diff options
authorLibravatar Yi-Jyun Pan <>2020-05-23 21:26:15 +0800
committerLibravatar Yi-Jyun Pan <>2020-05-30 00:34:15 +0800
commit710636a908e93054196618487cd7c16d2b3dad88 (patch)
parentMerge branch 'fr_2.27.0rnd2' of (diff)
l10n: zh_TW.po: v2.27.0 round 1 (0 untranslated)
Signed-off-by: Yi-Jyun Pan <>
1 files changed, 4088 insertions, 3587 deletions
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
index 5efe4966f7..494540de27 100644
--- a/po/zh_TW.po
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -17,152 +17,304 @@
# - Zhuang Ya <zhuangya AT>
# Git glossary for Chinese translators
+# updated on 5/23/2020
-# English | Chinese
-# ---------------------------------+--------------------------------------
-# 3-way merge | 三方合併
-# abbreviate | 簡寫(的 SHA-1 值)
-# alternate object database | 備用物件庫
-# amend | 修補
-# ancestor | 祖先,祖先提交
-# annotated tag | 附註標籤
-# bare repository | 純版本庫
-# bisect | 二分尋找
-# blob object | 資料物件
-# branch | 分支
-# bundle | 包
-# bypass | 繞過
-# cache | 索引(的別稱)
-# chain | (提交)鏈
-# changeset | 變更集
-# checkout | 簽出
-# checksum | 校驗,校驗和
-# cherry-picking | 揀選
-# clean | 乾淨(的工作區)
-# clone | 複製
-# commit | 提交
-# commit message | 提交說明
-# commit object | 提交物件
-# commit-ish (also committish) | 提交號
-# conflict | 衝突
-# core Git | 核心 Git 工具
-# cover letter | 附函
-# DAG | 有向無環圖
-# dangling object | 懸空物件
-# detached HEAD | 分離開頭指標
-# directory | 目錄
-# dirty | 髒(的工作區)
-# dumb HTTP protocol | 啞 HTTP 協定
-# evil merge | 壞合併(合併引入了父提交沒有的修改)
-# fast-forward | 快轉
-# fetch | 取得
-# file system | 檔案系統
-# fork | 衍生
-# Git archive | 版本庫(對於 arch 使用者)
-# gitfile | gitfile(版本庫連結檔案)
-# grafts | (提交)移植
-# hash | 雜湊值
-# HEAD | HEAD(開頭指標,亦即目前分支)
-# head | 頭、分支
-# head ref | 分支
-# header | 標頭訊息
-# hook | 掛鉤
-# hunk | 修補檔片段
-# index | 索引
-# index entry | 索引條目
-# loose object | 鬆散物件
-# loose refs | 鬆散引用
-# master | master(預設分支名)
-# merge | 合併
-# object | 物件
-# object database | 物件庫
-# object identifier | 物件識別元
-# object name | 物件名稱
-# object type | 物件類型
-# octopus | 章魚式合併(兩分支以上的合併)
-# origin | origin(預設的遠端名稱)
-# pack | 包
-# pack index | 包索引
-# packfile | 包檔案
-# parent | 父提交
-# patch | 修補檔
-# pathspec | 路徑規格
-# pattern | 模式
-# pickaxe | 挖掘
-# plumbing | 管件(Git 底層核心指令的別稱)
-# porcelain | 瓷件(Git 上層封裝指令的別稱)
-# precious-objects repo | 珍品版本庫
-# prune | 清除
-# pull | 拉,拉取
-# push | 推,推送
-# reachable | 可以取得
-# rebase | 重定基底
-# ref | 引用
-# reflog | 引用日誌
-# refspec | 引用規格
-# remote | 遠端,遠端版本庫
-# remote-tracking branch | 遠端追蹤分支
-# replay | 重放
-# repo | 版本庫
-# repository | 版本庫
-# resolve | (衝突)解決
-# revert | 還原提交
-# revision | 版本
-# rewind | 還原 (Fuzzy)
-# SCM | 原始碼管理(工具)
-# SHA-1 | SHA-1(安全雜湊演算法1)
-# shallow repository | 淺(複製)版本庫
-# signed tag | 簽名標籤
-# smart HTTP protocol | 智慧 HTTP 協定
-# squash | 壓縮
-# stage | n. 暫存區(即索引); v. 暫存
-# stash | n. 儲藏區; v. 儲藏
-# submodule | 子模組
-# symref | 符號引用
-# tag | n. 標籤; v. 打標籤
-# tag object | 標籤物件
-# tagger | 打標籤者
-# topic branch | 主題分支
-# track | 追蹤
-# trailer | 尾部署名
-# tree | 樹(工作區或樹狀物件)
-# tree object | 樹狀物件
-# tree-ish (also treeish) | 樹狀物件(或可以解析為一樹狀物件)
-# unmerged index | 未合併索引
-# unpack | 解包
-# unreachable object | 無法取得物件
-# unstage | 取消暫存
-# upstream | 上游
-# upstream branch | 上游分支
-# working tree | 工作區
+# 原文 翻譯
+# 3 way merge 三方合併
+# ? ?
+# abbreviate 縮寫
+# abort 中止
+# Add 加入
+# all 所有
+# allow 允許
+# alternative 替代
+# Amend 修訂
+# annotate 附註
+# annotated tag 附註標籤
+# Apply 套用
+# argument 引數
+# argument 引數
+# Assume 假設
+# author 作者
+# bad 不良
+# Bare 祼
+# bare repo 祼版本庫
+# Bisect 二分法
+# Blame 究責
+# blob blob
+# bloom filter 布隆過濾器
+# Branch 分支
+# branch (動詞)建立分支
+# Branches 分支
+# browse 瀏覽
+# browser 瀏覽器
+# bug 臭蟲
+# Bug-ID Bug-ID
+# cache 快取
+# certificate 憑證
+# Change 變更
+# change 變更
+# changed 已變更
+# changes 變更
+# Check help file 查看說明檔案
+# checkbox 核取方塊
+# Checkout 檢出
+# checksum 總和檢查碼
+# Cherry Pick 摘取
+# clean 清除
+# cleanup 清理
+# clear 清空
+# click 按一下
+# client 用戶端
+# clipboard 剪貼簿
+# Clone 複製
+# Close 關閉
+# Collapse 收合
+# Color 色彩
+# Combine 結合
+# comment 評註
+# Commit 提交
+# committer 提交者
+# compare 比對
+# comparing 比對
+# Configure 設定
+# confirm 確認
+# Conflict 衝突
+# Context lines 情境列
+# context menu 快顯功能表
+# continue 繼續
+# continuous 持續性
+# copy 複製
+# Corrections 更正
+# Could not start 無法啟動
+# Create 建立
+# Creates 建立
+# Creating 建立中
+# Credential 憑證
+# Credential helper 憑證協助程式
+# Credentials 憑證
+# credentials 憑證
+# current 目前
+# custom 自訂
+# Customize 自訂
+# Daemon 守護程序
+# Date 日期
+# Default 預設
+# Delete 刪除
+# describe describe
+# description 描述
+# Destination 目的地
+# detach 分離
+# detect 偵測
+# Dialogs 對話框
+# Diff 差異
+# differences 差異
+# different 差異
+# dir 目錄
+# directory 目錄
+# Discard 丟棄
+# Display 顯示
+# double click 按兩下
+# edit 編輯
+# editor 編輯器
+# email email
+# Enable 啟用
+# Error code 錯誤碼
+# explicitly 顯式
+# Export 匯出
+# expression 表示式
+# extension 擴充套件
+# external 外部
+# fast forward 快進
+# fast-forward 快進
+# fetch 獲取
+# file 檔案
+# files 檔案
+# filter 篩選
+# find 搜尋
+# Finish 完成
+# folder 資料夾
+# folders 資料夾
+# follow 跟隨
+# Force 強制
+# from 自
+# Git Git
+# Git for Windows Git for Windows
+# hash 雜湊
+# highlight 標示
+# Hook 掛鉤
+# hunk 區塊
+# hunks 區塊
+# Ignore 忽略
+# Index 索引
+# Info 資訊
+# information 資訊
+# Init 初始化
+# initial checkout 初始簽出
+# Inline Diff 行內差異
+# inline diff 列內差異
+# is up to date 已最新
+# issue 議題
+# item 項目
+# items 項目
+# Keywords 關鍵字
+# label 標記
+# labels 標記
+# Last 最後
+# later 稍後
+# limitation 限制
+# line 列
+# lines 列
+# local 本地端
+# Local 本地端
+# Log 記錄
+# Merge 合併
+# merge 合併
+# message 訊息
+# Message 訊息
+# modify 修改
+# Name 名稱
+# Note 註
+# note 註
+# Notes 註解
+# Open 開啟
+# Options 選項
+# Ordering 順序
+# Overlay 圖示覆蓋
+# pack 包裝
+# Parent 父
+# patch 補綴
+# patched 補綴
+# paths 路徑
+# pick 取
+# position 位置
+# preview 預覽
+# process 處理
+# program 程式
+# Project 專案
+# Prune 剪除
+# Pull 拉取
+# Pull Request 拉取請求
+# Push 推送
+# rebase 重定基底
+# rebase 重定基底
+# recover 還原
+# recovered 還原
+# recursively 遞迴
+# recycle bin 回收桶
+# redo 重做
+# Ref 參照
+# ref 參照
+# reference 參照
+# RefLog 參照日誌
+# refmap 參照映射
+# refs 參照
+# refspec 參照規格
+# Remote 遠端
+# remote branches 遠端分支
+# Remote-tracking branches 遠端跟蹤分支
+# remote-treacking branches 遠端追蹤分支
+# remove 移除
+# removed 已移除
+# repo 版本庫
+# repositories 版本庫
+# Repository 版本庫
+# request 要求
+# Reset 重設
+# resolve 解決
+# rest 其餘的
+# Restore 還原
+# Revert 復原
+# reverted 已復原
+# review 檢閱
+# revision 修訂版
+# revisions 版本
+# script 指令稿
+# Scripts 指令稿
+# sections 部分
+# Show 顯示
+# sign 簽署
+# signed 已簽署
+# skip 略過
+# special 特殊
+# Squash 壓合
+# stage 暫存
+# stage 暫存
+# staged 已暫存
+# staging area 暫存區
+# Stash 收藏
+# Status 狀態
+# subject 主旨
+# Submodule 子模組
+# Superproject 上層專案
+# Switch 切換
+# tag (動詞)貼標籤
+# Tag 標籤
+# tagger 貼標籤者
+# tags 標籤
+# task 工作
+# thesaurus 同義字
+# three way 三方
+# Track 跟蹤
+# Tracked 跟蹤中
+# tracking 跟蹤
+# tree 樹
+# two 2
+# type 類型
+# unchanged 未變更
+# Undo 復原
+# Unified diff 單一差異
+# unified diff 統合式差異
+# Unknown 未知
+# unstash 取消收藏
+# Untracked 未跟蹤的
+# Unversioned 無版控
+# Update 更新
+# UpStream 上游
+# user 使用者
+# username 使用者名稱
+# vanilla 原
+# verify 核驗
+# view 檢視
+# viewer 檢視器
+# Warning 警告
+# whitespace 空白字元
+# whitespaces 空白字元
+# working 工作
+# working copy 工作複本
+# Working tree 工作目錄
+# You might need 您可能需要
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Git\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-11 15:26+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-15 01:48+0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-15 09:11+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-23 21:36+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Yi-Jyun Pan <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (Traditional) <>\n"
"Language: zh_TW\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
"X-ZhConverter: 繁化姬 dict-f4bc617e-r910 @ 2019/11/16 20:23:12 | https://"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
#: add-interactive.c:368
#, c-format
msgid "Huh (%s)?"
msgstr "嗯(%s)?"
-#: add-interactive.c:521 add-interactive.c:822 sequencer.c:3124
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:875 builtin/rebase.c:1687
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2086 builtin/rebase.c:2130
+#: add-interactive.c:521 add-interactive.c:822 reset.c:65 sequencer.c:3142
+#: sequencer.c:3581 sequencer.c:3723 builtin/rebase.c:1518
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1919
msgid "could not read index"
-msgstr "不能讀取索引"
+msgstr "無法讀取索引"
#: add-interactive.c:576 git-add--interactive.perl:269
#: git-add--interactive.perl:294
@@ -177,7 +329,7 @@ msgstr "無"
#: add-interactive.c:635 git-add--interactive.perl:314
#: git-add--interactive.perl:329
msgid "unchanged"
-msgstr "沒有修改"
+msgstr "未變更"
#: add-interactive.c:672 git-add--interactive.perl:643
msgid "Update"
@@ -186,29 +338,28 @@ msgstr "更新"
#: add-interactive.c:689 add-interactive.c:877
#, c-format
msgid "could not stage '%s'"
-msgstr "不能暫存 '%s'"
+msgstr "無法暫存「%s」"
-#: add-interactive.c:695 add-interactive.c:884 sequencer.c:3317
-#: builtin/rebase.c:899
+#: add-interactive.c:695 add-interactive.c:884 reset.c:89 sequencer.c:3336
msgid "could not write index"
-msgstr "不能寫入索引"
+msgstr "無法寫入索引"
#: add-interactive.c:698 git-add--interactive.perl:628
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "updated %d path\n"
msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
-msgstr[0] "更新了 %d 個路徑\n"
+msgstr[0] "已更新 %d 個路徑\n"
#: add-interactive.c:716 git-add--interactive.perl:678
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
-msgstr "說明:%s 現已成為未追蹤的。\n"
+msgstr "註:%s 現已不再追蹤。\n"
-#: add-interactive.c:721 apply.c:4110 builtin/checkout.c:281
-#: builtin/reset.c:144
+#: add-interactive.c:721 apply.c:4110 builtin/checkout.c:294
+#: builtin/reset.c:145
#, c-format
msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
-msgstr "對路徑 '%s' 的 make_cache_entry 動作失敗"
+msgstr "「%s」路徑執行 make_cache_entry 失敗"
#: add-interactive.c:751 git-add--interactive.perl:655
msgid "Revert"
@@ -326,11 +477,11 @@ msgstr "選擇編號過的項目"
msgid "(empty) select nothing"
msgstr "(空)全不選取"
-#: add-interactive.c:1083 builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1851
+#: add-interactive.c:1083 builtin/clean.c:816 git-add--interactive.perl:1851
msgid "*** Commands ***"
msgstr "*** 指令 ***"
-#: add-interactive.c:1084 builtin/clean.c:823 git-add--interactive.perl:1848
+#: add-interactive.c:1084 builtin/clean.c:817 git-add--interactive.perl:1848
msgid "What now"
msgstr "請選擇"
@@ -342,12 +493,13 @@ msgstr "快取"
msgid "unstaged"
msgstr "未快取"
-#: add-interactive.c:1136 apply.c:4967 apply.c:4970 builtin/am.c:2251
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:144
-#: builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/pull.c:189 builtin/submodule--helper.c:409
+#: add-interactive.c:1136 apply.c:4967 apply.c:4970 builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/merge.c:276 builtin/pull.c:190 builtin/submodule--helper.c:409
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1394 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1397
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1902 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1905
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2148 git-add--interactive.perl:213
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2148 bugreport.c:129
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:213
msgid "path"
msgstr "路徑"
@@ -355,33 +507,33 @@ msgstr "路徑"
msgid "could not refresh index"
msgstr "無法重新整理索引"
-#: add-interactive.c:1157 builtin/clean.c:787 git-add--interactive.perl:1765
+#: add-interactive.c:1157 builtin/clean.c:781 git-add--interactive.perl:1765
#, c-format
msgid "Bye.\n"
msgstr "再見。\n"
-#: add-patch.c:33 git-add--interactive.perl:1428
+#: add-patch.c:34 git-add--interactive.perl:1428
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "暫存模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:34 git-add--interactive.perl:1429
+#: add-patch.c:35 git-add--interactive.perl:1429
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "暫存刪除動作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:35 git-add--interactive.perl:1430
+#: add-patch.c:36 git-add--interactive.perl:1430
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "暫存此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:37
+#: add-patch.c:38
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為暫存。"
-#: add-patch.c:40
+#: add-patch.c:41
msgid ""
"y - stage this hunk\n"
"n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -395,28 +547,28 @@ msgstr ""
"a - 暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
"d - 不暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
-#: add-patch.c:54 git-add--interactive.perl:1433
+#: add-patch.c:55 git-add--interactive.perl:1433
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "儲藏模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:55 git-add--interactive.perl:1434
+#: add-patch.c:56 git-add--interactive.perl:1434
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "儲藏刪除動作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:56 git-add--interactive.perl:1435
+#: add-patch.c:57 git-add--interactive.perl:1435
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "儲藏此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:58
+#: add-patch.c:59
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為儲藏。"
-#: add-patch.c:61
+#: add-patch.c:62
msgid ""
"y - stash this hunk\n"
"n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -430,28 +582,28 @@ msgstr ""
"a - 儲藏此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
"d - 不儲藏此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
-#: add-patch.c:77 git-add--interactive.perl:1438
+#: add-patch.c:78 git-add--interactive.perl:1438
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "取消暫存模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:78 git-add--interactive.perl:1439
+#: add-patch.c:79 git-add--interactive.perl:1439
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "取消暫存刪除動作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:79 git-add--interactive.perl:1440
+#: add-patch.c:80 git-add--interactive.perl:1440
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "取消暫存此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:81
+#: add-patch.c:82
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為未暫存。"
-#: add-patch.c:84
+#: add-patch.c:85
msgid ""
"y - unstage this hunk\n"
"n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -465,28 +617,28 @@ msgstr ""
"a - 不暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
"d - 不要不暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
-#: add-patch.c:99 git-add--interactive.perl:1443
+#: add-patch.c:100 git-add--interactive.perl:1443
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "將模式變更套用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:100 git-add--interactive.perl:1444
+#: add-patch.c:101 git-add--interactive.perl:1444
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "將刪除動作套用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:101 git-add--interactive.perl:1445
+#: add-patch.c:102 git-add--interactive.perl:1445
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "將此區塊套用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:103 add-patch.c:168 add-patch.c:211
+#: add-patch.c:104 add-patch.c:169 add-patch.c:212
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為套用。"
-#: add-patch.c:106
+#: add-patch.c:107
msgid ""
"y - apply this hunk to index\n"
"n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -500,31 +652,31 @@ msgstr ""
"a - 套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
"d - 不要套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
-#: add-patch.c:121 git-add--interactive.perl:1448
+#: add-patch.c:122 git-add--interactive.perl:1448
#: git-add--interactive.perl:1463
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "從工作區中捨棄模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:122 git-add--interactive.perl:1449
+#: add-patch.c:123 git-add--interactive.perl:1449
#: git-add--interactive.perl:1464
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "從工作區中捨棄刪除動作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:123 git-add--interactive.perl:1450
+#: add-patch.c:124 git-add--interactive.perl:1450
#: git-add--interactive.perl:1465
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "從工作區中捨棄此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:125 add-patch.c:147 add-patch.c:190
+#: add-patch.c:126 add-patch.c:148 add-patch.c:191
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為捨棄。"
-#: add-patch.c:128 add-patch.c:193
+#: add-patch.c:129 add-patch.c:194
msgid ""
"y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
"n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -538,22 +690,22 @@ msgstr ""
"a - 捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
"d - 不要捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
-#: add-patch.c:143 add-patch.c:186 git-add--interactive.perl:1453
+#: add-patch.c:144 add-patch.c:187 git-add--interactive.perl:1453
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "從索引和工作區中捨棄模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:144 add-patch.c:187 git-add--interactive.perl:1454
+#: add-patch.c:145 add-patch.c:188 git-add--interactive.perl:1454
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "從索引和工作區中捨棄刪除 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:145 add-patch.c:188 git-add--interactive.perl:1455
+#: add-patch.c:146 add-patch.c:189 git-add--interactive.perl:1455
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "從索引和工作區中捨棄此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:150
+#: add-patch.c:151
msgid ""
"y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
"n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -567,22 +719,22 @@ msgstr ""
"a - 捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
"d - 不要捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
-#: add-patch.c:164 add-patch.c:207 git-add--interactive.perl:1458
+#: add-patch.c:165 add-patch.c:208 git-add--interactive.perl:1458
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "將模式變更套用到索引和工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:165 add-patch.c:208 git-add--interactive.perl:1459
+#: add-patch.c:166 add-patch.c:209 git-add--interactive.perl:1459
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "將刪除動作套用到索引和工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:166 add-patch.c:209 git-add--interactive.perl:1460
+#: add-patch.c:167 add-patch.c:210 git-add--interactive.perl:1460
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "將此區塊套用到索引和工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: add-patch.c:171
+#: add-patch.c:172
msgid ""
"y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
"n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -596,7 +748,7 @@ msgstr ""
"a - 套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
"d - 不要套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
-#: add-patch.c:214
+#: add-patch.c:215
msgid ""
"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
@@ -610,40 +762,40 @@ msgstr ""
"a - 套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
"d - 不要套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n"
-#: add-patch.c:318
+#: add-patch.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse hunk header '%.*s'"
msgstr "無法解析區塊標頭 '%.*s'"
-#: add-patch.c:337 add-patch.c:341
+#: add-patch.c:338 add-patch.c:342
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse colored hunk header '%.*s'"
msgstr "無法解析上色過的區塊標頭 '%.*s'"
-#: add-patch.c:395
+#: add-patch.c:396
msgid "could not parse diff"
msgstr "無法解析差異 (diff)"
-#: add-patch.c:414
+#: add-patch.c:415
msgid "could not parse colored diff"
msgstr "無法解析上色過的差異 (diff)"
-#: add-patch.c:428
+#: add-patch.c:429
#, c-format
msgid "failed to run '%s'"
msgstr "無法執行 '%s'"
-#: add-patch.c:587
+#: add-patch.c:588
msgid "mismatched output from interactive.diffFilter"
msgstr "interactive.diffFilter 的輸出不符"
-#: add-patch.c:588
+#: add-patch.c:589
msgid ""
"Your filter must maintain a one-to-one correspondence\n"
"between its input and output lines."
msgstr "您的過濾器必須在其輸入及輸出行維持一對一的對應關係。"
-#: add-patch.c:761
+#: add-patch.c:762
#, c-format
msgid ""
"expected context line #%d in\n"
@@ -652,7 +804,7 @@ msgstr ""
"應有上下文行 #%d 於\n"
-#: add-patch.c:776
+#: add-patch.c:777
#, c-format
msgid ""
"hunks do not overlap:\n"
@@ -665,11 +817,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: add-patch.c:1052 git-add--interactive.perl:1112
+#: add-patch.c:1053 git-add--interactive.perl:1112
msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
msgstr "手動區塊編輯模式 -- 檢視底部的快速指南。\n"
-#: add-patch.c:1056
+#: add-patch.c:1057
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -683,7 +835,7 @@ msgstr ""
"以 %c 開始的行將被刪除。\n"
#. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: add-patch.c:1070 git-add--interactive.perl:1126
+#: add-patch.c:1071 git-add--interactive.perl:1126
msgid ""
"If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
"edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
@@ -692,11 +844,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: add-patch.c:1103
+#: add-patch.c:1104
msgid "could not parse hunk header"
msgstr "無法解析區塊標頭"
-#: add-patch.c:1148
+#: add-patch.c:1149
msgid "'git apply --cached' failed"
msgstr "「git apply --cached」失敗"
@@ -816,37 +968,46 @@ msgstr "對不起,不能編輯這個區塊"
msgid "'git apply' failed"
msgstr "'git apply' 失敗"
-#: advice.c:115
+#: advice.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Disable this message with \"git config advice.%s false\""
+msgstr ""
+"請使用「git config advice.%s false」來停用此訊息"
+#: advice.c:156
#, c-format
msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
msgstr "%s提示:%.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:168
+#: advice.c:247
msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "無法揀選,因為您有未合併的檔案。"
-#: advice.c:170
+#: advice.c:249
msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "無法提交,因為您有未合併的檔案。"
-#: advice.c:172
+#: advice.c:251
msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "無法合併,因為您有未合併的檔案。"
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:253
msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "無法拉取,因為您有未合併的檔案。"
-#: advice.c:176
+#: advice.c:255
msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "無法還原提交,因為您有未合併的檔案。"
-#: advice.c:178
+#: advice.c:257
#, c-format
msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "無法 %s,因為您有未合併的檔案。"
-#: advice.c:186
+#: advice.c:265
msgid ""
"Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
"as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -854,23 +1015,23 @@ msgstr ""
"請在工作區改正檔案,然後酌情使用 'git add/rm <檔案>' 指令標記\n"
-#: advice.c:194
+#: advice.c:273
msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
msgstr "因為存在未解決的衝突而離開。"
-#: advice.c:199 builtin/merge.c:1335
+#: advice.c:278 builtin/merge.c:1353
msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
msgstr "您尚未結束您的合併(存在 MERGE_HEAD)。"
-#: advice.c:201
+#: advice.c:280
msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
msgstr "請在合併前先提交您的修改。"
-#: advice.c:202
+#: advice.c:281
msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
msgstr "因為存在未完成的合併而離開。"
-#: advice.c:208
+#: advice.c:287
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
@@ -921,12 +1082,12 @@ msgstr "未閉合的引號"
#: apply.c:69
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
-msgstr "未能識別的空白字元選項 '%s'"
+msgstr "無法識別的空白字元選項 '%s'"
#: apply.c:85
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
-msgstr "未能識別的空白字元忽略選項 '%s'"
+msgstr "無法識別的空白字元忽略選項 '%s'"
#: apply.c:135
msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
@@ -1054,7 +1215,7 @@ msgstr "二進位修補檔在第 %d 行損壞:%.*s"
#: apply.c:2015
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
-msgstr "未能識別的二進位修補檔位於第 %d 行"
+msgstr "無法識別的二進位修補檔位於第 %d 行"
#: apply.c:2177
#, c-format
@@ -1080,7 +1241,7 @@ msgstr "無效的行首字元:'%c'"
#, c-format
msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
-msgstr[0] "區塊 #%d 成功套用於 %d(位移 %d 行)"
+msgstr[0] "區塊 #%d 成功套用於 %d(位移 %d 行)。"
#: apply.c:3069
#, c-format
@@ -1145,9 +1306,9 @@ msgstr "打修補檔失敗:%s:%ld"
#: apply.c:3353
#, c-format
msgid "cannot checkout %s"
-msgstr "不能簽出 %s"
+msgstr "不能檢出 %s"
-#: apply.c:3405 apply.c:3416 apply.c:3462 midx.c:61 setup.c:298
+#: apply.c:3405 apply.c:3416 apply.c:3462 midx.c:61 setup.c:308
#, c-format
msgid "failed to read %s"
msgstr "無法讀取 %s"
@@ -1341,7 +1502,7 @@ msgstr[0] "套用 %%s 個修補檔,其中 %d 個被拒絕..."
msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
msgstr "截短 .rej 檔案名為 %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4561 builtin/fetch.c:901 builtin/fetch.c:1201
+#: apply.c:4561 builtin/fetch.c:902 builtin/fetch.c:1195
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open %s"
msgstr "不能開啟 %s"
@@ -1363,7 +1524,7 @@ msgstr "略過修補檔 '%s'。"
#: apply.c:4706
msgid "unrecognized input"
-msgstr "未能識別的輸入"
+msgstr "無法識別的輸入"
#: apply.c:4726
msgid "unable to read index file"
@@ -1404,7 +1565,7 @@ msgstr "不要應用與給出路徑向符合的變更"
msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
msgstr "應用與給出路徑向符合的變更"
-#: apply.c:4973 builtin/am.c:2260
+#: apply.c:4973 builtin/am.c:2259
msgid "num"
msgstr "數字"
@@ -1460,7 +1621,7 @@ msgstr "如果一個修補檔不能應用則嘗試三方合併"
msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
msgstr "建立一個暫時索引基於嵌入的索引訊息"
-#: apply.c:5005 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:5005 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:525
msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
msgstr "路徑以 NUL 字元分隔"
@@ -1468,9 +1629,9 @@ msgstr "路徑以 NUL 字元分隔"
msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
msgstr "確保至少符合 <n> 行上下文"
-#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2239 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2238 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3457 builtin/rebase.c:1508
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3458 builtin/rebase.c:1332
msgid "action"
msgstr "動作"
@@ -1499,8 +1660,8 @@ msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
msgstr "允許重疊的修補檔片段"
#: apply.c:5025 builtin/add.c:323 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1360 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:774
-#: builtin/log.c:2166 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:774
+#: builtin/log.c:2186 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
msgid "be verbose"
msgstr "詳細輸出"
@@ -1512,7 +1673,7 @@ msgstr "允許不正確的檔案末尾換行符號"
msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
msgstr "不信任修補檔片段的標頭訊息中的行號"
-#: apply.c:5032 builtin/am.c:2248
+#: apply.c:5032 builtin/am.c:2247
msgid "root"
msgstr "根目錄"
@@ -1520,6 +1681,55 @@ msgstr "根目錄"
msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
msgstr "為所有檔案名前新增 <根目錄>"
+#: archive-tar.c:125 archive-zip.c:351
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot stream blob %s"