# K9P A virtual filesystem for Kubernetes cluster state. ## Install K9P uses Go modules, and can be installed with a Go 1.13+. Goal is to allow operators to use familiar unix tools to interact with their Kubernetes clusters, rather than learning kubectl. ```console $ git clone https://git.terinstock.com/k9p && cd k9p $ go get ./cmd/k9p/... ``` ## Mounting ### Plan 9 K9P can be mounded like other remote 9P servers: ```console $ import 'tcp!localhost!1564` /k8s ``` ### Linux Supported on systems compiled with `CONFIG_NET_9P`, otherwise use 9pfuse. ```console # mount -t 9p -o trans=tcp,port=1564 /mnt/k8s ``` ### FUSE K9P can be mounted as a remote 9P server using 9pfuse: ```console $ 9pfuse 'tcp!!1564' $HOME/k8s ``` ### Applications So applications can directly interact with 9P servers, such as 9p from plan9ports: ```console $ p9 -a 'tcp!9p.example.com!1564' ls -l / d-r-xr-x-r-x I 0 terin terin 0 July 3 2019 cluster-scoped d-r-xr-x-r-x I 0 terin terin 0 July 3 2019 namespaces ``` ## Future K9P is in a very early WIP state. There's lots of improvements, contributions welcome. * Support passing authentication to the server for the attach mount. * Load resources on-demand, rather than creating informers on attach. * Add support for way more resource types, including CRDs. * Mutate and remove resources. * Port forwards modeled after Plan 9's netfs?