_("failed to start launchctl"));
+ result = finish_command(&child);
+ free(uid);
+ return result;
+static int launchctl_remove_plist(enum schedule_priority schedule, const char *cmd)
+ const char *frequency = get_frequency(schedule);
+ char *name = launchctl_service_name(frequency);
+ char *filename = launchctl_service_filename(name);
+ int result = launchctl_boot_plist(0, filename, cmd);
+ unlink(filename);
+ free(filename);
+ free(name);
+ return result;
+static int launchctl_remove_plists(const char *cmd)
+ return launchctl_remove_plist(SCHEDULE_HOURLY, cmd) ||
+ launchctl_remove_plist(SCHEDULE_DAILY, cmd) ||
+ launchctl_remove_plist(SCHEDULE_WEEKLY, cmd);
+static int launchctl_schedule_plist(const char *exec_path, enum schedule_priority schedule, const char *cmd)
+ FILE *plist;
+ int i;
+ const char *preamble, *repeat;
+ const char *frequency = get_frequency(schedule);
+ char *name = launchctl_service_name(frequency);
+ char *filename = launchctl_service_filename(name);
+ if (safe_create_leading_directories(filename))
+ die(_("failed to create directories for '%s'"), filename);
+ plist = xfopen(filename, "w");
+ preamble = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
+ "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">\n"
+ "<plist version=\"1.0\">"
+ "<dict>\n"
+ "<key>Label</key><string>%s</string>\n"
+ "<key>ProgramArguments</key>\n"
+ "<array>\n"
+ "<string>%s/git</string>\n"
+ "<string>--exec-path=%s</string>\n"
+ "<string>for-each-repo</string>\n"
+ "<string>--config=maintenance.repo</string>\n"
+ "<string>maintenance</string>\n"
+ "<string>run</string>\n"
+ "<string>--schedule=%s</string>\n"
+ "</array>\n"
+ "<key>StartCalendarInterval</key>\n"
+ "<array>\n";
+ fprintf(plist, preamble, name, exec_path, exec_path, frequency);
+ switch (schedule) {
+ repeat = "<dict>\n"
+ "<key>Hour</key><integer>%d</integer>\n"
+ "<key>Minute</key><integer>0</integer>\n"
+ "</dict>\n";
+ for (i = 1; i <= 23; i++)
+ fprintf(plist, repeat, i);
+ break;
+ repeat = "<dict>\n"
+ "<key>Day</key><integer>%d</integer>\n"
+ "<key>Hour</key><integer>0</integer>\n"
+ "<key>Minute</key><integer>0</integer>\n"
+ "</dict>\n";
+ for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
+ fprintf(plist, repeat, i);
+ break;
+ fprintf(plist,
+ "<dict>\n"
+ "<key>Day</key><integer>0</integer>\n"
+ "<key>Hour</key><integer>0</integer>\n"
+ "<key>Minute</key><integer>0</integer>\n"
+ "</dict>\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* unreachable */
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf(plist, "</array>\n</dict>\n</plist>\n");
+ fclose(plist);
+ /* bootout might fail if not already running, so ignore */
+ launchctl_boot_plist(0, filename, cmd);
+ if (launchctl_boot_plist(1, filename, cmd))
+ die(_("failed to bootstrap service %s"), filename);
+ free(filename);
+ free(name);
+ return 0;
+static int launchctl_add_plists(const char *cmd)
+ const char *exec_path = git_exec_path();
+ return launchctl_schedule_plist(exec_path, SCHEDULE_HOURLY, cmd) ||
+ launchctl_schedule_plist(exec_path, SCHEDULE_DAILY, cmd) ||
+ launchctl_schedule_plist(exec_path, SCHEDULE_WEEKLY, cmd);
+static int launchctl_update_schedule(int run_maintenance, int fd, const char *cmd)
+ if (run_maintenance)
+ return launchctl_add_plists(cmd);
+ else
+ return launchctl_remove_plists(cmd);
+static char *schtasks_task_name(const char *frequency)
+ struct strbuf label = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strbuf_addf(&label, "Git Maintenance (%s)", frequency);
+ return strbuf_detach(&label, NULL);
+static int schtasks_remove_task(enum schedule_priority schedule, const char *cmd)
+ int result;
+ struct strvec args = STRVEC_INIT;
+ const char *frequency = get_frequency(schedule);
+ char *name = schtasks_task_name(frequency);
+ strvec_split(&args, cmd);
+ strvec_pushl(&args, "/delete", "/tn", name, "/f", NULL);
+ result = run_command_v_opt(args.v, 0);
+ strvec_clear(&args);
+ free(name);
+ return result;
+static int schtasks_remove_tasks(const char *cmd)
+ return schtasks_remove_task(SCHEDULE_HOURLY, cmd) ||
+ schtasks_remove_task(SCHEDULE_DAILY, cmd) ||
+ schtasks_remove_task(SCHEDULE_WEEKLY, cmd);
+static int schtasks_schedule_task(const char *exec_path, enum schedule_priority schedule, const char *cmd)
+ int result;
+ struct child_process child = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+ const char *xml;
+ struct tempfile *tfile;
+ const char *frequency = get_frequency(schedule);
+ char *name = schtasks_task_name(frequency);
+ struct strbuf tfilename = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strbuf_addf(&tfilename, "%s/schedule_%s_XXXXXX",
+ get_git_common_dir(), frequency);
+ tfile = xmks_tempfile(tfilename.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&tfilename);
+ if (!fdopen_tempfile(tfile, "w"))
+ die(_("failed to create temp xml file"));
+ xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n"
+ "<Task version=\"1.4\" xmlns=\"\">\n"
+ "<Triggers>\n"
+ "<CalendarTrigger>\n";
+ fputs(xml, tfile->fp);
+ switch (schedule) {
+ fprintf(tfile->fp,
+ "<StartBoundary>2020-01-01T01:00:00</StartBoundary>\n"
+ "<Enabled>true</Enabled>\n"
+ "<ScheduleByDay>\n"
+ "<DaysInterval>1</DaysInterval>\n"
+ "</ScheduleByDay>\n"
+ "<Repetition>\n"
+ "<Interval>PT1H</Interval>\n"
+ "<Duration>PT23H</Duration>\n"
+ "<StopAtDurationEnd>false</StopAtDurationEnd>\n"
+ "</Repetition>\n");
+ break;
+ fprintf(tfile->fp,
+ "<StartBoundary>2020-01-01T00:00:00</StartBoundary>\n"
+ "<Enabled>true</Enabled>\n"
+ "<ScheduleByWeek>\n"
+ "<DaysOfWeek>\n"
+ "<Monday />\n"
+ "<Tuesday />\n"
+ "<Wednesday />\n"
+ "<Thursday />\n"
+ "<Friday />\n"
+ "<Saturday />\n"
+ "</DaysOfWeek>\n"
+ "<WeeksInterval>1</WeeksInterval>\n"
+ "</ScheduleByWeek>\n");
+ break;
+ fprintf(tfile->fp,
+ "<StartBoundary>2020-01-01T00:00:00</StartBoundary>\n"
+ "<Enabled>true</Enabled>\n"
+ "<ScheduleByWeek>\n"
+ "<DaysOfWeek>\n"
+ "<Sunday />\n"
+ "</DaysOfWeek>\n"
+ "<WeeksInterval>1</WeeksInterval>\n"
+ "</ScheduleByWeek>\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ xml = "</CalendarTrigger>\n"
+ "</Triggers>\n"
+ "<Principals>\n"
+ "<Principal id=\"Author\">\n"
+ "<LogonType>InteractiveToken</LogonType>\n"
+ "<RunLevel>LeastPrivilege</RunLevel>\n"
+ "</Principal>\n"
+ "</Principals>\n"
+ "<Settings>\n"
+ "<MultipleInstancesPolicy>IgnoreNew</MultipleInstancesPolicy>\n"
+ "<Enabled>true</Enabled>\n"
+ "<Hidden>true</Hidden>\n"
+ "<UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine>true</UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine>\n"
+ "<WakeToRun>false</WakeToRun>\n"
+ "<ExecutionTimeLimit>PT72H</ExecutionTimeLimit>\n"
+ "<Priority>7</Priority>\n"
+ "</Settings>\n"
+ "<Actions Context=\"Author\">\n"
+ "<Exec>\n"
+ "<Command>\"%s\\git.exe\"</Command>\n"
+ "<Arguments>--exec-path=\"%s\" for-each-repo --config=maintenance.repo maintenance run --schedule=%s</Arguments>\n"
+ "</Exec>\n"
+ "</Actions>\n"
+ "</Task>\n";
+ fprintf(tfile->fp, xml, exec_path, exec_path, frequency);
+ strvec_split(&child.args, cmd);
+ strvec_pushl(&child.args, "/create", "/tn", name, "/f", "/xml",
+ get_tempfile_path(tfile), NULL);
+ close_tempfile_gently(tfile);
+ child.no_stdout = 1;
+ child.no_stderr = 1;
+ if (start_command(&child))
+ die(_("failed to start schtasks"));
+ result = finish_command(&child);
+ delete_tempfile(&tfile);
+ free(name);
+ return result;
+static int schtasks_schedule_tasks(const char *cmd)
+ const char *exec_path = git_exec_path();
+ return schtasks_schedule_task(exec_path, SCHEDULE_HOURLY, cmd) ||
+ schtasks_schedule_task(exec_path, SCHEDULE_DAILY, cmd) ||
+ schtasks_schedule_task(exec_path, SCHEDULE_WEEKLY, cmd);
+static int schtasks_update_schedule(int run_maintenance, int fd, const char *cmd)
+ if (run_maintenance)
+ return schtasks_schedule_tasks(cmd);
+ else
+ return schtasks_remove_tasks(cmd);
-static int update_background_schedule(int run_maintenance)
+static int crontab_update_schedule(int run_maintenance, int fd, const char *cmd)
int result = 0;
int in_old_region = 0;
struct child_process crontab_list = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
struct child_process crontab_edit = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
FILE *cron_list, *cron_in;
- const char *crontab_name;
struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
- struct lock_file lk;
- char *lock_path = xstrfmt("%s/schedule", the_repository->objects->odb->path);
- if (hold_lock_file_for_update(&lk, lock_path, LOCK_NO_DEREF) < 0)
- return error(_("another process is scheduling background maintenance"));
- crontab_name = getenv("GIT_TEST_CRONTAB");
- if (!crontab_name)
- crontab_name = "crontab";
- strvec_split(&crontab_list.args, crontab_name);
+ strvec_split(&crontab_list.args, cmd);
strvec_push(&crontab_list.args, "-l"); = -1;
- crontab_list.out = dup(lk.tempfile->fd);
+ crontab_list.out = dup(fd);
crontab_list.git_cmd = 0;
- if (start_command(&crontab_list)) {
- result = error(_("failed to run 'crontab -l'; your system might not support 'cron'"));
- goto cleanup;
- }
+ if (start_command(&crontab_list))
+ return error(_("failed to run 'crontab -l'; your system might not support 'cron'"));
/* Ignore exit code, as an empty crontab will return error. */
@@ -1533,17 +1869,15 @@ static int update_background_schedule(int run_maintenance)
* Read from the .lock file, filtering out the old
* schedule while appending the new schedule.
- cron_list = fdopen(lk.tempfile->fd, "r");
+ cron_list = fdopen(fd, "r");
- strvec_split(&crontab_edit.args, crontab_name);
+ strvec_split(&crontab_edit.args, cmd); = -1;
crontab_edit.git_cmd = 0;
- if (start_command(&crontab_edit)) {
- result = error(_("failed to run 'crontab'; your system might not support 'cron'"));
- goto cleanup;
- }
+ if (start_command(&crontab_edit))
+ return error(_("failed to run 'crontab'; your system might not support 'cron'"));
cron_in = fdopen(, "w");
if (!cron_in) {
@@ -1587,14 +1921,54 @@ static int update_background_schedule(int run_maintenance)
- if (finish_command(&crontab_edit)) {
+ if (finish_command(&crontab_edit))
result = error(_("'crontab' died"));
- goto cleanup;
+ else
+ fclose(cron_list);
+ return result;
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+static const char platform_scheduler[] = "launchctl";
+#elif defined(GIT_WINDOWS_NATIVE)
+static const char platform_scheduler[] = "schtasks";
+static const char platform_scheduler[] = "crontab";
+static int update_background_schedule(int enable)
+ int result;
+ const char *scheduler = platform_scheduler;
+ const char *cmd = scheduler;
+ char *testing;
+ struct lock_file lk;
+ char *lock_path = xstrfmt("%s/schedule", the_repository->objects->odb->path);
+ testing = xstrdup_or_null(getenv("GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER"));
+ if (testing) {
+ char *sep = strchr(testing, ':');
+ if (!sep)
+ die("GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER unparseable: %s", testing);
+ *sep = '\0';
+ scheduler = testing;
+ cmd = sep + 1;
- fclose(cron_list);
+ if (hold_lock_file_for_update(&lk, lock_path, LOCK_NO_DEREF) < 0)
+ return error(_("another process is scheduling background maintenance"));
+ if (!strcmp(scheduler, "launchctl"))
+ result = launchctl_update_schedule(enable, get_lock_file_fd(&lk), cmd);
+ else if (!strcmp(scheduler, "schtasks"))
+ result = schtasks_update_schedule(enable, get_lock_file_fd(&lk), cmd);
+ else if (!strcmp(scheduler, "crontab"))
+ result = crontab_update_schedule(enable, get_lock_file_fd(&lk), cmd);
+ else
+ die("unknown background scheduler: %s", scheduler);
+ free(testing);
return result;
diff --git a/builtin/grep.c b/builtin/grep.c
index ca259af441..55d06c9513 100644
--- a/builtin/grep.c
+++ b/builtin/grep.c
@@ -216,8 +216,6 @@ static void start_threads(struct grep_opt *opt)
int err;
struct grep_opt *o = grep_opt_dup(opt);
o->output = strbuf_out;
- if (i)
- o->debug = 0;
err = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, run, o);
@@ -936,9 +934,6 @@ int cmd_grep(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
N_("indicate hit with exit status without output")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "all-match", &opt.all_match,
N_("show only matches from files that match all patterns")),
- OPT_SET_INT_F(0, "debug", &opt.debug,
- N_("show parse tree for grep expression"),
{ OPTION_STRING, 'O', "open-files-in-pager", &show_in_pager,
N_("pager"), N_("show matching files in the pager"),
diff --git a/builtin/index-pack.c b/builtin/index-pack.c
index 4b8d86e0ad..557bd2f348 100644
--- a/builtin/index-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/index-pack.c
@@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@ static void read_idx_option(struct pack_idx_option *opts, const char *pack_name)
* Get rid of the idx file as we do not need it anymore.
* NEEDSWORK: extract this bit from free_pack_by_name() in
- * sha1-file.c, perhaps? It shouldn't matter very much as we
+ * object-file.c, perhaps? It shouldn't matter very much as we
* know we haven't installed this pack (hence we never have
* read anything from it).
diff --git a/builtin/log.c b/builtin/log.c
index bd6ff4f9f9..d0cbaaf68a 100644
--- a/builtin/log.c
+++ b/builtin/log.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "color.h"
#include "commit.h"
#include "diff.h"
+#include "diff-merges.h"
#include "revision.h"
#include "log-tree.h"
#include "builtin.h"
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ static void cmd_log_init_finish(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix,
const struct option builtin_log_options[] = {
OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("suppress diff output")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "source", &source, N_("show source")),
- OPT_BOOL(0, "use-mailmap", &mailmap, N_("Use mail map file")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "use-mailmap", &mailmap, N_("use mail map file")),
OPT_ALIAS(0, "mailmap", "use-mailmap"),
OPT_STRING_LIST(0, "decorate-refs", &decorate_refs_include,
N_("pattern"), N_("only decorate refs that match <pattern>")),
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ static void cmd_log_init_finish(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix,
OPT_CALLBACK_F(0, "decorate", NULL, NULL, N_("decorate options"),
PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, decorate_callback),
OPT_CALLBACK('L', NULL, &line_cb, "range:file",
- N_("Trace the evolution of line range <start>,<end> or function :<funcname> in <file>"),
+ N_("trace the evolution of line range <start>,<end> or function :<funcname> in <file>"),
@@ -230,7 +231,7 @@ static void cmd_log_init_finish(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix,
if (mailmap) {
rev->mailmap = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct string_list));
- read_mailmap(rev->mailmap, NULL);
+ read_mailmap(rev->mailmap);
if (rev->pretty_given && rev->commit_format == CMIT_FMT_RAW) {
@@ -607,15 +608,10 @@ static int show_tree_object(const struct object_id *oid,
static void show_setup_revisions_tweak(struct rev_info *rev,
struct setup_revision_opt *opt)
- if (rev->ignore_merges < 0) {
- /* There was no "-m" variant on the command line */
- rev->ignore_merges = 0;
- if (!rev->first_parent_only && !rev->combine_merges) {
- /* No "--first-parent", "-c", or "--cc" */
- rev->combine_merges = 1;
- rev->dense_combined_merges = 1;
- }
- }
+ if (rev->first_parent_only)
+ diff_merges_default_to_first_parent(rev);
+ else
+ diff_merges_default_to_dense_combined(rev);
if (!rev->diffopt.output_format)
rev->diffopt.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH;
@@ -736,12 +732,8 @@ static void log_setup_revisions_tweak(struct rev_info *rev,
rev-> == 1)
rev->diffopt.flags.follow_renames = 1;
- /* Turn --cc/-c into -p --cc/-c when -p was not given */
- if (!rev->diffopt.output_format && rev->combine_merges)
- rev->diffopt.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH;
- if (rev->first_parent_only && rev->ignore_merges < 0)
- rev->ignore_merges = 0;
+ if (rev->first_parent_only)
+ diff_merges_default_to_first_parent(rev);
int cmd_log(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
@@ -1757,13 +1749,13 @@ int cmd_format_patch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
OPT_INTEGER(0, "filename-max-length", &fmt_patch_name_max,
N_("max length of output filename")),
OPT_CALLBACK_F(0, "rfc", &rev, NULL,
- N_("Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"),
+ N_("use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"),
OPT_STRING(0, "cover-from-description", &cover_from_description_arg,
N_("generate parts of a cover letter based on a branch's description")),
OPT_CALLBACK_F(0, "subject-prefix", &rev, N_("prefix"),
- N_("Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"),
+ N_("use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"),
PARSE_OPT_NONEG, subject_prefix_callback),
OPT_CALLBACK_F('o', "output-directory", &output_directory,
N_("dir"), N_("store resulting files in <dir>"),
diff --git a/builtin/ls-files.c b/builtin/ls-files.c
index c8eae899b8..f6f9e483b2 100644
--- a/builtin/ls-files.c
+++ b/builtin/ls-files.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ static int line_terminator = '\n';
static int debug_mode;
static int show_eol;
static int recurse_submodules;
+static int skipping_duplicates;
static const char *prefix;
static int max_prefix_len;
@@ -312,45 +313,59 @@ static void show_files(struct repository *repo, struct dir_struct *dir)
if (show_killed)
show_killed_files(repo->index, dir);
- if (show_cached || show_stage) {
- for (i = 0; i < repo->index->cache_nr; i++) {
- const struct cache_entry *ce = repo->index->cache[i];
- construct_fullname(&fullname, repo, ce);
+ if (!(show_cached || show_stage || show_deleted || show_modified))
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < repo->index->cache_nr; i++) {
+ const struct cache_entry *ce = repo->index->cache[i];
+ struct stat st;
+ int stat_err;
- if ((dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED) &&
- !ce_excluded(dir, repo->index, fullname.buf, ce))
- continue;
- if (show_unmerged && !ce_stage(ce))
- continue;
- if (ce->ce_flags & CE_UPDATE)
- continue;
+ construct_fullname(&fullname, repo, ce);
+ if ((dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED) &&
+ !ce_excluded(dir, repo->index, fullname.buf, ce))
+ continue;
+ if (ce->ce_flags & CE_UPDATE)
+ continue;
+ if ((show_cached || show_stage) &&
+ (!show_unmerged || ce_stage(ce))) {
show_ce(repo, dir, ce, fullname.buf,
ce_stage(ce) ? tag_unmerged :
(ce_skip_worktree(ce) ? tag_skip_worktree :
+ if (skipping_duplicates)
+ goto skip_to_next_name;
- }
- if (show_deleted || show_modified) {
- for (i = 0; i < repo->index->cache_nr; i++) {
- const struct cache_entry *ce = repo->index->cache[i];
- struct stat st;
- int err;
- construct_fullname(&fullname, repo, ce);
- if ((dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED) &&
- !ce_excluded(dir, repo->index, fullname.buf, ce))
- continue;
- if (ce->ce_flags & CE_UPDATE)
- continue;
- if (ce_skip_worktree(ce))
- continue;
- err = lstat(fullname.buf, &st);
- if (show_deleted && err)
- show_ce(repo, dir, ce, fullname.buf, tag_removed);
- if (show_modified && ie_modified(repo->index, ce, &st, 0))
- show_ce(repo, dir, ce, fullname.buf, tag_modified);
+ if (!(show_deleted || show_modified))
+ continue;
+ if (ce_skip_worktree(ce))
+ continue;
+ stat_err = lstat(fullname.buf, &st);
+ if (stat_err && (errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR))
+ error_errno("cannot lstat '%s'", fullname.buf);
+ if (stat_err && show_deleted) {
+ show_ce(repo, dir, ce, fullname.buf, tag_removed);
+ if (skipping_duplicates)
+ goto skip_to_next_name;
+ }
+ if (show_modified &&
+ (stat_err || ie_modified(repo->index, ce, &st, 0))) {
+ show_ce(repo, dir, ce, fullname.buf, tag_modified);
+ if (skipping_duplicates)
+ goto skip_to_next_name;
+ }
+ continue;
+ {
+ int j;
+ struct cache_entry **cache = repo->index->cache;
+ for (j = i + 1; j < repo->index->cache_nr; j++)
+ if (strcmp(ce->name, cache[j]->name))
+ break;
+ i = j - 1; /* compensate for the for loop */
@@ -578,6 +593,8 @@ int cmd_ls_files(int argc, const char **argv, const char *cmd_prefix)
N_("pretend that paths removed since <tree-ish> are still present")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "debug", &debug_mode, N_("show debugging data")),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "deduplicate", &skipping_duplicates,
+ N_("suppress duplicate entries")),
@@ -617,6 +634,8 @@ int cmd_ls_files(int argc, const char **argv, const char *cmd_prefix)
* you also show the stage information.
show_stage = 1;
+ if (show_tag || show_stage)
+ skipping_duplicates = 0;
if (dir.exclude_per_dir)
exc_given = 1;
diff --git a/builtin/merge.c b/builtin/merge.c
index 1cff730715..eb00b273e6 100644
--- a/builtin/merge.c
+++ b/builtin/merge.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "lockfile.h"
#include "run-command.h"
#include "diff.h"
+#include "diff-merges.h"
#include "refs.h"
#include "refspec.h"
#include "commit.h"
@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ static void squash_message(struct commit *commit, struct commit_list *remotehead
printf(_("Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"));
repo_init_revisions(the_repository, &rev, NULL);
- rev.ignore_merges = 1;
+ diff_merges_suppress(&rev);
rev.commit_format = CMIT_FMT_MEDIUM;
commit->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
diff --git a/builtin/mktag.c b/builtin/mktag.c
index 4982d3a93e..41a399a69e 100644
--- a/builtin/mktag.c
+++ b/builtin/mktag.c
@@ -1,179 +1,110 @@
#include "builtin.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "replace-object.h"
#include "object-store.h"
+#include "fsck.h"
+#include "config.h"
- * A signature file has a very simple fixed format: four lines
- * of "object <sha1>" + "type <typename>" + "tag <tagname>" +
- * "tagger <committer>", followed by a blank line, a free-form tag
- * message and a signature block that git itself doesn't care about,
- * but that can be verified with gpg or similar.
- *
- * The first four lines are guaranteed to be at least 83 bytes:
- * "object <sha1>\n" is 48 bytes, "type tag\n" at 9 bytes is the
- * shortest possible type-line, "tag .\n" at 6 bytes is the shortest
- * single-character-tag line, and "tagger . <> 0 +0000\n" at 20 bytes is
- * the shortest possible tagger-line.
- */
- * We refuse to tag something we can't verify. Just because.
- */
-static int verify_object(const struct object_id *oid, const char *expected_type)
+static char const * const builtin_mktag_usage[] = {
+ N_("git mktag"),
+static int option_strict = 1;
+static struct fsck_options fsck_options = FSCK_OPTIONS_STRICT;
+static int mktag_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
- int ret = -1;
- enum object_type type;
- unsigned long size;
- void *buffer = read_object_file(oid, &type, &size);
- const struct object_id *repl = lookup_replace_object(the_repository, oid);
- if (buffer) {
- if (type == type_from_string(expected_type)) {
- ret = check_object_signature(the_repository, repl,
- buffer, size,
- expected_type);
+ return fsck_config_internal(var, value, cb, &fsck_options);
+static int mktag_fsck_error_func(struct fsck_options *o,
+ const struct object_id *oid,
+ enum object_type object_type,
+ int msg_type, const char *message)
+ switch (msg_type) {
+ case FSCK_WARN:
+ if (!option_strict) {
+ fprintf_ln(stderr, _("warning: tag input does not pass fsck: %s"), message);
+ return 0;
- free(buffer);
+ /* fallthrough */
+ case FSCK_ERROR:
+ /*
+ * We treat both warnings and errors as errors, things
+ * like missing "tagger" lines are "only" warnings
+ * under fsck, we've always considered them an error.
+ */
+ fprintf_ln(stderr, _("error: tag input does not pass fsck: %s"), message);
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ BUG(_("%d (FSCK_IGNORE?) should never trigger this callback"),
+ msg_type);
- return ret;
-static int verify_tag(char *buffer, unsigned long size)
+static int verify_object_in_tag(struct object_id *tagged_oid, int *tagged_type)
- int typelen;
- char type[20];
- struct object_id oid;
- const char *object, *type_line, *tag_line, *tagger_line, *lb, *rb, *p;
- size_t len;
- if (size < 84)
- return error("wanna fool me ? you obviously got the size wrong !");
- buffer[size] = 0;
- /* Verify object line */
- object = buffer;
- if (memcmp(object, "object ", 7))
- return error("char%d: does not start with \"object \"", 0);
- if (parse_oid_hex(object + 7, &oid, &p))
- return error("char%d: could not get SHA1 hash", 7);
- /* Verify type line */
- type_line = p + 1;
- if (memcmp(type_line - 1, "\ntype ", 6))
- return error("char%d: could not find \"\\ntype \"", 47);
- /* Verify tag-line */
- tag_line = strchr(type_line, '\n');
- if (!tag_line)
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": could not find next \"\\n\"",
- (uintmax_t) (type_line - buffer));
- tag_line++;
- if (memcmp(tag_line, "tag ", 4) || tag_line[4] == '\n')
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": no \"tag \" found",
- (uintmax_t) (tag_line - buffer));
- /* Get the actual type */
- typelen = tag_line - type_line - strlen("type \n");
- if (typelen >= sizeof(type))
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": type too long",
- (uintmax_t) (type_line+5 - buffer));
- memcpy(type, type_line+5, typelen);
- type[typelen] = 0;
- /* Verify that the object matches */
- if (verify_object(&oid, type))
- return error("char%d: could not verify object %s", 7, oid_to_hex(&oid));
- /* Verify the tag-name: we don't allow control characters or spaces in it */
- tag_line += 4;
- for (;;) {
- unsigned char c = *tag_line++;
- if (c == '\n')
- break;
- if (c > ' ')
- continue;
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": could not verify tag name",
- (uintmax_t) (tag_line - buffer));
- }
+ int ret;
+ enum object_type type;
+ unsigned long size;
+ void *buffer;
+ const struct object_id *repl;
+ buffer = read_object_file(tagged_oid, &type, &size);
+ if (!buffer)
+ die(_("could not read tagged object '%s'"),
+ oid_to_hex(tagged_oid));
+ if (type != *tagged_type)
+ die(_("object '%s' tagged as '%s', but is a '%s' type"),
+ oid_to_hex(tagged_oid),
+ type_name(*tagged_type), type_name(type));
+ repl = lookup_replace_object(the_repository, tagged_oid);
+ ret = check_object_signature(the_repository, repl,
+ buffer, size, type_name(*tagged_type));
+ free(buffer);
- /* Verify the tagger line */
- tagger_line = tag_line;
- if (memcmp(tagger_line, "tagger ", 7))
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": could not find \"tagger \"",
- (uintmax_t) (tagger_line - buffer));
- /*
- * Check for correct form for name and email
- * i.e. " <" followed by "> " on _this_ line
- * No angle brackets within the name or email address fields.
- * No spaces within the email address field.
- */
- tagger_line += 7;
- if (!(lb = strstr(tagger_line, " <")) || !(rb = strstr(lb+2, "> ")) ||
- strpbrk(tagger_line, "<>\n") != lb+1 ||
- strpbrk(lb+2, "><\n ") != rb)
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": malformed tagger field",
- (uintmax_t) (tagger_line - buffer));
- /* Check for author name, at least one character, space is acceptable */
- if (lb == tagger_line)
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": missing tagger name",
- (uintmax_t) (tagger_line - buffer));
- /* timestamp, 1 or more digits followed by space */
- tagger_line = rb + 2;
- if (!(len = strspn(tagger_line, "0123456789")))
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": missing tag timestamp",
- (uintmax_t) (tagger_line - buffer));
- tagger_line += len;
- if (*tagger_line != ' ')
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": malformed tag timestamp",
- (uintmax_t) (tagger_line - buffer));
- tagger_line++;
- /* timezone, 5 digits [+-]hhmm, max. 1400 */
- if (!((tagger_line[0] == '+' || tagger_line[0] == '-') &&
- strspn(tagger_line+1, "0123456789") == 4 &&
- tagger_line[5] == '\n' && atoi(tagger_line+1) <= 1400))
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": malformed tag timezone",
- (uintmax_t) (tagger_line - buffer));
- tagger_line += 6;
- /* Verify the blank line separating the header from the body */
- if (*tagger_line != '\n')
- return error("char%"PRIuMAX": trailing garbage in tag header",
- (uintmax_t) (tagger_line - buffer));
- /* The actual stuff afterwards we don't care about.. */
- return 0;
+ return ret;
int cmd_mktag(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+ static struct option builtin_mktag_options[] = {
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "strict", &option_strict,
+ N_("enable more strict checking")),
+ OPT_END(),
+ };
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct object_id tagged_oid;
+ int tagged_type;
struct object_id result;
- if (argc != 1)
- usage("git mktag");
+ argc = parse_options(argc, argv, NULL,
+ builtin_mktag_options,
+ builtin_mktag_usage, 0);
- if (strbuf_read(&buf, 0, 4096) < 0) {
- die_errno("could not read from stdin");
- }
+ if (strbuf_read(&buf, 0, 0) < 0)
+ die_errno(_("could not read from stdin"));
+ fsck_options.error_func = mktag_fsck_error_func;
+ fsck_set_msg_type(&fsck_options, "extraheaderentry", "warn");
+ /* config might set fsck.extraHeaderEntry=* again */
+ git_config(mktag_config, NULL);
+ if (fsck_tag_standalone(NULL, buf.buf, buf.len, &fsck_options,
+ &tagged_oid, &tagged_type))
+ die(_("tag on stdin did not pass our strict fsck check"));
- /* Verify it for some basic sanity: it needs to start with
- "object <sha1>\ntype\ntagger " */
- if (verify_tag(buf.buf, buf.len) < 0)
- die("invalid tag signature file");
+ if (verify_object_in_tag(&tagged_oid, &tagged_type))
+ die(_("tag on stdin did not refer to a valid object"));
if (write_object_file(buf.buf, buf.len, tag_type, &result) < 0)
- die("unable to write tag file");
+ die(_("unable to write tag file"));
- printf("%s\n", oid_to_hex(&result));
+ puts(oid_to_hex(&result));
return 0;
diff --git a/builtin/name-rev.c b/builtin/name-rev.c
index 725dd04519..b221d30014 100644
--- a/builtin/name-rev.c
+++ b/builtin/name-rev.c
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include "refs.h"
#include "parse-options.h"
#include "prio-queue.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
#include "commit-slab.h"
@@ -390,10 +390,10 @@ static void name_tips(void)
-static const unsigned char *nth_tip_table_ent(size_t ix, void *table_)
+static const struct object_id *nth_tip_table_ent(size_t ix, const void *table_)
- struct tip_table_entry *table = table_;
- return table[ix].oid.hash;
+ const struct tip_table_entry *table = table_;
+ return &table[ix].oid;
static const char *get_exact_ref_match(const struct object *o)
@@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ static const char *get_exact_ref_match(const struct object *o)
tip_table.sorted = 1;
- found = sha1_pos(o->oid.hash, tip_table.table,,
- nth_tip_table_ent);
+ found = oid_pos(&o->oid, tip_table.table,,
+ nth_tip_table_ent);
if (0 <= found)
return tip_table.table[found].refname;
return NULL;
diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index 2a00358f34..13cde5896a 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ static off_t write_reuse_object(struct hashfile *f, struct object_entry *entry,
struct packed_git *p = IN_PACK(entry);
struct pack_window *w_curs = NULL;
- struct revindex_entry *revidx;
+ uint32_t pos;
off_t offset;
enum object_type type = oe_type(entry);
off_t datalen;
@@ -436,10 +436,15 @@ static off_t write_reuse_object(struct hashfile *f, struct object_entry *entry,
type, entry_size);
offset = entry->in_pack_offset;
- revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, offset);
- datalen = revidx[1].offset - offset;
+ if (offset_to_pack_pos(p, offset, &pos) < 0)
+ die(_("write_reuse_object: could not locate %s, expected at "
+ "offset %"PRIuMAX" in pack %s"),
+ oid_to_hex(&entry->idx.oid), (uintmax_t)offset,
+ p->pack_name);
+ datalen = pack_pos_to_offset(p, pos + 1) - offset;
if (!pack_to_stdout && p->index_version > 1 &&
- check_pack_crc(p, &w_curs, offset, datalen, revidx->nr)) {
+ check_pack_crc(p, &w_curs, offset, datalen,
+ pack_pos_to_index(p, pos))) {
error(_("bad packed object CRC for %s"),
@@ -629,7 +634,7 @@ static int mark_tagged(const char *path, const struct object_id *oid, int flag,
if (entry)
entry->tagged = 1;
- if (!peel_ref(path, &peeled)) {
+ if (!peel_iterated_oid(oid, &peeled)) {
entry = packlist_find(&to_pack, &peeled);
if (entry)
entry->tagged = 1;
@@ -863,8 +868,8 @@ static void write_reused_pack_one(size_t pos, struct hashfile *out,
enum object_type type;
unsigned long size;
- offset = reuse_packfile->revindex[pos].offset;
- next = reuse_packfile->revindex[pos + 1].offset;
+ offset = pack_pos_to_offset(reuse_packfile, pos);
+ next = pack_pos_to_offset(reuse_packfile, pos + 1);
record_reused_object(offset, offset - hashfile_total(out));
@@ -884,11 +889,17 @@ static void write_reused_pack_one(size_t pos, struct hashfile *out,
/* Convert to REF_DELTA if we must... */
if (!allow_ofs_delta) {
- int base_pos = find_revindex_position(reuse_packfile, base_offset);
+ uint32_t base_pos;
struct object_id base_oid;
+ if (offset_to_pack_pos(reuse_packfile, base_offset, &base_pos) < 0)
+ die(_("expected object at offset %"PRIuMAX" "
+ "in pack %s"),
+ (uintmax_t)base_offset,
+ reuse_packfile->pack_name);
nth_packed_object_id(&base_oid, reuse_packfile,
- reuse_packfile->revindex[base_pos].nr);
+ pack_pos_to_index(reuse_packfile, base_pos));
len = encode_in_pack_object_header(header, sizeof(header),
@@ -941,7 +952,7 @@ static size_t write_reused_pack_verbatim(struct hashfile *out,
off_t to_write;
written = (pos * BITS_IN_EWORD);
- to_write = reuse_packfile->revindex[written].offset
+ to_write = pack_pos_to_offset(reuse_packfile, written)
- sizeof(struct pack_header);
/* We're recording one chunk, not one object. */
@@ -1806,11 +1817,11 @@ static void check_object(struct object_entry *entry, uint32_t object_index)
goto give_up;
if (reuse_delta && !entry->preferred_base) {
- struct revindex_entry *revidx;
- revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, ofs);
- if (!revidx)
+ uint32_t pos;
+ if (offset_to_pack_pos(p, ofs, &pos) < 0)
goto give_up;
- if (!nth_packed_object_id(&base_ref, p, revidx->nr))
+ if (!nth_packed_object_id(&base_ref, p,
+ pack_pos_to_index(p, pos)))
have_base = 1;
entry->in_pack_header_size = used + used_0;
@@ -2803,13 +2814,11 @@ static void add_tag_chain(const struct object_id *oid)
-static int add_ref_tag(const char *path, const struct object_id *oid, int flag, void *cb_data)
+static int add_ref_tag(const char *tag, const struct object_id *oid, int flag, void *cb_data)
struct object_id peeled;
- if (starts_with(path, "refs/tags/") && /* is a tag? */
- !peel_ref(path, &peeled) && /* peelable? */
- obj_is_packed(&peeled)) /* object packed? */
+ if (!peel_iterated_oid(oid, &peeled) && obj_is_packed(&peeled))
return 0;
@@ -3740,7 +3749,7 @@ int cmd_pack_objects(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (include_tag && nr_result)
- for_each_ref(add_ref_tag, NULL);
+ for_each_tag_ref(add_ref_tag, NULL);
trace2_region_leave("pack-objects", "enumerate-objects",
diff --git a/builtin/pack-redundant.c b/builtin/pack-redundant.c
index 9fcea3e253..6e115a811a 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-redundant.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-redundant.c
@@ -560,6 +560,7 @@ static void load_all(void)
int cmd_pack_redundant(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
int i;
+ int i_still_use_this = 0;
struct pack_list *min = NULL, *red, *pl;
struct llist *ignore;
struct object_id *oid;
@@ -586,12 +587,24 @@ int cmd_pack_redundant(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
alt_odb = 1;
+ if (!strcmp(arg, "--i-still-use-this")) {
+ i_still_use_this = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
if (*arg == '-')
+ if (!i_still_use_this) {
+ fputs(_("'git pack-redundant' is nominated for removal.\n"
+ "If you still use this command, please add an extra\n"
+ "option, '--i-still-use-this', on the command line\n"
+ "and let us know you still use it by sending an e-mail\n"
+ "to <>. Thanks.\n"), stderr);
+ }
if (load_all_packs)
diff --git a/builtin/rebase.c b/builtin/rebase.c
index 19c7b377aa..840dbd7eb7 100644
--- a/builtin/rebase.c
+++ b/builtin/rebase.c
@@ -1917,7 +1917,9 @@ int cmd_rebase(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
die_if_checked_out(buf.buf, 1);
options.head_name = xstrdup(buf.buf);
/* If not is it a valid ref (branch or commit)? */
- } else if (!get_oid(branch_name, &options.orig_head))
+ } else if (!get_oid(branch_name, &options.orig_head) &&
+ lookup_commit_reference(the_repository,
+ &options.orig_head))
options.head_name = NULL;
die(_("fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"),
diff --git a/builtin/repack.c b/builtin/repack.c
index 279be11a16..2158b48f4c 100644
--- a/builtin/repack.c
+++ b/builtin/repack.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "object-store.h"
#include "promisor-remote.h"
#include "shallow.h"
+#include "pack.h"
static int delta_base_offset = 1;
static int pack_kept_objects = -1;
@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ static void repack_promisor_objects(const struct pack_objects_args *args,
while (strbuf_getline_lf(&line, out) != EOF) {
struct string_list_item *item;
char *promisor_name;
- int fd;
if (line.len != the_hash_algo->hexsz)
die(_("repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."));
item = string_list_append(names, line.buf);
@@ -281,10 +282,7 @@ static void repack_promisor_objects(const struct pack_objects_args *args,
promisor_name = mkpathdup("%s-%s.promisor", packtmp,
- fd = open(promisor_name, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, 0600);
- if (fd < 0)
- die_errno(_("unable to create '%s'"), promisor_name);
- close(fd);
+ write_promisor_file(promisor_name, NULL, 0);
item->util = (void *)(uintptr_t)populate_pack_exts(item->string);
diff --git a/builtin/rev-parse.c b/builtin/rev-parse.c
index 69ba7326cf..85bad9052e 100644
--- a/builtin/rev-parse.c
+++ b/builtin/rev-parse.c
@@ -583,6 +583,75 @@ static void handle_ref_opt(const char *pattern, const char *prefix)
+enum format_type {
+ /* We would like a relative path. */
+ /* We would like a canonical absolute path. */
+ /* We would like the default behavior. */
+enum default_type {
+ /* Our default is a relative path. */
+ /* Our default is a relative path if there's a shared root. */
+ /* Our default is a canonical absolute path. */
+ /* Our default is not to modify the item. */
+static void print_path(const char *path, const char *prefix, enum format_type format, enum default_type def)
+ char *cwd = NULL;
+ /*
+ * We don't ever produce a relative path if prefix is NULL, so set the
+ * prefix to the current directory so that we can produce a relative
+ * path whenever possible. If we're using RELATIVE_IF_SHARED mode, then
+ * we want an absolute path unless the two share a common prefix, so don't
+ * set it in that case, since doing so causes a relative path to always
+ * be produced if possible.
+ */
+ if (!prefix && (format != FORMAT_DEFAULT || def != DEFAULT_RELATIVE_IF_SHARED))
+ prefix = cwd = xgetcwd();
+ if (format == FORMAT_DEFAULT && def == DEFAULT_UNMODIFIED) {
+ puts(path);
+ } else if (format == FORMAT_RELATIVE ||
+ (format == FORMAT_DEFAULT && def == DEFAULT_RELATIVE)) {
+ /*
+ * In order for relative_path to work as expected, we need to
+ * make sure that both paths are absolute paths. If we don't,
+ * we can end up with an unexpected absolute path that the user
+ * didn't want.
+ */
+ struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT, realbuf = STRBUF_INIT, prefixbuf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ if (!is_absolute_path(path)) {
+ strbuf_realpath_forgiving(&realbuf, path, 1);
+ path = realbuf.buf;
+ }
+ if (!is_absolute_path(prefix)) {
+ strbuf_realpath_forgiving(&prefixbuf, prefix, 1);
+ prefix = prefixbuf.buf;
+ }
+ puts(relative_path(path, prefix, &buf));
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
+ strbuf_release(&realbuf);
+ strbuf_release(&prefixbuf);
+ } else if (format == FORMAT_DEFAULT && def == DEFAULT_RELATIVE_IF_SHARED) {
+ struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ puts(relative_path(path, prefix, &buf));
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
+ } else {
+ struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strbuf_realpath_forgiving(&buf, path, 1);
+ puts(buf.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
+ }
+ free(cwd);
int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
int i, as_is = 0, verify = 0, quiet = 0, revs_count = 0, type = 0;
@@ -596,6 +665,7 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
const int hexsz = the_hash_algo->hexsz;
int seen_end_of_options = 0;
+ enum format_type format = FORMAT_DEFAULT;
if (argc > 1 && !strcmp("--parseopt", argv[1]))
return cmd_parseopt(argc - 1, argv + 1, prefix);
@@ -668,8 +738,9 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!argv[i + 1])
die("--git-path requires an argument");
- puts(relative_path(git_path("%s", argv[i + 1]),
- prefix, &buf));
+ print_path(git_path("%s", argv[i + 1]), prefix,
+ format,
@@ -687,6 +758,16 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+ if (opt_with_value(arg, "--path-format", &arg)) {
+ if (!strcmp(arg, "absolute")) {
+ } else if (!strcmp(arg, "relative")) {
+ } else {
+ die("unknown argument to --path-format: %s", arg);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
if (!strcmp(arg, "--default")) {
def = argv[++i];
if (!def)
@@ -807,7 +888,7 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!strcmp(arg, "--show-toplevel")) {
const char *work_tree = get_git_work_tree();
if (work_tree)
- puts(work_tree);
+ print_path(work_tree, prefix, format, DEFAULT_UNMODIFIED);
die("this operation must be run in a work tree");
@@ -815,7 +896,7 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!strcmp(arg, "--show-superproject-working-tree")) {
struct strbuf superproject = STRBUF_INIT;
if (get_superproject_working_tree(&superproject))
- puts(superproject.buf);
+ print_path(superproject.buf, prefix, format, DEFAULT_UNMODIFIED);
@@ -850,16 +931,18 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
const char *gitdir = getenv(GIT_DIR_ENVIRONMENT);
char *cwd;
int len;
+ enum format_type wanted = format;
if (arg[2] == 'g') { /* --git-dir */
if (gitdir) {
- puts(gitdir);
+ print_path(gitdir, prefix, format, DEFAULT_UNMODIFIED);
if (!prefix) {
- puts(".git");
+ print_path(".git", prefix, format, DEFAULT_UNMODIFIED);
} else { /* --absolute-git-dir */
if (!gitdir && !prefix)
gitdir = ".git";
if (gitdir) {
@@ -872,14 +955,14 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
cwd = xgetcwd();
len = strlen(cwd);
- printf("%s%s.git\n", cwd, len && cwd[len-1] != '/' ? "/" : "");
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s%s.git", cwd, len && cwd[len-1] != '/' ? "/" : "");
+ print_path(buf.buf, prefix, wanted, DEFAULT_CANONICAL);
if (!strcmp(arg, "--git-common-dir")) {
- strbuf_reset(&buf);
- puts(relative_path(get_git_common_dir(),
- prefix, &buf));
+ print_path(get_git_common_dir(), prefix, format, DEFAULT_RELATIVE_IF_SHARED);
if (!strcmp(arg, "--is-inside-git-dir")) {
@@ -909,8 +992,7 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (the_index.split_index) {
const struct object_id *oid = &the_index.split_index->base_oid;
const char *path = git_path("sharedindex.%s", oid_to_hex(oid));
- strbuf_reset(&buf);
- puts(relative_path(path, prefix, &buf));
+ print_path(path, prefix, format, DEFAULT_RELATIVE);
diff --git a/builtin/shortlog.c b/builtin/shortlog.c
index c52e4ccd19..3e7ab1ca82 100644
--- a/builtin/shortlog.c
+++ b/builtin/shortlog.c
@@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ static void insert_one_record(struct shortlog *log,
if (log->summary)
item->util = (void *)(UTIL_TO_INT(item) + 1);
else {
- const char *dot3 = log->common_repo_prefix;
- char *buffer, *p;
+ char *buffer;
struct strbuf subject = STRBUF_INIT;
const char *eol;
@@ -82,17 +81,6 @@ static void insert_one_record(struct shortlog *log,
format_subject(&subject, oneline, " ");
buffer = strbuf_detach(&subject, NULL);
- if (dot3) {
- int dot3len = strlen(dot3);
- if (dot3len > 5) {
- while ((p = strstr(buffer, dot3)) != NULL) {
- int taillen = strlen(p) - dot3len;
- memcpy(p, "/.../", 5);
- memmove(p + 5, p + dot3len, taillen + 1);
- }
- }
- }
if (item->util == NULL)
item->util = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct string_list));
string_list_append(item->util, buffer);
@@ -342,7 +330,7 @@ void shortlog_init(struct shortlog *log)
memset(log, 0, sizeof(*log));
- read_mailmap(&log->mailmap, &log->common_repo_prefix);
+ read_mailmap(&log->mailmap);
log->list.strdup_strings = 1;
log->wrap = DEFAULT_WRAPLEN;
@@ -360,19 +348,19 @@ int cmd_shortlog(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
const struct option options[] = {
OPT_BIT('c', "committer", &log.groups,
- N_("Group by committer rather than author"),
+ N_("group by committer rather than author"),
OPT_BOOL('n', "numbered", &log.sort_by_number,
N_("sort output according to the number of commits per author")),
OPT_BOOL('s', "summary", &log.summary,
- N_("Suppress commit descriptions, only provides commit count")),
+ N_("suppress commit descriptions, only provides commit count")),
OPT_BOOL('e', "email", &,
- N_("Show the email address of each author")),
+ N_("show the email address of each author")),
OPT_CALLBACK_F('w', NULL, &log, N_("<w>[,<i1>[,<i2>]]"),
- N_("Linewrap output"), PARSE_OPT_OPTARG,
+ N_("linewrap output"), PARSE_OPT_OPTARG,
OPT_CALLBACK(0, "group", &log, N_("field"),
- N_("Group by field"), parse_group_option),
+ N_("group by field"), parse_group_option),
diff --git a/builtin/show-ref.c b/builtin/show-ref.c
index ae60b4acf2..7f8a5332f8 100644
--- a/builtin/show-ref.c
+++ b/builtin/show-ref.c
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static void show_one(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid)
if (!deref_tags)
- if (!peel_ref(refname, &peeled)) {
+ if (!peel_iterated_oid(oid, &peeled)) {
hex = find_unique_abbrev(&peeled, abbrev);
printf("%s %s^{}\n", hex, refname);
diff --git a/builtin/sparse-checkout.c b/builtin/sparse-checkout.c
index e3140db2a0..2306a9ad98 100644
--- a/builtin/sparse-checkout.c
+++ b/builtin/sparse-checkout.c
@@ -22,11 +22,6 @@ static char const * const builtin_sparse_checkout_usage[] = {
-static char *get_sparse_checkout_filename(void)
- return git_pathdup("info/sparse-checkout");
static void write_patterns_to_file(FILE *fp, struct pattern_list *pl)
int i;
diff --git a/builtin/stash.c b/builtin/stash.c
index e1f8235fdd..9bc85f91cd 100644
--- a/builtin/stash.c
+++ b/builtin/stash.c
@@ -325,35 +325,6 @@ static void add_diff_to_buf(struct diff_queue_struct *q,
-static int get_newly_staged(struct strbuf *out, struct object_id *c_tree)
- struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
- const char *c_tree_hex = oid_to_hex(c_tree);
- /*
- * diff-index is very similar to diff-tree above, and should be
- * converted together with update_index.
- */
- cp.git_cmd = 1;
- strvec_pushl(&cp.args, "diff-index", "--cached", "--name-only",
- "--diff-filter=A", NULL);
- strvec_push(&cp.args, c_tree_hex);
- return pipe_command(&cp, NULL, 0, out, 0, NULL, 0);
-static int update_index(struct strbuf *out)
- struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
- /*
- * Update-index is very complicated and may need to have a public
- * function exposed in order to remove this forking.
- */
- cp.git_cmd = 1;
- strvec_pushl(&cp.args, "update-index", "--add", "--stdin", NULL);
- return pipe_command(&cp, out->buf, out->len, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
static int restore_untracked(struct object_id *u_tree)
int res;
@@ -385,6 +356,121 @@ static int restore_untracked(struct object_id *u_tree)
return res;
+static void unstage_changes_unless_new(struct object_id *orig_tree)
+ /*
+ * When we enter this function, there has been a clean merge of
+ * relevant trees, and the merge logic always stages whatever merges
+ * cleanly. We want to unstage those changes, unless it corresponds
+ * to a file that didn't exist as of orig_tree.
+ *
+ * However, if any SKIP_WORKTREE path is modified relative to
+ * orig_tree, then we want to clear the SKIP_WORKTREE bit and write
+ * it to the worktree before unstaging.
+ */
+ struct checkout state = CHECKOUT_INIT;
+ struct diff_options diff_opts;
+ struct lock_file lock = LOCK_INIT;
+ int i;
+ /* If any entries have skip_worktree set, we'll have to check 'em out */
+ state.force = 1;
+ state.quiet = 1;
+ state.refresh_cache = 1;
+ state.istate = &the_index;
+ /*
+ * Step 1: get a difference between orig_tree (which corresponding
+ * to the index before a merge was run) and the current index
+ * (reflecting the changes brought in by the merge).
+ */
+ diff_setup(&diff_opts);
+ diff_opts.flags.recursive = 1;
+ diff_opts.detect_rename = 0;
+ diff_opts.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_NO_OUTPUT;
+ diff_setup_done(&diff_opts);
+ do_diff_cache(orig_tree, &diff_opts);
+ diffcore_std(&diff_opts);
+ /* Iterate over the paths that changed due to the merge... */
+ for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ struct diff_filepair *p;
+ struct cache_entry *ce;
+ int pos;
+ /* Look up the path's position in the current index. */
+ p = diff_queued_diff.queue[i];
+ pos = index_name_pos(&the_index, p->two->path,
+ strlen(p->two->path));
+ /*
+ * Step 2: Place changes in the working tree
+ *
+ * Stash is about restoring changes *to the working tree*.
+ * So if the merge successfully got a new version of some
+ * path, but left it out of the working tree, then clear the
+ * SKIP_WORKTREE bit and write it to the working tree.
+ */
+ if (pos >= 0 && ce_skip_worktree(active_cache[pos])) {
+ struct stat st;
+ ce = active_cache[pos];
+ if (!lstat(ce->name, &st)) {
+ /* Conflicting path present; relocate it */
+ struct strbuf new_path = STRBUF_INIT;
+ int fd;
+ strbuf_addf(&new_path,
+ "%s.stash.XXXXXX", ce->name);
+ fd = xmkstemp(new_path.buf);
+ close(fd);
+ printf(_("WARNING: Untracked file in way of "
+ "tracked file! Renaming\n "
+ " %s -> %s\n"
+ " to make room.\n"),
+ ce->name, new_path.buf);
+ if (rename(ce->name, new_path.buf))
+ die("Failed to move %s to %s\n",
+ ce->name, new_path.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&new_path);
+ }
+ checkout_entry(ce, &state, NULL, NULL);
+ ce->ce_flags &= ~CE_SKIP_WORKTREE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Step 3: "unstage" changes, as long as they are still tracked
+ */
+ if (p->one->oid_valid) {
+ /*
+ * Path existed in orig_tree; restore index entry
+ * from that tree in order to "unstage" the changes.
+ */
+ int option = ADD_CACHE_OK_TO_REPLACE;
+ if (pos < 0)
+ option = ADD_CACHE_OK_TO_ADD;
+ ce = make_cache_entry(&the_index,
+ p->one->mode,
+ &p->one->oid,
+ p->one->path,
+ 0, 0);
+ add_index_entry(&the_index, ce, option);
+ }
+ }
+ diff_flush(&diff_opts);
+ /*
+ * Step 4: write the new index to disk
+ */
+ repo_hold_locked_index(the_repository, &lock, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
+ if (write_locked_index(&the_index, &lock,
+ die(_("Unable to write index."));
static int do_apply_stash(const char *prefix, struct stash_info *info,
int index, int quiet)
@@ -467,26 +553,7 @@ static int do_apply_stash(const char *prefix, struct stash_info *info,
if (reset_tree(&index_tree, 0, 0))
return -1;
} else {
- struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
- if (get_newly_staged(&out, &c_tree)) {
- strbuf_release(&out);
- return -1;
- }
- if (reset_tree(&c_tree, 0, 1)) {
- strbuf_release(&out);
- return -1;
- }
- ret = update_index(&out);
- strbuf_release(&out);
- if (ret)
- return -1;
- /* read back the result of update_index() back from the disk */
- discard_cache();
- read_cache();
+ unstage_changes_unless_new(&c_tree);
if (!quiet) {
diff --git a/builtin/submodule--helper.c b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
index c30896c897..c2bd882d17 100644
--- a/builtin/submodule--helper.c
+++ b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
@@ -562,9 +562,9 @@ static int module_foreach(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
struct module_list list = MODULE_LIST_INIT;
struct option module_foreach_options[] = {
- OPT__QUIET(&info.quiet, N_("Suppress output of entering each submodule command")),
+ OPT__QUIET(&info.quiet, N_("suppress output of entering each submodule command")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "recursive", &info.recursive,
- N_("Recurse into nested submodules")),
+ N_("recurse into nested submodules")),
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ static int module_init(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
int quiet = 0;
struct option module_init_options[] = {
- OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("Suppress output for initializing a submodule")),
+ OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("suppress output for initializing a submodule")),
@@ -883,8 +883,8 @@ static int module_status(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
int quiet = 0;
struct option module_status_options[] = {
- OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("Suppress submodule status output")),
- OPT_BIT(0, "cached", &info.flags, N_("Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule HEAD"), OPT_CACHED),
+ OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("suppress submodule status output")),
+ OPT_BIT(0, "cached", &info.flags, N_("use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule HEAD"), OPT_CACHED),
OPT_BIT(0, "recursive", &info.flags, N_("recurse into nested submodules"), OPT_RECURSIVE),
@@ -1482,9 +1482,9 @@ static int module_sync(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
int recursive = 0;
struct option module_sync_options[] = {
- OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url")),
+ OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("suppress output of synchronizing submodule url")),
OPT_BOOL(0, "recursive", &recursive,
- N_("Recurse into nested submodules")),
+ N_("recurse into nested submodules")),
@@ -1620,9 +1620,9 @@ static int module_deinit(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
int all = 0;
struct option module_deinit_options[] = {
- OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("Suppress submodule status output")),
- OPT__FORCE(&force, N_("Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"), 0),
- OPT_BOOL(0, "all", &all, N_("Unregister all submodules")),
+ OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("suppress submodule status output")),
+ OPT__FORCE(&force, N_("remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"), 0),
+ OPT_BOOL(0, "all", &all, N_("unregister all submodules")),
@@ -2337,7 +2337,7 @@ static int update_clone(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
OPT_BOOL(0, "dissociate", &suc.dissociate,
N_("use --reference only while cloning")),
OPT_STRING(0, "depth", &suc.depth, "<depth>",
- N_("Create a shallow clone truncated to the "
+ N_("create a shallow clone truncated to the "
"specified number of revisions")),
OPT_INTEGER('j', "jobs", &suc.max_jobs,
N_("parallel jobs")),
@@ -2678,7 +2678,7 @@ static int module_set_url(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
char *config_name;
struct option options[] = {
- OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("Suppress output for setting url of a submodule")),
+ OPT__QUIET(&quiet, N_("suppress output for setting url of a submodule")),
const char *const usage[] = {
diff --git a/builtin/tag.c b/builtin/tag.c
index ecf011776d..e8b85eefd8 100644
--- a/builtin/tag.c
+++ b/builtin/tag.c
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ static int list_tags(struct ref_filter *filter, struct ref_sorting *sorting,
typedef int (*each_tag_name_fn)(const char *name, const char *ref,
- const struct object_id *oid, const void *cb_data);
+ const struct object_id *oid, void *cb_data);
static int for_each_tag_name(const char **argv, each_tag_name_fn fn,
- const void *cb_data)
+ void *cb_data)
const char **p;
struct strbuf ref = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -97,18 +97,42 @@ static int for_each_tag_name(const char **argv, each_tag_name_fn fn,
return had_error;
-static int delete_tag(const char *name, const char *ref,
- const struct object_id *oid, const void *cb_data)
+static int collect_tags(const char *name, const char *ref,
+ const struct object_id *oid, void *cb_data)
- if (delete_ref(NULL, ref, oid, 0))
- return 1;
- printf(_("Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"), name,
- find_unique_abbrev(oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+ struct string_list *ref_list = cb_data;
+ string_list_append(ref_list, ref);
+ ref_list->items[ref_list->nr - 1].util = oiddup(oid);
return 0;
+static int delete_tags(const char **argv)
+ int result;
+ struct string_list refs_to_delete = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
+ struct string_list_item *item;
+ result = for_each_tag_name(argv, collect_tags, (void *)&refs_to_delete);
+ if (delete_refs(NULL, &refs_to_delete, REF_NO_DEREF))
+ result = 1;
+ for_each_string_list_item(item, &refs_to_delete) {
+ const char *name = item->string;
+ struct object_id *oid = item->util;
+ if (!ref_exists(name))
+ printf(_("Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"),
+ item->string + 10,
+ find_unique_abbrev(oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV));
+ free(oid);
+ }
+ string_list_clear(&refs_to_delete, 0);
+ return result;
static int verify_tag(const char *name, const char *ref,
- const struct object_id *oid, const void *cb_data)
+ const struct object_id *oid, void *cb_data)
int flags;
const struct ref_format *format = cb_data;
@@ -485,7 +509,7 @@ int cmd_tag(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (!sorting)
sorting = ref_default_sorting();
- ref_sorting_icase_all(sorting, icase);
+ ref_sorting_set_sort_flags_all(sorting, REF_SORTING_ICASE, icase);
filter.ignore_case = icase;
if (cmdmode == 'l') {
int ret;
@@ -512,7 +536,7 @@ int cmd_tag(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
if (filter.reachable_from || filter.unreachable_from)
die(_("--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"));
if (cmdmode == 'd')
- return for_each_tag_name(argv, delete_tag, NULL);
+ return delete_tags(argv);
if (cmdmode == 'v') {
if (format.format && verify_ref_format(&format))
usage_with_options(git_tag_usage, options);
diff --git a/builtin/worktree.c b/builtin/worktree.c
index 71287b2da6..1cd5c2016e 100644
--- a/builtin/worktree.c
+++ b/builtin/worktree.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "submodule.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include "worktree.h"
+#include "quote.h"
static const char * const worktree_usage[] = {
N_("git worktree add [<options>] <path> [<commit-ish>]"),
@@ -67,79 +68,6 @@ static void delete_worktrees_dir_if_empty(void)
rmdir(git_path("worktrees")); /* ignore failed removal */
- * Return true if worktree entry should be pruned, along with the reason for
- * pruning. Otherwise, return false and the worktree's path, or NULL if it
- * cannot be determined. Caller is responsible for freeing returned path.
- */
-static int should_prune_worktree(const char *id, struct strbuf *reason, char **wtpath)
- struct stat st;
- char *path;
- int fd;
- size_t len;
- ssize_t read_result;
- *wtpath = NULL;
- if (!is_directory(git_path("worktrees/%s", id))) {
- strbuf_addstr(reason, _("not a valid directory"));
- return 1;
- }
- if (file_exists(git_path("worktrees/%s/locked", id)))
- return 0;
- if (stat(git_path("worktrees/%s/gitdir", id), &st)) {
- strbuf_addstr(reason, _("gitdir file does not exist"));
- return 1;
- }
- fd = open(git_path("worktrees/%s/gitdir", id), O_RDONLY);
- if (fd < 0) {
- strbuf_addf(reason, _("unable to read gitdir file (%s)"),
- strerror(errno));
- return 1;
- }
- len = xsize_t(st.st_size);
- path = xmallocz(len);
- read_result = read_in_full(fd, path, len);
- if (read_result < 0) {
- strbuf_addf(reason, _("unable to read gitdir file (%s)"),
- strerror(errno));
- close(fd);
- free(path);
- return 1;
- }
- close(fd);
- if (read_result != len) {
- strbuf_addf(reason,
- _("short read (expected %"PRIuMAX" bytes, read %"PRIuMAX")"),
- (uintmax_t)len, (uintmax_t)read_result);
- free(path);
- return 1;
- }
- while (len && (path[len - 1] == '\n' || path[len - 1] == '\r'))
- len--;
- if (!len) {
- strbuf_addstr(reason, _("invalid gitdir file"));
- free(path);
- return 1;
- }
- path[len] = '\0';
- if (!file_exists(path)) {
- if (stat(git_path("worktrees/%s/index", id), &st) ||
- st.st_mtime <= expire) {
- strbuf_addstr(reason, _("gitdir file points to non-existent location"));
- free(path);
- return 1;
- } else {
- *wtpath = path;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- *wtpath = path;
- return 0;
static void prune_worktree(const char *id, const char *reason)
if (show_only || verbose)
@@ -195,7 +123,7 @@ static void prune_worktrees(void)
if (is_dot_or_dotdot(d->d_name))
- if (should_prune_worktree(d->d_name, &reason, &path))
+ if (should_prune_worktree(d->d_name, &reason, &path, expire))
prune_worktree(d->d_name, reason.buf);
else if (path)
string_list_append(&kept, path)->util = xstrdup(d->d_name);
@@ -642,6 +570,8 @@ static int add(int ac, const char **av, const char *prefix)
static void show_worktree_porcelain(struct worktree *wt)
+ const char *reason;
printf("worktree %s\n", wt->path);
if (wt->is_bare)
@@ -652,6 +582,20 @@ static void show_worktree_porcelain(struct worktree *wt)
else if (wt->head_ref)
printf("branch %s\n", wt->head_ref);
+ reason = worktree_lock_reason(wt);
+ if (reason && *reason) {
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ quote_c_style(reason, &sb, NULL, 0);
+ printf("locked %s\n", sb.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+ } else if (reason)
+ printf("locked\n");
+ reason = worktree_prune_reason(wt, expire);
+ if (reason)
+ printf("prunable %s\n", reason);
@@ -660,6 +604,7 @@ static void show_worktree(struct worktree *wt, int path_maxlen, int abbrev_len)
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
int cur_path_len = strlen(wt->path);
int path_adj = cur_path_len - utf8_strwidth(wt->path);
+ const char *reason;
strbuf_addf(&sb, "%-*s ", 1 + path_maxlen + path_adj, wt->path);
if (wt->is_bare)
@@ -677,9 +622,18 @@ static void show_worktree(struct worktree *wt, int path_maxlen, int abbrev_len)
strbuf_addstr(&sb, "(error)");
- if (!is_main_worktree(wt) && worktree_lock_reason(wt))
+ reason = worktree_lock_reason(wt);
+ if (verbose && reason && *reason)
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "\n\tlocked: %s", reason);
+ else if (reason)
strbuf_addstr(&sb, " locked");
+ reason = worktree_prune_reason(wt, expire);
+ if (verbose && reason)
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "\n\tprunable: %s", reason);
+ else if (reason)
+ strbuf_addstr(&sb, " prunable");
printf("%s\n", sb.buf);
@@ -723,12 +677,18 @@ static int list(int ac, const char **av, const char *prefix)
struct option options[] = {
OPT_BOOL(0, "porcelain", &porcelain, N_("machine-readable output")),
+ OPT__VERBOSE(&verbose, N_("show extended annotations and reasons, if available")),
+ OPT_EXPIRY_DATE(0, "expire", &expire,
+ N_("add 'prunable' annotation to worktrees older than <time>")),
+ expire = TIME_MAX;
ac = parse_options(ac, av, prefix, options, worktree_usage, 0);
if (ac)
usage_with_options(worktree_usage, options);
+ else if (verbose && porcelain)
+ die(_("--verbose and --porcelain are mutually exclusive"));
else {
struct worktree **worktrees = get_worktrees();
int path_maxlen = 0, abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV, i;
diff --git a/bundle.c b/bundle.c
index cb0e5931ac..693d619551 100644
--- a/bundle.c
+++ b/bundle.c
@@ -338,48 +338,6 @@ static int write_pack_data(int bundle_fd, struct rev_info *revs, struct strvec *
return 0;
-static int compute_and_write_prerequisites(int bundle_fd,
- struct rev_info *revs,
- int argc, const char **argv)
- struct child_process rls = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
- struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
- FILE *rls_fout;
- int i;
- strvec_pushl(&rls.args,
- "rev-list", "--boundary", "--pretty=oneline",
- NULL);
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- strvec_push(&rls.args, argv[i]);
- rls.out = -1;
- rls.git_cmd = 1;
- if (start_command(&rls))
- return -1;
- rls_fout = xfdopen(rls.out, "r");
- while (strbuf_getwholeline(&buf, rls_fout, '\n') != EOF) {
- struct object_id oid;
- if (buf.len > 0 && buf.buf[0] == '-') {
- write_or_die(bundle_fd, buf.buf, buf.len);
- if (!get_oid_hex(buf.buf + 1, &oid)) {
- struct object *object = parse_object_or_die(&oid,
- buf.buf);
- object->flags |= UNINTERESTING;
- add_pending_object(revs, object, buf.buf);
- }
- } else if (!get_oid_hex(buf.buf, &oid)) {
- struct object *object = parse_object_or_die(&oid,
- buf.buf);
- object->flags |= SHOWN;
- }
- }
- strbuf_release(&buf);
- fclose(rls_fout);
- if (finish_command(&rls))
- return error(_("rev-list died"));
- return 0;
* Write out bundle refs based on the tips already
* parsed into revs.pending. As a side effect, may
@@ -474,6 +432,38 @@ static int write_bundle_refs(int bundle_fd, struct rev_info *revs)
return ref_count;
+struct bundle_prerequisites_info {
+ struct object_array *pending;
+ int fd;
+static void write_bundle_prerequisites(struct commit *commit, void *data)
+ struct bundle_prerequisites_info *bpi = data;
+ struct object *object;
+ struct pretty_print_context ctx = { 0 };
+ struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ if (!(commit->object.flags & BOUNDARY))
+ return;
+ strbuf_addf(&buf, "-%s ", oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
+ write_or_die(bpi->fd, buf.buf, buf.len);
+ ctx.fmt = CMIT_FMT_ONELINE;
+ ctx.output_encoding = get_log_output_encoding();
+ strbuf_reset(&buf);
+ pretty_print_commit(&ctx, commit, &buf);
+ strbuf_trim(&buf);
+ object = (struct object *)commit;
+ object->flags |= UNINTERESTING;
+ add_object_array_with_path(object, buf.buf, bpi->pending, S_IFINVALID,
+ NULL);
+ strbuf_addch(&buf, '\n');
+ write_or_die(bpi->fd, buf.buf, buf.len);
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
int create_bundle(struct repository *r, const char *path,
int argc, const char **argv, struct strvec *pack_options, int version)
@@ -481,8 +471,10 @@ int create_bundle(struct repository *r, const char *path,
int bundle_fd = -1;
int bundle_to_stdout;
int ref_count = 0;
- struct rev_info revs;
+ struct rev_info revs, revs_copy;
int min_version = the_hash_algo == &hash_algos[GIT_HASH_SHA1] ? 2 : 3;
+ struct bundle_prerequisites_info bpi;
+ int i;
bundle_to_stdout = !strcmp(path, "-");
if (bundle_to_stdout)
@@ -512,10 +504,6 @@ int create_bundle(struct repository *r, const char *path,
save_commit_buffer = 0;
repo_init_revisions(r, &revs, NULL);
- /* write prerequisites */
- if (compute_and_write_prerequisites(bundle_fd, &revs, argc, argv))
- goto err;
argc = setup_revisions(argc, argv, &revs, NULL);
if (argc > 1) {
@@ -523,16 +511,37 @@ int create_bundle(struct repository *r, const char *path,
goto err;
- object_array_remove_duplicates(&revs.pending);
+ /* save revs.pending in revs_copy for later use */
+ memcpy(&revs_copy, &revs, sizeof(revs));
+ = 0;
+ revs_copy.pending.alloc = 0;
+ revs_copy.pending.objects = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ struct object_array_entry *e = revs.pending.objects + i;
+ if (e)
+ add_object_array_with_path(e->item, e->name,
+ &revs_copy.pending,
+ e->mode, e->path);
+ }
- ref_count = write_bundle_refs(bundle_fd, &revs);
+ /* write prerequisites */
+ revs.boundary = 1;
+ if (prepare_revision_walk(&revs))
+ die("revision walk setup failed");
+ bpi.fd = bundle_fd;
+ bpi.pending = &revs_copy.pending;
+ traverse_commit_list(&revs, write_bundle_prerequisites, NULL, &bpi);
+ object_array_remove_duplicates(&revs_copy.pending);
+ /* write bundle refs */
+ ref_count = write_bundle_refs(bundle_fd, &revs_copy);
if (!ref_count)
die(_("Refusing to create empty bundle."));
else if (ref_count < 0)
goto err;
/* write pack */
- if (write_pack_data(bundle_fd, &revs, pack_options))
+ if (write_pack_data(bundle_fd, &revs_copy, pack_options))
goto err;
if (!bundle_to_stdout) {
diff --git a/cache-tree.c b/cache-tree.c
index a537a806c1..2fb483d3c0 100644
--- a/cache-tree.c
+++ b/cache-tree.c
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ static int subtree_name_cmp(const char *one, int onelen,
return memcmp(one, two, onelen);
-static int subtree_pos(struct cache_tree *it, const char *path, int pathlen)
+int cache_tree_subtree_pos(struct cache_tree *it, const char *path, int pathlen)
struct cache_tree_sub **down = it->down;
int lo, hi;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ static struct cache_tree_sub *find_subtree(struct cache_tree *it,
int create)
struct cache_tree_sub *down;
- int pos = subtree_pos(it, path, pathlen);
+ int pos = cache_tree_subtree_pos(it, path, pathlen);
if (0 <= pos)
return it->down[pos];
if (!create)
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ static int do_invalidate_path(struct cache_tree *it, const char *path)
it->entry_count = -1;
if (!*slash) {
int pos;
- pos = subtree_pos(it, path, namelen);
+ pos = cache_tree_subtree_pos(it, path, namelen);
if (0 <= pos) {
@@ -151,16 +151,15 @@ void cache_tree_invalidate_path(struct index_state *istate, const char *path)
istate->cache_changed |= CACHE_TREE_CHANGED;
-static int verify_cache(struct cache_entry **cache,
- int entries, int flags)
+static int verify_cache(struct index_state *istate, int flags)
- int i, funny;
+ unsigned i, funny;
int silent = flags & WRITE_TREE_SILENT;
/* Verify that the tree is merged */
funny = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
- const struct cache_entry *ce = cache[i];
+ for (i = 0; i < istate->cache_nr; i++) {
+ const struct cache_entry *ce = istate->cache[i];
if (ce_stage(ce)) {
if (silent)
return -1;
@@ -180,17 +179,19 @@ static int verify_cache(struct cache_entry **cache,
* stage 0 entries.
funny = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < entries - 1; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i + 1 < istate->cache_nr; i++) {
/* path/file always comes after path because of the way
* the cache is sorted. Also path can appear only once,
* which means conflicting one would immediately follow.
- const char *this_name = cache[i]->name;
- const char *next_name = cache[i+1]->name;
- int this_len = strlen(this_name);
- if (this_len < strlen(next_name) &&
- strncmp(this_name, next_name, this_len) == 0 &&
- next_name[this_len] == '/') {
+ const struct cache_entry *this_ce = istate->cache[i];
+ const struct cache_entry *next_ce = istate->cache[i + 1];
+ const char *this_name = this_ce->name;
+ const char *next_name = next_ce->name;
+ int this_len = ce_namelen(this_ce);
+ if (this_len < ce_namelen(next_ce) &&
+ next_name[this_len] == '/' &&
+ strncmp(this_name, next_name, this_len) == 0) {
if (10 < ++funny) {
fprintf(stderr, "...\n");
@@ -434,15 +435,21 @@ static int update_one(struct cache_tree *it,
int cache_tree_update(struct index_state *istate, int flags)
- struct cache_tree *it = istate->cache_tree;
- struct cache_entry **cache = istate->cache;
- int entries = istate->cache_nr;
- int skip, i = verify_cache(cache, entries, flags);
+ int skip, i;
+ i = verify_cache(istate, flags);
if (i)
return i;
+ if (!istate->cache_tree)
+ istate->cache_tree = cache_tree();
- i = update_one(it, cache, entries, "", 0, &skip, flags);
+ trace2_region_enter("cache_tree", "update", the_repository);
+ i = update_one(istate->cache_tree, istate->cache, istate->cache_nr,
+ "", 0, &skip, flags);
+ trace2_region_leave("cache_tree", "update", the_repository);
if (i < 0)
return i;
@@ -492,7 +499,9 @@ static void write_one(struct strbuf *buffer, struct cache_tree *it,
void cache_tree_write(struct strbuf *sb, struct cache_tree *root)
+ trace2_region_enter("cache_tree", "write", the_repository);
write_one(sb, root, "", 0);
+ trace2_region_leave("cache_tree", "write", the_repository);
static struct cache_tree *read_one(const char **buffer, unsigned long *size_p)
@@ -581,9 +590,16 @@ static struct cache_tree *read_one(const char **buffer, unsigned long *size_p)
struct cache_tree *cache_tree_read(const char *buffer, unsigned long size)
+ struct cache_tree *result;
if (buffer[0])
return NULL; /* not the whole tree */
- return read_one(&buffer, &size);
+ trace2_region_enter("cache_tree", "read", the_repository);
+ result = read_one(&buffer, &size);
+ trace2_region_leave("cache_tree", "read", the_repository);
+ return result;
static struct cache_tree *cache_tree_find(struct cache_tree *it, const char *path)
@@ -622,9 +638,6 @@ static int write_index_as_tree_internal(struct object_id *oid,
cache_tree_valid = 0;
- if (!index_state->cache_tree)
- index_state->cache_tree = cache_tree();
if (!cache_tree_valid && cache_tree_update(index_state, flags) < 0)
@@ -733,10 +746,13 @@ void prime_cache_tree(struct repository *r,
struct index_state *istate,
struct tree *tree)
+ trace2_region_enter("cache-tree", "prime_cache_tree", the_repository);
istate->cache_tree = cache_tree();
prime_cache_tree_rec(r, istate->cache_tree, tree);
istate->cache_changed |= CACHE_TREE_CHANGED;
+ trace2_region_leave("cache-tree", "prime_cache_tree", the_repository);
diff --git a/cache-tree.h b/cache-tree.h
index 639bfa5340..8efeccebfc 100644
--- a/cache-tree.h
+++ b/cache-tree.h
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ void cache_tree_free(struct cache_tree **);
void cache_tree_invalidate_path(struct index_state *, const char *);
struct cache_tree_sub *cache_tree_sub(struct cache_tree *, const char *);
+int cache_tree_subtree_pos(struct cache_tree *it, const char *path, int pathlen);
void cache_tree_write(struct strbuf *, struct cache_tree *root);
struct cache_tree *cache_tree_read(const char *buffer, unsigned long size);
diff --git a/cache.h b/cache.h
index 7109765748..d928149614 100644
--- a/cache.h
+++ b/cache.h
@@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ struct index_state {
struct ewah_bitmap *fsmonitor_dirty;
struct mem_pool *ce_mem_pool;
struct progress *progress;
+ struct repository *repo;
/* Name hashing */
@@ -472,6 +473,7 @@ static inline enum object_type object_type(unsigned int mode)
@@ -1231,6 +1233,8 @@ static inline int is_absolute_path(const char *path)
int is_directory(const char *);
char *strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
int die_on_error);
+char *strbuf_realpath_forgiving(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
+ int die_on_error);
char *real_pathdup(const char *path, int die_on_error);
const char *absolute_path(const char *path);
char *absolute_pathdup(const char *path);
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 79c0633a18..67852d0d37 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ osx-clang|osx-gcc)
brew link --force gettext
- brew cask install --no-quarantine perforce || {
+ brew install --cask --no-quarantine perforce || {
# Update the definitions and try again
cask_repo="$(brew --repository)"/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask &&
- git -C "$cask_repo" pull --no-stat &&
- brew cask install --no-quarantine perforce
+ git -C "$cask_repo" pull --no-stat --ff-only &&
+ brew install --cask --no-quarantine perforce
} ||
- brew install caskroom/cask/perforce
+ brew install homebrew/cask/perforce
case "$jobname" in
brew install gcc@9
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 6c27b886b8..50e0b90073 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ esac
case "$jobname" in
make test
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ linux-gcc)
make test
diff --git a/command-list.txt b/command-list.txt
index 9379b02e5e..a289f09ed6 100644
--- a/command-list.txt
+++ b/command-list.txt
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ gitfaq guide
gitglossary guide
githooks guide
gitignore guide
+gitmailmap guide
gitmodules guide
gitnamespaces guide
gitremote-helpers guide
diff --git a/commit-graph.c b/commit-graph.c
index 06f8dc1d89..6541060271 100644
--- a/commit-graph.c
+++ b/commit-graph.c
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include "object.h"
#include "refs.h"
#include "revision.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
#include "commit-graph.h"
#include "object-store.h"
#include "alloc.h"
@@ -1012,10 +1012,10 @@ static int write_graph_chunk_oids(struct hashfile *f,
return 0;
-static const unsigned char *commit_to_sha1(size_t index, void *table)
+static const struct object_id *commit_to_oid(size_t index, const void *table)
- struct commit **commits = table;
- return commits[index]->object.oid.hash;
+ const struct commit * const *commits = table;
+ return &commits[index]->object.oid;
static int write_graph_chunk_data(struct hashfile *f,
@@ -1043,10 +1043,10 @@ static int write_graph_chunk_data(struct hashfile *f,
if (!parent)
edge_value = GRAPH_PARENT_NONE;
else {
- edge_value = sha1_pos(parent->item->object.oid.hash,
- ctx->commits.list,
- ctx->,
- commit_to_sha1);
+ edge_value = oid_pos(&parent->item->object.oid,
+ ctx->commits.list,
+ ctx->,
+ commit_to_oid);
if (edge_value >= 0)
edge_value += ctx->new_num_commits_in_base;
@@ -1074,10 +1074,10 @@ static int write_graph_chunk_data(struct hashfile *f,
else if (parent->next)
edge_value = GRAPH_EXTRA_EDGES_NEEDED | num_extra_edges;
else {
- edge_value = sha1_pos(parent->item->object.oid.hash,
- ctx->commits.list,
- ctx->,
- commit_to_sha1);
+ edge_value = oid_pos(&parent->item->object.oid,
+ ctx->commits.list,
+ ctx->,
+ commit_to_oid);
if (edge_value >= 0)
edge_value += ctx->new_num_commits_in_base;
@@ -1143,10 +1143,10 @@ static int write_graph_chunk_extra_edges(struct hashfile *f,
/* Since num_parents > 2, this initializer is safe. */
for (parent = (*list)->parents->next; parent; parent = parent->next) {
- int edge_value = sha1_pos(parent->item->object.oid.hash,
- ctx->commits.list,
- ctx->,
- commit_to_sha1);
+ int edge_value = oid_pos(&parent->item->object.oid,
+ ctx->commits.list,
+ ctx->,
+ commit_to_oid);
if (edge_value >= 0)
edge_value += ctx->new_num_commits_in_base;
@@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ static int add_ref_to_set(const char *refname,
struct object_id peeled;
struct refs_cb_data *data = (struct refs_cb_data *)cb_data;
- if (!peel_ref(refname, &peeled))
+ if (!peel_iterated_oid(oid, &peeled))
oid = &peeled;
if (oid_object_info(the_repository, oid, NULL) == OBJ_COMMIT)
oidset_insert(data->commits, oid);
@@ -1694,8 +1694,8 @@ static int write_commit_graph_file(struct write_commit_graph_context *ctx)
} else {
hold_lock_file_for_update_mode(&lk, ctx->graph_name,
- fd = lk.tempfile->fd;
- f = hashfd(lk.tempfile->fd, lk.tempfile->filename.buf);
+ fd = get_lock_file_fd(&lk);
+ f = hashfd(fd, get_lock_file_path(&lk));
@@ -1833,7 +1833,7 @@ static int write_commit_graph_file(struct write_commit_graph_context *ctx)
result = rename(ctx->graph_name, final_graph_name);
for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_commit_graphs_after; i++)
- fprintf(lk.tempfile->fp, "%s\n", ctx->commit_graph_hash_after[i]);
+ fprintf(get_lock_file_fp(&lk), "%s\n", ctx->commit_graph_hash_after[i]);
if (result) {
error(_("failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"));
diff --git a/commit.c b/commit.c
index f128f18a9b..fd2831dad3 100644
--- a/commit.c
+++ b/commit.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "mergesort.h"
#include "commit-slab.h"
#include "prio-queue.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
#include "wt-status.h"
#include "advice.h"
#include "refs.h"
@@ -105,23 +105,23 @@ static timestamp_t parse_commit_date(const char *buf, const char *tail)
return parse_timestamp(dateptr, NULL, 10);
-static const unsigned char *commit_graft_sha1_access(size_t index, void *table)
+static const struct object_id *commit_graft_oid_access(size_t index, const void *table)
- struct commit_graft **commit_graft_table = table;
- return commit_graft_table[index]->oid.hash;
+ const struct commit_graft * const *commit_graft_table = table;
+ return &commit_graft_table[index]->oid;
-int commit_graft_pos(struct repository *r, const unsigned char *sha1)
+int commit_graft_pos(struct repository *r, const struct object_id *oid)
- return sha1_pos(sha1, r->parsed_objects->grafts,
- r->parsed_objects->grafts_nr,
- commit_graft_sha1_access);
+ return oid_pos(oid, r->parsed_objects->grafts,
+ r->parsed_objects->grafts_nr,
+ commit_graft_oid_access);
int register_commit_graft(struct repository *r, struct commit_graft *graft,
int ignore_dups)
- int pos = commit_graft_pos(r, graft->oid.hash);
+ int pos = commit_graft_pos(r, &graft->oid);
if (0 <= pos) {
if (ignore_dups)
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ struct commit_graft *lookup_commit_graft(struct repository *r, const struct obje
int pos;
- pos = commit_graft_pos(r, oid->hash);
+ pos = commit_graft_pos(r, oid);
if (pos < 0)
return NULL;
return r->parsed_objects->grafts[pos];
diff --git a/commit.h b/commit.h
index f4e7b0158e..ecacf9ade3 100644
--- a/commit.h
+++ b/commit.h
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ typedef int (*each_commit_graft_fn)(const struct commit_graft *, void *);
struct commit_graft *read_graft_line(struct strbuf *line);
/* commit_graft_pos returns an index into r->parsed_objects->grafts. */
-int commit_graft_pos(struct repository *r, const unsigned char *sha1);
+int commit_graft_pos(struct repository *r, const struct object_id *oid);
int register_commit_graft(struct repository *r, struct commit_graft *, int);
void prepare_commit_graft(struct repository *r);
struct commit_graft *lookup_commit_graft(struct repository *r, const struct object_id *oid);
diff --git a/config.c b/config.c
index a8dec9a247..b922b4f285 100644
--- a/config.c
+++ b/config.c
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "cache.h"
#include "branch.h"
#include "config.h"
+#include "environment.h"
#include "repository.h"
#include "lockfile.h"
#include "exec-cmd.h"
@@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ int git_config_include(const char *var, const char *value, void *data)
return ret;
-void git_config_push_parameter(const char *text)
+static void git_config_push_split_parameter(const char *key, const char *value)
struct strbuf env = STRBUF_INIT;
const char *old = getenv(CONFIG_DATA_ENVIRONMENT);
@@ -340,11 +341,74 @@ void git_config_push_parameter(const char *text)
strbuf_addstr(&env, old);
strbuf_addch(&env, ' ');
- sq_quote_buf(&env, text);
+ sq_quote_buf(&env, key);
+ strbuf_addch(&env, '=');
+ if (value)
+ sq_quote_buf(&env, value);
setenv(CONFIG_DATA_ENVIRONMENT, env.buf, 1);
+void git_config_push_parameter(const char *text)
+ const char *value;
+ /*
+ * When we see:
+ *
+ * section.subsection=with=equals.key=value
+ *
+ * we cannot tell if it means:
+ *
+ * [section "subsection=with=equals"]
+ * key = value
+ *
+ * or:
+ *
+ * [section]
+ * subsection = with=equals.key=value
+ *
+ * We parse left-to-right for the first "=", meaning we'll prefer to
+ * keep the value intact over the subsection. This is historical, but
+ * also sensible since values are more likely to contain odd or
+ * untrusted input than a section name.
+ *
+ * A missing equals is explicitly allowed (as a bool-only entry).
+ */
+ value = strchr(text, '=');
+ if (value) {
+ char *key = xmemdupz(text, value - text);
+ git_config_push_split_parameter(key, value + 1);
+ free(key);
+ } else {
+ git_config_push_split_parameter(text, NULL);
+ }
+void git_config_push_env(const char *spec)
+ char *key;
+ const char *env_name;
+ const char *env_value;
+ env_name = strrchr(spec, '=');
+ if (!env_name)
+ die(_("invalid config format: %s"), spec);
+ key = xmemdupz(spec, env_name - spec);
+ env_name++;
+ if (!*env_name)
+ die(_("missing environment variable name for configuration '%.*s'"),
+ (int)(env_name - spec - 1), spec);
+ env_value = getenv(env_name);
+ if (!env_value)
+ die(_("missing environment variable '%s' for configuration '%.*s'"),
+ env_name, (int)(env_name - spec - 1), spec);
+ git_config_push_split_parameter(key, env_value);
+ free(key);
static inline int iskeychar(int c)
return isalnum(c) || c == '-';
@@ -437,11 +501,26 @@ int git_config_key_is_valid(const char *key)
return !git_config_parse_key_1(key, NULL, NULL, 1);
+static int config_parse_pair(const char *key, const char *value,
+ config_fn_t fn, void *data)
+ char *canonical_name;
+ int ret;
+ if (!strlen(key))
+ return error(_("empty config key"));
+ if (git_config_parse_key(key, &canonical_name, NULL))
+ return -1;
+ ret = (fn(canonical_name, value, data) < 0) ? -1 : 0;
+ free(canonical_name);
+ return ret;
int git_config_parse_parameter(const char *text,
config_fn_t fn, void *data)
const char *value;
- char *canonical_name;
struct strbuf **pair;
int ret;
@@ -462,51 +541,131 @@ int git_config_parse_parameter(const char *text,
return error(_("bogus config parameter: %s"), text);
- if (git_config_parse_key(pair[0]->buf, &canonical_name, NULL)) {
- ret = -1;
- } else {
- ret = (fn(canonical_name, value, data) < 0) ? -1 : 0;
- free(canonical_name);
- }
+ ret = config_parse_pair(pair[0]->buf, value, fn, data);
return ret;
+static int parse_config_env_list(char *env, config_fn_t fn, void *data)
+ char *cur = env;
+ while (cur && *cur) {
+ const char *key = sq_dequote_step(cur, &cur);
+ if (!key)
+ return error(_("bogus format in %s"),
+ if (!cur || isspace(*cur)) {
+ /* old-style 'key=value' */
+ if (git_config_parse_parameter(key, fn, data) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if (*cur == '=') {
+ /* new-style 'key'='value' */
+ const char *value;
+ cur++;
+ if (*cur == '\'') {
+ /* quoted value */
+ value = sq_dequote_step(cur, &cur);
+ if (!value || (cur && !isspace(*cur))) {
+ return error(_("bogus format in %s"),
+ }
+ } else if (!*cur || isspace(*cur)) {
+ /* implicit bool: 'key'= */
+ value = NULL;
+ } else {
+ return error(_("bogus format in %s"),
+ }
+ if (config_parse_pair(key, value, fn, data) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* unknown format */
+ return error(_("bogus format in %s"),
+ }
+ if (cur) {
+ while (isspace(*cur))
+ cur++;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
int git_config_from_parameters(config_fn_t fn, void *data)
- const char *env = getenv(CONFIG_DATA_ENVIRONMENT);
+ const char *env;
+ struct strbuf envvar = STRBUF_INIT;
+ struct strvec to_free = STRVEC_INIT;
int ret = 0;
- char *envw;
- const char **argv = NULL;
- int nr = 0, alloc = 0;
- int i;
+ char *envw = NULL;
struct config_source source;
- if (!env)
- return 0;
memset(&source, 0, sizeof(source));
source.prev = cf;
source.origin_type = CONFIG_ORIGIN_CMDLINE;
cf = &source;
- /* sq_dequote will write over it */
- envw = xstrdup(env);
+ if (env) {
+ unsigned long count;
+ char *endp;
+ int i;
- if (sq_dequote_to_argv(envw, &argv, &nr, &alloc) < 0) {
- ret = error(_("bogus format in %s"), CONFIG_DATA_ENVIRONMENT);
- goto out;
+ count = strtoul(env, &endp, 10);
+ if (*endp) {
+ ret = error(_("bogus count in %s"), CONFIG_COUNT_ENVIRONMENT);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (count > INT_MAX) {
+ ret = error(_("too many entries in %s"), CONFIG_COUNT_ENVIRONMENT);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ const char *key, *value;
+ strbuf_addf(&envvar, "GIT_CONFIG_KEY_%d", i);
+ key = getenv_safe(&to_free, envvar.buf);
+ if (!key) {
+ ret = error(_("missing config key %s"), envvar.buf);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ strbuf_reset(&envvar);
+ strbuf_addf(&envvar, "GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_%d", i);
+ value = getenv_safe(&to_free, envvar.buf);
+ if (!value) {
+ ret = error(_("missing config value %s"), envvar.buf);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ strbuf_reset(&envvar);
+ if (config_parse_pair(key, value, fn, data) < 0) {
+ ret = -1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
- for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
- if (git_config_parse_parameter(argv[i], fn, data) < 0) {
+ if (env) {
+ /* sq_dequote will write over it */
+ envw = xstrdup(env);
+ if (parse_config_env_list(envw, fn, data) < 0) {
ret = -1;
goto out;
- free(argv);
+ strbuf_release(&envvar);
+ strvec_clear(&to_free);
cf = source.prev;
return ret;
@@ -1208,6 +1367,8 @@ static int git_default_core_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
return config_error_nonbool(var);
if (!strcasecmp(value, "auto"))
default_abbrev = -1;
+ else if (!git_parse_maybe_bool_text(value))
+ default_abbrev = the_hash_algo->hexsz;
else {
int abbrev = git_config_int(var, value);
if (abbrev < minimum_abbrev || abbrev > the_hash_algo->hexsz)
diff --git a/config.h b/config.h
index c1449bb790..19a9adbaa9 100644
--- a/config.h
+++ b/config.h
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ int git_config_from_mem(config_fn_t fn,
int git_config_from_blob_oid(config_fn_t fn, const char *name,
const struct object_id *oid, void *data);
void git_config_push_parameter(const char *text);
+void git_config_push_env(const char *spec);
int git_config_from_parameters(config_fn_t fn, void *data);
void read_early_config(config_fn_t cb, void *data);
void read_very_early_config(config_fn_t cb, void *data);
diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index 198ab1e58f..e22d4b6d67 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -664,7 +664,6 @@ else
USE_GETTEXT_SCHEME = fallthrough
- NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT = UnfortunatelyYes
diff --git a/ b/
index 66aedb9288..031e8d3fee 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -252,16 +252,17 @@ GIT_PARSE_WITH([openssl]))
# Define USE_LIBPCRE if you have and want to use libpcre. Various
# commands such as log and grep offer runtime options to use
# Perl-compatible regular expressions instead of standard or extended
-# POSIX regular expressions.
-# USE_LIBPCRE is a synonym for USE_LIBPCRE2, define USE_LIBPCRE1
-# instead if you'd like to use the legacy version 1 of the PCRE
-# library. Support for version 1 will likely be removed in some future
-# release of Git, as upstream has all but abandoned it.
+# POSIX regular expressions. Only libpcre version 2 is supported.
# Define LIBPCREDIR=/foo/bar if your PCRE header and library files are in
# /foo/bar/include and /foo/bar/lib directories.
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([support for --with-libpcre1 has been removed. Use --with-libpcre2!])
+ )
AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libpcre],[synonym for --with-libpcre2]),
if test "$withval" = "no"; then
@@ -277,22 +278,6 @@ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libpcre],[synonym for --with-libpcre2]),
-AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libpcre1],[support Perl-compatible regexes via libpcre1 (default is NO)])
-AS_HELP_STRING([], [ARG can be also prefix for libpcre library and headers]),
- if test "$withval" = "no"; then
- elif test "$withval" = "yes"; then
- USE_LIBPCRE1=YesPlease
- else
- USE_LIBPCRE1=YesPlease
- LIBPCREDIR=$withval
- dnl USE_LIBPCRE1 can still be modified below, so don't substitute
- dnl it yet.
- fi)
AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libpcre2],[support Perl-compatible regexes via libpcre2 (default is NO)])
AS_HELP_STRING([], [ARG can be also prefix for libpcre library and headers]),
@@ -300,10 +285,6 @@ AS_HELP_STRING([], [ARG can be also prefix for libpcre library and hea
AC_MSG_ERROR([Only supply one of --with-libpcre or its synonym --with-libpcre2!])
- if test -n "$USE_LIBPCRE1"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Only supply one of --with-libpcre1 or --with-libpcre2!])
- fi
if test "$withval" = "no"; then
elif test "$withval" = "yes"; then
@@ -554,25 +535,9 @@ GIT_CONF_SUBST([NEEDS_SSL_WITH_CRYPTO])
-# Handle the USE_LIBPCRE1 and USE_LIBPCRE2 options potentially set
-# above.
+# Handle the USE_LIBPCRE options potentially set above.
-if test -n "$USE_LIBPCRE1"; then
-AC_CHECK_LIB([pcre], [pcre_version],
if test -n "$USE_LIBPCRE2"; then
diff --git a/connect.c b/connect.c
index 8b8f56cf6d..9c97fee430 100644
--- a/connect.c
+++ b/connect.c
@@ -1160,6 +1160,8 @@ static struct child_process *git_connect_git(int fd[2], char *hostandport,
target_host = xstrdup(hostandport);
+ if (strchr(target_host, '\n') || strchr(path, '\n'))
+ die(_("newline is forbidden in git:// hosts and repo paths"));
* These underlying connection commands die() if they
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
index c151dd7257..ac3dbc079a 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -910,9 +910,7 @@ set(PYTHON_PATH /usr/bin/python)
set(TAR tar)
set(NO_CURL )
set(NO_EXPAT )
set(NO_PERL )
diff --git a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash b/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
index 463a3124da..4b1f4264a6 100644
--- a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
+++ b/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
@@ -29,6 +29,15 @@
# tell the completion to use commit completion. This also works with aliases
# of form "!sh -c '...'". For example, "!sh -c ': git commit ; ... '".
+# If you have a command that is not part of git, but you would still
+# like completion, you can use __git_complete:
+# __git_complete gl git_log
+# Or if it's a main command (i.e. git or gitk):
+# __git_complete gk gitk
# Compatible with bash 3.2.57.
# You can set the following environment variables to influence the behavior of
@@ -3358,15 +3367,19 @@ __git_support_parseopt_helper () {
+__git_have_func () {
+ declare -f -- "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
__git_complete_command () {
local command="$1"
local completion_func="_git_${command//-/_}"
- if ! declare -f $completion_func >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &&
- declare -f _completion_loader >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if ! __git_have_func $completion_func &&
+ __git_have_func _completion_loader
_completion_loader "git-$command"
- if declare -f $completion_func >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if __git_have_func $completion_func
return 0
@@ -3493,10 +3506,7 @@ __git_func_wrap ()
-# Setup completion for certain functions defined above by setting common
-# variables and workarounds.
-# This is NOT a public function; use at your own risk.
-__git_complete ()
+___git_complete ()
local wrapper="__git_wrap${2}"
eval "$wrapper () { __git_func_wrap $2 ; }"
@@ -3504,13 +3514,33 @@ __git_complete ()
|| complete -o default -o nospace -F $wrapper $1
-__git_complete git __git_main
-__git_complete gitk __gitk_main
+# Setup the completion for git commands
+# 1: command or alias
+# 2: function to call (e.g. `git`, `gitk`, `git_fetch`)
+__git_complete ()
+ local func
+ if __git_have_func $2; then
+ func=$2
+ elif __git_have_func __$2_main; then
+ func=__$2_main
+ elif __git_have_func _$2; then
+ func=_$2
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: could not find function '$2'" 1>&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ___git_complete $1 $func
+___git_complete git __git_main
+___git_complete gitk __gitk_main
# The following are necessary only for Cygwin, and only are needed
# when the user has tab-completed the executable name and consequently
# included the '.exe' suffix.
if [ "$OSTYPE" = cygwin ]; then
- __git_complete git.exe __git_main
+ ___git_complete git.exe __git_main
diff --git a/diff-merges.c b/diff-merges.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..146bb50316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/diff-merges.c
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#include "diff-merges.h"
+#include "revision.h"
+static void suppress(struct rev_info *revs)
+ revs->separate_merges = 0;
+ revs->first_parent_merges = 0;
+ revs->combine_merges = 0;
+ revs->dense_combined_merges = 0;
+ revs->combined_all_paths = 0;
+ revs->combined_imply_patch = 0;
+ revs->merges_need_diff = 0;
+static void set_separate(struct rev_info *revs)
+ suppress(revs);
+ revs->separate_merges = 1;
+static void set_first_parent(struct rev_info *revs)
+ set_separate(revs);
+ revs->first_parent_merges = 1;
+static void set_m(struct rev_info *revs)
+ /*
+ * To "diff-index", "-m" means "match missing", and to the "log"
+ * family of commands, it means "show full diff for merges". Set
+ * both fields appropriately.
+ */
+ set_separate(revs);
+ revs->match_missing = 1;
+static void set_combined(struct rev_info *revs)
+ suppress(revs);
+ revs->combine_merges = 1;
+ revs->dense_combined_merges = 0;
+static void set_dense_combined(struct rev_info *revs)
+ suppress(revs);
+ revs->combine_merges = 1;
+ revs->dense_combined_merges = 1;
+static void set_diff_merges(struct rev_info *revs, const char *optarg)
+ if (!strcmp(optarg, "off") || !strcmp(optarg, "none")) {
+ suppress(revs);
+ /* Return early to leave revs->merges_need_diff unset */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(optarg, "1") || !strcmp(optarg, "first-parent"))
+ set_first_parent(revs);
+ else if (!strcmp(optarg, "m") || !strcmp(optarg, "separate"))
+ set_separate(revs);
+ else if (!strcmp(optarg, "c") || !strcmp(optarg, "combined"))
+ set_combined(revs);
+ else if (!strcmp(optarg, "cc") || !strcmp(optarg, "dense-combined"))
+ set_dense_combined(revs);
+ else
+ die(_("unknown value for --diff-merges: %s"), optarg);
+ /* The flag is cleared by set_xxx() functions, so don't move this up */
+ revs->merges_need_diff = 1;
+ * Public functions. They are in the order they are called.
+ */
+int diff_merges_parse_opts(struct rev_info *revs, const char **argv)
+ int argcount = 1;
+ const char *optarg;
+ const char *arg = argv[0];
+ if (!strcmp(arg, "-m")) {
+ set_m(revs);
+ } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-c")) {
+ set_combined(revs);
+ revs->combined_imply_patch = 1;
+ } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--cc")) {
+ set_dense_combined(revs);
+ revs->combined_imply_patch = 1;
+ } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--no-diff-merges")) {
+ suppress(revs);
+ } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--combined-all-paths")) {
+ revs->combined_all_paths = 1;
+ } else if ((argcount = parse_long_opt("diff-merges", argv, &optarg))) {
+ set_diff_merges(revs, optarg);
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ revs->explicit_diff_merges = 1;
+ return argcount;
+void diff_merges_suppress(struct rev_info *revs)
+ suppress(revs);
+void diff_merges_default_to_first_parent(struct rev_info *revs)
+ if (!revs->explicit_diff_merges)
+ revs->separate_merges = 1;
+ if (revs->separate_merges)
+ revs->first_parent_merges = 1;
+void diff_merges_default_to_dense_combined(struct rev_info *revs)
+ if (!revs->explicit_diff_merges)
+ set_dense_combined(revs);
+void diff_merges_set_dense_combined_if_unset(struct rev_info *revs)
+ if (!revs->combine_merges)
+ set_dense_combined(revs);
+void diff_merges_setup_revs(struct rev_info *revs)
+ if (revs->combine_merges == 0)
+ revs->dense_combined_merges = 0;
+ if (revs->separate_merges == 0)
+ revs->first_parent_merges = 0;
+ if (revs->combined_all_paths && !revs->combine_merges)
+ die("--combined-all-paths makes no sense without -c or --cc");
+ if (revs->combined_imply_patch)
+ revs->diff = 1;
+ if (revs->combined_imply_patch || revs->merges_need_diff) {
+ if (!revs->diffopt.output_format)
+ revs->diffopt.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH;
+ }
diff --git a/diff-merges.h b/diff-merges.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..659467c99a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/diff-merges.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#ifndef DIFF_MERGES_H
+#define DIFF_MERGES_H
+ * diff-merges - utility module to handle command-line options for
+ * selection of particular diff format of merge commits
+ * representation.
+ */
+struct rev_info;
+int diff_merges_parse_opts(struct rev_info *revs, const char **argv);
+void diff_merges_suppress(struct rev_info *revs);
+void diff_merges_default_to_first_parent(struct rev_info *revs);
+void diff_merges_default_to_dense_combined(struct rev_info *revs);
+void diff_merges_set_dense_combined_if_unset(struct rev_info *revs);
+void diff_merges_setup_revs(struct rev_info *revs);
diff --git a/diff.c b/diff.c
index 2253ec8802..69e3bc00ed 100644
--- a/diff.c
+++ b/diff.c
@@ -4593,6 +4593,9 @@ void repo_diff_setup(struct repository *r, struct diff_options *options)
options->orderfile = diff_order_file_cfg;
+ if (!options->flags.ignore_submodule_set)
+ options->flags.ignore_untracked_in_submodules = 1;
if (diff_no_prefix) {
options->a_prefix = options->b_prefix = "";
} else if (!diff_mnemonic_prefix) {
diff --git a/diff.h b/diff.h
index 9665e22006..2ff2b1c7f2 100644
--- a/diff.h
+++ b/diff.h
@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ struct diff_flags {
unsigned diff_from_contents;
unsigned dirty_submodules;
unsigned ignore_untracked_in_submodules;
+ unsigned ignore_submodule_set;
unsigned ignore_dirty_submodules;
unsigned override_submodule_config;
unsigned dirstat_by_line;
diff --git a/diffcore-rename.c b/diffcore-rename.c
index d367a6d244..90db9ebd6d 100644
--- a/diffcore-rename.c
+++ b/diffcore-rename.c
@@ -9,63 +9,36 @@
#include "hashmap.h"
#include "progress.h"
#include "promisor-remote.h"
+#include "strmap.h"
/* Table of rename/copy destinations */
static struct diff_rename_dst {
- struct diff_filespec *two;
- struct diff_filepair *pair;
+ struct diff_filepair *p;
+ struct diff_filespec *filespec_to_free;
+ int is_rename; /* false -> just a create; true -> rename or copy */
} *rename_dst;
static int rename_dst_nr, rename_dst_alloc;
+/* Mapping from break source pathname to break destination index */
+static struct strintmap *break_idx = NULL;
-static int find_rename_dst(struct diff_filespec *two)
- int first, last;
- first = 0;
- last = rename_dst_nr;
- while (last > first) {
- int next = first + ((last - first) >> 1);
- struct diff_rename_dst *dst = &(rename_dst[next]);
- int cmp = strcmp(two->path, dst->two->path);
- if (!cmp)
- return next;
- if (cmp < 0) {
- last = next;
- continue;
- }
- first = next+1;
- }
- return -first - 1;
-static struct diff_rename_dst *locate_rename_dst(struct diff_filespec *two)
+static struct diff_rename_dst *locate_rename_dst(struct diff_filepair *p)
- int ofs = find_rename_dst(two);
- return ofs < 0 ? NULL : &rename_dst[ofs];
+ /* Lookup by p->ONE->path */
+ int idx = break_idx ? strintmap_get(break_idx, p->one->path) : -1;
+ return (idx == -1) ? NULL : &rename_dst[idx];
* Returns 0 on success, -1 if we found a duplicate.
-static int add_rename_dst(struct diff_filespec *two)
+static int add_rename_dst(struct diff_filepair *p)
- int first = find_rename_dst(two);
- if (first >= 0)
- return -1;
- first = -first - 1;
- /* insert to make it at "first" */
ALLOC_GROW(rename_dst, rename_dst_nr + 1, rename_dst_alloc);
+ rename_dst[rename_dst_nr].p = p;
+ rename_dst[rename_dst_nr].filespec_to_free = NULL;
+ rename_dst[rename_dst_nr].is_rename = 0;
- if (first < rename_dst_nr)
- MOVE_ARRAY(rename_dst + first + 1, rename_dst + first,
- rename_dst_nr - first - 1);
- rename_dst[first].two = alloc_filespec(two->path);
- fill_filespec(rename_dst[first].two, &two->oid, two->oid_valid,
- two->mode);
- rename_dst[first].pair = NULL;
return 0;
@@ -76,36 +49,20 @@ static struct diff_rename_src {
} *rename_src;
static int rename_src_nr, rename_src_alloc;
-static struct diff_rename_src *register_rename_src(struct diff_filepair *p)
+static void register_rename_src(struct diff_filepair *p)
- int first, last;
- struct diff_filespec *one = p->one;
- unsigned short score = p->score;
- first = 0;
- last = rename_src_nr;
- while (last > first) {
- int next = first + ((last - first) >> 1);
- struct diff_rename_src *src = &(rename_src[next]);
- int cmp = strcmp(one->path, src->p->one->path);
- if (!cmp)
- return src;
- if (cmp < 0) {
- last = next;
- continue;
+ if (p->broken_pair) {
+ if (!break_idx) {
+ break_idx = xmalloc(sizeof(*break_idx));
+ strintmap_init(break_idx, -1);
- first = next+1;
+ strintmap_set(break_idx, p->one->path, rename_dst_nr);
- /* insert to make it at "first" */
ALLOC_GROW(rename_src, rename_src_nr + 1, rename_src_alloc);
+ rename_src[rename_src_nr].p = p;
+ rename_src[rename_src_nr].score = p->score;
- if (first < rename_src_nr)
- MOVE_ARRAY(rename_src + first + 1, rename_src + first,
- rename_src_nr - first - 1);
- rename_src[first].p = p;
- rename_src[first].score = score;
- return &(rename_src[first]);
static int basename_same(struct diff_filespec *src, struct diff_filespec *dst)
@@ -141,14 +98,14 @@ static void prefetch(void *prefetch_options)
struct oid_array to_fetch = OID_ARRAY_INIT;
for (i = 0; i < rename_dst_nr; i++) {
- if (rename_dst[i].pair)
+ if (rename_dst[i].p->renamed_pair)
* The loop in diffcore_rename() will not need these
* blobs, so skip prefetching.
continue; /* already found exact match */
diff_add_if_missing(options->repo, &to_fetch,
- rename_dst[i].two);
+ rename_dst[i].p->two);
for (i = 0; i < rename_src_nr; i++) {
if (options->skip_unmodified &&
@@ -258,26 +215,24 @@ static int estimate_similarity(struct repository *r,
static void record_rename_pair(int dst_index, int src_index, int score)
- struct diff_filespec *src, *dst;
- struct diff_filepair *dp;
+ struct diff_filepair *src = rename_src[src_index].p;
+ struct diff_filepair *dst = rename_dst[dst_index].p;
- if (rename_dst[dst_index].pair)
+ if (dst->renamed_pair)
die("internal error: dst already matched.");
- src = rename_src[src_index].p->one;
- src->rename_used++;
- src->count++;
+ src->one->rename_used++;
+ src->one->count++;
- dst = rename_dst[dst_index].two;
- dst->count++;
+ rename_dst[dst_index].filespec_to_free = dst->one;
+ rename_dst[dst_index].is_rename = 1;
- dp = diff_queue(NULL, src, dst);
- dp->renamed_pair = 1;
- if (!strcmp(src->path, dst->path))
- dp->score = rename_src[src_index].score;
+ dst->one = src->one;
+ dst->renamed_pair = 1;
+ if (!strcmp(dst->one->path, dst->two->path))
+ dst->score = rename_src[src_index].score;
- dp->score = score;
- rename_dst[dst_index].pair = dp;
+ dst->score = score;
@@ -323,7 +278,7 @@ static int find_identical_files(struct hashmap *srcs,
struct diff_options *options)
int renames = 0;
- struct diff_filespec *target = rename_dst[dst_index].two;
+ struct diff_filespec *target = rename_dst[dst_index].p->two;
struct file_similarity *p, *best = NULL;
int i = 100, best_score = -1;
unsigned int hash = hash_filespec(options->repo, target);
@@ -434,12 +389,11 @@ static void record_if_better(struct diff_score m[], struct diff_score *o)
* 1 if we need to disable inexact rename detection;
* 2 if we would be under the limit if we were given -C instead of -C -C.
-static int too_many_rename_candidates(int num_create,
+static int too_many_rename_candidates(int num_destinations, int num_sources,
struct diff_options *options)
int rename_limit = options->rename_limit;
- int num_src = rename_src_nr;
- int i;
+ int i, limited_sources;
options->needed_rename_limit = 0;
@@ -447,31 +401,34 @@ static int too_many_rename_candidates(int num_create,
* This basically does a test for the rename matrix not
* growing larger than a "rename_limit" square matrix, ie:
- * num_create * num_src > rename_limit * rename_limit
+ * num_destinations * num_sources > rename_limit * rename_limit
+ *
+ * We use st_mult() to check overflow conditions; in the
+ * exceptional circumstance that size_t isn't large enough to hold
+ * the multiplication, the system won't be able to allocate enough
+ * memory for the matrix anyway.
if (rename_limit <= 0)
rename_limit = 32767;
- if ((num_create <= rename_limit || num_src <= rename_limit) &&
- ((uint64_t)num_create * (uint64_t)num_src
- <= (uint64_t)rename_limit * (uint64_t)rename_limit))
+ if (st_mult(num_destinations, num_sources)
+ <= st_mult(rename_limit, rename_limit))
return 0;
options->needed_rename_limit =
- num_src > num_create ? num_src : num_create;
+ num_sources > num_destinations ? num_sources : num_destinations;
/* Are we running under -C -C? */
if (!options->flags.find_copies_harder)
return 1;
/* Would we bust the limit if we were running under -C? */
- for (num_src = i = 0; i < rename_src_nr; i++) {
+ for (limited_sources = i = 0; i < num_sources; i++) {
if (diff_unmodified_pair(rename_src[i].p))
- num_src++;
+ limited_sources++;
- if ((num_create <= rename_limit || num_src <= rename_limit) &&
- ((uint64_t)num_create * (uint64_t)num_src
- <= (uint64_t)rename_limit * (uint64_t)rename_limit))
+ if (st_mult(num_destinations, limited_sources)
+ <= st_mult(rename_limit, rename_limit))
return 2;
return 1;
@@ -487,7 +444,7 @@ static int find_renames(struct diff_score *mx, int dst_cnt, int minimum_score, i
(mx[i].score < minimum_score))
break; /* there is no more usable pair. */
dst = &rename_dst[mx[i].dst];
- if (dst->pair)
+ if (dst->is_rename)
continue; /* already done, either exact or fuzzy. */
if (!copies && rename_src[mx[i].src].p->one->rename_used)
@@ -505,7 +462,7 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
struct diff_queue_struct outq;
struct diff_score *mx;
int i, j, rename_count, skip_unmodified = 0;
- int num_create, dst_cnt;
+ int num_destinations, dst_cnt;
struct progress *progress = NULL;
if (!minimum_score)
@@ -522,7 +479,7 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
else if (!options->flags.rename_empty &&
- else if (add_rename_dst(p->two) < 0) {
+ else if (add_rename_dst(p) < 0) {
warning("skipping rename detection, detected"
" duplicate destination '%s'",
@@ -570,13 +527,14 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
* Calculate how many renames are left (but all the source
* files still remain as options for rename/copies!)
- num_create = (rename_dst_nr - rename_count);
+ num_destinations = (rename_dst_nr - rename_count);
/* All done? */
- if (!num_create)
+ if (!num_destinations)
goto cleanup;
- switch (too_many_rename_candidates(num_create, options)) {
+ switch (too_many_rename_candidates(num_destinations, rename_src_nr,
+ options)) {
case 1:
goto cleanup;
case 2:
@@ -590,15 +548,16 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
if (options->show_rename_progress) {
progress = start_delayed_progress(
_("Performing inexact rename detection"),
- (uint64_t)rename_dst_nr * (uint64_t)rename_src_nr);
+ (uint64_t)num_destinations * (uint64_t)rename_src_nr);
- mx = xcalloc(st_mult(NUM_CANDIDATE_PER_DST, num_create), sizeof(*mx));
+ mx = xcalloc(st_mult(NUM_CANDIDATE_PER_DST, num_destinations),
+ sizeof(*mx));
for (dst_cnt = i = 0; i < rename_dst_nr; i++) {
- struct diff_filespec *two = rename_dst[i].two;
+ struct diff_filespec *two = rename_dst[i].p->two;
struct diff_score *m;
- if (rename_dst[i].pair)
+ if (rename_dst[i].is_rename)
continue; /* dealt with exact match already. */
m = &mx[dst_cnt * NUM_CANDIDATE_PER_DST];
@@ -629,7 +588,8 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
- display_progress(progress, (uint64_t)(i+1)*(uint64_t)rename_src_nr);
+ display_progress(progress,
+ (uint64_t)dst_cnt * (uint64_t)rename_src_nr);
@@ -654,22 +614,8 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
diff_q(&outq, p);
else if (!DIFF_FILE_VALID(p->one) && DIFF_FILE_VALID(p->two)) {
- /*
- * Creation
- *
- * We would output this create record if it has
- * not been turned into a rename/copy already.
- */
- struct diff_rename_dst *dst = locate_rename_dst(p->two);
- if (dst && dst->pair) {
- diff_q(&outq, dst->pair);
- pair_to_free = p;
- }
- else
- /* no matching rename/copy source, so
- * record this as a creation.
- */
- diff_q(&outq, p);
+ /* Creation */
+ diff_q(&outq, p);
else if (DIFF_FILE_VALID(p->one) && !DIFF_FILE_VALID(p->two)) {
@@ -690,8 +636,10 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
/* broken delete */
- struct diff_rename_dst *dst = locate_rename_dst(p->one);
- if (dst && dst->pair)
+ struct diff_rename_dst *dst = locate_rename_dst(p);
+ if (!dst)
+ BUG("tracking failed somehow; failed to find associated dst for broken pair");
+ if (dst->is_rename)
/* counterpart is now rename/copy */
pair_to_free = p;
@@ -701,16 +649,14 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
pair_to_free = p;
- if (pair_to_free)
- ;
- else
+ if (!pair_to_free)
diff_q(&outq, p);
else if (!diff_unmodified_pair(p))
/* all the usual ones need to be kept */
diff_q(&outq, p);
- /* no need to keep unmodified pairs */
+ /* no need to keep unmodified pairs; FIXME: remove earlier? */
pair_to_free = p;
if (pair_to_free)
@@ -723,11 +669,16 @@ void diffcore_rename(struct diff_options *options)
diff_debug_queue("done collapsing", q);
for (i = 0; i < rename_dst_nr; i++)
- free_filespec(rename_dst[i].two);
+ if (rename_dst[i].filespec_to_free)
+ free_filespec(rename_dst[i].filespec_to_free);
rename_dst_nr = rename_dst_alloc = 0;
rename_src_nr = rename_src_alloc = 0;
+ if (break_idx) {
+ strintmap_clear(break_idx);
+ FREE_AND_NULL(break_idx);
+ }
diff --git a/dir.c b/dir.c
index d637461da5..d153a63bbd 100644
--- a/dir.c
+++ b/dir.c
@@ -2998,6 +2998,23 @@ void setup_standard_excludes(struct dir_struct *dir)
+char *get_sparse_checkout_filename(void)
+ return git_pathdup("info/sparse-checkout");
+int get_sparse_checkout_patterns(struct pattern_list *pl)
+ int res;
+ char *sparse_filename = get_sparse_checkout_filename();
+ pl->use_cone_patterns = core_sparse_checkout_cone;
+ res = add_patterns_from_file_to_list(sparse_filename, "", 0, pl, NULL);
+ free(sparse_filename);
+ return res;
int remove_path(const char *name)
char *slash;
diff --git a/dir.h b/dir.h
index a3c40dec51..facfae4740 100644
--- a/dir.h
+++ b/dir.h
@@ -448,6 +448,8 @@ int is_empty_dir(const char *dir);
void setup_standard_excludes(struct dir_struct *dir);
+char *get_sparse_checkout_filename(void);
+int get_sparse_checkout_patterns(struct pattern_list *pl);
/* Constants for remove_dir_recursively: */
diff --git a/environment.c b/environment.c
index bb518c61cd..2f27008424 100644
--- a/environment.c
+++ b/environment.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "cache.h"
#include "branch.h"
+#include "environment.h"
#include "repository.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "refs.h"
@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ const char * const local_repo_env[] = {
@@ -152,11 +154,7 @@ static char *expand_namespace(const char *raw_namespace)
return strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL);
- * Wrapper of getenv() that returns a strdup value. This value is kept
- * in argv to be freed later.
- */
-static const char *getenv_safe(struct strvec *argv, const char *name)
+const char *getenv_safe(struct strvec *argv, const char *name)
const char *value = getenv(name);
diff --git a/environment.h b/environment.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d438b5c8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/environment.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "strvec.h"
+ * Wrapper of getenv() that returns a strdup value. This value is kept
+ * in argv to be freed later.
+ */
+const char *getenv_safe(struct strvec *argv, const char *name);
diff --git a/fetch-pack.c b/fetch-pack.c
index 876f90c759..1eaedcb5dc 100644
--- a/fetch-pack.c
+++ b/fetch-pack.c
@@ -772,13 +772,11 @@ static int sideband_demux(int in, int out, void *data)
return ret;
-static void write_promisor_file(const char *keep_name,
- struct ref **sought, int nr_sought)
+static void create_promisor_file(const char *keep_name,
+ struct ref **sought, int nr_sought)
struct strbuf promisor_name = STRBUF_INIT;
int suffix_stripped;
- FILE *output;
- int i;
strbuf_addstr(&promisor_name, keep_name);
suffix_stripped = strbuf_strip_suffix(&promisor_name, ".keep");
@@ -787,11 +785,7 @@ static void write_promisor_file(const char *keep_name,
strbuf_addstr(&promisor_name, ".promisor");
- output = xfopen(promisor_name.buf, "w");
- for (i = 0; i < nr_sought; i++)
- fprintf(output, "%s %s\n", oid_to_hex(&sought[i]->old_oid),
- sought[i]->name);
- fclose(output);
+ write_promisor_file(promisor_name.buf, sought, nr_sought);
@@ -875,7 +869,7 @@ static int get_pack(struct fetch_pack_args *args,
if (args->from_promisor)
- * write_promisor_file() may be called afterwards but
+ * create_promisor_file() may be called afterwards but
* we still need index-pack to know that this is a
* promisor pack. For example, if transfer.fsckobjects
* is true, index-pack needs to know that .gitmodules
@@ -943,7 +937,7 @@ static int get_pack(struct fetch_pack_args *args,
* obtained .keep filename if necessary
if (do_keep && pack_lockfiles && pack_lockfiles->nr && args->from_promisor)
- write_promisor_file(pack_lockfiles->items[0].string, sought, nr_sought);
+ create_promisor_file(pack_lockfiles->items[0].string, sought, nr_sought);
return 0;
diff --git a/fmt-merge-msg.c b/fmt-merge-msg.c
index 9a664a4a58..46f6015c44 100644
--- a/fmt-merge-msg.c
+++ b/fmt-merge-msg.c
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "refs.h"
#include "object-store.h"
#include "diff.h"
+#include "diff-merges.h"
#include "revision.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "string-list.h"
@@ -670,7 +671,7 @@ int fmt_merge_msg(struct strbuf *in, struct strbuf *out,
head = lookup_commit_or_die(&head_oid, "HEAD");
repo_init_revisions(the_repository, &rev, NULL);
rev.commit_format = CMIT_FMT_ONELINE;
- rev.ignore_merges = 1;
+ diff_merges_suppress(&rev); = 1;
diff --git a/fsck.c b/fsck.c
index f82e2fe9e3..4b7f0b73d7 100644
--- a/fsck.c
+++ b/fsck.c
@@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ static struct oidset gitmodules_done = OIDSET_INIT;
/* infos (reported as warnings, but ignored by default) */ \
+ /* ignored (elevated when requested) */ \
#define MSG_ID(id, msg_type) FSCK_MSG_##id,
enum fsck_msg_id {
@@ -911,6 +913,16 @@ static int fsck_tag(const struct object_id *oid, const char *buffer,
unsigned long size, struct fsck_options *options)
struct object_id tagged_oid;
+ int tagged_type;
+ return fsck_tag_standalone(oid, buffer, size, options, &tagged_oid,
+ &tagged_type);
+int fsck_tag_standalone(const struct object_id *oid, const char *buffer,
+ unsigned long size, struct fsck_options *options,
+ struct object_id *tagged_oid,
+ int *tagged_type)
int ret = 0;
char *eol;
struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -924,7 +936,7 @@ static int fsck_tag(const struct object_id *oid, const char *buffer,
ret = report(options, oid, OBJ_TAG, FSCK_MSG_MISSING_OBJECT, "invalid format - expected 'object' line");
goto done;
- if (parse_oid_hex(buffer, &tagged_oid, &p) || *p != '\n') {
+ if (parse_oid_hex(buffer, tagged_oid, &p) || *p != '\n') {
ret = report(options, oid, OBJ_TAG, FSCK_MSG_BAD_OBJECT_SHA1, "invalid 'object' line format - bad sha1");
if (ret)
goto done;
@@ -940,7 +952,8 @@ static int fsck_tag(const struct object_id *oid, const char *buffer,
ret = report(options, oid, OBJ_TAG, FSCK_MSG_MISSING_TYPE, "invalid format - unexpected end after 'type' line");
goto done;
- if (type_from_string_gently(buffer, eol - buffer, 1) < 0)
+ *tagged_type = type_from_string_gently(buffer, eol - buffer, 1);
+ if (*tagged_type < 0)
ret = report(options, oid, OBJ_TAG, FSCK_MSG_BAD_TYPE, "invalid 'type' value");
if (ret)
goto done;
@@ -974,6 +987,21 @@ static int fsck_tag(const struct object_id *oid, const char *buffer,
ret = fsck_ident(&buffer, oid, OBJ_TAG, options);
+ if (!*buffer)
+ goto done;
+ if (!starts_with(buffer, "\n")) {
+ /*
+ * The verify_headers() check will allow
+ * e.g. "[...]tagger <tagger>\nsome
+ * garbage\n\nmessage" to pass, thinking "some
+ * garbage" could be a custom header. E.g. "mktag"
+ * doesn't want any unknown headers.
+ */
+ ret = report(options, oid, OBJ_TAG, FSCK_MSG_EXTRA_HEADER_ENTRY, "invalid format - extra header(s) after 'tagger'");
+ if (ret)
+ goto done;
+ }
@@ -1082,7 +1110,7 @@ static int check_submodule_url(const char *url)
if (looks_like_command_line_option(url))
return -1;
- if (submodule_url_is_relative(url)) {
+ if (submodule_url_is_relative(url) || starts_with(url, "git://")) {
char *decoded;
const char *next;
int has_nl;
@@ -1284,3 +1312,27 @@ int fsck_finish(struct fsck_options *options)
return ret;
+int fsck_config_internal(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb,
+ struct fsck_options *options)
+ if (strcmp(var, "fsck.skiplist") == 0) {
+ const char *path;
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ if (git_config_pathname(&path, var, value))
+ return 1;
+ strbuf_addf(&sb, "skiplist=%s", path);
+ free((char *)path);
+ fsck_set_msg_types(options, sb.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (skip_prefix(var, "fsck.", &var)) {
+ fsck_set_msg_type(options, var, value);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return git_default_config(var, value, cb);
diff --git a/fsck.h b/fsck.h
index 69cf715e79..423c467feb 100644
--- a/fsck.h
+++ b/fsck.h
@@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ int fsck_object(struct object *obj, void *data, unsigned long size,
struct fsck_options *options);
+ * fsck a tag, and pass info about it back to the caller. This is
+ * exposed fsck_object() internals for git-mktag(1).
+ */
+int fsck_tag_standalone(const struct object_id *oid, const char *buffer,
+ unsigned long size, struct fsck_options *options,
+ struct object_id *tagged_oid,
+ int *tag_type);
* Some fsck checks are context-dependent, and may end up queued; run this
* after completing all fsck_object() calls in order to resolve any remaining
* checks.
@@ -94,4 +103,11 @@ void fsck_put_object_name(struct fsck_options *options,
const char *fsck_describe_object(struct fsck_options *options,
const struct object_id *oid);
+ * git_config() callback for use by fsck-y tools that want to support
+ * fsck.<msg> fsck.skipList etc.
+ */
+int fsck_config_internal(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb,
+ struct fsck_options *options);
diff --git a/fsmonitor.c b/fsmonitor.c
index ca031c3abb..fe9e9d7baf 100644
--- a/fsmonitor.c
+++ b/fsmonitor.c
@@ -13,14 +13,19 @@
struct trace_key trace_fsmonitor = TRACE_KEY_INIT(FSMONITOR);
+static void assert_index_minimum(struct index_state *istate, size_t pos)
+ if (pos > istate->cache_nr)
+ BUG("fsmonitor_dirty has more entries than the index (%"PRIuMAX" > %u)",
+ (uintmax_t)pos, istate->cache_nr);
static void fsmonitor_ewah_callback(size_t pos, void *is)
struct index_state *istate = (struct index_state *)is;
struct cache_entry *ce;
- if (pos >= istate->cache_nr)
- BUG("fsmonitor_dirty has more entries than the index (%"PRIuMAX" >= %u)",
- (uintmax_t)pos, istate->cache_nr);
+ assert_index_minimum(istate, pos + 1);
ce = istate->cache[pos];
ce->ce_flags &= ~CE_FSMONITOR_VALID;
@@ -82,10 +87,8 @@ int read_fsmonitor_extension(struct index_state *istate, const void *data,
istate->fsmonitor_dirty = fsmonitor_dirty;
- if (!istate->split_index &&
- istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size > istate->cache_nr)
- BUG("fsmonitor_dirty has more entries than the index (%"PRIuMAX" > %u)",
- (uintmax_t)istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size, istate->cache_nr);
+ if (!istate->split_index)
+ assert_index_minimum(istate, istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size);
trace_printf_key(&trace_fsmonitor, "read fsmonitor extension successful");
return 0;
@@ -110,10 +113,8 @@ void write_fsmonitor_extension(struct strbuf *sb, struct index_state *istate)
uint32_t ewah_size = 0;
int fixup = 0;
- if (!istate->split_index &&
- istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size > istate->cache_nr)
- BUG("fsmonitor_dirty has more entries than the index (%"PRIuMAX" > %u)",
- (uintmax_t)istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size, istate->cache_nr);
+ if (!istate->split_index)
+ assert_index_minimum(istate, istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size);
put_be32(&hdr_version, INDEX_EXTENSION_VERSION2);
strbuf_add(sb, &hdr_version, sizeof(uint32_t));
@@ -335,9 +336,7 @@ void tweak_fsmonitor(struct index_state *istate)
/* Mark all previously saved entries as dirty */
- if (istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size > istate->cache_nr)
- BUG("fsmonitor_dirty has more entries than the index (%"PRIuMAX" > %u)",
- (uintmax_t)istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size, istate->cache_nr);
+ assert_index_minimum(istate, istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size);
ewah_each_bit(istate->fsmonitor_dirty, fsmonitor_ewah_callback, istate);
diff --git a/gettext.c b/gettext.c
index 308c4b3129..af2413b47e 100644
--- a/gettext.c
+++ b/gettext.c
@@ -79,88 +79,24 @@ static int test_vsnprintf(const char *fmt, ...)
static void init_gettext_charset(const char *domain)
- /*
- This trick arranges for messages to be emitted in the user's
- requested encoding, but avoids setting LC_CTYPE from the
- environment for the whole program.
- This primarily done to avoid a bug in vsnprintf in the GNU C
- Library [1]. which triggered a "your vsnprintf is broken" error
- on Git's own repository when inspecting v0.99.6~1 under a UTF-8
- locale.
- That commit contains a ISO-8859-1 encoded author name, which
- the locale aware vsnprintf(3) won't interpolate in the format
- argument, due to mismatch between the data encoding and the
- locale.
- Even if it wasn't for that bug we wouldn't want to use LC_CTYPE at
- this point, because it'd require auditing all the code that uses C
- functions whose semantics are modified by LC_CTYPE.
- But only setting LC_MESSAGES as we do creates a problem, since
- we declare the encoding of our PO files[2] the gettext
- implementation will try to recode it to the user's locale, but
- without LC_CTYPE it'll emit something like this on 'git init'
- under the Icelandic locale:
- Bj? til t?ma Git lind ? /hlagh/.git/
- Gettext knows about the encoding of our PO file, but we haven't
- told it about the user's encoding, so all the non-US-ASCII
- characters get encoded to question marks.
- But we're in luck! We can set LC_CTYPE from the environment
- only while we call nl_langinfo and
- bind_textdomain_codeset. That suffices to tell gettext what
- encoding it should emit in, so it'll now say:
- Bjó til tóma Git lind í /hlagh/.git/
- And the equivalent ISO-8859-1 string will be emitted under a
- ISO-8859-1 locale.
- With this change way we get the advantages of setting LC_CTYPE
- (talk to the user in his language/encoding), without the major
- drawbacks (changed semantics for C functions we rely on).
- However foreign functions using other message catalogs that
- aren't using our neat trick will still have a problem, e.g. if
- we have to call perror(3):
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <locale.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "");
- setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C");
- errno = ENODEV;
- perror("test");
- return 0;
- }
- Running that will give you a message with question marks:
- $ LANGUAGE= LANG=de_DE.utf8 ./test
- test: Kein passendes Ger?t gefunden
- The vsnprintf bug has been fixed since glibc 2.17.
- Then we could simply set LC_CTYPE from the environment, which would
- make things like the external perror(3) messages work.
- See t/'s "gettext.c" tests for
- regression tests.
- 1.
- 2. E.g. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" in po/is.po
- */
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
charset = locale_charset();
bind_textdomain_codeset(domain, charset);
- /* the string is taken from v0.99.6~1 */
+ /*
+ * Work around an old bug fixed in glibc 2.17 (released on
+ * 2012-12-24), at the cost of potentially making translated
+ * messages from external functions like perror() emitted in
+ * the wrong encoding.
+ *
+ * The bug affected e.g. git.git's own 7eb93c89651 ([PATCH]
+ * Simplify git script, 2005-09-07), which is the origin of
+ * the "David_K\345gedal" test string.
+ *
+ * See a much longer comment added to this file in 5e9637c6297
+ * (i18n: add infrastructure for translating Git with gettext,
+ * 2011-11-18) for more details.
+ */
if (test_vsnprintf("%.*s", 13, "David_K\345gedal") < 0)
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C");
diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index 104993b975..5d5e47fbe2 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -1176,9 +1176,12 @@ static inline int regexec_buf(const regex_t *preg, const char *buf, size_t size,
-#if defined(__GNUC__) || (_MSC_VER >= 1400) || defined(__C99_MACRO_WITH_VA_ARGS)
+ * This is always defined as a first step towards making the use of variadic
+ * macros unconditional. If it causes compilation problems on your platform,
+ * please report it to the Git mailing list at
+ */
/* usage.c: only to be used for testing BUG() implementation (see test-tool) */
extern int BUG_exit_code;
diff --git a/ b/
index 7225abd811..78f3647ed9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -46,9 +46,11 @@ show_tool_names () {
while read scriptname
setup_tool "$scriptname" 2>/dev/null
- variants="$variants$(list_tool_variants)\n"
+ # We need an actual line feed here
+ variants="$variants
- variants="$(echo "$variants" | sort | uniq)"
+ variants="$(echo "$variants" | sort -u)"
for toolname in $variants
diff --git a/ b/
index 6ae5bbfe99..09c9e93ac4 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3031,7 +3031,7 @@ class P4Sync(Command, P4UserMap):
regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE)
text = ''.join(decode_text_stream(c) for c in contents)
text = regexp.sub(r'$\1$', text)
- contents = [ text ]
+ contents = [ encode_text_stream(text) ]
if self.largeFileSystem:
(git_mode, contents) = self.largeFileSystem.processContent(git_mode, relPath, contents)
diff --git a/git.c b/git.c
index a00a0a4d94..b5f63d346b 100644
--- a/git.c
+++ b/git.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ const char git_usage_string[] =
" [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]\n"
" [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]\n"
" [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]\n"
+ " [--super-prefix=<path>] [--config-env=<name>=<envvar>]\n"
" <command> [<args>]");
const char git_more_info_string[] =
@@ -254,6 +255,8 @@ static int handle_options(const char ***argv, int *argc, int *envchanged)
+ } else if (skip_prefix(cmd, "--config-env=", &cmd)) {
+ git_config_push_env(cmd);
} else if (!strcmp(cmd, "--literal-pathspecs")) {
if (envchanged)
diff --git a/grep.c b/grep.c
index efeb6dc58d..aabfaaa4c3 100644
--- a/grep.c
+++ b/grep.c
@@ -166,11 +166,6 @@ void grep_init(struct grep_opt *opt, struct repository *repo, const char *prefix
pcre2_malloc, pcre2_free, NULL);
-#ifdef USE_LIBPCRE1
- pcre_malloc = malloc;
- pcre_free = free;
*opt = grep_defaults;
opt->repo = repo;
@@ -223,17 +218,7 @@ static void grep_set_pattern_type_option(enum grep_pattern_type pattern_type, st
-#ifdef USE_LIBPCRE2
opt->pcre2 = 1;
- /*
- * It's important that pcre1 always be assigned to
- * even when there's no USE_LIBPCRE* defined. We still
- * call the PCRE stub function, it just dies with
- * "cannot use Perl-compatible regexes[...]".
- */
- opt->pcre1 = 1;
@@ -377,92 +362,6 @@ static int is_fixed(const char *s, size_t len)
return 1;
-#ifdef USE_LIBPCRE1
-static void compile_pcre1_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt)
- const char *error;
- int erroffset;
- int options = PCRE_MULTILINE;
- int study_options = 0;
- if (opt->ignore_case) {
- if (!opt->ignore_locale && has_non_ascii(p->pattern))
- p->pcre1_tables = pcre_maketables();
- options |= PCRE_CASELESS;
- }
- if (!opt->ignore_locale && is_utf8_locale() && has_non_ascii(p->pattern))
- options |= PCRE_UTF8;
- p->pcre1_regexp = pcre_compile(p->pattern, options, &error, &erroffset,
- p->pcre1_tables);
- if (!p->pcre1_regexp)
- compile_regexp_failed(p, error);
-#if defined(PCRE_CONFIG_JIT) && !defined(NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT)
- pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_JIT, &p->pcre1_jit_on);
- if (opt->debug)
- fprintf(stderr, "pcre1_jit_on=%d\n", p->pcre1_jit_on);
- if (p->pcre1_jit_on)
- study_options = PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE;
- p->pcre1_extra_info = pcre_study(p->pcre1_regexp, study_options, &error);
- if (!p->pcre1_extra_info && error)
- die("%s", error);
-static int pcre1match(struct grep_pat *p, const char *line, const char *eol,
- regmatch_t *match, int eflags)
- int ovector[30], ret, flags = PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK;
- if (eflags & REG_NOTBOL)
- flags |= PCRE_NOTBOL;
- ret = pcre_exec(p->pcre1_regexp, p->pcre1_extra_info, line,
- eol - line, 0, flags, ovector,
- ARRAY_SIZE(ovector));
- if (ret < 0 && ret != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
- die("pcre_exec failed with error code %d", ret);
- if (ret > 0) {
- ret = 0;
- match->rm_so = ovector[0];
- match->rm_eo = ovector[1];
- }
- return ret;
-static void free_pcre1_regexp(struct grep_pat *p)
- pcre_free(p->pcre1_regexp);
- if (p->pcre1_jit_on)
- pcre_free_study(p->pcre1_extra_info);
- else
- pcre_free(p->pcre1_extra_info);
- pcre_free((void *)p->pcre1_tables);
-#else /* !USE_LIBPCRE1 */
-static void compile_pcre1_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt)
- die("cannot use Perl-compatible regexes when not compiled with USE_LIBPCRE");
-static int pcre1match(struct grep_pat *p, const char *line, const char *eol,
- regmatch_t *match, int eflags)
- return 1;
-static void free_pcre1_regexp(struct grep_pat *p)
-#endif /* !USE_LIBPCRE1 */
static void compile_pcre2_pattern(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt)
@@ -492,7 +391,23 @@ static void compile_pcre2_pattern(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt
if (!opt->ignore_locale && is_utf8_locale() && has_non_ascii(p->pattern) &&
!(!opt->ignore_case && (p->fixed || p->is_fixed)))
- options |= PCRE2_UTF;
+ /* Work around fixed in 10.36 */
+ struct strbuf buf;
+ int len;
+ int err;
+ if ((len = pcre2_config(PCRE2_CONFIG_VERSION, NULL)) < 0)
+ BUG("pcre2_config(..., NULL) failed: %d", len);
+ strbuf_init(&buf, len + 1);
+ if ((err = pcre2_config(PCRE2_CONFIG_VERSION, buf.buf)) < 0)
+ BUG("pcre2_config(..., buf.buf) failed: %d", err);
+ if (versioncmp(buf.buf, "10.36") < 0)
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
+ }
p->pcre2_pattern = pcre2_compile((PCRE2_SPTR)p->pattern,
p->patternlen, options, &error, &erroffset,
@@ -508,8 +423,6 @@ static void compile_pcre2_pattern(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt
pcre2_config(PCRE2_CONFIG_JIT, &p->pcre2_jit_on);
- if (opt->debug)
- fprintf(stderr, "pcre2_jit_on=%d\n", p->pcre2_jit_on);
if (p->pcre2_jit_on) {
jitret = pcre2_jit_compile(p->pcre2_pattern, PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE);
if (jitret)
@@ -535,9 +448,6 @@ static void compile_pcre2_pattern(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt
BUG("pcre2_pattern_info() failed: %d", patinforet);
if (jitsizearg == 0) {
p->pcre2_jit_on = 0;
- if (opt->debug)
- fprintf(stderr, "pcre2_jit_on=%d: (*NO_JIT) in regex\n",
- p->pcre2_jit_on);
@@ -588,11 +498,6 @@ static void free_pcre2_pattern(struct grep_pat *p)
#else /* !USE_LIBPCRE2 */
static void compile_pcre2_pattern(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt)
- /*
- * Unreachable until USE_LIBPCRE2 becomes synonymous with
- * USE_LIBPCRE. See the sibling comment in
- * grep_set_pattern_type_option().
