path: root/submodule.h
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authorLibravatar Anton Serbulov <>2018-10-23 03:52:49 -0700
committerLibravatar Junio C Hamano <>2018-10-24 14:48:57 +0900
commit4745feeb8b501b309f2eb2e0330abd6c24d6fb60 (patch)
tree40e3c95d787989a6668157b71092d8113eee4d6f /submodule.h
parentmingw: ensure `getcwd()` reports the correct case (diff)
mingw: fix getcwd when the parent directory cannot be queried
`GetLongPathName()` function may fail when it is unable to query the parent directory of a path component to determine the long name for that component. It happens, because it uses `FindFirstFile()` function for each next short part of path. The `FindFirstFile()` requires `List Directory` and `Synchronize` desired access for a calling process. In case of lacking such permission for some part of path, the `GetLongPathName()` returns 0 as result and `GetLastError()` returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. `GetFinalPathNameByHandle()` function can help in such cases, because it requires `Read Attributes` and `Synchronize` desired access to the target path only. The `GetFinalPathNameByHandle()` function was introduced on `Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista`. So we need to load it dynamically. `CreateFile()` parameters: `lpFileName` = path to the current directory `dwDesiredAccess` = 0 (it means `Read Attributes` and `Synchronize`) `dwShareMode` = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE (it prevents `Sharing Violation`) `lpSecurityAttributes` = NULL (default security attributes) `dwCreationDisposition` = OPEN_EXISTING (required to obtain a directory handle) `dwFlagsAndAttributes` = FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS (required to obtain a directory handle) `hTemplateFile` = NULL (when opening an existing file or directory, `CreateFile` ignores this parameter) The string that is returned by `GetFinalPathNameByHandle()` function uses the \\?\ syntax. To skip the prefix and convert backslashes to slashes, the `normalize_ntpath()` mingw function will be used. Note: `GetFinalPathNameByHandle()` function returns a final path. It is the path that is returned when a path is fully resolved. For example, for a symbolic link named "C:\tmp\mydir" that points to "D:\yourdir", the final path would be "D:\yourdir". Signed-off-by: Anton Serbulov <> Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
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0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions