package main import ( "bytes" "context" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" bflag "" "" ) type kvs map[string]string func (o kvs) Strings() []string { str := []string{} for k, v := range o { str = append(str, k+"="+v) } return str } var cgo bool var ldflags string var platformFields []string func main() { flags := flag.NewFlagSet("bakelite", flag.ExitOnError) flags.BoolVar(&cgo, "cgo", false, "enables cgo (may require your own toolchain).") flags.StringVar(&ldflags, "ldflags", "", "arguments to pass on each go tool compile invocation.") flags.Var((*bflag.StringsValue)(&platformFields), "platforms", "modify the list of platforms built") flags.Usage = func() { fmt.Println("usage: bakelite [build flags] [packages]") fmt.Println(` Bakelite compiles the packages named by the import paths for multiple GOOS and GOARCH combinations. It does not install their results. When compiling a package, Bakelite writes the result to output files named after the source directory in the form "$package_$goos_$goarch". The '.exe' suffix is added when writing a Windows executable. Multiple packages may be given to Bakelite, the result of each are saved as described in the preceding paragraph. The build flags recognized by Bakelite: -ldflags 'flag list' arguments to pass on each go tool compile invocation. The Bakelite specific flags: -cgo passes CGO_ENABLED=1 to the build environment. May require a build toolchain for each GOOS and GOARCH combination. -platforms 'platform list' modify the built platforms. Platforms are prefixed with "-" to remove from the set and "+" to add to the set. They can be specified sparsely as just the OS, or as a complete GOOS/GOARCH declaration. If the special platform "-" is provided as the first platform, the default set is disabled. See below for the default list of platforms. By default Bakelite builds for the following platforms: darwin/386 darwin/amd64 dragonfly/amd64 freebsd/386 freebsd/amd64 linux/386 linux/amd64 linux/ppc64 linux/ppc64le linux/mips linux/mipsle linux/mips64 linux/mips64le netbsd/386 netbsd/amd64 openbsd/386 openbsd/amd64 plan9/386 plan9/amd64 solaris/amd64 windows/386 windows/amd64 All the flags that take a list of arguments accept a space-separated list of strings. For more about specifying packages, see 'go help packages'. For more about calling between Go and C/C++, run 'go help c'. See also: go build, go install, go clean. `) } if err := flags.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil { flags.Usage() os.Exit(-1) } packages := flags.Args() if len(packages) == 0 { fmt.Println("fatal: Expected at least one package.") os.Exit(-1) } plBuilder, _ := NewPlatformBuilder() if len(platformFields) > 0 && platformFields[0] == "-" { platformFields = platformFields[1:] } else { plBuilder = plBuilder.WithDefaults() } if len(platformFields) != 0 { plBuilder = parsePlatforms(plBuilder, platformFields) } platforms := plBuilder.Build() var ( parallelJobs = runtime.NumCPU() sem = semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(parallelJobs)) ctx = context.Background() ) fmt.Printf("info: running bakelite with %d jobs\n", parallelJobs) var errored bool for _, platform := range platforms { for _, pkg := range packages { if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil { log.Printf("failed to acquire semaphore: %s", err) errored = true break } go func(platform Platform, pkg string) { defer sem.Release(1) err := build(ctx, platform, pkg) if err != nil { errored = true } }(platform, pkg) } } if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, int64(parallelJobs)); err != nil { log.Printf("failed to acquire semaphore: %s", err) errored = true } if errored { os.Exit(1) } } func build(ctx context.Context, platform Platform, pkg string) error { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", filepath.Base(pkg), platform.OS, platform.Arch) if platform.OS == OS_WINDOWS { name += ".exe" } env := kvs{ "GOOS": string(platform.OS), "GOARCH": string(platform.Arch), "GOROOT": os.Getenv("GOROOT"), "GOPATH": os.Getenv("GOPATH"), } if cgo { env["CGO_ENABLED"] = "1" } else { env["CGO_ENABLED"] = "0" } var stdout bytes.Buffer var stderr bytes.Buffer args := []string{ "build", "-o", name, } if ldflags != "" { args = append(args, "-ldflags", ldflags) } args = append(args, pkg) cmd := exec.CommandContext(context.Background(), "go", args...) cmd.Env = env.Strings() cmd.Stdout = &stdout cmd.Stderr = &stderr fmt.Printf("info: Running build for %s @ %s/%s…\n", pkg, platform.OS, platform.Arch) err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { log.Printf("fatal: There was an error! goos='%s' goarch='%s' err='%s' stdout='%s' stderr='%s'", platform.OS, platform.Arch, err, stdout.String(), stderr.String()) } return err } func parsePlatforms(plBuilder *PlatformBuilder, fields []string) *PlatformBuilder { for _, f := range fields { switch f[0] { case '-': if strings.ContainsRune(f, '/') { sp := strings.Split(f[1:], "/") p := Platform{ OS: OS(sp[0]), Arch: Arch(sp[1]), } plBuilder = plBuilder.WithoutPlatform(p) } else { plBuilder = plBuilder.WithoutOS(OS(f[1:])) } case '+': if strings.ContainsRune(f, '/') { sp := strings.Split(f[1:], "/") p := Platform{ OS: OS(sp[0]), Arch: Arch(sp[1]), } plBuilder = plBuilder.WithPlatform(p) } else { plBuilder = plBuilder.WithOS(OS(f[1:])) } } } return plBuilder }