- */
die("cannot use Perl-compatible regexes when not compiled with USE_LIBPCRE");
@@ -616,8 +521,6 @@ static void compile_fixed_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, struct grep_opt *opt)
if (opt->ignore_case)
regflags |= REG_ICASE;
err = regcomp(&p->regexp, sb.buf, regflags);
- if (opt->debug)
- fprintf(stderr, "fixed %s\n", sb.buf);
if (err) {
char errbuf[1024];
@@ -693,11 +596,6 @@ static void compile_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, struct grep_opt *opt)
- if (opt->pcre1) {
- compile_pcre1_regexp(p, opt);
- return;
- }
if (p->ignore_case)
regflags |= REG_ICASE;
if (opt->extended_regexp_option)
@@ -812,87 +710,6 @@ static struct grep_expr *compile_pattern_expr(struct grep_pat **list)
return compile_pattern_or(list);
-static void indent(int in)
- while (in-- > 0)
- fputc(' ', stderr);
-static void dump_grep_pat(struct grep_pat *p)
- switch (p->token) {
- case GREP_AND: fprintf(stderr, "*and*"); break;
- case GREP_OPEN_PAREN: fprintf(stderr, "*(*"); break;
- case GREP_CLOSE_PAREN: fprintf(stderr, "*)*"); break;
- case GREP_NOT: fprintf(stderr, "*not*"); break;
- case GREP_OR: fprintf(stderr, "*or*"); break;
- case GREP_PATTERN: fprintf(stderr, "pattern"); break;
- case GREP_PATTERN_HEAD: fprintf(stderr, "pattern_head"); break;
- case GREP_PATTERN_BODY: fprintf(stderr, "pattern_body"); break;
- }
- switch (p->token) {
- default: break;
- fprintf(stderr, "<head %d>", p->field); break;
- fprintf(stderr, "<body>"); break;
- }
- switch (p->token) {
- default: break;
- fprintf(stderr, "%.*s", (int)p->patternlen, p->pattern);
- break;
- }
- fputc('\n', stderr);
-static void dump_grep_expression_1(struct grep_expr *x, int in)
- indent(in);
- switch (x->node) {
- fprintf(stderr, "true\n");
- break;
- dump_grep_pat(x->u.atom);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "(not\n");
- dump_grep_expression_1(x->u.unary, in+1);
- indent(in);
- fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "(and\n");
- dump_grep_expression_1(x->u.binary.left, in+1);
- dump_grep_expression_1(x->u.binary.right, in+1);
- indent(in);
- fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
- break;
- case GREP_NODE_OR:
- fprintf(stderr, "(or\n");
- dump_grep_expression_1(x->u.binary.left, in+1);
- dump_grep_expression_1(x->u.binary.right, in+1);
- indent(in);
- fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
- break;
- }
-static void dump_grep_expression(struct grep_opt *opt)
- struct grep_expr *x = opt->pattern_expression;
- if (opt->all_match)
- fprintf(stderr, "[all-match]\n");
- dump_grep_expression_1(x, 0);
- fflush(NULL);
static struct grep_expr *grep_true_expr(void)
struct grep_expr *z = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*z));
@@ -973,7 +790,7 @@ static struct grep_expr *grep_splice_or(struct grep_expr *x, struct grep_expr *y
return z;
-static void compile_grep_patterns_real(struct grep_opt *opt)
+void compile_grep_patterns(struct grep_opt *opt)
struct grep_pat *p;
struct grep_expr *header_expr = prep_header_patterns(opt);
@@ -993,7 +810,7 @@ static void compile_grep_patterns_real(struct grep_opt *opt)
if (opt->all_match || header_expr)
opt->extended = 1;
- else if (!opt->extended && !opt->debug)
+ else if (!opt->extended)
p = opt->pattern_list;
@@ -1016,13 +833,6 @@ static void compile_grep_patterns_real(struct grep_opt *opt)
opt->all_match = 1;
-void compile_grep_patterns(struct grep_opt *opt)
- compile_grep_patterns_real(opt);
- if (opt->debug)
- dump_grep_expression(opt);
static void free_pattern_expr(struct grep_expr *x)
switch (x->node) {
@@ -1051,9 +861,7 @@ void free_grep_patterns(struct grep_opt *opt)
case GREP_PATTERN: /* atom */
- if (p->pcre1_regexp)
- free_pcre1_regexp(p);
- else if (p->pcre2_pattern)
+ if (p->pcre2_pattern)
@@ -1116,9 +924,7 @@ static int patmatch(struct grep_pat *p, char *line, char *eol,
int hit;
- if (p->pcre1_regexp)
- hit = !pcre1match(p, line, eol, match, eflags);
- else if (p->pcre2_pattern)
+ if (p->pcre2_pattern)
hit = !pcre2match(p, line, eol, match, eflags);
hit = !regexec_buf(&p->regexp, line, eol - line, 1, match,
diff --git a/grep.h b/grep.h
index b5c4e223a8..ae89d6254b 100644
--- a/grep.h
+++ b/grep.h
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
#ifndef GREP_H
#define GREP_H
#include "color.h"
-#ifdef USE_LIBPCRE1
-#include <pcre.h>
-#define PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK 0
-typedef int pcre;
-typedef int pcre_extra;
#include <pcre2.h>
@@ -18,6 +9,10 @@ typedef int pcre2_code;
typedef int pcre2_match_data;
typedef int pcre2_compile_context;
+/* PCRE2_MATCH_* dummy also with !USE_LIBPCRE2, for test-pcre2-config.c */
#include "thread-utils.h"
#include "userdiff.h"
@@ -71,10 +66,6 @@ struct grep_pat {
size_t patternlen;
enum grep_header_field field;
regex_t regexp;
- pcre *pcre1_regexp;
- pcre_extra *pcre1_extra_info;
- const unsigned char *pcre1_tables;
- int pcre1_jit_on;
pcre2_code *pcre2_pattern;
pcre2_match_data *pcre2_match_data;
pcre2_compile_context *pcre2_compile_context;
@@ -136,7 +127,6 @@ struct grep_opt {
int word_regexp;
int fixed;
int all_match;
- int debug;
@@ -144,7 +134,6 @@ struct grep_opt {
int allow_textconv;
int extended;
int use_reflog_filter;
- int pcre1;
int pcre2;
int relative;
int pathname;
diff --git a/sha1-lookup.c b/hash-lookup.c
index 29185844ec..b98ed5e11e 100644
--- a/sha1-lookup.c
+++ b/hash-lookup.c
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include "cache.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
-static uint32_t take2(const unsigned char *sha1)
+static uint32_t take2(const struct object_id *oid, size_t ofs)
- return ((sha1[0] << 8) | sha1[1]);
+ return ((oid->hash[ofs] << 8) | oid->hash[ofs + 1]);
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ static uint32_t take2(const unsigned char *sha1)
* The table should contain "nr" elements.
- * The sha1 of element i (between 0 and nr - 1) should be returned
+ * The oid of element i (between 0 and nr - 1) should be returned
* by "fn(i, table)".
-int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *hash, void *table, size_t nr,
- sha1_access_fn fn)
+int oid_pos(const struct object_id *oid, const void *table, size_t nr,
+ oid_access_fn fn)
size_t hi = nr;
size_t lo = 0;
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *hash, void *table, size_t nr,
size_t lov, hiv, miv, ofs;
for (ofs = 0; ofs < the_hash_algo->rawsz - 2; ofs += 2) {
- lov = take2(fn(0, table) + ofs);
- hiv = take2(fn(nr - 1, table) + ofs);
- miv = take2(hash + ofs);
+ lov = take2(fn(0, table), ofs);
+ hiv = take2(fn(nr - 1, table), ofs);
+ miv = take2(oid, ofs);
if (miv < lov)
return -1;
if (hiv < miv)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *hash, void *table, size_t nr,
if (lov != hiv) {
* At this point miv could be equal
- * to hiv (but sha1 could still be higher);
+ * to hiv (but hash could still be higher);
* the invariant of (mi < hi) should be
* kept.
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *hash, void *table, size_t nr,
do {
int cmp;
- cmp = hashcmp(fn(mi, table), hash);
+ cmp = oidcmp(fn(mi, table), oid);
if (!cmp)
return mi;
if (cmp > 0)
@@ -100,17 +100,17 @@ int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *hash, void *table, size_t nr,
return index_pos_to_insert_pos(lo);
-int bsearch_hash(const unsigned char *sha1, const uint32_t *fanout_nbo,
+int bsearch_hash(const unsigned char *hash, const uint32_t *fanout_nbo,
const unsigned char *table, size_t stride, uint32_t *result)
uint32_t hi, lo;
- hi = ntohl(fanout_nbo[*sha1]);
- lo = ((*sha1 == 0x0) ? 0 : ntohl(fanout_nbo[*sha1 - 1]));
+ hi = ntohl(fanout_nbo[*hash]);
+ lo = ((*hash == 0x0) ? 0 : ntohl(fanout_nbo[*hash - 1]));
while (lo < hi) {
unsigned mi = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
- int cmp = hashcmp(table + mi * stride, sha1);
+ int cmp = hashcmp(table + mi * stride, hash);
if (!cmp) {
if (result)
diff --git a/sha1-lookup.h b/hash-lookup.h
index 5afcd011c6..dbd71ebaf7 100644
--- a/sha1-lookup.h
+++ b/hash-lookup.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-#ifndef SHA1_LOOKUP_H
-#define SHA1_LOOKUP_H
+#ifndef HASH_LOOKUP_H
+#define HASH_LOOKUP_H
-typedef const unsigned char *sha1_access_fn(size_t index, void *table);
+typedef const struct object_id *oid_access_fn(size_t index, const void *table);
-int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *sha1,
- void *table,
- size_t nr,
- sha1_access_fn fn);
+int oid_pos(const struct object_id *oid,
+ const void *table,
+ size_t nr,
+ oid_access_fn fn);
- * Searches for sha1 in table, using the given fanout table to determine the
+ * Searches for hash in table, using the given fanout table to determine the
* interval to search, then using binary search. Returns 1 if found, 0 if not.
* Takes the following parameters:
- * - sha1: the hash to search for
+ * - hash: the hash to search for
* - fanout_nbo: a 256-element array of NETWORK-order 32-bit integers; the
* integer at position i represents the number of elements in table whose
* first byte is less than or equal to i
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *sha1,
* GIT_MAX_RAWSZ or greater)
* - result: if not NULL, this function stores the element index of the
* position found (if the search is successful) or the index of the least
- * element that is greater than sha1 (if the search is not successful)
+ * element that is greater than hash (if the search is not successful)
* This function does not verify the validity of the fanout table.
-int bsearch_hash(const unsigned char *sha1, const uint32_t *fanout_nbo,
+int bsearch_hash(const unsigned char *hash, const uint32_t *fanout_nbo,
const unsigned char *table, size_t stride, uint32_t *result);
diff --git a/list-objects-filter.c b/list-objects-filter.c
index 0a3ef3cab3..4ec0041cfb 100644
--- a/list-objects-filter.c
+++ b/list-objects-filter.c
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
* in the traversal (until we mark it SEEN). This is a way to
* let us silently de-dup calls to show() in the caller. This
* is subtly different from the "revision.h:SHOWN" and the
- * "sha1-name.c:ONELINE_SEEN" bits. And also different from
+ * "object-name.c:ONELINE_SEEN" bits. And also different from
* the non-de-dup usage in pack-bitmap.c
diff --git a/log-tree.c b/log-tree.c
index fd0dde97ec..e048467650 100644
--- a/log-tree.c
+++ b/log-tree.c
@@ -899,15 +899,21 @@ static int log_tree_diff(struct rev_info *opt, struct commit *commit, struct log
int showed_log;
struct commit_list *parents;
struct object_id *oid;
+ int is_merge;
+ int all_need_diff = opt->diff || opt->diffopt.flags.exit_with_status;
- if (!opt->diff && !opt->diffopt.flags.exit_with_status)
+ if (!all_need_diff && !opt->merges_need_diff)
return 0;
oid = get_commit_tree_oid(commit);
- /* Root commit? */
parents = get_saved_parents(opt, commit);
+ is_merge = parents && parents->next;
+ if (!is_merge && !all_need_diff)
+ return 0;
+ /* Root commit? */
if (!parents) {
if (opt->show_root_diff) {
diff_root_tree_oid(oid, "", &opt->diffopt);
@@ -916,16 +922,16 @@ static int log_tree_diff(struct rev_info *opt, struct commit *commit, struct log
return !opt->loginfo;
- /* More than one parent? */
- if (parents->next) {
- if (opt->ignore_merges)
- return 0;
- else if (opt->combine_merges)
+ if (is_merge) {
+ if (opt->combine_merges)
return do_diff_combined(opt, commit);
- else if (!opt->first_parent_only) {
- /* If we show multiple diffs, show the parent info */
- log->parent = parents->item;
- }
+ if (opt->separate_merges) {
+ if (!opt->first_parent_merges) {
+ /* Show parent info for multiple diffs */
+ log->parent = parents->item;
+ }
+ } else
+ return 0;
showed_log = 0;
@@ -941,7 +947,7 @@ static int log_tree_diff(struct rev_info *opt, struct commit *commit, struct log
/* Set up the log info for the next parent, if any.. */
parents = parents->next;
- if (!parents || opt->first_parent_only)
+ if (!parents || opt->first_parent_merges)
log->parent = parents->item;
opt->loginfo = log;
diff --git a/ls-refs.c b/ls-refs.c
index a1e0b473e4..5ff5473869 100644
--- a/ls-refs.c
+++ b/ls-refs.c
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static int send_ref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
if (data->peel) {
struct object_id peeled;
- if (!peel_ref(refname, &peeled))
+ if (!peel_iterated_oid(oid, &peeled))
strbuf_addf(&refline, " peeled:%s", oid_to_hex(&peeled));
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ int ls_refs(struct repository *r, struct strvec *keys,
struct ls_refs_data data;
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
+ strvec_init(&data.prefixes);
git_config(ls_refs_config, NULL);
@@ -109,7 +110,10 @@ int ls_refs(struct repository *r, struct strvec *keys,
die(_("expected flush after ls-refs arguments"));
head_ref_namespaced(send_ref, &data);
- for_each_namespaced_ref(send_ref, &data);
+ if (!
+ strvec_push(&data.prefixes, "");
+ for_each_fullref_in_prefixes(get_git_namespace(), data.prefixes.v,
+ send_ref, &data, 0);
return 0;
diff --git a/mailmap.c b/mailmap.c
index 962fd86d6d..eb77c6e77c 100644
--- a/mailmap.c
+++ b/mailmap.c
@@ -143,31 +143,13 @@ static char *parse_name_and_email(char *buffer, char **name,
return (*right == '\0' ? NULL : right);
-static void read_mailmap_line(struct string_list *map, char *buffer,
- char **repo_abbrev)
+static void read_mailmap_line(struct string_list *map, char *buffer)
char *name1 = NULL, *email1 = NULL, *name2 = NULL, *email2 = NULL;
- if (buffer[0] == '#') {
- static const char abbrev[] = "# repo-abbrev:";
- int abblen = sizeof(abbrev) - 1;
- int len = strlen(buffer);
- if (!repo_abbrev)
- return;
- if (len && buffer[len - 1] == '\n')
- buffer[--len] = 0;
- if (!strncmp(buffer, abbrev, abblen)) {
- char *cp;
- free(*repo_abbrev);
- for (cp = buffer + abblen; isspace(*cp); cp++)
- ; /* nothing */
- *repo_abbrev = xstrdup(cp);
- }
+ if (buffer[0] == '#')
- }
if ((name2 = parse_name_and_email(buffer, &name1, &email1, 0)) != NULL)
parse_name_and_email(name2, &name2, &email2, 1);
@@ -175,8 +157,7 @@ static void read_mailmap_line(struct string_list *map, char *buffer,
add_mapping(map, name1, email1, name2, email2);
-static int read_mailmap_file(struct string_list *map, const char *filename,
- char **repo_abbrev)
+static int read_mailmap_file(struct string_list *map, const char *filename)
char buffer[1024];
FILE *f;
@@ -192,13 +173,12 @@ static int read_mailmap_file(struct string_list *map, const char *filename,
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f) != NULL)
- read_mailmap_line(map, buffer, repo_abbrev);
+ read_mailmap_line(map, buffer);
return 0;
-static void read_mailmap_string(struct string_list *map, char *buf,
- char **repo_abbrev)
+static void read_mailmap_string(struct string_list *map, char *buf)
while (*buf) {
char *end = strchrnul(buf, '\n');
@@ -206,14 +186,12 @@ static void read_mailmap_string(struct string_list *map, char *buf,
if (*end)
*end++ = '\0';
- read_mailmap_line(map, buf, repo_abbrev);
+ read_mailmap_line(map, buf);
buf = end;
-static int read_mailmap_blob(struct string_list *map,
- const char *name,
- char **repo_abbrev)
+static int read_mailmap_blob(struct string_list *map, const char *name)
struct object_id oid;
char *buf;
@@ -231,13 +209,13 @@ static int read_mailmap_blob(struct string_list *map,
if (type != OBJ_BLOB)
return error("mailmap is not a blob: %s", name);
- read_mailmap_string(map, buf, repo_abbrev);
+ read_mailmap_string(map, buf);
return 0;
-int read_mailmap(struct string_list *map, char **repo_abbrev)
+int read_mailmap(struct string_list *map)
int err = 0;
@@ -247,10 +225,10 @@ int read_mailmap(struct string_list *map, char **repo_abbrev)
if (!git_mailmap_blob && is_bare_repository())
git_mailmap_blob = "HEAD:.mailmap";
- err |= read_mailmap_file(map, ".mailmap", repo_abbrev);
+ err |= read_mailmap_file(map, ".mailmap");
if (startup_info->have_repository)
- err |= read_mailmap_blob(map, git_mailmap_blob, repo_abbrev);
- err |= read_mailmap_file(map, git_mailmap_file, repo_abbrev);
+ err |= read_mailmap_blob(map, git_mailmap_blob);
+ err |= read_mailmap_file(map, git_mailmap_file);
return err;
diff --git a/mailmap.h b/mailmap.h
index d0e65646cb..7e99fccb46 100644
--- a/mailmap.h
+++ b/mailmap.h
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
struct string_list;
-int read_mailmap(struct string_list *map, char **repo_abbrev);
+int read_mailmap(struct string_list *map);
void clear_mailmap(struct string_list *map);
int map_user(struct string_list *map,
diff --git a/merge-ort.c b/merge-ort.c
index 31103d2140..6900ab9e7f 100644
--- a/merge-ort.c
+++ b/merge-ort.c
@@ -25,8 +25,11 @@
#include "diff.h"
#include "diffcore.h"
#include "dir.h"
+#include "ll-merge.h"
#include "object-store.h"
+#include "revision.h"
#include "strmap.h"
+#include "submodule.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "unpack-trees.h"
#include "xdiff-interface.h"
@@ -48,6 +51,25 @@ enum merge_side {
+struct rename_info {
+ /*
+ * pairs: pairing of filenames from diffcore_rename()
+ *
+ * Index 1 and 2 correspond to sides 1 & 2 as used in
+ * conflict_info.stages. Index 0 unused.
+ */
+ struct diff_queue_struct pairs[3];
+ /*
+ * needed_limit: value needed for inexact rename detection to run
+ *
+ * If the current rename limit wasn't high enough for inexact
+ * rename detection to run, this records the limit needed. Otherwise,
+ * this value remains 0.
+ */
+ int needed_limit;
struct merge_options_internal {
* paths: primary data structure in all of merge ort.
@@ -116,6 +138,11 @@ struct merge_options_internal {
struct strmap output;
+ * renames: various data relating to rename detection
+ */
+ struct rename_info renames;
+ /*
* current_dir_name: temporary var used in collect_merge_info_callback()
* Used to set merged_info.directory_name; see documentation for that
@@ -325,6 +352,25 @@ static int err(struct merge_options *opt, const char *err, ...)
return -1;
+static void format_commit(struct strbuf *sb,
+ int indent,
+ struct commit *commit)
+ struct merge_remote_desc *desc;
+ struct pretty_print_context ctx = {0};
+ ctx.abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV;
+ strbuf_addchars(sb, ' ', indent);
+ desc = merge_remote_util(commit);
+ if (desc) {
+ strbuf_addf(sb, "virtual %s\n", desc->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ format_commit_message(commit, "%h %s", sb, &ctx);
+ strbuf_addch(sb, '\n');
__attribute__((format (printf, 4, 5)))
static void path_msg(struct merge_options *opt,
const char *path,
@@ -346,6 +392,36 @@ static void path_msg(struct merge_options *opt,
strbuf_addch(sb, '\n');
+/* add a string to a strbuf, but converting "/" to "_" */
+static void add_flattened_path(struct strbuf *out, const char *s)
+ size_t i = out->len;
+ strbuf_addstr(out, s);
+ for (; i < out->len; i++)
+ if (out->buf[i] == '/')
+ out->buf[i] = '_';
+static char *unique_path(struct strmap *existing_paths,
+ const char *path,
+ const char *branch)
+ struct strbuf newpath = STRBUF_INIT;
+ int suffix = 0;
+ size_t base_len;
+ strbuf_addf(&newpath, "%s~", path);
+ add_flattened_path(&newpath, branch);
+ base_len = newpath.len;
+ while (strmap_contains(existing_paths, newpath.buf)) {
+ strbuf_setlen(&newpath, base_len);
+ strbuf_addf(&newpath, "_%d", suffix++);
+ }
+ return strbuf_detach(&newpath, NULL);
/*** Function Grouping: functions related to collect_merge_info() ***/
static void setup_path_info(struct merge_options *opt,
@@ -604,6 +680,249 @@ static int collect_merge_info(struct merge_options *opt,
/*** Function Grouping: functions related to threeway content merges ***/
+static int find_first_merges(struct repository *repo,
+ const char *path,
+ struct commit *a,
+ struct commit *b,
+ struct object_array *result)
+ int i, j;
+ struct object_array merges = OBJECT_ARRAY_INIT;
+ struct commit *commit;
+ int contains_another;
+ char merged_revision[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 2];
+ const char *rev_args[] = { "rev-list", "--merges", "--ancestry-path",
+ "--all", merged_revision, NULL };
+ struct rev_info revs;
+ struct setup_revision_opt rev_opts;
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(struct object_array));
+ memset(&rev_opts, 0, sizeof(rev_opts));
+ /* get all revisions that merge commit a */
+ xsnprintf(merged_revision, sizeof(merged_revision), "^%s",
+ oid_to_hex(&a->object.oid));
+ repo_init_revisions(repo, &revs, NULL);
+ rev_opts.submodule = path;
+ /* FIXME: can't handle linked worktrees in submodules yet */
+ revs.single_worktree = path != NULL;
+ setup_revisions(ARRAY_SIZE(rev_args)-1, rev_args, &revs, &rev_opts);
+ /* save all revisions from the above list that contain b */
+ if (prepare_revision_walk(&revs))
+ die("revision walk setup failed");
+ while ((commit = get_revision(&revs)) != NULL) {
+ struct object *o = &(commit->object);
+ if (in_merge_bases(b, commit))
+ add_object_array(o, NULL, &merges);
+ }
+ reset_revision_walk();
+ /* Now we've got all merges that contain a and b. Prune all
+ * merges that contain another found merge and save them in
+ * result.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ struct commit *m1 = (struct commit *) merges.objects[i].item;
+ contains_another = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j <; j++) {
+ struct commit *m2 = (struct commit *) merges.objects[j].item;
+ if (i != j && in_merge_bases(m2, m1)) {
+ contains_another = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!contains_another)
+ add_object_array(merges.objects[i].item, NULL, result);
+ }
+ object_array_clear(&merges);
+ return result->nr;
+static int merge_submodule(struct merge_options *opt,
+ const char *path,
+ const struct object_id *o,
+ const struct object_id *a,
+ const struct object_id *b,
+ struct object_id *result)
+ struct commit *commit_o, *commit_a, *commit_b;
+ int parent_count;
+ struct object_array merges;
+ struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+ int i;
+ int search = !opt->priv->call_depth;
+ /* store fallback answer in result in case we fail */
+ oidcpy(result, opt->priv->call_depth ? o : a);
+ /* we can not handle deletion conflicts */
+ if (is_null_oid(o))
+ return 0;
+ if (is_null_oid(a))
+ return 0;
+ if (is_null_oid(b))
+ return 0;
+ if (add_submodule_odb(path)) {
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0,
+ _("Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"),
+ path);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!(commit_o = lookup_commit_reference(opt->repo, o)) ||
+ !(commit_a = lookup_commit_reference(opt->repo, a)) ||
+ !(commit_b = lookup_commit_reference(opt->repo, b))) {
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0,
+ _("Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"),
+ path);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* check whether both changes are forward */
+ if (!in_merge_bases(commit_o, commit_a) ||
+ !in_merge_bases(commit_o, commit_b)) {
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0,
+ _("Failed to merge submodule %s "
+ "(commits don't follow merge-base)"),
+ path);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Case #1: a is contained in b or vice versa */
+ if (in_merge_bases(commit_a, commit_b)) {
+ oidcpy(result, b);
+ path_msg(opt, path, 1,
+ _("Note: Fast-forwarding submodule %s to %s"),
+ path, oid_to_hex(b));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (in_merge_bases(commit_b, commit_a)) {
+ oidcpy(result, a);
+ path_msg(opt, path, 1,
+ _("Note: Fast-forwarding submodule %s to %s"),
+ path, oid_to_hex(a));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Case #2: There are one or more merges that contain a and b in
+ * the submodule. If there is only one, then present it as a
+ * suggestion to the user, but leave it marked unmerged so the
+ * user needs to confirm the resolution.
+ */
+ /* Skip the search if makes no sense to the calling context. */
+ if (!search)
+ return 0;
+ /* find commit which merges them */
+ parent_count = find_first_merges(opt->repo, path, commit_a, commit_b,
+ &merges);
+ switch (parent_count) {
+ case 0:
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0, _("Failed to merge submodule %s"), path);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ format_commit(&sb, 4,
+ (struct commit *)merges.objects[0].item);
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0,
+ _("Failed to merge submodule %s, but a possible merge "
+ "resolution exists:\n%s\n"),
+ path, sb.buf);
+ path_msg(opt, path, 1,
+ _("If this is correct simply add it to the index "
+ "for example\n"
+ "by using:\n\n"
+ " git update-index --cacheinfo 160000 %s \"%s\"\n\n"
+ "which will accept this suggestion.\n"),
+ oid_to_hex(&merges.objects[0].item->oid), path);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+ break;
+ default:
+ for (i = 0; i <; i++)
+ format_commit(&sb, 4,
+ (struct commit *)merges.objects[i].item);
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0,
+ _("Failed to merge submodule %s, but multiple "
+ "possible merges exist:\n%s"), path, sb.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);
+ }
+ object_array_clear(&merges);
+ return 0;
+static int merge_3way(struct merge_options *opt,
+ const char *path,
+ const struct object_id *o,
+ const struct object_id *a,
+ const struct object_id *b,
+ const char *pathnames[3],
+ const int extra_marker_size,
+ mmbuffer_t *result_buf)
+ mmfile_t orig, src1, src2;
+ struct ll_merge_options ll_opts = {0};
+ char *base, *name1, *name2;
+ int merge_status;
+ ll_opts.renormalize = opt->renormalize;
+ ll_opts.extra_marker_size = extra_marker_size;
+ ll_opts.xdl_opts = opt->xdl_opts;
+ if (opt->priv->call_depth) {
+ ll_opts.virtual_ancestor = 1;
+ ll_opts.variant = 0;
+ } else {
+ switch (opt->recursive_variant) {
+ ll_opts.variant = XDL_MERGE_FAVOR_OURS;
+ break;
+ ll_opts.variant = XDL_MERGE_FAVOR_THEIRS;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ll_opts.variant = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(pathnames[0] && pathnames[1] && pathnames[2] && opt->ancestor);
+ if (pathnames[0] == pathnames[1] && pathnames[1] == pathnames[2]) {
+ base = mkpathdup("%s", opt->ancestor);
+ name1 = mkpathdup("%s", opt->branch1);
+ name2 = mkpathdup("%s", opt->branch2);
+ } else {
+ base = mkpathdup("%s:%s", opt->ancestor, pathnames[0]);
+ name1 = mkpathdup("%s:%s", opt->branch1, pathnames[1]);
+ name2 = mkpathdup("%s:%s", opt->branch2, pathnames[2]);
+ }
+ read_mmblob(&orig, o);
+ read_mmblob(&src1, a);
+ read_mmblob(&src2, b);
+ merge_status = ll_merge(result_buf, path, &orig, base,
+ &src1, name1, &src2, name2,
+ opt->repo->index, &ll_opts);
+ free(base);
+ free(name1);
+ free(name2);
+ free(orig.ptr);
+ free(src1.ptr);
+ free(src2.ptr);
+ return merge_status;
static int handle_content_merge(struct merge_options *opt,
const char *path,
const struct version_info *o,
@@ -613,7 +932,130 @@ static int handle_content_merge(struct merge_options *opt,
const int extra_marker_size,
struct version_info *result)
- die("Not yet implemented");
+ /*
+ * path is the target location where we want to put the file, and
+ * is used to determine any normalization rules in ll_merge.
+ *
+ * The normal case is that path and all entries in pathnames are
+ * identical, though renames can affect which path we got one of
+ * the three blobs to merge on various sides of history.
+ *
+ * extra_marker_size is the amount to extend conflict markers in
+ * ll_merge; this is neeed if we have content merges of content
+ * merges, which happens for example with rename/rename(2to1) and
+ * rename/add conflicts.
+ */
+ unsigned clean = 1;
+ /*
+ * handle_content_merge() needs both files to be of the same type, i.e.
+ * both files OR both submodules OR both symlinks. Conflicting types
+ * needs to be handled elsewhere.
+ */
+ assert((S_IFMT & a->mode) == (S_IFMT & b->mode));
+ /* Merge modes */
+ if (a->mode == b->mode || a->mode == o->mode)
+ result->mode = b->mode;
+ else {
+ /* must be the 100644/100755 case */
+ assert(S_ISREG(a->mode));
+ result->mode = a->mode;
+ clean = (b->mode == o->mode);
+ /*
+ * FIXME: If opt->priv->call_depth && !clean, then we really
+ * should not make result->mode match either a->mode or
+ * b->mode; that causes t6036 "check conflicting mode for
+ * regular file" to fail. It would be best to use some other
+ * mode, but we'll confuse all kinds of stuff if we use one
+ * where S_ISREG(result->mode) isn't true, and if we use
+ * something like 0100666, then tree-walk.c's calls to
+ * canon_mode() will just normalize that to 100644 for us and
+ * thus not solve anything.
+ *
+ * Figure out if there's some kind of way we can work around
+ * this...
+ */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Trivial oid merge.
+ *
+ * Note: While one might assume that the next four lines would
+ * be unnecessary due to the fact that match_mask is often
+ * setup and already handled, renames don't always take care
+ * of that.
+ */
+ if (oideq(&a->oid, &b->oid) || oideq(&a->oid, &o->oid))
+ oidcpy(&result->oid, &b->oid);
+ else if (oideq(&b->oid, &o->oid))
+ oidcpy(&result->oid, &a->oid);
+ /* Remaining rules depend on file vs. submodule vs. symlink. */
+ else if (S_ISREG(a->mode)) {
+ mmbuffer_t result_buf;
+ int ret = 0, merge_status;
+ int two_way;
+ /*
+ * If 'o' is different type, treat it as null so we do a
+ * two-way merge.
+ */
+ two_way = ((S_IFMT & o->mode) != (S_IFMT & a->mode));
+ merge_status = merge_3way(opt, path,
+ two_way ? &null_oid : &o->oid,
+ &a->oid, &b->oid,
+ pathnames, extra_marker_size,
+ &result_buf);
+ if ((merge_status < 0) || !result_buf.ptr)
+ ret = err(opt, _("Failed to execute internal merge"));
+ if (!ret &&
+ write_object_file(result_buf.ptr, result_buf.size,
+ blob_type, &result->oid))
+ ret = err(opt, _("Unable to add %s to database"),
+ path);
+ free(result_buf.ptr);
+ if (ret)
+ return -1;
+ clean &= (merge_status == 0);
+ path_msg(opt, path, 1, _("Auto-merging %s"), path);
+ } else if (S_ISGITLINK(a->mode)) {
+ int two_way = ((S_IFMT & o->mode) != (S_IFMT & a->mode));
+ clean = merge_submodule(opt, pathnames[0],
+ two_way ? &null_oid : &o->oid,
+ &a->oid, &b->oid, &result->oid);
+ if (opt->priv->call_depth && two_way && !clean) {
+ result->mode = o->mode;
+ oidcpy(&result->oid, &o->oid);
+ }
+ } else if (S_ISLNK(a->mode)) {
+ if (opt->priv->call_depth) {
+ clean = 0;
+ result->mode = o->mode;
+ oidcpy(&result->oid, &o->oid);
+ } else {
+ switch (opt->recursive_variant) {
+ clean = 0;
+ oidcpy(&result->oid, &a->oid);
+ break;
+ oidcpy(&result->oid, &a->oid);
+ break;
+ oidcpy(&result->oid, &b->oid);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ BUG("unsupported object type in the tree: %06o for %s",
+ a->mode, path);
+ return clean;
/*** Function Grouping: functions related to detect_and_process_renames(), ***
@@ -623,20 +1065,397 @@ static int handle_content_merge(struct merge_options *opt,
/*** Function Grouping: functions related to regular rename detection ***/
+static int process_renames(struct merge_options *opt,
+ struct diff_queue_struct *renames)
+ int clean_merge = 1, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < renames->nr; ++i) {
+ const char *oldpath = NULL, *newpath;
+ struct diff_filepair *pair = renames->queue[i];
+ struct conflict_info *oldinfo = NULL, *newinfo = NULL;
+ struct strmap_entry *old_ent, *new_ent;
+ unsigned int old_sidemask;
+ int target_index, other_source_index;
+ int source_deleted, collision, type_changed;
+ const char *rename_branch = NULL, *delete_branch = NULL;
+ old_ent = strmap_get_entry(&opt->priv->paths, pair->one->path);
+ oldpath = old_ent->key;
+ oldinfo = old_ent->value;
+ new_ent = strmap_get_entry(&opt->priv->paths, pair->two->path);
+ newpath = new_ent->key;
+ newinfo = new_ent->value;
+ /*
+ * diff_filepairs have copies of pathnames, thus we have to
+ * use standard 'strcmp()' (negated) instead of '=='.
+ */
+ if (i + 1 < renames->nr &&
+ !strcmp(oldpath, renames->queue[i+1]->one->path)) {
+ /* Handle rename/rename(1to2) or rename/rename(1to1) */
+ const char *pathnames[3];
+ struct version_info merged;
+ struct conflict_info *base, *side1, *side2;
+ unsigned was_binary_blob = 0;
+ pathnames[0] = oldpath;
+ pathnames[1] = newpath;
+ pathnames[2] = renames->queue[i+1]->two->path;
+ base = strmap_get(&opt->priv->paths, pathnames[0]);
+ side1 = strmap_get(&opt->priv->paths, pathnames[1]);
+ side2 = strmap_get(&opt->priv->paths, pathnames[2]);
+ VERIFY_CI(base);
+ VERIFY_CI(side1);
+ VERIFY_CI(side2);
+ if (!strcmp(pathnames[1], pathnames[2])) {
+ /* Both sides renamed the same way */
+ assert(side1 == side2);
+ memcpy(&side1->stages[0], &base->stages[0],
+ sizeof(merged));
+ side1->filemask |= (1 << MERGE_BASE);
+ /* Mark base as resolved by removal */
+ base->merged.is_null = 1;
+ base->merged.clean = 1;
+ /* We handled both renames, i.e. i+1 handled */
+ i++;
+ /* Move to next rename */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* This is a rename/rename(1to2) */
+ clean_merge = handle_content_merge(opt,
+ pair->one->path,
+ &base->stages[0],
+ &side1->stages[1],
+ &side2->stages[2],
+ pathnames,
+ 1 + 2 * opt->priv->call_depth,
+ &merged);
+ if (!clean_merge &&
+ merged.mode == side1->stages[1].mode &&
+ oideq(&merged.oid, &side1->stages[1].oid))
+ was_binary_blob = 1;
+ memcpy(&side1->stages[1], &merged, sizeof(merged));
+ if (was_binary_blob) {
+ /*
+ * Getting here means we were attempting to
+ * merge a binary blob.
+ *
+ * Since we can't merge binaries,
+ * handle_content_merge() just takes one
+ * side. But we don't want to copy the
+ * contents of one side to both paths. We
+ * used the contents of side1 above for
+ * side1->stages, let's use the contents of
+ * side2 for side2->stages below.
+ */
+ oidcpy(&merged.oid, &side2->stages[2].oid);
+ merged.mode = side2->stages[2].mode;
+ }
+ memcpy(&side2->stages[2], &merged, sizeof(merged));
+ side1->path_conflict = 1;
+ side2->path_conflict = 1;
+ /*
+ * TODO: For renames we normally remove the path at the
+ * old name. It would thus seem consistent to do the
+ * same for rename/rename(1to2) cases, but we haven't
+ * done so traditionally and a number of the regression
+ * tests now encode an expectation that the file is
+ * left there at stage 1. If we ever decide to change
+ * this, add the following two lines here:
+ * base->merged.is_null = 1;
+ * base->merged.clean = 1;
+ * and remove the setting of base->path_conflict to 1.
+ */
+ base->path_conflict = 1;
+ path_msg(opt, oldpath, 0,
+ _("CONFLICT (rename/rename): %s renamed to "
+ "%s in %s and to %s in %s."),
+ pathnames[0],
+ pathnames[1], opt->branch1,
+ pathnames[2], opt->branch2);
+ i++; /* We handled both renames, i.e. i+1 handled */
+ continue;
+ }
+ VERIFY_CI(oldinfo);
+ VERIFY_CI(newinfo);
+ target_index = pair->score; /* from collect_renames() */
+ assert(target_index == 1 || target_index == 2);
+ other_source_index = 3 - target_index;
+ old_sidemask = (1 << other_source_index); /* 2 or 4 */
+ source_deleted = (oldinfo->filemask == 1);
+ collision = ((newinfo->filemask & old_sidemask) != 0);
+ type_changed = !source_deleted &&
+ (S_ISREG(oldinfo->stages[other_source_index].mode) !=
+ S_ISREG(newinfo->stages[target_index].mode));
+ if (type_changed && collision) {
+ /*
+ * special handling so later blocks can handle this...
+ *
+ * if type_changed && collision are both true, then this
+ * was really a double rename, but one side wasn't
+ * detected due to lack of break detection. I.e.
+ * something like
+ * orig: has normal file 'foo'
+ * side1: renames 'foo' to 'bar', adds 'foo' symlink
+ * side2: renames 'foo' to 'bar'
+ * In this case, the foo->bar rename on side1 won't be
+ * detected because the new symlink named 'foo' is
+ * there and we don't do break detection. But we detect
+ * this here because we don't want to merge the content
+ * of the foo symlink with the foo->bar file, so we
+ * have some logic to handle this special case. The
+ * easiest way to do that is make 'bar' on side1 not
+ * be considered a colliding file but the other part
+ * of a normal rename. If the file is very different,
+ * well we're going to get content merge conflicts
+ * anyway so it doesn't hurt. And if the colliding
+ * file also has a different type, that'll be handled
+ * by the content merge logic in process_entry() too.
+ *
+ * See also t6430, 'rename vs. rename/symlink'
+ */
+ collision = 0;
+ }
+ if (source_deleted) {
+ if (target_index == 1) {
+ rename_branch = opt->branch1;
+ delete_branch = opt->branch2;
+ } else {
+ rename_branch = opt->branch2;
+ delete_branch = opt->branch1;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(source_deleted || oldinfo->filemask & old_sidemask);
+ /* Need to check for special types of rename conflicts... */
+ if (collision && !source_deleted) {
+ /* collision: rename/add or rename/rename(2to1) */
+ const char *pathnames[3];
+ struct version_info merged;
+ struct conflict_info *base, *side1, *side2;
+ unsigned clean;
+ pathnames[0] = oldpath;
+ pathnames[other_source_index] = oldpath;
+ pathnames[target_index] = newpath;
+ base = strmap_get(&opt->priv->paths, pathnames[0]);
+ side1 = strmap_get(&opt->priv->paths, pathnames[1]);
+ side2 = strmap_get(&opt->priv->paths, pathnames[2]);
+ VERIFY_CI(base);
+ VERIFY_CI(side1);
+ VERIFY_CI(side2);
+ clean = handle_content_merge(opt, pair->one->path,
+ &base->stages[0],
+ &side1->stages[1],
+ &side2->stages[2],
+ pathnames,
+ 1 + 2 * opt->priv->call_depth,
+ &merged);
+ memcpy(&newinfo->stages[target_index], &merged,
+ sizeof(merged));
+ if (!clean) {
+ path_msg(opt, newpath, 0,
+ _("CONFLICT (rename involved in "
+ "collision): rename of %s -> %s has "
+ "content conflicts AND collides "
+ "with another path; this may result "
+ "in nested conflict markers."),
+ oldpath, newpath);
+ }
+ } else if (collision && source_deleted) {
+ /*
+ * rename/add/delete or rename/rename(2to1)/delete:
+ * since oldpath was deleted on the side that didn't
+ * do the rename, there's not much of a content merge
+ * we can do for the rename. oldinfo->merged.is_null
+ * was already set, so we just leave things as-is so
+ * they look like an add/add conflict.
+ */
+ newinfo->path_conflict = 1;
+ path_msg(opt, newpath, 0,
+ _("CONFLICT (rename/delete): %s renamed "
+ "to %s in %s, but deleted in %s."),
+ oldpath, newpath, rename_branch, delete_branch);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * a few different cases...start by copying the
+ * existing stage(s) from oldinfo over the newinfo
+ * and update the pathname(s).
+ */
+ memcpy(&newinfo->stages[0], &oldinfo->stages[0],
+ sizeof(newinfo->stages[0]));
+ newinfo->filemask |= (1 << MERGE_BASE);
+ newinfo->pathnames[0] = oldpath;
+ if (type_changed) {
+ /* rename vs. typechange */
+ /* Mark the original as resolved by removal */
+ memcpy(&oldinfo->stages[0].oid, &null_oid,
+ sizeof(oldinfo->stages[0].oid));
+ oldinfo->stages[0].mode = 0;
+ oldinfo->filemask &= 0x06;
+ } else if (source_deleted) {
+ /* rename/delete */
+ newinfo->path_conflict = 1;
+ path_msg(opt, newpath, 0,
+ _("CONFLICT (rename/delete): %s renamed"
+ " to %s in %s, but deleted in %s."),
+ oldpath, newpath,
+ rename_branch, delete_branch);
+ } else {
+ /* normal rename */
+ memcpy(&newinfo->stages[other_source_index],
+ &oldinfo->stages[other_source_index],
+ sizeof(newinfo->stages[0]));
+ newinfo->filemask |= (1 << other_source_index);
+ newinfo->pathnames[other_source_index] = oldpath;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!type_changed) {
+ /* Mark the original as resolved by removal */
+ oldinfo->merged.is_null = 1;
+ oldinfo->merged.clean = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return clean_merge;
+static int compare_pairs(const void *a_, const void *b_)
+ const struct diff_filepair *a = *((const struct diff_filepair **)a_);
+ const struct diff_filepair *b = *((const struct diff_filepair **)b_);
+ return strcmp(a->one->path, b->one->path);
+/* Call diffcore_rename() to compute which files have changed on given side */
+static void detect_regular_renames(struct merge_options *opt,
+ struct tree *merge_base,
+ struct tree *side,
+ unsigned side_index)
+ struct diff_options diff_opts;
+ struct rename_info *renames = &opt->priv->renames;
+ repo_diff_setup(opt->repo, &diff_opts);
+ diff_opts.flags.recursive = 1;
+ diff_opts.flags.rename_empty = 0;
+ diff_opts.detect_rename = DIFF_DETECT_RENAME;
+ diff_opts.rename_limit = opt->rename_limit;
+ if (opt->rename_limit <= 0)
+ diff_opts.rename_limit = 1000;
+ diff_opts.rename_score = opt->rename_score;
+ diff_opts.show_rename_progress = opt->show_rename_progress;
+ diff_opts.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_NO_OUTPUT;
+ diff_setup_done(&diff_opts);
+ diff_tree_oid(&merge_base->object.oid, &side->object.oid, "",
+ &diff_opts);
+ diffcore_std(&diff_opts);
+ if (diff_opts.needed_rename_limit > renames->needed_limit)
+ renames->needed_limit = diff_opts.needed_rename_limit;
+ renames->pairs[side_index] = diff_queued_diff;
+ diff_opts.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_NO_OUTPUT;
+ = 0;
+ diff_queued_diff.queue = NULL;
+ diff_flush(&diff_opts);
+ * Get information of all renames which occurred in 'side_pairs', discarding
+ * non-renames.
+ */
+static int collect_renames(struct merge_options *opt,
+ struct diff_queue_struct *result,
+ unsigned side_index)
+ int i, clean = 1;
+ struct diff_queue_struct *side_pairs;
+ struct rename_info *renames = &opt->priv->renames;
+ side_pairs = &renames->pairs[side_index];
+ for (i = 0; i < side_pairs->nr; ++i) {
+ struct diff_filepair *p = side_pairs->queue[i];
+ if (p->status != 'R') {
+ diff_free_filepair(p);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * p->score comes back from diffcore_rename_extended() with
+ * the similarity of the renamed file. The similarity is
+ * was used to determine that the two files were related
+ * and are a rename, which we have already used, but beyond
+ * that we have no use for the similarity. So p->score is
+ * now irrelevant. However, process_renames() will need to
+ * know which side of the merge this rename was associated
+ * with, so overwrite p->score with that value.
+ */
+ p->score = side_index;
+ result->queue[result->nr++] = p;
+ }
+ return clean;
static int detect_and_process_renames(struct merge_options *opt,
struct tree *merge_base,
struct tree *side1,
struct tree *side2)
- int clean = 1;
+ struct diff_queue_struct combined;
+ struct rename_info *renames = &opt->priv->renames;
+ int s, clean = 1;
+ memset(&combined, 0, sizeof(combined));
+ detect_regular_renames(opt, merge_base, side1, MERGE_SIDE1);
+ detect_regular_renames(opt, merge_base, side2, MERGE_SIDE2);
+ ALLOC_GROW(combined.queue,
+ renames->pairs[1].nr + renames->pairs[2].nr,
+ combined.alloc);
+ clean &= collect_renames(opt, &combined, MERGE_SIDE1);
+ clean &= collect_renames(opt, &combined, MERGE_SIDE2);
+ QSORT(combined.queue,, compare_pairs);
+ clean &= process_renames(opt, &combined);
+ /* Free memory for renames->pairs[] and combined */
+ for (s = MERGE_SIDE1; s <= MERGE_SIDE2; s++) {
+ free(renames->pairs[s].queue);
+ DIFF_QUEUE_CLEAR(&renames->pairs[s]);
+ }
+ if ( {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i <; i++)
+ diff_free_filepair(combined.queue[i]);
+ free(combined.queue);
+ }
- /*
- * Rename detection works by detecting file similarity. Here we use
- * a really easy-to-implement scheme: files are similar IFF they have
- * the same filename. Therefore, by this scheme, there are no renames.
- *
- * TODO: Actually implement a real rename detection scheme.
- */
return clean;
@@ -965,6 +1784,8 @@ static void process_entry(struct merge_options *opt,
struct conflict_info *ci,
struct directory_versions *dir_metadata)
+ int df_file_index = 0;
assert(ci->filemask >= 0 && ci->filemask <= 7);
/* ci->match_mask == 7 was handled in collect_merge_info_callback() */
@@ -979,14 +1800,108 @@ static void process_entry(struct merge_options *opt,
- if (ci->df_conflict) {
- die("Not yet implemented.");
+ if (ci->df_conflict && ci->merged.result.mode == 0) {
+ int i;
+ /*
+ * directory no longer in the way, but we do have a file we
+ * need to place here so we need to clean away the "directory
+ * merges to nothing" result.
+ */
+ ci->df_conflict = 0;
+ assert(ci->filemask != 0);
+ ci->merged.clean = 0;
+ ci->merged.is_null = 0;
+ /* and we want to zero out any directory-related entries */
+ ci->match_mask = (ci->match_mask & ~ci->dirmask);
+ ci->dirmask = 0;
+ for (i = MERGE_BASE; i <= MERGE_SIDE2; i++) {
+ if (ci->filemask & (1 << i))
+ continue;
+ ci->stages[i].mode = 0;
+ oidcpy(&ci->stages[i].oid, &null_oid);
+ }
+ } else if (ci->df_conflict && ci->merged.result.mode != 0) {
+ /*
+ * This started out as a D/F conflict, and the entries in
+ * the competing directory were not removed by the merge as
+ * evidenced by write_completed_directory() writing a value
+ * to ci->merged.result.mode.
+ */
+ struct conflict_info *new_ci;
+ const char *branch;
+ const char *old_path = path;
+ int i;
+ assert(ci->merged.result.mode == S_IFDIR);
+ /*
+ * If filemask is 1, we can just ignore the file as having
+ * been deleted on both sides. We do not want to overwrite
+ * ci->merged.result, since it stores the tree for all the
+ * files under it.
+ */
+ if (ci->filemask == 1) {
+ ci->filemask = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * This file still exists on at least one side, and we want
+ * the directory to remain here, so we need to move this
+ * path to some new location.
+ */
+ new_ci = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*new_ci));
+ /* We don't really want new_ci->merged.result copied, but it'll
+ * be overwritten below so it doesn't matter. We also don't
+ * want any directory mode/oid values copied, but we'll zero
+ * those out immediately. We do want the rest of ci copied.
+ */
+ memcpy(new_ci, ci, sizeof(*ci));
+ new_ci->match_mask = (new_ci->match_mask & ~new_ci->dirmask);
+ new_ci->dirmask = 0;
+ for (i = MERGE_BASE; i <= MERGE_SIDE2; i++) {
+ if (new_ci->filemask & (1 << i))
+ continue;
+ /* zero out any entries related to directories */
+ new_ci->stages[i].mode = 0;
+ oidcpy(&new_ci->stages[i].oid, &null_oid);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Find out which side this file came from; note that we
+ * cannot just use ci->filemask, because renames could cause
+ * the filemask to go back to 7. So we use dirmask, then
+ * pick the opposite side's index.
+ */
+ df_file_index = (ci->dirmask & (1 << 1)) ? 2 : 1;
+ branch = (df_file_index == 1) ? opt->branch1 : opt->branch2;
+ path = unique_path(&opt->priv->paths, path, branch);
+ strmap_put(&opt->priv->paths, path, new_ci);
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0,
+ _("CONFLICT (file/directory): directory in the way "
+ "of %s from %s; moving it to %s instead."),
+ old_path, branch, path);
+ /*
+ * Zero out the filemask for the old ci. At this point, ci
+ * was just an entry for a directory, so we don't need to
+ * do anything more with it.
+ */
+ ci->filemask = 0;
+ /*
+ * Now note that we're working on the new entry (path was
+ * updated above.
+ */
+ ci = new_ci;
* NOTE: Below there is a long switch-like if-elseif-elseif... block
* which the code goes through even for the df_conflict cases
- * above. Well, it will once we don't die-not-implemented above.
+ * above.
if (ci->match_mask) {
ci->merged.clean = 1;
@@ -1010,21 +1925,142 @@ static void process_entry(struct merge_options *opt,
} else if (ci->filemask >= 6 &&
(S_IFMT & ci->stages[1].mode) !=
(S_IFMT & ci->stages[2].mode)) {
- /*
- * Two different items from (file/submodule/symlink)
- */
- die("Not yet implemented.");
+ /* Two different items from (file/submodule/symlink) */
+ if (opt->priv->call_depth) {
+ /* Just use the version from the merge base */
+ ci->merged.clean = 0;
+ oidcpy(&ci->merged.result.oid, &ci->stages[0].oid);
+ ci->merged.result.mode = ci->stages[0].mode;
+ ci->merged.is_null = (ci->merged.result.mode == 0);
+ } else {
+ /* Handle by renaming one or both to separate paths. */
+ unsigned o_mode = ci->stages[0].mode;
+ unsigned a_mode = ci->stages[1].mode;
+ unsigned b_mode = ci->stages[2].mode;
+ struct conflict_info *new_ci;
+ const char *a_path = NULL, *b_path = NULL;
+ int rename_a = 0, rename_b = 0;
+ new_ci = xmalloc(sizeof(*new_ci));
+ if (S_ISREG(a_mode))
+ rename_a = 1;
+ else if (S_ISREG(b_mode))
+ rename_b = 1;
+ else {
+ rename_a = 1;
+ rename_b = 1;
+ }
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0,
+ _("CONFLICT (distinct types): %s had different "
+ "types on each side; renamed %s of them so "
+ "each can be recorded somewhere."),
+ path,
+ (rename_a && rename_b) ? _("both") : _("one"));
+ ci->merged.clean = 0;
+ memcpy(new_ci, ci, sizeof(*new_ci));
+ /* Put b into new_ci, removing a from stages */
+ new_ci->merged.result.mode = ci->stages[2].mode;
+ oidcpy(&new_ci->merged.result.oid, &ci->stages[2].oid);
+ new_ci->stages[1].mode = 0;
+ oidcpy(&new_ci->stages[1].oid, &null_oid);
+ new_ci->filemask = 5;
+ if ((S_IFMT & b_mode) != (S_IFMT & o_mode)) {
+ new_ci->stages[0].mode = 0;
+ oidcpy(&new_ci->stages[0].oid, &null_oid);
+ new_ci->filemask = 4;
+ }
+ /* Leave only a in ci, fixing stages. */
+ ci->merged.result.mode = ci->stages[1].mode;
+ oidcpy(&ci->merged.result.oid, &ci->stages[1].oid);
+ ci->stages[2].mode = 0;
+ oidcpy(&ci->stages[2].oid, &null_oid);
+ ci->filemask = 3;
+ if ((S_IFMT & a_mode) != (S_IFMT & o_mode)) {
+ ci->stages[0].mode = 0;
+ oidcpy(&ci->stages[0].oid, &null_oid);
+ ci->filemask = 2;
+ }
+ /* Insert entries into opt->priv_paths */
+ assert(rename_a || rename_b);
+ if (rename_a) {
+ a_path = unique_path(&opt->priv->paths,
+ path, opt->branch1);
+ strmap_put(&opt->priv->paths, a_path, ci);
+ }
+ if (rename_b)
+ b_path = unique_path(&opt->priv->paths,
+ path, opt->branch2);
+ else
+ b_path = path;
+ strmap_put(&opt->priv->paths, b_path, new_ci);
+ if (rename_a && rename_b) {
+ strmap_remove(&opt->priv->paths, path, 0);
+ /*
+ * We removed path from opt->priv->paths. path
+ * will also eventually need to be freed, but
+ * it may still be used by e.g. ci->pathnames.
+ * So, store it in another string-list for now.
+ */
+ string_list_append(&opt->priv->paths_to_free,
+ path);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Do special handling for b_path since process_entry()
+ * won't be called on it specially.
+ */
+ strmap_put(&opt->priv->conflicted, b_path, new_ci);
+ record_entry_for_tree(dir_metadata, b_path,
+ &new_ci->merged);
+ /*
+ * Remaining code for processing this entry should
+ * think in terms of processing a_path.
+ */
+ if (a_path)
+ path = a_path;
+ }
} else if (ci->filemask >= 6) {
- /*
- * TODO: Needs a two-way or three-way content merge, but we're
- * just being lazy and copying the version from HEAD and
- * leaving it as conflicted.
- */
- ci->merged.clean = 0;
- ci->merged.result.mode = ci->stages[1].mode;
- oidcpy(&ci->merged.result.oid, &ci->stages[1].oid);
- /* When we fix above, we'll call handle_content_merge() */
- (void)handle_content_merge;
+ /* Need a two-way or three-way content merge */
+ struct version_info merged_file;
+ unsigned clean_merge;
+ struct version_info *o = &ci->stages[0];
+ struct version_info *a = &ci->stages[1];
+ struct version_info *b = &ci->stages[2];
+ clean_merge = handle_content_merge(opt, path, o, a, b,
+ ci->pathnames,
+ opt->priv->call_depth * 2,
+ &merged_file);
+ ci->merged.clean = clean_merge &&
+ !ci->df_conflict && !ci->path_conflict;
+ ci->merged.result.mode = merged_file.mode;
+ ci->merged.is_null = (merged_file.mode == 0);
+ oidcpy(&ci->merged.result.oid, &merged_file.oid);
+ if (clean_merge && ci->df_conflict) {
+ assert(df_file_index == 1 || df_file_index == 2);
+ ci->filemask = 1 << df_file_index;
+ ci->stages[df_file_index].mode = merged_file.mode;
+ oidcpy(&ci->stages[df_file_index].oid, &merged_file.oid);
+ }
+ if (!clean_merge) {
+ const char *reason = _("content");
+ if (ci->filemask == 6)
+ reason = _("add/add");
+ if (S_ISGITLINK(merged_file.mode))
+ reason = _("submodule");
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0,
+ _("CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"),
+ reason, path);
+ }
} else if (ci->filemask == 3 || ci->filemask == 5) {
/* Modify/delete */
const char *modify_branch, *delete_branch;
@@ -1038,24 +2074,33 @@ static void process_entry(struct merge_options *opt,
modify_branch = (side == 1) ? opt->branch1 : opt->branch2;
delete_branch = (side == 1) ? opt->branch2 : opt->branch1;
- path_msg(opt, path, 0,
- _("CONFLICT (modify/delete): %s deleted in %s "
- "and modified in %s. Version %s of %s left "
- "in tree."),
- path, delete_branch, modify_branch,
- modify_branch, path);
+ if (ci->path_conflict &&
+ oideq(&ci->stages[0].oid, &ci->stages[side].oid)) {
+ /*
+ * This came from a rename/delete; no action to take,
+ * but avoid printing "modify/delete" conflict notice
+ * since the contents were not modified.
+ */
+ } else {
+ path_msg(opt, path, 0,
+ _("CONFLICT (modify/delete): %s deleted in %s "
+ "and modified in %s. Version %s of %s left "
+ "in tree."),
+ path, delete_branch, modify_branch,
+ modify_branch, path);
+ }
} else if (ci->filemask == 2 || ci->filemask == 4) {
/* Added on one side */
int side = (ci->filemask == 4) ? 2 : 1;
ci->merged.result.mode = ci->stages[side].mode;
oidcpy(&ci->merged.result.oid, &ci->stages[side].oid);
- ci->merged.clean = !ci->df_conflict;
+ ci->merged.clean = !ci->df_conflict && !ci->path_conflict;
} else if (ci->filemask == 1) {
/* Deleted on both sides */
ci->merged.is_null = 1;
ci->merged.result.mode = 0;
oidcpy(&ci->merged.result.oid, &null_oid);
- ci->merged.clean = 1;
+ ci->merged.clean = !ci->path_conflict;
@@ -1333,6 +2378,10 @@ void merge_switch_to_result(struct merge_options *opt,
printf("%s", sb->buf);
string_list_clear(&olist, 0);
+ /* Also include needed rename limit adjustment now */
+ diff_warn_rename_limit("merge.renamelimit",
+ opti->renames.needed_limit, 0);
merge_finalize(opt, result);
diff --git a/midx.c b/midx.c
index 79c282b070..05c40a98e0 100644
--- a/midx.c
+++ b/midx.c
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include "lockfile.h"
#include "packfile.h"
#include "object-store.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
#include "midx.h"
#include "progress.h"
#include "trace2.h"
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ static int write_midx_internal(const char *object_dir, struct multi_pack_index *
(pack_name_concat_len % MIDX_CHUNK_ALIGNMENT);
hold_lock_file_for_update(&lk, midx_name, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
- f = hashfd(lk.tempfile->fd, lk.tempfile->filename.buf);
+ f = hashfd(get_lock_file_fd(&lk), get_lock_file_path(&lk));
if (packs.m)
diff --git a/name-hash.c b/name-hash.c
index 5d3c7b12c1..4e03fac9bb 100644
--- a/name-hash.c
+++ b/name-hash.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "cache.h"
#include "thread-utils.h"
+#include "trace2.h"
struct dir_entry {
struct hashmap_entry ent;
@@ -577,6 +578,7 @@ static void lazy_init_name_hash(struct index_state *istate)
if (istate->name_hash_initialized)
+ trace2_region_enter("index", "name-hash-init", istate->repo);
hashmap_init(&istate->name_hash, cache_entry_cmp, NULL, istate->cache_nr);
hashmap_init(&istate->dir_hash, dir_entry_cmp, NULL, istate->cache_nr);
@@ -597,6 +599,7 @@ static void lazy_init_name_hash(struct index_state *istate)
istate->name_hash_initialized = 1;
+ trace2_region_leave("index", "name-hash-init", istate->repo);
trace_performance_leave("initialize name hash");
diff --git a/sha1-file.c b/object-file.c
index c3c49d2fa5..5bcfde8471 100644
--- a/sha1-file.c
+++ b/object-file.c
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Copyright (C) Linus Torvalds, 2005
- * This handles basic git sha1 object files - packing, unpacking,
+ * This handles basic git object files - packing, unpacking,
* creation etc.
#include "cache.h"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "tree-walk.h"
#include "refs.h"
#include "pack-revindex.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
#include "bulk-checkin.h"
#include "repository.h"
#include "replace-object.h"
@@ -508,9 +508,9 @@ static int alt_odb_usable(struct raw_object_store *o,
* LF separated. Its base points at a statically allocated buffer that
* contains "/the/directory/corresponding/to/.git/objects/...", while
* its name points just after the slash at the end of ".git/objects/"
- * in the example above, and has enough space to hold 40-byte hex
- * SHA1, an extra slash for the first level indirection, and the
- * terminating NUL.
+ * in the example above, and has enough space to hold all hex characters
+ * of the object ID, an extra slash for the first level indirection, and
+ * the terminating NUL.
static void read_info_alternates(struct repository *r,
const char *relative_base,
diff --git a/sha1-name.c b/object-name.c
index 0b23b86ceb..64202de60b 100644
--- a/sha1-name.c
+++ b/object-name.c
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static void update_candidates(struct disambiguate_state *ds, const struct object
/* otherwise, current can be discarded and candidate is still good */
-static int match_sha(unsigned, const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *);
+static int match_hash(unsigned, const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *);
static void find_short_object_filename(struct disambiguate_state *ds)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ static void find_short_object_filename(struct disambiguate_state *ds)
while (!ds->ambiguous && pos < loose_objects->nr) {
const struct object_id *oid;
oid = loose_objects->oid + pos;
- if (!match_sha(ds->len, ds->bin_pfx.hash, oid->hash))
+ if (!match_hash(ds->len, ds->bin_pfx.hash, oid->hash))
update_candidates(ds, oid);
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ static void find_short_object_filename(struct disambiguate_state *ds)
-static int match_sha(unsigned len, const unsigned char *a, const unsigned char *b)
+static int match_hash(unsigned len, const unsigned char *a, const unsigned char *b)
do {
if (*a != *b)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ static void unique_in_midx(struct multi_pack_index *m,
for (i = first; i < num && !ds->ambiguous; i++) {
struct object_id oid;
current = nth_midxed_object_oid(&oid, m, i);
- if (!match_sha(ds->len, ds->bin_pfx.hash, current->hash))
+ if (!match_hash(ds->len, ds->bin_pfx.hash, current->hash))
update_candidates(ds, current);
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ static void unique_in_pack(struct packed_git *p,
for (i = first; i < num && !ds->ambiguous; i++) {
struct object_id oid;
nth_packed_object_id(&oid, p, i);
- if (!match_sha(ds->len, ds->bin_pfx.hash, oid.hash))
+ if (!match_hash(ds->len, ds->bin_pfx.hash, oid.hash))
update_candidates(ds, &oid);
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ static enum get_oid_result get_short_oid(struct repository *r,
if (!quietly && (status == SHORT_NAME_AMBIGUOUS)) {
struct oid_array collect = OID_ARRAY_INIT;
- error(_("short SHA1 %s is ambiguous"), ds.hex_pfx);
+ error(_("short object ID %s is ambiguous"), ds.hex_pfx);
* We may still have ambiguity if we simply saw a series of
@@ -1811,7 +1811,7 @@ static enum get_oid_result get_oid_with_context_1(struct repository *repo,
if (!ret)
return ret;
- * sha1:path --> object name of path in ent sha1
+ * tree:path --> object name of path in tree
* :path -> object name of absolute path in index
* :./path -> object name of path relative to cwd in index
* :[0-3]:path -> object name of path in index at stage
@@ -1949,6 +1949,6 @@ enum get_oid_result get_oid_with_context(struct repository *repo,
struct object_context *oc)
- BUG("incompatible flags for get_sha1_with_context");
+ BUG("incompatible flags for get_oid_with_context");
return get_oid_with_context_1(repo, str, flags, NULL, oid, oc);
diff --git a/object.c b/object.c
index 68f80b0b3d..98017bed8e 100644
--- a/object.c
+++ b/object.c
@@ -412,15 +412,16 @@ void object_array_clear(struct object_array *array)
- * Return true iff array already contains an entry with name.
+ * Return true if array already contains an entry.
-static int contains_name(struct object_array *array, const char *name)
+static int contains_object(struct object_array *array,
+ const struct object *item, const char *name)
unsigned nr = array->nr, i;
struct object_array_entry *object = array->objects;
for (i = 0; i < nr; i++, object++)
- if (!strcmp(object->name, name))
+ if (item == object->item && !strcmp(object->name, name))
return 1;
return 0;
@@ -432,7 +433,8 @@ void object_array_remove_duplicates(struct object_array *array)
array->nr = 0;
for (src = 0; src < nr; src++) {
- if (!contains_name(array, objects[src].name)) {
+ if (!contains_object(array, objects[src].item,
+ objects[src].name)) {
if (src != array->nr)
objects[array->nr] = objects[src];
diff --git a/oid-array.c b/oid-array.c
index 8e1bcedc0c..73ba76e9e9 100644
--- a/oid-array.c
+++ b/oid-array.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "cache.h"
#include "oid-array.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
void oid_array_append(struct oid_array *array, const struct object_id *oid)
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ void oid_array_sort(struct oid_array *array)
array->sorted = 1;
-static const unsigned char *sha1_access(size_t index, void *table)
+static const struct object_id *oid_access(size_t index, const void *table)
- struct object_id *array = table;
- return array[index].hash;
+ const struct object_id *array = table;
+ return &array[index];
int oid_array_lookup(struct oid_array *array, const struct object_id *oid)
- return sha1_pos(oid->hash, array->oid, array->nr, sha1_access);
+ return oid_pos(oid, array->oid, array->nr, oid_access);
void oid_array_clear(struct oid_array *array)
diff --git a/pack-bitmap-write.c b/pack-bitmap-write.c
index cc5ead9990..88d9e696a5 100644
--- a/pack-bitmap-write.c
+++ b/pack-bitmap-write.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include "pack-revindex.h"
#include "pack.h"
#include "pack-bitmap.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
#include "pack-objects.h"
#include "commit-reach.h"
#include "prio-queue.h"
@@ -610,10 +610,10 @@ static inline void dump_bitmap(struct hashfile *f, struct ewah_bitmap *bitmap)
die("Failed to write bitmap index");
-static const unsigned char *sha1_access(size_t pos, void *table)
+static const struct object_id *oid_access(size_t pos, const void *table)
- struct pack_idx_entry **index = table;
- return index[pos]->oid.hash;
+ const struct pack_idx_entry * const *index = table;
+ return &index[pos]->oid;
static void write_selected_commits_v1(struct hashfile *f,
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ static void write_selected_commits_v1(struct hashfile *f,
struct bitmapped_commit *stored = &writer.selected[i];
int commit_pos =
- sha1_pos(stored->commit->object.oid.hash, index, index_nr, sha1_access);
+ oid_pos(&stored->commit->object.oid, index, index_nr, oid_access);
if (commit_pos < 0)
BUG("trying to write commit not in index");
diff --git a/pack-bitmap.c b/pack-bitmap.c
index d88745fb02..60fe20fb87 100644
--- a/pack-bitmap.c
+++ b/pack-bitmap.c
@@ -407,11 +407,14 @@ static inline int bitmap_position_extended(struct bitmap_index *bitmap_git,
static inline int bitmap_position_packfile(struct bitmap_index *bitmap_git,
const struct object_id *oid)
+ uint32_t pos;
off_t offset = find_pack_entry_one(oid->hash, bitmap_git->pack);
if (!offset)
return -1;
- return find_revindex_position(bitmap_git->pack, offset);
+ if (offset_to_pack_pos(bitmap_git->pack, offset, &pos) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ return pos;
static int bitmap_position(struct bitmap_index *bitmap_git,
@@ -708,21 +711,22 @@ static void show_objects_for_type(
for (offset = 0; offset < BITS_IN_EWORD; ++offset) {
struct object_id oid;
- struct revindex_entry *entry;
- uint32_t hash = 0;
+ uint32_t hash = 0, index_pos;
+ off_t ofs;
if ((word >> offset) == 0)
offset += ewah_bit_ctz64(word >> offset);
- entry = &bitmap_git->pack->revindex[pos + offset];
- nth_packed_object_id(&oid, bitmap_git->pack, entry->nr);
+ index_pos = pack_pos_to_index(bitmap_git->pack, pos + offset);
+ ofs = pack_pos_to_offset(bitmap_git->pack, pos + offset);
+ nth_packed_object_id(&oid, bitmap_git->pack, index_pos);
if (bitmap_git->hashes)
- hash = get_be32(bitmap_git->hashes + entry->nr);
+ hash = get_be32(bitmap_git->hashes + index_pos);
- show_reach(&oid, object_type, 0, hash, bitmap_git->pack, entry->offset);
+ show_reach(&oid, object_type, 0, hash, bitmap_git->pack, ofs);
@@ -831,11 +835,11 @@ static unsigned long get_size_by_pos(struct bitmap_index *bitmap_git,
oi.sizep = &size;
if (pos < pack->num_objects) {
- struct revindex_entry *entry = &pack->revindex[pos];
- if (packed_object_info(the_repository, pack,
- entry->offset, &oi) < 0) {
+ off_t ofs = pack_pos_to_offset(pack, pos);
+ if (packed_object_info(the_repository, pack, ofs, &oi) < 0) {
struct object_id oid;
- nth_packed_object_id(&oid, pack, entry->nr);
+ nth_packed_object_id(&oid, pack,
+ pack_pos_to_index(pack, pos));
die(_("unable to get size of %s"), oid_to_hex(&oid));
} else {
@@ -1065,23 +1069,21 @@ static void try_partial_reuse(struct bitmap_index *bitmap_git,
struct bitmap *reuse,
struct pack_window **w_curs)
- struct revindex_entry *revidx;
- off_t offset;
+ off_t offset, header;
enum object_type type;
unsigned long size;
if (pos >= bitmap_git->pack->num_objects)
return; /* not actually in the pack */
- revidx = &bitmap_git->pack->revindex[pos];
- offset = revidx->offset;
+ offset = header = pack_pos_to_offset(bitmap_git->pack, pos);
type = unpack_object_header(bitmap_git->pack, w_curs, &offset, &size);
if (type < 0)
return; /* broken packfile, punt */
if (type == OBJ_REF_DELTA || type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA) {
off_t base_offset;
- int base_pos;
+ uint32_t base_pos;
* Find the position of the base object so we can look it up
@@ -1092,11 +1094,10 @@ static void try_partial_reuse(struct bitmap_index *bitmap_git,
* more detail.
base_offset = get_delta_base(bitmap_git->pack, w_curs,
- &offset, type, revidx->offset);
+ &offset, type, header);
if (!base_offset)
- base_pos = find_revindex_position(bitmap_git->pack, base_offset);
- if (base_pos < 0)
+ if (offset_to_pack_pos(bitmap_git->pack, base_offset, &base_pos) < 0)
@@ -1391,11 +1392,10 @@ uint32_t *create_bitmap_mapping(struct bitmap_index *bitmap_git,
for (i = 0; i < num_objects; ++i) {
struct object_id oid;
- struct revindex_entry *entry;
struct object_entry *oe;
- entry = &bitmap_git->pack->revindex[i];
- nth_packed_object_id(&oid, bitmap_git->pack, entry->nr);
+ nth_packed_object_id(&oid, bitmap_git->pack,
+ pack_pos_to_index(bitmap_git->pack, i));
oe = packlist_find(mapping, &oid);
if (oe)
diff --git a/pack-revindex.c b/pack-revindex.c
index ecdde39cf4..5e69bc7372 100644
--- a/pack-revindex.c
+++ b/pack-revindex.c
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
#include "object-store.h"
#include "packfile.h"
+struct revindex_entry {
+ off_t offset;
+ unsigned int nr;
* Pack index for existing packs give us easy access to the offsets into
* corresponding pack file where each object's data starts, but the entries
@@ -169,17 +174,24 @@ int load_pack_revindex(struct packed_git *p)
return 0;
-int find_revindex_position(struct packed_git *p, off_t ofs)
+int offset_to_pack_pos(struct packed_git *p, off_t ofs, uint32_t *pos)
- int lo = 0;
- int hi = p->num_objects + 1;
- const struct revindex_entry *revindex = p->revindex;
+ unsigned lo, hi;
+ if (load_pack_revindex(p) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ lo = 0;
+ hi = p->num_objects + 1;
do {
const unsigned mi = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
- if (revindex[mi].offset == ofs) {
- return mi;
- } else if (ofs < revindex[mi].offset)
+ off_t got = pack_pos_to_offset(p, mi);
+ if (got == ofs) {
+ *pos = mi;
+ return 0;
+ } else if (ofs < got)
hi = mi;
lo = mi + 1;
@@ -189,17 +201,20 @@ int find_revindex_position(struct packed_git *p, off_t ofs)
return -1;
-struct revindex_entry *find_pack_revindex(struct packed_git *p, off_t ofs)
+uint32_t pack_pos_to_index(struct packed_git *p, uint32_t pos)
- int pos;
- if (load_pack_revindex(p))
- return NULL;
- pos = find_revindex_position(p, ofs);
- if (pos < 0)
- return NULL;
+ if (!p->revindex)
+ BUG("pack_pos_to_index: reverse index not yet loaded");
+ if (p->num_objects <= pos)
+ BUG("pack_pos_to_index: out-of-bounds object at %"PRIu32, pos);
+ return p->revindex[pos].nr;
- return p->revindex + pos;
+off_t pack_pos_to_offset(struct packed_git *p, uint32_t pos)
+ if (!p->revindex)
+ BUG("pack_pos_to_index: reverse index not yet loaded");
+ if (p->num_objects < pos)
+ BUG("pack_pos_to_offset: out-of-bounds object at %"PRIu32, pos);
+ return p->revindex[pos].offset;
diff --git a/pack-revindex.h b/pack-revindex.h
index 848331d5d6..6e0320b08b 100644
--- a/pack-revindex.h
+++ b/pack-revindex.h
@@ -1,16 +1,62 @@
-struct packed_git;
+ * A revindex allows converting efficiently between three properties
+ * of an object within a pack:
+ *
+ * - index position: the numeric position within the list of sorted object ids
+ * found in the .idx file
+ *
+ * - pack position: the numeric position within the list of objects in their
+ * order within the actual .pack file (i.e., 0 is the first object in the
+ * .pack, 1 is the second, and so on)
+ *
+ * - offset: the byte offset within the .pack file at which the object contents
+ * can be found
+ */
-struct revindex_entry {
- off_t offset;
- unsigned int nr;
+struct packed_git;
+ * load_pack_revindex populates the revindex's internal data-structures for the
+ * given pack, returning zero on success and a negative value otherwise.
+ */
int load_pack_revindex(struct packed_git *p);
-int find_revindex_position(struct packed_git *p, off_t ofs);
-struct revindex_entry *find_pack_revindex(struct packed_git *p, off_t ofs);
+ * offset_to_pack_pos converts an object offset to a pack position. This
+ * function returns zero on success, and a negative number otherwise. The
+ * parameter 'pos' is usable only on success.
+ *
+ * If the reverse index has not yet been loaded, this function loads it lazily,
+ * and returns an negative number if an error was encountered.
+ *
+ * This function runs in time O(log N) with the number of objects in the pack.
+ */
+int offset_to_pack_pos(struct packed_git *p, off_t ofs, uint32_t *pos);
+ * pack_pos_to_index converts the given pack-relative position 'pos' by
+ * returning an index-relative position.
+ *
+ * If the reverse index has not yet been loaded, or the position is out of
+ * bounds, this function aborts.
+ *
+ * This function runs in constant time.
+ */
+uint32_t pack_pos_to_index(struct packed_git *p, uint32_t pos);
+ * pack_pos_to_offset converts the given pack-relative position 'pos' into a
+ * pack offset. For a pack with 'N' objects, asking for position 'N' will return
+ * the total size (in bytes) of the pack.
+ *
+ * If the reverse index has not yet been loaded, or the position is out of
+ * bounds, this function aborts.
+ *
+ * This function runs in constant time.
+ */
+off_t pack_pos_to_offset(struct packed_git *p, uint32_t pos);
diff --git a/pack-write.c b/pack-write.c
index 3513665e1e..e9bb3fd949 100644
--- a/pack-write.c
+++ b/pack-write.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "cache.h"
#include "pack.h"
#include "csum-file.h"
+#include "remote.h"
void reset_pack_idx_option(struct pack_idx_option *opts)
@@ -367,3 +368,18 @@ void finish_tmp_packfile(struct strbuf *name_buffer,
free((void *)idx_tmp_name);
+void write_promisor_file(const char *promisor_name, struct ref **sought, int nr_sought)
+ int i, err;
+ FILE *output = xfopen(promisor_name, "w");
+ for (i = 0; i < nr_sought; i++)
+ fprintf(output, "%s %s\n", oid_to_hex(&sought[i]->old_oid),
+ sought[i]->name);
+ err = ferror(output);
+ err |= fclose(output);
+ if (err)
+ die(_("could not write '%s' promisor file"), promisor_name);
diff --git a/pack.h b/pack.h
index 9fc0945ac9..9ae640f417 100644
--- a/pack.h
+++ b/pack.h
@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@ off_t write_pack_header(struct hashfile *f, uint32_t);
void fixup_pack_header_footer(int, unsigned char *, const char *, uint32_t, unsigned char *, off_t);
char *index_pack_lockfile(int fd);
+struct ref;
+void write_promisor_file(const char *promisor_name, struct ref **sought, int nr_sought);
* The "hdr" output buffer should be at least this big, which will handle sizes
* up to 2^67.
diff --git a/packfile.c b/packfile.c
index 86f5c8dbf6..4b938b4372 100644
--- a/packfile.c
+++ b/packfile.c
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include "packfile.h"
#include "delta.h"
#include "streaming.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
#include "commit.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "tag.h"
@@ -1235,18 +1235,18 @@ static int get_delta_base_oid(struct packed_git *p,
oidread(oid, base);
return 0;
} else if (type == OBJ_OFS_DELTA) {
- struct revindex_entry *revidx;
+ uint32_t base_pos;
off_t base_offset = get_delta_base(p, w_curs, &curpos,
type, delta_obj_offset);
if (!base_offset)
return -1;
- revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, base_offset);
- if (!revidx)
+ if (offset_to_pack_pos(p, base_offset, &base_pos) < 0)
return -1;
- return nth_packed_object_id(oid, p, revidx->nr);
+ return nth_packed_object_id(oid, p,
+ pack_pos_to_index(p, base_pos));
} else
return -1;
@@ -1256,12 +1256,11 @@ static int retry_bad_packed_offset(struct repository *r,
off_t obj_offset)
int type;
- struct revindex_entry *revidx;
+ uint32_t pos;
struct object_id oid;
- revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
- if (!revidx)
+ if (offset_to_pack_pos(p, obj_offset, &pos) < 0)
return OBJ_BAD;
- nth_packed_object_id(&oid, p, revidx->nr);
+ nth_packed_object_id(&oid, p, pack_pos_to_index(p, pos));
mark_bad_packed_object(p, oid.hash);
type = oid_object_info(r, &oid, NULL);
if (type <= OBJ_NONE)
@@ -1538,8 +1537,15 @@ int packed_object_info(struct repository *r, struct packed_git *p,
if (oi->disk_sizep) {
- struct revindex_entry *revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
- *oi->disk_sizep = revidx[1].offset - obj_offset;
+ uint32_t pos;
+ if (offset_to_pack_pos(p, obj_offset, &pos) < 0) {
+ error("could not find object at offset %"PRIuMAX" "
+ "in pack %s", (uintmax_t)obj_offset, p->pack_name);
+ type = OBJ_BAD;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ *oi->disk_sizep = pack_pos_to_offset(p, pos + 1) - obj_offset;
if (oi->typep || oi->type_name) {
@@ -1688,11 +1694,21 @@ void *unpack_entry(struct repository *r, struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset,
if (do_check_packed_object_crc && p->index_version > 1) {
- struct revindex_entry *revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
- off_t len = revidx[1].offset - obj_offset;
- if (check_pack_crc(p, &w_curs, obj_offset, len, revidx->nr)) {
+ uint32_t pack_pos, index_pos;
+ off_t len;
+ if (offset_to_pack_pos(p, obj_offset, &pack_pos) < 0) {
+ error("could not find object at offset %"PRIuMAX" in pack %s",
+ (uintmax_t)obj_offset, p->pack_name);
+ data = NULL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ len = pack_pos_to_offset(p, pack_pos + 1) - obj_offset;
+ index_pos = pack_pos_to_index(p, pack_pos);
+ if (check_pack_crc(p, &w_curs, obj_offset, len, index_pos)) {
struct object_id oid;
- nth_packed_object_id(&oid, p, revidx->nr);
+ nth_packed_object_id(&oid, p, index_pos);
error("bad packed object CRC for %s",
mark_bad_packed_object(p, oid.hash);
@@ -1775,11 +1791,11 @@ void *unpack_entry(struct repository *r, struct packed_git *p, off_t obj_offset,
* This is costly but should happen only in the presence
* of a corrupted pack, and is better than failing outright.
- struct revindex_entry *revidx;
+ uint32_t pos;
struct object_id base_oid;
- revidx = find_pack_revindex(p, obj_offset);
- if (revidx) {
- nth_packed_object_id(&base_oid, p, revidx->nr);
+ if (!(offset_to_pack_pos(p, obj_offset, &pos))) {
+ nth_packed_object_id(&base_oid, p,
+ pack_pos_to_index(p, pos));
error("failed to read delta base object %s"
" at offset %"PRIuMAX" from %s",
oid_to_hex(&base_oid), (uintmax_t)obj_offset,
@@ -2066,19 +2082,31 @@ int for_each_object_in_pack(struct packed_git *p,
for (i = 0; i < p->num_objects; i++) {
- uint32_t pos;
+ uint32_t index_pos;
struct object_id oid;
+ /*
+ * We are iterating "i" from 0 up to num_objects, but its
+ * meaning may be different, depending on the requested output
+ * order:
+ *
+ * - in object-name order, it is the same as the index order
+ * used by nth_packed_object_id(), so we can pass it
+ * directly
+ *
+ * - in pack-order, it is pack position, which we must
+ * convert to an index position in order to get the oid.
+ */
- pos = p->revindex[i].nr;
+ index_pos = pack_pos_to_index(p, i);
- pos = i;
+ index_pos = i;
- if (nth_packed_object_id(&oid, p, pos) < 0)
+ if (nth_packed_object_id(&oid, p, index_pos) < 0)
return error("unable to get sha1 of object %u in %s",
- pos, p->pack_name);
+ index_pos, p->pack_name);
- r = cb(&oid, p, pos, data);
+ r = cb(&oid, p, index_pos, data);
if (r)
diff --git a/parse-options.h b/parse-options.h
index 7030d8f3da..ff6506a504 100644
--- a/parse-options.h
+++ b/parse-options.h
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ typedef enum parse_opt_result parse_opt_ll_cb(struct parse_opt_ctx_t *ctx,
* stores pointers to the values to be filled.
* `argh`::
- * token to explain the kind of argument this option wants. Keep it
- * homogeneous across the repository. Should be wrapped by N_() for
- * translation.
+ * token to explain the kind of argument this option wants. Does not
+ * begin in capital letter, and does not end with a full stop.
+ * Should be wrapped by N_() for translation.
* `help`::
* the short help associated to what the option does.
diff --git a/patch-ids.c b/patch-ids.c
index 21973e4933..3f404e4b0b 100644
--- a/patch-ids.c
+++ b/patch-ids.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "cache.h"
#include "diff.h"
#include "commit.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
#include "patch-ids.h"
static int patch_id_defined(struct commit *commit)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ static int init_patch_id_entry(struct patch_id *patch,
return 0;
-struct patch_id *has_commit_patch_id(struct commit *commit,
+struct patch_id *patch_id_iter_first(struct commit *commit,
struct patch_ids *ids)
struct patch_id patch;
@@ -104,6 +104,18 @@ struct patch_id *has_commit_patch_id(struct commit *commit,
return hashmap_get_entry(&ids->patches, &patch, ent, NULL);
+struct patch_id *patch_id_iter_next(struct patch_id *cur,
+ struct patch_ids *ids)
+ return hashmap_get_next_entry(&ids->patches, cur, ent);
+int has_commit_patch_id(struct commit *commit,
+ struct patch_ids *ids)
+ return !!patch_id_iter_first(commit, ids);
struct patch_id *add_commit_patch_id(struct commit *commit,
struct patch_ids *ids)
diff --git a/patch-ids.h b/patch-ids.h
index 03bb04e707..ab6c6a6804 100644
--- a/patch-ids.h
+++ b/patch-ids.h
@@ -23,7 +23,25 @@ int commit_patch_id(struct commit *commit, struct diff_options *options,
struct object_id *oid, int, int);
int init_patch_ids(struct repository *, struct patch_ids *);
int free_patch_ids(struct patch_ids *);
+/* Add a patch_id for a single commit to the set. */
struct patch_id *add_commit_patch_id(struct commit *, struct patch_ids *);
-struct patch_id *has_commit_patch_id(struct commit *, struct patch_ids *);
+/* Returns true if the patch-id of "commit" is present in the set. */
+int has_commit_patch_id(struct commit *commit, struct patch_ids *);
+ * Iterate over all commits in the set whose patch id matches that of
+ * "commit", like:
+ *
+ * struct patch_id *cur;
+ * for (cur = patch_id_iter_first(commit, ids);
+ * cur;
+ * cur = patch_id_iter_next(cur, ids) {
+ * ... look at cur->commit
+ * }
+ */
+struct patch_id *patch_id_iter_first(struct commit *commit, struct patch_ids *);
+struct patch_id *patch_id_iter_next(struct patch_id *cur, struct patch_ids *);
#endif /* PATCH_IDS_H */
diff --git a/pretty.c b/pretty.c
index 05eef7fda0..b4ff3f602f 100644
--- a/pretty.c
+++ b/pretty.c
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ static int mailmap_name(const char **email, size_t *email_len,
static struct string_list *mail_map;
if (!mail_map) {
mail_map = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*mail_map));
- read_mailmap(mail_map, NULL);
+ read_mailmap(mail_map);
return mail_map->nr && map_user(mail_map, email, email_len, name, name_len);
@@ -783,6 +783,7 @@ enum trunc_type {
struct format_commit_context {
+ struct repository *repository;
const struct commit *commit;
const struct pretty_print_context *pretty_ctx;
unsigned commit_header_parsed:1;
@@ -1373,10 +1374,13 @@ static size_t format_commit_one(struct strbuf *sb, /* in UTF-8 */
return 2;
/* For the rest we have to parse the commit header. */
- if (!c->commit_header_parsed)
+ if (!c->commit_header_parsed) {
+ msg = c->message =
+ repo_logmsg_reencode(c->repository, commit,
+ &c->commit_encoding, "UTF-8");
+ }
switch (placeholder[0]) {
case 'a': /* author ... */
@@ -1667,6 +1671,7 @@ void repo_format_commit_message(struct repository *r,
const struct pretty_print_context *pretty_ctx)
struct format_commit_context context = {
+ .repository = r,
.commit = commit,
.pretty_ctx = pretty_ctx,
.wrap_start = sb->len
@@ -1674,18 +1679,14 @@ void repo_format_commit_message(struct repository *r,
const char *output_enc = pretty_ctx->output_encoding;
const char *utf8 = "UTF-8";
- /*
- * convert a commit message to UTF-8 first
- * as far as 'format_commit_item' assumes it in UTF-8
- */
- context.message = repo_logmsg_reencode(r, commit,
- &context.commit_encoding,
- utf8);
strbuf_expand(sb, format, format_commit_item, &context);
rewrap_message_tail(sb, &context, 0, 0, 0);
- /* then convert a commit message to an actual output encoding */
+ /*
+ * Convert output to an actual output encoding; note that
+ * format_commit_item() will always use UTF-8, so we don't
+ * have to bother if that's what the output wants.
+ */
if (output_enc) {
if (same_encoding(utf8, output_enc))
output_enc = NULL;
diff --git a/quote.c b/quote.c
index 69f4ca45da..8a3a5e39eb 100644
--- a/quote.c
+++ b/quote.c
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ void sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(struct strbuf *dst, const char **argv)
-static char *sq_dequote_step(char *arg, char **next)
+char *sq_dequote_step(char *arg, char **next)
char *dst = arg;
char *src = arg;
@@ -153,11 +153,8 @@ static char *sq_dequote_step(char *arg, char **next)
/* Fallthrough */
- if (!next || !isspace(*src))
+ if (!next)
return NULL;
- do {
- c = *++src;
- } while (isspace(c));
*dst = 0;
*next = src;
return arg;
@@ -182,6 +179,14 @@ static int sq_dequote_to_argv_internal(char *arg,
char *dequoted = sq_dequote_step(next, &next);
if (!dequoted)
return -1;
+ if (next) {
+ char c;
+ if (!isspace(*next))
+ return -1;
+ do {
+ c = *++next;
+ } while (isspace(c));
+ }
if (argv) {
ALLOC_GROW(*argv, *nr + 1, *alloc);
(*argv)[(*nr)++] = dequoted;
diff --git a/quote.h b/quote.h
index 4b72a583cf..768cc6338e 100644
--- a/quote.h
+++ b/quote.h
@@ -42,13 +42,27 @@ void sq_quote_buf_pretty(struct strbuf *, const char *src);
void sq_quote_argv_pretty(struct strbuf *, const char **argv);
void sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(struct strbuf *dst, const char **argv);
-/* This unwraps what sq_quote() produces in place, but returns
+ * This unwraps what sq_quote() produces in place, but returns
* NULL if the input does not look like what sq_quote would have
- * produced.
+ * produced (the full string must be a single quoted item).
char *sq_dequote(char *);
+ * Like sq_dequote(), but dequote a single item, and leave "next" pointing to
+ * the next character. E.g., in the string:
+ *
+ * 'one' 'two' 'three'
+ *
+ * after the first call, the return value would be the unquoted string "one",
+ * with "next" pointing to the space between "one" and "two"). The caller is
+ * responsible for advancing the pointer to the start of the next item before
+ * calling sq_dequote_step() again.
+ */
+char *sq_dequote_step(char *src, char **next);
* Same as the above, but can be used to unwrap many arguments in the
* same string separated by space. Like sq_quote, it works in place,
* modifying arg and appending pointers into it to argv.
diff --git a/read-cache.c b/read-cache.c
index ecf6f68994..29144cf879 100644
--- a/read-cache.c
+++ b/read-cache.c
@@ -3014,10 +3014,10 @@ static int do_write_index(struct index_state *istate, struct tempfile *tempfile,
if (ce_flush(&c, newfd, istate->oid.hash))
return -1;
if (close_tempfile_gently(tempfile)) {
- error(_("could not close '%s'"), tempfile->filename.buf);
+ error(_("could not close '%s'"), get_tempfile_path(tempfile));
return -1;
- if (stat(tempfile->filename.buf, &st))
+ if (stat(get_tempfile_path(tempfile), &st))
return -1;
istate->timestamp.sec = (unsigned int)st.st_mtime;
istate->timestamp.nsec = ST_MTIME_NSEC(st);
@@ -3058,10 +3058,10 @@ static int do_write_locked_index(struct index_state *istate, struct lock_file *l
* that is associated with the given "istate".
trace2_region_enter_printf("index", "do_write_index", the_repository,
- "%s", lock->tempfile->filename.buf);
+ "%s", get_lock_file_path(lock));
ret = do_write_index(istate, lock->tempfile, 0);
trace2_region_leave_printf("index", "do_write_index", the_repository,
- "%s", lock->tempfile->filename.buf);
+ "%s", get_lock_file_path(lock));
if (ret)
return ret;
@@ -3158,10 +3158,10 @@ static int write_shared_index(struct index_state *istate,
trace2_region_enter_printf("index", "shared/do_write_index",
- the_repository, "%s", (*temp)->filename.buf);
+ the_repository, "%s", get_tempfile_path(*temp));
ret = do_write_index(si->base, *temp, 1);
trace2_region_leave_printf("index", "shared/do_write_index",
- the_repository, "%s", (*temp)->filename.buf);
+ the_repository, "%s", get_tempfile_path(*temp));
if (ret)
return ret;
diff --git a/ref-filter.c b/ref-filter.c
index aa260bfd09..fd994e1874 100644
--- a/ref-filter.c
+++ b/ref-filter.c
@@ -1536,36 +1536,27 @@ char *get_head_description(void)
struct wt_status_state state;
memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
wt_status_get_state(the_repository, &state, 1);
- /*
- * The ( character must be hard-coded and not part of a localizable
- * string, since the description is used as a sort key and compared
- * with ref names.
- */
- strbuf_addch(&desc, '(');
if (state.rebase_in_progress ||
state.rebase_interactive_in_progress) {
if (state.branch)
- strbuf_addf(&desc, _("no branch, rebasing %s"),
+ strbuf_addf(&desc, _("(no branch, rebasing %s)"),
- strbuf_addf(&desc, _("no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"),
+ strbuf_addf(&desc, _("(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"),
} else if (state.bisect_in_progress)
- strbuf_addf(&desc, _("no branch, bisect started on %s"),
+ strbuf_addf(&desc, _("(no branch, bisect started on %s)"),
else if (state.detached_from) {
if (state.detached_at)
- strbuf_addstr(&desc, HEAD_DETACHED_AT);
+ strbuf_addf(&desc, _("(HEAD detached at %s)"),
+ state.detached_from);
- strbuf_addstr(&desc, HEAD_DETACHED_FROM);
- strbuf_addstr(&desc, state.detached_from);
- }
- else
- strbuf_addstr(&desc, _("no branch"));
- strbuf_addch(&desc, ')');
+ strbuf_addf(&desc, _("(HEAD detached from %s)"),
+ state.detached_from);
+ } else
+ strbuf_addstr(&desc, _("(no branch)"));
- wt_status_state_free_buffers(&state);
return strbuf_detach(&desc, NULL);
@@ -1929,64 +1920,6 @@ static int filter_pattern_match(struct ref_filter *filter, const char *refname)
return match_pattern(filter, refname);
-static int qsort_strcmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
- const char *a = *(const char **)va;
- const char *b = *(const char **)vb;
- return strcmp(a, b);
-static void find_longest_prefixes_1(struct string_list *out,
- struct strbuf *prefix,
- const char **patterns, size_t nr)
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
- char c = patterns[i][prefix->len];
- if (!c || is_glob_special(c)) {
- string_list_append(out, prefix->buf);
- return;
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- while (i < nr) {
- size_t end;
- /*
- * Set "end" to the index of the element _after_ the last one
- * in our group.
- */
- for (end = i + 1; end < nr; end++) {
- if (patterns[i][prefix->len] != patterns[end][prefix->len])
- break;
- }
- strbuf_addch(prefix, patterns[i][prefix->len]);
- find_longest_prefixes_1(out, prefix, patterns + i, end - i);
- strbuf_setlen(prefix, prefix->len - 1);
- i = end;
- }
-static void find_longest_prefixes(struct string_list *out,
- const char **patterns)
- struct strvec sorted = STRVEC_INIT;
- struct strbuf prefix = STRBUF_INIT;
- strvec_pushv(&sorted, patterns);
- QSORT(sorted.v,, qsort_strcmp);
- find_longest_prefixes_1(out, &prefix, sorted.v,;
- strvec_clear(&sorted);
- strbuf_release(&prefix);
* This is the same as for_each_fullref_in(), but it tries to iterate
* only over the patterns we'll care about. Note that it _doesn't_ do a full
@@ -1997,10 +1930,6 @@ static int for_each_fullref_in_pattern(struct ref_filter *filter,
void *cb_data,
int broken)
- struct string_list prefixes = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
- struct string_list_item *prefix;
- int ret;
if (!filter->match_as_path) {
* in this case, the patterns are applied after
@@ -2024,16 +1953,8 @@ static int for_each_fullref_in_pattern(struct ref_filter *filter,
return for_each_fullref_in("", cb, cb_data, broken);
- find_longest_prefixes(&prefixes, filter->name_patterns);
- for_each_string_list_item(prefix, &prefixes) {
- ret = for_each_fullref_in(prefix->string, cb, cb_data, broken);
- if (ret)
- break;
- }
- string_list_clear(&prefixes, 0);
- return ret;
+ return for_each_fullref_in_prefixes(NULL, filter->name_patterns,
+ cb, cb_data, broken);
@@ -2350,12 +2271,24 @@ int filter_refs(struct ref_array *array, struct ref_filter *filter, unsigned int
return ret;
+static int compare_detached_head(struct ref_array_item *a, struct ref_array_item *b)
+ if (!(a->kind ^ b->kind))
+ BUG("ref_kind_from_refname() should only mark one ref as HEAD");
+ return -1;
+ else if (b->kind & FILTER_REFS_DETACHED_HEAD)
+ return 1;
+ BUG("should have died in the xor check above");
+ return 0;
static int cmp_ref_sorting(struct ref_sorting *s, struct ref_array_item *a, struct ref_array_item *b)
struct atom_value *va, *vb;
int cmp;
+ int cmp_detached_head = 0;
cmp_type cmp_type = used_atom[s->atom].type;
- int (*cmp_fn)(const char *, const char *);
struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
if (get_ref_atom_value(a, s->atom, &va, &err))
@@ -2363,12 +2296,18 @@ static int cmp_ref_sorting(struct ref_sorting *s, struct ref_array_item *a, stru
if (get_ref_atom_value(b, s->atom, &vb, &err))
die("%s", err.buf);
- cmp_fn = s->ignore_case ? strcasecmp : strcmp;
- if (s->version)
+ if (s->sort_flags & REF_SORTING_DETACHED_HEAD_FIRST &&
+ ((a->kind | b->kind) & FILTER_REFS_DETACHED_HEAD)) {
+ cmp = compare_detached_head(a, b);
+ cmp_detached_head = 1;
+ } else if (s->sort_flags & REF_SORTING_VERSION) {
cmp = versioncmp(va->s, vb->s);
- else if (cmp_type == FIELD_STR)
+ } else if (cmp_type == FIELD_STR) {
+ int (*cmp_fn)(const char *, const char *);
+ cmp_fn = s->sort_flags & REF_SORTING_ICASE
+ ? strcasecmp : strcmp;
cmp = cmp_fn(va->s, vb->s);
- else {
+ } else {
if (va->value < vb->value)
cmp = -1;
else if (va->value == vb->value)
@@ -2377,7 +2316,8 @@ static int cmp_ref_sorting(struct ref_sorting *s, struct ref_array_item *a, stru
cmp = 1;
- return (s->reverse) ? -cmp : cmp;
+ return (s->sort_flags & REF_SORTING_REVERSE && !cmp_detached_head)
+ ? -cmp : cmp;
static int compare_refs(const void *a_, const void *b_, void *ref_sorting)
@@ -2392,15 +2332,20 @@ static int compare_refs(const void *a_, const void *b_, void *ref_sorting)
return cmp;
s = ref_sorting;
- return s && s->ignore_case ?
+ return s && s->sort_flags & REF_SORTING_ICASE ?
strcasecmp(a->refname, b->refname) :
strcmp(a->refname, b->refname);
-void ref_sorting_icase_all(struct ref_sorting *sorting, int flag)
+void ref_sorting_set_sort_flags_all(struct ref_sorting *sorting,
+ unsigned int mask, int on)
- for (; sorting; sorting = sorting->next)
- sorting->ignore_case = !!flag;
+ for (; sorting; sorting = sorting->next) {
+ if (on)
+ sorting->sort_flags |= mask;
+ else
+ sorting->sort_flags &= ~mask;
+ }
void ref_array_sort(struct ref_sorting *sorting, struct ref_array *array)
@@ -2537,12 +2482,12 @@ void parse_ref_sorting(struct ref_sorting **sorting_tail, const char *arg)
*sorting_tail = s;
if (*arg == '-') {
- s->reverse = 1;
+ s->sort_flags |= REF_SORTING_REVERSE;
if (skip_prefix(arg, "version:", &arg) ||
skip_prefix(arg, "v:", &arg))
- s->version = 1;
+ s->sort_flags |= REF_SORTING_VERSION;
s->atom = parse_sorting_atom(arg);
diff --git a/ref-filter.h b/ref-filter.h
index feaef4a8fd..19ea4c4134 100644
--- a/ref-filter.h
+++ b/ref-filter.h
@@ -28,9 +28,12 @@ struct atom_value;
struct ref_sorting {
struct ref_sorting *next;
int atom; /* index into used_atom array (internal) */
- unsigned reverse : 1,
- ignore_case : 1,
- version : 1;
+ enum {
+ } sort_flags;
struct ref_array_item {
@@ -109,8 +112,8 @@ void ref_array_clear(struct ref_array *array);
int verify_ref_format(struct ref_format *format);
/* Sort the given ref_array as per the ref_sorting provided */
void ref_array_sort(struct ref_sorting *sort, struct ref_array *array);
-/* Set the ignore_case flag for all elements of a sorting list */
-void ref_sorting_icase_all(struct ref_sorting *sorting, int flag);
+/* Set REF_SORTING_* sort_flags for all elements of a sorting list */
+void ref_sorting_set_sort_flags_all(struct ref_sorting *sorting, unsigned int mask, int on);
/* Based on the given format and quote_style, fill the strbuf */
int format_ref_array_item(struct ref_array_item *info,
const struct ref_format *format,
diff --git a/refs.c b/refs.c
index 13dc2c3291..a665ed5e10 100644
--- a/refs.c
+++ b/refs.c
@@ -882,51 +882,71 @@ struct read_ref_at_cb {
int *cutoff_cnt;
+static void set_read_ref_cutoffs(struct read_ref_at_cb *cb,
+ timestamp_t timestamp, int tz, const char *message)
+ if (cb->msg)
+ *cb->msg = xstrdup(message);
+ if (cb->cutoff_time)
+ *cb->cutoff_time = timestamp;
+ if (cb->cutoff_tz)
+ *cb->cutoff_tz = tz;
+ if (cb->cutoff_cnt)
+ *cb->cutoff_cnt = cb->reccnt;
static int read_ref_at_ent(struct object_id *ooid, struct object_id *noid,
const char *email, timestamp_t timestamp, int tz,
const char *message, void *cb_data)
struct read_ref_at_cb *cb = cb_data;
+ int reached_count;
- cb->reccnt++;
cb->tz = tz;
cb->date = timestamp;
- if (timestamp <= cb->at_time || cb->cnt == 0) {
- if (cb->msg)
- *cb->msg = xstrdup(message);
- if (cb->cutoff_time)
- *cb->cutoff_time = timestamp;
- if (cb->cutoff_tz)
- *cb->cutoff_tz = tz;
- if (cb->cutoff_cnt)
- *cb->cutoff_cnt = cb->reccnt - 1;
+ /*
+ * It is not possible for cb->cnt == 0 on the first iteration because
+ * that special case is handled in read_ref_at().
+ */
+ if (cb->cnt > 0)
+ cb->cnt--;
+ reached_count = cb->cnt == 0 && !is_null_oid(ooid);
+ if (timestamp <= cb->at_time || reached_count) {
+ set_read_ref_cutoffs(cb, timestamp, tz, message);
* we have not yet updated cb->[n|o]oid so they still
* hold the values for the previous record.
- if (!is_null_oid(&cb->ooid)) {
- oidcpy(cb->oid, noid);
- if (!oideq(&cb->ooid, noid))
- warning(_("log for ref %s has gap after %s"),
+ if (!is_null_oid(&cb->ooid) && !oideq(&cb->ooid, noid))
+ warning(_("log for ref %s has gap after %s"),
cb->refname, show_date(cb->date, cb->tz, DATE_MODE(RFC2822)));
- }
- else if (cb->date == cb->at_time)
+ if (reached_count)
+ oidcpy(cb->oid, ooid);
+ else if (!is_null_oid(&cb->ooid) || cb->date == cb->at_time)
oidcpy(cb->oid, noid);
else if (!oideq(noid, cb->oid))
warning(_("log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"),
cb->refname, show_date(cb->date, cb->tz,
- oidcpy(&cb->ooid, ooid);
- oidcpy(&cb->noid, noid);
cb->found_it = 1;
- return 1;
+ cb->reccnt++;
oidcpy(&cb->ooid, ooid);
oidcpy(&cb->noid, noid);
- if (cb->cnt > 0)
- cb->cnt--;
- return 0;
+ return cb->found_it;
+static int read_ref_at_ent_newest(struct object_id *ooid, struct object_id *noid,
+ const char *email, timestamp_t timestamp,
+ int tz, const char *message, void *cb_data)
+ struct read_ref_at_cb *cb = cb_data;
+ set_read_ref_cutoffs(cb, timestamp, tz, message);
+ oidcpy(cb->oid, noid);
+ /* We just want the first entry */
+ return 1;
static int read_ref_at_ent_oldest(struct object_id *ooid, struct object_id *noid,
@@ -935,14 +955,7 @@ static int read_ref_at_ent_oldest(struct object_id *ooid, struct object_id *noid
struct read_ref_at_cb *cb = cb_data;
- if (cb->msg)
- *cb->msg = xstrdup(message);
- if (cb->cutoff_time)
- *cb->cutoff_time = timestamp;
- if (cb->cutoff_tz)
- *cb->cutoff_tz = tz;
- if (cb->cutoff_cnt)
- *cb->cutoff_cnt = cb->reccnt;
+ set_read_ref_cutoffs(cb, timestamp, tz, message);
oidcpy(cb->oid, ooid);
if (is_null_oid(cb->oid))
oidcpy(cb->oid, noid);
@@ -967,6 +980,11 @@ int read_ref_at(struct ref_store *refs, const char *refname,
cb.cutoff_cnt = cutoff_cnt;
cb.oid = oid;
+ if (cb.cnt == 0) {
+ refs_for_each_reflog_ent_reverse(refs, refname, read_ref_at_ent_newest, &cb);
+ return 0;
+ }
refs_for_each_reflog_ent_reverse(refs, refname, read_ref_at_ent, &cb);
if (!cb.reccnt) {
@@ -1546,6 +1564,93 @@ int for_each_rawref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data)
return refs_for_each_rawref(get_main_ref_store(the_repository), fn, cb_data);
+static int qsort_strcmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
+ const char *a = *(const char **)va;
+ const char *b = *(const char **)vb;
+ return strcmp(a, b);
+static void find_longest_prefixes_1(struct string_list *out,
+ struct strbuf *prefix,
+ const char **patterns, size_t nr)
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
+ char c = patterns[i][prefix->len];
+ if (!c || is_glob_special(c)) {
+ string_list_append(out, prefix->buf);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < nr) {
+ size_t end;
+ /*
+ * Set "end" to the index of the element _after_ the last one
+ * in our group.
+ */
+ for (end = i + 1; end < nr; end++) {
+ if (patterns[i][prefix->len] != patterns[end][prefix->len])
+ break;
+ }
+ strbuf_addch(prefix, patterns[i][prefix->len]);
+ find_longest_prefixes_1(out, prefix, patterns + i, end - i);
+ strbuf_setlen(prefix, prefix->len - 1);
+ i = end;
+ }
+static void find_longest_prefixes(struct string_list *out,
+ const char **patterns)
+ struct strvec sorted = STRVEC_INIT;
+ struct strbuf prefix = STRBUF_INIT;
+ strvec_pushv(&sorted, patterns);
+ QSORT(sorted.v,, qsort_strcmp);
+ find_longest_prefixes_1(out, &prefix, sorted.v,;
+ strvec_clear(&sorted);
+ strbuf_release(&prefix);
+int for_each_fullref_in_prefixes(const char *namespace,
+ const char **patterns,
+ each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data,
+ unsigned int broken)
+ struct string_list prefixes = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
+ struct string_list_item *prefix;
+ struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+ int ret = 0, namespace_len;
+ find_longest_prefixes(&prefixes, patterns);
+ if (namespace)
+ strbuf_addstr(&buf, namespace);
+ namespace_len = buf.len;
+ for_each_string_list_item(prefix, &prefixes) {
+ strbuf_addstr(&buf, prefix->string);
+ ret = for_each_fullref_in(buf.buf, fn, cb_data, broken);
+ if (ret)
+ break;
+ strbuf_setlen(&buf, namespace_len);
+ }
+ string_list_clear(&prefixes, 0);
+ strbuf_release(&buf);
+ return ret;
static int refs_read_special_head(struct ref_store *ref_store,
const char *refname, struct object_id *oid,
struct strbuf *referent, unsigned int *type)
@@ -1898,31 +2003,14 @@ int refs_pack_refs(struct ref_store *refs, unsigned int flags)
return refs->be->pack_refs(refs, flags);
-int refs_peel_ref(struct ref_store *refs, const char *refname,
- struct object_id *oid)
+int peel_iterated_oid(const struct object_id *base, struct object_id *peeled)
- int flag;
- struct object_id base;
- if (current_ref_iter && current_ref_iter->refname == refname) {
- struct object_id peeled;
- if (ref_iterator_peel(current_ref_iter, &peeled))
- return -1;
- oidcpy(oid, &peeled);
- return 0;
- }
+ if (current_ref_iter &&
+ (current_ref_iter->oid == base ||
+ oideq(current_ref_iter->oid, base)))
+ return ref_iterator_peel(current_ref_iter, peeled);
- if (refs_read_ref_full(refs, refname,
- RESOLVE_REF_READING, &base, &flag))
- return -1;
- return peel_object(&base, oid);
-int peel_ref(const char *refname, struct object_id *oid)
- return refs_peel_ref(get_main_ref_store(the_repository), refname, oid);
+ return peel_object(base, peeled);
int refs_create_symref(struct ref_store *refs,
diff --git a/refs.h b/refs.h
index ff05d2e9fe..48970dfc7e 100644
--- a/refs.h
+++ b/refs.h
@@ -118,16 +118,16 @@ int is_branch(const char *refname);
int refs_init_db(struct strbuf *err);
- * If refname is a non-symbolic reference that refers to a tag object,
- * and the tag can be (recursively) dereferenced to a non-tag object,
- * store the object ID of the referred-to object to oid and return 0.
- * If any of these conditions are not met, return a non-zero value.
- * Symbolic references are considered unpeelable, even if they
- * ultimately resolve to a peelable tag.
+ * Return the peeled value of the oid currently being iterated via
+ * for_each_ref(), etc. This is equivalent to calling:
+ *
+ * peel_object(oid, &peeled);
+ *
+ * with the "oid" value given to the each_ref_fn callback, except
+ * that some ref storage may be able to answer the query without
+ * actually loading the object in memory.
-int refs_peel_ref(struct ref_store *refs, const char *refname,
- struct object_id *oid);
-int peel_ref(const char *refname, struct object_id *oid);
+int peel_iterated_oid(const struct object_id *base, struct object_id *peeled);
* Resolve refname in the nested "gitlink" repository in the specified
@@ -348,6 +348,15 @@ int for_each_fullref_in(const char *prefix, each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data,
unsigned int broken);
+ * iterate all refs in "patterns" by partitioning patterns into disjoint sets
+ * and iterating the longest-common prefix of each set.
+ *
+ * callers should be prepared to ignore references that they did not ask for.
+ */
+int for_each_fullref_in_prefixes(const char *namespace, const char **patterns,
+ each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data,
+ unsigned int broken);
* iterate refs from the respective area.
int for_each_tag_ref(each_ref_fn fn, void *cb_data);
diff --git a/refs/files-backend.c b/refs/files-backend.c
index 04e85e7002..4fdc68810b 100644
--- a/refs/files-backend.c
+++ b/refs/files-backend.c
@@ -1824,12 +1824,12 @@ static int create_symref_locked(struct files_ref_store *refs,
if (!fdopen_lock_file(&lock->lk, "w"))
return error("unable to fdopen %s: %s",
- lock->lk.tempfile->filename.buf, strerror(errno));
+ get_lock_file_path(&lock->lk), strerror(errno));
update_symref_reflog(refs, lock, refname, target, logmsg);
/* no error check; commit_ref will check ferror */
- fprintf(lock->lk.tempfile->fp, "ref: %s\n", target);
+ fprintf(get_lock_file_fp(&lock->lk), "ref: %s\n", target);
if (commit_ref(lock) < 0)
return error("unable to write symref for %s: %s", refname,
diff --git a/remote.h b/remote.h
index 3211abdf05..aad1a0f080 100644
--- a/remote.h
+++ b/remote.h
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ struct ref {
* should be 0, so that xcalloc'd structures get it
* by default.
- enum {
+ enum fetch_head_status {
diff --git a/repository.c b/repository.c
index a4174ddb06..c98298acd0 100644
--- a/repository.c
+++ b/repository.c
@@ -264,6 +264,12 @@ int repo_read_index(struct repository *repo)
if (!repo->index)
repo->index = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*repo->index));
+ /* Complete the double-reference */
+ if (!repo->index->repo)
+ repo->index->repo = repo;
+ else if (repo->index->repo != repo)
+ BUG("repo's index should point back at itself");
return read_index_from(repo->index, repo->index_file, repo->gitdir);
diff --git a/rerere.c b/rerere.c
index 9281131a9f..dee60dc6df 100644
--- a/rerere.c
+++ b/rerere.c
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
#include "attr.h"
#include "pathspec.h"
#include "object-store.h"
-#include "sha1-lookup.h"
+#include "hash-lookup.h"
+#include "strmap.h"
#define RESOLVED 0
#define PUNTED 1
@@ -23,26 +24,27 @@ static int rerere_enabled = -1;
/* automatically update cleanly resolved paths to the index */
static int rerere_autoupdate;
-static int rerere_dir_nr;
-static int rerere_dir_alloc;
-static struct rerere_dir {
- unsigned char hash[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ];
+struct rerere_dir {
int status_alloc, status_nr;
unsigned char *status;
-} **rerere_dir;
+ char name[FLEX_ARRAY];
+static struct strmap rerere_dirs = STRMAP_INIT;
static void free_rerere_dirs(void)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < rerere_dir_nr; i++) {
- free(rerere_dir[i]->status);
- free(rerere_dir[i]);
+ struct hashmap_iter iter;
+ struct strmap_entry *ent;
+ strmap_for_each_entry(&rerere_dirs, &iter, ent) {
+ struct rerere_dir *rr_dir = ent->value;
+ free(rr_dir->status);
+ free(rr_dir);
- FREE_AND_NULL(rerere_dir);
- rerere_dir_nr = rerere_dir_alloc = 0;
+ strmap_clear(&rerere_dirs, 0);
static void free_rerere_id(struct string_list_item *item)
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ static void free_rerere_id(struct string_list_item *item)
static const char *rerere_id_hex(const struct rerere_id *id)
- return hash_to_hex(id->collection->hash);
+ return id->collection->name;
static void fit_variant(struct rerere_dir *rr_dir, int variant)
@@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ static int is_rr_file(const char *name, const char *filename, int *variant)
static void scan_rerere_dir(struct rerere_dir *rr_dir)
struct dirent *de;
- DIR *dir = opendir(git_path("rr-cache/%s", hash_to_hex(rr_dir->hash)));
+ DIR *dir = opendir(git_path("rr-cache/%s", rr_dir->name));
if (!dir)
@@ -133,39 +135,21 @@ static void scan_rerere_dir(struct rerere_dir *rr_dir)
-static const unsigned char *rerere_dir_hash(size_t i, void *table)
- struct rerere_dir **rr_dir = table;
- return rr_dir[i]->hash;
static struct rerere_dir *find_rerere_dir(const char *hex)
- unsigned char hash[GIT_MAX_RAWSZ];
struct rerere_dir *rr_dir;
- int pos;
- if (get_sha1_hex(hex, hash))
- return NULL; /* BUG */
- pos = sha1_pos(hash, rerere_dir, rerere_dir_nr, rerere_dir_hash);
- if (pos < 0) {
- rr_dir = xmalloc(sizeof(*rr_dir));
- hashcpy(rr_dir->hash, hash);
+ rr_dir = strmap_get(&rerere_dirs, hex);
+ if (!rr_dir) {
+ FLEX_ALLOC_STR(rr_dir, name, hex);
rr_dir->status = NULL;
rr_dir->status_nr = 0;
rr_dir->status_alloc = 0;
- pos = -1 - pos;
- /* Make sure the array is big enough ... */
- ALLOC_GROW(rerere_dir, rerere_dir_nr + 1, rerere_dir_alloc);
- /* ... and add it in. */
- rerere_dir_nr++;
- MOVE_ARRAY(rerere_dir + pos + 1, rerere_dir + pos,
- rerere_dir_nr - pos - 1);
- rerere_dir[pos] = rr_dir;
+ strmap_put(&rerere_dirs, hex, rr_dir);
- return rerere_dir[pos];
+ return rr_dir;
static int has_rerere_resolution(const struct rerere_id *id)
@@ -1178,6 +1162,14 @@ static void prune_one(struct rerere_id *id,
+/* Does the basename in "path" look plausibly like an rr-cache entry? */
+static int is_rr_cache_dirname(const char *path)
+ struct object_id oid;
+ const char *end;
+ return !parse_oid_hex(path, &oid, &end) && !*end;
void rerere_gc(struct repository *r, struct string_list *rr)
struct string_list to_remove = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
@@ -1205,10 +1197,11 @@ void rerere_gc(struct repository *r, struct string_list *rr)
if (is_dot_or_dotdot(e->d_name))
- rr_dir = find_rerere_dir(e->d_name);
- if (!rr_dir)
+ if (!is_rr_cache_dirname(e->d_name))
continue; /* or should we remove e->d_name? */
+ rr_dir = find_rerere_dir(e->d_name);
now_empty = 1;
for (id.variant = 0, id.collection = rr_dir;
id.variant < id.collection->status_nr;
diff --git a/revision.c b/revision.c
index 9dff845bed..3efd994160 100644
--- a/revision.c
+++ b/revision.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "tree.h"
#include "commit.h"
#include "diff.h"
+#include "diff-merges.h"
#include "refs.h"
#include "revision.h"
#include "repository.h"
@@ -1241,12 +1242,14 @@ static void cherry_pick_list(struct commit_list *list, struct rev_info *revs)
* Have we seen the same patch id?
- id = has_commit_patch_id(commit, &ids);
+ id = patch_id_iter_first(commit, &ids);
if (!id)
commit->object.flags |= cherry_flag;
- id->commit->object.flags |= cherry_flag;
+ do {
+ id->commit->object.flags |= cherry_flag;
+ } while ((id = patch_id_iter_next(id, &ids)));
@@ -1806,7 +1809,6 @@ void repo_init_revisions(struct repository *r,
revs->repo = r;
revs->abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV;
- revs->ignore_merges = -1;
revs->simplify_history = 1;
revs->pruning.repo = r;
revs->pruning.flags.recursive = 1;
@@ -2341,34 +2343,8 @@ static int handle_revision_opt(struct rev_info *revs, int argc, const char **arg
revs->diff = 1;
revs->diffopt.flags.recursive = 1;
revs->diffopt.flags.tree_in_recursive = 1;
- } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-m")) {
- /*
- * To "diff-index", "-m" means "match missing", and to the "log"
- * family of commands, it means "show full diff for merges". Set
- * both fields appropriately.
- */
- revs->ignore_merges = 0;
- revs->match_missing = 1;
- } else if ((argcount = parse_long_opt("diff-merges", argv, &optarg))) {
- if (!strcmp(optarg, "off")) {
- revs->ignore_merges = 1;
- } else {
- die(_("unknown value for --diff-merges: %s"), optarg);
- }
+ } else if ((argcount = diff_merges_parse_opts(revs, argv))) {
return argcount;
- } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--no-diff-merges")) {
- revs->ignore_merges = 1;
- } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-c")) {
- revs->diff = 1;
- revs->dense_combined_merges = 0;
- revs->combine_merges = 1;
- } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--combined-all-paths")) {
- revs->diff = 1;
- revs->combined_all_paths = 1;
- } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--cc")) {
- revs->diff = 1;
- revs->dense_combined_merges = 1;
- revs->combine_merges = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-v")) {
revs->verbose_header = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--pretty")) {
@@ -2489,8 +2465,6 @@ static int handle_revision_opt(struct rev_info *revs, int argc, const char **arg
} else if ((argcount = parse_long_opt("grep", argv, &optarg))) {
add_message_grep(revs, optarg);
return argcount;
- } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--grep-debug")) {
- revs->grep_filter.debug = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--basic-regexp")) {
revs->grep_filter.pattern_type_option = GREP_PATTERN_TYPE_BRE;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--extended-regexp") || !strcmp(arg, "-E")) {
@@ -2865,12 +2839,8 @@ int setup_revisions(int argc, const char **argv, struct rev_info *revs, struct s
- if (revs->combine_merges && revs->ignore_merges < 0)
- revs->ignore_merges = 0;
- if (revs->ignore_merges < 0)
- revs->ignore_merges = 1;
- if (revs->combined_all_paths && !revs->combine_merges)
- die("--combined-all-paths makes no sense without -c or --cc");
+ diff_merges_setup_revs(revs);
revs->diffopt.abbrev = revs->abbrev;
@@ -3308,6 +3278,26 @@ struct topo_walk_info {
struct author_date_slab author_date;
+static int topo_walk_atexit_registered;
+static unsigned int count_explore_walked;
+static unsigned int count_indegree_walked;
+static unsigned int count_topo_walked;
+static void trace2_topo_walk_statistics_atexit(void)
+ struct json_writer jw = JSON_WRITER_INIT;
+ jw_object_begin(&jw, 0);
+ jw_object_intmax(&jw, "count_explore_walked", count_explore_walked);
+ jw_object_intmax(&jw, "count_indegree_walked", count_indegree_walked);
+ jw_object_intmax(&jw, "count_topo_walked", count_topo_walked);
+ jw_end(&jw);
+ trace2_data_json("topo_walk", the_repository, "statistics", &jw);
+ jw_release(&jw);
static inline void test_flag_and_insert(struct prio_queue *q, struct commit *c, int flag)
if (c->object.flags & flag)
@@ -3329,6 +3319,8 @@ static void explore_walk_step(struct rev_info *revs)
if (repo_parse_commit_gently(revs->repo, c, 1) < 0)
+ count_explore_walked++;
if (revs->sort_order == REV_SORT_BY_AUTHOR_DATE)
record_author_date(&info->author_date, c);
@@ -3367,6 +3359,8 @@ static void indegree_walk_step(struct rev_info *revs)
if (repo_parse_commit_gently(revs->repo, c, 1) < 0)
+ count_indegree_walked++;
explore_to_depth(revs, commit_graph_generation(c));
for (p = c->parents; p; p = p->next) {
@@ -3476,6 +3470,11 @@ static void init_topo_walk(struct rev_info *revs)
if (revs->sort_order == REV_SORT_IN_GRAPH_ORDER)
+ if (trace2_is_enabled() && !topo_walk_atexit_registered) {
+ atexit(trace2_topo_walk_statistics_atexit);
+ topo_walk_atexit_registered = 1;
+ }
static struct commit *next_topo_commit(struct rev_info *revs)
@@ -3502,6 +3501,8 @@ static void expand_topo_walk(struct rev_info *revs, struct commit *commit)
+ count_topo_walked++;
for (p = commit->parents; p; p = p->next) {
struct commit *parent = p->item;
int *pi;
diff --git a/revision.h b/revision.h
index 086ff10280..e6be3c845e 100644
--- a/revision.h
+++ b/revision.h
@@ -191,11 +191,16 @@ struct rev_info {
+ always_show_header:1,
+ /* Diff-merge flags */
+ explicit_diff_merges: 1,
+ merges_need_diff: 1,
+ separate_merges: 1,
+ combined_imply_patch:1,
- always_show_header:1;
- int ignore_merges:2;
+ first_parent_merges:1;
/* Format info */
int show_notes;
diff --git a/run-command.h b/run-command.h
index 6472b38bde..d08414a92e 100644
--- a/run-command.h
+++ b/run-command.h
@@ -126,8 +126,15 @@ struct child_process {
unsigned silent_exec_failure:1;
- unsigned stdout_to_stderr:1;
+ /**
+ * Run the command from argv[0] using a shell (but note that we may
+ * still optimize out the shell call if the command contains no
+ * metacharacters). Note that further arguments to the command in
+ * argv[1], etc, do not need to be shell-quoted.
+ */
unsigned use_shell:1;
+ unsigned stdout_to_stderr:1;
unsigned clean_on_exit:1;
unsigned wait_after_clean:1;
void (*clean_on_exit_handler)(struct child_process *process);
diff --git a/sequencer.c b/sequencer.c
index 8909a46770..d2332d3e17 100644
--- a/sequencer.c
+++ b/sequencer.c
@@ -679,9 +679,6 @@ static int do_recursive_merge(struct repository *r,
static struct object_id *get_cache_tree_oid(struct index_state *istate)
- if (!istate->cache_tree)
- istate->cache_tree = cache_tree();
if (!cache_tree_fully_valid(istate->cache_tree))
if (cache_tree_update(istate, 0)) {
error(_("unable to update cache tree"));
@@ -943,6 +940,7 @@ N_("you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
#define CLEANUP_MSG (1<<3)
#define VERIFY_MSG (1<<4)
#define CREATE_ROOT_COMMIT (1<<5)
+#define VERBATIM_MSG (1<<6)
static int run_command_silent_on_success(struct child_process *cmd)
@@ -979,6 +977,9 @@ static int run_git_commit(const char *defmsg,
struct child_process cmd = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+ if ((flags & CLEANUP_MSG) && (flags & VERBATIM_MSG))
+ BUG("CLEANUP_MSG and VERBATIM_MSG are mutually exclusive");
cmd.git_cmd = 1;
if (is_rebase_i(opts) && read_env_script(&cmd.env_array)) {
@@ -1012,6 +1013,8 @@ static int run_git_commit(const char *defmsg,
strvec_pushl(&cmd.args, "-C", "HEAD", NULL);
if ((flags & CLEANUP_MSG))
strvec_push(&cmd.args, "--cleanup=strip");
+ if ((flags & VERBATIM_MSG))
+ strvec_push(&cmd.args, "--cleanup=verbatim");
if ((flags & EDIT_MSG))
strvec_push(&cmd.args, "-e");
else if (!(flags & CLEANUP_MSG) &&
@@ -1380,6 +1383,9 @@ static int try_to_commit(struct repository *r,
enum commit_msg_cleanup_mode cleanup;
int res = 0;
+ if ((flags & CLEANUP_MSG) && (flags & VERBATIM_MSG))
+ BUG("CLEANUP_MSG and VERBATIM_MSG are mutually exclusive");
if (parse_head(r, &current_head))
return -1;
@@ -1454,6 +1460,8 @@ static int try_to_commit(struct repository *r,
if (flags & CLEANUP_MSG)
+ else if (flags & VERBATIM_MSG)
else if ((opts->signoff || opts->record_origin) &&
@@ -2002,7 +2010,7 @@ static int do_pick_commit(struct repository *r,
if (!final_fixup)
msg_file = rebase_path_squash_msg();
else if (file_exists(rebase_path_fixup_msg())) {
- flags |= CLEANUP_MSG;
+ flags |= VERBATIM_MSG;
msg_file = rebase_path_fixup_msg();
} else {
const char *dest = git_path_squash_msg(r);
diff --git a/shallow.c b/shallow.c
index 91b9e1073c..9ed18eb884 100644
--- a/shallow.c
+++ b/shallow.c
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ int register_shallow(struct repository *r, const struct object_id *oid)
int unregister_shallow(const struct object_id *oid)
- int pos = commit_graft_pos(the_repository, oid->hash);
+ int pos = commit_graft_pos(the_repository, oid);
if (pos < 0)
return -1;
if (pos + 1 < the_repository->parsed_objects->grafts_nr)
diff --git a/shortlog.h b/shortlog.h
index 64be879b24..3f7e9aabca 100644
--- a/shortlog.h
+++ b/shortlog.h
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ struct shortlog {
} groups;
struct string_list trailers;
- char *common_repo_prefix;
int email;
struct string_list mailmap;
FILE *file;
diff --git a/submodule.c b/submodule.c
index b561445329..9767ba9893 100644
--- a/submodule.c
+++ b/submodule.c
@@ -420,6 +420,7 @@ const char *submodule_strategy_to_string(const struct submodule_update_strategy
void handle_ignore_submodules_arg(struct diff_options *diffopt,
const char *arg)
+ diffopt->flags.ignore_submodule_set = 1;
diffopt->flags.ignore_submodules = 0;
diffopt->flags.ignore_untracked_in_submodules = 0;
diffopt->flags.ignore_dirty_submodules = 0;
diff --git a/t/README b/t/README
index 9a9dded033..1d80fb7004 100644
--- a/t/README
+++ b/t/README
@@ -1098,18 +1098,6 @@ use these, and "test_set_prereq" for how to define your own.
Git was compiled with support for PCRE. Wrap any tests
that use git-grep --perl-regexp or git-grep -P in these.
- Git was compiled with PCRE v1 support via
- USE_LIBPCRE1=YesPlease. Wrap any PCRE using tests that for some
- reason need v1 of the PCRE library instead of v2 in these.
- Git was compiled with PCRE v2 support via
- USE_LIBPCRE2=YesPlease. Wrap any PCRE using tests that for some
- reason need v2 of the PCRE library instead of v1 in these.
Test is run on a case insensitive file system.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3aee61d2cc..29ce89090d 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ test_expect_success 'blame 2 authors' '
test_expect_success 'setup B1 lines (branch1)' '
- git checkout -b branch1 master &&
+ git checkout -b branch1 main &&
echo "3A slow green fox jumps into the" >>file &&
echo "well." >>file &&
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ test_expect_success 'blame 2 authors + 1 branch1 author' '
test_expect_success 'setup B2 lines (branch2)' '
- git checkout -b branch2 master &&
+ git checkout -b branch2 main &&
sed -e "s/2A quick brown/4A quick brown lazy dog/" <file > &&
mv file &&
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ test_expect_success 'blame --first-parent blames merge for branch1' '
test_expect_success 'blame ancestor' '
- check_count -h master A 2 B 2
+ check_count -h main A 2 B 2
test_expect_success 'blame great-ancestor' '
- check_count -h master^ A 2
+ check_count -h main^ A 2
test_expect_success 'setup evil merge' '
@@ -483,12 +483,12 @@ test_expect_success 'setup -L :funcname with userdiff driver' '
echo "fortran-* diff=fortran" >.gitattributes &&
fortran_file=fortran-external-function &&
orig_file="$TEST_DIRECTORY/t4018/$fortran_file" &&
- cp $orig_file . &&
- git add $fortran_file &&
+ cp "$orig_file" . &&
+ git add "$fortran_file" &&
git commit -m "add fortran file" &&
- sed -e "s/ChangeMe/IWasChanged/" <"$orig_file" >$fortran_file &&
- git add $fortran_file &&
+ sed -e "s/ChangeMe/IWasChanged/" <"$orig_file" >"$fortran_file" &&
+ git add "$fortran_file" &&
git commit -m "change fortran file"
diff --git a/t/helper/test-pcre2-config.c b/t/helper/test-pcre2-config.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5258fdddba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/helper/test-pcre2-config.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "test-tool.h"
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "grep.h"
+int cmd__pcre2_config(int argc, const char **argv)
+ if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "has-PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF")) {
+ int value = PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF;
+ return !value;
+ }
+ return 1;
diff --git a/t/helper/test-ref-store.c b/t/helper/test-ref-store.c
index 759e69dc54..bba5f841c6 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-ref-store.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-ref-store.c
@@ -72,18 +72,6 @@ static int cmd_pack_refs(struct ref_store *refs, const char **argv)
return refs_pack_refs(refs, flags);
-static int cmd_peel_ref(struct ref_store *refs, const char **argv)
- const char *refname = notnull(*argv++, "refname");
- struct object_id oid;
- int ret;
- ret = refs_peel_ref(refs, refname, &oid);
- if (!ret)
- puts(oid_to_hex(&oid));
- return ret;
static int cmd_create_symref(struct ref_store *refs, const char **argv)
const char *refname = notnull(*argv++, "refname");
@@ -255,7 +243,6 @@ struct command {
static struct command commands[] = {
{ "pack-refs", cmd_pack_refs },
- { "peel-ref", cmd_peel_ref },
{ "create-symref", cmd_create_symref },
{ "delete-refs", cmd_delete_refs },
{ "rename-ref", cmd_rename_ref },
diff --git a/t/helper/test-tool.c b/t/helper/test-tool.c
index 9d6d14d929..f97cd9f48a 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-tool.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-tool.c
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ static struct test_cmd cmds[] = {
{ "parse-options", cmd__parse_options },
{ "parse-pathspec-file", cmd__parse_pathspec_file },
{ "path-utils", cmd__path_utils },
+ { "pcre2-config", cmd__pcre2_config },
{ "pkt-line", cmd__pkt_line },
{ "prio-queue", cmd__prio_queue },
{ "proc-receive", cmd__proc_receive},
diff --git a/t/helper/test-tool.h b/t/helper/test-tool.h
index a6470ff62c..28072c0ad5 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-tool.h
+++ b/t/helper/test-tool.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ int cmd__online_cpus(int argc, const char **argv);
int cmd__parse_options(int argc, const char **argv);
int cmd__parse_pathspec_file(int argc, const char** argv);
int cmd__path_utils(int argc, const char **argv);
+int cmd__pcre2_config(int argc, const char **argv);
int cmd__pkt_line(int argc, const char **argv);
int cmd__prio_queue(int argc, const char **argv);
int cmd__proc_receive(int argc, const char **argv);
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9b2bcfb1b0..32b3473379 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ setup_cvs_test_repository () {
test_cvs_co () {
# Usage: test_cvs_co BRANCH_NAME
rm -rf module-cvs-"$1"
- if [ "$1" = "master" ]
+ if [ "$1" = "main" ]
$CVS co -P -d module-cvs-"$1" -A module
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index bd3fa3c6da..4b714e9308 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -316,14 +316,7 @@ test_submodule_switch_common () {
######################### Appearing submodule #########################
# Switching to a commit letting a submodule appear creates empty dir ...
- then
- # Restoring stash fails to restore submodule index entry
- RESULT="failure"
- else
- RESULT="success"
- fi
- test_expect_$RESULT "$command: added submodule creates empty directory" '
+ test_expect_success "$command: added submodule creates empty directory" '
prolog &&
reset_work_tree_to no_submodule &&
@@ -337,6 +330,13 @@ test_submodule_switch_common () {
# ... and doesn't care if it already exists.
+ then
+ # Restoring stash fails to restore submodule index entry
+ RESULT="failure"
+ else
+ RESULT="success"
+ fi
test_expect_$RESULT "$command: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone" '
prolog &&
reset_work_tree_to no_submodule &&
diff --git a/t/oid-info/README b/t/oid-info/README
index 27f843fc00..ca56a74b1e 100644
--- a/t/oid-info/README
+++ b/t/oid-info/README
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ starting with `#` are ignored. The key and value are separated by whitespace
(specifically, those whitespace in the default `$IFS`). The key consists only
of shell identifier characters, and the value consists of a hash algorithm,
colon, and value. The hash algorithm also consists only of shell identifier
-characters; it should match the value in sha1-file.c.
+characters; it should match the value in object-file.c.
For example, the following lines map the key "rawsz" to "20" if SHA-1 is in use
and to "32" if SHA-256 is in use:
diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
index 7c26f4f337..609fecd65d 100755
--- a/t/perf/
+++ b/t/perf/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ test_description='Tests the performance of various pretty format placeholders'
-for format in %H %h %T %t %P %p %h-%h-%h
+for format in %H %h %T %t %P %p %h-%h-%h %an-%ae-%s
test_perf "log with $format" "
git log --format=\"$format\" >/dev/null
diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
index f4c2ab0584..ce0c42cc9f 100755
--- a/t/perf/
+++ b/t/perf/
@@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ repack_into_n () {
mkdir staging &&
git rev-list --first-parent HEAD |
- sed -n '1~5p' |
- head -n "$1" |
- perl -e 'print reverse <>' \
- >pushes
+ perl -e '
+ my $n = shift;
+ while (<>) {
+ last unless @commits < $n;
+ push @commits, $_ if $. % 5 == 1;
+ }
+ print reverse @commits;
+ ' "$1" >pushes
# create base packfile
head -n 1 pushes |
diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
index 9b43342806..1e20a184c7 100755
--- a/t/perf/
+++ b/t/perf/
@@ -129,7 +129,12 @@ setup_for_fsmonitor() {
git config core.fsmonitor "$INTEGRATION_SCRIPT" &&
git update-index --fsmonitor 2>error &&
- test_must_be_empty error # ensure no silent error
+ if test_have_prereq WATCHMAN
+ then
+ test_must_be_empty error # ensure no silent error
+ else
+ grep "Empty last update token" error
+ fi
test_perf_w_drop_caches () {
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f4ba2e8c85..a6e570d674 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -135,32 +135,32 @@ check_sub_test_lib_test_err () {
-test_expect_success 'pretend we have a fully passing test suite' "
- run_sub_test_lib_test full-pass '3 passing tests' <<-\\EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'pretend we have a fully passing test suite' '
+ run_sub_test_lib_test full-pass "3 passing tests" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test full-pass <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test full-pass <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 - passing test #3
> # passed all 3 test(s)
> 1..3
-test_expect_success 'pretend we have a partially passing test suite' "
+test_expect_success 'pretend we have a partially passing test suite' '
run_sub_test_lib_test_err \
- partial-pass '2/3 tests passing' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_success 'passing test #1' 'true'
- test_expect_success 'failing test #2' 'false'
- test_expect_success 'passing test #3' 'true'
+ partial-pass "2/3 tests passing" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_success "passing test #1" "true"
+ test_expect_success "failing test #2" "false"
+ test_expect_success "passing test #3" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test partial-pass <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test partial-pass <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> not ok 2 - failing test #2
# false
@@ -168,44 +168,44 @@ test_expect_success 'pretend we have a partially passing test suite' "
> # failed 1 among 3 test(s)
> 1..3
-test_expect_success 'pretend we have a known breakage' "
- run_sub_test_lib_test failing-todo 'A failing TODO test' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_success 'passing test' 'true'
- test_expect_failure 'pretend we have a known breakage' 'false'
+test_expect_success 'pretend we have a known breakage' '
+ run_sub_test_lib_test failing-todo "A failing TODO test" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_success "passing test" "true"
+ test_expect_failure "pretend we have a known breakage" "false"
- check_sub_test_lib_test failing-todo <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test failing-todo <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test
> not ok 2 - pretend we have a known breakage # TODO known breakage
> # still have 1 known breakage(s)
> # passed all remaining 1 test(s)
> 1..2
-test_expect_success 'pretend we have fixed a known breakage' "
- run_sub_test_lib_test passing-todo 'A passing TODO test' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_failure 'pretend we have fixed a known breakage' 'true'
+test_expect_success 'pretend we have fixed a known breakage' '
+ run_sub_test_lib_test passing-todo "A passing TODO test" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_failure "pretend we have fixed a known breakage" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test passing-todo <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test passing-todo <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - pretend we have fixed a known breakage # TODO known breakage vanished
> # 1 known breakage(s) vanished; please update test(s)
> 1..1
-test_expect_success 'pretend we have fixed one of two known breakages (run in sub test-lib)' "
+test_expect_success 'pretend we have fixed one of two known breakages (run in sub test-lib)' '
run_sub_test_lib_test partially-passing-todos \
- '2 TODO tests, one passing' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_failure 'pretend we have a known breakage' 'false'
- test_expect_success 'pretend we have a passing test' 'true'
- test_expect_failure 'pretend we have fixed another known breakage' 'true'
+ "2 TODO tests, one passing" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_failure "pretend we have a known breakage" "false"
+ test_expect_success "pretend we have a passing test" "true"
+ test_expect_failure "pretend we have fixed another known breakage" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test partially-passing-todos <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test partially-passing-todos <<-\EOF
> not ok 1 - pretend we have a known breakage # TODO known breakage
> ok 2 - pretend we have a passing test
> ok 3 - pretend we have fixed another known breakage # TODO known breakage vanished
@@ -214,17 +214,17 @@ test_expect_success 'pretend we have fixed one of two known breakages (run in su
> # passed all remaining 1 test(s)
> 1..3
-test_expect_success 'pretend we have a pass, fail, and known breakage' "
+test_expect_success 'pretend we have a pass, fail, and known breakage' '
run_sub_test_lib_test_err \
- mixed-results1 'mixed results #1' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_success 'passing test' 'true'
- test_expect_success 'failing test' 'false'
- test_expect_failure 'pretend we have a known breakage' 'false'
+ mixed-results1 "mixed results #1" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_success "passing test" "true"
+ test_expect_success "failing test" "false"
+ test_expect_failure "pretend we have a known breakage" "false"
- check_sub_test_lib_test mixed-results1 <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test mixed-results1 <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test
> not ok 2 - failing test
> # false
@@ -233,24 +233,24 @@ test_expect_success 'pretend we have a pass, fail, and known breakage' "
> # failed 1 among remaining 2 test(s)
> 1..3
-test_expect_success 'pretend we have a mix of all possible results' "
+test_expect_success 'pretend we have a mix of all possible results' '
run_sub_test_lib_test_err \
- mixed-results2 'mixed results #2' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_success 'passing test' 'true'
- test_expect_success 'passing test' 'true'
- test_expect_success 'passing test' 'true'
- test_expect_success 'passing test' 'true'
- test_expect_success 'failing test' 'false'
- test_expect_success 'failing test' 'false'
- test_expect_success 'failing test' 'false'
- test_expect_failure 'pretend we have a known breakage' 'false'
- test_expect_failure 'pretend we have a known breakage' 'false'
- test_expect_failure 'pretend we have fixed a known breakage' 'true'
+ mixed-results2 "mixed results #2" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_success "passing test" "true"
+ test_expect_success "passing test" "true"
+ test_expect_success "passing test" "true"
+ test_expect_success "passing test" "true"
+ test_expect_success "failing test" "false"
+ test_expect_success "failing test" "false"
+ test_expect_success "failing test" "false"
+ test_expect_failure "pretend we have a known breakage" "false"
+ test_expect_failure "pretend we have a known breakage" "false"
+ test_expect_failure "pretend we have fixed a known breakage" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test mixed-results2 <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test mixed-results2 <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test
> ok 2 - passing test
> ok 3 - passing test
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pretend we have a mix of all possible results' "
> # failed 3 among remaining 7 test(s)
> 1..10
test_expect_success C_LOCALE_OUTPUT 'test --verbose' '
run_sub_test_lib_test_err \
@@ -321,18 +321,18 @@ test_expect_success 'test --verbose-only' '
-test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS' "
+test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS' '
- GIT_SKIP_TESTS='git.2' && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
+ GIT_SKIP_TESTS="git.2" && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
run_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-basic \
- 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS' <<-\\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-basic <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-basic <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 # skip passing test #2 (GIT_SKIP_TESTS)
> ok 3 - passing test #3
@@ -340,20 +340,20 @@ test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS' "
> 1..3
-test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS several tests' "
+test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS several tests' '
- GIT_SKIP_TESTS='git.2 git.5' && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
+ GIT_SKIP_TESTS="git.2 git.5" && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
run_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-several \
- 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS several tests' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "GIT_SKIP_TESTS several tests" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-several <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-several <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 # skip passing test #2 (GIT_SKIP_TESTS)
> ok 3 - passing test #3
@@ -364,20 +364,20 @@ test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS several tests' "
> 1..6
-test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS sh pattern' "
+test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS sh pattern' '
- GIT_SKIP_TESTS='git.[2-5]' && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
+ GIT_SKIP_TESTS="git.[2-5]" && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
run_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-sh-pattern \
- 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS sh pattern' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "GIT_SKIP_TESTS sh pattern" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-sh-pattern <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-sh-pattern <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 # skip passing test #2 (GIT_SKIP_TESTS)
> ok 3 # skip passing test #3 (GIT_SKIP_TESTS)
@@ -388,37 +388,37 @@ test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS sh pattern' "
> 1..6
-test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS entire suite' "
+test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS entire suite' '
- GIT_SKIP_TESTS='git' && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
+ GIT_SKIP_TESTS="git" && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
run_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-entire-suite \
- 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS entire suite' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "GIT_SKIP_TESTS entire suite" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-entire-suite <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-entire-suite <<-\EOF
> 1..0 # SKIP skip all tests in git
-test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS does not skip unmatched suite' "
+test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS does not skip unmatched suite' '
- GIT_SKIP_TESTS='notgit' && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
+ GIT_SKIP_TESTS="notgit" && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
run_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-unmatched-suite \
- 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS does not skip unmatched suite' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "GIT_SKIP_TESTS does not skip unmatched suite" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-unmatched-suite <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-unmatched-suite <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 - passing test #3
@@ -426,18 +426,18 @@ test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS does not skip unmatched suite' "
> 1..3
-test_expect_success '--run basic' "
+test_expect_success '--run basic' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-basic \
- '--run basic' --run='1,3,5' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run basic" --run="1,3,5" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-basic <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-basic <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 # skip passing test #2 (--run)
> ok 3 - passing test #3
@@ -447,18 +447,18 @@ test_expect_success '--run basic' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run with a range' "
+test_expect_success '--run with a range' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-range \
- '--run with a range' --run='1-3' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run with a range" --run="1-3" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-range <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-range <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 - passing test #3
@@ -468,18 +468,18 @@ test_expect_success '--run with a range' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run with two ranges' "
+test_expect_success '--run with two ranges' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-two-ranges \
- '--run with two ranges' --run='1-2,5-6' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run with two ranges" --run="1-2,5-6" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-two-ranges <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-two-ranges <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 # skip passing test #3 (--run)
@@ -489,18 +489,18 @@ test_expect_success '--run with two ranges' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run with a left open range' "
+test_expect_success '--run with a left open range' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-left-open-range \
- '--run with a left open range' --run='-3' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run with a left open range" --run="-3" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-left-open-range <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-left-open-range <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 - passing test #3
@@ -510,18 +510,18 @@ test_expect_success '--run with a left open range' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run with a right open range' "
+test_expect_success '--run with a right open range' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-right-open-range \
- '--run with a right open range' --run='4-' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run with a right open range" --run="4-" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-right-open-range <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-right-open-range <<-\EOF
> ok 1 # skip passing test #1 (--run)
> ok 2 # skip passing test #2 (--run)
> ok 3 # skip passing test #3 (--run)
@@ -531,18 +531,18 @@ test_expect_success '--run with a right open range' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run with basic negation' "
+test_expect_success '--run with basic negation' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-basic-neg \
- '--run with basic negation' --run='"'!3'"' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run with basic negation" --run="!3" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-basic-neg <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-basic-neg <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 # skip passing test #3 (--run)
@@ -552,18 +552,18 @@ test_expect_success '--run with basic negation' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run with two negations' "
+test_expect_success '--run with two negations' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-two-neg \
- '--run with two negations' --run='"'!3,!6'"' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run with two negations" --run="!3,!6" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-two-neg <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-two-neg <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 # skip passing test #3 (--run)
@@ -573,18 +573,18 @@ test_expect_success '--run with two negations' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run a range and negation' "
+test_expect_success '--run a range and negation' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-range-and-neg \
- '--run a range and negation' --run='"'-4,!2'"' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run a range and negation" --run="-4,!2" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-range-and-neg <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-range-and-neg <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 # skip passing test #2 (--run)
> ok 3 - passing test #3
@@ -594,18 +594,18 @@ test_expect_success '--run a range and negation' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run range negation' "
+test_expect_success '--run range negation' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-range-neg \
- '--run range negation' --run='"'!1-3'"' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run range negation" --run="!1-3" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-range-neg <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-range-neg <<-\EOF
> ok 1 # skip passing test #1 (--run)
> ok 2 # skip passing test #2 (--run)
> ok 3 # skip passing test #3 (--run)
@@ -615,19 +615,19 @@ test_expect_success '--run range negation' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run include, exclude and include' "
+test_expect_success '--run include, exclude and include' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-inc-neg-inc \
- '--run include, exclude and include' \
- --run='"'1-5,!1-3,2'"' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run include, exclude and include" \
+ --run="1-5,!1-3,2" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-inc-neg-inc <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-inc-neg-inc <<-\EOF
> ok 1 # skip passing test #1 (--run)
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 # skip passing test #3 (--run)
@@ -637,19 +637,19 @@ test_expect_success '--run include, exclude and include' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run include, exclude and include, comma separated' "
+test_expect_success '--run include, exclude and include, comma separated' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-inc-neg-inc-comma \
- '--run include, exclude and include, comma separated' \
- --run=1-5,\!1-3,2 <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run include, exclude and include, comma separated" \
+ --run=1-5,!1-3,2 <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-inc-neg-inc-comma <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-inc-neg-inc-comma <<-\EOF
> ok 1 # skip passing test #1 (--run)
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 # skip passing test #3 (--run)
@@ -659,19 +659,19 @@ test_expect_success '--run include, exclude and include, comma separated' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run exclude and include' "
+test_expect_success '--run exclude and include' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-neg-inc \
- '--run exclude and include' \
- --run='"'!3-,5'"' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run exclude and include" \
+ --run="!3-,5" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-neg-inc <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-neg-inc <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 - passing test #2
> ok 3 # skip passing test #3 (--run)
@@ -681,19 +681,19 @@ test_expect_success '--run exclude and include' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run empty selectors' "
+test_expect_success '--run empty selectors' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-empty-sel \
- '--run empty selectors' \
- --run='1,,3,,,5' <<-\\EOF &&
+ "--run empty selectors" \
+ --run="1,,3,,,5" <<-\EOF &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "passing test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-empty-sel <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-empty-sel <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - passing test #1
> ok 2 # skip passing test #2 (--run)
> ok 3 - passing test #3
@@ -703,20 +703,20 @@ test_expect_success '--run empty selectors' "
> # passed all 6 test(s)
> 1..6
-test_expect_success '--run substring selector' "
+test_expect_success '--run substring selector' '
run_sub_test_lib_test run-substring-selector \
- '--run empty selectors' \
- --run='relevant' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_success \"relevant test\" 'true'
+ "--run empty selectors" \
+ --run="relevant" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_success "relevant test" "true"
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
- test_expect_success \"other test #\$i\" 'true'
+ test_expect_success "other test #$i" "true"
- check_sub_test_lib_test run-substring-selector <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test run-substring-selector <<-\EOF
> ok 1 - relevant test
> ok 2 # skip other test #1 (--run)
> ok 3 # skip other test #2 (--run)
@@ -727,167 +727,165 @@ test_expect_success '--run substring selector' "
> # passed all 7 test(s)
> 1..7
-test_expect_success '--run keyword selection' "
+test_expect_success '--run keyword selection' '
run_sub_test_lib_test_err run-inv-range-start \
- '--run invalid range start' \
- --run='a-5' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_success \"passing test #1\" 'true'
+ "--run invalid range start" \
+ --run="a-5" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_success "passing test #1" "true"
check_sub_test_lib_test_err run-inv-range-start \
- <<-\\EOF_OUT 3<<-\\EOF_ERR
+ <<-\EOF_OUT 3<<-EOF_ERR
> FATAL: Unexpected exit with code 1
- > error: --run: invalid non-numeric in range start: 'a-5'
+ > error: --run: invalid non-numeric in range start: ${SQ}a-5${SQ}
-test_expect_success '--run invalid range end' "
+test_expect_success '--run invalid range end' '
run_sub_test_lib_test_err run-inv-range-end \
- '--run invalid range end' \
- --run='1-z' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_success \"passing test #1\" 'true'
+ "--run invalid range end" \
+ --run="1-z" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_success "passing test #1" "true"
check_sub_test_lib_test_err run-inv-range-end \
- <<-\\EOF_OUT 3<<-\\EOF_ERR
+ <<-\EOF_OUT 3<<-EOF_ERR
> FATAL: Unexpected exit with code 1
- > error: --run: invalid non-numeric in range end: '1-z'
+ > error: --run: invalid non-numeric in range end: ${SQ}1-z${SQ}
-test_set_prereq HAVEIT
-test_expect_success HAVEIT 'test runs if prerequisite is satisfied' '
- test_have_prereq HAVEIT &&
- haveit=yes
-test_expect_success DONTHAVEIT 'unmet prerequisite causes test to be skipped' '
- donthaveit=no
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a $haveit$donthaveit != yesyes
- say "bug in test framework: prerequisite tags do not work reliably"
- exit 1
-test_set_prereq HAVETHIS
-test_expect_success HAVETHIS,HAVEIT 'test runs if prerequisites are satisfied' '
- test_have_prereq HAVEIT &&
- test_have_prereq HAVETHIS &&
- haveit=yes
-test_expect_success HAVEIT,DONTHAVEIT 'unmet prerequisites causes test to be skipped' '
- donthaveit=no
-test_expect_success DONTHAVEIT,HAVEIT 'unmet prerequisites causes test to be skipped' '
- donthaveiteither=no
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a $haveit$donthaveit$donthaveiteither != yesyesyes
- say "bug in test framework: multiple prerequisite tags do not work reliably"
- exit 1
-test_lazy_prereq LAZY_TRUE true
-test_expect_success LAZY_TRUE 'test runs if lazy prereq is satisfied' '
- havetrue=yes
-test_expect_success !LAZY_TRUE 'missing lazy prereqs skip tests' '
- donthavetrue=no
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a "$havetrue$donthavetrue" != yesyes
- say 'bug in test framework: lazy prerequisites do not work'
- exit 1
-test_lazy_prereq LAZY_FALSE false
-test_expect_success !LAZY_FALSE 'negative lazy prereqs checked' '
- nothavefalse=yes
-test_expect_success LAZY_FALSE 'missing negative lazy prereqs will skip' '
- havefalse=no
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a "$nothavefalse$havefalse" != yesyes
- say 'bug in test framework: negative lazy prerequisites do not work'
- exit 1
-test_expect_success 'tests clean up after themselves' '
- test_when_finished clean=yes
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a $clean != yes
- say "bug in test framework: basic cleanup command does not work reliably"
- exit 1
+test_expect_success 'tests respect prerequisites' '
+ run_sub_test_lib_test prereqs "tests respect prereqs" <<-\EOF &&
-test_lazy_prereq NESTED_INNER '
- >inner &&
- rm -f outer
-test_lazy_prereq NESTED_PREREQ '
- >outer &&
- test_have_prereq NESTED_INNER &&
- echo "can create new file in cwd" >file &&
- test -f outer &&
- test ! -f inner
+ test_set_prereq HAVEIT
+ test_expect_success HAVEIT "prereq is satisfied" "true"
+ test_expect_success "have_prereq works" "
+ test_have_prereq HAVEIT
+ "
+ test_expect_success DONTHAVEIT "prereq not satisfied" "false"
+ test_set_prereq HAVETHIS
+ test_expect_success HAVETHIS,HAVEIT "multiple prereqs" "true"
+ test_expect_success HAVEIT,DONTHAVEIT "mixed prereqs (yes,no)" "false"
+ test_expect_success DONTHAVEIT,HAVEIT "mixed prereqs (no,yes)" "false"
+ test_done
+ check_sub_test_lib_test prereqs <<-\EOF
+ ok 1 - prereq is satisfied
+ ok 2 - have_prereq works
+ ok 3 # skip prereq not satisfied (missing DONTHAVEIT)
+ ok 4 - multiple prereqs
+ ok 5 # skip mixed prereqs (yes,no) (missing DONTHAVEIT of HAVEIT,DONTHAVEIT)
+ ok 6 # skip mixed prereqs (no,yes) (missing DONTHAVEIT of DONTHAVEIT,HAVEIT)
+ # passed all 6 test(s)
+ 1..6
-test_expect_success NESTED_PREREQ 'evaluating nested lazy prereqs dont interfere with each other' '
- nestedworks=yes
+test_expect_success 'tests respect lazy prerequisites' '
+ run_sub_test_lib_test lazy-prereqs "respect lazy prereqs" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_lazy_prereq LAZY_TRUE true
+ test_expect_success LAZY_TRUE "lazy prereq is satisifed" "true"
+ test_expect_success !LAZY_TRUE "negative lazy prereq" "false"
+ test_lazy_prereq LAZY_FALSE false
+ test_expect_success LAZY_FALSE "lazy prereq not satisfied" "false"
+ test_expect_success !LAZY_FALSE "negative false prereq" "true"
+ test_done
+ check_sub_test_lib_test lazy-prereqs <<-\EOF
+ ok 1 - lazy prereq is satisifed
+ ok 2 # skip negative lazy prereq (missing !LAZY_TRUE)
+ ok 3 # skip lazy prereq not satisfied (missing LAZY_FALSE)
+ ok 4 - negative false prereq
+ # passed all 4 test(s)
+ 1..4
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" && test "$nestedworks" != yes
- say 'bug in test framework: nested lazy prerequisites do not work'
- exit 1
+test_expect_success 'nested lazy prerequisites' '
+ run_sub_test_lib_test nested-lazy "nested lazy prereqs" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_lazy_prereq NESTED_INNER "
+ >inner &&
+ rm -f outer
+ "
+ test_lazy_prereq NESTED_PREREQ "
+ >outer &&
+ test_have_prereq NESTED_INNER &&
+ echo can create new file in cwd >file &&
+ test_path_is_file outer &&
+ test_path_is_missing inner
+ "
+ test_expect_success NESTED_PREREQ "evaluate nested prereq" "true"
-test_expect_success 'lazy prereqs do not turn off tracing' "
+ test_done
+ check_sub_test_lib_test nested-lazy <<-\EOF
+ ok 1 - evaluate nested prereq
+ # passed all 1 test(s)
+ 1..1
+test_expect_success 'lazy prereqs do not turn off tracing' '
run_sub_test_lib_test lazy-prereq-and-tracing \
- 'lazy prereqs and -x' -v -x <<-\\EOF &&
+ "lazy prereqs and -x" -v -x <<-\EOF &&
test_lazy_prereq LAZY true
- test_expect_success lazy 'test_have_prereq LAZY && echo trace'
+ test_expect_success lazy "test_have_prereq LAZY && echo trace"
+ test_done
+ grep "echo trace" lazy-prereq-and-tracing/err
+test_expect_success 'tests clean up after themselves' '
+ run_sub_test_lib_test cleanup "test with cleanup" <<-\EOF &&
+ clean=no
+ test_expect_success "do cleanup" "
+ test_when_finished clean=yes
+ "
+ test_expect_success "cleanup happened" "
+ test $clean = yes
+ "
- grep 'echo trace' lazy-prereq-and-tracing/err
+ check_sub_test_lib_test cleanup <<-\EOF
+ ok 1 - do cleanup
+ ok 2 - cleanup happened
+ # passed all 2 test(s)
+ 1..2
-test_expect_success 'tests clean up even on failures' "
+test_expect_success 'tests clean up even on failures' '
run_sub_test_lib_test_err \
- failing-cleanup 'Failing tests with cleanup commands' <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_success 'tests clean up even after a failure' '
+ failing-cleanup "Failing tests with cleanup commands" <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_success "tests clean up even after a failure" "
touch clean-after-failure &&
test_when_finished rm clean-after-failure &&
(exit 1)
- '
- test_expect_success 'failure to clean up causes the test to fail' '
+ "
+ test_expect_success "failure to clean up causes the test to fail" "
test_when_finished \"(exit 2)\"
- '
+ "
- check_sub_test_lib_test failing-cleanup <<-\\EOF
+ check_sub_test_lib_test failing-cleanup <<-\EOF
> not ok 1 - tests clean up even after a failure
> # Z
> # touch clean-after-failure &&
@@ -896,30 +894,30 @@ test_expect_success 'tests clean up even on failures' "
> # Z
> not ok 2 - failure to clean up causes the test to fail
> # Z
- > # test_when_finished \"(exit 2)\"
+ > # test_when_finished "(exit 2)"
> # Z
> # failed 2 among 2 test(s)
> 1..2
-test_expect_success 'test_atexit is run' "
+test_expect_success 'test_atexit is run' '
run_sub_test_lib_test_err \
- atexit-cleanup 'Run atexit commands' -i <<-\\EOF &&
- test_expect_success 'tests clean up even after a failure' '
+ atexit-cleanup "Run atexit commands" -i <<-\EOF &&
+ test_expect_success "tests clean up even after a failure" "
> ../../clean-atexit &&
test_atexit rm ../../clean-atexit &&
> ../../also-clean-atexit &&
test_atexit rm ../../also-clean-atexit &&
> ../../dont-clean-atexit &&
(exit 1)
- '
+ "
test_path_is_file dont-clean-atexit &&
test_path_is_missing clean-atexit &&
test_path_is_missing also-clean-atexit
test_expect_success 'test_oid provides sane info by default' '
test_oid zero >actual &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 960ed150cb..8440e6add1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ test_description='.git file
Verify that plumbing commands work when .git is a file
. ./
objpath() {
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ test_expect_success 'enter_repo non-strict mode' '
git ls-remote enter_repo >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
$head HEAD
- $head refs/heads/master
+ $head refs/heads/main
$head refs/tags/foo
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ test_expect_success 'enter_repo linked checkout' '
git ls-remote foo >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
$head HEAD
- $head refs/heads/master
+ $head refs/heads/main
$head refs/tags/foo
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -122,7 +125,7 @@ test_expect_success 'enter_repo strict mode' '
git ls-remote --upload-pack="git upload-pack --strict" foo/.git >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
$head HEAD
- $head refs/heads/master
+ $head refs/heads/main
$head refs/tags/foo
test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b63ba62e5d..375cf94398 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='CRLF conversion'
. ./
has_cr() {
@@ -318,8 +321,8 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout with existing .gitattributes' '
git add .gitattributes .file &&
git commit -m second &&
- git checkout master~1 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main~1 &&
+ git checkout main &&
test "$(git diff-files --raw)" = ""
@@ -331,8 +334,8 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout when deleting .gitattributes' '
git add .file2 &&
git commit -m third &&
- git checkout master~1 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main~1 &&
+ git checkout main &&
has_cr .file2
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f6deaf498b..e4c4de5c74 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='blob conversion via gitattributes'
. ./
@@ -378,8 +381,8 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'required process filter should filter data' '
test_cmp_count expected.log debug.log &&
git commit -m "test commit 2" &&
- MASTER=$(git rev-parse --verify master) &&
- META="ref=refs/heads/master treeish=$MASTER" &&
+ MAIN=$(git rev-parse --verify main) &&
+ META="ref=refs/heads/main treeish=$MAIN" &&
rm -f test2.r "testsubdir/test3 '\''sq'\'',\$x=.r" &&
filter_git checkout --quiet --no-progress . &&
@@ -404,7 +407,7 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'required process filter should filter data' '
test_cmp_exclude_clean expected.log debug.log &&
- filter_git checkout --quiet --no-progress master &&
+ filter_git checkout --quiet --no-progress main &&
cat >expected.log <<-EOF &&
init handshake complete
@@ -436,15 +439,15 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'required process filter should filter data for various
M3=$(git hash-object "testsubdir/test3 '\''sq'\'',\$x=.r") &&
EMPTY=$(git hash-object /dev/null) &&
- MASTER=$(git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ MAIN=$(git rev-parse --verify main) &&
cp "$TEST_ROOT/test.o" test5.r &&
git add test5.r &&
git commit -m "test commit 3" &&
git checkout empty-branch &&
- filter_git rebase --onto empty-branch master^^ master &&
- MASTER2=$(git rev-parse --verify master) &&
- META="ref=refs/heads/master treeish=$MASTER2" &&
+ filter_git rebase --onto empty-branch main^^ main &&
+ MAIN2=$(git rev-parse --verify main) &&
+ META="ref=refs/heads/main treeish=$MAIN2" &&
cat >expected.log <<-EOF &&
init handshake complete
@@ -458,8 +461,8 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'required process filter should filter data for various
test_cmp_exclude_clean expected.log debug.log &&
git reset --hard empty-branch &&
- filter_git reset --hard $MASTER &&
- META="treeish=$MASTER" &&
+ filter_git reset --hard $MAIN &&
+ META="treeish=$MAIN" &&
cat >expected.log <<-EOF &&
init handshake complete
@@ -471,10 +474,10 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'required process filter should filter data for various
test_cmp_exclude_clean expected.log debug.log &&
- git branch old-master $MASTER &&
+ git branch old-main $MAIN &&
git reset --hard empty-branch &&
- filter_git reset --hard old-master &&
- META="ref=refs/heads/old-master treeish=$MASTER" &&
+ filter_git reset --hard old-main &&
+ META="ref=refs/heads/old-main treeish=$MAIN" &&
cat >expected.log <<-EOF &&
init handshake complete
@@ -487,9 +490,9 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'required process filter should filter data for various
test_cmp_exclude_clean expected.log debug.log &&
git checkout -b merge empty-branch &&
- git branch -f master $MASTER2 &&
- filter_git merge master &&
- META="treeish=$MASTER2" &&
+ git branch -f main $MAIN2 &&
+ filter_git merge main &&
+ META="treeish=$MAIN2" &&
cat >expected.log <<-EOF &&
init handshake complete
@@ -502,8 +505,8 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'required process filter should filter data for various
test_cmp_exclude_clean expected.log debug.log &&
- filter_git archive master >/dev/null &&
- META="ref=refs/heads/master treeish=$MASTER2" &&
+ filter_git archive main >/dev/null &&
+ META="ref=refs/heads/main treeish=$MAIN2" &&
cat >expected.log <<-EOF &&
init handshake complete
@@ -516,7 +519,7 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'required process filter should filter data for various
test_cmp_exclude_clean expected.log debug.log &&
- TREE="$(git rev-parse $MASTER2^{tree})" &&
+ TREE="$(git rev-parse $MAIN2^{tree})" &&
filter_git archive $TREE >/dev/null &&
META="treeish=$TREE" &&
cat >expected.log <<-EOF &&
@@ -856,8 +859,8 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'delayed checkout in process filter' '
) &&
S=$(test_file_size "$TEST_ROOT/test.o") &&
- PM="ref=refs/heads/master treeish=$(git -C repo rev-parse --verify master) " &&
- M="${PM}blob=$(git -C repo rev-parse --verify master:test.a)" &&
+ PM="ref=refs/heads/main treeish=$(git -C repo rev-parse --verify main) " &&
+ M="${PM}blob=$(git -C repo rev-parse --verify main:test.a)" &&
cat >a.exp <<-EOF &&
init handshake complete
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9fcd56fab3..51f74a3ddf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ test_expect_success 'ls-files --eol -o Text/Binary' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'setup master' '
+test_expect_success 'setup main' '
echo >.gitattributes &&
- git checkout -b master &&
+ git checkout -b main &&
git add .gitattributes &&
git commit -m "add .gitattributes" . &&
printf "\$Id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \$\nLINEONE\nLINETWO\nLINETHREE" >LF &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index bfc4fb9af5..f970a9806b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='working-tree-encoding conversion via gitattributes'
. ./
@@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ test_expect_success 'error if encoding round trip is not the same during refresh
TEST_HASH=$(git hash-object --no-filters -w nonsense.utf16le) &&
git update-index --add --cacheinfo 100644 $TEST_HASH nonsense.utf16le &&
COMMIT=$(git commit-tree -p $(git rev-parse HEAD) -m "plain commit" $(git write-tree)) &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $COMMIT &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $COMMIT &&
test_must_fail git checkout HEAD^ 2>err.out &&
test_i18ngrep "error: .* overwritten by checkout:" err.out
@@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ test_expect_success 'error if encoding garbage is already in Git' '
TEST_HASH=$(git hash-object --no-filters -w nonsense.utf16) &&
git update-index --add --cacheinfo 100644 $TEST_HASH nonsense.utf16 &&
COMMIT=$(git commit-tree -p $(git rev-parse HEAD) -m "plain commit" $(git write-tree)) &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $COMMIT &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $COMMIT &&
git diff 2>err.out &&
test_i18ngrep "error: BOM is required" err.out
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5b927b76fe..c4fc34eb18 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='Test commands behavior when given invalid argument value'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup ' '
@@ -41,8 +44,8 @@ test_expect_success 'tag usage error' '
test_expect_success 'branch --contains <existent_commit>' '
- git branch --contains "master" >actual 2>actual.err &&
- test_i18ngrep "master" actual &&
+ git branch --contains "main" >actual 2>actual.err &&
+ test_i18ngrep "main" actual &&
test_line_count = 0 actual.err
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ test_expect_success 'branch --contains <inexistent_commit>' '
test_expect_success 'branch --no-contains <existent_commit>' '
- git branch --no-contains "master" >actual 2>actual.err &&
+ git branch --no-contains "main" >actual 2>actual.err &&
test_line_count = 0 actual &&
test_line_count = 0 actual.err
@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ test_expect_success 'branch usage error' '
test_expect_success 'for-each-ref --contains <existent_object>' '
- git for-each-ref --contains "master" >actual 2>actual.err &&
+ git for-each-ref --contains "main" >actual 2>actual.err &&
test_line_count = 2 actual &&
test_line_count = 0 actual.err
@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ test_expect_success 'for-each-ref --contains <inexistent_object>' '
test_expect_success 'for-each-ref --no-contains <existent_object>' '
- git for-each-ref --no-contains "master" >actual 2>actual.err &&
+ git for-each-ref --no-contains "main" >actual 2>actual.err &&
test_line_count = 0 actual &&
test_line_count = 0 actual.err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 608673fb77..afc343cf9b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='Various filesystem issues'
. ./
auml=$(printf '\303\244')
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ test_expect_success "setup case tests" '
git mv camelcase tmp &&
git mv tmp CamelCase &&
git commit -m "rename" &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'rename (case change)' '
@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ test_expect_success "setup unicode normalization tests" '
git mv $aumlcdiar tmp &&
git mv tmp "$auml" &&
git commit -m rename &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
$test_unicode 'rename (silent unicode normalization)' '
@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ test_expect_success CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS 'checkout with no pathspec and a case in
git add gitweb &&
git commit -m "add gitweb/subdir/file" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 56db5c8aba..0ff06b5d1b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info/sparse-checkout .git/info/sparse-check
test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info//sparse-checkout .git/info//sparse-checkout
test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar remotes/bar bar/remotes/bar
test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar branches/bar bar/branches/bar
-test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/heads/master bar/logs/refs/heads/master
-test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar refs/heads/master bar/refs/heads/master
+test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/heads/main bar/logs/refs/heads/main
+test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar refs/heads/main bar/refs/heads/main
test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar refs/bisect/foo .git/refs/bisect/foo
test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar hooks/me bar/hooks/me
test_git_path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar config bar/config
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 136b4ec839..4675e85251 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -27,4 +27,10 @@ test_expect_success 'run based on configured value' '
grep again message
+test_expect_success 'do nothing on empty config' '
+ # the whole thing would fail if for-each-ref iterated even
+ # once, because "git help --no-such-option" would fail
+ git for-each-repo --config=bogus.config -- help --no-such-option
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 58c0b7e9b6..69beb59f62 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,13 +2,16 @@
test_description='previous branch syntax @{-n}'
. ./
test_expect_success 'branch -d @{-1}' '
test_commit A &&
git checkout -b junk &&
git checkout - &&
- test "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = refs/heads/master &&
+ test "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = refs/heads/main &&
git branch -d @{-1} &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/junk
@@ -17,9 +20,9 @@ test_expect_success 'branch -d @{-12} when there is not enough switches yet' '
git reflog expire --expire=now &&
git checkout -b junk2 &&
git checkout - &&
- test "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = refs/heads/master &&
+ test "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = refs/heads/main &&
test_must_fail git branch -d @{-12} &&
- git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master
+ git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main
test_expect_success 'merge @{-1}' '
@@ -28,19 +31,19 @@ test_expect_success 'merge @{-1}' '
git checkout A &&
test_commit C &&
test_commit D &&
- git branch -f master B &&
+ git branch -f main B &&
git branch -f other &&
git checkout other &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge @{-1} &&
git cat-file commit HEAD | grep "Merge branch '\''other'\''"
test_expect_success 'merge @{-1}~1' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard B &&
git checkout other &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge @{-1}~1 &&
git cat-file commit HEAD >actual &&
grep "Merge branch '\''other'\''" actual
@@ -48,11 +51,11 @@ test_expect_success 'merge @{-1}~1' '
test_expect_success 'merge @{-100} before checking out that many branches yet' '
git reflog expire --expire=now &&
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard B &&
git branch -f other C &&
git checkout other &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git merge @{-100}
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1ed1df351c..84cce345e7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -303,8 +303,7 @@ test_expect_success 'progress generates traces' '
"Working hard" <in 2>stderr &&
# t0212/parse_events.perl intentionally omits regions and data.
- grep -e "region_enter" -e "\"category\":\"progress\"" trace.event &&
- grep -e "region_leave" -e "\"category\":\"progress\"" trace.event &&
+ test_region progress "Working hard" trace.event &&
grep "\"key\":\"total_objects\",\"value\":\"40\"" trace.event &&
grep "\"key\":\"total_bytes\",\"value\":\"409600\"" trace.event
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 181956b241..11bf10424f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='read-tree -m -u checks working tree files'
. ./
@@ -20,17 +23,17 @@ test_expect_success 'two-way setup' '
git branch side &&
git tag -f branch-point &&
- echo file2 is not tracked on the master branch anymore &&
+ echo file2 is not tracked on the main branch anymore &&
rm -f file2 subdir/file2 &&
git update-index --remove file2 subdir/file2 &&
- git commit -a -m "master removes file2 and subdir/file2"
+ git commit -a -m "main removes file2 and subdir/file2"
test_expect_success 'two-way not clobbering' '
- echo >file2 master creates untracked file2 &&
- echo >subdir/file2 master creates untracked subdir/file2 &&
- if err=$(read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u master side 2>&1)
+ echo >file2 main creates untracked file2 &&
+ echo >subdir/file2 main creates untracked subdir/file2 &&
+ if err=$(read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u main side 2>&1)
echo should have complained
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ echo file2 >.gitignore
test_expect_success 'two-way with incorrect --exclude-per-directory (1)' '
- if err=$(read_tree_u_must_succeed -m --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore master side 2>&1)
+ if err=$(read_tree_u_must_succeed -m --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore main side 2>&1)
echo should have complained
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ test_expect_success 'two-way with incorrect --exclude-per-directory (1)' '
test_expect_success 'two-way with incorrect --exclude-per-directory (2)' '
- if err=$(read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u --exclude-per-directory=foo --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore master side 2>&1)
+ if err=$(read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u --exclude-per-directory=foo --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore main side 2>&1)
echo should have complained
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ test_expect_success 'two-way with incorrect --exclude-per-directory (2)' '
test_expect_success 'two-way clobbering a ignored file' '
- read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore master side
+ read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore main side
rm -f .gitignore
@@ -81,21 +84,21 @@ test_expect_success 'three-way not complaining on an untracked path in both' '
git update-index --add file3 subdir/file3 &&
git commit -a -m "side adds file3 and removes file2" &&
- git checkout master &&
- echo >file2 file two is untracked on the master side &&
- echo >subdir/file2 file two is untracked on the master side &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ echo >file2 file two is untracked on the main side &&
+ echo >subdir/file2 file two is untracked on the main side &&
- read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u branch-point master side
+ read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u branch-point main side
test_expect_success 'three-way not clobbering a working tree file' '
git reset --hard &&
rm -f file2 subdir/file2 file3 subdir/file3 &&
- git checkout master &&
- echo >file3 file three created in master, untracked &&
- echo >subdir/file3 file three created in master, untracked &&
- if err=$(read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u branch-point master side 2>&1)
+ git checkout main &&
+ echo >file3 file three created in main, untracked &&
+ echo >subdir/file3 file three created in main, untracked &&
+ if err=$(read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u branch-point main side 2>&1)
echo should have complained
@@ -110,11 +113,11 @@ test_expect_success 'three-way not complaining on an untracked file' '
git reset --hard &&
rm -f file2 subdir/file2 file3 subdir/file3 &&
- git checkout master &&
- echo >file3 file three created in master, untracked &&
- echo >subdir/file3 file three created in master, untracked &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ echo >file3 file three created in main, untracked &&
+ echo >subdir/file3 file three created in main, untracked &&
- read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore branch-point master side
+ read_tree_u_must_succeed -m -u --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore branch-point main side
test_expect_success '3-way not overwriting local changes (setup)' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2f501d2dc9..5d2dc99b74 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ tag_content="$tag_header_without_timestamp 0000000000 +0000
-tag_sha1=$(echo_without_newline "$tag_content" | git mktag)
+tag_sha1=$(echo_without_newline "$tag_content" | git hash-object -t tag --stdin -w)
tag_size=$(strlen "$tag_content")
run_tests 'tag' $tag_sha1 $tag_size "$tag_content" "$tag_content" 1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index cf96016844..4512fb0b6e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test multi-tree read-tree without merging'
. ./
@@ -22,7 +25,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'multi-read' '
- read_tree_must_succeed initial master side &&
+ read_tree_must_succeed initial main side &&
test_write_lines a b/c >expect &&
git ls-files >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 59b3aa4bc4..2935f68f8d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test read-tree into a fresh index file'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -12,13 +15,13 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'non-existent index file' '
rm -f new-index &&
- GIT_INDEX_FILE=new-index git read-tree master
+ GIT_INDEX_FILE=new-index git read-tree main
test_expect_success 'empty index file' '
rm -f new-index &&
> new-index &&
- GIT_INDEX_FILE=new-index git read-tree master
+ GIT_INDEX_FILE=new-index git read-tree main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 140f459977..dfe9794a74 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
test_description='sparse checkout tests
-* (tag: removed, master) removed
+* (tag: removed, main) removed
| D sub/added
* (HEAD, tag: top) modified and added
| M init.t
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 301e071ff7..0b892894eb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='rerere run in a workdir'
. ./
test_expect_success SYMLINKS setup '
@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS setup '
test_tick &&
git commit -a -m goodbye &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'rerere in workdir' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f35a73dd20..3deb490187 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='sparse checkout scope tests'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -20,18 +23,18 @@ test_expect_success 'create feature branch' '
git commit -m "modification"
-test_expect_success 'perform sparse checkout of master' '
+test_expect_success 'perform sparse checkout of main' '
git config --local --bool core.sparsecheckout true &&
echo "!/*" >.git/info/sparse-checkout &&
echo "/a" >>.git/info/sparse-checkout &&
echo "/c" >>.git/info/sparse-checkout &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_path_is_file a &&
test_path_is_missing b &&
test_path_is_file c
-test_expect_success 'merge feature branch into sparse checkout of master' '
+test_expect_success 'merge feature branch into sparse checkout of main' '
git merge feature &&
test_path_is_file a &&
test_path_is_missing b &&
@@ -39,10 +42,10 @@ test_expect_success 'merge feature branch into sparse checkout of master' '
test "$(cat c)" = "modified"
-test_expect_success 'return to full checkout of master' '
+test_expect_success 'return to full checkout of main' '
git checkout feature &&
echo "/*" >.git/info/sparse-checkout &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_path_is_file a &&
test_path_is_file b &&
test_path_is_file c &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 84acfc48b6..fc64e9ed99 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='sparse checkout builtin tests'
. ./
list_files() {
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ test_expect_success 'interaction with clone --no-checkout (unborn index)' '
test_path_is_missing clone_no_checkout/.git/index &&
# No branch is checked out until we manually switch to one
- git -C clone_no_checkout switch master &&
+ git -C clone_no_checkout switch main &&
test_path_is_file clone_no_checkout/.git/index &&
check_files clone_no_checkout a folder1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8cd3e5a8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+test_description='compare full workdir to sparse workdir'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+ git init initial-repo &&
+ (
+ cd initial-repo &&
+ echo a >a &&
+ echo "after deep" >e &&
+ echo "after folder1" >g &&
+ echo "after x" >z &&
+ mkdir folder1 folder2 deep x &&
+ mkdir deep/deeper1 deep/deeper2 &&
+ mkdir deep/deeper1/deepest &&
+ echo "after deeper1" >deep/e &&
+ echo "after deepest" >deep/deeper1/e &&
+ cp a folder1 &&
+ cp a folder2 &&
+ cp a x &&
+ cp a deep &&
+ cp a deep/deeper1 &&
+ cp a deep/deeper2 &&
+ cp a deep/deeper1/deepest &&
+ cp -r deep/deeper1/deepest deep/deeper2 &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m "initial commit" &&
+ git checkout -b base &&
+ for dir in folder1 folder2 deep
+ do
+ git checkout -b update-$dir &&
+ echo "updated $dir" >$dir/a &&
+ git commit -a -m "update $dir" || return 1
+ done &&
+ git checkout -b rename-base base &&
+ echo >folder1/larger-content <<-\EOF &&
+ matching
+ lines
+ help
+ inexact
+ renames
+ cp folder1/larger-content folder2/ &&
+ cp folder1/larger-content deep/deeper1/ &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m "add interesting rename content" &&
+ git checkout -b rename-out-to-out rename-base &&
+ mv folder1/a folder2/b &&
+ mv folder1/larger-content folder2/edited-content &&
+ echo >>folder2/edited-content &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m "rename folder1/... to folder2/..." &&
+ git checkout -b rename-out-to-in rename-base &&
+ mv folder1/a deep/deeper1/b &&
+ mv folder1/larger-content deep/deeper1/edited-content &&
+ echo >>deep/deeper1/edited-content &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m "rename folder1/... to deep/deeper1/..." &&
+ git checkout -b rename-in-to-out rename-base &&
+ mv deep/deeper1/a folder1/b &&
+ mv deep/deeper1/larger-content folder1/edited-content &&
+ echo >>folder1/edited-content &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m "rename deep/deeper1/... to folder1/..." &&
+ git checkout -b deepest base &&
+ echo "updated deepest" >deep/deeper1/deepest/a &&
+ git commit -a -m "update deepest" &&
+ git checkout -f base &&
+ git reset --hard
+ )
+init_repos () {
+ rm -rf full-checkout sparse-checkout sparse-index &&
+ # create repos in initial state
+ cp -r initial-repo full-checkout &&
+ git -C full-checkout reset --hard &&
+ cp -r initial-repo sparse-checkout &&
+ git -C sparse-checkout reset --hard &&
+ git -C sparse-checkout sparse-checkout init --cone &&
+ # initialize sparse-checkout definitions
+ git -C sparse-checkout sparse-checkout set deep
+run_on_sparse () {
+ (
+ cd sparse-checkout &&
+ $* >../sparse-checkout-out 2>../sparse-checkout-err
+ )
+run_on_all () {
+ (
+ cd full-checkout &&
+ $* >../full-checkout-out 2>../full-checkout-err
+ ) &&
+ run_on_sparse $*
+test_all_match () {
+ run_on_all $* &&
+ test_cmp full-checkout-out sparse-checkout-out &&
+ test_cmp full-checkout-err sparse-checkout-err
+test_expect_success 'status with options' '
+ init_repos &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -z -u &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -uno &&
+ run_on_all "touch" &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -z -u &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -uno &&
+ test_all_match git add &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -z -u &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -uno
+test_expect_success 'add, commit, checkout' '
+ init_repos &&
+ write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF &&
+ echo text >>$1
+ run_on_all "../edit-contents" &&
+ test_all_match git add &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git commit -m "Add" &&
+ test_all_match git checkout HEAD~1 &&
+ test_all_match git checkout - &&
+ run_on_all "../edit-contents" &&
+ test_all_match git add -A &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git commit -m "Extend" &&
+ test_all_match git checkout HEAD~1 &&
+ test_all_match git checkout - &&
+ run_on_all "../edit-contents deep/newfile" &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -uno &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git add . &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git commit -m "add deep/newfile" &&
+ test_all_match git checkout HEAD~1 &&
+ test_all_match git checkout -
+test_expect_success 'checkout and reset --hard' '
+ init_repos &&
+ test_all_match git checkout update-folder1 &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git checkout update-deep &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git checkout -b reset-test &&
+ test_all_match git reset --hard deepest &&
+ test_all_match git reset --hard update-folder1 &&
+ test_all_match git reset --hard update-folder2
+test_expect_success 'diff --staged' '
+ init_repos &&
+ write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF &&
+ echo text >>
+ run_on_all "../edit-contents" &&
+ test_all_match git diff &&
+ test_all_match git diff --staged &&
+ test_all_match git add &&
+ test_all_match git diff &&
+ test_all_match git diff --staged
+test_expect_success 'diff with renames' '
+ init_repos &&
+ for branch in rename-out-to-out rename-out-to-in rename-in-to-out
+ do
+ test_all_match git checkout rename-base &&
+ test_all_match git checkout $branch -- .&&
+ test_all_match git diff --staged --no-renames &&
+ test_all_match git diff --staged --find-renames || return 1
+ done
+test_expect_success 'log with pathspec outside sparse definition' '
+ init_repos &&
+ test_all_match git log -- a &&
+ test_all_match git log -- folder1/a &&
+ test_all_match git log -- folder2/a &&
+ test_all_match git log -- deep/a &&
+ test_all_match git log -- deep/deeper1/a &&
+ test_all_match git log -- deep/deeper1/deepest/a &&
+ test_all_match git checkout update-folder1 &&
+ test_all_match git log -- folder1/a
+test_expect_success 'blame with pathspec inside sparse definition' '
+ init_repos &&
+ test_all_match git blame a &&
+ test_all_match git blame deep/a &&
+ test_all_match git blame deep/deeper1/a &&
+ test_all_match git blame deep/deeper1/deepest/a
+# TODO: blame currently does not support blaming files outside of the
+# sparse definition. It complains that the file doesn't exist locally.
+test_expect_failure 'blame with pathspec outside sparse definition' '
+ init_repos &&
+ test_all_match git blame folder1/a &&
+ test_all_match git blame folder2/a &&
+ test_all_match git blame deep/deeper2/a &&
+ test_all_match git blame deep/deeper2/deepest/a
+# TODO: reset currently does not behave as expected when in a
+# sparse-checkout.
+test_expect_failure 'checkout and reset (mixed)' '
+ init_repos &&
+ test_all_match git checkout -b reset-test update-deep &&
+ test_all_match git reset deepest &&
+ test_all_match git reset update-folder1 &&
+ test_all_match git reset update-folder2
+test_expect_success 'merge' '
+ init_repos &&
+ test_all_match git checkout -b merge update-deep &&
+ test_all_match git merge -m "folder1" update-folder1 &&
+ test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} &&
+ test_all_match git merge -m "folder2" update-folder2 &&
+ test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree}
+test_expect_success 'merge with outside renames' '
+ init_repos &&
+ for type in out-to-out out-to-in in-to-out
+ do
+ test_all_match git reset --hard &&
+ test_all_match git checkout -f -b merge-$type update-deep &&
+ test_all_match git merge -m "$type" rename-$type &&
+ test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} || return 1
+ done
+test_expect_success 'clean' '
+ init_repos &&
+ echo bogus >>.gitignore &&
+ run_on_all cp ../.gitignore . &&
+ test_all_match git add .gitignore &&
+ test_all_match git commit -m ignore-bogus-files &&
+ run_on_sparse mkdir folder1 &&
+ run_on_all touch folder1/bogus &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git clean -f &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git clean -xf &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_all_match git clean -xdf &&
+ test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 &&
+ test_path_is_dir sparse-checkout/folder1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 97a04c6cc2..936d72041b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Test git config in different settings'
. ./
test_expect_success 'clear default config' '
@@ -12,75 +15,75 @@ test_expect_success 'clear default config' '
cat > expect << EOF
penguin = little blue
test_expect_success 'initial' '
- git config core.penguin "little blue" &&
+ git config section.penguin "little blue" &&
test_cmp expect .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
penguin = little blue
Movie = BadPhysics
test_expect_success 'mixed case' '
- git config Core.Movie BadPhysics &&
+ git config Section.Movie BadPhysics &&
test_cmp expect .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
penguin = little blue
Movie = BadPhysics
WhatEver = Second
test_expect_success 'similar section' '
- git config Cores.WhatEver Second &&
+ git config Sections.WhatEver Second &&
test_cmp expect .git/config
cat > expect << EOF
penguin = little blue
Movie = BadPhysics
WhatEver = Second
test_expect_success 'uppercase section' '
- git config CORE.UPPERCASE true &&
+ git config SECTION.UPPERCASE true &&
test_cmp expect .git/config
test_expect_success 'replace with non-match' '
- git config core.penguin kingpin !blue
+ git config section.penguin kingpin !blue
test_expect_success 'replace with non-match (actually matching)' '
- git config core.penguin "very blue" !kingpin
+ git config section.penguin "very blue" !kingpin
cat > expect << EOF
penguin = very blue
Movie = BadPhysics
penguin = kingpin
WhatEver = Second
test_expect_success 'non-match result' 'test_cmp expect .git/config'
test_expect_success 'find mixed-case key by canonical name' '
- test_cmp_config Second cores.whatever
+ test_cmp_config Second sections.whatever
test_expect_success 'find mixed-case key by non-canonical name' '
- test_cmp_config Second CoReS.WhAtEvEr
+ test_cmp_config Second SeCtIoNs.WhAtEvEr
test_expect_success 'subsections are not canonicalized by git-config' '
@@ -469,7 +472,8 @@ test_expect_success 'new variable inserts into proper section' '
test_expect_success 'alternative --file (non-existing file should fail)' '
- test_must_fail git config --file non-existing-config -l
+ test_must_fail git config --file non-existing-config -l &&
+ test_must_fail git config --file non-existing-config test.xyzzy
cat > other-config << EOF
@@ -506,10 +510,6 @@ test_expect_success 'editing stdin is an error' '
test_expect_success 'refer config from subdirectory' '
mkdir x &&
- test_cmp_config -C x strasse --get --file ../other-config ein.bahn
-test_expect_success 'refer config from subdirectory via --file' '
test_cmp_config -C x strasse --file=../other-config --get ein.bahn
@@ -1036,11 +1036,6 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'symlinked configuration' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'nonexistent configuration' '
- test_must_fail git config --file=doesnotexist --list &&
- test_must_fail git config --file=doesnotexist test.xyzzy
test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'symlink to nonexistent configuration' '
ln -s doesnotexist linktonada &&
ln -s linktonada linktolinktonada &&
@@ -1054,8 +1049,8 @@ test_expect_success 'check split_cmdline return' "
echo foo > foo &&
git add foo &&
git commit -m 'initial commit' &&
- git config branch.master.mergeoptions 'echo \"' &&
- test_must_fail git merge master
+ git config branch.main.mergeoptions 'echo \"' &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main
test_expect_success 'git -c "key=value" support' '
@@ -1065,12 +1060,12 @@ test_expect_success 'git -c "key=value" support' '
- git -c config &&
+ git -c config &&
git -c foo.CamelCase=value config foo.camelcase &&
git -c foo.flag config --bool foo.flag
} >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- test_must_fail git -c name=value config
+ test_must_fail git -c name=value config
# We just need a type-specifier here that cares about the
@@ -1115,7 +1110,7 @@ test_expect_success 'aliases can be CamelCased' '
test_expect_success 'git -c does not split values on equals' '
echo "value with = in it" >expect &&
- git -c"value with = in it" config >actual &&
+ git -c"value with = in it" config >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -1294,6 +1289,58 @@ test_expect_success 'git -c is not confused by empty environment' '
GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS="" git -c config --list
+test_expect_success 'GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS handles old-style entries' '
+ v="${SQ}${SQ}" &&
+ v="$v ${SQ}key.two=bar${SQ}" &&
+ v="$v ${SQ}key.ambiguous=section.whatever=value${SQ}" &&
+ GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS=$v git config --get-regexp "key.*" >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ foo
+ key.two bar
+ key.ambiguous section.whatever=value
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS handles new-style entries' '
+ v="${SQ}${SQ}=${SQ}foo${SQ}" &&
+ v="$v ${SQ}key.two${SQ}=${SQ}bar${SQ}" &&
+ v="$v ${SQ}key.ambiguous=section.whatever${SQ}=${SQ}value${SQ}" &&
+ GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS=$v git config --get-regexp "key.*" >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ foo
+ key.two bar
+ key.ambiguous=section.whatever value
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'old and new-style entries can mix' '
+ v="${SQ}key.oldone=oldfoo${SQ}" &&
+ v="$v ${SQ}key.newone${SQ}=${SQ}newfoo${SQ}" &&
+ v="$v ${SQ}key.oldtwo=oldbar${SQ}" &&
+ v="$v ${SQ}key.newtwo${SQ}=${SQ}newbar${SQ}" &&
+ GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS=$v git config --get-regexp "key.*" >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ key.oldone oldfoo
+ key.newone newfoo
+ key.oldtwo oldbar
+ key.newtwo newbar
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'old and new bools with ambiguous subsection' '
+ v="${SQ}key.with=equals.oldbool${SQ}" &&
+ v="$v ${SQ}key.with=equals.newbool${SQ}=" &&
+ GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS=$v git config --get-regexp "key.*" >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ key.with equals.oldbool
+ key.with=equals.newbool
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'detect bogus GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS' '
cat >expect <<-\EOF && one
@@ -1316,6 +1363,173 @@ test_expect_success 'detect bogus GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS' '
git config --get-regexp "env.*"
+test_expect_success 'git --config-env=key=envvar support' '
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ value
+ value
+ false
+ {
+ ENVVAR=value git config &&
+ ENVVAR=value git --config-env=foo.CamelCase=ENVVAR config foo.camelcase &&
+ ENVVAR= git --config-env=foo.flag=ENVVAR config --bool foo.flag
+ } >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git --config-env fails with invalid parameters' '
+ test_must_fail git --config-env=foo.flag config --bool foo.flag 2>error &&
+ test_i18ngrep "invalid config format: foo.flag" error &&
+ test_must_fail git --config-env=foo.flag= config --bool foo.flag 2>error &&
+ test_i18ngrep "missing environment variable name for configuration ${SQ}foo.flag${SQ}" error &&
+ sane_unset NONEXISTENT &&
+ test_must_fail git --config-env=foo.flag=NONEXISTENT config --bool foo.flag 2>error &&
+ test_i18ngrep "missing environment variable ${SQ}NONEXISTENT${SQ} for configuration ${SQ}foo.flag${SQ}" error
+test_expect_success 'git -c and --config-env work together' '
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ bar.cmd cmd-value
+ bar.env env-value
+ ENVVAR=env-value git \
+ -c bar.cmd=cmd-value \
+ --config-env=bar.env=ENVVAR \
+ config --get-regexp "^bar.*" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git -c and --config-env override each other' '
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ env
+ cmd
+ {
+ ENVVAR=env git -c config &&
+ ENVVAR=env git -c config
+ } >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '--config-env handles keys with equals' '
+ echo value=with=equals >expect &&
+ ENVVAR=value=with=equals git \
+ --config-env=section.subsection=with=equals.key=ENVVAR \
+ config section.subsection=with=equals.key >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git config handles environment config pairs' '
+ GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1="pair.two" GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1="bar" \
+ git config --get-regexp "pair.*" >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ foo
+ pair.two bar
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git config ignores pairs without count' '
+ test_must_fail env GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0="" GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0="value" \
+ git config 2>error &&
+ test_must_be_empty error
+test_expect_success 'git config ignores pairs with zero count' '
+ test_must_fail env \
+ git config
+test_expect_success 'git config ignores pairs exceeding count' '
+ GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1="pair.two" GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1="value" \
+ git config --get-regexp "pair.*" >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ value
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git config ignores pairs with zero count' '
+ test_must_fail env \
+ git config >error &&
+ test_must_be_empty error
+test_expect_success 'git config ignores pairs with empty count' '
+ test_must_fail env \
+ git config >error &&
+ test_must_be_empty error
+test_expect_success 'git config fails with invalid count' '
+ test_must_fail env GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=10a git config --list 2>error &&
+ test_i18ngrep "bogus count" error &&
+ test_must_fail env GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=9999999999999999 git config --list 2>error &&
+ test_i18ngrep "too many entries" error
+test_expect_success 'git config fails with missing config key' '
+ test_must_fail env GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=1 GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0="value" \
+ git config --list 2>error &&
+ test_i18ngrep "missing config key" error
+test_expect_success 'git config fails with missing config value' '
+ test_must_fail env GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=1 GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0="" \
+ git config --list 2>error &&
+ test_i18ngrep "missing config value" error
+test_expect_success 'git config fails with invalid config pair key' '
+ test_must_fail env GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=1 \
+ git config --list &&
+ test_must_fail env GIT_CONFIG_COUNT=1 \
+ GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0=missing-section GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0=value \
+ git config --list
+test_expect_success 'environment overrides config file' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -f .git/config" &&
+ cat >.git/config <<-EOF &&
+ [pair]
+ one = value
+ git config >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ override
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS overrides environment config' '
+ git config >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ override
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'command line overrides environment config' '
+ git -c config >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ override
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'git config --edit works' '
git config -f tmp test.value no &&
echo test.value=yes >expect &&
@@ -1661,9 +1875,11 @@ test_expect_success '--show-origin with --list' '
file:.git/config user.override=local
file:.git/config include.path=../include/relative.include
file:.git/../include/relative.include user.relative=include
+ command line: user.environ=true
command line: user.cmdline=true
- git -c user.cmdline=true config --list --show-origin >output &&
+ git -c user.cmdline=true config --list --show-origin >output &&
test_cmp expect output
@@ -1769,11 +1985,11 @@ test_expect_success '--show-origin blob' '
test_expect_success '--show-origin blob ref' '
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
- blob:master:custom.conf user.custom=true
+ blob:main:custom.conf user.custom=true
git add "$CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE" &&
git commit -m "new config file" &&
- git config --blob=master:"$CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE" --show-origin --list >output &&
+ git config --blob=main:"$CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE" --show-origin --list >output &&
test_cmp expect output
@@ -1846,53 +2062,53 @@ do
cat >.git/config <<-\EOF &&
foo = true
number = 10
big = 1M
test_expect_success 'identical modern --type specifiers are allowed' '
- test_cmp_config 1048576 --type=int --type=int core.big
+ test_cmp_config 1048576 --type=int --type=int section.big
test_expect_success 'identical legacy --type specifiers are allowed' '
- test_cmp_config 1048576 --int --int core.big
+ test_cmp_config 1048576 --int --int section.big
test_expect_success 'identical mixed --type specifiers are allowed' '
- test_cmp_config 1048576 --int --type=int core.big
+ test_cmp_config 1048576 --int --type=int section.big
test_expect_success 'non-identical modern --type specifiers are not allowed' '
- test_must_fail git config --type=int --type=bool core.big 2>error &&
+ test_must_fail git config --type=int --type=bool section.big 2>error &&
test_i18ngrep "only one type at a time" error
test_expect_success 'non-identical legacy --type specifiers are not allowed' '
- test_must_fail git config --int --bool core.big 2>error &&
+ test_must_fail git config --int --bool section.big 2>error &&
test_i18ngrep "only one type at a time" error
test_expect_success 'non-identical mixed --type specifiers are not allowed' '
- test_must_fail git config --type=int --bool core.big 2>error &&
+ test_must_fail git config --type=int --bool section.big 2>error &&
test_i18ngrep "only one type at a time" error
test_expect_success '--type allows valid type specifiers' '
- test_cmp_config true --type=bool
+ test_cmp_config true --type=bool
test_expect_success '--no-type unsets type specifiers' '
- test_cmp_config 10 --type=bool --no-type core.number
+ test_cmp_config 10 --type=bool --no-type section.number
test_expect_success 'unset type specifiers may be reset to conflicting ones' '
- test_cmp_config 1048576 --type=bool --no-type --type=int core.big
+ test_cmp_config 1048576 --type=bool --no-type --type=int section.big
test_expect_success '--type rejects unknown specifiers' '
- test_must_fail git config --type=nonsense 2>error &&
+ test_must_fail git config --type=nonsense 2>error &&
test_i18ngrep "unrecognized --type argument" error
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2dc853d1be..ac947bff9f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Test shared repository initialization'
. ./
# Remove a default ACL from the test dir if possible.
@@ -115,13 +118,13 @@ test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'git reflog expire honors core.sharedRepository' '
umask 077 &&
git config core.sharedRepository group &&
git reflog expire --all &&
- actual="$(ls -l .git/logs/refs/heads/master)" &&
+ actual="$(ls -l .git/logs/refs/heads/main)" &&
case "$actual" in
: happy
- echo Ooops, .git/logs/refs/heads/master is not 0662 [$actual]
+ echo Ooops, .git/logs/refs/heads/main is not 0662 [$actual]
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f08cfcdfae..ccbb116c01 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'conditional include, gitdir matching symlink, icas
test_expect_success 'conditional include, onbranch' '
echo "[includeIf \"onbranch:foo-branch\"]path=bar9" >>.git/config &&
echo "[test]nine=9" >.git/bar9 &&
- git checkout -b master &&
+ git checkout -b main &&
test_must_fail git config test.nine &&
git checkout -b foo-branch &&
echo 9 >expect &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6ee7d216fb..359d8731c8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='Test git update-ref and basic ref logging'
. ./
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 98e4a8613b..cabc516ae9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -134,18 +134,18 @@ valid_ref !MINGW "$ref" '--refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel --normalize'
test_expect_success "check-ref-format --branch @{-1}" '
T=$(git write-tree) &&
sha1=$(echo A | git commit-tree $T) &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $sha1 &&
- git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/master $sha1 &&
- git checkout master &&
- git checkout origin/master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $sha1 &&
+ git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/main $sha1 &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ git checkout origin/main &&
+ git checkout main &&
refname=$(git check-ref-format --branch @{-1}) &&
test "$refname" = "$sha1" &&
refname2=$(git check-ref-format --branch @{-2}) &&
- test "$refname2" = master'
+ test "$refname2" = main'
-test_expect_success 'check-ref-format --branch -naster' '
- test_must_fail git check-ref-format --branch -naster >actual &&
+test_expect_success 'check-ref-format --branch -nain' '
+ test_must_fail git check-ref-format --branch -nain >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ test_expect_success 'check-ref-format --branch from subdir' '
T=$(git write-tree) &&
sha1=$(echo A | git commit-tree $T) &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $sha1 &&
- git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/master $sha1 &&
- git checkout master &&
- git checkout origin/master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $sha1 &&
+ git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/main $sha1 &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ git checkout origin/main &&
+ git checkout main &&
cd subdir &&
git check-ref-format --branch @{-1}
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ test_expect_success 'check-ref-format --branch @{-1} from non-repo' '
test_must_be_empty actual
-test_expect_success 'check-ref-format --branch master from non-repo' '
- echo master >expect &&
- nongit git check-ref-format --branch master >actual &&
+test_expect_success 'check-ref-format --branch main from non-repo' '
+ echo main >expect &&
+ nongit git check-ref-format --branch main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5d955c3bff..6ce62f878c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -9,7 +12,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git checkout -b side &&
test_commit B &&
git tag -f -a -m "annotated B" B &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit C &&
git branch B A^0
@@ -92,23 +95,23 @@ test_expect_success 'show-ref -d' '
git show-ref --verify -d refs/tags/A refs/tags/C >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- echo $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master) refs/heads/master >expect &&
- git show-ref -d master >actual &&
+ echo $(git rev-parse refs/heads/main) refs/heads/main >expect &&
+ git show-ref -d main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- git show-ref -d heads/master >actual &&
+ git show-ref -d heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- git show-ref -d refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git show-ref -d refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- git show-ref -d --verify refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git show-ref -d --verify refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- test_must_fail git show-ref -d --verify master >actual &&
+ test_must_fail git show-ref -d --verify main >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual &&
- test_must_fail git show-ref -d --verify heads/master >actual &&
+ test_must_fail git show-ref -d --verify heads/main >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual &&
test_must_fail git show-ref --verify -d A C >actual &&
@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ test_expect_success 'show-ref -d' '
test_expect_success 'show-ref --heads, --tags, --head, pattern' '
- for branch in B master side
+ for branch in B main side
echo $(git rev-parse refs/heads/$branch) refs/heads/$branch
done >expect.heads &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 74af927fba..a237d9880e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test main ref store api'
. ./
RUN="test-tool ref-store main"
@@ -14,24 +17,18 @@ test_expect_success 'pack_refs(PACK_REFS_ALL | PACK_REFS_PRUNE)' '
N=`find .git/refs -type f | wc -l`
-test_expect_success 'peel_ref(new-tag)' '
- git rev-parse HEAD >expected &&
- git tag -a -m new-tag new-tag HEAD &&
- $RUN peel-ref refs/tags/new-tag >actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'create_symref(FOO, refs/heads/master)' '
- $RUN create-symref FOO refs/heads/master nothing &&
- echo refs/heads/master >expected &&
+test_expect_success 'create_symref(FOO, refs/heads/main)' '
+ $RUN create-symref FOO refs/heads/main nothing &&
+ echo refs/heads/main >expected &&
git symbolic-ref FOO >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'delete_refs(FOO, refs/tags/new-tag)' '
+ git tag -a -m new-tag new-tag HEAD &&
git rev-parse FOO -- &&
git rev-parse refs/tags/new-tag -- &&
- m=$(git rev-parse master) &&
+ m=$(git rev-parse main) &&
$RUN delete-refs $REF_NO_DEREF nothing FOO refs/tags/new-tag &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name FOO &&
@@ -39,19 +36,19 @@ test_expect_success 'delete_refs(FOO, refs/tags/new-tag)' '
test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/tags/new-tag --
-test_expect_success 'rename_refs(master, new-master)' '
- git rev-parse master >expected &&
- $RUN rename-ref refs/heads/master refs/heads/new-master &&
- git rev-parse new-master >actual &&
+test_expect_success 'rename_refs(main, new-main)' '
+ git rev-parse main >expected &&
+ $RUN rename-ref refs/heads/main refs/heads/new-main &&
+ git rev-parse new-main >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
- test_commit recreate-master
+ test_commit recreate-main
test_expect_success 'for_each_ref(refs/heads/)' '
$RUN for-each-ref refs/heads/ | cut -d" " -f 2- >actual &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
- master 0x0
- new-master 0x0
+ main 0x0
+ new-main 0x0
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -62,23 +59,23 @@ test_expect_success 'for_each_ref() is sorted' '
test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'resolve_ref(new-master)' '
- SHA1=`git rev-parse new-master` &&
- echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/new-master 0x0" >expected &&
- $RUN resolve-ref refs/heads/new-master 0 >actual &&
+test_expect_success 'resolve_ref(new-main)' '
+ SHA1=`git rev-parse new-main` &&
+ echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/new-main 0x0" >expected &&
+ $RUN resolve-ref refs/heads/new-main 0 >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'verify_ref(new-master)' '
- $RUN verify-ref refs/heads/new-master
+test_expect_success 'verify_ref(new-main)' '
+ $RUN verify-ref refs/heads/new-main
test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog()' '
$RUN for-each-reflog | sort -k2 | cut -d" " -f 2- >actual &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
HEAD 0x1
- refs/heads/master 0x0
- refs/heads/new-master 0x0
+ refs/heads/main 0x0
+ refs/heads/new-main 0x0
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -86,12 +83,12 @@ test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog()' '
test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog_ent()' '
$RUN for-each-reflog-ent HEAD >actual &&
head -n1 actual | grep one &&
- tail -n2 actual | head -n1 | grep recreate-master
+ tail -n2 actual | head -n1 | grep recreate-main
test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog_ent_reverse()' '
$RUN for-each-reflog-ent-reverse HEAD >actual &&
- head -n1 actual | grep recreate-master &&
+ head -n1 actual | grep recreate-main &&
tail -n2 actual | head -n1 | grep one
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 36b7ef5046..0a87058971 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test submodule ref store api'
. ./
RUN="test-tool ref-store submodule:sub"
@@ -11,7 +14,8 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
cd sub &&
test_commit first &&
- git checkout -b new-master
+ git checkout -b new-main &&
+ git tag -a -m new-tag new-tag HEAD
@@ -19,15 +23,8 @@ test_expect_success 'pack_refs() not allowed' '
test_must_fail $RUN pack-refs 3
-test_expect_success 'peel_ref(new-tag)' '
- git -C sub rev-parse HEAD >expected &&
- git -C sub tag -a -m new-tag new-tag HEAD &&
- $RUN peel-ref refs/tags/new-tag >actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'create_symref() not allowed' '
- test_must_fail $RUN create-symref FOO refs/heads/master nothing
+ test_must_fail $RUN create-symref FOO refs/heads/main nothing
test_expect_success 'delete_refs() not allowed' '
@@ -35,14 +32,14 @@ test_expect_success 'delete_refs() not allowed' '
test_expect_success 'rename_refs() not allowed' '
- test_must_fail $RUN rename-ref refs/heads/master refs/heads/new-master
+ test_must_fail $RUN rename-ref refs/heads/main refs/heads/new-main
test_expect_success 'for_each_ref(refs/heads/)' '
$RUN for-each-ref refs/heads/ | cut -d" " -f 2- >actual &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
- master 0x0
- new-master 0x0
+ main 0x0
+ new-main 0x0
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -53,23 +50,23 @@ test_expect_success 'for_each_ref() is sorted' '
test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'resolve_ref(master)' '
- SHA1=`git -C sub rev-parse master` &&
- echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/master 0x0" >expected &&
- $RUN resolve-ref refs/heads/master 0 >actual &&
+test_expect_success 'resolve_ref(main)' '
+ SHA1=`git -C sub rev-parse main` &&
+ echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/main 0x0" >expected &&
+ $RUN resolve-ref refs/heads/main 0 >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'verify_ref(new-master)' '
- $RUN verify-ref refs/heads/new-master
+test_expect_success 'verify_ref(new-main)' '
+ $RUN verify-ref refs/heads/new-main
test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog()' '
$RUN for-each-reflog | sort | cut -d" " -f 2- >actual &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
HEAD 0x1
- refs/heads/master 0x0
- refs/heads/new-master 0x0
+ refs/heads/main 0x0
+ refs/heads/new-main 0x0
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -77,12 +74,12 @@ test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog()' '
test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog_ent()' '
$RUN for-each-reflog-ent HEAD >actual &&
head -n1 actual | grep first &&
- tail -n2 actual | head -n1 | grep
+ tail -n2 actual | head -n1 | grep
test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog_ent_reverse()' '
$RUN for-each-reflog-ent-reverse HEAD >actual &&
- head -n1 actual | grep &&
+ head -n1 actual | grep &&
tail -n2 actual | head -n1 | grep first
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9a84858118..d3fe777511 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test worktree ref store api'
. ./
RWT="test-tool ref-store worktree:wt"
@@ -9,7 +12,7 @@ RMAIN="test-tool ref-store worktree:main"
test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_commit first &&
- git worktree add -b wt-master wt &&
+ git worktree add -b wt-main wt &&
cd wt &&
test_commit second
@@ -17,34 +20,34 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'resolve_ref(<shared-ref>)' '
- SHA1=`git rev-parse master` &&
- echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/master 0x0" >expected &&
- $RWT resolve-ref refs/heads/master 0 >actual &&
+ SHA1=`git rev-parse main` &&
+ echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/main 0x0" >expected &&
+ $RWT resolve-ref refs/heads/main 0 >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
- $RMAIN resolve-ref refs/heads/master 0 >actual &&
+ $RMAIN resolve-ref refs/heads/main 0 >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'resolve_ref(<per-worktree-ref>)' '
SHA1=`git -C wt rev-parse HEAD` &&
- echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/wt-master 0x1" >expected &&
+ echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/wt-main 0x1" >expected &&
$RWT resolve-ref HEAD 0 >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
SHA1=`git rev-parse HEAD` &&
- echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/master 0x1" >expected &&
+ echo "$SHA1 refs/heads/main 0x1" >expected &&
$RMAIN resolve-ref HEAD 0 >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'create_symref(FOO, refs/heads/master)' '
- $RWT create-symref FOO refs/heads/master nothing &&
- echo refs/heads/master >expected &&
+test_expect_success 'create_symref(FOO, refs/heads/main)' '
+ $RWT create-symref FOO refs/heads/main nothing &&
+ echo refs/heads/main >expected &&
git -C wt symbolic-ref FOO >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
- $RMAIN create-symref FOO refs/heads/wt-master nothing &&
- echo refs/heads/wt-master >expected &&
+ $RMAIN create-symref FOO refs/heads/wt-main nothing &&
+ echo refs/heads/wt-main >expected &&
git symbolic-ref FOO >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -63,8 +66,8 @@ test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog()' '
HEAD 0x1
refs/bisect/wt-random 0x0
- refs/heads/master 0x0
- refs/heads/wt-master 0x0
+ refs/heads/main 0x0
+ refs/heads/wt-main 0x0
test_cmp expected actual &&
@@ -73,8 +76,8 @@ test_expect_success 'for_each_reflog()' '
HEAD 0x1
refs/bisect/random 0x0
- refs/heads/master 0x0
- refs/heads/wt-master 0x0
+ refs/heads/main 0x0
+ refs/heads/wt-main 0x0
test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1e44a17eea..41ba1f1d7f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='packed-refs entries are covered by loose refs'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -9,32 +12,32 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git commit --allow-empty -m one &&
one=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
git for-each-ref >actual &&
- echo "$one commit refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$one commit refs/heads/main" >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git pack-refs --all &&
git for-each-ref >actual &&
- echo "$one commit refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$one commit refs/heads/main" >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git checkout --orphan another &&
test_tick &&
git commit --allow-empty -m two &&
two=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
git branch -D another &&
git for-each-ref >actual &&
- echo "$two commit refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$two commit refs/heads/main" >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git reflog expire --expire=now --all &&
git prune &&
- git tag -m v1.0 v1.0 master
+ git tag -m v1.0 v1.0 main
test_expect_success 'no error from stale entry in packed-refs' '
- git describe master >actual 2>&1 &&
+ git describe main >actual 2>&1 &&
echo "v1.0" >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 730a43d9dd..ecccaa0634 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='Test prune and reflog expiration'
. ./
check_have () {
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
check_fsck &&
- git reflog refs/heads/master >output &&
+ git reflog refs/heads/main >output &&
test_line_count = 4 output
@@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ test_expect_success rewind '
check_have A B C D E F G H I J K L &&
- git reflog refs/heads/master >output &&
+ git reflog refs/heads/main >output &&
test_line_count = 5 output
@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ test_expect_success 'reflog expire --dry-run should not touch reflog' '
--stale-fix \
--all &&
- git reflog refs/heads/master >output &&
+ git reflog refs/heads/main >output &&
test_line_count = 5 output &&
check_fsck "missing blob $F"
@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ test_expect_success 'reflog expire' '
--stale-fix \
--all &&
- git reflog refs/heads/master >output &&
+ git reflog refs/heads/main >output &&
test_line_count = 2 output &&
check_fsck "dangling commit $K"
@@ -186,29 +189,29 @@ test_expect_success 'delete' '
git commit -m tiger C &&
HEAD_entry_count=$(git reflog | wc -l) &&
- master_entry_count=$(git reflog show master | wc -l) &&
+ main_entry_count=$(git reflog show main | wc -l) &&
test $HEAD_entry_count = 5 &&
- test $master_entry_count = 5 &&
+ test $main_entry_count = 5 &&
- git reflog delete master@{1} &&
- git reflog show master > output &&
- test_line_count = $(($master_entry_count - 1)) output &&
+ git reflog delete main@{1} &&
+ git reflog show main > output &&
+ test_line_count = $(($main_entry_count - 1)) output &&
test $HEAD_entry_count = $(git reflog | wc -l) &&
! grep ox < output &&
- master_entry_count=$(wc -l < output) &&
+ main_entry_count=$(wc -l < output) &&
git reflog delete HEAD@{1} &&
test $(($HEAD_entry_count -1)) = $(git reflog | wc -l) &&
- test $master_entry_count = $(git reflog show master | wc -l) &&
+ test $main_entry_count = $(git reflog show main | wc -l) &&
HEAD_entry_count=$(git reflog | wc -l) &&
- git reflog delete master@{07.04.2005.15:15:00.-0700} &&
- git reflog show master > output &&
- test_line_count = $(($master_entry_count - 1)) output &&
+ git reflog delete main@{07.04.2005.15:15:00.-0700} &&
+ git reflog show main > output &&
+ test_line_count = $(($main_entry_count - 1)) output &&
! grep dragon < output
@@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ test_expect_success 'delete' '
test_expect_success 'rewind2' '
test_tick && git reset --hard HEAD~2 &&
- git reflog refs/heads/master >output &&
+ git reflog refs/heads/main >output &&
test_line_count = 4 output
@@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ test_expect_success '--expire=never' '
--expire=never \
--expire-unreachable=never \
--all &&
- git reflog refs/heads/master >output &&
+ git reflog refs/heads/main >output &&
test_line_count = 4 output
@@ -237,7 +240,7 @@ test_expect_success 'gc.reflogexpire=never' '
git reflog expire --verbose --all >output &&
test_line_count = 9 output &&
- git reflog refs/heads/master >output &&
+ git reflog refs/heads/main >output &&
test_line_count = 4 output
@@ -246,7 +249,7 @@ test_expect_success 'gc.reflogexpire=false' '
test_config gc.reflogexpireunreachable false &&
git reflog expire --verbose --all &&
- git reflog refs/heads/master >output &&
+ git reflog refs/heads/main >output &&
test_line_count = 4 output
@@ -255,33 +258,33 @@ test_expect_success 'git reflog expire unknown reference' '
test_config gc.reflogexpire never &&
test_config gc.reflogexpireunreachable never &&
- test_must_fail git reflog expire master@{123} 2>stderr &&
+ test_must_fail git reflog expire main@{123} 2>stderr &&
test_i18ngrep "points nowhere" stderr &&
test_must_fail git reflog expire does-not-exist 2>stderr &&
test_i18ngrep "points nowhere" stderr
test_expect_success 'checkout should not delete log for packed ref' '
- test $(git reflog master | wc -l) = 4 &&
+ test $(git reflog main | wc -l) = 4 &&
git branch foo &&
git pack-refs --all &&
git checkout foo &&
- test $(git reflog master | wc -l) = 4
+ test $(git reflog main | wc -l) = 4
test_expect_success 'stale dirs do not cause d/f conflicts (reflogs on)' '
test_when_finished "git branch -d one || git branch -d one/two" &&
- git branch one/two master &&
- echo "one/two@{0} branch: Created from master" >expect &&
+ git branch one/two main &&
+ echo "one/two@{0} branch: Created from main" >expect &&
git log -g --format="%gd %gs" one/two >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git branch -d one/two &&
# now logs/refs/heads/one is a stale directory, but
# we should move it out of the way to create "one" reflog
- git branch one master &&
- echo "one@{0} branch: Created from master" >expect &&
+ git branch one main &&
+ echo "one@{0} branch: Created from main" >expect &&
git log -g --format="%gd %gs" one >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -289,15 +292,15 @@ test_expect_success 'stale dirs do not cause d/f conflicts (reflogs on)' '
test_expect_success 'stale dirs do not cause d/f conflicts (reflogs off)' '
test_when_finished "git branch -d one || git branch -d one/two" &&
- git branch one/two master &&
- echo "one/two@{0} branch: Created from master" >expect &&
+ git branch one/two main &&
+ echo "one/two@{0} branch: Created from main" >expect &&
git log -g --format="%gd %gs" one/two >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git branch -d one/two &&
# same as before, but we only create a reflog for "one" if
# it already exists, which it does not
- git -c core.logallrefupdates=false branch one master &&
+ git -c core.logallrefupdates=false branch one main &&
git log -g --format="%gd %gs" one >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 985daf1def..0bb319b944 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='Test reflog display routines'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ test_expect_success 'git log -g -p shows diffs vs. parents' '
test_expect_success 'reflog exists works' '
- git reflog exists refs/heads/master &&
+ git reflog exists refs/heads/main &&
! git reflog exists refs/heads/nonexistent
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3acd895afb..977603f7f1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,11 +4,8 @@ test_description='reflog walk shows repeated commits again'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup commits' '
- test_tick &&
- echo content >file && git add file && git commit -m one &&
- git tag one &&
- echo content >>file && git add file && git commit -m two &&
- git tag two
+ test_commit one file content &&
+ test_commit --append two file content
test_expect_success 'setup reflog with alternating commits' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c730600d8a..bde05208ae 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
test_description='Test reflog interaction with detached HEAD'
. ./
reset_state () {
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
cp saved_reflog .git/logs/HEAD
@@ -19,14 +22,14 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success baseline '
reset_state &&
- git rev-parse master master^ >expect &&
+ git rev-parse main main^ >expect &&
git log -g --format=%H >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'switch to branch' '
reset_state &&
- git rev-parse side master master^ >expect &&
+ git rev-parse side main main^ >expect &&
git checkout side &&
git log -g --format=%H >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -34,34 +37,34 @@ test_expect_success 'switch to branch' '
test_expect_success 'detach to other' '
reset_state &&
- git rev-parse master side master master^ >expect &&
+ git rev-parse main side main main^ >expect &&
git checkout side &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git log -g --format=%H >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'detach to self' '
reset_state &&
- git rev-parse master master master^ >expect &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git rev-parse main main main^ >expect &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git log -g --format=%H >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'attach to self' '
reset_state &&
- git rev-parse master master master master^ >expect &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git rev-parse main main main main^ >expect &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
+ git checkout main &&
git log -g --format=%H >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'attach to other' '
reset_state &&
- git rev-parse side master master master^ >expect &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git rev-parse side main main main^ >expect &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git checkout side &&
git log -g --format=%H >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1181a9fb28..80d94704d0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='various tests of reflog walk (log -g) behavior'
. ./
test_expect_success 'set up some reflog entries' '
@@ -8,7 +11,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up some reflog entries' '
test_commit two &&
git checkout -b side HEAD^ &&
test_commit three &&
- git merge --no-commit master &&
+ git merge --no-commit main &&
echo evil-merge-content >>one.t &&
test_tick &&
git commit --no-edit -a
@@ -20,9 +23,9 @@ do_walk () {
test_expect_success 'set up expected reflog' '
cat >expect.all <<-EOF
- HEAD@{0} commit (merge): Merge branch ${SQ}master${SQ} into side
+ HEAD@{0} commit (merge): Merge branch ${SQ}main${SQ} into side
HEAD@{1} commit: three
- HEAD@{2} checkout: moving from master to side
+ HEAD@{2} checkout: moving from main to side
HEAD@{3} commit: two
HEAD@{4} commit (initial): one
@@ -73,15 +76,15 @@ test_expect_success 'walking multiple reflogs shows all' '
# sort ignores the bits after the timestamp.
# 2. POSIX leaves undefined whether this is a stable sort or not. So
- # we use "-k 1" to ensure that we see HEAD before master before
+ # we use "-k 1" to ensure that we see HEAD before main before
# side when breaking ties.
do_walk --date=unix HEAD &&
do_walk --date=unix side &&
- do_walk --date=unix master
+ do_walk --date=unix main
} >expect.raw &&
sort -t "{" -k 2nr -k 1 <expect.raw >expect &&
- do_walk --date=unix HEAD master side >actual &&
+ do_walk --date=unix HEAD main side >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f6e741c6c0..6c941027a8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='reference transaction hooks'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -53,11 +56,11 @@ test_expect_success 'hook gets all queued updates in prepared state' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $ZERO_OID $POST_OID refs/heads/master
+ $ZERO_OID $POST_OID refs/heads/main
git update-ref HEAD POST <<-EOF &&
- update refs/heads/master $ZERO_OID $POST_OID
+ update refs/heads/main $ZERO_OID $POST_OID
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ test_expect_success 'hook gets all queued updates in committed state' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $ZERO_OID $POST_OID refs/heads/master
+ $ZERO_OID $POST_OID refs/heads/main
git update-ref HEAD POST &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -96,12 +99,12 @@ test_expect_success 'hook gets all queued updates in aborted state' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $ZERO_OID $POST_OID refs/heads/master
+ $ZERO_OID $POST_OID refs/heads/main
git update-ref --stdin <<-EOF &&
- update refs/heads/master POST $ZERO_OID
+ update refs/heads/main POST $ZERO_OID
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c7878a60ed..354902e514 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='Test handling of ref names that check-ref-format rejects'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fast-import: fail on invalid branch name ".badbranchname"'
- from refs/heads/master
+ from refs/heads/main
test_must_fail git fast-import <input
@@ -32,14 +35,14 @@ test_expect_success 'fast-import: fail on invalid branch name "bad[branch]name"'
- from refs/heads/master
+ from refs/heads/main
test_must_fail git fast-import <input
test_expect_success 'git branch shows badly named ref as warning' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
git branch >output 2>error &&
test_i18ngrep -e "ignoring ref with broken name refs/heads/broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ test_expect_success 'git branch shows badly named ref as warning' '
test_expect_success 'branch -d can delete badly named ref' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
git branch -d broken...ref &&
git branch >output 2>error &&
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ test_expect_success 'branch -d can delete badly named ref' '
test_expect_success 'branch -D can delete badly named ref' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
git branch -D broken...ref &&
git branch >output 2>error &&
@@ -98,17 +101,17 @@ test_expect_success 'branch -m cannot rename to a bad ref name' '
test_might_fail git branch -D goodref &&
git branch goodref &&
test_must_fail git branch -m goodref broken...ref &&
- test_cmp_rev master goodref &&
+ test_cmp_rev main goodref &&
git branch >output 2>error &&
! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
test_expect_failure 'branch -m can rename from a bad ref name' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
git branch -m broken...ref renamed &&
- test_cmp_rev master renamed &&
+ test_cmp_rev main renamed &&
git branch >output 2>error &&
! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" error &&
! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output
@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ test_expect_failure C_LOCALE_OUTPUT 'push --mirror can delete badly named ref' '
cd dest &&
test_commit two &&
git checkout --detach &&
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref
) &&
git -C src push --mirror "file://$top/dest" &&
git -C dest branch >output 2>error &&
@@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ test_expect_failure C_LOCALE_OUTPUT 'push --mirror can delete badly named ref' '
test_expect_success 'rev-parse skips symref pointing to broken name' '
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
git branch shadow one &&
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
printf "ref: refs/heads/broken...ref\n" >.git/refs/tags/shadow &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/tags/shadow" &&
git rev-parse --verify one >expect &&
@@ -156,11 +159,11 @@ test_expect_success 'rev-parse skips symref pointing to broken name' '
test_expect_success 'for-each-ref emits warnings for broken names' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
printf "ref: refs/heads/broken...ref\n" >.git/refs/heads/badname &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/badname" &&
- printf "ref: refs/heads/master\n" >.git/refs/heads/broken...symref &&
+ printf "ref: refs/heads/main\n" >.git/refs/heads/broken...symref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...symref" &&
git for-each-ref >output 2>error &&
! grep -e "broken\.\.\.ref" output &&
@@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ test_expect_success 'for-each-ref emits warnings for broken names' '
test_expect_success 'update-ref -d can delete broken name' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
git update-ref -d refs/heads/broken...ref >output 2>error &&
test_must_be_empty output &&
@@ -183,7 +186,7 @@ test_expect_success 'update-ref -d can delete broken name' '
test_expect_success 'branch -d can delete broken name' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
git branch -d broken...ref >output 2>error &&
test_i18ngrep "Deleted branch broken...ref (was broken)" output &&
@@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ test_expect_success 'branch -d can delete broken name' '
test_expect_success 'update-ref --no-deref -d can delete symref to broken name' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
printf "ref: refs/heads/broken...ref\n" >.git/refs/heads/badname &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/badname" &&
@@ -205,7 +208,7 @@ test_expect_success 'update-ref --no-deref -d can delete symref to broken name'
test_expect_success 'branch -d can delete symref to broken name' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
printf "ref: refs/heads/broken...ref\n" >.git/refs/heads/badname &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/badname" &&
@@ -234,7 +237,7 @@ test_expect_success 'branch -d can delete dangling symref to broken name' '
test_expect_success 'update-ref -d can delete broken name through symref' '
- cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
+ cp .git/refs/heads/main .git/refs/heads/broken...ref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...ref" &&
printf "ref: refs/heads/broken...ref\n" >.git/refs/heads/badname &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/badname" &&
@@ -245,7 +248,7 @@ test_expect_success 'update-ref -d can delete broken name through symref' '
test_expect_success 'update-ref --no-deref -d can delete symref with broken name' '
- printf "ref: refs/heads/master\n" >.git/refs/heads/broken...symref &&
+ printf "ref: refs/heads/main\n" >.git/refs/heads/broken...symref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...symref" &&
git update-ref --no-deref -d refs/heads/broken...symref >output 2>error &&
test_path_is_missing .git/refs/heads/broken...symref &&
@@ -254,11 +257,11 @@ test_expect_success 'update-ref --no-deref -d can delete symref with broken name
test_expect_success 'branch -d can delete symref with broken name' '
- printf "ref: refs/heads/master\n" >.git/refs/heads/broken...symref &&
+ printf "ref: refs/heads/main\n" >.git/refs/heads/broken...symref &&
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/refs/heads/broken...symref" &&
git branch -d broken...symref >output 2>error &&
test_path_is_missing .git/refs/heads/broken...symref &&
- test_i18ngrep "Deleted branch broken...symref (was refs/heads/master)" output &&
+ test_i18ngrep "Deleted branch broken...symref (was refs/heads/main)" output &&
test_must_be_empty error
@@ -296,37 +299,37 @@ test_expect_success 'update-ref -d cannot delete absolute path' '
test_expect_success 'update-ref --stdin fails create with bad ref name' '
- echo "create ~a refs/heads/master" >stdin &&
+ echo "create ~a refs/heads/main" >stdin &&
test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin <stdin 2>err &&
grep "fatal: invalid ref format: ~a" err
test_expect_success 'update-ref --stdin fails update with bad ref name' '
- echo "update ~a refs/heads/master" >stdin &&
+ echo "update ~a refs/heads/main" >stdin &&
test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin <stdin 2>err &&
grep "fatal: invalid ref format: ~a" err
test_expect_success 'update-ref --stdin fails delete with bad ref name' '
- echo "delete ~a refs/heads/master" >stdin &&
+ echo "delete ~a refs/heads/main" >stdin &&
test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin <stdin 2>err &&
grep "fatal: invalid ref format: ~a" err
test_expect_success 'update-ref --stdin -z fails create with bad ref name' '
- printf "%s\0" "create ~a " refs/heads/master >stdin &&
+ printf "%s\0" "create ~a " refs/heads/main >stdin &&
test_must_fail git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin 2>err &&
grep "fatal: invalid ref format: ~a " err
test_expect_success 'update-ref --stdin -z fails update with bad ref name' '
- printf "%s\0" "update ~a" refs/heads/master "" >stdin &&
+ printf "%s\0" "update ~a" refs/heads/main "" >stdin &&
test_must_fail git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin 2>err &&
grep "fatal: invalid ref format: ~a" err
test_expect_success 'update-ref --stdin -z fails delete with bad ref name' '
- printf "%s\0" "delete ~a" refs/heads/master >stdin &&
+ printf "%s\0" "delete ~a" refs/heads/main >stdin &&
test_must_fail git update-ref -z --stdin <stdin 2>err &&
grep "fatal: invalid ref format: ~a" err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b17f5c21fb..a30fc5f74a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
test_description='git fsck random collection of tests
* (HEAD) B
-* (master) A
+* (main) A
. ./
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 408b97d5af..abdda360d5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
test_description='test git rev-parse'
. ./
+test_one () {
+ dir="$1" &&
+ expect="$2" &&
+ shift &&
+ shift &&
+ echo "$expect" >expect &&
+ git -C "$dir" rev-parse "$@" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
# usage: [options] label is-bare is-inside-git is-inside-work prefix git-dir absolute-git-dir
test_rev_parse () {
@@ -60,7 +73,13 @@ ROOT=$(pwd)
test_expect_success 'setup' '
mkdir -p sub/dir work &&
- cp -R .git repo.git
+ cp -R .git repo.git &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
+ test_commit abc &&
+ git checkout -b side &&
+ test_commit def &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ git worktree add worktree side
test_rev_parse toplevel false false true '' .git "$ROOT/.git"
@@ -88,6 +107,45 @@ test_rev_parse -C work -g ../repo.git -b t 'GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = tru
test_rev_parse -C work -g ../repo.git -b u 'GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare undefined' false false true ''
+test_expect_success 'rev-parse --path-format=absolute' '
+ test_one "." "$ROOT/.git" --path-format=absolute --git-dir &&
+ test_one "." "$ROOT/.git" --path-format=absolute --git-common-dir &&
+ test_one "sub/dir" "$ROOT/.git" --path-format=absolute --git-dir &&
+ test_one "sub/dir" "$ROOT/.git" --path-format=absolute --git-common-dir &&
+ test_one "worktree" "$ROOT/.git/worktrees/worktree" --path-format=absolute --git-dir &&
+ test_one "worktree" "$ROOT/.git" --path-format=absolute --git-common-dir &&
+ test_one "." "$ROOT" --path-format=absolute --show-toplevel &&
+ test_one "." "$ROOT/.git/objects" --path-format=absolute --git-path objects &&
+ test_one "." "$ROOT/.git/objects/foo/bar/baz" --path-format=absolute --git-path objects/foo/bar/baz
+test_expect_success 'rev-parse --path-format=relative' '
+ test_one "." ".git" --path-format=relative --git-dir &&
+ test_one "." ".git" --path-format=relative --git-common-dir &&
+ test_one "sub/dir" "../../.git" --path-format=relative --git-dir &&
+ test_one "sub/dir" "../../.git" --path-format=relative --git-common-dir &&
+ test_one "worktree" "../.git/worktrees/worktree" --path-format=relative --git-dir &&
+ test_one "worktree" "../.git" --path-format=relative --git-common-dir &&
+ test_one "." "./" --path-format=relative --show-toplevel &&
+ test_one "." ".git/objects" --path-format=relative --git-path objects &&
+ test_one "." ".git/objects/foo/bar/baz" --path-format=relative --git-path objects/foo/bar/baz
+test_expect_success '--path-format=relative does not affect --absolute-git-dir' '
+ git rev-parse --path-format=relative --absolute-git-dir >actual &&
+ echo "$ROOT/.git" >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '--path-format can change in the middle of the command line' '
+ git rev-parse --path-format=absolute --git-dir --path-format=relative --git-path objects/foo/bar >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ $ROOT/.git
+ .git/objects/foo/bar
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'git-common-dir from worktree root' '
echo .git >expect &&
git rev-parse --git-common-dir >actual &&
@@ -174,8 +232,8 @@ test_expect_success 'showing the superproject correctly' '
test_commit -C super/dir/sub branch1_commit &&
git -C super add dir/sub &&
test_commit -C super branch1_commit &&
- git -C super checkout -b branch2 master &&
- git -C super/dir/sub checkout -b branch2 master &&
+ git -C super checkout -b branch2 main &&
+ git -C super/dir/sub checkout -b branch2 main &&
test_commit -C super/dir/sub branch2_commit &&
git -C super add dir/sub &&
test_commit -C super branch2_commit &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dc9fe3cbf1..bf08102391 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ test_description='test git rev-parse --verify'
exec </dev/null
. ./
@@ -51,8 +54,8 @@ test_expect_success 'works with one good rev' '
test "$rev_hash3" = "$HASH3" &&
rev_hash4=$(git rev-parse --verify $HASH4) &&
test "$rev_hash4" = "$HASH4" &&
- rev_master=$(git rev-parse --verify master) &&
- test "$rev_master" = "$HASH4" &&
+ rev_main=$(git rev-parse --verify main) &&
+ test "$rev_main" = "$HASH4" &&
rev_head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
test "$rev_head" = "$HASH4"
@@ -86,8 +89,8 @@ test_expect_success 'fails silently when using -q' '
test_expect_success 'fails silently when using -q with deleted reflogs' '
ref=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
git update-ref --create-reflog -m "message for refs/test" refs/test "$ref" &&
- git reflog delete --updateref --rewrite refs/test@{0} &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse -q --verify refs/test@{0} >error 2>&1 &&
+ git reflog delete --updateref --rewrite refs/test@{1} &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse -q --verify refs/test@{1} >error 2>&1 &&
test_must_be_empty error
@@ -116,27 +119,27 @@ test_expect_success 'no stdout output on error' '
test_expect_success 'use --default' '
- git rev-parse --verify --default master &&
- git rev-parse --verify --default master HEAD &&
- git rev-parse --default master --verify &&
- git rev-parse --default master --verify HEAD &&
- git rev-parse --verify HEAD --default master &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify foo --default master &&
+ git rev-parse --verify --default main &&
+ git rev-parse --verify --default main HEAD &&
+ git rev-parse --default main --verify &&
+ git rev-parse --default main --verify HEAD &&
+ git rev-parse --verify HEAD --default main &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify foo --default main &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --default HEAD --verify bar &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify --default HEAD baz &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --default foo --verify &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify --default bar
-test_expect_success 'master@{n} for various n' '
+test_expect_success 'main@{n} for various n' '
N=$(git reflog | wc -l) &&
Nm1=$(($N-1)) &&
Np1=$(($N+1)) &&
- git rev-parse --verify master@{0} &&
- git rev-parse --verify master@{1} &&
- git rev-parse --verify master@{$Nm1} &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify master@{$N} &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify master@{$Np1}
+ git rev-parse --verify main@{0} &&
+ git rev-parse --verify main@{1} &&
+ git rev-parse --verify main@{$Nm1} &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify main@{$N} &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify main@{$Np1}
test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'ref resolution not confused by broken symlinks' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4969edb314..2803ca9489 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test @{-N} syntax'
. ./
@@ -20,12 +23,12 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
make_commit 3 &&
git checkout side &&
make_commit 4 &&
- git merge master &&
- git checkout master
+ git merge main &&
+ git checkout main
-# 1 -- 2 -- 3 master
+# 1 -- 2 -- 3 main
# \ \
# \ \
# --- 4 --- 5 side
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ test_expect_success '@{-1}@{1} works' '
test_expect_success '@{-2} works' '
- test_cmp_rev master @{-2}
+ test_cmp_rev main @{-2}
test_expect_success '@{-3} fails' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e2ae15a2cf..f6e6f23f7e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ test_description='test git rev-parse diagnosis for invalid argument'
exec </dev/null
. ./
test_did_you_mean ()
@@ -137,10 +140,10 @@ test_expect_success 'incorrect file in :path and :N:path' '
test_expect_success 'invalid @{n} reference' '
- test_must_fail git rev-parse master@{99999} >output 2>error &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse main@{99999} >output 2>error &&
test_must_be_empty output &&
test_i18ngrep "log for [^ ]* only has [0-9][0-9]* entries" error &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify master@{99999} >output 2>error &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify main@{99999} >output 2>error &&
test_must_be_empty output &&
test_i18ngrep "log for [^ ]* only has [0-9][0-9]* entries" error
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dfc0d96d8a..73b4f34c6e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test <branch>@{upstream} syntax'
. ./
@@ -10,20 +13,20 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_commit 1 &&
git checkout -b side &&
test_commit 2 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git clone . clone &&
test_commit 3 &&
(cd clone &&
test_commit 4 &&
git branch --track my-side origin/side &&
- git branch --track local-master master &&
+ git branch --track local-main main &&
git branch --track fun@ny origin/side &&
git branch --track @funny origin/side &&
git branch --track funny@ origin/side &&
- git remote add -t master master-only .. &&
- git fetch master-only &&
+ git remote add -t main main-only .. &&
+ git fetch main-only &&
git branch bad-upstream &&
- git config branch.bad-upstream.remote master-only &&
+ git config branch.bad-upstream.remote main-only &&
git config branch.bad-upstream.merge refs/heads/side
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ error_message () {
test_expect_success '@{upstream} resolves to correct full name' '
- echo refs/remotes/origin/master >expect &&
+ echo refs/remotes/origin/main >expect &&
git -C clone rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{upstream} >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git -C clone rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{UPSTREAM} >actual &&
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ test_expect_success '@{upstream} resolves to correct full name' '
test_expect_success '@{u} resolves to correct full name' '
- echo refs/remotes/origin/master >expect &&
+ echo refs/remotes/origin/main >expect &&
git -C clone rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{u} >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git -C clone rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{U} >actual &&
@@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout -b new my-side@{u} forks from the same' '
test_expect_success 'merge my-side@{u} records the correct name' '
cd clone &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_might_fail git branch -D new &&
git branch -t new my-side@{u} &&
git merge -s ours new@{u} &&
@@ -143,24 +146,24 @@ test_expect_success 'merge my-side@{u} records the correct name' '
test_expect_success 'branch -d other@{u}' '
- git checkout -t -b other master &&
+ git checkout -t -b other main &&
git branch -d @{u} &&
- git for-each-ref refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git for-each-ref refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
test_expect_success 'checkout other@{u}' '
- git branch -f master HEAD &&
- git checkout -t -b another master &&
+ git branch -f main HEAD &&
+ git checkout -t -b another main &&
git checkout @{u} &&
git symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
- echo refs/heads/master >expect &&
+ echo refs/heads/main >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'branch@{u} works when tracking a local branch' '
- echo refs/heads/master >expect &&
- git -C clone rev-parse --symbolic-full-name local-master@{u} >actual &&
+ echo refs/heads/main >expect &&
+ git -C clone rev-parse --symbolic-full-name local-main@{u} >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ test_expect_success 'branch@{u} error message when no upstream' '
test_expect_success '@{u} error message when no upstream' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- fatal: no upstream configured for branch ${SQ}master${SQ}
+ fatal: no upstream configured for branch ${SQ}main${SQ}
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify @{u} 2>actual &&
test_i18ncmp expect actual
@@ -208,14 +211,14 @@ test_expect_success 'branch@{u} error message if upstream branch not fetched' '
test_expect_success 'pull works when tracking a local branch' '
cd clone &&
- git checkout local-master &&
+ git checkout local-main &&
git pull
# makes sense if the previous one succeeded
test_expect_success '@{u} works when tracking a local branch' '
- echo refs/heads/master >expect &&
+ echo refs/heads/main >expect &&
git -C clone rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{u} >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -224,7 +227,7 @@ test_expect_success 'log -g other@{u}' '
commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
commit $commit
- Reflog: master@{0} (C O Mitter <>)
+ Reflog: main@{0} (C O Mitter <>)
Reflog message: branch: Created from HEAD
Author: A U Thor <>
Date: Thu Apr 7 15:15:13 2005 -0700
@@ -239,7 +242,7 @@ test_expect_success 'log -g other@{u}@{now}' '
commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
commit $commit
- Reflog: master@{Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700} (C O Mitter <>)
+ Reflog: main@{Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700} (C O Mitter <>)
Reflog message: branch: Created from HEAD
Author: A U Thor <>
Date: Thu Apr 7 15:15:13 2005 -0700
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4a9964e9dc..87a4286414 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test various @{X} syntax combinations together'
. ./
check() {
@@ -30,8 +33,8 @@ fail() {
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- test_commit master-one &&
- test_commit master-two &&
+ test_commit main-one &&
+ test_commit main-two &&
git checkout -b upstream-branch &&
test_commit upstream-one &&
test_commit upstream-two &&
@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git checkout -b new-branch &&
test_commit new-one &&
test_commit new-two &&
- git branch -u master old-branch &&
+ git branch -u main old-branch &&
git branch -u upstream-branch new-branch
@@ -62,8 +65,8 @@ check "@{-1}@{1}" commit old-one
check "@{u}" ref refs/heads/upstream-branch
check "HEAD@{u}" ref refs/heads/upstream-branch
check "@{u}@{1}" commit upstream-one
-check "@{-1}@{u}" ref refs/heads/master
-check "@{-1}@{u}@{1}" commit master-one
+check "@{-1}@{u}" ref refs/heads/main
+check "@{-1}@{u}@{1}" commit main-one
check "@" commit new-two
check "@@{u}" ref refs/heads/upstream-branch
check "@@/at-test" ref refs/heads/@@/at-test
@@ -99,4 +102,17 @@ test_expect_success 'create path with @' '
check "@:normal" blob content
check "@:fun@ny" blob content
+test_expect_success '@{1} works with only one reflog entry' '
+ git checkout -B newbranch main &&
+ git reflog expire --expire=now refs/heads/newbranch &&
+ git commit --allow-empty -m "first after expiration" &&
+ test_cmp_rev newbranch~ newbranch@{1}
+test_expect_success '@{0} works with empty reflog' '
+ git checkout -B newbranch main &&
+ git reflog expire --expire=now refs/heads/newbranch &&
+ test_cmp_rev newbranch newbranch@{0}
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e0a49a651f..6ecfed86bc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='tests for ref^{stuff}'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git commit -m Initial &&
git tag -a -m commit commit-tag &&
git branch ref &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo modified >>a-blob &&
git add -u &&
git commit -m Modified &&
@@ -73,52 +76,52 @@ test_expect_success 'ref^{tag}' '
test_expect_success 'ref^{/.}' '
- git rev-parse master >expected &&
- git rev-parse master^{/.} >actual &&
+ git rev-parse main >expected &&
+ git rev-parse main^{/.} >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'ref^{/non-existent}' '
- test_must_fail git rev-parse master^{/non-existent}
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse main^{/non-existent}
test_expect_success 'ref^{/Initial}' '
git rev-parse ref >expected &&
- git rev-parse master^{/Initial} >actual &&
+ git rev-parse main^{/Initial} >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'ref^{/!Exp}' '
- test_must_fail git rev-parse master^{/!Exp}
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse main^{/!Exp}
test_expect_success 'ref^{/!}' '
- test_must_fail git rev-parse master^{/!}
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse main^{/!}
test_expect_success 'ref^{/!!Exp}' '
git rev-parse expref >expected &&
- git rev-parse master^{/!!Exp} >actual &&
+ git rev-parse main^{/!!Exp} >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'ref^{/!-}' '
- test_must_fail git rev-parse master^{/!-}
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse main^{/!-}
test_expect_success 'ref^{/!-.}' '
- test_must_fail git rev-parse master^{/!-.}
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse main^{/!-.}
test_expect_success 'ref^{/!-non-existent}' '
- git rev-parse master >expected &&
- git rev-parse master^{/!-non-existent} >actual &&
+ git rev-parse main >expected &&
+ git rev-parse main^{/!-non-existent} >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'ref^{/!-Changed}' '
git rev-parse expref >expected &&
- git rev-parse master^{/!-Changed} >actual &&
+ git rev-parse main^{/!-Changed} >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 18fa6cf40d..242abbfa0b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ one tagged as v1.0.0. They all have one regular file each.
. ./
if ! test_have_prereq SHA1
@@ -48,7 +51,7 @@ test_expect_success 'blob and tree' '
test_expect_success 'warn ambiguity when no candidate matches type hint' '
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify 000000000^{commit} 2>actual &&
- test_i18ngrep "short SHA1 000000000 is ambiguous" actual
+ test_i18ngrep "short object ID 000000000 is ambiguous" actual
test_expect_success 'disambiguate tree-ish' '
@@ -212,7 +215,7 @@ test_expect_success 'more history' '
side=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
# commit 000000000066
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
# If you use recursive, merge will fail and you will need to
# clean up a0blgqsjc as well. If you use resolve, merge will
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 87ec3ae714..5f437be8c9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='Tests for rev-parse --prefix'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -76,9 +79,9 @@ test_expect_success 'disambiguate path with valid prefix' '
test_expect_success 'file and refs with prefix' '
- git rev-parse --prefix sub1/ master file1 >actual &&
+ git rev-parse --prefix sub1/ main file1 >actual &&
cat <<-EOF >expected &&
- $(git rev-parse master)
+ $(git rev-parse main)
test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 788cc91e45..d868a08110 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test <branch>@{push} syntax'
. ./
resolve () {
@@ -16,24 +19,24 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git remote add other other.git &&
test_commit base &&
git push origin HEAD &&
- git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master &&
- git branch --track topic origin/master &&
+ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main main &&
+ git branch --track topic origin/main &&
git push origin topic &&
git push other topic
test_expect_success '@{push} with default=nothing' '
test_config push.default nothing &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse master@{push} &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse master@{PUSH} &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse master@{PuSH}
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse main@{push} &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse main@{PUSH} &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse main@{PuSH}
test_expect_success '@{push} with default=simple' '
test_config push.default simple &&
- resolve master@{push} refs/remotes/origin/master &&
- resolve master@{PUSH} refs/remotes/origin/master &&
- resolve master@{pUSh} refs/remotes/origin/master
+ resolve main@{push} refs/remotes/origin/main &&
+ resolve main@{PUSH} refs/remotes/origin/main &&
+ resolve main@{pUSh} refs/remotes/origin/main
test_expect_success 'triangular @{push} fails with default=simple' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 12a5568844..986baa612e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='split index mode tests'
. ./
# We need total control of index splitting here
@@ -496,7 +499,7 @@ test_expect_success 'do not refresh null base index' '
test_commit initial &&
git checkout -b side-branch &&
test_commit extra &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git update-index --split-index &&
test_commit more &&
# must not write a new shareindex, or we wont catch the problem
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fc9aad530e..6f0b90ce12 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='git checkout to switch between branches with symlink<->dir'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -12,14 +15,14 @@ test_expect_success setup '
echo hello >frotz/filfre &&
git add frotz/filfre &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "master has file frotz/filfre" &&
+ git commit -m "main has file frotz/filfre" &&
git branch side &&
echo goodbye >nitfol &&
git add nitfol &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "master adds file nitfol" &&
+ git commit -m "main adds file nitfol" &&
git checkout side &&
@@ -34,13 +37,13 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'switch from symlink to dir' '
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
-test_expect_success 'Remove temporary directories & switch to master' '
+test_expect_success 'Remove temporary directories & switch to main' '
rm -fr frotz xyzzy nitfol &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'switch from dir to symlink' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f3c2152087..b0540636ae 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='checkout should leave clean stat info'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -21,13 +24,13 @@ test_expect_success 'branch switching' '
git reset --hard &&
test "$(git diff-files --raw)" = "" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test "$(git diff-files --raw)" = "" &&
git checkout side &&
test "$(git diff-files --raw)" = "" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test "$(git diff-files --raw)" = ""
@@ -37,13 +40,13 @@ test_expect_success 'path checkout' '
git reset --hard &&
test "$(git diff-files --raw)" = "" &&
- git checkout master world &&
+ git checkout main world &&
test "$(git diff-files --raw)" = "" &&
git checkout side world &&
test "$(git diff-files --raw)" = "" &&
- git checkout master world &&
+ git checkout main world &&
test "$(git diff-files --raw)" = ""
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2e47fe01cf..6e8757387d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='checkout and pathspecs/refspecs ambiguities'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ test_expect_success 'reference must be a tree' '
test_expect_success 'branch switching' '
- test "refs/heads/master" = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" &&
+ test "refs/heads/main" = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" &&
git checkout world -- &&
test "refs/heads/world" = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ test_expect_success 'disambiguate checking out from a tree-ish' '
test_expect_success 'accurate error message with more than one ref' '
- test_must_fail git checkout HEAD master -- 2>actual &&
+ test_must_fail git checkout HEAD main -- 2>actual &&
test_i18ngrep 2 actual &&
test_i18ngrep "one reference expected, 2 given" actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0e8d56aa76..e52022e152 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='checkout switching away from an invalid branch'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -11,12 +14,12 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'checkout should not start branch from a tree' '
- test_must_fail git checkout -b newbranch master^{tree}
+ test_must_fail git checkout -b newbranch main^{tree}
-test_expect_success 'checkout master from invalid HEAD' '
+test_expect_success 'checkout main from invalid HEAD' '
echo $ZERO_OID >.git/HEAD &&
- git checkout master --
+ git checkout main --
test_expect_success 'checkout notices failure to lock HEAD' '
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout notices failure to lock HEAD' '
test_expect_success 'create ref directory/file conflict scenario' '
- git update-ref refs/heads/outer/inner master &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/outer/inner main &&
# do not rely on symbolic-ref to get a known state,
# as it may use the same code we are testing
@@ -37,12 +40,12 @@ test_expect_success 'create ref directory/file conflict scenario' '
test_expect_success 'checkout away from d/f HEAD (unpacked, to branch)' '
reset_to_df &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'checkout away from d/f HEAD (unpacked, to detached)' '
reset_to_df &&
- git checkout --detach master
+ git checkout --detach main
test_expect_success 'pack refs' '
@@ -51,11 +54,11 @@ test_expect_success 'pack refs' '
test_expect_success 'checkout away from d/f HEAD (packed, to branch)' '
reset_to_df &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'checkout away from d/f HEAD (packed, to detached)' '
reset_to_df &&
- git checkout --detach master
+ git checkout --detach main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e7ba8c505f..0e7d47ab31 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,16 +2,15 @@
test_description='checkout can switch to last branch and merge base'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- echo hello >world &&
- git add world &&
- git commit -m initial &&
+ test_commit initial world hello &&
git branch other &&
- echo "hello again" >>world &&
- git add world &&
- git commit -m second
+ test_commit --append second world "hello again"
test_expect_success '"checkout -" does not work initially' '
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ test_expect_success 'first branch switch' '
test_expect_success '"checkout -" switches back' '
git checkout - &&
- test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/master"
+ test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/main"
test_expect_success '"checkout -" switches forth' '
@@ -93,61 +92,59 @@ test_expect_success 'switch to twelfth from the last' '
test_expect_success 'merge base test setup' '
git checkout -b another other &&
- echo "hello again" >>world &&
- git add world &&
- git commit -m third
+ test_commit --append third world "hello again"
-test_expect_success 'another...master' '
+test_expect_success 'another...main' '
git checkout another &&
- git checkout another...master &&
- test "z$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" = "z$(git rev-parse --verify master^)"
+ git checkout another...main &&
+ test "z$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" = "z$(git rev-parse --verify main^)"
-test_expect_success '...master' '
+test_expect_success '...main' '
git checkout another &&
- git checkout ...master &&
- test "z$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" = "z$(git rev-parse --verify master^)"
+ git checkout ...main &&
+ test "z$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" = "z$(git rev-parse --verify main^)"
-test_expect_success 'master...' '
+test_expect_success 'main...' '
git checkout another &&
- git checkout master... &&
- test "z$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" = "z$(git rev-parse --verify master^)"
+ git checkout main... &&
+ test "z$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" = "z$(git rev-parse --verify main^)"
test_expect_success '"checkout -" works after a rebase A' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout other &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
git checkout - &&
- test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/master"
+ test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/main"
test_expect_success '"checkout -" works after a rebase A B' '
- git branch moodle master~1 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git branch moodle main~1 &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout other &&
- git rebase master moodle &&
+ git rebase main moodle &&
git checkout - &&
- test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/master"
+ test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/main"
test_expect_success '"checkout -" works after a rebase -i A' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout other &&
- git rebase -i master &&
+ git rebase -i main &&
git checkout - &&
- test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/master"
+ test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/main"
test_expect_success '"checkout -" works after a rebase -i A B' '
- git branch foodle master~1 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git branch foodle main~1 &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout other &&
- git rebase master foodle &&
+ git rebase main foodle &&
git checkout - &&
- test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/master"
+ test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = "zrefs/heads/main"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 37bdcedcc9..a9721215fa 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='checkout from unborn branch'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -11,7 +14,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git add file &&
git commit -m base
) &&
- git fetch parent master:origin
+ git fetch parent main:origin
test_expect_success 'checkout from unborn preserves untracked files' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 655f278c5f..c7adbdd39a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ test_description='git checkout --orphan
Main Tests for --orphan functionality.'
. ./
@@ -29,34 +32,34 @@ test_expect_success '--orphan creates a new orphan branch from HEAD' '
test_tick &&
git commit -m "Third Commit" &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify HEAD^ &&
- git diff-tree --quiet master alpha
+ git diff-tree --quiet main alpha
test_expect_success '--orphan creates a new orphan branch from <start_point>' '
- git checkout master &&
- git checkout --orphan beta master^ &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ git checkout --orphan beta main^ &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify HEAD &&
test "refs/heads/beta" = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m "Fourth Commit" &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify HEAD^ &&
- git diff-tree --quiet master^ beta
+ git diff-tree --quiet main^ beta
test_expect_success '--orphan must be rejected with -b' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git checkout --orphan new -b newer &&
- test refs/heads/master = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
+ test refs/heads/main = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
test_expect_success '--orphan must be rejected with -t' '
- git checkout master &&
- test_must_fail git checkout --orphan new -t master &&
- test refs/heads/master = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_must_fail git checkout --orphan new -t main &&
+ test refs/heads/main = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
test_expect_success '--orphan ignores branch.autosetupmerge' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git config branch.autosetupmerge always &&
git checkout --orphan gamma &&
test -z "$(git config branch.gamma.merge)" &&
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ test_expect_success '--orphan ignores branch.autosetupmerge' '
test_expect_success '--orphan makes reflog by default' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git config --unset core.logAllRefUpdates &&
git checkout --orphan delta &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify delta@{0} &&
@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ test_expect_success '--orphan makes reflog by default' '
test_expect_success '--orphan does not make reflog when core.logAllRefUpdates = false' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git config core.logAllRefUpdates false &&
git checkout --orphan epsilon &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify epsilon@{0} &&
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ test_expect_success '--orphan does not make reflog when core.logAllRefUpdates =
test_expect_success '--orphan with -l makes reflog when core.logAllRefUpdates = false' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout -l --orphan zeta &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify zeta@{0} &&
git commit -m Zeta &&
@@ -91,33 +94,33 @@ test_expect_success '--orphan with -l makes reflog when core.logAllRefUpdates =
test_expect_success 'giving up --orphan not committed when -l and core.logAllRefUpdates = false deletes reflog' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout -l --orphan eta &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify eta@{0} &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify eta@{0}
test_expect_success '--orphan is rejected with an existing name' '
- git checkout master &&
- test_must_fail git checkout --orphan master &&
- test refs/heads/master = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_must_fail git checkout --orphan main &&
+ test refs/heads/main = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
test_expect_success '--orphan refuses to switch if a merge is needed' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard &&
echo local >>"$TEST_FILE" &&
cat "$TEST_FILE" >"$TEST_FILE.saved" &&
- test_must_fail git checkout --orphan new master^ &&
- test refs/heads/master = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" &&
+ test_must_fail git checkout --orphan new main^ &&
+ test refs/heads/main = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" &&
test_cmp "$TEST_FILE" "$TEST_FILE.saved" &&
git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD &&
git reset --hard
test_expect_success 'cannot --detach on an unborn branch' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout --orphan new &&
test_must_fail git checkout --detach
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b748db9946..b432b6427b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='checkout into detached HEAD state'
. ./
check_detached () {
@@ -22,7 +25,7 @@ check_no_orphan_warning() {
reset () {
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout --detach errors out for non-commit' '
test_expect_success 'checkout --detach errors out for extra argument' '
reset &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git checkout --detach tag one.t &&
@@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout warns on orphan commits' '
echo new content >orphan &&
git commit -a -m orphan2 &&
orphan2=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
- git checkout master 2>stderr
+ git checkout main 2>stderr
test_expect_success 'checkout warns on orphan commits: output' '
@@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout warns orphaning 1 of 2 commits: output' '
test_expect_success 'checkout does not warn leaving ref tip' '
reset &&
git checkout --detach two &&
- git checkout master 2>stderr
+ git checkout main 2>stderr
test_expect_success 'checkout does not warn leaving ref tip' '
@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout does not warn leaving ref tip' '
test_expect_success 'checkout does not warn leaving reachable commit' '
reset &&
git checkout --detach HEAD^ &&
- git checkout master 2>stderr
+ git checkout main 2>stderr
test_expect_success 'checkout does not warn leaving reachable commit' '
@@ -150,14 +153,14 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout does not warn leaving reachable commit' '
cat >expect <<'EOF'
-Your branch is behind 'master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
+Your branch is behind 'main' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use "git pull" to update your local branch)
test_expect_success 'tracking count is accurate after orphan check' '
reset &&
- git branch child master^ &&
+ git branch child main^ &&
git config branch.child.remote . &&
- git config branch.child.merge refs/heads/master &&
+ git config branch.child.merge refs/heads/main &&
git checkout child^ &&
git checkout child >stdout &&
test_i18ncmp expect stdout
@@ -189,9 +192,9 @@ test_expect_success 'no advice given for explicit detached head state' '
# Detached HEAD tests for GIT_PRINT_SHA1_ELLIPSIS (new format)
test_expect_success 'describe_detached_head prints no SHA-1 ellipsis when not asked to' "
- commit=$(git rev-parse --short=12 master^) &&
- commit2=$(git rev-parse --short=12 master~2) &&
- commit3=$(git rev-parse --short=12 master~3) &&
+ commit=$(git rev-parse --short=12 main^) &&
+ commit2=$(git rev-parse --short=12 main~2) &&
+ commit3=$(git rev-parse --short=12 main~3) &&
# The first detach operation is more chatty than the following ones.
cat >1st_detach <<-EOF &&
@@ -271,9 +274,9 @@ test_expect_success 'describe_detached_head prints no SHA-1 ellipsis when not as
# Detached HEAD tests for GIT_PRINT_SHA1_ELLIPSIS (old format)
test_expect_success 'describe_detached_head does print SHA-1 ellipsis when asked to' "
- commit=$(git rev-parse --short=12 master^) &&
- commit2=$(git rev-parse --short=12 master~2) &&
- commit3=$(git rev-parse --short=12 master~3) &&
+ commit=$(git rev-parse --short=12 main^) &&
+ commit2=$(git rev-parse --short=12 main~2) &&
+ commit3=$(git rev-parse --short=12 main~3) &&
# The first detach operation is more chatty than the following ones.
cat >1st_detach <<-EOF &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6844afafc0..c49ba7f9bd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
test_description='checkout $tree -- $paths'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
mkdir dir &&
- >dir/master &&
+ >dir/main &&
echo common >dir/common &&
- git add dir/master dir/common &&
- test_tick && git commit -m "master has dir/master" &&
+ git add dir/main dir/common &&
+ test_tick && git commit -m "main has dir/main" &&
git checkout -b next &&
- git mv dir/master dir/next0 &&
+ git mv dir/main dir/next0 &&
echo next >dir/next1 &&
git add dir &&
- test_tick && git commit -m "next has dir/next but not dir/master"
+ test_tick && git commit -m "next has dir/next but not dir/main"
test_expect_success 'checking out paths out of a tree does not clobber unrelated paths' '
@@ -26,11 +29,11 @@ test_expect_success 'checking out paths out of a tree does not clobber unrelated
echo untracked >expect.next2 &&
cat expect.next2 >dir/next2 &&
- git checkout master dir &&
+ git checkout main dir &&
test_cmp expect.common dir/common &&
- test_path_is_file dir/master &&
- git diff --exit-code master dir/master &&
+ test_path_is_file dir/main &&
+ git diff --exit-code main dir/main &&
test_path_is_missing dir/next0 &&
test_cmp expect.next1 dir/next1 &&
@@ -52,11 +55,11 @@ test_expect_success 'do not touch unmerged entries matching $path but not in $tr
git update-index --index-info <expect.next0 &&
- git checkout master dir &&
+ git checkout main dir &&
test_cmp expect.common dir/common &&
- test_path_is_file dir/master &&
- git diff --exit-code master dir/master &&
+ test_path_is_file dir/main &&
+ git diff --exit-code main dir/main &&
git ls-files -s dir/next0 >actual.next0 &&
test_cmp expect.next0 actual.next0
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fca3f85824..7b327b7544 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,21 +4,24 @@ test_description='checkout -m -- <conflicted path>
Ensures that checkout -m on a resolved file restores the conflicted file'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
test_commit both.txt both.txt initial &&
git branch topic &&
- test_commit modified_in_master both.txt in_master &&
- test_commit added_in_master each.txt in_master &&
+ test_commit modified_in_main both.txt in_main &&
+ test_commit added_in_main each.txt in_main &&
git checkout topic &&
test_commit modified_in_topic both.txt in_topic &&
test_commit added_in_topic each.txt in_topic
-test_expect_success 'git merge master' '
- test_must_fail git merge master
+test_expect_success 'git merge main' '
+ test_must_fail git merge main
clean_branchnames () {
@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ test_expect_success 'force checkout a conflict file creates stage zero entry' '
git checkout topic &&
echo c >a &&
C_OBJ=$(git hash-object a) &&
- git checkout -m master &&
+ git checkout -m main &&
test_cmp_rev :1:a $A_OBJ &&
test_cmp_rev :2:a $B_OBJ &&
test_cmp_rev :3:a $C_OBJ &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a4f8d3a67e..4a1c901456 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ status_uno_is_clean () {
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- test_commit my_master &&
+ test_commit my_main &&
git init repo_a &&
cd repo_a &&
- test_commit a_master &&
+ test_commit a_main &&
git checkout -b foo &&
test_commit a_foo &&
git checkout -b bar &&
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git init repo_b &&
cd repo_b &&
- test_commit b_master &&
+ test_commit b_main &&
git checkout -b foo &&
test_commit b_foo &&
git checkout -b baz &&
@@ -60,23 +60,23 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'checkout of non-existing branch fails' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
test_might_fail git branch -D xyzzy &&
test_must_fail git checkout xyzzy &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/xyzzy &&
- test_branch master
+ test_branch main
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from multiple remotes fails #1' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
test_might_fail git branch -D foo &&
test_must_fail git checkout foo &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/foo &&
- test_branch master
+ test_branch main
test_expect_success 'when arg matches multiple remotes, do not fallback to interpreting as pathspec' '
@@ -100,21 +100,21 @@ test_expect_success 'when arg matches multiple remotes, do not fallback to inter
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from multiple remotes fails with advice' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
test_might_fail git branch -D foo &&
test_must_fail git checkout foo 2>stderr &&
- test_branch master &&
+ test_branch main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_i18ngrep "^hint: " stderr &&
test_must_fail git -c advice.checkoutAmbiguousRemoteBranchName=false \
checkout foo 2>stderr &&
- test_branch master &&
+ test_branch main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_i18ngrep ! "^hint: " stderr
test_expect_success PERL 'checkout -p with multiple remotes does not print advice' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
test_might_fail git branch -D foo &&
git checkout -p foo 2>stderr &&
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'checkout -p with multiple remotes does not print advic
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from multiple remotes succeeds with checkout.defaultRemote #1' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D foo &&
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from multiple remotes succeeds with chec
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #1' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
test_might_fail git branch -D bar &&
git checkout bar &&
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #1' '
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #2' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
test_might_fail git branch -D baz &&
git checkout baz &&
@@ -157,33 +157,33 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #2' '
test_expect_success '--no-guess suppresses branch auto-vivification' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D bar &&
test_must_fail git checkout --no-guess bar &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/bar &&
- test_branch master
+ test_branch main
test_expect_success 'checkout.guess = false suppresses branch auto-vivification' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D bar &&
test_config checkout.guess false &&
test_must_fail git checkout bar &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/bar &&
- test_branch master
+ test_branch main
test_expect_success 'setup more remotes with unconventional refspecs' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
git init repo_c &&
cd repo_c &&
- test_commit c_master &&
+ test_commit c_main &&
git checkout -b bar &&
test_commit c_bar &&
git checkout -b spam &&
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup more remotes with unconventional refspecs' '
git init repo_d &&
cd repo_d &&
- test_commit d_master &&
+ test_commit d_main &&
git checkout -b baz &&
test_commit d_baz &&
git checkout -b eggs &&
@@ -208,29 +208,29 @@ test_expect_success 'setup more remotes with unconventional refspecs' '
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from multiple remotes fails #2' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D bar &&
test_must_fail git checkout bar &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/bar &&
- test_branch master
+ test_branch main
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from multiple remotes fails #3' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D baz &&
test_must_fail git checkout baz &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/baz &&
- test_branch master
+ test_branch main
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #3' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D spam &&
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #3' '
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #4' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D eggs &&
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #4' '
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch with a file having the same name fails' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D spam &&
@@ -262,11 +262,11 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout of branch with a file having the same name fails'
test_must_fail git checkout spam &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/spam &&
- test_branch master
+ test_branch main
test_expect_success 'checkout of branch with a file in subdir having the same name fails' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D spam &&
@@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout of branch with a file in subdir having the same na
test_must_fail git -C sub checkout spam &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/spam &&
- test_branch master
+ test_branch main
test_expect_success 'checkout <branch> -- succeeds, even if a file with the same name exists' '
- git checkout -B master &&
+ git checkout -B main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
test_might_fail git branch -D spam &&
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout <branch> -- succeeds, even if a file with the same
test_expect_success 'loosely defined local base branch is reported correctly' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
git branch strict &&
git branch loose &&
@@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ test_expect_success 'loosely defined local base branch is reported correctly' '
test_config branch.strict.remote . &&
test_config branch.loose.remote . &&
- test_config branch.strict.merge refs/heads/master &&
- test_config branch.loose.merge master &&
+ test_config branch.strict.merge refs/heads/main &&
+ test_config branch.loose.merge main &&
git checkout strict | sed -e "s/strict/BRANCHNAME/g" >expect &&
status_uno_is_clean &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index bcba1bf90c..4453741b96 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='tests for git branch --track'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -10,14 +13,14 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'checkout --track -b creates a new tracking branch' '
- git checkout --track -b branch1 master &&
+ git checkout --track -b branch1 main &&
test $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) = branch1 &&
test $(git config --get branch.branch1.remote) = . &&
- test $(git config --get branch.branch1.merge) = refs/heads/master
+ test $(git config --get branch.branch1.merge) = refs/heads/main
test_expect_success 'checkout --track -b rejects an extra path argument' '
- test_must_fail git checkout --track -b branch2 master one.t 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git checkout --track -b branch2 main one.t 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "cannot be used with updating paths" err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 309199bca2..be6c84c52a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='undoing resolution'
. ./
check_resolve_undo () {
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_commit fourth fi/le fourth &&
git checkout add-add &&
test_commit fifth add-differently &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'add records switch clears' '
@@ -183,8 +186,8 @@ test_expect_success 'rerere forget (binary)' '
test_expect_success 'rerere forget (add-add conflict)' '
- git checkout -f master &&
- echo master >add-differently &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
+ echo main >add-differently &&
git add add-differently &&
git commit -m "add differently" &&
test_must_fail git merge fifth &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 68c9101b02..9bc6a3aa5c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='switch basic functionality'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -23,41 +26,41 @@ test_expect_success 'switch branch' '
test_expect_success 'switch and detach' '
- test_when_finished git switch master &&
- test_must_fail git switch master^{commit} &&
- git switch --detach master^{commit} &&
+ test_when_finished git switch main &&
+ test_must_fail git switch main^{commit} &&
+ git switch --detach main^{commit} &&
test_must_fail git symbolic-ref HEAD
test_expect_success 'switch and detach current branch' '
- test_when_finished git switch master &&
- git switch master &&
+ test_when_finished git switch main &&
+ git switch main &&
git switch --detach &&
test_must_fail git symbolic-ref HEAD
test_expect_success 'switch and create branch' '
- test_when_finished git switch master &&
- git switch -c temp master^ &&
- test_cmp_rev master^ refs/heads/temp &&
+ test_when_finished git switch main &&
+ git switch -c temp main^ &&
+ test_cmp_rev main^ refs/heads/temp &&
echo refs/heads/temp >expected-branch &&
git symbolic-ref HEAD >actual-branch &&
test_cmp expected-branch actual-branch
test_expect_success 'force create branch from HEAD' '
- test_when_finished git switch master &&
- git switch --detach master &&
+ test_when_finished git switch main &&
+ git switch --detach main &&
test_must_fail git switch -c temp &&
git switch -C temp &&
- test_cmp_rev master refs/heads/temp &&
+ test_cmp_rev main refs/heads/temp &&
echo refs/heads/temp >expected-branch &&
git symbolic-ref HEAD >actual-branch &&
test_cmp expected-branch actual-branch
test_expect_success 'new orphan branch from empty' '
- test_when_finished git switch master &&
+ test_when_finished git switch main &&
test_must_fail git switch --orphan new-orphan HEAD &&
git switch --orphan new-orphan &&
test_commit orphan &&
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ test_expect_success 'new orphan branch from empty' '
test_expect_success 'orphan branch works with --discard-changes' '
- test_when_finished git switch master &&
+ test_when_finished git switch main &&
echo foo >foo.txt &&
git switch --discard-changes --orphan new-orphan2 &&
git ls-files >tracked-files &&
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ test_expect_success 'orphan branch works with --discard-changes' '
test_expect_success 'switching ignores file of same branch name' '
- test_when_finished git switch master &&
+ test_when_finished git switch main &&
: >first-branch &&
git switch first-branch &&
echo refs/heads/first-branch >expected &&
@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ test_expect_success 'switching ignores file of same branch name' '
test_expect_success 'guess and create branch' '
- test_when_finished git switch master &&
+ test_when_finished git switch main &&
test_must_fail git switch --no-guess foo &&
test_config checkout.guess false &&
test_must_fail git switch foo &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 89e5a142c9..7c43ddf1d9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='restore basic functionality'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
echo ignored >ignored &&
echo /ignored >.gitignore &&
git add one two .gitignore &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/one master
+ git update-ref refs/heads/one main
test_expect_success 'restore without pathspec is not ok' '
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ test_expect_success 'restore --ignore-unmerged ignores unmerged entries' '
git switch -c first &&
echo first >unmerged &&
git commit -am first &&
- git switch -c second master &&
+ git switch -c second main &&
echo second >unmerged &&
git commit -am second &&
test_must_fail git merge first &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5a7495474a..96dfca1554 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test git worktree add'
. ./
@@ -12,12 +15,12 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success '"add" an existing worktree' '
mkdir -p existing/subtree &&
- test_must_fail git worktree add --detach existing master
+ test_must_fail git worktree add --detach existing main
test_expect_success '"add" an existing empty worktree' '
mkdir existing_empty &&
- git worktree add --detach existing_empty master
+ git worktree add --detach existing_empty main
test_expect_success '"add" using shorthand - fails when no previous branch' '
@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ test_expect_success '"add" using - shorthand' '
echo hello >myworld &&
git add myworld &&
git commit -m myworld &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git worktree add short-hand - &&
echo refs/heads/newbranch >expect &&
git -C short-hand rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD >actual &&
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ test_expect_success '"add" using - shorthand' '
test_expect_success '"add" refuses to checkout locked branch' '
- test_must_fail git worktree add zere master &&
+ test_must_fail git worktree add zere main &&
! test -d zere &&
! test -d .git/worktrees/zere
@@ -46,13 +49,13 @@ test_expect_success 'checking out paths not complaining about linked checkouts'
cd existing_empty &&
echo dirty >>init.t &&
- git checkout master -- init.t
+ git checkout main -- init.t
test_expect_success '"add" worktree' '
git rev-parse HEAD >expect &&
- git worktree add --detach here master &&
+ git worktree add --detach here main &&
cd here &&
test_cmp ../init.t init.t &&
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ test_expect_success '"add" worktree' '
test_expect_success '"add" worktree with lock' '
git rev-parse HEAD >expect &&
- git worktree add --detach --lock here-with-lock master &&
+ git worktree add --detach --lock here-with-lock main &&
test -f .git/worktrees/here-with-lock/locked
@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ test_expect_success '"add" worktree from a subdir' '
mkdir sub &&
cd sub &&
- git worktree add --detach here master &&
+ git worktree add --detach here main &&
cd here &&
test_cmp ../../init.t init.t
@@ -82,19 +85,19 @@ test_expect_success '"add" worktree from a subdir' '
test_expect_success '"add" from a linked checkout' '
cd here &&
- git worktree add --detach nested-here master &&
+ git worktree add --detach nested-here main &&
cd nested-here &&
git fsck
test_expect_success '"add" worktree creating new branch' '
- git worktree add -b newmaster there master &&
+ git worktree add -b newmain there main &&
cd there &&
test_cmp ../init.t init.t &&
git symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
- echo refs/heads/newmaster >expect &&
+ echo refs/heads/newmain >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git fsck
@@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ test_expect_success '"add" worktree creating new branch' '
test_expect_success 'die the same branch is already checked out' '
cd here &&
- test_must_fail git checkout newmaster
+ test_must_fail git checkout newmain
@@ -112,20 +115,20 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'die the same branch is already checked out (symlin
ref=$(git -C there symbolic-ref HEAD) &&
rm "$head" &&
ln -s "$ref" "$head" &&
- test_must_fail git -C here checkout newmaster
+ test_must_fail git -C here checkout newmain
test_expect_success 'not die the same branch is already checked out' '
cd here &&
- git worktree add --force anothernewmaster newmaster
+ git worktree add --force anothernewmain newmain
test_expect_success 'not die on re-checking out current branch' '
cd there &&
- git checkout newmaster
+ git checkout newmain
@@ -133,14 +136,14 @@ test_expect_success '"add" from a bare repo' '
git clone --bare . bare &&
cd bare &&
- git worktree add -b bare-master ../there2 master
+ git worktree add -b bare-main ../there2 main
test_expect_success 'checkout from a bare repo without "add"' '
cd bare &&
- test_must_fail git checkout master
+ test_must_fail git checkout main
@@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ test_expect_success '"add" default branch of a bare repo' '
git clone --bare . bare2 &&
cd bare2 &&
- git worktree add ../there3 master
+ git worktree add ../there3 main
@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout with grafts' '
git log --format=%s -2 >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
- git worktree add --detach grafted master &&
+ git worktree add --detach grafted main &&
git --git-dir=grafted/.git log --format=%s -2 >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -226,34 +229,34 @@ test_expect_success '"add" no auto-vivify with --detach and <branch> omitted' '
test_expect_success '"add" -b/-B mutually exclusive' '
- test_must_fail git worktree add -b poodle -B poodle bamboo master
+ test_must_fail git worktree add -b poodle -B poodle bamboo main
test_expect_success '"add" -b/--detach mutually exclusive' '
- test_must_fail git worktree add -b poodle --detach bamboo master
+ test_must_fail git worktree add -b poodle --detach bamboo main
test_expect_success '"add" -B/--detach mutually exclusive' '
- test_must_fail git worktree add -B poodle --detach bamboo master
+ test_must_fail git worktree add -B poodle --detach bamboo main
test_expect_success '"add -B" fails if the branch is checked out' '
- git rev-parse newmaster >before &&
- test_must_fail git worktree add -B newmaster bamboo master &&
- git rev-parse newmaster >after &&
+ git rev-parse newmain >before &&
+ test_must_fail git worktree add -B newmain bamboo main &&
+ git rev-parse newmain >after &&
test_cmp before after
test_expect_success 'add -B' '
- git worktree add -B poodle bamboo2 master^ &&
+ git worktree add -B poodle bamboo2 main^ &&
git -C bamboo2 symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
echo refs/heads/poodle >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
- test_cmp_rev master^ poodle
+ test_cmp_rev main^ poodle
test_expect_success 'add --quiet' '
- git worktree add --quiet another-worktree master 2>actual &&
+ git worktree add --quiet another-worktree main 2>actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
@@ -348,24 +351,24 @@ test_branch_upstream () {
test_expect_success '--track sets up tracking' '
test_when_finished rm -rf track &&
- git worktree add --track -b track track master &&
- test_branch_upstream track . master
+ git worktree add --track -b track track main &&
+ test_branch_upstream track . main
# setup remote repository $1 and repository $2 with $1 set up as
-# remote. The remote has two branches, master and foo.
+# remote. The remote has two branches, main and foo.
setup_remote_repo () {
git init $1 &&
cd $1 &&
- test_commit $1_master &&
+ test_commit $1_main &&
git checkout -b foo &&
test_commit upstream_foo
) &&
git init $2 &&
cd $2 &&
- test_commit $2_master &&
+ test_commit $2_main &&
git remote add $1 ../$1 &&
git config remote.$1.fetch \
"refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/$1/*" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a6ce7f590b..aff877590d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='prune $GIT_DIR/worktrees'
. ./
test_expect_success initialize '
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ test_expect_success 'not prune recent checkouts' '
test_expect_success 'not prune proper checkouts' '
test_when_finished rm -r .git/worktrees &&
- git worktree add --detach "$PWD/nop" master &&
+ git worktree add --detach "$PWD/nop" main &&
git worktree prune &&
test -d .git/worktrees/nop
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 795ddca2e4..42d35d9ae8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test git worktree list'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rev-parse --git-common-dir on main worktree' '
test_expect_success 'rev-parse --git-path objects linked worktree' '
echo "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.git/objects" >expect &&
test_when_finished "rm -rf linked-tree actual expect && git worktree prune" &&
- git worktree add --detach linked-tree master &&
+ git worktree add --detach linked-tree main &&
git -C linked-tree rev-parse --git-path objects >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rev-parse --git-path objects linked worktree' '
test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from main' '
echo "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) [$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)]" >expect &&
test_when_finished "rm -rf here out actual expect && git worktree prune" &&
- git worktree add --detach here master &&
+ git worktree add --detach here main &&
echo "$(git -C here rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >>expect &&
git worktree list >out &&
sed "s/ */ /g" <out >actual &&
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from main' '
test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from linked' '
echo "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) [$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)]" >expect &&
test_when_finished "rm -rf here out actual expect && git worktree prune" &&
- git worktree add --detach here master &&
+ git worktree add --detach here main &&
echo "$(git -C here rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >>expect &&
git -C here worktree list >out &&
sed "s/ */ /g" <out >actual &&
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --porcelain' '
echo "branch $(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" >>expect &&
echo >>expect &&
test_when_finished "rm -rf here actual expect && git worktree prune" &&
- git worktree add --detach here master &&
+ git worktree add --detach here main &&
echo "worktree $(git -C here rev-parse --show-toplevel)" >>expect &&
echo "HEAD $(git rev-parse HEAD)" >>expect &&
echo "detached" >>expect &&
@@ -63,26 +66,122 @@ test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --porcelain' '
test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees with locked annotation' '
test_when_finished "rm -rf locked unlocked out && git worktree prune" &&
- git worktree add --detach locked master &&
- git worktree add --detach unlocked master &&
+ git worktree add --detach locked main &&
+ git worktree add --detach unlocked main &&
git worktree lock locked &&
+ test_when_finished "git worktree unlock locked" &&
git worktree list >out &&
grep "/locked *[0-9a-f].* locked$" out &&
! grep "/unlocked *[0-9a-f].* locked$" out
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --porcelain with locked' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf locked1 locked2 unlocked out actual expect && git worktree prune" &&
+ echo "locked" >expect &&
+ echo "locked with reason" >>expect &&
+ git worktree add --detach locked1 &&
+ git worktree add --detach locked2 &&
+ # unlocked worktree should not be annotated with "locked"
+ git worktree add --detach unlocked &&
+ git worktree lock locked1 &&
+ test_when_finished "git worktree unlock locked1" &&
+ git worktree lock locked2 --reason "with reason" &&
+ test_when_finished "git worktree unlock locked2" &&
+ git worktree list --porcelain >out &&
+ grep "^locked" out >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --porcelain with locked reason newline escaped' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf locked_lf locked_crlf out actual expect && git worktree prune" &&
+ printf "locked \"locked\\\\r\\\\nreason\"\n" >expect &&
+ printf "locked \"locked\\\\nreason\"\n" >>expect &&
+ git worktree add --detach locked_lf &&
+ git worktree add --detach locked_crlf &&
+ git worktree lock locked_lf --reason "$(printf "locked\nreason")" &&
+ test_when_finished "git worktree unlock locked_lf" &&
+ git worktree lock locked_crlf --reason "$(printf "locked\r\nreason")" &&
+ test_when_finished "git worktree unlock locked_crlf" &&
+ git worktree list --porcelain >out &&
+ grep "^locked" out >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees with prunable annotation' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf prunable unprunable out && git worktree prune" &&
+ git worktree add --detach prunable &&
+ git worktree add --detach unprunable &&
+ rm -rf prunable &&
+ git worktree list >out &&
+ grep "/prunable *[0-9a-f].* prunable$" out &&
+ ! grep "/unprunable *[0-9a-f].* prunable$"
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --porcelain with prunable' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf prunable out && git worktree prune" &&
+ git worktree add --detach prunable &&
+ rm -rf prunable &&
+ git worktree list --porcelain >out &&
+ sed -n "/^worktree .*\/prunable$/,/^$/p" <out >only_prunable &&
+ test_i18ngrep "^prunable gitdir file points to non-existent location$" only_prunable
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees with prunable consistent with "prune"' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf prunable unprunable out && git worktree prune" &&
+ git worktree add --detach prunable &&
+ git worktree add --detach unprunable &&
+ rm -rf prunable &&
+ git worktree list >out &&
+ grep "/prunable *[0-9a-f].* prunable$" out &&
+ ! grep "/unprunable *[0-9a-f].* unprunable$" out &&
+ git worktree prune --verbose >out &&
+ test_i18ngrep "^Removing worktrees/prunable" out &&
+ test_i18ngrep ! "^Removing worktrees/unprunable" out
+test_expect_success '"list" --verbose and --porcelain mutually exclusive' '
+ test_must_fail git worktree list --verbose --porcelain
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --verbose with locked' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf locked1 locked2 out actual expect && git worktree prune" &&
+ git worktree add locked1 --detach &&
+ git worktree add locked2 --detach &&
+ git worktree lock locked1 &&
+ test_when_finished "git worktree unlock locked1" &&
+ git worktree lock locked2 --reason "with reason" &&
+ test_when_finished "git worktree unlock locked2" &&
+ echo "$(git -C locked2 rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >expect &&
+ printf "\tlocked: with reason\n" >>expect &&
+ git worktree list --verbose >out &&
+ grep "/locked1 *[0-9a-f].* locked$" out &&
+ sed -n "s/ */ /g;/\/locked2 *[0-9a-f].*$/,/locked: .*$/p" <out >actual &&
+ test_cmp actual expect
+test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --verbose with prunable' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf prunable out actual expect && git worktree prune" &&
+ git worktree add prunable --detach &&
+ echo "$(git -C prunable rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >expect &&
+ printf "\tprunable: gitdir file points to non-existent location\n" >>expect &&
+ rm -rf prunable &&
+ git worktree list --verbose >out &&
+ sed -n "s/ */ /g;/\/prunable *[0-9a-f].*$/,/prunable: .*$/p" <out >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp actual expect
test_expect_success 'bare repo setup' '
git init --bare bare1 &&
echo "data" >file1 &&
git add file1 &&
git commit -m"File1: add data" &&
- git push bare1 master &&
+ git push bare1 main &&
git reset --hard HEAD^
test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from bare main' '
test_when_finished "rm -rf there out actual expect && git -C bare1 worktree prune" &&
- git -C bare1 worktree add --detach ../there master &&
+ git -C bare1 worktree add --detach ../there main &&
echo "$(pwd)/bare1 (bare)" >expect &&
echo "$(git -C there rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git -C there rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >>expect &&
git -C bare1 worktree list >out &&
@@ -92,7 +191,7 @@ test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from bare main' '
test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --porcelain from bare main' '
test_when_finished "rm -rf there actual expect && git -C bare1 worktree prune" &&
- git -C bare1 worktree add --detach ../there master &&
+ git -C bare1 worktree add --detach ../there main &&
echo "worktree $(pwd)/bare1" >expect &&
echo "bare" >>expect &&
echo >>expect &&
@@ -106,7 +205,7 @@ test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees --porcelain from bare main' '
test_expect_success '"list" all worktrees from linked with a bare main' '
test_when_finished "rm -rf there out actual expect && git -C bare1 worktree prune" &&
- git -C bare1 worktree add --detach ../there master &&
+ git -C bare1 worktree add --detach ../there main &&
echo "$(pwd)/bare1 (bare)" >expect &&
echo "$(git -C there rev-parse --show-toplevel) $(git -C there rev-parse --short HEAD) (detached HEAD)" >>expect &&
git -C there worktree list >out &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e1b2bfd87e..b172c26ca4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='Combination of submodules and multiple worktrees'
. ./
base_path=$(pwd -P)
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ test_expect_success 'add superproject worktree' '
test_expect_failure 'submodule is checked out just after worktree add' '
- git -C worktree diff --submodule master"^!" >out &&
+ git -C worktree diff --submodule main"^!" >out &&
grep "file1 updated" out
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ test_expect_success 'add superproject worktree and initialize submodules' '
test_expect_success 'submodule is checked out just after submodule update in linked worktree' '
- git -C worktree-submodule-update diff --submodule master"^!" >out &&
+ git -C worktree-submodule-update diff --submodule main"^!" >out &&
grep "file1 updated" out
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ test_expect_success 'add superproject worktree and manually add submodule worktr
test_expect_success 'submodule is checked out after manually adding submodule worktree' '
- git -C linked_submodule diff --submodule master"^!" >out &&
+ git -C linked_submodule diff --submodule main"^!" >out &&
grep "file1 updated" out
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2682b1f43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+test_description='git ls-files --deduplicate test'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+ >a.txt &&
+ >b.txt &&
+ >delete.txt &&
+ git add a.txt b.txt delete.txt &&
+ git commit -m base &&
+ echo a >a.txt &&
+ echo b >b.txt &&
+ echo delete >delete.txt &&
+ git add a.txt b.txt delete.txt &&
+ git commit -m tip &&
+ git tag tip &&
+ git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
+ echo change >a.txt &&
+ git commit -a -m side &&
+ git tag side
+test_expect_success 'git ls-files --deduplicate to show unique unmerged path' '
+ test_must_fail git merge tip &&
+ git ls-files --deduplicate >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ a.txt
+ b.txt
+ delete.txt
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git merge --abort
+test_expect_success 'git ls-files -d -m --deduplicate with different display options' '
+ git reset --hard side &&
+ test_must_fail git merge tip &&
+ rm delete.txt &&
+ git ls-files -d -m --deduplicate >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ a.txt
+ delete.txt
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git ls-files -d -m -t --deduplicate >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ C a.txt
+ C a.txt
+ C a.txt
+ R delete.txt
+ C delete.txt
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git ls-files -d -m -c --deduplicate >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ a.txt
+ b.txt
+ delete.txt
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git merge --abort
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3ec3e1d730..00761e4080 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='git branch assorted tests'
. ./
@@ -306,7 +309,9 @@ test_expect_success 'git branch --list -v with --abbrev' '
git branch -v --list --no-abbrev t >actual.noabbrev &&
git branch -v --list --abbrev=0 t >actual.0abbrev &&
+ git -c core.abbrev=no branch -v --list t >actual.noabbrev-conf &&
test_cmp actual.noabbrev actual.0abbrev &&
+ test_cmp actual.noabbrev actual.noabbrev-conf &&
git branch -v --list --abbrev=36 t >actual.36abbrev &&
# how many hexdigits are used?
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6c1ab69ca6..578b5f4825 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='branch --contains <commit>, --no-contains <commit> --merged, and --no-merged'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6adf47869c..5cb0126cfe 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test show-branch with more than 8 heads'
. ./
numbers="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
for i in $numbers
- git checkout -b branch$i master &&
+ git checkout -b branch$i main &&
> file$i &&
git add file$i &&
test_tick &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b945faf470..b6fcd017af 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git branch display tests'
. ./
@@ -210,7 +213,7 @@ EOF
test_i18ncmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'git branch `--sort` option' '
+test_expect_success 'git branch `--sort=[-]objectsize` option' '
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
* (HEAD detached from fromtag)
@@ -218,6 +221,55 @@ test_expect_success 'git branch `--sort` option' '
git branch --sort=objectsize >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ * (HEAD detached from fromtag)
+ branch-one
+ main
+ branch-two
+ git branch --sort=-objectsize >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git branch `--sort=[-]type` option' '
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ * (HEAD detached from fromtag)
+ branch-one
+ branch-two
+ main
+ git branch --sort=type >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ * (HEAD detached from fromtag)
+ branch-one
+ branch-two
+ main
+ git branch --sort=-type >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git branch `--sort=[-]version:refname` option' '
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ * (HEAD detached from fromtag)
+ branch-one
+ branch-two
+ main
+ git branch --sort=version:refname >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ * (HEAD detached from fromtag)
+ main
+ branch-two
+ branch-one
+ git branch --sort=-version:refname >actual &&
test_i18ncmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 698d9cc4f3..993a6b5eff 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ Branch name arguments are usually names which are taken to be inside of
refs/heads/, but we interpret some magic syntax like @{-1}, @{upstream}, etc.
This script aims to check the behavior of those corner cases.
. ./
expect_branch() {
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ test_expect_success 'update branch via @{-1}' '
git branch previous one &&
git checkout previous &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -f @{-1} two &&
expect_branch previous two
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ test_expect_success 'delete branch via @{-1}' '
git branch previous-del &&
git checkout previous-del &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -D @{-1} &&
expect_deleted previous-del
@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ test_expect_success 'disallow deleting remote branch via @{-1}' '
git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/previous one &&
git checkout -b origin/previous two &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git branch -r -D @{-1} &&
expect_branch refs/remotes/origin/previous one &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index da1c202fa7..08bd906173 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='basic branch output coloring'
. ./
test_expect_success 'set up some sample branches' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6eb344be03..ce24b5d735 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='range-diff tests'
. ./
# Note that because of the range-diff's heuristics, test_commit does more
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'simple A..B A..C (unmodified)' '
- git range-diff --no-color master..topic master..unmodified \
+ git range-diff --no-color main..topic main..unmodified \
>actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
1: $(test_oid t1) = 1: $(test_oid u1) s/5/A/
@@ -145,13 +148,13 @@ test_expect_success 'simple B...C (unmodified)' '
test_expect_success 'simple A B C (unmodified)' '
- git range-diff --no-color master topic unmodified >actual &&
+ git range-diff --no-color main topic unmodified >actual &&
# same "expect" as above
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'trivial reordering' '
- git range-diff --no-color master topic reordered >actual &&
+ git range-diff --no-color main topic reordered >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
1: $(test_oid t1) = 1: $(test_oid r1) s/5/A/
3: $(test_oid t3) = 2: $(test_oid r2) s/11/B/
@@ -162,7 +165,7 @@ test_expect_success 'trivial reordering' '
test_expect_success 'removed a commit' '
- git range-diff --no-color master topic removed >actual &&
+ git range-diff --no-color main topic removed >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
1: $(test_oid t1) = 1: $(test_oid d1) s/5/A/
2: $(test_oid t2) < -: $(test_oid __) s/4/A/
@@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ test_expect_success 'removed a commit' '
test_expect_success 'added a commit' '
- git range-diff --no-color master topic added >actual &&
+ git range-diff --no-color main topic added >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
1: $(test_oid t1) = 1: $(test_oid a1) s/5/A/
2: $(test_oid t2) = 2: $(test_oid a2) s/4/A/
@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ test_expect_success 'added a commit' '
test_expect_success 'new base, A B C' '
- git range-diff --no-color master topic rebased >actual &&
+ git range-diff --no-color main topic rebased >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
1: $(test_oid t1) = 1: $(test_oid b1) s/5/A/
2: $(test_oid t2) = 2: $(test_oid b2) s/4/A/
@@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ test_expect_success 'new base, A B C' '
test_expect_success 'new base, B...C' '
- # this syntax includes the commits from master!
+ # this syntax includes the commits from main!
git range-diff --no-color topic...rebased >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-: $(test_oid __) > 1: $(test_oid b5) unrelated
@@ -420,7 +423,7 @@ test_expect_success 'file added and later removed' '
test_expect_success 'no commits on one side' '
git commit --amend -m "new message" &&
- git range-diff master HEAD@{1} HEAD
+ git range-diff main HEAD@{1} HEAD
test_expect_success 'changed message' '
@@ -482,11 +485,11 @@ test_expect_success 'dual-coloring' '
test_cmp expect actual
-for prev in topic master..topic
+for prev in topic main..topic
test_expect_success "format-patch --range-diff=$prev" '
git format-patch --cover-letter --range-diff=$prev \
- master..unmodified >actual &&
+ main..unmodified >actual &&
test_when_finished "rm 000?-*" &&
test_line_count = 5 actual &&
test_i18ngrep "^Range-diff:$" 0000-* &&
@@ -511,19 +514,19 @@ test_expect_success 'range-diff overrides diff.noprefix internally' '
test_expect_success 'basic with modified format.pretty with suffix' '
git -c format.pretty="format:commit %H%d%n" range-diff \
- master..topic master..unmodified
+ main..topic main..unmodified
test_expect_success 'basic with modified format.pretty without "commit "' '
git -c format.pretty="format:%H%n" range-diff \
- master..topic master..unmodified
+ main..topic main..unmodified
test_expect_success 'range-diff compares notes by default' '
git notes add -m "topic note" topic &&
git notes add -m "unmodified note" unmodified &&
test_when_finished git notes remove topic unmodified &&
- git range-diff --no-color master..topic master..unmodified \
+ git range-diff --no-color main..topic main..unmodified \
>actual &&
sed s/Z/\ /g >expect <<-EOF &&
1: $(test_oid t1) = 1: $(test_oid u1) s/5/A/
@@ -547,7 +550,7 @@ test_expect_success 'range-diff with --no-notes' '
git notes add -m "topic note" topic &&
git notes add -m "unmodified note" unmodified &&
test_when_finished git notes remove topic unmodified &&
- git range-diff --no-color --no-notes master..topic master..unmodified \
+ git range-diff --no-color --no-notes main..topic main..unmodified \
>actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
1: $(test_oid t1) = 1: $(test_oid u1) s/5/A/
@@ -565,7 +568,7 @@ test_expect_success 'range-diff with multiple --notes' '
git notes --ref=note2 add -m "topic note2" topic &&
git notes --ref=note2 add -m "unmodified note2" unmodified &&
test_when_finished git notes --ref=note2 remove topic unmodified &&
- git range-diff --no-color --notes=note1 --notes=note2 master..topic master..unmodified \
+ git range-diff --no-color --notes=note1 --notes=note2 main..topic main..unmodified \
>actual &&
sed s/Z/\ /g >expect <<-EOF &&
1: $(test_oid t1) = 1: $(test_oid u1) s/5/A/
@@ -595,7 +598,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch --range-diff does not compare notes by default
git notes add -m "unmodified note" unmodified &&
test_when_finished git notes remove topic unmodified &&
git format-patch --cover-letter --range-diff=$prev \
- master..unmodified >actual &&
+ main..unmodified >actual &&
test_when_finished "rm 000?-*" &&
test_line_count = 5 actual &&
test_i18ngrep "^Range-diff:$" 0000-* &&
@@ -612,7 +615,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch --range-diff with --no-notes' '
git notes add -m "unmodified note" unmodified &&
test_when_finished git notes remove topic unmodified &&
git format-patch --no-notes --cover-letter --range-diff=$prev \
- master..unmodified >actual &&
+ main..unmodified >actual &&
test_when_finished "rm 000?-*" &&
test_line_count = 5 actual &&
test_i18ngrep "^Range-diff:$" 0000-* &&
@@ -629,7 +632,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch --range-diff with --notes' '
git notes add -m "unmodified note" unmodified &&
test_when_finished git notes remove topic unmodified &&
git format-patch --notes --cover-letter --range-diff=$prev \
- master..unmodified >actual &&
+ main..unmodified >actual &&
test_when_finished "rm 000?-*" &&
test_line_count = 5 actual &&
test_i18ngrep "^Range-diff:$" 0000-* &&
@@ -658,7 +661,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch --range-diff with format.notes config' '
test_when_finished git notes remove topic unmodified &&
test_config format.notes true &&
git format-patch --cover-letter --range-diff=$prev \
- master..unmodified >actual &&
+ main..unmodified >actual &&
test_when_finished "rm 000?-*" &&
test_line_count = 5 actual &&
test_i18ngrep "^Range-diff:$" 0000-* &&
@@ -689,7 +692,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch --range-diff with multiple notes' '
git notes --ref=note2 add -m "unmodified note2" unmodified &&
test_when_finished git notes --ref=note2 remove topic unmodified &&
git format-patch --notes=note1 --notes=note2 --cover-letter --range-diff=$prev \
- master..unmodified >actual &&
+ main..unmodified >actual &&
test_when_finished "rm 000?-*" &&
test_line_count = 5 actual &&
test_i18ngrep "^Range-diff:$" 0000-* &&
diff --git a/t/t3206/history.export b/t/t3206/history.export
index 4c808e5b3b..4485adc37b 100644
--- a/t/t3206/history.export
+++ b/t/t3206/history.export
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ mark :11
data 10
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
mark :12
author Thomas Rast <> 1374485127 +0200
committer Thomas Rast <> 1374485127 +0200
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f41b2afb99..3b7cdc56ec 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ test_description='git pack-refs should not change the branch semantic
This test runs git pack-refs and git show-ref and checks that the branch
semantic is still the same.
. ./
test_expect_success 'enable reflogs' '
@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ test_expect_success 'delete ref with dangling packed version' '
git commit --allow-empty -m "future garbage" &&
git pack-refs --all &&
git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reflog expire --expire=all --all &&
git prune --expire=all &&
git branch -d lamb 2>result &&
@@ -240,7 +243,7 @@ test_expect_success 'retry acquiring packed-refs.lock' '
test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'pack symlinked packed-refs' '
# First make sure that symlinking works when reading:
- git update-ref refs/heads/lossy refs/heads/master &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/lossy refs/heads/main &&
git for-each-ref >all-refs-before &&
mv .git/packed-refs .git/my-deviant-packed-refs &&
ln -s my-deviant-packed-refs .git/packed-refs &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3b7caca421..37b9d26f4b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='tests for the peel_ref optimization of packed-refs'
. ./
test_expect_success 'create annotated tag in refs/tags' '
@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ print_ref() {
test_expect_success 'set up expected show-ref output' '
- print_ref "refs/heads/master" &&
+ print_ref "refs/heads/main" &&
print_ref "refs/outside/foo" &&
print_ref "refs/outside/foo^{}" &&
print_ref "refs/tags/base" &&
@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ test_expect_success 'create old-style pack-refs without fully-peeled' '
# know we are emulating exactly what an older git would have written.
echo "# pack-refs with: peeled " &&
- print_ref "refs/heads/master" &&
+ print_ref "refs/heads/main" &&
print_ref "refs/outside/foo" &&
print_ref "refs/tags/base" &&
print_ref "refs/tags/foo" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ca60faf480..4af881f0ba 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1300,11 +1300,11 @@ test_expect_success 'git notes copy diagnoses too many or too few parameters' '
test_i18ngrep "too many parameters" error
-test_expect_success 'git notes get-ref expands refs/heads/master to refs/notes/refs/heads/master' '
+test_expect_success 'git notes get-ref expands refs/heads/main to refs/notes/refs/heads/main' '
test_unconfig core.notesRef &&
sane_unset GIT_NOTES_REF &&
- echo refs/notes/refs/heads/master >expect &&
- git notes --ref=refs/heads/master get-ref >actual &&
+ echo refs/notes/refs/heads/main >expect &&
+ git notes --ref=refs/heads/main get-ref >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7217c5e222..ef8b63952e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Test commit notes index (expensive!)'
. ./
create_repo () {
@@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ create_repo () {
test_tick &&
cat <<-INPUT_END &&
- commit refs/heads/master
+ commit refs/heads/main
mark :$mark
data <<COMMIT
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 704aee81ef..d47ce00f69 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='Test commit notes organized in subtrees'
. ./
@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ test_expect_success "setup: create $number_of_commits commits" '
nr=$(($nr+1)) &&
test_tick &&
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
data <<COMMIT
commit #$nr
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ test_sha1_based () {
start_note_commit &&
nr=$number_of_commits &&
- git rev-list refs/heads/master |
+ git rev-list refs/heads/main |
while read sha1; do
note_path=$(echo "$sha1" | sed "$1")
cat <<INPUT_END &&
@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ test_same_notes () {
start_note_commit &&
nr=$number_of_commits &&
- git rev-list refs/heads/master |
+ git rev-list refs/heads/main |
while read sha1; do
first_note_path=$(echo "$sha1" | sed "$1")
second_note_path=$(echo "$sha1" | sed "$2")
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ test_concatenated_notes () {
start_note_commit &&
nr=$number_of_commits &&
- git rev-list refs/heads/master |
+ git rev-list refs/heads/main |
while read sha1; do
first_note_path=$(echo "$sha1" | sed "$1")
second_note_path=$(echo "$sha1" | sed "$2")
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1709e8c00b..03dfcd3954 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='Test notes trees that also contain non-notes'
. ./
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ test_expect_success "setup: create a couple of commits" '
test_tick &&
cat <<INPUT_END >input &&
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
data <<COMMIT
commit #1
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ INPUT_END
test_tick &&
cat <<INPUT_END >>input &&
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
data <<COMMIT
commit #2
@@ -68,8 +71,8 @@ INPUT_END
test_expect_success "create a notes tree with both notes and non-notes" '
- commit1=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/master^) &&
- commit2=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/master) &&
+ commit1=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/main^) &&
+ commit2=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/main) &&
test_tick &&
cat <<INPUT_END >input &&
commit refs/notes/commits
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d69c84c640..202702be1a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fail to merge into various non-notes refs' '
git update-ref refs/notes/dir/foo HEAD &&
test_must_fail git -c "core.notesRef=refs/notes/dir" notes merge x &&
test_must_fail git -c "core.notesRef=refs/notes/dir/" notes merge x &&
- test_must_fail git -c "core.notesRef=refs/heads/master" notes merge x &&
+ test_must_fail git -c "core.notesRef=refs/heads/main" notes merge x &&
test_must_fail git -c "core.notesRef=refs/notes/y:" notes merge x &&
test_must_fail git -c "core.notesRef=refs/notes/y:foo" notes merge x &&
test_must_fail git -c "core.notesRef=refs/notes/foo^{bar" notes merge x
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 823fdbda1f..052516e6c6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Test merging of notes trees in multiple worktrees'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup commit' '
@@ -36,8 +39,8 @@ test_expect_success 'modify notes ref ourselves (x)' '
test_expect_success 'create some new worktrees' '
- git worktree add -b newbranch worktree master &&
- git worktree add -b newbranch2 worktree2 master
+ git worktree add -b newbranch worktree main &&
+ git worktree add -b newbranch2 worktree2 main
test_expect_success 'merge z into y fails and sets NOTES_MERGE_REF' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 40d2975995..5e88a10f8d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ test_description='git rebase assorted tests
This test runs git rebase and checks that the author information is not lost
among other things.
. ./
@@ -24,15 +27,15 @@ test_expect_success 'prepare repository with topic branches' '
git update-index --add Y &&
git commit -m "Add Y." &&
git checkout -b filemove &&
- git reset --soft master &&
+ git reset --soft main &&
mkdir D &&
git mv A D/A &&
git commit -m "Move A." &&
- git checkout -b my-topic-branch master &&
+ git checkout -b my-topic-branch main &&
echo Second >B &&
git update-index --add B &&
git commit -m "Add B." &&
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
echo Third >>A &&
git update-index A &&
git commit -m "Modify A." &&
@@ -46,23 +49,23 @@ test_expect_success 'prepare repository with topic branches' '
test_expect_success 'rebase on dirty worktree' '
echo dirty >>A &&
- test_must_fail git rebase master
+ test_must_fail git rebase main
test_expect_success 'rebase on dirty cache' '
git add A &&
- test_must_fail git rebase master
+ test_must_fail git rebase main
-test_expect_success 'rebase against master' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase against main' '
git reset --hard HEAD &&
- git rebase master
+ git rebase main
test_expect_success 'rebase sets ORIG_HEAD to pre-rebase state' '
git checkout -b orig-head topic &&
pre="$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
test_cmp_rev "$pre" ORIG_HEAD &&
test_cmp_rev ! "$pre" HEAD
@@ -93,19 +96,19 @@ test_expect_success 'HEAD was detached during rebase' '
test_expect_success 'rebase from ambiguous branch name' '
git checkout -b topic side &&
- git rebase master
+ git rebase main
test_expect_success 'rebase off of the previous branch using "-"' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout HEAD^ &&
git rebase @{-1} >expect.messages &&
- git merge-base master HEAD >expect.forkpoint &&
+ git merge-base main HEAD >expect.forkpoint &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout HEAD^ &&
git rebase - >actual.messages &&
- git merge-base master HEAD >actual.forkpoint &&
+ git merge-base main HEAD >actual.forkpoint &&
test_cmp expect.forkpoint actual.forkpoint &&
# the next one is dubious---we may want to say "-",
@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase off of the previous branch using "-"' '
test_expect_success 'rebase a single mode change' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -D topic &&
echo 1 >X &&
git add X &&
@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase a single mode change' '
test_chmod +x A &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m modechange &&
- GIT_TRACE=1 git rebase master
+ GIT_TRACE=1 git rebase main
test_expect_success 'rebase is not broken by diff.renames' '
@@ -162,11 +165,11 @@ test_expect_success 'fail when upstream arg is missing and not configured' '
test_expect_success 'rebase works with format.useAutoBase' '
test_config format.useAutoBase true &&
git checkout topic &&
- git rebase master
+ git rebase main
test_expect_success 'default to common base in @{upstream}s reflog if no upstream arg (--merge)' '
- git checkout -b default-base master &&
+ git checkout -b default-base main &&
git checkout -b default topic &&
git config branch.default.remote . &&
git config branch.default.merge refs/heads/default-base &&
@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@ test_expect_success 'default to common base in @{upstream}s reflog if no upstrea
test_expect_success 'default to common base in @{upstream}s reflog if no upstream arg (--apply)' '
- git checkout -B default-base master &&
+ git checkout -B default-base main &&
git checkout -B default topic &&
git config branch.default.remote . &&
git config branch.default.merge refs/heads/default-base &&
@@ -226,13 +229,13 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-picked commits and fork-point work together' '
test_expect_success 'rebase --apply -q is quiet' '
git checkout -b quiet topic &&
- git rebase --apply -q master >output.out 2>&1 &&
+ git rebase --apply -q main >output.out 2>&1 &&
test_must_be_empty output.out
test_expect_success 'rebase --merge -q is quiet' '
git checkout -B quiet topic &&
- git rebase --merge -q master >output.out 2>&1 &&
+ git rebase --merge -q main >output.out 2>&1 &&
test_must_be_empty output.out
@@ -294,7 +297,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase commit with an ancient timestamp' '
test_expect_success 'rebase with "From " line in commit message' '
- git checkout -b preserve-from master~1 &&
+ git checkout -b preserve-from main~1 &&
cat >From_.msg <<EOF &&
Somebody embedded an mbox in a commit message
@@ -310,7 +313,7 @@ EOF
>From_ &&
git add From_ &&
git commit -F From_.msg &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
git log -1 --pretty=format:%B >out &&
test_cmp From_.msg out
@@ -357,12 +360,12 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --apply and .gitattributes' '
git cherry-pick test &&
git checkout test &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
grep "smudged" a.txt &&
git checkout removal &&
git reset --hard &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
grep "clean" a.txt
@@ -402,20 +405,20 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase -c rebase.useBuiltin=false warning' '
test_expect_success 'switch to branch checked out here' '
- git checkout master &&
- git rebase master master
+ git checkout main &&
+ git rebase main main
test_expect_success 'switch to branch not checked out' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch other &&
- git rebase master other
+ git rebase main other
test_expect_success 'refuse to switch to branch checked out elsewhere' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git worktree add wt &&
- test_must_fail git -C wt rebase master master 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git -C wt rebase main main 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "already checked out" err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6e032716a6..cfde68f193 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='git rebase --merge test'
. ./
T="A quick brown fox
@@ -19,10 +22,10 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git commit -m"initial" &&
git branch side &&
echo "11 $T" >>original &&
- git commit -a -m"master updates a bit." &&
+ git commit -a -m"main updates a bit." &&
echo "12 $T" >>original &&
- git commit -a -m"master updates a bit more." &&
+ git commit -a -m"main updates a bit more." &&
git checkout side &&
(echo "0 $T" && cat original) >renamed &&
@@ -47,13 +50,13 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'reference merge' '
- git merge -s recursive -m "reference merge" master
+ git merge -s recursive -m "reference merge" main
PRE_REBASE=$(git rev-parse test-rebase)
test_expect_success rebase '
git checkout test-rebase &&
- GIT_TRACE=1 git rebase --merge master
+ GIT_TRACE=1 git rebase --merge main
test_expect_success 'test-rebase@{1} is pre rebase' '
@@ -72,24 +75,24 @@ test_expect_success 'merge and rebase should match' '
test_expect_success 'rebase the other way' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git rebase --merge side
test_expect_success 'rebase -Xtheirs' '
- git checkout -b conflicting master~2 &&
+ git checkout -b conflicting main~2 &&
echo "AB $T" >> original &&
git commit -mconflicting original &&
- git rebase -Xtheirs master &&
+ git rebase -Xtheirs main &&
grep AB original &&
! grep 11 original
test_expect_success 'rebase -Xtheirs from orphan' '
- git checkout --orphan orphan-conflicting master~2 &&
+ git checkout --orphan orphan-conflicting main~2 &&
echo "AB $T" >> original &&
git commit -morphan-conflicting original &&
- git rebase -Xtheirs master &&
+ git rebase -Xtheirs main &&
grep AB original &&
! grep 11 original
@@ -107,9 +110,9 @@ test_expect_success 'merge and rebase should match' '
test_expect_success 'picking rebase' '
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase --merge --onto master side^^ &&
- mb=$(git merge-base master HEAD) &&
- if test "$mb" = "$(git rev-parse master)"
+ git rebase --merge --onto main side^^ &&
+ mb=$(git merge-base main HEAD) &&
+ if test "$mb" = "$(git rev-parse main)"
echo happy
@@ -140,11 +143,11 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase -s funny -Xopt' '
chmod +x test-bin/git-merge-funny &&
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout -b test-funny master^ &&
+ git checkout -b test-funny main^ &&
test_commit funny &&
PATH=./test-bin:$PATH &&
- git rebase -s funny -Xopt master
+ git rebase -s funny -Xopt main
) &&
test -f
@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --skip works with two conflicts in a row' '
test_expect_success '--reapply-cherry-picks' '
git init repo &&
- # O(1-10) -- O(1-11) -- O(0-10) master
+ # O(1-10) -- O(1-11) -- O(0-10) main
# \
# -- O(1-11) -- O(1-12) otherbranch
@@ -187,18 +190,18 @@ test_expect_success '--reapply-cherry-picks' '
git -C repo commit -a -m "add 12 in another branch" &&
# Regular rebase fails, because the 1-11 commit is deduplicated
- test_must_fail git -C repo rebase --merge master 2> err &&
+ test_must_fail git -C repo rebase --merge main 2> err &&
test_i18ngrep "error: could not apply.*add 12 in another branch" err &&
git -C repo rebase --abort &&
# With --reapply-cherry-picks, it works
- git -C repo rebase --merge --reapply-cherry-picks master
+ git -C repo rebase --merge --reapply-cherry-picks main
test_expect_success '--reapply-cherry-picks refrains from reading unneeded blobs' '
git init server &&
- # O(1-10) -- O(1-11) -- O(1-12) master
+ # O(1-10) -- O(1-11) -- O(1-12) main
# \
# -- O(0-10) otherbranch
@@ -220,18 +223,18 @@ test_expect_success '--reapply-cherry-picks refrains from reading unneeded blobs
test_config -C server uploadpack.allowanysha1inwant 1 &&
git clone --filter=blob:none "file://$(pwd)/server" client &&
- git -C client checkout origin/master &&
+ git -C client checkout origin/main &&
git -C client checkout origin/otherbranch &&
# Sanity check to ensure that the blobs from the merge base and "add
# 11" are missing
git -C client rev-list --objects --all --missing=print >missing_list &&
- MERGE_BASE_BLOB=$(git -C server rev-parse master^^:file.txt) &&
- ADD_11_BLOB=$(git -C server rev-parse master^:file.txt) &&
+ MERGE_BASE_BLOB=$(git -C server rev-parse main^^:file.txt) &&
+ ADD_11_BLOB=$(git -C server rev-parse main^:file.txt) &&
grep "[?]$MERGE_BASE_BLOB" missing_list &&
grep "[?]$ADD_11_BLOB" missing_list &&
- git -C client rebase --merge --reapply-cherry-picks origin/master &&
+ git -C client rebase --merge --reapply-cherry-picks origin/main &&
# The blob from the merge base had to be fetched, but not "add 11"
git -C client rev-list --objects --all --missing=print >missing_list &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a927774910..e26762d0b2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='git rebase --merge --skip tests'
. ./
@@ -48,7 +51,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'rebase with git am -3 (default)' '
- test_must_fail git rebase master
+ test_must_fail git rebase main
test_expect_success 'rebase --skip can not be used with other options' '
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase moves back to skip-reference' '
test refs/heads/skip-reference = $(git symbolic-ref HEAD) &&
git branch post-rebase &&
git reset --hard pre-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git rebase master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase main &&
echo "hello" > hello &&
git add hello &&
git rebase --continue &&
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase moves back to skip-reference' '
test_expect_success 'checkout skip-merge' 'git checkout -f skip-merge'
test_expect_success 'rebase with --merge' '
- test_must_fail git rebase --merge master
+ test_must_fail git rebase --merge main
test_expect_success 'rebase --skip with --merge' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b06fc36159..1e738df81d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ Initial setup:
where A, B, D and G all touch file1, and one, two, three, four all
touch file "conflict".
. ./
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 860e63e444..2524331861 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='rebase should handle arbitrary git message'
. ./
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git add file3 &&
git commit --allow-empty-message -m "" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo One >file1 &&
test_tick &&
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'rebase commit with multi-line subject' '
- git rebase master multi-line-subject &&
+ git rebase main multi-line-subject &&
git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >F1 &&
test_cmp F0 F1 &&
@@ -70,14 +73,14 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase commit with multi-line subject' '
test_expect_success 'rebase commit with diff in message' '
- git rebase master diff-in-message &&
+ git rebase main diff-in-message &&
git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^$/d" >G1 &&
test_cmp G0 G1 &&
test_cmp G G0
test_expect_success 'rebase -m commit with empty message' '
- git rebase -m master empty-message-merge
+ git rebase -m main empty-message-merge
test_expect_success 'rebase -i commit with empty message' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6340e9bc72..77a313f62e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='messages from rebase operation'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -18,27 +21,27 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'rebase -m' '
- git rebase -m master >actual &&
+ git rebase -m main >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
-test_expect_success 'rebase against master twice' '
- git rebase --apply master >out &&
+test_expect_success 'rebase against main twice' '
+ git rebase --apply main >out &&
test_i18ngrep "Current branch topic is up to date" out
-test_expect_success 'rebase against master twice with --force' '
- git rebase --force-rebase --apply master >out &&
+test_expect_success 'rebase against main twice with --force' '
+ git rebase --force-rebase --apply main >out &&
test_i18ngrep "Current branch topic is up to date, rebase forced" out
-test_expect_success 'rebase against master twice from another branch' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase against main twice from another branch' '
git checkout topic^ &&
- git rebase --apply master topic >out &&
+ git rebase --apply main topic >out &&
test_i18ngrep "Current branch topic is up to date" out
-test_expect_success 'rebase fast-forward to master' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase fast-forward to main' '
git checkout topic^ &&
git rebase --apply topic >out &&
test_i18ngrep "Fast-forwarded HEAD to topic" out
@@ -46,21 +49,21 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase fast-forward to master' '
test_expect_success 'rebase --stat' '
git reset --hard start &&
- git rebase --stat master >diffstat.txt &&
+ git rebase --stat main >diffstat.txt &&
grep "^ fileX | *1 +$" diffstat.txt
test_expect_success 'rebase w/config rebase.stat' '
git reset --hard start &&
git config rebase.stat true &&
- git rebase master >diffstat.txt &&
+ git rebase main >diffstat.txt &&
grep "^ fileX | *1 +$" diffstat.txt
test_expect_success 'rebase -n overrides config rebase.stat config' '
git reset --hard start &&
git config rebase.stat true &&
- git rebase -n master >diffstat.txt &&
+ git rebase -n main >diffstat.txt &&
! grep "^ fileX | *1 +$" diffstat.txt
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase -i onto unrelated history' '
git init unrelated &&
test_commit -C unrelated 1 &&
git -C unrelated remote add -f origin "$PWD" &&
- git -C unrelated branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master &&
+ git -C unrelated branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main &&
git -C unrelated -c core.editor=true rebase -i -v --stat >actual &&
test_i18ngrep "Changes to " actual &&
test_i18ngrep "5 files changed" actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 97efea0f56..7c381fbc89 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git rebase --abort tests'
. ./
### Test that we handle space characters properly
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ testrebase() {
cd "$work_dir" &&
# Clean up the state from the previous one
git reset --hard pre-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git rebase$type master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase$type main &&
test_path_is_dir "$dotest" &&
git rebase --abort &&
test $(git rev-parse to-rebase) = $(git rev-parse pre-rebase) &&
@@ -48,10 +51,10 @@ testrebase() {
cd "$work_dir" &&
# Clean up the state from the previous one
git reset --hard pre-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git rebase$type master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase$type main &&
test_path_is_dir "$dotest" &&
test_must_fail git rebase --skip &&
- test $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $(git rev-parse master) &&
+ test $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $(git rev-parse main) &&
git rebase --abort &&
test $(git rev-parse to-rebase) = $(git rev-parse pre-rebase) &&
test ! -d "$dotest"
@@ -61,13 +64,13 @@ testrebase() {
cd "$work_dir" &&
# Clean up the state from the previous one
git reset --hard pre-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git rebase$type master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase$type main &&
test_path_is_dir "$dotest" &&
echo c > a &&
echo d >> a &&
git add a &&
test_must_fail git rebase --continue &&
- test $(git rev-parse HEAD) != $(git rev-parse master) &&
+ test $(git rev-parse HEAD) != $(git rev-parse main) &&
git rebase --abort &&
test $(git rev-parse to-rebase) = $(git rev-parse pre-rebase) &&
test ! -d "$dotest"
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ testrebase() {
# Clean up the state from the previous one
git reset --hard pre-rebase &&
git reflog show to-rebase > reflog_before &&
- test_must_fail git rebase$type master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase$type main &&
git rebase --abort &&
git reflog show to-rebase > reflog_after &&
test_cmp reflog_before reflog_after &&
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ testrebase() {
cd "$work_dir" &&
# Clean up the state from the previous one
git reset --hard pre-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git rebase$type master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase$type main &&
test_must_fail git rebase -v --abort &&
test_must_fail git rebase --abort -v &&
git rebase --abort
@@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --apply --quit' '
cd "$work_dir" &&
# Clean up the state from the previous one
git reset --hard pre-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git rebase --apply master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase --apply main &&
test_path_is_dir .git/rebase-apply &&
head_before=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
git rebase --quit &&
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --merge --quit' '
cd "$work_dir" &&
# Clean up the state from the previous one
git reset --hard pre-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git rebase --merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase --merge main &&
test_path_is_dir .git/rebase-merge &&
head_before=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
git rebase --quit &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d2bd7c17b0..ab0960e6d9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='rebasing a commit with multi-line first paragraph.'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ But otherwise with a sane description." side2 &&
test_expect_success rebase '
git checkout side &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
git cat-file commit side@{1} | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3b340f1ece..ec8062a66a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ test_description='git rebase -p should preserve merges
Run "git rebase -p" and check that merges are properly carried along
. ./
if ! test_have_prereq REBASE_P; then
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL
# Clone 2 (conflicting merge):
-# A1--A2--B3 <-- origin/master
+# A1--A2--B3 <-- origin/main
# \ \
# B1------M <-- topic
# \
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL
# Clone 3 (no-ff merge):
-# A1--A2--B3 <-- origin/master
+# A1--A2--B3 <-- origin/main
# \
# B1------M <-- topic
# \ /
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup for merge-preserving rebase' \
echo Second > B &&
git add B &&
git commit -m "Add B1" &&
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
echo Third >> A &&
git commit -a -m "Modify A2" &&
echo Fifth > B &&
@@ -55,10 +58,10 @@ test_expect_success 'setup for merge-preserving rebase' \
cd clone2 &&
git checkout -b topic origin/topic &&
- test_must_fail git merge origin/master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge origin/main &&
echo Resolved >B &&
git add B &&
- git commit -m "Merge origin/master into topic"
+ git commit -m "Merge origin/main into topic"
) &&
git clone ./. clone3 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 21632a984e..fda62c65bd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ test_description='git rebase --root
Tests if git rebase --root --onto <newparent> can rebase the root commit.
. ./
log_with_names () {
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prepare repository' '
test_expect_success 'rebase --root fails with too many args' '
git checkout -B fail other &&
- test_must_fail git rebase --onto master --root fail fail
+ test_must_fail git rebase --onto main --root fail fail
test_expect_success 'setup pre-rebase hook' '
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'rebase --root --onto <newbase>' '
git checkout -b work other &&
- git rebase --root --onto master &&
+ git rebase --root --onto main &&
git log --pretty=tformat:"%s" > rebased &&
test_cmp expect rebased
@@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pre-rebase got correct input (1)' '
test_expect_success 'rebase --root --onto <newbase> <branch>' '
git branch work2 other &&
- git rebase --root --onto master work2 &&
+ git rebase --root --onto main work2 &&
git log --pretty=tformat:"%s" > rebased2 &&
test_cmp expect rebased2
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pre-rebase got correct input (2)' '
test_expect_success 'rebase -i --root --onto <newbase>' '
git checkout -b work3 other &&
- git rebase -i --root --onto master &&
+ git rebase -i --root --onto main &&
git log --pretty=tformat:"%s" > rebased3 &&
test_cmp expect rebased3
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pre-rebase got correct input (3)' '
test_expect_success 'rebase -i --root --onto <newbase> <branch>' '
git branch work4 other &&
- git rebase -i --root --onto master work4 &&
+ git rebase -i --root --onto main work4 &&
git log --pretty=tformat:"%s" > rebased4 &&
test_cmp expect rebased4
@@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pre-rebase got correct input (4)' '
test_expect_success REBASE_P 'rebase -i -p with linear history' '
git checkout -b work5 other &&
- git rebase -i -p --root --onto master &&
+ git rebase -i -p --root --onto main &&
git log --pretty=tformat:"%s" > rebased5 &&
test_cmp expect rebased5
@@ -122,7 +125,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success REBASE_P 'rebase -i -p with merge' '
git checkout -b work6 other &&
- git rebase -i -p --root --onto master &&
+ git rebase -i -p --root --onto main &&
log_with_names work6 > rebased6 &&
test_cmp expect-side rebased6
@@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success REBASE_P 'rebase -i -p with two roots' '
git checkout -b work7 other &&
- git rebase -i -p --root --onto master &&
+ git rebase -i -p --root --onto main &&
log_with_names work7 > rebased7 &&
test_cmp expect-third rebased7
@@ -173,14 +176,14 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook stops rebase' '
git checkout -b stops1 other &&
- test_must_fail git rebase --root --onto master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase --root --onto main &&
test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = zrefs/heads/stops1 &&
test 0 = $(git rev-list other...stops1 | wc -l)
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook stops rebase -i' '
git checkout -b stops2 other &&
- test_must_fail git rebase --root --onto master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase --root --onto main &&
test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = zrefs/heads/stops2 &&
test 0 = $(git rev-list other...stops2 | wc -l)
@@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ test_expect_success 'remove pre-rebase hook' '
test_expect_success 'set up a conflict' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo conflict > B &&
git add B &&
git commit -m conflict
@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up a conflict' '
test_expect_success 'rebase --root with conflict (first part)' '
git checkout -b conflict1 other &&
- test_must_fail git rebase --root --onto master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase --root --onto main &&
git ls-files -u | grep "B$"
@@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --root with conflict (second part)' '
test_expect_success 'rebase -i --root with conflict (first part)' '
git checkout -b conflict2 other &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -i --root --onto master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase -i --root --onto main &&
git ls-files -u | grep "B$"
@@ -263,7 +266,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success REBASE_P 'rebase -i -p --root with conflict (first part)' '
git checkout -b conflict3 other &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -i -p --root --onto master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase -i -p --root --onto main &&
git ls-files -u | grep "B$"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b6833e9a5f..b4acb3be5c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git rebase with its hook(s)'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git add git &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m side &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --all &&
git branch test side
@@ -26,14 +29,14 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'rebase' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld
test_expect_success 'rebase -i' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- EDITOR=true git rebase -i master &&
+ EDITOR=true git rebase -i main &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld
@@ -49,53 +52,53 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook gets correct input (1)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld &&
- test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmaster,
+ test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmain,
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook gets correct input (2)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase master test &&
+ git rebase main test &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld &&
- test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmaster,test
+ test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmain,test
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook gets correct input (3)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git checkout master &&
- git rebase master test &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ git rebase main test &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld &&
- test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmaster,test
+ test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmain,test
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook gets correct input (4)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- EDITOR=true git rebase -i master &&
+ EDITOR=true git rebase -i main &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld &&
- test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmaster,
+ test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmain,
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook gets correct input (5)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- EDITOR=true git rebase -i master test &&
+ EDITOR=true git rebase -i main test &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld &&
- test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmaster,test
+ test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmain,test
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook gets correct input (6)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git checkout master &&
- EDITOR=true git rebase -i master test &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ EDITOR=true git rebase -i main test &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld &&
- test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmaster,test
+ test "z$(cat .git/PRE-REBASE-INPUT)" = zmain,test
test_expect_success 'setup pre-rebase hook that fails' '
@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook stops rebase (1)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- test_must_fail git rebase master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase main &&
test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = zrefs/heads/test &&
test 0 = $(git rev-list HEAD...side | wc -l)
@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook stops rebase (1)' '
test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook stops rebase (2)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- test_must_fail env EDITOR=: git rebase -i master &&
+ test_must_fail env EDITOR=: git rebase -i main &&
test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = zrefs/heads/test &&
test 0 = $(git rev-list HEAD...side | wc -l)
@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pre-rebase hook stops rebase (2)' '
test_expect_success 'rebase --no-verify overrides pre-rebase (1)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase --no-verify master &&
+ git rebase --no-verify main &&
test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = zrefs/heads/test &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld
@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --no-verify overrides pre-rebase (1)' '
test_expect_success 'rebase --no-verify overrides pre-rebase (2)' '
git checkout test &&
git reset --hard side &&
- EDITOR=true git rebase --no-verify -i master &&
+ EDITOR=true git rebase --no-verify -i main &&
test "z$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" = zrefs/heads/test &&
test "z$(cat git)" = zworld
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7bab6000dc..36f169d7f1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='auto squash'
. ./
@@ -407,7 +410,7 @@ test_expect_success 'wrapped original subject' '
test_expect_success 'abort last squash' '
test_when_finished "test_might_fail git rebase --abort" &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
git checkout -b some-squashes &&
git commit --allow-empty -m first &&
@@ -440,4 +443,12 @@ test_expect_success 'fixup a fixup' '
test XZWY = $(git show | tr -cd W-Z)
+test_expect_success 'fixup does not clean up commit message' '
+ oneline="#818" &&
+ git commit --allow-empty -m "$oneline" &&
+ git commit --fixup HEAD --allow-empty &&
+ git -c commit.cleanup=strip rebase -ki --autosquash HEAD~2 &&
+ test "$oneline" = "$(git show -s --format=%s)"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9c2548423b..3716a42e81 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,17 +2,20 @@
test_description='git rebase --onto A...B'
. ./
-# Rebase only the tip commit of "topic" on merge base between "master"
-# and "topic". Cannot do this for "side" with "master" because there
+# Rebase only the tip commit of "topic" on merge base between "main"
+# and "topic". Cannot do this for "side" with "main" because there
# is no single merge base.
# F---G topic G'
# / /
-# A---B---C---D---E master --> A---B---C---D---E
+# A---B---C---D---E main --> A---B---C---D---E
# \ \ /
# \ x
# \ / \
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git branch topic &&
git checkout side &&
test_commit H &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git merge H &&
git tag D &&
@@ -42,83 +45,83 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_commit K
-test_expect_success 'rebase --onto master...topic' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase --onto main...topic' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout topic &&
git reset --hard G &&
- git rebase --onto master...topic F &&
+ git rebase --onto main...topic F &&
git rev-parse HEAD^1 >actual &&
git rev-parse C^0 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'rebase --onto master...' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase --onto main...' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout topic &&
git reset --hard G &&
- git rebase --onto master... F &&
+ git rebase --onto main... F &&
git rev-parse HEAD^1 >actual &&
git rev-parse C^0 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'rebase --onto master...side' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase --onto main...side' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout side &&
git reset --hard K &&
- test_must_fail git rebase --onto master...side J
+ test_must_fail git rebase --onto main...side J
-test_expect_success 'rebase -i --onto master...topic' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase -i --onto main...topic' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout topic &&
git reset --hard G &&
set_fake_editor &&
- EXPECT_COUNT=1 git rebase -i --onto master...topic F &&
+ EXPECT_COUNT=1 git rebase -i --onto main...topic F &&
git rev-parse HEAD^1 >actual &&
git rev-parse C^0 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'rebase -i --onto master...' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase -i --onto main...' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout topic &&
git reset --hard G &&
set_fake_editor &&
- EXPECT_COUNT=1 git rebase -i --onto master... F &&
+ EXPECT_COUNT=1 git rebase -i --onto main... F &&
git rev-parse HEAD^1 >actual &&
git rev-parse C^0 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'rebase -i --onto master...side' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase -i --onto main...side' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout side &&
git reset --hard K &&
set_fake_editor &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -i --onto master...side J
+ test_must_fail git rebase -i --onto main...side J
test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base --onto incompatible' '
- test_must_fail git rebase --keep-base --onto master...
+ test_must_fail git rebase --keep-base --onto main...
test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base --root incompatible' '
test_must_fail git rebase --keep-base --root
-test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base master from topic' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base main from topic' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout topic &&
git reset --hard G &&
- git rebase --keep-base master &&
+ git rebase --keep-base main &&
git rev-parse C >base.expect &&
- git merge-base master HEAD >base.actual &&
+ git merge-base main HEAD >base.actual &&
test_cmp base.expect base.actual &&
git rev-parse HEAD~2 >actual &&
@@ -126,23 +129,23 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base master from topic' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base master from side' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base main from side' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout side &&
git reset --hard K &&
- test_must_fail git rebase --keep-base master
+ test_must_fail git rebase --keep-base main
-test_expect_success 'rebase -i --keep-base master from topic' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase -i --keep-base main from topic' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout topic &&
git reset --hard G &&
set_fake_editor &&
- EXPECT_COUNT=2 git rebase -i --keep-base master &&
+ EXPECT_COUNT=2 git rebase -i --keep-base main &&
git rev-parse C >base.expect &&
- git merge-base master HEAD >base.actual &&
+ git merge-base main HEAD >base.actual &&
test_cmp base.expect base.actual &&
git rev-parse HEAD~2 >actual &&
@@ -150,13 +153,13 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase -i --keep-base master from topic' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'rebase -i --keep-base master from side' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase -i --keep-base main from side' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout side &&
git reset --hard K &&
set_fake_editor &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -i --keep-base master
+ test_must_fail git rebase -i --keep-base main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7a2da972fd..0838f4e798 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git rebase --continue tests'
. ./
@@ -15,13 +18,13 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git checkout -b topic HEAD^ &&
test_commit "commit-new-file-F2-on-topic-branch" F2 22 &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'interactive rebase --continue works with touched file' '
rm -fr .git/rebase-* &&
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
FAKE_LINES="edit 1" git rebase -i HEAD^ &&
test-tool chmtime =-60 F1 &&
@@ -31,9 +34,9 @@ test_expect_success 'interactive rebase --continue works with touched file' '
test_expect_success 'non-interactive rebase --continue works with touched file' '
rm -fr .git/rebase-* &&
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
- test_must_fail git rebase --onto master master topic &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase --onto main main topic &&
echo "Resolved" >F2 &&
git add F2 &&
test-tool chmtime =-60 F1 &&
@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --continue remembers merge strategy and options' '
chmod +x test-bin/git-merge-funny &&
PATH=./test-bin:$PATH &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -s funny -Xopt master topic
+ test_must_fail git rebase -s funny -Xopt main topic
) &&
test -f &&
rm &&
@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase -i --continue handles merge strategy and options' '
chmod +x test-bin/git-merge-funny &&
PATH=./test-bin:$PATH &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -i -s funny -Xopt -Xfoo master topic
+ test_must_fail git rebase -i -s funny -Xopt -Xfoo main topic
) &&
test -f &&
rm &&
@@ -188,11 +191,11 @@ test_expect_success '--skip after failed fixup cleans commit message' '
test_expect_success 'setup rerere database' '
rm -fr .git/rebase-* &&
git reset --hard commit-new-file-F3-on-topic-branch &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit "commit-new-file-F3" F3 3 &&
test_config rerere.enabled true &&
git update-ref refs/heads/topic commit-new-file-F3-on-topic-branch &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -m master topic &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase -m main topic &&
echo "Resolved" >F2 &&
cp F2 expected-F2 &&
git add F2 &&
@@ -207,7 +210,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup rerere database' '
prepare () {
rm -fr .git/rebase-* &&
git reset --hard commit-new-file-F3-on-topic-branch &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_config rerere.enabled true
@@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ test_rerere_autoupdate () {
action=$1 &&
test_expect_success "rebase $action --continue remembers --rerere-autoupdate" '
prepare &&
- test_must_fail git rebase $action --rerere-autoupdate master topic &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase $action --rerere-autoupdate main topic &&
test_cmp expected-F2 F2 &&
git diff-files --quiet &&
test_must_fail git rebase --continue &&
@@ -227,7 +230,7 @@ test_rerere_autoupdate () {
test_expect_success "rebase $action --continue honors rerere.autoUpdate" '
prepare &&
test_config rerere.autoupdate true &&
- test_must_fail git rebase $action master topic &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase $action main topic &&
test_cmp expected-F2 F2 &&
git diff-files --quiet &&
test_must_fail git rebase --continue &&
@@ -239,7 +242,7 @@ test_rerere_autoupdate () {
test_expect_success "rebase $action --continue remembers --no-rerere-autoupdate" '
prepare &&
test_config rerere.autoupdate true &&
- test_must_fail git rebase $action --no-rerere-autoupdate master topic &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase $action --no-rerere-autoupdate main topic &&
test_cmp expected-F2 F2 &&
test_must_fail git diff-files --quiet &&
git add F2 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1f32faa4a4..295040f2fe 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git rebase - test patch id computation'
. ./
scramble () {
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'setup: 500 lines' '
rm -f .gitattributes &&
- git checkout -q -f master &&
+ git checkout -q -f main &&
git reset --hard root &&
test_seq 500 >file &&
git add file &&
@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup: 500 lines' '
git add newfile &&
git commit -q -m "add small file" &&
- git cherry-pick master >/dev/null 2>&1
+ git cherry-pick main >/dev/null 2>&1
test_expect_success 'setup attributes' '
@@ -48,18 +51,18 @@ test_expect_success 'setup attributes' '
test_expect_success 'detect upstream patch' '
- git checkout -q master &&
+ git checkout -q main &&
scramble file &&
git add file &&
git commit -q -m "change big file again" &&
git checkout -q other^{} &&
- git rebase master &&
- git rev-list master...HEAD~ >revs &&
+ git rebase main &&
+ git rev-list main...HEAD~ >revs &&
test_must_be_empty revs
test_expect_success 'do not drop patch' '
- git branch -f squashed master &&
+ git branch -f squashed main &&
git checkout -q -f squashed &&
git reset -q --soft HEAD~2 &&
git commit -q -m squashed &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ca331733fb..4caa014c71 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='git rebase --autostash tests'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -21,12 +24,12 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git add . &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m "third commit" &&
- git checkout -b unrelated-onto-branch master &&
+ git checkout -b unrelated-onto-branch main &&
echo unrelated >file4 &&
git add . &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m "unrelated commit" &&
- git checkout -b related-onto-branch master &&
+ git checkout -b related-onto-branch main &&
echo conflicting-change >file2 &&
git add . &&
test_tick &&
@@ -305,7 +308,7 @@ test_expect_success 'autostash is saved on editor failure with conflict' '
test_expect_success 'autostash with dirty submodules' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
git checkout -b with-submodule &&
git submodule add ./ sub &&
test_tick &&
@@ -324,7 +327,7 @@ test_expect_success 'branch is left alone when possible' '
test_expect_success 'never change active branch' '
git checkout -b not-the-feature-branch unrelated-onto-branch &&
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
echo changed >file0 &&
git rebase --autostash not-the-feature-branch feature-branch &&
test_cmp_rev not-the-feature-branch unrelated-onto-branch
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6963750794..4859bb8f72 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ test_description='git rebase interactive with rewording'
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- test_commit master file-1 test &&
+ test_commit main file-1 test &&
git checkout -b stuff &&
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ test_expect_success 'reword without issues functions as intended' '
set_fake_editor &&
FAKE_LINES="pick 1 reword 2" FAKE_COMMIT_MESSAGE="feature_b_reworded" \
- git rebase -i -v master &&
+ git rebase -i -v main &&
test "$(git log -1 --format=%B)" = "feature_b_reworded" &&
test $(git rev-list --count HEAD) = 3
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ test_expect_success 'reword after a conflict preserves commit' '
set_fake_editor &&
test_must_fail env FAKE_LINES="reword 2" \
- git rebase -i -v master &&
+ git rebase -i -v main &&
git checkout --theirs file-2 &&
git add file-2 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5839719ba1..e78c7e3796 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ test_description='git rebase tests for -Xsubtree
This test runs git rebase and tests the subtree strategy.
. ./
@@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ commit_message() {
# topic_1 - topic_2 - topic_3
# \
-# README ---------------------- Add subproject master - topic_4 - files_subtree/topic_5
+# README ---------------------- Add subproject main - topic_4 - files_subtree/topic_5
# Where the merge moves the files topic_[123].t into the subdirectory
# files_subtree/ and topic_4 as well as files_subtree/topic_5 add files to that
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ commit_message() {
# an empty commit is added on top. The pre-rebase commit history looks like
# this:
-# Add subproject master - topic_4 - files_subtree/topic_5 - Empty commit
+# Add subproject main - topic_4 - files_subtree/topic_5 - Empty commit
# where the root commit adds three files: topic_1.t, topic_2.t and topic_3.t.
@@ -48,11 +51,11 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_commit -C files topic_3 &&
: perform subtree merge into files_subtree/ &&
- git fetch files refs/heads/master:refs/heads/files-master &&
+ git fetch files refs/heads/main:refs/heads/files-main &&
git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories \
- files-master &&
- git read-tree --prefix=files_subtree -u files-master &&
- git commit -m "Add subproject master" &&
+ files-main &&
+ git read-tree --prefix=files_subtree -u files-main &&
+ git commit -m "Add subproject main" &&
: add two extra commits to rebase &&
test_commit -C files_subtree topic_4 &&
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_failure REBASE_P 'Rebase -Xsubtree --preserve-merges --onto commit' '
reset_rebase &&
git checkout -b rebase-preserve-merges to-rebase &&
- git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --preserve-merges --onto files-master master &&
+ git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --preserve-merges --onto files-main main &&
verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~)" = "topic_4" &&
verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD)" = "files_subtree/topic_5"
@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ test_expect_failure REBASE_P 'Rebase -Xsubtree --preserve-merges --onto commit'
test_expect_failure REBASE_P 'Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto commit' '
reset_rebase &&
git checkout -b rebase-keep-empty to-rebase &&
- git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto files-master master &&
+ git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto files-main main &&
verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~2)" = "topic_4" &&
verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~)" = "files_subtree/topic_5" &&
verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD)" = "Empty commit"
@@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ test_expect_failure REBASE_P 'Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --
test_expect_success 'Rebase -Xsubtree --empty=ask --onto commit' '
reset_rebase &&
git checkout -b rebase-onto to-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --empty=ask --onto files-master master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --empty=ask --onto files-main main &&
: first pick results in no changes &&
git rebase --skip &&
verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~2)" = "topic_4" &&
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ test_expect_success 'Rebase -Xsubtree --empty=ask --onto commit' '
test_expect_success 'Rebase -Xsubtree --empty=ask --rebase-merges --onto commit' '
reset_rebase &&
git checkout -b rebase-merges-onto to-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --empty=ask --rebase-merges --onto files-master --root &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --empty=ask --rebase-merges --onto files-main --root &&
: first pick results in no changes &&
git rebase --skip &&
verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~2)" = "topic_4" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b454f400eb..6748070df5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -12,12 +12,15 @@ Initial setup:
-- B -- (first)
/ \
- A - C - D - E - H (master)
+ A - C - D - E - H (main)
\ \ /
\ F - G (second)
. ./
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git checkout -b first &&
test_commit B &&
b=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit C &&
c=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
test_commit D &&
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
f=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
test_commit G &&
g=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge --no-commit G &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m H &&
@@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ test_expect_success 'create completely different structure' '
test_config sequence.editor \""$PWD"/\" &&
test_tick &&
- git rebase -i -r A master &&
+ git rebase -i -r A main &&
test_cmp_graph <<-\EOF
* Merge the topic branch '\''onebranch'\''
@@ -183,7 +186,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fast-forward merge -c still rewords' '
test_expect_success 'with a branch tip that was cherry-picked already' '
- git checkout -b already-upstream master &&
+ git checkout -b already-upstream main &&
base="$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" &&
test_commit A1 &&
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@ test_expect_success 'with a branch tip that was cherry-picked already' '
test_expect_success 'do not rebase cousins unless asked for' '
- git checkout -b cousins master &&
+ git checkout -b cousins main &&
before="$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" &&
test_tick &&
git rebase -r HEAD^ &&
@@ -340,7 +343,7 @@ test_expect_success 'a "merge" into a root commit is a fast-forward' '
test_expect_success 'A root commit can be a cousin, treat it that way' '
git checkout --orphan khnum &&
test_commit yama &&
- git checkout -b asherah master &&
+ git checkout -b asherah main &&
test_commit shamkat &&
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories khnum &&
test_tick &&
@@ -367,7 +370,7 @@ test_expect_success 'labels that are object IDs are rewritten' '
git checkout -b third B &&
test_commit I &&
third=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
- git checkout -b labels master &&
+ git checkout -b labels main &&
git merge --no-commit third &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m "Merge commit '\''$third'\'' into labels" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 172562789e..2dab893c75 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,13 +5,16 @@
test_description='git rebase --fork-point test'
. ./
-# A---B---D---E (master)
+# A---B---D---E (main)
# \
# C*---F---G (side)
-# C was formerly part of master but master was rewound to remove C
+# C was formerly part of main but main was rewound to remove C
test_expect_success setup '
test_commit A &&
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ test_rebase () {
expected="$1" &&
shift &&
test_expect_success "git rebase $*" "
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard E &&
git checkout side &&
git reset --hard G &&
@@ -48,26 +51,26 @@ test_rebase 'G F C E D B A' --no-fork-point
test_rebase 'G F C D B A' --no-fork-point --onto D
test_rebase 'G F C B A' --no-fork-point --keep-base
-test_rebase 'G F E D B A' --fork-point refs/heads/master
-test_rebase 'G F E D B A' --fork-point master
+test_rebase 'G F E D B A' --fork-point refs/heads/main
+test_rebase 'G F E D B A' --fork-point main
-test_rebase 'G F D B A' --fork-point --onto D refs/heads/master
-test_rebase 'G F D B A' --fork-point --onto D master
+test_rebase 'G F D B A' --fork-point --onto D refs/heads/main
+test_rebase 'G F D B A' --fork-point --onto D main
-test_rebase 'G F B A' --fork-point --keep-base refs/heads/master
-test_rebase 'G F B A' --fork-point --keep-base master
+test_rebase 'G F B A' --fork-point --keep-base refs/heads/main
+test_rebase 'G F B A' --fork-point --keep-base main
-test_rebase 'G F C E D B A' refs/heads/master
-test_rebase 'G F C E D B A' master
+test_rebase 'G F C E D B A' refs/heads/main
+test_rebase 'G F C E D B A' main
-test_rebase 'G F C D B A' --onto D refs/heads/master
-test_rebase 'G F C D B A' --onto D master
+test_rebase 'G F C D B A' --onto D refs/heads/main
+test_rebase 'G F C D B A' --onto D main
-test_rebase 'G F C B A' --keep-base refs/heads/master
-test_rebase 'G F C B A' --keep-base master
+test_rebase 'G F C B A' --keep-base refs/heads/main
+test_rebase 'G F C B A' --keep-base main
test_expect_success 'git rebase --fork-point with ambigous refname' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout -b one &&
git checkout side &&
git tag one &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a29eda87e9..5086e14c02 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='ensure rebase fast-forwards commits when possible'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -84,19 +87,19 @@ test_rebase_same_head_ () {
changes='no changes'
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same main
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --onto B B
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --onto B... B
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --onto master... master
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --onto main... main
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base main
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --no-fork-point
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base --no-fork-point
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point main
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto B B
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto B... B
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point --onto master... master
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base --keep-base master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point --onto main... main
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base --keep-base main
test_expect_success 'add work same to side' '
test_commit E
@@ -104,22 +107,22 @@ test_expect_success 'add work same to side' '
changes='our changes'
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same main
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --onto B B
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --onto B... B
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --onto master... master
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --onto main... main
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base main
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --no-fork-point
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base --no-fork-point
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point main
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto B B
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto B... B
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point --onto master... master
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point --keep-base master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point --onto main... main
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point --keep-base main
test_expect_success 'add work same to upstream' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit F &&
git checkout side
@@ -127,12 +130,12 @@ test_expect_success 'add work same to upstream' '
changes='our and their changes'
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --onto B B
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --onto B... B
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --onto master... master
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --keep-base master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --onto main... main
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --keep-base main
test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --keep-base
test_rebase_same_head failure work same success work diff --fork-point --onto B B
test_rebase_same_head failure work same success work diff --fork-point --onto B... B
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto master... master
-test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --keep-base master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto main... main
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --keep-base main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c7c835cde9..e6fef696bb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,13 +7,16 @@ test_description='rebase with changing encoding
Initial setup:
-1 - 2 master
+1 - 2 main
3 - 4 first
5 - 6 second
. ./
compare_msg () {
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --rebase-merges update encoding eucJP to UTF-8' '
git config i18n.commitencoding eucJP &&
git merge -F "$TEST_DIRECTORY/t3434/eucJP.txt" second &&
git config i18n.commitencoding UTF-8 &&
- git rebase --rebase-merges master &&
+ git rebase --rebase-merges main &&
compare_msg eucJP.txt eucJP UTF-8
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --rebase-merges update encoding eucJP to ISO-2022-JP
git config i18n.commitencoding eucJP &&
git merge -F "$TEST_DIRECTORY/t3434/eucJP.txt" second &&
git config i18n.commitencoding ISO-2022-JP &&
- git rebase --rebase-merges master &&
+ git rebase --rebase-merges main &&
compare_msg eucJP.txt eucJP ISO-2022-JP
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ test_rebase_continue_update_encode () {
git config i18n.commitencoding $old &&
git commit -F "$TEST_DIRECTORY/t3434/$msgfile" &&
git config i18n.commitencoding $new &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -m master &&
+ test_must_fail git rebase -m main &&
test -f .git/rebase-merge/message &&
git stripspace <.git/rebase-merge/message >two.t &&
git add two.t &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 54120b09d6..ec10766858 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='test rebase --[no-]gpg-sign'
. ./
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup: merge commit' '
test_commit fork-point &&
git switch -c side &&
test_commit three &&
- git switch master &&
+ git switch main &&
git merge --no-ff side &&
git tag merged
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ test_rebase_gpg_sign false -i --no-gpg-sign --gpg-sign
test_expect_failure 'rebase -p --no-gpg-sign override commit.gpgsign' '
git reset --hard merged &&
git config commit.gpgsign true &&
- git rebase -p --no-gpg-sign --onto=one fork-point master &&
+ git rebase -p --no-gpg-sign --onto=one fork-point main &&
test_must_fail git verify-commit HEAD
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index eaaf4c8d1d..4d106642ba 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_commit commit2 foo foo2 &&
test_commit commit3 foo foo3 &&
- git checkout --orphan master &&
+ git checkout --orphan main &&
rm foo &&
test_write_lines "line 1" " line 2" "line 3" >file &&
git commit -am "add file" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2b8d9cb38e..0458a58b4b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@
test_description='git cherry should detect patches integrated upstream
-This test cherry-picks one local change of two into master branch, and
+This test cherry-picks one local change of two into main branch, and
checks that git cherry only returns the second patch in the local branch
. ./
@@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ test_expect_success \
test_tick &&
git commit -m "Add C." &&
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
rm -f B C &&
echo Third >> A &&
@@ -40,19 +43,19 @@ test_expect_success \
test_tick &&
git commit -m "Modify A." &&
- expr "$(echo $(git cherry master my-topic-branch) )" : "+ [^ ]* + .*"
+ expr "$(echo $(git cherry main my-topic-branch) )" : "+ [^ ]* + .*"
test_expect_success \
'check that cherry with limit returns only the top patch'\
- 'expr "$(echo $(git cherry master my-topic-branch my-topic-branch^1) )" : "+ [^ ]*"
+ 'expr "$(echo $(git cherry main my-topic-branch my-topic-branch^1) )" : "+ [^ ]*"
test_expect_success \
'cherry-pick one of the 2 patches, and check cherry recognized one and only one as new' \
'git cherry-pick my-topic-branch^0 &&
- echo $(git cherry master my-topic-branch) &&
- expr "$(echo $(git cherry master my-topic-branch) )" : "+ [^ ]* - .*"
+ echo $(git cherry main my-topic-branch) &&
+ expr "$(echo $(git cherry main my-topic-branch) )" : "+ [^ ]* - .*"
test_expect_success 'cherry ignores whitespace' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3669dfb1be..9d100cd188 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ test_description='test cherry-pick and revert with renames
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick on unborn branch' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick "-" to pick from previous branch' '
git checkout unborn &&
test_commit to-pick actual content &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git cherry-pick - &&
echo content >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick "-" is meaningless without checkout' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick "-" works with arguments' '
git checkout -b side-branch &&
test_commit change actual change &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git cherry-pick -s - &&
echo "Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>" >expect &&
git cat-file commit HEAD | grep ^Signed-off-by: >signoff &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8b635a196d..5495eacfec 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ test_description='cherry picking and reverting a merge
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
echo new line >B &&
git commit -m "add line to B" B &&
git tag b &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge side &&
git tag c
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e27f39d1e5..95fe4feaee 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test cherry-picking (and reverting) a root commit'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a root commit' '
git checkout second^0 &&
- git cherry-pick master &&
+ git cherry-pick main &&
echo first >expect &&
test_cmp expect file1
@@ -38,14 +41,14 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a root commit' '
test_expect_success 'revert a root commit' '
- git revert master &&
+ git revert main &&
test_path_is_missing file1
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a root commit with an external strategy' '
- git cherry-pick --strategy=resolve master &&
+ git cherry-pick --strategy=resolve main &&
echo first >expect &&
test_cmp expect file1
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a root commit with an external strategy' '
test_expect_success 'revert a root commit with an external strategy' '
- git revert --strategy=resolve master &&
+ git revert --strategy=resolve main &&
test_path_is_missing file1
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick two root commits' '
echo third >expect.file3 &&
git checkout second^0 &&
- git cherry-pick master third &&
+ git cherry-pick main third &&
test_cmp expect.file1 file1 &&
test_cmp expect.file2 file2 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 80a0d08706..9198535874 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,12 +2,15 @@
test_description='cherry-pick should rerere for conflicts'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
test_commit foo &&
- test_commit foo-master foo &&
- test_commit bar-master bar &&
+ test_commit foo-main foo &&
+ test_commit bar-main bar &&
git checkout -b dev foo &&
test_commit foo-dev foo &&
@@ -16,7 +19,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'conflicting merge' '
- test_must_fail git merge master
+ test_must_fail git merge main
test_expect_success 'fixup' '
@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fixup' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick conflict with --rerere-autoupdate' '
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate &&
test_cmp foo-expect foo &&
git diff-files --quiet &&
test_must_fail git cherry-pick --continue &&
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick conflict with --rerere-autoupdate' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick conflict repsects rerere.autoUpdate' '
test_config rerere.autoUpdate true &&
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick &&
test_cmp foo-expect foo &&
git diff-files --quiet &&
test_must_fail git cherry-pick --continue &&
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick conflict repsects rerere.autoUpdate' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick conflict with --no-rerere-autoupdate' '
test_config rerere.autoUpdate true &&
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick --no-rerere-autoupdate &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick --no-rerere-autoupdate &&
test_cmp foo-expect foo &&
test_must_fail git diff-files --quiet &&
git add foo &&
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick conflict with --no-rerere-autoupdate' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --continue rejects --rerere-autoupdate' '
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate &&
test_cmp foo-expect foo &&
git diff-files --quiet &&
test_must_fail git cherry-pick --continue --rerere-autoupdate >actual 2>&1 &&
@@ -79,25 +82,25 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --continue rejects --rerere-autoupdate' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate more than once' '
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate --rerere-autoupdate &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate --rerere-autoupdate &&
test_cmp foo-expect foo &&
git diff-files --quiet &&
git cherry-pick --abort &&
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate --no-rerere-autoupdate --rerere-autoupdate &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate --no-rerere-autoupdate --rerere-autoupdate &&
test_cmp foo-expect foo &&
git diff-files --quiet &&
git cherry-pick --abort &&
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate --no-rerere-autoupdate &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate --no-rerere-autoupdate &&
test_must_fail git diff-files --quiet &&
git cherry-pick --abort
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick conflict without rerere' '
test_config rerere.enabled false &&
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick foo-master &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick foo-main &&
grep ===== foo &&
grep foo-dev foo &&
- grep foo-master foo
+ grep foo-main foo
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5f911bb529..eba3c38d5a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test cherry-picking an empty commit'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
git commit --allow-empty-message -m "" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout -b empty-change-branch &&
test_tick &&
git commit --allow-empty -m "empty"
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick an empty commit' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_expect_code 1 git cherry-pick empty-change-branch
@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ test_expect_success 'index lockfile was removed' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a commit with an empty message' '
test_when_finished "git reset --hard empty-message-branch~1" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git cherry-pick empty-message-branch
@@ -44,12 +47,12 @@ test_expect_success 'index lockfile was removed' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a commit with an empty message with --allow-empty-message' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git cherry-pick --allow-empty-message empty-message-branch
test_expect_success 'cherry pick an empty non-ff commit without --allow-empty' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo fourth >>file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit -m "fourth" &&
@@ -57,22 +60,22 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry pick an empty non-ff commit without --allow-empty' '
test_expect_success 'cherry pick an empty non-ff commit with --allow-empty' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git cherry-pick --allow-empty empty-change-branch
test_expect_success 'cherry pick with --keep-redundant-commits' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git cherry-pick --keep-redundant-commits HEAD^
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a commit that becomes no-op (prep)' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch fork &&
echo foo >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "add file2 on master" &&
+ git commit -m "add file2 on main" &&
git checkout fork &&
echo foo >file2 &&
@@ -84,15 +87,15 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a commit that becomes no-op (prep)' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a no-op without --keep-redundant' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout fork^0 &&
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick master
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick main
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick a no-op with --keep-redundant' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout fork^0 &&
- git cherry-pick --keep-redundant-commits master &&
+ git cherry-pick --keep-redundant-commits main &&
git show -s --format=%s >actual &&
- echo "add file2 on master" >expect &&
+ echo "add file2 on main" >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9d5adbc130..7e11bd4a4c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test cherry-picking with --ff option'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick using --ff fast forwards' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git cherry-pick --ff second &&
@@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick using --ff fast forwards' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick not using --ff does not fast forwards' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git cherry-pick second &&
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick not using --ff does not fast forwards' '
# (This has been taken from
test_expect_success 'merge setup' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard first &&
echo new line >A &&
git add A &&
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge setup' '
test_tick &&
git commit -m "add line to B" B &&
git tag B &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge side &&
git tag C &&
git checkout -b new A
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a21adcf0e4..5f4564c830 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ test_description='test cherry-pick and revert with conflicts
. ./
pristine_detach () {
@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_commit redundant-pick foo c redundant &&
git commit --allow-empty --allow-empty-message &&
git tag empty &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git config advice.detachedhead false
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 23070a7b73..ec7a2c9fcf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test cherry-picking many commits'
. ./
check_head_differs_from() {
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick first..fourth works' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git cherry-pick first..fourth &&
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick three one two works' '
test_commit one &&
test_commit two &&
test_commit three &&
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
git cherry-pick three one two &&
git diff --quiet three &&
@@ -56,28 +59,28 @@ two"
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick three one two: fails' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_must_fail git cherry-pick three one two:
test_expect_success 'output to keep user entertained during multi-pick' '
cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
- [master OBJID] second
+ [main OBJID] second
Author: A U Thor <>
Date: Thu Apr 7 15:14:13 2005 -0700
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
- [master OBJID] third
+ [main OBJID] third
Author: A U Thor <>
Date: Thu Apr 7 15:15:13 2005 -0700
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
- [master OBJID] fourth
+ [main OBJID] fourth
Author: A U Thor <>
Date: Thu Apr 7 15:16:13 2005 -0700
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git cherry-pick first..fourth >actual &&
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ test_expect_success 'output to keep user entertained during multi-pick' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --strategy resolve first..fourth works' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git cherry-pick --strategy resolve first..fourth &&
@@ -99,23 +102,23 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --strategy resolve first..fourth works' '
test_expect_success 'output during multi-pick indicates merge strategy' '
cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
Trying simple merge.
- [master OBJID] second
+ [main OBJID] second
Author: A U Thor <>
Date: Thu Apr 7 15:14:13 2005 -0700
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Trying simple merge.
- [master OBJID] third
+ [main OBJID] third
Author: A U Thor <>
Date: Thu Apr 7 15:15:13 2005 -0700
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Trying simple merge.
- [master OBJID] fourth
+ [main OBJID] fourth
Author: A U Thor <>
Date: Thu Apr 7 15:16:13 2005 -0700
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git cherry-pick --strategy resolve first..fourth >actual &&
@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ test_expect_success 'output during multi-pick indicates merge strategy' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --ff first..fourth works' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git cherry-pick --ff first..fourth &&
@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --ff first..fourth works' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick -n first..fourth works' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git cherry-pick -n first..fourth &&
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick -n first..fourth works' '
test_expect_success 'revert first..fourth works' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard fourth &&
test_tick &&
git revert first..fourth &&
@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ test_expect_success 'revert first..fourth works' '
test_expect_success 'revert ^first fourth works' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard fourth &&
test_tick &&
git revert ^first fourth &&
@@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ test_expect_success 'revert ^first fourth works' '
test_expect_success 'revert fourth fourth~1 fourth~2 works' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard fourth &&
test_tick &&
git revert fourth fourth~1 fourth~2 &&
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ test_expect_success 'revert fourth fourth~1 fourth~2 works' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick -3 fourth works' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git cherry-pick -3 fourth &&
@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick -3 fourth works' '
test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --stdin works' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard first &&
test_tick &&
git rev-list --reverse first..fourth | git cherry-pick --stdin &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1e5b3948df..f4159246e1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='Test cherry-pick with directory/file conflicts'
. ./
test_expect_success 'Initialize repository' '
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ test_expect_success 'Setup rename across paths each below D/F conflicts' '
test_expect_success 'Cherry-pick succeeds with rename across D/F conflicts' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git cherry-pick branch
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6ece1d8573..822f2d4bfb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='cherry-pick can handle submodules'
. ./
@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ test_expect_success 'unrelated submodule/file conflict is ignored' '
git add a_file &&
git commit -m "modify a file" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git submodule add ../sub sub &&
git submodule update sub &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index efec8d13b6..dff1228669 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Test of the various options to git rm.'
. ./
# Setup some files to be removed, some with funny characters
@@ -483,16 +486,16 @@ test_expect_success 'setup submodule conflict' '
echo 1 >nitfol &&
git add nitfol &&
git commit -m "added nitfol 1" &&
- git checkout -b branch2 master &&
+ git checkout -b branch2 main &&
echo 2 >nitfol &&
git add nitfol &&
git commit -m "added nitfol 2" &&
- git checkout -b conflict1 master &&
+ git checkout -b conflict1 main &&
git -C submod fetch &&
git -C submod checkout branch1 &&
git add submod &&
git commit -m "submod 1" &&
- git checkout -b conflict2 master &&
+ git checkout -b conflict2 main &&
git -C submod checkout branch2 &&
git add submod &&
git commit -m "submod 2"
@@ -604,7 +607,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rm of a conflicted unpopulated submodule succeeds' '
test_expect_success 'rm of a populated submodule with a .git directory migrates git dir' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard &&
git submodule update &&
@@ -717,7 +720,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checking out a commit after submodule removal needs manual
git checkout HEAD^ &&
git submodule update &&
git checkout -q HEAD^ &&
- git checkout -q master 2>actual &&
+ git checkout -q main 2>actual &&
test_i18ngrep "^warning: unable to rmdir '\''submod'\'':" actual &&
git status -s submod >actual &&
echo "?? submod/" >expected &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index cc3f434a97..b2f90997db 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='add -i basic tests'
. ./
@@ -549,8 +552,8 @@ test_expect_success 'patch mode ignores unmerged entries' '
test_commit non-conflict &&
git checkout -b side &&
test_commit side conflict.t &&
- git checkout master &&
- test_commit master conflict.t &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit main conflict.t &&
test_must_fail git merge side &&
echo changed >non-conflict.t &&
echo y | git add -p >output &&
@@ -849,6 +852,12 @@ test_expect_success 'setup different kinds of dirty submodules' '
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ test_cmp expected actual &&
+ git -C for-submodules diff-files --name-only --ignore-submodules=none >actual &&
+ cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+ dirty-both-ways
+ dirty-head
test_cmp expected actual &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d696aa4e52..86bfeb271e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -12,10 +12,29 @@ test_description='git mktag: tag object verify test'
# given in the expect.pat file.
check_verify_failure () {
- expect="$2"
+ test_expect_success "$1" "
+ test_must_fail env GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=false \
+ git mktag <tag.sig 2>message &&
+ grep '$2' message &&
+ if test '$3' != '--no-strict'
+ then
+ test_must_fail env GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=false \
+ git mktag --no-strict <tag.sig 2> &&
+ grep '$2'
+ fi
+ "
+test_expect_mktag_success() {
test_expect_success "$1" '
- ( test_must_fail git mktag <tag.sig 2>message ) &&
- grep "$expect" message
+ git hash-object -t tag -w --stdin <tag.sig >expected &&
+ git fsck --strict &&
+ git mktag <tag.sig >hash &&
+ test_cmp expected hash &&
+ test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/tags/mytag $(cat hash)" &&
+ git update-ref refs/tags/mytag $(cat hash) $(test_oid zero) &&
+ git fsck --strict
@@ -23,10 +42,24 @@ check_verify_failure () {
# first create a commit, so we have a valid object/type
# for the tag.
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- echo Hello >A &&
- git update-index --add A &&
- git commit -m "Initial commit" &&
- head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)
+ test_commit A &&
+ test_commit B &&
+ head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
+ head_parent=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD~) &&
+ tree=$(git rev-parse HEAD^{tree}) &&
+ blob=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD:B.t)
+test_expect_success 'basic usage' '
+ cat >tag.sig <<-EOF &&
+ object $head
+ type commit
+ tag mytag
+ tagger T A Gger <> 1206478233 -0500
+ git mktag <tag.sig &&
+ git mktag --end-of-options <tag.sig &&
+ test_expect_code 129 git mktag --unknown-option
@@ -37,33 +70,33 @@ too short for a tag
check_verify_failure 'Tag object length check' \
- '^error: .*size wrong.*$'
+ '^error:.* missingObject:' 'strict'
# 2. object line label check
cat >tag.sig <<EOF
-xxxxxx 139e9b33986b1c2670fff52c5067603117b3e895
+xxxxxx $head
type tag
tag mytag
tagger . <> 0 +0000
-check_verify_failure '"object" line label check' '^error: char0: .*"object "$'
+check_verify_failure '"object" line label check' '^error:.* missingObject:'
-# 3. object line SHA1 check
+# 3. object line hash check
cat >tag.sig <<EOF
-object zz9e9b33986b1c2670fff52c5067603117b3e895
+object $(echo $head | tr 0-9a-f z)
type tag
tag mytag
tagger . <> 0 +0000
-check_verify_failure '"object" line SHA1 check' '^error: char7: .*SHA1 hash$'
+check_verify_failure '"object" line check' '^error:.* badObjectSha1:'
# 4. type line label check
@@ -76,7 +109,7 @@ tagger . <> 0 +0000
-check_verify_failure '"type" line label check' '^error: char.*: .*"\\ntype "$'
+check_verify_failure '"type" line label check' '^error:.* missingTypeEntry:'
# 5. type line eol check
@@ -84,7 +117,7 @@ check_verify_failure '"type" line label check' '^error: char.*: .*"\\ntype "$'
echo "object $head" >tag.sig
printf "type tagsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" >>tag.sig
-check_verify_failure '"type" line eol check' '^error: char.*: .*"\\n"$'
+check_verify_failure '"type" line eol check' '^error:.* unterminatedHeader:'
# 6. tag line label check #1
@@ -98,7 +131,7 @@ tagger . <> 0 +0000
check_verify_failure '"tag" line label check #1' \
- '^error: char.*: no "tag " found$'
+ '^error:.* missingTagEntry:'
# 7. tag line label check #2
@@ -110,7 +143,7 @@ tag
check_verify_failure '"tag" line label check #2' \
- '^error: char.*: no "tag " found$'
+ '^error:.* badType:'
# 8. type line type-name length check
@@ -122,21 +155,83 @@ tag mytag
check_verify_failure '"type" line type-name length check' \
- '^error: char.*: type too long$'
+ '^error:.* badType:'
-# 9. verify object (SHA1/type) check
+# 9. verify object (hash/type) check
cat >tag.sig <<EOF
object $(test_oid deadbeef)
+type tag
+tag mytag
+tagger . <> 0 +0000
+check_verify_failure 'verify object (hash/type) check -- correct type, nonexisting object' \
+ '^fatal: could not read tagged object'
+cat >tag.sig <<EOF
+object $head
type tagggg
tag mytag
tagger . <> 0 +0000
-check_verify_failure 'verify object (SHA1/type) check' \
- '^error: char7: could not verify object.*$'
+check_verify_failure 'verify object (hash/type) check -- made-up type, valid object' \
+ '^error:.* badType:'
+cat >tag.sig <<EOF
+object $(test_oid deadbeef)
+type tagggg
+tag mytag
+tagger . <> 0 +0000
+check_verify_failure 'verify object (hash/type) check -- made-up type, nonexisting object' \
+ '^error:.* badType:'
+cat >tag.sig <<EOF
+object $head
+type tree
+tag mytag
+tagger . <> 0 +0000
+check_verify_failure 'verify object (hash/type) check -- mismatched type, valid object' \
+ '^fatal: object.*tagged as.*tree.*but is.*commit'
+# 9.5. verify object (hash/type) check -- replacement
+test_expect_success 'setup replacement of commit -> commit and tree -> blob' '
+ git replace $head_parent $head &&
+ git replace -f $tree $blob
+cat >tag.sig <<EOF
+object $head_parent
+type commit
+tag mytag
+tagger . <> 0 +0000
+test_expect_mktag_success 'tag to a commit replaced by another commit'
+cat >tag.sig <<EOF
+object $tree
+type tree
+tag mytag
+tagger . <> 0 +0000
+check_verify_failure 'verify object (hash/type) check -- mismatched type, valid object' \
+ '^fatal: object.*tagged as.*tree.*but is.*blob'
# 10. verify tag-name check
@@ -150,7 +245,7 @@ tagger . <> 0 +0000
check_verify_failure 'verify tag-name check' \
- '^error: char.*: could not verify tag name$'
+ '^error:.* badTagName:' '--no-strict'
# 11. tagger line label check #1
@@ -164,7 +259,7 @@ This is filler
check_verify_failure '"tagger" line label check #1' \
- '^error: char.*: could not find "tagger "$'
+ '^error:.* missingTaggerEntry:' '--no-strict'
# 12. tagger line label check #2
@@ -179,10 +274,10 @@ This is filler
check_verify_failure '"tagger" line label check #2' \
- '^error: char.*: could not find "tagger "$'
+ '^error:.* missingTaggerEntry:' '--no-strict'
-# 13. disallow missing tag author name
+# 13. allow missing tag author name like fsck
cat >tag.sig <<EOF
object $head
@@ -193,8 +288,7 @@ tagger <> 0 +0000
This is filler
-check_verify_failure 'disallow missing tag author name' \
- '^error: char.*: missing tagger name$'
+test_expect_mktag_success 'allow missing tag author name'
# 14. disallow missing tag author name
@@ -209,7 +303,7 @@ tagger T A Gger <
check_verify_failure 'disallow malformed tagger' \
- '^error: char.*: malformed tagger field$'
+ '^error:.* badEmail:' '--no-strict'
# 15. allow empty tag email
@@ -222,12 +316,10 @@ tagger T A Gger <> 0 +0000
-test_expect_success \
- 'allow empty tag email' \
- 'git mktag <tag.sig >.git/refs/tags/mytag 2>message'
+test_expect_mktag_success 'allow empty tag email'
-# 16. disallow spaces in tag email
+# 16. allow spaces in tag email like fsck
cat >tag.sig <<EOF
object $head
@@ -237,8 +329,7 @@ tagger T A Gger <tag> 0 +0000
-check_verify_failure 'disallow spaces in tag email' \
- '^error: char.*: malformed tagger field$'
+test_expect_mktag_success 'allow spaces in tag email like fsck'
# 17. disallow missing tag timestamp
@@ -252,7 +343,7 @@ tagger T A Gger <>__
check_verify_failure 'disallow missing tag timestamp' \
- '^error: char.*: missing tag timestamp$'
+ '^error:.* badDate:'
# 18. detect invalid tag timestamp1
@@ -266,7 +357,7 @@ tagger T A Gger <> Tue Mar 25 15:47:44 2008
check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timestamp1' \
- '^error: char.*: missing tag timestamp$'
+ '^error:.* badDate:'
# 19. detect invalid tag timestamp2
@@ -280,7 +371,7 @@ tagger T A Gger <> 2008-03-31T12:20:15-0500
check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timestamp2' \
- '^error: char.*: malformed tag timestamp$'
+ '^error:.* badDate:'
# 20. detect invalid tag timezone1
@@ -294,7 +385,7 @@ tagger T A Gger <> 1206478233 GMT
check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timezone1' \
- '^error: char.*: malformed tag timezone$'
+ '^error:.* badTimezone:'
# 21. detect invalid tag timezone2
@@ -308,10 +399,10 @@ tagger T A Gger <> 1206478233 + 30
check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timezone2' \
- '^error: char.*: malformed tag timezone$'
+ '^error:.* badTimezone:'
-# 22. detect invalid tag timezone3
+# 22. allow invalid tag timezone3 (the maximum is -1200/+1400)
cat >tag.sig <<EOF
object $head
@@ -321,8 +412,7 @@ tagger T A Gger <> 1206478233 -1430
-check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timezone3' \
- '^error: char.*: malformed tag timezone$'
+test_expect_mktag_success 'allow invalid tag timezone'
# 23. detect invalid header entry
@@ -337,10 +427,41 @@ this line should not be here
check_verify_failure 'detect invalid header entry' \
- '^error: char.*: trailing garbage in tag header$'
+ '^error:.* extraHeaderEntry:' '--no-strict'
-# 24. create valid tag
+test_expect_success 'invalid header entry config & fsck' '
+ test_must_fail git mktag <tag.sig &&
+ git mktag --no-strict <tag.sig &&
+ test_must_fail git -c fsck.extraHeaderEntry=error mktag <tag.sig &&
+ test_must_fail git -c fsck.extraHeaderEntry=error mktag --no-strict <tag.sig &&
+ test_must_fail git -c fsck.extraHeaderEntry=warn mktag <tag.sig &&
+ git -c fsck.extraHeaderEntry=warn mktag --no-strict <tag.sig &&
+ git -c fsck.extraHeaderEntry=ignore mktag <tag.sig &&
+ git -c fsck.extraHeaderEntry=ignore mktag --no-strict <tag.sig &&
+ git fsck &&
+ git -c fsck.extraHeaderEntry=warn fsck 2>err &&
+ grep "warning .*extraHeaderEntry:" err &&
+ test_must_fail env GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=false \
+ git -c fsck.extraHeaderEntry=error 2>err fsck &&
+ grep "error .* extraHeaderEntry:" err
+cat >tag.sig <<EOF
+object $head
+type commit
+tag mytag
+tagger T A Gger <> 1206478233 -0500
+this line comes after an extra newline
+test_expect_mktag_success 'allow extra newlines at start of body'
cat >tag.sig <<EOF
object $head
@@ -350,16 +471,27 @@ tagger T A Gger <> 1206478233 -0500
-test_expect_success \
- 'create valid tag' \
- 'git mktag <tag.sig >.git/refs/tags/mytag 2>message'
+test_expect_mktag_success 'allow a blank line before an empty body (1)'
+cat >tag.sig <<EOF
+object $head
+type commit
+tag mytag
+tagger T A Gger <> 1206478233 -0500
+test_expect_mktag_success 'allow no blank line before an empty body (2)'
-# 25. check mytag
+# 24. create valid tag
-test_expect_success \
- 'check mytag' \
- 'git tag -l | grep mytag'
+cat >tag.sig <<EOF
+object $head
+type commit
+tag mytag
+tagger T A Gger <> 1206478233 -0500
+test_expect_mktag_success 'create valid tag object'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 923eb01f0e..4f16a735d9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='i18n settings and format-patch | am pipe'
. ./
check_encoding () {
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
# the first commit on the side branch is UTF-8
test_tick &&
- git checkout -b side master^ &&
+ git checkout -b side main^ &&
echo Another file >yours &&
git add yours &&
git commit -s -m "Second on side" &&
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'format-patch output (ISO-8859-1)' '
git config i18n.logoutputencoding ISO8859-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..HEAD^ >out-l1 &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..HEAD^ >out-l1 &&
git format-patch --stdout HEAD^ >out-l2 &&
grep "^Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO8859-1" out-l1 &&
grep "^From: =?ISO8859-1?q?=C1=E9=ED=20=F3=FA?=" out-l1 &&
@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch output (ISO-8859-1)' '
test_expect_success 'format-patch output (UTF-8)' '
git config i18n.logoutputencoding UTF-8 &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..HEAD^ >out-u1 &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..HEAD^ >out-u1 &&
git format-patch --stdout HEAD^ >out-u2 &&
grep "^Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" out-u1 &&
grep "^From: =?UTF-8?q?=C3=81=C3=A9=C3=AD=20=C3=B3=C3=BA?=" out-u1 &&
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase (U/U)' '
# we want UTF-8 encoded name.
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/utf8.txt &&
git checkout -b test &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
check_encoding 2
@@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase (U/L)' '
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/utf8.txt &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
check_encoding 2
@@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ test_expect_success !MINGW 'rebase (L/L)' '
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/8859-1.txt &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
check_encoding 2 8859
@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ test_expect_success !MINGW 'rebase (L/U)' '
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/8859-1.txt &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase master &&
+ git rebase main &&
check_encoding 2 8859
@@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick(U/U)' '
git config i18n.logoutputencoding UTF-8 &&
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/utf8.txt &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git cherry-pick side^ &&
git cherry-pick side &&
git revert HEAD &&
@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@ test_expect_success !MINGW 'cherry-pick(L/L)' '
git config i18n.logoutputencoding ISO8859-1 &&
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/8859-1.txt &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git cherry-pick side^ &&
git cherry-pick side &&
git revert HEAD &&
@@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cherry-pick(U/L)' '
git config i18n.logoutputencoding ISO8859-1 &&
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/utf8.txt &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git cherry-pick side^ &&
git cherry-pick side &&
git revert HEAD &&
@@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ test_expect_success !MINGW 'cherry-pick(L/U)' '
git config i18n.logoutputencoding UTF-8 &&
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/8859-1.txt &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git cherry-pick side^ &&
git cherry-pick side &&
git revert HEAD &&
@@ -210,7 +213,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --merge (U/U)' '
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/utf8.txt &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase --merge master &&
+ git rebase --merge main &&
check_encoding 2
@@ -221,7 +224,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --merge (U/L)' '
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/utf8.txt &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase --merge master &&
+ git rebase --merge main &&
check_encoding 2
@@ -233,7 +236,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --merge (L/L)' '
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/8859-1.txt &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase --merge master &&
+ git rebase --merge main &&
check_encoding 2 8859
@@ -246,7 +249,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --merge (L/U)' '
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/8859-1.txt &&
git reset --hard side &&
- git rebase --merge master &&
+ git rebase --merge main &&
check_encoding 2 8859
@@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ test_expect_success 'am (U/U)' '
git config i18n.commitencoding UTF-8 &&
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/utf8.txt &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git am out-u1 out-u2 &&
check_encoding 2
@@ -267,7 +270,7 @@ test_expect_success !MINGW 'am (L/L)' '
git config i18n.commitencoding ISO8859-1 &&
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/8859-1.txt &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git am out-l1 out-l2 &&
check_encoding 2 8859
@@ -277,7 +280,7 @@ test_expect_success 'am (U/L)' '
# Apply ISO-8859-1 patches with UTF-8 commitencoding
git config i18n.commitencoding UTF-8 &&
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/utf8.txt &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
# am specifies --utf8 by default.
git am out-l1 out-l2 &&
@@ -290,7 +293,7 @@ test_expect_success 'am --no-utf8 (U/L)' '
git config i18n.commitencoding UTF-8 &&
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/utf8.txt &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git am --no-utf8 out-l1 out-l2 2>err &&
# commit-tree will warn that the commit message does not contain valid UTF-8
@@ -305,7 +308,7 @@ test_expect_success !MINGW 'am (L/U)' '
git config i18n.commitencoding ISO8859-1 &&
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901/8859-1.txt &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
# mailinfo will re-code the commit message to the charset specified by
# i18n.commitencoding
git am out-u1 out-u2 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9f7ca98967..84b039e573 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Test git stash'
. ./
diff_cmp () {
@@ -220,14 +223,14 @@ test_expect_success 'stash branch' '
git commit file -m second &&
git stash branch stashbranch &&
test refs/heads/stashbranch = $(git symbolic-ref HEAD) &&
- test $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $(git rev-parse master^) &&
+ test $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $(git rev-parse main^) &&
git diff --cached >output &&
diff_cmp expect output &&
git diff >output &&
diff_cmp expect1 output &&
git add file &&
git commit -m alternate\ second &&
- git diff master..stashbranch >output &&
+ git diff main..stashbranch >output &&
diff_cmp output expect2 &&
test 0 = $(git stash list | wc -l)
@@ -520,7 +523,7 @@ test_expect_success 'stash branch - no stashes on stack, stash-like argument' '
STASH_ID=$(git stash create) &&
git reset --hard &&
git stash branch stash-branch ${STASH_ID} &&
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD && git checkout master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD && git checkout main &&
git branch -D stash-branch" &&
test $(git ls-files --modified | wc -l) -eq 1
@@ -536,7 +539,7 @@ test_expect_success 'stash branch - stashes on stack, stash-like argument' '
STASH_ID=$(git stash create) &&
git reset --hard &&
git stash branch stash-branch ${STASH_ID} &&
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD && git checkout master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD && git checkout main &&
git branch -D stash-branch" &&
test $(git ls-files --modified | wc -l) -eq 1
@@ -738,7 +741,7 @@ test_expect_success 'valid ref of the form "n", n < N' '
git stash &&
git stash show 0 &&
git stash branch tmp 0 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git stash &&
git stash apply 0 &&
git reset --hard &&
@@ -755,7 +758,7 @@ test_expect_success 'branch: do not drop the stash if the branch exists' '
git commit -m initial &&
echo bar >file &&
git stash &&
- test_must_fail git stash branch master stash@{0} &&
+ test_must_fail git stash branch main stash@{0} &&
git rev-parse stash@{0} --
@@ -768,7 +771,7 @@ test_expect_success 'branch: should not drop the stash if the apply fails' '
echo bar >file &&
git stash &&
echo baz >file &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
test_must_fail git stash branch new_branch stash@{0} &&
git rev-parse stash@{0} --
@@ -902,7 +905,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push -m shows right message' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
git stash push -m "test message" &&
- echo "stash@{0}: On master: test message" >expect &&
+ echo "stash@{0}: On main: test message" >expect &&
git stash list -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -911,7 +914,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push -m also works without space' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
git stash push -m"unspaced test message" &&
- echo "stash@{0}: On master: unspaced test message" >expect &&
+ echo "stash@{0}: On main: unspaced test message" >expect &&
git stash list -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -968,7 +971,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push -mfoo uses right message' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
git stash push -m"test mfoo" &&
- echo "stash@{0}: On master: test mfoo" >expect &&
+ echo "stash@{0}: On main: test mfoo" >expect &&
git stash list -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -977,7 +980,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push --message foo is synonym for -mfoo' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
git stash push --message "test message foo" &&
- echo "stash@{0}: On master: test message foo" >expect &&
+ echo "stash@{0}: On main: test message foo" >expect &&
git stash list -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -986,7 +989,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push --message=foo is synonym for -mfoo' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
git stash push --message="test message=foo" &&
- echo "stash@{0}: On master: test message=foo" >expect &&
+ echo "stash@{0}: On main: test message=foo" >expect &&
git stash list -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -995,7 +998,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push -m shows right message' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
git stash push -m "test m foo" &&
- echo "stash@{0}: On master: test m foo" >expect &&
+ echo "stash@{0}: On main: test m foo" >expect &&
git stash list -1 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -1004,7 +1007,7 @@ test_expect_success 'create stores correct message' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
STASH_ID=$(git stash create "create test message") &&
- echo "On master: create test message" >expect &&
+ echo "On main: create test message" >expect &&
git show --pretty=%s -s ${STASH_ID} >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -1013,13 +1016,13 @@ test_expect_success 'create with multiple arguments for the message' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
STASH_ID=$(git stash create test untracked) &&
- echo "On master: test untracked" >expect &&
+ echo "On main: test untracked" >expect &&
git show --pretty=%s -s ${STASH_ID} >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'create in a detached state' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
git checkout HEAD~1 &&
>foo &&
git add foo &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 54ce19e353..a0b9208ce8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='utf-8 decomposed (nfd) converted to precomposed (nfc)'
. ./
if ! test_have_prereq UTF8_NFD_TO_NFC
@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ test_expect_success "git checkout link nfd" '
git checkout l.$Odiarnfd
test_expect_success "setup case mac2" '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard &&
git checkout -b mac_os_2
@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ test_expect_success "commit file d2.Adiarnfd/f.Adiarnfd" '
git commit -m "add d2.$Adiarnfd/f.$Adiarnfd" -- d2.$Adiarnfd/f.$Adiarnfd
test_expect_success "setup for long decomposed filename" '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard &&
git checkout -b mac_os_long_nfd_fn
@@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ test_expect_success "Add long decomposed filename" '
git commit -m "Long filename"
test_expect_success "setup for long precomposed filename" '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard &&
git checkout -b mac_os_long_nfc_fn
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f72d456d3b..ce6aa3914f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Various diff formatting options'
. ./
@@ -175,6 +178,7 @@ process_diffs () {
V=$(git version | sed -e 's/^git version //' -e 's/\./\\./g')
while read magic cmd
+ status=success
case "$magic" in
'' | '#'*)
continue ;;
@@ -183,6 +187,10 @@ do
case "$magic" in
noellipses) ;;
+ failure)
+ status=failure
+ magic=
+ label="$cmd" ;;
BUG "unknown magic $magic" ;;
esac ;;
@@ -195,7 +203,7 @@ do
- test_expect_success "git $cmd # magic is ${magic:-(not used)}" '
+ test_expect_$status "git $cmd # magic is ${magic:-(not used)}" '
echo "$ git $cmd"
case "$magic" in
@@ -323,8 +331,12 @@ log --no-diff-merges -p --first-parent master
log --diff-merges=off -p --first-parent master
log --first-parent --diff-merges=off -p master
log -p --first-parent master
+log -p --diff-merges=first-parent master
+log --diff-merges=first-parent master
log -m -p --first-parent master
log -m -p master
+log --cc -m -p master
+log -c -m -p master
log -SF master
log -S F master
log -SF -p master
diff --git a/t/t4013/diff.log_--cc_-m_-p_master b/t/t4013/diff.log_--cc_-m_-p_master
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c217cf348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4013/diff.log_--cc_-m_-p_master
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+$ git log --cc -m -p master
+commit 59d314ad6f356dd08601a4cd5e530381da3e3c64 (from 9a6d4949b6b76956d9d5e26f2791ec2ceff5fdc0)
+Merge: 9a6d494 c7a2ab9
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:04:00 2006 +0000
+ Merge branch 'side'
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index cead32e..992913c 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ C
+ D
+ E
+ F
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index b414108..10a8a9f 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+commit 59d314ad6f356dd08601a4cd5e530381da3e3c64 (from c7a2ab9e8eac7b117442a607d5a9b3950ae34d5a)
+Merge: 9a6d494 c7a2ab9
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:04:00 2006 +0000
+ Merge branch 'side'
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 7289e35..992913c 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+ A
+ B
+ 1
+ 2
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index f4615da..10a8a9f 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ A
+ B
+ C
+diff --git a/file1 b/file1
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b1e6722
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/file1
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff --git a/file2 b/file2
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 01e79c3..0000000
+--- a/file2
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
+diff --git a/file3 b/file3
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 7289e35..0000000
+--- a/file3
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
+commit c7a2ab9e8eac7b117442a607d5a9b3950ae34d5a
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:03:00 2006 +0000
+ Side
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 35d242b..7289e35 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+ A
+ B
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index 01e79c3..f4615da 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+diff --git a/file3 b/file3
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7289e35
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/file3
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+commit 9a6d4949b6b76956d9d5e26f2791ec2ceff5fdc0
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:02:00 2006 +0000
+ Third
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 8422d40..cead32e 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ A
+ B
+ C
+ D
+diff --git a/file1 b/file1
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b1e6722
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/file1
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+commit 1bde4ae5f36c8d9abe3a0fce0c6aab3c4a12fe44
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:01:00 2006 +0000
+ Second
+ This is the second commit.
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 35d242b..8422d40 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+ A
+ B
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index 01e79c3..b414108 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+diff --git a/file2 b/file2
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 01e79c3..0000000
+--- a/file2
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
+commit 444ac553ac7612cc88969031b02b3767fb8a353a
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:00:00 2006 +0000
+ Initial
diff --git a/t/t4013/diff.log_--diff-merges=first-parent_master b/t/t4013/diff.log_--diff-merges=first-parent_master
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa63a557dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4013/diff.log_--diff-merges=first-parent_master
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+$ git log --diff-merges=first-parent master
+commit 59d314ad6f356dd08601a4cd5e530381da3e3c64
+Merge: 9a6d494 c7a2ab9
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:04:00 2006 +0000
+ Merge branch 'side'
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index cead32e..992913c 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ C
+ D
+ E
+ F
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index b414108..10a8a9f 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+commit c7a2ab9e8eac7b117442a607d5a9b3950ae34d5a
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:03:00 2006 +0000
+ Side
+commit 9a6d4949b6b76956d9d5e26f2791ec2ceff5fdc0
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:02:00 2006 +0000
+ Third
+commit 1bde4ae5f36c8d9abe3a0fce0c6aab3c4a12fe44
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:01:00 2006 +0000
+ Second
+ This is the second commit.
+commit 444ac553ac7612cc88969031b02b3767fb8a353a
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:00:00 2006 +0000
+ Initial
diff --git a/t/t4013/diff.log_-c_-m_-p_master b/t/t4013/diff.log_-c_-m_-p_master
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b660f3d5f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4013/diff.log_-c_-m_-p_master
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+$ git log -c -m -p master
+commit 59d314ad6f356dd08601a4cd5e530381da3e3c64 (from 9a6d4949b6b76956d9d5e26f2791ec2ceff5fdc0)
+Merge: 9a6d494 c7a2ab9
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:04:00 2006 +0000
+ Merge branch 'side'
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index cead32e..992913c 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ C
+ D
+ E
+ F
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index b414108..10a8a9f 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+commit 59d314ad6f356dd08601a4cd5e530381da3e3c64 (from c7a2ab9e8eac7b117442a607d5a9b3950ae34d5a)
+Merge: 9a6d494 c7a2ab9
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:04:00 2006 +0000
+ Merge branch 'side'
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 7289e35..992913c 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+ A
+ B
+ 1
+ 2
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index f4615da..10a8a9f 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ A
+ B
+ C
+diff --git a/file1 b/file1
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b1e6722
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/file1
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff --git a/file2 b/file2
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 01e79c3..0000000
+--- a/file2
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
+diff --git a/file3 b/file3
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 7289e35..0000000
+--- a/file3
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
+commit c7a2ab9e8eac7b117442a607d5a9b3950ae34d5a
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:03:00 2006 +0000
+ Side
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 35d242b..7289e35 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+ A
+ B
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index 01e79c3..f4615da 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+diff --git a/file3 b/file3
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7289e35
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/file3
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+commit 9a6d4949b6b76956d9d5e26f2791ec2ceff5fdc0
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:02:00 2006 +0000
+ Third
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 8422d40..cead32e 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ A
+ B
+ C
+ D
+diff --git a/file1 b/file1
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b1e6722
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/file1
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+commit 1bde4ae5f36c8d9abe3a0fce0c6aab3c4a12fe44
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:01:00 2006 +0000
+ Second
+ This is the second commit.
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 35d242b..8422d40 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+ A
+ B
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index 01e79c3..b414108 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+diff --git a/file2 b/file2
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 01e79c3..0000000
+--- a/file2
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
+commit 444ac553ac7612cc88969031b02b3767fb8a353a
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:00:00 2006 +0000
+ Initial
diff --git a/t/t4013/diff.log_-p_--diff-merges=first-parent_master b/t/t4013/diff.log_-p_--diff-merges=first-parent_master
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9538a27511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4013/diff.log_-p_--diff-merges=first-parent_master
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+$ git log -p --diff-merges=first-parent master
+commit 59d314ad6f356dd08601a4cd5e530381da3e3c64
+Merge: 9a6d494 c7a2ab9
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:04:00 2006 +0000
+ Merge branch 'side'
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index cead32e..992913c 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ C
+ D
+ E
+ F
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index b414108..10a8a9f 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+commit c7a2ab9e8eac7b117442a607d5a9b3950ae34d5a
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:03:00 2006 +0000
+ Side
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 35d242b..7289e35 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+ A
+ B
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index 01e79c3..f4615da 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+diff --git a/file3 b/file3
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7289e35
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/file3
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+commit 9a6d4949b6b76956d9d5e26f2791ec2ceff5fdc0
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:02:00 2006 +0000
+ Third
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 8422d40..cead32e 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ A
+ B
+ C
+ D
+diff --git a/file1 b/file1
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b1e6722
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/file1
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+commit 1bde4ae5f36c8d9abe3a0fce0c6aab3c4a12fe44
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:01:00 2006 +0000
+ Second
+ This is the second commit.
+diff --git a/dir/sub b/dir/sub
+index 35d242b..8422d40 100644
+--- a/dir/sub
++++ b/dir/sub
+@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+ A
+ B
+diff --git a/file0 b/file0
+index 01e79c3..b414108 100644
+--- a/file0
++++ b/file0
+@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+diff --git a/file2 b/file2
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 01e79c3..0000000
+--- a/file2
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
+commit 444ac553ac7612cc88969031b02b3767fb8a353a
+Author: A U Thor <>
+Date: Mon Jun 26 00:00:00 2006 +0000
+ Initial
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c5e5e0da3f..66630c8413 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='various format-patch tests'
. ./
@@ -32,11 +35,11 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
git commit -m "Side changes #3 with \\n backslash-n in it." &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git diff-tree -p C2 >patch &&
git apply --index <patch &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "Master accepts moral equivalent of #2" &&
+ git commit -m "Main accepts moral equivalent of #2" &&
git checkout side &&
git checkout -b patchid &&
@@ -56,39 +59,39 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
git commit -m "patchid 3" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream' '
- git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch0 &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..side >patch0 &&
grep "^From " patch0 >from0 &&
test_line_count = 3 from0
test_expect_success 'format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream' '
git format-patch --stdout \
- --ignore-if-in-upstream master..side >patch1 &&
+ --ignore-if-in-upstream main..side >patch1 &&
grep "^From " patch1 >from1 &&
test_line_count = 2 from1
test_expect_success 'format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream handles tags' '
git tag -a v1 -m tag side &&
- git tag -a v2 -m tag master &&
+ git tag -a v2 -m tag main &&
git format-patch --stdout --ignore-if-in-upstream v2..v1 >patch1 &&
grep "^From " patch1 >from1 &&
test_line_count = 2 from1
test_expect_success "format-patch doesn't consider merge commits" '
- git checkout -b feature master &&
+ git checkout -b feature main &&
echo "Another line" >>file &&
test_tick &&
git commit -am "Feature branch change #1" &&
echo "Yet another line" >>file &&
test_tick &&
git commit -am "Feature branch change #2" &&
- git checkout -b merger master &&
+ git checkout -b merger main &&
test_tick &&
git merge --no-ff feature &&
git format-patch -3 --stdout >patch &&
@@ -97,16 +100,16 @@ test_expect_success "format-patch doesn't consider merge commits" '
test_expect_success 'format-patch result applies' '
- git checkout -b rebuild-0 master &&
+ git checkout -b rebuild-0 main &&
git am -3 patch0 &&
- git rev-list master.. >list &&
+ git rev-list main.. >list &&
test_line_count = 2 list
test_expect_success 'format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream result applies' '
- git checkout -b rebuild-1 master &&
+ git checkout -b rebuild-1 main &&
git am -3 patch1 &&
- git rev-list master.. >list &&
+ git rev-list main.. >list &&
test_line_count = 2 list
@@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ test_expect_success 'extra headers' '
" &&
git config --add format.headers "Cc: S E Cipient <>
" &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch2 &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..side >patch2 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch2 >hdrs2 &&
grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs2 &&
grep "^Cc: S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs2
@@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ test_expect_success 'extra headers' '
test_expect_success 'extra headers without newlines' '
git config --replace-all format.headers "To: R E Cipient <>" &&
git config --add format.headers "Cc: S E Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch3 &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..side >patch3 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch3 >hdrs3 &&
grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs3 &&
grep "^Cc: S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs3
@@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ test_expect_success 'extra headers without newlines' '
test_expect_success 'extra headers with multiple To:s' '
git config --replace-all format.headers "To: R E Cipient <>" &&
git config --add format.headers "To: S E Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch4 &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..side >patch4 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch4 >hdrs4 &&
grep "^To: R E Cipient <>,\$" hdrs4 &&
grep "^ *S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs4
@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@ test_expect_success 'extra headers with multiple To:s' '
test_expect_success 'additional command line cc (ascii)' '
git config --replace-all format.headers "Cc: R E Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --cc="S E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch5 &&
+ git format-patch --cc="S E Cipient <>" --stdout main..side >patch5 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch5 >hdrs5 &&
grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>,\$" hdrs5 &&
grep "^ *S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs5
@@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ test_expect_success 'additional command line cc (ascii)' '
test_expect_failure 'additional command line cc (rfc822)' '
git config --replace-all format.headers "Cc: R E Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --cc="S. E. Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch5 &&
+ git format-patch --cc="S. E. Cipient <>" --stdout main..side >patch5 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch5 >hdrs5 &&
grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>,\$" hdrs5 &&
grep "^ *\"S. E. Cipient\" <>\$" hdrs5
@@ -172,14 +175,14 @@ test_expect_failure 'additional command line cc (rfc822)' '
test_expect_success 'command line headers' '
git config --unset-all format.headers &&
- git format-patch --add-header="Cc: R E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch6 &&
+ git format-patch --add-header="Cc: R E Cipient <>" --stdout main..side >patch6 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch6 >hdrs6 &&
grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs6
test_expect_success 'configuration headers and command line headers' '
git config --replace-all format.headers "Cc: R E Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --add-header="Cc: S E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch7 &&
+ git format-patch --add-header="Cc: S E Cipient <>" --stdout main..side >patch7 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch7 >hdrs7 &&
grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>,\$" hdrs7 &&
grep "^ *S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs7
@@ -187,40 +190,40 @@ test_expect_success 'configuration headers and command line headers' '
test_expect_success 'command line To: header (ascii)' '
git config --unset-all format.headers &&
- git format-patch --to="R E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch8 &&
+ git format-patch --to="R E Cipient <>" --stdout main..side >patch8 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch8 >hdrs8 &&
grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs8
test_expect_failure 'command line To: header (rfc822)' '
- git format-patch --to="R. E. Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch8 &&
+ git format-patch --to="R. E. Cipient <>" --stdout main..side >patch8 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch8 >hdrs8 &&
grep "^To: \"R. E. Cipient\" <>\$" hdrs8
test_expect_failure 'command line To: header (rfc2047)' '
- git format-patch --to="R Ä Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch8 &&
+ git format-patch --to="R Ä Cipient <>" --stdout main..side >patch8 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch8 >hdrs8 &&
grep "^To: =?UTF-8?q?R=20=C3=84=20Cipient?= <>\$" hdrs8
test_expect_success 'configuration To: header (ascii)' '
git config "R E Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch9 &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..side >patch9 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch9 >hdrs9 &&
grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs9
test_expect_failure 'configuration To: header (rfc822)' '
git config "R. E. Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch9 &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..side >patch9 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch9 >hdrs9 &&
grep "^To: \"R. E. Cipient\" <>\$" hdrs9
test_expect_failure 'configuration To: header (rfc2047)' '
git config "R Ä Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch9 &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..side >patch9 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch9 >hdrs9 &&
grep "^To: =?UTF-8?q?R=20=C3=84=20Cipient?= <>\$" hdrs9
@@ -234,35 +237,35 @@ check_patch () {
test_expect_success 'format.from=false' '
- git -c format.from=false format-patch --stdout master..side >patch &&
+ git -c format.from=false format-patch --stdout main..side >patch &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
check_patch patch &&
! grep "^From: C O Mitter <>\$" hdrs
test_expect_success 'format.from=true' '
- git -c format.from=true format-patch --stdout master..side >patch &&
+ git -c format.from=true format-patch --stdout main..side >patch &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
check_patch hdrs &&
grep "^From: C O Mitter <>\$" hdrs
test_expect_success 'format.from with address' '
- git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --stdout master..side >patch &&
+ git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --stdout main..side >patch &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
check_patch hdrs &&
grep "^From: F R Om <>\$" hdrs
test_expect_success '--no-from overrides format.from' '
- git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --no-from --stdout master..side >patch &&
+ git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --no-from --stdout main..side >patch &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
check_patch hdrs &&
! grep "^From: F R Om <>\$" hdrs
test_expect_success '--from overrides format.from' '
- git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --from --stdout master..side >patch &&
+ git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --from --stdout main..side >patch &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
check_patch hdrs &&
! grep "^From: F R Om <>\$" hdrs
@@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ test_expect_success '--from overrides format.from' '
test_expect_success '--no-to overrides' '
git config --replace-all \
"R E Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --no-to --stdout master..side >patch10 &&
+ git format-patch --no-to --stdout main..side >patch10 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch10 >hdrs10 &&
check_patch hdrs10 &&
! grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs10
@@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ test_expect_success '--no-to and --to replaces' '
git config --replace-all \
"Someone <someone@out.there>" &&
git format-patch --no-to --to="Someone Else <else@out.there>" \
- --stdout master..side >patch11 &&
+ --stdout main..side >patch11 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch11 >hdrs11 &&
check_patch hdrs11 &&
! grep "^To: Someone <someone@out.there>\$" hdrs11 &&
@@ -291,7 +294,7 @@ test_expect_success '--no-to and --to replaces' '
test_expect_success '--no-cc overrides' '
git config --replace-all \
"C E Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --no-cc --stdout master..side >patch12 &&
+ git format-patch --no-cc --stdout main..side >patch12 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch12 >hdrs12 &&
check_patch hdrs12 &&
! grep "^Cc: C E Cipient <>\$" hdrs12
@@ -300,7 +303,7 @@ test_expect_success '--no-cc overrides' '
test_expect_success '--no-add-header overrides config.headers' '
git config --replace-all format.headers \
"Header1: B E Cipient <>" &&
- git format-patch --no-add-header --stdout master..side >patch13 &&
+ git format-patch --no-add-header --stdout main..side >patch13 &&
sed -e "/^\$/q" patch13 >hdrs13 &&
check_patch hdrs13 &&
! grep "^Header1: B E Cipient <>\$" hdrs13
@@ -309,7 +312,7 @@ test_expect_success '--no-add-header overrides config.headers' '
test_expect_success 'multiple files' '
rm -rf patches/ &&
git checkout side &&
- git format-patch -o patches/ master &&
+ git format-patch -o patches/ main &&
ls patches/0001-Side-changes-1.patch patches/0002-Side-changes-2.patch patches/0003-Side-changes-3-with-n-backslash-n-in-it.patch
@@ -369,7 +372,7 @@ test_expect_success 'filename limit applies only to basename' '
test_expect_success 'reroll count' '
rm -fr patches &&
- git format-patch -o patches --cover-letter --reroll-count 4 master..side >list &&
+ git format-patch -o patches --cover-letter --reroll-count 4 main..side >list &&
! grep -v "^patches/v4-000[0-3]-" list &&
sed -n -e "/^Subject: /p" $(cat list) >subjects &&
! grep -v "^Subject: \[PATCH v4 [0-3]/3\] " subjects
@@ -377,7 +380,7 @@ test_expect_success 'reroll count' '
test_expect_success 'reroll count (-v)' '
rm -fr patches &&
- git format-patch -o patches --cover-letter -v4 master..side >list &&
+ git format-patch -o patches --cover-letter -v4 main..side >list &&
! grep -v "^patches/v4-000[0-3]-" list &&
sed -n -e "/^Subject: /p" $(cat list) >subjects &&
! grep -v "^Subject: \[PATCH v4 [0-3]/3\] " subjects
@@ -413,7 +416,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'no threading' '
git checkout side &&
- check_threading master
+ check_threading main
cat >expect.thread <<EOF
@@ -430,7 +433,7 @@ References: <0>
test_expect_success 'thread' '
- check_threading expect.thread --thread master
+ check_threading expect.thread --thread main
cat > <<EOF
@@ -450,7 +453,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'thread in-reply-to' '
check_threading --in-reply-to="<test.message>" \
- --thread master
+ --thread main
cat >expect.cover-letter <<EOF
@@ -471,7 +474,7 @@ References: <0>
test_expect_success 'thread cover-letter' '
- check_threading expect.cover-letter --cover-letter --thread master
+ check_threading expect.cover-letter --cover-letter --thread main
cat > <<EOF
@@ -498,12 +501,12 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'thread cover-letter in-reply-to' '
check_threading --cover-letter \
- --in-reply-to="<test.message>" --thread master
+ --in-reply-to="<test.message>" --thread main
test_expect_success 'thread explicit shallow' '
check_threading --cover-letter \
- --in-reply-to="<test.message>" --thread=shallow master
+ --in-reply-to="<test.message>" --thread=shallow main
cat >expect.deep <<EOF
@@ -521,7 +524,7 @@ References: <0>
test_expect_success 'thread deep' '
- check_threading expect.deep --thread=deep master
+ check_threading expect.deep --thread=deep main
cat >expect.deep-irt <<EOF
@@ -544,7 +547,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'thread deep in-reply-to' '
check_threading expect.deep-irt --thread=deep \
- --in-reply-to="<test.message>" master
+ --in-reply-to="<test.message>" main
cat >expect.deep-cl <<EOF
@@ -568,7 +571,7 @@ References: <0>
test_expect_success 'thread deep cover-letter' '
- check_threading expect.deep-cl --cover-letter --thread=deep master
+ check_threading expect.deep-cl --cover-letter --thread=deep main
cat >expect.deep-cl-irt <<EOF
@@ -598,27 +601,27 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'thread deep cover-letter in-reply-to' '
check_threading expect.deep-cl-irt --cover-letter \
- --in-reply-to="<test.message>" --thread=deep master
+ --in-reply-to="<test.message>" --thread=deep main
test_expect_success 'thread via config' '
test_config format.thread true &&
- check_threading expect.thread master
+ check_threading expect.thread main
test_expect_success 'thread deep via config' '
test_config format.thread deep &&
- check_threading expect.deep master
+ check_threading expect.deep main
test_expect_success 'thread config + override' '
test_config format.thread deep &&
- check_threading expect.thread --thread master
+ check_threading expect.thread --thread main
test_expect_success 'thread config + --no-thread' '
test_config format.thread deep &&
- check_threading --no-thread master
+ check_threading --no-thread main
test_expect_success 'excessive subject' '
@@ -631,7 +634,7 @@ test_expect_success 'excessive subject' '
after=$(git rev-parse --short $after) &&
git update-index file &&
git commit -m "This is an excessively long subject line for a message due to the habit some projects have of not having a short, one-line subject at the start of the commit message, but rather sticking a whole paragraph right at the start as the only thing in the commit message. It had better not become the filename for the patch." &&
- git format-patch -o patches/ master..side &&
+ git format-patch -o patches/ main..side &&
ls patches/0004-This-is-an-excessively-long-subject-line-for-a-messa.patch
@@ -893,13 +896,13 @@ test_expect_success 'options no longer allowed for format-patch' '
test_expect_success 'format-patch --numstat should produce a patch' '
- git format-patch --numstat --stdout master..side >output &&
+ git format-patch --numstat --stdout main..side >output &&
grep "^diff --git a/" output >diff &&
test_line_count = 5 diff
test_expect_success 'format-patch -- <path>' '
- git format-patch master..side -- file 2>error &&
+ git format-patch main..side -- file 2>error &&
! grep "Use .--" error
@@ -1673,9 +1676,9 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with invalid --cover-from-description and conf
test_config branch.rebuild-1.description "config subject
body" &&
- test_must_fail git format-patch --cover-letter --cover-from-description garbage master &&
+ test_must_fail git format-patch --cover-letter --cover-from-description garbage main &&
test_config format.coverFromDescription garbage &&
- test_must_fail git format-patch --cover-letter master
+ test_must_fail git format-patch --cover-letter main
test_expect_success 'cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = default' '
@@ -1684,7 +1687,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = default' '
body" &&
test_config format.coverFromDescription default &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] \*\*\* SUBJECT HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1696,7 +1699,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with --cover-from-description default' '
body" &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description default master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description default main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] \*\*\* SUBJECT HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1709,7 +1712,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = none' '
body" &&
test_config format.coverFromDescription none &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] \*\*\* SUBJECT HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1721,7 +1724,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with --cover-from-description none' '
body" &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description none master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description none main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] \*\*\* SUBJECT HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1734,7 +1737,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = message' '
body" &&
test_config format.coverFromDescription message &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] \*\*\* SUBJECT HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1746,7 +1749,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with --cover-from-description message' '
body" &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description message master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description message main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] \*\*\* SUBJECT HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1759,7 +1762,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = subject' '
body" &&
test_config format.coverFromDescription subject &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] config subject$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1771,7 +1774,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with --cover-from-description subject' '
body" &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description subject master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description subject main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] config subject$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1784,7 +1787,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = auto (short
body" &&
test_config format.coverFromDescription auto &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] config subject$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1796,7 +1799,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with --cover-from-description auto (short subj
body" &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description auto master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description auto main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] config subject$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1809,7 +1812,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = auto (long
body" &&
test_config format.coverFromDescription auto &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] \*\*\* SUBJECT HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
grep "^this is a really long first line and it is over 100 characters long which is the threshold for long subjects$" actual &&
@@ -1821,7 +1824,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with --cover-from-description auto (long subje
body" &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description auto master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description auto main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] \*\*\* SUBJECT HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
grep "^this is a really long first line and it is over 100 characters long which is the threshold for long subjects$" actual &&
@@ -1834,7 +1837,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter with command-line --cover-from-description ove
body" &&
test_config format.coverFromDescription none &&
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description subject master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter --cover-from-description subject main >actual &&
grep "^Subject: \[PATCH 0/2\] config subject$" actual &&
! grep "^\*\*\* BLURB HERE \*\*\*$" actual &&
! grep "^config subject$" actual &&
@@ -1844,7 +1847,7 @@ body" &&
test_expect_success 'cover letter using branch description (1)' '
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
test_config branch.rebuild-1.description hello &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter main >actual &&
grep hello actual
@@ -1858,14 +1861,14 @@ test_expect_success 'cover letter using branch description (2)' '
test_expect_success 'cover letter using branch description (3)' '
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
test_config branch.rebuild-1.description hello &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter ^master rebuild-1 >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter ^main rebuild-1 >actual &&
grep hello actual
test_expect_success 'cover letter using branch description (4)' '
git checkout rebuild-1 &&
test_config branch.rebuild-1.description hello &&
- git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master.. >actual &&
+ git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter main.. >actual &&
grep hello actual
@@ -1932,8 +1935,8 @@ test_expect_success 'From line has expected format' '
test_expect_success 'format-patch -o with no leading directories' '
rm -fr patches &&
- git format-patch -o patches master..side &&
- count=$(git rev-list --count master..side) &&
+ git format-patch -o patches main..side &&
+ count=$(git rev-list --count main..side) &&
ls patches >list &&
test_line_count = $count list
@@ -1941,16 +1944,16 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch -o with no leading directories' '
test_expect_success 'format-patch -o with leading existing directories' '
rm -rf existing-dir &&
mkdir existing-dir &&
- git format-patch -o existing-dir/patches master..side &&
- count=$(git rev-list --count master..side) &&
+ git format-patch -o existing-dir/patches main..side &&
+ count=$(git rev-list --count main..side) &&
ls existing-dir/patches >list &&
test_line_count = $count list
test_expect_success 'format-patch -o with leading non-existing directories' '
rm -rf non-existing-dir &&
- git format-patch -o non-existing-dir/patches master..side &&
- count=$(git rev-list --count master..side) &&
+ git format-patch -o non-existing-dir/patches main..side &&
+ count=$(git rev-list --count main..side) &&
test_path_is_dir non-existing-dir &&
ls non-existing-dir/patches >list &&
test_line_count = $count list
@@ -1959,8 +1962,8 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch -o with leading non-existing directories' '
test_expect_success 'format-patch format.outputDirectory option' '
test_config format.outputDirectory patches &&
rm -fr patches &&
- git format-patch master..side &&
- count=$(git rev-list --count master..side) &&
+ git format-patch main..side &&
+ count=$(git rev-list --count main..side) &&
ls patches >list &&
test_line_count = $count list
@@ -1968,7 +1971,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch format.outputDirectory option' '
test_expect_success 'format-patch -o overrides format.outputDirectory' '
test_config format.outputDirectory patches &&
rm -fr patches patchset &&
- git format-patch master..side -o patchset &&
+ git format-patch main..side -o patchset &&
test_path_is_missing patches &&
test_path_is_dir patchset
@@ -2065,14 +2068,14 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch --base errors out when base commit is not ance
# ------------W
# If "format-patch Z..X" is given, P and Z can not be specified as the base commit
- git checkout -b topic1 master &&
+ git checkout -b topic1 main &&
git rev-parse HEAD >commit-id-base &&
test_commit P &&
git rev-parse HEAD >commit-id-P &&
test_commit Z &&
git rev-parse HEAD >commit-id-Z &&
test_commit Y &&
- git checkout -b topic2 master &&
+ git checkout -b topic2 main &&
test_commit W &&
git merge topic1 &&
test_commit X &&
@@ -2085,7 +2088,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch --base errors out when base commit is not ance
test_expect_success 'format-patch --base=auto' '
- git checkout -b upstream master &&
+ git checkout -b upstream main &&
git checkout -b local upstream &&
git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream &&
test_commit N1 &&
@@ -2106,11 +2109,11 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch errors out when history involves criss-cross'
# \ / \
# C---M2---E
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit A &&
- git checkout -b xb master &&
+ git checkout -b xb main &&
test_commit B &&
- git checkout -b xc master &&
+ git checkout -b xc main &&
test_commit C &&
git checkout -b xbc xb -- &&
git merge xc &&
@@ -2230,7 +2233,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format-patch --pretty=mboxrd' '
test_expect_success 'interdiff: setup' '
- git checkout -b boop master &&
+ git checkout -b boop main &&
test_commit fnorp blorp &&
test_commit fleep blorp
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 95a7ca7070..ed461f481e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='Return value of diffs'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check detects leftover conflict markers' '
git checkout HEAD^ &&
echo binary >>b &&
git commit -m "side" b &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
git add b &&
test_expect_code 2 git --no-pager diff --cached --check >test.out &&
test 3 = $(grep "conflict marker" test.out | wc -l) &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d7145ccca4..894a11b224 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -93,6 +93,14 @@ test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (untracked)' '
) &&
git diff HEAD >actual &&
sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
+ expect_from_to >expect.body $subtip $subprev &&
+ test_cmp expect.body actual.body
+test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (untracked) (none ignored)' '
+ test_config diff.ignoreSubmodules none &&
+ git diff HEAD >actual &&
+ sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
expect_from_to >expect.body $subtip $subprev-dirty &&
test_cmp expect.body actual.body
@@ -168,13 +176,13 @@ test_expect_success 'git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (untracked, refs match)'
git clean -qfdx &&
) &&
- git diff HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff --ignore-submodules=none HEAD >actual &&
sed -e "1,/^@@/d" actual >actual.body &&
expect_from_to >expect.body $subprev $subprev-dirty &&
test_cmp expect.body actual.body &&
git diff --ignore-submodules=all HEAD >actual2 &&
test_must_be_empty actual2 &&
- git diff --ignore-submodules=untracked HEAD >actual3 &&
+ git diff HEAD >actual3 &&
test_must_be_empty actual3 &&
git diff --ignore-submodules=dirty HEAD >actual4 &&
test_must_be_empty actual4
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 94680836ce..09ad491a59 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='combined diff'
. ./
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check --cc --raw with forty trees' '
test_expect_success 'setup combined ignore spaces' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
>test &&
git add test &&
git commit -m initial &&
@@ -143,7 +146,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup combined ignore spaces' '
git commit -m "test other space changes" -a &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
tr -d Q <<-\EOF >test &&
eol spaces Q
space change
@@ -404,7 +407,7 @@ test_expect_success 'combine diff missing delete bug' '
test_expect_success 'combine diff gets tree sorting right' '
# create a directory and a file that sort differently in trees
# versus byte-wise (implied "/" sorts after ".")
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
mkdir foo &&
echo base >foo/one &&
echo base >foo/two &&
@@ -414,9 +417,9 @@ test_expect_success 'combine diff gets tree sorting right' '
# one side modifies a file in the directory, along with the root
# file...
- echo master >foo/one &&
- echo master >foo.ext &&
- git commit -a -m master &&
+ echo main >foo/one &&
+ echo main >foo.ext &&
+ git commit -a -m main &&
# the other side modifies the other file in the directory
git checkout -b other HEAD^ &&
@@ -426,7 +429,7 @@ test_expect_success 'combine diff gets tree sorting right' '
# And now we merge. The files in the subdirectory will resolve cleanly,
# meaning that a combined diff will not find them interesting. But it
# will find the tree itself interesting, because it had to be merged.
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge other &&
printf "MM\tfoo\n" >expect &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f852136585..0c1502d4b0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ test_description='Support for verbose submodule differences in git diff
This test tries to verify the sanity of the --submodule option of git diff.
. ./
# Tested non-UTF-8 encoding
@@ -262,7 +265,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule is up to date' '
test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked content' '
echo new > sm1/new-file &&
- git diff-index -p --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=none --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains untracked content
@@ -270,7 +273,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked content' '
test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked content (untracked ignored)' '
- git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=untracked --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
@@ -286,7 +289,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked content (all ignored)' '
test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked and modified content' '
echo new > sm1/foo6 &&
- git diff-index -p --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=none --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains untracked content
Submodule sm1 contains modified content
@@ -296,7 +299,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked and modified content' '
test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked and modified content (untracked ignored)' '
echo new > sm1/foo6 &&
- git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=untracked --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains modified content
@@ -337,7 +340,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule is modified' '
test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked content' '
echo new > sm1/new-file &&
- git diff-index -p --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=none --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains untracked content
Submodule sm1 $head6..$head8:
@@ -347,7 +350,7 @@ test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked content' '
test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked content (untracked ignored)' '
- git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=untracked --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 $head6..$head8:
> change
@@ -371,7 +374,7 @@ test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked content (all ignored)
test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked and modified content' '
echo modification >> sm1/foo6 &&
- git diff-index -p --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=none --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains untracked content
Submodule sm1 contains modified content
@@ -383,7 +386,7 @@ test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked and modified content'
test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked and modified content (untracked ignored)' '
echo modification >> sm1/foo6 &&
- git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=untracked --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --submodule=log HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains modified content
Submodule sm1 $head6..$head8:
@@ -538,7 +541,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff --submodule with objects referenced by alternates' '
(cd super &&
(cd sub &&
git fetch &&
- git checkout origin/master
+ git checkout origin/main
) &&
git diff --submodule > ../actual
) &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7f9ad9fa3d..0260cf64f5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='combined and merge diff handle binary files and textconv'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup binary merge conflict' '
@@ -14,7 +17,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup binary merge conflict' '
echo threeQ3 | q_to_nul >binary &&
git commit -a -m three &&
three=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD:binary) &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
echo resolvedQhooray | q_to_nul >binary &&
git commit -a -m resolved &&
res=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD:binary)
@@ -62,14 +65,14 @@ test_expect_success 'diff --cc indicates binary-ness' '
test_expect_success 'setup non-binary with binary attribute' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit one text &&
test_commit two text &&
two=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD:text) &&
git checkout -b branch-text HEAD^ &&
test_commit three text &&
three=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD:text) &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
test_commit resolved text &&
res=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD:text) &&
echo text -diff >.gitattributes
@@ -206,11 +209,11 @@ index $three,$two..0000000
-++>>>>>>> MASTER
+++>>>>>>> MAIN
test_expect_success 'diff --cc respects textconv on worktree file' '
git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
git diff >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 28c053849a..9eba436211 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='test --stat output of various commands'
. ./
@@ -353,7 +356,7 @@ cat >expect <<'EOF'
test_expect_success 'merge --stat respects COLUMNS (big change)' '
git checkout -b branch HEAD^^ &&
- COLUMNS=100 git merge --stat --no-ff master^ >output &&
+ COLUMNS=100 git merge --stat --no-ff main^ >output &&
grep " | " output >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -362,7 +365,7 @@ cat >expect <<'EOF'
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 1000 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
test_expect_success 'merge --stat respects COLUMNS (long filename)' '
- COLUMNS=100 git merge --stat --no-ff master >output &&
+ COLUMNS=100 git merge --stat --no-ff main >output &&
grep " | " output >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 43dd474a12..63ea7144bb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='diff order'
. ./
create_files () {
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ done
test_expect_success 'setup for testing combine-diff order' '
git checkout -b tmp HEAD~ &&
create_files 3 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge --no-commit -s ours tmp &&
create_files 5
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0b78573733..7e5b74f72e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='combined diff show only paths that are different to all parents'
. ./
# verify that diffc.expect matches output of
@@ -24,9 +27,9 @@ test_expect_success 'trivial merge - combine-diff empty' '
echo $i/2 >>$i.txt
done &&
git commit -a -m "side 2-9" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo 1/2 >1.txt &&
- git commit -a -m "master 1" &&
+ git commit -a -m "main 1" &&
git merge side &&
>diffc.expect &&
@@ -41,19 +44,19 @@ test_expect_success 'only one truly conflicting path' '
done &&
echo "4side" >>4.txt &&
git commit -a -m "side 2-9 +4" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
for i in $(test_seq 1 9)
echo $i/3 >>$i.txt
done &&
- echo "4master" >>4.txt &&
- git commit -a -m "master 1-9 +4" &&
+ echo "4main" >>4.txt &&
+ git commit -a -m "main 1-9 +4" &&
test_must_fail git merge side &&
cat <<-\EOF >4.txt &&
- 4master
+ 4main
git add 4.txt &&
@@ -69,12 +72,12 @@ test_expect_success 'merge introduces new file' '
echo $i/4 >>$i.txt
done &&
git commit -a -m "side 5-9" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
for i in $(test_seq 1 3)
echo $i/4 >>$i.txt
done &&
- git commit -a -m "master 1-3 +4hello" &&
+ git commit -a -m "main 1-3 +4hello" &&
git merge side &&
echo "Hello World" >4hello.txt &&
git add 4hello.txt &&
@@ -90,12 +93,12 @@ test_expect_success 'merge removed a file' '
echo $i/5 >>$i.txt
done &&
git commit -a -m "side 5-9" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
for i in $(test_seq 1 3)
echo $i/4 >>$i.txt
done &&
- git commit -a -m "master 1-3" &&
+ git commit -a -m "main 1-3" &&
git merge side &&
git rm 4.txt &&
git commit --amend &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c24ee175ef..54614b814d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
+# This testsuite does a number of diffs and checks that the output match.
+# However, it is a "garbage in, garbage out" situation; the trees have
+# duplicate entries for individual paths, and it results in diffs that do
+# not make much sense. As such, it is not clear that the diffs are
+# "correct". The primary purpose of these tests was to verify that
+# diff-tree does not segfault, but there is perhaps some value in ensuring
+# that the diff output isn't wildly unreasonable.
test_description='test tree diff when trees have duplicate entries'
. ./
@@ -57,7 +66,16 @@ test_expect_success 'create trees with duplicate entries' '
git tag two $outer_two
-test_expect_success 'diff-tree between trees' '
+test_expect_success 'create tree without duplicate entries' '
+ blob_one=$(echo one | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
+ outer_three=$(make_tree \
+ 100644 renamed $blob_one
+ ) &&
+ git tag three $outer_three
+test_expect_success 'diff-tree between duplicate trees' '
+ # See NOTICE at top of file
printf ":000000 100644 $ZERO_OID $blob_two A\touter/inner\n" &&
printf ":000000 100644 $ZERO_OID $blob_two A\touter/inner\n" &&
@@ -71,9 +89,101 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-tree between trees' '
test_expect_success 'diff-tree with renames' '
- # same expectation as above, since we disable rename detection
+ # See NOTICE at top of file.
git diff-tree -M -r --no-abbrev one two >actual &&
+ test_must_be_empty actual
+test_expect_success 'diff-tree FROM duplicate tree' '
+ # See NOTICE at top of file.
+ {
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_one $ZERO_OID D\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_two $ZERO_OID D\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_two $ZERO_OID D\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_two $ZERO_OID D\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":000000 100644 $ZERO_OID $blob_one A\trenamed\n"
+ } >expect &&
+ git diff-tree -r --no-abbrev one three >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'diff-tree FROM duplicate tree, with renames' '
+ # See NOTICE at top of file.
+ {
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_two $ZERO_OID D\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_two $ZERO_OID D\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":100644 000000 $blob_two $ZERO_OID D\touter/inner\n" &&
+ printf ":100644 100644 $blob_one $blob_one R100\touter/inner\trenamed\n"
+ } >expect &&
+ git diff-tree -M -r --no-abbrev one three >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'create a few commits' '
+ git commit-tree -m "Duplicate Entries" two^{tree} >commit_id &&
+ git branch base $(cat commit_id) &&
+ git commit-tree -p $(cat commit_id) -m "Just one" three^{tree} >up &&
+ git branch update $(cat up) &&
+ git commit-tree -p $(cat up) -m "Back to weird" two^{tree} >final &&
+ git branch final $(cat final) &&
+ rm commit_id up final
+test_expect_failure 'git read-tree does not segfault' '
+ test_when_finished rm .git/index.lock &&
+ test_might_fail git read-tree --reset base
+test_expect_failure 'reset --hard does not segfault' '
+ test_when_finished rm .git/index.lock &&
+ git checkout base &&
+ test_might_fail git reset --hard
+test_expect_failure 'git diff HEAD does not segfault' '
+ git checkout base &&
+ git reset --hard &&
+ test_might_fail git diff HEAD
+test_expect_failure 'can switch to another branch when status is empty' '
+ git clean -ffdqx &&
+ git status --porcelain -uno >actual &&
+ test_must_be_empty actual &&
+ git checkout update
+test_expect_success 'forcibly switch to another branch, verify status empty' '
+ git checkout -f update &&
+ git status --porcelain -uno >actual &&
+ test_must_be_empty actual
+test_expect_success 'fast-forward from non-duplicate entries to duplicate' '
+ git merge final
+test_expect_failure 'clean status, switch branches, status still clean' '
+ git status --porcelain -uno >actual &&
+ test_must_be_empty actual &&
+ git checkout base &&
+ git status --porcelain -uno >actual &&
+ test_must_be_empty actual
+test_expect_success 'switch to base branch and force status to be clean' '
+ git checkout base &&
+ GIT_TEST_CHECK_CACHE_TREE=false git reset --hard &&
+ git status --porcelain -uno >actual &&
+ test_must_be_empty actual
+test_expect_failure 'fast-forward from duplicate entries to non-duplicate' '
+ git merge update
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fc8229c726..dc7b242697 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule is up to date' '
test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked content' '
echo new > sm1/new-file &&
- git diff-index -p --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=none --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains untracked content
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked content' '
test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked content (untracked ignored)' '
- git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=untracked --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked content (all ignored)' '
test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked and modified content' '
echo new > sm1/foo6 &&
- git diff-index -p --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=none --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains untracked content
Submodule sm1 contains modified content
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked and modified content' '
test_expect_success 'submodule contains untracked and modified content (untracked ignored)' '
echo new > sm1/foo6 &&
- git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=untracked --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains modified content
diff --git a/sm1/foo6 b/sm1/foo6
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule is modified' '
test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked content' '
echo new > sm1/new-file &&
- git diff-index -p --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=none --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains untracked content
Submodule sm1 $head7..$head8:
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked content' '
test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked content (untracked ignored)' '
- git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=untracked --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 $head7..$head8:
diff --git a/sm1/foo6 b/sm1/foo6
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked content (all ignored)
test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked and modified content' '
echo modification >> sm1/foo6 &&
- git diff-index -p --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=none --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains untracked content
Submodule sm1 contains modified content
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked and modified content'
test_expect_success 'modified submodule contains untracked and modified content (untracked ignored)' '
echo modification >> sm1/foo6 &&
- git diff-index -p --ignore-submodules=untracked --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
+ git diff-index -p --submodule=diff HEAD >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
Submodule sm1 contains modified content
Submodule sm1 $head7..$head8:
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0f7a6d97a8..bcf7493740 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
test_description='Test diff indent heuristic.
. ./
@@ -266,7 +269,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-index: nice spaces with --indent-heuristic' '
git reset --soft HEAD~ &&
git diff-index --indent-heuristic -p old -- spaces.txt >out-diff-index-compacted &&
compare_diff spaces-compacted-expect out-diff-index-compacted &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-index: nice spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=true' '
@@ -274,7 +277,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-index: nice spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=true' '
git reset --soft HEAD~ &&
git -c diff.indentHeuristic=true diff-index -p old -- spaces.txt >out-diff-index-compacted2 &&
compare_diff spaces-compacted-expect out-diff-index-compacted2 &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-index: ugly spaces with --no-indent-heuristic' '
@@ -282,7 +285,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-index: ugly spaces with --no-indent-heuristic' '
git reset --soft HEAD~ &&
git diff-index --no-indent-heuristic -p old -- spaces.txt >out-diff-index &&
compare_diff spaces-expect out-diff-index &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-index: ugly spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=false' '
@@ -290,7 +293,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-index: ugly spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=false' '
git reset --soft HEAD~ &&
git -c diff.indentHeuristic=false diff-index -p old -- spaces.txt >out-diff-index2 &&
compare_diff spaces-expect out-diff-index2 &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-index: --indent-heuristic overrides config' '
@@ -298,7 +301,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-index: --indent-heuristic overrides config' '
git reset --soft HEAD~ &&
git -c diff.indentHeuristic=false diff-index --indent-heuristic -p old -- spaces.txt >out-diff-index-compacted3 &&
compare_diff spaces-compacted-expect out-diff-index-compacted3 &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-index: --no-indent-heuristic overrides config' '
@@ -306,7 +309,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-index: --no-indent-heuristic overrides config' '
git reset --soft HEAD~ &&
git -c diff.indentHeuristic=true diff-index --no-indent-heuristic -p old -- spaces.txt >out-diff-index3 &&
compare_diff spaces-expect out-diff-index3 &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
# --- diff-files tests ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -317,7 +320,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-files: nice spaces with --indent-heuristic' '
git diff-files --indent-heuristic -p spaces.txt >out-diff-files-raw &&
grep -v index out-diff-files-raw >out-diff-files-compacted &&
compare_diff spaces-compacted-expect out-diff-files-compacted &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-files: nice spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=true' '
@@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-files: nice spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=true' '
git -c diff.indentHeuristic=true diff-files -p spaces.txt >out-diff-files-raw2 &&
grep -v index out-diff-files-raw2 >out-diff-files-compacted2 &&
compare_diff spaces-compacted-expect out-diff-files-compacted2 &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-files: ugly spaces with --no-indent-heuristic' '
@@ -335,7 +338,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-files: ugly spaces with --no-indent-heuristic' '
git diff-files --no-indent-heuristic -p spaces.txt >out-diff-files-raw &&
grep -v index out-diff-files-raw >out-diff-files &&
compare_diff spaces-expect out-diff-files &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-files: ugly spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=false' '
@@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-files: ugly spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=false' '
git -c diff.indentHeuristic=false diff-files -p spaces.txt >out-diff-files-raw2 &&
grep -v index out-diff-files-raw2 >out-diff-files &&
compare_diff spaces-expect out-diff-files &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-files: --indent-heuristic overrides config' '
@@ -353,7 +356,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-files: --indent-heuristic overrides config' '
git -c diff.indentHeuristic=false diff-files --indent-heuristic -p spaces.txt >out-diff-files-raw3 &&
grep -v index out-diff-files-raw3 >out-diff-files-compacted &&
compare_diff spaces-compacted-expect out-diff-files-compacted &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'diff-files: --no-indent-heuristic overrides config' '
@@ -362,7 +365,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff-files: --no-indent-heuristic overrides config' '
git -c diff.indentHeuristic=true diff-files --no-indent-heuristic -p spaces.txt >out-diff-files-raw4 &&
grep -v index out-diff-files-raw4 >out-diff-files &&
compare_diff spaces-expect out-diff-files &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6331f63b12..a1de63b77f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test combined/stat/moved interaction'
. ./
# This test covers a weird 3-way interaction between "--cc -p", which will run
@@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up history with a merge' '
test_commit B &&
git checkout -b side HEAD^ &&
test_commit C &&
- git merge -m M master &&
+ git merge -m M main &&
test_commit D
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 03487cc945..2d650d8f10 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,14 +2,17 @@
test_description='behavior of diff with symmetric-diff setups and --merge-base'
. ./
# build these situations:
# - normal merge with one merge base (br1...b2r);
-# - criss-cross merge ie 2 merge bases (br1...master);
-# - disjoint subgraph (orphan branch, br3...master).
+# - criss-cross merge ie 2 merge bases (br1...main);
+# - disjoint subgraph (orphan branch, br3...main).
-# B---E <-- master
+# B---E <-- main
# / \ /
# A X
# \ / \
@@ -32,9 +35,9 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git add c &&
git commit -m C &&
git tag commit-C &&
- git merge -m D master &&
+ git merge -m D main &&
git tag commit-D &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge -m E commit-C &&
git checkout -b br2 commit-C &&
echo f >f &&
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ test_expect_success 'diff with one merge base' '
# It should have one of those two, which comes out
# to seven lines.
test_expect_success 'diff with two merge bases' '
- git diff br1...master >tmp 2>err &&
+ git diff br1...main >tmp 2>err &&
test_line_count = 7 tmp &&
test_line_count = 1 err
@@ -69,22 +72,22 @@ test_expect_success 'diff with no merge bases' '
test_expect_success 'diff with too many symmetric differences' '
- test_must_fail git diff br1...master br2...br3 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git diff br1...main br2...br3 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "usage" err
test_expect_success 'diff with symmetric difference and extraneous arg' '
- test_must_fail git diff master br1...master 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git diff main br1...main 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "usage" err
test_expect_success 'diff with two ranges' '
- test_must_fail git diff master br1..master br2..br3 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git diff main br1..main br2..br3 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "usage" err
test_expect_success 'diff with ranges and extra arg' '
- test_must_fail git diff master br1..master commit-D 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git diff main br1..main commit-D 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "usage" err
@@ -93,21 +96,21 @@ test_expect_success 'diff --merge-base with no commits' '
test_expect_success 'diff --merge-base with three commits' '
- test_must_fail git diff --merge-base br1 br2 master 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git diff --merge-base br1 br2 main 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "usage" err
for cmd in diff-index diff
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base with one commit" '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git $cmd commit-C >expect &&
git $cmd --merge-base br2 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base with one commit and unstaged changes" '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_when_finished git reset --hard &&
echo unstaged >>c &&
git $cmd commit-C >expect &&
@@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ do
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base with one commit and staged and unstaged changes" '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_when_finished git reset --hard &&
echo staged >>c &&
git add c &&
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ do
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base --cached with one commit and staged and unstaged changes" '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_when_finished git reset --hard &&
echo staged >>c &&
git add c &&
@@ -138,19 +141,19 @@ do
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base with non-commit" '
- git checkout master &&
- test_must_fail git $cmd --merge-base master^{tree} 2>err &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_must_fail git $cmd --merge-base main^{tree} 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "fatal: --merge-base only works with commits" err
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base with no merge bases and one commit" '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git $cmd --merge-base br3 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "fatal: no merge base found" err
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base with multiple merge bases and one commit" '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git $cmd --merge-base br1 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "fatal: multiple merge bases found" err
@@ -159,13 +162,13 @@ done
for cmd in diff-tree diff
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base with two commits" '
- git $cmd commit-C master >expect &&
- git $cmd --merge-base br2 master >actual &&
+ git $cmd commit-C main >expect &&
+ git $cmd --merge-base br2 main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base commit and non-commit" '
- test_must_fail git $cmd --merge-base br2 master^{tree} 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git $cmd --merge-base br2 main^{tree} 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "fatal: --merge-base only works with commits" err
@@ -175,13 +178,13 @@ do
test_expect_success "$cmd --merge-base with multiple merge bases and two commits" '
- test_must_fail git $cmd --merge-base master br1 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git $cmd --merge-base main br1 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "fatal: multiple merge bases found" err
test_expect_success 'diff-tree --merge-base with one commit' '
- test_must_fail git diff-tree --merge-base master 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git diff-tree --merge-base main 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "fatal: --merge-base only works with two commits" err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1b420e3b5f..fad6d3f542 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
test_description='git apply handling binary patches
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -31,64 +34,64 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git update-index --add --remove file1 file2 file3 file4 &&
git commit -m "Second Version" &&
- git diff-tree -p master binary >B.diff &&
- git diff-tree -p -C master binary >C.diff &&
+ git diff-tree -p main binary >B.diff &&
+ git diff-tree -p -C main binary >C.diff &&
- git diff-tree -p --binary master binary >BF.diff &&
- git diff-tree -p --binary -C master binary >CF.diff &&
+ git diff-tree -p --binary main binary >BF.diff &&
+ git diff-tree -p --binary -C main binary >CF.diff &&
- git diff-tree -p --full-index master binary >B-index.diff &&
- git diff-tree -p -C --full-index master binary >C-index.diff &&
+ git diff-tree -p --full-index main binary >B-index.diff &&
+ git diff-tree -p -C --full-index main binary >C-index.diff &&
- git diff-tree -p --binary --no-prefix master binary -- file3 >B0.diff &&
+ git diff-tree -p --binary --no-prefix main binary -- file3 >B0.diff &&
git init other-repo &&
cd other-repo &&
- git fetch .. master &&
+ git fetch .. main &&
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
test_expect_success 'stat binary diff -- should not fail.' \
- 'git checkout master &&
+ 'git checkout main &&
git apply --stat --summary B.diff'
test_expect_success 'stat binary -p0 diff -- should not fail.' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git apply --stat -p0 B0.diff
test_expect_success 'stat binary diff (copy) -- should not fail.' \
- 'git checkout master &&
+ 'git checkout main &&
git apply --stat --summary C.diff'
test_expect_success 'check binary diff -- should fail.' \
- 'git checkout master &&
+ 'git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git apply --check B.diff'
test_expect_success 'check binary diff (copy) -- should fail.' \
- 'git checkout master &&
+ 'git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git apply --check C.diff'
test_expect_success \
'check incomplete binary diff with replacement -- should fail.' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git apply --check --allow-binary-replacement B.diff
test_expect_success \
'check incomplete binary diff with replacement (copy) -- should fail.' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git apply --check --allow-binary-replacement C.diff
test_expect_success 'check binary diff with replacement.' \
- 'git checkout master &&
+ 'git checkout main &&
git apply --check --allow-binary-replacement BF.diff'
test_expect_success 'check binary diff with replacement (copy).' \
- 'git checkout master &&
+ 'git checkout main &&
git apply --check --allow-binary-replacement CF.diff'
# Now we start applying them.
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check binary diff with replacement (copy).' \
do_reset () {
rm -f file? &&
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
test_expect_success 'apply binary diff -- should fail.' \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d7349ced6b..d62db3fbe1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git apply --3way'
. ./
print_sanitized_conflicted_diff () {
@@ -24,14 +27,14 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
test_write_lines 1 two 3 4 5 six 7 >one &&
test_write_lines 1 two 3 4 5 6 7 >two &&
- git commit -a -m master &&
+ git commit -a -m main &&
git checkout side &&
test_write_lines 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 >one &&
test_write_lines 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 >two &&
git commit -a -m side &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'apply without --3way' '
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ test_expect_success 'apply without --3way' '
# should fail to apply
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
test_must_fail git apply --index P.diff &&
# should leave things intact
git diff-files --exit-code &&
@@ -52,14 +55,14 @@ test_apply_with_3way () {
# The corresponding conflicted merge
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
test_must_fail git merge --no-commit side &&
git ls-files -s > &&
print_sanitized_conflicted_diff >expect.diff &&
# should fail to apply
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
test_must_fail git apply --index --3way P.diff &&
git ls-files -s > &&
print_sanitized_conflicted_diff >actual.diff &&
@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ test_expect_success 'apply with --3way with rerere enabled' '
# The corresponding conflicted merge
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
test_must_fail git merge --no-commit side &&
# Manually resolve and record the resolution
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ test_expect_success 'apply with --3way with rerere enabled' '
# should fail to apply
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
test_must_fail git apply --index --3way P.diff &&
# but rerere should have replayed the recorded resolution
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 66368effd5..b45454aaf4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git apply for contextually independent diffs'
. ./
echo '1
@@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' \
git commit -a -q -m 2 &&
echo 9 >>file &&
git commit -a -q -m 3 &&
- git checkout master'
+ git checkout main'
test_expect_success \
'check if contextually independent diffs for the same file apply' \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4acb3f336e..aa52de401b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='apply to deeper directory without getting fooled with symlink'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -35,11 +38,11 @@ test_expect_success apply '
test_expect_success 'check result' '
- git diff --exit-code master &&
- git diff --exit-code --cached master &&
+ git diff --exit-code main &&
+ git diff --exit-code --cached main &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m replay &&
- T1=$(git rev-parse "master^{tree}") &&
+ T1=$(git rev-parse "main^{tree}") &&
T2=$(git rev-parse "HEAD^{tree}") &&
test "z$T1" = "z$T2"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 41818d8315..576632f868 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'do not use core.sharedRepository for working tree
test_config core.sharedRepository 0666 &&
# Remove a default ACL if possible.
- (setfacl -k newdir 2>/dev/null || true) &&
+ (setfacl -k . 2>/dev/null || true) &&
umask 0077 &&
# Test both files (f1) and leading dirs (d)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3ecbef6f8e..99987515dc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git am running'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup: messages' '
@@ -179,8 +182,8 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
git commit -m "added another file" &&
- git format-patch --stdout master >lorem-move.patch &&
- git format-patch --no-prefix --stdout master >lorem-zero.patch &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main >lorem-move.patch &&
+ git format-patch --no-prefix --stdout main >lorem-zero.patch &&
git checkout -b rename &&
git mv file renamed &&
@@ -453,11 +456,11 @@ test_expect_success 'am changes committer and keeps author' '
git checkout first &&
git am patch2 &&
test_path_is_missing .git/rebase-apply &&
- test "$(git rev-parse master^^)" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD^^)" &&
- git diff --exit-code master..HEAD &&
- git diff --exit-code master^..HEAD^ &&
- compare author master HEAD &&
- compare author master^ HEAD^ &&
+ test "$(git rev-parse main^^)" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD^^)" &&
+ git diff --exit-code main..HEAD &&
+ git diff --exit-code main^..HEAD^ &&
+ compare author main HEAD &&
+ compare author main^ HEAD^ &&
"$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%cn <%ce>" HEAD)"
@@ -759,7 +762,7 @@ test_expect_success 'am takes patches from a Pine mailbox' '
git checkout first &&
cat pine patch1 | git am &&
test_path_is_missing .git/rebase-apply &&
- git diff --exit-code master^..HEAD
+ git diff --exit-code main^..HEAD
test_expect_success 'am fails on mail without patch' '
@@ -1112,21 +1115,21 @@ test_expect_success 'am and .gitattibutes' '
test_commit sixth &&
git checkout test &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..HEAD >patches &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..HEAD >patches &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git am patches &&
grep "smudged" a.txt &&
git checkout removal &&
git reset --hard &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..HEAD >patches &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..HEAD >patches &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git am patches &&
grep "clean" a.txt &&
git checkout conflict &&
git reset --hard &&
- git format-patch --stdout master..HEAD >patches &&
+ git format-patch --stdout main..HEAD >patches &&
git reset --hard fourth &&
test_must_fail git am -3 patches &&
grep "<<<<<<<<<<" a.txt
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b12b43e9e9..9f8c76dffb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ test_description='git rerere
! [fifth] version1
! [first] first
! [fourth] version1
- ! [master] initial
+ ! [main] initial
! [second] prefer first over second
! [third] version2
@@ -19,9 +19,12 @@ test_description='git rerere
- [second] prefer first over second
+ + [first] first
+ [second^] second
-++++++ [master] initial
+++++++ [main] initial
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_tick &&
git commit -q -a -m first &&
- git checkout -b second master &&
+ git checkout -b second main &&
git show first:a1 |
sed -e "s/To die, t/To die! T/" -e "s/Some title/Some Title/" >a1 &&
echo "* END *" >>a1 &&
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ test_expect_success 'first postimage wins' '
oldmtimepost=$(test-tool chmtime --get -60 $rr/postimage) &&
- git checkout -b third master &&
+ git checkout -b third main &&
git show second^:a1 | sed "s/To die: t/To die! T/" >a1 &&
git commit -q -a -m third &&
@@ -580,13 +583,13 @@ test_expect_success 'multiple identical conflicts' '
test_expect_success 'rerere with unexpected conflict markers does not crash' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout -b branch-1 master &&
+ git checkout -b branch-1 main &&
echo "bar" >test &&
git add test &&
git commit -q -m two &&
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout -b branch-2 master &&
+ git checkout -b branch-2 main &&
echo "foo" >test &&
git add test &&
git commit -q -a -m one &&
@@ -601,7 +604,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rerere with unexpected conflict markers does not crash' '
test_expect_success 'rerere with inner conflict markers' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout -b A master &&
+ git checkout -b A main &&
echo "bar" >test &&
git add test &&
git commit -q -m two &&
@@ -610,7 +613,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rerere with inner conflict markers' '
git commit -q -m three &&
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout -b B master &&
+ git checkout -b B main &&
echo "foo" >test &&
git add test &&
git commit -q -a -m one &&
@@ -651,11 +654,11 @@ test_expect_success 'setup simple stage 1 handling' '
git add original &&
git commit -m original &&
- git checkout -b A master &&
+ git checkout -b A main &&
git mv original A &&
git commit -m "rename to A" &&
- git checkout -b B master &&
+ git checkout -b B main &&
git mv original B &&
git commit -m "rename to B"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3d5c4a2086..3095b1b2ff 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
test_description='git shortlog
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shortlog with revision pseudo options' '
test_expect_success 'shortlog with --output=<file>' '
- git shortlog --output=shortlog -1 master >output &&
+ git shortlog --output=shortlog -1 main >output &&
test_must_be_empty output &&
test_line_count = 3 shortlog
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 56d34ed465..350cfa3593 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git log'
. ./
@@ -478,7 +481,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up merge history' '
git checkout -b side HEAD~4 &&
test_commit side-1 1 1 &&
test_commit side-2 2 2 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge side
@@ -541,17 +544,17 @@ test_expect_success 'log --graph with merge with log.graphColors' '
test_expect_success 'log --raw --graph -m with merge' '
- git log --raw --graph --oneline -m master | head -n 500 >actual &&
+ git log --raw --graph --oneline -m main | head -n 500 >actual &&
grep "initial" actual
test_expect_success 'diff-tree --graph' '
- git diff-tree --graph master^ | head -n 500 >actual &&
+ git diff-tree --graph main^ | head -n 500 >actual &&
grep "one" actual
cat > expect <<\EOF
-* commit master
+* commit main
|\ Merge: A B
| | Author: A U Thor <>
| |
@@ -567,22 +570,22 @@ cat > expect <<\EOF
| |
| | side-1
| |
-* | commit master~1
+* | commit main~1
| | Author: A U Thor <>
| |
| | Second
| |
-* | commit master~2
+* | commit main~2
| | Author: A U Thor <>
| |
| | sixth
| |
-* | commit master~3
+* | commit main~3
| | Author: A U Thor <>
| |
| | fifth
| |
-* | commit master~4
+* | commit main~4
|/ Author: A U Thor <>
| fourth
@@ -613,19 +616,19 @@ test_expect_success 'log --graph with full output' '
test_expect_success 'set up more tangled history' '
git checkout -b tangle HEAD~6 &&
test_commit tangle-a tangle-a a &&
- git merge master~3 &&
+ git merge main~3 &&
git merge side~1 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge tangle &&
git checkout -b reach &&
test_commit reach &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout -b octopus-a &&
test_commit octopus-a &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout -b octopus-b &&
test_commit octopus-b &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit seventh &&
git merge octopus-a octopus-b &&
git merge reach
@@ -650,7 +653,7 @@ cat > expect <<\EOF
| * Merge branch 'side' (early part) into tangle
| |\
-| * \ Merge branch 'master' (early part) into tangle
+| * \ Merge branch 'main' (early part) into tangle
| |\ \
| * | | tangle-a
* | | | Merge branch 'side'
@@ -794,7 +797,7 @@ test_expect_success 'multiple decorate-refs' '
test_expect_success 'decorate-refs-exclude with glob' '
cat >expect.decorate <<-\EOF &&
- Merge-tag-reach (HEAD -> master)
+ Merge-tag-reach (HEAD -> main)
seventh (tag: seventh)
octopus-b (tag: octopus-b)
@@ -811,7 +814,7 @@ test_expect_success 'decorate-refs-exclude with glob' '
test_expect_success 'decorate-refs-exclude without globs' '
cat >expect.decorate <<-\EOF &&
- Merge-tag-reach (HEAD -> master)
+ Merge-tag-reach (HEAD -> main)
seventh (tag: seventh)
octopus-b (tag: octopus-b, octopus-b)
@@ -828,7 +831,7 @@ test_expect_success 'decorate-refs-exclude without globs' '
test_expect_success 'multiple decorate-refs-exclude' '
cat >expect.decorate <<-\EOF &&
- Merge-tag-reach (HEAD -> master)
+ Merge-tag-reach (HEAD -> main)
seventh (tag: seventh)
octopus-b (tag: octopus-b)
@@ -851,7 +854,7 @@ test_expect_success 'multiple decorate-refs-exclude' '
test_expect_success 'decorate-refs and decorate-refs-exclude' '
cat > <<-\EOF &&
- Merge-tag-reach (master)
+ Merge-tag-reach (main)
@@ -866,7 +869,7 @@ test_expect_success 'decorate-refs and decorate-refs-exclude' '
test_expect_success 'deocrate-refs and log.excludeDecoration' '
cat >expect.decorate <<-\EOF &&
- Merge-tag-reach (master)
+ Merge-tag-reach (main)
octopus-b (octopus-b)
@@ -881,7 +884,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deocrate-refs and log.excludeDecoration' '
test_expect_success 'decorate-refs-exclude and simplify-by-decoration' '
cat >expect.decorate <<-\EOF &&
- Merge-tag-reach (HEAD -> master)
+ Merge-tag-reach (HEAD -> main)
reach (tag: reach, reach)
seventh (tag: seventh)
@@ -1080,7 +1083,7 @@ cat >expect <<\EOF
| |\ \ Merge: MERGE_PARENTS
| | | | Author: A U Thor <>
| | | |
-| | | | Merge branch 'master' (early part) into tangle
+| | | | Merge branch 'main' (early part) into tangle
| | | |
| * | | commit COMMIT_OBJECT_NAME
| | | | Author: A U Thor <>
@@ -1355,7 +1358,7 @@ cat >expect <<\EOF
*** | |\ \ Merge: MERGE_PARENTS
*** | | | | Author: A U Thor <>
*** | | | |
-*** | | | | Merge branch 'master' (early part) into tangle
+*** | | | | Merge branch 'main' (early part) into tangle
*** | | | |
*** | * | | commit COMMIT_OBJECT_NAME
*** | | | | Author: A U Thor <>
@@ -1588,24 +1591,24 @@ test_expect_success 'dotdot is a parent directory' '
test_expect_success GPG 'setup signed branch' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
- git checkout -b signed master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
+ git checkout -b signed main &&
echo foo >foo &&
git add foo &&
git commit -S -m signed_commit
test_expect_success GPG 'setup signed branch with subkey' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
- git checkout -b signed-subkey master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
+ git checkout -b signed-subkey main &&
echo foo >foo &&
git add foo &&
git commit -SB7227189 -m signed_commit
test_expect_success GPGSM 'setup signed branch x509' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
- git checkout -b signed-x509 master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
+ git checkout -b signed-x509 main &&
echo foo >foo &&
git add foo &&
test_config gpg.format x509 &&
@@ -1638,12 +1641,12 @@ test_expect_success GPGSM 'log --graph --show-signature x509' '
test_expect_success GPG 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
- git checkout -b plain master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
+ git checkout -b plain main &&
echo aaa >bar &&
git add bar &&
git commit -m bar_commit &&
- git checkout -b tagged master &&
+ git checkout -b tagged main &&
echo bbb >baz &&
git add baz &&
git commit -m baz_commit &&
@@ -1657,12 +1660,12 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag' '
test_expect_success GPG 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag in shallow clone' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
- git checkout -b plain-shallow master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
+ git checkout -b plain-shallow main &&
echo aaa >bar &&
git add bar &&
git commit -m bar_commit &&
- git checkout --detach master &&
+ git checkout --detach main &&
echo bbb >baz &&
git add baz &&
git commit -m baz_commit &&
@@ -1677,12 +1680,12 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag in shallow
test_expect_success GPG 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag with missing key' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
- git checkout -b plain-nokey master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
+ git checkout -b plain-nokey main &&
echo aaa >bar &&
git add bar &&
git commit -m bar_commit &&
- git checkout -b tagged-nokey master &&
+ git checkout -b tagged-nokey main &&
echo bbb >baz &&
git add baz &&
git commit -m baz_commit &&
@@ -1696,12 +1699,12 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag with missin
test_expect_success GPG 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag with bad signature' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
- git checkout -b plain-bad master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
+ git checkout -b plain-bad main &&
echo aaa >bar &&
git add bar &&
git commit -m bar_commit &&
- git checkout -b tagged-bad master &&
+ git checkout -b tagged-bad main &&
echo bbb >baz &&
git add baz &&
git commit -m baz_commit &&
@@ -1718,12 +1721,12 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag with bad si
test_expect_success GPG 'log --show-signature for merged tag with GPG failure' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
- git checkout -b plain-fail master &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
+ git checkout -b plain-fail main &&
echo aaa >bar &&
git add bar &&
git commit -m bar_commit &&
- git checkout -b tagged-fail master &&
+ git checkout -b tagged-fail main &&
echo bbb >baz &&
git add baz &&
git commit -m baz_commit &&
@@ -1737,14 +1740,14 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'log --show-signature for merged tag with GPG failure' '
test_expect_success GPGSM 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag x509' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
test_config gpg.format x509 &&
test_config user.signingkey $GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL &&
- git checkout -b plain-x509 master &&
+ git checkout -b plain-x509 main &&
echo aaa >bar &&
git add bar &&
git commit -m bar_commit &&
- git checkout -b tagged-x509 master &&
+ git checkout -b tagged-x509 main &&
echo bbb >baz &&
git add baz &&
git commit -m baz_commit &&
@@ -1758,14 +1761,14 @@ test_expect_success GPGSM 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag x509' '
test_expect_success GPGSM 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag x509 missing key' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
test_config gpg.format x509 &&
test_config user.signingkey $GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL &&
- git checkout -b plain-x509-nokey master &&
+ git checkout -b plain-x509-nokey main &&
echo aaa >bar &&
git add bar &&
git commit -m bar_commit &&
- git checkout -b tagged-x509-nokey master &&
+ git checkout -b tagged-x509-nokey main &&
echo bbb >baz &&
git add baz &&
git commit -m baz_commit &&
@@ -1778,14 +1781,14 @@ test_expect_success GPGSM 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag x509 miss
test_expect_success GPGSM 'log --graph --show-signature for merged tag x509 bad signature' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
test_config gpg.format x509 &&
test_config user.signingkey $GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL &&
- git checkout -b plain-x509-bad master &&
+ git checkout -b plain-x509-bad main &&
echo aaa >bar &&
git add bar &&
git commit -m bar_commit &&
- git checkout -b tagged-x509-bad master &&
+ git checkout -b tagged-x509-bad main &&
echo bbb >baz &&
git add baz &&
git commit -m baz_commit &&
@@ -1835,7 +1838,7 @@ test_expect_success 'log diagnoses bogus HEAD' '
git init empty &&
test_must_fail git -C empty log 2>stderr &&
test_i18ngrep does.not.have.any.commits stderr &&
- echo 1234abcd >empty/.git/refs/heads/master &&
+ echo 1234abcd >empty/.git/refs/heads/main &&
test_must_fail git -C empty log 2>stderr &&
test_i18ngrep broken stderr &&
echo "ref: refs/heads/invalid.lock" >empty/.git/HEAD &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 586c3a86b1..621f9962d5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,30 +2,14 @@
test_description='.mailmap configurations'
-. ./
-fuzz_blame () {
- sed "
- s/$_x05[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]/OBJID/g
- s/$_x05[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]/OBJI/g
- s/[-0-9]\{10\} [:0-9]\{8\} [-+][0-9]\{4\}/DATE/g
- " "$@"
-test_expect_success setup '
- cat >contacts <<- EOF &&
- nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
+. ./
- echo one >one &&
- git add one &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m initial &&
- echo two >>one &&
- git add one &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit --author "nick1 <bugs@company.xx>" -m second
+test_expect_success 'setup commits and contacts file' '
+ test_commit initial one one &&
+ test_commit --author "nick1 <bugs@company.xx>" --append second one two
test_expect_success 'check-mailmap no arguments' '
@@ -33,7 +17,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check-mailmap no arguments' '
test_expect_success 'check-mailmap arguments' '
- cat >expect <<- EOF &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
@@ -44,172 +28,256 @@ test_expect_success 'check-mailmap arguments' '
test_expect_success 'check-mailmap --stdin' '
- cat >expect <<- EOF &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
- git check-mailmap --stdin <contacts >actual &&
+ git check-mailmap --stdin <expect >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'check-mailmap --stdin arguments' '
+test_expect_success 'check-mailmap --stdin arguments: no mapping' '
+ test_when_finished "rm contacts" &&
+ cat >contacts <<-EOF &&
+ nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
Internal Guy <bugs@company.xy>
- cat <contacts >>expect &&
+ cat contacts >>expect &&
git check-mailmap --stdin "Internal Guy <bugs@company.xy>" \
<contacts >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'check-mailmap --stdin arguments: mapping' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cat >.mailmap <<-EOF &&
+ cat >stdin <<-EOF &&
+ cp .mailmap expect &&
+ git check-mailmap --stdin <stdin >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ cat .mailmap >>expect &&
+ git check-mailmap --stdin "Another Old Name <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" \
+ <stdin >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'check-mailmap bogus contact' '
test_must_fail git check-mailmap bogus
-cat >expect << EOF
- initial
+test_expect_success 'check-mailmap bogus contact --stdin' '
+ test_must_fail git check-mailmap --stdin bogus </dev/null
-nick1 (1):
- second
+test_expect_success 'No mailmap' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ initial
+ nick1 (1):
+ second
-test_expect_success 'No mailmap' '
git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<\EOF
-Repo Guy (1):
- initial
+test_expect_success 'setup default .mailmap' '
+ cat > <<-EOF
-nick1 (1):
- second
+test_expect_success 'test default .mailmap' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Repo Guy (1):
+ initial
-test_expect_success 'default .mailmap' '
- echo "Repo Guy <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" > .mailmap &&
+ nick1 (1):
+ second
git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-# Using a mailmap file in a subdirectory of the repo here, but
-# could just as well have been a file outside of the repository
-cat >expect <<\EOF
-Internal Guy (1):
- second
+test_expect_success 'mailmap.file set' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
-Repo Guy (1):
- initial
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat > <<-\EOF &&
+ Internal Guy <bugs@company.xx>
-test_expect_success 'mailmap.file set' '
- mkdir -p internal_mailmap &&
- echo "Internal Guy <bugs@company.xx>" > internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- git config mailmap.file internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Internal Guy (1):
+ second
+ Repo Guy (1):
+ initial
git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
- test_cmp expect actual
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ # The internal_mailmap/.mailmap file is an a subdirectory, but
+ # as shown here it can also be outside the repository
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf sub-repo" &&
+ git clone . sub-repo &&
+ (
+ cd sub-repo &&
+ cp ../.mailmap . &&
+ git config mailmap.file ../ &&
+ git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
+ test_cmp ../expect actual
+ )
-cat >expect <<\EOF
-External Guy (1):
- initial
+test_expect_success 'mailmap.file override' '
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat > <<-EOF &&
+ Internal Guy <bugs@company.xx>
+ External Guy <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>
-Internal Guy (1):
- second
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ External Guy (1):
+ initial
-test_expect_success 'mailmap.file override' '
- echo "External Guy <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" >> internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- git config mailmap.file internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
+ Internal Guy (1):
+ second
git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<\EOF
-Repo Guy (1):
- initial
+test_expect_success 'mailmap.file non-existent' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
-nick1 (1):
- second
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Repo Guy (1):
+ initial
+ nick1 (1):
+ second
-test_expect_success 'mailmap.file non-existent' '
- rm internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- rmdir internal_mailmap &&
git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<\EOF
-Internal Guy (1):
- second
+test_expect_success 'name entry after email entry' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat > <<-\EOF &&
+ <bugs@company.xy> <bugs@company.xx>
+ Internal Guy <bugs@company.xx>
-Repo Guy (1):
- initial
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Internal Guy (1):
+ second
+ Repo Guy (1):
+ initial
-test_expect_success 'name entry after email entry' '
- mkdir -p internal_mailmap &&
- echo "<bugs@company.xy> <bugs@company.xx>" >internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- echo "Internal Guy <bugs@company.xx>" >>internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<\EOF
-Internal Guy (1):
- second
+test_expect_success 'name entry after email entry, case-insensitive' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat > <<-\EOF &&
+ <bugs@company.xy> <bugs@company.xx>
+ Internal Guy <BUGS@Company.xx>
-Repo Guy (1):
- initial
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Internal Guy (1):
+ second
+ Repo Guy (1):
+ initial
-test_expect_success 'name entry after email entry, case-insensitive' '
- mkdir -p internal_mailmap &&
- echo "<bugs@company.xy> <bugs@company.xx>" >internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- echo "Internal Guy <BUGS@Company.xx>" >>internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
+ git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ cat > <<-\EOF &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ NiCk (1):
+ second
+ Repo Guy (1):
+ initial
git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect << EOF
- initial
+test_expect_success 'No mailmap files, but configured' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ initial
-nick1 (1):
- second
+ nick1 (1):
+ second
-test_expect_success 'No mailmap files, but configured' '
- rm -f .mailmap internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
git shortlog HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'setup mailmap blob tests' '
git checkout -b map &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
- cat >just-bugs <<- EOF &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
+ cat >just-bugs <<-\EOF &&
Blob Guy <bugs@company.xx>
- cat >both <<- EOF &&
+ cat >both <<-EOF &&
Blob Guy <bugs@company.xx>
printf "Tricky Guy <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" >no-newline &&
git add just-bugs both no-newline &&
git commit -m "my mailmaps" &&
- echo "Repo Guy <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" >.mailmap &&
- echo "Internal Guy <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" >
+ cat > <<-EOF
+ Internal Guy <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>
test_expect_success 'mailmap.blob set' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
Blob Guy (1):
@@ -223,6 +291,9 @@ test_expect_success 'mailmap.blob set' '
test_expect_success 'mailmap.blob overrides .mailmap' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
Blob Guy (2):
@@ -249,7 +320,28 @@ test_expect_success 'mailmap.file overrides mailmap.blob' '
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'mailmap.file can be missing' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
+ test_config mailmap.file nonexistent &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Repo Guy (1):
+ initial
+ nick1 (1):
+ second
+ git shortlog HEAD >actual 2>err &&
+ test_must_be_empty err &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'mailmap.blob can be missing' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
Repo Guy (1):
@@ -258,7 +350,17 @@ test_expect_success 'mailmap.blob can be missing' '
- git -c mailmap.blob=map:nonexistent shortlog HEAD >actual &&
+ git -c mailmap.blob=map:nonexistent shortlog HEAD >actual 2>err &&
+ test_must_be_empty err &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'mailmap.blob might be the wrong type' '
+ test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cp .mailmap &&
+ git -c mailmap.blob=HEAD: shortlog HEAD >actual 2>err &&
+ test_i18ngrep "mailmap is not a blob" err &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -267,11 +369,15 @@ test_expect_success 'mailmap.blob defaults to off in non-bare repo' '
cd non-bare &&
test_commit one .mailmap "Fake Name <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" &&
- echo " 1 Fake Name" >expect &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ 1 Fake Name
git shortlog -ns HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
rm .mailmap &&
- echo " 1 $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" >expect &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
git shortlog -ns HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -281,7 +387,9 @@ test_expect_success 'mailmap.blob defaults to HEAD:.mailmap in bare repo' '
git clone --bare non-bare bare &&
cd bare &&
- echo " 1 Fake Name" >expect &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ 1 Fake Name
git shortlog -ns HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -300,178 +408,260 @@ test_expect_success 'mailmap.blob can handle blobs without trailing newline' '
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'cleanup after mailmap.blob tests' '
- rm -f .mailmap
test_expect_success 'single-character name' '
- echo " 1 A <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" >expect &&
- echo " 1 nick1 <bugs@company.xx>" >>expect &&
- echo "A <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" >.mailmap &&
test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cat >.mailmap <<-EOF &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ 1 nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
git shortlog -es HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'preserve canonical email case' '
- echo " 1 $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME <>" >expect &&
- echo " 1 nick1 <bugs@company.xx>" >>expect &&
- echo "<> <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" >.mailmap &&
test_when_finished "rm .mailmap" &&
+ cat >.mailmap <<-EOF &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ 1 nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
git shortlog -es HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-# Extended mailmap configurations should give us the following output for shortlog
-cat >expect << EOF
- initial
+test_expect_success 'gitmailmap(5) example output: setup' '
+ test_create_repo doc &&
+ test_commit -C doc --author "Joe Developer <>" A &&
+ test_commit -C doc --author "Joe R. Developer <>" B &&
+ test_commit -C doc --author "Jane Doe <>" C &&
+ test_commit -C doc --author "Jane Doe <jane@laptop.(none)>" D &&
+ test_commit -C doc --author "Jane D. <jane@desktop.(none)>" E
+test_expect_success 'gitmailmap(5) example output: example #1' '
+ test_config -C doc mailmap.file ../ &&
+ cat > <<-\EOF &&
+ Joe R. Developer <>
+ Jane Doe <>
+ Jane Doe <jane@desktop.(none)>
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Author Joe Developer <> maps to Joe R. Developer <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author Joe R. Developer <> maps to Joe R. Developer <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author Jane Doe <> maps to Jane Doe <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
-CTO <cto@company.xx> (1):
- seventh
+ Author Jane Doe <jane@laptop.(none)> maps to Jane Doe <jane@laptop.(none)>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
-Other Author <other@author.xx> (2):
- third
- fourth
+ Author Jane D <jane@desktop.(none)> maps to Jane Doe <jane@desktop.(none)>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ git -C doc log --reverse --pretty=format:"Author %an <%ae> maps to %aN <%aE>%nCommitter %cn <%ce> maps to %cN <%cE>%n" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'gitmailmap(5) example output: example #2' '
+ test_config -C doc mailmap.file ../ &&
+ cat > <<-\EOF &&
+ Joe R. Developer <>
+ Jane Doe <> <jane@laptop.(none)>
+ Jane Doe <> <jane@desktop.(none)>
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Author Joe Developer <> maps to Joe R. Developer <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
-Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx> (2):
- fifth
- sixth
+ Author Joe R. Developer <> maps to Joe R. Developer <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
-Some Dude <some@dude.xx> (1):
- second
+ Author Jane Doe <> maps to Jane Doe <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author Jane Doe <jane@laptop.(none)> maps to Jane Doe <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author Jane D <jane@desktop.(none)> maps to Jane Doe <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ git -C doc log --reverse --pretty=format:"Author %an <%ae> maps to %aN <%aE>%nCommitter %cn <%ce> maps to %cN <%cE>%n" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'gitmailmap(5) example output: example #3' '
+ test_config -C doc mailmap.file ../ &&
+ cat >> <<-\EOF &&
+ Joe R. Developer <> Joe <>
+ Jane Doe <> Jane <>
+ test_commit -C doc --author "Joe <>" F &&
+ test_commit -C doc --author "Jane <>" G &&
+ cat >>expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Author Joe <> maps to Joe R. Developer <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author Jane <> maps to Jane Doe <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ git -C doc log --reverse --pretty=format:"Author %an <%ae> maps to %aN <%aE>%nCommitter %cn <%ce> maps to %cN <%cE>%n" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'Shortlog output (complex mapping)' '
- echo three >>one &&
- git add one &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit --author "nick2 <bugs@company.xx>" -m third &&
- echo four >>one &&
- git add one &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit --author "nick2 <nick2@company.xx>" -m fourth &&
- echo five >>one &&
- git add one &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit --author "santa <me@company.xx>" -m fifth &&
- echo six >>one &&
- git add one &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit --author "claus <me@company.xx>" -m sixth &&
- echo seven >>one &&
- git add one &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit --author "CTO <cto@coompany.xx>" -m seventh &&
- mkdir -p internal_mailmap &&
- echo "Committed <$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL>" > internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- echo "<cto@company.xx> <cto@coompany.xx>" >> internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- echo "Some Dude <some@dude.xx> nick1 <bugs@company.xx>" >> internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- echo "Other Author <other@author.xx> nick2 <bugs@company.xx>" >> internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- echo "Other Author <other@author.xx> <nick2@company.xx>" >> internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- echo "Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx> <me@company.xx>" >> internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
- echo "Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx> <me@company.xx>" >> internal_mailmap/.mailmap &&
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat > <<-EOF &&
+ <cto@company.xx> <cto@coompany.xx>
+ Some Dude <some@dude.xx> nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
+ Other Author <other@author.xx> nick2 <bugs@company.xx>
+ Other Author <other@author.xx> <nick2@company.xx>
+ Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx> <me@company.xx>
+ test_commit --author "nick2 <bugs@company.xx>" --append third one three &&
+ test_commit --author "nick2 <nick2@company.xx>" --append fourth one four &&
+ test_commit --author "santa <me@company.xx>" --append fifth one five &&
+ test_commit --author "claus <me@company.xx>" --append sixth one six &&
+ test_commit --author "CTO <cto@coompany.xx>" --append seventh one seven &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ initial
+ CTO <cto@company.xx> (1):
+ seventh
+ Other Author <other@author.xx> (2):
+ third
+ fourth
+ Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx> (2):
+ fifth
+ sixth
+ Some Dude <some@dude.xx> (1):
+ second
git shortlog -e HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-# git log with --pretty format which uses the name and email mailmap placemarkers
-cat >expect << EOF
-Author CTO <cto@coompany.xx> maps to CTO <cto@company.xx>
+test_expect_success 'Log output (complex mapping)' '
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
-Author claus <me@company.xx> maps to Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ Author CTO <cto@coompany.xx> maps to CTO <cto@company.xx>
-Author santa <me@company.xx> maps to Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ Author claus <me@company.xx> maps to Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
-Author nick2 <nick2@company.xx> maps to Other Author <other@author.xx>
+ Author santa <me@company.xx> maps to Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
-Author nick2 <bugs@company.xx> maps to Other Author <other@author.xx>
+ Author nick2 <nick2@company.xx> maps to Other Author <other@author.xx>
-Author nick1 <bugs@company.xx> maps to Some Dude <some@dude.xx>
+ Author nick2 <bugs@company.xx> maps to Other Author <other@author.xx>
+ Author nick1 <bugs@company.xx> maps to Some Dude <some@dude.xx>
-test_expect_success 'Log output (complex mapping)' '
git log --pretty=format:"Author %an <%ae> maps to %aN <%aE>%nCommitter %cn <%ce> maps to %cN <%cE>%n" >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect << EOF
-Author email cto@coompany.xx has local-part cto
+test_expect_success 'Log output (local-part email address)' '
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ Author email cto@coompany.xx has local-part cto
-Author email me@company.xx has local-part me
+ Author email me@company.xx has local-part me
-Author email me@company.xx has local-part me
+ Author email me@company.xx has local-part me
-Author email nick2@company.xx has local-part nick2
+ Author email nick2@company.xx has local-part nick2
-Author email bugs@company.xx has local-part bugs
+ Author email bugs@company.xx has local-part bugs
-Author email bugs@company.xx has local-part bugs
+ Author email bugs@company.xx has local-part bugs
-Author email has local-part author
+ Author email has local-part author
-test_expect_success 'Log output (local-part email address)' '
git log --pretty=format:"Author email %ae has local-part %al%nCommitter email %ce has local-part %cl%n" >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect << EOF
-Author: CTO <cto@company.xx>
-Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
-Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
-Author: Other Author <other@author.xx>
-Author: Other Author <other@author.xx>
-Author: Some Dude <some@dude.xx>
test_expect_success 'Log output with --use-mailmap' '
- git log --use-mailmap | grep Author >actual &&
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ Author: CTO <cto@company.xx>
+ Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ Author: Other Author <other@author.xx>
+ Author: Other Author <other@author.xx>
+ Author: Some Dude <some@dude.xx>
+ git log --use-mailmap >log &&
+ grep Author log >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect << EOF
-Author: CTO <cto@company.xx>
-Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
-Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
-Author: Other Author <other@author.xx>
-Author: Other Author <other@author.xx>
-Author: Some Dude <some@dude.xx>
test_expect_success 'Log output with log.mailmap' '
- git -c log.mailmap=True log | grep Author >actual &&
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ Author: CTO <cto@company.xx>
+ Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ Author: Other Author <other@author.xx>
+ Author: Other Author <other@author.xx>
+ Author: Some Dude <some@dude.xx>
+ git -c log.mailmap=True log >log &&
+ grep Author log >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'log.mailmap=false disables mailmap' '
- cat >expect <<- EOF &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
Author: CTO <cto@coompany.xx>
Author: claus <me@company.xx>
Author: santa <me@company.xx>
@@ -480,12 +670,13 @@ test_expect_success 'log.mailmap=false disables mailmap' '
Author: nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
- git -c log.mailmap=False log | grep Author > actual &&
+ git -c log.mailmap=false log >log &&
+ grep Author log >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success '--no-use-mailmap disables mailmap' '
- cat >expect <<- EOF &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
Author: CTO <cto@coompany.xx>
Author: claus <me@company.xx>
Author: santa <me@company.xx>
@@ -494,64 +685,208 @@ test_expect_success '--no-use-mailmap disables mailmap' '
Author: nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
- git log --no-use-mailmap | grep Author > actual &&
+ git log --no-use-mailmap >log &&
+ grep Author log >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<\EOF
-Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
-Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
test_expect_success 'Grep author with --use-mailmap' '
- git log --use-mailmap --author Santa | grep Author >actual &&
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ git log --use-mailmap --author Santa >log &&
+ grep Author log >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-cat >expect <<\EOF
-Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
-Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
test_expect_success 'Grep author with log.mailmap' '
- git -c log.mailmap=True log --author Santa | grep Author >actual &&
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
+ git -c log.mailmap=True log --author Santa >log &&
+ grep Author log >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'log.mailmap is true by default these days' '
- git log --author Santa | grep Author >actual &&
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ git log --author Santa >log &&
+ grep Author log >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'Only grep replaced author with --use-mailmap' '
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
git log --use-mailmap --author "<cto@coompany.xx>" >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
-# git blame
-cat >expect <<EOF
-OBJID (Some Dude DATE 2) two
-OBJID (Other Author DATE 3) three
-OBJID (Other Author DATE 4) four
-OBJID (Santa Claus DATE 5) five
-OBJID (Santa Claus DATE 6) six
-OBJID (CTO DATE 7) seven
-test_expect_success 'Blame output (complex mapping)' '
- git blame one >actual &&
- fuzz_blame actual >actual.fuzz &&
+test_expect_success 'Blame --porcelain output (complex mapping)' '
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ 1 1 1
+ A U Thor
+ 2 2 1
+ Some Dude
+ 3 3 1
+ Other Author
+ 4 4 1
+ Other Author
+ 5 5 1
+ Santa Claus
+ 6 6 1
+ Santa Claus
+ 7 7 1
+ git blame --porcelain one >actual.blame &&
+ NUM="[0-9][0-9]*" &&
+ sed -n <actual.blame >actual.fuzz \
+ -e "s/^author //p" \
+ -e "s/^$OID_REGEX \\($NUM $NUM $NUM\\)$/\\1/p" &&
test_cmp expect actual.fuzz
-cat >expect <<\EOF
-Some Dude <some@dude.xx>
+test_expect_success 'Blame output (complex mapping)' '
+ git -c blame one >a &&
+ git blame one >b &&
+ test_file_not_empty a &&
+ ! cmp a b
test_expect_success 'commit --author honors mailmap' '
+ test_config mailmap.file &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Some Dude <some@dude.xx>
test_must_fail git commit --author "nick" --allow-empty -meight &&
git commit --author "Some Dude" --allow-empty -meight &&
git show --pretty=format:"%an <%ae>%n" >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'comment syntax: setup' '
+ test_create_repo comm &&
+ test_commit -C comm --author "A <>" A &&
+ test_commit -C comm --author "B <>" B &&
+ test_commit -C comm --author "C <>" C &&
+ test_commit -C comm --author "D <>" D &&
+ test_config -C comm mailmap.file ../ &&
+ cat >> <<-\EOF &&
+ # Ah <>
+ ; Bee <>
+ Cee <> <>
+ Dee <> <>
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Author A <> maps to A <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author B <> maps to ; Bee <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author C <> maps to Cee <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author D <> maps to Dee <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ git -C comm log --reverse --pretty=format:"Author %an <%ae> maps to %aN <%aE>%nCommitter %cn <%ce> maps to %cN <%cE>%n" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'whitespace syntax: setup' '
+ test_create_repo space &&
+ test_commit -C space --author "A <>" A &&
+ test_commit -C space --author "B <>" B &&
+ test_commit -C space --author " C <>" C &&
+ test_commit -C space --author " D <>" D &&
+ test_commit -C space --author "E E <>" E &&
+ test_commit -C space --author "F F <>" F &&
+ test_commit -C space --author "G G <>" G &&
+ test_commit -C space --author "H H <>" H &&
+ test_config -C space mailmap.file ../ &&
+ cat >> <<-\EOF &&
+ Ah <> < >
+ Bee < > < >
+ Cee <> C <>
+ dee <> D <>
+ eee <> E E <>
+ eff <> F F <>
+ gee <> G G <>
+ aitch <> H H <>
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Author A <> maps to A <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author B <> maps to B <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author C <> maps to Cee <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author D <> maps to dee <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author E E <> maps to eee <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author F F <> maps to eff <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author G G <> maps to gee <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author H H <> maps to H H <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ git -C space log --reverse --pretty=format:"Author %an <%ae> maps to %aN <%aE>%nCommitter %cn <%ce> maps to %cN <%cE>%n" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'empty syntax: setup' '
+ test_create_repo empty &&
+ test_commit -C empty --author "A <>" A &&
+ test_commit -C empty --author "B <>" B &&
+ test_commit -C empty --author "C <>" C &&
+ test_config -C empty mailmap.file ../ &&
+ cat >> <<-\EOF &&
+ Ah <> <>
+ Bee <> <>
+ Cee <> <>
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Author A <> maps to Bee <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author B <> maps to B <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ Author C <> maps to C <>
+ Committer C O Mitter <> maps to C O Mitter <>
+ git -C empty log --reverse --pretty=format:"Author %an <%ae> maps to %aN <%aE>%nCommitter %cn <%ce> maps to %cN <%cE>%n" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8ff8bd84c7..f120857c20 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git patch-id'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -13,9 +16,9 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_write_lines $as b >foo &&
test_write_lines $as b >bar &&
git commit -a -m first &&
- git checkout -b same master &&
+ git checkout -b same main &&
git commit --amend -m same-msg &&
- git checkout -b notsame master &&
+ git checkout -b notsame main &&
echo c >foo &&
echo c >bar &&
git commit --amend -a -m notsame-msg &&
@@ -46,31 +49,31 @@ get_patch_id () {
test_expect_success 'patch-id detects equality' '
- get_patch_id master &&
+ get_patch_id main &&
get_patch_id same &&
- test_cmp patch-id_master patch-id_same
+ test_cmp patch-id_main patch-id_same
test_expect_success 'patch-id detects inequality' '
- get_patch_id master &&
+ get_patch_id main &&
get_patch_id notsame &&
- ! test_cmp patch-id_master patch-id_notsame
+ ! test_cmp patch-id_main patch-id_notsame
test_expect_success 'patch-id supports git-format-patch output' '
- get_patch_id master &&
+ get_patch_id main &&
git checkout same &&
git format-patch -1 --stdout | calc_patch_id same &&
- test_cmp patch-id_master patch-id_same &&
+ test_cmp patch-id_main patch-id_same &&
set $(git format-patch -1 --stdout | git patch-id) &&
test "$2" = $(git rev-parse HEAD)
test_expect_success 'whitespace is irrelevant in footer' '
- get_patch_id master &&
+ get_patch_id main &&
git checkout same &&
git format-patch -1 --stdout | sed "s/ \$//" | calc_patch_id same &&
- test_cmp patch-id_master patch-id_same
+ test_cmp patch-id_main patch-id_same
cmp_patch_id () {
@@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ test_patch_id_file_order () {
- get_top_diff "master" | calc_patch_id "$name" "$@" &&
+ get_top_diff "main" | calc_patch_id "$name" "$@" &&
git checkout same &&
git format-patch -1 --stdout -O foo-then-bar |
calc_patch_id "ordered-$name" "$@" &&
@@ -137,10 +140,10 @@ test_expect_success '--stable overrides patchid.stable = false' '
test_expect_success 'patch-id supports git-format-patch MIME output' '
- get_patch_id master &&
+ get_patch_id main &&
git checkout same &&
git format-patch -1 --attach --stdout | calc_patch_id same &&
- test_cmp patch-id_master patch-id_same
+ test_cmp patch-id_main patch-id_same
test_expect_success 'patch-id respects config from subdir' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 60f040cab8..b870942498 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Test for "git log --decorate" colors'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -40,13 +43,13 @@ test_expect_success setup '
cat >expected <<EOF
${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_HEAD}HEAD ->\
- ${c_reset}${c_branch}master${c_reset}${c_commit},\
+ ${c_reset}${c_branch}main${c_reset}${c_commit},\
${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: v1.0${c_reset}${c_commit},\
${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: B${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} B
${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: A1${c_reset}${c_commit},\
- ${c_reset}${c_remoteBranch}other/master${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} A1
+ ${c_reset}${c_remoteBranch}other/main${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} A1
${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_stash}refs/stash${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset}\
- On master: Changes to A.t
+ On main: Changes to A.t
${c_commit}COMMIT_ID${c_reset}${c_commit} (${c_reset}${c_tag}tag: A${c_reset}${c_commit})${c_reset} A
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6cdbe4747a..5e10136e9a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='magic pathspec tests using git-log'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ test_expect_success '"git log :/a -- " should not be ambiguous' '
test_expect_success '"git log :/detached -- " should find a commit only in HEAD' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
git checkout --detach &&
# Must manually call `test_tick` instead of using `test_commit`,
# because the latter additionally creates a tag, which would make
@@ -119,7 +122,7 @@ test_expect_success 'command line pathspec parsing for "git log"' '
git checkout HEAD^ &&
echo 2 >a &&
git commit -a -m "update a to 2" &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
git add a &&
git log --merge -- a
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 85d151423d..560127cc07 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test log -L'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup (import history)' '
diff --git a/t/t4211/history.export b/t/t4211/history.export
index f9f41e211e..006972a1f2 100644
--- a/t/t4211/history.export
+++ b/t/t4211/history.export
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ long f(long x)
return s;
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
mark :19
author Thomas Rast <> 1362045024 +0100
committer Thomas Rast <> 1362045024 +0100
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a080325098..f70c46bbbf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git log --graph of skewed left octopus merge.'
. ./
@@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ test_cmp_colored_graph () {
test_expect_success 'set up merge history' '
test_commit initial &&
for i in 1 2 3 4 ; do
- git checkout master -b $i || return $?
+ git checkout main -b $i || return $?
# Make tag name different from branch name, to avoid
# ambiguity error when calling checkout.
test_commit $i $i $i tag$i || return $?
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d11040ce41..0f16c4b9d5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git log for a path with Bloom filters'
. ./
@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup test - repo, commits, commit graph, log outputs' '
test_commit c10 file_to_be_deleted &&
git checkout -b side HEAD~4 &&
test_commit side-1 file4 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge side &&
test_commit c11 file5 &&
mv file5 file5_renamed &&
@@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ do
"--topo-order" \
"--date-order" \
"--author-date-order" \
- "--ancestry-path side..master"
+ "--ancestry-path side..main"
test_expect_success "git log option: $option for path: $path" '
test_bloom_filters_used "$option -- $path" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6e1b73ec3a..0ee69d2a0c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
test_description='git-am mbox with dos line ending.
. ./
# Three patches which will be added as files with dos line ending.
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup repository with dos files' '
test_expect_success 'am with dos files without --keep-cr' '
git checkout -b dosfiles initial &&
- git format-patch -k initial..master &&
+ git format-patch -k initial..main &&
test_must_fail git am -k -3 000*.patch &&
git am --abort &&
rm -rf .git/rebase-apply 000*.patch
@@ -51,23 +54,23 @@ test_expect_success 'am with dos files without --keep-cr' '
test_expect_success 'am with dos files with --keep-cr' '
git checkout -b dosfiles-keep-cr initial &&
- git format-patch -k --stdout initial..master >output &&
+ git format-patch -k --stdout initial..main >output &&
git am --keep-cr -k -3 output &&
- git diff --exit-code master
+ git diff --exit-code main
test_expect_success 'am with dos files config am.keepcr' '
git config am.keepcr 1 &&
git checkout -b dosfiles-conf-keepcr initial &&
- git format-patch -k --stdout initial..master >output &&
+ git format-patch -k --stdout initial..main >output &&
git am -k -3 output &&
- git diff --exit-code master
+ git diff --exit-code main
test_expect_success 'am with dos files config am.keepcr overridden by --no-keep-cr' '
git config am.keepcr 1 &&
git checkout -b dosfiles-conf-keepcr-override initial &&
- git format-patch -k initial..master &&
+ git format-patch -k initial..main &&
test_must_fail git am -k -3 --no-keep-cr 000*.patch &&
git am --abort &&
rm -rf .git/rebase-apply 000*.patch
@@ -75,14 +78,14 @@ test_expect_success 'am with dos files config am.keepcr overridden by --no-keep-
test_expect_success 'am with dos files with --keep-cr continue' '
git checkout -b dosfiles-keep-cr-continue initial &&
- git format-patch -k initial..master &&
+ git format-patch -k initial..main &&
append_cr <file1a >file &&
git commit -m "different patch" file &&
test_must_fail git am --keep-cr -k -3 000*.patch &&
append_cr <file2 >file &&
git add file &&
git am -3 --resolved &&
- git diff --exit-code master
+ git diff --exit-code main
test_expect_success 'am with unix files config am.keepcr overridden by --no-keep-cr' '
@@ -90,9 +93,9 @@ test_expect_success 'am with unix files config am.keepcr overridden by --no-keep
git checkout -b unixfiles-conf-keepcr-override initial &&
cp -f file1 file &&
git commit -m "line ending to unix" file &&
- git format-patch -k initial..master &&
+ git format-patch -k initial..main &&
git am -k -3 --no-keep-cr 000*.patch &&
- git diff --exit-code -w master
+ git diff --exit-code -w main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5344bd248a..aed8f4de3d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up patches to apply' '
git format-patch --stdout -2 >mbox &&
git reset --hard unrelated &&
- test_commit conflict-master file master base
+ test_commit conflict-main file main base
# Sanity check our setup.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c1811ea0f4..db4e15fd59 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='Test workflows involving pull request.'
. ./
if ! test_have_prereq PERL
@@ -31,13 +34,13 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_tick &&
git commit -m "\"Thirty days\", a reminder of month lengths" &&
git tag -m "version 1" -a initial &&
- git push --tags origin master
+ git push --tags origin main
) &&
cd local &&
git remote add upstream "$trash_url/upstream.git" &&
git fetch upstream &&
- git pull upstream master &&
+ git pull upstream main &&
cat <<-\EOT >>mnemonic.txt &&
Of twyecescore-eightt is but eine,
And all the remnante be thrycescore-eine.
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git commit -a -m "Adapt to use modern, simpler English
But keep the old version, too, in case some people prefer it." &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pull request when forgot to push' '
cd local &&
git checkout initial &&
- git merge --ff-only master &&
+ git merge --ff-only main &&
test_must_fail git request-pull initial "$downstream_url" \
) &&
@@ -145,9 +148,9 @@ test_expect_success 'pull request after push' '
cd local &&
git checkout initial &&
- git merge --ff-only master &&
- git push origin master:for-upstream &&
- git request-pull initial origin master:for-upstream >../request
+ git merge --ff-only main &&
+ git push origin main:for-upstream &&
+ git request-pull initial origin main:for-upstream >../request
) &&
sed -nf read-request.sed <request >digest &&
@@ -172,9 +175,9 @@ test_expect_success 'request asks HEAD to be pulled' '
cd local &&
git checkout initial &&
- git merge --ff-only master &&
- git push --tags origin master simplify &&
- git push origin master:for-upstream &&
+ git merge --ff-only main &&
+ git push --tags origin main simplify &&
+ git push origin main:for-upstream &&
git request-pull initial "$downstream_url" >../request
) &&
sed -nf read-request.sed <request >digest &&
@@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pull request format' '
cd local &&
git checkout initial &&
- git merge --ff-only master &&
+ git merge --ff-only main &&
git push origin tags/full &&
git request-pull initial "$downstream_url" tags/full >../request
) &&
@@ -243,9 +246,9 @@ test_expect_success 'request-pull ignores OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH poison' '
git checkout initial &&
- git merge --ff-only master &&
- git push origin master:for-upstream &&
- git request-pull -- initial "$downstream_url" master:for-upstream >../request
+ git merge --ff-only main &&
+ git push origin main:for-upstream &&
+ git request-pull -- initial "$downstream_url" main:for-upstream >../request
@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ test_expect_success 'request-pull quotes regex metacharacters properly' '
cd local &&
git checkout initial &&
- git merge --ff-only master &&
+ git merge --ff-only main &&
git tag -mrelease v2.0 &&
git push origin refs/tags/v2.0:refs/tags/v2-0 &&
test_must_fail git request-pull initial "$downstream_url" tags/v2.0 \
@@ -275,7 +278,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pull request with mismatched object' '
cd local &&
git checkout initial &&
- git merge --ff-only master &&
+ git merge --ff-only main &&
git push origin HEAD:refs/tags/full &&
test_must_fail git request-pull initial "$downstream_url" tags/full \
@@ -292,7 +295,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pull request with stale object' '
cd local &&
git checkout initial &&
- git merge --ff-only master &&
+ git merge --ff-only main &&
git push origin refs/tags/full &&
git tag -f -m"Thirty-one days" full &&
test_must_fail git request-pull initial "$downstream_url" tags/full \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index df60f18fb8..b447ce56a9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
. ./
@@ -119,7 +122,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prune: do not prune detached HEAD with no reflog' '
test_expect_success 'prune: prune former HEAD after checking out branch' '
head_oid=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
- git checkout --quiet master &&
+ git checkout --quiet main &&
git prune -v >prune_actual &&
grep "$head_oid" prune_actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a5eca210b8..44bd9ef45f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git pack-object --include-tag'
. ./
@@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check unpacked result (have all objects)' '
test_expect_success 'single-branch clone can transfer tag' '
rm -rf clone.git &&
- git clone --no-local --single-branch -b master . clone.git &&
+ git clone --no-local --single-branch -b main . clone.git &&
git -C clone.git fsck
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3a2c9d2d8e..5ba7603109 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='exercise basic bitmap functionality'
. ./
objpath () {
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index da9d59940d..11423b3cb2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ bail out or to proceed using it as a reachable tip, but it is _not_
OK to proceed as if it did not exist. Otherwise we might silently
delete objects that cannot be recovered.
. ./
test_expect_success 'disable reflogs' '
@@ -16,7 +19,7 @@ test_expect_success 'disable reflogs' '
test_expect_success 'create history reachable only from a bogus-named ref' '
- test_tick && git commit --allow-empty -m master &&
+ test_tick && git commit --allow-empty -m main &&
base=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
test_tick && git commit --allow-empty -m bogus &&
bogus=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clean up bogus ref' '
# We create two new objects here, "one" and "two". Our
-# master branch points to "two", which is deleted,
+# main branch points to "two", which is deleted,
# corrupting the repository. But we'd like to make sure
# that the otherwise unreachable "one" is not pruned
# (since it is the user's best bet for recovering
@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pruning with a corrupted tip does not drop history' '
test_expect_success 'pack-refs does not silently delete broken loose ref' '
git pack-refs --all --prune &&
echo $missing >expect &&
- git rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -89,25 +92,25 @@ test_expect_success 'pack-refs does not silently delete broken loose ref' '
# actually pack it, as it is perfectly reasonable to
# skip processing a broken ref
test_expect_success 'create packed-refs file with broken ref' '
- rm -f .git/refs/heads/master &&
+ rm -f .git/refs/heads/main &&
cat >.git/packed-refs <<-EOF &&
- $missing refs/heads/master
+ $missing refs/heads/main
$recoverable refs/heads/other
echo $missing >expect &&
- git rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'pack-refs does not silently delete broken packed ref' '
git pack-refs --all --prune &&
- git rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'pack-refs does not drop broken refs during deletion' '
git update-ref -d refs/heads/other &&
- git rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dc0446574b..13ed3eb136 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git pack-objects using object filtering'
. ./
# Test blob:none filter.
@@ -382,7 +385,7 @@ test_expect_success 'verify sparse:oid=oid-ish' '
awk -f print_2.awk ls_files_result |
sort >expected &&
- git -C r4 pack-objects --revs --stdout --filter=sparse:oid=master:pattern >filter.pack <<-EOF &&
+ git -C r4 pack-objects --revs --stdout --filter=sparse:oid=main:pattern >filter.pack <<-EOF &&
git -C r4 index-pack ../filter.pack &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a581eaf529..61cb907a90 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='pack-objects object selection using sparse algorithm'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup repo' '
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup repo' '
git commit -m "Initialized trees" &&
for i in $(test_seq 1 3)
- git checkout -b topic$i master &&
+ git checkout -b topic$i main &&
echo change-$i >f$i/f$i/data.txt &&
git commit -a -m "Changed f$i/f$i/data.txt"
done &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7e3340843f..8b01793845 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
test_description='Test git pack-redundant
In order to test git-pack-redundant, we will create a number of objects and
-packs in the repository `master.git`. The relationship between packs (P1-P8)
+packs in the repository `main.git`. The relationship between packs (P1-P8)
and objects (T, A-R) is showed in the following chart. Objects of a pack will
be marked with letter x, while objects of redundant packs will be marked with
exclamation point, and redundant pack itself will be marked with asterisk.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ exclamation point, and redundant pack itself will be marked with asterisk.
ALL | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Another repository `shared.git` has unique objects (X-Z), while other objects
-(marked with letter s) are shared through alt-odb (of `master.git`). The
+(marked with letter s) are shared through alt-odb (of `main.git`). The
relationship between packs and objects is as follows:
| T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R X Y Z
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@ relationship between packs and objects is as follows:
. ./
+git_pack_redundant='git pack-redundant --i-still-use-this'
# Create commits in <repo> and assign each commit's oid to shell variables
# given in the arguments (A, B, and C). E.g.:
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ create_commits_in () {
shift ||
return 1
done &&
- git -C "$repo" update-ref refs/heads/master $oid
+ git -C "$repo" update-ref refs/heads/main $oid
# Create pack in <repo> and assign pack id to variable given in the 2nd argument
@@ -107,9 +109,9 @@ format_packfiles () {
-test_expect_success 'setup master repo' '
- git init --bare "$master_repo" &&
- create_commits_in "$master_repo" A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R
+test_expect_success 'setup main repo' '
+ git init --bare "$main_repo" &&
+ create_commits_in "$main_repo" A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R
test_expect_success 'master: pack-redundant works with no packfile' '
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ test_expect_success 'master: pack-redundant works with no packfile' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
fatal: Zero packs found!
- test_must_fail git pack-redundant --all >actual 2>&1 &&
+ test_must_fail $git_pack_redundant --all >actual 2>&1 &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -133,8 +135,8 @@ test_expect_success 'master: pack-redundant works with no packfile' '
# ALL | x x x x x x x x
-test_expect_success 'master: pack-redundant works with one packfile' '
- create_pack_in "$master_repo" P1 <<-EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'main: pack-redundant works with one packfile' '
+ create_pack_in "$main_repo" P1 <<-EOF &&
@@ -145,8 +147,8 @@ test_expect_success 'master: pack-redundant works with one packfile' '
- cd "$master_repo" &&
- git pack-redundant --all >out &&
+ cd "$main_repo" &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all >out &&
test_must_be_empty out
@@ -163,8 +165,8 @@ test_expect_success 'master: pack-redundant works with one packfile' '
# ALL | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
-test_expect_success 'master: no redundant for pack 1, 2, 3' '
- create_pack_in "$master_repo" P2 <<-EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'main: no redundant for pack 1, 2, 3' '
+ create_pack_in "$main_repo" P2 <<-EOF &&
@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ test_expect_success 'master: no redundant for pack 1, 2, 3' '
- create_pack_in "$master_repo" P3 <<-EOF &&
+ create_pack_in "$main_repo" P3 <<-EOF &&
@@ -182,8 +184,8 @@ test_expect_success 'master: no redundant for pack 1, 2, 3' '
- cd "$master_repo" &&
- git pack-redundant --all >out &&
+ cd "$main_repo" &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all >out &&
test_must_be_empty out
@@ -202,26 +204,26 @@ test_expect_success 'master: no redundant for pack 1, 2, 3' '
# ALL | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
-test_expect_success 'master: one of pack-2/pack-3 is redundant' '
- create_pack_in "$master_repo" P4 <<-EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'main: one of pack-2/pack-3 is redundant' '
+ create_pack_in "$main_repo" P4 <<-EOF &&
- create_pack_in "$master_repo" P5 <<-EOF &&
+ create_pack_in "$main_repo" P5 <<-EOF &&
- cd "$master_repo" &&
+ cd "$main_repo" &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- git pack-redundant --all >out &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all >out &&
format_packfiles <out >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -243,24 +245,24 @@ test_expect_success 'master: one of pack-2/pack-3 is redundant' '
# ALL | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
-test_expect_success 'master: pack 2, 4, and 6 are redundant' '
- create_pack_in "$master_repo" P6 <<-EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'main: pack 2, 4, and 6 are redundant' '
+ create_pack_in "$main_repo" P6 <<-EOF &&
- create_pack_in "$master_repo" P7 <<-EOF &&
+ create_pack_in "$main_repo" P7 <<-EOF &&
- cd "$master_repo" &&
+ cd "$main_repo" &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- git pack-redundant --all >out &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all >out &&
format_packfiles <out >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -283,57 +285,57 @@ test_expect_success 'master: pack 2, 4, and 6 are redundant' '
# ALL | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
-test_expect_success 'master: pack-8 (subset of pack-1) is also redundant' '
- create_pack_in "$master_repo" P8 <<-EOF &&
+test_expect_success 'main: pack-8 (subset of pack-1) is also redundant' '
+ create_pack_in "$main_repo" P8 <<-EOF &&
- cd "$master_repo" &&
+ cd "$main_repo" &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- git pack-redundant --all >out &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all >out &&
format_packfiles <out >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'master: clean loose objects' '
+test_expect_success 'main: clean loose objects' '
- cd "$master_repo" &&
+ cd "$main_repo" &&
git prune-packed &&
find objects -type f | sed -e "/objects\/pack\//d" >out &&
test_must_be_empty out
-test_expect_success 'master: remove redundant packs and pass fsck' '
+test_expect_success 'main: remove redundant packs and pass fsck' '
- cd "$master_repo" &&
- git pack-redundant --all | xargs rm &&
+ cd "$main_repo" &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all | xargs rm &&
git fsck &&
- git pack-redundant --all >out &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all >out &&
test_must_be_empty out
# The following test cases will execute inside `shared.git`, instead of
-# inside `master.git`.
+# inside `main.git`.
test_expect_success 'setup shared.git' '
- git clone --mirror "$master_repo" "$shared_repo" &&
+ git clone --mirror "$main_repo" "$shared_repo" &&
cd "$shared_repo" &&
- printf "../../$master_repo/objects\n" >objects/info/alternates
+ printf "../../$main_repo/objects\n" >objects/info/alternates
test_expect_success 'shared: all packs are redundant, but no output without --alt-odb' '
cd "$shared_repo" &&
- git pack-redundant --all >out &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all >out &&
test_must_be_empty out
@@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shared: all packs are redundant, but no output without --al
# Chart of packs and objects for this test case
-# ================ master.git ===============
+# ================= main.git ================
# | T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R <----------+
# ----+-------------------------------------- |
# P1 | x x x x x x x x |
@@ -372,7 +374,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shared: show redundant packs in stderr for verbose mode' '
- git pack-redundant --all --verbose >out 2>out.err &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all --verbose >out 2>out.err &&
test_must_be_empty out &&
grep "pack$" out.err | format_packfiles >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -385,9 +387,9 @@ test_expect_success 'shared: remove redundant packs, no packs left' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
fatal: Zero packs found!
- git pack-redundant --all --alt-odb | xargs rm &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all --alt-odb | xargs rm &&
git fsck &&
- test_must_fail git pack-redundant --all --alt-odb >actual 2>&1 &&
+ test_must_fail $git_pack_redundant --all --alt-odb >actual 2>&1 &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -415,7 +417,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shared: create new objects and packs' '
test_expect_success 'shared: no redundant without --alt-odb' '
cd "$shared_repo" &&
- git pack-redundant --all >out &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all >out &&
test_must_be_empty out
@@ -423,7 +425,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shared: no redundant without --alt-odb' '
# Chart of packs and objects for this test case
-# ================ master.git ===============
+# ================= main.git ================
# | T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R <----------------+
# ----+-------------------------------------- |
# P1 | x x x x x x x x |
@@ -446,7 +448,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shared: no redundant without --alt-odb' '
test_expect_success 'shared: one pack is redundant with --alt-odb' '
cd "$shared_repo" &&
- git pack-redundant --all --alt-odb >out &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all --alt-odb >out &&
format_packfiles <out >actual &&
test_line_count = 1 actual
@@ -455,7 +457,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shared: one pack is redundant with --alt-odb' '
# Chart of packs and objects for this test case
-# ================ master.git ===============
+# ================= main.git ================
# | T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R <----------------+
# ----+-------------------------------------- |
# P1 | x x x x x x x x |
@@ -483,7 +485,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shared: ignore unique objects and all two packs are redunda
- git pack-redundant --all --alt-odb >out <<-EOF &&
+ $git_pack_redundant --all --alt-odb >out <<-EOF &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index cc86ef213e..3f81f16e13 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
test_description='See why rewinding head breaks send-pack
. ./
@@ -66,20 +69,20 @@ test_expect_success 'pack the destination repository' '
test_expect_success 'refuse pushing rewound head without --force' '
- pushed_head=$(git rev-parse --verify master) &&
- victim_orig=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
- test_must_fail git send-pack ./victim master &&
- victim_head=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ pushed_head=$(git rev-parse --verify main) &&
+ victim_orig=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
+ test_must_fail git send-pack ./victim main &&
+ victim_head=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
test "$victim_head" = "$victim_orig" &&
# this should update
- git send-pack --force ./victim master &&
- victim_head=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ git send-pack --force ./victim main &&
+ victim_head=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
test "$victim_head" = "$pushed_head"
test_expect_success 'push can be used to delete a ref' '
- ( cd victim && git branch extra master ) &&
- git send-pack ./victim :extra master &&
+ ( cd victim && git branch extra main ) &&
+ git send-pack ./victim :extra main &&
( cd victim &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify extra )
@@ -89,9 +92,9 @@ test_expect_success 'refuse deleting push with denyDeletes' '
cd victim &&
test_might_fail git branch -D extra &&
git config receive.denyDeletes true &&
- git branch extra master
+ git branch extra main
) &&
- test_must_fail git send-pack ./victim :extra master
+ test_must_fail git send-pack ./victim :extra main
test_expect_success 'cannot override denyDeletes with git -c send-pack' '
@@ -99,10 +102,10 @@ test_expect_success 'cannot override denyDeletes with git -c send-pack' '
cd victim &&
test_might_fail git branch -D extra &&
git config receive.denyDeletes true &&
- git branch extra master
+ git branch extra main
) &&
test_must_fail git -c receive.denyDeletes=false \
- send-pack ./victim :extra master
+ send-pack ./victim :extra main
test_expect_success 'override denyDeletes with git -c receive-pack' '
@@ -110,11 +113,11 @@ test_expect_success 'override denyDeletes with git -c receive-pack' '
cd victim &&
test_might_fail git branch -D extra &&
git config receive.denyDeletes true &&
- git branch extra master
+ git branch extra main
) &&
git send-pack \
--receive-pack="git -c receive.denyDeletes=false receive-pack" \
- ./victim :extra master
+ ./victim :extra main
test_expect_success 'denyNonFastforwards trumps --force' '
@@ -123,9 +126,9 @@ test_expect_success 'denyNonFastforwards trumps --force' '
test_might_fail git branch -D extra &&
git config receive.denyNonFastforwards true
) &&
- victim_orig=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
- test_must_fail git send-pack --force ./victim master^:master &&
- victim_head=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ victim_orig=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
+ test_must_fail git send-pack --force ./victim main^:main &&
+ victim_head=$(cd victim && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
test "$victim_orig" = "$victim_head"
@@ -210,41 +213,41 @@ rewound_push_setup() {
test_expect_success 'pushing explicit refspecs respects forcing' '
rewound_push_setup &&
- parent_orig=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ parent_orig=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
cd child &&
test_must_fail git send-pack ../parent \
- refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master
+ refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main
) &&
- parent_head=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ parent_head=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
test "$parent_orig" = "$parent_head" &&
cd child &&
git send-pack ../parent \
- +refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master
+ +refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main
) &&
- parent_head=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
- child_head=$(cd child && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ parent_head=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
+ child_head=$(cd child && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
test "$parent_head" = "$child_head"
test_expect_success 'pushing wildcard refspecs respects forcing' '
rewound_push_setup &&
- parent_orig=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ parent_orig=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
cd child &&
test_must_fail git send-pack ../parent \
) &&
- parent_head=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ parent_head=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
test "$parent_orig" = "$parent_head" &&
cd child &&
git send-pack ../parent \
) &&
- parent_head=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
- child_head=$(cd child && git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ parent_head=$(cd parent && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
+ child_head=$(cd child && git rev-parse --verify main) &&
test "$parent_head" = "$child_head"
@@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deny pushing to delete current branch' '
rewound_push_setup &&
cd child &&
- test_must_fail git send-pack ../parent :refs/heads/master 2>errs
+ test_must_fail git send-pack ../parent :refs/heads/main 2>errs
@@ -283,9 +286,9 @@ test_expect_success 'receive-pack de-dupes .have lines' '
local=$(git -C fork rev-parse HEAD) &&
shared=$(git -C shared rev-parse only-shared) &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $local refs/heads/master
+ $local refs/heads/main
$local refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
- $local refs/remotes/origin/master
+ $local refs/remotes/origin/main
$shared .have
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 956d69f5b1..6012cc8172 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git update-index a &&
tree1=$(git write-tree) &&
commit1=$(echo modify | git commit-tree $tree1 -p $commit0) &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $commit0 &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $commit0 &&
git update-ref refs/heads/tofail $commit1 &&
git clone --bare ./. victim.git &&
GIT_DIR=victim.git git update-ref refs/heads/tofail $commit1 &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $commit1 &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $commit1 &&
git update-ref refs/heads/tofail $commit0
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ echo "$@" >>$GIT_DIR/update.args
read x; printf %s "$x" >$GIT_DIR/update.stdin
echo STDOUT update $1
echo STDERR update $1 >&2
-test "$1" = refs/heads/master || exit
+test "$1" = refs/heads/main || exit
chmod u+x victim.git/hooks/update
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ chmod u+x victim.git/hooks/post-update
test_expect_success push '
test_must_fail git send-pack --force ./victim.git \
- master tofail >send.out 2>send.err
+ main tofail >send.out 2>send.err
test_expect_success 'updated as expected' '
- test $(GIT_DIR=victim.git git rev-parse master) = $commit1 &&
+ test $(GIT_DIR=victim.git git rev-parse main) = $commit1 &&
test $(GIT_DIR=victim.git git rev-parse tofail) = $commit1
@@ -82,24 +82,24 @@ test_expect_success 'hooks ran' '
test_expect_success 'pre-receive hook input' '
- (echo $commit0 $commit1 refs/heads/master &&
+ (echo $commit0 $commit1 refs/heads/main &&
echo $commit1 $commit0 refs/heads/tofail
) | test_cmp - victim.git/pre-receive.stdin
test_expect_success 'update hook arguments' '
- (echo refs/heads/master $commit0 $commit1 &&
+ (echo refs/heads/main $commit0 $commit1 &&
echo refs/heads/tofail $commit1 $commit0
) | test_cmp - victim.git/update.args
test_expect_success 'post-receive hook input' '
- echo $commit0 $commit1 refs/heads/master |
+ echo $commit0 $commit1 refs/heads/main |
test_cmp - victim.git/post-receive.stdin
test_expect_success 'post-update hook arguments' '
- echo refs/heads/master |
+ echo refs/heads/main |
test_cmp - victim.git/post-update.args
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ test_expect_success 'send-pack produced no output' '
cat <<EOF >expect
remote: STDOUT pre-receive
remote: STDERR pre-receive
-remote: STDOUT update refs/heads/master
-remote: STDERR update refs/heads/master
+remote: STDOUT update refs/heads/main
+remote: STDERR update refs/heads/main
remote: STDOUT update refs/heads/tofail
remote: STDERR update refs/heads/tofail
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/tofail
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pre-receive hook that forgets to read its input' '
for v in $(test_seq 100 999)
- git branch branch_$v master || return
+ git branch branch_$v main || return
done &&
git push ./victim.git "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4aeea8f5b7..3e5e19c719 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='Test the post-merge hook.'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git update-index a &&
tree1=$(git write-tree) &&
commit1=$(echo modify | git commit-tree $tree1 -p $commit0) &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $commit0 &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $commit0 &&
git clone ./. clone1 &&
GIT_DIR=clone1/.git git update-index --add a &&
git clone ./. clone2 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a39b3b5c78..1ec9e23be7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='Test the post-checkout hook.'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'post-checkout receives the right arguments with HEAD unchanged ' '
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/post-checkout.args" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
read old new flag <.git/post-checkout.args &&
test $old = $new && test $flag = 1
@@ -41,14 +44,14 @@ test_expect_success 'post-checkout receives the right args with HEAD changed ' '
test_expect_success 'post-checkout receives the right args when not switching branches ' '
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/post-checkout.args" &&
- git checkout master -- three.t &&
+ git checkout main -- three.t &&
read old new flag <.git/post-checkout.args &&
test $old = $new && test $flag = 0
test_expect_success 'post-checkout is triggered on rebase' '
test_when_finished "rm -f .git/post-checkout.args" &&
- git checkout -b rebase-test master &&
+ git checkout -b rebase-test main &&
rm -f .git/post-checkout.args &&
git rebase rebase-on-me &&
read old new flag <.git/post-checkout.args &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2762f420bc..cc07889667 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='tracking branch update checks for git push'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -30,9 +33,9 @@ test_expect_success 'prepare pushable branches' '
git checkout -b b2 origin/b2 &&
echo aa-b2 >>file &&
git commit -a -m aa-b2 &&
- git checkout master &&
- echo aa-master >>file &&
- git commit -a -m aa-master
+ git checkout main &&
+ echo aa-main >>file &&
+ git commit -a -m aa-main
test_expect_success 'mixed-success push returns error' '
@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ test_expect_success 'mixed-success push returns error' '
test_expect_success 'check tracking branches updated correctly after push' '
- test "$(git rev-parse origin/master)" = "$(git rev-parse master)"
+ test "$(git rev-parse origin/main)" = "$(git rev-parse main)"
test_expect_success 'check tracking branches not updated for failed refs' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 235fb7686a..11f03239a0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='forced push to replace commit we do not have'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
mkdir another && (
cd another &&
git init &&
- git fetch --update-head-ok .. master:master
+ git fetch --update-head-ok .. main:main
) &&
>file2 && git add file2 && test_tick &&
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ test_expect_success 'non forced push should die not segfault' '
cd another &&
- test_must_fail git push .. master:master
+ test_must_fail git push .. main:main
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ test_expect_success 'forced push should succeed' '
cd another &&
- git push .. +master:master
+ git push .. +main:main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 80750a817e..5bb23cc3a4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='Test the post-rewrite hook.'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -14,7 +17,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git checkout A^0 &&
test_commit E bar E &&
test_commit F foo F &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
mkdir .git/hooks
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f00d0da860..0b28e4e452 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,14 +2,17 @@
test_description='git receive-pack with alternate ref filtering'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_commit base &&
git clone -s --bare . fork &&
- git checkout -b public/branch master &&
+ git checkout -b public/branch main &&
test_commit public &&
- git checkout -b private/branch master &&
+ git checkout -b private/branch main &&
test_commit private
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3557374312..1f4cc873a8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Testing multi_ack pack fetching'
. ./
# Test fetch-pack/upload-pack pair.
@@ -407,14 +410,14 @@ test_expect_success 'in_vain resetted upon ACK' '
rm -rf myserver myclient &&
git init myserver &&
- # Linked list of commits on master. The first is common; the rest are
+ # Linked list of commits on main. The first is common; the rest are
# not.
- test_commit -C myserver first_master_commit &&
+ test_commit -C myserver first_main_commit &&
git clone "file://$(pwd)/myserver" myclient &&
test_commit_bulk -C myclient 255 &&
# Another linked list of commits on anotherbranch with no connection to
- # master. The first is common; the rest are not.
+ # main. The first is common; the rest are not.
git -C myserver checkout --orphan anotherbranch &&
test_commit -C myserver first_anotherbranch_commit &&
git -C myclient fetch origin anotherbranch:refs/heads/anotherbranch &&
@@ -422,14 +425,14 @@ test_expect_success 'in_vain resetted upon ACK' '
test_commit_bulk -C myclient 255 &&
# The new commit that the client wants to fetch.
- git -C myserver checkout master &&
+ git -C myserver checkout main &&
test_commit -C myserver to_fetch &&
# The client will send (as "have"s) all 256 commits in anotherbranch
# first. The 256th commit is common between the client and the server,
# and should reset in_vain. This allows negotiation to continue until
# the client reports that first_anotherbranch_commit is common.
- git -C myclient fetch --progress origin master 2>log &&
+ git -C myclient fetch --progress origin main 2>log &&
test_i18ngrep "Total 3 " log
@@ -637,7 +640,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shallow fetch with tags does not break the repository' '
mkdir repo2 &&
cd repo2 &&
git init &&
- git fetch --depth=2 ../.git master:branch &&
+ git fetch --depth=2 ../.git main:branch &&
git fsck
@@ -662,7 +665,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch-pack can fetch a raw sha1 that is advertised as a ref
git init client &&
git -C client fetch-pack ../server \
- $(git -C server rev-parse refs/heads/master)
+ $(git -C server rev-parse refs/heads/main)
test_expect_success 'fetch-pack can fetch a raw sha1 overlapping a named ref' '
@@ -688,7 +691,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch-pack cannot fetch a raw sha1 that is not advertised a
# Some protocol versions (e.g. 2) support fetching
# unadvertised objects, so restrict this test to v0.
test_must_fail env GIT_TEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION=0 git -C client fetch-pack ../server \
- $(git -C server rev-parse refs/heads/master^) 2>err &&
+ $(git -C server rev-parse refs/heads/main^) 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object" err
@@ -822,7 +825,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone shallow since ...' '
test_expect_success 'fetch shallow since ...' '
git -C shallow11 fetch --shallow-since "200000000 +0700" origin &&
- git -C shallow11 log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C shallow11 log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/main >actual &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
@@ -863,7 +866,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shallow since with commit graph and already-seen commit' '
cd shallow-since-graph &&
test_commit base &&
- test_commit master &&
+ test_commit main &&
git checkout -b other HEAD^ &&
test_commit other &&
git commit-graph write --reachable &&
@@ -874,7 +877,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shallow since with commit graph and already-seen commit' '
$(echo "object-format=$(test_oid algo)" | packetize)
00010013deepen-since 1
$(echo "want $(git rev-parse other)" | packetize)
- $(echo "have $(git rev-parse master)" | packetize)
+ $(echo "have $(git rev-parse main)" | packetize)
@@ -896,7 +899,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shallow clone exclude tag two' '
test_expect_success 'fetch exclude tag one' '
git -C shallow12 fetch --shallow-exclude one origin &&
- git -C shallow12 log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C shallow12 log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/main >actual &&
test_write_lines three two >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -910,11 +913,11 @@ test_expect_success 'fetching deepen' '
test_commit three &&
git clone --depth 1 "file://$(pwd)/." deepen &&
test_commit four &&
- git -C deepen log --pretty=tformat:%s master >actual &&
+ git -C deepen log --pretty=tformat:%s main >actual &&
echo three >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
git -C deepen fetch --deepen=1 &&
- git -C deepen log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C deepen log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/main >actual &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1bc57ac03f..66f19a4ef2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='fetch/push involving alternates'
. ./
count_objects () {
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'pushing into a repository with the same alternate' '
cd one &&
- git push ../receiver master:refs/heads/it
+ git push ../receiver main:refs/heads/it
) &&
cd receiver &&
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pushing into a repository with the same alternate' '
test_expect_success 'fetching from a repository with the same alternate' '
cd fetcher &&
- git fetch ../one master:refs/heads/it &&
+ git fetch ../one main:refs/heads/it &&
count_objects >../fetcher.count
) &&
test_cmp one.count fetcher.count
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7a46cbdbe6..8c05c7715b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test quickfetch from local'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -108,14 +111,14 @@ test_expect_success 'quickfetch should not copy from alternate' '
) ) &&
- origin_master=$( (
+ origin_main=$( (
cd quickclone &&
- git rev-parse origin/master
+ git rev-parse origin/main
) ) &&
echo "loose objects: $obj_cnt, packfiles: $pck_cnt" &&
test $obj_cnt -eq 0 &&
test $pck_cnt -eq 0 &&
- test z$origin_master = z$(git rev-parse master)
+ test z$origin_main = z$(git rev-parse main)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6041a4dd32..195fc64dd4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test automatic tag following'
. ./
# End state of the repository:
@@ -11,7 +14,7 @@ test_description='test automatic tag following'
# L - A ------ O ------ B
# \ \ \
# \ C - origin/cat \
-# origin/master master
+# origin/main main
test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch A (new commit : 1 connection)' '
cd cloned &&
- test $A = $(git rev-parse --verify origin/master)
+ test $A = $(git rev-parse --verify origin/main)
) &&
get_needs $U >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ test_expect_success "create tag T on A, create C on branch cat" '
git add file &&
git commit -m C &&
C=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'setup expect' '
@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch B, S (commit and tag : 1 connection)' '
cd cloned &&
- test $B = $(git rev-parse --verify origin/master) &&
+ test $B = $(git rev-parse --verify origin/main) &&
test $B = $(git rev-parse --verify tag2^0) &&
test $S = $(git rev-parse --verify tag2)
) &&
@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ want $S
-test_expect_success 'new clone fetch master and tags' '
+test_expect_success 'new clone fetch main and tags' '
test_might_fail git branch -D cat &&
rm -f $U &&
@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ test_expect_success 'new clone fetch master and tags' '
git init &&
git remote add origin .. &&
- test $B = $(git rev-parse --verify origin/master) &&
+ test $B = $(git rev-parse --verify origin/main) &&
test $S = $(git rev-parse --verify tag2) &&
test $B = $(git rev-parse --verify tag2^0) &&
test $T = $(git rev-parse --verify tag1) &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1a16ac4c0d..6e5a9c20e7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='fetch/receive strict mode'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup and inject "corrupt or missing" object' '
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch without strict' '
cd dst &&
git config fetch.fsckobjects false &&
git config transfer.fsckobjects false &&
- test_must_fail git fetch ../.git master
+ test_must_fail git fetch ../.git main
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with !fetch.fsckobjects' '
cd dst &&
git config fetch.fsckobjects false &&
git config transfer.fsckobjects true &&
- test_must_fail git fetch ../.git master
+ test_must_fail git fetch ../.git main
@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with fetch.fsckobjects' '
cd dst &&
git config fetch.fsckobjects true &&
git config transfer.fsckobjects false &&
- test_must_fail git fetch ../.git master
+ test_must_fail git fetch ../.git main
@@ -57,13 +60,13 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with transfer.fsckobjects' '
cd dst &&
git config transfer.fsckobjects true &&
- test_must_fail git fetch ../.git master
+ test_must_fail git fetch ../.git main
cat >exp <<EOF
To dst
-! refs/heads/master:refs/heads/test [remote rejected] (missing necessary objects)
+! refs/heads/main:refs/heads/test [remote rejected] (missing necessary objects)
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push without strict' '
git config fetch.fsckobjects false &&
git config transfer.fsckobjects false
) &&
- test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst master:refs/heads/test >act &&
+ test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst main:refs/heads/test >act &&
test_cmp exp act
@@ -87,13 +90,13 @@ test_expect_success 'push with !receive.fsckobjects' '
git config receive.fsckobjects false &&
git config transfer.fsckobjects true
) &&
- test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst master:refs/heads/test >act &&
+ test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst main:refs/heads/test >act &&
test_cmp exp act
cat >exp <<EOF
To dst
-! refs/heads/master:refs/heads/test [remote rejected] (unpacker error)
+! refs/heads/main:refs/heads/test [remote rejected] (unpacker error)
test_expect_success 'push with receive.fsckobjects' '
@@ -104,7 +107,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with receive.fsckobjects' '
git config receive.fsckobjects true &&
git config transfer.fsckobjects false
) &&
- test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst master:refs/heads/test >act &&
+ test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst main:refs/heads/test >act &&
test_cmp exp act
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with transfer.fsckobjects' '
cd dst &&
git config transfer.fsckobjects true
) &&
- test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst master:refs/heads/test >act &&
+ test_must_fail git push --porcelain dst main:refs/heads/test >act &&
test_cmp exp act
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ecadf02d64..045398b94e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git remote porcelain-ish'
. ./
setup_repository () {
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 83d5558c0e..8f150c0793 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git remote group handling'
. ./
mark() {
@@ -31,8 +34,8 @@ repo_fetched() {
test_expect_success 'setup' '
mkdir one && (cd one && git init) &&
mkdir two && (cd two && git init) &&
- git remote add -m master one one &&
- git remote add -m master two two
+ git remote add -m main one one &&
+ git remote add -m main two two
test_expect_success 'no group updates all' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a67f792adf..31553b48df 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='fetch/push involving ref namespaces'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -27,9 +30,9 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'pushing into a repository using a ref namespace' '
cd original &&
- git push pushee-namespaced master &&
+ git push pushee-namespaced main &&
git ls-remote pushee-namespaced >actual &&
- printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/master\n" >expected &&
+ printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/main\n" >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
git push pushee-namespaced --tags &&
git ls-remote pushee-namespaced >actual &&
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pulling from a repository using a ref namespace' '
cd puller &&
git remote add -f pushee-namespaced "ext::git --namespace=namespace %s ../pushee" &&
git for-each-ref refs/ >actual &&
- printf "$commit1 commit\trefs/remotes/pushee-namespaced/master\n" >expected &&
+ printf "$commit1 commit\trefs/remotes/pushee-namespaced/main\n" >expected &&
printf "$commit0 commit\trefs/tags/0\n" >>expected &&
printf "$commit1 commit\trefs/tags/1\n" >>expected &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ test_expect_success 'mirroring a repository using a ref namespace' '
cd mirror &&
git for-each-ref refs/ >actual &&
- printf "$commit1 commit\trefs/namespaces/namespace/refs/heads/master\n" >expected &&
+ printf "$commit1 commit\trefs/namespaces/namespace/refs/heads/main\n" >expected &&
printf "$commit0 commit\trefs/namespaces/namespace/refs/tags/0\n" >>expected &&
printf "$commit1 commit\trefs/namespaces/namespace/refs/tags/1\n" >>expected &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ test_expect_success 'hide namespaced refs with transfer.hideRefs' '
GIT_NAMESPACE=namespace \
git -C pushee -c transfer.hideRefs=refs/tags \
ls-remote "ext::git %s ." >actual &&
- printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/master\n" >expected &&
+ printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/main\n" >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check that transfer.hideRefs does not match unstripped refs
GIT_NAMESPACE=namespace \
git -C pushee -c transfer.hideRefs=refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/tags \
ls-remote "ext::git %s ." >actual &&
- printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/master\n" >expected &&
+ printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/main\n" >expected &&
printf "$commit0\trefs/tags/0\n" >>expected &&
printf "$commit1\trefs/tags/1\n" >>expected &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -105,23 +108,23 @@ test_expect_success 'hide full refs with transfer.hideRefs' '
GIT_NAMESPACE=namespace \
git -C pushee -c transfer.hideRefs="^refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/tags" \
ls-remote "ext::git %s ." >actual &&
- printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/master\n" >expected &&
+ printf "$commit1\trefs/heads/main\n" >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'try to update a hidden ref' '
- test_config -C pushee transfer.hideRefs refs/heads/master &&
- test_must_fail git -C original push pushee-namespaced master
+ test_config -C pushee transfer.hideRefs refs/heads/main &&
+ test_must_fail git -C original push pushee-namespaced main
test_expect_success 'try to update a ref that is not hidden' '
- test_config -C pushee transfer.hideRefs refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/heads/master &&
- git -C original push pushee-namespaced master
+ test_config -C pushee transfer.hideRefs refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/heads/main &&
+ git -C original push pushee-namespaced main
test_expect_success 'try to update a hidden full ref' '
- test_config -C pushee transfer.hideRefs "^refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/heads/master" &&
- test_must_fail git -C original push pushee-namespaced master
+ test_config -C pushee transfer.hideRefs "^refs/namespaces/namespace/refs/heads/main" &&
+ test_must_fail git -C original push pushee-namespaced main
test_expect_success 'set up ambiguous HEAD' '
@@ -157,9 +160,9 @@ test_expect_success 'denyCurrentBranch and unborn branch with ref namespace' '
cd original &&
git init unborn &&
git remote add unborn-namespaced "ext::git --namespace=namespace %s unborn" &&
- test_must_fail git push unborn-namespaced HEAD:master &&
+ test_must_fail git push unborn-namespaced HEAD:main &&
git -C unborn config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead &&
- git push unborn-namespaced HEAD:master
+ git push unborn-namespaced HEAD:main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2013051a64..42f5503004 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,23 +5,14 @@ test_description='Per branch config variables affects "git fetch".
. ./
-test_bundle_object_count () {
- git verify-pack -v "$1" >verify.out &&
- test "$2" = $(grep "^$OID_REGEX " verify.out | wc -l)
-convert_bundle_to_pack () {
- while read x && test -n "$x"
- do
- :;
- done
- cat
test_expect_success setup '
echo >file original &&
git add file &&
@@ -176,6 +167,174 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch --prune --tags with refspec prunes based on refspec'
git rev-parse sometag
+test_expect_success 'fetch --atomic works with a single branch' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$D\"/atomic" &&
+ cd "$D" &&
+ git clone . atomic &&
+ git branch atomic-branch &&
+ oid=$(git rev-parse atomic-branch) &&
+ echo "$oid" >expected &&
+ git -C atomic fetch --atomic origin &&
+ git -C atomic rev-parse origin/atomic-branch >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual &&
+ test $oid = "$(git -C atomic rev-parse --verify FETCH_HEAD)"
+test_expect_success 'fetch --atomic works with multiple branches' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$D\"/atomic" &&
+ cd "$D" &&
+ git clone . atomic &&
+ git branch atomic-branch-1 &&
+ git branch atomic-branch-2 &&
+ git branch atomic-branch-3 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/atomic-branch-1 refs/heads/atomic-branch-2 refs/heads/atomic-branch-3 >actual &&
+ git -C atomic fetch --atomic origin &&
+ git -C atomic rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/atomic-branch-1 refs/remotes/origin/atomic-branch-2 refs/remotes/origin/atomic-branch-3 >expected &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'fetch --atomic works with mixed branches and tags' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$D\"/atomic" &&
+ cd "$D" &&
+ git clone . atomic &&
+ git branch atomic-mixed-branch &&
+ git tag atomic-mixed-tag &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/atomic-mixed-branch refs/tags/atomic-mixed-tag >actual &&
+ git -C atomic fetch --tags --atomic origin &&
+ git -C atomic rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/atomic-mixed-branch refs/tags/atomic-mixed-tag >expected &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'fetch --atomic prunes references' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$D\"/atomic" &&
+ cd "$D" &&
+ git branch atomic-prune-delete &&
+ git clone . atomic &&
+ git branch --delete atomic-prune-delete &&
+ git branch atomic-prune-create &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/atomic-prune-create >actual &&
+ git -C atomic fetch --prune --atomic origin &&
+ test_must_fail git -C atomic rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/atomic-prune-delete &&
+ git -C atomic rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/atomic-prune-create >expected &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'fetch --atomic aborts with non-fast-forward update' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$D\"/atomic" &&
+ cd "$D" &&
+ git branch atomic-non-ff &&
+ git clone . atomic &&
+ git rev-parse HEAD >actual &&
+ git branch atomic-new-branch &&
+ parent_commit=$(git rev-parse atomic-non-ff~) &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/atomic-non-ff $parent_commit &&
+ test_must_fail git -C atomic fetch --atomic origin refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* &&
+ test_must_fail git -C atomic rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/atomic-new-branch &&
+ git -C atomic rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/atomic-non-ff >expected &&
+ test_cmp expected actual &&
+ test_must_be_empty atomic/.git/FETCH_HEAD
+test_expect_success 'fetch --atomic executes a single reference transaction only' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$D\"/atomic" &&
+ cd "$D" &&
+ git clone . atomic &&
+ git branch atomic-hooks-1 &&
+ git branch atomic-hooks-2 &&
+ head_oid=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ cat >expected <<-EOF &&
+ prepared
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-1
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-2
+ committed
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-1
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-2
+ rm -f atomic/actual &&
+ write_script atomic/.git/hooks/reference-transaction <<-\EOF &&
+ ( echo "$*" && cat ) >>actual
+ git -C atomic fetch --atomic origin &&
+ test_cmp expected atomic/actual
+test_expect_success 'fetch --atomic aborts all reference updates if hook aborts' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$D\"/atomic" &&
+ cd "$D" &&
+ git clone . atomic &&
+ git branch atomic-hooks-abort-1 &&
+ git branch atomic-hooks-abort-2 &&
+ git branch atomic-hooks-abort-3 &&
+ git tag atomic-hooks-abort &&
+ head_oid=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ cat >expected <<-EOF &&
+ prepared
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-abort-1
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-abort-2
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-abort-3
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/tags/atomic-hooks-abort
+ aborted
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-abort-1
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-abort-2
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/remotes/origin/atomic-hooks-abort-3
+ $ZERO_OID $head_oid refs/tags/atomic-hooks-abort
+ rm -f atomic/actual &&
+ write_script atomic/.git/hooks/reference-transaction <<-\EOF &&
+ ( echo "$*" && cat ) >>actual
+ exit 1
+ git -C atomic for-each-ref >expected-refs &&
+ test_must_fail git -C atomic fetch --tags --atomic origin &&
+ git -C atomic for-each-ref >actual-refs &&
+ test_cmp expected-refs actual-refs &&
+ test_must_be_empty atomic/.git/FETCH_HEAD
+test_expect_success 'fetch --atomic --append appends to FETCH_HEAD' '
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$D\"/atomic" &&
+ cd "$D" &&
+ git clone . atomic &&
+ oid=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git branch atomic-fetch-head-1 &&
+ git -C atomic fetch --atomic origin atomic-fetch-head-1 &&
+ test_line_count = 1 atomic/.git/FETCH_HEAD &&
+ git branch atomic-fetch-head-2 &&
+ git -C atomic fetch --atomic --append origin atomic-fetch-head-2 &&
+ test_line_count = 2 atomic/.git/FETCH_HEAD &&
+ cp atomic/.git/FETCH_HEAD expected &&
+ write_script atomic/.git/hooks/reference-transaction <<-\EOF &&
+ exit 1
+ git branch atomic-fetch-head-3 &&
+ test_must_fail git -C atomic fetch --atomic --append origin atomic-fetch-head-3 &&
+ test_cmp expected atomic/.git/FETCH_HEAD
test_expect_success '--refmap="" ignores configured refspec' '
git clone "$D" remote-refs &&
@@ -312,9 +471,7 @@ test_expect_success 'unbundle 1' '
test_expect_success 'bundle 1 has only 3 files ' '
cd "$D" &&
- convert_bundle_to_pack <bundle1 >bundle.pack &&
- git index-pack bundle.pack &&
- test_bundle_object_count bundle.pack 3
+ test_bundle_object_count bundle1 3
test_expect_success 'unbundle 2' '
@@ -329,9 +486,7 @@ test_expect_success 'bundle does not prerequisite objects' '
git add file2 &&
git commit -m add.file2 file2 &&
git bundle create bundle3 -1 HEAD &&
- convert_bundle_to_pack <bundle3 >bundle.pack &&
- git index-pack bundle.pack &&
- test_bundle_object_count bundle.pack 3
+ test_bundle_object_count bundle3 3
test_expect_success 'bundle should be able to create a full history' '
@@ -884,9 +1039,7 @@ test_expect_success 'all boundary commits are excluded' '
git merge otherside &&
ad=$(git log --no-walk --format=%ad HEAD) &&
git bundle create twoside-boundary.bdl main --since="$ad" &&
- convert_bundle_to_pack <twoside-boundary.bdl >twoside-boundary.pack &&
- pack=$(git index-pack --fix-thin --stdin <twoside-boundary.pack) &&
- test_bundle_object_count .git/objects/pack/pack-${pack##pack }.pack 3
+ test_bundle_object_count --thin twoside-boundary.bdl 3
test_expect_success 'fetch --prune prints the remotes url' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f808649de4..be025b90f9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ test_refspec fetch '::' invalid
test_refspec push 'refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/frotz/*'
test_refspec push 'refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/frotz' invalid
test_refspec push 'refs/heads:refs/remotes/frotz/*' invalid
-test_refspec push 'refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy'
+test_refspec push 'refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy'
# These have invalid LHS, but we do not have a formal "valid sha-1
@@ -41,18 +41,18 @@ test_refspec push 'refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy'
# code. They will be caught downstream anyway, but we may want to
# have tighter check later...
-: test_refspec push 'refs/heads/master::refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy' invalid
+: test_refspec push 'refs/heads/main::refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy' invalid
: test_refspec push 'refs/heads/maste :refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy' invalid
test_refspec fetch 'refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/frotz/*'
test_refspec fetch 'refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/frotz' invalid
test_refspec fetch 'refs/heads:refs/remotes/frotz/*' invalid
-test_refspec fetch 'refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy'
-test_refspec fetch 'refs/heads/master::refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy' invalid
+test_refspec fetch 'refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy'
+test_refspec fetch 'refs/heads/main::refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy' invalid
test_refspec fetch 'refs/heads/maste :refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy' invalid
-test_refspec push 'master~1:refs/remotes/frotz/backup'
-test_refspec fetch 'master~1:refs/remotes/frotz/backup' invalid
+test_refspec push 'main~1:refs/remotes/frotz/backup'
+test_refspec fetch 'main~1:refs/remotes/frotz/backup' invalid
test_refspec push 'HEAD~4:refs/remotes/frotz/new'
test_refspec fetch 'HEAD~4:refs/remotes/frotz/new' invalid
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e98c3a0174..4a568a2398 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git ls-remote'
. ./
generate_references () {
@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ test_expect_success 'use branch.<name>.remote if possible' '
echo "From $URL" >exp_err &&
git remote add other $URL &&
- git config branch.master.remote other &&
+ git config branch.main.remote other &&
git ls-remote 2>actual_err >actual &&
test_cmp exp_err actual_err &&
@@ -129,9 +132,9 @@ test_expect_success 'confuses pattern as remote when no remote specified' '
if test_have_prereq MINGW
# Windows does not like asterisks in pathname
- does_not_exist=master
+ does_not_exist=main
- does_not_exist="refs*master"
+ does_not_exist="refs*main"
fi &&
cat >exp <<-EOF &&
fatal: '\''$does_not_exist'\'' does not appear to be a git repository
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ test_expect_success 'confuses pattern as remote when no remote specified' '
# Do not expect "git ls-remote <pattern>" to work; ls-remote needs
# <remote> if you want to feed <pattern>, just like you cannot say
# fetch <branch>.
- # We could just as easily have used "master"; the "*" emphasizes its
+ # We could just as easily have used "main"; the "*" emphasizes its
# role as a pattern.
test_must_fail git ls-remote "$does_not_exist" >actual 2>&1 &&
test_i18ncmp exp actual
@@ -217,14 +220,14 @@ test_expect_success 'protocol v2 supports hiderefs' '
test_expect_success 'ls-remote --symref' '
git fetch origin &&
- echo "ref: refs/heads/master HEAD" >expect &&
+ echo "ref: refs/heads/main HEAD" >expect &&
generate_references \
- refs/heads/master >>expect &&
+ refs/heads/main >>expect &&
oid=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
echo "$oid refs/remotes/origin/HEAD" >>expect &&
generate_references \
- refs/remotes/origin/master \
+ refs/remotes/origin/main \
refs/tags/mark \
refs/tags/mark1.1 \
refs/tags/mark1.10 \
@@ -238,7 +241,7 @@ test_expect_success 'ls-remote --symref' '
test_expect_success 'ls-remote with filtered symref (refname)' '
rev=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- ref: refs/heads/master HEAD
+ ref: refs/heads/main HEAD
$rev HEAD
# Protocol v2 supports sending symrefs for refs other than HEAD, so use
@@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ test_expect_failure 'ls-remote with filtered symref (--heads)' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
ref: refs/tags/mark refs/heads/foo
$rev refs/heads/foo
- $rev refs/heads/master
+ $rev refs/heads/main
# Protocol v2 supports sending symrefs for refs other than HEAD, so use
# protocol v0 here.
@@ -263,7 +266,7 @@ test_expect_failure 'ls-remote with filtered symref (--heads)' '
test_expect_success 'ls-remote --symref omits filtered-out matches' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
$rev refs/heads/foo
- $rev refs/heads/master
+ $rev refs/heads/main
# Protocol v2 supports sending symrefs for refs other than HEAD, so use
# protocol v0 here.
@@ -330,10 +333,10 @@ test_expect_success 'ls-remote --sort fails gracefully outside repository' '
test_expect_success 'ls-remote patterns work with all protocol versions' '
git for-each-ref --format="%(objectname) %(refname)" \
- refs/heads/master refs/remotes/origin/master >expect &&
- git -c protocol.version=1 ls-remote . master >actual.v1 &&
+ refs/heads/main refs/remotes/origin/main >expect &&
+ git -c protocol.version=1 ls-remote . main >actual.v1 &&
test_cmp expect actual.v1 &&
- git -c protocol.version=2 ls-remote . master >actual.v2 &&
+ git -c protocol.version=2 ls-remote . main >actual.v2 &&
test_cmp expect actual.v2
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index bd202ec6f3..511ba3bd45 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='fetch --all works correctly'
. ./
setup_repository () {
@@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ setup_repository () {
git add elif &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m "Second" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
@@ -32,16 +35,16 @@ test_expect_success setup '
cat > test/expect << EOF
- one/master
+ one/main
- origin/HEAD -> origin/master
- origin/master
+ origin/HEAD -> origin/main
+ origin/main
- three/master
+ three/main
- two/master
+ two/main
@@ -70,15 +73,15 @@ test_expect_success 'git fetch --all should continue if a remote has errors' '
test_expect_success 'git fetch --all does not allow non-option arguments' '
(cd test &&
test_must_fail git fetch --all origin &&
- test_must_fail git fetch --all origin master)
+ test_must_fail git fetch --all origin main)
cat > expect << EOF
- origin/HEAD -> origin/master
- origin/master
+ origin/HEAD -> origin/main
+ origin/main
- three/master
+ three/main
@@ -92,10 +95,10 @@ test_expect_success 'git fetch --multiple (but only one remote)' '
cat > expect << EOF
- one/master
+ one/main
- two/master
+ two/main
@@ -133,13 +136,13 @@ test_expect_success 'git fetch --all (skipFetchAll)' '
cat > expect << EOF
- one/master
+ one/main
- three/master
+ three/main
- two/master
+ two/main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 01004ff680..15262b4192 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ This test checks the following functionality:
* reflogs
. ./
@@ -120,13 +123,13 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git add path1 &&
test_tick &&
git commit -a -m repo &&
- the_first_commit=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ the_first_commit=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
>path2 &&
git add path2 &&
test_tick &&
git commit -a -m second &&
- the_commit=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master)
+ the_commit=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main)
@@ -134,9 +137,9 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch without wildcard' '
mk_empty testrepo &&
cd testrepo &&
- git fetch .. refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ git fetch .. refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with wildcard' '
git config remote.up.fetch "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" &&
git fetch up &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with insteadOf' '
git config remote.up.fetch "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" &&
git fetch up &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with pushInsteadOf (should not rewrite)' '
git config remote.up.fetch "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" &&
git fetch up &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -191,10 +194,10 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with pushInsteadOf (should not rewrite)' '
test_expect_success 'push without wildcard' '
mk_empty testrepo &&
- git push testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ git push testrepo refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main &&
cd testrepo &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -206,7 +209,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with wildcard' '
git push testrepo "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" &&
cd testrepo &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -216,10 +219,10 @@ test_expect_success 'push with insteadOf' '
mk_empty testrepo &&
TRASH="$(pwd)/" &&
test_config "url.$TRASH.insteadOf" trash/ &&
- git push trash/testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ git push trash/testrepo refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main &&
cd testrepo &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -229,10 +232,10 @@ test_expect_success 'push with pushInsteadOf' '
mk_empty testrepo &&
TRASH="$(pwd)/" &&
test_config "url.$TRASH.pushInsteadOf" trash/ &&
- git push trash/testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ git push trash/testrepo refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main &&
cd testrepo &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -244,10 +247,10 @@ test_expect_success 'push with pushInsteadOf and explicit pushurl (pushInsteadOf
test_config "url.trash3/.pushInsteadOf" trash/wrong &&
test_config remote.r.url trash/wrong &&
test_config remote.r.pushurl "testrepo/" &&
- git push r refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ git push r refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main &&
cd testrepo &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -255,101 +258,101 @@ test_expect_success 'push with pushInsteadOf and explicit pushurl (pushInsteadOf
test_expect_success 'push with matching heads' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
git push testrepo : &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main
test_expect_success 'push with matching heads on the command line' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
git push testrepo : &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main
test_expect_success 'failed (non-fast-forward) push with matching heads' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
git push testrepo : &&
git commit --amend -massaged &&
test_must_fail git push testrepo &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
git reset --hard $the_commit
test_expect_success 'push --force with matching heads' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
git push testrepo : &&
git commit --amend -massaged &&
git push --force testrepo : &&
- ! check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
+ ! check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
git reset --hard $the_commit
test_expect_success 'push with matching heads and forced update' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
git push testrepo : &&
git commit --amend -massaged &&
git push testrepo +: &&
- ! check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
+ ! check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
git reset --hard $the_commit
test_expect_success 'push with no ambiguity (1)' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
- git push testrepo master:master &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
+ git push testrepo main:main &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main
test_expect_success 'push with no ambiguity (2)' '
- mk_test testrepo remotes/origin/master &&
- git push testrepo master:origin/master &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit remotes/origin/master
+ mk_test testrepo remotes/origin/main &&
+ git push testrepo main:origin/main &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit remotes/origin/main
test_expect_success 'push with colon-less refspec, no ambiguity' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master heads/t/master &&
- git branch -f t/master master &&
- git push testrepo master &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit heads/t/master
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main heads/t/main &&
+ git branch -f t/main main &&
+ git push testrepo main &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit heads/t/main
test_expect_success 'push with weak ambiguity (1)' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master remotes/origin/master &&
- git push testrepo master:master &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit remotes/origin/master
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main remotes/origin/main &&
+ git push testrepo main:main &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit remotes/origin/main
test_expect_success 'push with weak ambiguity (2)' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master remotes/origin/master remotes/another/master &&
- git push testrepo master:master &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit remotes/origin/master remotes/another/master
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main remotes/origin/main remotes/another/main &&
+ git push testrepo main:main &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit remotes/origin/main remotes/another/main
test_expect_success 'push with ambiguity' '
mk_test testrepo heads/frotz tags/frotz &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo master:frotz &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo main:frotz &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit heads/frotz tags/frotz
@@ -357,7 +360,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with ambiguity' '
test_expect_success 'push with colon-less refspec (1)' '
mk_test testrepo heads/frotz tags/frotz &&
- git branch -f frotz master &&
+ git branch -f frotz main &&
git push testrepo frotz &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/frotz &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit tags/frotz
@@ -385,7 +388,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with colon-less refspec (3)' '
git tag -d frotz
fi &&
- git branch -f frotz master &&
+ git branch -f frotz main &&
git push testrepo frotz &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/frotz &&
test 1 = $( cd testrepo && git show-ref | wc -l )
@@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with colon-less refspec (4)' '
test_expect_success 'push head with non-existent, incomplete dest' '
mk_test testrepo &&
- git push testrepo master:branch &&
+ git push testrepo main:branch &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/branch
@@ -425,14 +428,14 @@ test_expect_success 'push tag with non-existent, incomplete dest' '
test_expect_success 'push sha1 with non-existent, incomplete dest' '
mk_test testrepo &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo $(git rev-parse master):foo
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo $(git rev-parse main):foo
test_expect_success 'push ref expression with non-existent, incomplete dest' '
mk_test testrepo &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo master^:branch
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo main^:branch
@@ -440,30 +443,26 @@ for head in HEAD @
test_expect_success "push with $head" '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
+ git checkout main &&
git push testrepo $head &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main
test_expect_success "push with $head nonexisting at remote" '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
- git checkout -b local master &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master; git branch -D local" &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
+ git checkout -b local main &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main; git branch -D local" &&
git push testrepo $head &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/local
test_expect_success "push with +$head" '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
- git checkout -b local master &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master; git branch -D local" &&
- git push testrepo master local &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
+ git checkout -b local main &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main; git branch -D local" &&
+ git push testrepo main local &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/local &&
# Without force rewinding should fail
@@ -474,22 +473,19 @@ do
# With force rewinding should succeed
git push testrepo +$head &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit heads/local
test_expect_success "push $head with non-existent, incomplete dest" '
mk_test testrepo &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git push testrepo $head:branch &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/branch
test_expect_success "push with config remote.*.push = $head" '
mk_test testrepo heads/local &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -f local $the_commit &&
test_when_finished "git branch -D local" &&
@@ -499,168 +495,168 @@ do
) &&
test_config remote.there.url testrepo &&
test_config remote.there.push $head &&
- test_config branch.master.remote there &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote there &&
git push &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit heads/local
test_expect_success 'push with remote.pushdefault' '
- mk_test up_repo heads/master &&
- mk_test down_repo heads/master &&
+ mk_test up_repo heads/main &&
+ mk_test down_repo heads/main &&
test_config remote.up.url up_repo &&
test_config remote.down.url down_repo &&
- test_config branch.master.remote up &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote up &&
test_config remote.pushdefault down &&
test_config push.default matching &&
git push &&
- check_push_result up_repo $the_first_commit heads/master &&
- check_push_result down_repo $the_commit heads/master
+ check_push_result up_repo $the_first_commit heads/main &&
+ check_push_result down_repo $the_commit heads/main
test_expect_success 'push with config remote.*.pushurl' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_config remote.there.url test2repo &&
test_config remote.there.pushurl testrepo &&
git push there : &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main
test_expect_success 'push with config branch.*.pushremote' '
- mk_test up_repo heads/master &&
- mk_test side_repo heads/master &&
- mk_test down_repo heads/master &&
+ mk_test up_repo heads/main &&
+ mk_test side_repo heads/main &&
+ mk_test down_repo heads/main &&
test_config remote.up.url up_repo &&
test_config remote.pushdefault side_repo &&
test_config remote.down.url down_repo &&
- test_config branch.master.remote up &&
- test_config branch.master.pushremote down &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote up &&
+ test_config branch.main.pushremote down &&
test_config push.default matching &&
git push &&
- check_push_result up_repo $the_first_commit heads/master &&
- check_push_result side_repo $the_first_commit heads/master &&
- check_push_result down_repo $the_commit heads/master
+ check_push_result up_repo $the_first_commit heads/main &&
+ check_push_result side_repo $the_first_commit heads/main &&
+ check_push_result down_repo $the_commit heads/main
test_expect_success 'branch.*.pushremote config order is irrelevant' '
- mk_test one_repo heads/master &&
- mk_test two_repo heads/master &&
+ mk_test one_repo heads/main &&
+ mk_test two_repo heads/main &&
test_config one_repo &&
test_config remote.two.url two_repo &&
- test_config branch.master.pushremote two_repo &&
+ test_config branch.main.pushremote two_repo &&
test_config remote.pushdefault one_repo &&
test_config push.default matching &&
git push &&
- check_push_result one_repo $the_first_commit heads/master &&
- check_push_result two_repo $the_commit heads/master
+ check_push_result one_repo $the_first_commit heads/main &&
+ check_push_result two_repo $the_commit heads/main
test_expect_success 'push with dry-run' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
- old_commit=$(git -C testrepo show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
+ old_commit=$(git -C testrepo show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
git push --dry-run testrepo : &&
- check_push_result testrepo $old_commit heads/master
+ check_push_result testrepo $old_commit heads/main
test_expect_success 'push updates local refs' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
mk_child testrepo child &&
cd child &&
- git pull .. master &&
+ git pull .. main &&
git push &&
- test $(git rev-parse master) = \
- $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/master)
+ test $(git rev-parse main) = \
+ $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/main)
test_expect_success 'push updates up-to-date local refs' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
mk_child testrepo child1 &&
mk_child testrepo child2 &&
- (cd child1 && git pull .. master && git push) &&
+ (cd child1 && git pull .. main && git push) &&
cd child2 &&
- git pull ../child1 master &&
+ git pull ../child1 main &&
git push &&
- test $(git rev-parse master) = \
- $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/master)
+ test $(git rev-parse main) = \
+ $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/main)
test_expect_success 'push preserves up-to-date packed refs' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
mk_child testrepo child &&
cd child &&
git push &&
- ! test -f .git/refs/remotes/origin/master
+ ! test -f .git/refs/remotes/origin/main
test_expect_success 'push does not update local refs on failure' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
mk_child testrepo child &&
mkdir testrepo/.git/hooks &&
echo "#!/no/frobnication/today" >testrepo/.git/hooks/pre-receive &&
chmod +x testrepo/.git/hooks/pre-receive &&
cd child &&
- git pull .. master &&
+ git pull .. main &&
test_must_fail git push &&
- test $(git rev-parse master) != \
- $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/master)
+ test $(git rev-parse main) != \
+ $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/main)
test_expect_success 'allow deleting an invalid remote ref' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
rm -f testrepo/.git/objects/??/* &&
- git push testrepo :refs/heads/master &&
- (cd testrepo && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master)
+ git push testrepo :refs/heads/main &&
+ (cd testrepo && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main)
test_expect_success 'pushing valid refs triggers post-receive and post-update hooks' '
- mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/master heads/next &&
- orgmaster=$(cd testrepo && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- newmaster=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/main heads/next &&
+ orgmain=$(cd testrepo && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ newmain=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
orgnext=$(cd testrepo && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/next) &&
newnext=$ZERO_OID &&
- git push testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master :refs/heads/next &&
+ git push testrepo refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main :refs/heads/next &&
cd testrepo/.git &&
cat >pre-receive.expect <<-EOF &&
- $orgmaster $newmaster refs/heads/master
+ $orgmain $newmain refs/heads/main
$orgnext $newnext refs/heads/next
cat >update.expect <<-EOF &&
- refs/heads/master $orgmaster $newmaster
+ refs/heads/main $orgmain $newmain
refs/heads/next $orgnext $newnext
cat >post-receive.expect <<-EOF &&
- $orgmaster $newmaster refs/heads/master
+ $orgmain $newmain refs/heads/main
$orgnext $newnext refs/heads/next
cat >post-update.expect <<-EOF &&
- refs/heads/master
+ refs/heads/main
@@ -672,25 +668,25 @@ test_expect_success 'pushing valid refs triggers post-receive and post-update ho
test_expect_success 'deleting dangling ref triggers hooks with correct args' '
- mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/main &&
rm -f testrepo/.git/objects/??/* &&
- git push testrepo :refs/heads/master &&
+ git push testrepo :refs/heads/main &&
cd testrepo/.git &&
cat >pre-receive.expect <<-EOF &&
- $ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID refs/heads/master
+ $ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID refs/heads/main
cat >update.expect <<-EOF &&
- refs/heads/master $ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID
+ refs/heads/main $ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID
cat >post-receive.expect <<-EOF &&
- $ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID refs/heads/master
+ $ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID refs/heads/main
cat >post-update.expect <<-EOF &&
- refs/heads/master
+ refs/heads/main
test_cmp pre-receive.expect pre-receive.actual &&
@@ -701,28 +697,28 @@ test_expect_success 'deleting dangling ref triggers hooks with correct args' '
test_expect_success 'deletion of a non-existent ref is not fed to post-receive and post-update hooks' '
- mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/master &&
- orgmaster=$(cd testrepo && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- newmaster=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- git push testrepo master :refs/heads/nonexistent &&
+ mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/main &&
+ orgmain=$(cd testrepo && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ newmain=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ git push testrepo main :refs/heads/nonexistent &&
cd testrepo/.git &&
cat >pre-receive.expect <<-EOF &&
- $orgmaster $newmaster refs/heads/master
+ $orgmain $newmain refs/heads/main
$ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID refs/heads/nonexistent
cat >update.expect <<-EOF &&
- refs/heads/master $orgmaster $newmaster
+ refs/heads/main $orgmain $newmain
refs/heads/nonexistent $ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID
cat >post-receive.expect <<-EOF &&
- $orgmaster $newmaster refs/heads/master
+ $orgmain $newmain refs/heads/main
cat >post-update.expect <<-EOF &&
- refs/heads/master
+ refs/heads/main
test_cmp pre-receive.expect pre-receive.actual &&
@@ -733,7 +729,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deletion of a non-existent ref is not fed to post-receive a
test_expect_success 'deletion of a non-existent ref alone does trigger post-receive and post-update hooks' '
- mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/main &&
git push testrepo :refs/heads/nonexistent &&
cd testrepo/.git &&
@@ -753,40 +749,40 @@ test_expect_success 'deletion of a non-existent ref alone does trigger post-rece
test_expect_success 'mixed ref updates, deletes, invalid deletes trigger hooks with correct input' '
- mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/master heads/next heads/seen &&
- orgmaster=$(cd testrepo && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- newmaster=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ mk_test_with_hooks testrepo heads/main heads/next heads/seen &&
+ orgmain=$(cd testrepo && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ newmain=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
orgnext=$(cd testrepo && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/next) &&
newnext=$ZERO_OID &&
orgseen=$(cd testrepo && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/seen) &&
- newseen=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- git push testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master \
- refs/heads/master:refs/heads/seen :refs/heads/next \
+ newseen=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ git push testrepo refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main \
+ refs/heads/main:refs/heads/seen :refs/heads/next \
:refs/heads/nonexistent &&
cd testrepo/.git &&
cat >pre-receive.expect <<-EOF &&
- $orgmaster $newmaster refs/heads/master
+ $orgmain $newmain refs/heads/main
$orgnext $newnext refs/heads/next
$orgseen $newseen refs/heads/seen
$ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID refs/heads/nonexistent
cat >update.expect <<-EOF &&
- refs/heads/master $orgmaster $newmaster
+ refs/heads/main $orgmain $newmain
refs/heads/next $orgnext $newnext
refs/heads/seen $orgseen $newseen
refs/heads/nonexistent $ZERO_OID $ZERO_OID
cat >post-receive.expect <<-EOF &&
- $orgmaster $newmaster refs/heads/master
+ $orgmain $newmain refs/heads/main
$orgnext $newnext refs/heads/next
$orgseen $newseen refs/heads/seen
cat >post-update.expect <<-EOF &&
- refs/heads/master
+ refs/heads/main
@@ -799,15 +795,15 @@ test_expect_success 'mixed ref updates, deletes, invalid deletes trigger hooks w
test_expect_success 'allow deleting a ref using --delete' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
(cd testrepo && git config receive.denyDeleteCurrent warn) &&
- git push testrepo --delete master &&
- (cd testrepo && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master)
+ git push testrepo --delete main &&
+ (cd testrepo && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main)
test_expect_success 'allow deleting a tag using --delete' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
- git tag -a -m dummy_message deltag heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
+ git tag -a -m dummy_message deltag heads/main &&
git push testrepo --tags &&
(cd testrepo && git rev-parse --verify -q refs/tags/deltag) &&
git push testrepo --delete tag deltag &&
@@ -815,56 +811,56 @@ test_expect_success 'allow deleting a tag using --delete' '
test_expect_success 'push --delete without args aborts' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
test_must_fail git push testrepo --delete
test_expect_success 'push --delete refuses src:dest refspecs' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo --delete master:foo
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo --delete main:foo
test_expect_success 'warn on push to HEAD of non-bare repository' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
cd testrepo &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch warn
) &&
- git push testrepo master 2>stderr &&
+ git push testrepo main 2>stderr &&
grep "warning: updating the current branch" stderr
test_expect_success 'deny push to HEAD of non-bare repository' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
cd testrepo &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch true
) &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo master
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo main
test_expect_success 'allow push to HEAD of bare repository (bare)' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
cd testrepo &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch true &&
git config core.bare true
) &&
- git push testrepo master 2>stderr &&
+ git push testrepo main 2>stderr &&
! grep "warning: updating the current branch" stderr
test_expect_success 'allow push to HEAD of non-bare repository (config)' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
cd testrepo &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch false
) &&
- git push testrepo master 2>stderr &&
+ git push testrepo main 2>stderr &&
! grep "warning: updating the current branch" stderr
@@ -880,7 +876,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with branches' '
git for-each-ref refs/heads >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
) &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'fetch with branches containing #' '
@@ -893,7 +889,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with branches containing #' '
git for-each-ref refs/heads >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
) &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'push with branches' '
@@ -903,7 +899,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with branches' '
git push branch1 &&
cd testrepo &&
- echo "$the_first_commit commit refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_first_commit commit refs/heads/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/heads >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -919,11 +915,11 @@ test_expect_success 'push with branches containing #' '
git for-each-ref refs/heads >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
) &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'push into aliased refs (consistent)' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
mk_child testrepo child1 &&
mk_child testrepo child2 &&
@@ -945,7 +941,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push into aliased refs (consistent)' '
test_expect_success 'push into aliased refs (inconsistent)' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
mk_child testrepo child1 &&
mk_child testrepo child2 &&
@@ -976,7 +972,7 @@ test_force_push_tag () {
test_expect_success "force pushing required to update $tag_type_description" "
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
mk_child testrepo child1 &&
mk_child testrepo child2 &&
@@ -1022,7 +1018,7 @@ test_force_fetch_tag () {
test_expect_success "fetch will not clobber an existing $tag_type_description without --force" "
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
mk_child testrepo child1 &&
mk_child testrepo child2 &&
@@ -1045,12 +1041,12 @@ test_force_fetch_tag "annotated tag" "-f -a -m'tag message'"
test_expect_success 'push --porcelain' '
mk_empty testrepo &&
echo >.git/foo "To testrepo" &&
- echo >>.git/foo "* refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master [new reference]" &&
+ echo >>.git/foo "* refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main [new reference]" &&
echo >>.git/foo "Done" &&
- git push >.git/bar --porcelain testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ git push >.git/bar --porcelain testrepo refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main &&
cd testrepo &&
- echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/master" >expect &&
+ echo "$the_commit commit refs/remotes/origin/main" >expect &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
) &&
@@ -1059,52 +1055,52 @@ test_expect_success 'push --porcelain' '
test_expect_success 'push --porcelain bad url' '
mk_empty testrepo &&
- test_must_fail git push >.git/bar --porcelain asdfasdfasd refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ test_must_fail git push >.git/bar --porcelain asdfasdfasd refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main &&
! grep -q Done .git/bar
test_expect_success 'push --porcelain rejected' '
mk_empty testrepo &&
- git push testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ git push testrepo refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main &&
(cd testrepo &&
- git reset --hard origin/master^ &&
+ git reset --hard origin/main^ &&
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch true) &&
echo >.git/foo "To testrepo" &&
- echo >>.git/foo "! refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master [remote rejected] (branch is currently checked out)" &&
+ echo >>.git/foo "! refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main [remote rejected] (branch is currently checked out)" &&
echo >>.git/foo "Done" &&
- test_must_fail git push >.git/bar --porcelain testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master &&
+ test_must_fail git push >.git/bar --porcelain testrepo refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main &&
test_cmp .git/foo .git/bar
test_expect_success 'push --porcelain --dry-run rejected' '
mk_empty testrepo &&
- git push testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ git push testrepo refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main &&
(cd testrepo &&
- git reset --hard origin/master &&
+ git reset --hard origin/main &&
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch true) &&
echo >.git/foo "To testrepo" &&
- echo >>.git/foo "! refs/heads/master^:refs/heads/master [rejected] (non-fast-forward)" &&
+ echo >>.git/foo "! refs/heads/main^:refs/heads/main [rejected] (non-fast-forward)" &&
echo >>.git/foo "Done" &&
- test_must_fail git push >.git/bar --porcelain --dry-run testrepo refs/heads/master^:refs/heads/master &&
+ test_must_fail git push >.git/bar --porcelain --dry-run testrepo refs/heads/main^:refs/heads/main &&
test_cmp .git/foo .git/bar
test_expect_success 'push --prune' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master heads/second heads/foo heads/bar &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main heads/second heads/foo heads/bar &&
git push --prune testrepo : &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit heads/second &&
! check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit heads/foo heads/bar
test_expect_success 'push --prune refspec' '
- mk_test testrepo tmp/master tmp/second tmp/foo tmp/bar &&
+ mk_test testrepo tmp/main tmp/second tmp/foo tmp/bar &&
git push --prune testrepo "refs/heads/*:refs/tmp/*" &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit tmp/master &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit tmp/main &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit tmp/second &&
! check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit tmp/foo tmp/bar
@@ -1112,18 +1108,18 @@ test_expect_success 'push --prune refspec' '
for configsection in transfer receive
test_expect_success "push to update a ref hidden by $configsection.hiderefs" '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master hidden/one hidden/two hidden/three &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main hidden/one hidden/two hidden/three &&
cd testrepo &&
git config $configsection.hiderefs refs/hidden
) &&
# push to unhidden ref succeeds normally
- git push testrepo master:refs/heads/master &&
- check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/master &&
+ git push testrepo main:refs/heads/main &&
+ check_push_result testrepo $the_commit heads/main &&
# push to update a hidden ref should fail
- test_must_fail git push testrepo master:refs/hidden/one &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo main:refs/hidden/one &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_first_commit hidden/one &&
# push to delete a hidden ref should fail
@@ -1137,8 +1133,8 @@ do
test_expect_success 'fetch exact SHA1' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master hidden/one &&
- git push testrepo master:refs/hidden/one &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main hidden/one &&
+ git push testrepo main:refs/hidden/one &&
cd testrepo &&
git config transfer.hiderefs refs/hidden
@@ -1169,7 +1165,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch exact SHA1' '
git config uploadpack.allowtipsha1inwant true
) &&
- git fetch -v ../testrepo $the_commit:refs/heads/copy master:refs/heads/extra &&
+ git fetch -v ../testrepo $the_commit:refs/heads/copy main:refs/heads/extra &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
@@ -1183,8 +1179,8 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch exact SHA1' '
test_expect_success 'fetch exact SHA1 in protocol v2' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master hidden/one &&
- git push testrepo master:refs/hidden/one &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main hidden/one &&
+ git push testrepo main:refs/hidden/one &&
git -C testrepo config transfer.hiderefs refs/hidden &&
check_push_result testrepo $the_commit hidden/one &&
@@ -1260,23 +1256,25 @@ do
git cat-file commit $SHA1_2 &&
test_must_fail env GIT_TEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION=0 \
git fetch ../testrepo/.git $SHA1_3 2>err &&
- test_i18ngrep "remote error:.*not our ref.*$SHA1_3\$" err
+ # ideally we would insist this be on a "remote error:"
+ # line, but it is racy; see the commit message
+ test_i18ngrep "not our ref.*$SHA1_3\$" err
test_expect_success 'fetch follows tags by default' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
rm -fr src dst &&
git init src &&
cd src &&
- git pull ../testrepo master &&
+ git pull ../testrepo main &&
git tag -m "annotated" tag &&
git for-each-ref >tmp1 &&
cat tmp1
- sed -n "s|refs/heads/master$|refs/remotes/origin/master|p" tmp1
+ sed -n "s|refs/heads/main$|refs/remotes/origin/main|p" tmp1
) |
sort -k 3 >../expect
) &&
@@ -1284,8 +1282,8 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch follows tags by default' '
cd dst &&
git remote add origin ../src &&
- git config branch.master.remote origin &&
- git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master &&
+ git config branch.main.remote origin &&
+ git config branch.main.merge refs/heads/main &&
git pull &&
git for-each-ref >../actual
) &&
@@ -1304,74 +1302,74 @@ test_expect_success 'peeled advertisements are not considered ref tips' '
test_expect_success 'pushing a specific ref applies remote.$name.push as refmap' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
rm -fr src dst &&
git init src &&
git init --bare dst &&
cd src &&
- git pull ../testrepo master &&
+ git pull ../testrepo main &&
git branch next &&
git config remote.dst.url ../dst &&
git config remote.dst.push "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/src/*" &&
- git push dst master &&
- git show-ref refs/heads/master |
+ git push dst main &&
+ git show-ref refs/heads/main |
sed -e "s|refs/heads/|refs/remotes/src/|" >../dst/expect
) &&
cd dst &&
test_must_fail git show-ref refs/heads/next &&
- test_must_fail git show-ref refs/heads/master &&
- git show-ref refs/remotes/src/master >actual
+ test_must_fail git show-ref refs/heads/main &&
+ git show-ref refs/remotes/src/main >actual
) &&
test_cmp dst/expect dst/actual
test_expect_success 'with no remote.$name.push, it is not used as refmap' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
rm -fr src dst &&
git init src &&
git init --bare dst &&
cd src &&
- git pull ../testrepo master &&
+ git pull ../testrepo main &&
git branch next &&
git config remote.dst.url ../dst &&
git config push.default matching &&
- git push dst master &&
- git show-ref refs/heads/master >../dst/expect
+ git push dst main &&
+ git show-ref refs/heads/main >../dst/expect
) &&
cd dst &&
test_must_fail git show-ref refs/heads/next &&
- git show-ref refs/heads/master >actual
+ git show-ref refs/heads/main >actual
) &&
test_cmp dst/expect dst/actual
test_expect_success 'with no remote.$name.push, upstream mapping is used' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
rm -fr src dst &&
git init src &&
git init --bare dst &&
cd src &&
- git pull ../testrepo master &&
+ git pull ../testrepo main &&
git branch next &&
git config remote.dst.url ../dst &&
git config remote.dst.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/dst/*" &&
git config push.default upstream &&
- git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/trunk &&
- git config branch.master.remote dst &&
+ git config branch.main.merge refs/heads/trunk &&
+ git config branch.main.remote dst &&
- git push dst master &&
- git show-ref refs/heads/master |
- sed -e "s|refs/heads/master|refs/heads/trunk|" >../dst/expect
+ git push dst main &&
+ git show-ref refs/heads/main |
+ sed -e "s|refs/heads/main|refs/heads/trunk|" >../dst/expect
) &&
cd dst &&
- test_must_fail git show-ref refs/heads/master &&
+ test_must_fail git show-ref refs/heads/main &&
test_must_fail git show-ref refs/heads/next &&
git show-ref refs/heads/trunk >actual
) &&
@@ -1379,20 +1377,20 @@ test_expect_success 'with no remote.$name.push, upstream mapping is used' '
test_expect_success 'push does not follow tags by default' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
rm -fr src dst &&
git init src &&
git init --bare dst &&
cd src &&
- git pull ../testrepo master &&
+ git pull ../testrepo main &&
git tag -m "annotated" tag &&
git checkout -b another &&
git commit --allow-empty -m "future commit" &&
git tag -m "future" future &&
- git checkout master &&
- git for-each-ref refs/heads/master >../expect &&
- git push ../dst master
+ git checkout main &&
+ git for-each-ref refs/heads/main >../expect &&
+ git push ../dst main
) &&
cd dst &&
@@ -1402,20 +1400,20 @@ test_expect_success 'push does not follow tags by default' '
test_expect_success 'push --follow-tags only pushes relevant tags' '
- mk_test testrepo heads/master &&
+ mk_test testrepo heads/main &&
rm -fr src dst &&
git init src &&
git init --bare dst &&
cd src &&
- git pull ../testrepo master &&
+ git pull ../testrepo main &&
git tag -m "annotated" tag &&
git checkout -b another &&
git commit --allow-empty -m "future commit" &&
git tag -m "future" future &&
- git checkout master &&
- git for-each-ref refs/heads/master refs/tags/tag >../expect &&
- git push --follow-tags ../dst master
+ git checkout main &&
+ git for-each-ref refs/heads/main refs/tags/tag >../expect &&
+ git push --follow-tags ../dst main
) &&
cd dst &&
@@ -1433,12 +1431,12 @@ EOF
git commit -am initial &&
git init no-thin &&
git --git-dir=no-thin/.git config receive.unpacklimit 0 &&
- git push no-thin/.git refs/heads/master:refs/heads/foo &&
+ git push no-thin/.git refs/heads/main:refs/heads/foo &&
echo modified >> path1 &&
git commit -am modified &&
git repack -adf &&
rcvpck="git receive-pack --reject-thin-pack-for-testing" &&
- git push --no-thin --receive-pack="$rcvpck" no-thin/.git refs/heads/master:refs/heads/foo
+ git push --no-thin --receive-pack="$rcvpck" no-thin/.git refs/heads/main:refs/heads/foo
test_expect_success 'pushing a tag pushes the tagged object' '
@@ -1461,12 +1459,12 @@ test_expect_success 'push into bare respects core.logallrefupdates' '
# double push to test both with and without
# the actual pack transfer
- git push dst.git master:one &&
+ git push dst.git main:one &&
echo "one@{0} push" >expect &&
git -C dst.git log -g --format="%gd %gs" one >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- git push dst.git master:two &&
+ git push dst.git main:two &&
echo "two@{0} push" >expect &&
git -C dst.git log -g --format="%gd %gs" two >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -1481,20 +1479,20 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch into bare respects core.logallrefupdates' '
# as above, we double-fetch to test both
# with and without pack transfer
- git fetch .. master:one &&
- echo "one@{0} fetch .. master:one: storing head" >expect &&
+ git fetch .. main:one &&
+ echo "one@{0} fetch .. main:one: storing head" >expect &&
git log -g --format="%gd %gs" one >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- git fetch .. master:two &&
- echo "two@{0} fetch .. master:two: storing head" >expect &&
+ git fetch .. main:two &&
+ echo "two@{0} fetch .. main:two: storing head" >expect &&
git log -g --format="%gd %gs" two >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead' '
- git push testrepo master &&
+ git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
git reset --hard &&
@@ -1503,7 +1501,7 @@ test_expect_success 'receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead' '
test_commit third path2 &&
# Try pushing into a repository with pristine working tree
- git push testrepo master &&
+ git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
git update-index -q --refresh &&
@@ -1520,7 +1518,7 @@ test_expect_success 'receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead' '
test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
test-tool chmtime +100 path1
) &&
- git push testrepo master &&
+ git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
git update-index -q --refresh &&
@@ -1540,7 +1538,7 @@ test_expect_success 'receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead' '
cd testrepo &&
echo changed >path1
) &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo master &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
@@ -1554,7 +1552,7 @@ test_expect_success 'receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead' '
echo changed >path1 &&
git add path1
) &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo master &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
@@ -1571,7 +1569,7 @@ test_expect_success 'receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead' '
git reset --hard &&
echo changed >path3
) &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo master &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
@@ -1587,7 +1585,7 @@ test_expect_success 'receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead' '
echo fifth >path3 &&
git add path3
) &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo master &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
test $(git -C .. rev-parse HEAD^^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
@@ -1602,17 +1600,17 @@ test_expect_success 'receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead' '
cd void &&
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead
) &&
- git push void master &&
+ git push void main &&
cd void &&
- test $(git -C .. rev-parse master) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ test $(git -C .. rev-parse main) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
git diff --quiet &&
git diff --cached --quiet
) &&
# (6) updateInstead intervened by fast-forward check
- test_must_fail git push void master^:master &&
- test $(git -C void rev-parse HEAD) = $(git rev-parse master) &&
+ test_must_fail git push void main^:main &&
+ test $(git -C void rev-parse HEAD) = $(git rev-parse main) &&
git -C void diff --quiet &&
git -C void diff --cached --quiet
@@ -1622,7 +1620,7 @@ test_expect_success 'updateInstead with push-to-checkout hook' '
git init testrepo &&
cd testrepo &&
- git pull .. master &&
+ git pull .. main &&
git reset --hard HEAD^^ &&
git tag initial &&
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead &&
@@ -1640,7 +1638,7 @@ test_expect_success 'updateInstead with push-to-checkout hook' '
) &&
# Try pushing into a pristine
- git push testrepo master &&
+ git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
git diff --quiet &&
@@ -1654,7 +1652,7 @@ test_expect_success 'updateInstead with push-to-checkout hook' '
git reset --hard initial &&
echo conflicting >path2
) &&
- test_must_fail git push testrepo master &&
+ test_must_fail git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
test $(git rev-parse initial) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
@@ -1670,7 +1668,7 @@ test_expect_success 'updateInstead with push-to-checkout hook' '
echo irrelevant >path5 &&
git add path5
) &&
- git push testrepo master &&
+ git push testrepo main &&
cd testrepo &&
test "$(cat path1)" = unrelated &&
@@ -1710,7 +1708,7 @@ test_expect_success 'updateInstead with push-to-checkout hook' '
) &&
- git push void master &&
+ git push void main &&
cd void &&
git diff --quiet &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e4edd56404..a448e169bd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='pushing to a mirror repository'
. ./
@@ -15,16 +18,16 @@ invert () {
mk_repo_pair () {
- rm -rf master mirror &&
+ rm -rf main mirror &&
mkdir mirror &&
cd mirror &&
git init &&
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch warn
) &&
- mkdir master &&
+ mkdir main &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
git init &&
git remote add $1 up ../mirror
@@ -36,13 +39,13 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror creates new branches' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
- master_master=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- mirror_master=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- test "$master_master" = "$mirror_master"
+ main_main=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ mirror_main=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ test "$main_main" = "$mirror_main"
@@ -50,15 +53,15 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror updates existing branches' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
git push --mirror up &&
echo two >foo && git add foo && git commit -m two &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
- master_master=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- mirror_master=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- test "$master_master" = "$mirror_master"
+ main_main=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ mirror_main=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ test "$main_main" = "$mirror_main"
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror force updates existing branches' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
git push --mirror up &&
echo two >foo && git add foo && git commit -m two &&
@@ -74,9 +77,9 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror force updates existing branches' '
git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
- master_master=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- mirror_master=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- test "$master_master" = "$mirror_master"
+ main_main=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ mirror_main=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ test "$main_main" = "$mirror_main"
@@ -84,9 +87,9 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror removes branches' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
- git branch remove master &&
+ git branch remove main &&
git push --mirror up &&
git branch -D remove &&
git push --mirror up
@@ -102,21 +105,21 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror adds, updates and removes branches together' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
- git branch remove master &&
+ git branch remove main &&
git push --mirror up &&
git branch -D remove &&
- git branch add master &&
+ git branch add main &&
echo two >foo && git add foo && git commit -m two &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
- master_master=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
- master_add=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/add) &&
- mirror_master=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ main_main=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
+ main_add=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/add) &&
+ mirror_main=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
mirror_add=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/add) &&
- test "$master_master" = "$mirror_master" &&
- test "$master_add" = "$mirror_add" &&
+ test "$main_main" = "$mirror_main" &&
+ test "$main_add" = "$mirror_add" &&
cd mirror &&
invert git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/remove
@@ -130,14 +133,14 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror creates new tags' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
- git tag -f tmaster master &&
+ git tag -f tmain main &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
- master_master=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmaster) &&
- mirror_master=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmaster) &&
- test "$master_master" = "$mirror_master"
+ main_main=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmain) &&
+ mirror_main=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmain) &&
+ test "$main_main" = "$mirror_main"
@@ -145,17 +148,17 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror updates existing tags' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
- git tag -f tmaster master &&
+ git tag -f tmain main &&
git push --mirror up &&
echo two >foo && git add foo && git commit -m two &&
- git tag -f tmaster master &&
+ git tag -f tmain main &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
- master_master=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmaster) &&
- mirror_master=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmaster) &&
- test "$master_master" = "$mirror_master"
+ main_main=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmain) &&
+ mirror_main=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmain) &&
+ test "$main_main" = "$mirror_main"
@@ -163,20 +166,20 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror force updates existing tags' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
- git tag -f tmaster master &&
+ git tag -f tmain main &&
git push --mirror up &&
echo two >foo && git add foo && git commit -m two &&
- git tag -f tmaster master &&
+ git tag -f tmain main &&
git push --mirror up &&
git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
- git tag -f tmaster master &&
+ git tag -f tmain main &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
- master_master=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmaster) &&
- mirror_master=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmaster) &&
- test "$master_master" = "$mirror_master"
+ main_main=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmain) &&
+ mirror_main=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmain) &&
+ test "$main_main" = "$mirror_main"
@@ -184,9 +187,9 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror removes tags' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
- git tag -f tremove master &&
+ git tag -f tremove main &&
git push --mirror up &&
git tag -d tremove &&
git push --mirror up
@@ -202,23 +205,23 @@ test_expect_success 'push mirror adds, updates and removes tags together' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
- git tag -f tmaster master &&
- git tag -f tremove master &&
+ git tag -f tmain main &&
+ git tag -f tremove main &&
git push --mirror up &&
git tag -d tremove &&
- git tag tadd master &&
+ git tag tadd main &&
echo two >foo && git add foo && git commit -m two &&
- git tag -f tmaster master &&
+ git tag -f tmain main &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
- master_master=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmaster) &&
- master_add=$(cd master && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tadd) &&
- mirror_master=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmaster) &&
+ main_main=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmain) &&
+ main_add=$(cd main && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tadd) &&
+ mirror_main=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tmain) &&
mirror_add=$(cd mirror && git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tadd) &&
- test "$master_master" = "$mirror_master" &&
- test "$master_add" = "$mirror_add" &&
+ test "$main_main" = "$mirror_main" &&
+ test "$main_add" = "$mirror_add" &&
cd mirror &&
invert git show-ref -s --verify refs/tags/tremove
@@ -230,10 +233,10 @@ test_expect_success ' adds and removes branches' '
mk_repo_pair --mirror &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
- git branch keep master &&
- git branch remove master &&
+ git branch keep main &&
+ git branch remove main &&
git push up &&
git branch -D remove &&
git push up
@@ -250,10 +253,10 @@ test_expect_success ' has no effect' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
git config --add remote.up.mirror no &&
- git branch keep master &&
+ git branch keep main &&
git push --mirror up &&
git branch -D keep &&
git push up :
@@ -268,10 +271,10 @@ test_expect_success ' has no effect' '
test_expect_success 'push to mirrored repository with refspec fails' '
mk_repo_pair &&
- cd master &&
+ cd main &&
echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
git config --add remote.up.mirror true &&
- test_must_fail git push up master
+ test_must_fail git push up main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c2060bb870..5c4ac2556e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='fetch exit status test'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -17,20 +20,20 @@ test_expect_success setup '
echo side >file &&
git commit -a -m side &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo next >file &&
git commit -a -m next
test_expect_success 'non-fast-forward fetch' '
- test_must_fail git fetch . master:side
+ test_must_fail git fetch . main:side
test_expect_success 'forced update' '
- git fetch . +master:side
+ git fetch . +main:side
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 11fcd37700..20ba604dfd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='push to a repository that borrows from elsewhere'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
>file &&
git add . &&
git commit -m initial &&
- git push ../alice-pub master
+ git push ../alice-pub main
) &&
# Project Bob is a fork of project Alice
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git clone alice-pub bob-work &&
cd bob-work &&
- git push ../bob-pub master
+ git push ../bob-pub main
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ test_expect_success 'bob fetches from alice, works and pushes' '
# has at her public repository are available to it
# via its alternates.
cd bob-work &&
- git pull ../alice-pub master &&
+ git pull ../alice-pub main &&
echo more bob >file &&
git commit -a -m third &&
git push ../bob-pub :
@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ test_expect_success 'alice works and pushes again' '
test_expect_success 'bob works and pushes' '
# This time Bob does not pull from Alice, and
- # the master branch at her public repository points
+ # the main branch at her public repository points
# at a commit Bob does not know about. This should
# not prevent the push by Bob from succeeding.
cd bob-work &&
@@ -122,11 +125,11 @@ test_expect_success 'alice works and pushes yet again' '
test_expect_success 'bob works and pushes again' '
cd alice-pub &&
- git cat-file commit master >../bob-work/commit
+ git cat-file commit main >../bob-work/commit
) &&
# This time Bob does not pull from Alice, and
- # the master branch at her public repository points
+ # the main branch at her public repository points
# at a commit Bob does not fully know about, but
# he happens to have the commit object (but not the
# necessary tree) in his repository from Alice.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9fae07cdfa..a09411327f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='pulling into void'
. ./
modify () {
@@ -48,11 +51,11 @@ test_expect_success 'pulling into void' '
test_cmp file cloned/file
-test_expect_success 'pulling into void using master:master' '
+test_expect_success 'pulling into void using main:main' '
git init cloned-uho &&
cd cloned-uho &&
- git pull .. master:master
+ git pull .. main:main
) &&
test_path_is_file file &&
test_path_is_file cloned-uho/file &&
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pulling into void does not overwrite untracked files' '
cd cloned-untracked &&
echo untracked >file &&
- test_must_fail git pull .. master &&
+ test_must_fail git pull .. main &&
echo untracked >expect &&
test_cmp expect file
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pulling into void does not overwrite staged files' '
cd cloned-staged-colliding &&
echo "alternate content" >file &&
git add file &&
- test_must_fail git pull .. master &&
+ test_must_fail git pull .. main &&
echo "alternate content" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file &&
git cat-file blob :file >file.index &&
@@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pulling into void does not remove new staged files' '
cd cloned-staged-new &&
echo "new tracked file" >newfile &&
git add newfile &&
- git pull .. master &&
+ git pull .. main &&
echo "new tracked file" >expect &&
test_cmp expect newfile &&
git cat-file blob :newfile >newfile.index &&
@@ -102,15 +105,15 @@ test_expect_success 'pulling into void must not create an octopus' '
git init cloned-octopus &&
cd cloned-octopus &&
- test_must_fail git pull .. master master &&
+ test_must_fail git pull .. main main &&
test_path_is_missing file
test_expect_success 'test . as a remote' '
- git branch copy master &&
+ git branch copy main &&
git config branch.copy.remote . &&
- git config branch.copy.merge refs/heads/master &&
+ git config branch.copy.merge refs/heads/main &&
echo updated >file &&
git commit -a -m updated &&
git checkout copy &&
@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ test_expect_success 'test . as a remote' '
test_expect_success 'the default remote . should not break explicit pull' '
- git checkout -b second master^ &&
+ git checkout -b second main^ &&
echo modified >file &&
git commit -a -m modified &&
git checkout copy &&
@@ -361,7 +364,7 @@ test_expect_success 'failed --rebase shows advice' '
test_expect_success '--rebase fails with multiple branches' '
git reset --hard before-rebase &&
- test_must_fail git pull --rebase . copy master 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git pull --rebase . copy main 2>err &&
test_cmp_rev HEAD before-rebase &&
test_i18ngrep "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches" err &&
echo modified >expect &&
@@ -500,7 +503,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pull --rebase does not warn on --no-verify-signatures' '
test_i18ngrep ! "verify-signatures" err
-# add a feature branch, keep-merge, that is merged into master, so the
+# add a feature branch, keep-merge, that is merged into main, so the
# test can try preserving the merge commit (or not) with various
# --rebase flags/pull.rebase settings.
test_expect_success 'preserve merge setup' '
@@ -699,12 +702,12 @@ test_expect_success 'pull --rebase dies early with dirty working directory' '
test_expect_success 'pull --rebase works on branch yet to be born' '
- git rev-parse master >expect &&
+ git rev-parse main >expect &&
mkdir empty_repo &&
cd empty_repo &&
git init &&
- git pull --rebase .. master &&
+ git pull --rebase .. main &&
git rev-parse HEAD >../actual
) &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -720,7 +723,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pull --rebase fails on unborn branch with staged changes' '
echo staged-file >expect &&
git ls-files >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- test_must_fail git pull --rebase .. master 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git pull --rebase .. main 2>err &&
git ls-files >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git show :staged-file >actual &&
@@ -779,7 +782,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup for avoiding reapplying old patches' '
cd dst &&
test_might_fail git rebase --abort &&
- git reset --hard origin/master
+ git reset --hard origin/main
) &&
git clone --bare src src-replace.git &&
rm -rf src &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index db1a381cd9..63a688bdbf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='pull options'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -99,13 +102,13 @@ test_expect_success 'git pull --force' '
cat >>.git/config <<-\EOF &&
[remote "one"]
url = ../parent
- fetch = refs/heads/master:refs/heads/mirror
+ fetch = refs/heads/main:refs/heads/mirror
[remote "two"]
url = ../parent
- fetch = refs/heads/master:refs/heads/origin
- [branch "master"]
+ fetch = refs/heads/main:refs/heads/origin
+ [branch "main"]
remote = two
- merge = refs/heads/master
+ merge = refs/heads/main
git pull two &&
test_commit A &&
@@ -124,9 +127,9 @@ test_expect_success 'git pull --all' '
[remote "two"]
url = ../parent
fetch = refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/two/*
- [branch "master"]
+ [branch "main"]
remote = one
- merge = refs/heads/master
+ merge = refs/heads/main
git pull --all
@@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ test_expect_success 'git pull --dry-run' '
cd clonedry &&
git pull --dry-run ../parent &&
test_path_is_missing .git/FETCH_HEAD &&
- test_path_is_missing .git/refs/heads/master &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/refs/heads/main &&
test_path_is_missing .git/index &&
test_path_is_missing file
@@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ test_expect_success 'git pull --all --dry-run' '
git remote add origin ../parent &&
git pull --all --dry-run &&
test_path_is_missing .git/FETCH_HEAD &&
- test_path_is_missing .git/refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ test_path_is_missing .git/refs/remotes/origin/main &&
test_path_is_missing .git/index &&
test_path_is_missing file
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e47b5db5d6..9fbe7f784d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='push with --set-upstream'
. ./
@@ -26,19 +29,19 @@ check_config() {
test_cmp expect.$1 actual.$1
-test_expect_success 'push -u master:master' '
- git push -u upstream master:master &&
- check_config master upstream refs/heads/master
+test_expect_success 'push -u main:main' '
+ git push -u upstream main:main &&
+ check_config main upstream refs/heads/main
-test_expect_success 'push -u master:other' '
- git push -u upstream master:other &&
- check_config master upstream refs/heads/other
+test_expect_success 'push -u main:other' '
+ git push -u upstream main:other &&
+ check_config main upstream refs/heads/other
-test_expect_success 'push -u --dry-run master:otherX' '
- git push -u --dry-run upstream master:otherX &&
- check_config master upstream refs/heads/other
+test_expect_success 'push -u --dry-run main:otherX' '
+ git push -u --dry-run upstream main:otherX &&
+ check_config main upstream refs/heads/other
test_expect_success 'push -u topic_2:topic_2' '
@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push -u HEAD' '
test_expect_success TTY 'progress messages go to tty' '
ensure_fresh_upstream &&
- test_terminal git push -u upstream master >out 2>err &&
+ test_terminal git push -u upstream main >out 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "Writing objects" err
@@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ test_expect_success 'progress messages do not go to non-tty' '
ensure_fresh_upstream &&
# skip progress messages, since stderr is non-tty
- git push -u upstream master >out 2>err &&
+ git push -u upstream main >out 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep ! "Writing objects" err
@@ -90,21 +93,21 @@ test_expect_success 'progress messages go to non-tty (forced)' '
ensure_fresh_upstream &&
# force progress messages to stderr, even though it is non-tty
- git push -u --progress upstream master >out 2>err &&
+ git push -u --progress upstream main >out 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "Writing objects" err
test_expect_success TTY 'push -q suppresses progress' '
ensure_fresh_upstream &&
- test_terminal git push -u -q upstream master >out 2>err &&
+ test_terminal git push -u -q upstream main >out 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep ! "Writing objects" err
test_expect_success TTY 'push --no-progress suppresses progress' '
ensure_fresh_upstream &&
- test_terminal git push -u --no-progress upstream master >out 2>err &&
+ test_terminal git push -u --no-progress upstream main >out 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep ! "Unpacking objects" err &&
test_i18ngrep ! "Writing objects" err
@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ test_expect_success TTY 'push --no-progress suppresses progress' '
test_expect_success TTY 'quiet push' '
ensure_fresh_upstream &&
- test_terminal git push --quiet --no-progress upstream master 2>&1 | tee output &&
+ test_terminal git push --quiet --no-progress upstream main 2>&1 | tee output &&
test_must_be_empty output
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 53d7b8ed75..11513ec15e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
test_description='Recursive "git fetch" for submodules'
. ./
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3b0cb98422..e2770e4541 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
test_description='test fetching of oddly-named refs'
. ./
# afterwards we will have:
# HEAD - two
-# refs/for/refs/heads/master - one
-# refs/heads/master - three
+# refs/for/refs/heads/main - one
+# refs/heads/main - three
test_expect_success 'setup repo with odd suffix ref' '
echo content >file &&
git add . &&
git commit -m one &&
- git update-ref refs/for/refs/heads/master HEAD &&
+ git update-ref refs/for/refs/heads/main HEAD &&
echo content >>file &&
git commit -a -m two &&
echo content >>file &&
@@ -22,7 +25,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup repo with odd suffix ref' '
test_expect_success 'suffix ref is ignored during fetch' '
git clone --bare file://"$PWD" suffix &&
echo three >expect &&
- git --git-dir=suffix log -1 --format=%s refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git --git-dir=suffix log -1 --format=%s refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ test_expect_success 'try to create repo with absurdly long refname' '
cd long &&
test_commit long &&
- test_commit master
+ test_commit main
) &&
if git -C long update-ref refs/heads/$ref1440 long; then
test_set_prereq LONG_REF
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ test_expect_success LONG_REF 'fetch handles extremely long refname' '
git fetch long refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/long/* &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
- master
+ main
git for-each-ref --format="%(subject)" refs/remotes/long >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ test_expect_success LONG_REF 'fetch handles extremely long refname' '
test_expect_success LONG_REF 'push handles extremely long refname' '
git push long :refs/heads/$ref1440 &&
git -C long for-each-ref --format="%(subject)" refs/heads >actual &&
- echo master >expect &&
+ echo main >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f0a287d97d..f280e00eb7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='check various push.default settings'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup bare remotes' '
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ test_push_failure () {
# $1 = success or failure
# $2 = push.default value
-# $3 = branch to check for actual output (master or foo)
+# $3 = branch to check for actual output (main or foo)
# $4 = [optional] switch to triangular workflow
test_pushdefault_workflow () {
@@ -51,8 +54,8 @@ test_pushdefault_workflow () {
test_expect_success "push.default = $2 $1 in $workflow workflows" "
- test_config branch.master.remote parent1 &&
- test_config branch.master.merge refs/heads/foo &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote parent1 &&
+ test_config branch.main.merge refs/heads/foo &&
test_config remote.pushdefault $pushdefault &&
test_commit commit-for-$2${4+-triangular} &&
test_push_$1 $2 $3 ${4+repo2}
@@ -60,32 +63,32 @@ test_pushdefault_workflow () {
test_expect_success '"upstream" pushes to configured upstream' '
- git checkout master &&
- test_config branch.master.remote parent1 &&
- test_config branch.master.merge refs/heads/foo &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote parent1 &&
+ test_config branch.main.merge refs/heads/foo &&
test_commit two &&
test_push_success upstream foo
test_expect_success '"upstream" does not push on unconfigured remote' '
- git checkout master &&
- test_unconfig branch.master.remote &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_unconfig branch.main.remote &&
test_commit three &&
test_push_failure upstream
test_expect_success '"upstream" does not push on unconfigured branch' '
- git checkout master &&
- test_config branch.master.remote parent1 &&
- test_unconfig branch.master.merge &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote parent1 &&
+ test_unconfig branch.main.merge &&
test_commit four &&
test_push_failure upstream
test_expect_success '"upstream" does not push when remotes do not match' '
- git checkout master &&
- test_config branch.master.remote parent1 &&
- test_config branch.master.merge refs/heads/foo &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote parent1 &&
+ test_config branch.main.merge refs/heads/foo &&
test_config push.default upstream &&
test_commit five &&
test_must_fail git push parent2
@@ -121,99 +124,99 @@ test_expect_success 'push from/to new branch with current creates remote branch'
test_expect_success 'push to existing branch, with no upstream configured' '
- test_config branch.master.remote repo1 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote repo1 &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_push_failure simple &&
test_push_failure upstream
test_expect_success 'push to existing branch, upstream configured with same name' '
- test_config branch.master.remote repo1 &&
- test_config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote repo1 &&
+ test_config branch.main.merge refs/heads/main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit six &&
- test_push_success upstream master &&
+ test_push_success upstream main &&
test_commit seven &&
- test_push_success simple master
+ test_push_success simple main
test_expect_success 'push to existing branch, upstream configured with different name' '
- test_config branch.master.remote repo1 &&
- test_config branch.master.merge refs/heads/other-name &&
- git checkout master &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote repo1 &&
+ test_config branch.main.merge refs/heads/other-name &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit eight &&
test_push_success upstream other-name &&
test_commit nine &&
test_push_failure simple &&
git --git-dir=repo1 log -1 --format="%h %s" "other-name" >expect-other-name &&
- test_push_success current master &&
+ test_push_success current main &&
git --git-dir=repo1 log -1 --format="%h %s" "other-name" >actual-other-name &&
test_cmp expect-other-name actual-other-name
-# We are on 'master', which integrates with 'foo' from parent1
+# We are on 'main', which integrates with 'foo' from parent1
# remote (set in test_pushdefault_workflow helper). Push to
# parent1 in centralized, and push to parent2 in triangular workflow.
-# The parent1 repository has 'master' and 'foo' branches, while
-# the parent2 repository has only 'master' branch.
+# The parent1 repository has 'main' and 'foo' branches, while
+# the parent2 repository has only 'main' branch.
# test_pushdefault_workflow() arguments:
# $1 = success or failure
# $2 = push.default value
-# $3 = branch to check for actual output (master or foo)
+# $3 = branch to check for actual output (main or foo)
# $4 = [optional] switch to triangular workflow
-# update parent1's master (which is not our upstream)
-test_pushdefault_workflow success current master
+# update parent1's main (which is not our upstream)
+test_pushdefault_workflow success current main
# update parent1's foo (which is our upstream)
test_pushdefault_workflow success upstream foo
# upstream is foo which is not the name of the current branch
-test_pushdefault_workflow failure simple master
+test_pushdefault_workflow failure simple main
-# master and foo are updated
-test_pushdefault_workflow success matching master
+# main and foo are updated
+test_pushdefault_workflow success matching main
-# master is updated
-test_pushdefault_workflow success current master triangular
+# main is updated
+test_pushdefault_workflow success current main triangular
# upstream mode cannot be used in triangular
test_pushdefault_workflow failure upstream foo triangular
# in triangular, 'simple' works as 'current' and update the branch
# with the same name.
-test_pushdefault_workflow success simple master triangular
+test_pushdefault_workflow success simple main triangular
-# master is updated (parent2 does not have foo)
-test_pushdefault_workflow success matching master triangular
+# main is updated (parent2 does not have foo)
+test_pushdefault_workflow success matching main triangular
# default tests, when no push-default is specified. This
# should behave the same as "simple" in non-triangular
# settings, and as "current" otherwise.
test_expect_success 'default behavior allows "simple" push' '
- test_config branch.master.remote parent1 &&
- test_config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote parent1 &&
+ test_config branch.main.merge refs/heads/main &&
test_config remote.pushdefault parent1 &&
- test_commit default-master-master &&
- test_push_success "" master
+ test_commit default-main-main &&
+ test_push_success "" main
test_expect_success 'default behavior rejects non-simple push' '
- test_config branch.master.remote parent1 &&
- test_config branch.master.merge refs/heads/foo &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote parent1 &&
+ test_config branch.main.merge refs/heads/foo &&
test_config remote.pushdefault parent1 &&
- test_commit default-master-foo &&
+ test_commit default-main-foo &&
test_push_failure ""
test_expect_success 'default triangular behavior acts like "current"' '
- test_config branch.master.remote parent1 &&
- test_config branch.master.merge refs/heads/foo &&
+ test_config branch.main.remote parent1 &&
+ test_config branch.main.merge refs/heads/foo &&
test_config remote.pushdefault parent2 &&
test_commit default-triangular &&
- test_push_success "" master repo2
+ test_push_success "" main repo2
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9871307fd4..ce85fd30ad 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ test_expect_success 'detect missing branches early' '
test_expect_success 'detect missing sha1 expressions early' '
echo no >rp-ran &&
echo no >expect &&
- test_must_fail git push origin master~2:master &&
+ test_must_fail git push origin main~2:main &&
test_cmp expect rp-ran
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9dd2d2457a..7c1460eaa9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ test_expect_success 'create empty repository' '
test_expect_success 'fetch fails' '
- test_must_fail git fetch .. master
+ test_must_fail git fetch .. main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4ad059e6be..d573ca496a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test push with submodules'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_expect_success 'push works with recorded gitlink' '
cd work &&
- git push ../pub.git master
+ git push ../pub.git main
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push if submodule has no remote' '
cd work &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Second commit for gar/bage" &&
- git push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git master
+ git push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git main
@@ -66,21 +69,21 @@ test_expect_success 'push fails if submodule commit not on remote' '
git commit -m "Third commit for gar/bage" &&
# the push should fail with --recurse-submodules=check
# on the command line...
- test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git master &&
+ test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git main &&
# ...or if specified in the configuration..
- test_must_fail git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push ../pub.git master
+ test_must_fail git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push ../pub.git main
test_expect_success 'push succeeds after commit was pushed to remote' '
cd work/gar/bage &&
- git push origin master
+ git push origin main
) &&
cd work &&
- git push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git master
+ git push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git main
@@ -95,13 +98,13 @@ test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote but using o
cd work &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Recurse on-demand on command line for gar/bage" &&
- git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master &&
+ git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the supermodule commit got there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
# Check that the submodule commit got there too
cd gar/bage &&
- git diff --quiet origin/master master
+ git diff --quiet origin/main main
@@ -116,13 +119,13 @@ test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote but using o
cd work &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Recurse on-demand from config for gar/bage" &&
- git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push ../pub.git master &&
+ git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the supermodule commit got there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
# Check that the submodule commit got there too
cd gar/bage &&
- git diff --quiet origin/master master
+ git diff --quiet origin/main main
@@ -137,13 +140,13 @@ test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote but using a
cd work &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Recurse submodule.recurse from config for gar/bage" &&
- git -c submodule.recurse push ../pub.git master &&
+ git -c submodule.recurse push ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the supermodule commit got there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
# Check that the submodule commit got there too
cd gar/bage &&
- git diff --quiet origin/master master
+ git diff --quiet origin/main main
@@ -161,34 +164,34 @@ test_expect_success 'push recurse-submodules on command line overrides config' '
# Ensure that we can override on-demand in the config
# to just check submodules
- test_must_fail git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git master &&
+ test_must_fail git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the supermodule commit did not get there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master^ &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main^ &&
# Check that the submodule commit did not get there
- (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+ (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main^) &&
# Ensure that we can override check in the config to
# disable submodule recursion entirely
- (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
- git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push --recurse-submodules=no ../pub.git master &&
+ (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main^) &&
+ git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push --recurse-submodules=no ../pub.git main &&
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
- (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
+ (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main^) &&
# Ensure that we can override check in the config to
# disable submodule recursion entirely (alternative form)
- git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push --no-recurse-submodules ../pub.git master &&
+ git -c push.recurseSubmodules=on-demand push --no-recurse-submodules ../pub.git main &&
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
- (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
+ (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main^) &&
# Ensure that we can override check in the config to
# push the submodule too
- git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master &&
+ git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main &&
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
- (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master)
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
+ (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main)
@@ -205,31 +208,31 @@ test_expect_success 'push recurse-submodules last one wins on command line' '
git commit -m "Recurse on command-line overriding earlier command-line for gar/bage" &&
# should result in "check"
- test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git master &&
+ test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand --recurse-submodules=check ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the supermodule commit did not get there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master^ &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main^ &&
# Check that the submodule commit did not get there
- (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+ (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main^) &&
# should result in "no"
- git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand --recurse-submodules=no ../pub.git master &&
+ git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand --recurse-submodules=no ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the supermodule commit did get there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
# Check that the submodule commit did not get there
- (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+ (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main^) &&
# should result in "no"
- git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand --no-recurse-submodules ../pub.git master &&
+ git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand --no-recurse-submodules ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the submodule commit did not get there
- (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^) &&
+ (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main^) &&
# But the options in the other order should push the submodule
- git push --recurse-submodules=check --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master &&
+ git push --recurse-submodules=check --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the submodule commit did get there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master)
+ (cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main)
@@ -244,13 +247,13 @@ test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote using on-de
cd work &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Recurse on-demand on command-line overriding config for gar/bage" &&
- git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master &&
+ git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the supermodule commit got there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
# Check that the submodule commit got there
cd gar/bage &&
- git diff --quiet origin/master master
+ git diff --quiet origin/main main
@@ -265,14 +268,14 @@ test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit disabling recursion from
cd work &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Recurse disable on command-line overriding config for gar/bage" &&
- git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --recurse-submodules=no ../pub.git master &&
+ git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --recurse-submodules=no ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the supermodule commit got there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
# But that the submodule commit did not
- ( cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^ ) &&
+ ( cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main^ ) &&
# Now push it to avoid confusing future tests
- git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+ git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main
@@ -287,14 +290,14 @@ test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule commit disabling recursion from
cd work &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Recurse disable on command-line alternative overriding config for gar/bage" &&
- git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --no-recurse-submodules ../pub.git master &&
+ git -c push.recurseSubmodules=check push --no-recurse-submodules ../pub.git main &&
# Check that the supermodule commit got there
git fetch ../pub.git &&
- git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD master &&
+ git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD main &&
# But that the submodule commit did not
- ( cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/master master^ ) &&
+ ( cd gar/bage && git diff --quiet origin/main main^ ) &&
# Now push it to avoid confusing future tests
- git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+ git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main
@@ -304,7 +307,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule entry pointing at a tag is error' '
git -C work update-index --cacheinfo 160000 "$tag" gar/bage &&
git -C work commit -m "bad commit" &&
test_when_finished "git -C work reset --hard HEAD^" &&
- test_must_fail git -C work push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git -C work push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "is a tag, not a commit" err
@@ -319,9 +322,9 @@ test_expect_success 'push fails if recurse submodules option passed as yes' '
cd work &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Recurse push fails if recurse submodules option passed as yes for gar/bage" &&
- test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=yes ../pub.git master &&
- test_must_fail git -c push.recurseSubmodules=yes push ../pub.git master &&
- git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+ test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=yes ../pub.git main &&
+ test_must_fail git -c push.recurseSubmodules=yes push ../pub.git main &&
+ git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main
@@ -363,7 +366,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push succeeds if submodule has no remote and is on the firs
) &&
git add b &&
git commit -m "added submodule" &&
- git push --recurse-submodules=check origin master
+ git push --recurse-submodules=check origin main
@@ -372,21 +375,21 @@ test_expect_success 'push unpushed submodules when not needed' '
cd work &&
cd gar/bage &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
>junk5 &&
git add junk5 &&
git commit -m "Fifth junk" &&
git push &&
- git rev-parse origin/master >../../../expected
+ git rev-parse origin/main >../../../expected
) &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Fifth commit for gar/bage" &&
- git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+ git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main
) &&
cd submodule.git &&
- git rev-parse master >../actual
+ git rev-parse main >../actual
) &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -394,7 +397,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push unpushed submodules when not needed' '
test_expect_success 'push unpushed submodules when not needed 2' '
cd submodule.git &&
- git rev-parse master >../expected
+ git rev-parse main >../expected
) &&
cd work &&
@@ -407,11 +410,11 @@ test_expect_success 'push unpushed submodules when not needed 2' '
>junk2 &&
git add junk2 &&
git commit -m "Second junk for work" &&
- git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+ git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main
) &&
cd submodule.git &&
- git rev-parse master >../actual
+ git rev-parse main >../actual
) &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -421,20 +424,20 @@ test_expect_success 'push unpushed submodules recursively' '
cd work &&
cd gar/bage &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
> junk7 &&
git add junk7 &&
git commit -m "Seventh junk" &&
- git rev-parse master >../../../expected
+ git rev-parse main >../../../expected
) &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Seventh commit for gar/bage" &&
- git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+ git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main
) &&
cd submodule.git &&
- git rev-parse master >../actual
+ git rev-parse main >../actual
) &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -444,64 +447,64 @@ test_expect_success 'push unpushable submodule recursively fails' '
cd work &&
cd gar/bage &&
- git rev-parse origin/master >../../../expected &&
- git checkout master~0 &&
+ git rev-parse origin/main >../../../expected &&
+ git checkout main~0 &&
> junk8 &&
git add junk8 &&
git commit -m "Eighth junk"
) &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Eighth commit for gar/bage" &&
- test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+ test_must_fail git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main
) &&
cd submodule.git &&
- git rev-parse master >../actual
+ git rev-parse main >../actual
) &&
- test_when_finished git -C work reset --hard master^ &&
+ test_when_finished git -C work reset --hard main^ &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'push --dry-run does not recursively update submodules' '
cd work/gar/bage &&
- git checkout master &&
- git rev-parse master >../../../expected_submodule &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ git rev-parse main >../../../expected_submodule &&
> junk9 &&
git add junk9 &&
git commit -m "Ninth junk" &&
# Go up to 'work' directory
cd ../.. &&
- git checkout master &&
- git rev-parse master >../expected_pub &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ git rev-parse main >../expected_pub &&
git add gar/bage &&
git commit -m "Ninth commit for gar/bage" &&
- git push --dry-run --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git master
+ git push --dry-run --recurse-submodules=on-demand ../pub.git main
) &&
- git -C submodule.git rev-parse master >actual_submodule &&
- git -C pub.git rev-parse master >actual_pub &&
+ git -C submodule.git rev-parse main >actual_submodule &&
+ git -C pub.git rev-parse main >actual_pub &&
test_cmp expected_pub actual_pub &&
test_cmp expected_submodule actual_submodule
test_expect_success 'push --dry-run does not recursively update submodules' '
- git -C work push --dry-run --recurse-submodules=only ../pub.git master &&
+ git -C work push --dry-run --recurse-submodules=only ../pub.git main &&
- git -C submodule.git rev-parse master >actual_submodule &&
- git -C pub.git rev-parse master >actual_pub &&
+ git -C submodule.git rev-parse main >actual_submodule &&
+ git -C pub.git rev-parse main >actual_pub &&
test_cmp expected_pub actual_pub &&
test_cmp expected_submodule actual_submodule
test_expect_success 'push only unpushed submodules recursively' '
- git -C work/gar/bage rev-parse master >expected_submodule &&
- git -C pub.git rev-parse master >expected_pub &&
+ git -C work/gar/bage rev-parse main >expected_submodule &&
+ git -C pub.git rev-parse main >expected_pub &&
- git -C work push --recurse-submodules=only ../pub.git master &&
+ git -C work push --recurse-submodules=only ../pub.git main &&
- git -C submodule.git rev-parse master >actual_submodule &&
- git -C pub.git rev-parse master >actual_pub &&
+ git -C submodule.git rev-parse main >actual_submodule &&
+ git -C pub.git rev-parse main >actual_pub &&
test_cmp expected_submodule actual_submodule &&
test_cmp expected_pub actual_pub
@@ -517,14 +520,14 @@ test_expect_success 'push propagating the remotes name to a submodule' '
git -C work commit -m "Tenth junk added to gar/bage" &&
# Fails when submodule does not have a matching remote
- test_must_fail git -C work push --recurse-submodules=on-demand pub master &&
+ test_must_fail git -C work push --recurse-submodules=on-demand pub main &&
# Succeeds when submodules has matching remote and refspec
- git -C work push --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin master &&
+ git -C work push --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin main &&
- git -C submodule.git rev-parse master >actual_submodule &&
- git -C pub.git rev-parse master >actual_pub &&
- git -C work/gar/bage rev-parse master >expected_submodule &&
- git -C work rev-parse master >expected_pub &&
+ git -C submodule.git rev-parse main >actual_submodule &&
+ git -C pub.git rev-parse main >actual_pub &&
+ git -C work/gar/bage rev-parse main >expected_submodule &&
+ git -C work rev-parse main >expected_pub &&
test_cmp expected_submodule actual_submodule &&
test_cmp expected_pub actual_pub
@@ -548,7 +551,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push propagating refspec to a submodule' '
test_must_fail git -C work push --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin \
HEAD:refs/heads/branch2 &&
- git -C work/gar/bage branch branch2 master &&
+ git -C work/gar/bage branch branch2 main &&
git -C work push --recurse-submodules=on-demand origin branch2 &&
git -C submodule.git rev-parse branch2 >actual_submodule &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7813e8470e..cba26a872d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='compare & swap push force/delete safety'
. ./
setup_srcdst_basic () {
@@ -29,22 +32,22 @@ setup_src_dup_dst () {
cd dup &&
git fetch &&
- git merge origin/master &&
- git switch -c branch master~2 &&
+ git merge origin/main &&
+ git switch -c branch main~2 &&
test_commit D &&
test_commit E &&
git push origin --all
) &&
cd src &&
- git switch master &&
+ git switch main &&
git fetch --all &&
git branch branch --track origin/branch &&
- git rebase origin/master
+ git rebase origin/main
) &&
cd dup &&
- git switch master &&
+ git switch main &&
test_commit F &&
test_commit G &&
git switch branch &&
@@ -65,11 +68,11 @@ test_expect_success 'push to update (protected)' '
cd dst &&
test_commit D &&
- test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease=master:master origin master 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease=main:main origin main 2>err &&
grep "stale info" err
) &&
- git ls-remote . refs/heads/master >expect &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote . refs/heads/main >expect &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -78,11 +81,11 @@ test_expect_success 'push to update (protected, forced)' '
cd dst &&
test_commit D &&
- git push --force --force-with-lease=master:master origin master 2>err &&
+ git push --force --force-with-lease=main:main origin main 2>err &&
grep "forced update" err
) &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >expect &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >expect &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -90,20 +93,20 @@ test_expect_success 'push to update (protected, tracking)' '
setup_srcdst_basic &&
cd src &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit D &&
git checkout HEAD^0
) &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >expect &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >expect &&
cd dst &&
test_commit E &&
- git ls-remote . refs/remotes/origin/master >expect &&
- test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease=master origin master &&
- git ls-remote . refs/remotes/origin/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote . refs/remotes/origin/main >expect &&
+ test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease=main origin main &&
+ git ls-remote . refs/remotes/origin/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
) &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -111,18 +114,18 @@ test_expect_success 'push to update (protected, tracking, forced)' '
setup_srcdst_basic &&
cd src &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit D &&
git checkout HEAD^0
) &&
cd dst &&
test_commit E &&
- git ls-remote . refs/remotes/origin/master >expect &&
- git push --force --force-with-lease=master origin master
+ git ls-remote . refs/remotes/origin/main >expect &&
+ git push --force --force-with-lease=main origin main
) &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >expect &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >expect &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -131,10 +134,10 @@ test_expect_success 'push to update (allowed)' '
cd dst &&
test_commit D &&
- git push --force-with-lease=master:master^ origin master
+ git push --force-with-lease=main:main^ origin main
) &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >expect &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >expect &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -143,11 +146,11 @@ test_expect_success 'push to update (allowed, tracking)' '
cd dst &&
test_commit D &&
- git push --force-with-lease=master origin master 2>err &&
+ git push --force-with-lease=main origin main 2>err &&
! grep "forced update" err
) &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >expect &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >expect &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -157,22 +160,22 @@ test_expect_success 'push to update (allowed even though no-ff)' '
cd dst &&
git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
test_commit D &&
- git push --force-with-lease=master origin master 2>err &&
+ git push --force-with-lease=main origin main 2>err &&
grep "forced update" err
) &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >expect &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >expect &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'push to delete (protected)' '
setup_srcdst_basic &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >expect &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >expect &&
cd dst &&
- test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease=master:master^ origin :master
+ test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease=main:main^ origin :main
) &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -180,9 +183,9 @@ test_expect_success 'push to delete (protected, forced)' '
setup_srcdst_basic &&
cd dst &&
- git push --force --force-with-lease=master:master^ origin :master
+ git push --force --force-with-lease=main:main^ origin :main
) &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
@@ -190,10 +193,10 @@ test_expect_success 'push to delete (allowed)' '
setup_srcdst_basic &&
cd dst &&
- git push --force-with-lease=master origin :master 2>err &&
+ git push --force-with-lease=main origin :main 2>err &&
grep deleted err
) &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual
@@ -201,12 +204,12 @@ test_expect_success 'cover everything with default force-with-lease (protected)'
setup_srcdst_basic &&
cd src &&
- git branch naster master^
+ git branch nain main^
) &&
git ls-remote src refs/heads/\* >expect &&
cd dst &&
- test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease origin master master:naster
+ test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease origin main main:nain
) &&
git ls-remote src refs/heads/\* >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -216,16 +219,16 @@ test_expect_success 'cover everything with default force-with-lease (allowed)' '
setup_srcdst_basic &&
cd src &&
- git branch naster master^
+ git branch nain main^
) &&
cd dst &&
git fetch &&
- git push --force-with-lease origin master master:naster
+ git push --force-with-lease origin main main:nain
) &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master |
- sed -e "s/master/naster/" >expect &&
- git ls-remote src refs/heads/naster >actual &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main |
+ sed -e "s/main/nain/" >expect &&
+ git ls-remote src refs/heads/nain >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -233,7 +236,7 @@ test_expect_success 'new branch covered by force-with-lease' '
setup_srcdst_basic &&
cd dst &&
- git branch branch master &&
+ git branch branch main &&
git push --force-with-lease=branch origin branch
) &&
git ls-remote dst refs/heads/branch >expect &&
@@ -245,7 +248,7 @@ test_expect_success 'new branch covered by force-with-lease (explicit)' '
setup_srcdst_basic &&
cd dst &&
- git branch branch master &&
+ git branch branch main &&
git push --force-with-lease=branch: origin branch
) &&
git ls-remote dst refs/heads/branch >expect &&
@@ -257,12 +260,12 @@ test_expect_success 'new branch already exists' '
setup_srcdst_basic &&
cd src &&
- git checkout -b branch master &&
+ git checkout -b branch main &&
test_commit F
) &&
cd dst &&
- git branch branch master &&
+ git branch branch main &&
test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease=branch: origin branch
@@ -277,7 +280,7 @@ test_expect_success 'background updates of REMOTE can be mitigated with a non-up
cd dst &&
test_commit G &&
git remote add origin-push ../src.bare &&
- git push origin-push master:master
+ git push origin-push main:main
) &&
git clone --no-local src.bare dst2 &&
test_when_finished "rm -rf dst2" &&
@@ -299,58 +302,58 @@ test_expect_success 'background updates of REMOTE can be mitigated with a non-up
test_expect_success 'background updates to remote can be mitigated with "--force-if-includes"' '
setup_src_dup_dst &&
test_when_finished "rm -fr dst src dup" &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >expect.master &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >expect.main &&
git ls-remote dst refs/heads/branch >expect.branch &&
cd src &&
git switch branch &&
test_commit I &&
- git switch master &&
+ git switch main &&
test_commit J &&
git fetch --all &&
test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease --force-if-includes --all
) &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >actual.master &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >actual.main &&
git ls-remote dst refs/heads/branch >actual.branch &&
- test_cmp expect.master actual.master &&
+ test_cmp expect.main actual.main &&
test_cmp expect.branch actual.branch
test_expect_success 'background updates to remote can be mitigated with "push.useForceIfIncludes"' '
setup_src_dup_dst &&
test_when_finished "rm -fr dst src dup" &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >expect.master &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >expect.main &&
cd src &&
git switch branch &&
test_commit I &&
- git switch master &&
+ git switch main &&
test_commit J &&
git fetch --all &&
git config --local push.useForceIfIncludes true &&
- test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease=master origin master
+ test_must_fail git push --force-with-lease=main origin main
) &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >actual.master &&
- test_cmp expect.master actual.master
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >actual.main &&
+ test_cmp expect.main actual.main
test_expect_success '"--force-if-includes" should be disabled for --force-with-lease="<refname>:<expect>"' '
setup_src_dup_dst &&
test_when_finished "rm -fr dst src dup" &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >expect.master &&
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >expect.main &&
cd src &&
git switch branch &&
test_commit I &&
- git switch master &&
+ git switch main &&
test_commit J &&
- remote_head="$(git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master)" &&
+ remote_head="$(git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/main)" &&
git fetch --all &&
- test_must_fail git push --force-if-includes --force-with-lease="master:$remote_head" 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git push --force-if-includes --force-with-lease="main:$remote_head" 2>err &&
grep "stale info" err
) &&
- git ls-remote dst refs/heads/master >actual.master &&
- test_cmp expect.master actual.master
+ git ls-remote dst refs/heads/main >actual.main &&
+ test_cmp expect.main actual.main
test_expect_success '"--force-if-includes" should allow forced update after a rebase ("pull --rebase")' '
@@ -360,10 +363,10 @@ test_expect_success '"--force-if-includes" should allow forced update after a re
cd src &&
git switch branch &&
test_commit I &&
- git switch master &&
+ git switch main &&
test_commit J &&
- git pull --rebase origin master &&
- git push --force-if-includes --force-with-lease="master"
+ git pull --rebase origin main &&
+ git push --force-if-includes --force-with-lease="main"
@@ -374,11 +377,11 @@ test_expect_success '"--force-if-includes" should allow forced update after a re
cd src &&
git switch branch &&
test_commit I &&
- git switch master &&
+ git switch main &&
test_commit J &&
- git pull --rebase origin master &&
+ git pull --rebase origin main &&
git rebase --onto HEAD~4 HEAD~1 &&
- git push --force-if-includes --force-with-lease="master"
+ git push --force-if-includes --force-with-lease="main"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index af0385fb89..bba768f5de 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='signed push'
. ./
@@ -9,11 +12,11 @@ prepare_dst () {
rm -fr dst &&
test_create_repo dst &&
- git push dst master:noop master:ff master:noff
+ git push dst main:noop main:ff main:noff
test_expect_success setup '
- # master, ff and noff branches pointing at the same commit
+ # main, ff and noff branches pointing at the same commit
test_tick &&
git commit --allow-empty -m initial &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a55202d2d3..11d5ea54a9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='fetch/clone from a shallow clone'
. ./
commit() {
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch from shallow clone' '
cd shallow2 &&
git fetch &&
git fsck &&
- git log --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
test_write_lines 5 4 3 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch --depth from shallow clone' '
cd shallow2 &&
git fetch --depth=2 &&
git fsck &&
- git log --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
test_write_lines 6 5 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch --unshallow from shallow clone' '
cd shallow2 &&
git fetch --unshallow &&
git fsck &&
- git log --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
test_write_lines 6 5 4 3 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch --unshallow from a full clone' '
test_write_lines 4 3 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git -c fetch.writeCommitGraph fetch --unshallow &&
- git log origin/master --format=%s >actual &&
+ git log origin/main --format=%s >actual &&
test_write_lines 4 3 2 1 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -104,9 +107,9 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch something upstream has but hidden by clients shallow
git commit -m add-1-back &&
cd shallow2 &&
- git fetch ../.git +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/top/master &&
+ git fetch ../.git +refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/top/main &&
git fsck &&
- git log --format=%s top/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s top/main >actual &&
test_write_lines add-1-back 4 3 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
) &&
@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch that requires changes in .git/shallow is filtered' '
test_expect_success 'fetch --update-shallow' '
cd shallow &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
commit 7 &&
git tag -m foo heavy-tag HEAD^ &&
git tag light-tag HEAD^:tracked
@@ -146,13 +149,13 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch --update-shallow' '
git fsck &&
git for-each-ref --sort=refname --format="%(refname)" >actual.refs &&
cat <<-\EOF >expect.refs &&
- refs/remotes/shallow/master
+ refs/remotes/shallow/main
test_cmp expect.refs actual.refs &&
- git log --format=%s shallow/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s shallow/main >actual &&
test_write_lines 7 6 5 4 3 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch --update-shallow' '
test_expect_success 'fetch --update-shallow (with fetch.writeCommitGraph)' '
cd shallow &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
commit 8 &&
git tag -m foo heavy-tag-for-graph HEAD^ &&
git tag light-tag-for-graph HEAD^:tracked
@@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch --update-shallow (with fetch.writeCommitGraph)' '
git fsck &&
git for-each-ref --sort=refname --format="%(refname)" >actual.refs &&
cat <<-EOF >expect.refs &&
- refs/remotes/shallow/master
+ refs/remotes/shallow/main
@@ -181,7 +184,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch --update-shallow (with fetch.writeCommitGraph)' '
test_cmp expect.refs actual.refs &&
- git log --format=%s shallow/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s shallow/main >actual &&
test_write_lines 8 7 6 5 4 3 >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -206,7 +209,7 @@ test_expect_success '.git/shallow is edited by repack' '
test_commit -C shallow-server E &&
test_commit -C shallow-server D &&
d="$(git -C shallow-server rev-parse --verify D^0)" &&
- git -C shallow-server checkout master &&
+ git -C shallow-server checkout main &&
git clone --depth=1 --no-tags --no-single-branch \
"file://$PWD/shallow-server" shallow-client &&
@@ -244,7 +247,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shallow fetches check connectivity before writing shallow f
git -C "$REPO" config protocol.version 2 &&
git -C client config protocol.version 2 &&
- git -C client fetch --depth=2 "$HTTPD_URL/one_time_perl/repo" master:a_branch &&
+ git -C client fetch --depth=2 "$HTTPD_URL/one_time_perl/repo" main:a_branch &&
# Craft a situation in which the server sends back an unshallow request
# with an empty packfile. This is done by refetching with a shorter
@@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shallow fetches check connectivity before writing shallow f
>"$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH/one-time-perl" &&
test_must_fail env GIT_TEST_SIDEBAND_ALL=0 git -C client \
fetch --depth=1 "$HTTPD_URL/one_time_perl/repo" \
- master:a_branch &&
+ main:a_branch &&
# Ensure that the one-time-perl script was used.
! test -e "$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH/one-time-perl" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ecbf84d21c..e91fcc173e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='push from/to a shallow clone'
. ./
commit() {
@@ -44,9 +47,9 @@ test_expect_success 'push from shallow clone' '
cd shallow &&
commit 5 &&
- git push ../.git +master:refs/remotes/shallow/master
+ git push ../.git +main:refs/remotes/shallow/main
) &&
- git log --format=%s shallow/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s shallow/main >actual &&
git fsck &&
cat <<EOF >expect &&
@@ -61,10 +64,10 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'push from shallow clone, with grafted roots' '
cd shallow2 &&
- test_must_fail git push ../.git +master:refs/remotes/shallow2/master 2>err &&
- grep "shallow2/master.*shallow update not allowed" err
+ test_must_fail git push ../.git +main:refs/remotes/shallow2/main 2>err &&
+ grep "shallow2/main.*shallow update not allowed" err
) &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse shallow2/master &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse shallow2/main &&
git fsck
@@ -72,9 +75,9 @@ test_expect_success 'add new shallow root with receive.updateshallow on' '
test_config receive.shallowupdate true &&
cd shallow2 &&
- git push ../.git +master:refs/remotes/shallow2/master
+ git push ../.git +main:refs/remotes/shallow2/main
) &&
- git log --format=%s shallow2/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s shallow2/main >actual &&
git fsck &&
cat <<EOF >expect &&
@@ -87,12 +90,12 @@ test_expect_success 'push from shallow to shallow' '
cd shallow &&
git --git-dir=../shallow2/.git config receive.shallowupdate true &&
- git push ../shallow2/.git +master:refs/remotes/shallow/master &&
+ git push ../shallow2/.git +main:refs/remotes/shallow/main &&
git --git-dir=../shallow2/.git config receive.shallowupdate false
) &&
cd shallow2 &&
- git log --format=%s shallow/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s shallow/main >actual &&
git fsck &&
cat <<EOF >expect &&
@@ -106,10 +109,10 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'push from full to shallow' '
! git --git-dir=shallow2/.git cat-file blob $(echo 1|git hash-object --stdin) &&
commit 1 &&
- git push shallow2/.git +master:refs/remotes/top/master &&
+ git push shallow2/.git +main:refs/remotes/top/main &&
cd shallow2 &&
- git log --format=%s top/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s top/main >actual &&
git fsck &&
cat <<EOF >expect &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 82aa99ae87..3ea75d34ca 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='fetch/clone from a shallow clone over http'
. ./
@@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone http repository' '
cd clone &&
git fsck &&
- git log --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
cat <<EOF >expect &&
@@ -60,9 +63,9 @@ test_expect_success 'no shallow lines after receiving ACK ready' '
refs/heads/unrelated$i:refs/heads/unrelated$i ||
exit 1
done &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit new &&
- git push "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" master
+ git push "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" main
) &&
cd clone &&
@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone shallow since ...' '
test_expect_success 'fetch shallow since ...' '
git -C shallow11 fetch --shallow-since "200000000 +0700" origin &&
- git -C shallow11 log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C shallow11 log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/main >actual &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shallow clone exclude tag two' '
test_expect_success 'fetch exclude tag one' '
git -C shallow12 fetch --shallow-exclude one origin &&
- git -C shallow12 log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C shallow12 log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/main >actual &&
test_write_lines three two >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -136,12 +139,12 @@ test_expect_success 'fetching deepen' '
git clone --depth 1 $HTTPD_URL/smart/shallow-deepen.git deepen &&
mv "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/shallow-deepen.git" .git &&
test_commit four &&
- git -C deepen log --pretty=tformat:%s master >actual &&
+ git -C deepen log --pretty=tformat:%s main >actual &&
echo three >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
mv .git "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/shallow-deepen.git" &&
git -C deepen fetch --deepen=1 &&
- git -C deepen log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C deepen log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/main >actual &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 450321fddb..8b68bb38a4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ test_description='test WebDAV http-push
This test runs various sanity checks on http-push.'
. ./
if git http-push > /dev/null 2>&1 || [ $? -eq 128 ]
@@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push already up-to-date' '
test_expect_success 'push to remote repository with unpacked refs' '
(cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/test_repo.git &&
rm packed-refs &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $ORIG_HEAD &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $ORIG_HEAD &&
git --bare update-server-info) &&
git push &&
(cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/test_repo.git &&
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ test_expect_success 'http-push fetches unpacked objects' '
git remote rm origin &&
git reflog expire --expire=0 --all &&
git prune &&
- git push -f -v $HTTPD_URL/dumb/test_repo_unpacked.git master)
+ git push -f -v $HTTPD_URL/dumb/test_repo_unpacked.git main)
test_expect_success 'http-push fetches packed objects' '
@@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ test_expect_success 'http-push fetches packed objects' '
git remote remove origin &&
git reflog expire --expire=0 --all &&
git prune &&
- git push -f -v $HTTPD_URL/dumb/test_repo_packed.git master)
+ git push -f -v $HTTPD_URL/dumb/test_repo_packed.git main)
test_expect_success 'create and delete remote branch' '
@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ test_expect_success 'PUT and MOVE sends object to URLs with SHA-1 hash suffix' '
test_http_push_nonff "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/test_repo.git \
- "$ROOT_PATH"/test_repo_clone master
+ "$ROOT_PATH"/test_repo_clone main
test_expect_success 'push to password-protected repository (user in URL)' '
test_commit pw-user &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 187454f5dd..bc5ccf233f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='test smart pushing over http via http-backend'
. ./
@@ -142,23 +145,23 @@ test_expect_success 'used receive-pack service' '
test_http_push_nonff "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/test_repo.git \
- "$ROOT_PATH"/test_repo_clone master success
+ "$ROOT_PATH"/test_repo_clone main success
test_expect_success 'push fails for non-fast-forward refs unmatched by remote helper' '
# create a dissimilarly-named remote ref so that git is unable to match the
# two refs (viz. local, remote) unless an explicit refspec is provided.
- git push origin master:retsam &&
+ git push origin main:niam &&
echo "change changed" > path2 &&
git commit -a -m path2 --amend &&
- # push master too; this ensures there is at least one '"'push'"' command to
+ # push main too; this ensures there is at least one '"'push'"' command to
# the remote helper and triggers interaction with the helper.
- test_must_fail git push -v origin +master master:retsam >output 2>&1'
+ test_must_fail git push -v origin +main main:niam >output 2>&1'
test_expect_success 'push fails for non-fast-forward refs unmatched by remote helper: remote output' '
- grep "^ + [a-f0-9]*\.\.\.[a-f0-9]* *master -> master (forced update)$" output &&
- grep "^ ! \[rejected\] *master -> retsam (non-fast-forward)$" output
+ grep "^ + [a-f0-9]*\.\.\.[a-f0-9]* *main -> main (forced update)$" output &&
+ grep "^ ! \[rejected\] *main -> niam (non-fast-forward)$" output
test_expect_success 'push fails for non-fast-forward refs unmatched by remote helper: our output' '
@@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push fails for non-fast-forward refs unmatched by remote he
test_expect_success 'push (chunked)' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit commit path3 &&
HEAD=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
test_config http.postbuffer 4 &&
@@ -177,9 +180,9 @@ test_expect_success 'push (chunked)' '
test $HEAD = $(git rev-parse --verify HEAD))
-## References of remote: atomic1(1) master(2) collateral(2) other(2)
-## References of local : atomic2(2) master(1) collateral(3) other(2) collateral1(3) atomic(1)
-## Atomic push : master(1) collateral(3) atomic(1)
+## References of remote: atomic1(1) main(2) collateral(2) other(2)
+## References of local : atomic2(2) main(1) collateral(3) other(2) collateral1(3) atomic(1)
+## Atomic push : main(1) collateral(3) atomic(1)
test_expect_success 'push --atomic also prevents branch creation, reports collateral' '
# Setup upstream repo - empty for now
d=$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/atomic-branches.git &&
@@ -192,15 +195,15 @@ test_expect_success 'push --atomic also prevents branch creation, reports collat
test_commit atomic2 &&
git branch collateral &&
git branch other &&
- git push "$up" atomic1 master collateral other &&
+ git push "$up" atomic1 main collateral other &&
git tag -d atomic1 &&
# collateral is a valid push, but should be failed by atomic push
git checkout collateral &&
test_commit collateral1 &&
- # Make master incompatible with upstream to provoke atomic
- git checkout master &&
+ # Make main incompatible with upstream to provoke atomic
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
# Add a new branch which should be failed by atomic push. This is a
@@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push --atomic also prevents branch creation, reports collat
git branch atomic &&
# --atomic should cause entire push to be rejected
- test_must_fail git push --atomic "$up" master atomic collateral 2>output &&
+ test_must_fail git push --atomic "$up" main atomic collateral 2>output &&
# the new branch should not have been created upstream
test_must_fail git -C "$d" show-ref --verify refs/heads/atomic &&
@@ -216,15 +219,15 @@ test_expect_success 'push --atomic also prevents branch creation, reports collat
# upstream should still reflect atomic2, the last thing we pushed
# successfully
git rev-parse atomic2 >expected &&
- # on master...
- git -C "$d" rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+ # on main...
+ git -C "$d" rev-parse refs/heads/main >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
# ...and collateral.
git -C "$d" rev-parse refs/heads/collateral >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
# the failed refs should be indicated to the user
- grep "^ ! .*rejected.* master -> master" output &&
+ grep "^ ! .*rejected.* main -> main" output &&
# the collateral failure refs should be indicated to the user
grep "^ ! .*rejected.* atomic -> atomic .*atomic push failed" output &&
@@ -472,9 +475,9 @@ test_expect_success 'clone/fetch scrubs password from reflogs' '
test_commit prepare-for-force-fetch &&
git switch -c away &&
git fetch "$HTTPD_URL_USER_PASS/smart/test_repo.git" \
- +master:master &&
+ +main:main &&
# should have been scrubbed down to vanilla URL
- git log -g master >reflog &&
+ git log -g main >reflog &&
grep "$HTTPD_URL" reflog &&
! grep "$HTTPD_URL_USER_PASS" reflog
@@ -498,7 +501,7 @@ test_expect_success 'colorize errors/hints' '
cd "$ROOT_PATH"/test_repo_clone &&
test_must_fail git -c color.transport=always -c color.advice=always \
-c color.push=always \
- push origin origin/master^:master 2>act &&
+ push origin origin/main^:main 2>act &&
test_decode_color <act >decoded &&
test_i18ngrep "<RED>.*rejected.*<RESET>" decoded &&
test_i18ngrep "<RED>error: failed to push some refs" decoded &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ddc1db722d..c2cc83182f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='push from/to a shallow clone over http'
. ./
@@ -51,12 +54,12 @@ test_expect_success 'push to shallow repo via http' '
cd full &&
commit 9 &&
- git push $HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git +master:refs/remotes/top/master
+ git push $HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git +main:refs/remotes/top/main
) &&
cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
git fsck &&
- git log --format=%s top/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s top/main >actual &&
cat <<EOF >expect &&
@@ -74,11 +77,11 @@ test_expect_success 'push from shallow repo via http' '
git config http.receivepack true
) &&
commit 10 &&
- git push $HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git +master:refs/remotes/top/master &&
+ git push $HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git +main:refs/remotes/top/main &&
cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
git fsck &&
- git log --format=%s top/master >actual &&
+ git log --format=%s top/main >actual &&
cat <<EOF >expect &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 620c30d58f..bfee461861 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='pushing to a repository using the atomic push option'
. ./
mk_repo_pair () {
@@ -40,9 +43,9 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push works for a single branch' '
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- git push --atomic up master
+ git push --atomic up main
) &&
- test_refs master master
+ test_refs main main
test_expect_success 'atomic push works for two branches' '
@@ -55,9 +58,9 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push works for two branches' '
test_commit two &&
git checkout second &&
test_commit three &&
- git push --atomic up master second
+ git push --atomic up main second
) &&
- test_refs master master &&
+ test_refs main main &&
test_refs second second
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push works in combination with --mirror' '
test_commit two &&
git push --atomic --mirror up
) &&
- test_refs master master &&
+ test_refs main main &&
test_refs second second
@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push works in combination with --force' '
cd workbench &&
test_commit one &&
- git branch second master &&
+ git branch second main &&
test_commit two_a &&
git checkout second &&
test_commit two_b &&
@@ -87,36 +90,36 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push works in combination with --force' '
test_commit four &&
git push --mirror up &&
# The actual test is below
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit three_a &&
git checkout second &&
git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
- git push --force --atomic up master second
+ git push --force --atomic up main second
) &&
- test_refs master master &&
+ test_refs main main &&
test_refs second second
-# set up two branches where master can be pushed but second can not
+# set up two branches where main can be pushed but second can not
# (non-fast-forward). Since second can not be pushed the whole operation
-# will fail and leave master untouched.
+# will fail and leave main untouched.
test_expect_success 'atomic push fails if one branch fails' '
mk_repo_pair &&
cd workbench &&
test_commit one &&
- git checkout -b second master &&
+ git checkout -b second main &&
test_commit two &&
test_commit three &&
test_commit four &&
git push --mirror up &&
git reset --hard HEAD~2 &&
test_commit five &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit six &&
test_must_fail git push --atomic --all up
) &&
- test_refs master HEAD@{7} &&
+ test_refs main HEAD@{7} &&
test_refs second HEAD@{4}
@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push fails if one tag fails remotely' '
cd workbench &&
test_commit one &&
- git checkout -b second master &&
+ git checkout -b second main &&
test_commit two &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
@@ -139,14 +142,14 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push fails if one tag fails remotely' '
# see if we can now push both branches.
cd workbench &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit three &&
git checkout second &&
test_commit four &&
git tag test_tag &&
- test_must_fail git push --tags --atomic up master second
+ test_must_fail git push --tags --atomic up main second
) &&
- test_refs master HEAD@{3} &&
+ test_refs main HEAD@{3} &&
test_refs second HEAD@{1}
@@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push obeys update hook preventing a branch to be pus
cd workbench &&
test_commit one &&
- git checkout -b second master &&
+ git checkout -b second main &&
test_commit two &&
git push --mirror up
) &&
@@ -165,19 +168,19 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push obeys update hook preventing a branch to be pus
HOOK="$HOOKDIR/update" &&
mkdir -p "$HOOKDIR" &&
write_script "$HOOK" <<-\EOF
- # only allow update to master from now on
- test "$1" = "refs/heads/master"
+ # only allow update to main from now on
+ test "$1" = "refs/heads/main"
) &&
cd workbench &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit three &&
git checkout second &&
test_commit four &&
- test_must_fail git push --atomic up master second
+ test_must_fail git push --atomic up main second
) &&
- test_refs master HEAD@{3} &&
+ test_refs main HEAD@{3} &&
test_refs second HEAD@{1}
@@ -192,21 +195,21 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push is not advertised if configured' '
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- test_must_fail git push --atomic up master
+ test_must_fail git push --atomic up main
) &&
- test_refs master HEAD@{1}
+ test_refs main HEAD@{1}
-# References in upstream : master(1) one(1) foo(1)
-# References in workbench: master(2) foo(1) two(2) bar(2)
-# Atomic push : master(2) two(2) bar(2)
+# References in upstream : main(1) one(1) foo(1)
+# References in workbench: main(2) foo(1) two(2) bar(2)
+# Atomic push : main(2) two(2) bar(2)
test_expect_success 'atomic push reports (reject by update hook)' '
mk_repo_pair &&
cd workbench &&
test_commit one &&
git branch foo &&
- git push up master one foo &&
+ git push up main one foo &&
git tag -d one
) &&
@@ -228,19 +231,19 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push reports (reject by update hook)' '
git branch bar
) &&
test_must_fail git -C workbench \
- push --atomic up master two bar >out 2>&1 &&
+ push --atomic up main two bar >out 2>&1 &&
fmt_status_report <out >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
To ../upstream
- ! [remote rejected] master -> master (atomic push failure)
+ ! [remote rejected] main -> main (atomic push failure)
! [remote rejected] two -> two (atomic push failure)
! [remote rejected] bar -> bar (hook declined)
test_cmp expect actual
-# References in upstream : master(1) one(1) foo(1)
-# References in workbench: master(2) foo(1) two(2) bar(2)
+# References in upstream : main(1) one(1) foo(1)
+# References in workbench: main(2) foo(1) two(2) bar(2)
test_expect_success 'atomic push reports (mirror, but reject by update hook)' '
cd workbench &&
@@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push reports (mirror, but reject by update hook)' '
fmt_status_report <out >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
To ../upstream
- ! [remote rejected] master -> master (atomic push failure)
+ ! [remote rejected] main -> main (atomic push failure)
! [remote rejected] one (atomic push failure)
! [remote rejected] bar -> bar (hook declined)
! [remote rejected] two -> two (atomic push failure)
@@ -260,21 +263,21 @@ test_expect_success 'atomic push reports (mirror, but reject by update hook)' '
test_cmp expect actual
-# References in upstream : master(2) one(1) foo(1)
-# References in workbench: master(1) foo(1) two(2) bar(2)
+# References in upstream : main(2) one(1) foo(1)
+# References in workbench: main(1) foo(1) two(2) bar(2)
test_expect_success 'atomic push reports (reject by non-ff)' '
rm upstream/.git/hooks/update &&
cd workbench &&
- git push up master &&
+ git push up main &&
git reset --hard HEAD^
) &&
test_must_fail git -C workbench \
- push --atomic up master foo bar >out 2>&1 &&
+ push --atomic up main foo bar >out 2>&1 &&
fmt_status_report <out >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
To ../upstream
- ! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)
+ ! [rejected] main -> main (non-fast-forward)
! [rejected] bar -> bar (atomic push failed)
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 38e6f7340e..58c7add7ee 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='pushing to a repository using push options'
. ./
mk_repo_pair () {
@@ -63,9 +66,9 @@ test_expect_success 'one push option works for a single branch' '
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- git push --push-option=asdf up master
+ git push --push-option=asdf up main
) &&
- test_refs master master &&
+ test_refs main main &&
echo "asdf" >expect &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/post-receive.push_options
@@ -79,9 +82,9 @@ test_expect_success 'push option denied by remote' '
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- test_must_fail git push --push-option=asdf up master
+ test_must_fail git push --push-option=asdf up main
) &&
- test_refs master HEAD@{1}
+ test_refs main HEAD@{1}
test_expect_success 'two push options work' '
@@ -92,9 +95,9 @@ test_expect_success 'two push options work' '
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- git push --push-option=asdf --push-option="more structured text" up master
+ git push --push-option=asdf --push-option="more structured text" up main
) &&
- test_refs master master &&
+ test_refs main main &&
printf "asdf\nmore structured text\n" >expect &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/post-receive.push_options
@@ -123,14 +126,14 @@ test_expect_success 'push options and submodules' '
git -C parent push \
--push-option=asdf --push-option="more structured text" \
- --recurse-submodules=on-demand up master &&
+ --recurse-submodules=on-demand up main &&
- git -C upstream rev-parse --verify master >expect &&
- git -C parent/workbench rev-parse --verify master >actual &&
+ git -C upstream rev-parse --verify main >expect &&
+ git -C parent/workbench rev-parse --verify main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- git -C parent_upstream rev-parse --verify master >expect &&
- git -C parent rev-parse --verify master >actual &&
+ git -C parent_upstream rev-parse --verify main >expect &&
+ git -C parent rev-parse --verify main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
printf "asdf\nmore structured text\n" >expect &&
@@ -148,9 +151,9 @@ test_expect_success 'default push option' '
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- git -c push.pushOption=default push up master
+ git -c push.pushOption=default push up main
) &&
- test_refs master master &&
+ test_refs main main &&
echo "default" >expect &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/post-receive.push_options
@@ -164,9 +167,9 @@ test_expect_success 'two default push options' '
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- git -c push.pushOption=default1 -c push.pushOption=default2 push up master
+ git -c push.pushOption=default1 -c push.pushOption=default2 push up main
) &&
- test_refs master master &&
+ test_refs main main &&
printf "default1\ndefault2\n" >expect &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/post-receive.push_options
@@ -180,9 +183,9 @@ test_expect_success 'push option from command line overrides from-config push op
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- git -c push.pushOption=default push --push-option=manual up master
+ git -c push.pushOption=default push --push-option=manual up main
) &&
- test_refs master master &&
+ test_refs main main &&
echo "manual" >expect &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/post-receive.push_options
@@ -196,9 +199,9 @@ test_expect_success 'empty value of push.pushOption in config clears the list' '
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- git -c push.pushOption=default1 -c push.pushOption= -c push.pushOption=default2 push up master
+ git -c push.pushOption=default1 -c push.pushOption= -c push.pushOption=default2 push up main
) &&
- test_refs master master &&
+ test_refs main main &&
echo "default2" >expect &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/post-receive.push_options
@@ -212,16 +215,16 @@ test_expect_success 'invalid push option in config' '
test_commit one &&
git push --mirror up &&
test_commit two &&
- test_must_fail git -c push.pushOption push up master
+ test_must_fail git -c push.pushOption push up main
) &&
- test_refs master HEAD@{1}
+ test_refs main HEAD@{1}
test_expect_success 'push options keep quoted characters intact (direct)' '
mk_repo_pair &&
git -C upstream config receive.advertisePushOptions true &&
test_commit -C workbench one &&
- git -C workbench push --push-option="\"embedded quotes\"" up master &&
+ git -C workbench push --push-option="\"embedded quotes\"" up main &&
echo "\"embedded quotes\"" >expect &&
test_cmp expect upstream/.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options
@@ -244,28 +247,28 @@ mk_http_pair () {
test_expect_success 'push option denied properly by http server' '
mk_http_pair false &&
test_commit -C test_http_clone one &&
- test_must_fail git -C test_http_clone push --push-option=asdf origin master 2>actual &&
+ test_must_fail git -C test_http_clone push --push-option=asdf origin main 2>actual &&
test_i18ngrep "the receiving end does not support push options" actual &&
- git -C test_http_clone push origin master
+ git -C test_http_clone push origin main
test_expect_success 'push options work properly across http' '
mk_http_pair true &&
test_commit -C test_http_clone one &&
- git -C test_http_clone push origin master &&
- git -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/upstream.git rev-parse --verify master >expect &&
- git -C test_http_clone rev-parse --verify master >actual &&
+ git -C test_http_clone push origin main &&
+ git -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/upstream.git rev-parse --verify main >expect &&
+ git -C test_http_clone rev-parse --verify main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
test_commit -C test_http_clone two &&
- git -C test_http_clone push --push-option=asdf --push-option="more structured text" origin master &&
+ git -C test_http_clone push --push-option=asdf --push-option="more structured text" origin main &&
printf "asdf\nmore structured text\n" >expect &&
test_cmp expect "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/upstream.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options &&
test_cmp expect "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/upstream.git/hooks/post-receive.push_options &&
- git -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/upstream.git rev-parse --verify master >expect &&
- git -C test_http_clone rev-parse --verify master >actual &&
+ git -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/upstream.git rev-parse --verify main >expect &&
+ git -C test_http_clone rev-parse --verify main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -273,7 +276,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push options keep quoted characters intact (http)' '
mk_http_pair true &&
test_commit -C test_http_clone one &&
- git -C test_http_clone push --push-option="\"embedded quotes\"" origin master &&
+ git -C test_http_clone push --push-option="\"embedded quotes\"" origin main &&
echo "\"embedded quotes\"" >expect &&
test_cmp expect "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/upstream.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1b19b3ef55..5a761f3642 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ create_commits_in () {
shift ||
return 1
done &&
- git -C "$repo" update-ref refs/heads/master $oid
+ git -C "$repo" update-ref refs/heads/main $oid
# Format the output of git-push, git-show-ref and other commands to make a
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output () {
setup_upstream_and_workbench () {
- # Upstream after setup : master(B) foo(A) bar(A) baz(A)
- # Workbench after setup : master(A)
+ # Upstream after setup : main(B) foo(A) bar(A) baz(A)
+ # Workbench after setup : main(A)
test_expect_success "setup upstream repository and workbench" '
rm -rf upstream.git workbench &&
git init --bare upstream.git &&
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ setup_upstream_and_workbench () {
# this fixed-width oid will be replaced with "<OID>".
git config core.abbrev 7 &&
git remote add origin ../upstream.git &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $A &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $A &&
git push origin \
- $B:refs/heads/master \
+ $B:refs/heads/main \
$A:refs/heads/foo \
$A:refs/heads/bar \
@@ -94,17 +94,17 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
- # Refs of upstream : master(B) foo(A) bar(A) baz(A)
- # Refs of workbench: master(A) baz(A) next(A)
- # git-push : master(A) NULL (B) baz(A) next(A)
+ # Refs of upstream : main(B) foo(A) bar(A) baz(A)
+ # Refs of workbench: main(A) baz(A) next(A)
+ # git-push : main(A) NULL (B) baz(A) next(A)
test_expect_success "porcelain output of successful git-push ($PROTOCOL)" '
cd workbench &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $A &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $A &&
git update-ref refs/heads/baz $A &&
git update-ref refs/heads/next $A &&
git push --porcelain --force origin \
- master \
+ main \
:refs/heads/foo \
$B:bar \
baz \
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
= refs/heads/baz:refs/heads/baz [up to date]
<COMMIT-B>:refs/heads/bar <OID-A>..<OID-B>
- :refs/heads/foo [deleted]
- + refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master <OID-B>...<OID-A> (forced update)
+ + refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main <OID-B>...<OID-A> (forced update)
* refs/heads/next:refs/heads/next [new branch]
@@ -127,22 +127,22 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
<COMMIT-B> refs/heads/bar
<COMMIT-A> refs/heads/baz
- <COMMIT-A> refs/heads/master
+ <COMMIT-A> refs/heads/main
<COMMIT-A> refs/heads/next
test_cmp expect actual
- # Refs of upstream : master(A) bar(B) baz(A) next(A)
- # Refs of workbench: master(B) bar(A) baz(A) next(A)
- # git-push : master(B) bar(A) NULL next(A)
+ # Refs of upstream : main(A) bar(B) baz(A) next(A)
+ # Refs of workbench: main(B) bar(A) baz(A) next(A)
+ # git-push : main(B) bar(A) NULL next(A)
test_expect_success "atomic push failed ($PROTOCOL)" '
cd workbench &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $B &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $B &&
git update-ref refs/heads/bar $A &&
test_must_fail git push --atomic --porcelain origin \
- master \
+ main \
bar \
:baz \
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
= refs/heads/next:refs/heads/next [up to date]
! refs/heads/bar:refs/heads/bar [rejected] (non-fast-forward)
! (delete):refs/heads/baz [rejected] (atomic push failed)
- ! refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master [rejected] (atomic push failed)
+ ! refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main [rejected] (atomic push failed)
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
<COMMIT-B> refs/heads/bar
<COMMIT-A> refs/heads/baz
- <COMMIT-A> refs/heads/master
+ <COMMIT-A> refs/heads/main
<COMMIT-A> refs/heads/next
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -174,16 +174,16 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
- # Refs of upstream : master(A) bar(B) baz(A) next(A)
- # Refs of workbench: master(B) bar(A) baz(A) next(A)
- # git-push : master(B) bar(A) NULL next(A)
+ # Refs of upstream : main(A) bar(B) baz(A) next(A)
+ # Refs of workbench: main(B) bar(A) baz(A) next(A)
+ # git-push : main(B) bar(A) NULL next(A)
test_expect_success "pre-receive hook declined ($PROTOCOL)" '
cd workbench &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $B &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $B &&
git update-ref refs/heads/bar $A &&
test_must_fail git push --porcelain --force origin \
- master \
+ main \
bar \
:baz \
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
= refs/heads/next:refs/heads/next [up to date]
! refs/heads/bar:refs/heads/bar [remote rejected] (pre-receive hook declined)
! :refs/heads/baz [remote rejected] (pre-receive hook declined)
- ! refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master [remote rejected] (pre-receive hook declined)
+ ! refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main [remote rejected] (pre-receive hook declined)
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
<COMMIT-B> refs/heads/bar
<COMMIT-A> refs/heads/baz
- <COMMIT-A> refs/heads/master
+ <COMMIT-A> refs/heads/main
<COMMIT-A> refs/heads/next
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -214,14 +214,14 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
rm "$upstream/hooks/pre-receive"
- # Refs of upstream : master(A) bar(B) baz(A) next(A)
- # Refs of workbench: master(B) bar(A) baz(A) next(A)
- # git-push : master(B) bar(A) NULL next(A)
+ # Refs of upstream : main(A) bar(B) baz(A) next(A)
+ # Refs of workbench: main(B) bar(A) baz(A) next(A)
+ # git-push : main(B) bar(A) NULL next(A)
test_expect_success "non-fastforward push ($PROTOCOL)" '
cd workbench &&
test_must_fail git push --porcelain origin \
- master \
+ main \
bar \
:baz \
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
To <URL/of/upstream.git>
= refs/heads/next:refs/heads/next [up to date]
- :refs/heads/baz [deleted]
- refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master <OID-A>..<OID-B>
+ refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main <OID-A>..<OID-B>
! refs/heads/bar:refs/heads/bar [rejected] (non-fast-forward)
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ run_git_push_porcelain_output_test() {
make_user_friendly_and_stable_output <out >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
<COMMIT-B> refs/heads/bar
- <COMMIT-B> refs/heads/master
+ <COMMIT-B> refs/heads/main
<COMMIT-A> refs/heads/next
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 483578b2d7..2ecb06bb63 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test dumb fetching over http via static file'
. ./
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ test_expect_success 'create http-accessible bare repository with loose objects'
) &&
git remote add public "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
- git push public master:master
+ git push public main:main
test_expect_success 'clone http repository' '
@@ -37,8 +40,8 @@ test_expect_success 'clone http repository' '
test_expect_success 'list refs from outside any repository' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $(git rev-parse master) HEAD
- $(git rev-parse master) refs/heads/master
+ $(git rev-parse main) HEAD
+ $(git rev-parse main) refs/heads/main
nongit git ls-remote "$HTTPD_URL/dumb/repo.git" >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -181,8 +184,8 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch changes via manual http-fetch' '
HEAD=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
(cd clone2 &&
- git http-fetch -a -w heads/master-new $HEAD $(git config remote.origin.url) &&
- git checkout master-new &&
+ git http-fetch -a -w heads/main-new $HEAD $(git config remote.origin.url) &&
+ git checkout main-new &&
test $HEAD = $(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)) &&
test_cmp file clone2/file
@@ -192,19 +195,19 @@ test_expect_success 'manual http-fetch without -a works just as well' '
HEAD=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
(cd clone3 &&
- git http-fetch -w heads/master-new $HEAD $(git config remote.origin.url) &&
- git checkout master-new &&
+ git http-fetch -w heads/main-new $HEAD $(git config remote.origin.url) &&
+ git checkout main-new &&
test $HEAD = $(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)) &&
test_cmp file clone3/file
test_expect_success 'http remote detects correct HEAD' '
- git push public master:other &&
+ git push public main:other &&
(cd clone &&
git remote set-head origin -d &&
git remote set-head origin -a &&
git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD > output &&
- echo refs/remotes/origin/master > expect &&
+ echo refs/remotes/origin/main > expect &&
test_cmp expect output
@@ -416,7 +419,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up evil alternates scheme' '
evil=$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/evil.git &&
git init --bare "$evil" &&
# do this by hand to avoid object existence check
- printf "%s\\t%s\\n" $sha1 refs/heads/master >"$evil/info/refs"
+ printf "%s\\t%s\\n" $sha1 refs/heads/main >"$evil/info/refs"
# Here we'll just redirect via HTTP. In a real-world attack these would be on
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e40e9ed52f..984dba22af 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test smart fetching over http via http-backend'
. ./
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ test_expect_success 'create http-accessible bare repository' '
git --bare init
) &&
git remote add public "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
- git push public master:master
+ git push public main:main
@@ -238,9 +241,9 @@ test_expect_success 'invalid Content-Type rejected' '
test_expect_success 'create namespaced refs' '
test_commit namespaced &&
- git push public HEAD:refs/namespaces/ns/refs/heads/master &&
+ git push public HEAD:refs/namespaces/ns/refs/heads/main &&
git --git-dir="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" \
- symbolic-ref refs/namespaces/ns/HEAD refs/namespaces/ns/refs/heads/master
+ symbolic-ref refs/namespaces/ns/HEAD refs/namespaces/ns/refs/heads/main
test_expect_success 'smart clone respects namespace' '
@@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cookies stored in http.cookiefile when http.savecookies set
git config http.cookiefile cookies.txt &&
git config http.savecookies true &&
- git ls-remote $HTTPD_URL/smart_cookies/repo.git master &&
+ git ls-remote $HTTPD_URL/smart_cookies/repo.git main &&
# NEEDSWORK: If the overspecification of the expected result is reduced, we
# might be able to run this test in all protocol versions.
@@ -344,12 +347,12 @@ test_expect_success 'large fetch-pack requests can be sent using chunked encodin
test_expect_success 'test allowreachablesha1inwant' '
test_when_finished "rm -rf test_reachable.git" &&
server="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
- master_sha=$(git -C "$server" rev-parse refs/heads/master) &&
+ main_sha=$(git -C "$server" rev-parse refs/heads/main) &&
git -C "$server" config uploadpack.allowreachablesha1inwant 1 &&
git init --bare test_reachable.git &&
git -C test_reachable.git remote add origin "$HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git" &&
- git -C test_reachable.git fetch origin "$master_sha"
+ git -C test_reachable.git fetch origin "$main_sha"
test_expect_success 'test allowreachablesha1inwant with unreachable' '
@@ -363,7 +366,7 @@ test_expect_success 'test allowreachablesha1inwant with unreachable' '
git push public :refs/heads/doomed &&
server="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
- master_sha=$(git -C "$server" rev-parse refs/heads/master) &&
+ main_sha=$(git -C "$server" rev-parse refs/heads/main) &&
git -C "$server" config uploadpack.allowreachablesha1inwant 1 &&
git init --bare test_reachable.git &&
@@ -385,7 +388,7 @@ test_expect_success 'test allowanysha1inwant with unreachable' '
git push public :refs/heads/doomed &&
server="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
- master_sha=$(git -C "$server" rev-parse refs/heads/master) &&
+ main_sha=$(git -C "$server" rev-parse refs/heads/main) &&
git -C "$server" config uploadpack.allowreachablesha1inwant 1 &&
git init --bare test_reachable.git &&
@@ -444,8 +447,8 @@ test_expect_success 'using fetch command in remote-curl updates refs' '
test_commit -C "$SERVER" bar &&
git -C client -c protocol.version=0 fetch &&
- git -C "$SERVER" rev-parse master >expect &&
- git -C client rev-parse origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C "$SERVER" rev-parse main >expect &&
+ git -C client rev-parse origin/main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 156c704040..7b9fb4ff02 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ test_expect_success 'use ref advertisement to filter out commits' '
git -C server checkout --orphan anotherbranch &&
test_commit -C server to_fetch &&
- # The server advertising "c3" (as "refs/heads/master") means that we do
+ # The server advertising "c3" (as "refs/heads/main") means that we do
# not need to send any ancestors of "c3", but we still need to send "c3"
# itself.
test_config -C client fetch.negotiationalgorithm skipping &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7622981cbf..b1d614ce18 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='"git fetch/pull --set-upstream" basic tests.'
. ./
check_config () {
@@ -32,9 +35,9 @@ test_expect_success 'setup bare parent fetch' '
git remote add upstream parent
-test_expect_success 'setup commit on master and other fetch' '
+test_expect_success 'setup commit on main and other fetch' '
test_commit one &&
- git push upstream master &&
+ git push upstream main &&
git checkout -b other &&
test_commit two &&
git push upstream other
@@ -43,38 +46,38 @@ test_expect_success 'setup commit on master and other fetch' '
# tests for fetch --set-upstream
test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream does not set upstream w/o branch' '
- clear_config master other &&
- git checkout master &&
+ clear_config main other &&
+ git checkout main &&
git fetch --set-upstream upstream &&
- check_config_missing master &&
+ check_config_missing main &&
check_config_missing other
-test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream upstream master sets branch master but not other' '
- clear_config master other &&
- git fetch --set-upstream upstream master &&
- check_config master upstream refs/heads/master &&
+test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream upstream main sets branch main but not other' '
+ clear_config main other &&
+ git fetch --set-upstream upstream main &&
+ check_config main upstream refs/heads/main &&
check_config_missing other
test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream upstream other sets branch other' '
- clear_config master other &&
+ clear_config main other &&
git fetch --set-upstream upstream other &&
- check_config master upstream refs/heads/other &&
+ check_config main upstream refs/heads/other &&
check_config_missing other
-test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream master:other does not set the branch other2' '
+test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream main:other does not set the branch other2' '
clear_config other2 &&
- git fetch --set-upstream upstream master:other2 &&
+ git fetch --set-upstream upstream main:other2 &&
check_config_missing other2
test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream fails with invalid url' '
- # master explicitly not cleared, we check that it is not touched from previous value
+ # main explicitly not cleared, we check that it is not touched from previous value
clear_config other other2 &&
test_must_fail git fetch --set-upstream &&
- check_config master upstream refs/heads/other &&
+ check_config main upstream refs/heads/other &&
check_config_missing other &&
check_config_missing other2
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream with valid URL sets upstream to URL' '
clear_config other other2 &&
url="file://$PWD" &&
git fetch --set-upstream "$url" &&
- check_config master "$url" HEAD &&
+ check_config main "$url" HEAD &&
check_config_missing other &&
check_config_missing other2
@@ -96,30 +99,30 @@ test_expect_success 'setup bare parent pull' '
git remote add upstream parent
-test_expect_success 'setup commit on master and other pull' '
+test_expect_success 'setup commit on main and other pull' '
test_commit three &&
- git push --tags upstream master &&
+ git push --tags upstream main &&
test_commit four &&
git push upstream other
-test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream master sets branch master but not other' '
- clear_config master other &&
- git pull --set-upstream upstream master &&
- check_config master upstream refs/heads/master &&
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream main sets branch main but not other' '
+ clear_config main other &&
+ git pull --set-upstream upstream main &&
+ check_config main upstream refs/heads/main &&
check_config_missing other
-test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream master:other2 does not set the branch other2' '
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream main:other2 does not set the branch other2' '
clear_config other2 &&
- git pull --set-upstream upstream master:other2 &&
+ git pull --set-upstream upstream main:other2 &&
check_config_missing other2
-test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream other sets branch master' '
- clear_config master other &&
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream other sets branch main' '
+ clear_config main other &&
git pull --set-upstream upstream other &&
- check_config master upstream refs/heads/other &&
+ check_config main upstream refs/heads/other &&
check_config_missing other
@@ -130,47 +133,47 @@ test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream tag does not set the tag' '
test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream fails with invalid url' '
- # master explicitly not cleared, we check that it is not touched from previous value
+ # main explicitly not cleared, we check that it is not touched from previous value
clear_config other other2 three &&
test_must_fail git pull --set-upstream &&
- check_config master upstream refs/heads/other &&
+ check_config main upstream refs/heads/other &&
check_config_missing other &&
check_config_missing other2 &&
check_config_missing three
test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream HEAD sets branch HEAD' '
- clear_config master other &&
+ clear_config main other &&
git pull --set-upstream upstream HEAD &&
- check_config master upstream HEAD &&
+ check_config main upstream HEAD &&
git checkout other &&
git pull --set-upstream upstream HEAD &&
check_config other upstream HEAD
test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream with more than one branch does nothing' '
- clear_config master three &&
- git pull --set-upstream upstream master three &&
- check_config_missing master &&
+ clear_config main three &&
+ git pull --set-upstream upstream main three &&
+ check_config_missing main &&
check_config_missing three
test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream with valid URL sets upstream to URL' '
- clear_config master other other2 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ clear_config main other other2 &&
+ git checkout main &&
url="file://$PWD" &&
git pull --set-upstream "$url" &&
- check_config master "$url" HEAD &&
+ check_config main "$url" HEAD &&
check_config_missing other &&
check_config_missing other2
test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream with valid URL and branch sets branch' '
- clear_config master other other2 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ clear_config main other other2 &&
+ git checkout main &&
url="file://$PWD" &&
- git pull --set-upstream "$url" master &&
- check_config master "$url" refs/heads/master &&
+ git pull --set-upstream "$url" main &&
+ check_config main "$url" refs/heads/main &&
check_config_missing other &&
check_config_missing other2
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9fafcf1945..d30cf4f5b8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test git-http-backend-noserver'
. ./
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6eb0294978..9c57d84315 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test git-http-backend'
. ./
@@ -39,9 +42,9 @@ POST() {
grep '^[^#]' >exp <<EOF
-### refs/heads/master
+### refs/heads/main
-GET /smart/repo.git/refs/heads/master HTTP/1.1 404 -
+GET /smart/repo.git/refs/heads/main HTTP/1.1 404 -
### getanyfile default
diff --git a/t/t556x_common b/t/t556x_common
index 359fcfe32b..670fb89477 100755
--- a/t/t556x_common
+++ b/t/t556x_common
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup repository' '
: >objects/info/http-alternates
) &&
git remote add public "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
- git push public master:master &&
+ git push public main:main &&
(cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
git repack -a -d
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup repository' '
echo other >file &&
git add file &&
git commit -m two &&
- git push public master:master &&
+ git push public main:main &&
LOOSE_URL=$(find_file objects/??) &&
PACK_URL=$(find_file objects/pack/*.pack) &&
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ get_static_files() {
-test_expect_success 'direct refs/heads/master not found' '
- GET refs/heads/master "404 Not Found"
+test_expect_success 'direct refs/heads/main not found' '
+ GET refs/heads/main "404 Not Found"
test_expect_success 'static file is ok' '
get_static_files "200 OK"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8f69a7854f..82c31ab6cd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test fetching over git protocol'
. ./
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ test_expect_success 'create git-accessible bare repository' '
: >git-daemon-export-ok
) &&
git remote add public "$GIT_DAEMON_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
- git push public master:master
+ git push public main:main
test_expect_success 'clone git repository' '
@@ -55,12 +58,12 @@ test_expect_success 'no-op fetch without "-v" is quiet' '
test_expect_success 'remote detects correct HEAD' '
- git push public master:other &&
+ git push public main:other &&
(cd clone &&
git remote set-head -d origin &&
git remote set-head -a origin &&
git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD > output &&
- echo refs/remotes/origin/master > expect &&
+ echo refs/remotes/origin/main > expect &&
test_cmp expect output
@@ -103,6 +106,11 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch notices corrupt idx' '
+test_expect_success 'client refuses to ask for repo with newline' '
+ test_must_fail git clone "$GIT_DAEMON_URL/repo$LF.git" dst 2>stderr &&
+ test_i18ngrep stderr
@@ -148,7 +156,7 @@ test_remote_error()
msg="access denied or repository not exported"
test_expect_success 'clone non-existent' "test_remote_error '$msg' clone nowhere.git"
-test_expect_success 'push disabled' "test_remote_error '$msg' push repo.git master"
+test_expect_success 'push disabled' "test_remote_error '$msg' push repo.git main"
test_expect_success 'read access denied' "test_remote_error -x '$msg' fetch repo.git"
test_expect_success 'not exported' "test_remote_error -n '$msg' fetch repo.git"
@@ -156,7 +164,7 @@ stop_git_daemon
start_git_daemon --informative-errors
test_expect_success 'clone non-existent' "test_remote_error 'no such repository' clone nowhere.git"
-test_expect_success 'push disabled' "test_remote_error 'service not enabled' push repo.git master"
+test_expect_success 'push disabled' "test_remote_error 'service not enabled' push repo.git main"
test_expect_success 'read access denied' "test_remote_error -x 'no such repository' fetch repo.git"
test_expect_success 'not exported' "test_remote_error -n 'repository not exported' fetch repo.git"
@@ -192,10 +200,10 @@ test_expect_success FAKENC 'hostname interpolation works after LF-stripping' '
fake_nc "$GIT_DAEMON_HOST_PORT" <input >output &&
depacketize <output >output.raw &&
- # just pick out the value of master, which avoids any protocol
+ # just pick out the value of main, which avoids any protocol
# particulars
- perl -lne "print \$1 if m{^(\\S+) refs/heads/master}" <output.raw >actual &&
- git -C "$repo" rev-parse master >expect &&
+ perl -lne "print \$1 if m{^(\\S+) refs/heads/main}" <output.raw >actual &&
+ git -C "$repo" rev-parse main >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ac53d63869..ad8d5804f7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='check pre-push hooks'
. ./
# Setup hook that always succeeds
@@ -48,11 +51,11 @@ EOF
cat >expected <<EOF
-refs/heads/master $COMMIT2 refs/heads/foreign $COMMIT1
+refs/heads/main $COMMIT2 refs/heads/foreign $COMMIT1
test_expect_success 'push with hook' '
- git push parent1 master:foreign &&
+ git push parent1 main:foreign &&
diff expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 37fd06b0be..29537f4798 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pull --rebase --recurse-submodules (no submodule changes, n
# create topic branch in clone, not based on any remote-tracking branch
git -C superclone checkout -b feat HEAD~1 &&
test_commit -C superclone first_on_feat &&
- git -C superclone pull --rebase --recurse-submodules origin master
+ git -C superclone pull --rebase --recurse-submodules origin HEAD
@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ test_expect_success 'branch has no merge base with remote-tracking counterpart'
git clone parent child &&
- # Reset master so that it has no merge base with
- # refs/remotes/origin/master.
+ # Reset the current branch so that it has no merge base with
+ # the remote-tracking branch.
OTHER=$(git -C child commit-tree -m bar \
$(git -C child rev-parse HEAD^{tree})) &&
git -C child reset --hard "$OTHER" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index cf768b3a27..cd803ae8bf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='various Windows-only path tests'
. ./
if test_have_prereq CYGWIN
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ test_expect_success fetch '
git init to-fetch &&
cd to-fetch &&
- git fetch "$UNCPATH" master
+ git fetch "$UNCPATH" main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 927aad0820..cded79c16b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test GIT_CURL_VERBOSE'
. ./
@@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup repository' '
git add file &&
git commit -m one &&
git remote add public "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
- git push public master:master
+ git push public main:main
test_expect_success 'failure in git-upload-pack is shown' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2f3b064d0e..f345097277 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ test_description='"git fetch" with negative refspecs.
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -22,12 +25,12 @@ test_expect_success "clone and setup child repos" '
git switch -c alternate &&
echo >file updated again by one &&
git commit -a -m "updated by one again" &&
- git switch master
+ git switch main
) &&
git clone . two &&
cd two &&
- git config branch.master.remote one &&
+ git config branch.main.remote one &&
git config ../one/.git/ &&
git config +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/one/* &&
git config --add ^refs/heads/alternate
@@ -43,9 +46,9 @@ test_expect_success "fetch one" '
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/one/alternate &&
git fetch one &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/one/alternate &&
- git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/one/master &&
- mine=$(git rev-parse refs/remotes/one/master) &&
- his=$(cd ../one && git rev-parse refs/heads/master) &&
+ git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/one/main &&
+ mine=$(git rev-parse refs/remotes/one/main) &&
+ his=$(cd ../one && git rev-parse refs/heads/main) &&
test "z$mine" = "z$his"
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ test_expect_success "fetch with negative refspec on commandline" '
cd three &&
alternate_in_one=$(cd ../one && git rev-parse refs/heads/alternate) &&
echo $alternate_in_one >expect &&
- git fetch ../one/.git refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/one/* ^refs/heads/master &&
+ git fetch ../one/.git refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/one/* ^refs/heads/main &&
cut -f -1 .git/FETCH_HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -68,8 +71,8 @@ test_expect_success "fetch with negative sha1 refspec fails" '
git commit -a -m "updated by origin yet again" &&
cd three &&
- master_in_one=$(cd ../one && git rev-parse refs/heads/master) &&
- test_must_fail git fetch ../one/.git refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/one/* ^$master_in_one
+ main_in_one=$(cd ../one && git rev-parse refs/heads/main) &&
+ test_must_fail git fetch ../one/.git refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/one/* ^$main_in_one
@@ -92,10 +95,10 @@ test_expect_success "fetch with negative pattern refspec does not expand prefix"
cd three &&
alternate_in_one=$(cd ../one && git rev-parse refs/heads/alternate) &&
- master_in_one=$(cd ../one && git rev-parse refs/heads/master) &&
+ main_in_one=$(cd ../one && git rev-parse refs/heads/main) &&
echo $alternate_in_one >expect &&
- echo $master_in_one >>expect &&
- git fetch ../one/.git refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/one/* ^master &&
+ echo $main_in_one >>expect &&
+ git fetch ../one/.git refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/one/* ^main &&
cut -f -1 .git/FETCH_HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7df3c5373a..664c913866 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
. ./
@@ -217,7 +220,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone respects global branch.autosetuprebase' '
rm -fr dst &&
git clone src dst &&
cd dst &&
- actual="z$(git config branch.master.rebase)" &&
+ actual="z$(git config branch.main.rebase)" &&
test ztrue = $actual
@@ -591,7 +594,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone from a repository with two identical branches' '
cd src &&
- git checkout -b another master
+ git checkout -b another main
) &&
git clone src target-11 &&
test "z$( cd target-11 && git symbolic-ref HEAD )" = zrefs/heads/another
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2f7be23044..5d682706ae 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='test clone --reference'
. ./
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ test_expect_success 'existence of info/alternates' '
test_expect_success 'pulling from reference' '
- git -C C pull ../B master
+ git -C C pull ../B main
test_expect_success 'that reference gets used' '
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ test_expect_success 'existence of info/alternates' '
test_expect_success 'pulling from reference' '
- git -C D pull ../B master
+ git -C D pull ../B main
test_expect_success 'that reference gets used' '
@@ -136,11 +139,11 @@ test_expect_success 'prepare branched repository' '
git clone A J &&
cd J &&
- git checkout -b other master^ &&
+ git checkout -b other main^ &&
echo other >otherfile &&
git add otherfile &&
git commit -m other &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
@@ -152,9 +155,9 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with incomplete alternates' '
git remote add J "file://$base_dir/J" &&
) &&
- master_object=$(cd A && git for-each-ref --format="%(objectname)" refs/heads/master) &&
+ main_object=$(cd A && git for-each-ref --format="%(objectname)" refs/heads/main) &&
test -s "$U.K" &&
- ! grep " want $master_object" "$U.K" &&
+ ! grep " want $main_object" "$U.K" &&
tag_object=$(cd A && git for-each-ref --format="%(objectname)" refs/tags/HEAD) &&
! grep " want $tag_object" "$U.K"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index af23419ebf..7d63365f93 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test local clone'
. ./
repo_is_hardlinked() {
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ test_expect_success 'preparing origin repository' '
test "$(cd a.git && git config --bool core.bare)" = true &&
test "$(cd x && git config --bool core.bare)" = true &&
git bundle create b1.bundle --all &&
- git bundle create b2.bundle master &&
+ git bundle create b2.bundle main &&
mkdir dir &&
cp b1.bundle dir/b3 &&
cp b1.bundle b4
@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ test_expect_success 'bundle clone with nonexistent HEAD' '
git clone b2.bundle b2 &&
(cd b2 &&
git fetch &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master)
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main)
test_expect_success 'clone empty repository' '
@@ -98,9 +101,9 @@ test_expect_success 'clone empty repository' '
echo "content" >> foo &&
git add foo &&
git commit -m "Initial commit" &&
- git push origin master &&
- expected=$(git rev-parse master) &&
- actual=$(git --git-dir=../empty/.git rev-parse master) &&
+ git push origin main &&
+ expected=$(git rev-parse main) &&
+ actual=$(git --git-dir=../empty/.git rev-parse main) &&
test $actual = $expected)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7f082fb23b..5d6e63a841 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='basic clone options'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'clone -o' '
git clone -o foo parent clone-o &&
- git -C clone-o rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/foo/master
+ git -C clone-o rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/foo/main
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ test_expect_success 'disallows --bare with --separate-git-dir' '
test_expect_success 'uses "origin" for default remote name' '
git clone parent clone-default-origin &&
- git -C clone-default-origin rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/master
+ git -C clone-default-origin rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/main
@@ -74,14 +77,14 @@ test_expect_success 'prefers config "clone.defaultRemoteName" over default' '
test_config_global clone.defaultRemoteName from_config &&
git clone parent clone-config-origin &&
- git -C clone-config-origin rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/from_config/master
+ git -C clone-config-origin rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/from_config/main
test_expect_success 'prefers --origin over -c config' '
git clone -c clone.defaultRemoteName=inline --origin from_option parent clone-o-and-inline-config &&
- git -C clone-o-and-inline-config rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/from_option/master
+ git -C clone-o-and-inline-config rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/from_option/main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 26985f4b44..f4c383cd5c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='some bundle related tests'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success '"verify" needs a worktree' '
- git bundle create tip.bundle -1 master &&
+ git bundle create tip.bundle -1 main &&
nongit test_must_fail git bundle verify ../tip.bundle 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "need a repository" err
@@ -38,16 +41,16 @@ test_expect_success 'die if bundle file cannot be created' '
test_must_fail git bundle create adir --all
-test_expect_failure 'bundle --stdin' '
- echo master | git bundle create stdin-bundle.bdl --stdin &&
+test_expect_success 'bundle --stdin' '
+ echo main | git bundle create stdin-bundle.bdl --stdin &&
git ls-remote stdin-bundle.bdl >output &&
- grep master output
+ grep main output
-test_expect_failure 'bundle --stdin <rev-list options>' '
- echo master | git bundle create hybrid-bundle.bdl --stdin tag &&
+test_expect_success 'bundle --stdin <rev-list options>' '
+ echo main | git bundle create hybrid-bundle.bdl --stdin tag &&
git ls-remote hybrid-bundle.bdl >output &&
- grep master output
+ grep main output
test_expect_success 'empty bundle file is rejected' '
@@ -83,14 +86,14 @@ test_expect_success 'prerequisites with an empty commit message' '
test_expect_success 'failed bundle creation does not leave cruft' '
# This fails because the bundle would be empty.
- test_must_fail git bundle create fail.bundle master..master &&
+ test_must_fail git bundle create fail.bundle main..main &&
test_path_is_missing fail.bundle.lock
test_expect_success 'fetch SHA-1 from bundle' '
test_create_repo foo &&
test_commit -C foo x &&
- git -C foo bundle create tip.bundle -1 master &&
+ git -C foo bundle create tip.bundle -1 main &&
git -C foo rev-parse HEAD >hash &&
# Exercise to ensure that fetching a SHA-1 from a bundle works with no
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4c476d2fa1..87a8cd9f98 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
i=$(($i+1)) ||
echo $? > exit-status
done &&
- echo "commit refs/heads/master" &&
+ echo "commit refs/heads/main" &&
echo "author A U Thor <> 123456789 +0000" &&
echo "committer C O Mitter <> 123456789 +0000" &&
echo "data 5" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6e7a7be052..f86a674a03 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='clone --branch option'
. ./
check_HEAD() {
@@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
echo one >file && git add file && git commit -m one &&
git checkout -b two &&
echo two >file && git add file && git commit -m two &&
- git checkout master) &&
+ git checkout main) &&
mkdir empty &&
(cd empty && git init)
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'vanilla clone chooses HEAD' '
git clone parent clone &&
(cd clone &&
- check_HEAD master &&
+ check_HEAD main &&
check_file one
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone -b sets up tracking' '
test_expect_success 'clone -b does not munge remotes/origin/HEAD' '
(cd clone-two &&
- echo refs/remotes/origin/master >expect &&
+ echo refs/remotes/origin/main >expect &&
git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8b0d607df1..a7ec21eda5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test cloning a repository with detached HEAD'
. ./
head_is_detached() {
@@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'clone repo (detached HEAD points to branch)' '
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git clone "file://$PWD" detached-branch
test_expect_success 'cloned HEAD matches' '
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cloned HEAD is detached' '
test_expect_success 'clone repo (orphan detached HEAD)' '
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
echo four >file &&
git commit -a -m four &&
git clone "file://$PWD" detached-orphan
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8e0fd39823..9f555b87ec 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='tests for git clone -c key=value'
. ./
test_expect_success 'clone -c sets config in cloned repo' '
@@ -47,16 +50,16 @@ test_expect_success 'clone -c config is available during clone' '
test_expect_success 'clone -c remote.origin.fetch=<refspec> works' '
rm -rf child &&
- git update-ref refs/grab/it refs/heads/master &&
- git update-ref refs/leave/out refs/heads/master &&
+ git update-ref refs/grab/it refs/heads/main &&
+ git update-ref refs/leave/out refs/heads/main &&
git clone -c "remote.origin.fetch=+refs/grab/*:refs/grab/*" . child &&
git -C child for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" >actual &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
- refs/heads/master
+ refs/heads/main
- refs/remotes/origin/master
+ refs/remotes/origin/main
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -68,9 +71,9 @@ test_expect_success 'git -c remote.origin.fetch=<refspec> clone works' '
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
- refs/heads/master
+ refs/heads/main
- refs/remotes/origin/master
+ refs/remotes/origin/main
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -85,9 +88,9 @@ test_expect_success 'clone -c remote.<remote>.fetch=<refspec> --origin=<name>' '
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
- refs/heads/master
+ refs/heads/main
- refs/remotes/upstream/master
+ refs/remotes/upstream/main
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e3b436d8ae..6a6af7449c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
test_description='test refspec written by clone-command'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- # Make two branches, "master" and "side"
+ # Make two branches, "main" and "side"
echo one >file &&
git add file &&
git commit -m one &&
@@ -16,7 +19,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git checkout -b side &&
echo four >file &&
git commit -a -m four &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git tag five &&
# default clone
@@ -25,18 +28,18 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
# default clone --no-tags
git clone --no-tags . dir_all_no_tags &&
- # default --single that follows HEAD=master
- git clone --single-branch . dir_master &&
+ # default --single that follows HEAD=main
+ git clone --single-branch . dir_main &&
- # default --single that follows HEAD=master with no tags
- git clone --single-branch --no-tags . dir_master_no_tags &&
+ # default --single that follows HEAD=main with no tags
+ git clone --single-branch --no-tags . dir_main_no_tags &&
# default --single that follows HEAD=side
git checkout side &&
git clone --single-branch . dir_side &&
# explicit --single that follows side
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git clone --single-branch --branch side . dir_side2 &&
# default --single with --mirror
@@ -55,11 +58,11 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
# explicit --single with tag and --no-tags
git clone --single-branch --no-tags --branch two . dir_tag_no_tags &&
- # advance both "master" and "side" branches
+ # advance both "main" and "side" branches
git checkout side &&
echo five >file &&
git commit -a -m five &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo six >file &&
git commit -a -m six &&
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ test_expect_success 'by default all branches will be kept updated' '
sed -e "/HEAD$/d" \
-e "s|/remotes/origin/|/heads/|" refs >../actual
) &&
- # follow both master and side
+ # follow both main and side
git for-each-ref refs/heads >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -100,20 +103,20 @@ test_expect_success 'clone with --no-tags' '
test_must_be_empty actual
-test_expect_success '--single-branch while HEAD pointing at master' '
+test_expect_success '--single-branch while HEAD pointing at main' '
- cd dir_master &&
+ cd dir_main &&
git fetch --force &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >refs &&
sed -e "/HEAD$/d" \
-e "s|/remotes/origin/|/heads/|" refs >../actual
) &&
- # only follow master
- git for-each-ref refs/heads/master >expect &&
+ # only follow main
+ git for-each-ref refs/heads/main >expect &&
# get & check latest tags
test_cmp expect actual &&
- cd dir_master &&
+ cd dir_main &&
git fetch --tags --force &&
git for-each-ref refs/tags >../actual
) &&
@@ -122,20 +125,20 @@ test_expect_success '--single-branch while HEAD pointing at master' '
test_line_count = 2 actual
-test_expect_success '--single-branch while HEAD pointing at master and --no-tags' '
+test_expect_success '--single-branch while HEAD pointing at main and --no-tags' '
- cd dir_master_no_tags &&
+ cd dir_main_no_tags &&
git fetch &&
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin >refs &&
sed -e "/HEAD$/d" \
-e "s|/remotes/origin/|/heads/|" refs >../actual
) &&
- # only follow master
- git for-each-ref refs/heads/master >expect &&
+ # only follow main
+ git for-each-ref refs/heads/main >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
# get tags (noop)
- cd dir_master_no_tags &&
+ cd dir_main_no_tags &&
git fetch &&
git for-each-ref refs/tags >../actual
) &&
@@ -143,7 +146,7 @@ test_expect_success '--single-branch while HEAD pointing at master and --no-tags
test_line_count = 0 actual &&
# get tags with --tags overrides tagOpt
- cd dir_master_no_tags &&
+ cd dir_main_no_tags &&
git fetch --tags &&
git for-each-ref refs/tags >../actual
) &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e4e6ea4d52..5504b519c7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ test_description='Test shallow cloning of repos with submodules'
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- git checkout -b master &&
+ git checkout -b main &&
test_commit commit1 &&
test_commit commit2 &&
mkdir sub &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d98c550267..5cb415386e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git partial clone'
. ./
# create a normal "src" repo where we can later create new commits.
@@ -51,14 +54,14 @@ test_expect_success 'verify that .promisor file contains refs fetched' '
test_line_count = 1 promisorlist &&
git -C srv.bare rev-parse --verify HEAD >headhash &&
grep "$(cat headhash) HEAD" $(cat promisorlist) &&
- grep "$(cat headhash) refs/heads/master" $(cat promisorlist)
+ grep "$(cat headhash) refs/heads/main" $(cat promisorlist)
-# checkout master to force dynamic object fetch of blobs at HEAD.
+# checkout main to force dynamic object fetch of blobs at HEAD.
test_expect_success 'verify checkout with dynamic object fetch' '
git -C pc1 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >observed &&
test_line_count = 4 observed &&
- git -C pc1 checkout master &&
+ git -C pc1 checkout main &&
git -C pc1 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >observed &&
test_line_count = 0 observed
@@ -73,8 +76,8 @@ test_expect_success 'push new commits to server' '
git -C src add file.1.txt
git -C src commit -m "mod $x"
done &&
- git -C src blame master -- file.1.txt >expect.blame &&
- git -C src push -u srv master
+ git -C src blame main -- file.1.txt >expect.blame &&
+ git -C src push -u srv main
# (partial) fetch in the partial clone repo from the promisor remote.
@@ -83,26 +86,26 @@ test_expect_success 'push new commits to server' '
test_expect_success 'partial fetch inherits filter settings' '
git -C pc1 fetch origin &&
git -C pc1 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print \
- master..origin/master >observed &&
+ main..origin/main >observed &&
test_line_count = 5 observed
# force dynamic object fetch using diff.
-# we should only get 1 new blob (for the file in origin/master).
+# we should only get 1 new blob (for the file in origin/main).
test_expect_success 'verify diff causes dynamic object fetch' '
- git -C pc1 diff master..origin/master -- file.1.txt &&
+ git -C pc1 diff main..origin/main -- file.1.txt &&
git -C pc1 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print \
- master..origin/master >observed &&
+ main..origin/main >observed &&
test_line_count = 4 observed
# force full dynamic object fetch of the file's history using blame.
# we should get the intermediate blobs for the file.
test_expect_success 'verify blame causes dynamic object fetch' '
- git -C pc1 blame origin/master -- file.1.txt >observed.blame &&
+ git -C pc1 blame origin/main -- file.1.txt >observed.blame &&
test_cmp expect.blame observed.blame &&
git -C pc1 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print \
- master..origin/master >observed &&
+ main..origin/main >observed &&
test_line_count = 0 observed
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push new commits to server for file.2.txt' '
git -C src add file.2.txt
git -C src commit -m "mod $x"
done &&
- git -C src push -u srv master
+ git -C src push -u srv main
# Do FULL fetch by disabling inherited filter-spec using --no-filter.
@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push new commits to server for file.2.txt' '
test_expect_success 'override inherited filter-spec using --no-filter' '
git -C pc1 fetch --no-filter origin &&
git -C pc1 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print \
- master..origin/master >observed &&
+ main..origin/main >observed &&
test_line_count = 0 observed
@@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push new commits to server for file.3.txt' '
git -C src add file.3.txt
git -C src commit -m "mod $x"
done &&
- git -C src push -u srv master
+ git -C src push -u srv main
# Do a partial fetch and then try to manually fetch the missing objects.
@@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ test_expect_success 'manual prefetch of missing objects' '
git -C pc1 fetch --filter=blob:none origin &&
git -C pc1 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print \
- master..origin/master >revs &&
+ main..origin/main >revs &&
awk -f print_1.awk revs |
sed "s/?//" |
sort >observed.oids &&
@@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ test_expect_success 'manual prefetch of missing objects' '
git -C pc1 fetch-pack --stdin "file://$(pwd)/srv.bare" <observed.oids &&
git -C pc1 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print \
- master..origin/master >revs &&
+ main..origin/main >revs &&
awk -f print_1.awk revs |
sed "s/?//" |
sort >observed.oids &&
@@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ test_expect_success 'use fsck before and after manually fetching a missing subtr
echo "in dir" >src/dir/file.txt &&
git -C src add dir/file.txt &&
git -C src commit -m "file in dir" &&
- git -C src push -u srv master &&
+ git -C src push -u srv main &&
SUBTREE=$(git -C src rev-parse HEAD:dir) &&
rm -rf dst &&
@@ -204,7 +207,7 @@ test_expect_success 'use fsck before and after manually fetching a missing subtr
git -C dst fsck &&
# Make sure we only have commits, and all trees and blobs are missing.
- git -C dst rev-list --missing=allow-any --objects master \
+ git -C dst rev-list --missing=allow-any --objects main \
>fetched_objects &&
awk -f print_1.awk fetched_objects |
xargs -n1 git -C dst cat-file -t >fetched_types &&
@@ -221,7 +224,7 @@ test_expect_success 'use fsck before and after manually fetching a missing subtr
git -C dst fsck &&
# Auto-fetch all remaining trees and blobs with --missing=error
- git -C dst rev-list --missing=error --objects master >fetched_objects &&
+ git -C dst rev-list --missing=error --objects main >fetched_objects &&
test_line_count = 70 fetched_objects &&
awk -f print_1.awk fetched_objects |
@@ -347,7 +350,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup src repo for sparse filter' '
test_expect_success 'partial clone with sparse filter succeeds' '
rm -rf dst.git &&
git clone --no-local --bare \
- --filter=sparse:oid=master:only-one \
+ --filter=sparse:oid=main:only-one \
sparse-src dst.git &&
cd dst.git &&
@@ -360,11 +363,11 @@ test_expect_success 'partial clone with sparse filter succeeds' '
test_expect_success 'partial clone with unresolvable sparse filter fails cleanly' '
rm -rf dst.git &&
test_must_fail git clone --no-local --bare \
- --filter=sparse:oid=master:no-such-name \
+ --filter=sparse:oid=main:no-such-name \
sparse-src dst.git 2>err &&
- test_i18ngrep "unable to access sparse blob in .master:no-such-name" err &&
+ test_i18ngrep "unable to access sparse blob in .main:no-such-name" err &&
test_must_fail git clone --no-local --bare \
- --filter=sparse:oid=master \
+ --filter=sparse:oid=main \
sparse-src dst.git 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "unable to parse sparse filter data in" err
@@ -419,7 +422,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch lazy-fetches only to resolve deltas' '
# promisor remote other than for the big tree (because it needs to
# resolve the delta).
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/trace" git -C client \
- fetch "file://$(pwd)/server" master &&
+ fetch "file://$(pwd)/server" main &&
# Verify the assumption that the client needed to fetch the delta base
# to resolve the delta.
@@ -438,7 +441,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch lazy-fetches only to resolve deltas, protocol v2' '
# promisor remote other than for the big blob (because it needs to
# resolve the delta).
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/trace" git -C client \
- fetch "file://$(pwd)/server" master &&
+ fetch "file://$(pwd)/server" main &&
# Verify that protocol version 2 was used.
grep "fetch< version 2" trace &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1a041df10b..e2dbb4eaba 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,12 +2,15 @@
test_description='Test cloning repos with submodules using remote-tracking branches'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- git checkout -b master &&
+ git checkout -b main &&
test_commit commit1 &&
mkdir sub &&
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone with --remote-submodules' '
git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules "file://$pwd/." super_clone &&
cd super_clone/sub &&
- git diff --exit-code remotes/origin/master
+ git diff --exit-code remotes/origin/main
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone with --single-branch' '
git clone --recurse-submodules --single-branch "file://$pwd/." super_clone &&
cd super_clone/sub &&
- git rev-parse --verify origin/master &&
+ git rev-parse --verify origin/main &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify origin/other
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 022901b9eb..468bd3e13e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ TEST_NO_CREATE_REPO=1
. ./
# Test protocol v1 with 'git://' transport
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with git:// using protocol v1' '
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -C daemon_child -c protocol.version=1 \
fetch 2>log &&
- git -C daemon_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C daemon_child log -1 --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
git -C "$daemon_parent" log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with git:// using protocol v1' '
test_commit -C daemon_child three &&
# Push to another branch, as the target repository has the
- # master branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
+ # main branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -C daemon_child -c protocol.version=1 \
push origin HEAD:client_branch 2>log &&
@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with file:// using protocol v1' '
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -C file_child -c protocol.version=1 \
fetch 2>log &&
- git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
git -C file_parent log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with file:// using protocol v1' '
test_commit -C file_child three &&
# Push to another branch, as the target repository has the
- # master branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
+ # main branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -C file_child -c protocol.version=1 \
push origin HEAD:client_branch 2>log &&
@@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with ssh:// using protocol v1' '
fetch 2>log &&
expect_ssh git-upload-pack &&
- git -C ssh_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C ssh_child log -1 --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
git -C ssh_parent log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with ssh:// using protocol v1' '
test_commit -C ssh_child three &&
# Push to another branch, as the target repository has the
- # master branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
+ # main branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -C ssh_child -c protocol.version=1 \
push origin HEAD:client_branch 2>log &&
expect_ssh git-receive-pack &&
@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with http:// using protocol v1' '
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -C http_child -c protocol.version=1 \
fetch 2>log &&
- git -C http_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C http_child log -1 --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
git -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/http_parent" log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with http:// using protocol v1' '
test_commit -C http_child three &&
# Push to another branch, as the target repository has the
- # master branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
+ # main branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -C http_child -c protocol.version=1 \
push origin HEAD:client_branch && #2>log &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a1f5fdc9fd..d9143b4bd2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test protocol v2 server commands'
. ./
test_expect_success 'test capability advertisement' '
@@ -83,9 +86,9 @@ test_expect_success 'wrong object-format' '
test_expect_success 'setup some refs and tags' '
test_commit one &&
- git branch dev master &&
+ git branch dev main &&
test_commit two &&
- git symbolic-ref refs/heads/release refs/heads/master &&
+ git symbolic-ref refs/heads/release refs/heads/main &&
git tag -a -m "annotated tag" annotated-tag
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ test_expect_success 'basics of ls-refs' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
$(git rev-parse HEAD) HEAD
$(git rev-parse refs/heads/dev) refs/heads/dev
- $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master) refs/heads/master
+ $(git rev-parse refs/heads/main) refs/heads/main
$(git rev-parse refs/heads/release) refs/heads/release
$(git rev-parse refs/tags/annotated-tag) refs/tags/annotated-tag
$(git rev-parse refs/tags/one) refs/tags/one
@@ -117,13 +120,13 @@ test_expect_success 'basic ref-prefixes' '
object-format=$(test_oid algo)
- ref-prefix refs/heads/master
+ ref-prefix refs/heads/main
ref-prefix refs/tags/one
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master) refs/heads/master
+ $(git rev-parse refs/heads/main) refs/heads/main
$(git rev-parse refs/tags/one) refs/tags/one
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ test_expect_success 'refs/heads prefix' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
$(git rev-parse refs/heads/dev) refs/heads/dev
- $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master) refs/heads/master
+ $(git rev-parse refs/heads/main) refs/heads/main
$(git rev-parse refs/heads/release) refs/heads/release
@@ -188,8 +191,8 @@ test_expect_success 'symrefs parameter' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
$(git rev-parse refs/heads/dev) refs/heads/dev
- $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master) refs/heads/master
- $(git rev-parse refs/heads/release) refs/heads/release symref-target:refs/heads/master
+ $(git rev-parse refs/heads/main) refs/heads/main
+ $(git rev-parse refs/heads/release) refs/heads/release symref-target:refs/heads/main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7d5b17909b..3d994e0b1b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ test_description='test git wire-protocol version 2'
. ./
# Test protocol v2 with 'git://' transport
@@ -36,10 +39,10 @@ test_expect_success 'ref advertisement is filtered with ls-remote using protocol
test_when_finished "rm -f log" &&
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -c protocol.version=2 \
- ls-remote "$GIT_DAEMON_URL/parent" master >actual &&
+ ls-remote "$GIT_DAEMON_URL/parent" main >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $(git -C "$daemon_parent" rev-parse refs/heads/master)$(printf "\t")refs/heads/master
+ $(git -C "$daemon_parent" rev-parse refs/heads/main)$(printf "\t")refs/heads/main
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with git:// using protocol v2' '
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -C daemon_child -c protocol.version=2 \
fetch &&
- git -C daemon_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C daemon_child log -1 --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
git -C "$daemon_parent" log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with git:// and a config of v2 does not request v2' '
test_commit -C daemon_child three &&
# Push to another branch, as the target repository has the
- # master branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
+ # main branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -C daemon_child -c protocol.version=2 \
push origin HEAD:client_branch &&
@@ -158,10 +161,10 @@ test_expect_success 'ref advertisement is filtered with ls-remote using protocol
test_when_finished "rm -f log" &&
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -c protocol.version=2 \
- ls-remote "file://$(pwd)/file_parent" master >actual &&
+ ls-remote "file://$(pwd)/file_parent" main >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $(git -C file_parent rev-parse refs/heads/master)$(printf "\t")refs/heads/master
+ $(git -C file_parent rev-parse refs/heads/main)$(printf "\t")refs/heads/main
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -171,10 +174,10 @@ test_expect_success 'server-options are sent when using ls-remote' '
test_when_finished "rm -f log" &&
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -c protocol.version=2 \
- ls-remote -o hello -o world "file://$(pwd)/file_parent" master >actual &&
+ ls-remote -o hello -o world "file://$(pwd)/file_parent" main >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- $(git -C file_parent rev-parse refs/heads/master)$(printf "\t")refs/heads/master
+ $(git -C file_parent rev-parse refs/heads/main)$(printf "\t")refs/heads/main
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@ test_expect_success 'server-options are sent when using ls-remote' '
test_expect_success 'warn if using server-option with ls-remote with legacy protocol' '
test_must_fail env GIT_TEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION=0 git -c protocol.version=0 \
- ls-remote -o hello -o world "file://$(pwd)/file_parent" master 2>err &&
+ ls-remote -o hello -o world "file://$(pwd)/file_parent" main 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "see protocol.version in" err &&
test_i18ngrep "server options require protocol version 2 or later" err
@@ -217,7 +220,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with file:// using protocol v2' '
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -C file_child -c protocol.version=2 \
fetch origin &&
- git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
git -C file_parent log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -232,13 +235,13 @@ test_expect_success 'ref advertisement is filtered during fetch using protocol v
git -C file_parent branch unwanted-branch three &&
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -C file_child -c protocol.version=2 \
- fetch origin master &&
+ fetch origin main &&
- git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
git -C file_parent log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- grep "refs/heads/master" log &&
+ grep "refs/heads/main" log &&
! grep "refs/heads/unwanted-branch" log
@@ -248,9 +251,9 @@ test_expect_success 'server-options are sent when fetching' '
test_commit -C file_parent four &&
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -C file_child -c protocol.version=2 \
- fetch -o hello -o world origin master &&
+ fetch -o hello -o world origin main &&
- git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C file_child log -1 --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
git -C file_parent log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -264,7 +267,7 @@ test_expect_success 'warn if using server-option with fetch with legacy protocol
git init temp_child &&
test_must_fail env GIT_TEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION=0 git -C temp_child -c protocol.version=0 \
- fetch -o hello -o world "file://$(pwd)/file_parent" master 2>err &&
+ fetch -o hello -o world "file://$(pwd)/file_parent" main 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "see protocol.version in" err &&
test_i18ngrep "server options require protocol version 2 or later" err
@@ -325,7 +328,7 @@ test_expect_success 'partial clone' '
grep "version 2" trace &&
# Ensure that the old version of the file is missing
- git -C client rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print master \
+ git -C client rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print main \
>observed.oids &&
grep "$(git -C server rev-parse message1:a.txt)" observed.oids &&
@@ -350,7 +353,7 @@ test_expect_success 'partial fetch' '
SERVER="file://$(pwd)/server" &&
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/trace" git -C client -c protocol.version=2 \
- fetch --filter=blob:none "$SERVER" master:refs/heads/other &&
+ fetch --filter=blob:none "$SERVER" main:refs/heads/other &&
grep "version 2" trace &&
# Ensure that the old version of the file is missing
@@ -395,7 +398,7 @@ test_expect_success 'even with handcrafted request, filter does not work if not
object-format=$(test_oid algo)
- want $(git -C server rev-parse master)
+ want $(git -C server rev-parse main)
filter blob:none
@@ -539,7 +542,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deepen-relative' '
test_commit -C server four &&
# Sanity check that only "three" is downloaded
- git -C client log --pretty=tformat:%s master >actual &&
+ git -C client log --pretty=tformat:%s main >actual &&
echo three >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
@@ -548,7 +551,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deepen-relative' '
# Ensure that protocol v2 is used
grep "fetch< version 2" trace &&
- git -C client log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C client log --pretty=tformat:%s origin/main >actual &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
@@ -670,7 +673,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with http:// using protocol v2' '
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -C http_child -c protocol.version=2 \
fetch &&
- git -C http_child log -1 --format=%s origin/master >actual &&
+ git -C http_child log -1 --format=%s origin/main >actual &&
git -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/http_parent" log -1 --format=%s >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -698,11 +701,11 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch from namespaced repo respects namespaces' '
test_commit -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/nsrepo" one &&
test_commit -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/nsrepo" two &&
- update-ref refs/namespaces/ns/refs/heads/master one &&
+ update-ref refs/namespaces/ns/refs/heads/main one &&
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -C http_child -c protocol.version=2 \
fetch "$HTTPD_URL/smart_namespace/nsrepo" \
- refs/heads/master:refs/heads/theirs &&
+ refs/heads/main:refs/heads/theirs &&
# Server responded using protocol v2
grep "fetch< version 2" log &&
@@ -733,7 +736,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with http:// and a config of v2 does not request v2' '
test_commit -C http_child three &&
# Push to another branch, as the target repository has the
- # master branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
+ # main branch checked out and we cannot push into it.
GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -C http_child -c protocol.version=2 \
push origin HEAD:client_branch &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index eab966985b..64d8f99325 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='upload-pack ref-in-want'
. ./
get_actual_refs () {
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0f04b6cddb..d386076dbd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Test remote-helper import and export commands'
. ./
@@ -71,18 +74,18 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch multiple branches' '
(cd local &&
git fetch
) &&
- compare_refs server master local refs/remotes/origin/master &&
+ compare_refs server main local refs/remotes/origin/main &&
compare_refs server new local refs/remotes/origin/new
test_expect_success 'push when remote has extra refs' '
(cd local &&
- git reset --hard origin/master &&
+ git reset --hard origin/main &&
echo content >>file &&
git commit -a -m six &&
git push
) &&
- compare_refs local master server master
+ compare_refs local main server main
test_expect_success 'push new branch by name' '
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ test_expect_failure 'pushing without marks' '
test_expect_success 'push all with existing object' '
(cd local &&
- git branch dup2 master &&
+ git branch dup2 main &&
git push origin --all
) &&
compare_refs local dup2 server dup2
@@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push all with existing object' '
test_expect_success 'push ref with existing object' '
(cd local &&
- git branch dup master &&
+ git branch dup main &&
git push origin dup
) &&
compare_refs local dup server dup
@@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push ref with existing object' '
test_expect_success GPG 'push signed tag' '
(cd local &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git tag -s -m signed-tag signed-tag &&
git push origin signed-tag
) &&
@@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'push signed tag' '
test_expect_success GPG 'push signed tag with signed-tags capability' '
(cd local &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git tag -s -m signed-tag signed-tag-2 &&
GIT_REMOTE_TESTGIT_SIGNED_TAGS=1 git push origin signed-tag-2
) &&
@@ -209,7 +212,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'push signed tag with signed-tags capability' '
test_expect_success 'push update refs' '
(cd local &&
- git checkout -b update master &&
+ git checkout -b update main &&
echo update >>file &&
git commit -a -m update &&
git push origin update &&
@@ -260,7 +263,7 @@ test_expect_success 'proper failure checks for fetching' '
test_expect_success 'proper failure checks for pushing' '
test_when_finished "rm -rf local/git.marks local/testgit.marks" &&
(cd local &&
- git checkout -b crash master &&
+ git checkout -b crash main &&
echo crash >>file &&
git commit -a -m crash &&
test_must_fail env GIT_REMOTE_TESTGIT_FAILURE=1 git push --all &&
@@ -272,7 +275,7 @@ test_expect_success 'proper failure checks for pushing' '
test_expect_success 'push messages' '
(cd local &&
- git checkout -b new_branch master &&
+ git checkout -b new_branch main &&
echo new >>file &&
git commit -a -m new &&
git push origin new_branch &&
@@ -286,7 +289,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push messages' '
test_expect_success 'fetch HEAD' '
(cd server &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo more >>file &&
git commit -a -m more
) &&
@@ -298,7 +301,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch HEAD' '
test_expect_success 'fetch url' '
(cd server &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo more >>file &&
git commit -a -m more
) &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fc4d55dcb2..12def7bcbf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='miscellaneous rev-list tests'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ test_expect_success 'propagate uninteresting flag down correctly' '
test_expect_success 'symleft flag bit is propagated down from tag' '
- git log --format="%m %s" --left-right v1.0...master >actual &&
+ git log --format="%m %s" --left-right v1.0...main >actual &&
cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
< another
< that
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7504ba4751..90d93f77fa 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='Revision traversal vs grafts and path limiter'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git commit -a -m "Third in one history." &&
A2=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
- rm -f .git/refs/heads/master .git/index &&
+ rm -f .git/refs/heads/main .git/index &&
echo >fileA fileA again &&
echo >subdir/fileB fileB again &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3e8c42ee0b..cd4f420e2a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ test_description='git rev-list trivial path optimization test
b0 b1
- o------------------------*----o master
+ o------------------------*----o main
/ /
o---------o----o----o----o side
a0 c0 c1 a1 c2
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ test_description='git rev-list trivial path optimization test
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -55,18 +58,18 @@ test_expect_success 'further setup' '
git add c &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m "Side makes yet another irrelevant commit" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo Another >b &&
echo Munged >d/z &&
git add b d/z &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "Master touches b" &&
- git tag master_b0 &&
+ git commit -m "Main touches b" &&
+ git tag main_b0 &&
git merge side &&
echo Touched >b &&
git add b &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "Master touches b again"
+ git commit -m "Main touches b again"
test_expect_success 'path optimization 2' '
@@ -76,13 +79,13 @@ test_expect_success 'path optimization 2' '
test_expect_success 'pathspec with leading path' '
- git rev-parse master^ master_b0 side_c0 initial >expected &&
+ git rev-parse main^ main_b0 side_c0 initial >expected &&
git rev-list HEAD -- d >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'pathspec with glob (1)' '
- git rev-parse master^ master_b0 side_c0 initial >expected &&
+ git rev-parse main^ main_b0 side_c0 initial >expected &&
git rev-list HEAD -- "d/*" >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 99a1eaf332..35a2f62392 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='git rev-list --pretty=format test'
. ./
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_format () {
cat >expect.$1
test_expect_${3:-success} "format $1" "
- git rev-list --pretty=format:'$2' master >output.$1 &&
+ git rev-list --pretty=format:'$2' main >output.$1 &&
test_cmp expect.$1 output.$1
@@ -184,13 +187,13 @@ test_expect_success 'basic colors' '
format="%Credfoo%Cgreenbar%Cbluebaz%Cresetxyzzy" &&
- git rev-list --color --format="$format" -1 master >actual.raw &&
+ git rev-list --color --format="$format" -1 main >actual.raw &&
test_decode_color <actual.raw >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success '%S is not a placeholder for rev-list yet' '
- git rev-list --format="%S" -1 master | grep "%S"
+ git rev-list --format="%S" -1 main | grep "%S"
test_expect_success 'advanced colors' '
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ test_expect_success 'advanced colors' '
format="%C(red yellow bold)foo%C(reset)" &&
- git rev-list --color --format="$format" -1 master >actual.raw &&
+ git rev-list --color --format="$format" -1 main >actual.raw &&
test_decode_color <actual.raw >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -406,7 +409,7 @@ test_expect_success '%x00 shows NUL' '
test_expect_success '%ad respects --date=' '
echo 2005-04-07 > &&
- git log -1 --date=short --pretty=tformat:%ad > master &&
+ git log -1 --date=short --pretty=tformat:%ad > main &&
@@ -494,8 +497,8 @@ test_expect_success '"%h %gD: %gs" is same as git-reflog (with --abbrev)' '
test_expect_success '%gd shortens ref name' '
- echo "master@{0}" > &&
- git log -g -1 --format=%gd refs/heads/master > &&
+ echo "main@{0}" > &&
+ git log -g -1 --format=%gd refs/heads/main > &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f0268372d2..aebe4b69e1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test git rev-list --cherry-pick -- file'
. ./
# A---B---D---F
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
git commit -m "E" &&
git tag E &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout branch foo &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m "B" &&
@@ -233,7 +236,7 @@ test_expect_success '--cherry-pick with independent, but identical branches' '
test_tick &&
git commit -m "independent, too" foo &&
test -z "$(git rev-list --left-right --cherry-pick \
- HEAD...master -- foo)"
+ HEAD...main -- foo)"
cat >expect <<EOF
@@ -245,6 +248,18 @@ test_expect_success '--count --left-right' '
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '--cherry-pick with duplicates on each side' '
+ git checkout -b dup-orig &&
+ test_commit dup-base &&
+ git revert dup-base &&
+ git cherry-pick dup-base &&
+ git checkout -b dup-side HEAD~3 &&
+ test_tick &&
+ git cherry-pick -3 dup-orig &&
+ git rev-list --cherry-pick dup-orig...dup-side >actual &&
+ test_must_be_empty actual
# Corrupt the object store deliberately to make sure
# the object is not even checked for its existence.
remove_loose_object () {
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c4af9ca0a7..3153a0d891 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='git rev-list involving submodules that this repo has'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success "Ilari's test" '
- git rev-list --objects super master ^super^
+ git rev-list --objects super main ^super^
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 916d9692bc..63fa7c8313 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='ancestor culling and limiting by parent number'
. ./
check_revlist () {
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup roots, merges and octopuses' '
test_commit seven &&
git checkout -b yetanotherbranch four &&
test_commit eight &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -m normalmerge newroot &&
git tag normalmerge &&
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup roots, merges and octopuses' '
test_tick &&
git merge -m tetrapus sidebranch anotherbranch yetanotherbranch &&
git tag tetrapus &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'rev-list roots' '
@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ test_expect_success 'dodecapus' '
roots="$roots root$i" ||
done &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git merge -m dodecapus $roots &&
git tag dodecapus &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fd202fcb94..4f7fa8b6c0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='merge simplification'
. ./
note () {
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git add side &&
test_tick && git commit -m "Side root" &&
note J &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo "Hello" >file &&
echo "second" >lost &&
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
note D &&
test_tick &&
- test_must_fail git merge -m "merge" master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge -m "merge" main &&
>lost && git commit -a -m "merge" &&
note E &&
@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick && git commit -m "Irrelevant change" &&
note F &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo "Yet another" >elif &&
git add elif &&
test_tick && git commit -m "Another irrelevant change" &&
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick && git commit -a -m "Final change" &&
note I &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick && git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -m "Coolest" unrelated &&
note K &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 89458d370f..39793cbbd6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='--reverse combines with --parents'
. ./
@@ -18,24 +21,24 @@ test_expect_success 'set up --reverse example' '
commit two &&
git checkout -b side HEAD^ &&
commit three &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge -s ours side &&
commit five
test_expect_success '--reverse --parents --full-history combines correctly' '
- git rev-list --parents --full-history master -- foo |
+ git rev-list --parents --full-history main -- foo |
perl -e "print reverse <>" > expected &&
- git rev-list --reverse --parents --full-history master -- foo \
+ git rev-list --reverse --parents --full-history main -- foo \
> actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success '--boundary does too' '
- git rev-list --boundary --parents --full-history master ^root -- foo |
+ git rev-list --boundary --parents --full-history main ^root -- foo |
perl -e "print reverse <>" > expected &&
git rev-list --boundary --reverse --parents --full-history \
- master ^root -- foo > actual &&
+ main ^root -- foo > actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f5e6e92f5b..54b0a6f5f8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,14 +7,23 @@
test_description='--graph and simplified history'
. ./
+check_graph () {
+ cat >expect &&
+ lib_test_cmp_graph --format=%s "$@"
test_expect_success 'set up rev-list --graph test' '
# 3 commits on branch A
test_commit A1 foo.txt &&
test_commit A2 bar.txt &&
test_commit A3 bar.txt &&
- git branch -m master A &&
+ git branch -m main A &&
# 2 commits on branch B, started from A1
git checkout -b B A1 &&
@@ -28,7 +37,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up rev-list --graph test' '
# Octopus merge B and C into branch A
git checkout A &&
- git merge B C &&
+ git merge B C -m A4 &&
git tag A4 &&
test_commit A5 bar.txt &&
@@ -38,81 +47,64 @@ test_expect_success 'set up rev-list --graph test' '
test_commit C3 foo.txt &&
test_commit C4 bar.txt &&
git checkout A &&
- git merge -s ours C &&
+ git merge -s ours C -m A6 &&
git tag A6 &&
- test_commit A7 bar.txt &&
- # Store commit names in variables for later use
- A1=$(git rev-parse --verify A1) &&
- A2=$(git rev-parse --verify A2) &&
- A3=$(git rev-parse --verify A3) &&
- A4=$(git rev-parse --verify A4) &&
- A5=$(git rev-parse --verify A5) &&
- A6=$(git rev-parse --verify A6) &&
- A7=$(git rev-parse --verify A7) &&
- B1=$(git rev-parse --verify B1) &&
- B2=$(git rev-parse --verify B2) &&
- C1=$(git rev-parse --verify C1) &&
- C2=$(git rev-parse --verify C2) &&
- C3=$(git rev-parse --verify C3) &&
- C4=$(git rev-parse --verify C4)
- '
+ test_commit A7 bar.txt
test_expect_success '--graph --all' '
- rm -f expected &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A6" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C4" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C3" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "| | " >> expected &&
- echo "| \\ " >> expected &&
- echo "*-. | $A4" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ \\| " >> expected &&
- echo "| | * $C2" >> expected &&
- echo "| | * $C1" >> expected &&
- echo "| * | $B2" >> expected &&
- echo "| * | $B1" >> expected &&
- echo "* | | $A3" >> expected &&
- echo "| |/ " >> expected &&
- echo "|/| " >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A2" >> expected &&
- echo "|/ " >> expected &&
- echo "* $A1" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --all > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --all <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A6
+ |\
+ | * C4
+ | * C3
+ * | A5
+ | |
+ | \
+ *-. | A4
+ |\ \|
+ | | * C2
+ | | * C1
+ | * | B2
+ | * | B1
+ * | | A3
+ | |/
+ |/|
+ * | A2
+ |/
+ * A1
# Make sure the graph_is_interesting() code still realizes
# that undecorated merges are interesting, even with --simplify-by-decoration
test_expect_success '--graph --simplify-by-decoration' '
- rm -f expected &&
git tag -d A4 &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A6" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C4" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C3" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "| | " >> expected &&
- echo "| \\ " >> expected &&
- echo "*-. | $A4" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ \\| " >> expected &&
- echo "| | * $C2" >> expected &&
- echo "| | * $C1" >> expected &&
- echo "| * | $B2" >> expected &&
- echo "| * | $B1" >> expected &&
- echo "* | | $A3" >> expected &&
- echo "| |/ " >> expected &&
- echo "|/| " >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A2" >> expected &&
- echo "|/ " >> expected &&
- echo "* $A1" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --all --simplify-by-decoration > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --all --simplify-by-decoration <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A6
+ |\
+ | * C4
+ | * C3
+ * | A5
+ | |
+ | \
+ *-. | A4
+ |\ \|
+ | | * C2
+ | | * C1
+ | * | B2
+ | * | B1
+ * | | A3
+ | |/
+ |/|
+ * | A2
+ |/
+ * A1
test_expect_success 'setup: get rid of decorations on B' '
git tag -d B2 &&
@@ -122,142 +114,133 @@ test_expect_success 'setup: get rid of decorations on B' '
# Graph with branch B simplified away
test_expect_success '--graph --simplify-by-decoration prune branch B' '
- rm -f expected &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A6" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C4" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C3" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A4" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\| " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C2" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C1" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A3" >> expected &&
- echo "|/ " >> expected &&
- echo "* $A2" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A1" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --simplify-by-decoration --all > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --simplify-by-decoration --all <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A6
+ |\
+ | * C4
+ | * C3
+ * | A5
+ * | A4
+ |\|
+ | * C2
+ | * C1
+ * | A3
+ |/
+ * A2
+ * A1
test_expect_success '--graph --full-history -- bar.txt' '
- rm -f expected &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A6" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C4" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A4" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\| " >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A3" >> expected &&
- echo "|/ " >> expected &&
- echo "* $A2" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --full-history --all -- bar.txt > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --full-history --all -- bar.txt <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A6
+ |\
+ | * C4
+ * | A5
+ * | A4
+ |\|
+ * | A3
+ |/
+ * A2
test_expect_success '--graph --full-history --simplify-merges -- bar.txt' '
- rm -f expected &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A6" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C4" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A3" >> expected &&
- echo "|/ " >> expected &&
- echo "* $A2" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --full-history --simplify-merges --all \
- -- bar.txt > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --full-history --simplify-merges --all -- bar.txt <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A6
+ |\
+ | * C4
+ * | A5
+ * | A3
+ |/
+ * A2
test_expect_success '--graph -- bar.txt' '
- rm -f expected &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A3" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C4" >> expected &&
- echo "|/ " >> expected &&
- echo "* $A2" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --all -- bar.txt > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --all -- bar.txt <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A5
+ * A3
+ | * C4
+ |/
+ * A2
test_expect_success '--graph --sparse -- bar.txt' '
- rm -f expected &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A6" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A4" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A3" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C4" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C3" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C2" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C1" >> expected &&
- echo "|/ " >> expected &&
- echo "* $A2" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A1" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --sparse --all -- bar.txt > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --sparse --all -- bar.txt <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A6
+ * A5
+ * A4
+ * A3
+ | * C4
+ | * C3
+ | * C2
+ | * C1
+ |/
+ * A2
+ * A1
test_expect_success '--graph ^C4' '
- rm -f expected &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A6" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A4" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $B2" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $B1" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A3" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --all ^C4 > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --all ^C4 <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A6
+ * A5
+ * A4
+ |\
+ | * B2
+ | * B1
+ * A3
test_expect_success '--graph ^C3' '
- rm -f expected &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A6" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C4" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A4" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $B2" >> expected &&
- echo "| * $B1" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A3" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --all ^C3 > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --all ^C3 <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A6
+ |\
+ | * C4
+ * A5
+ * A4
+ |\
+ | * B2
+ | * B1
+ * A3
# I don't think the ordering of the boundary commits is really
# that important, but this test depends on it. If the ordering ever changes
# in the code, we'll need to update this test.
test_expect_success '--graph --boundary ^C3' '
- rm -f expected &&
- echo "* $A7" >> expected &&
- echo "* $A6" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * $C4" >> expected &&
- echo "* | $A5" >> expected &&
- echo "| | " >> expected &&
- echo "| \\ " >> expected &&
- echo "*-. \\ $A4" >> expected &&
- echo "|\\ \\ \\ " >> expected &&
- echo "| * | | $B2" >> expected &&
- echo "| * | | $B1" >> expected &&
- echo "* | | | $A3" >> expected &&
- echo "o | | | $A2" >> expected &&
- echo "|/ / / " >> expected &&
- echo "o / / $A1" >> expected &&
- echo " / / " >> expected &&
- echo "| o $C3" >> expected &&
- echo "|/ " >> expected &&
- echo "o $C2" >> expected &&
- git rev-list --graph --boundary --all ^C3 > actual &&
- test_cmp expected actual
- '
+ check_graph --boundary --all ^C3 <<-\EOF
+ * A7
+ * A6
+ |\
+ | * C4
+ * | A5
+ | |
+ | \
+ *-. \ A4
+ |\ \ \
+ | * | | B2
+ | * | | B1
+ * | | | A3
+ o | | | A2
+ |/ / /
+ o / / A1
+ / /
+ | o C3
+ |/
+ o C2
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 667b37564e..05162512a0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='log family learns --stdin'
. ./
check () {
@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
done &&
for i in $them
- git checkout -b side-$i master~$i &&
+ git checkout -b side-$i main~$i &&
echo updated $i >file-$i &&
git add file-$i &&
test_tick &&
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
-check master
+check main
check side-1 ^side-4
check side-1 ^side-7 --
check side-1 ^side-7 -- file-1
@@ -66,11 +69,11 @@ test_expect_success 'not only --stdin' '
cat >input <<-EOF &&
- ^master^
+ ^main^
- git log --pretty=tformat:%s --name-only --stdin master -- file-1 \
+ git log --pretty=tformat:%s --name-only --stdin main -- file-1 \
<input >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fe2f3cec3d..24b34add83 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='rev-list/rev-parse --glob'
. ./
commit () {
@@ -20,22 +23,22 @@ compare () {
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- commit master &&
- git checkout -b subspace/one master &&
+ commit main &&
+ git checkout -b subspace/one main &&
commit one &&
- git checkout -b subspace/two master &&
+ git checkout -b subspace/two main &&
commit two &&
- git checkout -b subspace-x master &&
+ git checkout -b subspace-x main &&
commit subspace-x &&
- git checkout -b other/three master &&
+ git checkout -b other/three main &&
commit three &&
- git checkout -b someref master &&
+ git checkout -b someref main &&
commit some &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
commit topic_2 &&
- git tag foo/bar master &&
+ git tag foo/bar main &&
commit topic_3 &&
- git update-ref refs/remotes/foo/baz master &&
+ git update-ref refs/remotes/foo/baz main &&
commit topic_4 &&
git update-ref refs/remotes/upstream/one subspace/one &&
git update-ref refs/remotes/upstream/two subspace/two &&
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ test_expect_failure 'rev-parse accepts --glob as detached option' '
test_expect_failure 'rev-parse is not confused by option-like glob' '
- compare rev-parse "master" "--glob --symbolic master"
+ compare rev-parse "main" "--glob --symbolic main"
@@ -111,15 +114,15 @@ test_expect_success 'rev-parse --glob=heads/subspace/* --glob=heads/other/*' '
-test_expect_success 'rev-parse --glob=heads/someref/* master' '
+test_expect_success 'rev-parse --glob=heads/someref/* main' '
- compare rev-parse "master" "--glob=heads/someref/* master"
+ compare rev-parse "main" "--glob=heads/someref/* main"
test_expect_success 'rev-parse --glob=heads/*' '
- compare rev-parse "master other/three someref subspace-x subspace/one subspace/two" "--glob=heads/*"
+ compare rev-parse "main other/three someref subspace-x subspace/one subspace/two" "--glob=heads/*"
@@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rev-parse --remotes=foo' '
test_expect_success 'rev-parse --exclude with --branches' '
- compare rev-parse "--exclude=*/* --branches" "master someref subspace-x"
+ compare rev-parse "--exclude=*/* --branches" "main someref subspace-x"
test_expect_success 'rev-parse --exclude with --all' '
@@ -221,7 +224,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rev-list --glob refs/heads/subspace/*' '
test_expect_success 'rev-list not confused by option-like --glob arg' '
- compare rev-list "master" "--glob -0 master"
+ compare rev-list "main" "--glob -0 main"
@@ -269,13 +272,13 @@ test_expect_success 'rev-list --branches=subspace' '
test_expect_success 'rev-list --branches' '
- compare rev-list "master subspace-x someref other/three subspace/one subspace/two" "--branches"
+ compare rev-list "main subspace-x someref other/three subspace/one subspace/two" "--branches"
-test_expect_success 'rev-list --glob=heads/someref/* master' '
+test_expect_success 'rev-list --glob=heads/someref/* main' '
- compare rev-list "master" "--glob=heads/someref/* master"
+ compare rev-list "main" "--glob=heads/someref/* main"
@@ -287,7 +290,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rev-list --glob=heads/subspace/* --glob=heads/other/*' '
test_expect_success 'rev-list --glob=heads/*' '
- compare rev-list "master other/three someref subspace-x subspace/one subspace/two" "--glob=heads/*"
+ compare rev-list "main other/three someref subspace-x subspace/one subspace/two" "--glob=heads/*"
@@ -310,7 +313,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rev-list --remotes=foo' '
test_expect_success 'rev-list --exclude with --branches' '
- compare rev-list "--exclude=*/* --branches" "master someref subspace-x"
+ compare rev-list "--exclude=*/* --branches" "main someref subspace-x"
test_expect_success 'rev-list --exclude with --all' '
@@ -354,13 +357,13 @@ test_expect_success 'shortlog accepts --glob/--tags/--remotes' '
compare shortlog "subspace/one subspace/two" --branches=subspace &&
compare shortlog \
- "master subspace-x someref other/three subspace/one subspace/two" \
+ "main subspace-x someref other/three subspace/one subspace/two" \
--branches &&
- compare shortlog master "--glob=heads/someref/* master" &&
+ compare shortlog main "--glob=heads/someref/* main" &&
compare shortlog "subspace/one subspace/two other/three" \
"--glob=heads/subspace/* --glob=heads/other/*" &&
compare shortlog \
- "master other/three someref subspace-x subspace/one subspace/two" \
+ "main other/three someref subspace-x subspace/one subspace/two" \
"--glob=heads/*" &&
compare shortlog foo/bar --tags=foo &&
compare shortlog "foo/bar qux/one qux/two qux/x" --tags &&
@@ -371,14 +374,14 @@ test_expect_success 'shortlog accepts --glob/--tags/--remotes' '
test_expect_failure 'shortlog accepts --glob as detached option' '
compare shortlog \
- "master other/three someref subspace-x subspace/one subspace/two" \
+ "main other/three someref subspace-x subspace/one subspace/two" \
"--glob heads/*"
test_expect_failure 'shortlog --glob is not confused by option-like argument' '
- compare shortlog master "--glob -e master"
+ compare shortlog main "--glob -e main"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 353f84313f..20adbece65 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ test_description='--ancestry-path'
# --ancestry-path G..M -- G.t == L
# --ancestry-path --simplify-merges G^..M -- G.t == G L
. ./
test_merge () {
@@ -128,15 +131,15 @@ test_expect_success 'setup criss-cross' '
(cd criss-cross &&
git init &&
test_commit A &&
- git checkout -b xb master &&
+ git checkout -b xb main &&
test_commit B &&
- git checkout -b xc master &&
+ git checkout -b xc main &&
test_commit C &&
git checkout -b xbc xb -- &&
git merge xc &&
git checkout -b xcb xc -- &&
git merge xb &&
- git checkout master)
+ git checkout main)
# no commits in bc descend from cb
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6249420a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Jiang Xin
+test_description='Test git-bundle'
+. ./
+# Create a commit or tag and set the variable with the object ID.
+test_commit_setvar () {
+ notick=
+ signoff=
+ indir=
+ merge=
+ tag=
+ var=
+ while test $# != 0
+ do
+ case "$1" in
+ --merge)
+ merge=t
+ ;;
+ --tag)
+ tag=t
+ ;;
+ --notick)
+ notick=t
+ ;;
+ --signoff)
+ signoff="$1"
+ ;;
+ -C)
+ shift
+ indir="$1"
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ echo >&2 "error: unknown option $1"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ if test $# -lt 2
+ then
+ echo >&2 "error: test_commit_setvar must have at least 2 arguments"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ var=$1
+ shift
+ indir=${indir:+"$indir"/}
+ if test -z "$notick"
+ then
+ test_tick
+ fi &&
+ if test -n "$merge"
+ then
+ git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} merge --no-edit --no-ff \
+ ${2:+-m "$2"} "$1" &&
+ oid=$(git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} rev-parse HEAD)
+ elif test -n "$tag"
+ then
+ git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} tag -m "$1" "$1" "${2:-HEAD}" &&
+ oid=$(git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} rev-parse "$1")
+ else
+ file=${2:-"$1.t"} &&
+ echo "${3-$1}" >"$indir$file" &&
+ git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} add "$file" &&
+ git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} commit $signoff -m "$1" &&
+ oid=$(git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} rev-parse HEAD)
+ fi &&
+ eval $var=$oid
+# Format the output of git commands to make a user-friendly and stable
+# text. We can easily prepare the expect text without having to worry
+# about future changes of the commit ID and spaces of the output.
+make_user_friendly_and_stable_output () {
+ sed \
+ -e "s/${A%${A#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-A>/g" \
+ -e "s/${B%${B#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-B>/g" \
+ -e "s/${C%${C#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-C>/g" \
+ -e "s/${D%${D#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-D>/g" \
+ -e "s/${E%${E#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-E>/g" \
+ -e "s/${F%${F#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-F>/g" \
+ -e "s/${G%${G#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-G>/g" \
+ -e "s/${H%${H#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-H>/g" \
+ -e "s/${I%${I#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-I>/g" \
+ -e "s/${J%${J#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-J>/g" \
+ -e "s/${K%${K#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-K>/g" \
+ -e "s/${L%${L#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-L>/g" \
+ -e "s/${M%${M#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-M>/g" \
+ -e "s/${N%${N#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-N>/g" \
+ -e "s/${O%${O#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-O>/g" \
+ -e "s/${P%${P#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<COMMIT-P>/g" \
+ -e "s/${TAG1%${TAG1#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<TAG-1>/g" \
+ -e "s/${TAG2%${TAG2#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<TAG-2>/g" \
+ -e "s/${TAG3%${TAG3#???????}}[0-9a-f]*/<TAG-3>/g" \
+ -e "s/ *\$//"
+# (C) (D, pull/1/head, topic/1)
+# o --- o
+# / \ (L)
+# / \ o (H, topic/2) (M, tag:v2)
+# / (F) \ / (N, tag:v3)
+# / o --------- o (G, pull/2/head) o --- o --- o (release)
+# / / \ \ / \
+# o --- o --- o -------- o -- o ------------------ o ------- o --- o (main)
+# (A) (B) (E, tag:v1) (I) (J) (K) (O) (P)
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+ # Try to make a stable fixed width for abbreviated commit ID,
+ # this fixed-width oid will be replaced with "<OID>".
+ git config core.abbrev 7 &&
+ # branch main: commit A & B
+ test_commit_setvar A "Commit A" main.txt &&
+ test_commit_setvar B "Commit B" main.txt &&
+ # branch topic/1: commit C & D, refs/pull/1/head
+ git checkout -b topic/1 &&
+ test_commit_setvar C "Commit C" topic-1.txt &&
+ test_commit_setvar D "Commit D" topic-1.txt &&
+ git update-ref refs/pull/1/head HEAD &&
+ # branch topic/1: commit E, tag v1
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit_setvar E "Commit E" main.txt &&
+ test_commit_setvar --tag TAG1 v1 &&
+ # branch topic/2: commit F & G, refs/pull/2/head
+ git checkout -b topic/2 &&
+ test_commit_setvar F "Commit F" topic-2.txt &&
+ test_commit_setvar G "Commit G" topic-2.txt &&
+ git update-ref refs/pull/2/head HEAD &&
+ test_commit_setvar H "Commit H" topic-2.txt &&
+ # branch main: merge commit I & J
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit_setvar --merge I topic/1 "Merge commit I" &&
+ test_commit_setvar --merge J refs/pull/2/head "Merge commit J" &&
+ # branch main: commit K
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit_setvar K "Commit K" main.txt &&
+ # branch release:
+ git checkout -b release &&
+ test_commit_setvar L "Commit L" release.txt &&
+ test_commit_setvar M "Commit M" release.txt &&
+ test_commit_setvar --tag TAG2 v2 &&
+ test_commit_setvar N "Commit N" release.txt &&
+ test_commit_setvar --tag TAG3 v3 &&
+ # branch main: merge commit O, commit P
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit_setvar --merge O tags/v2 "Merge commit O" &&
+ test_commit_setvar P "Commit P" main.txt
+test_expect_success 'create bundle from special rev: main^!' '
+ git bundle create special-rev.bdl "main^!" &&
+ git bundle list-heads special-rev.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ <COMMIT-P> refs/heads/main
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ git bundle verify special-rev.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ The bundle contains this ref:
+ <COMMIT-P> refs/heads/main
+ The bundle requires this ref:
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ test_bundle_object_count special-rev.bdl 3
+test_expect_success 'create bundle with --max-count option' '
+ git bundle create max-count.bdl --max-count 1 \
+ main \
+ "^release" \
+ refs/tags/v1 \
+ refs/pull/1/head \
+ refs/pull/2/head &&
+ git bundle verify max-count.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ The bundle contains these 2 refs:
+ <COMMIT-P> refs/heads/main
+ <TAG-1> refs/tags/v1
+ The bundle requires this ref:
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ test_bundle_object_count max-count.bdl 4
+test_expect_success 'create bundle with --since option' '
+ git log -1 --pretty="%ad" $M >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ Thu Apr 7 15:26:13 2005 -0700
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git bundle create since.bdl \
+ --since "Thu Apr 7 15:27:00 2005 -0700" \
+ --all &&
+ git bundle verify since.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ The bundle contains these 5 refs:
+ <COMMIT-P> refs/heads/main
+ <COMMIT-N> refs/heads/release
+ <TAG-2> refs/tags/v2
+ <TAG-3> refs/tags/v3
+ The bundle requires these 2 refs:
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ test_bundle_object_count --thin since.bdl 13
+test_expect_success 'create bundle 1 - no prerequisites' '
+ # create bundle from args
+ git bundle create 1.bdl topic/1 topic/2 &&
+ # create bundle from stdin
+ cat >input <<-\EOF &&
+ topic/1
+ topic/2
+ git bundle create stdin-1.bdl --stdin <input &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ The bundle contains these 2 refs:
+ <COMMIT-D> refs/heads/topic/1
+ <COMMIT-H> refs/heads/topic/2
+ The bundle records a complete history.
+ # verify bundle, which has no prerequisites
+ git bundle verify 1.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ git bundle verify stdin-1.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ test_bundle_object_count 1.bdl 24 &&
+ test_bundle_object_count stdin-1.bdl 24
+test_expect_success 'create bundle 2 - has prerequisites' '
+ # create bundle from args
+ git bundle create 2.bdl \
+ --ignore-missing \
+ ^topic/deleted \
+ ^$D \
+ ^topic/2 \
+ release &&
+ # create bundle from stdin
+ # input has a non-exist reference: "topic/deleted"
+ cat >input <<-EOF &&
+ ^topic/deleted
+ ^$D
+ ^topic/2
+ git bundle create stdin-2.bdl \
+ --ignore-missing \
+ --stdin \
+ release <input &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ The bundle contains this ref:
+ <COMMIT-N> refs/heads/release
+ The bundle requires these 3 refs:
+ git bundle verify 2.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ git bundle verify stdin-2.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ test_bundle_object_count 2.bdl 16 &&
+ test_bundle_object_count stdin-2.bdl 16
+test_expect_success 'fail to verify bundle without prerequisites' '
+ git init --bare test1.git &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ error: Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:
+ error: <COMMIT-D>
+ error: <COMMIT-E>
+ error: <COMMIT-G>
+ test_must_fail git -C test1.git bundle verify ../2.bdl 2>&1 |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ test_must_fail git -C test1.git bundle verify ../stdin-2.bdl 2>&1 |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'create bundle 3 - two refs, same object' '
+ # create bundle from args
+ git bundle create --version=3 3.bdl \
+ ^release \
+ ^topic/1 \
+ ^topic/2 \
+ main \
+ HEAD &&
+ # create bundle from stdin
+ cat >input <<-\EOF &&
+ ^release
+ ^topic/1
+ ^topic/2
+ git bundle create --version=3 stdin-3.bdl \
+ --stdin \
+ main HEAD <input &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ The bundle contains these 2 refs:
+ <COMMIT-P> refs/heads/main
+ The bundle requires these 2 refs:
+ git bundle verify 3.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ git bundle verify stdin-3.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ test_bundle_object_count 3.bdl 4 &&
+ test_bundle_object_count stdin-3.bdl 4
+test_expect_success 'create bundle 4 - with tags' '
+ # create bundle from args
+ git bundle create 4.bdl \
+ ^main \
+ ^release \
+ ^topic/1 \
+ ^topic/2 \
+ --all &&
+ # create bundle from stdin
+ cat >input <<-\EOF &&
+ ^main
+ ^release
+ ^topic/1
+ ^topic/2
+ git bundle create stdin-4.bdl \
+ --ignore-missing \
+ --stdin \
+ --all <input &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ The bundle contains these 3 refs:
+ <TAG-1> refs/tags/v1
+ <TAG-2> refs/tags/v2
+ <TAG-3> refs/tags/v3
+ The bundle records a complete history.
+ git bundle verify 4.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ git bundle verify stdin-4.bdl |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ test_i18ncmp expect actual &&
+ test_bundle_object_count 4.bdl 3 &&
+ test_bundle_object_count stdin-4.bdl 3
+test_expect_success 'clone from bundle' '
+ git clone --mirror 1.bdl mirror.git &&
+ git -C mirror.git show-ref |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ <COMMIT-D> refs/heads/topic/1
+ <COMMIT-H> refs/heads/topic/2
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git -C mirror.git fetch ../2.bdl "+refs/*:refs/*" &&
+ git -C mirror.git show-ref |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ <COMMIT-N> refs/heads/release
+ <COMMIT-D> refs/heads/topic/1
+ <COMMIT-H> refs/heads/topic/2
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git -C mirror.git fetch ../3.bdl "+refs/*:refs/*" &&
+ git -C mirror.git show-ref |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ <COMMIT-P> refs/heads/main
+ <COMMIT-N> refs/heads/release
+ <COMMIT-D> refs/heads/topic/1
+ <COMMIT-H> refs/heads/topic/2
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ git -C mirror.git fetch ../4.bdl "+refs/*:refs/*" &&
+ git -C mirror.git show-ref |
+ make_user_friendly_and_stable_output >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ <COMMIT-P> refs/heads/main
+ <COMMIT-N> refs/heads/release
+ <COMMIT-D> refs/heads/topic/1
+ <COMMIT-H> refs/heads/topic/2
+ <TAG-1> refs/tags/v1
+ <TAG-2> refs/tags/v2
+ <TAG-3> refs/tags/v3
+ test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 52614eefc7..7bcde054d7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ test_description='Tests git bisect functionality'
exec </dev/null
. ./
@@ -89,9 +92,9 @@ test_expect_success 'bisect start without -- takes unknown arg as pathspec' '
grep bar ".git/BISECT_NAMES"
-test_expect_success 'bisect reset: back in the master branch' '
+test_expect_success 'bisect reset: back in the main branch' '
git bisect reset &&
- echo "* master" > branch.expect &&
+ echo "* main" > branch.expect &&
git branch > branch.output &&
cmp branch.expect branch.output
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ test_expect_success 'bisect reset: back in another branch' '
git bisect good $HASH1 &&
git bisect bad $HASH3 &&
git bisect reset &&
- echo " master" > branch.expect &&
+ echo " main" > branch.expect &&
echo "* other" >> branch.expect &&
git branch > branch.output &&
cmp branch.expect branch.output
@@ -348,7 +351,7 @@ test_expect_success 'bisect skip many ranges' '
test_expect_success 'bisect starting with a detached HEAD' '
git bisect reset &&
- git checkout master^ &&
+ git checkout main^ &&
HEAD=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
git bisect start &&
test $HEAD = $(cat .git/BISECT_START) &&
@@ -716,7 +719,7 @@ test_expect_success 'bisect: --no-checkout - target after breakage' '
test_expect_success 'bisect: demonstrate identification of damage boundary' "
git bisect reset &&
git checkout broken &&
- git bisect start broken master --no-checkout &&
+ git bisect start broken main --no-checkout &&
test_must_fail git bisect run \"\$SHELL_PATH\" -c '
GOOD=\$(git for-each-ref \"--format=%(objectname)\" refs/bisect/good-*) &&
git rev-list --objects BISECT_HEAD --not \$GOOD >tmp.\$\$ &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 50a934e1b2..a160b2bf99 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='remote tracking stats'
. ./
advance () {
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git branch -d brokenbase &&
git checkout -b b6 origin
) &&
- git checkout -b follower --track master &&
+ git checkout -b follower --track main &&
advance h
@@ -58,12 +61,12 @@ test_expect_success 'branch -v' '
cat >expect <<\EOF
-b1 [origin/master: ahead 1, behind 1] d
-b2 [origin/master: ahead 1, behind 1] d
-b3 [origin/master: behind 1] b
-b4 [origin/master: ahead 2] f
+b1 [origin/main: ahead 1, behind 1] d
+b2 [origin/main: ahead 1, behind 1] d
+b3 [origin/main: behind 1] b
+b4 [origin/main: ahead 2] f
b5 [brokenbase: gone] g
-b6 [origin/master] c
+b6 [origin/main] c
test_expect_success 'branch -vv' '
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout (diverged from upstream)' '
test_expect_success 'checkout with local tracked branch' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout follower >actual &&
test_i18ngrep "is ahead of" actual
@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout (up-to-date with upstream)' '
cd test && git checkout b6
) >actual &&
- test_i18ngrep "Your branch is up to date with .origin/master" actual
+ test_i18ngrep "Your branch is up to date with .origin/main" actual
test_expect_success 'status (diverged from upstream)' '
@@ -130,11 +133,11 @@ test_expect_success 'status (up-to-date with upstream)' '
# reports nothing to commit
test_must_fail git commit --dry-run
) >actual &&
- test_i18ngrep "Your branch is up to date with .origin/master" actual
+ test_i18ngrep "Your branch is up to date with .origin/main" actual
cat >expect <<\EOF
-## b1...origin/master [ahead 1, behind 1]
+## b1...origin/main [ahead 1, behind 1]
test_expect_success 'status -s -b (diverged from upstream)' '
@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -s -b (diverged from upstream)' '
cat >expect <<\EOF
-## b1...origin/master [different]
+## b1...origin/main [different]
test_expect_success 'status -s -b --no-ahead-behind (diverged from upstream)' '
@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -s -b --no-ahead-behind (diverged from upstream)' '
cat >expect <<\EOF
-## b1...origin/master [different]
+## b1...origin/main [different]
test_expect_success 'status.aheadbehind=false status -s -b (diverged from upstream)' '
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status.aheadbehind=false status -s -b (diverged from upstre
cat >expect <<\EOF
On branch b1
-Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
+Your branch and 'origin/main' have diverged,
and have 1 and 1 different commits each, respectively.
@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status --long --branch' '
cat >expect <<\EOF
On branch b1
-Your branch and 'origin/master' refer to different commits.
+Your branch and 'origin/main' refer to different commits.
test_expect_success 'status --long --branch --no-ahead-behind' '
@@ -233,7 +236,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -s -b (upstream is gone)' '
cat >expect <<\EOF
-## b6...origin/master
+## b6...origin/main
test_expect_success 'status -s -b (up-to-date with upstream)' '
@@ -246,7 +249,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -s -b (up-to-date with upstream)' '
test_expect_success 'fail to track lightweight tags' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git tag light &&
test_must_fail git branch --track lighttrack light >actual &&
test_i18ngrep ! "set up to track" actual &&
@@ -254,7 +257,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fail to track lightweight tags' '
test_expect_success 'fail to track annotated tags' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git tag -m heavy heavy &&
test_must_fail git branch --track heavytrack heavy >actual &&
test_i18ngrep ! "set up to track" actual &&
@@ -262,17 +265,17 @@ test_expect_success 'fail to track annotated tags' '
test_expect_success '--set-upstream-to does not change branch' '
- git branch from-master master &&
- git branch --set-upstream-to master from-master &&
- git branch from-topic_2 master &&
+ git branch from-main main &&
+ git branch --set-upstream-to main from-main &&
+ git branch from-topic_2 main &&
test_must_fail git config branch.from-topic_2.merge > actual &&
git rev-list from-topic_2 &&
git update-ref refs/heads/from-topic_2 from-topic_2^ &&
git rev-parse from-topic_2 >expect2 &&
- git branch --set-upstream-to master from-topic_2 &&
- git config branch.from-master.merge > actual &&
+ git branch --set-upstream-to main from-topic_2 &&
+ git config branch.from-main.merge > actual &&
git rev-parse from-topic_2 >actual2 &&
- grep -q "^refs/heads/master$" actual &&
+ grep -q "^refs/heads/main$" actual &&
cmp expect2 actual2
@@ -280,11 +283,11 @@ test_expect_success '--set-upstream-to @{-1}' '
git checkout follower &&
git checkout from-topic_2 &&
git config branch.from-topic_2.merge > expect2 &&
- git branch --set-upstream-to @{-1} from-master &&
- git config branch.from-master.merge > actual &&
+ git branch --set-upstream-to @{-1} from-main &&
+ git config branch.from-main.merge > actual &&
git config branch.from-topic_2.merge > actual2 &&
- git branch --set-upstream-to follower from-master &&
- git config branch.from-master.merge > expect &&
+ git branch --set-upstream-to follower from-main &&
+ git config branch.from-main.merge > expect &&
test_cmp expect2 actual2 &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c80dc10b8f..e33d512ec1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='Tests replace refs functionality'
. ./
@@ -129,13 +132,13 @@ tagger T A Gger <> 0 +0000
test_expect_success 'tag replaced commit' '
- git mktag <tag.sig >.git/refs/tags/mytag 2>message
+ git mktag <tag.sig >.git/refs/tags/mytag
test_expect_success '"git fsck" works' '
- git fsck master >fsck_master.out &&
- test_i18ngrep "dangling commit $R" fsck_master.out &&
- test_i18ngrep "dangling tag $(git show-ref -s refs/tags/mytag)" fsck_master.out &&
+ git fsck main >fsck_main.out &&
+ test_i18ngrep "dangling commit $R" fsck_main.out &&
+ test_i18ngrep "dangling tag $(git show-ref -s refs/tags/mytag)" fsck_main.out &&
test -z "$(git fsck)"
@@ -218,7 +221,7 @@ test_expect_success 'create parallel branch without the bug' '
git cherry-pick $HASH6 &&
PARA6=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
git replace $HASH6 $PARA6 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
cur=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
test "$cur" = "$HASH7" &&
git log --pretty=oneline | grep $PARA2 &&
@@ -461,7 +464,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'set up a merge commit with a mergetag' '
git commit -m "hello: 2 more lines from a test branch" &&
HASH9=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
git tag -s -m "tag for testing with a mergetag" test_tag HEAD &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge -s ours test_tag &&
HASH10=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
git cat-file commit $HASH10 | grep "^mergetag object"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7531262a5e..78b5851780 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='Test git rev-parse with different parent options'
. ./
test_cmp_rev_output () {
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_commit second &&
git checkout --orphan tmp &&
test_commit start2 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge -m next --allow-unrelated-histories start2 &&
test_commit final &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 656ac7fe9d..13c1da5352 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='operations that cull histories in unusual ways'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -10,7 +13,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git checkout -b side HEAD^ &&
test_commit D &&
test_commit E &&
- git merge master
+ git merge main
test_expect_success 'rev-list --first-parent --boundary' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4244638285..e07b6070e0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
test_description='TREESAME and limiting'
. ./
note () {
@@ -33,13 +36,13 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git checkout other-branch &&
test_commit "Added other" other "Hello" C &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_merge D other-branch &&
git checkout third-branch &&
test_commit "Third file" third "Nothing" E &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit "file=Blah" file "Blah" F &&
test_tick && git merge --no-commit third-branch &&
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick && git revert I && note J &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick && git merge --no-ff fiddler-branch &&
note K &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index de0e5a5d36..31457d13b9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git rev-list using object filtering'
. ./
# Test the blob:none filter.
@@ -223,7 +226,7 @@ test_expect_success 'verify sparse:oid=oid-ish omits top-level files' '
sort >expected &&
git -C r3 rev-list --quiet --objects --filter-print-omitted \
- --filter=sparse:oid=master:pattern HEAD >revs &&
+ --filter=sparse:oid=main:pattern HEAD >revs &&
awk -f print_1.awk revs |
sed "s/~//" |
sort >observed &&
@@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ test_expect_success 'add sparse pattern blobs whose paths have reserved chars' '
test_expect_success 'combine:... with more than two sub-filters' '
git -C r3 rev-list --objects \
- --filter=combine:tree:3+blob:limit=40+sparse:oid=master:pattern \
+ --filter=combine:tree:3+blob:limit=40+sparse:oid=main:pattern \
HEAD >actual &&
expect_has HEAD "" &&
@@ -454,7 +457,7 @@ test_expect_success 'combine:... with more than two sub-filters' '
cp actual expect &&
git -C r3 rev-list --objects \
- --filter=combine:tree:3+blob:limit=40+sparse:oid=master:pattern1%2brenamed%25 \
+ --filter=combine:tree:3+blob:limit=40+sparse:oid=main:pattern1%2brenamed%25 \
HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -464,23 +467,23 @@ test_expect_success 'combine:... with more than two sub-filters' '
test_when_finished "rm -f trace1" &&
GIT_TRACE=$(pwd)/trace1 git -C r3 rev-list --objects \
--filter=tree:3 --filter=blob:limit=40 \
- --filter=sparse:oid="master:p;at%ter+n" \
+ --filter=sparse:oid="main:p;at%ter+n" \
HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- grep "Add to combine filter-spec: sparse:oid=master:p%3bat%25ter%2bn" \
+ grep "Add to combine filter-spec: sparse:oid=main:p%3bat%25ter%2bn" \
trace1 &&
# Repeat the above test, but this time, the characters to encode are in
# the LHS of the combined filter.
test_when_finished "rm -f trace2" &&
GIT_TRACE=$(pwd)/trace2 git -C r3 rev-list --objects \
- --filter=sparse:oid=master:^~pattern \
+ --filter=sparse:oid=main:^~pattern \
--filter=tree:3 --filter=blob:limit=40 \
HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- grep "Add to combine filter-spec: sparse:oid=master:%5e%7epattern" \
+ grep "Add to combine filter-spec: sparse:oid=main:%5e%7epattern" \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f822d5d328..546796f847 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ test_description='test describe'
# First parent of a merge commit is on the same line, second parent below.
. ./
check_describe () {
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ check_describe c-* --tags HEAD^^2
check_describe B --tags HEAD^^2^
check_describe e --tags HEAD^^^
-check_describe heads/master --all HEAD
+check_describe heads/main --all HEAD
check_describe tags/c-* --all HEAD^
check_describe tags/e --all HEAD^^^
@@ -403,15 +406,15 @@ test_expect_success ULIMIT_STACK_SIZE 'name-rev works in a deep repo' '
i=1 &&
while test $i -lt 8000
- echo "commit refs/heads/master
+ echo "commit refs/heads/main
committer A U Thor <> $((1000000000 + $i * 100)) +0200
data <<EOF
commit #$i
- test $i = 1 && echo "from refs/heads/master^0"
+ test $i = 1 && echo "from refs/heads/main^0"
i=$(($i + 1))
done | git fast-import &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git tag far-far-away HEAD^ &&
echo "HEAD~4000 tags/far-far-away~3999" >expect &&
git name-rev HEAD~4000 >actual &&
@@ -442,7 +445,7 @@ test_expect_success 'describe complains about missing object' '
test_expect_success 'name-rev a rev shortly after epoch' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
git checkout --orphan no-timestamp-underflow &&
# Any date closer to epoch than the CUTOFF_DATE_SLOP constant
@@ -456,7 +459,7 @@ test_expect_success 'name-rev a rev shortly after epoch' '
test_cmp expect actual
-# A--------------master
+# A--------------main
# \ /
# \----------M2
# \ /
@@ -487,10 +490,10 @@ test_expect_success 'name-rev covers all conditions while looking at parents' '
git checkout $A &&
git merge --no-ff HEAD@{1} && # M2
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge --no-ff HEAD@{1} &&
- echo "$B master^2^2~1^2" >expect &&
+ echo "$B main^2^2~1^2" >expect &&
git name-rev $B >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -516,7 +519,7 @@ test_expect_success 'describe commits with disjoint bases' '
git checkout --orphan branch && rm file &&
echo B > file2 && git add file2 && git commit -m B &&
git tag B -a -m B &&
- git merge --no-ff --allow-unrelated-histories master -m x &&
+ git merge --no-ff --allow-unrelated-histories main -m x &&
check_describe "A-3-*" HEAD
@@ -542,7 +545,7 @@ test_expect_success 'describe commits with disjoint bases 2' '
echo o >> file2 && git add file2 && GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="2020-01-01 15:01" git commit -m o &&
echo B >> file2 && git add file2 && GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="2020-01-01 15:02" git commit -m B &&
git tag B -a -m B &&
- git merge --no-ff --allow-unrelated-histories master -m x &&
+ git merge --no-ff --allow-unrelated-histories main -m x &&
check_describe "B-3-*" HEAD
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f3e66eaf9b..44f55d93fe 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='fmt-merge-msg test'
. ./
@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'set up a signed tag' '
test_expect_success 'message for merging local branch' '
echo "Merge branch ${apos}left${apos}" >expected &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git fetch . left &&
git fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual &&
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ test_expect_success 'message for merging local branch' '
test_expect_success GPG 'message for merging local tag signed by good key' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git fetch . signed-good-tag &&
git fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual 2>&1 &&
grep "^Merge tag ${apos}signed-good-tag${apos}" actual &&
@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'message for merging local tag signed by good key' '
test_expect_success GPG 'message for merging local tag signed by unknown key' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git fetch . signed-good-tag &&
GNUPGHOME=. git fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual 2>&1 &&
grep "^Merge tag ${apos}signed-good-tag${apos}" actual &&
@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'message for merging local tag signed by unknown key' '
test_expect_success 'message for merging external branch' '
echo "Merge branch ${apos}left${apos} of $(pwd)" >expected &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git fetch "$(pwd)" left &&
git fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual &&
@@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ test_expect_success '[merge] summary/log configuration' '
test_config merge.log true &&
test_unconfig merge.summary &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . left &&
@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ test_expect_success '[merge] summary/log configuration' '
test_unconfig merge.log &&
test_config merge.summary true &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . left &&
@@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ test_expect_success '[merge] summary/log configuration' '
test_expect_success 'setup FETCH_HEAD' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . left
@@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fmt-merge-msg -m' '
test_unconfig merge.log &&
test_unconfig merge.summary &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git fetch "$(pwd)" left &&
git fmt-merge-msg -m "Sync with left" <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual &&
git fmt-merge-msg --log -m "Sync with left" \
@@ -323,28 +326,28 @@ test_expect_success 'setup: expected shortlog for two branches' '
test_expect_success 'shortlog for two branches' '
test_config merge.log true &&
test_unconfig merge.summary &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . left right &&
git fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual1 &&
test_unconfig merge.log &&
test_config merge.summary true &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . left right &&
git fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual2 &&
test_config merge.log yes &&
test_unconfig merge.summary &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . left right &&
git fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual3 &&
test_unconfig merge.log &&
test_config merge.summary yes &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . left right &&
git fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual4 &&
@@ -358,7 +361,7 @@ test_expect_success 'shortlog for two branches' '
test_expect_success 'merge-msg -F' '
test_unconfig merge.log &&
test_config merge.summary yes &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . left right &&
git fmt-merge-msg -F .git/FETCH_HEAD >actual &&
@@ -368,7 +371,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge-msg -F' '
test_expect_success 'merge-msg -F in subdirectory' '
test_unconfig merge.log &&
test_config merge.summary yes &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . left right &&
mkdir sub &&
@@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge-msg tag' '
test_unconfig merge.log &&
test_config merge.summary yes &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . tag tag-r3 &&
@@ -438,7 +441,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge-msg two tags' '
test_unconfig merge.log &&
test_config merge.summary yes &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . tag tag-r3 tag tag-l5 &&
@@ -468,7 +471,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge-msg tag and branch' '
test_unconfig merge.log &&
test_config merge.summary yes &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . tag tag-r3 left &&
@@ -495,7 +498,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge-msg lots of commits' '
test_config merge.summary yes &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick &&
git fetch . long &&
@@ -506,11 +509,11 @@ test_expect_success 'merge-msg lots of commits' '
test_expect_success 'merge-msg with "merging" an annotated tag' '
test_config merge.log true &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git commit --allow-empty -m "One step ahead" &&
git tag -a -m "An annotated one" annote HEAD &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git fetch . annote &&
git fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >actual &&
@@ -543,23 +546,23 @@ test_expect_success 'merge-msg with "merging" an annotated tag' '
test_expect_success 'merge.suppressDest configuration' '
- git checkout -B side master &&
+ git checkout -B side main &&
git commit --allow-empty -m "One step ahead" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git fetch . side &&
git -c merge.suppressDest="" fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >full.1 &&
head -n1 full.1 >actual &&
- grep -e "Merge branch .side. into master" actual &&
+ grep -e "Merge branch .side. into main" actual &&
git -c merge.suppressDest="mast" fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >full.2 &&
head -n1 full.2 >actual &&
- grep -e "Merge branch .side. into master$" actual &&
+ grep -e "Merge branch .side. into main$" actual &&
git -c merge.suppressDest="ma?*[rn]" fmt-merge-msg <.git/FETCH_HEAD >full.3 &&
head -n1 full.3 >actual &&
grep -e "Merge branch .side." actual &&
- ! grep -e " into master$" actual
+ ! grep -e " into main$" actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 810cdbb6f8..ca62e764b5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='for-each-ref test'
. ./
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9b8c8b2842..9866b1b573 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test for-each-refs usage of ref-filter APIs'
. ./
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9da0838216..38700d29b5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='Test merge with directory/file conflicts'
. ./
test_expect_success 'prepare repository' '
@@ -24,12 +27,12 @@ test_expect_success 'prepare repository' '
test_expect_success 'Merge with d/f conflicts' '
- test_expect_code 1 git merge -m "merge msg" master
+ test_expect_code 1 git merge -m "merge msg" main
test_expect_success 'F/D conflict' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
rm .git/index &&
mkdir before &&
@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ test_expect_success 'F/D conflict' '
git add . &&
git commit -m para &&
- git merge master
+ git merge main
test_expect_success 'setup modify/delete + directory/file conflict' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3f64f62224..425dad97d5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='Merge-recursive merging renames'
. ./
modify () {
@@ -54,9 +57,9 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git branch change &&
git branch change+rename &&
- sed -e "/^g /s/.*/g : master changes a line/" <A >A+ &&
+ sed -e "/^g /s/.*/g : main changes a line/" <A >A+ &&
mv A+ A &&
- git commit -a -m "master updates A" &&
+ git commit -a -m "main updates A" &&
git checkout yellow &&
rm -f M &&
@@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git update-index --add B &&
git commit -q -a -m "changed and renamed" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'pull renaming branch into unrenaming one' \
@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pull renaming branch into unrenaming one' \
sed -ne "/^g/{
- }" B | grep master &&
+ }" B | grep main &&
git diff --exit-code white N
@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ test_expect_success 'pull unrenaming branch into renaming one' \
git reset --hard &&
git show-branch &&
- test_expect_code 1 git pull . master &&
+ test_expect_code 1 git pull . main &&
git ls-files -u B >b.stages &&
test_line_count = 3 b.stages &&
git ls-files -s N >n.stages &&
@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ test_expect_success 'interference with untracked working tree file' '
test_expect_success 'interference with untracked working tree file' '
git reset --hard &&
rm -f A M &&
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git tag -f anchor &&
git show-branch &&
git pull . yellow &&
@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ test_expect_success 'interference with untracked working tree file' '
test_expect_success 'updated working tree file should prevent the merge' '
git reset --hard &&
rm -f A M &&
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git tag -f anchor &&
git show-branch &&
echo >>M one line addition &&
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@ test_expect_success 'updated working tree file should prevent the merge' '
test_expect_success 'updated working tree file should prevent the merge' '
git reset --hard &&
rm -f A M &&
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git tag -f anchor &&
git show-branch &&
echo >>M one line addition &&
@@ -229,7 +232,7 @@ test_expect_success 'interference with untracked working tree file' '
git tag -f anchor &&
git show-branch &&
echo >M this file should not matter &&
- git pull . master &&
+ git pull . main &&
test_path_is_file M &&
! {
git ls-files -s |
@@ -764,7 +767,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup avoid unnecessary update, dir->(file,nothing)' '
git rm -rf df &&
git commit -mB &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git rm -rf df &&
echo bla >df &&
git add -A &&
@@ -772,7 +775,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup avoid unnecessary update, dir->(file,nothing)' '
test_expect_success 'avoid unnecessary update, dir->(file,nothing)' '
- git checkout -q master^0 &&
+ git checkout -q main^0 &&
test-tool chmtime --get -3600 df >expect &&
git merge side &&
test-tool chmtime --get df >actual &&
@@ -794,14 +797,14 @@ test_expect_success 'setup avoid unnecessary update, modify/delete' '
git rm -f file &&
git commit -m "Delete file" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo bla >file &&
git add -A &&
git commit -m "Modify file"
test_expect_success 'avoid unnecessary update, modify/delete' '
- git checkout -q master^0 &&
+ git checkout -q main^0 &&
test-tool chmtime --get -3600 file >expect &&
test_must_fail git merge side &&
test-tool chmtime --get file >actual &&
@@ -823,13 +826,13 @@ test_expect_success 'setup avoid unnecessary update, rename/add-dest' '
git add -A &&
git commit -m "Add file copy" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git mv file newfile &&
git commit -m "Rename file"
test_expect_success 'avoid unnecessary update, rename/add-dest' '
- git checkout -q master^0 &&
+ git checkout -q main^0 &&
test-tool chmtime --get -3600 newfile >expect &&
git merge side &&
test-tool chmtime --get newfile >actual &&
@@ -879,15 +882,15 @@ test_expect_success 'setup for use of extended merge markers' '
git mv original_file renamed_file &&
git commit -mB &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo 8.5 >>original_file &&
git add original_file &&
git commit -mC
-test_expect_success 'merge master into rename has correct extended markers' '
+test_expect_success 'merge main into rename has correct extended markers' '
git checkout rename^0 &&
- test_must_fail git merge -s recursive master^0 &&
+ test_must_fail git merge -s recursive main^0 &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
@@ -902,14 +905,14 @@ test_expect_success 'merge master into rename has correct extended markers' '
- >>>>>>> master^0:original_file
+ >>>>>>> main^0:original_file
test_cmp expected renamed_file
-test_expect_success 'merge rename into master has correct extended markers' '
+test_expect_success 'merge rename into main has correct extended markers' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
test_must_fail git merge -s recursive rename^0 &&
cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
@@ -945,13 +948,13 @@ test_expect_success 'setup spurious "refusing to lose untracked" message' '
git mv original_file renamed_file &&
git commit -mB &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git rm original_file &&
git commit -mC
test_expect_success 'no spurious "refusing to lose untracked" message' '
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
test_must_fail git merge rename^0 2>errors.txt &&
! grep "refusing to lose untracked file" errors.txt
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b1c3d4dda4..c7ab7048f5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='Test merge without common ancestors'
. ./
# This scenario is based on a real-world repository of Shawn Pearce.
@@ -19,11 +22,11 @@ test_expect_success 'setup tests' '
git add a1 &&
GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="2006-12-12 23:00:00" git commit -m 1 a1 &&
- git checkout -b A master &&
+ git checkout -b A main &&
echo A >a1 &&
GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="2006-12-12 23:00:01" git commit -m A a1 &&
- git checkout -b B master &&
+ git checkout -b B main &&
echo B >a1 &&
GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="2006-12-12 23:00:02" git commit -m B a1 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6c0a90d044..7435fce71e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ test_description='merging symlinks on filesystem w/o symlink support.
This tests that git merge-recursive writes merge results as plain files
if core.symlinks is false.'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git branch b-file &&
l=$(printf file | git hash-object -t blob -w --stdin) &&
echo "120000 $l symlink" | git update-index --index-info &&
- git commit -m master &&
+ git commit -m main &&
git checkout b-symlink &&
l=$(printf file-different | git hash-object -t blob -w --stdin) &&
echo "120000 $l symlink" | git update-index --index-info &&
@@ -30,28 +33,28 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git commit -m b-file
-test_expect_success 'merge master into b-symlink, which has a different symbolic link' '
+test_expect_success 'merge main into b-symlink, which has a different symbolic link' '
git checkout b-symlink &&
- test_must_fail git merge master
+ test_must_fail git merge main
test_expect_success 'the merge result must be a file' '
test_path_is_file symlink
-test_expect_success 'merge master into b-file, which has a file instead of a symbolic link' '
+test_expect_success 'merge main into b-file, which has a file instead of a symbolic link' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout b-file &&
- test_must_fail git merge master
+ test_must_fail git merge main
test_expect_success 'the merge result must be a file' '
test_path_is_file symlink
-test_expect_success 'merge b-file, which has a file instead of a symbolic link, into master' '
+test_expect_success 'merge b-file, which has a file instead of a symbolic link, into main' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_must_fail git merge b-file
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 76a55f838c..d5a4ac2d81 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='per path merge controlled by merge attribute'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -19,10 +22,10 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git branch side &&
for f in text binary union
- echo Master >>$f && git add $f || return 1
+ echo Main >>$f && git add $f || return 1
done &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m Master &&
+ git commit -m Main &&
git checkout side &&
for f in text binary union
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ test_expect_success merge '
echo "union merge=union"
} >.gitattributes &&
- if git merge master
+ if git merge main
echo Gaah, should have conflicted
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check merge result in working tree' '
grep "<<<<<<<" text &&
cmp binary-orig binary &&
! grep "<<<<<<<" union &&
- grep Master union &&
+ grep Main union &&
grep Side union
@@ -115,13 +118,13 @@ test_expect_success 'custom merge backend' '
git config --replace-all \ "custom merge driver for testing" &&
- git merge master &&
+ git merge main &&
cmp binary union &&
sed -e 1,3d text >check-1 &&
- o=$(git unpack-file master^:text) &&
+ o=$(git unpack-file main^:text) &&
a=$(git unpack-file side^:text) &&
- b=$(git unpack-file master:text) &&
+ b=$(git unpack-file main:text) &&
sh -c "./custom-merge $o $a $b 0 text" &&
sed -e 1,3d $a >check-2 &&
cmp check-1 check-2 &&
@@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ test_expect_success 'custom merge backend' '
git config --replace-all \ "custom merge driver for testing" &&
- if git merge master
+ if git merge main
echo "Eh? should have conflicted"
@@ -146,9 +149,9 @@ test_expect_success 'custom merge backend' '
cmp binary union &&
sed -e 1,3d text >check-1 &&
- o=$(git unpack-file master^:text) &&
+ o=$(git unpack-file main^:text) &&
a=$(git unpack-file anchor:text) &&
- b=$(git unpack-file master:text) &&
+ b=$(git unpack-file main:text) &&
sh -c "./custom-merge $o $a $b 0 text" &&
sed -e 1,3d $a >check-2 &&
cmp check-1 check-2 &&
@@ -176,7 +179,7 @@ test_expect_success 'up-to-date merge without common ancestor' '
test_tick &&
cd repo1 &&
- git fetch ../repo2 master &&
+ git fetch ../repo2 main &&
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories FETCH_HEAD
@@ -201,7 +204,7 @@ test_expect_success 'custom merge does not lock index' '
# By packaging the command in test_when_finished, we get both
# the correctness check and the clean-up.
test_when_finished "kill \$(cat" &&
- git merge master
+ git merge main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4e6c7cb77e..d4273f2575 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='ask merge-recursive to merge binary files'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git ls-files -s a >E0 &&
git ls-files -s m | sed -e "s/ 0 / 3 /" >E3 &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "master adds some" &&
+ git commit -m "main adds some" &&
git checkout side &&
echo rezrov >>m &&
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ test_expect_success resolve '
rm -f a* m* &&
git reset --hard anchor &&
- if git merge -s resolve master
+ if git merge -s resolve main
echo Oops, should not have succeeded
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ test_expect_success recursive '
rm -f a* m* &&
git reset --hard anchor &&
- if git merge -s recursive master
+ if git merge -s recursive main
echo Oops, should not have succeeded
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b8e8b6f642..d406b2343c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='subtree merge strategy'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -14,10 +17,10 @@ test_expect_success setup '
echo >>hello world &&
git add hello &&
git commit -m second &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
for i in mundo $s; do echo $i; done >hello &&
git add hello &&
- git commit -m master
+ git commit -m main
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup branch sub' '
test_expect_success 'setup topic branch' '
- git checkout -b topic master &&
+ git checkout -b topic main &&
git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories sub &&
git read-tree --prefix=dir/ -u sub &&
git commit -m "initial merge of sub into topic" &&
@@ -77,8 +80,8 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'initial merge' '
git remote add -f gui ../git-gui &&
- git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories gui/master &&
- git read-tree --prefix=git-gui/ -u gui/master &&
+ git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories gui/main &&
+ git read-tree --prefix=git-gui/ -u gui/main &&
git commit -m "Merge git-gui as our subdirectory" &&
git checkout -b work &&
git ls-files -s >actual &&
@@ -108,10 +111,10 @@ test_expect_success 'merge update' '
test_expect_success 'initial ambiguous subtree' '
cd ../git &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b topic_2 &&
- git merge -s ours --no-commit gui/master &&
- git read-tree --prefix=git-gui2/ -u gui/master &&
+ git merge -s ours --no-commit gui/main &&
+ git read-tree --prefix=git-gui2/ -u gui/main &&
git commit -m "Merge git-gui2 as our subdirectory" &&
git checkout -b work2 &&
git ls-files -s >actual &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 87741efad3..f54c915d6a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
test_description='merge: handle file mode'
. ./
test_expect_success 'set up mode change in one branch' '
: >file1 &&
git add file1 &&
git commit -m initial &&
- git checkout -b a1 master &&
+ git checkout -b a1 main &&
: >dummy &&
git add dummy &&
git commit -m a &&
- git checkout -b b1 master &&
+ git checkout -b b1 main &&
test_chmod +x file1 &&
git add file1 &&
git commit -m b1
@@ -39,12 +42,12 @@ do_one_mode resolve b1 a1
test_expect_success 'set up mode change in both branches' '
git reset --hard HEAD &&
- git checkout -b a2 master &&
+ git checkout -b a2 main &&
: >file2 &&
H=$(git hash-object file2) &&
test_chmod +x file2 &&
git commit -m a2 &&
- git checkout -b b2 master &&
+ git checkout -b b2 main &&
: >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit -m b2 &&
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ do_both_modes resolve
test_expect_success 'set up delete/modechange scenario' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout -b deletion master &&
+ git checkout -b deletion main &&
git rm file1 &&
git commit -m deletion
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 80777386dc..c50d315722 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='merging with large rename matrix'
. ./
count() {
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ test_rename() {
test_expect_success "rename ($1, $2)" '
n='$1' &&
expect='$2' &&
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
test_might_fail git branch -D test$n &&
git reset --hard initial &&
for i in $(count $n); do
@@ -50,8 +53,8 @@ test_rename() {
git add . &&
git commit -m change+rename=$n &&
case "$expect" in
- ok) git merge master ;;
- *) test_must_fail git merge master ;;
+ ok) git merge main ;;
+ *) test_must_fail git merge main ;;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e8d65eefb5..affea255fe 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ test_description='merge conflict in crlf repo
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
echo line from b | append_cr >file &&
git commit -m "add line from b" file &&
git tag b &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'Check "ours" is CRLF' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a25e730460..d7e3c1fa6e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='Merge-recursive merging renames'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git update-index A &&
git commit -m "blue modify A" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
# This test broke in 65ac6e9c3f47807cb603af07a6a9e1a43bc119ae
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2eddcc7664..2ce104aca7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='merging when a directory was replaced with a symlink'
. ./
test_expect_success 'create a commit where dir a/b changed to symlink' '
@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ test_expect_success 'create a commit where dir a/b changed to symlink' '
test_expect_success 'checkout does not clobber untracked symlink' '
git checkout HEAD^0 &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git rm --cached a/b &&
git commit -m "untracked symlink remains" &&
test_must_fail git checkout start^0
@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout does not clobber untracked symlink' '
test_expect_success 'a/b-2/c/d is kept when clobbering symlink b' '
git checkout HEAD^0 &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git rm --cached a/b &&
git commit -m "untracked symlink remains" &&
git checkout -f start^0 &&
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ test_expect_success 'a/b-2/c/d is kept when clobbering symlink b' '
test_expect_success 'checkout should not have deleted a/b-2/c/d' '
git checkout HEAD^0 &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout start^0 &&
test_path_is_file a/b-2/c/d
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup for merge test' '
test_expect_success 'Handle D/F conflict, do not lose a/b-2/c/d in merge (resolve)' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout baseline^0 &&
- git merge -s resolve master &&
+ git merge -s resolve main &&
test_path_is_file a/b-2/c/d
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'a/b was resolved as symlink' '
test_expect_success 'Handle D/F conflict, do not lose a/b-2/c/d in merge (recursive)' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout baseline^0 &&
- git merge -s recursive master &&
+ git merge -s recursive main &&
test_path_is_file a/b-2/c/d
@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'a/b was resolved as symlink' '
test_expect_success 'Handle F/D conflict, do not lose a/b-2/c/d in merge (resolve)' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git merge -s resolve baseline^0 &&
test_path_is_file a/b-2/c/d
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'a/b was resolved as symlink' '
test_expect_success 'Handle F/D conflict, do not lose a/b-2/c/d in merge (recursive)' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git merge -s recursive baseline^0 &&
test_path_is_file a/b-2/c/d
@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ test_expect_failure 'do not lose untracked in merge (resolve)' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout baseline^0 &&
>a/b/c/e &&
- test_must_fail git merge -s resolve master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge -s resolve main &&
test_path_is_file a/b/c/e &&
test_path_is_file a/b-2/c/d
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ test_expect_success 'do not lose untracked in merge (recursive)' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout baseline^0 &&
>a/b/c/e &&
- test_must_fail git merge -s recursive master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge -s recursive main &&
test_path_is_file a/b/c/e &&
test_path_is_file a/b-2/c/d
@@ -116,14 +119,14 @@ test_expect_success 'do not lose modifications in merge (resolve)' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout baseline^0 &&
echo more content >>a/b/c/d &&
- test_must_fail git merge -s resolve master
+ test_must_fail git merge -s resolve main
test_expect_success 'do not lose modifications in merge (recursive)' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout baseline^0 &&
echo more content >>a/b/c/d &&
- test_must_fail git merge -s recursive master
+ test_must_fail git merge -s recursive main
test_expect_success 'setup a merge where dir a/b-2 changed to symlink' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 887c2195a9..84f5082366 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='recursive merge corner cases involving criss-cross merges'
. ./
@@ -385,7 +388,7 @@ test_expect_success 'git detects conflict merging criss-cross+modify/delete' '
test_line_count = 2 out &&
git rev-parse >expect \
- master:file B:file &&
+ main:file B:file &&
git rev-parse >actual \
:1:file :2:file &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -407,7 +410,7 @@ test_expect_success 'git detects conflict merging criss-cross+modify/delete, rev
test_line_count = 2 out &&
git rev-parse >expect \
- master:file B:file &&
+ main:file B:file &&
git rev-parse >actual \
:1:file :3:file &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -1553,12 +1556,12 @@ test_expect_failure 'check conflicting modes for regular file' '
# Setup:
# L1---L2
# / \ / \
-# master X ?
+# main X ?
# \ / \ /
# R1---R2
# Where:
-# master has two files, named 'b' and 'a'
+# main has two files, named 'b' and 'a'
# branches L1 and R1 both modify each of the two files in conflicting ways
# L2 is a merge of R1 into L1; more on it later.
@@ -1663,7 +1666,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check nested conflicts' '
cd nested_conflicts &&
git clean -f &&
- MASTER=$(git rev-parse --short master) &&
+ MAIN=$(git rev-parse --short main) &&
git checkout L2^0 &&
# Merge must fail; there is a conflict
@@ -1679,24 +1682,24 @@ test_expect_success 'check nested conflicts' '
test_line_count = 1 out &&
# Create a and b from virtual merge base X
- git cat-file -p master:a >base &&
+ git cat-file -p main:a >base &&
git cat-file -p L1:a >ours &&
git cat-file -p R1:a >theirs &&
test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
-L "Temporary merge branch 1" \
- -L "$MASTER" \
+ -L "$MAIN" \
-L "Temporary merge branch 2" \
ours \
base \
theirs &&
sed -e "s/^\([<|=>]\)/\1\1/" ours >vmb_a &&
- git cat-file -p master:b >base &&
+ git cat-file -p main:b >base &&
git cat-file -p L1:b >ours &&
git cat-file -p R1:b >theirs &&
test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
-L "Temporary merge branch 1" \
- -L "$MASTER" \
+ -L "$MAIN" \
-L "Temporary merge branch 2" \
ours \
base \
@@ -1748,12 +1751,12 @@ test_expect_success 'check nested conflicts' '
# Setup:
# L1---L2---L3
# / \ / \ / \
-# master X1 X2 ?
+# main X1 X2 ?
# \ / \ / \ /
# R1---R2---R3
# Where:
-# master has one file named 'content'
+# main has one file named 'content'
# branches L1 and R1 both modify each of the two files in conflicting ways
# L<n> (n>1) is a merge of R<n-1> into L<n-1>
@@ -1834,7 +1837,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check virtual merge base with nested conflicts' '
cd virtual_merge_base_has_nested_conflicts &&
- MASTER=$(git rev-parse --short master) &&
+ MAIN=$(git rev-parse --short main) &&
git checkout L3^0 &&
# Merge must fail; there is a conflict
@@ -1857,13 +1860,13 @@ test_expect_success 'check virtual merge base with nested conflicts' '
# Imitate X1 merge base, except without long enough conflict
# markers because a subsequent sed will modify them. Put
# result into vmb.
- git cat-file -p master:content >base &&
+ git cat-file -p main:content >base &&
git cat-file -p L:content >left &&
git cat-file -p R:content >right &&
cp left merged-once &&
test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
-L "Temporary merge branch 1" \
- -L "$MASTER" \
+ -L "$MAIN" \
-L "Temporary merge branch 2" \
merged-once \
base \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0aebc6c028..ac9aee9a66 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='Merge-recursive ours and theirs variants'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -20,11 +23,11 @@ test_expect_success setup '
sed -e "s/9/nueve/" >file <elif &&
git commit -a -m theirs &&
- git checkout master^0
+ git checkout main^0
test_expect_success 'plain recursive - should conflict' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
test_must_fail git merge -s recursive side &&
grep nine file &&
grep nueve file &&
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ test_expect_success 'plain recursive - should conflict' '
test_expect_success 'recursive favouring theirs' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git merge -s recursive -Xtheirs side &&
! grep nine file &&
grep nueve file &&
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ test_expect_success 'recursive favouring theirs' '
test_expect_success 'recursive favouring ours' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git merge -s recursive -X ours side &&
grep nine file &&
! grep nueve file &&
@@ -56,26 +59,26 @@ test_expect_success 'recursive favouring ours' '
test_expect_success 'binary file with -Xours/-Xtheirs' '
echo file binary >.gitattributes &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git merge -s recursive -X theirs side &&
git diff --exit-code side HEAD -- file &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git merge -s recursive -X ours side &&
- git diff --exit-code master HEAD -- file
+ git diff --exit-code main HEAD -- file
test_expect_success 'pull passes -X to underlying merge' '
- git reset --hard master && git pull -s recursive -Xours . side &&
- git reset --hard master && git pull -s recursive -X ours . side &&
- git reset --hard master && git pull -s recursive -Xtheirs . side &&
- git reset --hard master && git pull -s recursive -X theirs . side &&
- git reset --hard master && test_must_fail git pull -s recursive -X bork . side
+ git reset --hard main && git pull -s recursive -Xours . side &&
+ git reset --hard main && git pull -s recursive -X ours . side &&
+ git reset --hard main && git pull -s recursive -Xtheirs . side &&
+ git reset --hard main && git pull -s recursive -X theirs . side &&
+ git reset --hard main && test_must_fail git pull -s recursive -X bork . side
test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'symlink with -Xours/-Xtheirs' '
- git reset --hard master &&
- git checkout -b two master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
+ git checkout -b two main &&
ln -s target-zero link &&
git add link &&
git commit -m "add link pointing to zero" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 30983d18b1..1e0296dd17 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,16 +2,19 @@
test_description='CRLF merge conflict across text=auto change
-* [master] remove .gitattributes
+* [main] remove .gitattributes
! [side] add line from b
+ [side] add line from b
-* [master] remove .gitattributes
-* [master^] add line from a
-* [master~2] normalize file
+* [main] remove .gitattributes
+* [main^] add line from a
+* [main~2] normalize file
*+ [side^] Initial
. ./
test_have_prereq SED_STRIPS_CR && SED_OPTIONS=-b
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
git commit -m "add line from b" &&
git tag b &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'set up fuzz_conflict() helper' '
@@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ test_expect_success 'Test delete/normalize conflict' '
git reset --hard initial &&
git rm file &&
git commit -m "remove file" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard a^ &&
git merge side &&
test_path_is_missing file
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 531850d834..b64b75acf5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git-merge with case-changing rename on case-insensitive file system'
. ./
if ! test_have_prereq CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS
@@ -20,18 +23,18 @@ test_expect_success 'merge with case-changing rename' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
git commit -m "intervening commit" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git rm TestCase &&
>testcase &&
git add testcase &&
git commit -m "rename to testcase" &&
git checkout with-camel &&
- git merge master -m "merge" &&
+ git merge main -m "merge" &&
test_path_is_file testcase
test_expect_success 'merge with case-changing rename on both sides' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard baseline &&
git branch -D with-camel &&
git checkout -b with-camel &&
@@ -40,13 +43,13 @@ test_expect_success 'merge with case-changing rename on both sides' '
>foo &&
git add foo &&
git commit -m "intervening commit" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git rm TestCase &&
>testcase &&
git add testcase &&
git commit -m "rename to testcase" &&
git checkout with-camel &&
- git merge master -m "merge" &&
+ git merge main -m "merge" &&
test_path_is_file testcase
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 78bfaf17f0..bf4ce3c63d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
test_description="recursive merge corner cases w/ renames but not criss-crosses"
# t6036 has corner cases that involve both criss-cross merges and renames
. ./
@@ -1130,7 +1133,7 @@ test_conflicts_with_adds_and_renames() {
# Setup:
# L
# / \
- # master ?
+ # main ?
# \ /
# R
@@ -1260,7 +1263,7 @@ test_conflicts_with_adds_and_renames() {
:2:three \
:3:three &&
git rev-parse >expected \
- master:irrelevant_file \
+ main:irrelevant_file \
file_v2 \
file_v4 &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
@@ -1290,12 +1293,12 @@ test_conflicts_with_adds_and_renames add add
# Setup:
# L
# / \
-# master ?
+# main ?
# \ /
# R
# Where:
-# master has two files, named 'one' and 'two'.
+# main has two files, named 'one' and 'two'.
# branches L and R both modify 'one', in conflicting ways.
# branches L and R both modify 'two', in conflicting ways.
# branch L also renames 'one' to 'three'.
@@ -1376,7 +1379,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check nested conflicts from rename/rename(2to1)' '
test_line_count = 1 out &&
# Compare :2:three to expected values
- git cat-file -p master:one >base &&
+ git cat-file -p main:one >base &&
git cat-file -p L:three >ours &&
git cat-file -p R:one >theirs &&
test_must_fail git merge-file \
@@ -1387,7 +1390,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check nested conflicts from rename/rename(2to1)' '
test_cmp expect L-three &&
# Compare :2:three to expected values
- git cat-file -p master:two >base &&
+ git cat-file -p main:two >base &&
git cat-file -p L:two >ours &&
git cat-file -p R:three >theirs &&
test_must_fail git merge-file \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f79d021590..459b431a60 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='Merge-recursive rename/delete conflict message'
. ./
test_expect_success 'rename/delete' '
@@ -12,7 +15,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rename/delete' '
git mv A B &&
git commit -m "rename" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git rm A &&
git commit -m "delete" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f4655bb358..25c4b720e7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='recursive merge diff3 style conflict markers'
. ./
# Setup:
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check no merge base' '
# Setup:
# L1
# / \
-# master ?
+# main ?
# \ /
# R1
@@ -90,18 +93,18 @@ test_expect_success 'check unique merge base' '
cd unique_merge_base &&
git checkout L^0 &&
- MASTER=$(git rev-parse --short master) &&
+ MAIN=$(git rev-parse --short main) &&
test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 merge -s recursive R^0 &&
- grep "|||||| $MASTER:content" renamed
+ grep "|||||| $MAIN:content" renamed
# Setup:
# L1---L2--L3
# / \ / \
-# master X1 ?
+# main X1 ?
# \ / \ /
# R1---R2--R3
@@ -191,10 +194,10 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --merge describes parent of commit being picked' '
cd rebase &&
test_commit base file &&
- test_commit master file &&
+ test_commit main file &&
git checkout -b side HEAD^ &&
test_commit side file &&
- test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 rebase --merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 rebase --merge main &&
grep "||||||| parent of" file
@@ -203,7 +206,7 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase --apply describes fake ancestor base' '
cd rebase &&
git rebase --abort &&
- test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 rebase --apply master &&
+ test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 rebase --apply main &&
grep "||||||| constructed merge base" file
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9c08e63af2..ffcc01fe65 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='merge-recursive backend test'
. ./
@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup 1' '
git add a d/e &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "master modifies a and d/e" &&
+ git commit -m "main modifies a and d/e" &&
c1=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
( git ls-tree -r HEAD && git ls-files -s ) >actual &&
@@ -466,7 +469,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'dir in working tree with symlink ancestor does not
git checkout -b branch1 &&
git commit --allow-empty -m "empty commit" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git rm foo &&
mkdir foo &&
>foo/bar &&
@@ -475,7 +478,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'dir in working tree with symlink ancestor does not
git checkout branch1 &&
- git cherry-pick master &&
+ git cherry-pick main &&
test_path_is_dir foo &&
test_path_is_file foo/bar
@@ -490,8 +493,8 @@ test_expect_success 'reset and 3-way merge' '
test_expect_success 'reset and bind merge' '
- git reset --hard master &&
- git read-tree --prefix=M/ master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
+ git read-tree --prefix=M/ main &&
git ls-files -s >actual &&
echo "100644 $o1 0 M/a" &&
@@ -505,7 +508,7 @@ test_expect_success 'reset and bind merge' '
) >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
- git read-tree --prefix=a1/ master &&
+ git read-tree --prefix=a1/ main &&
git ls-files -s >actual &&
echo "100644 $o1 0 M/a" &&
@@ -523,7 +526,7 @@ test_expect_success 'reset and bind merge' '
) >expected &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
- git read-tree --prefix=z/ master &&
+ git read-tree --prefix=z/ main &&
git ls-files -s >actual &&
echo "100644 $o1 0 M/a" &&
@@ -599,11 +602,11 @@ test_expect_success 'merge-recursive w/ empty work tree - theirs has rename' '
test_expect_success 'merge removes empty directories' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b rm &&
git rm d/e &&
git commit -mremoved-d/e &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge -s recursive rm &&
test_path_is_missing d
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b56180ee4a..db4b77e63d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
test_description='merge-recursive space options
-* [master] Clarify
+* [main] Clarify
! [remote] Remove cruft
+ [remote] Remove cruft
-* [master] Clarify
+* [main] Clarify
*+ [remote^] Initial revision
* ok 1: setup
. ./
test_have_prereq SED_STRIPS_CR && SED_OPTIONS=-b
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
mv text.txt+ text.txt &&
git commit -a -m "Remove cruft" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
sed -e "
s/\(not in his right mind\),\(.*\)/\1;\2Q/
s/Quite correct\(.*\)/It is too correct\1Q/
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e29c284b9b..b16031465f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
test_description='"git merge" top-level frontend'
. ./
t3033_reset () {
- git checkout -B master two &&
+ git checkout -B main two &&
git branch -f left three &&
git branch -f right four
@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_commit four &&
git checkout --orphan newroot &&
test_commit five &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
# Local branches
@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge octopus, non-fast-forward (ff)' '
test_expect_success 'merge octopus, fast-forward (does not ff)' '
t3033_reset &&
git merge left right &&
- # two (master) is not an ancestor of three (left) and four (right)
+ # two (main) is not an ancestor of three (left) and four (right)
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify HEAD^4 &&
git rev-parse HEAD^1 HEAD^2 HEAD^3 | sort >actual &&
git rev-parse two three four | sort >expect &&
@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge FETCH_HEAD octopus fast-forward (does not ff)' '
t3033_reset &&
git fetch . left right &&
git merge FETCH_HEAD &&
- # two (master) is not an ancestor of three (left) and four (right)
+ # two (main) is not an ancestor of three (left) and four (right)
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify HEAD^4 &&
git rev-parse HEAD^1 HEAD^2 HEAD^3 | sort >actual &&
git rev-parse two three four | sort >expect &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3d9fae68c4..a11707835b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ test_description='merge-recursive rename options
Test rename detection by examining rename/delete conflicts.
* (HEAD -> rename) rename
-| * (master) delete
+| * (main) delete
* base
-git diff --name-status base master
+git diff --name-status base main
D 0-old
D 1-old
D 2-old
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ they are rounded down (see, e.g., Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt, which
mentions this in a different context).
. ./
get_expected_stages () {
@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup repo' '
get_expected_stages 2 &&
get_expected_stages 3 &&
check_50="false" &&
- tail="HEAD^ -- HEAD master"
+ tail="HEAD^ -- HEAD main"
test_expect_success 'setup thresholds' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dd9376842f..362ae37a12 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ test_description='git-merge
Do not overwrite changes.'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up unborn branch and content' '
test_expect_success 'will not clobber WT/index when merging into unborn' '
- git merge master &&
+ git merge main &&
grep foo tracked-file &&
git show :tracked-file >expect &&
grep foo expect &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3ead2b726f..0f92bcf326 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='merging with submodules'
. ./
@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
git commit -m root &&
- git checkout -b a master &&
+ git checkout -b a main &&
(cd sub &&
echo A > file &&
git add file &&
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ test_expect_success setup '
test_tick &&
git commit -m a &&
- git checkout -b b master &&
+ git checkout -b b main &&
(cd sub &&
echo B > file &&
git add file &&
@@ -254,22 +257,22 @@ test_expect_success 'setup for recursive merge with submodule' '
(cd sub &&
git init &&
test_commit a &&
- git checkout -b sub-b master &&
+ git checkout -b sub-b main &&
test_commit b &&
- git checkout -b sub-c master &&
+ git checkout -b sub-c main &&
test_commit c &&
git checkout -b sub-bc sub-b &&
git merge sub-c &&
git checkout -b sub-cb sub-c &&
git merge sub-b &&
- git checkout master) &&
+ git checkout main) &&
git add sub &&
git commit -m a &&
- git checkout -b top-b master &&
+ git checkout -b top-b main &&
(cd sub && git checkout sub-b) &&
git add sub &&
git commit -m b &&
- git checkout -b top-c master &&
+ git checkout -b top-c main &&
(cd sub && git checkout sub-c) &&
git add sub &&
git commit -m c &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5c8894d94f..e176475ed5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='unpack-trees error messages'
. ./
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git add two three four five &&
git commit -m Second &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo other >two &&
echo other >three &&
echo other >four &&
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cannot switch branches because of local changes' '
echo two >rep/two &&
git add rep/one rep/two &&
git commit -m Fourth &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo uno >rep/one &&
echo dos >rep/two &&
test_must_fail git checkout branch 2>out &&
@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ test_expect_success 'not_uptodate_dir porcelain checkout error' '
>rep2 &&
git add rep rep2 &&
git commit -m "added test as a file" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
>rep/untracked-file &&
>rep2/untracked-file &&
test_must_fail git checkout branch 2>out &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8a3bb4105b..75210f012b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
# to refer to an existing tree).
test_description='check pruning of dependent objects'
. ./
# We care about reachability, so we do not want to use
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ for repack in '' true; do
git checkout -b experiment &&
commit abandon &&
maybe_repack &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -D experiment
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 36477cb1f4..1c55695034 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git filter-branch'
. ./
@@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
mkdir dir &&
test_commit dir/D &&
test_commit E &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit C &&
git checkout branch &&
git merge C &&
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
# * G
# * Merge commit 'C' into branch
# |\
-# | * (master) C
+# | * (main) C
# * | E
# * | dir/D
# * | D
@@ -162,15 +165,15 @@ test_expect_success 'subdirectory filter result looks okay' '
test_expect_success 'more setup' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
mkdir subdir &&
echo A > subdir/new &&
git add subdir/new &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "subdir on master" subdir/new &&
+ git commit -m "subdir on main" subdir/new &&
git rm A.t &&
test_tick &&
- git commit -m "again subdir on master" &&
+ git commit -m "again subdir on main" &&
git merge branch
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ test_expect_success 'author information is preserved' '
git branch preserved-author &&
(sane_unset GIT_AUTHOR_NAME &&
git filter-branch -f --msg-filter "cat; \
- test \$GIT_COMMIT != $(git rev-parse master) || \
+ test \$GIT_COMMIT != $(git rev-parse main) || \
echo Hallo" \
preserved-author) &&
git rev-list --author="B V Uips" preserved-author >actual &&
@@ -218,7 +221,7 @@ test_expect_success "remove a certain author's commits" '
git commit-tree \"\$@\";\
fi" removed-author &&
- cnt1=$(git rev-list master | wc -l) &&
+ cnt1=$(git rev-list main | wc -l) &&
cnt2=$(git rev-list removed-author | wc -l) &&
test $cnt1 -eq $(($cnt2 + 1)) &&
git rev-list --author="B V Uips" removed-author >actual &&
@@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ test_expect_success "remove a certain author's commits" '
test_expect_success 'barf on invalid name' '
- test_must_fail git filter-branch -f master xy-problem &&
+ test_must_fail git filter-branch -f main xy-problem &&
test_must_fail git filter-branch -f HEAD^
@@ -236,8 +239,8 @@ test_expect_success '"map" works in commit filter' '
mapped=\$(map \$parent) &&
actual=\$(echo \"\$@\" | sed \"s/^.*-p //\") &&
test \$mapped = \$actual &&
- git commit-tree \"\$@\";" master~2..master &&
- git rev-parse --verify master
+ git commit-tree \"\$@\";" main~2..main &&
+ git rev-parse --verify main
test_expect_success 'Name needing quotes' '
@@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ test_expect_success 'Name needing quotes' '
test_expect_success 'Subdirectory filter with disappearing trees' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
mkdir foo &&
touch foo/bar &&
@@ -275,7 +278,7 @@ test_expect_success 'Subdirectory filter with disappearing trees' '
git commit -m "Re-adding foo" &&
git filter-branch -f --subdirectory-filter foo &&
- git rev-list master >actual &&
+ git rev-list main >actual &&
test_line_count = 3 actual
@@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ test_expect_success 'Tag name filtering allows slashes in tag names' '
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'setup --prune-empty comparisons' '
- git checkout --orphan master-no-a &&
+ git checkout --orphan main-no-a &&
git rm -rf . &&
unset test_tick &&
test_tick &&
@@ -343,7 +346,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup --prune-empty comparisons' '
mkdir dir &&
test_commit dir/D dir/D.t dir/D dir/Dx &&
test_commit E E.t E Ex &&
- git checkout master-no-a &&
+ git checkout main-no-a &&
test_commit C C.t C Cx &&
git checkout branch-no-a &&
git merge Cx -m "Merge tag '\''C'\'' into branch" &&
@@ -397,7 +400,7 @@ test_expect_success '--prune-empty is able to prune entire branch' '
test_expect_success '--remap-to-ancestor with filename filters' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard A &&
test_commit add-foo foo 1 &&
git branch moved-foo &&
@@ -407,15 +410,15 @@ test_expect_success '--remap-to-ancestor with filename filters' '
git branch moved-bar &&
test_commit change-foo foo 2 &&
git filter-branch -f --remap-to-ancestor \
- moved-foo moved-bar A..master \
+ moved-foo moved-bar A..main \
-- -- foo &&
test $(git rev-parse moved-foo) = $(git rev-parse moved-bar) &&
- test $(git rev-parse moved-foo) = $(git rev-parse master^) &&
+ test $(git rev-parse moved-foo) = $(git rev-parse main^) &&
test $orig_invariant = $(git rev-parse invariant)
test_expect_success 'automatic remapping to ancestor with filename filters' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard A &&
test_commit add-foo2 foo 1 &&
git branch moved-foo2 &&
@@ -425,10 +428,10 @@ test_expect_success 'automatic remapping to ancestor with filename filters' '
git branch moved-bar2 &&
test_commit change-foo2 foo 2 &&
git filter-branch -f \
- moved-foo2 moved-bar2 A..master \
+ moved-foo2 moved-bar2 A..main \
-- -- foo &&
test $(git rev-parse moved-foo2) = $(git rev-parse moved-bar2) &&
- test $(git rev-parse moved-foo2) = $(git rev-parse master^) &&
+ test $(git rev-parse moved-foo2) = $(git rev-parse main^) &&
test $orig_invariant = $(git rev-parse invariant2)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 05f411c821..943a7d5c1d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ test_description='git tag
Tests for operations with tags.'
. ./
@@ -1583,7 +1586,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checking that branch head with --no-contains lists all but
test_expect_success 'merging original branch into this branch' '
- git merge --strategy=ours master &&
+ git merge --strategy=ours main &&
git tag v4.0
@@ -1944,15 +1947,15 @@ test_expect_success ULIMIT_STACK_SIZE '--contains and --no-contains work in a de
i=1 &&
while test $i -lt 8000
- echo "commit refs/heads/master
+ echo "commit refs/heads/main
committer A U Thor <> $((1000000000 + $i * 100)) +0200
data <<EOF
commit #$i
- test $i = 1 && echo "from refs/heads/master^0"
+ test $i = 1 && echo "from refs/heads/main^0"
i=$(($i + 1))
done | git fast-import &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git tag far-far-away HEAD^ &&
run_with_limited_stack git tag --contains HEAD >actual &&
test_must_be_empty actual &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7476781979..e5c6a038fb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -149,6 +149,94 @@ test_expect_success '--ignore-skip-worktree-entries leaves worktree alone' '
--diff-filter=D -- keep-me.t
+test_expect_success 'stash restore in sparse checkout' '
+ test_create_repo stash-restore &&
+ (
+ cd stash-restore &&
+ mkdir subdir &&
+ echo A >subdir/A &&
+ echo untouched >untouched &&
+ echo removeme >removeme &&
+ echo modified >modified &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m Initial &&
+ echo AA >>subdir/A &&
+ echo addme >addme &&
+ echo tweaked >>modified &&
+ rm removeme &&
+ git add addme &&
+ git stash push &&
+ git sparse-checkout set subdir &&
+ # Ensure after sparse-checkout we only have expected files
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ S modified
+ S removeme
+ H subdir/A
+ S untouched
+ git ls-files -t >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ test_path_is_missing addme &&
+ test_path_is_missing modified &&
+ test_path_is_missing removeme &&
+ test_path_is_file subdir/A &&
+ test_path_is_missing untouched &&
+ # Put a file in the working directory in the way
+ echo in the way >modified &&
+ git stash apply &&
+ # Ensure stash vivifies modifies paths...
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ H addme
+ H modified
+ H removeme
+ H subdir/A
+ S untouched
+ git ls-files -t >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ # ...and that the paths show up in status as changed...
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ A addme
+ M modified
+ D removeme
+ M subdir/A
+ ?? actual
+ ?? expect
+ ?? modified.stash.XXXXXX
+ git status --porcelain | \
+ sed -e s/stash......./stash.XXXXXX/ >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ # ...and that working directory reflects the files correctly
+ test_path_is_file addme &&
+ test_path_is_file modified &&
+ test_path_is_missing removeme &&
+ test_path_is_file subdir/A &&
+ test_path_is_missing untouched &&
+ # ...including that we have the expected "modified" file...
+ cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+ modified
+ tweaked
+ test_cmp expect modified &&
+ # ...and that the other "modified" file is still present...
+ echo in the way >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect modified.stash.*
+ )
#TODO test_expect_failure 'git-apply adds file' false
#TODO test_expect_failure 'git-apply updates file' false
#TODO test_expect_failure 'git-apply removes file' false
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5c5bc32ccb..3cefde9602 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='signed tag tests'
. ./
@@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'create signed tags' '
echo 3 >elif && git add elif &&
test_tick && git commit -m "third on side" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick && git merge -S side &&
git tag -s -m merge merge &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d5218743e9..72fb418b89 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='basic work tree status reporting'
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ EOF
git checkout -b side HEAD^ &&
git rm foo &&
git commit -m delete &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
test_must_fail git commit --dry-run >../actual &&
test_i18ncmp ../expect ../actual &&
git status >../actual &&
@@ -124,18 +127,18 @@ test_expect_success 'git diff-index --cached -C shows 2 copies + 1 unmerged' '
test_expect_success 'status when conflicts with add and rm advice (deleted by them)' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit init main.txt init &&
git checkout -b second_branch &&
git rm main.txt &&
git commit -m "main.txt deleted on second_branch" &&
test_commit second conflict.txt second &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit on_second main.txt on_second &&
- test_commit master conflict.txt master &&
+ test_commit main conflict.txt main &&
test_must_fail git merge second_branch &&
cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
You have unmerged paths.
(fix conflicts and run "git commit")
(use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)
@@ -157,8 +160,8 @@ test_expect_success 'prepare for conflicts' '
git checkout -b conflict &&
test_commit one main.txt one &&
git branch conflict_second &&
- git mv main.txt sub_master.txt &&
- git commit -m "main.txt renamed in sub_master.txt" &&
+ git mv main.txt sub_main.txt &&
+ git commit -m "main.txt renamed in sub_main.txt" &&
git checkout conflict_second &&
git mv main.txt sub_second.txt &&
git commit -m "main.txt renamed in sub_second.txt"
@@ -176,7 +179,7 @@ You have unmerged paths.
Unmerged paths:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution)
both deleted: main.txt
- added by them: sub_master.txt
+ added by them: sub_main.txt
added by us: sub_second.txt
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
@@ -189,7 +192,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status when conflicts with only rm advice (both deleted)' '
git reset --hard conflict_second &&
test_must_fail git merge conflict &&
- git add sub_master.txt &&
+ git add sub_main.txt &&
git add sub_second.txt &&
cat >expected <<\EOF &&
On branch conflict_second
@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ You have unmerged paths.
(use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)
Changes to be committed:
- new file: sub_master.txt
+ new file: sub_main.txt
Unmerged paths:
(use "git rm <file>..." to mark resolution)
@@ -209,12 +212,12 @@ EOF
git status --untracked-files=no >actual &&
test_i18ncmp expected actual &&
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'status --branch with detached HEAD' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git status --branch --porcelain >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
## HEAD (no branch)
@@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status --branch with detached HEAD' '
## Duplicate the above test and verify --porcelain=v1 arg parsing.
test_expect_success 'status --porcelain=v1 --branch with detached HEAD' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
git status --branch --porcelain=v1 >actual &&
cat >expected <<-EOF &&
## HEAD (no branch)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a682a3d826..f01bf27727 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='test untracked cache'
. ./
# On some filesystems (e.g. FreeBSD's ext2 and ufs) directory mtime
@@ -475,7 +478,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'set up sparse checkout' '
echo "done/[a-z]*" >.git/info/sparse-checkout &&
test_config core.sparsecheckout true &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git update-index --force-untracked-cache &&
git status --porcelain >/dev/null && # prime the cache
test_path_is_missing done/.gitignore &&
@@ -734,13 +737,13 @@ test_expect_success 'test ident field is working' '
test_expect_success 'untracked cache survives a checkout' '
git commit --allow-empty -m empty &&
test-tool dump-untracked-cache >../before &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
git checkout -b other_branch &&
test-tool dump-untracked-cache >../after &&
test_cmp ../before ../after &&
test_commit test &&
test-tool dump-untracked-cache >../before &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test-tool dump-untracked-cache >../after &&
test_cmp ../before ../after
@@ -775,7 +778,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS '"status" after symlink replacement should be clean
git checkout HEAD~ &&
status_is_clean &&
status_is_clean &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
avoid_racy &&
status_is_clean &&
@@ -786,7 +789,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS '"status" after symlink replacement should be clean
git checkout HEAD~ &&
status_is_clean &&
status_is_clean &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
avoid_racy &&
status_is_clean &&
@@ -810,7 +813,7 @@ test_expect_success '"status" after file replacement should be clean with UC=tru
git checkout HEAD~ &&
status_is_clean &&
status_is_clean &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
avoid_racy &&
status_is_clean &&
test-tool dump-untracked-cache >../actual &&
@@ -828,7 +831,7 @@ test_expect_success '"status" after file replacement should be clean with UC=fal
git checkout HEAD~ &&
status_is_clean &&
status_is_clean &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
avoid_racy &&
status_is_clean &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 601b47830b..4613882caf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ test_description='git status --porcelain=v2
This test exercises porcelain V2 output for git status.'
. ./
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b1affb001f..7d8fb188ee 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ test_description='git reset
Documented tests for git reset'
. ./
commit_msg () {
@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ test_expect_success 'trying to do reset --soft with pending merge should fail' '
printf "1st line 2nd file\n2nd line 2nd file\n3rd line" >secondfile &&
git commit -a -m "the change in branch2" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -D branch1 branch2 &&
check_changes $head5
@@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ test_expect_success 'trying to do reset --soft with pending checkout merge shoul
printf "1st line 2nd file\n2nd line 2nd file\n3rd line" >secondfile &&
git commit -a -m "the line in branch3" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -D branch3 branch4 &&
check_changes $head5
@@ -380,7 +383,7 @@ test_expect_success '--hard reset to ORIG_HEAD should clear a fast-forward merge
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD &&
check_changes $head5 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -D branch1 branch2 &&
check_changes $head5
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 16faa07813..7948ec392b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ test_expect_success 'reset --hard should restore unmerged ones' '
-test_expect_success 'reset --hard did not corrupt index or cached-tree' '
+test_expect_success 'reset --hard did not corrupt index or cache-tree' '
T=$(git write-tree) &&
rm -f .git/index &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f011ad7eec..688fa995c9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='post index change hook'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ test_expect_success 'test checkout and reset trigger the hook' '
: force index to be dirty &&
test-tool chmtime +60 dir1/file1.txt &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_path_is_file testsuccess && rm -f testsuccess &&
test_path_is_missing testfailure &&
test-tool chmtime +60 dir1/file1.txt &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d10076efd7..7f6e23a4bb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
test_description='git checkout tests.
-Creates master, forks renamer and side branches from it.
+Creates main, forks renamer and side branches from it.
Test switching across them.
- ! [master] Initial A one, A two
+ ! [main] Initial A one, A two
* [renamer] Renamer R one->uno, M two
! [side] Side M one, D two, A three
! [simple] Simple D one, M two
@@ -16,10 +16,13 @@ Test switching across them.
+ [simple] Simple D one, M two
+ [side] Side M one, D two, A three
* [renamer] Renamer R one->uno, M two
- +*++ [master] Initial A one, A two
+ +*++ [main] Initial A one, A two
. ./
@@ -46,27 +49,27 @@ test_expect_success setup '
fill a b c d e f >two &&
git commit -a -m "Renamer R one->uno, M two" &&
- git checkout -b side master &&
+ git checkout -b side main &&
fill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >one &&
fill A B C D E >three &&
rm -f two &&
git update-index --add --remove one two three &&
git commit -m "Side M one, D two, A three" &&
- git checkout -b simple master &&
+ git checkout -b simple main &&
rm -f one &&
fill a c e >two &&
git commit -a -m "Simple D one, M two" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'checkout from non-existing branch' '
- git checkout -b delete-me master &&
+ git checkout -b delete-me main &&
git update-ref -d --no-deref refs/heads/delete-me &&
test refs/heads/delete-me = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" &&
- git checkout master &&
- test refs/heads/master = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
+ git checkout main &&
+ test refs/heads/main = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
test_expect_success 'checkout with dirty tree without -m' '
@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout with dirty tree without -m' '
test_expect_success 'checkout with unrelated dirty tree without -m' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
fill 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >same &&
cp same kept &&
git checkout side >messages &&
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout with unrelated dirty tree without -m' '
test_expect_success 'checkout -m with dirty tree' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git clean -f &&
fill 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >one &&
@@ -102,9 +105,9 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout -m with dirty tree' '
printf "M\t%s\n" one >expect.messages &&
test_cmp expect.messages messages &&
- fill "M one" "A three" "D two" >expect.master &&
- git diff --name-status master >current.master &&
- test_cmp expect.master current.master &&
+ fill "M one" "A three" "D two" >expect.main &&
+ git diff --name-status main >current.main &&
+ test_cmp expect.main current.main &&
fill "M one" >expect.side &&
git diff --name-status side >current.side &&
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout -m with dirty tree' '
test_expect_success 'checkout -m with dirty tree, renamed' '
- git checkout -f master && git clean -f &&
+ git checkout -f main && git clean -f &&
fill 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 >one &&
if git checkout renamer
@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout -m with dirty tree, renamed' '
test_expect_success 'checkout -m with merge conflict' '
- git checkout -f master && git clean -f &&
+ git checkout -f main && git clean -f &&
fill 1 T 3 4 5 6 S 8 >one &&
if git checkout renamer
@@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout -m with merge conflict' '
git checkout -m renamer &&
- git diff master:one :3:uno |
+ git diff main:one :3:uno |
sed -e "1,/^@@/d" -e "/^ /d" -e "s/^-/d/" -e "s/^+/a/" >current &&
fill d2 aT d7 aS >expect &&
test_cmp expect current &&
@@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout -m with merge conflict' '
test_expect_success 'format of merge conflict from checkout -m' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git clean -f &&
fill b d >two &&
@@ -181,7 +184,7 @@ test_expect_success 'format of merge conflict from checkout -m' '
test_expect_success 'checkout --merge --conflict=diff3 <branch>' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard &&
git clean -f &&
@@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout --merge --conflict=diff3 <branch>' '
- ||||||| master
+ ||||||| main
@@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout --merge --conflict=diff3 <branch>' '
test_expect_success 'switch to another branch while carrying a deletion' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git reset --hard &&
git clean -f &&
git rm two &&
@@ -229,7 +232,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD (with advice declined)' '
test_i18ngrep "HEAD is now at $rev" messages &&
test_line_count = 1 messages &&
H=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
- M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
test "z$H" = "z$M" &&
if git symbolic-ref HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -249,7 +252,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD' '
grep "HEAD is now at $rev" messages &&
test_line_count -gt 1 messages &&
H=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
- M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
test "z$H" = "z$M" &&
if git symbolic-ref HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -261,11 +264,11 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD' '
test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD with branchname^' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git clean -f &&
git checkout renamer^ &&
H=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
- M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
test "z$H" = "z$M" &&
if git symbolic-ref HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -277,11 +280,11 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD with branchname^' '
test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD with :/message' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git clean -f &&
git checkout ":/Initial" &&
H=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
- M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
test "z$H" = "z$M" &&
if git symbolic-ref HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -293,11 +296,11 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD with :/message' '
test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD with HEAD^0' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
git clean -f &&
git checkout HEAD^0 &&
H=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
- M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
test "z$H" = "z$M" &&
if git symbolic-ref HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -310,13 +313,13 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD with HEAD^0' '
test_expect_success 'checkout with ambiguous tag/branch names' '
git tag both side &&
- git branch both master &&
+ git branch both main &&
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout both &&
H=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
- M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ M=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/main) &&
test "z$H" = "z$M" &&
name=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) &&
test "z$name" = zrefs/heads/both
@@ -324,12 +327,12 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout with ambiguous tag/branch names' '
test_expect_success 'checkout with ambiguous tag/branch names' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git tag frotz side &&
- git branch frotz master &&
+ git branch frotz main &&
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout tags/frotz &&
H=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
@@ -346,7 +349,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout with ambiguous tag/branch names' '
test_expect_success 'switch branches while in subdirectory' '
git reset --hard &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
mkdir subs &&
git -C subs checkout side &&
@@ -362,7 +365,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout specific path while in subdirectory' '
git add subs/bero &&
git commit -m "add subs/bero" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
mkdir -p subs &&
git -C subs checkout side -- bero &&
test -f subs/bero
@@ -370,7 +373,7 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout specific path while in subdirectory' '
test_expect_success 'checkout w/--track sets up tracking' '
git config branch.autosetupmerge false &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout --track -b track1 &&
test "$(git config branch.track1.remote)" &&
test "$(git config branch.track1.merge)"
@@ -379,40 +382,40 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout w/--track sets up tracking' '
test_expect_success 'checkout w/autosetupmerge=always sets up tracking' '
test_when_finished git config branch.autosetupmerge false &&
git config branch.autosetupmerge always &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git checkout -b track2 &&
test "$(git config branch.track2.remote)" &&
test "$(git config branch.track2.merge)"
test_expect_success 'checkout w/--track from non-branch HEAD fails' '
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
test_must_fail git symbolic-ref HEAD &&
test_must_fail git checkout --track -b track &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify track &&
test_must_fail git symbolic-ref HEAD &&
- test "z$(git rev-parse master^0)" = "z$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
+ test "z$(git rev-parse main^0)" = "z$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
test_expect_success 'checkout w/--track from tag fails' '
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
test_must_fail git symbolic-ref HEAD &&
test_must_fail git checkout --track -b track frotz &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify track &&
test_must_fail git symbolic-ref HEAD &&
- test "z$(git rev-parse master^0)" = "z$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
+ test "z$(git rev-parse main^0)" = "z$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
test_expect_success 'detach a symbolic link HEAD' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git config --bool core.prefersymlinkrefs yes &&
git checkout side &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
it=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD) &&
- test "z$it" = zrefs/heads/master &&
- here=$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ test "z$it" = zrefs/heads/main &&
+ here=$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main) &&
git checkout side^ &&
- test "z$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master)" = "z$here"
+ test "z$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main)" = "z$here"
test_expect_success 'checkout with --track fakes a sensible -b <name>' '
@@ -423,13 +426,13 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout with --track fakes a sensible -b <name>' '
test "refs/heads/koala/bear" = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" &&
test "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" = "$(git rev-parse renamer)" &&
- git checkout master && git branch -D koala/bear &&
+ git checkout main && git branch -D koala/bear &&
git checkout --track refs/remotes/origin/koala/bear &&
test "refs/heads/koala/bear" = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" &&
test "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" = "$(git rev-parse renamer)" &&
- git checkout master && git branch -D koala/bear &&
+ git checkout main && git branch -D koala/bear &&
git checkout --track remotes/origin/koala/bear &&
test "refs/heads/koala/bear" = "$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" &&
@@ -582,17 +585,17 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout --conflict=diff3' '
test_expect_success 'failing checkout -b should not break working tree' '
- git reset --hard master &&
- git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
+ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main &&
test_must_fail git checkout -b renamer side^ &&
- test $(git symbolic-ref HEAD) = refs/heads/master &&
+ test $(git symbolic-ref HEAD) = refs/heads/main &&
git diff --exit-code &&
git diff --cached --exit-code
test_expect_success 'switch out of non-branch' '
- git reset --hard master &&
- git checkout master^0 &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
+ git checkout main^0 &&
echo modified >one &&
test_must_fail git checkout renamer 2>error.log &&
! grep "^Previous HEAD" error.log
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fec7e0299d..d44f696293 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ This test tries to verify basic sanity of the init, update and status
subcommands of git submodule.
. ./
test_expect_success 'submodule deinit works on empty repository' '
@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ inspect() {
test_expect_success 'submodule add' '
- echo "refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "refs/heads/main" >expect &&
cd addtest &&
@@ -223,7 +226,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule add --branch' '
echo "refs/heads/initial" >expect-head &&
cat <<-\EOF >expect-heads &&
- refs/heads/master
+ refs/heads/main
@@ -241,7 +244,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule add --branch' '
test_expect_success 'submodule add with ./ in path' '
- echo "refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "refs/heads/main" >expect &&
cd addtest &&
@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule add with ./ in path' '
test_expect_success 'submodule add with /././ in path' '
- echo "refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "refs/heads/main" >expect &&
cd addtest &&
@@ -273,7 +276,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule add with /././ in path' '
test_expect_success 'submodule add with // in path' '
- echo "refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "refs/heads/main" >expect &&
cd addtest &&
@@ -289,7 +292,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule add with // in path' '
test_expect_success 'submodule add with /.. in path' '
- echo "refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "refs/heads/main" >expect &&
cd addtest &&
@@ -305,7 +308,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule add with /.. in path' '
test_expect_success 'submodule add with ./, /.. and // in path' '
- echo "refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "refs/heads/main" >expect &&
cd addtest &&
@@ -335,7 +338,7 @@ test_expect_success !CYGWIN 'submodule add with \\ in path' '
test_expect_success 'submodule add in subdirectory' '
- echo "refs/heads/master" >expect &&
+ echo "refs/heads/main" >expect &&
mkdir addtest/sub &&
@@ -557,7 +560,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status should be "up-to-date" after update' '
test_expect_success 'checkout superproject with subproject already present' '
git checkout initial &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'apply submodule diff' '
@@ -574,7 +577,7 @@ test_expect_success 'apply submodule diff' '
git checkout second &&
git apply --index P.diff &&
- git diff --cached master >staged &&
+ git diff --cached main >staged &&
test_must_be_empty staged
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0726799e74..7d2ac3322b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ test_description='git submodule sync
These tests exercise the "git submodule sync" subcommand.
. ./
test_expect_success setup '
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ test_expect_success 'change submodule url' '
cd super &&
cd submodule &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git pull
) &&
mv submodule moved-submodule &&
@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ test_expect_success '"git submodule sync" should update submodule URLs' '
)" &&
cd super-clone/submodule &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git pull
) &&
@@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ test_expect_success '"git submodule sync --recursive" should update all submodul
)" &&
cd super-clone/submodule/sub-submodule &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git pull
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ test_expect_success '"git submodule sync" should update submodule URLs - subdire
)" &&
cd super-clone/submodule &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git pull
) &&
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ test_expect_success '"git submodule sync --recursive" should update all submodul
)" &&
cd super-clone/submodule/sub-submodule &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git pull
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index acb8766ac2..b9c1624fba 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,15 +9,18 @@ This test verifies that "git submodule update" detaches the HEAD of the
submodule and "git submodule update --rebase/--merge" does not detach the HEAD.
. ./
- sha_master=$(git rev-list --max-count=1 master)
+ sha_main=$(git rev-list --max-count=1 main)
sha_head=$(git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD)
- test "$sha_master" = "$sha_head"
+ test "$sha_main" = "$sha_head"
@@ -262,14 +265,14 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update --remote should fetch upstream changes wit
cd super &&
git submodule update --remote --force submodule &&
git -C submodule log -1 --oneline >actual &&
- git -C ../submodule log -1 --oneline master >expect &&
+ git -C ../submodule log -1 --oneline main >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
git checkout -b test-branch &&
git submodule update --remote --force submodule &&
git -C submodule log -1 --oneline >actual &&
git -C ../submodule log -1 --oneline test-branch >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -d test-branch &&
git reset --hard HEAD^
@@ -282,7 +285,7 @@ test_expect_success 'local config should override .gitmodules branch' '
git add file &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m "upstream line5" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
) &&
(cd super &&
git config submodule.submodule.branch test-branch &&
@@ -292,9 +295,9 @@ test_expect_success 'local config should override .gitmodules branch' '
-test_expect_success 'submodule update --rebase staying on master' '
+test_expect_success 'submodule update --rebase staying on main' '
(cd super/submodule &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
) &&
(cd super &&
(cd submodule &&
@@ -306,7 +309,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update --rebase staying on master' '
-test_expect_success 'submodule update --merge staying on master' '
+test_expect_success 'submodule update --merge staying on main' '
(cd super/submodule &&
git reset --hard HEAD~1
) &&
@@ -609,7 +612,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update - update=none in .git/config' '
(cd super &&
git config submodule.submodule.update none &&
(cd submodule &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
) &&
git diff --name-only >out &&
@@ -629,7 +632,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update - update=none in .git/config but --checkou
(cd super &&
git config submodule.submodule.update none &&
(cd submodule &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
) &&
git diff --name-only >out &&
@@ -689,7 +692,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update continues after checkout error' '
test_expect_success 'submodule update continues after recursive checkout error' '
(cd super &&
git reset --hard HEAD &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git submodule update &&
(cd submodule &&
git submodule add ../submodule subsubmodule &&
@@ -733,7 +736,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update continues after recursive checkout error'
test_expect_success 'submodule update exit immediately in case of merge conflict' '
(cd super &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard HEAD &&
(cd submodule &&
(cd subsubmodule &&
@@ -751,7 +754,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update exit immediately in case of merge conflict
git add submodule2 &&
git commit -m "two_new_submodule_commits" &&
(cd submodule &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit "conflict" file &&
echo "conflict" > file
) &&
@@ -770,7 +773,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update exit immediately in case of merge conflict
test_expect_success 'submodule update exit immediately after recursive rebase error' '
(cd super &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git reset --hard HEAD &&
(cd submodule &&
git reset --hard HEAD &&
@@ -786,7 +789,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update exit immediately after recursive rebase er
git add submodule2 &&
git commit -m "two_new_submodule_commits" &&
(cd submodule &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_commit "conflict2" file &&
echo "conflict" > file
) &&
@@ -878,21 +881,21 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update places git-dir in superprojects git-dir re
git clone subsubsuper_update_r subsubsuper_update_r2 &&
(cd subsubsuper_update_r2 &&
test_commit "update_subsubsuper" file &&
- git push origin master
+ git push origin main
) &&
git clone subsuper_update_r subsuper_update_r2 &&
(cd subsuper_update_r2 &&
test_commit "update_subsuper" file &&
git submodule add ../subsubsuper_update_r subsubmodule &&
git commit -am "subsubmodule" &&
- git push origin master
+ git push origin main
) &&
git clone super_update_r super_update_r2 &&
(cd super_update_r2 &&
test_commit "update_super" file &&
git submodule add ../subsuper_update_r submodule &&
git commit -am "submodule" &&
- git push origin master
+ git push origin main
) &&
rm -rf super_update_r2 &&
git clone super_update_r super_update_r2 &&
@@ -911,7 +914,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update places git-dir in superprojects git-dir re
test_expect_success 'submodule add properly re-creates deeper level submodules' '
(cd super &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
rm -rf deeper/ &&
git submodule add --force ../submodule deeper/submodule
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6b2aa917e1..79981b51eb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ This test verifies that "git submodule foreach" correctly visits all submodules
that are currently checked out.
. ./
@@ -277,13 +280,13 @@ sub1sha1_short=$(cd clone3/sub1 && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
sub2sha1_short=$(cd clone3/sub2 && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
cat > expect <<EOF
- $nested1sha1 nested1 (heads/master)
- $nested2sha1 nested1/nested2 (heads/master)
- $nested3sha1 nested1/nested2/nested3 (heads/master)
- $submodulesha1 nested1/nested2/nested3/submodule (heads/master)
+ $nested1sha1 nested1 (heads/main)
+ $nested2sha1 nested1/nested2 (heads/main)
+ $nested3sha1 nested1/nested2/nested3 (heads/main)
+ $submodulesha1 nested1/nested2/nested3/submodule (heads/main)
$sub1sha1 sub1 ($sub1sha1_short)
$sub2sha1 sub2 ($sub2sha1_short)
- $sub3sha1 sub3 (heads/master)
+ $sub3sha1 sub3 (heads/main)
test_expect_success 'test "status --recursive"' '
@@ -295,10 +298,10 @@ test_expect_success 'test "status --recursive"' '
cat > expect <<EOF
- $nested1sha1 nested1 (heads/master)
+ $nested1sha1 nested1 (heads/main)
+$nested2sha1 nested1/nested2 (file2~1)
- $nested3sha1 nested1/nested2/nested3 (heads/master)
- $submodulesha1 nested1/nested2/nested3/submodule (heads/master)
+ $nested3sha1 nested1/nested2/nested3 (heads/main)
+ $submodulesha1 nested1/nested2/nested3/submodule (heads/main)
test_expect_success 'ensure "status --cached --recursive" preserves the --cached flag' '
@@ -316,13 +319,13 @@ test_expect_success 'ensure "status --cached --recursive" preserves the --cached
nested2sha1=$(git -C clone3/nested1/nested2 rev-parse HEAD)
cat > expect <<EOF
- $nested1sha1 ../nested1 (heads/master)
+ $nested1sha1 ../nested1 (heads/main)
+$nested2sha1 ../nested1/nested2 (file2)
- $nested3sha1 ../nested1/nested2/nested3 (heads/master)
- $submodulesha1 ../nested1/nested2/nested3/submodule (heads/master)
+ $nested3sha1 ../nested1/nested2/nested3 (heads/main)
+ $submodulesha1 ../nested1/nested2/nested3/submodule (heads/main)
$sub1sha1 ../sub1 ($sub1sha1_short)
$sub2sha1 ../sub2 ($sub2sha1_short)
- $sub3sha1 ../sub3 (heads/master)
+ $sub3sha1 ../sub3 (heads/main)
test_expect_success 'test "status --recursive" from sub directory' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fc018e3638..e17ac81a89 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ on detached working trees
. ./
test_expect_success 'submodule on detached working tree' '
@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule on detached working tree' '
git rev-parse --verify HEAD >actual &&
test_cmp ../../../../expect actual
) &&
- git push origin master
+ git push origin main
) &&
mkdir home2 &&
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule on detached working tree' '
GIT_WORK_TREE="$(pwd)" &&
GIT_DIR="$(pwd)/.dotfiles" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git submodule update --init &&
@@ -64,10 +67,10 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule on detached working pointed by core.worktree' '
git clone --bare ../remote "$GIT_DIR" &&
git config core.bare false &&
git config core.worktree .. &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git submodule add ../bundle1 .vim/bundle/dupe &&
test_commit "dupe" &&
- git push origin master
+ git push origin main
) &&
cd home &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index eec96e0ba9..d21dc8b009 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -201,4 +201,19 @@ test_expect_success 'fsck rejects embedded newline in relative url' '
grep gitmodulesUrl err
+test_expect_success 'fsck rejects embedded newline in git url' '
+ git checkout --orphan git-newline &&
+ cat >.gitmodules <<-\EOF &&
+ [submodule "foo"]
+ url = "git://"
+ git add .gitmodules &&
+ git commit -m "git url with newline" &&
+ test_when_finished "rm -rf dst" &&
+ git init --bare dst &&
+ git -C dst config transfer.fsckObjects true &&
+ test_must_fail git push dst HEAD 2>err &&
+ grep gitmodulesUrl err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f7e7e94d7b..f0f6b9fa9e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='check handling of .gitmodule path with dash'
. ./
test_expect_success 'create submodule with dash in path' '
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ test_expect_success MINGW 'submodule paths disallows trailing spaces' '
sed "s/sub/sub /" <tree > &&
tree=$(git -C super mktree < &&
commit=$(echo with space | git -C super commit-tree $tree) &&
- git -C super update-ref refs/heads/master $commit &&
+ git -C super update-ref refs/heads/main $commit &&
test_must_fail git clone --recurse-submodules super dst 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "sub " err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 110b4bf459..0f936182e4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
# signoff
test_description='git commit'
. ./
@@ -603,7 +606,7 @@ test_expect_success 'same tree (merge and amend merge)' '
echo zero >zero &&
git add zero &&
git commit -m "add zero" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge -s ours side -m "empty ok" &&
git diff HEAD^ HEAD >actual &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 14c92e4c25..e5332adc9a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git commit porcelain-ish'
. ./
commit_msg_is () {
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ test_expect_success 'output summary format for merges' '
output_tests_cleanup() {
# this is needed for "do not fire editor in the presence of conflicts"
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
# this is needed for the "partial removal" test to pass
git rm file1 &&
@@ -440,7 +443,7 @@ test_expect_success 'do not fire editor in the presence of conflicts' '
git add g &&
git commit -m "add g" &&
git branch second &&
- echo master >g &&
+ echo main >g &&
echo g >h &&
git add g h &&
git commit -m "modify g and add h" &&
@@ -449,7 +452,7 @@ test_expect_success 'do not fire editor in the presence of conflicts' '
git add g &&
git commit -m second &&
# Must fail due to conflict
- test_must_fail git cherry-pick -n master &&
+ test_must_fail git cherry-pick -n main &&
echo "editor not started" >.git/result &&
GIT_EDITOR="\"$(pwd)/.git/FAKE_EDITOR\"" &&
@@ -478,9 +481,9 @@ git reset -q --hard
test_expect_success 'Hand committing of a redundant merge removes dups' '
- git rev-parse second master >expect &&
- test_must_fail git merge second master &&
- git checkout master g &&
+ git rev-parse second main >expect &&
+ test_must_fail git merge second main &&
+ git checkout main g &&
EDITOR=: git commit -a &&
git cat-file commit HEAD >raw &&
sed -n -e "s/^parent //p" -e "/^$/q" raw >actual &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b3485450a2..606d8d0f08 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='pre-commit and pre-merge-commit hooks'
. ./
HOOKDIR="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks"
@@ -44,16 +47,16 @@ test_expect_success 'root commit' '
git add foo &&
git commit -m "make it non-ff" &&
git branch side-orig side &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'setup conflicting branches' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
- git checkout -b conflicting-a master &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
+ git checkout -b conflicting-a main &&
echo a >conflicting &&
git add conflicting &&
git commit -m conflicting-a &&
- git checkout -b conflicting-b master &&
+ git checkout -b conflicting-b main &&
echo b >conflicting &&
git add conflicting &&
git commit -m conflicting-b
@@ -71,8 +74,8 @@ test_expect_success 'with no hook (merge)' '
test_when_finished "rm -f actual_hooks" &&
git branch -f side side-orig &&
git checkout side &&
- git merge -m "merge master" master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git merge -m "merge main" main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
@@ -88,8 +91,8 @@ test_expect_success '--no-verify with no hook (merge)' '
test_when_finished "rm -f actual_hooks" &&
git branch -f side side-orig &&
git checkout side &&
- git merge --no-verify -m "merge master" master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git merge --no-verify -m "merge main" main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
@@ -108,15 +111,15 @@ test_expect_success 'with succeeding hook (merge)' '
cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
echo "$PREMERGE" >expected_hooks &&
git checkout side &&
- git merge -m "merge master" master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git merge -m "merge main" main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
test_expect_success 'automatic merge fails; both hooks are available' '
test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PREMERGE\" \"$PRECOMMIT\"" &&
test_when_finished "rm -f expected_hooks actual_hooks" &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
@@ -145,8 +148,8 @@ test_expect_success '--no-verify with succeeding hook (merge)' '
cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
git branch -f side side-orig &&
git checkout side &&
- git merge --no-verify -m "merge master" master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git merge --no-verify -m "merge main" main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
@@ -174,8 +177,8 @@ test_expect_success 'with failing hook (merge)' '
cp "$HOOKDIR/fail.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
echo "$PREMERGE" >expected_hooks &&
git checkout side &&
- test_must_fail git merge -m "merge master" master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge -m "merge main" main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
@@ -184,8 +187,8 @@ test_expect_success '--no-verify with failing hook (merge)' '
cp "$HOOKDIR/fail.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
git branch -f side side-orig &&
git checkout side &&
- git merge --no-verify -m "merge master" master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git merge --no-verify -m "merge main" main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
@@ -212,8 +215,8 @@ test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'with non-executable hook (merge)' '
cp "$HOOKDIR/non-exec.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
git branch -f side side-orig &&
git checkout side &&
- git merge -m "merge master" master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git merge -m "merge main" main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
@@ -222,8 +225,8 @@ test_expect_success POSIXPERM '--no-verify with non-executable hook (merge)' '
cp "$HOOKDIR/non-exec.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
git branch -f side side-orig &&
git checkout side &&
- git merge --no-verify -m "merge master" master &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git merge --no-verify -m "merge main" main &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 31b9c6a2c1..4e7592522a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='commit-msg hook'
. ./
test_expect_success 'with no hook' '
@@ -142,12 +145,12 @@ test_expect_success '--no-verify with failing hook (editor)' '
test_expect_success 'merge fails with failing hook' '
test_when_finished "git branch -D newbranch" &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git checkout --orphan newbranch &&
: >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit --no-verify file2 -m in-side-branch &&
- test_must_fail git merge --allow-unrelated-histories master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge --allow-unrelated-histories main &&
commit_msg_is "in-side-branch" # HEAD before merge
@@ -155,14 +158,14 @@ test_expect_success 'merge fails with failing hook' '
test_expect_success 'merge bypasses failing hook with --no-verify' '
test_when_finished "git branch -D newbranch" &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git checkout --orphan newbranch &&
git rm -f file &&
: >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit --no-verify file2 -m in-side-branch &&
- git merge --no-verify --allow-unrelated-histories master &&
- commit_msg_is "Merge branch '\''master'\'' into newbranch"
+ git merge --no-verify --allow-unrelated-histories main &&
+ commit_msg_is "Merge branch '\''main'\'' into newbranch"
@@ -248,28 +251,28 @@ test_expect_success "hook doesn't edit commit message (editor)" '
test_expect_success 'hook called in git-merge picks up commit message' '
test_when_finished "git branch -D newbranch" &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git checkout --orphan newbranch &&
git rm -f file &&
: >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit --no-verify file2 -m in-side-branch &&
- git merge --allow-unrelated-histories master &&
+ git merge --allow-unrelated-histories main &&
commit_msg_is "new message"
test_expect_failure 'merge --continue remembers --no-verify' '
test_when_finished "git branch -D newbranch" &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo a >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
- git commit --no-verify -m "add file2 to master" &&
- git checkout -b newbranch master^ &&
+ git commit --no-verify -m "add file2 to main" &&
+ git checkout -b newbranch main^ &&
echo b >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit --no-verify file2 -m in-side-branch &&
- git merge --no-verify -m not-rewritten-by-hook master &&
+ git merge --no-verify -m not-rewritten-by-hook main &&
# resolve conflict:
echo c >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 94f85cdf83..321b4bc0fc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='prepare-commit-msg hook'
. ./
test_expect_success 'set up commits for rebasing' '
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ test_expect_success 'set up commits for rebasing' '
test_commit rebase-$i c $i
done &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
cat >rebase-todo <<-EOF
pick $(git rev-parse rebase-a)
@@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ test_expect_success 'with hook (-c)' '
test_expect_success 'with hook (merge)' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git checkout -B other HEAD@{1} &&
echo "more" >>file &&
git add file &&
@@ -202,7 +205,7 @@ test_expect_success 'with hook (merge)' '
test_expect_success 'with hook and editor (merge)' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git checkout -B other HEAD@{1} &&
echo "more" >>file &&
git add file &&
@@ -218,7 +221,7 @@ test_rebase () {
test_expect_$expect C_LOCALE_OUTPUT "with hook (rebase ${mode:--i})" '
test_when_finished "\
git rebase --abort
- git checkout -f master
+ git checkout -f main
git branch -D tmp" &&
git checkout -b tmp rebase-me &&
GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="cp rebase-todo" &&
@@ -250,14 +253,14 @@ test_rebase success
test_have_prereq !REBASE_P || test_rebase success -p
test_expect_success 'with hook (cherry-pick)' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git checkout -B other b &&
git cherry-pick rebase-1 &&
test "$(git log -1 --pretty=format:%s)" = "message (no editor)"
test_expect_success 'with hook and editor (cherry-pick)' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git checkout -B other b &&
git cherry-pick -e rebase-1 &&
test "$(git log -1 --pretty=format:%s)" = merge
@@ -270,7 +273,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'with failing hook' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
head=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
echo "more" >> file &&
git add file &&
@@ -280,7 +283,7 @@ test_expect_success 'with failing hook' '
test_expect_success 'with failing hook (--no-verify)' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
head=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
echo "more" >> file &&
git add file &&
@@ -290,7 +293,7 @@ test_expect_success 'with failing hook (--no-verify)' '
test_expect_success 'with failing hook (merge)' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git checkout -B other HEAD@{1} &&
echo "more" >> file &&
git add file &&
@@ -305,7 +308,7 @@ test_expect_success 'with failing hook (merge)' '
test_expect_success C_LOCALE_OUTPUT 'with failing hook (cherry-pick)' '
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git checkout -B other b &&
test_must_fail git cherry-pick rebase-1 2>actual &&
test $(grep -c prepare-commit-msg actual) = 1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 963fed6821..d01aacb66b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ test_expect_success 'create upstream branch' '
git checkout -b upstream &&
test_commit upstream1 &&
test_commit upstream2 &&
- # leave the first commit on master as root because several
+ # leave the first commit on main as root because several
# tests depend on this case; for our upstream we only
# care about commit counts anyway, so a totally divergent
# history is OK
- git checkout --orphan master
+ git checkout --orphan main
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status --column' '
cat >expect <<\EOF &&
-# On branch master
+# On branch main
# Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
# and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
# (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status --column status.displayCommentPrefix=false' '
cat >expect <<\EOF
-# On branch master
+# On branch main
# Your branch and 'upstream' have diverged,
# and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
# (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ test_expect_success 'commit ignores status.displayCommentPrefix=false in COMMIT_
cat >expect <<\EOF
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and 'upstream' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status with gitignore' '
test_cmp expect output &&
cat >expect <<\EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status with gitignore (nothing untracked)' '
test_cmp expect output &&
cat >expect <<\EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ output*
cat >expect <<\EOF
-## master...upstream [ahead 1, behind 2]
+## main...upstream [ahead 1, behind 2]
M dir1/modified
A dir2/added
?? dir1/untracked
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup dir3' '
test_expect_success 'status -uno' '
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status (status.showUntrackedFiles no)' '
test_expect_success 'status -uno (advice.statusHints false)' '
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -s (status.showUntrackedFiles no)' '
test_expect_success 'status -unormal' '
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -s (status.showUntrackedFiles normal)' '
test_expect_success 'status -uall' '
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -s (status.showUntrackedFiles all)' '
test_expect_success 'status with relative paths' '
cat >expect <<\EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup unique colors' '
test_expect_success TTY 'status with color.ui' '
cat >expect <<\EOF &&
-On branch <GREEN>master<RESET>
+On branch <GREEN>main<RESET>
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ test_expect_success TTY 'status -s with color.status' '
cat >expect <<\EOF
-## <YELLOW>master<RESET>...<CYAN>upstream<RESET> [ahead <YELLOW>1<RESET>, behind <CYAN>2<RESET>]
+## <YELLOW>main<RESET>...<CYAN>upstream<RESET> [ahead <YELLOW>1<RESET>, behind <CYAN>2<RESET>]
<RED>M<RESET> dir1/modified
<GREEN>A<RESET> dir2/added
<BLUE>??<RESET> dir1/untracked
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status --porcelain respects -b' '
git status --porcelain -b >output &&
- echo "## master...upstream [ahead 1, behind 2]" &&
+ echo "## main...upstream [ahead 1, behind 2]" &&
cat expect
} >tmp &&
mv tmp expect &&
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status --porcelain respects -b' '
test_expect_success 'status without relative paths' '
cat >expect <<\EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -s without relative paths' '
test_expect_success 'dry-run of partial commit excluding new file in index' '
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup status submodule summary' '
test_expect_success 'status submodule summary is disabled by default' '
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ head=$(cd sm && git rev-parse --short=7 --verify HEAD)
test_expect_success 'status submodule summary' '
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -s submodule summary' '
test_expect_success 'status submodule summary (clean submodule): commit' '
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 2 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status -z implies porcelain' '
test_expect_success 'commit --dry-run submodule summary (--amend)' '
cat >expect <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 2 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ touch .gitmodules
test_expect_success '--ignore-submodules=untracked suppresses submodules with untracked content' '
cat > expect << EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 2 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ test_expect_success '.git/config ignore=dirty suppresses submodules with modifie
test_expect_success "--ignore-submodules=untracked doesn't suppress submodules with modified content" '
cat > expect << EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 2 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -1279,7 +1279,7 @@ head2=$(cd sm && git commit -q -m "2nd commit" foo && git rev-parse --short=7 --
test_expect_success "--ignore-submodules=untracked doesn't suppress submodule summary" '
cat > expect << EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 2 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ test_expect_success ".git/config ignore=dirty doesn't suppress submodule summary
cat > expect << EOF
-; On branch master
+; On branch main
; Your branch and 'upstream' have diverged,
; and have 2 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
; (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ test_expect_success "status (core.commentchar with two chars with submodule summ
test_expect_success "--ignore-submodules=all suppresses submodule summary" '
cat > expect << EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 2 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success '.gitmodules ignore=all suppresses unstaged submodule summary' '
cat > expect << EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 2 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
@@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@ test_expect_success 'git commit --dry-run will show a staged but ignored submodu
git reset HEAD^ &&
git add sm &&
cat >expect << EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Your branch and '\''upstream'\'' have diverged,
and have 2 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 500ab2fe72..ee6c47416e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -18,11 +18,8 @@ message_body () {
test_expect_success '-C option copies authorship and message' '
- echo "Initial" >foo &&
- git add foo &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -m "Initial Commit" --author Frigate\ \<\> &&
- git tag Initial &&
+ test_commit --author Frigate\ \<\> \
+ "Initial Commit" foo Initial Initial &&
echo "Test 1" >>foo &&
test_tick &&
git commit -a -C Initial &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6baaa1ad91..f4bf925bdd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='signed commit tests'
. ./
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'create signed commits' '
echo 3 >elif && git add elif &&
test_tick && git commit -m "third on side" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
test_tick && git merge -S side &&
git tag merge &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 29518e0949..9f5e3ce793 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
test_description='git status advice'
. ./
@@ -17,14 +20,14 @@ test_expect_success 'prepare for conflicts' '
git config --global advice.statusuoption false &&
test_commit init main.txt init &&
git branch conflicts &&
- test_commit on_master main.txt on_master &&
+ test_commit on_main main.txt on_main &&
git checkout conflicts &&
test_commit on_conflicts main.txt on_conflicts
test_expect_success 'status when conflicts unresolved' '
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
cat >expected <<\EOF &&
On branch conflicts
You have unmerged paths.
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status when conflicts resolved before commit' '
git reset --hard conflicts &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
echo one >main.txt &&
git add main.txt &&
cat >expected <<\EOF &&
@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'prepare for rebase conflicts' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b rebase_conflicts &&
test_commit one_rebase main.txt one &&
test_commit two_rebase main.txt two &&
@@ -118,11 +121,11 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'prepare for rebase_i_conflicts' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b rebase_i_conflicts &&
test_commit one_unmerge main.txt one_unmerge &&
git branch rebase_i_conflicts_second &&
- test_commit one_master main.txt one_master &&
+ test_commit one_main main.txt one_main &&
git checkout rebase_i_conflicts_second &&
test_commit one_second main.txt one_second
@@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status when rebasing -i in edit mode' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b rebase_i_edit &&
test_commit one_rebase_i main.txt one &&
test_commit two_rebase_i main.txt two &&
@@ -212,7 +215,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status when splitting a commit' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b split_commit &&
test_commit one_split main.txt one &&
test_commit two_split main.txt two &&
@@ -251,7 +254,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status after editing the last commit with --amend during a rebase -i' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b amend_last &&
test_commit one_amend main.txt one &&
test_commit two_amend main.txt two &&
@@ -284,7 +287,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'prepare for several edits' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b several_edits &&
test_commit one_edits main.txt one &&
test_commit two_edits main.txt two &&
@@ -593,7 +596,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'prepare am_session' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b am_session &&
test_commit one_am one.txt "one" &&
test_commit two_am two.txt "two" &&
@@ -666,7 +669,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status when bisecting' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b bisect &&
test_commit one_bisect main.txt one &&
test_commit two_bisect main.txt two &&
@@ -689,7 +692,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status when rebase --apply conflicts with statushints disabled' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b statushints_disabled &&
test_when_finished "git config --local advice.statushints true" &&
git config --local advice.statushints false &&
@@ -714,7 +717,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'prepare for cherry-pick conflicts' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b cherry_branch &&
test_commit one_cherry main.txt one &&
test_commit two_cherries main.txt two &&
@@ -825,7 +828,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status while reverting commit (conflicts)' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo before >to-revert.txt &&
test_commit before to-revert.txt &&
echo old >to-revert.txt &&
@@ -835,7 +838,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status while reverting commit (conflicts)' '
TO_REVERT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD^) &&
test_must_fail git revert $TO_REVERT &&
cat >expected <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
You are currently reverting commit $TO_REVERT.
(fix conflicts and run "git revert --continue")
(use "git revert --skip" to skip this patch)
@@ -856,7 +859,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status while reverting commit (conflicts resolved)' '
echo reverted >to-revert.txt &&
git add to-revert.txt &&
cat >expected <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
You are currently reverting commit $TO_REVERT.
(all conflicts fixed: run "git revert --continue")
(use "git revert --skip" to skip this patch)
@@ -875,7 +878,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'status after reverting commit' '
git revert --continue &&
cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)
git status --untracked-files=no >actual &&
@@ -889,7 +892,7 @@ test_expect_success 'status while reverting after committing conflict resolution
echo reverted >to-revert.txt &&
git commit -a &&
cat >expected <<EOF &&
-On branch master
+On branch main
Revert currently in progress.
(run "git revert --continue" to continue)
(use "git revert --skip" to skip this patch)
@@ -902,7 +905,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'prepare for different number of commits rebased' '
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
git checkout -b several_commits &&
test_commit one_commit main.txt one &&
test_commit two_commit main.txt two &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b2401cec3e..405420ae4d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
test_description='per-repo forced setting of email address'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup a likely user.useConfigOnly use case' '
@@ -47,24 +50,24 @@ test_expect_success 'set up rebase scenarios' '
test_expect_success 'fast-forward rebase does not care about ident' '
git checkout -B tmp side-without-commit &&
- git rebase master
+ git rebase main
test_expect_success 'non-fast-forward rebase refuses to write commits' '
test_when_finished "git rebase --abort || true" &&
git checkout -B tmp side-with-commit &&
- test_must_fail git rebase master
+ test_must_fail git rebase main
test_expect_success 'fast-forward rebase does not care about ident (interactive)' '
git checkout -B tmp side-without-commit &&
- git rebase -i master
+ git rebase -i main
test_expect_success 'non-fast-forward rebase refuses to write commits (interactive)' '
test_when_finished "git rebase --abort || true" &&
git checkout -B tmp side-with-commit &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -i master
+ test_must_fail git rebase -i main
test_expect_success 'noop interactive rebase does not care about ident' '
@@ -75,14 +78,14 @@ test_expect_success 'noop interactive rebase does not care about ident' '
test_expect_success REBASE_P \
'fast-forward rebase does not care about ident (preserve)' '
git checkout -B tmp side-without-commit &&
- git rebase -p master
+ git rebase -p main
test_expect_success REBASE_P \
'non-fast-forward rebase refuses to write commits (preserve)' '
test_when_finished "git rebase --abort || true" &&
git checkout -B tmp side-with-commit &&
- test_must_fail git rebase -p master
+ test_must_fail git rebase -p main
test_expect_success ' overrides' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1c85f75555..b2c1d861dc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ Testing basic merge operations/option parsing.
! [c4] c4
! [c5] c5
! [c6] c6
- * [master] Merge commit 'c1'
+ * [main] Merge commit 'c1'
- - [master] Merge commit 'c1'
+ - [main] Merge commit 'c1'
+ * [c1] commit 1
+ [c6] c6
+ [c5] c5
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ Testing basic merge operations/option parsing.
+++++++* [c0] commit 0
. ./
@@ -203,13 +206,13 @@ test_expect_success 'merge c0 with c1 with --ff-only' '
test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
test_expect_success 'merge from unborn branch' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
test_might_fail git branch -D kid &&
echo "OBJID HEAD@{0}: initial pull" >reflog.expected &&
git checkout --orphan kid &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout -f master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout -f main" &&
git rm -fr . &&
test_tick &&
git merge --ff-only c1 &&
@@ -413,7 +416,7 @@ test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
test_expect_success 'merge c1 with c2 (no-commit in config)' '
git reset --hard c1 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--no-commit" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--no-commit" &&
git merge c2 &&
verify_merge file result.1-5 &&
verify_head $c1 &&
@@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge c1 with c2 (log in config)' '
git merge --log c2 &&
git show -s --pretty=tformat:%s%n%b >expect &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--log" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--log" &&
git reset --hard c1 &&
git merge c2 &&
git show -s --pretty=tformat:%s%n%b >actual &&
@@ -440,7 +443,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge c1 with c2 (log in config gets overridden)' '
git merge c2 &&
git show -s --pretty=tformat:%s%n%b >expect &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--no-log" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--no-log" &&
test_config merge.log "true" &&
git reset --hard c1 &&
git merge c2 &&
@@ -451,7 +454,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge c1 with c2 (log in config gets overridden)' '
test_expect_success 'merge c1 with c2 (squash in config)' '
git reset --hard c1 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--squash" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--squash" &&
git merge c2 &&
verify_merge file result.1-5 &&
verify_head $c1 &&
@@ -463,7 +466,7 @@ test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
test_expect_success 'override config option -n with --summary' '
git reset --hard c1 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "-n" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "-n" &&
test_tick &&
git merge --summary c2 >diffstat.txt &&
verify_merge file result.1-5 msg.1-5 &&
@@ -477,7 +480,7 @@ test_expect_success 'override config option -n with --summary' '
test_expect_success 'override config option -n with --stat' '
git reset --hard c1 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "-n" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "-n" &&
test_tick &&
git merge --stat c2 >diffstat.txt &&
verify_merge file result.1-5 msg.1-5 &&
@@ -493,7 +496,7 @@ test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
test_expect_success 'override config option --stat' '
git reset --hard c1 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--stat" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--stat" &&
test_tick &&
git merge -n c2 >diffstat.txt &&
verify_merge file result.1-5 msg.1-5 &&
@@ -509,7 +512,7 @@ test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
test_expect_success 'merge c1 with c2 (override --no-commit)' '
git reset --hard c1 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--no-commit" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--no-commit" &&
test_tick &&
git merge --commit c2 &&
verify_merge file result.1-5 msg.1-5 &&
@@ -520,7 +523,7 @@ test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
test_expect_success 'merge c1 with c2 (override --squash)' '
git reset --hard c1 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--squash" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--squash" &&
test_tick &&
git merge --no-squash c2 &&
verify_merge file result.1-5 msg.1-5 &&
@@ -549,9 +552,9 @@ test_expect_success 'merge c0 with c1 (merge.ff=false)' '
test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
-test_expect_success 'combine branch.master.mergeoptions with merge.ff' '
+test_expect_success 'combine branch.main.mergeoptions with merge.ff' '
git reset --hard c0 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--ff" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--ff" &&
test_config merge.ff "false" &&
test_tick &&
git merge c1 &&
@@ -593,7 +596,7 @@ test_expect_success 'option --no-ff overrides merge.ff=only config' '
test_expect_success 'merge c0 with c1 (ff overrides no-ff)' '
git reset --hard c0 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--no-ff" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--no-ff" &&
git merge --ff c1 &&
verify_merge file result.1 &&
verify_head $c1
@@ -606,7 +609,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merge log message' '
test_must_be_empty msg.act &&
git reset --hard c0 &&
- test_config branch.master.mergeoptions "--no-ff" &&
+ test_config branch.main.mergeoptions "--no-ff" &&
git merge --no-log c2 &&
git show -s --pretty=format:%b HEAD >msg.act &&
test_must_be_empty msg.act &&
@@ -950,10 +953,10 @@ test_expect_success 'set up mod-256 conflict scenario' '
git add file &&
git commit -m base &&
- # one side changes the first line of each to "master"
- sed s/-1/-master/ file >tmp &&
+ # one side changes the first line of each to "main"
+ sed s/-1/-main/ file >tmp &&
mv tmp file &&
- git commit -am master &&
+ git commit -am main &&
# and the other to "side"; merging the two will
# yield 256 separate conflicts
@@ -965,12 +968,12 @@ test_expect_success 'set up mod-256 conflict scenario' '
test_expect_success 'merge detects mod-256 conflicts (recursive)' '
git reset --hard &&
- test_must_fail git merge -s recursive master
+ test_must_fail git merge -s recursive main
test_expect_success 'merge detects mod-256 conflicts (resolve)' '
git reset --hard &&
- test_must_fail git merge -s resolve master
+ test_must_fail git merge -s resolve main
test_expect_success 'merge nothing into void' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8e8c4d7246..81fb7c474c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ test_description="git merge
Testing a custom strategy.
-* (HEAD, master) Merge commit 'c3'
+* (HEAD, main) Merge commit 'c3'
| * (tag: c3) c3
* | (tag: c1) c1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8e7e0a5865..0b908ab2e7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='test auto-generated merge messages'
. ./
check_oneline() {
@@ -10,51 +13,51 @@ check_oneline() {
test_expect_success 'merge local branch' '
- test_commit master-1 &&
+ test_commit main-1 &&
git checkout -b local-branch &&
test_commit branch-1 &&
- git checkout master &&
- test_commit master-2 &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit main-2 &&
git merge local-branch &&
check_oneline "Merge branch Qlocal-branchQ"
test_expect_success 'merge octopus branches' '
- git checkout -b octopus-a master &&
+ git checkout -b octopus-a main &&
test_commit octopus-1 &&
- git checkout -b octopus-b master &&
+ git checkout -b octopus-b main &&
test_commit octopus-2 &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge octopus-a octopus-b &&
check_oneline "Merge branches Qoctopus-aQ and Qoctopus-bQ"
test_expect_success 'merge tag' '
- git checkout -b tag-branch master &&
+ git checkout -b tag-branch main &&
test_commit tag-1 &&
- git checkout master &&
- test_commit master-3 &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit main-3 &&
git merge tag-1 &&
check_oneline "Merge tag Qtag-1Q"
test_expect_success 'ambiguous tag' '
- git checkout -b ambiguous master &&
+ git checkout -b ambiguous main &&
test_commit ambiguous &&
- git checkout master &&
- test_commit master-4 &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit main-4 &&
git merge ambiguous &&
check_oneline "Merge tag QambiguousQ"
test_expect_success 'remote-tracking branch' '
- git checkout -b remote master &&
+ git checkout -b remote main &&
test_commit remote-1 &&
- git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/master remote &&
- git checkout master &&
- test_commit master-5 &&
- git merge origin/master &&
- check_oneline "Merge remote-tracking branch Qorigin/masterQ"
+ git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/main remote &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit main-5 &&
+ git merge origin/main &&
+ check_oneline "Merge remote-tracking branch Qorigin/mainQ"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 70afdd06fa..04b0095072 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,22 +7,25 @@ test_description='git mergetool
Testing basic merge tool invocation'
. ./
# All the mergetool test work by checking out a temporary branch based
-# off 'branch1' and then merging in master and checking the results of
+# off 'branch1' and then merging in main and checking the results of
# running mergetool
test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_config rerere.enabled true &&
- echo master >file1 &&
- echo master spaced >"spaced name" &&
- echo master file11 >file11 &&
- echo master file12 >file12 &&
- echo master file13 >file13 &&
- echo master file14 >file14 &&
+ echo main >file1 &&
+ echo main spaced >"spaced name" &&
+ echo main file11 >file11 &&
+ echo main file12 >file12 &&
+ echo main file13 >file13 &&
+ echo main file14 >file14 &&
mkdir subdir &&
- echo master sub >subdir/file3 &&
+ echo main sub >subdir/file3 &&
test_create_repo submod &&
cd submod &&
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git add file1 "spaced name" file1[1-4] subdir/file3 .gitmodules submod &&
git commit -m "add initial versions" &&
- git checkout -b branch1 master &&
+ git checkout -b branch1 main &&
git submodule update -N &&
echo branch1 change >file1 &&
echo branch1 newfile >file2 &&
@@ -71,39 +74,39 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_write_lines one two 3 >c/c/file.txt &&
git commit -a -m"move to c" &&
- git checkout -b stash1 master &&
+ git checkout -b stash1 main &&
echo stash1 change file11 >file11 &&
git add file11 &&
git commit -m "stash1 changes" &&
- git checkout -b stash2 master &&
+ git checkout -b stash2 main &&
echo stash2 change file11 >file11 &&
git add file11 &&
git commit -m "stash2 changes" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git submodule update -N &&
- echo master updated >file1 &&
- echo master new >file2 &&
- echo master updated spaced >"spaced name" &&
- echo master both added >both &&
- echo master updated file12 >file12 &&
- echo master updated file14 >file14 &&
- echo master new sub >subdir/file3 &&
+ echo main updated >file1 &&
+ echo main new >file2 &&
+ echo main updated spaced >"spaced name" &&
+ echo main both added >both &&
+ echo main updated file12 >file12 &&
+ echo main updated file14 >file14 &&
+ echo main new sub >subdir/file3 &&
cd submod &&
- echo master submodule >bar &&
+ echo main submodule >bar &&
git add bar &&
- git commit -m "Add bar on master" &&
- git checkout -b submod-master
+ git commit -m "Add bar on main" &&
+ git checkout -b submod-main
) &&
git add file1 "spaced name" file12 file14 file2 subdir/file3 submod &&
git add both &&
git rm file11 &&
- git commit -m "master updates" &&
+ git commit -m "main updates" &&
git clean -fdx &&
- git checkout -b order-file-start master &&
+ git checkout -b order-file-start main &&
echo start >a &&
echo start >b &&
git add a b &&
@@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ test_expect_success 'custom mergetool' '
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
git checkout -b test$test_count branch1 &&
git submodule update -N &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "" | git mergetool both &&
yes "" | git mergetool file1 file1 &&
yes "" | git mergetool file2 "spaced name" &&
@@ -138,11 +141,11 @@ test_expect_success 'custom mergetool' '
yes "d" | git mergetool file11 &&
yes "d" | git mergetool file12 &&
yes "l" | git mergetool submod &&
- echo "master updated" >expect &&
+ echo "main updated" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file1 &&
- echo "master new" >expect &&
+ echo "main new" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file2 &&
- echo "master new sub" >expect &&
+ echo "main new sub" >expect &&
test_cmp expect subdir/file3 &&
echo "branch1 submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@ test_expect_success 'gui mergetool' '
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
git checkout -b test$test_count branch1 &&
git submodule update -N &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "" | git mergetool --gui both &&
yes "" | git mergetool -g file1 file1 &&
yes "" | git mergetool --gui file2 "spaced name" &&
@@ -164,11 +167,11 @@ test_expect_success 'gui mergetool' '
yes "d" | git mergetool --gui file11 &&
yes "d" | git mergetool --gui file12 &&
yes "l" | git mergetool --gui submod &&
- echo "gui master updated" >expect &&
+ echo "gui main updated" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file1 &&
- echo "gui master new" >expect &&
+ echo "gui main new" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file2 &&
- echo "gui master new sub" >expect &&
+ echo "gui main new sub" >expect &&
test_cmp expect subdir/file3 &&
echo "branch1 submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
@@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ test_expect_success 'gui mergetool without merge.guitool set falls back to merge
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
git checkout -b test$test_count branch1 &&
git submodule update -N &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "" | git mergetool --gui both &&
yes "" | git mergetool -g file1 file1 &&
yes "" | git mergetool --gui file2 "spaced name" &&
@@ -187,11 +190,11 @@ test_expect_success 'gui mergetool without merge.guitool set falls back to merge
yes "d" | git mergetool --gui file11 &&
yes "d" | git mergetool --gui file12 &&
yes "l" | git mergetool --gui submod &&
- echo "master updated" >expect &&
+ echo "main updated" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file1 &&
- echo "master new" >expect &&
+ echo "main new" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file2 &&
- echo "master new sub" >expect &&
+ echo "main new sub" >expect &&
test_cmp expect subdir/file3 &&
echo "branch1 submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
@@ -206,7 +209,7 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool crlf' '
# test_when_finished is LIFO.)
test_config core.autocrlf true &&
git checkout -b test$test_count branch1 &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "" | git mergetool file1 &&
yes "" | git mergetool file2 &&
yes "" | git mergetool "spaced name" &&
@@ -215,11 +218,11 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool crlf' '
yes "d" | git mergetool file11 &&
yes "d" | git mergetool file12 &&
yes "r" | git mergetool submod &&
- test "$(printf x | cat file1 -)" = "$(printf "master updated\r\nx")" &&
- test "$(printf x | cat file2 -)" = "$(printf "master new\r\nx")" &&
- test "$(printf x | cat subdir/file3 -)" = "$(printf "master new sub\r\nx")" &&
+ test "$(printf x | cat file1 -)" = "$(printf "main updated\r\nx")" &&
+ test "$(printf x | cat file2 -)" = "$(printf "main new\r\nx")" &&
+ test "$(printf x | cat subdir/file3 -)" = "$(printf "main new sub\r\nx")" &&
git submodule update -N &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
git commit -m "branch1 resolved with mergetool - autocrlf"
@@ -230,9 +233,9 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool in subdir' '
git submodule update -N &&
cd subdir &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "" | git mergetool file3 &&
- echo "master new sub" >expect &&
+ echo "main new sub" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file3
@@ -243,7 +246,7 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool on file in parent dir' '
git submodule update -N &&
cd subdir &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "" | git mergetool file3 &&
yes "" | git mergetool ../file1 &&
yes "" | git mergetool ../file2 ../spaced\ name &&
@@ -251,9 +254,9 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool on file in parent dir' '
yes "d" | git mergetool ../file11 &&
yes "d" | git mergetool ../file12 &&
yes "l" | git mergetool ../submod &&
- echo "master updated" >expect &&
+ echo "main updated" >expect &&
test_cmp expect ../file1 &&
- echo "master new" >expect &&
+ echo "main new" >expect &&
test_cmp expect ../file2 &&
echo "branch1 submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect ../submod/bar &&
@@ -265,7 +268,7 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool skips autoresolved' '
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
git checkout -b test$test_count branch1 &&
git submodule update -N &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
yes "d" | git mergetool file11 &&
yes "d" | git mergetool file12 &&
@@ -280,17 +283,17 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool merges all from subdir (rerere disabled)' '
test_config rerere.enabled false &&
cd subdir &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "r" | git mergetool ../submod &&
yes "d" "d" | git mergetool --no-prompt &&
- echo "master updated" >expect &&
+ echo "main updated" >expect &&
test_cmp expect ../file1 &&
- echo "master new" >expect &&
+ echo "main new" >expect &&
test_cmp expect ../file2 &&
- echo "master new sub" >expect &&
+ echo "main new sub" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file3 &&
( cd .. && git submodule update -N ) &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect ../submod/bar &&
git commit -m "branch2 resolved by mergetool from subdir"
@@ -303,17 +306,17 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool merges all from subdir (rerere enabled)' '
rm -rf .git/rr-cache &&
cd subdir &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "r" | git mergetool ../submod &&
yes "d" "d" | git mergetool --no-prompt &&
- echo "master updated" >expect &&
+ echo "main updated" >expect &&
test_cmp expect ../file1 &&
- echo "master new" >expect &&
+ echo "main new" >expect &&
test_cmp expect ../file2 &&
- echo "master new sub" >expect &&
+ echo "main new sub" >expect &&
test_cmp expect file3 &&
( cd .. && git submodule update -N ) &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect ../submod/bar &&
git commit -m "branch2 resolved by mergetool from subdir"
@@ -325,7 +328,7 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool skips resolved paths when rerere is active' '
rm -rf .git/rr-cache &&
git checkout -b test$test_count branch1 &&
git submodule update -N &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "l" | git mergetool --no-prompt submod &&
yes "d" "d" | git mergetool --no-prompt &&
git submodule update -N &&
@@ -366,11 +369,11 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool takes partial path' '
test_config rerere.enabled false &&
git checkout -b test$test_count branch1 &&
git submodule update -N &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
yes "" | git mergetool subdir &&
- echo "master new sub" >expect &&
+ echo "main new sub" >expect &&
test_cmp expect subdir/file3
@@ -434,7 +437,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deleted vs modified submodule' '
git rm --cached submod &&
git commit -m "Submodule deleted from branch" &&
git checkout -b test$test_count.a test$test_count &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
yes "" | git mergetool file1 file2 spaced\ name subdir/file3 &&
yes "" | git mergetool both &&
@@ -444,7 +447,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deleted vs modified submodule' '
echo "branch1 submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
git submodule update -N &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
output="$(git mergetool --no-prompt)" &&
test "$output" = "No files need merging" &&
@@ -453,7 +456,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deleted vs modified submodule' '
mv submod submod-movedaside &&
git checkout -b test$test_count.b test$test_count &&
git submodule update -N &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
yes "" | git mergetool file1 file2 spaced\ name subdir/file3 &&
yes "" | git mergetool both &&
@@ -465,7 +468,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deleted vs modified submodule' '
git commit -m "Merge resolved by deleting module" &&
mv submod-movedaside submod &&
- git checkout -b test$test_count.c master &&
+ git checkout -b test$test_count.c main &&
git submodule update -N &&
test_must_fail git merge test$test_count &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
@@ -481,7 +484,7 @@ test_expect_success 'deleted vs modified submodule' '
git commit -m "Merge resolved by deleting module" &&
mv submod.orig submod &&
- git checkout -b test$test_count.d master &&
+ git checkout -b test$test_count.d main &&
git submodule update -N &&
test_must_fail git merge test$test_count &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
@@ -489,10 +492,10 @@ test_expect_success 'deleted vs modified submodule' '
yes "" | git mergetool both &&
yes "d" | git mergetool file11 file12 &&
yes "l" | git mergetool submod &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
git submodule update -N &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
output="$(git mergetool --no-prompt)" &&
test "$output" = "No files need merging" &&
@@ -509,7 +512,7 @@ test_expect_success 'file vs modified submodule' '
git add submod &&
git commit -m "Submodule path becomes file" &&
git checkout -b test$test_count.a branch1 &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
yes "" | git mergetool file1 file2 spaced\ name subdir/file3 &&
yes "" | git mergetool both &&
@@ -519,7 +522,7 @@ test_expect_success 'file vs modified submodule' '
echo "branch1 submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
git submodule update -N &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
output="$(git mergetool --no-prompt)" &&
test "$output" = "No files need merging" &&
@@ -527,7 +530,7 @@ test_expect_success 'file vs modified submodule' '
mv submod submod-movedaside &&
git checkout -b test$test_count.b test$test_count &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
yes "" | git mergetool file1 file2 spaced\ name subdir/file3 &&
yes "" | git mergetool both &&
@@ -547,7 +550,7 @@ test_expect_success 'file vs modified submodule' '
test "$output" = "No files need merging" &&
git commit -m "Merge resolved by keeping file" &&
- git checkout -b test$test_count.c master &&
+ git checkout -b test$test_count.c main &&
rmdir submod && mv submod-movedaside submod &&
test ! -e submod.orig &&
git submodule update -N &&
@@ -573,7 +576,7 @@ test_expect_success 'file vs modified submodule' '
test "$output" = "No files need merging" &&
git commit -m "Merge resolved by keeping file" &&
- git checkout -b test$test_count.d master &&
+ git checkout -b test$test_count.d main &&
rmdir submod && mv submod.orig submod &&
git submodule update -N &&
test_must_fail git merge test$test_count &&
@@ -586,10 +589,10 @@ test_expect_success 'file vs modified submodule' '
yes "d" | git mergetool submod~test19
fi &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
git submodule update -N &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
output="$(git mergetool --no-prompt)" &&
test "$output" = "No files need merging" &&
@@ -672,7 +675,7 @@ test_expect_success 'directory vs modified submodule' '
git add submod/file16 &&
git commit -m "Submodule path becomes directory" &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
yes "l" | git mergetool submod &&
echo "not a submodule" >expect &&
@@ -680,14 +683,14 @@ test_expect_success 'directory vs modified submodule' '
rm -rf submod.orig &&
git reset --hard &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
test ! -e submod.orig &&
- yes "r" | git mergetool submod~master &&
+ yes "r" | git mergetool submod~main &&
git mv submod submod.orig &&
- git mv submod~master submod
+ git mv submod~main submod
yes "r" | git mergetool submod
fi &&
@@ -698,18 +701,18 @@ test_expect_success 'directory vs modified submodule' '
mv submod-movedaside/.git submod &&
( cd submod && git clean -f && git reset --hard ) &&
git submodule update -N &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
git reset --hard &&
rm -rf submod-movedaside &&
- git checkout -b test$test_count.c master &&
+ git checkout -b test$test_count.c main &&
git submodule update -N &&
test_must_fail git merge test$test_count &&
test -n "$(git ls-files -u)" &&
yes "l" | git mergetool submod &&
git submodule update -N &&
- echo "master submodule" >expect &&
+ echo "main submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/bar &&
git reset --hard &&
@@ -721,7 +724,7 @@ test_expect_success 'directory vs modified submodule' '
echo "not a submodule" >expect &&
test_cmp expect submod/file16 &&
- git reset --hard master &&
+ git reset --hard main &&
( cd submod && git clean -f && git reset --hard ) &&
git submodule update -N
@@ -729,7 +732,7 @@ test_expect_success 'directory vs modified submodule' '
test_expect_success 'file with no base' '
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
git checkout -b test$test_count branch1 &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
git mergetool --no-prompt --tool mybase -- both &&
test_must_be_empty both
@@ -739,9 +742,9 @@ test_expect_success 'custom commands override built-ins' '
git checkout -b test$test_count branch1 &&
test_config mergetool.defaults.cmd "cat \"\$REMOTE\" >\"\$MERGED\"" &&
test_config mergetool.defaults.trustExitCode true &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
git mergetool --no-prompt --tool defaults -- both &&
- echo master both added >expected &&
+ echo main both added >expected &&
test_cmp expected both
@@ -751,7 +754,7 @@ test_expect_success 'filenames seen by tools start with ./' '
test_config mergetool.writeToTemp false &&
test_config mergetool.myecho.cmd "echo \"\$LOCAL\"" &&
test_config mergetool.myecho.trustExitCode true &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
git mergetool --no-prompt --tool myecho -- both >actual &&
grep ^\./both_LOCAL_ actual
@@ -768,7 +771,7 @@ test_expect_success MKTEMP 'temporary filenames are used with mergetool.writeToT
test_config mergetool.writeToTemp true &&
test_config mergetool.myecho.cmd "echo \"\$LOCAL\"" &&
test_config mergetool.myecho.trustExitCode true &&
- test_must_fail git merge master &&
+ test_must_fail git merge main &&
git mergetool --no-prompt --tool myecho -- both >actual &&
! grep ^\./both_LOCAL_ actual &&
grep /both_LOCAL_ actual
@@ -828,4 +831,15 @@ test_expect_success 'mergetool -Oorder-file is honored' '
test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'mergetool --tool-help shows recognized tools' '
+ # Check a few known tools are correctly shown
+ git mergetool --tool-help >mergetools &&
+ grep vimdiff mergetools &&
+ grep vimdiff3 mergetools &&
+ grep gvimdiff2 mergetools &&
+ grep araxis mergetools &&
+ grep xxdiff mergetools &&
+ grep meld mergetools
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7c84a518aa..c0e9425115 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Set up repo with conflicting and non-conflicting branches:
There are three files foo/bar/baz, and the following graph illustrates the
content of these files in each commit:
-# foo/bar/baz --- foo/bar/bazz <-- master
+# foo/bar/baz --- foo/bar/bazz <-- main
# \
# --- foo/barf/bazf <-- conflict_branch
# \
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ Next, test git merge --abort with the following variables:
- changed/unchanged worktree after merge
- changed/unchanged index after merge
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git checkout -b clean_branch HEAD^ &&
echo bart > bar &&
git commit -a -m "clean" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
pre_merge_head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a426f3a89a..61330f71b1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='merge signature verification tests'
. ./
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ test_expect_success GPG 'create signed commits' '
echo 3 >baz && git add baz &&
test_tick && git commit -SB7227189 -m "untrusted on side" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success GPG 'merge unsigned commit with verification' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c1b8446f49..fee258d4f0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,23 +5,26 @@ test_description='git merge --signoff
This test runs git merge --signoff and makes sure that it works.
. ./
# Setup test files
test_setup() {
# Expected commit message after merge --signoff
cat >expected-signed <<EOF &&
-Merge branch 'master' into other-branch
+Merge branch 'main' into other-branch
Signed-off-by: $(git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT | sed -e "s/>.*/>/")
# Expected commit message after merge without --signoff (or with --no-signoff)
cat >expected-unsigned <<EOF &&
-Merge branch 'master' into other-branch
+Merge branch 'main' into other-branch
- # Initial commit and feature branch to merge master into it.
+ # Initial commit and feature branch to merge main into it.
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial empty commit" &&
git checkout -b other-branch &&
test_commit other-branch file1 1
@@ -38,30 +41,30 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
# Test with --signoff flag
test_expect_success 'git merge --signoff adds a sign-off line' '
- git checkout master &&
- test_commit master-branch-2 file2 2 &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit main-branch-2 file2 2 &&
git checkout other-branch &&
- git merge master --signoff --no-edit &&
+ git merge main --signoff --no-edit &&
git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
test_cmp expected-signed actual
# Test without --signoff flag
test_expect_success 'git merge does not add a sign-off line' '
- git checkout master &&
- test_commit master-branch-3 file3 3 &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit main-branch-3 file3 3 &&
git checkout other-branch &&
- git merge master --no-edit &&
+ git merge main --no-edit &&
git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
test_cmp expected-unsigned actual
# Test for --no-signoff flag
test_expect_success 'git merge --no-signoff flag cancels --signoff flag' '
- git checkout master &&
- test_commit master-branch-4 file4 4 &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit main-branch-4 file4 4 &&
git checkout other-branch &&
- git merge master --no-edit --signoff --no-signoff &&
+ git merge main --no-edit --signoff --no-signoff &&
git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -e "1,/^\$/d" >actual &&
test_cmp expected-unsigned actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 48261ba080..937f89ee8c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git repack works correctly'
. ./
@@ -22,7 +25,7 @@ test_expect_success '-A with -d option leaves unreachable objects unpacked' '
git commit -a -m more_content &&
csha1=$(git rev-parse HEAD^{commit}) &&
tsha1=$(git rev-parse HEAD^{tree}) &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
echo even more content >> file1 &&
test_tick &&
git commit -a -m even_more_content &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a578b35761..9192c141ff 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ test_description='git-difftool
Testing basic diff tool invocation
. ./
difftool_test_setup ()
@@ -35,23 +38,23 @@ test_expect_success 'basic usage requires no repo' '
test_i18ngrep ^usage: output
-# Create a file on master and change it on branch
+# Create a file on main and change it on branch
test_expect_success 'setup' '
- echo master >file &&
+ echo main >file &&
git add file &&
git commit -m "added file" &&
- git checkout -b branch master &&
+ git checkout -b branch main &&
echo branch >file &&
git commit -a -m "branch changed file" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
# Configure a custom difftool.<tool>.cmd and use it
test_expect_success 'custom commands' '
difftool_test_setup &&
test_config difftool.test-tool.cmd "cat \"\$REMOTE\"" &&
- echo master >expect &&
+ echo main >expect &&
git difftool --no-prompt branch >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ test_expect_success 'custom commands' '
test_expect_success 'custom tool commands override built-ins' '
test_config difftool.vimdiff.cmd "cat \"\$REMOTE\"" &&
- echo master >expect &&
+ echo main >expect &&
git difftool --tool vimdiff --no-prompt branch >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -311,21 +314,21 @@ test_expect_success 'difftool.<tool>.path' '
test_expect_success 'difftool --extcmd=cat' '
echo branch >expect &&
- echo master >>expect &&
+ echo main >>expect &&
git difftool --no-prompt --extcmd=cat branch >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'difftool --extcmd cat' '
echo branch >expect &&
- echo master >>expect &&
+ echo main >>expect &&
git difftool --no-prompt --extcmd=cat branch >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'difftool -x cat' '
echo branch >expect &&
- echo master >>expect &&
+ echo main >>expect &&
git difftool --no-prompt -x cat branch >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -338,7 +341,7 @@ test_expect_success 'difftool --extcmd echo arg1' '
test_expect_success 'difftool --extcmd cat arg1' '
- echo master >expect &&
+ echo main >expect &&
git difftool --no-prompt \
--extcmd sh\ -c\ \"cat\ \$1\" branch >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -351,7 +354,7 @@ test_expect_success 'difftool --extcmd cat arg2' '
test_cmp expect actual
-# Create a second file on master and a different version on branch
+# Create a second file on main and a different version on branch
test_expect_success 'setup with 2 files different' '
echo m2 >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
@@ -361,7 +364,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup with 2 files different' '
echo br2 >file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit -a -m "branch changed file2" &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'say no to the first file' '
@@ -369,14 +372,14 @@ test_expect_success 'say no to the first file' '
git difftool -x cat branch <input >output &&
grep m2 output &&
grep br2 output &&
- ! grep master output &&
+ ! grep main output &&
! grep branch output
test_expect_success 'say no to the second file' '
(echo && echo n) >input &&
git difftool -x cat branch <input >output &&
- grep master output &&
+ grep main output &&
grep branch output &&
! grep m2 output &&
! grep br2 output
@@ -384,7 +387,7 @@ test_expect_success 'say no to the second file' '
test_expect_success 'ending prompt input with EOF' '
git difftool -x cat branch </dev/null >output &&
- ! grep master output &&
+ ! grep main output &&
! grep branch output &&
! grep m2 output &&
! grep br2 output
@@ -396,9 +399,9 @@ test_expect_success 'difftool --tool-help' '
test_expect_success 'setup change in subdirectory' '
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
mkdir sub &&
- echo master >sub/sub &&
+ echo main >sub/sub &&
git add sub/sub &&
git commit -m "added sub/sub" &&
git tag v1 &&
@@ -440,20 +443,20 @@ run_dir_diff_test () {
run_dir_diff_test 'difftool -d' '
git difftool -d $symlinks --extcmd ls branch >output &&
- grep sub output &&
- grep file output
+ grep "^sub$" output &&
+ grep "^file$" output
run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff' '
git difftool --dir-diff $symlinks --extcmd ls branch >output &&
- grep sub output &&
- grep file output
+ grep "^sub$" output &&
+ grep "^file$" output
run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff ignores --prompt' '
git difftool --dir-diff $symlinks --prompt --extcmd ls branch >output &&
- grep sub output &&
- grep file output
+ grep "^sub$" output &&
+ grep "^file$" output
run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff branch from subdirectory' '
@@ -462,11 +465,11 @@ run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff branch from subdirectory' '
git difftool --dir-diff $symlinks --extcmd ls branch >output &&
# "sub" must only exist in "right"
# "file" and "file2" must be listed in both "left" and "right"
- grep sub output >sub-output &&
+ grep "^sub$" output >sub-output &&
test_line_count = 1 sub-output &&
- grep file"$" output >file-output &&
+ grep "^file$" output >file-output &&
test_line_count = 2 file-output &&
- grep file2 output >file2-output &&
+ grep "^file2$" output >file2-output &&
test_line_count = 2 file2-output
@@ -477,11 +480,11 @@ run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff v1 from subdirectory' '
git difftool --dir-diff $symlinks --extcmd ls v1 >output &&
# "sub" and "file" exist in both v1 and HEAD.
# "file2" is unchanged.
- grep sub output >sub-output &&
+ grep "^sub$" output >sub-output &&
test_line_count = 2 sub-output &&
- grep file output >file-output &&
+ grep "^file$" output >file-output &&
test_line_count = 2 file-output &&
- ! grep file2 output
+ ! grep "^file2$" output
@@ -491,9 +494,9 @@ run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff branch from subdirectory w/ pathspec' '
git difftool --dir-diff $symlinks --extcmd ls branch -- .>output &&
# "sub" only exists in "right"
# "file" and "file2" must not be listed
- grep sub output >sub-output &&
+ grep "^sub$" output >sub-output &&
test_line_count = 1 sub-output &&
- ! grep file output
+ ! grep "^file$" output
@@ -503,9 +506,9 @@ run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff v1 from subdirectory w/ pathspec' '
git difftool --dir-diff $symlinks --extcmd ls v1 -- .>output &&
# "sub" exists in v1 and HEAD
# "file" is filtered out by the pathspec
- grep sub output >sub-output &&
+ grep "^sub$" output >sub-output &&
test_line_count = 2 sub-output &&
- ! grep file output
+ ! grep "^file$" output
@@ -518,16 +521,16 @@ run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff from subdirectory with GIT_DIR set' '
cd sub &&
git difftool --dir-diff $symlinks --extcmd ls \
branch -- sub >output &&
- grep sub output &&
- ! grep file output
+ grep "^sub$" output &&
+ ! grep "^file$" output
run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff when worktree file is missing' '
test_when_finished git reset --hard &&
rm file2 &&
- git difftool --dir-diff $symlinks --extcmd ls branch master >output &&
- grep file2 output
+ git difftool --dir-diff $symlinks --extcmd ls branch main >output &&
+ grep "^file2$" output
run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff with unmerged files' '
@@ -543,7 +546,7 @@ run_dir_diff_test 'difftool --dir-diff with unmerged files' '
echo b >>file &&
git add file &&
git commit -m conflict-b &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge conflict-a &&
test_must_fail git merge conflict-b &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 991d5bd9c0..8f7591c9cc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
test_description='git grep various.
. ./
cat >hello.c <<EOF
@@ -687,21 +690,9 @@ test_expect_success 'grep -C1 hunk mark between files' '
test_expect_success 'log grep setup' '
- echo a >>file &&
- test_tick &&
- GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="With * Asterisk" \
- git commit -a -m "second" &&
- echo a >>file &&
- test_tick &&
- git commit -a -m "third" &&
- echo a >>file &&
- test_tick &&
- GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Night Fall" \
- git commit -a -m "fourth"
+ test_commit --append --author "With * Asterisk <>" second file a &&
+ test_commit --append third file a &&
+ test_commit --append --author "Night Fall <>" fourth file a
test_expect_success 'log grep (1)' '
@@ -1206,19 +1197,19 @@ test_expect_success 'grep -e -- -- path' '
test_expect_success 'dashdash disambiguates rev as rev' '
- test_when_finished "rm -f master" &&
- echo content >master &&
- echo master:hello.c >expect &&
- git grep -l o master -- hello.c >actual &&
+ test_when_finished "rm -f main" &&
+ echo content >main &&
+ echo main:hello.c >expect &&
+ git grep -l o main -- hello.c >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'dashdash disambiguates pathspec as pathspec' '
- test_when_finished "git rm -f master" &&
- echo content >master &&
- git add master &&
- echo master:content >expect &&
- git grep o -- master >actual &&
+ test_when_finished "git rm -f main" &&
+ echo content >main &&
+ git add main &&
+ echo main:content >expect &&
+ git grep o -- main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -1254,15 +1245,15 @@ test_expect_success 'grep --no-index pattern -- path' '
test_expect_success 'grep --no-index complains of revs' '
- test_must_fail git grep --no-index o master -- 2>err &&
+ test_must_fail git grep --no-index o main -- 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "cannot be used with revs" err
test_expect_success 'grep --no-index prefers paths to revs' '
- test_when_finished "rm -f master" &&
- echo content >master &&
- echo master:content >expect &&
- git grep --no-index o master >actual &&
+ test_when_finished "rm -f main" &&
+ echo content >main &&
+ echo main:content >expect &&
+ git grep --no-index o main >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 03dba6685a..e5d1e4ea68 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -57,7 +57,12 @@ test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: setup invalid UTF-8 data'
printf "\\200\\n" >invalid-0x80 &&
echo "ævar" >expected &&
cat expected >>invalid-0x80 &&
- git add invalid-0x80
+ git add invalid-0x80 &&
+ # Test for PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF bug
+ #
+ printf "\\345Aæ\\n" >invalid-0xe5 &&
+ git add invalid-0xe5
test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data' '
@@ -67,6 +72,13 @@ test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep ASCII from invalid UT
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data (PCRE2 bug #2642)' '
+ git grep -h "Aæ" invalid-0xe5 >actual &&
+ test_cmp invalid-0xe5 actual &&
+ git grep -h "(*NO_JIT)Aæ" invalid-0xe5 >actual &&
+ test_cmp invalid-0xe5 actual
test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data' '
git grep -h "æ" invalid-0x80 >actual &&
test_cmp expected actual &&
@@ -74,14 +86,41 @@ test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invali
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data (PCRE2 bug #2642)' '
+ git grep -h "Aæ" invalid-0xe5 >actual &&
+ test_cmp invalid-0xe5 actual &&
+ git grep -h "(*NO_JIT)Aæ" invalid-0xe5 >actual &&
+ test_cmp invalid-0xe5 actual
+test_lazy_prereq PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF '
+ test-tool pcre2-config has-PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF
test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data with -i' '
test_might_fail git grep -hi "Æ" invalid-0x80 >actual &&
- if test -s actual
- then
- test_cmp expected actual
- fi &&
- test_must_fail git grep -hi "(*NO_JIT)Æ" invalid-0x80 >actual &&
- ! test_cmp expected actual
+ test_might_fail git grep -hi "(*NO_JIT)Æ" invalid-0x80 >actual
+test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2,PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF 'PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data with -i' '
+ git grep -hi "Æ" invalid-0x80 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual &&
+ git grep -hi "(*NO_JIT)Æ" invalid-0x80 >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2,PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF 'PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data with -i (PCRE2 bug #2642)' '
+ git grep -hi "Æ" invalid-0xe5 >actual &&
+ test_cmp invalid-0xe5 actual &&
+ git grep -hi "(*NO_JIT)Æ" invalid-0xe5 >actual &&
+ test_cmp invalid-0xe5 actual &&
+ # Only the case of grepping the ASCII part in a way that
+ # relies on -i fails
+ git grep -hi "aÆ" invalid-0xe5 >actual &&
+ test_cmp invalid-0xe5 actual &&
+ git grep -hi "(*NO_JIT)aÆ" invalid-0xe5 >actual &&
+ test_cmp invalid-0xe5 actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 99bf0c7582..78ccf4b33f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,6 +7,19 @@ test_description='git maintenance builtin'
+test_lazy_prereq XMLLINT '
+ xmllint --version
+test_xmllint () {
+ if test_have_prereq XMLLINT
+ then
+ xmllint --noout "$@"
+ else
+ true
+ fi
test_expect_success 'help text' '
test_expect_code 129 git maintenance -h 2>err &&
test_i18ngrep "usage: git maintenance <subcommand>" err &&
@@ -136,7 +149,31 @@ test_expect_success 'prefetch multiple remotes' '
git log prefetch/remote2/two &&
git fetch --all &&
test_cmp_rev refs/remotes/remote1/one refs/prefetch/remote1/one &&
- test_cmp_rev refs/remotes/remote2/two refs/prefetch/remote2/two
+ test_cmp_rev refs/remotes/remote2/two refs/prefetch/remote2/two &&
+ test_cmp_config refs/prefetch/ log.excludedecoration &&
+ git log --oneline --decorate --all >log &&
+ ! grep "prefetch" log
+test_expect_success 'prefetch and existing log.excludeDecoration values' '
+ git config --unset-all log.excludeDecoration &&
+ git config log.excludeDecoration refs/remotes/remote1/ &&
+ git maintenance run --task=prefetch &&
+ git config --get-all log.excludeDecoration >out &&
+ grep refs/remotes/remote1/ out &&
+ grep refs/prefetch/ out &&
+ git log --oneline --decorate --all >log &&
+ ! grep "prefetch" log &&
+ ! grep "remote1" log &&
+ grep "remote2" log &&
+ # a second run does not change the config
+ git maintenance run --task=prefetch &&
+ git log --oneline --decorate --all >log2 &&
+ test_cmp log log2
test_expect_success 'loose-objects task' '
@@ -219,6 +256,13 @@ test_expect_success 'incremental-repack task' '
+ # Delete refs that have not been repacked in these packs.
+ git for-each-ref --format="delete %(refname)" \
+ refs/prefetch refs/tags >refs &&
+ git update-ref --stdin <refs &&
+ # Replace the object directory with this pack layout.
rm -f $packDir/pack-* &&
rm -f $packDir/loose-* &&
ls $packDir/*.pack >packs-before &&
@@ -419,7 +463,7 @@ test_expect_success !MINGW 'register and unregister with regex metacharacters' '
test_expect_success 'start from empty cron table' '
- GIT_TEST_CRONTAB="test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance start &&
+ GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER="crontab:test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance start &&
# start registers the repo
git config --get --global --fixed-value maintenance.repo "$(pwd)" &&
@@ -430,19 +474,19 @@ test_expect_success 'start from empty cron table' '
test_expect_success 'stop from existing schedule' '
- GIT_TEST_CRONTAB="test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance stop &&
+ GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER="crontab:test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance stop &&
# stop does not unregister the repo
git config --get --global --fixed-value maintenance.repo "$(pwd)" &&
# Operation is idempotent
- GIT_TEST_CRONTAB="test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance stop &&
+ GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER="crontab:test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance stop &&
test_must_be_empty cron.txt
test_expect_success 'start preserves existing schedule' '
echo "Important information!" >cron.txt &&
- GIT_TEST_CRONTAB="test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance start &&
+ GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER="crontab:test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance start &&
grep "Important information!" cron.txt
@@ -457,11 +501,94 @@ test_expect_success 'magic markers are correct' '
test_expect_success 'stop preserves surrounding schedule' '
echo "Crucial information!" >>cron.txt &&
- GIT_TEST_CRONTAB="test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance stop &&
+ GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER="crontab:test-tool crontab cron.txt" git maintenance stop &&
grep "Important information!" cron.txt &&
grep "Crucial information!" cron.txt
+test_expect_success 'start and stop macOS maintenance' '
+ # ensure $HOME can be compared against hook arguments on all platforms
+ pfx=$(cd "$HOME" && pwd) &&
+ write_script print-args <<-\EOF &&
+ echo $* | sed "s:gui/[0-9][0-9]*:gui/[UID]:" >>args
+ rm -f args &&
+ GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER=launchctl:./print-args git maintenance start &&
+ # start registers the repo
+ git config --get --global --fixed-value maintenance.repo "$(pwd)" &&
+ ls "$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents" >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ org.git-scm.git.daily.plist
+ org.git-scm.git.hourly.plist
+ org.git-scm.git.weekly.plist
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ rm -f expect &&
+ for frequency in hourly daily weekly
+ do
+ PLIST="$pfx/Library/LaunchAgents/org.git-scm.git.$frequency.plist" &&
+ test_xmllint "$PLIST" &&
+ grep schedule=$frequency "$PLIST" &&
+ echo "bootout gui/[UID] $PLIST" >>expect &&
+ echo "bootstrap gui/[UID] $PLIST" >>expect || return 1
+ done &&
+ test_cmp expect args &&
+ rm -f args &&
+ GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER=launchctl:./print-args git maintenance stop &&
+ # stop does not unregister the repo
+ git config --get --global --fixed-value maintenance.repo "$(pwd)" &&
+ printf "bootout gui/[UID] $pfx/Library/LaunchAgents/org.git-scm.git.%s.plist\n" \
+ hourly daily weekly >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect args &&
+ ls "$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents" >actual &&
+ test_line_count = 0 actual
+test_expect_success 'start and stop Windows maintenance' '
+ write_script print-args <<-\EOF &&
+ echo $* >>args
+ while test $# -gt 0
+ do
+ case "$1" in
+ /xml) shift; xmlfile=$1; break ;;
+ *) shift ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ test -z "$xmlfile" || cp "$xmlfile" "$xmlfile.xml"
+ rm -f args &&
+ GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER="schtasks:./print-args" git maintenance start &&
+ # start registers the repo
+ git config --get --global --fixed-value maintenance.repo "$(pwd)" &&
+ for frequency in hourly daily weekly
+ do
+ grep "/create /tn Git Maintenance ($frequency) /f /xml" args &&
+ file=$(ls .git/schedule_${frequency}*.xml) &&
+ test_xmllint "$file" || return 1
+ done &&
+ rm -f args &&
+ GIT_TEST_MAINT_SCHEDULER="schtasks:./print-args" git maintenance stop &&
+ # stop does not unregister the repo
+ git config --get --global --fixed-value maintenance.repo "$(pwd)" &&
+ printf "/delete /tn Git Maintenance (%s) /f\n" \
+ hourly daily weekly >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect args
test_expect_success 'register preserves existing strategy' '
git config maintenance.strategy none &&
git maintenance register &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 72176e42c1..a536a621b2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
test_description='git annotate'
. ./
PROG='git annotate'
test_expect_success 'annotate old revision' '
- git annotate file master >actual &&
+ git annotate file main >actual &&
awk "{ print \$3; }" <actual >authors &&
test 2 = $(grep A <authors | wc -l) &&
test 2 = $(grep B <authors | wc -l)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 015973e8fe..5bb302b1ba 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git blame'
. ./
PROG='git blame -c'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ba8013b002..da80f815ce 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git blame corner cases'
. ./
pick_fc='s/^[0-9a-f^]* *\([^ ]*\) *(\([^ ]*\) .*/\1-\2/'
@@ -161,13 +164,13 @@ test_expect_success 'blame wholesale copy and more in the index' '
test_expect_success 'blame during cherry-pick with file rename conflict' '
- test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout main" &&
git checkout HEAD~3 &&
echo MOUSE >> mouse &&
git mv mouse rodent &&
git add rodent &&
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=Rodent git commit -m "rodent" &&
- git checkout --detach master &&
+ git checkout --detach main &&
(git cherry-pick HEAD@{1} || test $? -eq 1) &&
git show HEAD@{1}:rodent > rodent &&
git add rodent &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9c353ab222..35414a5336 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
# Based on a test case submitted by Björn Steinbrink.
test_description='git blame on conflicted files'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup first case' '
@@ -21,16 +24,16 @@ test_expect_success 'setup first case' '
git add file2 &&
git commit --author "U Gly <ug@localhost>" -m ugly &&
- # Back to master and change something
- git checkout master &&
+ # Back to main and change something
+ git checkout main &&
echo "
bla" >> file1 &&
git commit --author "Old Line <ol@localhost>" -a -m file1.b &&
- # Back to foo and merge master
+ # Back to foo and merge main
git checkout foo &&
- if git merge master; then
+ if git merge main; then
echo needed conflict here
exit 1
@@ -44,8 +47,8 @@ Even more" > file2 &&
git rm file1 &&
git commit --author "M Result <mr@localhost>" -a -m merged &&
- # Back to master and change file1 again
- git checkout master &&
+ # Back to main and change file1 again
+ git checkout main &&
sed s/bla/foo/ <file1 >X &&
rm file1 &&
mv X file1 &&
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ Even more" > file2 &&
# Try to merge into foo again
git checkout foo &&
- if git merge master; then
+ if git merge main; then
echo needed conflict here
exit 1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ed38f74de9..90c75dbb28 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='colored git blame'
. ./
PROG='git blame -c'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a08f72596a..4eee9c3dcb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git send-email'
. ./
# May be altered later in the test
@@ -1168,10 +1171,10 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ '--compose-encoding adds correct MIME for subject' '
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'detects ambiguous reference/file conflict' '
- echo master >master &&
- git add master &&
- git commit -m"add master" &&
- test_must_fail git send-email --dry-run master 2>errors &&
+ echo main >main &&
+ git add main &&
+ git commit -m"add main" &&
+ test_must_fail git send-email --dry-run main 2>errors &&
grep disambiguate errors
@@ -1185,7 +1188,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'feed two files' '
outdir/000?-*.patch 2>errors >out &&
grep "^Subject: " out >subjects &&
test "z$(sed -n -e 1p subjects)" = "zSubject: [PATCH 1/2] Second." &&
- test "z$(sed -n -e 2p subjects)" = "zSubject: [PATCH 2/2] add master"
+ test "z$(sed -n -e 2p subjects)" = "zSubject: [PATCH 2/2] add main"
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'in-reply-to but no threading' '
@@ -2037,7 +2040,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'setup expected-list' '
--cc="Cc2 <>" \
--bcc="" \
--bcc="" \
- 0001-add-master.patch | replace_variable_fields \
+ 0001-add-main.patch | replace_variable_fields \
@@ -2049,7 +2052,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'use email list in --cc --to and --bcc' '
--to="" \
--cc="Cc 1 <>, Cc2 <>" \
--bcc="," \
- 0001-add-master.patch | replace_variable_fields \
+ 0001-add-main.patch | replace_variable_fields \
>actual-list &&
test_cmp expected-list actual-list
@@ -2065,7 +2068,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'aliases work with email list' '
--to="To 1 <>, to2," \
--cc="cc1, Cc2 <>" \
--bcc="," \
- 0001-add-master.patch | replace_variable_fields \
+ 0001-add-main.patch | replace_variable_fields \
>actual-list &&
test_cmp expected-list actual-list
@@ -2089,7 +2092,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'leading and trailing whitespaces are removed' '
--cc="Cc2 <>" \
--bcc="$BCC1" \
--bcc="" \
- 0001-add-master.patch | replace_variable_fields \
+ 0001-add-main.patch | replace_variable_fields \
>actual-list &&
test_cmp expected-list actual-list
@@ -2108,8 +2111,8 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'invoke hook' '
esac &&
- test -f 0001-add-master.patch &&
- grep "add master" "$1"
+ test -f 0001-add-main.patch &&
+ grep "add main" "$1"
mkdir subdir &&
@@ -2121,10 +2124,10 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'invoke hook' '
--from="Example <>" \ \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/../fake.sendmail" \
- ../0001-add-master.patch &&
+ ../0001-add-main.patch &&
# Verify error message when a patch is rejected by the hook
- sed -e "s/add master/x/" ../0001-add-master.patch >../another.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/add main/x/" ../0001-add-main.patch >../another.patch &&
test_must_fail git send-email \
--from="Example <>" \ \
@@ -2139,7 +2142,7 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'test that send-email works outside a repo' '
--from="Example <>" \ \
--smtp-server="$(pwd)/fake.sendmail" \
- "$(pwd)/0001-add-master.patch"
+ "$(pwd)/0001-add-main.patch"
test_expect_success $PREREQ 'test that sendmail config is rejected' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e4bb22034e..1d3fdcc997 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
test_description='git svn basic tests'
. ./
case "$GIT_SVN_LC_ALL" in
@@ -275,7 +278,7 @@ test_expect_success 'dcommit $rev does not clobber current branch' '
test refs/heads/my-bar = $(git symbolic-ref HEAD) &&
git log refs/remotes/bar | grep "change 1" &&
! git log refs/remotes/bar | grep "change 2" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git branch -D my-bar
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3bbf341f6a..f863e437f7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
# Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Wong
-test_description='git svn initial master branch is "trunk" if possible'
+test_description='git svn initial main branch is "trunk" if possible'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup test repository' '
@@ -13,12 +16,12 @@ test_expect_success 'setup test repository' '
svn_cmd import -m b/b i "$svnrepo/branches/b"
-test_expect_success 'git svn clone --stdlayout sets up trunk as master' '
+test_expect_success 'git svn clone --stdlayout sets up trunk as main' '
git svn clone -s "$svnrepo" g &&
cd g &&
test x$(git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/trunk^0) = \
- x$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master^0)
+ x$(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main^0)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4f6c06ecb2..696ace2462 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='git-svn svn mergeinfo properties'
. ./
test_expect_success 'load svn dump' "
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ test_expect_success 'merging two branches in one commit is detected correctly' '
test_expect_failure 'everything got merged in the end' '
- unmerged=$(git rev-list --all --not master) &&
+ unmerged=$(git rev-list --all --not main) &&
[ -z "$unmerged" ]
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 184336f346..3258374c13 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git svn fetch deleted tag'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup svn repo' '
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch deleted tags from same revision with checksum error'
git svn fetch &&
git diff --exit-code origin/mybranch:trunk/subdir/file origin/tags/mytag:file &&
- git diff --exit-code master:subdir/file origin/tags/mytag^:file
+ git diff --exit-code main:subdir/file origin/tags/mytag^:file
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7a6e33ba3c..2b75c403e3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git svn fetch deleted tag 2'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup svn repo' '
@@ -36,9 +39,9 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch deleted tags from same revision with no checksum erro
cd git_project &&
git svn fetch &&
- git diff --exit-code master:subdir3/file origin/tags/mytag:file &&
- git diff --exit-code master:subdir2/file origin/tags/mytag^:file &&
- git diff --exit-code master:subdir1/file origin/tags/mytag^^:file
+ git diff --exit-code main:subdir3/file origin/tags/mytag:file &&
+ git diff --exit-code main:subdir2/file origin/tags/mytag^:file &&
+ git diff --exit-code main:subdir1/file origin/tags/mytag^^:file
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d6245cee08..978eb62ff4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='git svn reset clears memoized caches'
. ./
svn_ver="$(svn --version --quiet)"
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch to merge-base (a)' '
test_expect_success 'rebase looses SVN merge (m)' '
git svn rebase &&
git svn fetch &&
- test 1 = $(git cat-file -p master|grep parent|wc -l)
+ test 1 = $(git cat-file -p main|grep parent|wc -l)
# git svn fetch creates correct history with merge commit
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 54b1f61a2a..7080b5d24f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git svn dcommit CRLF'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup commit repository' '
@@ -14,7 +17,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup commit repository' '
p=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
t=$(git write-tree) &&
cmt=$(git commit-tree -p $p $t <cmt) &&
- git update-ref refs/heads/master $cmt &&
+ git update-ref refs/heads/main $cmt &&
git cat-file commit HEAD | tail -n4 >out &&
test_cmp cmt out &&
git svn dcommit &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 308c1ef42c..3d17e932a0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='test git fast-import utility'
. ./
. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/ ;# test-lib chdir's into trash
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ test_expect_success 'A: create pack from stdin' '
mark :4
data $file4_len
- commit refs/heads/master
+ commit refs/heads/main
mark :5
data <<COMMIT
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ test_expect_success 'A: create pack from stdin' '
git fast-import --export-marks=marks.out <input &&
- git whatchanged master
+ git whatchanged main
test_expect_success 'A: verify pack' '
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ test_expect_success 'A: verify commit' '
- git cat-file commit master | sed 1d >actual &&
+ git cat-file commit main | sed 1d >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
@@ -141,31 +144,31 @@ test_expect_success 'A: verify tree' '
100644 blob file3
100755 blob file4
- git cat-file -p master^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]* / /" >actual &&
+ git cat-file -p main^{tree} | sed "s/ [0-9a-f]* / /" >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'A: verify file2' '
echo "$file2_data" >expect &&
- git cat-file blob master:file2 >actual &&
+ git cat-file blob main:file2 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'A: verify file3' '
echo "$file3_data" >expect &&
- git cat-file blob master:file3 >actual &&
+ git cat-file blob main:file3 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'A: verify file4' '
printf "$file4_data" >expect &&
- git cat-file blob master:file4 >actual &&
+ git cat-file blob main:file4 >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
test_expect_success 'A: verify tag/series-A' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master)
+ object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/main)
type commit
tag series-A
@@ -177,7 +180,7 @@ test_expect_success 'A: verify tag/series-A' '
test_expect_success 'A: verify tag/series-A-blob' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master:file3)
+ object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/main:file3)
type blob
tag series-A-blob
@@ -193,13 +196,13 @@ test_expect_success 'A: verify tag deletion is successful' '
test_expect_success 'A: verify marks output' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- :2 $(git rev-parse --verify master:file2)
- :3 $(git rev-parse --verify master:file3)
- :4 $(git rev-parse --verify master:file4)
- :5 $(git rev-parse --verify master^0)
+ :2 $(git rev-parse --verify main:file2)
+ :3 $(git rev-parse --verify main:file3)
+ :4 $(git rev-parse --verify main:file4)
+ :5 $(git rev-parse --verify main^0)
:6 $(git cat-file tag nested | grep object | cut -d" " -f 2)
:7 $(git rev-parse --verify nested)
- :8 $(git rev-parse --verify master^0)
+ :8 $(git rev-parse --verify main^0)
test_cmp expect marks.out
@@ -217,7 +220,7 @@ test_expect_success 'A: tag blob by sha1' '
new_blob=$(echo testing | git hash-object --stdin) &&
cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
tag series-A-blob-2
- from $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master:file3)
+ from $(git rev-parse refs/heads/main:file3)
data <<EOF
Tag blob by sha1.
@@ -243,7 +246,7 @@ test_expect_success 'A: tag blob by sha1' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master:file3)
+ object $(git rev-parse refs/heads/main:file3)
type blob
tag series-A-blob-2
@@ -284,13 +287,13 @@ test_expect_success 'A: verify pack' '
test_expect_success 'A: verify diff' '
- copy=$(git rev-parse --verify master:file2) &&
+ copy=$(git rev-parse --verify main:file2) &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
:000000 100755 $ZERO_OID $copy A copy-of-file2
- git diff-tree -M -r master verify--import-marks >actual &&
+ git diff-tree -M -r main verify--import-marks >actual &&
compare_diff_raw expect actual &&
- test $(git rev-parse --verify master:file2) \
+ test $(git rev-parse --verify main:file2) \
= $(git rev-parse --verify verify--import-marks:copy-of-file2)
@@ -364,7 +367,7 @@ test_expect_success 'B: fail on invalid blob sha1' '
- from refs/heads/master
+ from refs/heads/main
M 755 $(echo $ZERO_OID | sed -e "s/0$/1/") zero1
@@ -381,7 +384,7 @@ test_expect_success 'B: accept branch name "TEMP_TAG"' '
tag base
- from refs/heads/master
+ from refs/heads/main
@@ -390,7 +393,7 @@ test_expect_success 'B: accept branch name "TEMP_TAG"' '
git prune" &&
git fast-import <input &&
test -f .git/TEMP_TAG &&
- test $(git rev-parse master) = $(git rev-parse TEMP_TAG^)
+ test $(git rev-parse main) = $(git rev-parse TEMP_TAG^)
test_expect_success 'B: accept empty committer' '
@@ -528,8 +531,8 @@ test_expect_success 'B: fail on invalid committer (5)' '
test_expect_success 'C: incremental import create pack from stdin' '
newf=$(echo hi newf | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
- oldf=$(git rev-parse --verify master:file2) &&
- thrf=$(git rev-parse --verify master:file3) &&
+ oldf=$(git rev-parse --verify main:file2) &&
+ thrf=$(git rev-parse --verify main:file3) &&
test_tick &&
cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
commit refs/heads/branch
@@ -538,7 +541,7 @@ test_expect_success 'C: incremental import create pack from stdin' '
- from refs/heads/master
+ from refs/heads/main
M 644 $oldf file2/oldf
M 755 $newf file2/newf
D file3
@@ -560,7 +563,7 @@ test_expect_success 'C: validate reuse existing blob' '
test_expect_success 'C: verify commit' '
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- parent $(git rev-parse --verify master^0)
+ parent $(git rev-parse --verify main^0)
@@ -578,7 +581,7 @@ test_expect_success 'C: validate rename result' '
:100644 100644 $oldf $oldf R100 file2 file2/oldf
:100644 000000 $thrf $zero D file3
- git diff-tree -M -r master branch >actual &&
+ git diff-tree -M -r main branch >actual &&
compare_diff_raw expect actual
@@ -1698,7 +1701,7 @@ test_expect_success 'P: superproject & submodule mix' '
data 8
- from refs/heads/master
+ from refs/heads/main
M 100644 :3 .gitmodules
M 160000 :2 sub
@@ -1733,8 +1736,8 @@ test_expect_success 'P: superproject & submodule mix' '
cd sub &&
git init &&
- git fetch --update-head-ok .. refs/heads/sub:refs/heads/master &&
- git checkout master
+ git fetch --update-head-ok .. refs/heads/sub:refs/heads/main &&
+ git checkout main
) &&
git submodule init &&
git submodule update
@@ -1758,7 +1761,7 @@ test_expect_success 'P: verbatim SHA gitlinks' '
data 8
- from refs/heads/master
+ from refs/heads/main
M 100644 :1 .gitmodules
M 160000 $SUBPREV sub
@@ -3429,8 +3432,8 @@ mark :1
data 4
-reset refs/heads/master
-commit refs/heads/master
+reset refs/heads/main
+commit refs/heads/main
mark :2
author Full Name <user@company.tld> 1000000000 +0100
committer Full Name <user@company.tld> 1000000000 +0100
@@ -3444,7 +3447,7 @@ data 8
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
mark :4
author Full Name <user@company.tld> 1000000001 +0100
committer Full Name <user@company.tld> 1000000001 +0100
@@ -3461,8 +3464,8 @@ mark :1
data 4
-reset refs/heads/master
-commit refs/heads/master
+reset refs/heads/main
+commit refs/heads/main
mark :2
author Full Name <user@company.tld> 2000000000 +0100
committer Full Name <user@company.tld> 2000000000 +0100
@@ -3477,7 +3480,7 @@ data 73
path = sub1
url =
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
mark :4
author Full Name <user@company.tld> 2000000001 +0100
committer Full Name <user@company.tld> 2000000001 +0100
@@ -3493,7 +3496,7 @@ data 8
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
mark :6
author Full Name <user@company.tld> 2000000002 +0100
committer Full Name <user@company.tld> 2000000002 +0100
@@ -3511,8 +3514,8 @@ Y_INPUT_END
test_expect_success 'Y: setup' '
test_oid_cache <<-EOF
- Ymaster sha1:9afed2f9161ddf416c0a1863b8b0725b00070504
- Ymaster sha256:c0a1010da1df187b2e287654793df01b464bd6f8e3f17fc1481a7dadf84caee3
+ Ymain sha1:9afed2f9161ddf416c0a1863b8b0725b00070504
+ Ymain sha256:c0a1010da1df187b2e287654793df01b464bd6f8e3f17fc1481a7dadf84caee3
@@ -3524,7 +3527,7 @@ test_expect_success 'Y: rewrite submodules' '
git -C sub2 fast-import --export-marks=../sub2-marks <../Y-sub-input &&
git fast-import --rewrite-submodules-from=sub:../Y-marks \
--rewrite-submodules-to=sub:sub2-marks <../Y-main-input &&
- test "$(git rev-parse master)" = "$(test_oid Ymaster)"
+ test "$(git rev-parse main)" = "$(test_oid Ymain)"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 14c1baa739..1ae4d7c0d3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@
test_description='test git fast-import of notes objects'
. ./
cat >input <<INPUT_END
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
data <<COMMIT
first commit
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ data <<EOF
file baz/xyzzy in first commit
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
data <<COMMIT
second commit
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ data <<EOF
file baz/xyzzy in second commit
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
data <<COMMIT
third commit
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ data <<EOF
file foo in third commit
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
data <<COMMIT
fourth commit
@@ -70,13 +73,13 @@ EOF
-test_expect_success 'set up master branch' '
+test_expect_success 'set up main branch' '
git fast-import <input &&
- git whatchanged master
+ git whatchanged main
-commit4=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/master)
+commit4=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/main)
commit3=$(git rev-parse "$commit4^")
commit2=$(git rev-parse "$commit4~2")
commit1=$(git rev-parse "$commit4~3")
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index bb1c39cfcc..f519e4f1bf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ test_description='test git fast-import unpack limit'
test_expect_success 'create loose objects on import' '
test_tick &&
cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
- commit refs/heads/master
+ commit refs/heads/main
data <<COMMIT
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ test_expect_success 'create loose objects on import' '
test_expect_success 'bigger packs are preserved' '
test_tick &&
cat >input <<-INPUT_END &&
- commit refs/heads/master
+ commit refs/heads/main
data <<COMMIT
incremental should create a pack
- from refs/heads/master^0
+ from refs/heads/main^0
commit refs/heads/branch
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ test_expect_success 'bigger packs are preserved' '
test_expect_success 'lookups after checkpoint works' '
hello_id=$(echo hello | git hash-object --stdin -t blob) &&
- before=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/master^0) &&
+ before=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/main^0) &&
cat <<-INPUT_END &&
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ test_expect_success 'lookups after checkpoint works' '
data 6
- commit refs/heads/master
+ commit refs/heads/main
mark :2
committer $id
data <<COMMIT
checkpoint after this
- from refs/heads/master^0
+ from refs/heads/main^0
M 100644 :1 hello
# pre-checkpoint
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ test_expect_success 'lookups after checkpoint works' '
n=$(($n + 1))
fi &&
sleep 1 &&
- from=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/master^0)
+ from=$(git rev-parse refs/heads/main^0)
done &&
cat <<-INPUT_END &&
- commit refs/heads/master
+ commit refs/heads/main
committer $id
data <<COMMIT
make sure from "unpacked sha1 reference" works, too
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1372842559..409b48e244 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
test_description='git fast-export'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -31,13 +34,13 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
git commit -m sitzt file2 &&
test_tick &&
git tag -a -m valentin muss &&
- git merge -s ours master
+ git merge -s ours main
test_expect_success 'fast-export | fast-import' '
- MASTER=$(git rev-parse --verify master) &&
+ MAIN=$(git rev-parse --verify main) &&
REIN=$(git rev-parse --verify rein) &&
WER=$(git rev-parse --verify wer) &&
MUSS=$(git rev-parse --verify muss) &&
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fast-export | fast-import' '
git fast-export --all >actual &&
(cd new &&
git fast-import &&
- test $MASTER = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ test $MAIN = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main) &&
test $REIN = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/tags/rein) &&
test $WER = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/wer) &&
test $MUSS = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/tags/muss)) <actual
@@ -80,35 +83,35 @@ test_expect_success 'fast-export --mark-tags ^muss^{commit} muss' '
test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'fast-export master~2..master' '
+test_expect_success 'fast-export main~2..main' '
- git fast-export master~2..master >actual &&
- sed "s/master/partial/" actual |
+ git fast-export main~2..main >actual &&
+ sed "s/main/partial/" actual |
(cd new &&
git fast-import &&
- test $MASTER != $(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/partial) &&
- git diff --exit-code master partial &&
- git diff --exit-code master^ partial^ &&
+ test $MAIN != $(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/partial) &&
+ git diff --exit-code main partial &&
+ git diff --exit-code main^ partial^ &&
test_must_fail git rev-parse partial~2)
-test_expect_success 'fast-export --reference-excluded-parents master~2..master' '
+test_expect_success 'fast-export --reference-excluded-parents main~2..main' '
- git fast-export --reference-excluded-parents master~2..master >actual &&
- grep commit.refs/heads/master actual >commit-count &&
+ git fast-export --reference-excluded-parents main~2..main >actual &&
+ grep commit.refs/heads/main actual >commit-count &&
test_line_count = 2 commit-count &&
- sed "s/master/rewrite/" actual |
+ sed "s/main/rewrite/" actual |
(cd new &&
git fast-import &&
- test $MASTER = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/rewrite))
+ test $MAIN = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/rewrite))
test_expect_success 'fast-export --show-original-ids' '
- git fast-export --show-original-ids master >output &&
+ git fast-export --show-original-ids main >output &&
grep ^original-oid output| sed -e s/^original-oid.// | sort >actual &&
- git rev-list --objects master muss >objects-and-names &&
+ git rev-list --objects main muss >objects-and-names &&
awk "{print \$1}" objects-and-names | sort >commits-trees-blobs &&
comm -23 actual commits-trees-blobs >unfound &&
test_must_be_empty unfound
@@ -116,8 +119,8 @@ test_expect_success 'fast-export --show-original-ids' '
test_expect_success 'fast-export --show-original-ids | git fast-import' '
- git fast-export --show-original-ids master muss | git fast-import --quiet &&
- test $MASTER = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master) &&
+ git fast-export --show-original-ids main muss | git fast-import --quiet &&
+ test $MAIN = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main) &&
test $MUSS = $(git rev-parse --verify refs/tags/muss)
@@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ test_expect_success 'encoding preserved if reencoding fails' '
test_expect_success 'import/export-marks' '
- git checkout -b marks master &&
+ git checkout -b marks main &&
git fast-export --export-marks=tmp-marks HEAD &&
test -s tmp-marks &&
test_line_count = 3 tmp-marks &&
@@ -265,7 +268,7 @@ test_expect_success 'signed-tags=warn-strip' '
test_expect_success 'setup submodule' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
mkdir sub &&
cd sub &&
@@ -290,17 +293,17 @@ test_expect_success 'setup submodule' '
test_expect_success 'submodule fast-export | fast-import' '
- SUBENT1=$(git ls-tree master^ sub) &&
- SUBENT2=$(git ls-tree master sub) &&
+ SUBENT1=$(git ls-tree main^ sub) &&
+ SUBENT2=$(git ls-tree main sub) &&
rm -rf new &&
mkdir new &&
git --git-dir=new/.git init &&
git fast-export --signed-tags=strip --all >actual &&
(cd new &&
git fast-import &&
- test "$SUBENT1" = "$(git ls-tree refs/heads/master^ sub)" &&
- test "$SUBENT2" = "$(git ls-tree refs/heads/master sub)" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ test "$SUBENT1" = "$(git ls-tree refs/heads/main^ sub)" &&
+ test "$SUBENT2" = "$(git ls-tree refs/heads/main sub)" &&
+ git checkout main &&
git submodule init &&
git submodule update &&
cmp sub/file ../sub/file) <actual
@@ -352,7 +355,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fast-export -C -C | fast-import' '
-test_expect_success 'fast-export | fast-import when master is tagged' '
+test_expect_success 'fast-export | fast-import when main is tagged' '
git tag -m msg last &&
git fast-export -C -C --signed-tags=strip --all > output &&
@@ -467,8 +470,8 @@ mark :2
data 3
-reset refs/heads/master
-commit refs/heads/master
+reset refs/heads/main
+commit refs/heads/main
mark :3
author A U Thor <> 1112912713 -0700
committer C O Mitter <> 1112912713 -0700
@@ -482,7 +485,7 @@ EOF
test_expect_failure 'no exact-ref revisions included' '
cd limit-by-paths &&
- git fast-export master~2..master~1 > output &&
+ git fast-export main~2..main~1 > output &&
test_cmp expected output
@@ -524,7 +527,7 @@ test_expect_success 'full-tree re-shows unmodified files' '
test_expect_success 'set-up a few more tags for tag export tests' '
- git checkout -f master &&
+ git checkout -f main &&
HEAD_TREE=$(git show -s --pretty=raw HEAD | grep tree | sed "s/tree //") &&
git tag tree_tag -m "tagging a tree" $HEAD_TREE &&
git tag -a tree_tag-obj -m "tagging a tree" $HEAD_TREE &&
@@ -549,7 +552,7 @@ test_expect_success 'tag-obj_tag' 'git fast-export tag-obj_tag'
test_expect_success 'tag-obj_tag-obj' 'git fast-export tag-obj_tag-obj'
test_expect_success 'handling tags of blobs' '
- git tag -a -m "Tag of a blob" blobtag $(git rev-parse master:file) &&
+ git tag -a -m "Tag of a blob" blobtag $(git rev-parse main:file) &&
git fast-export blobtag >actual &&
cat >expect <<-EOF &&
@@ -592,10 +595,10 @@ test_expect_success 'directory becomes symlink' '
) &&
cd dirtosymlink &&
- git fast-export master -- foo |
+ git fast-export main -- foo |
(cd ../result && git fast-import --quiet)
) &&
- (cd result && git show master:foo)
+ (cd result && git show main:foo)
test_expect_success 'fast-export quotes pathnames' '
@@ -643,7 +646,7 @@ mark :13
data 5
-commit refs/heads/master
+commit refs/heads/main
mark :14
author A U Thor <> 1112912773 -0700
committer C O Mitter <> 1112912773 -0700
@@ -657,18 +660,18 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'avoid uninteresting refs' '
> tmp-marks &&
git fast-export --import-marks=tmp-marks \
- --export-marks=tmp-marks master > /dev/null &&
+ --export-marks=tmp-marks main > /dev/null &&
git tag v1.0 &&
git branch uninteresting &&
echo bump > file &&
git commit -a -m bump &&
git fast-export --import-marks=tmp-marks \
- --export-marks=tmp-marks ^uninteresting ^v1.0 master > actual &&
+ --export-marks=tmp-marks ^uninteresting ^v1.0 main > actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
cat > expected << EOF
-reset refs/heads/master
+reset refs/heads/main
from :14
@@ -676,14 +679,14 @@ EOF
test_expect_success 'refs are updated even if no commits need to be exported' '
> tmp-marks &&
git fast-export --import-marks=tmp-marks \
- --export-marks=tmp-marks master > /dev/null &&
+ --export-marks=tmp-marks main > /dev/null &&
git fast-export --import-marks=tmp-marks \
- --export-marks=tmp-marks master > actual &&
+ --export-marks=tmp-marks main > actual &&
test_cmp expected actual
test_expect_success 'use refspec' '
- git fast-export --refspec refs/heads/master:refs/heads/foobar master >actual2 &&
+ git fast-export --refspec refs/heads/main:refs/heads/foobar main >actual2 &&
grep "^commit " actual2 | sort | uniq >actual &&
echo "commit refs/heads/foobar" > expected &&
test_cmp expected actual
@@ -736,13 +739,13 @@ test_expect_success 'merge commit gets exported with --import-marks' '
test_commit initial &&
git checkout -b topic &&
test_commit on-topic &&
- git checkout master &&
- test_commit on-master &&
+ git checkout main &&
+ test_commit on-main &&
test_tick &&
git merge --no-ff -m Yeah topic &&
echo ":1 $(git rev-parse HEAD^^)" >marks &&
- git fast-export --import-marks=marks master >out &&
+ git fast-export --import-marks=marks main >out &&
grep Yeah out
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5ac2c3b5ee..1c6e6fcdaf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='basic tests for fast-export --anonymize'
. ./
test_expect_success 'setup simple repo' '
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ test_expect_success 'stream retains other as refname' '
test_expect_success 'stream omits other refnames' '
- ! grep master stream &&
+ ! grep main stream &&
! grep mytag stream
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ test_expect_success 'repo has original shape and timestamps' '
shape () {
git log --format="%m %ct" --left-right --boundary "$@"
} &&
- (cd .. && shape master...other) >expect &&
+ (cd .. && shape main...other) >expect &&
shape $main_branch...$other_branch >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4a46f31c41..2d29d486ee 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ test_description='git-cvsserver access
tests read access to a git repository with the
cvs CLI client via git-cvsserver server'
. ./
if ! test_have_prereq PERL; then
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
touch secondrootfile &&
git add secondrootfile &&
git commit -m "second root") &&
- git fetch secondroot master &&
+ git fetch secondroot main &&
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories FETCH_HEAD &&
git clone -q --bare "$WORKDIR/.git" "$SERVERDIR" >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.enabled true &&
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
# note that cvs doesn't accept absolute pathnames
# as argument to co -d
test_expect_success 'basic checkout' \
- 'GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork master &&
+ 'GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork main &&
test "$(echo $(grep -v ^D cvswork/CVS/Entries|cut -d/ -f2,3,5 | head -n 1))" = "empty/1.1/" &&
test "$(echo $(grep -v ^D cvswork/CVS/Entries|cut -d/ -f2,3,5 | sed -ne \$p))" = "secondrootfile/1.1/"'
@@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.enabled true || exit 1
test_expect_success 'gitcvs.enabled = false' \
'GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.enabled false &&
- if GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 master >cvs.log 2>&1
+ if GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 main >cvs.log 2>&1
echo unexpected cvs success
@@ -240,14 +243,14 @@ rm -fr cvswork2
test_expect_success 'gitcvs.ext.enabled = true' \
'GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.ext.enabled true &&
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.enabled false &&
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
test_cmp cvswork cvswork2'
rm -fr cvswork2
test_expect_success 'gitcvs.ext.enabled = false' \
'GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.ext.enabled false &&
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.enabled true &&
- if GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 master >cvs.log 2>&1
+ if GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 main >cvs.log 2>&1
echo unexpected cvs success
@@ -261,21 +264,21 @@ rm -fr cvswork2
test_expect_success 'gitcvs.dbname' \
'GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.ext.enabled true &&
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config gitcvs.dbname %Ggitcvs.%a.%m.sqlite &&
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
test_cmp cvswork cvswork2 &&
- test -f "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs.ext.master.sqlite" &&
- cmp "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs.master.sqlite" "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs.ext.master.sqlite"'
+ test -f "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs.ext.main.sqlite" &&
+ cmp "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs.main.sqlite" "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs.ext.main.sqlite"'
rm -fr cvswork2
test_expect_success 'gitcvs.ext.dbname' \
'GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.ext.enabled true &&
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config gitcvs.ext.dbname %Ggitcvs1.%a.%m.sqlite &&
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config gitcvs.dbname %Ggitcvs2.%a.%m.sqlite &&
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
test_cmp cvswork cvswork2 &&
- test -f "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs1.ext.master.sqlite" &&
- test ! -f "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs2.ext.master.sqlite" &&
- cmp "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs.master.sqlite" "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs1.ext.master.sqlite"'
+ test -f "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs1.ext.main.sqlite" &&
+ test ! -f "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs2.ext.main.sqlite" &&
+ cmp "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs.main.sqlite" "$SERVERDIR/gitcvs1.ext.main.sqlite"'
@@ -457,7 +460,7 @@ cd "$WORKDIR"
test_expect_success 'cvs update (module list supports packed refs)' '
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git pack-refs --all &&
GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -n up -d 2> out &&
- grep "cvs update: New directory \`master'\''" < out
+ grep "cvs update: New directory \`main'\''" < out
@@ -499,8 +502,8 @@ test_expect_success 'cvs status (no subdirs in header)' '
test_expect_success 'cvs co -c (shows module database)' '
GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs co -c > out &&
- grep "^master[ ][ ]*master$" <out &&
- ! grep -v "^master[ ][ ]*master$" <out
+ grep "^main[ ][ ]*main$" <out &&
+ ! grep -v "^main[ ][ ]*main$" <out
@@ -526,7 +529,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cvs co -c (shows module database)' '
sed -e 's/^x//' -e 's/SP$/ /' > "$WORKDIR/expect" <<EOF
-xRCS file: $WORKDIR/gitcvs.git/master/merge,v
+xRCS file: $WORKDIR/gitcvs.git/main/merge,v
xWorking file: merge
xhead: 1.4
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c7a0dd84a4..a34805acdc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ test_description='git-cvsserver -kb modes
tests -kb mode for binary files when accessing a git
repository using cvs CLI client via git-cvsserver server'
. ./
marked_as () {
@@ -105,14 +108,14 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'cvs co (default crlf)' '
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
test x"$(grep '/-k' cvswork/CVS/Entries cvswork/subdir/CVS/Entries)" = x""
rm -rf cvswork
test_expect_success 'cvs co (allbinary)' '
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.allbinary true &&
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
marked_as cvswork textfile.c -kb &&
marked_as cvswork binfile.bin -kb &&
marked_as cvswork .gitattributes -kb &&
@@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cvs co (allbinary)' '
rm -rf cvswork cvs.log
test_expect_success 'cvs co (use attributes/allbinary)' '
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.usecrlfattr true &&
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
marked_as cvswork textfile.c "" &&
marked_as cvswork binfile.bin -kb &&
marked_as cvswork .gitattributes -kb &&
@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cvs co (use attributes/allbinary)' '
rm -rf cvswork
test_expect_success 'cvs co (use attributes)' '
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.allbinary false &&
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
marked_as cvswork textfile.c "" &&
marked_as cvswork binfile.bin -kb &&
marked_as cvswork .gitattributes "" &&
@@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ test_expect_success 'updating' '
rm -rf cvswork
test_expect_success 'cvs co (use attributes/guess)' '
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config gitcvs.allbinary guess &&
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
marked_as cvswork textfile.c "" &&
marked_as cvswork binfile.bin -kb &&
marked_as cvswork .gitattributes "" &&
@@ -224,7 +227,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup multi-line files' '
rm -rf cvswork
test_expect_success 'cvs co (guess)' '
GIT_DIR="$SERVERDIR" git config --bool gitcvs.usecrlfattr false &&
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
marked_as cvswork textfile.c "" &&
marked_as cvswork binfile.bin -kb &&
marked_as cvswork .gitattributes "" &&
@@ -239,7 +242,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cvs co (guess)' '
test_expect_success 'cvs co another copy (guess)' '
- GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ GIT_CONFIG="$git_config" cvs -Q co -d cvswork2 main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
marked_as cvswork2 textfile.c "" &&
marked_as cvswork2 binfile.bin -kb &&
marked_as cvswork2 .gitattributes "" &&
@@ -335,7 +338,7 @@ test_expect_success 'update subdir of other copy (guess)' '
echo "starting update/merge" >> "${WORKDIR}/marked.log"
test_expect_success 'update/merge full other copy (guess)' '
- git pull gitcvs.git master &&
+ git pull gitcvs.git main &&
sed "s/3/replaced_3/" < multilineTxt.c > ml.temp &&
mv ml.temp multilineTxt.c &&
git add multilineTxt.c &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6436c91a3c..2ee41f9443 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ test_description='git-cvsserver and git refspecs
tests ability for git-cvsserver to switch between and compare
tags, branches and other git refspecs'
. ./
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup v1, b1' '
rm -rf cvswork
test_expect_success 'cvs co v1' '
- cvs -f -Q co -r v1 -d cvswork master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ cvs -f -Q co -r v1 -d cvswork main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
check_start_tree cvswork &&
check_file cvswork textfile.c v1 &&
check_file cvswork t2 v1 &&
@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cvs co v1' '
rm -rf cvswork
test_expect_success 'cvs co b1' '
- cvs -f co -r b1 -d cvswork master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ cvs -f co -r b1 -d cvswork main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
check_start_tree cvswork &&
check_file cvswork textfile.c v1 &&
check_file cvswork t2 v1 &&
@@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ test_expect_success 'cvs co b1' '
test_expect_success 'cvs co b1 [cvswork3]' '
- cvs -f co -r b1 -d cvswork3 master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ cvs -f co -r b1 -d cvswork3 main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
check_start_tree cvswork3 &&
check_file cvswork3 textfile.c v1 &&
check_file cvswork3 t2 v1 &&
@@ -265,7 +268,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup simple b2' '
test_expect_success 'cvs co b2 [into cvswork2]' '
- cvs -f co -r b2 -d cvswork2 master >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
+ cvs -f co -r b2 -d cvswork2 main >cvs.log 2>&1 &&
check_start_tree cvswork &&
check_file cvswork textfile.c v1 &&
check_file cvswork t2 v1 &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b484e3e250..ee8c6e30e6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ commandline, and checks that it would not write any errors
or warnings to log.'
. ./
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -327,7 +330,7 @@ test_expect_success \
echo "Branch" >>b &&
git add b &&
git commit -a -m "On branch" &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git merge b &&
git tag merge_commit'
@@ -364,7 +367,7 @@ test_expect_success \
echo "Changed and have mode changed" >07-change-mode-change &&
test_chmod +x 07-change-mode-change &&
git commit -a -m "Large commit" &&
- git checkout master'
+ git checkout main'
test_expect_success \
'commit(1): large commit' \
@@ -402,7 +405,7 @@ test_expect_success 'side-by-side: merge commit' '
test_expect_success \
'tags: list of different types of tags' \
- 'git checkout master &&
+ 'git checkout main &&
git tag -a -m "Tag commit object" tag-commit HEAD &&
git tag -a -m "" tag-commit-nomessage HEAD &&
git tag -a -m "Tag tag object" tag-tag tag-commit &&
@@ -443,7 +446,7 @@ test_expect_success \
test_expect_success \
'logs: history (implicit HEAD, deleted file)' \
- 'git checkout master &&
+ 'git checkout main &&
echo "to be deleted" >deleted_file &&
git add deleted_file &&
git commit -m "Add file to be deleted" &&
@@ -463,11 +466,11 @@ test_expect_success \
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:file' \
- 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:file"'
+ 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/main:file"'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:dir/' \
- 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:foo/"'
+ 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/main:foo/"'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch (non-existent)' \
@@ -479,16 +482,16 @@ test_expect_success \
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:file (non-existent)' \
- 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:non-existent"'
+ 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/main:non-existent"'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:dir/ (non-existent)' \
- 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:non-existent/"'
+ 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/main:non-existent/"'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:/file' \
- 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:/file"'
+ 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/main:/file"'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/:/file (implicit HEAD)' \
@@ -801,7 +804,7 @@ test_expect_success \
git checkout orphan_branch ||
git checkout --orphan orphan_branch
} &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=summary"'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2a0ffed870..141610de54 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ commandline, and checks that it returns the expected HTTP status
code and message.'
. ./
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers'
# snapshot hash ids
test_expect_success 'snapshots: good tree-ish id' '
- gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=master;sf=tgz" &&
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=main;sf=tgz" &&
grep "Status: 200 OK" gitweb.output
test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers'
@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ test_debug 'cat gitweb.output'
# modification times (Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since)
test_expect_success DATE_PARSER 'modification: feed last-modified' '
- gitweb_run "p=.git;a=atom;h=master" &&
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=atom;h=main" &&
grep "Status: 200 OK" gitweb.headers &&
grep "Last-modified: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 22:14:13 +0000" gitweb.headers
@@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ test_expect_success DATE_PARSER 'modification: feed if-modified-since (modified)
HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE="Wed, 6 Apr 2005 22:14:13 +0000" &&
test_when_finished "unset HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" &&
- gitweb_run "p=.git;a=atom;h=master" &&
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=atom;h=main" &&
grep "Status: 200 OK" gitweb.headers
test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers'
@@ -142,13 +145,13 @@ test_expect_success DATE_PARSER 'modification: feed if-modified-since (unmodifie
HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE="Thu, 7 Apr 2005 22:14:13 +0000" &&
test_when_finished "unset HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" &&
- gitweb_run "p=.git;a=atom;h=master" &&
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=atom;h=main" &&
grep "Status: 304 Not Modified" gitweb.headers
test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers'
test_expect_success DATE_PARSER 'modification: snapshot last-modified' '
- gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=master;sf=tgz" &&
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=main;sf=tgz" &&
grep "Status: 200 OK" gitweb.headers &&
grep "Last-modified: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 22:14:13 +0000" gitweb.headers
@@ -158,7 +161,7 @@ test_expect_success DATE_PARSER 'modification: snapshot if-modified-since (modif
HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE="Wed, 6 Apr 2005 22:14:13 +0000" &&
test_when_finished "unset HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" &&
- gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=master;sf=tgz" &&
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=main;sf=tgz" &&
grep "Status: 200 OK" gitweb.headers
test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers'
@@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ test_expect_success DATE_PARSER 'modification: snapshot if-modified-since (unmod
HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE="Thu, 7 Apr 2005 22:14:13 +0000" &&
test_when_finished "unset HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" &&
- gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=master;sf=tgz" &&
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=main;sf=tgz" &&
grep "Status: 304 Not Modified" gitweb.headers
test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e38cbc97d3..9cf7ab30a8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ commandline, and checks that it produces the correct output, either
in the HTTP header or the actual script output.'
. ./
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -79,10 +82,10 @@ test_expect_success 'snapshot: HEAD' '
test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers && cat file_list'
-test_expect_success 'snapshot: short branch name (master)' '
- gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=master;sf=tar" &&
- ID=$(git rev-parse --verify --short=7 master) &&
- check_snapshot ".git-master-$ID"
+test_expect_success 'snapshot: short branch name (main)' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=main;sf=tar" &&
+ ID=$(git rev-parse --verify --short=7 main) &&
+ check_snapshot ".git-main-$ID"
test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers && cat file_list'
@@ -93,10 +96,10 @@ test_expect_success 'snapshot: short tag name (first)' '
test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers && cat file_list'
-test_expect_success 'snapshot: full branch name (refs/heads/master)' '
- gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=refs/heads/master;sf=tar" &&
- ID=$(git rev-parse --verify --short=7 master) &&
- check_snapshot ".git-master-$ID"
+test_expect_success 'snapshot: full branch name (refs/heads/main)' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=snapshot;h=refs/heads/main;sf=tar" &&
+ ID=$(git rev-parse --verify --short=7 main) &&
+ check_snapshot ".git-main-$ID"
test_debug 'cat gitweb.headers && cat file_list'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 251fdd66c4..5680849218 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
test_description='git cvsimport basic tests'
. ./
if ! test_have_prereq NOT_ROOT; then
@@ -159,6 +162,6 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'no .git/cvs-revisions created by default' '
-test_expect_success PERL 'test entire HEAD' 'test_cmp_branch_tree master'
+test_expect_success PERL 'test entire HEAD' 'test_cmp_branch_tree main'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 827d39f5bf..116cddba3a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
# tag has been removed.
test_description='git cvsimport handling of vendor branches'
. ./
setup_cvs_test_repository t9601
@@ -42,43 +45,43 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'import a module with a vendor branch' '
-test_expect_success PERL 'check HEAD out of cvs repository' 'test_cvs_co master'
+test_expect_success PERL 'check HEAD out of cvs repository' 'test_cvs_co main'
-test_expect_success PERL 'check master out of git repository' 'test_git_co master'
+test_expect_success PERL 'check main out of git repository' 'test_git_co main'
test_expect_success PERL 'check a file that was imported once' '
- test_cmp_branch_file master imported-once.txt
+ test_cmp_branch_file main imported-once.txt
test_expect_failure PERL 'check a file that was imported twice' '
- test_cmp_branch_file master imported-twice.txt
+ test_cmp_branch_file main imported-twice.txt
test_expect_success PERL 'check a file that was imported then modified on HEAD' '
- test_cmp_branch_file master imported-modified.txt
+ test_cmp_branch_file main imported-modified.txt
test_expect_success PERL 'check a file that was imported, modified, then imported again' '
- test_cmp_branch_file master imported-modified-imported.txt
+ test_cmp_branch_file main imported-modified-imported.txt
test_expect_success PERL 'check a file that was added to HEAD then imported' '
- test_cmp_branch_file master added-imported.txt
+ test_cmp_branch_file main added-imported.txt
test_expect_success PERL 'a vendor branch whose tag has been removed' '
- test_cmp_branch_file master imported-anonymously.txt
+ test_cmp_branch_file main imported-anonymously.txt
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e1db323f54..e5266c9a87 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
# t9602/README.
test_description='git cvsimport handling of branches and tags'
. ./
setup_cvs_test_repository t9602
@@ -14,9 +17,9 @@ test_expect_success PERL 'import module' '
-test_expect_success PERL 'test branch master' '
+test_expect_success PERL 'test branch main' '
- test_cmp_branch_tree master
+ test_cmp_branch_tree main
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e7a91611dc..0e9daa5768 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
# bug.
test_description='git cvsimport testing for correct patchset estimation'
. ./
setup_cvs_test_repository t9603
@@ -20,16 +23,16 @@ test_expect_failure PERL 'import with criss cross times on revisions' '
git cvsimport -p"-x" -C module-git module &&
cd module-git &&
- git log --pretty=format:%s > ../actual-master &&
+ git log --pretty=format:%s > ../actual-main &&
git log A~2..A --pretty="format:%s %ad" -- > ../actual-A &&
- echo "" >> ../actual-master &&
+ echo "" >> ../actual-main &&
echo "" >> ../actual-A
) &&
echo "Rev 4
Rev 3
Rev 2
-Rev 1" > expect-master &&
- test_cmp expect-master actual-master &&
+Rev 1" > expect-main &&
+ test_cmp expect-main actual-main &&
echo "Rev 5 Branch A Wed Mar 11 19:09:10 2009 +0000
Rev 4 Branch A Wed Mar 11 19:03:52 2009 +0000" > expect-A &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c98c1dfc23..81bc8e8da1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git p4 tests'
. ./
test_expect_success 'start p4d' '
@@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone --bare should make a bare repository' '
git config --get --bool core.bare true &&
git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/p4/master &&
git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/p4/HEAD &&
- git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master &&
+ git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/main &&
git rev-parse --verify HEAD
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a3abd778f9..56e64697a8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git p4 tests for p4 branches'
. ./
test_expect_success 'start p4d' '
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ test_expect_success 'import main, no branch detection' '
cd "$git" &&
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all &&
- git rev-list master -- >wc &&
+ git rev-list main -- >wc &&
test_line_count = 4 wc
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ test_expect_success 'import branch1, no branch detection' '
cd "$git" &&
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all &&
- git rev-list master -- >wc &&
+ git rev-list main -- >wc &&
test_line_count = 2 wc
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ test_expect_success 'import branch2, no branch detection' '
cd "$git" &&
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all &&
- git rev-list master -- >wc &&
+ git rev-list main -- >wc &&
test_line_count = 2 wc
@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ test_expect_success 'import depot, no branch detection' '
cd "$git" &&
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all &&
- git rev-list master -- >wc &&
+ git rev-list main -- >wc &&
test_line_count = 8 wc
@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ test_expect_success 'import depot, branch detection' '
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all &&
# 4 main commits
- git rev-list master -- >wc &&
+ git rev-list main -- >wc &&
test_line_count = 4 wc &&
# 3 main, 1 integrate, 1 on branch2
@@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ test_expect_success 'import depot, branch detection, branchList branch definitio
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all &&
# 4 main commits
- git rev-list master -- >wc &&
+ git rev-list main -- >wc &&
test_line_count = 4 wc &&
# 3 main, 1 integrate, 1 on branch2
@@ -484,7 +487,7 @@ test_expect_success 'use-client-spec detect-branches files in top-level' '
cd "$git" &&
git p4 sync --detect-branches --use-client-spec //depot/usecs@all &&
- git checkout -b master p4/usecs/b1 &&
+ git checkout -b main p4/usecs/b1 &&
test_path_is_file b1-file1 &&
test_path_is_missing b2-file2 &&
test_path_is_missing b1 &&
@@ -537,7 +540,7 @@ test_expect_success 'use-client-spec detect-branches skips files in branches' '
cd "$git" &&
git p4 sync --detect-branches --use-client-spec //depot/usecs@all &&
- git checkout -b master p4/usecs/b3 &&
+ git checkout -b main p4/usecs/b3 &&
test_path_is_file b1-file1 &&
test_path_is_file b3-file3_2 &&
test_path_is_missing b3-file3_1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4e794a01bf..c26d297433 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git p4 options'
. ./
test_expect_success 'start p4d' '
@@ -27,14 +30,14 @@ test_expect_success 'clone no --git-dir' '
test_must_fail git p4 clone --git-dir=xx //depot
-test_expect_success 'clone --branch should checkout master' '
+test_expect_success 'clone --branch should checkout main' '
git p4 clone --branch=refs/remotes/p4/sb --dest="$git" //depot &&
test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
cd "$git" &&
git rev-parse refs/remotes/p4/sb >sb &&
- git rev-parse refs/heads/master >master &&
- test_cmp sb master &&
+ git rev-parse refs/heads/main >main &&
+ test_cmp sb main &&
git rev-parse HEAD >head &&
test_cmp sb head
@@ -147,22 +150,22 @@ test_expect_success 'clone --changesfile, @all' '
test_must_fail git p4 clone --changesfile="$TRASH_DIRECTORY/cf" --dest="$git" //depot@all
-# imports both master and p4/master in refs/heads
+# imports both main and p4/master in refs/heads
# requires --import-local on sync to find p4 refs/heads
-# does not update master on sync, just p4/master
+# does not update main on sync, just p4/master
test_expect_success 'clone/sync --import-local' '
git p4 clone --import-local --dest="$git" //depot@1,2 &&
test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
cd "$git" &&
- git log --oneline refs/heads/master >lines &&
+ git log --oneline refs/heads/main >lines &&
test_line_count = 2 lines &&
git log --oneline refs/heads/p4/master >lines &&
test_line_count = 2 lines &&
test_must_fail git p4 sync &&
git p4 sync --import-local &&
- git log --oneline refs/heads/master >lines &&
+ git log --oneline refs/heads/main >lines &&
test_line_count = 2 lines &&
git log --oneline refs/heads/p4/master >lines &&
test_line_count = 3 lines
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone --max-changes' '
test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
cd "$git" &&
- git log --oneline refs/heads/master >lines &&
+ git log --oneline refs/heads/main >lines &&
test_line_count = 2 lines
@@ -237,7 +240,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone --use-client-spec' '
git init &&
git config git-p4.useClientSpec true &&
git p4 sync //depot/... &&
- git checkout -b master p4/master &&
+ git checkout -b main p4/master &&
test_path_is_file bus/dir/f4 &&
test_path_is_missing file1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index eaaae414a1..7d4109f29d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git p4 submit'
. ./
test_expect_success 'start p4d' '
@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ test_expect_success 'submit with allowSubmit' '
git config git-p4.skipSubmitEdit true &&
git config git-p4.allowSubmit "nobranch" &&
test_must_fail git p4 submit &&
- git config git-p4.allowSubmit "nobranch,master" &&
+ git config git-p4.allowSubmit "nobranch,main" &&
git p4 submit
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c1446f26ab..5ac5383fb7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
test_description='git p4 label tests'
. ./
test_expect_success 'start p4d' '
@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ test_expect_success 'tag that cannot be exported' '
git add main/f12 &&
git commit -m "adding f12" &&
git tag -m "tag on a_branch" GIT_TAG_ON_A_BRANCH &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
git p4 submit --export-labels
) &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e5adee27d4..04ce884ef5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='test bash completion'
. ./
complete ()
@@ -2379,4 +2382,24 @@ test_expect_success 'sourcing the completion script clears cached --options' '
verbose test -z "$__gitcomp_builtin_notes_edit"
+test_expect_success '__git_complete' '
+ unset -f __git_wrap__git_main &&
+ __git_complete foo __git_main &&
+ __git_have_func __git_wrap__git_main &&
+ unset -f __git_wrap__git_main &&
+ __git_complete gf _git_fetch &&
+ __git_have_func __git_wrap_git_fetch &&
+ __git_complete foo git &&
+ __git_have_func __git_wrap__git_main &&
+ unset -f __git_wrap__git_main &&
+ __git_complete gd git_diff &&
+ __git_have_func __git_wrap_git_diff &&
+ test_must_fail __git_complete ga missing
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ab5da2cabc..bbd513bab0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
test_description='test git-specific bash prompt functions'
. ./
. "$GIT_BUILD_DIR/contrib/completion/"
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup for prompt tests' '
echo 3 >file &&
git commit -m "third b1" file &&
git tag -a -m msg2 t2 &&
- git checkout -b b2 master &&
+ git checkout -b b2 main &&
echo 0 >file &&
git commit -m "second b2" file &&
echo 00 >file &&
@@ -37,20 +40,20 @@ test_expect_success 'setup for prompt tests' '
git commit -m "yet another b2" file &&
mkdir ignored_dir &&
echo "ignored_dir/" >>.gitignore &&
- git checkout master
+ git checkout main
test_expect_success 'prompt - branch name' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
test_cmp expected "$actual"
test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'prompt - branch name - symlink symref' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
test_config core.preferSymlinkRefs true &&
- git checkout master &&
+ git checkout main &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
test_cmp expected "$actual"
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'prompt - branch name - symlink symref' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - unborn branch' '
printf " (unborn)" >expected &&
git checkout --orphan unborn &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
test_cmp expected "$actual"
@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ test_expect_success FUNNYNAMES 'prompt - with newline in path' '
newline" &&
mkdir "$repo_with_newline" &&
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
git init "$repo_with_newline" &&
test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$repo_with_newline\"" &&
mkdir "$repo_with_newline"/subdir &&
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - detached head' '
printf " ((%s...))" $(git log -1 --format="%h" --abbrev=13 b1^) >expected &&
test_config core.abbrev 13 &&
git checkout b1^ &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
test_cmp expected "$actual"
@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - detached head' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - describe detached head - contains' '
printf " ((t2~1))" >expected &&
git checkout b1^ &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual"
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - describe detached head - contains' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - describe detached head - branch' '
printf " ((tags/t2~1))" >expected &&
git checkout b1^ &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual"
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - describe detached head - branch' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - describe detached head - describe' '
printf " ((t1-1-g%s))" $(git log -1 --format="%h" b1^) >expected &&
git checkout b1^ &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual"
@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - describe detached head - describe' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - describe detached head - default' '
printf " ((t2))" >expected &&
git checkout --detach b1 &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
test_cmp expected "$actual"
@@ -152,7 +155,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - deep inside .git directory' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - inside bare repository' '
- printf " (BARE:master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (BARE:main)" >expected &&
git init --bare bare.git &&
test_when_finished "rm -rf bare.git" &&
@@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - interactive rebase' '
test_when_finished "rm -f" &&
test_set_editor "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/" &&
git checkout b1 &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
git rebase -i HEAD^ &&
test_when_finished "git rebase --abort" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
@@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - interactive rebase' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - rebase merge' '
printf " (b2|REBASE 1/3)" >expected &&
git checkout b2 &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
test_must_fail git rebase --merge b1 b2 &&
test_when_finished "git rebase --abort" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
@@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - rebase merge' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - rebase am' '
printf " (b2|REBASE 1/3)" >expected &&
git checkout b2 &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
test_must_fail git rebase --apply b1 b2 &&
test_when_finished "git rebase --abort" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
@@ -202,7 +205,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - rebase am' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - merge' '
printf " (b1|MERGING)" >expected &&
git checkout b1 &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
test_must_fail git merge b2 &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
@@ -210,7 +213,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - merge' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - cherry-pick' '
- printf " (master|CHERRY-PICKING)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main|CHERRY-PICKING)" >expected &&
test_must_fail git cherry-pick b1 b1^ &&
test_when_finished "git cherry-pick --abort" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
@@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - cherry-pick' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - revert' '
- printf " (master|REVERTING)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main|REVERTING)" >expected &&
test_must_fail git revert b1^ b1 &&
test_when_finished "git revert --abort" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
@@ -234,7 +237,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - revert' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - bisect' '
- printf " (master|BISECTING)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main|BISECTING)" >expected &&
git bisect start &&
test_when_finished "git bisect reset" &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual" &&
@@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - bisect' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - clean' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual"
@@ -251,7 +254,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - clean' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - dirty worktree' '
- printf " (master *)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main *)" >expected &&
echo "dirty" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
@@ -262,7 +265,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - dirty worktree' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - dirty index' '
- printf " (master +)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main +)" >expected &&
echo "dirty" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
git add -u &&
@@ -274,7 +277,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - dirty index' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - dirty index and worktree' '
- printf " (master *+)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main *+)" >expected &&
echo "dirty index" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
git add -u &&
@@ -288,7 +291,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - dirty index and worktree'
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - orphan branch - clean' '
printf " (orphan #)" >expected &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
git checkout --orphan orphan &&
git reset --hard &&
@@ -300,7 +303,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - orphan branch - clean' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - orphan branch - dirty index' '
printf " (orphan +)" >expected &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
git checkout --orphan orphan &&
@@ -311,7 +314,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - orphan branch - dirty ind
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - orphan branch - dirty index and worktree' '
printf " (orphan *+)" >expected &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
git checkout --orphan orphan &&
>file &&
@@ -322,7 +325,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - orphan branch - dirty ind
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable unset with config disabled' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
echo "dirty" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
test_config bash.showDirtyState false &&
@@ -334,7 +337,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable unset with
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable unset with config enabled' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
echo "dirty" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
test_config bash.showDirtyState true &&
@@ -346,7 +349,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable unset with
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable set with config disabled' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
echo "dirty" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
test_config bash.showDirtyState false &&
@@ -358,7 +361,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable set with c
test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable set with config enabled' '
- printf " (master *)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main *)" >expected &&
echo "dirty" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
test_config bash.showDirtyState true &&
@@ -382,7 +385,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - dirty status indicator - not shown inside .git dir
test_expect_success 'prompt - stash status indicator - no stash' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual"
@@ -391,7 +394,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - stash status indicator - no stash' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - stash status indicator - stash' '
- printf " (master $)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main $)" >expected &&
echo 2 >file &&
git stash &&
test_when_finished "git stash drop" &&
@@ -417,7 +420,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - stash status indicator - not shown inside .git dir
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - no untracked files' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
cd otherrepo &&
@@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - no untracked fi
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - untracked files' '
- printf " (master %%)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main %%)" >expected &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual"
@@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - untracked files
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - empty untracked dir' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
mkdir otherrepo/untracked-dir &&
test_when_finished "rm -rf otherrepo/untracked-dir" &&
@@ -448,7 +451,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - empty untracked
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - non-empty untracked dir' '
- printf " (master %%)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main %%)" >expected &&
mkdir otherrepo/untracked-dir &&
test_when_finished "rm -rf otherrepo/untracked-dir" &&
>otherrepo/untracked-dir/untracked-file &&
@@ -461,7 +464,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - non-empty untra
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - untracked files outside cwd' '
- printf " (master %%)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main %%)" >expected &&
mkdir -p ignored_dir &&
cd ignored_dir &&
@@ -472,7 +475,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - untracked files
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable unset with config disabled' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
test_config bash.showUntrackedFiles false &&
@@ -482,7 +485,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable unset with config enabled' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
test_config bash.showUntrackedFiles true &&
@@ -492,7 +495,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable set with config disabled' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
test_config bash.showUntrackedFiles false &&
@@ -502,7 +505,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable
test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable set with config enabled' '
- printf " (master %%)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main %%)" >expected &&
test_config bash.showUntrackedFiles true &&
@@ -522,13 +525,13 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - untracked files status indicator - not shown insid
test_expect_success 'prompt - format string starting with dash' '
- printf -- "-master" >expected &&
+ printf -- "-main" >expected &&
__git_ps1 "-%s" >"$actual" &&
test_cmp expected "$actual"
test_expect_success 'prompt - pc mode' '
- printf "BEFORE: (\${__git_ps1_branch_name}):AFTER\\nmaster" >expected &&
+ printf "BEFORE: (\${__git_ps1_branch_name}):AFTER\\nmain" >expected &&
__git_ps1 "BEFORE:" ":AFTER" >"$actual" &&
test_must_be_empty "$actual" &&
@@ -538,7 +541,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - pc mode' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - branch name' '
- printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmaster" >expected &&
+ printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmain" >expected &&
__git_ps1 "BEFORE:" ":AFTER" >"$actual" &&
@@ -550,7 +553,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - branch name' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - detached head' '
printf "BEFORE: (${c_red}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear}):AFTER\\n(%s...)" $(git log -1 --format="%h" b1^) >expected &&
git checkout b1^ &&
- test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout main" &&
__git_ps1 "BEFORE:" ":AFTER" &&
@@ -560,7 +563,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - detached head' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - dirty worktree' '
- printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_red}*${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmaster" >expected &&
+ printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_red}*${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmain" >expected &&
echo "dirty" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
@@ -573,7 +576,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - dirt
test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - dirty index' '
- printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_green}+${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmaster" >expected &&
+ printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_green}+${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmain" >expected &&
echo "dirty" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
git add -u &&
@@ -587,7 +590,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - dirt
test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - dirty index and worktree' '
- printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_red}*${c_green}+${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmaster" >expected &&
+ printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_red}*${c_green}+${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmain" >expected &&
echo "dirty index" >file &&
test_when_finished "git reset --hard" &&
git add -u &&
@@ -602,7 +605,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - dirt
test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - before root commit' '
- printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_green}#${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmaster" >expected &&
+ printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_green}#${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmain" >expected &&
@@ -628,7 +631,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - inside .git directory' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - stash status indicator' '
- printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_lblue}\$${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmaster" >expected &&
+ printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_lblue}\$${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmain" >expected &&
echo 2 >file &&
git stash &&
test_when_finished "git stash drop" &&
@@ -642,7 +645,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - stash status indicator' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - untracked files status indicator' '
- printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_red}%%${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmaster" >expected &&
+ printf "BEFORE: (${c_green}\${__git_ps1_branch_name}${c_clear} ${c_red}%%${c_clear}):AFTER\\nmain" >expected &&
@@ -653,7 +656,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - bash color pc mode - untracked files status indica
test_expect_success 'prompt - zsh color pc mode' '
- printf "BEFORE: (%%F{green}master%%f):AFTER" >expected &&
+ printf "BEFORE: (%%F{green}main%%f):AFTER" >expected &&
ZSH_VERSION=5.0.0 &&
@@ -664,7 +667,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - zsh color pc mode' '
test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config disabled' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
test_config bash.hideIfPwdIgnored false &&
cd ignored_dir &&
@@ -685,7 +688,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config disabl
test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config unset' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
cd ignored_dir &&
__git_ps1 >"$actual"
@@ -704,7 +707,7 @@ test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config unset,
test_expect_success 'prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var set, config disabled' '
- printf " (master)" >expected &&
+ printf " (main)" >expected &&
test_config bash.hideIfPwdIgnored false &&
cd ignored_dir &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf7ed818b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Library of git-bundle related functions.
+# Display the pack data contained in the bundle file, bypassing the
+# header that contains the signature, prerequisites and references.
+convert_bundle_to_pack () {
+ while read x && test -n "$x"
+ do
+ :;
+ done
+ cat
+# Check count of objects in a bundle file.
+# We can use "--thin" opiton to check thin pack, which must be fixed by
+# command `git-index-pack --fix-thin --stdin`.
+test_bundle_object_count () {
+ thin=
+ if test "$1" = "--thin"
+ then
+ thin=t
+ shift
+ fi
+ if test $# -ne 2
+ then
+ echo >&2 "args should be: <bundle> <count>"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ bundle=$1
+ pack=$bundle.pack
+ convert_bundle_to_pack <"$bundle" >"$pack" &&
+ if test -n "$thin"
+ then
+ mv "$pack" "$bundle.thin.pack" &&
+ git index-pack --stdin --fix-thin "$pack" <"$bundle.thin.pack"
+ else
+ git index-pack "$pack"
+ fi || return 1
+ count=$(git show-index <"${pack%pack}idx" | wc -l) &&
+ test $2 = $count && return 0
+ echo >&2 "error: object count for $bundle is $count, not $2"
+ return 1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c7b1d857c4..07976af81c 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -178,19 +178,28 @@ debug () {
GIT_DEBUGGER="${GIT_DEBUGGER}" "$@" <&6 >&5 2>&7
-# Call test_commit with the arguments
-# [-C <directory>] <message> [<file> [<contents> [<tag>]]]"
+# Usage: test_commit [options] <message> [<file> [<contents> [<tag>]]]
+# -C <dir>:
+# Run all git commands in directory <dir>
+# --notick
+# Do not call test_tick before making a commit
+# --append
+# Use "echo >>" instead of "echo >" when writing "<contents>" to
+# "<file>"
+# --signoff
+# Invoke "git commit" with --signoff
+# --author <author>
+# Invoke "git commit" with --author <author>
# This will commit a file with the given contents and the given commit
# message, and tag the resulting commit with the given tag name.
# <file>, <contents>, and <tag> all default to <message>.
-# If the first argument is "-C", the second argument is used as a path for
-# the git invocations.
test_commit () {
notick= &&
+ append= &&
+ author= &&
signoff= &&
indir= &&
while test $# != 0
@@ -199,6 +208,13 @@ test_commit () {
+ --append)
+ append=yes
+ ;;
+ --author)
+ author="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
@@ -214,13 +230,20 @@ test_commit () {
done &&
indir=${indir:+"$indir"/} &&
file=${2:-"$1.t"} &&
- echo "${3-$1}" > "$indir$file" &&
+ if test -n "$append"
+ then
+ echo "${3-$1}" >>"$indir$file"
+ else
+ echo "${3-$1}" >"$indir$file"
+ fi &&
git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} add "$file" &&
if test -z "$notick"
fi &&
- git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} commit $signoff -m "$1" &&
+ git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} commit \
+ ${author:+ --author "$author"} \
+ $signoff -m "$1" &&
git ${indir:+ -C "$indir"} tag "${4:-$1}"
@@ -367,9 +390,14 @@ test_chmod () {
git update-index --add "--chmod=$@"
-# Get the modebits from a file or directory.
+# Get the modebits from a file or directory, ignoring the setgid bit (g+s).
+# This bit is inherited by subdirectories at their creation. So we remove it
+# from the returning string to prevent callers from having to worry about the
+# state of the bit in the test directory.
test_modebits () {
- ls -ld "$1" | sed -e 's|^\(..........\).*|\1|'
+ ls -ld "$1" | sed -e 's|^\(..........\).*|\1|' \
+ -e 's|^\(......\)S|\1-|' -e 's|^\(......\)s|\1x|'
# Unset a configuration variable, but don't fail if it doesn't exist.
@@ -1646,3 +1674,45 @@ test_subcommand () {
grep "\[$expr\]"
+# Check that the given command was invoked as part of the
+# trace2-format trace on stdin.
+# test_region [!] <category> <label> git <command> <args>...
+# For example, to look for trace2_region_enter("index", "do_read_index", repo)
+# in an invocation of "git checkout HEAD~1", run
+# GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace.txt" GIT_TRACE2_EVENT_NESTING=10 \
+# git checkout HEAD~1 &&
+# test_region index do_read_index <trace.txt
+# If the first parameter passed is !, this instead checks that
+# the given region was not entered.
+test_region () {
+ local expect_exit=0
+ if test "$1" = "!"
+ then
+ expect_exit=1
+ shift
+ fi
+ grep -e '"region_enter".*"category":"'"$1"'","label":"'"$2"\" "$3"
+ exitcode=$?
+ if test $exitcode != $expect_exit
+ then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ grep -e '"region_leave".*"category":"'"$1"'","label":"'"$2"\" "$3"
+ exitcode=$?
+ if test $exitcode != $expect_exit
+ then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c1ff5db2c1..431adba0fb 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ parse_option () {
- stress=${opt#--*=}
- case "$stress" in
+ stress_jobs=${opt#--*=}
+ case "$stress_jobs" in
echo "error: --stress-jobs=<N> requires the number of jobs to run" >&2
exit 1
@@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ then
: # Don't stress test again.
elif test -n "$stress"
- if test "$stress" != t
+ if test -n "$stress_jobs"
- job_count=$stress
+ job_count=$stress_jobs
elif test -n "$GIT_TEST_STRESS_LOAD"
@@ -1515,8 +1515,7 @@ esac
test -z "$NO_PERL" && test_set_prereq PERL
test -z "$NO_PTHREADS" && test_set_prereq PTHREADS
test -z "$NO_PYTHON" && test_set_prereq PYTHON
-test -n "$USE_LIBPCRE1$USE_LIBPCRE2" && test_set_prereq PCRE
-test -n "$USE_LIBPCRE1" && test_set_prereq LIBPCRE1
+test -n "$USE_LIBPCRE2" && test_set_prereq PCRE
test -n "$USE_LIBPCRE2" && test_set_prereq LIBPCRE2
test -z "$NO_GETTEXT" && test_set_prereq GETTEXT
@@ -1698,7 +1697,8 @@ test_lazy_prereq REBASE_P '
# Ensure that no test accidentally triggers a Git command
-# that runs 'crontab', affecting a user's cron schedule.
-# Tests that verify the cron integration must set this locally
+# that runs the actual maintenance scheduler, affecting a user's
+# system permanently.
+# Tests that verify the scheduler integration must set this locally
# to avoid errors.
diff --git a/tree-walk.c b/tree-walk.c
index 0160294712..2d6226d5f1 100644
--- a/tree-walk.c
+++ b/tree-walk.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "object-store.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "pathspec.h"
+#include "json-writer.h"
static const char *get_mode(const char *str, unsigned int *modep)
@@ -167,6 +168,25 @@ int tree_entry_gently(struct tree_desc *desc, struct name_entry *entry)
return 1;
+static int traverse_trees_atexit_registered;
+static int traverse_trees_count;
+static int traverse_trees_cur_depth;
+static int traverse_trees_max_depth;
+static void trace2_traverse_trees_statistics_atexit(void)
+ struct json_writer jw = JSON_WRITER_INIT;
+ jw_object_begin(&jw, 0);
+ jw_object_intmax(&jw, "traverse_trees_count", traverse_trees_count);
+ jw_object_intmax(&jw, "traverse_trees_max_depth", traverse_trees_max_depth);
+ jw_end(&jw);
+ trace2_data_json("traverse_trees", the_repository, "statistics", &jw);
+ jw_release(&jw);
void setup_traverse_info(struct traverse_info *info, const char *base)
size_t pathlen = strlen(base);
@@ -180,6 +200,11 @@ void setup_traverse_info(struct traverse_info *info, const char *base)
info->namelen = pathlen;
if (pathlen)
info->prev = &dummy;
+ if (trace2_is_enabled() && !traverse_trees_atexit_registered) {
+ atexit(trace2_traverse_trees_statistics_atexit);
+ traverse_trees_atexit_registered = 1;
+ }
char *make_traverse_path(char *path, size_t pathlen,
@@ -416,6 +441,12 @@ int traverse_trees(struct index_state *istate,
int interesting = 1;
char *traverse_path;
+ traverse_trees_count++;
+ traverse_trees_cur_depth++;
+ if (traverse_trees_cur_depth > traverse_trees_max_depth)
+ traverse_trees_max_depth = traverse_trees_cur_depth;
if (n >= ARRAY_SIZE(entry))
BUG("traverse_trees() called with too many trees (%d)", n);
@@ -515,6 +546,8 @@ int traverse_trees(struct index_state *istate,
info->traverse_path = NULL;
+ traverse_trees_cur_depth--;
return error;
diff --git a/unpack-trees.c b/unpack-trees.c
index 323280dd48..f5f668f532 100644
--- a/unpack-trees.c
+++ b/unpack-trees.c
@@ -1549,14 +1549,10 @@ static void mark_new_skip_worktree(struct pattern_list *pl,
static void populate_from_existing_patterns(struct unpack_trees_options *o,
struct pattern_list *pl)
- char *sparse = git_pathdup("info/sparse-checkout");
- pl->use_cone_patterns = core_sparse_checkout_cone;
- if (add_patterns_from_file_to_list(sparse, "", 0, pl, NULL) < 0)
+ if (get_sparse_checkout_patterns(pl) < 0)
o->skip_sparse_checkout = 1;
o->pl = pl;
- free(sparse);
@@ -1580,6 +1576,8 @@ int unpack_trees(unsigned len, struct tree_desc *t, struct unpack_trees_options
die("unpack_trees takes at most %d trees", MAX_UNPACK_TREES);
+ trace2_region_enter("unpack_trees", "unpack_trees", the_repository);
if (!core_apply_sparse_checkout || !o->update)
o->skip_sparse_checkout = 1;
if (!o->skip_sparse_checkout && !o->pl) {
@@ -1653,7 +1651,9 @@ int unpack_trees(unsigned len, struct tree_desc *t, struct unpack_trees_options
+ trace2_region_enter("unpack_trees", "traverse_trees", the_repository);
ret = traverse_trees(o->src_index, len, t, &info);
+ trace2_region_leave("unpack_trees", "traverse_trees", the_repository);
if (ret < 0)
goto return_failed;
@@ -1722,8 +1722,6 @@ int unpack_trees(unsigned len, struct tree_desc *t, struct unpack_trees_options
if (!ret) {
if (git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_CHECK_CACHE_TREE", 0))
cache_tree_verify(the_repository, &o->result);
- if (!o->result.cache_tree)
- o->result.cache_tree = cache_tree();
if (!cache_tree_fully_valid(o->result.cache_tree))
@@ -1741,6 +1739,7 @@ int unpack_trees(unsigned len, struct tree_desc *t, struct unpack_trees_options
if (free_pattern_list)
+ trace2_region_leave("unpack_trees", "unpack_trees", the_repository);
return ret;
diff --git a/upload-pack.c b/upload-pack.c
index 3b66bf92ba..4ab55ce2b5 100644
--- a/upload-pack.c
+++ b/upload-pack.c
@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ static int send_ref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid,
packet_write_fmt(1, "%s %s\n", oid_to_hex(oid), refname_nons);
capabilities = NULL;
- if (!peel_ref(refname, &peeled))
+ if (!peel_iterated_oid(oid, &peeled))
packet_write_fmt(1, "%s %s^{}\n", oid_to_hex(&peeled), refname_nons);
return 0;
diff --git a/worktree.c b/worktree.c
index 821b233479..e00858540e 100644
--- a/worktree.c
+++ b/worktree.c
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ void free_worktrees(struct worktree **worktrees)
+ free(worktrees[i]->prune_reason);
free (worktrees);
@@ -224,7 +225,8 @@ int is_main_worktree(const struct worktree *wt)
const char *worktree_lock_reason(struct worktree *wt)
- assert(!is_main_worktree(wt));
+ if (is_main_worktree(wt))
+ return NULL;
if (!wt->lock_reason_valid) {
struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -245,6 +247,25 @@ const char *worktree_lock_reason(struct worktree *wt)
return wt->lock_reason;
+const char *worktree_prune_reason(struct worktree *wt, timestamp_t expire)
+ struct strbuf reason = STRBUF_INIT;
+ char *path = NULL;
+ if (is_main_worktree(wt))
+ return NULL;
+ if (wt->prune_reason_valid)
+ return wt->prune_reason;
+ if (should_prune_worktree(wt->id, &reason, &path, expire))
+ wt->prune_reason = strbuf_detach(&reason, NULL);
+ wt->prune_reason_valid = 1;
+ strbuf_release(&reason);
+ free(path);
+ return wt->prune_reason;
/* convenient wrapper to deal with NULL strbuf */
static void strbuf_addf_gently(struct strbuf *buf, const char *fmt, ...)
@@ -741,3 +762,71 @@ done:
+int should_prune_worktree(const char *id, struct strbuf *reason, char **wtpath, timestamp_t expire)
+ struct stat st;
+ char *path;
+ int fd;
+ size_t len;
+ ssize_t read_result;
+ *wtpath = NULL;
+ if (!is_directory(git_path("worktrees/%s", id))) {
+ strbuf_addstr(reason, _("not a valid directory"));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (file_exists(git_path("worktrees/%s/locked", id)))
+ return 0;
+ if (stat(git_path("worktrees/%s/gitdir", id), &st)) {
+ strbuf_addstr(reason, _("gitdir file does not exist"));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ fd = open(git_path("worktrees/%s/gitdir", id), O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ strbuf_addf(reason, _("unable to read gitdir file (%s)"),
+ strerror(errno));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ len = xsize_t(st.st_size);
+ path = xmallocz(len);
+ read_result = read_in_full(fd, path, len);
+ if (read_result < 0) {
+ strbuf_addf(reason, _("unable to read gitdir file (%s)"),
+ strerror(errno));
+ close(fd);
+ free(path);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ if (read_result != len) {
+ strbuf_addf(reason,
+ _("short read (expected %"PRIuMAX" bytes, read %"PRIuMAX")"),
+ (uintmax_t)len, (uintmax_t)read_result);
+ free(path);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ while (len && (path[len - 1] == '\n' || path[len - 1] == '\r'))
+ len--;
+ if (!len) {
+ strbuf_addstr(reason, _("invalid gitdir file"));
+ free(path);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ path[len] = '\0';
+ if (!file_exists(path)) {
+ if (stat(git_path("worktrees/%s/index", id), &st) ||
+ st.st_mtime <= expire) {
+ strbuf_addstr(reason, _("gitdir file points to non-existent location"));
+ free(path);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ *wtpath = path;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ *wtpath = path;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/worktree.h b/worktree.h
index f38e6fd5a2..8b7c408132 100644
--- a/worktree.h
+++ b/worktree.h
@@ -11,11 +11,13 @@ struct worktree {
char *id;
char *head_ref; /* NULL if HEAD is broken or detached */
char *lock_reason; /* private - use worktree_lock_reason */
+ char *prune_reason; /* private - use worktree_prune_reason */
struct object_id head_oid;
int is_detached;
int is_bare;
int is_current;
int lock_reason_valid; /* private */
+ int prune_reason_valid; /* private */
@@ -73,6 +75,27 @@ int is_main_worktree(const struct worktree *wt);
const char *worktree_lock_reason(struct worktree *wt);
+ * Return the reason string if the given worktree should be pruned, otherwise
+ * NULL if it should not be pruned. `expire` defines a grace period to prune
+ * the worktree when its path does not exist.
+ */
+const char *worktree_prune_reason(struct worktree *wt, timestamp_t expire);
+ * Return true if worktree entry should be pruned, along with the reason for
+ * pruning. Otherwise, return false and the worktree's path in `wtpath`, or
+ * NULL if it cannot be determined. Caller is responsible for freeing
+ * returned path.
+ *
+ * `expire` defines a grace period to prune the worktree when its path
+ * does not exist.
+ */
+int should_prune_worktree(const char *id,
+ struct strbuf *reason,
+ char **wtpath,
+ timestamp_t expire);
diff --git a/wt-status.c b/wt-status.c
index 7074bbdd53..0c8287a023 100644
--- a/wt-status.c
+++ b/wt-status.c
@@ -606,7 +606,9 @@ static void wt_status_collect_changes_worktree(struct wt_status *s)
if (s->ignore_submodule_arg) {
rev.diffopt.flags.override_submodule_config = 1;
handle_ignore_submodules_arg(&rev.diffopt, s->ignore_submodule_arg);
- }
+ } else if (!rev.diffopt.flags.ignore_submodule_set &&
+ s->show_untracked_files != SHOW_NO_UNTRACKED_FILES)
+ handle_ignore_submodules_arg(&rev.diffopt, "none");
rev.diffopt.format_callback = wt_status_collect_changed_cb;
rev.diffopt.format_callback_data = s;
rev.diffopt.detect_rename = s->detect_rename >= 0 ? s->detect_rename : rev.diffopt.detect_rename;
@@ -1742,9 +1744,9 @@ static void wt_longstatus_print(struct wt_status *s)
} else if (s->state.detached_from) {
branch_name = s->state.detached_from;
if (s->state.detached_at)
- on_what = HEAD_DETACHED_AT;
+ on_what = _("HEAD detached at ");
+ on_what = _("HEAD detached from ");
} else {
branch_name = "";
on_what = _("Not currently on any branch.");
diff --git a/wt-status.h b/wt-status.h
index 35b44c388e..0d32799b28 100644
--- a/wt-status.h
+++ b/wt-status.h
@@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ enum wt_status_format {
-#define HEAD_DETACHED_AT _("HEAD detached at ")
-#define HEAD_DETACHED_FROM _("HEAD detached from ")
struct wt_status_state {